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SFESIVTSEVI, N.A., prof.1 KURASOVA, V.V., aspirant Defection ofpathogenic fungi in animal tissues. Vaterinarii-a 38 no.6:85-86 (KCRA l6t6) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel.'skiy institut Yeterinarnoy sanitarii. XURASZ, Stanislaw Contribution to the problem of rhabdomyosarcoma. Pat. pol. 14 no.2:279-286 163. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii. Patologicznej AM w Bialymstoku Kierownik: prof. dr med. L. Kom-.zynski. (RHABDOWOSARC014A) (BIOPSY) KO:,',CZYIISKI, Lu&1k; KUWASZ, Stanislaw Relation of arteriosclerosis to some clwonic diseases, statistical studies. Pat. pol. 13 no-3:305-315 162. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomil, Patologicznoj A14 w Bialymstoku.Kierownlk: prof. dr med. L. Komczynski. (ARTERIOSCLMMIS) (CHRONIC DISEASE) K%1CZ)GISKI., Ludwik; KUIUSZ, Stanislaw Relation to arteriosclerosis to the age and sex according to autopsy data of the Institute of Pathological 4wtomy of the Academy of Medicine in Bialystok collected during the period of 1952-1959. Pat. pol. 13 no.3017-324 162. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Bialy4stoku.Kierownik: prof. dr mad. L. Komozynski. (KiTERIOSCUEROSIS) i!e.,ix%vk Fr.; !',n eml on i c rhttW,.imy-)n,ircosrvi. t pi ry I (,J, Z' 7aldjda tntk tv-s k I At-)-i -t!' B!nlymstoku n1r. :rt7A. 11 JODIZYK, Jci--,,,y; KORASIZ, stv?it-lfjvt ti~ifw:to In and I I L ~ I A cage cf' df,",rEjt-,p- qkull region. P;11. tn:- ](,~k- I' rlo-'121:~015--;--016 2P Dlf--4. 1. Z Zakladu Arlrit-'Inli Akladrimil -!I "t 111filymst.ok'I pv~)f. Ir. me-1. L. Ycirf-~zyrivH). BUDZYNSKI, Zdzislaw, inz.; KUWZKIEWICZ, Flim,rd, inz. Electric cooking plate with the heating cable moulded in ceramic mass. Przegl elektrotechn 37 no.12:511 161. (Stoves--Electric) , '. I jl; WalqrJa (') r, '.t!#- (jCfer,-,, of chlornacetin a-.Id on brnilm,ceizo-i-orw and r, !* Ati do.-Ivpj!,lvpm, Actf, Pol, p)ikirm. "M no.6,4,1-4417 163. I. , !:Jjf.v,-Iry Chrmit Irgarlc,.zr,(:j ',IydzLali-i Farmaattull-y-zrt-go iAtidemlll Ile(.. ".Yr(~j w G+-ir.3~it (A~orcunj'k- prof. Ir. J. I . j ..~ 6 XURMR, Tsodorp ins. - __ No.too on the standardization of diagram papers for measuring instru- ments. iformalizacja 29 no.9t415-416 161. (Poland-Paper) -V KIJIMOVp A. ~" Motors Running and testing internal-combustion engines at low speed. MTS 12 no. 6, 1952. 9. ~ ~thl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 195~, Uncl. 2 KURATOV, Aleksey Ivanovich; PICHAK, F.I., kandidat tekhnicheakilch jrjj*r,-:~y#ftjtf&w--POLXANOV, I.P., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nwiks I I retsenzent; JXJGIITA, N.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. LRunning in and testinZ automobile and tractor engines after repairj Obkatka i izpytanis avtotraktornykh dvigatelel posle remonta. MoskTa, Go9.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 55 P. (MLRA 10:6) (Tractors-Xngines-Testing) (Aixtomobi~es--Itngines--Testing) MATOV, A,.l- ., - - - - Improving tho running-in and tegting of tractor enginese MAUOh. trudy Instqmoh.1 sellkhox.mekh-Ml URSR 6:125-128 158. (HIlU. 13:4) (Tractt)r*--lnC,ine9__Teating) KURATOV, Aleksay Ivanovich; ALF.KSZYEY, G.P., inzh.. red.; BUSHMY, W.M., kand.tokhn.nauk, redo; GUTMJW, I.M,# inzhes red.; XIJZIMOY, N.T., inzh., red.; PICHAK, F.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.: POIXA OY, I.P., kand.tekhn.nauki red.; WSOUT, L.A.. insh., red. [Running-in and testing of motor-vehicle engines after repair] O.bkatka i Ispytanie avtotraktornykh dvigatelei posle remonts. Moskva, Goo.nnuchno-tekhn.isd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 75 P. (KIRA 13:5) (Notor-vehlalee--Bngines--Knintenance and repair) ACC NR- AP6010026 SOURCE COM UR/0119/66/000/003/0017/0018 AUTHOR: Veroklia, A. A. ngincer); Kuratov, G. S. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Ladder network transistorized time relays V~ SOURCE: Priborostroyenlye, no. 3, 1065, 17-18 TOPIC TAGS: time relay, electronic device, circuit design, transistorized device ABSTRACT: The paper describes the design and operating principles of a multi-ladder tran- sistorized time relay which makes possible a simple construction of any number of control ladder circuits with mutually independent consecutive time delays. 'Me circuit designed can be regulated during its actual operation, and It allows continuous correction of the time delays as a function of any variable parameter. The transistors work within this circuit over brief operating times only, and thus their heating-up does not substantially affect the operation of the entire unit. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 0091 ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 000 Card 1/1 hs UDC: 621.318.683 I- KUPATOV, M. M. 2. USSR (60o) '~* MO'cO'o - Facades 7. Eatter suPervision of the condition Of facaden. Gor khoz Mopy. No 11 1947 9- MOnthlY List - of E-Usslan AccessiOns, Library of Congress, m ADrIl ~1953, Urcl. V 11 Vco/~-'r_'Vrj I 'V" A!3 0 41A. 00 1 A'Y119QR3: Aleknandrov, V. V., Kuratov, P, It. T I 11E: Presn-Mold Parts of Cast Iron WIth Graphitp PERIODICAL: Mazhinostroitell, 1960, No. 12, P. 37 1~ - cesf Im"T': The authors point out that foreign firm.,3 have been using we -, --Illy cast iron with spheroidal graphite Instead of h1gh-alloyed steel for the manufac- ture of press-mold parts for die-casting operations. In order to Investigate -his process the auzhors produced a test lot of bars, 70 = in diameter ard 250, mm high, made of cast iron with spheroidal graphite with the following composition; 2.66% - C; 3.15% - Si; 0.21% - Mn; 0,02% - S; 0,026% - P; 0.27% - 141; 0. 15% - Mg. The charge was calculated on the base of the gq-40-10 (VCh-110-10) cast iron smelted in the "Ayaks" electric-arc furnace, At a temperature of 1, 400 0C magnesium was added to the molten cast iron in the form of a silicon-magnesium alloy contain- ing 10% magnesium. Thq melt was poured into sand molds at 1,3800C. To obtain cast iron of the ferrite class, the cast bars were subjected to the following heat tree,- ment: loading into the furnace preheated to 7000~, temperature Increase up to 920- 9300C, 3-4 hours holding, temperature reduction to '720-730 0C. 4-5 hours holding, Card 1/2 S1 117/60/000/0 1 PA) H/022 Press-Mold Parts of Cast Iron With Spheroidal Graphite A004/A001 further decrease in temperature to 6000C and cooling of tho blanks In 4ip tilr. After heat treatment the cast iron posseni3ed the following m,~.Ch,,tyflval propertied_; tensile strength limit 117,5 - 47.2 hg/cm relativo elongation 18.8 - 16.0%; toughness 2.84 - 2.96 kgm/cm2; hardness HD 156-148. The microstructure of the magnesium-modified cast iron consists of the ferrite baze and graphite of sphero- idal shape. A test lot of foundry gate bushes made of this cast iron with sphero- idal graphite was manufactured. These bushes, formerly made of the 3X288 (3Kh2V8) grade steel, had an inner diameter of 15-22 mm, Their working surfaoe finish corresponded to V6 = 77, The bushes were placpd In press-mold3 for the die cast- ing on the "Polak 900" and"512" machines. The molds wf-re filled with the MiO15 (ALIOV)aluminum alloy at temperatures of 580 - 600oC and the AA 2 (AL2) alloy 'it temperatures of 650 - 680 0C. The pres!~-molds were lubricated wttli the "Vapor" cylinder oil (rOCT-GOST-6411-52). Thri test ca~i*,s :3howed that, press-mold pi-W-S of c.ast. iron with spheroidal graphite can fully replace high-alloy st~_el. partz. The castings were easily shaken from the mold and the bu3hes withstood approximately 15,000 castings. In comparison with press-mold parts of' scarr-~ high-alloyed ster~!- the _ast-iron parts are by 8-10 times cheaper. There are 2 flgurc~,s, Card 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION MV/5648 Sokolov, Aleksey Nikolayevich, ed. Mekhnnizatsiya I peredovaya tekhnologlyi liteynogo proizvodHiv.1 (Mechanization and Advanced Processing in Foundrie.0 11.eningrad] Lenizdat, 1061. 236 1). 2,000 copies printed. Ed. -. Ye. V. Yemel'yanova-, Tech. Ed. : 1. M. Tlikhonova, PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for technical personnel, foremen, and skilled workmen of foundries. It may also be of use to staff members engaged In the mechanization of production operations. COVERAGE: The collection contains articles discussing the experience of a number of Leningrad plants and engineering and design organizations In mechanizing foundry processes and in npplying advnnced techniquea to the trinnufacture of castings. No personalities are mentioned. Some Card 1/5 Mechanization and Advanced (Cont. SOV/5648 articles are accompanied by referencea. References are all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Sv(!rdlov, V. 1. Mechanization and Automation of Foundry Procca6ea 5 Zeleranakiy, Ya. V. , M. S, Kashanskly, and L. Z. Tayflanko. Pneumatic Transfer at Foundries 27 Zelichonko, G. S. Automatic Line for Molding and Shakeout 52 Zelicheriko, 0. S. Mechanization of the Cant-Iron Foundry at the "Elektrik" Plant G3 Card 2/5 ......... ..... . Mechanization and Advanced (Cont. SOV/5648 Sokolov, A. N. Mechanization of the Charging Operation in Electric- rurnace Steel Manufacture 77 Zeleranskiy, Ya. V. From Mechanization Practkees in Foundries 99 AIntvcycv, V.N. Mechanization of Metal-Mold Canting 1011 Dityatkovakfy. Ya. M., P. R. Kurntov, and V, N. Matveyev. Mechanized Drying of C;j`ci_6TIft9h-Fre(luency Currents 118 DhIgach. M. A. Making Small Steel Castings in Shell 133 Kashanukly, M. S. , M. A. Kremer, and S. Ye. Tysov- skaya. Rational Metlods of (Flamel Trimming and Cleaning Steel Castings 152 Card 3/5 Mechanization and Advanced (Cont. Mednikov, Z. Q. Application of the Groiip-Proces!Ang N14--thod In Making Blanka by. the Die Cnating and Die Forgini, of Molten 'I'letal De;initskly, V. P. (deccawed). -steel Cantingm in Powev-Plant Constructions Kremer, M. A. Determination of Sizes and Economir, Lfficiency of Exothermic Risers for Steel Castings Elltnufin, S.A. Cast Rotor Blades for Gas-Turbine Comprentiors Tkachev, K. 1. Exper(encc in Developing and Using the Slot-Type Gating System Card 415 SOV/5648 6 0 172 188 203 219 Mechanization and Advanced (Cont. ) S(')V/5&48 Kononov, M, N. Patterns With an Epoxy-Resin Base 229 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TS233. S55) i f VK/wrc/bc Card 5/5 11-15-31 ,KPI~ATOVJ Favol. Rudollfovich, inzh.; LEULEVI K.P., red. [Production of thin-walled cautIngs by the method of directed consecutive crystallization) lzgotovlonio ton- kontennogo lit'la metodom napravlenno-poolodovatellnoi krintifflizatoli. Leningrad, 1963. 14 1). (Loningradakii Dom nauchno-tokhnichoskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Soriia: Liteiroo proizvodstvot no.5) (MIRA 17:4) 7_0 z~' 751: ?.K IJA: t t Pin. 'LZ"i "i'V I T-S tv, T-7 T. 1, t;c T m -- -- , ; - I . , .1i.1 - - m _- -- ' -- - - - - r - - L-i I 7-1.- 1 Z I - '~ ;~-' --l ~A 5- ~r-~ - . I - ~ r . I r___ r~,,~ ~ .," ~,: .., -- , 11 1 L2~' -- , - I - - -1 - 'j;~ WR, Na rw"- --- - -- IN ill," "I ....... . L. ~E- - , -1- - I . KURATOV, P.S.Y kand.tekhn.nauk; FOMIN, V.L. Continuous dreep of' unevenl,,f heated discs. Energomashinostroenia 9 no.8:20~21 Ag 163. (Heat-Trannmigsion) -(KRA 1618) 16.7300 77992 SOV/-40-24-1-20/28 AUTHORS: Kuratov, P. S., Rozenblyum, V. 1. (Leningrad) TITLE: Integration of the UnsteAdy Creep Equations for Solids PERIODICAL: Prikladna a matematika I mekhanika, 1960, Vol 24, Nr 1, pp 146-M (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors present ar. approximate method using finite increments for integrating the unsteady creep equations. They consider a material occupying some volume; on a part of Its surface a load Is given and on the remaining part, the components of the velocity vector are ao~signed. The elastic stressed state fov t = 0 Is re- garded as known, and the surface and volume stress components are assumed to be time-dependent. The equilibrium equations and assigned surface load are first differentiated with respect to time. The resulting equations, the formulas for the strain rates in terms of the velocity components, and the creep stress-strain Card 1/3 relations of L. M. Kachanov (Certain Questions in the Integration of' the Unsteady Creep Equations 779~2 for Solida SOV/40-24-1-20/28 Theory of Creep, GTTI, 1949) then form the starting point. The time interval is divided into a number of small segments (not necessarily equal). The time derivatives are then replaced by finite Increments at the points of subdivision, e.g., 2) a- x1a t = Z~ - - For a strain rate and velocity t = tI I OX/At component, the notations x t = t L t and ux = vxlt = t L t are introduced. This leads to I a certain system of linear equations for determining the stress and strain increments (which is analogous to the problem of thermoelasticity), the solution of which is described. In particular, for an equilibrium stressed state (stress relaxation in a rod), the calculation process reduces to Euler's method. The authors note that a solution can be constructed If a suitable Green's function for the thermoelastic problem can be Card 2/3 found. The authors also show how the process can be Integration of the Unsteady Creep Equations 77~Q2 for Solids SG1,r,/4,*rj-2'/,'-,', -20/28 SUBMITTED: generalized to the case of plastic deformations. There are 3 Soviet references. May 18, 1959 Card 3/3 BUDYKAP Ivan Nikolayevich; RLRAT0V,,-P.5..p kand. tekhn. nauk,, retsenzent; MATARCIIUK, G.A., red. izd-va; BARD121A, A.A., tekhn. rod. [DeBign of steam turbine disks) Raschet diskov parovykh turbin. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 254 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Disks, Rotating) KUPLATOV, kand. tokim. nauk, dolsont; V,,[.,, Icand. tekhn. ri[lvk C,on,)erm'ljg the book "StrengUi of ateum tarbirm nomycri~in~.J" by L'A. Shubenk~~-S~ublra and olulierB. Fwiiewod by F.S. Kuro.ov V.I. Fo7enbltum. Energorrashinostroonle 10 no,gi/4-45 Ag t64- Oflftt, 17-ill.) Ql'-A T OV, T (Rutn:k ".2 1 Of t m"AU"SOM In the Iron and stool I nW247 aM 111UStrICOU NO aw 42 0 As t3911A tOr 6 W9017 Of VU prodUcers and rMeatine I.S. 9(6) SOV/1 12-59-3-5317 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, p 146 (USSR) AUTHOR, TITLE: Electron Meter of Aggressive LiTaids (Elektronnyy schetchik agressivnykh zhidkostey) PERIODICAL: Byul. tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 16. pp 26-29 ABSTRACT: A vinyl-plastic vane carries a small steel insert while a permanent magnet carrying a coil on one of its pole pieces is mounted on the outside of its 'vinyl -plastic) housing. As the vane rotates, the steel insert passes under the k pole pieces. Each passage irduces a pulse in the coil. The number of pulses is proportional to the number of vane revolutions and, consequently, to the quantity of the flowing liquid. The pulses are applied to an electron amplifier and further to an electromagnetic counter or integrator; the latter's contacts control an electric actuator which opens and shuts the pipeline valve. Two varieties of the primary detector, the electrov. amplifier, the summating counter ard the integrator are described. Five illustrations. V. N. Ch. Card 1 / I T PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/626o ourvich, Lev Vaniamlnovich, Georgiy Akopoviah Khachkuruzov, Vadim Androyevich Radvedov, Ineoca Veniaminovna Voyta, qgpTZjy_Andreye- v~~rZman, Viadimir Stoonnovloh Yunzwn, chalza.. Lidi uratov , Oeorgiy f!ikqL"yvich Yurkov, 11-oze, yo and Boris haltsan- Termodinamioheeklye avoyatva IndIvIdual'nykh veahchestvj spravochnik v dvukh tomakh. tom 1: Vyohieleniye, temodinamloheakikh avoystv; tom 2z Tablitoy temodinamicheokikh ovoystv (Thermodynamic Prop- erties of Individual Substances; Reference Book In Two Volumes. v. 1t Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties; v. 2s Tables of Thermodynamic Properties). 2d ad., rev. and enl. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR,'1962. n6i and 916 p. 4000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agenolest Akademlya nauk SSSR. Inotitut goryuohikh -iskopayemykh; and Goaudarstvannyy komitat Soveta Ministrov SSSR Card 1/0 'Thermodynamic Propertles twont.) sov/6260 po khimii. Institut priklaanoy khimit. Resp. Ed.t V. P. Glushko, Academician, L. V. Gurvich, 0. A. Khach- kuruzov, 1. V. Veyts, and V. A. Medvedev; Ed. of Publiihing Houses K. P. Ourov; Tech. Ed.s V. 0. laut. PURPOSUt This reference book may be used in scientiflo-research and experimental-deeign work In Institutes, design offices, and schools of higher education, as well as for training specialists in chemical thermodynamics and thermal physics. COVERAGE. Volume 1 of this work deals with methods for calculating thermodynamic properties and with the selection of constants re- quired for the calculations. Volume 2 contains tables of thermo- dynamic properties (reduced thermodynamic potential, entropy, enthalpys and the logarithm of the diesoclation or Ionization constants of equilibrium) oompiled,where data were .1ackingon the basis of published and unpublished materlal from a number of Soviet research Institutes. Thermodynamic proportion for Phe Ideal gas Card 21P i Thermodynamic Properties (Cont.) SOV/6260 state are precontcd in table form for 335 Z:7,oo, 44 liquids, and 45 solid= compoundcd fro4ni 33 chc:aical cl=~n;-. ~-,n~j ~~hciz jcotopC3, viz. - If, D, T, He, M, Be, B, 0, ti, 0, 1)) _'-A, Al, 31, P, 3, Cl, Ar, X, Ca, Br, Kr, Ro, Sr, Zr, 1, H-, zr.-~ Pb. properties are given for th,-, foliow.1.1-,; 22 in t',io rcanSo from room tomporaturo to 20,000"!'~*' '1J*4_'*' 0, 0#, 0.1, 01, 0, OW, HOO, N, N% N9, Nj, NO, :70., C, C., CO, CO', and o-; for the 14 least stable �ases up to 40000IC; and for the re- maining 299 gases up to 6000 K. Virial coefficients for 34 gases are also given up to 60000K. PHAS3 I BOOK ISXPL40ITATION mh OurvIch, Lev Vaniaminovich, Georgiy Akopovich Khachkuruzov, Vadim 1 Andreyevich Medvedev, Inessa Veniaminovna Veyte# Georgly Andreys- V10h Bergmanp Vladimir 3~2panoyloh Xun=kn, Mind, Petrovna Rtieh- ohava, I4diya-Pedorovna Kuratova, Goorgly Nikolayavich Yurkov, 73o-rTd-7e_doroVich Yudin Amaliya IMr-amovni Kanep Boris Isidorovich Brounshteyn, Viktor Foodoseyevich Baybuz, Valeriy Aleksan4rovich Kvlividze, Yevganiy Aleksandrovich Prozorovskiy, Ond Boris Aleksan. drovloh Voroblyev. Termodinamicheskiye a-voyetva individuallnyM veshoheatvj spravoohnik v dvukh tomakh. t6n 1: V~ohisleniye temodinamiohaskikh evoyetvj.. tom 21 Tablitsy temodinamiohaskikh evoystv (Thermod~namla Prop- ertia s of Individual Substanossi Harerenoe Book In Two Volvmes~~ v. Ii -Calculation of ThImodynar4o Propertied; v. 2j Tables of ismodynamlo Properties). 2d edip rev# and mosoowl Iza-vo SSSR, '1962*, 1161;and 916 p 000 oopies rinted. AN SponfloAng Agenoings Akademiya nauk 333R. Institut goryuohlkh' -iskopayeafthl lind Gosudarstvannvy komitst Soveta Kinistrov 333RI Card I/ ---------- Themodynamlo Properties (Oont.) OV1% 26 0 p0 khimli. Institut prikladnoy khimij. Resp. Ed.s V. P. alushko,,Aoademician, L. V. Ourvich, G. A. Khach- kuruzov, 1. V. Veyts, and V. A. Medvedev; Ed. of Publishing Houses K. P. Ourov; Tech. Ed.s V. 0. Laut. I PURPOM This reference book may be used In soientific-research and exporimental-de:ign work in institutes, design offices, and schools of high r education, as well an for training specialists in chemical themodynamios,and thermal physics. COVERAMs Volume*1 of this work deals with methods for calculating thermodynamic properties and with the selection of oonstants,rs- Mdred for thv calculations# Volirme 2 contains tables of thermo- 47namio properties (reduced thermodynamic potential, entropy, enthalpy, and'the logarithm of the dissociation or XQnization constants of quillbtium) compiled,where data were la6kincon the basis of publi'shed spd unpublisho(t material from anumber of Soviet Thermodynamic prd research inst:ltutes. parties for the Ideal gas Card Fig Thermodynamic Propertlon (Cont!) SOV/16260 state are presented in table form for 335 gases, 44 liquids, and'- 45 solids compounded from 33 chemical elements and their Isotope@, viz.: H, D, T, He, Lis BOP Bp Co NP Op Fe Nes Wa, Me, Al, 51, P, S, 01, Ar, K, Ca, Br, Xr* Re, Sr, Zr, 1, Xe, 06, Ma, Hg, and Fb. Thermodynamio properties are given for the following 22 gases In the range from room temperature to 20,000*Kj:H,H*, H-, 0, 0-, R., NO, On OH, CHO, H,O, N, NO, Kv, N;, NO, NO*j Go GO, CO, COO, and e ; fo~ the 14 least stable faces up to 4000 K; and for the re- maining 299 gases up to 6000 K. Virial coefficients for 34 gases are also given UP to 60000K. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Volume 1) (Abridgedlt 'Foreword 21 Introduction 19 4 PART I* WHODS OF CALCMATING THE THEMMAMC PPOURTIMS OF INDIMUAL SUBSTANCE3 Card 3& POTEKUSHIN, N.V.; KURATGVA, L.P.; RIGER, IM.M.; BAKULIN, S.B. "Handbook on the manufacture of sheet metal working diea" by V.14.knikin, IU.S.Lukashirt. Reviewed by II.V.Potokushin and others. Kuz.-shtam.proizv. 4 no.2:45-47 F 162. (14MA 15:2) (Dies (Metalworking)) (Shoot-metal work) (Anikin, V.M.) (I"kanhin, IU.S.) Effect of the nabire of cati 'n on the mcibility ct oxygen L atms in anior, in queous lutions. Part 3. Zhur. fJ.z. khim. 37 no-4.,879-881 1q) 163. (MMA 17t7) 1. DrieprapetroviAdy (7(.-,audLrstvej!-,nyy ~aniver-qitet.. �RN V SKARRE, O.K.; TERESULVICH, M.O.; KURATOVA, T.S. Effect of the nature of cation on the mobility of oxygen atoms in an anion in aqueous solutions. Part 4. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.5:1132-1134 My 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Dnepropetrovikiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. labl" J I KURATOVA4T.S.- TERESHKEVICH, M.O.; GOLITEUZEN, E.E.; PWHIDAYEVA., E.Yu.; 6 1 O.K. Oxygen atomic mobility in certain anions and mixed solvents. Sodium and potannium bromaten. Zhur.fIz.khIm. 39 no.10:2365- 2369 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiv gosudarstvennyy univeroitet. Subm,~,.ted April 14, 1964. ili, 3, Y..) j i'l . P. E I o - atitor of --,.I jy~, A ir mothanol. -11 bon Zli ca, i k 1-~-IIra , .3 IJ no OtP Ir~ Ny , f~~, fi:Ljol Olip!" O~Ad MRATOW, Teodor, mgr inz. Methods of forecasting gas demand in the Polish Irozi metallurgy. Gosp paliw 12 no. 5: 160-162 My 164. 0 - L rwnam- T Hell. Cuntedl I'S.Okle"IturxIcIl VIA(&(& Jlwiddry clepine urzaduh fiutnjcxvclj- RuLlik No 10, ltt5j, pp a.- till, Of he'li Contraj in Mel~,,Urg" C;a, 13 CrJr,trOl SYSU!m quantity of air PCGM.Qtcd by VCntt- lit',altity ~If -'-ipour, prc=14re In the ventilating dUct, urcssure of the aIr-v2paLLr Inixtuge, presaure at It,, (kjigalne Producer gam. teinpufature of t1w out;uing picktacer Ca!f in tile Central g" ppo- ,Iu~er jildni witnout relort for cold gja FICSriplian of tha duiign ilr~A ,I udv~atag,-A ~.j t, mea!,uremcnt aj-~,j control ur%it of a nc-,W lypt, i-atinj furlutce-4 givinj; a pl~itjc ["j"Ure Of rnClauTernent, IACA~UCCML'111 fid c0ulwl ji,tm-1 fur a Ula4t furnace ;11141 a high i :- Z11 ~ I 61i of rijluti,s Cf LUPUll mv,ntment In meawrini, and can. I aj~p~irulus for a rthe,~tljlg furria--e -ij,rollne an a erke gas ftwl. Uwci, a untr4l Ullit plysi (Go luelt ~o~q !han 11 ye37'.) IjInO rMTOW, T. "Heasuring Gas In Industry" p. 263, (Gaz, Woda I_Technika Sanitarna) Vol. 27, no. lep Oct. 1953,Warszawa) East European Vol. 3, No. 2, SO: Month List of/xgxsm Accessions,/Library of Congress, Februar7j 1954IWj Uncl. r -f XURATOW, Toodor I ngr Inz.; SLTJVTAl,'.',.7,, 1:11'r 1:1Z. Gar] 1"OnOral"Or rfifulvgomant In Polonri. Gon '6-5. P Falivi 13 zio.2:47-~O F KURATOJUA ) Z. hU-RATQ-,73KA, Z.- LE'.1A'1r1'G,13KI, D. "Influence of Certain Inhibitors of Tis~ue Yetabolism on Functi nal Currents of Skeletal Muscles. 11 p. 321 (Acta Physialoiica :blonica. Vol, 4, no. 4, 1953 1,'1arszawa.) Vol. 3, no. 6 SO: Yonthly List of East %Eropean Accessions. /Library of Congress,June, 1954, Uncl. XURATOWSXA-LXWARTUdWA, Zof Ia Problems of humoral regulation of hemopoiesis. Polskis arch, mod, weWIL. 27 no.9;1265-1278 1957. 1. Z oddzialu Chorob Wownetrzynch Klerownik'. doe. S. Kowalski Instytutu Hembologii Dyrektor: dec. A. Trojanowoki i z Zakladu Yizjologii Cx1owieks, A.M. w Warssawis lierownik: prof. Yr. Czubalski. (HZMOPOIZIS, physiology. erythropolesis, humoral regulation, review (Pol)) KUPATOWSKA-LEWARTUSKA, Zofia; MICHALAK, Migia senrch on the humoral arythropoetic fnctor in erythremia. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no-3591341-1344 I Sept 58. 1. Z OddzieLlu Chorob Wewnetrzn7ch Instytutu Hemntologll; kicrownik: doe. dr. R. XownlBki i z Zakladu Fizjologii Czlowiekn Akademii Medycznej w Warmwia; k kierownik: prof. dr Yr. Czubn1ski. Warszawa, ul. Chocim- aku 5 Inst;ytut Hematologil. (POLY03THEMI& V3HA, blood in arythropoiatic fitotor, ansay in rate (Fol)) (WtTTHROC YTIS erythropoiatic fnctor in blood of patienta with polycy- themin vera, ausay in rate (Pol)) KUATOISKA-lolm uiull~-ag Appllcntion of certain OtrnnquilizeraN in cllnl(%nl. internal disenues. Poluki tygod. Ink. 14 no432:1507-1510 10 Aug 59. I- (Z Oddzinlu Chorob wevnetrsnych doc. dr N. Kownlaki) (TRANQUILIZUK; AGPdITS, Inatytutu Ifomntologil; kicrownik - ther.) MJRATOWSXA-LLVARTOWSKA .1 .1 0 Zofla 76-~~ A cAae of renal Onneer with paro2yomal hY-oartenaion. Pol8kIe nrch. med. wewn.'29 no.4*17-522 1959. I- Z Oddxialu Chorob WownstrznVch Kierownik; doe. dr med. E. Kowalski Inst7tutu Hematologil Dyrektor: doe. dr mod. A. Trojanowaki OMWMSIO11, atiol.) (KMIvySo neopl.) RUIATLUSKA-UNATUOWSKA, Zofia Certain recent achievements In the field of bilirubin metabolism. Polskin nroh. mad. wewn. 29 no-7081-988 1959. 1. Z Oddzialu Wewnetrznego Inetytutu Hemntologii Kierownik: doc. dr mad. H. Kowalski. (BILIRURIN, metab.) KURATOWSKA, Z.; LEWARTOWSKI$ B.; MICIWA, E* Studies on the production of erythropoietin by the leolated hypale kidney. Bul Ac Pol biol 8 no.2s77-80 6o. (EW 10:4) 1. Laborator7 of ainical Biochemistr7~ Institute of Haematology, Warsaw and Laboratory of Human Physiology, Schsol of Medicine, Warsaw Presented by F,Czubalski. (ERYTHROPOIETIN) (KIDNEYS) KURATOWSKA., Z.; LIPINSKI, B.; KOWALSKI, E. The role of -Z-groups in the binding of heme and globin. rostapy bioohem. 8 no.4t578-579 162. 1. Z Zakladu Ocbrcny Zdrovia Instytutu Badan Jadrowych PAN w Warazewio. (SULFHYDRYL COMPOUNDS) (1040GOGLOBIN) KURATOWSKA Zofia Erythropoietin - prooress in the study on humoral regulation of erythropoiesis. Postepy hig. mad. doew. 16 no-3:373-400 162. I. Z Zakladu Ochrony Zdrowia IBJ w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr E.. Kowalski. (ERYTHROPOIETIN) KURATOWSKA, Zofia; KOWALSKI, '-'.; LIPINSKI, B., MICHALAK, Eligia Preparation of the erythropoietic factor from human blood plaara. Acta biochim. polon. 9 no-3:189-197 162. 1. Department of Health Protection, Institute of Nuclear Roacarchl Warszawa. (ERYTHROCYTES) (IMATOPOIESIS) NIEWIAROWSKIJ, Stefan; KURATWSKA, Zofia; PIECHOCKA, Teresa Studies on hemophilia in Poland. III, A case of hemophilia C (PTA factor deficiency). Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.14:507-510 2 Ap 162. 1. Z Pracowni Biochemli Klinicznej Instytutu Hematologii; kierownik, prof. dr E. Kowalaki i z Poradni dla Chor7ch na Hemofille przy Insty- tucie Rematologii; kierownik: dr St. Niewiarowski. (HEMOPHILIA statist) RAFALOWICZ, Adam; ZIELINSKI, Jan; XURATOWSKA, Zofia A case of pregnancy toxemia in the form of malignant hypertension with hematological changes. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.21:840-842 21 My 162. FREGNANCY TOXEMIAS compl) FrELONEPRRITIS in pregn) ~ (HrPERTENSION fOIAL in pregn) (ANEMIA in pregn) KOPEC, Marla; KUltATOWSKA,,__Z~~fiai_CZECIIOWSKA, Zofia A case of generalized vascular dysplasia with an unusual hematologic syndrome. Pol. arch. mod. wown. 33 no.2:201-208 163. 1. Z Oddzialu Wownetrznogo Instytutu Hematologii w Warozawio Ordynatort prof. dr mod. E. Kowalski i z Zakladu kiatomii Patologicztej Instytutu Hematologii w Warozavie Kierownik: dr mod. Z. Czechoyska. (FISTULA, ARTERIOVENOUS) 01EMATOLOGY) (PATHOLOGY) (SPLEEN) (ERYTHROCYTES) Ln.-IARTUdSKI, B.1 KURATOWSKA Z. - 1 -11 Intracollular localization of haanicholinium sensitive and hamicholinium insensitive acetylcholine fractions in the heart atria. Bull. acad. Pol. sci. (Diol.] 13 no.1:37-41 165. 1. Subnitted on November 17, 1964. 121) In French. footnoes) Vol.l(-'pac(- mcw7uraile. In m(Aer~, curqllt2te 1)3. Vol. 2. (Coi-q-1-act space.,, cormectcd space-:, pla"i -surface) .:,0: "I'lonthly LisL of La-,:t Luropean Acccv,~: ions (EL-~AL) LC', Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957 Uncl. 11 F11 r. = -R og i-_ fl- E!m Iff m V-6 rM 21 q n lu -VT it; x 1 2: F U 11 L L, r- 1 -4 le i. - to ;4 a 41 41 m ARM NAtM "IR, ,-~ ~-,, 'I . ;~ ~, ~, - ! ~ z . , A., ,A; - 'IZ ~, -,; ~~ ; U -~.` ~.;i . i \ 11 1 1-111tho'-:0AC111 floviows V.A. 14 140. 10 Nov. 1953 .*Kuratowaki Kazimlerz i Mutitowski, Andati. Teoria ... i;i1logoscl. sets.) Momgrafic Matenia. tycznc, Torn XXVIL Polskie Towirzyttwo Maten.a. tycmie, Waraxawa.Aklitclaw, 1052. ix-1,311 fill. Thill (~Xcvllcllt Illonol.'solkli a modc'm (OlivW fill goieral act-theory. Tlic promntation follcjw3 it 111irlit-o- graphed colithe of Iccturcs by K'llf.41('mki (i.1 Act-111cory, lsiutd in 1924, but ia collAidtlahty ealar-Red and compIcted. Thus the iiya,teniatic urst: (if lcjyi(-al op-raturs in set-theory, tile study of tile olwfatims of tht dimut product. of Sets, and the theory (if [W-fial OrdCl- (0011 new featLIMS Of thig VOlUtlIC- Chapter V1, dealing with the study of indepen&nce and non-contradiction of the lxirjnl,4 of fia-thcory, ii new and contains a Purvey of Ctklt':I's work ano acent ri-Milti (:oil- nected with it. ,rhe book la extremely readable, dog, 1u a symem of de- velopment of pet-dwory which callibitles (I c t , the "twive" malicId followed by Ca ' proaches W.r hiltur f, and the i"I'lliallitic treatlyleilt develillict! citl tile axi(jill"Itic melhod. The Symbolimll (if mathematical logic is IISC(i (111Wgituilt, but wall "uYlerdtion, alul aillph. 111(itivatiott i, giveil in tile text appealing tn tile ilittlilloll ()fl 111c itifillile '1116 inillitioll will contilme to be lict v ai Im 1,111. et(:., in such Aystellit As C40 VOIC),sio" :11111 Dolch aild V(~l llaa.4y have dirrumt%trated the pe.-iihiliti:-i A iel.,Ii~rll. slahl, %ullmilic-i(es. Tile modcru methodf, ill d"ulfurizatinu M pig iron by wMa mrits havP made anniheT iiiiijoinjil ortiribi, ;o;i to llic Ktudy :)f the sulfide-allicate itielt equilibria. The iniin-ralogical owly of Nulflifts In Al,�X% by rhalcrwaphir mCtII(WI% KIA 01~1 the impartaticr of jninmry Ashatidite(MuS) lit mauy Flagi~ The paralleS to the cotif-,tilutic-it of metroric Irons are equally sug- gelltivc for a Inturv drvriopment nf Wic 3tilfide-Ang investi- tation". Tile fire.-Lent Niok is InIt'Whiced fly fill rxvitsive (Ili. Cussion of the Ilit(Wits Rtill rNfirriniellint OICICIMi"Ittions of the genertki cliaracttristIcs of bliull-furnacc and Word iilalt%. The mc*t representative literature d4la mir cc-sullikA lit tAICS. Thentirs nt the n&tuir of Chemically 1)(Kinil %ullur ilk 014mtv Plagg are divusited lit ritlalloij to tht trmilli Ill (Itickiled Miidle.4 mi tho sulfide ctystal phaws observed lit xlsig,i undcr poludeed tranhinit. 4ed and reflected light. Priam this enildrical data. the jliecifle 1probIttri of thr use rif sla& lit chemical tech- nololry and buildinj caruitrurtirin is dlscu~wd with fpcdA refer- orlev to the dectoriptiattion of sulAile,# by -it h"Ic faefors, Innil. ture, and circulating aithitlimis, which rt-ultTill cm(sive prcOurts of sulfide oxidatiort, The m-401% rif thcotcdcal met4flurp, life relatM to the chemistry rind mineralogy of Mlicater %yitr"l% Oil a modern physicticlicnik-al busis. laVC.StIgiLtio'lls ill the fields of Phabc equilibria In fused systvills and the Clelliclits of modcru crystallochemistry are correlated with mellitAs whow. Importance Ili the cak-ulation of affiniticIt and stabilitycon- ditions in sulfide-silicate ~Iag% is -mphasiud A biblioctup'.1v of 102 well-wiectcd papers is given, heNi(li,s hAmIrci1% of valuable footnote references. W. L. TIJ.j 2 7 Vol 14 NO. Casimir. 1'j)p(jjjj;, 'ic. A 1a I,.111d Iv, Tom (~Omobrjr ii,53 Topt) of. f 1). 3 Rupfilm.11, Will] Olt- T- i Mathematical Reviews Vol- 14 NO- 10 Nov. 1953 Topology Vol. 1. X1114: (A '1 (mi N X. h-l JJv 'hjw'Ir-' z N .I w o '11,11t.111-11 1 /11(" W.11 m m .1, 116 2. xii .1 -15111 Ev vi'l fol Ow ( III- i Ii,in i-I ;k fc%v min(w Ilds i, 1% till Ow )III 1-dilion, 1)111.1; -11, if III D-Y ~l -21"EN, Mathematical Reviews Vol. 15 No- 4 Apr. 1954 opology tows1d) K., et Steinhaus, H. Une aplAication g6~- tneinque d7thior6ne dy Brouwer sur les points invari- into. Hull. Acad, Polon. Sci. CL 111. 1, 83 -86 (193 1). The n-diinensiorml (:;Ife of Oil. followilig t1wol"11) i, proved. Let R be a bounded nieiswablv !,~:t in Oic and let r- I RI be the rne~tsure of R. Let A.), A j, A ~ LI: t1w angks detcrinineil by three r.iyi t~nmn~siiny hon, I lit,110 rinally, let a*, as, a, 1w t1irce nmi-nty:itive nund.,:o- t;tjch that a*+aL+a2-1- TIICII there is ;I tronAltioll T sut-11 11cil, denoting rR by R', jR'r%.el,j =rctj for i=O, 1, 2. E. G. 11,,gle (Ncw ILIvI-11, Coull.). Mathematical Reviews Grzagorazyk, A., and Kuratowaki, C. On Janiazewskils Vol- 14 No- 11 property of topologJcal spaces. Ann. Soo. Polon. Dec. 1953 Math. 25 (1952). 169-182 (1953). Topology Let 3 be a connected, locally connected, Normal T space, and suppose that, whonevor A and B are closed connected aubsets of S nuch that S- (AuB) iu connected, then ArNB In connected. The authora deduce Oct, whenever 0, D are components of any closed subsets A, B of 5 such thtt 5 - (AvB) is connected, then GriD is connected; and that this in turn implies the same property with "closed" replaced by "open". If further S is compact metriog all these properties are known to be equivalent to one another (from the That that they make every true cyclic element of S a 2-sphere; see C. Kuratowaki, Fund. Math. 13, 307-318 (1929)]. In the general case, the question of equivalence remains open. In,en appendix it is pointed out that the results extend to a suitable class of "closure algebras" [R. Sikorski, Fund. Math. 36, 165-206 (1949); these Rev. 12, 851. A. H. Stone (Manchester). 1; I? Inal-," i c t~,- r.f r rin-Un, rr ;',.I fr-. 'n It -w ur; ) . .1 1.-: I : L i_ I - - 2 l,(,. I ("AL-T,A - JJ A Vcl. 2? 1 1""U') "I ) I . - SC : -;' orl-thly Li,,;i, of T:rist !-i!r( ~,r,arj Ac -,:rJrq!P 1'r, "'c" . 'I' N, . '), ,,-aroh 1?5-)', Vncl.. Sz 01 t ec- r' :7 In Pronch. -).243. 1 J-4": Li. cA. 3, .(). Aoccs..L,),.~s IA&, lrol.