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O-OV/68-59-5-6/25 Some Individual Regularities Characterising Coking Conditions in Industrial Ovens content to 8.0 - 8.5% which decreases the evolution of non-condensing gases in the cold charge and inoreases the density of the upper layers of the blend during levelling; b) a decrease in the under-roof temperature and slower coking rate; a) a decrease in the content of dust (below Card 4/4 0.2 mm) in the blend. There are 8 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIJkTION: Giprokoks STEPARMO 9 Mariya Aleksandrovna; BRON , Yakcrv Abramavich;,= --fitikolay-Aand,antinovich; LEYTNSp V.A.v; Lno", s.S.v-"-a,-J-z7a--va; ANDUTEVv S.P.,* [Production of pitcb coke] Proizvodstvo pekovogo koksa, -cliernoi i Kharlkovt Gos.naucbno-tekhn.izd-vo'lit-3W po tmtnoi meta-UurgL4rj-1961.-311 Ps (MIRA 14:7) '(Cbke industry-Equipment and supplies] .C 7 KULAKOV, N.K.; ZUBILIN, I.G. Heat losses to the surrounding medium in coke ovens of the PK-2K and PVR system. Koko i khim. no-4:21-26 f61. (Mt, 14:3) I* Giprokoks (Kulakov). 2. Khartkovskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy uglekhimicheskiy institut (for Zubinin). (Coal-Carbonization) (Heat-Transmission) TAYTS. YPJI., dnktor tekhn. 'nauk; SHUATS, S.A~p kand. tekhn. naukIdeceased)l PEYSAUZON., I.B,. inzh.; GELIFKR, M.L., i.nzh.-. DMITRIYTTKO. IM.T., inzh.,-, DORWAII, G.A., -Lnzh.-. TZRAELIT ', Ye,.M..~ inzh.~,K.AIAKQ_V, 1-1 ,K., inzh.-. KUSHIYANSKIY, B,.S.:, inzh.~ 14MKSON, L.V., imzh*'[deceasedI-,'LEONOV, A.S., inzh.,, SHVAkS G.A., inzh..-, SHVARTS4AN, I.Ya. inz~.-. YATSENIKO. N.Ya., ixiA.'~ BAbill. P.P., inzh.,, KHANIN, doktr)r tekhn, nauk.. prof., red.-, KOUREV, V.P., inzh., red., KUP&1-110, P.L, inzb., red.?, LGALOV, K.I... Jnzh.., red.i LEYTES~ V.A., inzh., red.z ~EIUJER, B.Z., inzh.,red,3 POTAPOV.. A.G.. Jxiih.. red.- SHELKOV, A,K., red. [By-,prodlict coke industry worker's handbook in six volumes] Spravochnik koksokhimika v shesti tomakh. Moskva.. Metal.- lurgiia. Vo_-1.2. 19105. 288 p. (MIRA 18:8) KULAk6Vj 9, 9j 0 -Vice-Ach (14ember ot t',je MilitAry Council of the Black Sea F100t) Author of articlep "The Immortal Traditions of Sevastopol'," honoring the 100th anniverst3ry of the defense of the city in the Crimean War. lovetskiy Flot, Moscow, 17 Cot 54 SO: SUM 291, 2 Dee 1954 KUYAM, A.T.; VINNIK, A,1,; KUIAKOV N-911f-- Control of the rotation direction of the hoist. Ugoll Ukr- 5 no.R 17-18 My 161. (MIRA 4:5) 1.r DodgiprougliBmash. (Hoisting machinery) (Automatic control) 0000011101041000 Ui N 3'd 5 36 0 H It 4 41 0 42 ST Of AV ..0 po il"fol Ito AND it" C-Oples Awl*" ..04. -&t2tiALS *999 so gas, 00 ISO 00, W" a" q" I POO C' of cWjv X *ad jo tm ump p *0 of :rAMI extu -ago" *JW -V -bv jo j(spmq& 0 so#- �Gmw 00 TNT -'173[P'--;$ Im WXMQUJII~ too A wiv.~Xumm. M-A D 00. so 0111 00, Iit rfe: Ito%, 6311410024 "1 MOIN41 Fj 00 .00.00 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 09*1. I IL --J-JL- -a 01 t-Y = .0 O of Co kv $I I , IM w l1 4alst lb 2 jlkj~ikt CLAW :99 19 ALft 0 % 1 Of,: :0 0 gem v u 11109k atawla" for p"t. A. Cs All 1 c th, 3 "1'-- imr_~ a by - "'t t 13. NO- ' t vn-- 11 CA PLI in% n o 0 g% .11171& yjwMily. 1'l re 0 wily, 3 .70 50 400 zoo tie* t** 09 it rt it 0 0 0 N, 0 0 0 0 0 4 is 00 0 o q 'A, A-AL so A OC, 00 go on 0 oof o im, ipipo so OOW V SALVJ Z, mmminspo- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 *1 FIFFS Oval$ Mit VU Wn Mu WO041 a 41 44 0, &~_ _1_ A ~ J-1.. 1. j. zo J, till A.D 01. 0 WWI =. f-00 of Ift OO. m *00 ~60 am %..,4% of RAO) by means .00 a" = tm~ "Wing = f= = .00 (f) wont "O 9w ; ad- bm& (a the woo =00 wo.wrid out with true liquW I with those obtained with coo roo vbid~w Of It" COO too abo" . " WOO m uwm v1sk; S. X ::O0 !S11.1LA *ITALLUROKAL LITEROURE CLASWKATON FA #11 L b u8 A, 10 L, a, ; In It ;Lv AS I 0 0 0 -4-i a 0 * 0 a : a : : : : *0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 : YA00 tsoo 1100 p 0 rw 0 1 9 14 5 A3 0 3 1 0--varl is 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 497 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 a I v it Ij a 4 00 06 g N* ti 09 .1 0 00 iol SO 00 0 00 * 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ti W 13 m 4 Ull Ida Mir UPON #1 It P X A A Ak 1% W Ct A 41 of At nee - .- - . L - V!~L 00 alpafka"tal study *I th4 velocity eaction of Xat -00 an mieving to tuboo. N. N;-Kulakov mW K. 1. Nam J. Tfck. PAys. (U. S. & R.) 9. 3% pcnsioo of ptst in HaO was 4hCUivd In a tube by a 3% . l U dil H SO Th .00 suspens oa m assm pmt i"IM , . .. c I shape of the betwftn both suMwnsions was detd. = -0 40 by mmm all 1 leg pwcd st volout ditionces (fum Sim side of the tube. in &a expia. It dif"vvi from the malsolic cwvt of wdinarv 6minatv flow. oil *0 -s L AattAtimKO LiTtlIalt,111 CLASLIPKATICI. U It AV .0 IS 0" 0' 1, ; at K 4 X 9 if a a it 9 v 0 0 e o 0 a 0 o o *Is a o a o 0, 0 0 0 0;0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 4r0 a 00 1190* tt*O be 0 a W 0 84 13 1 Ila 0 of 1 3 4 q of 0 o 0 40 Is 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 9 4 Ir & * 0 a 0 ego go o so so* 0 0o 0 I is It 1) 11 W Is 14 11 W "pilin Ann A A L A L-K-j. a Is P V I L-t-1 --- L-1, so Movemmitt at wd aiw let aW K. 1. SamarWa (NoU4W. 5k"., movement of post in &r, JVJW t"n chafiftel can 14 Me - 06.1 to bring the K1111villt chau~;V'l? its hydraulic cnasts. The val. of C i% fi,r that o(.11,0: i. Is 0 for 11,0 so a =umous c.rrr,luinditig with [measured in, capillaries. 0 811 channel. Lt.. the hydraulic radius, remains almost Const. j! I L A sl[TALI.OCK41. LITIRAIIA11 CLASSEFICA TION to 4.1 --It-- IF --, T K Ct ft it Of U U1, Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 IS 0 0 0 6 4 a 0 0 4 Mi7als;J611 U H Jd Is As V is 0 a AA 0 Cc W UI ' 4 bo& N. N. KulAkov and - - ' "The ,M~ MO, 6 OM (containing -4% cq mojij.) be expre"W by the equ;ttI(,n ;-so JIVC" AlWnj 1.1 tj0W. j thO tadiu*. suit CAnd I. Ato 41 -4 : peat %uspens6m* S-10 " 1 but has ~ wasurable. vAl. 1-r -00 the " virld %-4l." 4 vw~ity It tbe',Icj)th of liquid in the 0 is varied, the pr(Auct Rt. J. J. 11. zo 0 is 0 as -00 age --410 Los ties too - Ad i T Ili 0 Fr 'is 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 4 0 0 *00 sea 9 1 a it 9 ts M ts is it a all 210 ion 11WA1111410 doml -Mvisfifs *049 41 tn.- peat suspeations. M Peat lost.). M". Xavk-.r5S.XVdd; Tirkh. F /40. -VMV1AWAaiwi# Vyaskoiri distre. (to- OJU tn 1.04 cm.), coupled with Stakes (diffrfence -f I de f41tilditel i XAold. PNowtv (Ctj owtective Vii(Play %I tn , C14loidd) SAM 1 1 -0 1, 4030941) % I equolloll InVOVIA1 it I.V.11 Ili on first IWO at Ich III# Ascrud R4 O i f 00 . . j%_ I 7 t~t 1'. 111114!g Viscalinitters suitable (or Peat $us. ms & sulpvtts 4. o P b,,,met tl*tkvsbk), a 6 a."umed to be PrWOM110"W to gem Jon, s use capillary diam. from O~M to I MO cm 'POI M) 100 f Th U h ~J f. This method presu= laminarity of fhrw Ift fultes A hi IS font C1111- to e CAP !UY Mwt ss=p- s of 57 ctn. diam, at Ycloc ties of 70 cradw.: t wil is rearftrain 4400 cc. vol.; pressures ase up to 3W nun. tictn has been cmtested. Preliminary CIP14, With ftOMAII ~"c "'IrertiOn Of flow can be rcycrwd- It - -- = newtonian liquids den. anstr%tcl the ittratity at rc-Aults , that pclkt suspernim in water oodom to Sing. * obtained with the 3 methods. This docs not however W i1 bam s modd of a plastic-triscous body, the Waiting allear. h e of peals in water. WA foe suspensions of the tn inq sues% 0 and the Hingham Visicasity T being coast. and Inde t ct 1h nde din f th i ill Sli the results obtained by the ttwo methods are at least g '" th t b e iclis ont o n e cop ay. pe ppage e e ween compamblej there is a marked discrepancy along the wills of the espillary is tigible, In the caw bf and the results of the n'tthOd Of the ascendinF sphere. 000 ' glass tubes but is lignifimt In St ubes; the thickness pw1bility of using velocit- Oat reason is the IM of It%- ' Oed (At the pure water layer at the wall. vespontilik far the , cension sufficiently low to war-t application of Stokes - e '11 wa,% found to be of the order of 0.15 p. The N= laws. furthermore, the assumed proportionality between i sew between glass and steel 6 linked with a marked meter & j;d # is oaly rough. While the capillary vism difference In wetting, a% evidenced by dettis. a( the aillile " " ' pemits to &How for all necessary corrections- Including the of contact. -30 on glam, -77 W on sted. Withrisiag an tffed of suppage, and Is thffdom considered the meat temp.. betwern 8* and 50% both 0 and v decrease; the latter decirt-&%es more slowly than the true viscasity of pure iel"k ruethod. the rotating ter constitut! i the %Ism-c "ter The devreasie a( # is mom pronounced than that. most convenient method of dels. I and q. (3) Data on at, ; iltxzt H* to 50' 0 falls to ball its original Vallic. The Industrial4cale flow of peat suspensions check sat6f&c- ' I same effects are observed with w1alit adda . (wain). torily with lictrik s formula linking the yield In L/Scc. s Aging of the suspensions Is Indicated by a spotstanews with the loss of premure P (kc.4q. cut.) alorg otk m. of J W Increase in both 0 and it. (2) The results obtained with pipe, the diam. D (cm.) of the pipe anti 0 (kjl./sq. cm.), 1 6 the capillary vismimicter were cornpared with thaw for . CD IP The rormula was 1-W d b d f th h k fil ( l i F 6 i the same Wt luspenslool, by 2 otw MetbotIst a rotat- - ec c e etn%. o e n ac . e pro vc tr ty d y Q ing typ viscosImeter In which an Innu co"I&I CYUud WILOa In the pllws, bY alliliNg 411 eIrCITOlyff Sind 111MUr. cuffent at variml,l 11"Tik's corty ing the cler - is nustle to rotate under the action a falling lend - mad 01 , . . i 1-v rate of al '~E nbWs mcn~21 mem as it. C Was foull' to be rclated it) tile Iling1liallt vi-coftity by C giving C 0.018. in gootl rgrmtrient with the M440 e from exptl. data. N, Thou "at on. 4#C x2"jn,1.,vj I t1t 4 L I VA 1.510 two Is WINN941114 7 9 V A " P M, I 0 a a 0 *10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 die 0 *1* a * # 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 a a 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a * 0 0 0 0 0 at P-A-0 _k of 0-0 0-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 9 6 0 * 0 4PO .00 .00 *0 000 000 .040 woe see 2 00 000 1200 goo see q94 see $804 4*6 204 (MOO 9 11 U go If IN, 4 00 0 *sA 00 t so 904 -, 00 00-1 1;; all U33 us ituancit QU ago ii-10CISSIS Ape to Its i.01. 4 - ' 11 W - L~z 14.DZTMINATION OF in VSWC1 FLOW OF rZAT FULF 1 Z5 TMOUGh f1PZS OF 570 a Vol& ovich., M-k-, Xu1axoT,-.M,M o 4) 6 A F SWOM=, K boaz V, N D (J. T;;~. Pas. t bo r ( 4 Abs U-STE1 194. 14, 44&5 ; 1 1945, 39o M0. Zxpts- 1 lee l were conducted on the pipe line pe t plant; the peat slurry pe t pe p ~ ee I0 (3.,4-4.0A or peat) pumped through I he the yield Yalu* (Bingham) he he tb 0 l w of 25-30 dynes/sq.oa. and viscosity v&s injected into the stSeam I ee and the Use dotd. for the condualtics d to reach a point 4 a , dovnstr"** This time vas nessured for Various distances from pipe xis, and th velocity profile oalo*. lt~ agreed with the equation : ZOO f Herrick. 'he velocity along the axis was never greater than 1.3 t"We the av. velocity. goo Z., re, Is lee X04 000 Its* Ito. 11".10JAW. 11#040 kip 01" cog 4JAwa~W v b 4 rid 0 1 w so 3 4, 1 ILA 16 AV 00 "1* to 1,, 41 K! a, ;I a, TM K 99 it Ii WAD 1;: 0Is, o19 0 see 0 0 s, 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 09 so T.4 tee 1. MAKOV -, - 11'. N. ;2. USSR (C-00) 4. Physics and Mathematics 7. Introduction to the Physics of Peat. (Moscow-LeninLy~rad, State Power Press, 1947). Reviewed ty B..V. Deryagin and M. L. -,Eolyanskiy, Sov. Kiliga, No. 10, 19418. 9. Ift Report U-3)81, 16 Jan. 1953. Unclassified. ALEKSEYEV, Yu.V.; ASTAFIYEV, A.F.; POPOV, O.A.; Prinimali uchastiyei AGAYEV, A.G.; REBROV, A.G.; KULAKGV, U.N. Adopting the roasting of nickel concentrates in a fluidized bad at the "Severonikell" Combine. TSvet. met. 36 no.7:35-42 J1 163. (Nickel--Metallurgy) (Flui&ization) (KRA 16:8) KULAKOV.. N.N.; ZAGOPUYKOI, A.S. Improving the reliability of nonrepairable articles,, their economic efficiency and time in which they pay for themselves. Izv, W kN SSSR no*6, Ser, tekh. nauk no.2:54-58 165, Determining the economic efficiency and profit'return time for reconditioned systems in increasing their reliability. Ibido:59-66 (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut avtomatiki i olektrometLi SiL;ixb1iogo otdeleniya AN SSSRv Novosibirsk. L 5148-66 DIT(l/EWA(h). Td ACCESSION NR: AP5023657 UR/0119/65/000/008/0021/0023 621.3-019.3 AUTHOR: Kulakov, N. N. (Engineer) TITLE: Optimal reliability of-expendable components used in rebuAlding various s ems ys' SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 80 1965, 21-23 TOPIC TAGS: reliability, optima). reliability ABSTRACT: A theoretical investigation is reported of the expediency of using highs reliability expendable components in restoring various systems. Methods are develop- ed for determining the optimal reliability and the requLred amount of reserve components for a specified cost of the components, or vice versa, determining the cost for a specified rell~bility. The cost of a high-reliability components depends on its basic cost, on the 6xisting reliability level, on the average timo -to failure of the componont and its prototypo, and on an amplirical coofficient (0--2). The optimal reliability is found to be dependent on the empirical coefficient and on the time the component has been in operation. Graphic material.!.- facilitating optimal reliability calculations is supplied. Orig. art, hast 4 figureq and 13 formulas. Card 1/2 09 C7/ 0 .-SK .6 -ITar)t A.S. )votj4 W rak) MU-MI;, Z-". 1"Crroo birol, Selection or an optiml -v.UiW for increnoli.[; t;,,o rellability of nonmato-rable davicas acccrding to a gl-voj; vuluo. Avto,-ctriia lJO03:113-M t65s 1. Suiumittod r-bb. '6s 1965. _L (V),il ACC NRt AP6009937 SOURCE CODE: UR/0118/65/000/011/0025/0026 AUTHOR: Bukhtiarov, V. A. (Engineer); Zhuk, L N (Engineer); Kulakov. N. N. (Engineer);, Lozovoy, Ye. K. (Engineer); Malich, V. V. (Engineer); Napreye o 1. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE. Inductive relay for signaling, control, and telemetry SOURCE: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proL7vodstva, no. 11, 1965, 25-26 TOPIC TAGS: electric relay, circuit design, telemetry equipment, automatic control equipment ABSTRACT: The authors introduce a universal and stable inductive sensor which has a high degree of reliability, and sensitivity. The inductive relay (sensor) proposed is intended for signaling control\ Vkid telemetry. The device is based on a transistorized oscillator with Juned circuits in the base circuitry and on an emitter capable of operating in a I 'quasi -trigger, and intermittent oscillating mode. The all-purpose relay may be used in automatic control, monitoring an*d alarm systems, telemetry systems, and at unattended beacons. The output may be an electromagnetic relay or a contactless relay device of any type. The oscillator is distinguished by a high degree of frequency stability in all modes and uses a series-produced 1/2 UDC: 621.3.083:669.001.6 L 4090-'~--66 ACC NR: AP6009937 P16 transistor (16 to 350 kc). . The basic specifications of the inductive relay are: operating frequency: 25 kc; sensitivity: 150-200 mm; length of connecting wire to oscillator: up to 50 mi a 24-v dc MKT-T-48 relay; and a 220-v ac 50-cps feed voltage. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REP: 000/ OTH REP: 000 2 /2 L TG ACC NVi-AIN6015325 L)Y) SOURCE CODEP UR/0410/65/000/003/0113/0117 AUTHOR: _KAa-)p ko, A. S. (Novosibirsk); Kulakov, N. N. (Novosibirsk) ORG-. none Lk TrrLE: Choice of the method of Increasing the i ellability' I nonrestorable devices to a prescribed value SOURCE: Avtometrlya, no. 3, 1965, 113-117 TOPIC TAGS: cost estimate, system reliability, circuit reliability ~.BSTRACT: The authors attempt to find an optimal (from the point of view of cost) method for increasing to a prescribed value PH the reliability of a multi-component nonrestorable device (such as might be found !n an information meterJrg system), and to determine the proper inter. relations between the reliability, cost, and number of redundant components. A critique Is given of a previous work (N. A. Shishonok. V. F. Repkin, L. L. Barvlnskkv. Osnovy teorit nadezhnosti I ekspluatats)A radio -clektronnoy tekhnW. M., Izd-vo "Sovetskoye radio", 1964) which contains a somewhat different approach to the same problem. The method proposed In tbls* paper seeks to determine the cost of a nonrestorable device, as reliability Is increased, through the use of a mathematical model in which cost,~ represented as a function of reliabilit I --Card.. 1/2 tMC: 621.3.019.3:621.37/ 6 - 67 -At-d -RR. A P6015325 parameters. An wmmple of this appl/jA tion of the method Is included. Orig. art. has: 2 fig- and 12 formulas. 717; ,!,gmre,, SUB CODEt 09g 14/ SUB RTE: 26Feb65/ ORIG REF: 001 kh Card 2/2 ACC NR. -AP7002237- e~~l SOUrtCE CODE: UR/0280/66/000/006/0064/0072 AUTHOR: Kulakov, N. N. (Novosibirsk); Zagoruyko, A. S. (Novosibirsk; ORG: none TITLE: Method for determining the optimum distribution of reliability between individual elements of a system SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 6, 1966, 64-72 TOPIC TAGS: reliability system' approximation method, quality control, reliability, system reliability ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for solving two optimum problems through balancing the sensitivities in thpi Individual element of the aystem for varinvio (it ifikinindilwt thoh, rehability. The cokl0q)t of tile E101181tivity of tile system is tile basic concept of this method and was evaluated elsewhere (Breipol, A. M. Unique application of required component reliability. Proc. 7th Nat. Symposium on Reliability and Quality Control in Electronics. 1961, 1). When an exact solution Co,u 1/2 ACC NR ' AP7002237 of the problem cannot be obtained analytically, the method of successive approxima tions; is proposed. In most cases only three steps are needed for a sufficient approximation of the results sought for. [Based on authors' abstract] [GC] SUB CODE: 12, 10/SUBM.DATE: 01ju165/ORIG REF: 002/OTH REF: 001/ Card 2/2 jLUWOV, Nikolay Pavlovich; IOM. S.Ye., redaktor; ZAVIYALOV, G.P., redaktor: OYSTRAKH, V.G.. takhnicheskiy redaktor [The communists are the organizers of the struggle for coal; the work practice of the Party group in the Kalinin Mine of the "Karagandaugol"' combina3 Kommunisty - organ12atory borlby za ugoll kombinata 'Karagandaugoll. Alma-Ata, Kazakhakoe goo. izd-vo, 1956. 14 pe (14MA 9:10) (Communist I'arty of the Soviet Union--Party work) (Coal mines and mining) i ir.,os L i ~rati on at' the actu-c ril- aith chain drive. ~1,heb. Zrt%y., gor. zhur. 7 no. i 79-86 64,- 1"IIIL', 18-3) Ollera Lorsko.fyo go-Inog, Inst 'i k~ T.F., dokLor geo".-miner. nazi-;,-, navcnn. red. ( Faloohydrogeo log! cal conditions governing the forzra-,ion of gas and oil fields as revealed by a study made in the Volga Valley portion of Saratov ani Volprrrd Prcvin.:~Eil Faleogi-drogeologicheakie uolovila formirmaniia gaz,)T~.ef- tiarykh mestorozK,~-nii ( na primere. skogo fovolzhlia, Mloskva, Nedra, 19r4. -1,-Y3 KUIAKOV H V- Underground water supply in the trans-Volga protion of Saratov Province. Uch.zap.SGU 65s2O5-2O7 159. (MM 16:1) (Saratov Province-Waterg Underground) Problems of paleohydrology and prospecting hydrochemisty-y in the lower Volga Valley. Trudy fPqIIIGG no.1:7-9 16(~. Hydrodynemic conditions for the migration of liouefied hydro- carbons. Ibid.:10-20 (MIRA 18:6) b4. OPT R 17 6 tur., KULAKOVI O.i. Cleaning of spiral coolers. KI-Im. pram, no.4.,?4 O-L `64. (,MIRA ',TU~~' Automatic colifrol of, f,h,-l- ra r(., 11,11m.prom. [Uhr-.] nr,.2.,~O 165. V,- 0 V USSR/ I--:is cell -aneous Voluntary Defense 5ocieties Card, 1/1 Pub. 89 - 11LO Authors s Kulakov P.,'Actlng rhairman of tha Central Committee of the DOSAAF of USSR Title t For further improvement of the DOS.Wls work Periodical Radio 10, 1-2i' Oct 1954 Abstract I In"appraising the:yart played by the DOSAAF (a Voluntary Society f or ''-Assis'tiznce to th.e. Armed Foi*ces) in national defense ~ the author points qiA a'--.fiui~ber of weak points of this society's activities. The author. also calls ~-or improvement of the-work of collective farins and party organizations and-for better coordination between the activities of these organizations and DOSAAF. Institution: SubmiWed: ..... KULAKOV, P. (Leningrad) .e.4- - . - Economizing metal in manufacturing umbrellas. M.v 1560 ~ (KERA 9:9) l.Rachaltnik shtampovochnogo taekha arteli "Pobeda No.11. (Imeningr&d-Umbrellas and parasols) KUIAKOV, P. Incident in Novo-Illinovka. Sov. foto 18 no.4:17 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:6) (Novo-Ilt inovka--Photog3raphy-)) mayor; SHCHEULIH, IT., kapitan; KULAKOV, P., starshiy leytenant T~h.,,~ommarding officer and the work of a Communist Youth league organization; from experience. Voen. vest. 38 no.7:25-30 J1 '58. (HIRA 11:6) (Military education) (Communist Youth league) "I " ", F-stim.ptes for sc,-Ie works for the rurpose of detemirdr,.;z the co!-3t of irrI4.--tion. 3a. 19-91P, 116 P- (511-46974) I I TC909.KS ;MKOV I P.A. . inzh.; ABAKW40VA , A.S. , inzh. The concrete of the hydraulic structures of the Volgograd hydroelectric development. Gidr. stroi. 32 no.12:11-13 D 161. (MIRA 15:2) (V)lga hydroelectric powdr etation (22nd Congress of the CPSU)-- ,,,;dncrete)) C"SHCHIII, A.M.; XULAWI'. F.I., inzhener antikorroziy=7 aluzhby Eqaipmont corrosion control. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 8 no.4:22-23 155. (HLRA 8% 9)'. 1. Glavnyy inzhenor Dmitriyovskogo lesokhimicheakogo.zavoda (for I Chashchin). (Wood-Chemistry) (Corroaion and anticorrosives) IWLAKOV, P. I. Replacing copper in the equipment used for-,the production of acetic acid and butyl acetate* Gidroliz.i lesokhim.prom. 13 Ro.5:24-26 160. (.MIRA 13-97) 1. Dmitriyev.ski7 lesokhimicheskiy zavod. (Wood-Chemistry) (Acetic acid) SYCHEVO --' K.V. -I ~e'-neral-mayor; GRYLEV, A.N., Dolkovnik; OGfiREV, P!.K- iDolkovnik; BOGDANOV, A.R., polkovnik; TRAKTUYEV', M.I., Dolkovnik; SKRiPdMKO,N.I., pclkornik; IVAHOV, M.A., polkovnik; poIko7nik; 5HAMRAYEV, A.M., podpolkovnik.; .71ASOV, I.G., DOI),.OVrjik- 7 otstavke; KRIVULIN, P.N., polkovnik v otstavke; DIYAKOV, V., stqrshiy leytenant zapasa; MALAKHOV, M.M., polkovnik, redAktor; GNEDOVETS, P.P., redaktor; MYASNIKOVA, T.F., tekhnicheskiy rednktor. [Rifle units and the regiment in various phnses of combat; a collection of tactical examples from the Great Patriotic War] Strelkovye podrazdelaniia i polk v razlichnykh vidakh boia; abornik takticheskikh primerov iz Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo M-va oboV.SSSR, 1957. 230 p. (MIRA 10:11) (Infantry drill and tactics) PRLOVSKIY, Ye.L.; IMMIKOV, YU.1,-; KUIAKOV, p.N.; SRCHELOVAUOVy L.N. Contrast sensitivity and half-tone reproduction in picture transmitting systems. Elektrosviaz' 16 no.10:45-55 0 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Phototelegraphy) -, KULAKOV, P.Ye.; GRIGORIYE'V, G.M. ,w_ Motor and evacuatory function of the resected stomach with small intestine enteroplasty in the early postoperative period. Khirargiia 39 no.6:107-111 Je 163. (%,,IIRA 17:5) 1. Iz khirurgichaskogo otdeleniya (7av. I.I.V. Khanyayeva) Shamerlinskoy rayonnoy bollnitey (glavmyy vrach P.Ye. Kulakov) Chuvashskoy AMR. KULAKOVY P. Yee Methodology of the re.9ection of the stomach replacing it with the loop of the jejunum. Khirurgiia 40 no.9:16-19 S t64 18;2) 1. 1.2iii-Lirgicheskoye otdeleniye (zav. I.V. Khanyayeva) Shumerlinskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Chuvashskoy ASSR i 2-ya kafedra khlrurcil (nauchnyy mkovoditell - doLsent Yu.I. Zak) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershmstvovaniy.~, Nos]-va. KULAKCV, P.Ye. Spontaneous bladder rupture. no,1!59 Ja-F'63. OMA 16:8) 1. Khirurgicheskoye otdeleaiya Shwaorlinskoy rayonnoy bolf- nitsy Chuva-shskoy A&SR (zav. - M.V.Khanyayeva). (BLADDER-RU.PTURE) I KULAKOV, (Chuvashakaya ASSR) Hemorrhage and necrosis of a loop of the small intestine as a reault of the uncontrolled use of dicoumarin. 40 no.5:133-134 t62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya, (zav. M.V. J(hanyayeva) Shumer- linsko rayonnoy bollnitay Chuvashskoy ASM TGOMRIN-TOXICOLOGY) (GASTRO114TWTINAL MIO.UHAGE) (INTESTINES-IMCROSIS) I~IWGV,_P, Ye. (Shumerlya, Chuveffihskoy ASSR, Krasnoarmeyskaya ul., 2. a) Invagination of the smaU intestine into the resected stomach through Braun's anastomosis. Vest. khir. 92 no.1:84 Ja 164. (MIRA 17-.-U) 1. Iz khirargicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - M.V. Khanyayeva) Shumer- lin8koy rayonnoy boltnitsy (glavnyy vrach P.Ye. Kulakov) Chuvashskoy. ASSR. 7777~~ GUSEVAJ, A.N.; KULAKOV, SJ.- organic matter of rocks in the Ishim alkaline massif. Vest.Mook. un#Ser, 4: Geolo 16 no,3:71-73 Mq-Je 161. (MM 14:6) (KazakhstaD-Rocks.-Ana2.yois) (Organic matter) BREGER, A.Kh.; Pt-Inimall uchaeliye:-KARPOV, V.Lo, kar--,l-,khim.nauk; BELYNSKIY, V.A.; OSIPOV, V.B.., FROKUDIN, TYURIKOV, G.S.y kand.khim.nauk; GOLIDIN, V.A.; RYABUKHIN, lu.S.; KOROLEV, G.N.; AFONINI V.P.; POIMOVSKIY, V.S.; KUIAKOV,.S.I.; LEKAREVI P.V.,- FEDOROVA, T.P.; KOROTKOVA, M.A.; MARLOW, M.T.; NIKOLENKO, G.D.; LOPUKHIN, A.F.; YEUOKI=ij TF..; KASATKIN, V.M.; RATOV, A.V. Nuclear radiation sources for radiational-ahemical studies. Probl.fiz.khim. no.1:61--72 158. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Nauchnc-issledovatellskiy fiziko-l-himi cheskiy insti-tut im. Karpova. (Radiochemistry) (Radioisotopes) TROP, Abram Tefimovich; KULAKOV,S,H.. redaktor; LTJCHKO,Tu.V., redaktor; MDVALMO, redaktor. [Electric equipment and power supply for concentration plants] Blektrooborudovanie i elaktroonabzhonle obogatitellnvkh fabrik. Sverdlovsk, Goo.naucbno-tekbn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi mntallurgil, Sverdlovakoe otd-nin, 19.55. 352 p.[Microfilml (MLRA 911) (Electric machinery) (Ore dressing) BELYKH, Boris Petrovich, dotsent;.CiWKhITOV, Vasilly Demidovich, inzh.: AMLYUSTIN, V.K., kand.tekhn.nnuk, retsenzant; PE MIV, I.P., dot!sent;- - 'f'wrI 0-r4y .--inzh., red.; IAJCHKO, Yu.V., rod. izd-va; ZEF, Ye.14., [Electric anginpwTing' in minns] Gornata oloktrntakhnika. Sverdlovsk. Gon. nauchnn-tek-hn.izd-vo lit-,-7 po chernol i tsvntnol metallurgii, Sverdlovskoe otd-nie, 1958. 575 P. (Electricity in mining) WIRIL 12:1) KULAKOV, S.11.~ inzh. - Electric lighting standards for underground workings of nonferrous metal mines. Svetotekhnika 4 no~4:11-15 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1.Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatel'shy i proyektnyy institut "Unipro- medt." (Mine lighting--Standards) OTHOR: Kulakov, S.N.,_. Engineer 3011/94-58-11-13/28 TITLE: The Construction of Pole-Mounting Transformer Sub-Stations for Voltages of 3-10 kV (0 konstru-ktsii stolbovykh transformatornykh podstantsiy napryazheniyem 3-10 kV) PERIODICU: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958,.Nr 11, pp ?8-*29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was announced in Promyshlennaya Energetika Nr 59 1957 that the inter-departmental Expert-Tech~ical Council had agreed to a typical design for a pole-mounting transformer substation of 50-100 and 80 kVA, 0' 10/0-5 kV developed by Giprotorf. This article criticises the design and gives seven reasons why it is inacceptable. The main defect is that the power tramsformer is installed on a special platform at a considerable height. These authors propose a simpler construction which is illustrated by a sketch. Sub-stations of this kind have been extensively used at the Degtyarka Copper Mine. The transformers and isolators used are described and general advice is given about construction. The main Card advantages claimed for this type of sub-station are I BOV/94-58-11-13/?8 ~The Construction of Pole-Mounting Transformer SWD-Stations for Voltages of 3-10 kV that its construction is simplet less timber is required, less labour is required for erection and it is cheaper in operation. There is 1 figure. Card ')/~ KULAKOV, S.N., inzh. Comments on the arrangement of electric lighting of transformers substations. Svetotekhnika 5 no.6:27 Je 159. (MIRA 12:8) 1.Unipromed', g.SverdlbiW, (Blectric substations) (Electric lighting) ARSHINSKIY, V.14dwy BAGAUTINOV, G.A.; BESPALOV, M.V.; GASPAROVICH, P.I.; GOLOMIDOV, I.N.; GOLUBOV, G.B.; GRIN, L.T,; ZELISKIY, S.A.; ILIINYKH, A.F.; KOZIN, V.Z.; KRYUKOV~ V.P.;JJUkA4QJ,--9-_N.; LUKAS, V.A.; MINEYEV, V.A.; PETROV, Yu.S.; PIRUSHKO, M.G.; PROKOFIYEV, Ye.V.; REBETS, B.A.; STARTSEV, N.V.; TROP, A.Ye., prof.; KHRAMOV, V.A.; AEW$DV, V.I., otv. red.; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L.J. tekhn. red.; BOLDYREVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. (Handbook on electric equipment for mineal Spravochnik gorno- go elektrotekhnika. Pod obshchei red. A.E.Tropa. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 400 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Electricity in mining) ZHUNINA, L.A., dots.; MAKO V. S.S. lnzh. Manufacturing dark colornd Clana from wante mtorlAls from the manufacture of poliabed and armored glass. Sbor.w-uch.rab. Bel.politekb.inst. no.63:75-85 '58- (MIRA 12:4) (Glase manufacture) KULAKOV, S.S.; KUZNETSOVA, Z.N.; DUDAREVA, N.F. Packet method of setting and unloading ceramic stones. Stroi. mat. 11 no. 12:19-20 D 165. (MIRA 18:U)'!- 1. Glavnyy inzhener Vitabskago kombinata stroymaterialov (for Kulakov). 2. Nachallnik otdela tekhnicheskogo kontrolya i laboratorii Vitebskogo kombinata stroymaterialov (for Kuzne- tsova). 3. Starshiy inzbener Vitebskogo kombinata stroymate-,~i~,O,--- rialdv KULAKOV, T.,- Concerning A.M. Sachkov 'a articel "Maintenance of outpatient registration files at feldsher and feldsher-midwife centers." Pelld. i akush. 24 no.12:56 D 159. (HOSPITALS-OUTWINX5 SXRTICES) (MIRA 13--2) KUIAKOV, V.A..-.. interests of schools and collective farms are inseparable. Politekh.obuch. no.5:24-30 Mv '59. CKIRA 12:7) 1. Pre'daedatell kolkhoza "Rossiya" Yantikovskogo rayona ChuvashBkoy ASSR. (Yantikovo District 'Building trades-Study and teacbing) BLANTER, M. E.; KULAKOV, V. A.; SERGHELICEV, I. M.(Sergeychev, 1. M. Hardeing of steel massive items In the mixturds of air and water. Analele matalurgie 16 no.1:170-182 Ja-Mr 162 SOA,T/l:_74 - 58 -10 -11755 'rom: zhurnal, Mekh.n;ki. 1958, Nr 10. p 145 (USSR) AUTHOR- K,~'_ako-_ Vz F, TITLE, Scme Prof-,"ems Lit Design'!ig Frame--type S~ructurt:s -'or Earthquake Area5 t,N6-moryye 1~opro~j~, proyekt~ro-,-aniyi iamy-,Oh kLnstrukts;y I seysm'chesk-iih rayonakh) PERIODICAL: Iz., AN Tu2~kmSSR, Nr 2: pp 30 - 18 ABSTRACT, Strec- Lind stzdlr. -;.ariations 'n a reiniorcec-4--concrete, two-level, n.y,We spin trame st-;,.-Iure are;-a,.-d ,?~ !wiccc.ris of its over-.all (I ~t, (1 0! the 1(ja(I aod r'.g.d'.Iy iatiui, ernplc-~ed~ Nine differ- er.t le-,~(,r..5 :r.:--oI-*ng azy'.ng at:os a', masses and floor elevat;ons w,:rt~ calc._~Iated t,;r irames w-th cwi_~tant. spin. r,e`.ght.. and chord-- mcrn~,cr c russ sect.;or,; a1sc.. a a"itt rent r'lg:dif.~ r,aio was employed ;~t;on when 10' d corc~- .o~ each all ers:on3 I)eirig oesIgned the ~oorng executes a damped s.nusoidal mot:on. it was tound that ,he tr`I-,L'oi. oi the rig'd:.~.Y amo-g the -ertical POStS Lonsiderably influences the delormatIonz and si resses ~n the frame, and that the Itoor le; e's must. he re~niorced in SLICh a manner as to ensure that Ca rct I the rate ct :ricrease ct delormat.onS become-~ gzeater vi'th eie~,ation. SOV/ 124- 58-10,11755 Scme P~cl,'.ems of DesignIng Frame type Structures for E-trth(JUake Areas It wi~-~ a'~c estublished thdt ,rames li,,,,-7ng mdx'.mal 6,i!,,c-- c r i-:d:tv oiiei cert.,;.n ad arJ,,gt6 when subjected to ,ibrations beyond their owr. resonant trequency, ,-vhere.,,~ !!exib*-e Etrucatres experience sm,iller shear:ng forces as their resonatit frequency -s apprcached, it s showr thA deformat*ons of frame members are Q.rec,~,,~ proportional to the displdcement of the footing. It the lo-ids ire concen* trated at. fhe upper floor le~ els, the frame is subjected to smaller displacements .t ;ts owt, resonant frequency tinan beyond the resonant frequency, B. K, Karapet-yan Card, 2/2 L , iv't f A"I - V u A SOV/ 124-58-5-6019 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 148 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kulakov, V.P. TITLE: '---SunTeConside rations on the Rigidity Distribution of the Com- ponent Elements of lAultifloor Reinforced-concrete Frames Subject to the Action of Seismic Stresses (Nekotoryye voprosy raspredeleniya zhestkostey elementov mnogoetazhnykh zhelezo- betonnykh ram, podvergayushchikhsya vozdeystviyu. seysmi- cheskikh sil) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN TurkmSSR, 1957, Nr 5, pp 59-68 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry 1. Structures--Stability 2. Earthquake resistanz structures--Stresses 3. Seisnic waves Card I/ I SHILOV, P.I., prof.; KOROSTOVTS3V, S.B.,; XUi-,AKOV,._Y,,I,,-- Advantages of gastrography and gastroecoP7 as compared with roentgeno- logical examination in the diagnosis of functional and organic gastric changes in certain diseases of the stomach. Terap.arkh. 31 uo.12:3- 9 1) '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Is kafedry terapii dlya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (nacha'A.Inik - prof. P.I. Shilov) Voyenno-meditainakiv ordena Leniua akademil imeni S.M. Kirova. (STOMACH dis.) FARBE119 V.B.; IqLAKOV2 V.I. Problem of the ccmbination of leukemias with neoplastic processes. Probl.gemat.i. perel.krovi 5 no.6256-61 Je 160. (LEUKEMIA) (TUMORS) WRA 13212) KULAKOVP V.I., PLETITEVA, V.A.; ZAKIIA1%OV, F.G. Spontaneous duodeno--colonic fistula in peptic ulcer of the duodenum. Vest.khir. ro.9:2,30-131 161. (MIRA 15-3) 1. Iz 1-y terapevti-.heskoy kliniki usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (nach. - prof. P.1. Shilov) Voyenno-meditainakoy ordena Ienina ak-ademli " S.M. Kirova i khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Leningrad- skogo ordena lenina voyennogo gospitalya. (FISTULA) (DUODEh1J14- -ULCERS) POYDENKOY V.K.; KULAKOV, V.I.., student Earliest results of the treatment of cancer of the cervix uteri. Neuch.trudy Chetv.Mook.gor.klin.boll. no.1020-325 161, (Min 16:2) 1. Iz-ginakologicheskay kliniki (zav. - prof. V.N. Vlasov) kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii pediatricheskogo fakultteta (zav. - prof. A.A. Lebedev) 2-go Mbskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditoin- skogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova na baze Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy Ko*4 (glavnyy vrach G.F. Pap1co). (UTERM-CANOM) (UTMTJS-SURGEY) doses trady Riaz. rr.-;~a. 1-, 5', kfifedr )v pc ~~f . Ho e ~~i- ~-anskof.,-3 a) I c, VA ,~4~ -4~7- 77777, --yPT7 7- -~i 1 17- 1958-Z-L'6139 Transla:t1on from Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 70 (USSR) AUTHOR- K,itakov, V. I . TITLED Circular Cracks in Hollow Ingots of the Alloy D I (an Aircraft Duralumin) (Krugovyye treshchiny v polykh slitkakh splava D 1) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Metallurg. osnovy lit'ya legkikh splavov. Moscow, Oborongiz, 1957, pp 192-196 ABSTRACT; In the continuous casting of hollow ingots of the alloy D 1 (an aircraft Duralumin) circular cracks may develop if the level of the water applied to the inner surface is higher than that applied to the outer surface. The cracks tend to develop where the metal enters the crystallizer. They may be eliminated by equalizing the water levels. Circular cracks form during the casting process and, by their very nature, are hot. The heightened sensitivity of individual heats of alloy D 1 to hot cracking contributes to their formation. G.S. 1. Aaloys Ingots-Fractur~ Card 1/1 KUIAKOV, V. I. "Homogenization of Ligots of D-16 Alloy at Elevated Tenmeratures" Light Alloys. no. 1: Physical Metallurgy, Heat Treatment, CasUng.., and Forming; ?rincipe.1 Reports of the Conference, Moscow, 1%d-vo AN SSSR, 1958, 497 P. SOV/137-58-12-24485 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurglya, 1958, Nr 12, p 75 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kulakov, V.I. TITLE- omogenation of D16 Alloy Billets at Elevated Temperatures (Gomogenizatsiya slitkov splava D16 pri povyshennykh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Legkiye splavy. Nr I - Moscow, 1958, pp 240-244 ABSTRACT: A presentation is made of the results of the introduction of a process of high-temperature homogenati.on in the serial production of thin- walled hot-pressed D16 alloy shapes 'S). it ).s noted that homogena- tion of the billets at 4900C permits production of S of high 0-b and low 6 . A rise of 20-300 in temperature increases the rate of S extrusion and does not cause burn. Complete recrystallization occurs in S of this type in the process of heating for the purpose of hardening. As a result there is an increase in 6, and uniform S structure and stability of mechanical properties is achieved. L. P. Card 1/1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ S/123/62/000/013/007/021 A004/A101 ALMORS: Fridlyander, I. N., Zakharov, Ye. D., Kulakov, V. I. TITLE: Using cold working to increase the strength of the AKT4 -1 (AKCh-1) alloy PERIO-DICAI;: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinost'royeniye, no. 13, 1962, 28,~abstract 13B171 (In collection: "Deformiruyemyye alyumirt. splavy". Oboron- giz, 1961, 116 - 123) The authors investigated the effect of cold deformation on the aging kinetics of the AKCh-1 aluminum alloy, having a composition of (in %): 2.11 cu, 1.83 Mg, 1.21 Ni, 1.36 Fe, 0.082 Ti, the rest being Al, using specimens which, after the casting, were subjected tl diffusion annealing at 5200C for 24 hours. Then the ingots were pressed, rolled at 350 - 4000C into trips of 6 =- thickness and were then subjected to hardening with subsequent natural ageing in 'Lhe course of 30 days or rolling immediately after hardening with a degree of deformation of 10 and 20%. After cold working, the specimens were subjected to artificial ageing at 20, 170, 180, 190, 200 and 2100C. It was found that cold working con- Card 1/2 Using cold working to... S/123/62/000/013/007/021 AOOVA101 siderably cuts the holding time.of the AKCh-l-alloy, which is necessary to obtain the maximum hardness. The maximum mechanical properties are obtained for the non-coldhardened alloy after ageing at 1850C in the course of 48 hours, while this is attained with cold worked specimens after 6 - 10 hours ageing at the same tem- perature. By cold working in the freshly hardened state it is possible to increme the strength of die-forgings from the AKCh-1 alloy by 5 - 7 kg,/MM2*at room tem- perature and by 4 - 5 kg/mm2 at 1750C. In this case 5 may attain 42 - 43 kg/mm2 during short-time tests. Holding for 100 hours at 175 C causes the strength of cold-worked specimens to decrease to magnitudes which were attained with this al- loy without cold deformation after hardening (down to 34 - 4o kg/MM2). It is recommended to use cold working for parts of not too.intricate shape with smooth 0 transitions. For parts operating at temperatures near 175 C it is not recommended to use'cold working for protracted periods. There are 5 figures. B. Spivak [Abstracterts note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 RMIM"M S/123,162VOOG/014/008/020 A004/A101 AUTHORS: Isayev, V. I., Ivankin, 1. A., Kulakov, V. I., Loktionova, N. A. TITLE: The special features of the heat, treatment of solid dies from the 1 (D1) alloy PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 14, 1962,'28, abstract 14B158 (In~.collection: "Deformiruyemyye alyumin. splavy". Moscow, Oborongiz, 19051, 131 - 136) TEXT: It was found that the main reasons for the origination of cracks in hardened solid dies made of the D1 aluminum alloy under large-scale production conditions are increased residual stresses arising during the hardening, particu- larly in those places,w~iere,thin cross sections go over into thIck ones, the in- crease of'the hardening temperature, and the use of abrup cooling ai876 (water of 200CL A strict observation of the heat-treatment conditions, hardening at 4195 + 5 C, the use of hot water (800c) for cooling or a gradual hardening with cooling in molten salts at 145 - 1550C made it possible to cut down die rejects because ~f cracks to 0.2%. There are 2 figures. V. Stasevich [Abstracter's note; Complete translation] Card 1/1 LOKTIONOVA, N.A.; KULAKOV, V.I.; KRIVENKO, R.A.; TEYTELI, I.L. Reducing residual stresse; in aluminum alloy ingots. Metalloved. i term. obr.,met. no.11:46-47 N 163. (MIRA 16:11) ACCESSION NR: AP4021562 S/0136/64/000/003/0067/0069 AUTHOR; Kulakov, V. L TITLE! Variation of Continuous Casting of Deformable Aluminum Alloys SOURCE: Tsvetny*ye metally*, no. 3, 1964, 67-69 TOPIC TAGS: inversion cast ingot, horizontally cast ingot, aluminum, dural- uminum. foundry installation, inoculation ABSTRACT: The author investigated the effect of the design of the foundry in- stallation on the quality of Ingots cast by inversion and horizontal methods. Inversion casting produces ingots with stable qualities while horizontal casting is better suited for small diameter ingots having the following advantages: (1) increased yield of metal as a result of the arrangement of crystallization basins along the mixer front; (2) elimination of surface defects; (3) decreased forma- tion of oxide films; (4) possibility of combining the processes of cal3ting, cutting to the desired size and mechanizing, storing and transportation of billets. In- Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4021562 verse casting was conducted by means of a special cylindrical furnace with a graphite crucible holding 120 kg aluminum and a casting installation (see fig. 1 of enclosure). Heat treated specimens had mechanical properties approaching those of continuously cast ingots. There was no porosity and the grains were equiaxial and fine. Small surface segregates were attributed to the effect of metallostatic pressure or secondary heating of the skin. Duraluminum was used as an inoculant in horizontal casting. Casting temperatures, structure and quality of commercial aluminum ingots with a 100 mm diameter cast at 13. 5m/ hr were studied. The distributing box was preheated to 650-700C. The box was sealed with an asbesto plug and fiUed with metal fed from the mixer until it exceeded the crystallization basin level slightly. Then the plug was removed, so that the metal filled the crystallization basin to the level of inoculation. With- in 2-3 seconds the ingot stripper mechanism was switched on. For 100 mm diameter ingots, an 80 ram high crystallization basin proved most suitable. The recommended angle of the water supply lies within the 20 degree to 30 de- gree range. A continuous lubrication system and better lubricants are still to be developed. The author found that the grain size which Is largely affected byi Card 2/ 4 a ACCESSION NR: AP4021562 metal temperature fed to the crystallization basin exceeds that of ordinary con-, tinuouf;ly cast specimens. Orig. art. has: 2 figures ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 08Apr64 ENCL* 01 SUB CODE: MM NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 C.rd 3/4 ACCESSION uw: AP4021562 ENCLOSURES 0 1 fig. 1 Crystallizer basin -and inversion casting diagram: (1) crystallizer basin (2) ceramics: (3) metal ring; (4) refractory material; (5) water outlet; (6) water supply (7) ingot being cast; (8) seed (9) connecting rope between seed and withdrawal mechanism Card 4/4 KULAKOV, V.I. Inot cracking of AB and AMg alloys depending an their chemical composition. Alium. splavy no-3:363-370 764. (MIRA 17-6) KULAKOV, V.I.; POLYANSKIY, A.V.; MHKOV, A.I.; TSYKALO, S.B. Quality of flat commercial aluminum ingots cast from molten electrolytic baths. Alium. splavy no-3:390-396 ,~164. (MIRA 17:6) T t7 L 2111441-65 Z7-:1 I'm ~v (w)/F.1A (d),/spR/T/z-jp(t)/Z~jp(b) Ps-4 ivp(c) iD ACCMSIOX NR. AF4043912 C-/0136/64/000/008/W75[0078 AM OR.- -Kulakov, V. I.; Bazhenov, M. F.; Matveyev, A. 1. TITLE: The utilization of secondary a1=inLm for the production of defor=ed ae-~-dfinished Products SOURCF- Ts,-,-+.ilyye metally, no. 8, IQ-,rA. 75-78 TOPIC TAGS: a:L=in=,, copper,, ma&meslun,. Iron, Duralmin, corrosive strength, surface property ABSTRACT- In view of the high cost of Al alloy products the authors investigated ~:~rz -xiG&ibil-ity of producing an Al-Cu-Mg alloy. The chemica", -omposit'lon of seried as the ba-, is for reGear-h - lngatt-, 1' In diiun. vc!,n~ presoed. 1 70 str!P. Mechaalcal t-e~i'- of e 1- ~w -1 - 5 satit;factory resu-Its with 0.,'Ap Mg amd Ntn contents Hot, brit.'l-~Mes6:tests si~ared the need for limiting the Fe contents to 0.8-O.A. -ne ctemical composi- tinn of the new "VD-1" alloy (in %) is: 2.6 to 3.6 Cu; 0.5 to 1-j 1419, 0.3 to :,In; 0.9 Fe; 0.4 to 1.0 Si; 0.4 Zn; 3.15 '11; 0.1 imPuz--tias- -pilot Plant teats tne ceatiag pr-operties of "VD-1" apec.-aerw vere eqwe-i ro rbore of "Dl" Cord l/2 7- L TCESSI. I RR AP4043912 -1 to Z--mn7valj~ t-hic r_14ss AkdAd -Co Ye strength that vas supertar to that of DI specimens atter holding in sea vater for 30 days. Bead tests a, 180C gave good results. Heated pipes vere bent at any desired angle without "amage and. the expane-ing of aTLi~-P-Ied pipes produced no cracks. Surface quaLity of "VD.-I" specimens vas aLso 7hw, mechanical properties of the "VD-I," a1loy are eqtza.' to the "'I" f wh' 1c, corrosive strength is h-igher. The au-thors exlect a saving of 15 )t9 per tor. of pipes and profiles and a 30~ increase in the use of secondary Al In the charge as a result of decreasing primary Al. The production of secondary Dura.luaia type Al voulA double. Orig. art. has: 4 tabiee and 2 -figures. ASSOMOLION: none SUBMITTED: 00 WML: 00 SUB CODE: M NO REP SOV: 004 Onm'. 001 Card 2/;)- r77 hing, jaumintm billet, aluminum -floy/ TOPIC TkCr-q- rpsidual stre alu'mmum que-ric a Plumiamn D16 a realm -n DSTRAI"T: 'rhe nurpa-se of th rk- was to devise procedures for the Lherm- I t -e t I j7t& nin t3- -the- to 7a:--Imzi~ he-VIL Stress Mea-0 In cl-flLin? [lie. properties ACCE"IMONT NR:' -.2/2 -d KT (b)/EHWA(cj DPW MJWJ) AW IC53r6~_-Z _(mY0~1-P- L , -ACCESSION NRt AP5022380 UR/0136/651000/009/0071/0075 669.715-15 AUTHM: Kulskov, Ve, Vind A, Bachanov, He F Koko TITLEs Effect of heat trsatusnt~on the properties of heat of thwaluminum alloy _VDl r5 'X7 SOURCE: Tavetnyyo metally, no, 9, 1965, 71-7S TOPIC TAGS: metal heat treatment, aluminum alloy, corrosibn rseittang, metal hardening, metal aging/ VDI &Iuminum'alloy ABSTMCT: The use of the secondary aluminum alloy VD1 in structural and machine elements requiring the combination of high strength with corrosion resistance had led to the need to investigate the effect of heat treatment on these properties, Henco, the authors present the results of their studies of the regimes of heat treatment of VDI alloy sheets assuring the optimal physical properties and cor- rooica resistance. This was based mainly on raising the hardening temperature in a combination with natural and artificial aging, 29000 opectmons takonfrom 1.0. 1.51 2.0l,and 6,5 mm thick shoots of VDI alloy(from a malt containing 2.94% Card-1/3... L-1053-66 ACCESSION NR: APS022380, F Cu, 0.71% Mg. 0.58% Mn, 0.42% Fe. 0.74% Si, 0.20% Zn) were hardened at.temps- ratures of from 465*C to 535*C. It was found that hardening at 53500 leads to some increase in ultimate strength au '(41#1 kg/=2) and yield strength at (25.5 kg/=2) compared with hardening at 485% ( cr. - 36.9 k&/=2# Cr y M h.0 kg/ j=2); hardening at temperatures beyong 495% leads to a marked increase in strength properties without any appreciable decrease in plasticity. The optimal I] temperature and duration of artificial aging are 160*C ard 10 hr, respectively, The pattern of increase in strength properties with hardening temperature is the same whatever the thickness of thadheets investigated. Microstructural exami- nation revealed no burnouts over the range of hardening temperatures investigated$ Corrosion resistance was determined by testing hardened (at 465, 505, 515, 525, and 5350C) and aged specimens of VDI sheets for intercrystalline corrosion and stress corrosion as veil As for loss of mechanical properties following corro- sion tests. Finding: raising the hardening temperature above 505% favorably affects the improvement in corrosion resistance (the depth of corrosion fact was 0.33 = at 503'C against 0.18 mm at 535*C). Thus raiving the hardening tempa- ratures of the allay markedly improves its strength and cogrosion properties ar4 warrants recommending itfor use instead of the alloy D161in structural elements and products performing under normal temperature conditions and In.the absence of h orize art. hast 4 figures# 4 tableso ppqrd 2/3 Ili---,,,-,-~, "-- ~ 4t - I : - - , I - " ; i. I ; '. , - I , ~ - z~~ . .1- - - - - ,; I I I . . : . , I - - 1~ .- '1.- 1 - 'elil--.' J., , , . 1, 1011,C) ACC M AP 5024ho6 SOURCE CODE.- UIR/0286/65/000/015/0083/0084-1 INVENTOR: .5aL~L Ov,. V. I. Matveyev, A. I.; lutrin,,M. A..; ftj!:zov, A. I.; ~ridlyander, elyan-s-R-y, A, A.; Ananlin, S.'N.,,, ORG: none TITU: Wrought'i aluminum-base alloy. Class 40, No. 173419 SOURCE:',Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 15, 1965, 83-84 TOPIC TAGS: alloy, aluminum base alloy, copper containing alloy, magnesium containing alloy, silicon containing alloy,,zinc containing alloy, manganesecontain~ng alloy iron containing alloy, nickel containing alloy, titanium containing alloy, chromium containing alloy, zirconium containing alloy, ber-~fllium containing alloy ABSTRACT., This Author C tificate introduce er yL a wrought, aluminum-base alloy with high, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance/ and vorkabilitv. The alloy contains 1.8-3% copper,~;i.2-2%,'triagnesiumVI.O --- ~l. 8% silic6n!73.5-6.0% zinc' .-~O.1-0.6% man- ganese, 0.9~__max ironi 0.1~ m T~nickei, oxi_~6'._2~_iitanium, 0.05m~d.'2% SkroqLum, 0.01-0.1% zirconium, and 0.0001-0.001% beryllium. [AZI SUB COPE: MM/ SUBM DATE: ~27JanQ/ ORIG REF: 000/~ OTH REF: 000/ ATD PRESS: Card lum 669.715.ol8.8 -IJPW~~ NN/tMICOAM r ACC NRt AT60.1641.6 (ft SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0102/oio8 AUTHOR: Kulakovp V. I. ORG: none TITLE: Secondary aluminum alloys for the manufacture of deformed semifinished products (Y7 SOURCE : AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Motallovedeniye legkikh splavov (Metallog- -raphy of light allo~m7. Moscow, led-vo Naukao 196.5p 102-108 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, magnesium containing alloy, copper containing alloy./ A19,11 aluminum alloy, VD1 aluminum alloy 1< ABSTRACT: The properties of the new alloys VDI and Q-11 were studied as a fanction of composition and temperature of a 1 TOe--s~joy 7Z-sprompted by the need to use LIM./ secondary aluminum alloys, i.e., aluminum_SEaj1&d waste, in the production of aluminum alloys., The experimental results are shown in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). Microstructure photographs of the now allo s are also presented. It was found that the optimum composition of alloy VD1 waa:Tu 2.6-3.6%, Mg 0.5-1.0%v 14a 0.3- 0.7%, Fe up to 0.9%, Si.0.4-1.0%p N1 up to 0.2~-Iand Zn up to 0.5%, and that of alloy AM was: Cu 0-1.5%. Mg 0.2-1.5%, Mn 0.2-1.0%, Fe up to O.Vlaj Si 0.3-1.8%o Ni up to 0.1%, a6d-Zn up to 0.3%. Both alloys are recommended as suitable materials for the manufacture of aluminum alloy semifinished products. It is estimated that Card 1/2 37171-66 ACC NRt AT6016416 le jj d' R-f MIA b Fig. 1, Mechanical properties of allay VD1 as a function of the copper (a) and magnesium (b) content. the use of secondary aluminum compared to primary aluminum in the production of both anoys VD1 and AM reduces the cost of aluminum alloy semifinished products production by 15-20%, Orig, art, han: 4 tables and 4 figures. SUB CODEs n/ SUBM DATE: .16$ep65/ ORM REF: 0.10/ OTH REF: 001 -ard 2/2 af T i I i"' I - , -, _' , N I--- 1L-a _- _;' L;r -!. -Lj ACC NR, r160-24950 (#\)V~ SOURCE CODE: Uil/2981/66/000/004/0341/0349 AUTHOR.' looktionoval No A.; Kulakov, V. I.; Isayev, V. I. ORG: none TITISt Heat treatment of products of AK6 aluminum alloy in hot media SOURCE: Alyuminiyevyye splavy, no. 4, 1966. Zharoprochrly-ye I vysokoprochrjyyo splavy (Heat resistant and high-strength alloys.), 341-349 TOPIC TAGS: metal heat treatment, aluminum alloy property AB3TRACT: A study of the mechanical, corrosion and microstructural properties of pressed billets and stampings of AK6 all howed that in quenching in hot media, de- sDite a marked decrease in cooling ratem csonnared to ordinary quenching in water at 2b-C, a supersaturated a solid solutionk.6-pears which is carable of hardonin- during aging and isothermal holding in a salt melt at the temperature of artificial aging.!, Industrial tests showed that stepwise and isothermal quenching schedules can be used only for stampings with a cross-sectional thicknoss of no more than 15 mm. Quonchi:ng in hot water ~t 9010C can be used for stampings with a croos-sectional thickness up -~o 50 rot idthout any a~ppreciable decrease in properties. 11he observed slight deere'ase An properties during quenching In hot media is due to the predominant breakdown of the solid solution along the grain boundaries. For this reason, articles -.dth a finely granular structure and a well-dovoloped substructure are moro sonsitive to chfAnigds J..n Card 1/2 Ilk ACC NRt AT6024950 the cooling rato an art.Aoles with a coarse-grained rocrystallized structure. The general corrosionl6nd stress corrosion after quenching In hot media are practically the same as after ordinary quenching followed by artificial aging. Orig. art. hasi 4 figures and i table. SUB CODEs 11/ SUM DATEs none/ ORIG REFI 004 Card 2 L I!I- I j~ '/ j ". i'J f /V) ACC N.".t JUL.,,CE COM: Ua/c)l'16/66/0c)O/0O8/00e' AP6029675 C is. Kula! ovy V. I.; Bazhonov, M. F., T3abrov, ORG: nono TrIVEE: Mochanical and corrosion proporties of-shqo:~s of alloy VD3 SOURCE: Tsve-uWjo motally, no. 8, 1966, 86-88 TOPIC TAGS: alloy, ziluninum alloy jrrnu~.-,-'~t-=k-~---tm7~- alloy / VD3 alloy, VDI alloy, D10' a]. loy 2,7--STRACT: Tho mcchanical and corrosion proporties of shoots rLido from alloy VD3 WOM ptal rcaults- woro coi-.iparod with tho corros-ponding re- 4nvocti,-,ated, and tho expor:;ino obtained for alloy D16. Tlho investigation sun lonenta- tho ranult-s prosentod by 1; V. I. Hmlakov, M'. F. Bazhonov, and A.. S. Kokovina ('T--votnyyo motally, 1965, 1"o. 9). 1 '(see Fig. 1). It was Tho exporimiontal rosults are prosonted in graphs and tables . A 'oun-' tha' tho corrosion and mochanical proporties of alloy VD3 aro comparable to i thoso of alloy D16, and it is suLgostGd that a coz~bination of alloys Vft~'and VD3 should yiold an alloy suitable for uso in votallurgic and machino building planta. Cord UDC: 669.71-41:620.1 4--.-L-IOLM-67 - ACC NR, AP60296'75 Fig. 1. Dependence of the mechanical properties of shoots made from alloy VD3 (1,2) and alloy D16 (3,4) on the quenching tempera- 4- 0: 1,3 - artificial aging; vur 2, 4 natural aging 43 61 .6140 61, iz Oric. art. has: 2 tables and 1 graph. SUP, COD-Z: U/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG MIT: 004 r- _2 Add__f4_R,__AT_60_3;_6 4 000- 6 JU14/ U.1 _5 b AUTHOR: Kirpichnlkovg K. S. (Candidate of technical sciences); Kulakov, V. It (Engineer); Shchekinal X. T. '(Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: The effect of microalloying with refractory elements on the structure and properties of aluminum-alloy sheets containing 52 Zn and 2% Mg SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 66, 1966, Struktura i avoystva aviatsionnykh staley i splavov (structure and properties of aircraft steels and alloys), 147-156 TOPIC TAGS: alloy mechanical property, microalloying, aluminum zinc magnesium alloy, zirconium containing alloy, titanium containing alloy'. beryllium containing alloy, chromium containing alloy, manganese containing alloy ABSTRACT: A series of Al-Zn-Mg.-alloy ingots microalloyed with various amounts of zirconium, titanium, beryllium, chromium and manganese were homogenized at 450-470C for 12 hr and extruded into-slabs (100 x 8 mm) which were rolled into sheets 1 and 3 mm thick, Sheet specimens 30 mm wide and 180 mm long cut along the direction of iolline were solution * annealed at 430-435C, water quenched, and then aged. 7he optimal aging conditions giving the highest yield strength with sufficient elongation and high corrosion resistance was found to be 100C for 6 hr + 180 C for 4 hr. The Card 1/2 UDCt 669.017s669.71