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On a Principle of the Existence of Bounded, Periodic and SOV/20-123-2-6/5ri Almost-.Periodic Solutions of a System of Ordinary DiffQrential Equations let be valid the non-local theorems of existence and uniqueness. Let every solution x(t), t 6[TiIT,:~] of (1) satisfying the initial condition x(T1),e r , satisfy the condition x(t) ~ x(T, )I t e(T,,T21. Then (1) has at least one solution x*(t) for which x*(T 2) - x*(T1)4-G. There are 12 references, 9 of which are Soviet, I American, and 2 Polish. ASSOCIATIONtVoronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State University) PRESENTED& June 9, 1956, by P.S.Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTED3 May 10, 1958 Card 3/3 KRASMOSELISKIT, N.A., red.; HOISEYEV, N.N.; SMOKWSEV, Ye.D., red.;, [Theory of surface waves; collection of translational Teoriia poverkhnostnykh voln; abornik parevodov. Pod red. M.A.Kramno- sellskogo i N.N.Hoiseeva. Hoskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1959. 366 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Wavea) 110 ?WE I BOOK EXPLOITAT:031 SCV/3177 Z-1 Hatemati" v SSSR za norck: let, 1917-19:57.-m 1: Obzornyyo stat I (Nathaimatito In the USSR for Party Yearv. 19IT-1957).Val 1: Review Articles) soncow, Pizzatgiz. 1959, 1002 P. 5,5W caples printed. Eder A. 0. Xuroah, (Chief Ed.)$ V. X. Bltyjtakov, V. 0. DcU kly 11 ,a B Dynkin Shilova 0 Ye and A Tushmovicb Ed . . . . . . , , ; booll); A. P. Lapkol Tech. Ed.: S. X. Akhlazov. Ftmpont This book 1: lnt:nded for mathematIclans and historians Of sathematIcs Int Met d In Soviet coo.-r-'butlon* to the field, h COVERUX: T I& book Is Volume I of a major 2-volume work on the So history Of vtet mathematics. Volu" I surveys the chief can- tr1butLona made by Soviet mAthtnaticlama during the period 1947- 1957; Volume 11 -111 contain a blbllograpimy of major woma since 191T &Ad biographic sketches or *ova or t::* loading mat tic Lan . This worJ1 follows the tradition 11 t- by two earl--or o kaz Xatematlka v 333R to pyatnadtoat- M (HAthematica in the MSR for, JJ_UAZ9J_ _&nd_yAt emAt I Ica v 533A to tridt"t- I t . _ (XiLtheizatLes in the ma for 30 Years). The book In 41vid x into the major divisions of the field. I.e.. algebra, topolW. theory of probabilttlas~ functional LrAl"Is, ate., and c=- tributiona and outstanding problems in each discussed. A list- ing or some 1400 Soviet mathematicians is :zciudod with refer- ence# to their contributions In the field. jnkhljR_J~A~ Linear Integral Equations T.-Prodholm equations 2. Co"Ietsly Continuous Operators 3. Xornals dependent on the parameter 654 4. Ons dimensional singular Integral oquatIons 6s0 Squatlons With difference kernels 1665 Mult1dimanalonal singular Integral equations 669 1 T. rategro-Wforentlal equations 673 9. A X. A. Saymark, and 0. To. ShIlov. ------------ 675 1. banach end ftlbortspac*4 52 30AL-ordered space and Spaces with coo* . ? _ _ - - --------- 698 3. Marm*4 rings 4. Reprosentations of rings and groups 704 Di.frereati'al equations in abstract spaces M3 Equations a1tb nonlinear continuous *Porsta. 72a 7- Spectral analysis of self-conjugat* d.Cfv"Qt1al 146 operotors a. Spectral analysis or non-s*ir-conjusate operators 763 9. Llmo&r topological spaces, gonorallmwd 'unctions T73 --galmagospaw.-A-I.Probabillty Theory 781 1 Distr-butions. Random functions and processed 782 2: Station&" Processes and homogeneous ramdoot fields 783 3. PAz*cv processes w1th continuous time 785 4. Limit theorems 789 5. Distr;butlonn of sums of Independent and weakly dependent summands and InfinItely dia- trl.%KXtl*Ca 791 . 6976h 14'L4500 16,1/600 9/155/59/000/02/005/036 AUTHORS% Keasnosellakiy, M.A., Mamedoy, Ta.D. TI-T13i Remarkon the Appfro-&-t-ion of Differential in the Question of the Correctness of the Cauchy Differential Equations4n Banaoh Spaces and Integral Inequalities Problem for Ordinary PERIODICAL: Nauohnyye doklady vyashey shkoly. Piaiko-matematicheakiye nauki, 1959P No. 2, pp. 32-37 TEXT: The authors abow that, with the aid of well known theorems on differential-and integral inequalities (especially the lemma of Chaplygin)t one can-estimate-in a,very simple-way the variations affected on the solution of-the-integro-differatttial equations, if the right sides or the initial conditions are subject to small perturbations. Ye.k. Barbashin, R.I. Vishik, L.A. Lyusternik, M.G. Kreyn, A.I. Percy, and, P.Ye. Sobolevskiy are mentioned. There are 12 referencest 10 Soviet, 1 American and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONs Voronezhakiy gosudaretyennyy universitet (Voronezh state University) SUBMITTEDi February 20, 1959 Card 1/1 32503 S/044/6-1/000/oil/026/049 C111/C444 AUTHORS; Krasnosellskiy, M. A., Rutitskiy, Ya,. B,,, Sultanov. R.. ------------------------------- TITLE: On a non-linear operator, operatinU in 3paces of kibstra- functions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 11, 1961, 71,, abstract 11B397.(Izv. AN. Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz-m~item i tekhn. n., 1959, no. 3, 15-21) TEXT: Investigated are certain properties of tile nper~itoz fu(t) = f(t,u(t)) N which transforms a subset of a certain Banach spaco B into Banach 8pace B,. One assumes that the abstract function f(t,u) With values in B 1 is strongly measurable for every fixed u C B., and that the operator f(t,u) is strongly continuous with respect to u for almost all t6_.CL;Xj is a bounded closed set of the finite Euclidian space. In the article it is proved that the theorems c-n the continuity and boundedness of the operator f which former1y have be;~n roved for the spaces Lp, Lp ard 1/3 (U) of vector function3, for Orllie.~.~, opu,;Ps E 32503 S/044/6I/OG-0/O,-'/O26/O4-) On a non-linear operator, operating . . . C111/C444 etc., hold for broad classes of abstract function,,zpaces Phe of a I'M - space" is introduced as follows; Let B be the It! of all measurable abstract functions u(t) with vk~-Iues in the _H~ina~,,, space B- let B be made a complete Banach space b~~ aid of a rer,_'jin norm 1) liv . The space ~ is called 11,je- space". if the follow_zn~_7, ..n~ma- B tions are satisfied: u o if and only if u (t) = 0 almost ever-;--here 4/ 1.) There -'s B I/ 2.) B contains all functions taking a constant value on A3 V 3 ) B contains together with the abstract function u( T ) a I] +',I ri,~ r;ns U~t) WE (t), ?~(t) being the characteristic function of the measurabl-:- s e t E C_ the r e 11 u zes 1) - -:!n- 1) u 13 4.) Out of the condition ~ujj 0 there followi3 B un(t) converge to 0 with respect to the norm. The authors investigate certain properties of the _Jntrodu,~el -X under certain additional conditions and prove til,,e Card 2/3 8/044/61/000/011/026/049 on a non-linear operator, operating . . . C111/C444 YO wo operator f, transf"Eming a subset of B into B , where B is the Oct. 0' those functions Of B which have absolutely continuous norms, It is V said that an abstract function u(t) e B possesses an absolutely continuous norm, if 0 u zeE 11 - -4 0 for mes E ---% 0. Purther on it -is B V proved that the operator f is bounded in every sphere T 3C_ B At the end of the paper the case mes IL = oo is considered. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 3/3 16(1) 05256 AUTHORS; Mrasnosellskiy,M.A., and Ladyzhenskiy,L.A. SOV/140-59-5-12/25 TITLE: On the Extent of the Notion u.-Concave Operator PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Katematika, 1959, Nr 5, pp 112-121 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors consider (1) Af(x) -JG[xyT(y)]dy F An operator A in the Banach space E which is partially ordered with the aid of a cone K, is called u 0-concave if it is positive and monotone and if there exists a positive element u 0 so that: 1 ) For every LPEK(I tP0 / 0) there exist 04-, A, so that (2) ofuo Theorem 2 t Every regular cone is normal. Let u be a fixed 'element of K different from zero. Let Eu denote the set of such x6 E that f*or certain-a - a(x) it holds i - a u,--x4a u . The smallest a for which this inequation is satisfied is called u-norm of a and is denoted with IIXIIU Theorem 3 t Tn nrder that K is normal it is necessary and sufficient that an M >0 exists so that for every y 6K it holds i (4) x 11~~M 11 y 11 - 11 x 11 y (XeEy) The positive functional fl, defined on K is called strongly increasing if for rx) all hn G_ K (n - 1, 2.... ) from hn 0>0 (n - 1129..) it follows lim f(h 1+ --- + h n) - 00 n-*.oo Card 2/ 4 86382 Regalar and Perfectly Regular Cones S/020J60/135/002/002/036 C111/C222 Theorem 4 : Let a functional-strongly increasing on K be bounded on the intersection of the cone with each sphere of E. Then K is perfectly regular. Theorem 5 1 It on K a monotone strongly increasing functional can be defined then K is perfectly regular. A linear functional f(x) is called uniformly positive if it holds (5) f (x);?, a 11 X 11 (X E10 where a> 0 . It is said that K admits a costing if there exists a cons-K so that every x6K different from zero is an inner element of K I and furthermore it lies in KI with a spherical neighborhood.of radius bjjxjj, where b does not depend on x . Thelorem-6 t In order that K admits a coating it is necessary and sufficient that-on--K a uniformly positive linear functional can be defined. Theorem 7 1 Every cone admitting a coating is perfectly regular. Theorem 8 On K let be defined a linear completely continuous (on K) operator A, where (6) Ax 11 _-~ a 11 x 1! (x r-- K) Card 3/4 86382 Regular and Perfectly Regular Cones S/020/60/135/002/002/036 CIII/C222 Then K admits the coating. Theo-rem 9 relates to linear operators with respect to which a certain cone is invariant. The author mentions M.G. Kreyn# V.Ya. Stetsenko, D.P. Millman and I.A. Bakhtin. There are 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Voronezhekiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Voronezh State University) PRESENTED: June 15, 1960, by P.S. Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTEDt June 11, 1960 Card 4/4 86027 S/02 6o/135/003/005/039 C1 11%222 AUTHOR: Krasnosellskiy, M.A. TITLEi -nafT-onaryPoinFB--o-? -Cone - Compressing or Cone - Extending Operators PERIODICALs Doklady Akademil nauk SSSR, ig6o, V01,135, N0~3, PP-527-530 TEXT: -Let K be a cone in the real Banach space E. Let xO so that I 1U, (1) Ai-.3~ x (x C K, 1,; xR) . then A has at least one fixed point in K. Furthermore let AG - 0, where 0 is the zero point of E. Let A compress K if there exist positive R,r so that (1) and (2) Ax,- (x CE K,!Ix!l:, ,-~ r) is satisfied, Let A extend K if (3) kx,-~--x (xCK,Pxkj>,R) and (4) Ax~~,x Card 1/4 86027 S/020/60/135/003/005/039 C111/C222 Stationary Points of Cone - Compressing or Cone - Extending Operators Theorem 21 Let the completely continuous operator A extend or compress K. Then A has at least one fixed point different from zero in K. The proofs of the theorems 1 and 2 are given with topological methods, A linear operator B which leaves K fixed, is called u 0-b3unded from below (above) if to every x GK there exist an integer p - p(x) and a DOSitiVe number Y,...4*(x) so that Bpx>_'.!~u 0 (Bpx < eAu0); here u 0 is an element of K different from zero. For an examination of the conditions of theorems 1,2 the author uses: Theorem 3i Let the linear operator B uo-bounded from below satisfy the condition Bu 0>( I +;_-. du 0 1 Eo '>~O. Then it holds Bx;~7-x for all x!:-K, x Theorem 4t Let the linear operator B u 0-bounded from above satisfy the Oondition Bu 0 so that for OZ-uo (-F>0) the relation A(t~ X)> tAx I Atx ~ tAx (0 O, so that A(tx)> (1 +)?)tAx. The authors t prove the following t eoremst (1) if an operator A monotonic on K 0 positive function 6~(r) exi a to s o. -that A (X + Y) ~-, Ax +y 11) z0 (XI x + YEK , yEK), where Card 2/4 S/19 61/002/003/001/005 Method of successive approximations B112YB203 z0 is a certain element in K differing from the zero element. (2) If the conditions of theorem 1 are fulfilled, and if there is only one fixed point x*, then the latter is the limit element of the successive approximations x. = Ax n-1 (n - 1, 2p .,o), whatever element x 0 is the Initial element of this approximation. (3) If the equation x X Ax with the concave operator A on the cone X has a unique solution x* differing from the zero solution, and if one of the three conditions (a, b, c) of theorem 1 is fulfilledg then the sequence x n ' Ax n-1 converges with reepe~ot to its normp whatever point x EK is the initial point of the 0 approximation. (4) If the equation I a Ax with the u 0-concave operator A in the cone X has, a solution x* differing from the zero solutiong then the sequence x. a Ax n-1 converges for all'xc~K with respect to' its uo-norm toward x* (the u 0-norm of x is the smallest number ? for which the inequality - 9 UO 0) differing from zero Aw> t 0Av + F_0U0(Eo - EO(v, w, t,)> 0) follows from tov< w0. Then (1)-(2) has at least one solution which does not vanish identically. Theorem 6s Let f(X,,YZ) be non-decreasing in z; f(x,y,z)> 0 for z >0 and almost all ~Xpyjrrj. Let f(.,y,-A,)-,Xro f(.,Y,,) (~X,YjGn ; 0?q_>I;!~1; 7-'ZO), (9) Card 4/ 7 W58 S/020/61/137/005/001/026 Non-trivial solutions... C111/C222 where Y,4 2(1-o(). Then (1)-(2) cannot have more than one non-negative solution being not E 0. Theorem 7t Let exist So> 0 and Mo> 0 so that r(x,y,z,p,q)-,-a 3 z ( f x 0 y 1 16 0 4 z!L: So I -ou,< p, q < cc) (10) r (x . y. z . p I q) >, a4z (fx, yj cr z ),' MO; - co-1p, q 4 co ) , (11) where ~,> 2, a 39 a4 > 0. Then (1)-(2) has at least one solution beside of the trivial one. Theorem 8: Let exist a sequence R n --iicof so that f(x,yp7,;ppq).4,az (S Rn 4 z O~R n) 9 where,rl> 2 and S>O is aurficiently small. Let oxist a sequence R OD so that f(XY,Z,I),q)-4a (1+z 2)r2 (0 rc z 44) n n where 9*2