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S/039/62/012/004/CO2/014 Calculation and simulation ... B102/B104 are fed into the second one which simulates thermal-neutron diffusion. For determining the minimum critical fuel mass, the function 11 W + V(c,)c- d-. is used; in this case, the moderator dene ity n n -V(X) T -'Tt 0 (T.-T)/T, k -Iqy/(y+l)., To is the life-time of thermal neutrons in the reflector, q is the mean number of seondary neutrons per thermal neutron absorbed by the fuel; J_v is the moderation length, Tt the thermal neutron aG~e; all the paramotera of the dimension of a length are taken as dimensionlese. Calculations of the critical fuel mass lydx in age and two- Croup approximations are compared (Table 1). For thermal-neutron density smoothing by an additional absorber, r I T_= (12) + V J- y (r) Card 2/4 La 103 Slo89V621012100410021014 Calculation and simulation B102/ '. 104 is u3ed, where the sought function y(-r') - 2:1(r)/Z a3 is proportional to the density of the additional absorber whose absorption cross section is :2~:l the macroscopic absorption cross section ratio of fuel a3 f(y) - 2 the and moderator: In two-group approximation FM + analytic form of f(y) and the criticality conditions are calculated in age and two-Croup approximations for a plane, a cylindrical, and a spherical reactor. From a comparison of the results it may be seen that the age approximation is well usable, and that neutron density amoothing,problems lead to heat-conduction-type equations solvable by static integrators-. Them are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 15 references: 7 Soviet and 8 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: G. Goertzel. J. Nucl. Energy, Z, No- 3, 193, 1956; J. Wilkins. Nuol. Sci. Engnggki No- 3, 229p 1959; J. Ravets, J. Lamarsh. Nucl. Sci. Engng, 7, No. 6, 496, ig6o; M. Duret, W. Henderson. Nucleonics, 16, No. 11, 168, 1958- Card 3*/4 KMYSHTA, -N. -N. mm Seedling planter with furrow plow. Solikhosmashina no.12:22-23 D 153. (MMA 6M) (Agricultural machinery) ' KURYS*rA, 11.11, Thn SLIT-1. SLII-2, and ZSLII-l troo plAnting marhines. Biul. tekhn.- eknn. inf-mm. nn.8:67-69 15s. (MIF4. Iltio) (Tren planting) KUBTSHU, N.N., insh. Kounted tree-planting machine. Trakt. J sellkhosmash. no.11:35-36 N 159. (XM 13:3) 1, Spetsialluoys konstmk-torskoys byuro savoda 61rasnyy Akear". (Planters(Agricultural machin$rY)) I-- ,-KUBYSHTA, N.N. -_ The OVG-1 gas-actuated sprayer for vineyards, Biul.tekh.-ekon. inform. no.3:54-55 161, (IMM 14:3) ~ (Spraying and dusl-'ng equipment) KIUBZ A. "Automatization of Rolling Mille by Means of Rotation Regulators." p. 151 (HutnIk, Vol. 3, no. 7/8, Aug. 1953, Praha) SO: Honthlv List of Fast European Accessions, Vol. 3, no. 2, Library of Congress, Feb. 1954, Uncl. arpm 1-1,tw OPT COW- Ore. its invg4l""014. will wr al 111"Uts kWas ill"AlIvidu to4d-tlwopjtbfi1 is I. :rdo the tAlitl af .. kmon" to Saw"d he JL.~ 4 KJ 00 tp .00 00 c 00 0* 00 A d P WMW wmisd ft b" At AmA % .00 _ad 10 A 0 -00 0o a OV& *ww ;iFmm 0~0 a00 Now*"= UNA lZWO-ft ~!w 0 IL IL !moo a $goo 0 o t uo 0 ,, ri; Ol boo off 111 j 0' 0" 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 Z*0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 o O's 0 0 o 0 o 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 A MO&W fw isWmM4tkg 01 4*4101d; 6'tk* H:;:Iyanbno or KUC_tZ. YAkledd P&M. Stow)- A 0. ej..A j.-Jo5w, Paknd). Pdisho A&W. volejoaski. Pw* Kow. seek Dhwpkl6"wl sunlawy).--g" C.A. 43. L. 1. KUCp Marian A contribution to studies of the bryoflora of the Vlhorlat Mountains. Biologia 15 no.12018-120 160. (Em 10:8) 1. Uotav botaniky Polskej akademis viedv Krakow. (CZECHOSLOVAKU-NOSSES) KUC , Stanislaw The longwall mining system with hydraulic filling and -iimultAnsous working of three layers. Wiadom gorn 11 no. 7,18:239-244 Jl- Ag 160,, P' larr witb liqu'd . ,.rked larr b'y t~ tbick acel dep*Oit .9s288-294 S 161* fiMnge VIM= go= 12 no I KUC, 7dziolaw A cqn~ al medical center for miners under construction. tr Wiadom gorn 10 no. 4s150-151 Ap 159. KUC, Zdzislaw Achievements of Peoplels Poland during its 15 years of existence. Wisdom gorn 10 n0# 7/8:221-223 J1-A9 '59. 1 1 9- ROSZTYN, Jerzy, doe* mgr.inzo; KUG,1dZiOlaV idium of the Main Administration of 'the Trade Union Y"eprsa and,the Presidium of the Main Admini- stration of the Association of Mining 1hgineers and Techni- cians concern~pg further widening of collaboration and more participatlxo pf the Trade Union of Miners and the Association of Mining IbgInew&%Amd Technicians in the realization of plaa- nod technical,progromaj, increase of labor productivity# doorease of costep and ~the perfection of qualifications of the working staffs In the Polish mining industry* Vladom. gorn. 14 no.91 265-267 S063 1. Wicepreaeo Zarsadu Glownego Stowarryezenia. Inzynierow i Technikow Gornictwa (for Rabeztyn). 2. Sekretarz Zarzadu Glownego ZUiazku Zavodowego Gornikow w Poloce (for Kuo). , KUC,.-Zdzielaw - - - - Co=on cause. Prmgl tsclm 84 no,51.Z10 22 D163. 1. Sakrotarz Zarzadu Glowiego &IaZW Zftwodo'dego Gomliuv- Chomic-Al Abst. 5~rwlufe &ad Vol - 48 pom LIM Apr. 10, 1954 y lnorf,fanic Chemiatry Ov t-Iw Ifarc, x C- U A [fit 17 IF.' A 1 14 CIA; it, ICE t'j qvz:t If ) W, "II I -df.a C, dimi: Category CZECHOSIDVAKIA/Atomic and Molecular Physics - FhyBic3 of the molecule D-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizikaj No 1, 1957, No 779 Author Maly, Juromir, and Km-a Libor I Title Calculation of the -TRinLt_i;&Tl-i&nc;rgy Constants Of COC12, COF2, and COFC1. Orig Pub Ceskosl- casop. fyo 1954, 4, No 6, 638-645 Abstract The Ellyaohevich-Stepanov method (Vol'kenshteyn, M.V. Kolebaniya Molekul /Oscillations of Molecules/, I. Moscow, Gostekhizat, 1949) is used to coat- pute the o8cillation frequencies Of COC12 W, Cm (II) and COPCl (III) from values of the potential-energy constants (Ki - AV2v symmetry vas assumed for I and II and a C. symmetry was a33=el for III in the calculation of the kinematic coefficients. Card 1/1 I t -- --- - ~ . , a I , " i . '~' I , ''. a KUCA, Libor- BOROVANSKY, Alois; SEEM. Also ;;4 Glucochloralosse 3. Determination of P-glueochlorRIons In the presence of oK.-glueochloralose by spectrophotometry in the infra-red region. Cook. farm. 4 no.8:412-JI14 Oct 55. 1. Z Ustavu pro chowli farmacoutickou Masarykovy university v Brne. (HMMICS AND SEDATIM o?,- t%-"'-glueochloralose determ. by spectrophotometry in infra-red region) (SPUCTROPHOTONWRY determ. of (~-glucochloralose in presence of o< -glucochloralose in infra,-red region) (IMMA-M DAYS spectraphotometric determ. of),-glucochloralose In presence ofof,~glucochloralose) S/038/6vooo/008/007/00? AUT11ORs Ku6a, Libor TITLEs PuMextraction with aliphatic ketones PERIODICAL: Jaderna Energies no. 89 19620 286 TXXTt The extraction capacity of ease aliphatic ketones with direct and branobed chain for PuLTY.Twao investi,;3ted. The extraction was carried out uaing following compoundet mothyl-n-propylke tone nothyl-a-butylketoneg nothyl-isobutylke tone I mothyl-torts butylketonef me thyl-a-anylke tone g mothyl-n-hoxylke tone, a thyl-n-butylke tone, and di-n-propylke tons, in solutions with starting concentrations 0.3 N 8 N of HNO 3 in the aqueous phase. ractora influencing the extraction elficiency ol katouee 4re of several types* The e4traction efficiency of ketones of the amm structural type decreases vith the increasing lemgth of the chain. The POV-*xtraction with Vranched chain ketones is worae than with isamorLo ketones with direct chain. Card 1/2 7,/038/62/000/008/007/007 Puliv-extraction with aliphatic ketones He thyl-n-alkylke tone a are the most efficient extractans between isomeric compounds* The extraction efficiency of ketones is discussed from the point of view of ateric and inductive influence of the side chain an the oxygen atom of carbonyl group, The aachanism of the Puzlv-extraction with ne thyl-isobutylke tons was Invectigated in more details. PuZ117 it; extracted from 1,5 N HKO 3 into the organic phase mostly In the form of PUAO 374o The ration of acidocomplax6a in the organic phase increases with increasing aoidityo The'organic phase contains only ff 2pu'OtO3 76 in the extraction from 6 K KNO 3 and the oorrespondingr aqueous phase contains partly dissociated MaO;., and I1'jFV4T0;6. The Report of the Insto Nucl. Res./Viv go. 64a. ZRabuitted to the journal Call. C&4ch, CbLGK* CommunIcationsA7 Card --,-V -pn -11, -1,&TK-,i1 Plutonium (IV)-extraction by allphatic ketones from nitrate containing medium. Coll Cz ahem 27 no.100372-2379 0 162. 1. Institut fur Kernforachungp Tachechoslowakische Akademie der Wissenacharten, Rez bei Prag, Ma Zili-,,~~;,,2 ~H ~Th 4 M --1-1701,1~ 1, Eam-MI't-1 -lik 'M KUGk, Libor Application of the Taft linear relationship to the correlation of extraction ability of neutral orgsnia phosphorus compounds. Jaderna energie 9 no.5&167-168 My 163. 19 Ustav jaderneho vyzkump Gookoolovonaka akademis ved, Res u Prahye -,.-7 - -, " f~F At ~v 1 1 ~. , ~ - -- -- I .7~L Ki7C;. , Libor Cost of trimt-out nuclear t*-Ual reprocasatng. Jajerna energia 10 no. 3-.88-89 Mr 164s 1. Nuclbar Research InstItuta, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ri" Z. KUCA, L. Use of empirical relations for the correlation of the ext-netion capacity of neutral organic phosphorus compoiinds. Coll Ca Chem 29 no.2025-335 F 064. 1. Nuclear Research Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Rez near Prague. Lly r. 54 r Vf CZECH03LOVAKIA E.UCA.p L Institute of Nuclear Rosearoho Czechoilovak Academy of Scioncos, Rez near Prague Prague, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Cominunications, No 10, October 1966p pp 4064-4071 "Extraction of Pu(lV) with trihexylphO3phinoxido and a mixture of Di-n-butylphosphoric acid and trihexylphos- phinoxideett CZECH03LOVAKIA KTJCA8 L Institute of Nuclear Researchs Czechoslovak Academy of 3ciences, Prague-Rez Prague, Cp;leotion, 91 Czechpslovab CheMical gDmmqnj- catiqns* No 1, January 10,67, pp 288-297 "Mixed complexes of di-n-butylphosphoric acid with tributyl phosphate and trihoxylphosphine oxide*" CZECHOJLOVAKIA KUCA L Institute Of Nuclear Research$ Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences# Prague-Rez jtqL~ a Chem 9S-1nMYML- Pragae# E191 .9A 2L zeo cations NO 1. January 7.- pp 298--3-10 - --- 0 "Extrnotion of pu(JV) with di-n-butylphosphoric acid from nitrate and perchlorate Solutions*" CZECHOSLOVAKIA KUCAO L Institute of Nuclear Research, Czechoslovak Academy of 3clencoss Prnguo-Roz Praguoj CollectioA of Czeeb2slova Chemical Conpmni- cations, No 2. Febriary lMs PP 720-728 "Hydration of the organic phase in extraction of uranium with organophosphorus reagonts.11 CZECH03LO"KIA KUCA Institute of nuclear Research, Czechoslovak Academy of 3clences, Prague-Rez Ozo2hQslovalc Che4jeal Prague, Collectiorl of catignse No 2s February 1967s PP 729-746 Distribution of di-n -butylphoiphcric acid between carbon tetrachloride and nitrate"or perchlorate solxi- tiors of ionic strength 1 and 6. K1jTCA i , 1% Co.,-mItr.,x--nt!3 of rrotorlsto of the "r,-,sov ragio:,. r~ - 13' 3 o!-,.r ,.tctJvity fron the 'ritp of Ue Czech Limil." t). i.,3. .0 Praha Vol. no. 5, !'%r. P,55 SO: "onthly Li.,it of T-,',ast Eijro-eari Acces:iiorj, LG, Vol. J,, no. 10 E .1 1955, Uncl. S/013i/63/000/003/031/036 D144/B166 AlYPHOR5 Bergert Vladimir, (;ejpl Josef, Ku~a, miloslay T17LF: Weather resistance of Czechoslovakian plywood Clues under tropical conditions PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mimiya, no. 3. 1963, 604, abstvact 3T161 (Drevo, v. 16, no. 11 -, 1961, 335-356 LCzech; nummarion in flusa. and Ger.0 TEXT: Results are given which wore obtained in a 5-year test of plywood saml-les bonded with. urca (UA) and phenol (PA) a(jhaqivea, carried out in ,liet 11a.-a (moint tropical climato). The oampleq wore exposed both pro*.ectefl fro-m the direct effect of atin and rain, and unprotected. In firnt caact the UA plywood samplet, filled with wood flour) had come, completely unglued by the end of the, period; the UA qaMples without filler retained only-,/30% of their orJrin,,tl at rongt h, without protection thQy had already come unglued after 3 12 montho' exposition. FA ply%~;oods aftor 5 yearal expooitior, (protooted) lost 6 - 20,~. of their original strength; without protection 70;',- Such a reduction in strength Card 1/2, 'M -1?171'1-~:~--I- MV~ V7 ZZ W 'X -M -MAk" Z!A le)/001/63/000/GO3/031/036 resistance of B144/B186 i:; duc,howover, mainly to the wood, and to a considerably lesser extent to the glae: not a single cane of unglucing wao aboerved in these samplea. The conclusion is drawn that for countries with fnoist tropical climate the plyrood should be bonded with FA; tho export of UA plywoodo into ,uch countrico aannot be recommended. U11botracter's note: Complate t,-Un Glat ion.' IACAVI, M.; KUCAIJ, B. A note on the synthesis of 2., 7-dibenzoYI-4,5-benztropone. Croat ohem acts, 35 vo.2sl4l-142 163. 1. Laboratory of Organic Chemistry and Technology, iaculty of Technologyj University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia. .31 MILETICP B.; DIRIIC-,---m.-, Ll Effect of ionizing radiationg on the metaboliBm of nuclaic a Eacherichia coll. Voj.W.pregl. 18 no.23143-147 F '61. 1. Institut OBuder Bookoyio! u Zagrobut Radiolooki odjal. ZSCHMICHIA COLI mdiation off) CI= ACIDS metab) M KUCAN Z ; RRETIGO B.1 DRAKULICl M.; ZAJEG# Lj. inhibition of protein biooynthesiot and biosyntbaoio of desox7ribonualsic acid Bul so Youg 7 no.1/2:13 F-Ap 162. 1. Institut OR. Bookovic,n Zagreb* Its effect on the after X-ray irradiation, - - -------- - ____ ____ - - __ - ____ _KUCANj Zeljko; MILETIC, Branimir; ZAJEC, Ljerka Degradation of bacterial desoxyribonuoloic acid b7 the irradiation with x-rays. V'ojnosanit. pzegl. 18 no.10i$47-850 0 161. 1. Inatitut,*%der Bookovic" u Zagrebug Radioloaki odjel. (DESOXMIBONUCLEIC ACID ahem) (RADIATION ZFMTS) (BACTERIA chem) T,!*-'o.-'-,i,,;l , Friinjc. , -- '! 1, 1 to I I it to, ;it fin t. ,.-t o,orcu- i, ro t,u b~ rcu I (:,:i I r1 I I t,,' 8 t(% t, I V t, ! '" , - ; , dlupiri!iary annual reportu r(!ully meanlrigful'., Tuberkulo~m 1~. rl().-1:49-"'L .',a-F 164. 1. Antitubur~,zlozn' clispanzer, Osijek (Saf: dr. !Ierrlra Morot). Importance of the accounting technique in construction, p. 15, TMIKA, (Ministria Industri-Miniera dhe Ndertim-Komunikacion) Tirane, Vol. 3, No. 2, Mar./Apr. 1956 a)URCE: East European Accessions Lisg,, (EKAL) Library of Congress, Vol. Aj, No. 12) Decamber 195 KRAGn's, 16j MILIGUIP Z~j ERABECS, V,j VEJSp M.1 H.LSTALKA, AAj )[UeAMNAS, T. - . v " . . . .155, Chekboal fin.shurnal 13 w.109-83 163. I~Par. Of Sol 1. ustay jadernsho 1. kiUml Cookoo3,ovenska akademis ved, Rose 2o On le&Te fxr",Cmu U"d Arab Republic (for Miligui). - 1 -,,.I -- -- -1 1 'C,~4 f4p ~5- 4=14Vr- Yul",-L-P- J. "Artificial Inseaimttors in tho Control of disease in calttle." Vet: Glasnil, 4 ND. 1, 1-14, 1950 '1101-0, k IMP: I- --, '' Ku . 1: ": 11 ,i1 . -------- Technolo ical plan f or forge f:h:)Ts an,! prr.-:3 -- -). .1, a i~:'inizjterstw) Vol. . /~, ti,j. 6, jUn,? 1956. ".ast Wro-Ican Accesni-I-no List, Vol. 5, no. .'), 5eptember 1956 A. MecharAzAtiOn ~f hardening pr=13SW3. P. 22. (STtROJIMENSKA VYROPA) (-traha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 6, n~,. 1, Jan. 1958 11 3,3: Monthly Indox of East Europ-3an Accossion (E-J"kV, IC Vol. 7. 11). 5, 1958 KUCERA, A., Inz. . Main trends of further development Of optics and fine mechanics. Jemna mech oPt 9 no. 111 Ja 164. , ;~--j ~ - 1; ~-~ , , 5c-~ , m KUGMA. A. Difference of density of normal and basophilic erythrocytes. Cas. lekoceek. 90 no*3:76-79 19 Jan 51. (CIJ4L 2036 ) 1, Of the Institute of Physiology (Read-Prof.Vladislav Kruts.9.110 of the Medical ftculty of Charles University, Branch In Hradec Xra, love, f-I ~A 0~ .w'llVpkz~-sf;l--Ml% KUC31RA, Antonin. KUDr (Marlans,ke Lague Indications for organisn'tIon of ambulatory care* Act& chir orthop, Cs 21 no.2137-58 AP '54. (AML 3: 8) (OUTPATI]INT SJMYICS. *in orthopediax) , (ORTHMICS, . #outpatient eeryJ BATEK, F.; MCM, A.; VJGXROVA, V.; MINUM, L. Role of the spleen In interoceptive conditioned blood picture changes In rabbit. Cook. fysiol. 7 no.5:429-430 Sept 58- 1. Fysiologicky ustav u Ustav organisace zdrynotnictvi lek. fak. FU, Olo- mouc. (BLOOD CELTS, count. off. of oplenectomW on conditioned cbanges in rabbits (08)) (MVLAX, CONDITIONED, conditioned blood catmt changes in splenectomised rabbite(Cs)) (SPLMW, off. of exals* on conditioned blood count changes in rabbits (Gs)) RATEK, I.; KUCIM, A.,- KUCIIROVA, V.-I HINARIK, L. Effect of ardenaleotooV on the course of Interoceptive white and red blood picture changes in rabbits. Cook. fysiol. 7 no.5:431-432 sept 58. 1. Ifysiologicky ustav a Ustav organisace sdravotnictvi Like fak. PU, 01o. mouce (LIKOOM CMT, off. of adrenalectory on interoceptive chaN,,es in rabbits (Cs)) (BRYTHRO07MO count, off. of adrenalectomy on interoceptive changes In rabbits (Gs)) (AM18RAIMTOHY, off. on Interoooptive erythrocyte & leukocyte comt in rabbits (Cs)) KWMAO ALES. ed. Navo0y ke avicenim x prakticke fysiologiet Zpracoveli Frantieek Batek (St aL 1. vyd.) Praham CpchoslavakLaa Statni, pedagogLcke nakl.,. 1959. 225p. Monthly Ust of last Impean Accessions (MLI), U;,, Vol, 9,0 no* 2, Feb, 1960o Uncle KUCJMA., A.*.BATZK, F.;MINA-RIK, L;KUGXR0VA- V- on the effsot of pentemethonium on the course interoceptive changes of white and red blood pictures in rabbits. Cook. fyolol. 8 no.51 418-419 8 159 1, I~siologicky ustav a Ustav orpnIsace sdravotniotvi Lek. fak. FU' Olomouc. (KMONIUM COMPOUNES pharracol.) ARYTHROOTTI COUNT pharmaool.) KOGITS COUNT, pharmacol.) M IUCARA, A, IBAM9 1,;NINARIK# L.;KUGXROU, V, 2ffoot of the pituitary on the 4ynamlox of changes In white blood ploture. Cook. fYviol. 8 no.5:419-420 S 139 1. Pyetologloky ustay a Ustay orguinleace sdravotnistyl Iek. fak. PU, Olowuo. IWKOGTTE COUNT) HDOPHISJCTOKY off.) ~ lea; LUZA,,Jiri ale offeCt of )IISLnMI-re f1i the Vf t,".C 11-1,-_':C.C~-tes r-fter 1mikopLerests. Sbl~ni. vorl. 1:-..rlov. 7 523-529 164. Mo-~:)Uc (pro &,c. A. CZECROJI10VAKIA _KUCZU,-~ STEIGLOVA, J., LUZA, J; Physiological institute, Modical Faculty, Palacky Univorsity (Pyniologicky Ustav Lek, Fak. PU), Olomouc. 'lAnalysis of Inspiration Reflexes Caused by A,:echanical Stinulat,o-., in Pentothalic Apnaic Pause.11 Prague, Ceskoslovenska ?ysiologie, Vol 15, No 2, Fob 66, ?1, Abstract; Thiopentalum solubile is a hypnotic with a strong inItIal ffoct and in used in 3urrrory nnd obstetrics when Mulc7f) relaxation to not required. An initial dose oV 1.2 cc of a 5',-' solution per kg of body weight causes apnoea. Durin4 this otate every mechanical excitation of the brenst causes a breath intsko and expiration. Intravenous administration of thioponthal to a rabbit causes an expiration apneic pause. Imposed breathing peniijits even when subcutaneous apDlication of procaine is ra-.JA e . The resection of nervus vagus does not stop the occurrence of imposed breathing in an apnoic pause. The origin of this reflax action Is discussed. 2 Westorn references. Submitted at the "16 Days of Physiology" at Kosice, 29 Sep 65- 1/1 KUCERA Alois Nov cemented carbides in practice-. Stroj Yyr,3.1 no.2t76 F 163., 1. Zavodprvid potiletky, n.p... Sumperk. Category : CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Oiptics - X-rays K-8 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika., No 11 1057 No 2570 Author : Kucera B. -Us'-'- pica -in New Methods of X-Ray Diagnosis Title e ofl-Op Orig Pub Jenba mech. a opt., 1956, 1, No 1, 18-20 .Abstract Description of indirect skiagraphy methods and of the corresponding Instru- ments. Card Nucers, E. Present trends in the production of artificial fertilizers and plant insecticides in the USSR. P. 97. Vol. 5# no. 3, Mar. 1955. CMMCKr PRUKrSL SOs Monthly List of East European Accessiont (EUL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9p Sept. 1955, Unol. BLIXTA, Ke; IMWL,J,l IMBRA, I.; GJUNIX;OVA, Jo Role of nutrition In the prevention of pregnancy complioationg, Ceskegyno 25(391 U066SI81-185 19600' le IleffneporAlin, IU Y Pmso# prednosta profodr, So* Je Lukas, (PEKMMY nutrition & diets) ZMTA, X*; MWL$ Je; KWARA# Z*: GJURMOVA. Jirina PreventiTe affect of nutrition on late geBtosis. 25 1391 no,'3:19&202 196o; 1. ll.gynporAllu, XU v Praia, Dr.Sc. Josef Lukas. (PRBGUNY TOMIAS nutrition & diets.) LUKASHO I. [La*ao Jojp*dW# Prof*; JRWWW"o [Kuoera,, 3.1; DIMHp I.P[Divisp ITS) Treatment of bf3ams follicular tumors of the uterine adnwme by means of puncturse Jkusbei gin, no,lt77-M 162, (KMA 15tll) 1. rx 2-7 akuahersko-ginakologichookoy kliniki (ZaTo - profs d-r lolukaoh) pri Univerpitate v Frage, (UTERUS-TUMORS) TACILU, R. , doo. 1 _XUCBRA p F,-. Baaa.1 temperature in the climacteric. Cook. gyn. 27[411 no.4s269- 271 My 162. 1. Paychint. loo. v Bohnicich, reditel MUDr. K. Dobiosk IL por gyn, klins KU v Prasep prednopta prof* Mr. J.Lukas DrSc. (BODY TLWEMTUAE physiol) (CLIMACTZRIC phylgioli C44(M(;4LQVALIA 17,AUMEH. 01 UALIMO, Ol kMVP406 IL Instituto of ftyaladlowdstryg Osedmalovsk AoadmW of salowo*,p men - (ter all) prog"'s ,Qnglis omblilmkakal" I go Is Ady 19668 so 2629-2630 *c6loulatles of Uw moo tranaftr GoorrIolents by moo" of a WASIN el"t " or powmAld obromtogiafte ftr% 2v Varlanee sknd asymetri of the chime tide ou"" in the 37$t~ 04*M dlOXIA~--Qtlvst*d dwroo"s CZECHOSWVAKIA KUCERAt go I NIKOLAJENKO, V. Institute for Physical Chemistryp Czachoolovski-n Acad"W of Sciences (Institut fUr physikalische Chemis, Tschachoslavakisch* Akademie der Wissenschaften)t Prague (for both) Prague, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications# No 2v Feb 1966p pp 399-405 *Research on the products of the decoulvaition of mixed oxalatoa of nickel and sink in a vacuume" . FT -~ i, p 7 1 ...U!-r .1 I . f)ltl~lz 171"C1 I'l, ~fj-j . io .~ . il-~',ina Nal'lonh I ~,n! ; 116: rt- r~ 0 is 0 0 o T-917 1 11, it it it SO is 14 11 03i -A II-1 4, IX 0, A 4 k 4 .1, of -40 so SOA iii 00 .00 06 el. batme 0 9"1 Ofeavetawas of the .0.0.WcIhe-tp .00 a ; i -60 OW low-ftempersh"t sale&. F.1". I.hint& 12, 144 X. 13; V. 171 1'--- .0410 190. U.;Lr,3-4 A. 06 it h4k Aml 1.00 ivelif0%. itit -4116 SOMWINS It Olhrf tv0s, adinisins oil itwill diliqlantri. XMII U fUillf. Olkla. (if InMI 101164-11 Will fllh~t UM~f I* incremaw Hit bakins prop"I"A th-1.6"s al. 1111,11- It-lm goal sow J1 Woe gee Noll NOW " LA- i it t-c- u iA As to Is to 4 ma s In IF 0 0 a 0 I " p 0 let 0 -0 ~09 4 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 a 00 j0 0 o o o 4 0 0,, I -0 0 40 0 410 0 SAW LR!- J_i It it w F I -LA- A-A A-1-L A.. t- 00 #004019#1 AMIS "Cort"It -Oda 00 00 1W. IM== Of COKM TIN AND TDWMTVPS OW U_-W OF CM. 0011 N. (RarrAdW Testalk, 19"s "I. 23p Z33-238, and CammAd4 Coia Res. Inot. Pr"p 19460 vd. 49 279-190). goo 00 00 4TALLIPINCICAL U114ATIMMI CLASUPICAIMN mum 7 71 told" it a"* 40C b u b LP 9 4 a a 4 It .00 .00 -00 .00 "of -40 .00 woo see Ago goo goo Soo moo boo 0 97"s 0 0 0 0,00 0# 004 so r eog *0 5! 0*0 11; *04 00. 004 ot if 06 f 0 00*0000000 0o-" a IS 9 - Is v a a 0 M 0 a 1 0 A-A- I 14016146 owe Al W A; IMMONOWNSO-DAwlipap e Diasrans, a. Anne I Iwo ICAam Udy, 1141, 84 91444; CAm. &a&., 1041. .,7 If 1), 491 1943 17 43N).-ro appuWas conswU of s pA&n. rl* owl 6 rairww"W ftl%1;;z With a Mod"W Aw. It W sell swthi MerAurifq OPMMOSM OW Hall-Wirp-80lomw X-rsy deoerrun". fie cunts 0" 1w awk "Sonalkwij with ek gulf" skit"Ortif. am girm, et o 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 u- AN A flows 11101XVIA14)1V at 0 0 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 & 0 0 * 0 4.00 AJ -09 :00 .00 moo 2*0 400 Soo so# moo No* moo moo 400 moo 00 moo moo Noel A IRA ILA- 3 d 904 1 M."Ot f% PDOC16616 0,*4 0900101,14 RW#W 00 "go, CORIMC? TWVATUR9 MBOWNTS WIN TUMMOUPM, '00 "i Rucorat S. (Cbmicky Obsorp 1942, 217-Int 130-142t w0 "Oommoic. 090 - Cia Res. Inst.p Prajoes 1948# vvl. 4,, 200-235)o go In notes on the choice of thermocouples am the pug* of the Wire a the author discusses various. offors due to- boat conduction tbrovo the wi"s and their resistance. Formillse art gi"n for the ftleala- tion of these errors together with tables and graphs to facilitate the calculation. The proposed standardisation of thermocouples is o ticised. (L). rl goo, too , fto ' 4- ago Z i;AL 1~~;A& LIMAIM CUUMMON an 'PI 41 *no ~~- ' i Z7 0 3, 1 0--A. n l e Is -h L-4 fi .-A-1-& L U." A- 1 16 $A lit 00-A *#Otol The de"Misadau 41 reactivity W Cabo awl )cowl X111m (0644V jorip TIA'd ASIMP). FOJWJS"-; 26. N41,12 3. 17 '.'1094M Nfril"1% (&W tilln. Of tIWjrArtIVItV 44 IM41 1 tiel'Indoa(hrrei&timbctvmnebrierngi.of the 0at-. ".1 With A effrual nd 0 ¬ the temp. got the I .11um are conputd. An intiortw"I torinvenri 00 '1 app. (cf. C.A. 16. M%21) ii rectionint 'Idirox few wwtal "Mathit, amw .4111lk. %lishol 0 or 00 .3 11 the Irwing or saturation (if "frec ir-alrucort." 00 u 0 0 0 no ON 'm on 'RO 0 0 0 IS O's 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 1-t- a 0-4 00 -00 F'sfumd vy-1xii-11T- Veto ONCII 000 wrl in can - -00 oiling one. .00 of Krru- uIrd. M .00 inows"I 6*0 too goo see 400 00 0 goo WOO F I too 0 am any at; I IF - a so "a to to 000 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 A 9 4338. WrrXT OF IMMANIC ADDITIV4 ON 'R~CilVlTY CT COKE. !Axak, D. B. 0 KUW Voda, 1946, & 49-551 'go A.04. and Klim, J. a Chem. Abstr., 1947, AL# 5704). Is Coke aftmplox were. prepared In a laboratory retort b) urine, various okIng conditlano, coml lilends, and itineral a0ditlyne, 01g., FD,O 00 Is i COLO a mum, or Y:10103 and Ca(01021 MASnut"", NA ""CO), "'bgftsf 09 01! *0 magnooite. Ahe r victivity or the coke wRa mopicured Uy at! Initial 0: tomporaturo of ro-iction vith 0, observed In a modifitA Kroulen a,rarsitusv i-** Moro-ective ooke,wb*produced by lower coking tempe;Ature and r4r* rarld 00 cokingi lese-4ctivo a4e, by usine coal blends of htuhi:r trulk donsity and by longer maturing -time. Mineral additives vary in their of recta on the reactivity, and mixtures of mineral- substAnces do not follow 4 -lie triiiiinp law. Very coarse grain and very flnu grnln mineral nldi- tivas dooreave the reactivity; coarser rrmin of' tLe rAncral ma ilLivv ago IncroArst, the initia.1 temperature, on Uiv othor hAnd. Low-ash conj y1olds coke of higher renctivity. tie* 416 k. of., ~.*.K At tiffoalw4! ctist0wifla" tj A i WOO U a An a 1 0 ji U 43 1 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 ~90 0 0 oie 0 0 0 0 goo Sio 0 q 0 * o 0 :19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 t I - t -2, ff-q-0-v "If -W w a a IF :o0 o,*- ~A I -L~ a Ad j IL a N -2 A-1I I $I. "f imp 4kovill 400 a 00 A *0 IC 004 Cit, 004 0 *0 ZO 0 0 0 - xp IF a, w N 31 v n a0 41 40, at 0 to -IL, h iL-,L - L-a --t .1. losses" of mumm &dadome is 64 N"ty of eske &A. J~w ~P;~7 a 0.4 26. XI-3(1914i). Ckinfif wit be Inemood am the fusion cum Improv "WAY by vidda. of solid Ingredients to the cvJ before caking; the solids alwit" rinidin hiii-41M In the emi subsumm and 11- PmetirallY Win ln&wmv an the twoprnks al lbe c4s. A. N14ow4n c4g4lurv a L a841AMOPOKAL WINATLAN CLASSIFICATIGO flow I"'.01 Qv do. b u u AV 00 dompop;x mail% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 9 * 9 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 a q a o a q 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 # 12.- 63. A si,ssi *w o.. tsi 0 9 0 0 0 0 -00 .041 .00 -00 -00 *00 moo goo 0*0 SOO goo go* Woo lose see see so 0 0 & 0 0 A A 4 It LA L M 0 4 v is P a o or a a *A* It PA 4 69 -11 1 f f A %. A 6 .9 &--a relffs -A.b It..1.1!.t US asalog sweeptiblilty of the emboosats" pgod scls of cod. R4uwd X%k 14forky v a. M (09aw wo of hum ubb, pmtwr.--AM d soofs a. No. 9/10, 121.7 (t"G).-Tbe a4init test for coal. ocftdtKIed In a dosble crucible designed at the Coal Itestafth Station In Wague. 1*0 Is m pealed by cracUM of the carbonization podurt., with the is" that dw sddal. sabots frowsin in The cm. .00 ribis Sim$ tbe WW wt. of the coke to puter than wIw% 4 .046 siolle crucible Is WW. e.g.. of the Gannaft standmi tyl*. 0 '"oe diderows In wt. of the &A# In The 9 into. rjj*es*,j as a Pole. tage of the wt. of the Coke in the fir'.1 test. ndw with the &p (dwa of ewboollication) of the coat. & 0 -3, ra carboncoom malfw In relativvir young nab memo 00 0i to be lass, Mabla NA Sim woov vamille prntlucts than AM of the 9" coslo. It hu ben Previously Anne by 00 0 otboor Investigators that tb* devve, of carbonlilestion of of* 0 cow h by addition. lionvits, coking leas coo 't ms& by this astbor wftb awsples of coal before ww aftr O"UM for w b". at job. convisdasir p ove that 021,14. Soo flon of yowr4 Coals does W mrsot a cwTvo,* In volatile matter lad. on l1w vantmm. on Increase. It. C. M. ISO# 400 ISO* be* I. SL A affAltU0161CS1, 11114111W CtAISIVICATOOM 000 too U 5 .0 ".1' 10 " p 19 4v 0 Of a a 0 a q n At 64 Mw I ;L4 '41 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~!: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 ill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 *1 0 6 a 0 a 0 0 & 0 * 0 0 0 1 1PIt sea t. j f;'U C a. 4,qk C-# o T o 0* a Ms c;. (Faliva a U.04. COKE MURCH IN CUCHOSLOVAKIA. 00 Vedas 19461 Gas Ind, 28 Sept, 1946, " 349). 00 Vo 00 T", Using a slight'soWication of the Kroulon method the author 44 investigated the offset on the rcactivity or coke of aineral addi- 00 tions, time and tm"rature of. coking, and coke vtorago at room 0 0 tompnrititre. Carbonisation at higher temperatures gave a loss reac- Fee Of tive cokes and the most satisfactory mixture to add war 3% wood 0-3 charcoal r1us 1% of a lil mixters, of slaked lima and iron or*. Tito a-VItion. of substances to the coal has a deleterious affect 1? .00 on alinkering, 0 JUL ! . i -4- - Too 0 - too 4ftV #It w I It 'A 10 1A 1A I so 9 a 0 ~ 0 96 : a s 0 KLO IP pp 0 a 6 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 * : : : 0 i 0 00 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4j, 0 IS #0 0 00 00 oo-*oooo*ooeooooooooo0.00004~,i THE GIRACE OF ORI FUR TH CS ES KUSS:p. Zpravy Ustayu Vedeak'T Vyskm Vall (PraMgwU)%19V4MS, i35--fi(In inglish),-The fOU09W lengths and dians., reap., ara sultoblo for thermocouples of various cooVs.1 Ag vs. constantan or Cu vs. constanten 0.5 a., 1.0-2.0 km.l longer, 319-.1 NI-Zr vs. neta-M-n or Fe vs. constatan leas than 0.5 me$ 1#0-195 ma.-I-Mys, NI-Cr up to 0.1 ~*.j 2 SM.1 Pt vs. "t-Rh-# 095-046 mm. J~L# invediate source CIAPPIM Dpo so** *14 ***of****# A- *0 4 1 lot, left; I %e !#F !!! f- ool, "93. OM Of QUOTION CW HIEW 10 CALMMUS. Ku~jp~, Z. #0 Communic. Coal Res. Just.# hvosp j9ASj vol. 4g 257-260).* # t oduo" by friction by a stirrer illustrated, Is Woo- a r Utod from J* enatly mossured power sonsumption, and amounts to about 76 o&1. por hour. The overall error amounts In the most uv,- 0101 favourbble cast to about 0.6 oal. and does not therefore modify *0 practical results. If absolutely samsUat revolutions are required 000 It to re4ommandod to ww a motor vith a short-circuited armature. 4 7 *so 14146 .00 goo goo fto, woo woo 5 U- is Aw~ to is U, ;F. 1, 8 0 a I V a 9 a I I I is o 0 0 -.1r. -3~ E. .z Note on 13111ing in tnmbustlo rjlnetlx~ nAllo IL Zprdpy Vilapto Videcky J~f:kq,,, I T I Wra glic) I VW,`-.Nr(rff E1191.41).-Sevrral somees of error are enumegated, such he heat produced by friction tind variation b) r.p.m. fill,! to lint yatuition or to motor convtructjqm,'.A- dm%vial Kivenof the propelleruied 'with-61cus. Theheatpro. tiucedl)yfri,-tionisceirrecteLliiiaLlAnkcxpt. Linevaria. tions are tfiminzted by use of a motor %ith short -circu it td A 004 000 003 000 000 006 000 go. a fl. 4 a a Pit 1 -1 -W I fie 'Loa it CA at a n sep w of. 1610191141111 11319AP011111" WIS'.6 q9! " * ik.) ,*1 Ail. p.-J, Alm Ili I,- -TV s- I., lds, 4.1 ift,tw,l Alt. P. .6 SM11. P. Ail" p-4116A v '14-11sull U41)d zrl. 4 1 V)v I StAll. ""Majoswam asta "-p strimUm Aq illswop son "I lk coo Cb 0 ~~t4 it rile. 406.4 ~ki '14. ISO fr r-P I I is A - ]III it m It Off fly; ITI, of 11 #1 see go * 0 6-0 KET . , q&%T - - M44. ~M R -W W- ~Ap' 0 0 * 0 46 *1* 1 11- r- it 01 OW till 1#* J* a TAS 14 UU-011,169 SJOASM 443 11-411go 0 9 1 A MI I K L a V IF -A t 1 0 is A ]k -L -k C- A A-AL It--# 00 A 09 00 LO a- 09 holtreved laboratory Carbonized" led. it. o. simek and Ig. Kukra. gordry Cam v"aby Vftkwm U'W1 0e 19W. MWWtM sIM).-Tbe app. it dtwitwd. Tlw - 00 6111 yWcbw-&bftdw 9~ was Used with adds. and vwdi- ificuticus. The op - p st a data, A chagr of IM-lao 1. "at is Pkcqd'1s.%-A?R1'. WhiCk OF IS11% 00 a ~;j lead Wide a Steel retort wW At bk3rk. This blmk is rated with 0 burverv. The temp. of The mal citup is measured dkwdy with NI-NiCr tivermamupless in. 00 ed into the coal. TIM ditto. products in vapir forus 809 astort (1) a Wsliabt4l and wairs 09 31 candeaw with a suailard tape covit vadvatcd in ml.. 0* 0 (8) a flog and water tratto and (4) a h m I C trap. N4m- 4*0 led hide a Ps homer, stated Mess. con6astablit pato we see *0 Wolf. and anfil"ed. lfftwy4w coodwasto is Zirprod. catly bftud to 160 ^ 21 at mesmrrd with thrrmomotpin too tow In the block. lisf k removed by passing the vapnes Moo so through a chy-504hWaing notes. R 11 1 mowurr Is inuoved with CaLlit. For wpl. cmdentable from tux,. Tb*Dm.- 9t0 condensable cornpoomto on posard into a su bolder. The trap it psdually brought to ram temp. The auk goo becuse fractions runin in dw trap *but C(h and c 11 goo mock* into a ps bolder and we detd. tbert. Two wt~' &PP. We Mu dorallsomovaly. Good t wu ob- goo, talood on % undcolm. beary tat. 4 rtt:..d .dr see bessaw. fair on tocal water. and pow an pirou cam Patients. ISO 0 ;. to4tru we 4OtALkY84KAL 1.111RATION1 CLAWIFICATICII =vi- a PW 0 0 a "I Iff 01 9 a 4 2 2 u AV 10 11 ' f 0 IF K u a it it Kin a I 0 0 9 0 0 * 0 * 0 *1* 0 0 9099 1,08 : 0 *010 0 : : * 000 0 0 0 0 0 A-OL" lk-qLo 0 *Goo* 7X.*, -'. "W" prod"t, he Im selts, Oves. BftjhlAV m wo nobumir TeJukkf (C21 coking tem -8-41 CUT" -1 in an ALPP- m ffIWS the kwMtkM And the PrWrl* a' the fu4ua uvq , and to low* axle Its Order to IfflItAte the Coking ploce Ibc ~~rsc of Volatile . ucto in the coke oven. 5avell Samples of cacciluskmac amb grat Lavestipted lrtivm~twlobigbvobtilitybittimiamscesh. ltwa=sl that caurc 160 76#* Ol vaktik products awye teowd The bet oven wVm. &I=gb in the 4x" of higis-volatik cod nearly 47% of tbg get Od" psaw towwds the coltict Centel of tho Cho irz N.. . '"bles mach as coking leimp.. bulk d. x1he Ch.& md tw tamp. of UK Collecting otwr were at=. jarmes L. Jr K"cr,,?A, E. 11stanislav Landa and Rudolf Riedl's 1!t21U and diav oboru palvi. Dil ,m v T (Tatles and Diarams on Fbels. Vol. 1); A rOOK review." P--318 (Chemicky Prunwal) Vol. 7, no. 6. June 1957 Pragua, Czechoslovakia SC: 'Monthly Index of East Euroj-.ean Aceessions (EFAI) IL. Vol. 7, no.4, April 1958 CZECHOSLOVAYM/Chenical Tochnology. Chemical Products and Their Application. Electrochemical ManufacturinC; Electrodeposition. Chemical Sources of Electric Current. H-12 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khin., No 13, 1958, 43965- Author Mccra-FAuard. Inst Title Prospects of Providing a Supply of Direct Current for the LarGe Electrolysis Installations. Oria Pub: Chem. pxw4al, 1957, 7, No 10, 54o-543- ,"tbstract: A review of the sources of direct current and of their economic characteristics from the Mndpoint of suitability for supplying current to electro- lysers. Card : 1/1 13 KUCERA, B.; IMMEM. 4~~ TEUNOILOY periodical ca=,uKY FRUMYSL. Vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 1958. hUCEIMO L.; PATEK, K. The chmical industry ten years after the Victoriojs February. p. 57. Monthly List of East Furopean Accesaions (EEAI) LCp Vol. 80 no. 3, March, 1959- Uncl- acu-iij, b TEC,I,'I,v'LCGY Periodical G"U'lICKY KRIMY,,L. Vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 1958. hUCERA, E. A national conference on tha planning and building of net. cher-dcal plants. p. 87. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1959. Uncl. KUCEIU, E. TECHNOLOGY Periodical C;iEIICKY IIWWYSL. Vol. 8, no. 2, Fcb. 195~-. EUCERAp E. Tabulky a dlarr2i2z z oboru paliv; dil 11 (Tables and Diagrams on Fuels. Pt. 2); a b review. p. 94. Monthly List of East Lurcpean Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3, 1,:arch, 1959. Uncl. phydewled" and macka" palmrd" of UO palymalk tnatsti&w. V. Kocisis a spilk, raw.. CV4 ---W3m)VW 19W.J.1w I he I UnKor c wa, studf;~ of the A Of Olwksa ft"Ativity (K) of poljmm~ __ III _&j1 me I h 1j, arid pc%besuyl zmethanylaii ~ a comst. dthrumations W wve fm and almu tGamrsfy the to. cwTW out at 22'. For I (U) the -Iqu n a function of twtlmt) for w 972-MZ k ./mq. em, (83.2-140,7). The rdative chante Of x In % E) =a be expressed " # - k(In 8) - j (k and beinVuPctInsolotUvOuesof andirbelacalcf.forl and in th tud rozge of r. The qualit (D) of 1 (11) Is defined as D" - ( 10-4(ctu.-IT, wbem P, - 0/4. tin Change of V Alh,%UM Plotted lot Ta1kAU ff. the bt- value at D for 1 (0) being found U. 1 (3 4-1 0). X-ray dia, gram of H In tin thafled and unchafged olAt thawW smorpbow Ptnictures. 9bCVAIW- A.- i_ 4~ - (~:, f - A- " _/ jL_ ,;;li:O,_,,Ja:m, V. no acadomde degree indicated for nh ical ch,=dstry, Czechoslovak Alcade7v, of Sciences (Institut fur Y__ pl-qsik.31ischo Tschcchoslo-,-rakischo Alcad=ic der '-,;is~;cnschafttf~n), Pra~:ao Pra,,rao, Colloction of Czechoslovak Chemical Co-.. 'IL ications, vol 27, '-~o 10, Oe. 62, pp 2326-2335. l'_'Stu,V., of tho Size of Partieles of Votallic liic,~ol and lh-nesitLI O>dde :Ln LL-ced Cataly-_ero of lli-L~Oll C-o-authors: samo as above WIZIS, V. BOSACEKj V.1 POLAK$ R.; KUCERAt E.1 DARES, V. Surface and structural properties of Aluminum oxide after Its tx9atment by halogensand Alilminumtetrafluoborate. Coll Cz Chem 27 no,UM75-2585 N 162. 1. Institut fur phyeikalische Chemie, Tschechoslowakis6e kka~ demis der Viesenschaften,.Prag. ri R.113 W.' Ei i , 0. ; ;JiCFlG%, E. - -- Countercurrgnt, grafs-liquid chrcAmtography. Coll Cz Chem 29 no.3: 722-729 M.- 164. 1. Institute of PhysIcal Chemistry, Czechosloink Academy of Srlericeo, Prfigue. KU 'JAIA ,E. ; GR;)BNF.h, 0. Cant.ribution to the theory ot nrjn-Id-!fiLI ssvpara-Avr. prz,,cesses asing a one-ilmensional model or separatInn vo.a:xj. C.Al rz chom 29 no.8.- 1782-~L789 Ig 164. 1. Ing'Atute cf Phy3icaA Chemistry, And-~m.v ~~f ScI.fjn,-c3, Prague. KUCERA, Evzen Epoxy resins for space photoolastometry. Chem. prum 11, no.9t483-485 S '164. 1, Institute of Theoretioal and Applied Mechanics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciencess Prague, KUGEM, F. Water supply and sewerage in Slovakia. P. 202, (Voda) Vol. 36, no, 8# 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EFAI) vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 " 4!.~t7-TUR., "P 'UT~R- ~~'rfWe-wl X Ti CZECHOSLOVAKIA Farm Animals, Hogs Q-4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7189 Author : Frant Kuclera,-.- t : No Ins Title : Hog Breeding in Great Britain. Orig Pub: Nas chov. 1957, No 12, 335-336 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 22 MERA, Evzon -, -- Hqr(lt-,,i-'ng epoxy compounds for snnce plitoel.,istom'.31try. C~,Cm Firtun 15 no.1:35 Ja 165. 1. Inititiite of Rnildirt, -,f the Czuch Higher rX 1,-,chrioloa, Frague. OBOLSODE, Ja, dr., inz.; HOMOIA, Fe, inz,; OCERA F. inz.; FAVLIGLK, Z. ) -j-.'iiihaik; inz.; KUBREC, R., inz.; CAhEija-, 0 inz.; JM, J*, dr., inz.; KRAL., V., inz.; POSPISIL., J.., inz.; DOTARZATO It., prof*, dr*, Liz.; ZEWp V1.1 inz.; LIIAPOUCH, B. inz.j SVAB, V., dr., ina.; LASKA, L., Inz.; JAHOUR, V., inz.; KOIWv F., inz. Development of power installations over a long period of time; o=mmry of reports made at the 7th Conference of Power engineers in Bratiolavaj September 6-8. 1960, Enorgetika Cz 11 nos3: Suppli Energetik-a 11 no.3LI-23 161. 1. Chlon korespondont Ceskoulovenake akademie ved (for Ovolsobe). Kucmkj .F. "Contribution to Planning and Establishing Norma for Losses of Sloctricity49 P. 338, (EMMMIKis Vol. 4* No. B. Aug..1954, Prahas Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European kocessions, (EUL), LCj, Vol. 3, No* 1294 Dec. 1954, Uncl.