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DARTOS, Vladimirl GROH, Jindrich; MEN, Josef; Technicka spoluprace DODROVOLHAp Anna; KOUBOVA, Marie; SCHROFLOVA, Alena; SEDLACKOVA, Stanislava The diuretic value of chlorothiazide Spofa and hydrochlorothiazide (Esidrex Giba). Cas. IAk. Cesk. 101 no.51129-138 2 F 162. 1. 1 interni klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta prof. DrSc. MUDr. Jan Rehor. (GHLOROTHIAZIDE) HMTII Zdexok (Brno); VLTSADA., Frantisek (Ceske Budejovice-); LEPIL, Oldrich (Gottwaldov); KOUB.OVA (Karlovy Vary); -DUNAJSKY, Ladislav JNitr_a_J_; BRAMCKY, Frantisek (Praha); WMN~, Toma (71volen) Report on the activity of branches of the Association of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists. Pokroky mat fyz astr 8 no.2:99-106 163. KOUPZKY, K. Geometry of noncirCU12r Sections. u. 367. (Strojil-enstvi, Vol. ?, No. 5, May 1957, F~-aha, Czpchoslovaki2) SO: MonthIv List of F;3rt European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Au.a IQ57. Uncl. nuu~syy' K. Deviat4ons from the circular profile in centerless grinding. p. 433. (Strojirenstvi. Vol. 7, no. 6, June 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accesnions (BEAL) LC, Vol. 6, nc. 10, October 1957. Uncl. KOUBSKY, Pavel Proposal of experimental test of the cosmological theory by meRsuring the infrared radiation on a rocket. Cs cas fys 15 no.2:169-170 165. 1. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, Prague. Submitted May 26, 1964. CZ1-'C11OSLOViUM'%/Virolo,-, y - Viruses of Ilan and I'LtliL Is. The 'Virus of Infectious 1/bAnonucleosis. Abs Jour : Ref zhur Diol., 11o 6, 1959, 23853 Aut'liz)r : K~)ubyj K., Mecaikovu~ E., Vyborne, M. Inst Title Remarks About t1le Article of Kutfjy, Mecnikove and VyboVae: On the EtiolorZr of Infectious Mononucleosis. 07*i~; Pub Casop. lekaru caskych, 1958, 97, No 22, 696-697 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 KOUCKY, Jan, inz. Contribution to the evaluation of creop tests. Hut listy 16 no.11:800-802 N 161. 1. fyzki~my ustav butnictvi zeleza, Praha. li KOUCKY, Josef, nositel Radu prace Precision castings production. Tech praca 14 no.6:429-433 A '62. 1. Statni komise rozvoj a kcordinaci vedy a techniky, Praha. '. I ~ li .-A-I 17.15r, P e*&"rlca I--- ., .'s, p - I ,,PPII c"! 4 Oln Of' P670--cloff !Y: t'-.) ~ on ;ird d-'etrf tu~J-r, ! ~ I - I of turf, Irly-arri Ilp p'ubllc I-Igh.4ky tlraropf~rtuatloa. -,,jpra-va ro, 5-, qR11.,384 164. MUCKY, Vladimir Statement of Vladimir Koucky on the tasks of the rzechoslovp-k Academy of Sciences, Vestnik CSAV 73 no.309, 409 164. !..'Recretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. J. (,DVIVI CZECHOSLOVAKIA RADEI.:ACIIER, R., DWI; JICRA, J., MD; RADIMACHEROVA, J., DV?J; J., DVI49 11radeo Kralove (for all) Prague, Veterinarstvi, No 6, 19639 pp 246-250 "A Case of Stable Listeriosis in Cattle." CZE)CH05LOUVAKIA KOUL", Karel, ~ffDjr, Cac, Prague Brno, Vaterinarstvi, No 11, November 1966, pp 51&-520 "Economic loss from Cysticercosis in Czechoslovak cattle." KOUDELA, K. 'IF-xperiences with electric drivers in eleetriC-Do,,,rer plants." TIEKTROTECHIiIK, Praha, Czechoslovalda) Vol. 14, No. )j, April 1959. Monthly List of Fast Eur--pean Accessions (:Mj), LC, Vol. B, No. 9, SePtember 1)59- Unclassif ied. kOU-DEU, Karel SUXIAME, Given Names Countryt Czecho3lovakia Academic Degrees tDVM Affiliation % /P vague Sourcet Praguep Veterinarstvip Voills No 9p Sept 19611 PP 340-3113 Datat "Newer Experienoes and Date on Cattle Hypodermosts and Plan of' Measures Aiming at its Suecessful Bradiestion" GPO 161643 KOUDELA, S., inz. ~--, w, Objective measurement of kaolin whiteness. Stavivo 41 no.10: 366-367 0 163. 1. Ustav pro technologii hrube keramiky, Karlovy Vary. czz-~-j~~VJN -AK LA ,k'oU J),.-4,4, ii-X7.&AS ;I4,VVII hV41 K~V"Ajt AAAXVIJ wl~ry (-~*I IV411'~~j B01MOISVP Ing. 140 &MUSHOU but city of Vrasus (for all) [February] 1,7# V~- 49-52 "'--~a4yaix Of principal X'J'2-4jt.% r~4u.t led by VaUri"ary iU&;w-UCA of fAteLwA autz-ale end rAz.% in Cx"hool-.~vxhia to 1%3*1 CZECWSWVAKIA KOUMA, Karel, Mur, C80. No affiliation given but city of Prague Prague, Veterinarstvi, No 2 [February] 1%7, pp 68-70 "Significance of tumors in fattened anizals.w KOUDSIAj Stanislavi HSMIOO Sarcelay In co=exoration of the 60th birthday of Jaroolav FArsigg aorresponding member of the Czechoslovak AcadonV of Agricultural Saiences. Vestnik CWV 8 no.2/3tl7&179 161. (M 1085) I, Dopisujioi olon Cookonlovenake akademis somodelskyoh "d (for Koudola azd Hornig), (Sersist Jaroslav) (Oneohoolovakia-Agriculture) KOUDELA, S. "For uniformity In technical terms." (p. 170). "Workers of the building materials industry on the 10th Congress of the COMMMist Party of Czechoslovakia." (p. 172). STAVIVO (MinisterBtVO Btavebnich hmot) Prahap Vol 32, No 8, Mar. 1954. SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 4, No 8, Aug 1954 Treatmlont of hi_t-h-luality sind for --lass. 123. ik Praha, Vol. 5, no. 6, Jime 1955. -U ,)0: j,'Ont.Ily T-St of *,~-,St ' ro!%ean Accessions, LG, 'lol. no. 10, Oct. 1955, ,Jncl. Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical 1-12 Products and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31483 Author : Koudela S. Title : Concentration of Ceramic Suspensions Orig Pub: Stavivo, 1956, 34, No 8, 291-293 Abstract: Tabulated data and graphs for the computation of the content of dry substance (kaolin) in 1 liter of suspension of given density, from 50to 60' Be, at 17.5". Table and graphs are based upon the equation: x = 1623.7 Q6 -a), wherein x is weight of dry substance per 1 liter suspens-ion, specific specific gravity of suspension, gravity of water. By using the table and an /4 Card 1 2 Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical 1-12 Products and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31483 areometer, the required concentration of a ceramic suspension can be readily established. C ard 2A KOUDELA, Stanislav, inz. Chromatographic ruler. Chem svesti 17 no.61451-453 163. 1. Ustav pre sudne lekarstyoj Lekarska fakulta University P.J. Sa.farika, Kosice, Srobarova 57. KGUDELTI, B. A centrifugal mill (crushing macWne). P. 103. (Sbirka Vynalezu. Vol. 6, no. 5, may 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of Fast Euro.pean Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. KOUDEELKA, F. "Application of the complexometric (chelatometric) determination in water-supply engineering." p. 298 (Voda) Vol. 36. no. 11, Nov. 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: MonthV Index of East 'European Accessions (EF-Al) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 10,58 KOMENDA, J.; KISOVA, L.;_K(XJDELKA, J. Polarography of pterins. IL Oxyderivatives. Coll Cz Chen 25 no.4: 1020-1030 Ap 6o. (EEAI 9:12) 1. Institut fur theoretische und physikalishe Chemie, Masaryk- Universitat, Brno. (Polarograph and polarography) (Pterins) (Hydroxyl group) 34688 0/002/002/002 Z/009/62/00 E112/E453 .2 "fkj B, 9.~ Kovar AUTI-1016'- preparati or, of pure isoprene TITLE'. Chemick' pr&mYsl, no.2, 1962, 66-69 pEr~JODICAL,i y isoprene is invest ated to roce5S fOl Isobutylene TEXT: x t,,,TO-stage P of paraformaldellyde witIl 'is of (11) over 1) reaction 1.3) crl).i 2) pyrolYs s is involving' n W. The Proce-S 4 4-dinlethyl-dioxa e rene to 11% of pent(-111059 form citalYst 'to produce isop, i th of this paper suitable contaminated w I~nown to Pr oduce isoprIII separate and the a"' of pure which it is very difficult to for the preparatiOll ne is to find optimum conditions isobutyle ng is of paraformaldehyde with The effect Of varyi stage 1, Reaction ce Of H2S04 at 800C~ optimum quantities are carried out in presen studied. produced tarry .atjoTl of 112SOIj was . Ile concentr Increased quantiti0s 7()% conversions t per mole CH20. )oC produced 1 9 H9504 Heating for 10 Inin at 8( insignificantly, by--products creased ihe yield Only control. Prolonged heating in ic and dif'ficult to ions wero first Ls strongly exotherm act reaction condit Reaction : es in maintaining e Difficult' Card 1/3 _.______,r-Vz/VVU/002/dd_2/002_ E112/E453 Z/009/62/000/002/002/002 Preparation of pure is-oprene E112/E453 effects of temperature on conversion and on the ratio isoprene: pentenes were investigated. Since separation of isoprene from the pentenbs by fractional distillation was found difficult, the authors set out to produce a raw isoprene with low pentene contents even at the cost of lower conversion figures. This was achieved with K-3 at 285 to 2900C. Results were as follows: conversion of (II) into (I), in mole %, 34 to 379; yields of isoprene, 85 to 80%; ratio of isoprene:pentenes, 100:0.2 and* 100:0.5 respectively. The material was now considered of sufficient purity to be used for polymerizations without further Vt/ rectification. A chromatogram is shown (Fig-3) and its analysis after one and two rectifications is tabulated (Table V). It i's concluded that the described method does not require complex plant equipment and produces isoprene of low pentene contents. Compared to other procedures, the refining of the crude materials proved simple. Semitechnical yields were 80 to 85% theory, based on 4,4-dimethyldioxane (1,3). There are 3 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: VyZkumny ustav syntetickeho kau~cuku, Gottwaldov (Research Institute for,Synthetic Rubber, Gotturaldov) Card 3/5 KOUD MMKA, J. Appearance and therapy of scolioses in newborn. infarits. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 29 no.4021-323 Ag 162. 1. Orthopedicke oddeleni nemocnice WRIZ, Ostrava 19 prednasta dr. K. flovotny Ortopedicke oddeleni MU11Z, Ostrava I, vedouci lekar dr. J. Koudelka. (111FAIIT MEWBOR11 DISEASES) (SGOLIOSIS) CZY.CiI0bV)viKLA tl,34~fXp Oldrichp WI*j KCM*LX& Aft. .4,Vtr I -..-WF~ la Ostram (for Svdl*aek); 3, Olowom (for Kaudelka) Brn*p Vatering-Stvi No 3 LMax-thj 1967, yp 106-UO "On the problem of 6wmitw4uaUtm of tw1us-trinIly ~-,roCucod eggs.* At~t .,f' a- TIEHONENKOP T.I.; FICHUGINA2 N.G.;'XW ~FIXA_, Ya. [ Koudelka; J. Molecular state of deoxyribonucleic acid in the Od phage corpuscule. Biokhimiia 28 no.1:101-112 Ja-F 163. (KIM 16:4) 1. InstitutiL epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni N.F.Gamalei AMN SSSR i fnstitut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimicheskoy biologii AN SSSR, Moskva (for Tikhonenkop Fichugina). 2. Institut 11ofiziki, Brno, Chekhoslovakiya (for Koudelka). (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (BACTERIOPHAGE) CMVUA,NSKY, J.; KOUD?,LKA, J. Prof. Dr. V. Chlumsky, founder of the lat Orthopedic Clinic in Czecho-lovakia (died 1 November 1943). Bratial, lek. listy 1+3 no.2:65-68 163. (BIOGRAPHIES) E-: LL13464-66M EWA(J)/T/EWA(b)-2: ACC MR: AP6006021 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0053/65/01-4/0%/0281/`0282 Udelka j AUT11OR: Ko JanovskajL-Ze Melmachter, V. ORG., Biophysics Institute-CSAVim Brno .(]3iofysikalni- ustav CSAV) TITIE: Role of ultraviolet rays'Land acridine orange in bacteriophageinactivation [This paper was presented during, #iothy8jC,!%l DaYSL , Brno, 11 Jun Z SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fy5iojogie, v--14, no. 4, 1965, 281-282 TOPIC TAGS: bacteriophagei~dyc,chemical, heterocyclic base compound, Mirradiationp DNA, virology ABSTRACT: Protective effect-of acrid-Ine oran WA kappa (S. mar Lencens) phage. ge on c irradiation by ultraviolet WaSL studied wrider different pit from 5 to 7- lie sulvs indicate acridine orange binds _DNA at Pit 7 and proteetoL "weak" areas.of the latter from damage. CJPRS2 SUB CODE: 06 SU13H -DATE: none. REF 1 002 SOV HEN 001 t Card - , ;P Distr: 4E2cQ) Isolation of crude vin cclate from conversion gis by ay condensation. 7 lZoudelk ap r , 241jew. Priljayil 9, pre petrochtintu. NOWAY. CICC11.). T,23:W1fr3GT---1-n the productien of vinyl acetate (1) from Cill, and AcOll in the " pha:w on a contact catalyst, it gascou's ruixt. was obtained (100*) contg. 80 C-11?, 10 1, 10 vlll.-OV,g AjcOll, and by-products. I was sejul. by spray cnn-:' denqation on a pi ot plant 5cale. The g-.%s was pu%-,cd into' the condensate e~hich had been, cuolcd by 1110 and brine. The temp. d6tribution in the spray column was t;tudicd in relation to the amt. of spray liquid. Wlell thig atnt. Wils Sinaller than 6 kg. liquid/cu. tit. gas, the temp. ill thecolunut r(*e to an unlitsirable level. The liquid left the coitunn tit AW and contained 2.5 1. C!Hl/i. Material and heat bal- ,ances for com equipment (capacity of '-"A) kg. pure l/hr.) %vere calcd. il~onornic land phys. comparisons of ;bray and If indirect cunder-sa ons were . et~, Y" ti .-SIL Mwj~ KOUDELKA, Ladislav, inz, G.Sc, Solubility of gases in the mixtures of nonelectrolytes. Pt,2, Chem avesti 18 no.7i493-501 164, 1. Research Institute of Petrochemistry, Novaky. -L 70,7-w66 DS ETCAW (m) h ACC NRt AP6001096 OUM CoEss 02V004 A AUTHOR.* XoudeDs,, L, (Eno.; Candidate of scieftces) ORO: Research institute for Fetrochecistry(f"Novaky -(Vyakwiy Ujtmv,;~i TITLEs Volum relationships in binary solutions of non-electrolytes 4 SOURCE: Chemicke zvestis noogp 1965$ 73-83~ TOPIC TAGSs solution property; molecular volumep molecular theorys chemical compound'-" ABSTRACTs' An analpis of volume-relatiopships in binary mixtures of non-electrolytes vas made, and deductions concerning the-volumes of the components and the total volume are presented. The equations established by,the author allow the calculation of partial molar volumes of the nts an&tlo mean molar volurm of the' mixture compone ~in the full extent of concentrations, when~ve know thecorresponding vmlues of-tbs individual components,.and a dilute solution of one component in the other* Exper-., imontal confirmtion showed good agreement with calculated values. A method oUowing calculation of propeAies of a compound on 1, the basis of molecular tboory of ~ liqdds, is given. It.should not be used,for Icompounds with substantially different molecular weights orthose with long molecular linear chains* It is not.reliable in.-ia acetic acid solutions*' Orig.. art. has$ 26 formulaax 3 tMW a.,91MY SIB CODE:- 0`7 M DATZt 15Apr64 /_ORIGREFs 001 OTHEM '005 SUB Card 1/1 KOUDLIKA, Miroslav, doktor. Profit deductions and their significance in the govarnmental budget of the Czechoslovak Republic. Fin. SSSR 17 no-9:54-60 S 156. (9LRA 9:10) (Czechoslovakia--Taxation) m KO (A I.- L K q , VJI - KOUIS , ~Lrqslav. . ". - 1, 0- 1. 1 T Financing and bank control of capital investments in the Czechoslovak Republic. ]Pin.SSSR 18 no.11:81-86 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) Ozachoslovakta-Banks and banking) KOUDELKA, M.; HLD,',IZIY,J.; SCHUDLEROVA, V. Electric equipment and technical and economic irdexeff of are furnaces. Sbor VSB Ostrava 9 no.lt73-92 163. aMITY, J.; Kq~DE14S~~L M._ Contribution to thp yroblem of' determiring- th', ellectric ope- ration of arc furnaces. Sbor M Ditrava 9 no-1:93-114 163. LALEJ, J.; KOUIDELKA, V.; PA-SEKA, 1. Brine impurity Influepce on the amalgam electrolysis of alkali chlorides. Pt. 2. Chem prum 14 no. 3: 113-119 Mr 164. 1. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. BALEJI J.; KOUDELKA, V.; VONDRAKV J,; PASMp I* Iaboratory pump from plaotics for agressive liquids. Chem prum 12 no.8:446-447 Ag 162. 1, Ustav anorgenicke chamie, Caskoolovenska akademie vedv Praha. 4*4'. - BALEJ, Jan; KOUDELKA, V.; PASEKA, I. Influence of brine impurities on the amalgam electrolysis of alkaline chlorides. Pt.l. Chem prum 13 no-9:460-464 S* 163. 1. Ustav anorganicke chemle, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, Praha (for Balej and Paseka). 2. Prazska akumulatorkap n.p., Mlada Boleslav (for Koudelka). BALEJY J.; KOUDDELKA, V.; PASEKA, I.; VONMUK, J. influence of brine impurities on Lhe amalgam ele~:'Lralysis of alkali chlorides. Ptj. Chem prum 14 no.5:2)8-241 My 164. 1. Institute of Inarganle Chomiatry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Frague (for all except Koudelka). 2. Prazska akuiwalntor~a NatLonai Enterpvlaa, Rlada Boleslav (for Koudelka). BALEJ., J.; PASEKA, I.; KOUDELKA, V. Influence of brine impuritieo on the airalgm electrolysis of alkali chlorides. Pt. /+, Chem pnun 1.4 no.6:296-299 Je 164. 1. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of S-iances, Praguo (for B&Iej and Paseka). 2. Prazska akumulatorka N.~itlonal Enterprise, 1-11ada 13oloslav (for Koudelka). BAIZJS J.; PASEKA, I.; KOUDMKA, V. I Effect of brine impurities on the sklgam electrolysis of alkali chlorides. Pt. 5. Chem prum 14 no.8:395-398 Ag 164. 1, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. BALlip J.; , 17 . i F", 1!'. .,!. L-l'. , v . ;:' br-'Imti on the am,,tigam of !tlkali cillwldnvy ~t.,-. Ch~-.n !,vc-,ti 14 0, 164. 1. InSt-ItIOIe. of Tnzovgar,~(! 11-=lIntry, C7.echcslowak of 5ci er I nevs, Fragruc, s BALEJ, S t C'r,F---. 13ALEJY Jan; VONMUK, Jiri; KOUDELKA, Vojtech; PASEKA, Ivo Device for measurement of the gas evolution and flow velocity. Chem listY 57 no. 12: 1284-1288 D 163. 1. Ustav anorganicke chemie, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, Praha (for all except Koudelka). 2. Prazska akumulatorka, n.p., Mlada Bolealav (for Koudelka). TIKHOMIKO, T.I.;-KCUDELKA, Ya.; BORISHPOLETS, Z.1. Concentration and purification of phages by the method of colwnn chromatography. I-likrobiologlia 32 no-4:723-726 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Institut epidemiologii i mLkrobiologil imeni IT.F. Gamaleya AMIN; Institut biofiziki All Chekhoslovatskoy SR, Brno. KWDEM, Zd. DVORA L., Dr.; I DVORAXOTA."R.' Dr. &fact of C~~bonic baths 93 no.28:753-764 9 July Dr.-. VOLFOTA. V.,Dr.; RBIZS. O..Dr.; in spa on hypertension. Cas. lak. cook. 54. 1. Z III interni kliniky, prodnosta prof. Dvorak, Koudelka, Dworakova) 2. Z Noveho ustavu v Podebradecho prim. Dr. ToTolfova (HTPERMSION, therapy *carbonic baths) (BALUOLOGY, in various diseases *cafoonic b4ths in hypertension) dr. X60harvat (for vysetrovaciho a lee. u (for Volfova, Raise) DVaRAK, V. Dr. Lj(FWZL ZITKA. K.Dr ,2 ,,W, Terminal ventricular complex in tbyTotoxicosis. Sborn. lek. 57 no.2-303-56 Feb 55. 1. Z III insterni kliniky KU, predn. akademik J,Charvat. (HYPERTHYROIDISM RCG. occurenca of hatlike T-wave with terminal ventric. complex) (F,LAMOCODIOGWHY T-wave occurace with terminal ventric. a-implex in b7perthyroidism) V J)L- L r,11, 4 . DVO M # Iadislav, Dr Dr Retreat of terminal ventricular complex changes in electrocardiogram during therapy of thyrotoxicosis. Sborn. lek. 57 no-2-3-.57-66 Fab 55. 1. 2 111. interni klin. KU, predn. akademik Josef Gharvat. (Hi OrDISH, therapy causing electrocardiographic decrease of terminal ventric. complex Cluinges) (BLICTROC M IOGRAPHT terminal ventric. changes in hypertl7roldism, decrease in changes during therj AVWD~6~;V DVORAK, L., Dr. ; Z'11-11w. MAL, 4 , KL. 2. Dr.. BROZEK M.Dr Changes of size of the cardiac shadow following long-term conservative therapy of tbyrotoxicostse Sborne leke 57 no.2-3;67-74 Fab 55. 1, 2 111 internl klinikr KU, predn, akademik J.Charvat (for Dvorak# loudelka) 2. Rtg oddeleni Thorma7arovy nemocnice v Krei. (for Brozek) (Ri THYROIDISM, manifestations heart, change of shadow size in long-term conservative there) (HEART, in various diseases bypertlqroldism, change of shadow size in long-term conservative there) ld DVORAK, L.; KWm* 2 1g. Mat. ZITKA, U.;.KALT, Vl., V Effect of tbyrotoxicosis on the height of the T-wave and the length of the electric systole. Sborn. lek. 57 no.2-3:75-81 Fab 55. 1. % III interni kliniky KU (predno akademik J.Charvat) (for Drorak. loudelkas Zitka) 2 2 Ustavu pro organteaci zdravotaietvi pri lsk* fak. KU (predn. Prof. Dr. V.Prosek) (for Xaly) (KY THYROIDISM ECG.- ef:r. on T-wave height & length of electric systole) (F"CTROCARDIOGRAPHT T-wave height & systole length, eff. of hyperthyroidism) ZITKA, M.; DVORAK, L.; KOUDBIXA, Z. Cardiovascular disorders in tick encephalitis & virus carditis of un- known etiology. Gas. lek. cesk. 97 no-19;588-593 12 ~~Y 58. 1, 111. interni klinika KU, prednosta akademik J. Charvat. Adres autora: M. Z., Praha 2, U nemocnice 1. (MYOCARDITIS, case reports viral myocnrditis of unknown etiol. (Cz)) (Y,11CZ1%LITIS, EPIDEMIC, compl. caraiovasc. dis. in tick-borne encephalitis (00) (CARDIOVASGUIAR DISEASES, etiol. & pathogen. tick-borne encephalitis (Cz)) CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC: 616.89-008.434-008.43 KOUD~_'LKOVA,. A.; 3rd Pediatric Clinic, Faculty of General Medicine, Charles University (Ill. Detska Klinika Fakulty Vsebecneho Lekarstvi KU), Prague, Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr 0. VYCHYTIL. "Experimental Research of Motor Functions in Tachylalia.11 Prague, Casopis Lekaru Cescych, Vol 105, No 23, 10 Jun 66, pp 616-620 Abstract [Author's English surnAary modified]: The research was conducted on 16 tachylalic patients and 18 stutterers with subsequent tachylalia using exact experimental methods. In situations requiring quick reactions the pa- tients reaCt slower than healthy subJectst their performance is more irregu- lar and varied. Tachylalic patients have a very high ratia of neurotic responses. Psychotherapy should be used in a complex treatment of this disease. 3 Tables, 14 Western, 3 Czech references. (Manuscript received iMar 65.) 1/1 SIAM, D.1 MOM, I.; DRMO H.; CINNMVA, 0.; MICHL, J.; technical assistance: HOLATUVA, M*; ML-mi- KRAUSOVA, V.1 SKUBAL, J.j ZLABOVA, Z. Sow experiences with,the preparation of inactivated poliamplitis vaccine in Czechoslovakia. IV. The preparation of the vaccine,, Acts. virol.Vhg1.Zd.ftmh& 5 no*32-179~487 MY 161. 1. Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Prave. (POLIOWELITIS immmal) MUDELKOVA, Zdenlka; VLX, Jaroslav Level of acethylcholine in the stomach wall before and after feeding. Plzen. lek. sborn. 24:19-23 164 1. Fyziologicky ustav lekarske fakulty University Karlovy v Plzni (prednosta: prof. IVJDr. J. Myslivecelk., DrSc.). KOUDEL'.Ny-, ~ya I Ge' d Geol-Mineral Bei -- (dies) "Analysin of s pe ctinS m&-4, !~Pl r*bt e mining f I eld B o f Proko P'~VISK - A VINeglon of' ulbasso a phs; Kisele lull Tomsk, 1957. 17 pp with gr (Min HlFher Ed USSR, Tomsk Order of Labor Red 9ann~v Pblytech Inst Im S. M. Kirov, Chair of Deposits of Uawfta Minerals), 100 coples. M, 9-58, 114) _ 33 - KOUIMLINYT, V-Ya. Methods of prospecting for coal mine in the Prokop'yovsk-Kinelovsk region In the Xu%netsk Basin. Izv- 7PI 90:186-208 159. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Predstavleno professorom doktorom A.A, Belitakim. (Kuznetsk Basin-Coal geologr) YE=OV) B.P.j, kand.tekbnnaukl- ARABADZHM, I.R.j, insh.; KM inob, Conference on soil stabilization. Gldr.stroi. 33 no.1007 0 162* (KM 1502) (Soil stabiliza,".don-Congresees) KOUGD~j, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Adjustment of triangulation systems by the -use of electronic comimters. Izv. vys.uchebe ghvej geodo I aerofe no.6:69-82 160. (14IIIA 1/+-5) (Trikngulation) -'(Strela c=puter) XOUGIYA V,A. --- Program for the adjustment of small triangulation networks on the Strela electronic computer. Geod.i kart. no-5:14,21 W 161. (mm 14:6) (Steel computer) (Triangulation) 26529 S/105/61/000/010/002/002 7 ~70 E073/E335 AUT: IQ ...)Ugiya, V.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences and -7-y-a-5TI3RWV-,-O-.M. , Engineer (Leningrad) TITLC~ On the Gray-binary Code Conversion PERIODIC.',i.-. Elelctrichestvo, 1961, No. 10, P. 74 TEXT-. As sensors for the turning angle coding discs or drums are frequently used. Depending on their design, either photo-sensors or contact brushes are used. Thereby, the coding discs are fitted with a stencil which, in the first case, has transparent sections on a non-transparent disc and, in the second cast--,, consists of contact segments. To exclude serious errors which may arise owing to the fact that the elements are not point elements and that they cannot be accurately set along a single line, the Gray code is frequently used. However, direct utilisation of the Gray code and control servo-systems involves difficulty and it is preferable to convert the Gray code into a binary code. A parallel circuit Card 1/2 KOUGIYA, V.A., kand. tekhi. nank Calculation of hyT.,qrbollo Jeoline nt~4 v m2ans of an eleL- -3 b. troni;x computer. 1mr. vya* uchebs Mave; geod. i aerof~ no.6a 35-44 "63 (MIP-A 1717) 1~ 7, ro -a c Alrw&w) '414"Aa