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I I -~, - -,.- I , , k- I I I. .I - MARDASHEV, S.R.; ETINGOP7. R.N.;_KUIAKOVSKATA, N.A. vc~~~ Aminodioarbonle acid content and hezons base In proteins of docarbo- oxidi2ing bacteria. Mikrobiologiia, Moskva 19 no.3:211-216 MY-Je '50. (GUG 19:3) 1. Department of Bialchemistry, 71ret Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Institute. 1 3 F-L f- HMASHEV, S.R.; KULAKOVSXAYA, N.A. Codecarboxylase of the aspertic acid. Vop.modvkhtm, 4;231-236 '52, (MMA 11:4) 1, Kafedra biokhimil IKookovskogo ordeas lenina meditsinskogo institutso (GODSOMQTMZE) (ASPARTIC ACID) KUIAKOVSKAYA, N. A. KULAKOVSKATA. H. Al - Orhe Phosphopyridoxal Nature of Bacterial Aparticodecar- boxylase Isolated from Yqcobacterium n. sp, (Puoudobacterium aawticum n. sp.)." Acad tied Sci USSR, Inst of Biological and Medical Chemistry. Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Biological Sciences) So; Knizhnava Letopis', No 3. 1956 /,~O vie k4xa ' v/A nwdlfied mzlUd W the d(Atanduatian of tunino uddd and peptldes, U, L Vk-khau and -14. A. KulakovskaXa. lubrasy Ated, KlUm. 1 No Jj9-72(05,75; Rejeral 1 , . . , Mini-, W4. Kkirri. 1955, No. 10W.-Tilt luctili'd of Tsuvorkalov for the dt-tu. tJ atnino N was modifivd by use of an addid. reagent consist ing (it I mi. of of I I Cl 10 and a 25% solu. of AcOll was substituted by 1()% Cil, WC0,11. In tests witit 10 amina acids and 4 PCptWcZ UIC max. deviation from the theqretical value was :L- 3% and theav.deviationA:I%. ffistW!iieglutathionegavcl.,i,-Zer deviations. PIJDUWI,H.I.; MMASHEV.S.R.; KULAKOVSKAYA Certain ff-derivatives of amino acids and of peptides. Zhur.ob. khim. 25 no.2:3?1-371P F 155. OGRA 8:6) 1- 1-Y IIOBkcrvBkiy meditDinBkiy institut. (Amino acids) (Peptidaa) KHQY,UTOV, B.I., kand.tekhn,nquk;__PLtIVI'-~~KAYA, N.A., kand.biol.nauk Quantitative deterrAning of butyl hydroVanisole, propyl and octyl gallates in vegetable oils. Masl.-zhir.prom.'19-22 Ag---i-62-. MIRA 17 2) 1. Laboratoriya Ministerstva zdrav'ookhraneniya SSSR. R- 01MIU, TOV, 1. , kand. te-khn.--nauk; n,'LAKOVSK.AYA, N.A., kand. bioloE. nauk Spectrophotometric determination of butyloxyanisole and dodecyl gallates 'in fats and oils. Vop. pit, 22 no.4:76-82 JI-Ag 163. < (M.IFA -1?: 10) 1. Iz Nauchno-issiedovatel'skoy laboratorii Ministerstva zdra o- okhraneniya SSSR, Moskva. KOLESNIKOV, A.G., doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, otv. red.; SKOPINTSEV, a.A.., dokt.or khIm. nauk, otv. red.; red. [Hydrophysical and hydrochemical studies; an interdepart- mental Republic-wide collection] Gidrofizichoskio i gidro- khtmicheskie issledovaiiiia; mazhvedomstvennyi respublikan- skii sbornik. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965. 137 p. 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. (I'li.U 18-5) 1-UTROFOLISKlY, Yu.A., otv. red.; BEREICISHY, Y-.11., red.; BRFUS, K.A. 17 red.; 22,110ROVICIII, V.A., red.; 11ASHIM, I-I., red.; MWIMIKOJI V.A., red.; PARAS)YUK, O.S., red.; FOLOZ111Y, G.N., red.; FILICHAKOV, F.F., red.- KULAKOVSKAYA 11 S red. [Mathematical physics] 14atematicheakaia fizika. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965. 156 p. (1,111RA 18:8) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev, KULAKOVSKAYA, N.S., red. Nagnotic traps) Magnitnye lov-ur-;hki. Kiev, Naukova duwlca, 1965. 222 p. (HIRA 19:1) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. I FMOMARENKO) G.P., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, otv. red.; FUIL~OWYAYA, ~II.S. , red. (hydrological and hydrochemical research in the tropical zone of the Atlantic Ocean] Gidrologicheakie i g1drokhi- michaskie issledovanlia v tropicheskoi zone AtIanticheskogo okoana. Kiev, Naukova dunika, 1965. 1451, (141PA 19-3.) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. . . . . . . . . . . . . imi -- - - -- ---- I - - - - - ---- - - -- -- - KUIAKIVSIKA, O.P.; KASIYAICMO, V.H., diyaW chlen. Iftdependence of the species Dactylogyras nybelini Markavitsch, 1933 (Konogenea). Da-P-AN URSR n0-5:405-408 152. WaA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSII (for Kaslyanenko.l. 2. InStytut agrobiolo- giyi Akademivi nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR (for Kulakivalka). (Trematoda) UESbOTARIOV, R,S.- KUILAKIVSI]rA. O&Pt-9 Vertical and horizontal migration of the larvae of horse strong7laids. Trudy Inst.zool.AN URSR 8:27-30 '52. (MIak 9:q-) (Horses-Diseasegs and pants) (Nematoda) KULAKIVSIKA, O.F. New species of Gyrodactylux (Monogenea) among the fishes of the Upper Dniester. Trudy Inst.zool.A.H URSR 13:121-123 152. (MIRA 9:9) Oniester-Cestoda) (Parasites--Fishes) IVASIX. V.M.; KULAKOVSKAYA, O.P. Study of the habitat of saUoz-family fishes in the Tramsearpathiaz Province of Ukraine. Nauk.zap.Llviv,sauk.prvrod.mus. Ali URSR 3:101- 116 '54. (MLRA 8:5) (Transcarpathia--Trout) KUL-AKCV:A:AYA. 0.F. [Kulakivalka, C.P.1 '~Parasitns of flahea in dLfferpnt regions of th#n upDer Daleater River. Pratai Inst. agrobiol. All URSR 5:48-.1)6 154. (MIRA (Dniester River-Paranites-Fishrs) KULAKOVSKAYA, 0. P. "Fish Parasites of the Up.-er Uniester Basin." Cand biol Sci, Inst of Zoology, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR, LIvov, 1955. (KL, No 9, - Feb 55) SO: Sm. 'To. 631, 26 Aug 55-Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR migher Educational institu- tions (14) KARPENKO, I.M.; IVASIK, V.M.; KULAKIVSIKA, O.P. Effect of low water temperatures on the wintering of reuxg-of-the-year carp. Nauk.zap.Llviv.nauk.pryrod.muz.AN URSR 4:97-107 155.(MLEA 9:9) (carp) - e .F. mv Materials on specific featix7es of monogenic Trematoda in fresh-water fishes. Nauk.zap.Pryrod.muz.Llviv.fil.AN URSR 5:78--80 156. (MIRA 10:5) (Trematoda) (Parasites--Fishes) CZEBOTARIEW, R.S.; KUUtKOWa4_,_.O'F.; MAJKA, W.I. Role of parasitological factor in colic and incertain other diseases of horses. Wiadomosci parazyt. Marsz. 4 no.4:309-317 1958. 1. Z Zakladu Parazytologii Instytutu Zoologii AN IMSR. (GASTROINTESTIHAL DISASRS, paraaitol. in horses (Pol)) (PARASITIC DISEASES, gastrointestinal in horses (Poi)) (HORSES, dis. gastrointestinal parasitic (Pol)) IVASIX, V.M.; KULAKOVSKAYA, O.P. "Our fishes" [in Czechoslovak] by Vaclav Dyk. Reviewed by V.M. Ivasik, O.P. Kulakovskaia. Zool. zhur. 37 n0.11:1751-1752 N '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Czechoslovakia--Fishes) mi FuLkOVSFAYA, 0. P. "The Specific Compositon of the Caryophyllaeidae Frindly of Cestoda. in the Fish of the Western Oblasts of the Ukrainian SSR." Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problem!j and Diseii8(-.!j with Natural Reservoirs, 22-29 October 10,59, Vol. 11, Publishing 110u-,~e of Aca&n-y of Sciences, USSR, Mloscow-Leningrad, 10,59. (Mmseum of Natural History of the Ukrainian Ac6demy of Sciences, Llvov) KULAXOVSUYA,, O.P. llatt~ral bodies of wator an sourcen of parasita" Infouting pond fish (accordiW, to data from western provinces of the Ukrainian S.S.R.). Trudy sov.Ikht.kom. no.9:65-68 '59. (14IRk 13:5) 1. Lvovakiy nauchno-prirodovedchaskiy muzey Akademii nauk USSR. (Ult=aine--Paraeites) (Para.aites-Fishos) I VAS I K, V. M. ; KUIw%XO VS KAYA, 0. P. Coccidiosis in the carp. Zool. zhur. 38 no-11:1746-1750 N 159 (MIRA 13-3) 1. Lvov Scientific Museum of Hatural History, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. and Lvov Zoovoterinary Institute. (Coccidlosis) (Carp-Disennes and pests) I- -- - - - KULkK-OVS KAYA, - 0. P.-- - _ - - --- - Renults of research on parasites of fishes in Carpathian and Ciscarpathian rivers'. Nauk. zap. UzhGU 40:309-318 159. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Nauchn oclovedcheskiy muzey AN USSR. . o-ecrirr .pathian Mountain region-ParaEsitps) (Parasites-Fishes) 1705) AUTHOR: Kulakovskaya, 0. P. SOV/20-1 27-1-63/1~5 TITLE: Development Stages of the Cestode Bathybothrium red-fangulum in the Organism of the Barbel (Barbus barbus) in the Different Seasons of the Year (Stadii razvitiya toestody Bathybo'.Tium rectangulum v organizme usaoha v raznyye sezony goda) PE RIODICAL1. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 1, pp 2?7_2~_q (USSR) - ABSTRACT: The costode mentioned in the title is a parasite spacific~'Zf two sp3oies of the barbal: Barbus barbus L. and B . meridionalis petenyl. Heck. It is a cestode of considerable-size of tae class Psoudophyllidea. According to the publicat'lons,-it occttr3 in the rivers of West Eitrope, among them the rivers of the %-tootern districts of the Mraine in the USSR: parts of the mountains of the Dnestr catchment area, the river Prut, as well-as the waters of Zakarpatlye (Trans-Carpathiane) %,rb,,1.-h'b;lorg -to tho Danube catchrient.area. This parasite is nbi known in * the'east of the Dnestr. Its biology is hardly investigated, the develop- ment cycle, too, remains unknown. According to the observations Card 113 of the author the individual development stages,of the cestode Development Stages of the Cestode Batuhybothrium S~~_v~./?O- 127-1-63/65 rectangulum in the Organism of the Barbel (Barbus barbttsl'~'i'n the Different Seasons of the Year in the organism of the fish differ considerably from one another, externally as well as internally. They viere even considered to be different species (Ref 2). The history of development of the parasite is described in detail (Pigs 1-4). The author dravs from the collected material the conclusion that the life: cycle of the costode lasts a year, In spring (April, May, ps _,-rtly June), the eggs are laid. Then the parasite s_VVW-i~.,,61~e s die and are expelled from the intestines of tk-,-fish. Some stra_g,-lers in mountain sections of the rivers are an e::ce..,tior,. In June, July, partly in August, the development of the parasite takes apparently place within the organism of a hitherto unknown intermediate host. In the second hal Of summer the fish is infected by a new 6eneration of era_o tee. This takes sometimes place quite early, even ---0 t e.. pubescent individuals of the previous g-- IF tion "ief t. Thus some pubescent individuals which hav remal'n'ed occur together with the iarva-stages of the new infection. Card 2/3 DAn-Clopment StagGs of the Castode Bathybothrium K-1/20-127- 1 r eP,t,-,rtL!,Aua in the Organism of the Barbel (barbus barbus) in the-D t Seas-ma of the Year The parasites grow within the fi.9h during autumn and winl~or and become pubeeaent next opring. Under different conditions, shifts of individual development st-w4---%' can of oolii-se take place in this or that directior there are 4 figures and 6 references. 1 of wh 'c"riet. A SSC.-CIATIO171 Llvcjvsliy nauchno-prirodovedchoskiy mujey A!-,.ider,,ii nauk- Uf-i -S" (L'vov Sciontific-Natural Science Museum of tw Acado,!..-,~ 6. Scioncen, UkrSSIQ - PRESE'liTED- October 13, 10/58, by Ir. I. Skryabin, Acarlerni-ciar. 13P 195e 13/3 KULAK 0. P. D[ulakivalka, O.p.] Parasites of fishes In the upper course of the Frut River. lauk, zll Nauk-pryrodi ;auz. AN URSR WO-82 '6o. (MIRA 13: 1.1), - Pmt River-Parasites) (Parasites-Flahes) KULAKOVSKAYA, O.P. Materials on the fauna of Car-jophyllaeidae (Cestoda, Pseudo-phyllidea) of the Soviet Union. Paraz*-- sbor. 20:339-355 161. O"EIRA 14:9) 1. Llvovskdy nauchn(> prjxodov,edcbeakiy muzey AN USSR. (CESTODA) (PARASITIZ-FISm) KULAKOVSKAYA O.P.- KROTAS, R.A. Khavia sinessis Hot (Caryophyllaoidae, Cestoda), an imported Par Eastern parasite on carp farms in western regions of the U.S.S.R. DokleAN SSSft 137 no.5:1253-1255 Ap, 161. (KIRA 14:4) 1. Nauchno-pri--odovedebeekiy muzey AN USSR i InBtitut zoologii i par~zitologii AN Litovskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademilcom. Ye.N. Pavl,bvskim. I (Cestoda) (Parasites-carp) KUIAKOVSKAYA, O.P.- [Kulakivslka, O.P.] "Methods of studying the parasitological situation and control of parasitoses in fam animals." Reviewed by O.P. Kulakivelka. Dop. AN URSR no.1:139-141 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Ukraine-Veterinary parasitologj) MJLAKOVSKAYA, O.P. [Xulakivslka, O.P.] Seasonal changes in the representatives of the family Caryopbyllaeidae (Cestoda) in western provinces of the Ukraine. Nauk. zap. Nauk.-pry-rod. maz. AN URSR 10*-88-93 162. (MIRA 16:8) AVDOSTEVI V. SO) ]MMCHENKO, I. F.., KARPENKO, I. M. and KULAKOVSKAYA, 0. P. [Llv-()V Station of Fish Farming] "Treatment and measures for prophylaxis of pikes parasitized by leaches" Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 7, July 1962 pp. 60 q ZDUN, V.I.; KULAKOVSKAYAO.P. Cercaria infection of fishes. Zool. zhur. 41 no.5:759-760 MY 162. (MIRA 15.6) 1. Museum of Natural History, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Lvov. (Parasites-Fishes) (Ukraine-Trematoda) w.I M M - KULAKOVSKAYA. O.P. Development of Caryophyllaeidae (Cestoda).in an intermediate host. Zool.zhur. 41 no.7s986-992 Jl .!62. (MA 151l1) 1. Llvovskiy nauchno-prirodavedcheakiy muzey AN UkrSSR. (Cestoda-Host animals) . . - -~ -,; ~- ;.--I-- --KULAI~-Q-TqKAYA, -O.P..- . . The new genus and species Breviscolex orientalis (Caryophyllaeidae, Castodes) from fishes of the Amur Basin. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.4ilOOl-1004 AP 162. (MA 1513) 1. Nauchno-prirodovodaheskiy muzey AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N.Pavlovskim. (Amur Valley-Cestoda) (Parasites--Carp) KULMVSKAYA, O.PS Bi7log,v and--distribution of Khavia sinensis IL-rd, 1935. Trudy, Ukr. . . ..... ~; fegp.-liZM: ibiiovw~ Nrawfia,2000-205 163 (MIRA rig)) le Llvovaki7 nauchno-prirodovedcheskiy mumey AN UkrSSR. - " ~ , 1 1 . F. IJ 'I'matrimiL and prophylx/Is in U-, lnl'e,,~tation of' p~'Ilv,,.-; wl -,,h J., cho V, Iloterinarlia 39 no.7:60 JI 162S 18:1.) 1. I,Ivovslcaya stantsi.ya x7bovodstva. MILAYOVS1U.YA, O.P, Influence of the environment on interrelationships of the I t, ntestinal parasites of fishes. Trudy LvAr. resp. nauch. ob-va Paraz. no. 3r9-15 164 ("Alu 19:1) 1. flauchno-prirodovedcheskiy muzey AN T-TkrSSR. Th* -late,- system and rubber-bearing of hok-salthyx X1. N. KWAtmikaysti.on-I It- M. -Nikitht. irl'~kid-iy .4*,,,1. 73, W- vestillatioll of wvmd btl'~ms of kok-Apthvit iv- wAled t1til TN-7-1-2 pc*w".es the IATZC%t t4tCX-471-114111111119 vs-w,rk. f"ll"Wrii it) mdrr by VVIJ. 4-145, '-.111twil vmk-ty' .1"1 6 1 ~'. Ilowevirr. m mint ni- its) rrlilum I.mrslis tht* awl thr vkI,f of rul,kirr molif lw Imuid. Miler towlivilvitillit Ililtorlicrit 14 vilrWis-11 id fulOwl c,imell. ill lilt lAttl KIVV the 4,10 ttaill the highest tuldwr coutcut W MI'v' on dily rool wt.). %fineml typc of soil Sciterally raLwil the rubIwr tvittirm over the plants crown on jwm wil. ULAKCj*vT.-'lAY,*L, T. '.,T. 6763- Bellskiy, B. B, Kulakovska-ira, T. N. i "yastyuk, 11. N. Primeneniye udobreniy na torfyano-bcilotny,ch pochvq-kh nizir-nogo tipa. Peredovoy opyt. i'linsk, Izd-vo Adad. nauk Belorus. SSR, 1954. 86 s. 20 sm. (Akad. nxik belorus. SSR. In4t melioratsii, vodnogo i bolotnego khozyaystva). 4.000 ekz. 1 r. 25 k. --Bibliorr: s. 84. -- Na Belorus. yaz. -(55-2204) 631.615: 631.8 (1,7.60) & (016.3) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 6, 1955 fV tESIj/ Agriculture Melioration Card. 1/1 t Pub. 22 - 37/AJ4. Authors I Mashtakov, S. M.; Kulakovskaya, T. U.; tand Golldina, S. M. Title I Activity of ferments and breathing intensity as indicators of' biological activity of tho soil. Periodical j Dok. All SESSIM 98/1, lla-W~, Sep lo 1954 Abstract I Report is made on the biological activity of the soil as deteniiined by the breathing intengity of the latter and the Letivity of ferments applied to the soil. Ta-bloso showing the number of micro-orraniwis, ferment activity and breathing intensity of pent and mineral soils~ are included. Eight USSR references (1937-1953). Institution : Acad. of Sc. F~-eloruss-SSRY Inr:titute of Maliaration Presented by : Academician A. L', Nursannov, Ju-ne 4, 1954 J, 14 v US,,QR/Biv0ov Plant physiology -Card 1/1 Pub.- 22 - 45/43 Authors Mashtakov, S. M.; Wakovskaya, T. N.; and Golvdina, S. He Title About rubbar bearing properties of wild growing Kok-Saghis plant;3 ---Periodical-i--Dok0AN -SSSR-- l03/2_,'_3414344,_ jul,n,__1q55________ Abstract I Scientific data are presented on the rubber bearing properties of wild growing Kok-Saghiz plants. Four USSR references (1936-1951). TaVLes.- Institution Presented Academicia A. L. Kursanov., May 20,, 1955 . . . . . . .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - USSR/Soil Science. Mineral Fertilizers, J-3 Abs Jour, Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 23742. Author Bollskiyj Inst Titlu. Mobility of Phosphoric Acid in Peat-Bog Soil. Orig Pub: Vestsi All BSSR, ser. biyal. n., Izv. AN BSSR, ser. biol. n., 1956, No 2, 25-28. Abstract: Experiments were conducted in the Minsk Marsh Experimental Slmtion on peat-bog soil in lysi- meters. Radioactive superphosphate was applied in the capacity of phosphonis fertilizer. 11he highest assimilation of the phosphoric acid by barley plants occurred with the application of fertilizers to a depth of 10 cm. Card : 1/1 KUIAXOVSKAYA, T.No. kandidat sellskokhozyarstvennykh nauk. Effect of mineral fertilizers on the cultivation of beat-bog swampy soils. Trudy Inst.mel., vod.i bol.khoz.AN BSSR 7:288-316 156., (KIMA lo:,r,) (Flartilizers and manure) (Peat soils) USSR/Soil Science. Mineral Fertilizers Abs ul-:= : Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13, 1-0/58, 58329) By 0. P. 14edvedeva Author : Belskiy B Kulakovskay-a Fedorenchik A . A # I K oB u. k, o*v- =. ~,.. ~ Inst : Belorussian Scientific-Research Institute of Melioration and i-."ater Regulation Title : Doses and 1'.1ethods of Application of Fertilizers to Newly Reclaimed Peat-gv-.ramp Soils. Orig Pub : V. sb.: Osnovnyye Rezultaly nauchno-issled. ra- boty Belorussk. n.-i. in-ta melior. i vod. kh-va za 1956, g. k1insk, kN BSO-R, 1957) 49-64 Abst7-act : Experiments carried out on newly reclaimed Deat- swamp bottom lands of the Slousti river (BsbR) have shown that all doses of phospheru,3:-p6ta-s- sium fertilizers used in the cultivation of oats, Card 112 17 USSR/Soil Science. Mineral Fertilizers Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Diol., No 13, 1-958, 58329, By 0. P. Medvedeva kbstract : corn, and perennial grasses are more effective when the drainage nanals are 40 meters apart than when they are 80 meters apart. The additional yields at the smallest distance (40 meters) were as follows: oat seed--4.8; green mass of corn-- 65.7; grasses 13 centners per tLectare of land. Higher doses of phosphorus produced greater yields of these crops at the 40 meter distance, Other experiments have shown the superiority of utili- zing part of Ps (10 kg per hectare of P20S ) in preplanting; the effect of the preplantino P., did not diminish even when a considerable smRller dose of the basic phosphorus fertilizer was used. ExDeriments with a lysimeter have shown that the mobility of Ps phosphorus is greater in newly re- claimed peat-swamp soil thant in soil previously cultivated. Card 212 - KULAKOVSKAYA, T.N. (Minsk) Methods of fertilizer application on peat-bog soils [with summary in English]. Pochvovedenie no.7:79-85 Jl '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Fertilizers and manures) (Peat aoils) I __BFL'5KIY,__B.B.; KULVOVSYAYA, T._N._;__ROZ1AA, M.-S-. - Determinin- phosphate availability In peat-tog soils. Pochvovedenie no.11:93-98 N 161, (MIRA lt~:12) i 1. Belorusskiy nauchno-issleAvatel'skiy institut meliorateii. I vodnoro khozyaystva. (Peat soils) (Soild--Phosphorus content) LUPINOVICH.. I.4j KULAKOVSKAYA. T.N. Agrochemical characteristics of turf-Podzolic.medilm-light loam soils and the efficiency of phosphorus fertilizers. Pochvovedenie no.11:17-23 N 162. (MIRA ta) 1. Institut pochvovedeniya Ministerstva sel'skogo khozyaystva BS9,. '(Podzol) (Phosphates) K"aKOVSL','YA Difforantiution of amounto oll.' phoophorus znk. jot--.ss_Jul_q fertilizers. Zenledelie 25 lic.9-35-41 S '63. (MMA 16:9) 1. 7,01oVUL;Ski -1i lino - -~r I - 0 y n u1c, Jli~;titizt poolivmd-L-niya. I L, I . t - 1,,,liur,:~:3) T.D., kand; DRIMIYANOVITCH, L.P., aci-Anuntka Use fertilizers taking into cons -ide i~,ati cri Zemledelie 27 no.4.:20-27 Ap lk'~5. (MITIA 38-j~) 1. Belorusskiy n,,iuz-hno-i.,3sledovate,)113',,;y inst-itut pochvovedunlya. iVJLAKOVSKIY, A., in2h. Technological and economic comparison of the silo bodies of elevators. Muk.-olev. prom. 29 no.8:19--21 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Gosudar:Avennyy institut Proia-zernoproyekt. KOSHAROVSKIY, T. (Koszarowskip ',.];_KULAKOVSKIY, A. [Kulakowski, A.] Observations on the removal of the retrosternal lymph nodes in radical surgory in breast cancer. Vop.onk. 5 no-11:520-523 159 ~MIRA 14:7) 1. Institute of Oncology named after Maria Skladavs1ty-Curie, Warsaw. Adros avtora: Varshava, Vavellskaya, ull., d.15, Inatitut~onkologii I I imeni Marii Sldadovskoy-Kyuri. (BREAST-CANCER) (LIMPHATIS-SURGERY) KULAKOV-SKIY, A. Follow-up to our materials. Muk.-alev. prom. 30 no.3:3 of cover Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy institut, po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatly i sooruzheniy zernovoy i mukomollnoy promyshlennosti. J KUZNETSOV, S., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; IffMOVSKIT, A., inshener Precast reinforced concrete granaries for districts in which virgin and idle lands are being cultivated, Mak.-elev.prom. 21 no-5:9-12 Hy '55. (KM 8:9) 1. Goandaretvennyy institat Promzernoproyekt (Gran lea) (Pracast concrete 'Construction) KULAKOVSKIY, A., inzhener; RALITSEVICH, V., inzhener. Practice in the construction of precast concrate granaries. Muk.-elov.prom. 21 na.11:22-25 N 155. (HLRA 9:4) l.Gcsudt%rstvenW7 institut Promzernoproyekt, (Precast concrete construction) (Granaries) KULAKOVSKIY, A.B., inzhener. - m I.-L 0, NO_ft__w"M"W Constructing precast reinforced concrete elevators in Algeria. Nov. tekh. I pered. op. v stroi. 18 no.9:23-25 S '56. (mLRA 9:io) (Algeria--Grain elevators) KULAKOVSKIY,.A1.B._, inzhener. -, ~ - ~ Permanent exhibition of bililding materials and products In Stockholm (Sweden). Nov.tekh. i pered.op. v stroi. le no.12:26- 30 D '56. (MLRA 10:1) (Stockholm-.-Building materials---Exhibitions) LI 'BRUITI P.P., otvetstVon:nyy red.; KOGAN, A.O., red.; KRIMSOV, S.M., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.;-t~~WWA -B., inzh., red., KMOCI&*1111, A.M., , .99,,-A rod.; PISAK, B.Ya., red.; 7ROITSICIY, N.A., red.; SHITEYDER, Ya.A., red.; KOCH.%TKOV, L.I., red.; GOLUBKOVA, L.A., [Designing grain warehouses and grain-processing plants] Pronktirovanie zernokhraniliBhch I predpriiatti po pererabotke zorna; abornik statei kollek-tiva sotrudnikor instituta. Moskva, Izcl-vo tekhn.i okon. lit-ry po voprosam mukomollno-krupianoi. kombikormovoi promyshl. i a lava torn o-s kladskogo khostatetva, Vol. A. 1957. 59 P. (MMA 11:5) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut promzernoproyekt. (Granaries) (Flour mills) KULAKOVSKIT, A.B., inzh. Hoisting sliding forms using jacks with electric drive. Wov. tekh. i pered. op. v stroi. 19 no.6:28-30 Je 157. (MIRA 10:10 (Hoisting machinery) (Czechoslovakia--Concrete construction--Formwork) IMIAKOVSKIY, A., tnzh. ..... Bitilding of grain elovatore in Gzechoolovakia. Muk. elev. prom. 23 no.12:28-30 D f5Y. (MIRA 11,62) (Gzechoslovak-la-Grain alevators) KULAKOVSKXY A.B., inzh.; BISMOVICII, R.Ye., inzh. Precast reinforced concrete silos for storing camnt in the Nothorlands. Nov, takh, I perad, op. v atrol, 20 no,4:27-29 Ap '58. (MMA. 11:3) 1 (Silos) (Potherlands-Precast concrete constiniction) KULAYLOVSKIY, A., inzh. - n-I ROSUltB of the competition for standard designs of farmhouses. Zhil. stroi. no.3:20-21 '59. (MIRA 12:6) (Architecture, Domestic--Designs and planEi--Gompetitions) "---KULLKOVSKlYi--AMQI!d-Boris(xvi;r.h;--~-ITSBVICHp Viktor Apollinarlyevich; VYSOTSKAYA, R.S., red.; SWEL'YEVA, Z.A., tek~n. red. (Precast reinforced concrete in the construction of enterprises which store and process grain) Sbornyi zhelezobeton v stroitell- stve predpriiatii po kbraneniiu i pererabotke zerna. MoskvajIzd- vo tekhn. I ekon. lit-ry po voprosam kl4eboproduktov, 1960. 77 p. (Precast concrete construction) (Grain handling) KUZNETSGV, S.M... kand.tekhn.nauk; EPSHTEYN, B.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; inzh.; KUROCHKIN, A.M., inzh. Precast reinforced concrete granaries. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no.8:337-345 J 161. .' (KMA 14:8) (Granarieel (Precast concrete construction) DFIZIN, Bq KUIAKOVSKIY, A.j_~~TOSERDOV, A. Air-oupported buildings for grain storage.. Muk.-elev. prom. 27 no.10:34-16 0 161, (MIRA 10.12) 1. Gosudarstvennyy komitet zagotovok Sove-~a Ministrov SSSR (for Drizin). 2. Gosudaratirennyy institut po'proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy mukomollno-krupyanoy i kombikomovoy pro-- myshlennosti i elevatorno-skladskogo khozyayst-,.ra (for Kulakovskiy,, Prostoserdov). (Granaries) DUZINKEVICII, Sju., inzh.. red.; KUT.~~KOV~.~J", 1, . I _. ! ., inzh,, red. [Instructions for designing granavies and grain elevators] Ukazaniia po proektiroveniiu zernosklidov i elevatorov (SN 261-63). Utverzhdeny Gosudarstvennym komitetom po de- lam stroitel'stva SSSR (Gosstroem S.'-'SR) 6 noiabria 1963 g. Noskv-n, StroUzdat, 1964, 18 p. (I-ITRA 17:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosuderstverukvy komitet po de- lar, stroltellstva. ACC NR; AP70014776 (A) SOURCL CODL: UR/0413/67/000/001/008910090 MENTOR: Kulakovskiy, A. 1. .. .......................... ORG: none TITLE: Analog-digital function generation from several variables. Class 42, No. 190071 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1967, 89-90 TOPIC TAGS: analog digital conversion, digital analog decoder ABSTRACT: The proposed analog-digital function Zqnerator from several variables -contains operational amplifiers and a decoder. To increase the accuracy of regencra- i tion, additional analog converters have been incorporated into the gencra~:or which regenerates step functions. These converters, the number of which equals ':-he number of in?uts, are connected in parallel to the resistors which, in turn, are ne e con ct d to the input of the operational.amplifier. The output of this amplifier is bound t through an "analog-digit" converter with the input of the digital function generator I built in the form of a decoder.* The output busbars of this decoder are connec~-!~~ through keys to the tunable input resistors of the summing operational amplifier. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. (JP] Card--- 1/2_____ UDC: 681.142.523.8 ACCN~.-* AP7004-jj-6 SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 30Sep65/ Fig. 1. Function generation 1, 2 - Operational amplifiers; 3 - decoder; 4 - analog converters generating step functions; 5 - resistors at the input of the operational amplifier; 6 "analog 1-eys; 8 tunable digit" converter; 7 resistors. Cord 2/2 f-Al ~Cl~~Rt INVOMR: Kulakovskiy, A. I, ORG: None TITLE: A method for reproducing a function of two variables. Class 42, No. 181887 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 10, 1966, 100 TOPIC TAGS: function analysis, computer component ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for reproducing a function of two variables. The procedure is based on subdividing the region for determination of the variables into squares. Realization of the method is simplified by repre- senting the given function in terms of the square number alone vith reproduction on a functional converter in a single variable. A signal proportional, to the number of the square is formed as the sum of piecewise-linear voltages, each of vhich is a function of one of.the two*input signals. Card 1/2 uDc;681.142.001. ACC NR, AP60179104 1-4unction&l converters; 2, dder,, 3-functional converter in a single variable SM CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: 06Apr65 Card 2 KRASILISHCHIKOV, M.N. (Moskva)-, KULAKOVSK.I,Y, _A.I. (Mosim) .- A ! Mothod for reproductii,4 functions of aeve-ral variables and its actual derivation. Avtom. i telem. 24 no.8glID5-1-116 Ag 163. (MJRA 16-8) (Functions of several variables) (Electronic computeri) KULAKOVSKIY, B.V., kand.takhn.nauk Evaluating the Insulation moisture of electric machinery by the nature of relationship between the voltage and leakage current. Slek.sta. 28 no.12:47-51 D 157. (MIRA 12:3) (Electric machinery) (Electric insulators and insulation) BADYLIKES. Isay Savel,yevich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; KAPLUNj, M.S.. red.; NOLAK JGWR red.; ISH, D.M.,, .[Thermodynamic similitude of refrigerants and of the processes .of refrigerating machinhal Tormodinamichaskoe podobie rabochikh veshchestv i proteasiov kholodilinykh mashin. Koakva, Gos.izd-vo .torg.lit-ry, 1960. 61 p. (miRA 14:3) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) RYUTOV, D.G.Ikand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KAPLUN, M.S., red.; KULAKOVSKIY, I.A.) red. (New research work in the field of rofrigeration engineering; abstracts of scientific research work completed during the period from 1960 to 1961] Novye issledovaniia v oblasti kholodilln_oi tekhn:Lki; refe- raty naucbno-issledovatellskikh rabDt, vypolnenrykh v 1960-1961 gg. _M--sk-vao 1962. 166 p. (MIRA 17:3) Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kholadilinoy promyshlennosti. DADYLtKES, IDay Saveltyevich; KAPLUI.', 14I.S., red.; KULAKOVSKIY, I.A., red. [Recom-.endations for the design and planning of refrigera- tion installations]Rekomendatsii po proektirovaniiu '-.,-holo- dillrjykh ustanovok. Moskva, 1962. 94 P. (MIRA 15: 10) 1. Moscow. VsesoyuzW nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kholodillnay promyshlennosti. (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) KULAKOVSKIY, I.V. [Kulakovstkyi2 I.M., inzh. Feed distributor for swine. Mekh. sill.hosp. 13 no.7:27-28 Jl 162. (MIRA 17:3) I KULAKOVSKIY, I'V., inzh.; PANCHENKO, A.N., inzh. Feed preparatory shop at the "Maiak-61, pig-rearing farm for 6,000 heads. Mashinostroenie no.5:99-104 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:12) OVIEL'ClIENKO, A.A., inzh.; KULAKOVSKIY, I.V., JnLh. Tractor-mounted two-sided feeders. Mashinostroenie :10-4~- 95-97 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 17;10) AUTHOR: Kulakovs!"j, -.C-.hief Engineer of the SOV16-r8-9-14126 r 16 Field Party TITLE: From the Experience Gained in the Setting of Bench Marks (Iz opyta rabot po zakladke gruntovykh reperov) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1958, Nr 9, pp 68 - 69 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a letter to the editor. In the Kazakhskoye aerogeodezicheskoye predpriyatiye GUGK (Kazakh Aerial Surveying Authority of the Central Administration of Surveying and Cartography ) fourth-6r,,~!e level traverses are often made by the topo6raphical field parties in the same year in which the surveying was carried out. This is a description of the setting of bench marks by the 1[r 76 field party in -1956. It is shown that it is advisable to have the settinG of the moriuments and the running of the level traverse done by the same purty. An accurate subsequent description of the position of t~ie bench mark is indispensable. T I I N V, IA L. 1 S, A V 'I I y e of con" 1"" 110 0 11 e I d .1 ri fc, a u len c i c: tomperatures, AFom. enerp. 29 :c,.6,:52k.-52q D lo5- L ACC NR, AP6001794 SOURCE 'CODE-:-' 1UR/0'689/65/619/006/0524/'0.529 AUTHOR: Dubrovskiy, V. B Krasnoyarov, N. V.; Kulakovskiy, 11. Ppy-same ORG: None TIME: Use of concrete for nuclear reactor shielding at high temperatures SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 19, no. 6, 1965, 524-529 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor shield, nuclear reactor material, chromite, concrete ABSTRACT: A theoretical study is presented on the possible utilization of heat-resistant chromite and -ordinary ref rectory concretes for thermal shieldine of nuclear reactors.110rdinary concrete was chosen for invest- igaflons because this m-aT-arial is widely used in industries while chzvmite concrGte was selected on account of its high neutron absorbing and viod- erating properties and for its efficient gamma-shielding qualities* The chemical compositions and physical properties of these two materialis were summarized in two tables. The heat ralease produced in concrete by neutron fluxes was calculated under the condition that the gamma flux was equal to zero, It was assumed, that neutrons were emitted from a Pu-239 plate of a thiokness and iafinite.length. Data taken from Card 1/2 UDC: 621.039-538o7 L 28387-66 ACC NRs AP6001794 various sources,gere used for calculating neutron fluxes of diffen)nt levels up to 10 neutrons.per sq am sea, The distributions of neutron fluxes in ordinary and-chromiteconorete shieldings were -graphically -illu,- .strated including total and fast-neutron fluxes. Similar,curves wore plotted for gamma radiations per one neutron. The heat distribution inside chromiteconcre"te shielding per one neutron was also representedS Temperatures we re calculated for various neutron fluxes, concrete thick- nGsses and heat transfer coefficients. The results were plotted in four sets of curves. Meabanical stresses caused by differences in tempera- ture were investigated in connection with the reinforcement of concrete in outer shielding areas. The calculations were made for cylindrical shielding made' of chromite concrete '(trade mark 400) with embedded Metal rings (trade mark 2 x 13). The results of calculations for various thicknesses were tabulated. Itwas.concluded that heat-resistant concrete could be used for neutron fluxes up to 1013 neutrons per aq am sea, temperatures up to 1100 0 and temperature drops up to 900 0. Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 7 figureso suB coDP-,:18;_4/ SUBM DATE: 21-Tan65 ORIG PEF., 014' OTH REP. 007 2/& KULAKOVSKIY, P.YO. Public health in the Yakut A.S.S.R. during 40 years of Soviet regime. Zdrav. Ros.Feder. 1 no-11:15-24 11 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Zamestitell ministra zdravookhraneniya Yakutskoy ASSR. (YAKUTIA-PUBLIC HEALTH) RFZNOS, A.M., Inzh.; KULAKOVSKIY, V.A.,, imh., KUPIKENIKO, N.G. Self-propelled drop hammer for knocking out accretions. Mekh.i avtom.proizv. 17 no.11:26-27 N 163. (MIR-A 17:4) it3') ~7T ~-IL5 EPA imPS- 00 854 2 /0 2 86 /65 /CC-O' /006 /005S. MosS, V A. Polishchuk, S. M. cylliadarica- y LAI I et e nizob-retanLy twvarnyl-l- zaakov, no. 6~ 196S, 59 ITOPIC TAGS -. transparent plastic, cylindrIcal shc,!-' T~A 27 7:--,s Author's Certificate i r, rc- Z! u c c z a ra 7-1 a --Q !a S L 41305-65 APS008542 ':Ion---,-Iud--' w.-nding machani-SM-- I'S b Q It di4verm or --Fri~nxfon ~Jriv~,r r-- c-, D ro r7~--unted on a gui-de pa,.,,alle-I tc? r~%c r NO REF SOV: 000 OTHERi cco ,~IT 1E COM 2 .L 85)o4-66 E-IT(m)/Ii~l-,TP(V)/&VP(J)/T/FTC(m) Wl.-I/Ml "5028477 SOURCE CODE: W/0286/65 UTHORS: Rktner#_I. Volovichg Z. M.; I)akianovp, G.11.; XulgkVsk orskiy, Be-Z.,; Volki A. I--Kh.pAndrey'ev# A. A.; Arkdzhovskiy a - Meytint R. Y If'o - - A !01006310063 A. none Le TITM A device for saturating fibrous reinforcing materials with a binder* Class 39 170- 175641 SOURCE: ByiLlleten' izobreteniy i toyarnykh znakovq no. 20, 1965,'-53 TOPIC TAGSt bonding material, industrial instrument, mechanical motion instrument IMSTRACT: This Author Certif icate presents a device for saturating fibrous reinforain materials with a binder. The device contains a mechanism for raving the material over a,. rigid base and a working percussion instrument. The letter is set into reciprocatin motion in a plane normal to themotion of the material. To increase the productivilv of the device-while improving the saturation qualityg the working instrument consists of spring-loadel plates m(nutted. on a common traverse. Elastic supports axe fixed to that side o:r the plates wUch is toward the material being worked. SUB CME: 15/ SM DAM 13Dec62 43 VIN, not 6713-026-21 USSR/Electricity - Insulation J'al Condenser, Syncbronous "Testing the Insulation of the Stator Winding of a 10, 000-Kilovolt -Ampere Synchronous Condenser," V. B. Kulakovskiy, Engr "Elek Stants" No 7, PP 30-32 Gives detailed results of experiments during which absorption curves (change In insulation resistance with time) were taken by various methods, ioniza- tion curves obtained, prolonged application of Ab 162T24 USSR/Electricity - Insulation (Contd) Jul 50 above-rated ac and dc voltages and their effect on Insulation qualities studied, and electrical strength of insulation determined. 162T24 USSR/Electricity - insulation Feb ~ 51 Tests' "Testing the Mositi;xei -Content of insulation by the 'Capacitance -Frequency' Method," V., B. Kula- kovskily, Erxg~ Cen. Sci Res Elec Eng Lab, Min Elec Pover Sta "Blektrichestvo" No 2) PP 2-5-33 Establa.shed tbat iL~ method. of testing insulation =i.stuTe by dependence of capacitance upon fre-- quency, this eleamendency is sharper vhen charge- discharge circuit is used than -when sinusoidal ac _,6 used for meaeurements. Shoved that it is USSR/Elect=� city - Insulation (Contd) Feb 51 sufficient to measure capacitance values for fre- quencies 2-c,"O cps in order to test moisture con- tent of insulation at 1-5-200 C. Illustrated method by detg moisture,of transformer insulation, Sub- mitted 10 Jun 50~ 178T47 ir'JrA','0V3','Ty V. 3. I rAll IOUK71y, 11. 3. -- for ~io~stura Gontrol I~onteiit Of 1!-13ulation." Sub 2) Feb .:2 , "iosco,..i Jrder of 11caLn Po-aer ...!iginearing Inst imeni V. ?1. '!olotov. ( D`-,ssc,~rluation f-.)i, the De--, rc~,- df Candidate in Technical L;ciences). SO: Vecliernaya Mloskva, January-Decefaber 195)2 KUL,IKOVSKIY- V. B., Eae. Electric Transformers Moisture control of transformer imulation by the capacity method. RBb. eUerg,., 1, No- 1, 1952- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October, 1952 I*U. Unclassified. &I USSR/Electricity insulation Jun 53 Generators "Testing Wetted Stator insulation of a Heavy-Duty Generator,"',-V.B. Kulakovskiy, Cand Tech Sci; Engr ,...I.V. EzririF-,, Moscow Elektrichestvo., No 6,',~p 6o-61 Discusses results 6f-tests b entral Sci Res Elec Eng Lab of Min Elec Power Stas and Elec Industry on insulation of-27,500-kva, 6.6-kv generatori manufd by non-Soviet firm. States stator insula- tion stood up under well over rated voltage without 268T55 preliml=ry drying. Submitted 13,Mar 53. (Editor in Note following article warns authors' conclu- sion that preliminary drying is unnecessary should not be taken as a general principle.) 268T55 .- -KULAK M KIT. V.B., -inzhener. - - --------------------- - Using power and instrument transforme:re as testing transformara. Blek.sta. 24 no-7:30-32 J1 153. (MIRA 6:7) (Electric transformers--Testing) Subject USSR/Electricity AID P - 1604 Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 13/27 Authors Vanin, B. V., Eng. and Kulakovsk4j-y, V. B., Kand of Tech. Sci. Title Partial discharges in the frontal parts of windings of large electrical machinery Periodical Elektrichestvo, 3, 62-66, Mr 1955 Abstract The authors studied cases of such discharges in high- voltage electrical machinery. They attribute the phenomenon to the flow of capacity currents between parts of winding insulation surface having low specific resistance and separated from each other either by air gaps or by sections of insulation having high resis- tance. The reason for the formation of semiconducting, surfaces on winding insulation is found in the AID P - 16o4 Elektrichestvo, 3, 62-66, Mr 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 27 - 13/27 accumulation of oill mixed with carbon dust on the frontal parts of the windings. The authors describe ways of eliminating this discharge. Four drawings (1 photo), 2 Russian references (1933-1954) Institution: Central Electrical Engineering Scientific Research Laboratory of the Ministry of Electric Power Stations Submitted N 9, 1954 AID P - 3438 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 5/32 Author Kulakovskiy, V. B., Kand. of Tech. Sci. Title Contemporar methods of controling the humidity of insulation TConcerning the article on putting trans- formers into service without preliminary drying-out, this journal, No. 9, 1955) Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 10, 18-23, 0 1955 Abstract : The author discusses the article of A. K. Ashryatov: Tutting transformers into service without preliminary drying-out" (this journal, No. 9, 1955). He disagrees with Ashryatov's objections to the capacitance and absorbtion methods of controlling insulation moisture. He presents data based on the satisfactory use of these methods. He also disagrees with Ashryatov on the degree of admissible moisture of transformer