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TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya.: SMIJUT. V.K.: KOTMI. - , S.,L,.- Roplacing drop forging by rolling in mille. Ku.,,,-qhtata,projzv* 1 no.3:18-22 My 159. (14IRk 122 10) (Rolltrw- (Metalwork)) TARMVSKIT, I.Ta.; SHIRNOV, V.K..; FqTSAR"a_p,_~,t_B1DIN, N.A.; BILTAKOT, V. L Intensifying the rolling of billets for forging Kuz.-ohtam. proi%v. I no.6:14 Ja '59. iMIRA 1219) (Rolling (Retalwor1c)) $/137/61/000/007/031/072 A060/A101 AUTHORS. TarnovsRiy, 1, Ya.; Smirnov, V. K.; Kotsar', S-L. Tj'=: Main results -of the study of longitudinal rolling of varying -section profiles PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 7, 1961, 11, abstrac-L, 7D75 ("Tr. Konferentsii: -Tekhn. progress v tekhnol. prokatn. proiz-va". Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1960, 381-394) TEXT: The authors consider the elements of the theory of longitudinal periodic rolling determination of the limiting conditions for obtaining varying- section profiles on the basis of-the analysis of metal flow, determination of the limiting conditions for obtaining varying section profiles on the basis of the analysis of forc-9 conditions in the strain seat, the production of links for the caterpillar. track of the t-raator C-100 (S-'100), replacement of stamping and machining by rolling in the-prcduotion of various tractor parts, manufacture of varying section blanks on forging rolls after their stamping in mechanical stamp- ing presses, The possibility of applying longitudinal periodic rolling in the manufacture-of -tractor parts Is demons-~rated. A. Bul&nov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card /I TARNOVSKIY OV,, V.K.; KOTSAR's SaLo ., I. Ya; SMI* Kinematics of the nonstationary center of deformation in rolling. Izv. vys. ucheb.. zav.; chern. met. 4 noll~r(-109 161. (MIRA 14.12) 1. Urallskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. (Rolling (Metaluork)) (Deformations (Mechanics)) TAIII,IOVSKIY, Iosif Yakovlervich; SK11MOV, Vitally KuzImich; NQLSA9j,---, IMOV, Ye.V,, Prof., retsenzent; LEDNEV, M-.P., kand.tekbri.nauk., retsenzent; KRYZIIOVA, M.L., red.izd-va-, r TURKINA~ Ye.D., tekhn. red. (Longitudinal rolling of merchant shapes with a varying cross section] Prodolluaia prokatka profilei peramennogo secheniia. Sverdlovskq 1.1,etallurgizdat, 1962. 366 p. WM 15:7) (Rolling (Metalwork)) TARNOVSKIYI, I.Ya.; MMOVp V.K.; KOTSAR'# S.L. increase in vidth during the rolling of strips of variable thickness. lave vys. ucheg. zav.; chern met, 5 noolilOl- 13.1 162, - (MM 15: 2) 1, Urallakiy politekhnicheakly institut, (Rolling(Metalwork)) 0 I MAKAYEV, Sergay Vladimirovich; VINOKUROV, Izrail Yakovlevich; MERKSIN, Boris Vasillyevich; FEYGIN, Geshell Davidovich; SKELYABIN, Nikolay Petrovich; RYABOKON', Nikolay Kononovlch; LEDNEV, M.P., retsenze14 KO r e Leonidovichi red.; BURIKOV, M.M., red.izd-ya; M,kL'KQVA, N.T., to . r (Production of lightweight sections]Proizvodstvo oblegchennykh profilei. (By]S.V.Makaev i dr. Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 215 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Rolling (Metalwork)) TARITOVSKIT, Iosif Takovlevich; PAI,'V.OV, Yevgeniy 'Itisillyevich; TYAGUNOV, nadimir Arkadlyevich; IWAYE11, Sargey Vladimirovich; KOTELINIKOV, Veniamin FatfhVich; ANDREYUKP Leonid Vasillyevich. Prinimall tichastiye KOTSARLV-S.L.; LYASIIKOV, V.B., red.; SKOROBOGACREVA, A.P... red.izd-va; DOBUZIIINSKAYA, L.V., teklin. red. (Rolling on a blooming min] Prokatka na bliuminge. Mo~-, skva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 388 p. WIRA 16:10) (Rolling (Matqlwork) ) KOTSAR TAFINOVSKIY, I.Ya. Stressed and deformed state during the upsetting of a thick strip with one external zone. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.3-95-101 164. (MIRA 17W 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. KOTSARI,T S. L.;TARNOVSKIY, I. Ya. Stressed and deformed state and the equation of the movement of a strip being gripped by the rolls. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern, met.7 no. 505-80 164. (MIM 1715) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut. TARNOVSKIY, I. Ya.; KOTSARI, S.L. Dynamics of the gtipping of EL otrlp bry the rclleris. Iav. VY5. u-~jh~sib. -7av.; ohern. met. 7 t6~ (Mm. 17 SO 4 I - .1. Ural2ek-4-y politekhnichesk-Iy instlibul. TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya.;_~CTS~ 2,t S.L.; TARNOVSKlY, V.I. Calculating the power and force parar:eters of rolling Rapor-~V-K w. ucherlY. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.7t82-87 165. * , (MIRA :L8-7) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheski.y institut. TARNGVSKIY, Ija.;_~~~L,; TARNOVSKIY, V.I. Calculating force amd energy parameters In rolling. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.9tl22-128 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. IKOTSARI, S. Technical progress of a factory,. Grazhd. av. 22 no.1:22 Ja 165. (MIRA 18i11) FREYDENZON, Ye.Z.; FREYDENZON, Yu.Ye.; KOTWLL.,--5..,L.1 ZATUI.OVSFJ,.YA, Ye.Z.; Prinimali uchastiye: KASly"'llovk, k-.S.; 14,TDRIK, L.Ya.; TPYOEYETI, T.D.; KOTELINIKOVA, Z.G.; VOYNSIMIKOVA, A.I.; W'.S-.1111%, R.S.; GNATYUK, P.I.; MYKOLINIKOV, A.A.; BURKSER, A.Ye,; PONFP, D.M.; OGORODNIKOVP G.K. Developing aL efficient shape for slab ingots. Stall 25 no.6: 539-543 Je 165. (NIPA 18:6) 1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (for Ye. Froydenzon, Yu. Freydenzon, Kotsarl, Zatulovskaya). V.M.; STEPURA, N.N. KOTSARIJ- "' False pickars for measuring the length of rolled shapes. Sbor. rats.predl.ynedr.v proizv. no.*5:25-26 160. (MIRA 14:8) 1. 14akeyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Rolling (~Istalwork)) (Electronic inst-rament) KOTSAMEIMO. L.I. Recent data an the stratigraphy of the upper Cretaceous of Astrakhan Province. Trudy VNIGNI no.29:119-121 vol.3 161. (NDU 14'.9) (Astrakhan Province-G.,jology, Stratigraphic) NtStKO, V.A.; BORISOVA, M.S.IIOTSARENKO, N.S.,; KUZNETSOVA, E.V, Effect of the acidity of oxide catalysts on their catalytic activity. Part 2: Dehydration of isopropyl alcohol. KinJ kat. 3 no.5:728-733 S-0 162. (MMA 16:1) 1. Institut kataliza Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Isopropyl alcohol) (Dehydration (Chemistry)) (Catalysis) KOTSARMKO, Nikolay Vasillyevich; DEVOCHKINI N.I., red. [The most inexpensive meat] Samos deshevoe miaso. Volgo- grad, Nizhne-Volzhskoe knizhnoe isd-vo, 1965. 18 p. (MIRA 180) 1. GlaviVy zootekhnik sovkhoza "Romashkwskiy" Pallasovskogo proizNodstvennogo upravleniya) Pallasovskiy rayon (for Kotsarenko). i ACC NRt AP 7001300 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/012/2107/2110 1AUTHOR: KOtsurcnko, N.Ya.; Fedorchanko,A.14. !OHG: Kiev State University im. T.G.Shovehonko (Kiyovskiy gosudarstvounyy univornitot) TITLE: Concerning the stationary distribution of plasma in the field of a strong clectromagnotic wave SOURCE: Zhurnnl tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 12, 1966, 2107-2110 TOPIC T,%GS: plasma electromagnetic wave, isotropic plasma, magnetoactive plasma, electron density, nonlinear effect, mathematic physics, standing wave "USTRACT: The authors discuss the distribution of electrons in a plasma in the. presence of a standing electromagnetic wave. The motion of the plasma ions is .,neglected, and that of the electrons is treated in the hydrodynamic approximation. t The stendy electric field induced in the Plasma by the standing waves is introduced on the basis of earlier work of the authors (ZhTF, 36, 460, 1966); it is proportional [to the time average of the vector product of the electron velocity and the magnetic field strength. It is assumed that the steady field is strong, and the electron ipressure is neglected. There is presented and discussed a solution of the quasilinear self-consistent equations derived on the basis of the above simplifying assumptions. It is shown that the electron density is decreased in the regions of high field uthors also discuss the solution to the analogous problem for the case .1strength. The a Card 1/2 ACC NR2 Ay-~- ~001300 when there is Present On external longitudinal magnetic field. In the case of an ordinary standing wave the behavior of the electron density is qualitatively the same as in an isotropic plasma. In the case of an extraordinary standing wave the behavior of the electron density depends On the ratio of the wave frequency to the Larmor frequency, when this ratio exceeds unity the electron density distribution is quali- tatively the same as in an isotropic plasma, but When this ratio is less than unity th '.0lectron density is increased in the regions Of high field strength. For very high field strengths the equations give a negative 'fact that the electron pressure is not nOgligi electron density; this is ascribed to th, density. Orig. art. has: ble in regions of very low electron 16 formu.1as and 2 figures. SUB CODE. 20 SUBM DATF4. 15Nov65 ORIG. REF: 004 At UDC: 53.39 2/2 L 25503-46" ACC ~ NRs AP6011390 solved by a perturbation procedure dependent on,the sciallness of the parameter, eB/mf k, where e and m . ard -.the GiUctridia -oharje and ~ mass R Is the applied higk froi. quency electric field, f Is-Atwfrdqudn*y, and L Is a,leftgth characterlziu.the.ln~; - field _~Th4 high ;, _. -... homogeneity ofthe requenc- Y motions of this electrons- are eliminated. from the solution by averagb* over tliae# and:squations: are derived from which. tife' steady State charge and current ~ 4i4tr1Wt1o1k Induced In the plasma by the ~ action of a given h4jh' f requenoy field - can - ~-'6ilculatdd. The f6rms to which e equations reduce for-an 186trople 'p- Mora and 10* r- A. StWngly - wagnotized plasma its given - ind a Specif i~ 43fample Is: worked out 1~'.*icW caier,~.' the chat** and current dlstrlbutlons':'~'- Induced In a cyllAds.r- :of d thoswindue'ed.Wan influlte ~'MgnGtlzod ~Plqxii br"iUatrootagdotia. Waves, propsjatjmj":','~;~ ti Ield Are -ban trans I ther-, d-f I verse y-to: .-44 foivu ast- Sk 4~ SUB COD]Ct:-t,~L,~,-~~~%'~'-~'26z.'.';-~',~~-~~':' on. ;86Mj, DATS'j dim U. -.4 ~A V ,-0 OP q CY J, /2 Card KOrSARENKO.P. Testing the cperation of heterodyne receivers with the aid of the 6X5C tube. Radio no-7:42 J1155- (MLRA 8:10) (Radio--Reoeivers and reception) SOV/1 12-58-1-557 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnik-a-, 1958, Nr 1, p 82 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bocharov, K. P., and Kotsarc!Y_A_S_ TITLE: Operating Experience With an Automatic -Controlled Skip Hoisting Machine (Opyt ekspluatatsii skipovoy pod"yemnoy mashiny a avtomat1che3kim upravleniyem) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Avtomatizatsiya v ugol'n. prom-sti, Moscow, Ugletekhizdat, 1956, pp 90-96 ABSTRACT: Automation of a skip hoist, according to the scheme of Stzlingipro- shakht and DonUGI, was made at the Nr 1-lbis shaft of Krasnogvardeyskugol' (Donbas) trust in 1952-1954. Time-step starting and autor-natically-controlled dynamic braking are provided. The hoisting-cycle time was cut by 18.776 as compared with manual control. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress A. N. B. 1. Hoists--Control systems 2. Control systems--Des-ign Card 1/1 KOTSAREV I Yu,, aspirant Some characteristics of the distribution of wators in the Karagan series of the Northern Caucasus. Izv. vyu. ucheb. zav.F geol. i razy. 7 no.7:100-106 Jl 164 (MIRA 18t2) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut. MERKULOV, A.V.;_~OTS4W,, I.Tu. Hydrochemioal sections of the Karabulak-Achaluki and Zamankul oil fields. Geol.nefti i gaza, 6 no.801-36 Ag 162 iMRA 150) 1. Groznenskiy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy neftyanoy institut. (Chechen-Ingush A.S.S.R.-Water, Underground-Compoeition) KOTSAREV, I.Yu.; VLASOVA, S.P. Geothermal conditions of the Middle Miocene sediments of the Northam Caucasus. Izvovys.ucheb z.Av,; naft' i gaz 6 no. 12: 124-125 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Groznenskiy naftyanoy institut. KOTSAREV, I.Yu. Hydropology of the Chokrak deposits of the Northern Caucasus. Izv.vyS.ucheb.zav.; neftt i gaz 6 no-9113-18 163. (HIRA 17:2) 1. Groznenskly neftyanoy institut, KOTSAREV, I.Yu. Certain paleohYdrogeological features In the formation of the waters of the Karagan-Chokrak sediments in the Northern Caucasus. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;neft' I gaz 6 no.llil23 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Groznerskiy neftyanoy institut, KOTSAREV. V.N., gvardli podpolkovnik mcditainskoy slu2hby; LEVINA, T.A. Rapid method for determining the sensitivity of microflora to anti- bloties and bacteriophages. Voen.-med.zilur. no.7:7' 4 164. (MIRA 18:5) KHLOPITSKU., L.V. Alimentary toxinfection caused by Escherichia coli. Voen.-med. it Z:Iur. no.8:54-5516,)- (Mlu~. 16.9) (ESCRERli.'HIA COLI) (FOQD PUISOMIL) A I I k KOTSAMEV. V.N t Gv4rdii podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; MEN4ZHIIEV9 R.E.p Gvardii-mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby; IVAIIYUSHENKOp V.M.' 10entification of atypical dysentery cultures by the keratoconjunctival test. Voon.-med.zhur. no-404 AP 160. (M1RA 14il) (SHIGELIA) OAKHT j S.V. p polkovaik maditsinskoy sluzhby, kand.r,,ied.naW-- KOTSAIIN V N gvardii podpolkovnik meditainskoy sluzhby . -,1 Atypical course in dysentery. Voen.-med. zhur. n6.5:604a Ify 161. (MIRA 14:8) (DYSENTERY) ABM-107TCH, L.A.; GEFEN, G. Ye., kand. med. nauk; ZAYD12,191", A.,M., kand. med. nauk; RATS'NUISM, T.L; KIREv-F,[,*, I.N.: KOT3.,,.REV. V.1,11. SUTRI, I.A., prof. SHAPOVALOV, A.V. ---- ------- I,---,--- Some characteristics of respiratory infections of adnovirils etiolob-f In adults. Voen.--ned. Lhur. no. 1:66-68 TP 166 Omll,, KOTS&FOV, YU. I f , Restoration of pressure in pools of the old Grozny oil fields. Nov.neft.tekh.:Geol. no.4:2 148. (MLRA 9:5) (Grozny--Petroleum engineering) BABUICOV., V.G.; ROTSAM, Tu.P.; IMYTAKO. N.R. (Oil well output measurer] Zamershchik debitov neftianykh okvashin. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnJ%d-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1953. 98 P. (MIAL 6:8) (Petroleum) GAL32-THI La,So,,y.kand. ekon. nauk; IOFFE-GONCIIARUK, N.A.; KOTSAMIA, TA ;I 'SOZINOVA, O.A.; S?EKWVA, A.F.; KHUG121A;7'Z-.X.; KOTKOV, M.I.-, otv. red.; NADEZHDINA, A.$ red. izd-va; TELEGINA, T., tekhn. red. [Control over wage fund disbursement] Kontroll za raskhodova- niem fondov zarabotnoi peaty. Moskvaj Goafinizdat, 1962. 117 p. NIRA 15-.7) 1. GosudarstvenMy bank Voskvy (ftx Ioffe-Goncharuk, Kotsexeva, Sozinova, Steklova, Khurgina). 2. llachallnik Otdela kontrolya za zarabotnoy platoy Pravleniya Gosudarstvonnogo banks. SSSR (for Kotkov). (Moscow-Banks and banking) (Moscow-Idages) FOI-ND / General E)nd -3?ecial ZooloGy. Insects. :-~'orph- P ology. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., Fo 14, 1958, 33812. .'.uthor : 2LgtaQh,_2, Inst : JacAellon University. Title ; Histolo.-ical 'Aructure of tho Aqe2tive Canal in "arehouse 'Teevils, Grig Pub: Zesz. nauk. Univi. jagiellonsk. Ser. nauk biol., 19'57. Uo 10, 5-17. .~.bstract: The anterior p,~rt of the weevil's alimentary canal, i-iorpholoF-Acally and histoloE-ically, var- ies little froia that of other ins3cts. The in- tima of the masticatory stomach is consideral,ly thic',-,er and forms ch racteristic folds set with chitin plates. The central intestine is divided into promesenteron and aota~ies_.nteron Card 1/3 POLAYD / General and ,ipecial '.oology. insects. *,'_orph- P ology. Lbs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., Yo 14, 1958, 63812. P~bstract: N'wmercus a:lpenda.~es, covering the cantral in- tcistiae, are not club-shaped in -~, whila in 11 tli-Nr have a saok-like fora. The colls of the cen4jral intestine regenerate at the expense of small cells, located at the bottom of C'~epressions in 2 and in ring-shaped bulSes of the I'-' append- aaes. These depressions in young individuals ha-.-3 enr.~rraous cells, filled vith vibro-like sYL,`;I-:_r,.,i'Us, vhioh cause degenoration of the re- re.--i.irelhed oells. "ith the grouth ,~f the individ- uai -.ulie cells fall apart, the syiz.L)ionts decrease in nufaber and finally disappear altogether. The proc'& 'aeum. includes the bladder, into which six i hian tubes enter; four of these tubes are S Card 2/3 COSTAY lf.;.,KOTSCHAU, P.; SIEBER, J. Experience in the introduction of tunnel furnaces. Sklar a keramik 14 no. 3: 76-78 Mr 164. IOTSCHY, Haria; KWSCHY. Antoni On fibrinolytic. esterame and coagulation properties of the corebrospinal fluid* Poetery higmed.dow. 13 no.6:805-808 159. (CEWROSPnUL FWID) KOTSCHY.Marts; GLOGOWSKA,Irena; KOTSCHYA-124AA, FAbrinolytic and esterase propertieq of human placenta extracts.7 Podtapy hig. mad. dosw 14 no.2;249-252 160. 1. Z Katedry Patologii Ogolnej i Doswiadezalnej A. M. we Wroclawiu. (PLACIOTA extracts. ) FIBRIKOLYSIN chem. ) XSTXRASZS chem.) ~ WASIK, Augustj KOTSCHY, Antoni Taractan -- a new neuroleptic drug in the treatment of mental and neurological diseases. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 12 no.4:603-607 162. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrjcznej.Pj4 we Wroclawiu.Kierownik,. prof. dr M.Demianowska Z Kliniki Neurologicznej AM we Wroclawiu,Kierownik: prof. dr R. Arend. (CHLORPROTHIME) (MENTAL DISORDERS) (NEUROLOGY) WASIK, August; KQjXHY. Antoni Taractan9 a new neuroleptic compound in the treatment of psychic and nervous diseases. Neurol neurochir psych 12 no-4:603-607 J1-Ag 162. 1. Klinika Psychiatryczna, Akademia Medyczna, Wroclaw. Kierowniki prof. dr E.Demianowska. i Klinika Neurologiczna, Akade,Dia Medyczna, Wroclaw. Kierownik: prof. dr R. Arend. 4 WASIK, August; KOTSCHY, Antoni ------- Trnasitional Korsakov's syndrome with neurological disorders durinp the course of electric shock 1~ierapy. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. Pol. 14 no. 2047-348 Mr-Ap 164. 1-. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej (Kierown-ik: doc. dr M.Pemianowska) i z Kliniki Neurologicznaj AM we Wroclawiu (Kierownik- prof. dr R.Arend). WASIK., August; KOTSCHY, Antoni Exogenic syndrome with a successful exit as a complication in the course of treatment with laroxyl. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. Pol. 15 no.2:353-3154 Mr-Ap 165. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej AM we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: doe. dr. 14. Demianowska) i z Kliniki Neurologicznej AM we Wroclawiu (Kie- rownik: prof. dr. R. Arend). AUTHORS: TITLEt S/061/62/000/006/056/117 B149/B108 Wilke, Klaus-Thomas, Kotechy, Hans Prepa-ration of luminescent multi-component titanates PERIODICAL: Refcrativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no* 6, 1962, 400, abstract 6K1,28 (Pat. CDR 20954, 23. 2. 61) 2+ + 3+ TEXT: Titanates of the formula alle .O.bMe 0. cme 0 dTiO (a - MgO or. 2 2 3* 2 ZnO, b - Li 0, and c - Al 0 ) are prepared from the oxides, carbonates, 2 2 3 sulfates,or nitrates of these metals of luminescent purity. Mn is used as, an activator. A batch of the initial compounds is heated in air to 1100 -~i 12000C and then in a stream of 0 to 500-6000C. Examplea a batch of MgO 2 25.2 g (as sulfate), Li 0 6.98 g (as carbonate), Al 0 25-5 9 (so alumo- 2 2 3 ammonia alum) and Mn 0.02 g (as sulfate) are mixed with water. The paste- 0 like mass is dried, calcined at 9000C, then at 1100 C in air for 15 min and finally at 5600C in an atmosphere of oxygen for two hours. The sub- stance has a red luminescence with its maximum at 664mir.- [Abstracter's o0o, Card 1/2 Preparation of luminescent ... note: Complete translationj Card 2/2 5/08V62/000/006/056/117 B149/BlOB .1C MIA.d D Sc~coj of rkeeral and &Wrij"tal Ak"mal rd4y, ct- [:Eilim htcloe-l lz&j .4wA~) 8 Vrocl- ~Uk.-tj r.. ,, RU Data: 'Thrombin Z6t4nLS4 am Prot4"0.1 "L"!F 014COnY Carmort tholoas school of A R- XCUAMX d, w4 r'loa. D - ~4% Or C'mmr'd ;id ---A anctar, pior. =~,ftLftthaka, school KOWARZYK, Hugon; KOTSCHY, Maria; GLOGOWSKA, Irena Daily oucillntions nnd thrombognnic notion of fibrinolysis. Postepy hig. med. dosw. 13 no-3:311-314 1959. (FIBRII[OLYSIS) (PERIODICITY) KOWARZYK, Ifugon; KOTkCg,_M=ia;,,,GLOG(NSKA, Irena 3lood serum eaterases and alarm reaction. Postepy hig. mad. doew. 13 no-3:315-317 1959 (ESTERASES, blood) (SMSS, blood) KOTSCIff, Karia; KbTSCHY, Antcal On fibrinolytic, esterase and coagmlation properties of the oerebroapinal fluid. Postery 13 Ao.6:805-808 159. (CNMR In TWM) KOWARZTK.Hugon; KOTSCHY,Xaria; GIWANSKA,Irona Daily oscillations in the activity of fibrinolysin. Postepy hig. mod. doew 14 no.1:91-94 160. I.Z Katedry Patologii Ogoluej i Doswiadczalnej A.M. we Wroclawiu, Kisrownik: prof. dr Ragon lowarzyk. (FIBRIBOLTS11i) (PIRIODIGIPY) KOWARZYK,Hugon; MARC INIAKOWNA, Alva; KOTSGRY,Harla; CZARWINSKA, Barbara Thrombin equivalent of prothrombin units and a modified 2-stage measurement of prothrombin. Postepv big. mod. dosw 14 no.1'95-100 160. 1. Z Utedry Patologii Ogolnej I Doswiadezalnej A.M. we Wroc]Awiu; oraz z Z&k3Adu P&tofidjdj6gU' Instytutu Immunologii i Tarapii Doewladezaluij PAR im. L. Hirszfolda. we Wrbelawiu, Kierownik. prof. dr H. Kowarzyk. (PROTHROMBIN TIMM) KOTSCHY,Karia; GIA)GOWSKA.Irena; KOTSCHY,Antoni FAbrinolytic and estemse properties of human placenta extracts.* Podtepy hig. mad. dosw 14 no.2:249-252 160. 1. Z TAtedry Patologii Ogolnej i Doswiadezalnej A. M. we Wroclaw1u. (PIAGENU extracts- ) FIBRIKOLYSIN chem. ) NSTJWSS chem.) ~ KOWARZYK, Hugon; MARGINIAKCWNAg Ewa; KOTSCHY, Maria Activity of thrombin preparations derived from beterologms blood. Postepy higemed,dow. 14 no.4:429-432 160. 1, Z Katedry Patologii, Ogolnej i Doswiadczalnej A.M, we Wroclawiu oraz % Zakladu Fizjopatologli Instytutu Immunalogii, i Terapii Dosviadezalnej PAN in. Ludwika Hirszfelda we Wroclawiu. (THROMBIN chem) 0 C I X r-S C. SUMAM Given Namd3 countx7:Poland Academic Degreesi LnOt giveO LPresumed7Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunologly and Exii *ffiliation: mental The 5 Y U rm-munologii i Terapii Doswiadczalrl' r -Setwcen im. Ludwika Hi szfelda Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN-P,: Akademia Nauk)t Wroo Directcr: Prof. Stefan SLOPEK, D-. lav et Warsaw, Postepy H OUny edygymy Dosyladozaln119 V0,17-XV, No R 1961, pp. 379-360. Datai "Diurnal Fluctuations:of Plasma Fibrinolytic Activity.!' English abstract of article ffnglisII7, originally published in Lancet, 1960, p. 176.' Authors: .xa~~ E6400 KAR=9 1. -KOTSCHYL M. 7'~- . o,,1 6 YU-RWIE,p Given'Nru-te3 Country: Poland Kcademic Dogrees:bTot ziveO zp-res=evd Ludwi-MUmf Affiliation: mental 'Xherapy tInstktut im. Ludwika Hirszfelda) 3=ce,r Akademia Naulc) Wroclaw; Sources Warsaw, Postanv Al ieny i,. MAT 1961, PP 361-3U. Ild IUI-I-tute of I=Unology and Expe- Immunologli i Terapii Doswiadczalne olish Academy of Sc:Verfces (PAN-Pol Directors Prof Stefan PLOPIEK Dr ledvoyny DoswiAA2zA1jjejq-VoM N; Datas "Activity of Thrombin Prepar;itlons From the Blood of Remotely Related Species." English abstract of artiole 6riginally published In Post Rig I Med Dosw, 1960, 14, 1+29* Authors: NIO=, H,5goa7 MARC INIAKOINA I a Given cotLitry: Poland L Academic Degrpcs:Znot given7 ffresumeA7 k Hirszfeld L_Ist ixte of Immrnology and Bxperi- It _ Affiliationpental Ther (Ins ytut Immunologii i Terapii Doswiadazalnej 1. Ludwika Hirszfelda Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN--PolsIm N? Akadem~a Nauk) Wr law- Directors Prof. Stetan Dr. 0 W R4 q." Source: Warsaw, Poo t V9 No 4, _Satws 1961, P. 382. 'Datas "A Thrombin Equivalent of Prothrombin 'Uhits and a Hoftfication of t! Two-Stop Method of Assaying Prothrosbin." English abstract of article, originally published in Post Rig i-Hed Dosw 1960, 149 950 Authors: KWARZY I H ugoll MARCIN U.-INA I R -IF-ZERWIN KA, B. Gra gait%) I lar. d and -~al~pa.t,-Qiozy, sclcol 0:- (Za-klad A i li'a :~.LOIO Ir WrOcIa...)) 'A'roclww; dl' In4titute of nud ---merime-mal :Ly 0. (I-nzt,ytut I=Unolo-ii i ri:'eza- Pii "-0 19'1, D-p 211-2.12. C-1, I L so 01- ,:!neral ard Pa'~`010ZY.. School of Di-OcLor- Pro .11 FG IARZY7, d-:- ,'..cade-4C DC- reOS aoL GPO 981643 KOTSCHY, Maria On plasmin and antiplamin titration. Foatepy hig. mod. dosw. 15 no.516O7-615 161. 1. Z Katodry Patologii Ogolnej i Doswiadezalnoj 0 wo Wroclawitt Kiorownik: prof. dr 11 Kowarzyk. imiuNoLr3IN) -KOTSCHY, Maria On plasmin titration. Pol. med. wounet. 32 no.~;765-767 162. 1. Z Instytutu Immnologil i Terapii Doswiadozalhoj im. L. Hirszfelda we Wroclawiu Kierownik% prof. dr mad. H. Kowarzyk. (FIBRINOLYSIN) (BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) CZERWINSKA-KOSSOBUDZKAP Barbara; _!~QZCHY,- Maria; SMOLIK., Roman Blood coagulation in factor XI deficiercy. Pol. arch. mad. wewn. 33 no.6:597-614 163, 1. Zaklad Patofizjologii Insty-tutu I=mmologii i Terapii Doswiadczalnej PAN we Wroclaviu Kierownik-, prof. dr mad. H. Kowarzyk Katedra, Patologil Ogolnej i Doswiadezalnej Akademii Yed,vcznej we Wroclaviu Kierownik: prof. dr med. H. Kowarzyk II Klinika Chorob Wewnetrznych Akademii Modycznej we Wroclaviu Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Falkiev.Lez. HEMORRHAGIC DIATHESIS) OOD COAGULATION FACTORS) W (BLOOD COAGULATION TESTS) OTI act'lVat"inn of pl:um-.Jll ~.l mt~c no.l. k.L J,..'~ 6- 1. Z Katedry Pahologil Cgolne.', I EoswAulc~alne-j Alkademji VOLOSHCHENKO, M.V.; Prinimali uchastiye: UDOVIKOV, I.K.; LAGEREVA, Z.I.; KOTSEGUB, L.V. Hardenability of ordinary and alloyed high strength cast iron with apheroidal.graphite. Nauch. trudy Inst. lit. proizv. AN URSR no.10:72-80 161. OURA, 15:6) (Cast iron-Hardening) SOV/ 124 - 57-8-9786 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mckhanika, 1957, Nr 8, p 163 (USSR) AUTHOR- Kotsegubov, V. P. TITLE: Certain Questions of Stress-rupture Time Properties of Pine Wood Relative to Compression Parallel to the Grain (Nekotoryye voprosy dolgovrernennogo soprotivleniya drevesiny sosny szhatiyu vdol' volokon) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Issledovaniya prochnosti i deformalivnosti drevesiny.Mos cow, Gos. izd--vo lit. po str-vu i arkhitekt., 1956. pp 127--140 ABSTRACT: The author gives an account of the result.-, of the experin-icrital determination of the crushing strength along the grain of small sarn- ples of smooth wood, free of defects, taken from different parts of a bearn that had been in use for 154 years. It is established that the strength of the -,vood subjected to stress (in the center of the bearri) is from 2 to 120/o less than the strength of the wood which had not been Subjected to stress (aL the ends of the bearn). The decrease in strength is explained by the effective time period of load action. V. N. Antipov Card 1/1 KOTSEGUBOV. V.P. (Leningrad) .1 -.-1 -.1 - . ~. - Design of plastic rods for buckling. Stroi. mekh. i raisch. soor. 5 no.3:15-19, 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Elastic rods and wires) (Plastics) KOTSEN, N.Yes; ARTAMONOV, M.A. Prospecting for carbonatite using the aeromagnetic method as revealed by a study in the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Sov. geol. 8 no-5:119-124 Mq 165. (MIRA 180) -KOTSEN, ,Ye*G. With Comminist Youth League passes an ono's heart wishes. Traw.fitroi. 9 no.8:10-11 Ag '59. (14IRA 1331) 1. Nachallnik otdola rabocbikh kadrov MintranoBtro7a. (Communist Youth League) (Constructioa workers) KOTSEN, Te.G. - --- -- Methods for improving housing c-,adltlons of com truction workers. Transpatroi. 10 A 160. (MM l3tO (Railroad construction workers) (Achitecture, Domestic) (Railroads--carg) BEREUNOY., Yu.N. Prinimali uchastiye: PODCHUFAROV, 1. L; _jQT=,J"j_ MYSYUT33If D.K.; DOBSHITS, M.L., otv. za vypusk; GUSEVp K.M.p tekhn# red, (Through foredts, swamps, and mountains) Skvoz' lesa, bolota, gory; abornik o molodykh stroiteliakh transporta. Moskva, Orgtranestroi, 1961. 177 p. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo transportnogo stroitellotva, (Road construction) (Railroads-Construction) KOTSEN, Ye.G. Volunteer staff at con.-toruction projects. Transp. stroi. 15 no.6:3 Je 165. (IMIRA 18:12) 1. Hachallnik oUlela rabachikh kadrov Gosudarstvennogo proiz- vodstvarinogo koaiteta po transportnomu otroltallstvu SSSR. KOTSF21KO, V. G. Case of sarcoma of the larynx. Zhur. ush. non. i gorl. bol. 21 no-4: 79 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz Otorinolaringologicheakogo otdeleniya Gorlovskoy bollnitsy HO.3. (IARYN)L-CANC.ER) KOTSEROV, A.I., Cand 1,1,ed -Ici -- (diss) "Gertain morphological and projection-topogm1hical peculiarities of the synovial (mucous) bursae of the knee joint and tneir clinical Nsk, 1958, 12 pp (Omsk 'tate aled Inst im M.I. Kalinin) 2c'0 cories (KL, 20-58, 14) - 117 - KOTSERUBA, G. Content of compulsory harbor regulations. Mor.flot 20 no.10: 10-11 0160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Starshiy morskoy inspektor Azovskogo upravleniya Chernomorskogo parokhodstva. . (Harbors--Regulations) AUTHORS: Kotser ba, L. A., Sergeyev, Ye. M. TITLE: On the Problem of the Genesis of "Greyish-Blue" Loamy Rooks of the Lower Course of the Ob'River (K voprosu o genezise 11sizykh" suglinkov doliny nizhnego techeniya reki Obi) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 117, Nr 3, PP- 471-472 (USSR) ABSTRACT: These loame are widely distributed in Western Siberia. Neither their age nor the genesis were researched exactly. In the.district of the villages Kondinskoye - Berezovo they are tied to high-water mark of the ObIriver, and they oftenly occur in the block of the flood district. Their rook exposures are oftenly accompanied by landslides. The occurrence of these rooks in the upper part of ferriferous intermediate layers, as well as accumulations of the same kind of marbles is characteristic. One of the properties of the mentioned loame is represented by a high content of exchange - Na, (on the average 82 % of the absorptive power) and water *soluble salts. The dry residue of the water extract exceeds I %, whilst in the other rooks occurring here, it amounts to some hundredth % as a rule. Card 1/3 With respect to the granulometric properties these loams On the Problem of the Genesis of "Greyish-Blue" Loamy 20_3_31/~2 Rocks of the Lower Course of the Ob'River are sufficiently uniform. The mineralogical composition of the loam fraction is still more homogeneous. Kaolinite and hydromica predominate among them small quantities of chlorite and glauoonite are present there. The spectral analysis shows a difference of composition of the chemical components, viz. mostly in samples granulometrically differing from each other. These differences also depend on the territory. Samples from the middle course of the Obf river are very uniform; they always contain much of Al, Si, Fe, Ba, Ca, and less of Na, Mg and Ti. Nearer to the Ural there Ila, Si, Mn and Ca predominate; Al and Zn are present there, too. In all cases the gypsum- and carbonate - content did not exceed some hundredth %. The water extract contained a quantity of about 0,02 % of organic substance. According to the above it may be concluded that the "greyish-blue" loams originally have been formed under marine conditions in the initially mentioned district. Possibly here was a bay, as perhaps the Obskaya Guba, into which the original ObI and the Ural rivers flow ins The different content of chemical components was Card 2/3. determined by means of the levelling region. The oceanic On the Problem of the Genesis of "Greyish-Blue" Loamy 20-3-31/512 Rocks of the Lower Course of the ObI River depression had low temperatures. Predominating of kao- linite and hydromica, as well as small quantities of gypsum and carbonates prove that. It had a low degree of alkalinity according to the fresh water supply by mighty streams. During the follcwing period the original Obl-delta advanced to the district of the former bay. The shore sediments came under reducing conditions. With respect to this fact, they got the greyis-blue coloring in connection with ferrous oxide forms and organic substances. Further delta swamping led to the formation of swamp ore in the upper part of the loams. ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet im. M. V. Lomonosova) PRESENTED: July 51 1957f by IT. Me Strakhov, kcademician SUBMITTED: July 1, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 313 KOTSMMA, L.A. Facles characteristice of modern alluvial deposits In the lower Obt Valley. Vest. Kook. un. Ser. biol., pochv., geol.. geog. 14 no-3:129-13? 159. (MMA 13:6) 1. Kafedra gnmtovedenlya t in7henernol geologit Mookovskogo universiteta. (Ob'Valley-Alluvium) KOTSERUNA, L.A. Idthological characteristics of the present flood plain in the lower Ob' Valley. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.biol., poahv., geol., geog. 14 no.4:167-173 159. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra gruntovedeniya i inzhenernoy geologit Mookovskogo universiteta. (Obf Valley--Alluvium) KOTSERUBA. L.A., STERG'11-L"i. ---------------- Regionalization of the floodplain Of largo riverv frcm the viewpoint of engineering geology. Vost.Mosk.un.Sor.4: Gool. 19 no-5:36-41 S-0 164. (MIRA 17:22) 1. Kafedra grimtovodeniya i inzhonarnoy geologii Mookovskogo universiteta. KOTSERUBA, L.A.; IMAKOIVA, N.O. Pal, ymlogical characLeritit-Ina uf iho vhxj-:~us C! t alluvial sedimntri in the inwor ObI fiuvl-l pl-iin. Mask. wi, Ser. 4: Csol. 220 no.3:'71,;-',;9 165. k,"FPA 18.",;) I Kafe6ra gruntovedenlya i litzhenurnoy geololgii universiteta. ELI, X.Ya.. Prinimali uchastiye: BLAGMSHCHMIMAYA, K.A.; DZYUBMIKO, G.F.; FRAGAYLOVA, V.I.; ZALESSIATA, L.O.; KOTSUMA, L.P.; KOVBASMIKO, L.A.; LTAUDAIISKAYA, B.Te.; MILCVZOROV, P.Z. Cdeceasedh NEMWRB3DA, H.P.; WITKO, K.I.; TANTSOVA. A.V.. KRESHCHENSKIY, U.S.. (Mconomy of Kiev Province; a statistical manual] Narodnoe kho- ziaistvo Kievskoi oblasti; statisticheakii abornik. Kiev, Goo. stat.izd-vo, 1959. 255 P. (HIRA 13:3) 1. Kiev (Province) Statiatichaskoye upravlaniye. 2. Nachallnik statistichaskogo upravlaniya Kiyevsk6y oblasti (for Shkrebal'). (Kiev Province--Statistics) KOTSERUBA,L,Z-.; OVNAT&NOV, G.T.; GORDYAN'j V.I. P 0 'ii ' $i - anuloEetric composition of ffict of extirnal press re on t e gr E natural nnd artificial Pands. NefteprDM. delo no.4:"'0-26 165. (MIRA l8s6) skiy geologorazvPdochnyy neftynnoy institut$ Moskva. BOTNEVA, T.; RAABEN, V.;%KOTSERUBA V. Information, Geols nefti i gaza 7 no.8t60 Ag 163. (MIRA 16;10) KCITSEPUBA; V.V.; MUSHEITKO, S.P. F-c-imary migration of oil from miocene and plioc;.:ne sediments in the Western Kuban trough. tlelfte.-az. geol. i geofiz. no.3:19-21 165. (MURA 18:7) 1. Vseso,,-uznyy nauchno-iosl,~dovatollskiv gcologorazvedochnyy C~ nu,ftyanoy liir~titut, %,Iozk-va, Krasnoularskly I'llial Vse.-,o)-uznogo 7aochnogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. F- t I P.11 !a -7, n j"VC7~- 17L 3 s YY --k a nn,-- KOTSERUBA, V.V.; MUSIMIKO, S.P, bonditions goveining the formation of the larpe vil and gas pools in the ltnastasiyovka-Krasnodar anticlinal zone. Nefte- gaz, geol. I. goofiz. no.11%16-21t63 (1-aRA l7v7) 1. V:iesoyuznyy nauclmo-issledovateltskiy geologorawredochnyy neftyanoy institut i. Krasnodarskiy uchebno-konsulltatsionnyy punkt Tsesoyuznogo zaochnago politekhnioheskogo institutao ACC NR- AR7000944 SOURCE COM .UR/0275/66/000/011/AO03/AO03 AUTHOR:'Kotserzhinskiy, B, A,- TITLE: Periodic electrostatic focusing of electron beams at high values of the focusing voltage parameter SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika I yeye primeneniye, Abs. 11A19 REF SOURCE: 'Vestn. Kiyevsk. politekhn. In-tn. Ser. radiotekhn., no. 2, 1965, 70-79 I TOPIC TAGS: electm-n beam, electron flux, focusing voltage, periodic I i electrostatic focusing ABSTRACT.- The periodic electrostatic focusing of a cylindrical electron flux is investigated for parameter values kuvV.01V*- I, where V6 is the focusing,voltage, and Vo is the mean potential of the system. Equations of boundary electron trajectories are derived, results of their numerical integration at different parameters of the system and under various conditions of electron entry into the system are presented. Besides flux boundary pulsations Card 1/2 UDC: 621. 385, 6 KOTSETKCVA, A. *Cstamn6aii of Children Following Toxic Septical Affections." Tr. from the Russian, p. 79. (ANALELE ROMANO-SOVIETICE. SERIA TEDIATRIE. Series a III-a v. 6, n9, 5, SePt./Oct. 1953o Bucurestip Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, No. 4v April 1954 KOTSEV, A our experience in intorrow cultivation of sunflomrs, corn, and cotton. P. 3 MASHINIZIRANO ZZMEDELIE. Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1956 Sof iya, Bulgaria So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 Septenber, 1956 KOTSEV, K. KOTSEV., K. Defects in electric and oxyacetylene welding. P. 51. Vol. 5, no. 10, 1956 TEZHKA PRONISHLENOST TECHNOIOGY Sofia, Bulgaria So: East Earopean Accession, Vol. 6, no. 3s Mar. 1957 K ors E V, IN Matrt 492g to , ut-1..A to thial~ cmcks wh kh 4x= in chew. app. manutd. from ST-3 steel. niten subjected to var vatrate snins., I HvS, movocthandmine, and temp. thins., 711; crucks getievAlly m6r ottm near wzM maws , Anq In "I of sevete defacmition. Y SOV-3-125-59-9-10/14 AUTHORS- Medovar, B.I.,, Langer, N~A.) Vesker, L.Yez, Kotse7v K., and Ganev., M. TITLE: Corrosion Resistance of "lKhl8N9T"-Steel "Neld joints in 11itric Acid Production (Korrozionnaya stoykost' svarnykh aoyediiieniy iz stall. M18119T v usloviyakh proizzyodstva azotnoy kisloty~ PERIODICAL: Avtomatichaskaya avarka, 1958, Ur 9, pp 61-73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Application of "M18119TV stael for equipment used in the production of nitric acid requires wolding processes pro- ducing joint3 that are resistant against corrosion and inter- crystalline corrosion and which is similar to that of the base metals For this purpose, natural corrosion te3ts of "lXhl8N9T" steel specimens welded with different electrodes under flux were carried out at the Chemical Combine imeni Stalin at Dimitrovgrad (Bulgaria). It was proved that seams welded with chromo-nickel-vanadium-niobium rods (OKhl8N9FBS - E!649) and chromo-nickel-vanadium rods (OKhl8N9P2s - E16o6),. have high corrosion and interorystalline corrosion resistance under conditions of nitric acid production and that cold Card 1/2 hardening by stretchinG, as well as by compression, increases SOV-125-58-9-10/14 Corrosion Resistance of 'IlKhIBN9T" -Steel "Neld Joint3 in Nitric Acid Pro- duction corrosion resistance of weld joints, There are 5 tables; 4 sets of microphotoa, 2 sets of photos, 1 diagram, 2 graphs, and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 German, ASSOCIATIONS,- institut elektroavarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSI).- Khimi- cheskiy kombinat imeni Stalina, Narodnoy Respubliki Bolgariya (Chemical Combine imeni Stalin, of the Bulgarian Peopla7s Republic) SUBMITTED: June 5, 1958 1. Nitric acid--Prcduction 2. Welded lo-`.~;--Corrosion prevention 'j ~ 3. Welded joints-.-Test results 4. Electrodes--Applications Card 2/2 Kotsevj K.; Stoikov, D. Defects in electric-are welding 18-8 chrome-nickel austenitic steel. p. 20. Ta,,BIKA. (Suiuz za nauchno-teklinicheskite druzhestva v B ulgaria) Soffia, B ulgaria. Vol. 8 no. 9, 1959- Monthly List of East European Accessions FMI) LC, Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 1960. UNCL SHOFOVj D.; KOTS&V) N.j GEORGOVA~ K. Identification of GT-Cq aromaric hydrocarbons from catalytic gaxMfi6 by means of gao-2iquid-chromatography. Act& ohimica Ming 37 no.2:137-146 163. 1. Institut orgahiohoskoy khimii Bolgarskoy akademii rAukp Sofip. IMO KOTSEV, N.; SHOPOV, D. A highly sensitive laboratory capillary chromatograph. KhIm i industriia 36 no.10083-385 164.