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"APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 S0V/145-58-?/e-ll/24 Influence of Toothed Rack Initial ~orm According to the GOST ~058- 54 on the Efficiency of ~lanking lng wheel pitch ~s greater than that of driven wheel, that is, tl~t2, 2) Driv~n~ wheel pitch is smaller than that of driven wheel. ~l~t2. For the first case the flanking angles are defined by dlagrama a, b, o ' fFig 1); for the second case - by diagrams a, b, o Fig 2). Zn Fig ~, profiles of driving and teeth at the beginning of their meshing ar~ Fig 4 illustrates position of the teeth at and final moment of their meshing. The efficiency flanking is expressed by the function ?f oos~d _ oos(~d , ~fj , whore V~ ~. ~m~not of non-flanked teethl Vf - impact ~peed of lnteethlTable 014; coefficient for ~tandard ge~r~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 Influence of Toothed Rack Initial Form According to the GOST 3058- 54 on the Efficiency of Planking Card 3/4 V K - s = t - - ~, where Vs is central impact speed; ~o 1 Vk - t2; ~ f - angle of flanking. The values expressing the efficiency of flanking obtained by the authors ex- ceed by 1.4-1.93 times those received by experimental method; the same values calculated by the method of M.S. Polotskiy are by 2.5-3.3 times greater than the experimental ones. After the research, the authors arrive at the following conclusions: l) When the dif- ference in gear pitches is slight, the efficiency of flanking is not over 1.15; 2) When this difference approaches its maximum permissible value, the flank- ing efficiency varies between i and 6.9; 3) the maxi- mum efficiency is obtained when the number of teeth on both gears Z1 = Z2 (the gear ratio is equal to 1); 4) efficiency of flanking is small when the number of APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 Influence of Toothed Rack Initial Form According to the GOST 3058- 54 on the Efficiency of Flanking teeth and the flanking angles are large; in some cases the flanking may even result in a negative effect; 5) increasing the modulus (at equal angles ~f) dimini- shes the efficiency; 6) efficiency is increased with the increased degree of accuracy in manufacturing toothed gears. There are 6 tables, 7 figures and 3 re- ferences, 2 of which are Soviet and i German. ASSOCIATION: Khar'kovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Khar'kov Aviation Institute) / SUBMITTED: December 17, 1957 ~ Card 4/4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 _~KOS?~YIJKr--D';I'S'; GOLDAYEIII, 0.I.; YA}:OI/LEV, Yu.V.; TRET,Y~.'Ot/A, 2.N., red. l TROFIIi~INKO, A.S., tekhred. [Nsmzal for project work for cmxrse credit on the theory of mecb-~nisms and machines] Rukovodstvo k lo~rsovomu proektiro- vaniiu po teorii mekhanizmov i ~,sbin. Kkar'kov, Izd-vo KJu~r'kovekogo ordena Trudovogo krasnogo znnmeni go~..univ, i~. A.M.Gor'kogo, 1959. 252 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Mecb,~nicsl engineering--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 3NREDA, Vasiliy Trofimovich, prof.; KO~TIqJX, AnstoliyParfenovich, dotsent; �ISHIIETET._q~�. Yefim Abramovich, aesistent; ~JtAN07, Igort ~eorgiyevich, asolatent; BEZV~SEL'tT~Y, Ye.~., dotsent,; KOSTY~K, D.I,~ dotsent, k~nd,tekhn.n~uk, retsenzent; KURILOVA,'-.~,~d.; NI~INA, N.I., [~nual for laboratory work in the theory of mechanisms snd machinery] Rukovodstvo k laboratornym rabotam po teorii mskha- nizmov i mshin. Khar'kov, Izd-vo Xhartkovskogo gos.univ., (Mechanical enginoering--T~aboratories) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 Boris ~eyerovich~_~0~_~__,___D_._I., dotsent, otv. red.~ PR~[0P~K0, R.I., rod.; IIIXIILI1/A, 1/olo, tekhn.redo [Dynamics off link ~echantsms with conaideration of friction] Dinamika etmrnirnykh n~ktmnizmov a uchetom treniiSo l~mr~kov, Izd-vo Ktmr~kovskogo goa�univ., 1960. 1~8 p. (Machinery, bm~ics of) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 ALEKSANDROV, Lev Iosifovich; ART~.NKO, Nikolay Pavlovich; FEL'DMAN, Lev Moiseyevich: KOSTYUK, D.I.~ dotsent, otv. red.; KURILOVA, T.M., [Machine parts; laboratory work] Detali mashin; laboratorr~e raboty. Khar'kov, Izd-vo Khar'kovskogo gos. univ. ira. A.M.Gor'kogo, 1961. 152 p. (~A ~:10) (Mechanical engineering--Study and teaching) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 TKACHFR~O, Viktor Andreyevich; DOBROVOL'SKIY, V.Ao~ prof., doktor tekhn, nauk~ retsenzent; D'YACHFR~KO, SoK., dots., kand. tekhn, nauk~ retsenzent; KOSTYUK~_~DA~I.~ kand. tekhn, nauk, OtVo red.; THET'YAKOVA, A~ .~r--~; KOGAN, Ye.M., tekhno red. [Designing multisatellite planetary transmissions] Pro- ektirovanie mnogosatellitnykh planetarnykh peredach. Khar'kov, Izd-vo Khar'kovskogo gOsouniv, ira. A.M.Gor'kogo, 1961. 181 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Gearing) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 KOSTYUKs DoI.~ kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Increasing the loadi~g cap~acity of spur gears by the shifting of profiles. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr, no.10:45-58 t61. (l~]:~ ~:~) 1. Khar'kovskiy aviatsionnyy institut. (Gearing, Spur) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 � ' 6�SKI,'T.P.; BOL~TOVSKIY, I.A.; ~:IPJ;O�, - ucbaS Y ....... KAYA, I.L.~ red. �.E.; BAZIb~e~o al for the preparation of a course project in the [Manu hanisms and machines] RukovodstV~ k kursovomU Izd.2. ~ theory of mec 1961. proektirovanilu po teorii mekbaniZmOV i mashin. ispr. i dop. Khar'kov, Izd-vo Khar,kovskog� univ., 265 P. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 KOS~?J K, D. I., prof. Determining the tooth form factor of a gear wheel with an internal rim. Izv. vy~. ucheb, zav.; m~shinostr, no.4:16-2i ,6~. (:.~;~ 1. k~har'kovskiy aviatsionn27 ~n:;titut. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 AUTHOR: Kil'chevs'kyy, M. O, (Corresponding member ^N UkrSSR);. gost~uk~ E. M. ORG: institute of Mechanics, AM U~SSR (~s~ut me~iky AN U~SSR) T~: D~m~,~c inLez'action in ge~- ~ransmissions due to defozmmtlon of teet~ SO. CE: AN U~RSR. Dopovidi, no. 5, 1(366, ~PIC TAGS: mechanical p~wor trm~sm[ssion device~ transmio:Hon gear, nnt~rial deformation A~T~CT: ~cal d~c effects ~e ex.ned in gear brans~ssions ~de~ Timoshenko-He~%z conditions. Errors due to poor wor~ship, friction/~and contact slip are neglected, as ~e the ~lastic forces on the ge~ s~fts. ~us, the study is rest~cted to the d~c torsion forces on the wheel shafts ~ the defor~tion of the teeth. Timoshenko~s theory of collisions is ~ed to form~ate the relations describi~ t~m d~c interactions due to tooth defo~atlon. The resets, obt~d for sp~ gears, c~ be d~ectly e~ended to bevel gears. ~ig. ~t. has: 9 formulas. [Jp~: 36,712] SUB CODE: 13, 20 / SU~.[ DATE: 21J~65 / OR~ ~F: i Card i/1 "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 H~gh-preosure ventilators wi~h increased efficiency CO- ef�ic~ent. ~(uk.-elev. prom. 26 no. 11:27-29.N ~60. (~{IRA 13:1]) 1, ~eae~y tekhnolo~c~skiy ~nstitut im.I.~.~tal[na. (Flo~ m~lle--~atta~ a~ ventt~t[on) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 Againe~ one-eided ~cll/~n~ in ~he 'evaluation of automa~ion. Sakh& prc~o 37 no.5~22-23 Fqr t63, (MIRA 16:6) 1. Savintsovskiy.- sakha~ zavod. (Sugar industry) (Automation) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 Liquid-solution trap for vacu~un apparatus and evaporation with gravity re- turn of waste products for reprocessing. Sakh.prom. 27 no.4:27-30 Ap '53. (M~,RA 6:6 ) 1. Yaltushkovskiy sakharn.vy zavod. (~ugar machinery) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 KO3TYUK, Improving the design of frames for mechanical filters. 3akh.prom. 28 no.7:~-3~ 'I~. (Iaaa 8:1) 1. Taltushkovskiy sakbarnyy zavod. (Sugar industry--Equipment and supplies) (Filters and filtration) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 Building storage ponds for reusable sewage. Sakh.prom. 45 J1 '61. 1. Zarozhanskiy s~kharnyymvod. (Sugar industry) (Sewage disposal) 35 no.7:44- (~ :~,?) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 FROKIIOROV, gu.S., gornyy inzhener; ~OS~z O.I. gor~ inzhener. ~i~orcei conc~te scraper p~tforas. Oor. zh~. no.8:7~76 ~ '57. (~ 1o~9) 1. ~byazhinskoye rudoupravleniye. (Mine ~ttl~e--Eq~p~nt and supplies) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 SE}~IK, V., tnzh.; KOSTYIIK, G.I., inzh. Effect of certain factors on the quality of the shattering of rocks crushed in a "press". Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; ger. 6 no. 12:93-96 '63. (MIRA 17:5) 1.Institut gornogo dela Ural'skogo filiala AN SSSR (for Senuk). 2. Sha'khta Ekspluatatsiommya Vysokogorskogo rudoupravleniya (for Kostyuk). Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki rudnykh mesto- rozhdeniy Sverd]ovskogo gornogo institutao APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 KOS~"~fUK, G.S. (Prof.) "du Developpement de l'Intelli6ence Chez l'Enfant (la ' ~ genese de la notion du hombre)" Communications at the XIV International Congress of Psychology, Acad. Pedagogical Sci. RSFSR, Moscow, 1954. Prof. G. S. Kostyuk, Inst. of Psychology, Kiev. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 KGSTt~K, d. S. , Professor, Institute of Fsycholo~', Kiev Paper presented at XIV Congress oi' Psychology bela in Hontreal in Ju3~e 1954: "The Development oZ' Intelligence in the Child: TiLe Genesis of ~Iobion of Nu~aber," (Text in l~Jsaian and ~Tench) Doklady na ~zhunarodnom po Psikholo~ii, Izdatel'stvo ~kade:.~ii Pedagogicheskikd~ Nauk ~FS?,, M skva, 1954, pp 41-55 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 KOSTYUK, "~'~'~'~~ in the correlation heteeen ~raining and personality development. Vop.psikhol. 2 no.5:3-1~ 3-0 w56, (HLRA 10:1) 1. Institut psikholo~ii Ministerstva prosveshcheniya USS]t, ~iyev. (Education of children) (Child APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 (Nenchinsk~ia, N.A.) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 ANAN'YEV, B.O., red.; ~0$TYU~.~red.; LEONT'YE~, A.N., red.; LURIlrl, A,R,, red.; ~ENCHINHKAYA, N.A., red.; RUBINHBTE~, 3.T.., red.; ~IRNO7, A.A., red.; TEPLO�, B.14., red.; SHE~A][IN, F.N., red.~ ZttlIKOT, I.V., red.; PONOM, ARE?, Ya.A., red.; N.A~YUIiHI~IN, A.M., red. l I~AIIT, ?.(t., tekhn.recl. [Psychology ~n the U.$.$.R.] Psikhologt~.heskaia nauka v Moskva, Vol.1. 1959. J97 P. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Akademiya pedagogicheskikh nauk RSF3R, Moscow. Institut psikhologii, (Psychology) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 Concerning the ~ran~i~ion ffro~ perception to tho~m~t. ~auko zap. 1, Inat~tut psikholo~ii, ~r~evo {l'erception) (Thought and thinkin�) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 [Psychology in the U.-~.M.R.] Psikhologichesknim nauka v ~SR. Moskvs. Vol.2. 1960. 653 p. (MIRA 14:l) 1. Ak~,demiya pedsgogicheskikh nauk R~F~. Institut psikhologii. (Psychology) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 PsyohologLcal problems in the uniI~catioa of learning an~ productive work. Vop, psikhol. 6 no. 6:~-22 N-D '60, (~mA ~3:~) 1. Institut psikhologii USSR, ~lyev. (~u~tiou) (Work) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 KOSTYUK, G.S. CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 M.V.Lomonosov on the psychology of cognition; on the 25Oth anniversary of his birth. Vop. psikhol. ? nO.5:9-24 S-O '61. (~ 15:1) 1. Institu~ gsi~hologii US~R, Kiy~v. {LOL. IONOSOV, ~TXHAIL VASIL'~JICH, 1911-1765) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 ~KOSTYUK, G.S. (Xiyev) "Child psycholq~" by D.B.El'~oni,. Reviewed b~ G.S.Kos~iuk. Vop.psikhol. n6'.6~139J141 N-D"62. (MIRA 16s2) (Child APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 KOSTYUK, G.S.; MENCHINSKAYA, N.A.; SMIRNOV, A.A. Urgent tasks of schools and the problems of educational psychology. Vop. psikhol. 9 no.5:~8-60 S-0'63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut psikhologii, Kiyev (for Kostyuk). 2. Institut psikhologii Akademil pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR, Moskva (for Menchinskaya, Smirnov). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 KOST~UK~ G. S. "Otse,~�~.a kak faktor _~c'~ysheniya e~fe[~i';nosti c',~u~-.~.eni?~.'' re~ort submitted for 15th Intl Cong~ intl Assn oi' Applied Ysychoiogy~ Lj~!j~a, Yugosla~zia~ 2-~. Aug i964. I~stitut psikhologii USSR~ Kiev. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 RU~ZIN, Boris Vasiltyevich; Ob~[O~,OVSEIY, }I., obehchiy red.; EOSTYUK, G. Te., inzh., red.; DMITRI-WT:VA, N.L., red.izd-va; MEDVEIN~V,' L.Ya.,, s ~USEVA, S.S., [Above conatm~ction] Stroitellstvo iz gainosyrtsovykhmateri- slov. Pod obshchei red. M.Osmolovskogo. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-fy po stroit, i arkhit., 1956. 133 p. (MIRA 13:l) (Building, Adobe) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 ~nzhener, redaktor; DI{ITI{II~VA, I~.L., red~ktor i~tel'stva; i~Dg]g~V, L.Ya, telchnicheskiy rec~ktor; GUS~A, S.S., tekhnicheskiy recl~ kt or [2ufldin~ with clay materials] Stroitel~ 8tvo iz glinosyrtsovykh materl~lov, Pod ob~hchei red,' ~.0e~olov~ko~o. ~o~lcva, ~oe. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit, i ~rkhitekture, 19~6. 1]] p. {~{L~ 10:2) (~i~i~) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 ~Using precas~ reinforce6 concrete and reed in rural construction] Opyt primenenila sbornogo zholozobetona i kamyshn v ~ol'~kom stroitel'stvo. Pod rod. S.F.Nofodova. Noskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-rypo 8troit.. arkJtit. I 8troit. materialam, 1959. 74 p. (HIRA12:9) (Farm buildings) (Precast concrete construction) (Reed (Botany)) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 ~K0~inzh., red.; KLIMOVA, G.Do, red. izd-va; BOROVNEV, N.E. s teklm, red. INorms and technical specifications for planning sheep farms ~N 130-60] Normy i tekhuicheskie uslovila proektirovaniia ovtsevodcheskA~h ferm ~t 130-60. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po strott., arkhit, i stroit. materialam, 1961. 12 p. (MIRA 14:7) lo Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyi komitet po delam stroitel'- stva. (Sheep houses and equipment) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 I)UBINSKi~', A.A.; KOSTYUK~ i.F:; LANTOI)UB, l.Yuo Dialyzable fraction of the bloo~t serum r~act, ing with diphenytamine and its clinical Importance. Vop. med. kh!m. i1 J1-Ag '65. 1. Kafedra gospitai'noy terapii iechebnogo fakul'teta Khar'.- kovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 ~Corn cultivatiou prac~ices in ~he wemteru proviucem of ~he U~raLue] ,~6rotukhnika vyromhchuvannia Mo.k-u~t.~,~y � ~khi~n.vkh Ukratny, ],viv, ~shkovo-lhurual'ue v~-vo, 1~55. 6] u. (a~_~ ~ 10:.) (~cr~ iue--C oru( ga iz � ) ) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 TITLE: A devic. :'or the manukl mid automatic coupling and uncoupling of hydraulic systems. Clas: 72, No. 185251 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pro~vshlennyye obraztsy, tovarn~ye znaki, no. 16, 1966, 159 TOPIC TAGS: hy,tr~ulic equipment, auxiliary aircraft equipment; ABSTRACT: This ;.u[hor Certificate introduces a device for the manual and automatic coupling a~.d u~?._~.upling of hydraulic systems such as those found in aircraft,. It consists of outer and inner half-joints. The outer half-Joint contains a nipple joint mtd a floaLing frame with a movable valve seat and a spring. The inner h~lf- Joint includes ~ fixed frame with a valve inside. For easier separation and smoother operation, withe, ut any lateral displacemenbs when coupled, the movable valve of the inner half-joint has a channel connection with the outside atmosphere, and the floating frame of the outer half-Joint has hinged spring-supported rods. ql~e rods include a tooth for tripping onto the valve guide shoulder of thc inner hi, if-Joint; end the nipple Joint has a rigidly mounted compensating gear with a screwed-ou bushing which contains a contoured projection to activate the rods during separation. Orig. a~%. h~s: 1 figure. [SA] SUB C~DE: 13, O1/ SUBM DATE: 19bMr65 Card '~/.1 Y~.~_:) ru'~C; 623,519:"~621,6~3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 t~'~-.-,,':i,'~' / ~,'~-. SOROKINA, O. P.; KOSTYUK, I. Ye. ]gffect of Sanclagou mineral water on chronic ~Ua~trltis gas~roduodenal ulcer. Klin. mod., ~foek'vm 29 no.8:71~-75 Aug 1951. CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 (CL~L 20:11) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 KO. YUm, L.7. Same peculiar~tten of the course of e~e~mental ~oca~lal infarction ~n annals with lniuced high blo~ prennure [with s~ In E~ltsh]. /tzioI.zhur. [~r.] 3 no.1:~-83 Js-F '57. (~ 10:3) 1. Inst~tut ftstolo/~ii in. O.O.~ogonolttsya Akadeati nsuk URSR. laboratoriya fisiolo/~li krovoobigu I dikhannya. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 KOS~YUK, L,V. Comparative morphological characteristics of myocardial infarction in animals with a normal and bigb arterial pressure. Vracb. delo no.3:251-2~5 Mr '5? (MLRA 10:5) 1. Kafedra patologicbeskoy anatomii (zav.-zasl. deyatel' nauki, prof. M.X. Dal') Eiyevskogo inatituta usoverahenstvovaniya vrachey. (~,~--~'~C~Z0~) (SU~O~ r~sstm) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R000825310015-6 Kos'r�,/K, L.V., Uand :.~i_~i -- (diss) and ce~a~[n~unctional cilanges in 4h]~-infarcts of ]Ao.?mal the myocardium in xx animals vdth~J~-blood r:rsssul'e." Kiev, 1