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On the Relation Between the Amplitudes of Nucleon- SOV/54-58-3-4/-:9 Nucleon and Antinucleon-Nucleon Scattering at Itigh Energies is eq us], to 8 7 1 VT7-m.r- Im r- H (A' and under consideration of the formulas 2 12 2 '+ 21 JEH(.&N (2) m. A) '12] E` I _'_ IPH(A)l Tff(A) ~H(A) "~11 and 4H(A) k(A) (6) (cr- TH(A)---* -EEN(A) + PH(A) (a"CP +EH(A)_ PH(A) e (6)_ (+ 1) a!((") for~`7 is obtainei., This equation corresponds with the results of the work (Ref 'Furthermore the oanclusion'can be made that the total ezattering cross-se ctions averaged after the polarizitions and the differen- Card 213 tial cross-sections for elastic scattering are equal for narrow 0-1 tb4 Relation Between the Amplitudes of Nucleon- S()V/;jz4-58-3- J/ ' 9 Nucleon and Ant.inucleon-Nucleon Scattering at High &ergiaa axigles of the nucleon-nucleon and antinucleon-nuel eon scattering at high energies,. Mere are 2 references, 1 of which is Sovitrt, STJ BKI T TE DI gMarch 5, _3958 Caz,,- 3/3 ~(,Iru i I r-, /)-I AUTHORt Kuni, F. M. 56-1-24/56 TITLEt The Application of the Low Integral Equation Method to the Problem of Proton-Proton Scattering (Primeneniye metoda integral' kh uravneniy Lou k zadaohe o rasseyanii protons, na proton7e. PERIODICALs Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 1, pp. 163-172 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The present paper investigates the problem of the elastic nuclear proton-proton scattering from the point of view of the integral equation of the Low (Lou)-ian type. The first section of this paper treata the integral equation for the scattering of a proton on a proton. First the matrix-element of the operator used for the examination is given. The present paper shall now derive an integral equation for this matrix- -element. The author starts from the anticommutation relation for the operators of the nucleon field. The course of the calculation is followed step by step and the sought integral equation is then explicitly giv In. In the second section the integral equation for the wave So is investigated and the Card 1/3 cross section of scattering is calculated. The author here The Application of the Low Integral Equation Method to the 56-1-24156 Problem of Proton-Proton Scattering. restricts himself to the talking into account of the most intensively scattered wave 130 with a disappearing orbital angular momentum, spin and total angular momentum. The matrix-element corresponding to this case is explicitly given, The expression obtained by a longer calcul ation for the cross section of the scattering of the wave So is ex- plicitly given here. This expresuion only little depends on the cut-off energy and in the range of medium energies (approx- imately from 0,1 to 100 MeV) is in good agreement with the ex- perimental data. By the method of calculation discussed here it is not possible to determine the dependence of the initially mentioned matrix-element and of the cross section of the scattering on the interaction constant g2. But the dependence of the integration constant and thus also of the cross section of the scattering on the interaction constant g2 could prinai- pally by determined by,oomparison with the theory at low temperatures. In this paper the author only makes some general remarks on this. There are 5 ftoji-Slavi6.references. ASSOCIATIONz Uningrad State'U4wroity. . (Loningradakiy gosudarstvennyy Card 2/3 universitet). The Application of the Low Integral Equation Method to the 56-1-24/56 Problem of Proton-Proton Scattering. SUBMITTEDt July 11, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 -; I I-b KUNI, F. M. Cand Phys-Rath Sci -- (di86) "DiBpersion i6~ and Lowfs equation for nucleon-nuoleon seattering." Lens1959. 8 pp (Len Order of Lenin State Univ im A. A. Zhdanov), 200 copies (KL, 48-59, 113) -5- AUTHORS: Fok, V. A., Academician, Kuni. F...M. SOV/20-127-6-14/51 TITLE: On the Introduction of a "Quenching" Function in the Dispersion Relations PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 6, PP 1195-1198 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The object of the present paper is the proof of the analyiical continuation of the scattering amplitude into the upper half plane, into the so-called "physical"range of energy. The idea of the proof conaiate in the introduction of a weight func- tion into the Cauchy formula. In the first part# a limited range in the complex plane is used as a basis, and the proof of the analytical continuation is given-by means of two theorems. By means of the results obtained, the dispersion relations are investigated, and the func-tion describing the energy of the dispersing particles is conformally transformed into a semicircle IzI -/_ 1, and it is ascertained that the problem of the analytical continuation is identical in both planes. The transformed function is then introduced into equations (1a) and (3), and the equations (5) and(6) are ob- tained. Equation (5) expresses the value of the scattering Card 1/2 amplitudes in the upper half plane of energy by ita value SOY/20-127-6-14/51 . On the Introduction of a "Quenching" Function in the Dispersion Relations SUBMITTED: in the "physical" range of energy, and equation (6) is the condition of the analytical continuation. Finallyt the dis- persion of protons on protons is dealt with as an example. There are 3 figures and 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet. May 29, 1959 Card 2/2 DOBMSOV, Leontiy Nikolayevich; KUNI, F.M., red.; KALI, M.H., red,; LUKITANOV, A.A., t9khn.r-ea-,----'-- (Atomic physical Atomnaia fisike. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko- mntem,lit-ry, 1960. V~8 p. (KiRA 14:3) (Spectrum, Atomic) (Atomic theory) TERENTIMY I,A.; KUITI, F.M. Pull the phases of Ir - and"iT-N acattering. Vest. LGU 16 no.16:5-18 t6l, (MIRA Il,:B) (Mosone., lcatterin~) (bluclear reactions Expressing the itude of the 21~*NFI reaction in terms of A"- 03 AUTHORS: /K3!~iL F. TITLE: A method spectral 2 5 ~2 S/O ~610/040/003/020/031 B108 B209 _Me_j Tore ntlyev, I. A. of successive extension of the rango of known functions in the Mandelstam representation PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fizikig v- 40t no- 3, 19o"i, a66-878 TEXT: The authors perform an approximative calculation 'of the nucleon- nucleon scattering amplitude on the basis of the Mandelstan representation. The aim of the study is to establish a semiphenomenological method of determining the amplitude of nucleon-nucleon scattering from the amplitudes of pion-pion and pion-nuoleon scattering. Part I of the paper deals with the Mandelstam equations (Refs. 1, 2: S. Mandelstam. Phys. Rev., 112, 1944, 1958; K. A. Ter-Idartirosyan. ZhETP, 12, 827, 196o). In part 11, it is shown how from the absorbed portion of the amplitude, given in the physically meaningful region$ the spectral functions in Mandelstam repre- sentation may be found for a successively extending range. The reactions ,of pion-pion, pion-nuoloon, and nucleon-nucleon scattering are given by Card 1/6 22140 A method of successive ... S/056/61/040/003/020/031 BIOB/B209 a (qj) + n (q2) (q3) + a (Q, (A. 1) (A.I) n (qj) + n Q n (qs) + n (- Q. (A. 11) (A.II) n (q) + jt QB) n + -1 (q4) (A. I 11) (q,) + N (p,) (qO + N (P,) - (B. 1) Q + N (pi) n qj) + N (p:), (B. 11) (B.II) N (pL) + 17 (_ ps) Q + g (q,) (B. I 11) (B.III)' (C.1) At (nj) + N (pi) N + N (p2), (C. 1) N (nj) +9 (- pi) ff pi) + N (Q. (C. I I) N (nj) + TV (- ns) R p~ + IV (p,) (C.111) respectively. n(q) denotes the pion with the four-momentum q; Card 2/6 22MO S10561611040100310201031 A method of successive ... B108/.B209 N(p) andff(pi) are the nucleon and antinucleon with the four-momenta p and p', respectively. The Mandelstam system of equations is found by writing the unitary conditions for the spectral functions of the above reactions in approximation for elastic scattering. When the partial amplitudes hl(V 2) are given, the expression A, (a,, a,) Im hj(v2) P, (cos X), (80). (80) follows for the absorbed portion of the amplitude in the case (A.I); 1 denotes the moment of momentum, v the momentum, / the scattering angle in the c.m.s., which is related to the relativistically invariant variables a,-- (q, + q 2)" d2 = (q, ~4)'j 03 - (q, - q3)2 (1) by the relations o1 = 410 + 40, (Y, 20 (1 + cos of, 20 (1 - cos X). (81) W)-, where p is the mass of the pion at rest. When const, the A 1are Card 3/6 22214u 3/056/61/040/003/020/031 A method of successive ... B106/B209 found from Eq. (80) for all regions where the spectral functions A13(al' U3) ' 0, A12(611 d2) - 0 (82). This region is termed the region of zeroth approximation with respect to the absorbed portion. If is known in this region, the spectral function ) may be found from (Cr3 dj) + 1.(Crl, a3 A~ (x, 7)) A, dxdy (12) (12) 9 X x 1.0 + (Yj 4t,~'V] ly, + ('I - 41A2) y] (13) (13) in regions where CYS < E, (zj; cr(O) (cy,), 41-~, (F2 < E, (a,-, (j(0) (aa), 4~L~. which are termed the regions of zeroth approximation of the spectral function A 13(crl' Cr3). By extending the region in which the absorbed Card 4/6 221)40 310%161104010010201031 A method of successive ... B108/B209 portion A1("11 Cf3) in known, one may, by Eq. (12), extend the region where the spectral functions A 13(dl' 03) "' "1201s LI 2) are known, so that the region of thin A 1(alt 03) may be extended anew. This extension is only possible if X A('1' a3) (that portion of A 13(aly a3) which is due to inelastic scattering with energies di and a 3) vanishes. The calculation for pion-nucleon and for nucleon-nucleon scattering is analogous. The phase of nucleon-antinucleon annihilation into two pions may then be expressed in terms of the pion-pion scattering phase and of the absorbed poriion of the pion-nucleon scattering amplitude if the integral equation of the latter for a fixed scattering angle can be solved by the method of N. I. Muskhelishvili (Ref. 6: Singulyarnyye integralInyye uravneniya, Gostekhizdat, 1946). The authors thank Yu. V. Novozhilov for advice and his interest in this stud*y. There are 6 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. Card 5/6 I ~~- - 221LO V~ S/056/61/040/003/020/031 A method of successive ... B105/B209 ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy goeudarstvennyy univeraitet (Leningrad State University) SUBLIMED: September 20, 1960 card 616 5/054/6 x//006/001/0021/022 AUTHORS. V. A. TITLB: One possibility for taking into account the jumps in transition amplitude above the production threshold of more than two particles PERIODICAL. Len ingrad. Universi~~et. VeGtnik. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1, 1963, 15-19 TEXT: A method Is developei for calculating the inelastic components of the absorptive part of the partial amplitu6es on the physical out. The in,hia'. assumplions ma:J9 are the same as are usually applied in calcrula- tion3 'I-86ej or, *.-e ts-)-Particle Mandelatnm method. Av a d1scua,-ion of the conditions dQr 21) T 12'5* (r I T 192), (2'1 A 12>y;;, j4) (2'1 A 12>ynp- jd!2z-(Yj 'rj2ff>cr1 T112>0- (4a) r holding for the elastic components of the absorptive part of the amplitudes shows, the condition Card -1/2, 7ill be valid also above the production threshold of more than tso Darticles. EQ.(5) ensures validity of all calculation.9 based on the tvio- Darticle Mandelstam method . With the INN ;,21r. reaction as an example it is shovvn that this condition yields equations for the partial amplitudes when both e7-aSt4,- and inelastic components of the abeorptive part are . a& ---. *- nac,,~u n U ' ' e 7, ~,g me thol -an al be 69n era' i zed for other reac t iors. S U BY IT T :E 1) September 15, 1962 Card 2/2 KIT i KUNIq F.M. Contribution to the osmo,-ic theo-ry of solutions. Dokl. AN I SSSR 157 no.591178-1179 Ag 16,/. (KW 17g9) 1. Leningre-dakiy gosudaratvennyy universitat im. Zhdanova. Predstavieno akademikom V.A. Fokom KuNip F.M. Functional methods in statistical thermodynamics of inhomogeneorus fluids. Part 2. Vest. LGU 20 no.4211-25 165. (MIRA 18--4) K U111 I I F. M. Statistical thermodynamics of surface phenomena. Part 1: Relationships between distribution functions at two different external fields. Koll. zhur. 27 no.4:546-551 ')I-Ag 165. (MJI(A 18t12) 1. Fizicheskiy fakulltet Leningradskogo universit(Aa. Submitted January 29, 1964. KUNI, F.14, otatiatical thermodynamics of aw-face phenomena, Part 2: Distribution functions in the surface layer of a liquid. Koll. zhur. 27 no.51720- 727 S-0 165, (MIRA 18:10) 1. Leningradakiy universitet imeni Zhdanovap fizicheakiy fakul'tet, KUNII F.M. Statistical thermodynamics of surface phenomena. Part 3: Thermodynamics of a surface layer of liquid. Koll. zhur. 27 no.6:8394-45 N-D 165. (MM 18:12) 1. Fizicheakiy fakulltet Leningradskogo universiteta. Submitted January 29, 1964. L 34422-66 :,;',a(m)1T IJP(c) WyVJ~1/'tRN ACC NR.- Ap6010547 SOURCE CODEt UR/0069163/027/006/0839/0845 AUTHORt Kuni, F, M. 014t Physics Department, Leningrad University (Fizicheskiy fahu"tots leningridskiy universitet) TITLEs Contribution to the statistical thermodynamics of surface phenomena. Part I, Thermocbmwdos of the surface layer of a liquid SOURCEt Kolloidnyy zhurnall, v. 27, no. 6j, 1965P 839--845 TOPIC TAGS1 statistical thermodynamics, rarefied gas, surface tension ABSTRACT: The article continues the sturly of an intorphase layer located between a rarefied gas and a liquid or between a solid layer and a liquid. The discussion is restricted to the case where the molecules of the liquid interact only via paired central forces characterized by a certain reciprocal potential, and for simplicity, the molecules are assumed to be identical and monatomic. The study is based on the relations between the partition functions for a liquid in the presence of two differ- ent external fields u(?) and uo(?). Using the molecqar-statistical theoryp the author derives an expression for the surface tension'lat the boundary between a liquid and a rare gas or a solids taking into acc&NFTff5--aTm'_-cture of the transition layers and an expression for the dependence of the surface tension of the liquid at the boundary with the rarefied gas on the curvature of this boundary. The author thanks 2 UDCi 541-18.536.7 L 34422-66 ACC NRt AP6010547 .2, V. A. Fok and Tho V. Novothiloy for helpful commentB. Orig. art. hast 27 for=las. STJB COEEI 07, 20/ SUBM DATES 29jan64/ ORIG REFt 003/ OTH MWI 002 2/2 P)t ' Card FISHER, G.S., inzh.-, KUNI, G.V., inth.; KHLEBNIKOV, A.Kh., inzh. Construction of tredast reinforced concrete road spans which are jointed both longitudinally and laterally. Avt.dor. 22 no.4!12-14 AP '59. 1' (MIRA 12:6) (Roads, Concrete) FISUa, G.S., inzh.; KUNI, G.7. inzh.; KMBNIKDV, YL.A., inzh. New technolog7.for injecting channels-in prestressed beams under low-temperature conditions. Avt. dor. 22 no.5:8 Mv 159. (MIRA 12:8) Dridges, Concrete) CZECHOSLOVL4~I/Chcmical Technology - Chemical Products and K-5 Their Applications. Cellulose and Cellulose Products. Paper. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1958, 66og Author : Slavik, Inst : - Title On Lignin Determination in Viscose Bleached Cellulose. Orig Pub Chem. zve8ti, 1957, 11, No 5, 285-292 Abstract in order to determine the actual lignin content it Jis proposed that the sample be preliminarily e)-tracted with ether for the purpose of eliminating the resins which are present in the aample. Card 1/1 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technolbgy. Cheoical H Products and Their Applications. Cellulose and Its DerivatiVes. Pa-!)er. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Xhimiyal No 6, 1959~ 21810 Authop : Kuniak., L.3 Slavik, I. Inst Title : Delignification of Wood Pulp with Nitric Acid. Orig Pub :Papir a celulosa, 1958, 13~ No 17 6-11 Abstract :The outlay jf HNO3 (1) during boiling if cellulose (C) and polycellulose from beech vood pulp and the possibility of regenera- tion of I, vere investigated. The quality of C obtained was compared with C obtained Card 1/2 CZEC-tiOSLOVAKIA/Chomical Technology. Cher.Acal H p14 Products and Their Ap Lcations. Cellulose and Ita Derivatives. Paper. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Khimiya~ N-1 67 19597 21810 by the chlorination method. During delig- nification (DL) with very reactive I, C is obtained- DL proceeds rapidly5 concen- trated solutions of sugars useful for fer- mentation were obtained, which DL does not give with chloride: the negative side of this method is the high temperature of DL. The aut-'-iors have not succeeded in achieving full regeneration of I as this is done in Canada (by use of a catalyst). -- E. Tuka- chinskaya Card 2/2 u W r Ov . uv jo _Z,-094 Al) t, h~) I, r~"Ilje~c ana I.,.3t "Aut , T CO-11te-at of viccose ~.Ao llu i rijo Or LL Pu lb. Lu-, ttp ,Aed ~ -d~h razpect to t.':cjir content of non-cellulose sui~~")rs Und :A,L", 0 th" C C)f (K- -C e C 1 t b 1 11 1 th-,-A tI,cl Cie, cc) it --.i n con-ciderabl-, quant-itles of m~.-amon -A-yl-n , t, 34, -V , S- ,h tie r C t i o -, 10 -; Lia C A. L J. uti,.alnee b~ -L-drllitlonul rc- 'I i, lil :-Z. WE or I s r r j ~i lulle . Card,: 1/1 0 Ab"33. .10101R. klo. a h d,~~ I I- i . K i k L . D~-"' T 0 S U, r Fibc-r s irt 11 s Ce I u O~Uc- ?UB. : a cc, lul . A'S:~,TRAC'T : .".1-2 ati"erpt Is rutdc to ex,,--'a~r, the ~-!'fcct :)f rit c.--n ir I-E! rt- ie S (--f -ht-- Obtaine,,-~- b.%, il,E ,utl-ors have ,-j 'it tl.f contcnt cf .%sliv-, lignin Ln s -i o r cm s s s. c v e i ~ a 1 t J. i T, c s ~ - 4 , ,L, -.). 'r, I ~ t 1 c E1111 c, S e Aft e U. o v a ci f 5, " i --) T - t f I i) e r E, -w c 'm 4 e E IrE S int Of by Pc-(O~~ . From Authors, 61ZLMary. CARD: KUNIAKP L.; SLAVIKP I. "Sugar Borghum, a new important raw material for the cellulose industry." P. 102. PAPIR A CEILILOSA. (Ministerstvo lesu a drevarakeho prunyslu). Praha* CzechoslovWdav Vol. 1h, No. 5,, may 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8,, August 1959. Uncla. BohmAl; KUNIAK, Ludovit Effect of' r,'iercerization on tho dentiity and oorption capacity of cellulose. Papir a cleulosa 19 no. 3: 67-70- Mr 164. 1. Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Acndamy of Sciences, Bratislava. KUYLAK, Lud*Tit; ALINCE, Bohumil Study of ohangen in PUIP wettiug temperatures during hydrolysis,, meraerizationp and drying, Drevarsky vysb= uoe2-s63-72 164, 1. Imatitirte of Chemistry of the Sloyak Academy of Scienaes, Bratislava. KUN111, Ludovit Roquirements for the properties of the sheet in the titration of cellnlone. Pt.2. Cham prinn 15 no.2:73-77 F 16'5 1. Institute of Chemistry of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. XIJNIAK, 14. Contribution to the theory of geometric constructions of quadratic problems. Sbor VST Kosice 105-41 64. 1. Chair of Descriptive Geometry of the Higher School of Technology, Wosice. Submitted March 28, 1963. CFPEL, J.; KIIIIIA1, M. Graphic method of determining the shape of a conrave hei.icoldal surface. Sbor VST Kosice 1:77-86 164. 1. Chair of Machine Parts of the Higher School of Technology, Kosice (for Cepel). 2. Chair nf Descriptive Geometry of the Higher School of Technology, ,u,4ice (for Kunink). Submitted March 25P 1963. C Z p i"I 1.1J.' ( A -loc. inz.; KTJ'IjAK, M., inz.; SIP03, It., inz. Grabhin and mathematical met.hod of determining the form :-. a conr-,ave he~lical sm-farte. Strojirenstvi -14 -1) 164 1 1. M.Cher School of Tv.:-Jinology, Kosi-e (for C-p.'! and Kurialr-.) 2. KPU, Kosice (for Sirc.:). KUNIAK, Matus, inz. Graphic definition of characteriatica of envelopJng helicoid surfaces. Aplikace mat 9 no.6:455-4U') t0'4. 1. Higher School of Technology, Kosice, Zbrojnicl,,a 7. Submitted January 28Y 1964. BARDOS, L.; KUNIAK, M. our surgical approach to the thoracic esophagus and its geometrical justification. Rozhl. chir. 42 no.10:693-699 0 163. 1. Ghirurgicka klinika LekarskeJ fakulty UPJS v Kosiciach (prednosta prof. dr. J. Knazovicky) a Katedra deskriptivnej geometrie VST v Kosiciach (veduci prom. mat. V. Paluch). ~EDW'C, Andrei, c1ce, ~Inz.; KUNIAX, Matun, ip.L, CoWrIbution to the kinematics of blade section grinding,. Stroj cas 16 no,,1:6-13 165, 1. Higher School of Technology, Konica. Submitt,-Nd May 20, P-)64~ VOLODCHMO, K.G.; BONASt O-V.; IMOVI ~L.I.; SHIRNOV, V.A.; K"ICIEMO, H.S.; LASHKOVA, Te.A.; UVAROVA, N.A.; CHKYOTKINA. M.A.; NIKCLAYXV# P.-S., glavnyy red.; SO RTAKOV, L,P., glavnyy red.; DMLZHAYIN-", N.G,, red.; GUROVA, O.A., tekhn.rod.; IVANOVA, A.G., [XNV unifiod production norms for operations in geological prospecting; mining operational Bdinye normy vyrabotki na geolo- gorazvedochnyo raboty (M); gornoprokhodehaskie raboty. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1959. 123 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo geologii i okl=any nedr. Z. Otdel ekonomiki geologorazvedochnykh rabot Vassoyuznogo nauchno- issladoTatellskogo institute minerallnogo,syr~Iya-(IIHS) (for Volod- chanko, Bones, Isakoy. Smirhov, Kuni~chenko. Lashkova, Uvarova, Chevotkina). (Mining engineering--StandardB) XANARRYKIN, K.F.. doktor meditsinskikh nauk; KUNIGHEV, L.A. *Sochi the all-Union health resort.* X.M.Shikhova. Reviewed b7 ".F.Kanareikin, L.A.Kunichov. Vop.kur.fisiater. i lach.fiz.kulft. 21 no.2:70-72 Ap-Je '56. (mLRA 9:9) (SOCHi--THzmPxvrics, PHYSIOLOGICAL) (SHIKHOVA, M.N.) IHICHEY, L.A. Dosage of sun bathe in ultraviolet radiation units by an automatic dosimeter. Vop.kar.fizioter. i lech. fiz.kul't.21 no-3:34-37 jl-S 156. (MIRA 9:10) 1. Iz klinicheakogo, sanatoriya imeni Fabritsiusa, Sochi. (SUN BATHS) KOICHEV. L.A* v po l1rornik. mad,:; 3uzhb7 Haliotherepy-Auring the cold Benson at Sochi-Matsesta. Voen.medo zhur. no.12:W52 D'57 (MIRA 11:5) (SUNLIGHT, ther.wep during cold smons (RUBD radiation in Sochi during the eclipue or June 30, 1954, 1_ . ~hGO ~noml 46 '5?. O".'U.11, 10. 8) (BeliDeen, Solar--1954) (Solar radiation) KOICHAVA, G.S. ~-- "Parenchymatous keratit&s.0 A.G.Kroll. Reviewed by G.S.Kunichava. Vest.oft. 69 no.3:41-43 My-Je 156. (miak 9:8) (CORNZ&--DISMSES) (KHOLI, A.G.) KUNIONA, G.S. Clinical signifficance of indications,of the functional state of the nervous system in glaucoma [with r ammary in English] . Vest 'oft. 71 no-5:3-18 S-0 158 (KIRA 1M0) 1 Glaznaya klinika I Moskovskogo ordens, Lenina meditsinakogo instituta imeni I.Ho Sechenova (zav. kafedroy - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. V.H. Arkhangellskiy)o (GLAUCOMA, physiole HS funct., clin. significance (Rus)) WMVOUS SYSTEM, in various dia. glaucoma (Rus)) OSIPOVSKIY, A.I,; KUNICHEVA, G.S, Developmental anomalies In the progeny of guinea pigs in radiated with gamma rays and their inheritance in a number of generations. Yled.rad. 4 n0-11:37-42 N 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey biologii (zaveduyashchiy - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. 7.F. Talyzin), kafedry radiologii (zavedupmhcbiy - prof. V.K. Modestov) i kafedry glaznykh bolezuey (chlen-korrespondont AMN SSSR prof. V.N. Arkhangel'skiy) I Moskovskogo orde-aa Lenina medi- tainskogo Instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. (RADIATION EFFECTS exporimental) (ABNORMALITIES experimental) KUNITCIFNA, -, S., Crnd Med Sci (diss) -- "Th,~, clinical sirr.nificanec of the flunc- tional stal,fo of tia, n-rvo!is syctr,m In :,,lwicoira patif,nts". 140scOw, V)(,0. 19 PP (First li'loscow Or~],~r of L--nin Mir,(] Inst im 1. 1,11. 200 copi,-~s (::.L, 1,11o !I;, 1'7)()0, 1,7) KUNICIIEVA, kand.iqr,6.wod, Tntraocu-tir tLM01' ccwsidE.-red for a long time a 4-- +,V~ , - .1 1 Trudy 1-go M!,fl 32:22k1_22" 164. Bilateral Primary at-,onhy of tho iris, a~.-comuarded I~y th,-i dioplacc- Illent of the cry~;tal line leris and the increase in ilntrao--ular pros- sure. Ibid. :223-228 (MIRA 18-5) osrpmx3y, A.LI_7Nr=VA G,S, -1-1-- .0- -- ., AnomUes In the dmlopmant a the o7o In tbo offoprine of irro&uted guima plo in a Doriw of acm-ratiorgs. nmay 1-90 IM 41s226-228 90. (MR& 18112) KUNICHEVA, O.Ye. 'Employment of the blind" by 50-51 II-,U '57- (BLIND--BKPLOYKENT) L.A.Radushinskii. Vest.oft. 70 no.6: (MIRA 11:1) (RADUSHINSKII, L.A.) KUNICHKI 11.Z. -- v Republican "Pedagogical lectures' in 1957. Politelth.obuch, no.2:9?-94 F '57. Oam 10: 5) (Technical education) (Agriculti&a.1 education) KUNICHKIN, N.Z. -and work education for pupils in a children's home. Politekh.obuch. no-11:93-94 N 157. (MIRA 10"10) (Orphanp- and orphanages) i"UHTCYT~ Adfrn 1),wri1ormant of neurosurgery during 20 years- of Peoplelis Poland, Neurol., neurochir., psychiat. Pol. 15 no.1'.131-134 Ja-F'65. l, Z KIJnAkI Neurochh-urgil Akodpi~-~i Mbd cznoj w Krakowle (Rierownik Klinikit prof. dr. A# Kunicki~. Mi.NIC)II), Adam; MIXIEJAK, Antoril Renults of operative treatment in 154 cases of extramedu"Llary meningiomas and neurinomas. Acta mad. pol. 6 no.3:397-404 165. 1. Clinic of Neurological Surgery, Madical Academy, Cracow (Director: Prof. Dr. Adam Kunicki). KUNICKIVAdtim; LADZINSKA, Maria; SZWAGRZYK, Edmund Ilistopathology of oubUntorial brain g2loman wIth postoperative survival of aver 5 years. Neurol. neuroahire psychiat. Pol, 15 no,4:605-615 JI-Ag 165. is Z Kliniki Nourochirurgicznej AM w Krakowie (Yderownik: prof. dr, A, Kunicki) i z Pracowni Patologii Neurochirurgicznej Polskej Akademii Nauk (Kierownik: prof. dr. A. Kunicki). FLECK, Ludwik; KUNICKA, Anna- LUKASU'LIWICZ, Jooof; MALINOWSKA, Maria; MI I Problem of carriage of diphtheria. Arch. immun. ter. doew. 3! 173-190 1955. 1. Inotytut Matki i Dziecka w Waresswie (Dyrektor: prof. dr. F. Groer) Zakla(I Mikrobiologii (Kierownik: prof. dr. L. Fleck) 'Instytut Matematyczrq PAN. (THROAT, microbiology, Corynebacterium diphtheriae carriage in normal child. (POW (CORTNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERIAM, throat, carriage in normal child. (Pol)) KUNICKA, Anna Carriage of diphtheria. Pediat. polska 31 no.l:?1-80 Jan 56. 1. Z ak. Mkrob. Inst. Matki i Dziecka w WarB2awie. Dyrektor Inst.: prof. dr. med. Fr. Froer, Kier: Zak.: prof. dr. med. L. Fleck, Warszawa, Kasprzaka 17 lMiDz. (DIPHTHERIA, transmission, carriage (Pol)) A- ~F'v*?MCK,.Iudwik; KUNICKA, Anna (Warszawa, ul. Kaaprzaka 17) it Antibacterial resistance in diphtheria. Postopy hig. mod. doew. 11 n0.2: 161-171 1957. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologii i Immunologii Instytutu Hatki i Dziecka. (DIPHTHIMIA, experimental, immunol., review (Pol)) KNICKA, MSKA, Hal ina; WMUCHOWA, Mar ia =-Wo Agglutinin level in diphtheria. Fogtopy hig. mod. doew, 11 no&2;173-177 1957. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologii Lnmmologii Instytutu Hatki i Dziecks. Warszawa, u1. Xasprzaka 17. (DIPHTMIA, immunology, agglutinin level, review (Pol)) FL3CK, Ludwik; XMIICKA, Anna Combined antitoxic-antibacterial diphtheria vaccine (ANABAC). Frzegl. epidem., Waresall no.4.*365-370 1957. 1..Z Zakladu Hikrobiologii i Immunologii Inutytutu Hatki i Dsieoka. (DIPHTHICRIL, immunol. antitoxic-antibact. vaccine (Pol)) KUNICKA, Anna; RUSZGZYK# KryBtyna Behavior of Corynebacteri= diphtheriae in relation to penicillin. Med. dosw. mikrob. 14 no.1:27-34 162. 1. Z Zakladu 14ikrobiologii i Immnologii Instytutu Matki i Dziecka Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr F. Groer. (PENICILLIN pharmacol) (CORYI&BACTEALUM DINITHERIAE pharmacol) BORMU, Danuta; laRBUTOWICZ, Barbara; KUNICKA, Anna; MUM, Kry3tyna S orl The mechanisms of comblized action of penicillin apd trept rycin on antibiotic-rosJbtant StaphfLococci. 1. In vitro studies. Med. dosw. mikrob. 14 no.2:109-112 162. 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii i I'MiUnologii Instytutu Matki i Dziecka w Warszawie. (STAPHYLOC006US pharracol) (PEnCiLLIN pharmacol) (STItLPTOMYGIN pharmacol) BORECKA, Danuta; ITARBUTWICZ0 Barbara,, _"NICKA, Arma; KARSKA, Barbara; RUSZCZYK, Krystyna The mechanism of associated action of penicillin and strepto- mycin on antibiotiorenistant staphylococco. III. Effect of streptomycin and penicillin on the course of the infectian in mice inoculated with the Cs strain of Staphylococcus. Med. dos-w. mikrobiol. 15 no.4%297-301 163. 1. Z Zakladu Ilikrobiologii i Immunalogii Listy-tutu Matki i Dziecka w Waramwie. BORECKA, Danutrx; J~ _,4ppa; MINCZYK, K-ystyna The machanism of associated action of penicillin and strep- tomycin on antibiotic-resistant staphylococci. II. In vivo studies. I-led. doew. mikrobiol. 15 no.4:293-296 163 KUNICKI-GMFINGEA, Wladyslaw; KUNICKA-GOLD FINGtRp W4qjqj#waL przy wspolpracy technicznej KAMJNOS, Intestinal microflora, of Sorax arane~us aransun L. and C16thrionomys glareolus glareolus Schreb. in natural conditions. I. Quantitative and ,4 qualitative characteristics of the intestinal microfibia. Acta-microbiol. Pol. 11 no.1/2143-75 162. 1. Z Katedry Milcrobiologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w WarszhLwie i Zakladu Badania Ssakow PAN w Bialoviezy. (INTESTINES microbiol) (INSECTIVORA microbiol) (RODENTS microbiol) KUNICKI-GOLDFINGBR, Wladyslaw; KUNICKA-GOLDFINGERp Wladyslawa Intestinal microflora of Sorex araneus araneus L. and Clethrionomys glareolus glareolus Schreb. in natural conditions. 11. Gewral characteristics of separate strains. Acts. microbiol. Pol. 11 no.1/2: 77-91 162. 1. Z Katedry Mikrobiologii Uniwersytetu Warozawakiego w Warazawie. (INTESTINES microbiol) (INSECTIVORA microbiol) (RODENTS microbiol) KUNICKI-GOLDFINGER, W:Lad3rB:Law; KUNICKA-GOLDFIdGER, Wladyalawa Intestinal microflora of Sorex araneus aranaus L. and Clethrionomys glareolus glareolus Schreb. in natural conditions. III. Seasonal variatim". Acta microbiol. Fol. 11 no.1/2:93-110 162. 1. Z Katedry Mikrobiologii Un1werBytetu Warmwskiego w Warszawie i Zakladu Badania Saakow PAN w Bialowiezy. (INTESTINES microbiol) (RODENTS microbiol) (INSECTIVORA microbiol) (WEATHER) KUNICKI-GOLDF314011M, Wladysltiv J.H..; Mr-dyslaus. - L. u Pasteurella-lilre microorganisms -in tmall rodents. Aula micro- biol. Pol. 13 no.400411-347 161, 1. From the Department of Microbioloj:y, tl:-.(, Univerc'-itV, Warsaw, Poland. XIINICKI, A. Relationship of structure and function of the cerebral cortex. Neurol. nourochir. psychiat. polsks 2 no. 2:167-176 Mar-Apr 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Of the Neurological Clinic (Head-4rof. A. Kunicki. M.D.) of Krakow Medical Academy. I MICKI, Adam ,--~ Tojrrpc;~i~flatory management of disordoro caused by brain ourgery. Neur, &n. polska 7 no.4:473-481 Jul-Aug 57.. 1. Z Kliniki Neurochirurgictuej A. H. w Krakowie. Neur. &c. polska 7 no.4t473-481 Jul-Aug 57, (MIAIN, - surg. postop. disord., compensatory management (poi)) Adam 8 cases of pineal tumors treated surgically. Neur. &a polsk&~!O'.",)A 473-483 R-Ag ,6o. 1. Z Kliniki Neurologicznej A.M. w Krakowie. Kierownik: pt of dr A,Kunicki. (PINEALOMA surg) KUNICKI., Adam; STEFANICKA-WIF.CHOWA, Alina Phase-contraot microseoprp in the diagnosis of central nervous system tumors. Acts. medic& polona 2 no.5:211-216 161. 1. Department of Neuropathology, Polish AoaderW of Sciences, Cra0ow Director: Prof. Dr. Adam Kunicki. (BRAIN NEOPLASMS diag) (MICROSCOPY) KUNICKI,_Adaa,-GLOWACKI) Jan ------ - - - Early and late results of surgical treatment of 170 cases of trige-minal neuralgia. Acta medics, polona 3 no~j':55-60 162. 1. The Neurosurgical Clinic, Medical Academy, Cracow Director prof. dr A.Kunicki. (TRIGMINAL NEURALGIA surg) KUNICKI, Adam A transdural modification of tho Fra21br-Spillar operation for trigeminal nouralght. Acta madica polona 3 no.lt6l-64 162. 1. The Nourosurgical Clinic, Medical Academy, Cracow Director: prof. dr A.Kunicki. (TRIGBIUNAL NLURALGIA surg) 01111"Il_Adam;~_!IALUZA, Jozef Clinical and anatomical description of 10 cases of ihtracranial apidermoma. Acta mod. pol 4 no.1:143-157 163. 1. Nearosurgical Clinic) Hadical.-AcadeV+ Cracow Institute of Nouropathology, Polish'Apademy of Sciences, Cracow Director: Prof. Dr.-A., Kunicki. (MAIN NEOPLASMS) (CARCINOMA EPIDERMOID) KUNICKl,-.M-.AU Intradural modification of the Frazier-Spiller operation. %urol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 13 no-33321-324 163. 1. Z Kliniki Neurochirurgii AM w Krakovie Kierownik.- prof. dr A. Kunicki. TRlGE MIN AL NEURALGIA) STOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS) M (NEUROSURGMU) (KERATITIS) (FACIAL PARALYSIS) KUNICKII Adam; GWdACKI, Jan Immediate and remote results of the surgical therapy of 170 cases of facial neuralgia. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 13 no.3z325-330 163- 1. Z Kliniki Nourochirurgii AM w Krakawie Kierownik: prof. dr A. Kunicki. (TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA) (NEUROSURGERY) (POSTOPERATIVE CaMICATIONS) /Ewrdh) IMC) SOURCE CODE: PO/0046/65/010/OG?/0-1.6-~-11/01,6P- AUTHOR:. Kunicki, Adam.; Scharf,_Waldemar ORG: Laboratory of Dosimetric Apparatuses, Experimental Department, Bureau.CLf_thr__"k Ornnization of Nuclear TechnologZ (Pracownia Aparatury Dozymetrycznei Zaklad Doswiadezalny, Biuro Urzadzen Techniki Jadrowej); Warsaw-Zeran (Instytut Badan Jadrowych) TITLE: Universal laboratory mnitor"thodel MSP-2 SOURCE: Nukleonika, v. 10, no- 7, 1965, 463-468 /* TOPIC TAGS: gamma radiation, beta radiation, alpha radiation, radiation counter, scintillator, plutonium ABSTRACT: The monitor system, designed mostly for measurement of low-level and madium-level contamination of laboratory table tops and floors, consists of a portable counting-control and power supply-chassis with provisions for attaching three differer types of probes. For 2hard beta and for gamma radiation, 3 G-M counters with a wall thickness of 45 mg/cm and a total area of 72 cm2 are used. For alpha-radiation, a ZnS (Ag) scintillator with '14elinex" window and area of 100 cm:2 is used. is 20%,v eff icient for a 2391'1 mg/cm`2 Pu source over a solid angle of 2 Pi.' For soft beta radiation, G-M counters with 2- and 4-mg/cm2 mica 'windows and a sensitive area of 14 cm2 are used. The counting circuitry employs a count-rate meter designed for three ranges of count-rate; 15 to 600) 150 to 6000, and 1500 to 60,000 counts per minute. Straight-forward counting is possible-with the use of mechanical scalars Carel 1/2 liaving a maximum counting speed of 50/sec and a maximum storage capacity of about 104 counts. The count-rate meter has a pulse-forming network in which a univibrator is turned on by a random event (count) and turned off by a multivibrator pulse running at a fixed frequency, N.R The resultant average current measured by an ammeter gives a (nonlinear) measure of the count rate with the use of a calibrated scale. The accuracy of this scale is about 10% for count rates N of 0.2 to 10 times No. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. [NAI SUB CODE: 18 / SUBM DATE: none 'IT4 ICK1 1. KUI~INCIKI Scientivic and technical docuientation in the f'_';.Eht for improved aErit.ulture. liulet-,,z) Centr. r). 23. Vol. 76, No. 12Y ~C. 19,15 F~HZz'61LAI) TECHNOLOGY 14,'arszawa, Poland So: ~.ast ~,tropeon Accessicn, Vol. 5, 11o. 5, 1"-,1y 1956 7,c vo, -3, j,,l, UVICKI, 14iroslawj BORZECKAJ, Z. F~xndamentalB and organization of collaboration botwoon Information field agencies. Akt probl inf dok 7 no.2:44,72 14r-Ap 162. KUNICKI, Miroslaw Intepesting achievemonts of French documntation. Akt probl jle4 8 nQ.1:21-25 Ju-? 163. .1 1 0k MLBAUM, M.; XMIICKI. R. Cortinone and ACTH. Viadomosci lek. 7 no.4:241-247 Apr. 54. (CORTISONEO (ACTH, pharmacol.') pliarmacol.) YLINUCKI, W. General principles of investment planning. p. 414. (pRZECLAD VIISJOWY, Vol. 5, No. 11, Nov. 1953, Warszawa, Poland) SO. Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. l'), Dec. 10154, Uncl. '; P1 IMICKI-GOLPYT-14GER, W. Zaklnd Mik-robiologii I ETA-zoocjologtl WYdZ. Wet. L. ". ~;. 55, *Tubin.-Streptococcue.mastitidis I JeCo ziw-czenle sanitarno-ekonomictne Streptococcus mastitidis and Its economic and sanitary importance Annair of M. Curie-Sklodoweka, Lubin 1949, 4/T)D (1-48) Graphn 10 Tablea 17 Investigation of 2,922 quarters samples of milk from 19 large herds showed the presence of Str. maqtitidus in 10-33%, Str dyegalactiae In 0.65%. otbor strepto- cooci in 0.98%. Bash. coli in 0-23% of caros. In 174 cases of latent infection anly microconel in large numbers were leloated. The freqiiency of Intent and chronic infection varied in various herds from 27% to 90%. The age of an animal has a marked infllience on the frequency of infection-mastitis was detected only in 20-14 of cous in their first ILetation period, but In 88% of animals 10 years old or older. Infection localized In one qlw-rter of the iidder has little significance for yi-31d of the milk. For the detection of latent and chronic masitin the follow- ing combination of laboratory tests wan found to be suitable: determination of hydrogenion Concentration, qiwntitative Catalano test can be substitilted for Coll on blood-agar platba. The quantitative catalase t3st can be substitnted for cell count. The amount of Patalf,.se is proportional to the loln,rithn, of the Number of laucocytes per ml. Kunicki-Goldflnger-Dibin SO: Medical Microbio)oa and Hygiene Section IV, Vol. 3, No. 7-12 PARNASI KUNICKI, W.; STEPKOWSKI. S. Investigations on colibacillouis in pigs. Med.dow.Mikrob. 2 no.2: 235-236 195o. (CLML 20:6) 1. Summary of the report given at 10th Congress of the Polish Micro- biological and Epidemiological Society hold in Gdansk, Sept. 1949. (Lublin). ~AfiNAS, J.; KUICKI, W.; STAPKOWSKI, S. Investigations on straine of Corynebac.-Jerium Isolated in animals. mea.aasw.Mikrob. 2 no.2:236-238 1950. (CU4L 20:6) 1. Summary of the report given at 10th Congress of the Polish Mi- crobiological and Epidemiological Society hold in Gdansk, Sept.1949. (Lublin). PARNA.S, J.; MICK I-GOLDFIIIGER,Wl.; STEPKOWSKI. S.-, LORKIRWICZ, Z.-; DABRAWSKI, T. Research on hemolytic Bacteria coli isolated from hogs. Med.wet.6 no,12:717-721 Dec 50. (CU4L 20:6) 1. Oil the Institute of Microbiology and Spizoology of the Veterinary Faculty of Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin and of the Regional Institute of Veterinary Hygiene In loublin (Head--Prof.Jo- zef Parnas). KUNICK14OLPINOER, W. Guzowaka, B.; Orzechowska, B.; EMicki-Go-Ifinger, Li. "The Ptoperties of Onion (A p. 175 1j= 2M L. Pt. 2. (A0& Microbiologica Polonica', Vol. 1, No. 3, 1952: Warszawa) East European Vol. 3, No. 3 1954 SO: Month List Of- Accessionsl-,Library .. of Congress, March __Jyjj, Uncl. PARW. J.;VNI ;STZPKOWSKI, B.;LORKIEWICZ, Z.; DABROWSKI, T. Attempt of typing,of strains of enteric bacteria with bacterio- phagai. Had. dosw. mikrob., Wares. 4 no. 3:332-333 1952. (CLUL 23-23) 1. Summary of work progress prseented at llth Congress of Polish Microbiologists held in Krakow May 1951. 2. Imblin. PARNAS. J. MICKI, W.;STEPKOWSKI, S.;LORKINVICZ, Z.;DABROWSKI, T. 7_--, Studies on toxins and hemolysins of Ischerichia coli porcellorum. Med. doov. mikrob., Wares. 4 no. 3:134 1952. (GLKL 23:3) 1. Suamary of vork progress presente& at Ilth Congress of Polish Microbiologists hold in Krakov May 1951. 2. lablin. KUNIGXI-GOLDFINGER, Ul.; KOWALSKA, J.; SABBO, H. boll dephtherolds...1. Iforphology and growth properties. Acta microbiol Pol 2 to.4:277-286 153. (REAL 3:8) 1, Aus dem Institut fitj Allgemeine Kikrobiologle der M. Garis- Sklodowska Universititt, lublin. (SOIL, bacteriology, (GORYMACTIRIUM *dephtheroide) *diphtheroids in soil) KUNICKI-GOLDVINGXR, Wl.; STACRLL, Wl.; URBANSKA, M. Soil dephtheroide. 2, Cytology. Acts, microbiol Pol 2 no.4: 287-~O 153. 1(EFAL 3:8) 1. Aus dem Ingtitixt Vir Allgemaine Hikrobiologie der X.Oarie- Sklodowska Uiiiversitfth, Inblin. (SOIL, bacteriology. (CORYMACMITJH *diphtheroids) *diphtheroids In soil) ONICKI-GOLDVINGER. WI.; DYGLUA,K.; TUSZYNSKA,B.; DOLICZKO,H. Soil diphtheroidi- 3. Physiological characteristics and clagsifica- tion. Acta microbiol Pol 3 no-2:93-112 154. OMU 3:7) 1. Aus des Inatitut fur Allgamaine Mikrobiologle der MCS-Univer- Nitat zu Lublin. (SOIL, bacteriology, (CORYMAMMIUMO *diphtheroids). *diphtheroids in soil)