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VOLIFSON, F.I.; LUKIN, L.I.; DIMOV, A.I.; XU5MWLb'Y. I.P.; PEK, A.Y.; RYBALOV, B.L.; SWYUSHKIN, Te.P.;~ KHOROSHILOV, L.V,; CIFMIYSIFAV, V.P.; BIRYUKOV, V.I., GARKASH. A.A., DRUZHINIU, A.V.: ICARAMYAN. K.A.; KUZIMSOV, K.F.; LOZOVSKIY, V.I.; MALINOVSKIY. Ye.P.; NEMIT, V.A.; PAVLOV, N.V.; ROHENSOH, B.H,; SMONOV, I.Z.; SIDCRMTKO, A.V. [deceased]; SOPKO. P.F.; CHNGLOKOV, S.Y.; rMIN, B.A.; KREYUR,,V.M.,.doktor geologo-mineral.nauki retsenzent; .. KOTLTAR, V.K., doktor goologo-mineral.nauk, retsonzent; GRUSMOT, V.G.j doktor geologo-mineral.nauk. retsenzent; NAKOVNIK,.N.I.#.doktor geologo-mineral.nauk, ret6enz'eilt; KUREK, N.N., doktor geologo-mineral. nauk, retsenzent; LIOGENIKIT, S.N., reteenzent; aLATALOV, Te.T., doktor aeoloao-mineral.nauk. red.; KRISTALINYT, B.V., red.; WMGE13VA, N.A., red.izd-ve; GUROVA, O.A., [Basic problems and methods of studying structuros of ore provinces (Continued on next card) VOLIFSON, F.I.---(continued) Card 2. and deposits] 0snovnye voprooy i metody izuehaniia struktur rudnykh polei I mostorozhdonii. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1960. 62) p. (MMA 1):11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSM. Institut geologii rudnykh mentorozhdoniy, petrografii, mineralogii i gookhimii. 2. Hoskovskiy institut tovetnykh metallov i zolota (for Dyukov. Biryukov. Druzhinin, Kuz- netsov). 3. Inatitut mineralogii, geokhimii I kristallokhimii redkikh elementov AN SSSR (for Oermash). 4. Akademlys nauk Armyan8koy 30 (for Karamyan). 5. Baleyzoloto (for Sidorenko). 6. Inatitut geolo- gii rudnykh meatorozhdeniy, petrografii, minoralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR (for Kalinovskiy. Nevskiy. Pavlov, Chemyshov). 7. MoskovskI7 geologorezvedochnyy institut Im. S.Ordzhonikidze (for Roneuson)* 8. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inntitut minerallnogo syrIya (for Samonov). 9. Voronezhakiy univeraitet (for Sopko). 10. Kollskiv filial AN SSSR (for Tudin). (Ora deposits) BADUKUM'OV, Kh.N.; VOLIFSON, F. I.; ZAKIROV, T. Z. ; KOROLEV, V.A.; KHEYTER, V. M.; XVSJ0lARXV,,-I. P. ; LUKIN, L. I.; NEVSKIT, V.A.; NIKIYCROV, N.A.; ECK, A.K. ; RUSANOVA, O.D.; SOYMSEKIN, Te.P.; CH&MYSHEV, V. F. ; SHEWMAY, P.A. Alekeei Vasillevich Korolev; obituary. Geol. rud. meatorozh. no.4:134-135 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Korolev, Aleksei Vasillevich, 1897-1960) 6KUSHNAREV. 1.P. %k- ___ ___ Depth of the formation of endogenous deposits In the Kurama structural-facies zone and the role of erosion level in their formatJon. G(3ol.rud.mentorozh. no.6:3-.26 N-D 161. (MIRA 11.,:12) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mostorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii I geokhimii AN SSSR. (Kurama Range Region--Ore deposits) 3 16 a/ -1 Ij 0 ....... Ku zlinarev -------------------- n, A. 1. Ye., Sonyuuhkin, cunqerninr the formation offK~1ro-~erm,-.11 de.-)onitr 1 ~6, 117, .111.3.) C,*..;. !~of-,?i,;~tivnyy zhurrial. %himiya, no. 10, 1 - abstracL lOG111 (Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zaveleni,-. Geol. i r.11.1ve,11ka, no. ), 1961 , 12-24) -ooIo-ic;..,l otud~r of :3amples from. hy1rothe-rr.,ill 4 L-~j 0.,., Z; -I they have Man- t. at e 1'. 0 )77, ario-io, Dr ic.features r. C 0 1 uran un-bearin.- provinces are many py Df Ur;~nium mineralization is due to plutonic i)ockets of :7ranite na.;,:na in tlie final otage of levelonL,.ent. chemical nnalyjc,~~ fov One of 1.11(' Provinces showed the -io:A ii u r. n _'.;i -% c Dn ' e.,) t o' t h e z1arly ercynian co:-.-.)lex to lue 2.2-10 4 11: that u' the diddle 4.6-10 ~j and that of the Late ifercyniin 6.5-10"p. In cach zenarate intrusive complex the quantity of -,1rani',-=, is -reater in the Card 1/2 Some probie:;:s conc(,rnin,;: '61-ic ... S,'/Oc-1 B 16 Fj/ ~:, 1 '8'0 77ranium m4neralization occurs durin- one of t.--.e 'I-nal -~a7e3 o~ t'-e 'iylrothermai :jrocesr,. 21,le nrinci2al Dara:,~enetic azzoCiationo of -pitchblendle are pitch-sulfide, pitch-carbonate, pitch- lluoritr., ;:r,,] 7)itc`h-quar'z-p,,ritea. The 'Airst two aosociations are ,J-~Jca' of -j-,rinili:,- lepocit.; properly speak-Inp !Jr.-,nium can be in hylro~'her,,.,,al oolutions in tetravalent fin,] `rou.-h the ;tarreo of true an,I colloiJal n , -'.,. U 'or the formation of 'he uoner par' , uL: conl:tions - _-IS arp found 'e eartl --,t 500-700 r, fro-m the former surf~,ce of th tion ranre o, m. De-~oz;- 'on rer' ical mineru' iza- ' lip 40 of' t`,e ores -ij accom-inn-Jed by ailicification, chloritination, albitization and sericitization of tile enclosir,,- rocks. Albitization '._c ty~ic,~I o.,;' th e11-,er 7j-.rt:5 of uraniim. ore-bodies. '-",le temnerature a'. ,-,,-,ich z*,-..e ores: forr,-,ic -Colmd to be 50-2000.C. _.".batracterls n'ote: Co:nnl~:te trans- lat.LOII ~Iar;! 2/2 KUSIMAREV , I.P. ; KAZIMAN, A.13, Utter -to the editorial office. Izv.All OSSSR Ser.gerl,,'6 no.12~113--IU. D 161. (K[RA MMI.- Tien Sh&n-Gmologyp Stratigrapbic) an Shan. - loltanoeB) M LUKIN, Leonid Ivanovichl CKMIYSBEV, Vadir. Fedorovlc~; n'SHINURZEV, Ivan-Pavlovicu FEK) A.V., otv. red. [~-.icrostructurai analysisj methodological textbook for geologists studying ore deposits] Mikrostrukturnyi ana- liz; metodicheskoe pocoble dlin geologov$ lzuehaiushchikh rudnye meptorozhdeniia. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 123 p. [Supplement) Prilozhenle I-XII. diagrs. (in folder) (MIRA 191l) L EPA(B)-2 /rdT(=)/E"(n)-2/T/EWP(t)/EdP(b)/E74A(c) Pu-4 4V AIISO14962 BOOK EXPLOITATION UK/553.061t$46.79 Batulin. S. C.t Colovin, YE A.; ZelenovA, 0. 1.; Kashirtsevs, M. Zorin rov aG. V. Kand at'yeva, 1. A.; Lisitsin. A. K.; Perel man. A. ikova. V. D.; qhertkikilv~&_A.; Shmariovich, YE. M, Exogenous epigenctic deposits of uraniumt formation conditions (Ekzonennyye apLgenaticheakiya mentorozh4eniya urana; usloviya obrazovanlya). Moscow, Atomizdatp 1965. 321 pe illus., biblio Errata slip inserted. 1100 copies printed. TOPIC TAGSt deposit formation, epigenatic theory* exodiagenatic deposit, surface uranium accumulationt uranium bituminous deposit 0 uranium deposit, uranium, nuclear fuel. r, PURPOSE A11D COVERAGEt This book is intenJed for readers Apeetaliging in the geology of ore deposits, in particular for those toncGrood with atomic raw materials. and Also for students of hLgher-4dues- tion institutions. In the book, for the first tin* in Soviet and foreign literatur4s, the spiganstic theory of uraniun-depo I t formation Le expounded. Many Soviet and foreign source uat!rials' L 50199-65 AH5014982 have been used in this book, and some of the investl Is tion2 carried out b7 the present authors ale published in this book for the first time. Several names of Soviet scientists working In,' this field are mentioned. V. A. Uspenski collaborated on Ch.,X' and It. A. Viselkina on Ch. 111. The authors thanklA. A. SoukQy~ deceased, Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences USSR, and i F. 1. Vollfson, D. G. Sapozhnikov I V. 1. Gerssinovski , Me Pei -_5-=Jk,1,n, r,. S. GrLtsjkyq_nkq, and 1. P. Kushnarev, Doctors of Geologico-Hineralogic Scienceal Candidate of Geo- logico-Hineralogic Sciences, and N. A. Voloko kh. There are 'n about 12 pages of references of which about Soviet..: TABLE OY CONTENTS jabridlefle Introduction -- 4 Ch. 1. Epigen4tid processes in hypergene a zone 9 Ch. Ile Chemistry and crystallothemistry of uranium oupodadd 22 L 50199~_65___ AH5014982 Ch. 111. Associations of nonoxidize~d uranium minerals in apiganatic deposits,-- 37 Ch. IV. Uranium in surface and ground waters -- 48 Ch, V. Uranium In stratel waters -- 57 Ch. VI. Classification of exogenous uranium deposits -- 53 Ch. VII. ExodiagenstLc deposits (Type 5) 113 Ch. VIII# Deposits of Oxygenous shoot oxidation (Tjpe 6) -- 133 Ch. IX. Deposits of oxygen-free oxidation (Type 7). Deposits in oLl-bescing carbonate rocks -- 180 Ch* XO' Ur&nLum-bituuLnous deposLis''in nounstanorphosed sedimentary.. rocks 215 [Card Card 4/4 6 501 AH5014982 Ch. XI. On surface ursalus accumulations In regions vLth arld climate -- 232 Ch. XII. Zone of oxidation In spigtostic 4sposits 239 Conclusion 275 Roferences 309 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress BUD CODHI go BUBMTED1 04feb6S NO RXI GOVI too OTHERI 118 ISAYEV, Ye.I.; KUSHNARKV, I.T.; TARAPAY, M.A.; YAKOVM, Yu.W.; LAPITSK!Yy'V.!P,' prof., doktor tokhn.nauk, nauchnyy rukovo- ditell raboty Developing an efficient type of nozzle and stopper for the continuous aAsting of steel. Izv.vys.ucheb.zave; chernemets 6 no.lt42-49 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicbeskiy Institut. (Continuous casting-Equipment and supplies) LAPITSKIY, V.I.; TARAPAY, M.A.; CKHOTSKIY V.S.- LAYKO, B.G.; FlfM, L.M. Prinimali uchastiyet SESYUX,G.S. tdeceas'ed1,-jTqEAqV,,_,,~'. - PATLANI, Ye.F.; PITOSIRUCHRIKO, G.P.,- SOSEDKO, P.M. Tj~ Ways oi' reducing wheel discards because of angular segregation. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no*7:84-89 164 ORIRA 17 %S) 1. DneproDetrovskiy metallurgichesk.4y Institut i Zavod im. K. Libknakhta. YAKOVLEV, YU.N., kand. tekhn. nauk;_K USHNAREV, 1.*I.; DIPITSKIY, V.' doktor tekhn. nauk, rukalioditell rabotp Hot longitudinal crackd on flat, continuous ingots. Met, i I! gornorud. prom. no*4:31-35 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 18:7) I VI 11. N Mar 1947 "IMOSUSSUOU of AM Welding under a ?lux," L. W. Whebmwev, ) pp "Aytoeennoye Delo" No 3 Mustrated with oncillograims of tho aro. The conclusion, among othors, in roath-odl that there mV no short circuits under nox:-,17. operating oon- d1tions in welding, but with very short area unaor a flux, &a well an with an open are, they are notod, but are not as ]protmtod. PA 4T26 4n8 137-58-5-9747 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 128 (USSR) A UTH 0 RS. Bentia, F.F.:. Dernyantsevich, V.P., Kushnarev, L.N. 'TITLE: Novel Developments in the Automation and Mechanization of Elm tri( Arc ind Slag Welding (Novoye v oblasti avtomatizatsii i rnekhani7a.s,.i protsessov elektricheskoy dugovoy i 5hlakovoy svarki) PERIODICAL: V 5b. . Sva rochnoye proiz-vo. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1957, pp 17-37 ABSTRACT: The results of a number of investigations and production s*-udies of automation and mechanization of welding processes are communicated. 1. An investigation of the effect of electrode diameter ( 'current density) on the melting of the parent and the electrode metal. An increase in current density improves the efficiency of the processes of fusion of the product and the elec- trode. Thus. for wire of 2-mm diameter, an.. increase in cur- rent from 300 to 600 amps changes the share of the heat expendi- ture required to melt the parent metal from 15 to 28%, that for the electrode from 12 to 19.8%, that for the flux from 36.8 to Card 1/3 29.2% and that going into heat d155ipation from 36.2 to 28.6%; 137-58-5-9747 Novel Developments in the (cont. this results in an increase in the deposition efficiency and the depth of pen- etration. 2. Development of a procedure of automatic submerged slag weld- ing of parts of large cross section at high current densities by electrodes 1.6-3 rnrn in diameter. The joint is held in a detachable copper or ceramic form. The tips of the automatic welder go into the gap (20-25 mm) until they are 50-70 mrn apart. About 30 or 40 sec after welding starts, the arc pro- cess converts to a slag process. Filler metal added to the liquid bath dimin- ishes its tern erature, inhibits grain growth and raises the akc from 1.7 to 8.1-12.5 kgm~cmZ (SvO8A electrode, OSTs-45 flux). The power supply cir- CUit from the Ist to the 4th electrode (E) and technical and cost criteria for the process are presented. 3. Development of a procedure of flat-position automatic slag welding of sheets >20 mm in diameter. The welding is done on a Cu backing with a groove 20 mrn wide and 5 deep, the gap between the edges of the sheets being IZ-16 mm. 3 E spaced 30 nini apart are Used, the first being an 8-mm. tungsten tip, and the others consumable Z-mrn types. The W E is powered by 32-38-v D-C. The consumable E are powered from 2 STE-34 transformers in open delta network. 4. A search for an efficient method of automatic surfacing. lt was found that the highest output was attain- able with single-phase, two-electrode, three-arc facing, with 2-mm diameter E fed from a single STE-34 transformer (7.8-19.5 kg metal applied per hour). Card 2/3 137-58-5-9747 Novel Developments in the (cont. 5. The development, for the processes described, of special 2-electrode automatic and semiautomatic welders of the following model designations: DEShA- LIIVT-5, DEShP-LIIVT-5, DEA-2, and ADSD-500. 6. An investi- gation of the effect of the schedule in C02 welding with small-diameter elec- frodes, and the development of designs for automatic equipment for this type of welding. 7. Development of equipment for mass production of oil trans- former housing of various models and sizes. V.S. A-rc welding--Control Card 3/3 Y~. t,. "Elements of Variability in the Golden Staphylococcus," Nikro',)iol Zhur, Kiev., 19502 Vol XIT) 110. 1. - flikrobiologiya, Vol A, ~.;o. 5, 1551. 041-2li635. SLIMEIKO, P.S., glav. red.; OCIERENEO, K.,,,., red.; K.I., red.; U~SNAU, A.A., red.; AL;YZOV, A.G., rcd.; BUDIUKOV, I.I.S., red.; VEq?.OV, Yu.A., red.; GLAL'Hr-;, V.I., red.; GOLOSOV, V.A., red.; 122.!AYLOV, V.G., red.; KA?TYUKA, N.S., red.; KAIPOV, E.A., red.; KLINDUKF A.M.. rnd.* KUS2lAHV,jl.Ye., red.; LUYK, A.1, kand. tekhn. nauky red.; NWEAO-,L.A., red.i PYBALISKIY, V.I., red.; 9ITNIK, I.F., red.; FEDOS134KO, N.M., red.; FILAhHTOV, A.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; la[ILOBOCHENKO, K.S., red.; VORONKOVA, L.V., red.; KIYANICHENKO, N.S.P red. (Construction industry; tecbnology and mechanization of the conatruction industry; the economics and organization of construction] Stroitellnoe proizvodstvoz tekt-nologiia i me- khanizatsiia stroitellnogo proizvodstva; ekonomika i orga- nizataiia stroitellstva. Kiev, Lludivelinyk, 1965. 180 P. (YIRA 18:4) 1. llauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitollnogo proiz- vodstva. 2. Nauchno-issledovatellckiy institut stroitell- nogo proizvodstva (for Luyk, Filakhtov). KUSHNARZV# So lo, Docent "Preparing Locomotives and Equipment for Winter and Organization of Operations Under'Winter Conditions*" Sub 27 Jun hTP Moscow Order of the Lab6r Red Banner Electronschanical Inat of hailroad Engineer imeni Fo go Dzerrhinekly I Dissertations presented for degrees in science &--A engineering in Moscow in 190 sot sun No. 457v 18 Apr 55 a I " . lllkrQnjx~~ TnUng carc of tho billjo, promicac and ship installations of the ateel veasela. The food promotion publiahInE hoiwc, moocov, 1?41. rUSHITARLY, V. A. Technology Fishing boats maintenance and their repair by ship(a crew afloat. lAoKkva, Pishchenromizdat, 1951 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952, Uncl. 1. 11. A. 2. U:,S~q (600) L. .5texi liaviration 7. lllavi,-ation Ln *'Lcy *'.!aters. ftyb. khoz., 29, I'o- 11, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Februai-,- .1953. Unclassified. KUSHNARRV, V.A. [Pri-otical seamanship aboard weesels of the fishing Industry] Hors!rata praktiks na sudakh rybnolprmyshlonnosti. Koskya, Pishche- promizdat. Vol, 1953. 366 p. (KLRA 7:6) (Merchant seamen-Handbooks. manuals. ate.) (Fishing boats) VYSHIIEPOLISKIY. S,A.; KUSHNARZV. V.A., redaktor. [World sea routes and .merchant marines] Mirovye morskle puti i sudokhodstvo. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1953. 455 P. (RLHA 7:3) (Trade routes) (Shipping) LUS I M ilia-T TE v *V . I . Navigntiin at sea in the ice-locied ti-nets. Pybnos kliozyn3ratvo (Floh Econot.V), losue No. 11, 19r-2 nnd Issue No. 1, 19t-3. I/ IMMLVI-77A, V. A. Nn,ligation Navigation in ilc7 waters (conclusion). Ry.. khoz. 29 no. 1. 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 11~ay -1953. Unclassified. XUSIINAREV, V.A.; KOTTDRATIYEVA, Ye.M., redaktor; KISINA, Te.I., takhniche- - ----,Ikt"ddAktor [Practical seamanship aboard vessels of the fishine industr7l Morskate. praktika na sudakh rybnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Pi- Bhchepromizdat. Pt. 2. 1954. 298 p. tables.. (MLRA 8:6) (Fishing I-,Oats) (Navigation) PLINKR. A.I.; VSHNARRV, V,A. Temperature central of ovass with wide-*pan top dampers. Koks i 156. (MtA 9:9) I.Tazakiyavskiy keksokhImichaskiy zaved. (Coke *vans) JCUSBA Yja%k~iy,Xppj~.s'jy . ............. '- - --pyich; ICUZONINA, V.S., red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., I [Seamanship on fishing vessels) Karskaia praktika na rybuoi promyshlonnosti. Izd,Zo, parer, Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1958. 498 p. (KIRA 12:8) (Fishing boats) AUTHORS! Parfentlyevo A. I., and Kushnarev, V. K. 57-1o-26/33 TITLE: A More Exact Definition of the Conception of Coercive Force (Utochneniye ponyatiya koertsitivnoy sily). PF-RIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 27, Nr lo, pp. 2388-2391 (USSR), ABSTRACT: The authors show that a complete characteristic of the coercive prom perties of a magnetic material is given by three hysteresis loops. From these three we can obtain three different values for the coer- cive force. The three boundary loops of magnetic hysteresis are given here - induction, magnetization and residual induction or residual magnetizationj once they are given for the ferromagnetic y-ferrou-a, P oxide powder for band recordings and the other time they are given for the Iron-cobalt-ferrite powder for the band recordings. The dLffew rent values of BHC , IHC'rHC are dependent on the different magnetic states of the sample at the moment of the passage of the curves B - fj(H). I - f2(H) and B (H) through zero. Ba the induction, r f3 I- the magnetization, B ro the residual induction, H- the magnetic field. B11C - the coercive force for induction,A - the coercive force Card 1/2 for the magnetization, r HC a the coercive force for the residual. mag- A More Exact Definition of the Conception of Coercive Force. 57-lo-26133 netization. The authors point out that the three magnetic states of the material, which correspond to the values of the demagnetization field -BHV --IvC and -rHr are not sufficiently stabile. Therefore for the characterization of the material that value of coercive force can be used for the classification of the properties of the material which, from the point of viewof the technical use of the materia'l., suits best for this purpose, There are 3 illustrations, 1 table and 7 31aviG references. A550GIATION; C-inema-Photographic institute, Moscow (Kinofotoinstitut. Moskva). SUBMITTED'. November 5j 1956. AVAILABLEi Library of Congress. Card 2/2 PEFOON) R.S.; KUSHNAREV, V.M. Problems in the interpretation of the electromyogram. Report No.2t Average frequency of the sequence of potential fluctuations in the interference electromyogram. BiofizIka 8 no.2t238-241 163. (KMA 17:10) 1. TSertr&1InYy nauchno-issladavatellskiy institut ekspertizy trudocposobnosti i organizateii truda invalidov, Moskva, i Institx.. vyashey nervnoy deyatel;nosti i neyrofitiologii AN SSSR, Moskva. EJSHIIAUV, V.M. Problems of infectious pathology in worka of A.A. Chnrukovnkli, 179E~-1848. Shvr.mikrobiol. epid. 1, iramun. 29 no-9:134-13 S158 TMIU 11:10)'. 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologil i mikroblologii Imeul Gamalei AMff SSSRO' (MICROBIOLOGY, history contribution of A.A-Charukovakli (Rus)) (B,0GRM11BS, Charukovskii, A,A. (Rua)) KUSUMV, V.M. Changes occurring In the bacterial call during the preparation of ultrathin sections. Mikrobiologila 28 no.6t819-82) N-D 159. (MIRA 13t4) 1. Institut apidemiologii I mikrobiologii Im. N.Y. Gamaleya ANY SSSR. (ESCHERIGHIA COLI) KUSHNARRV, V.M. Jou Cantmouzone, 1863-1934. Zhur.mlk:robiol.oeptd.i Imemn. 30 no.12tI213-130 D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Ic Instituta apidemiologii i mikroblologii imeni Gamalei AMN SSSR- (BIOGRAPHIBS) KUSIINAUY,j_Y~-M,; BIAG(YVESIICIIrNSKIY V.A. Effect or freeze-drying on succinic dehydrogenase activity of Escherichia coli, Biokhimlin 25 no.4:599-602 T1-Ag '60. NIRA 13:11) 1. Department of Dry Preparations and Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the U-S.S R., MOSCOW* iFREEZE:ZRYING) (ESCHERICHIA COLI) (SUCCINIC DEHYDROGEIIASE) Detection of the centers of activ-ity of succinic dehydrogenase in Escherichia, coli, Biul. eksp. i biol. mod. 50 no. 8:106-1(Y7 Ag 160* (KIPA 13tlO) 1. Iz otdlea sukhikh biopreparatov i laboratorli lyuminestaentnoy i elektronnoy m1kroaXopil Inatituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni N.F. Gamalei (dir. - prof. S.N. Muromtsev) *M SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deyetv. chlenom AM SSSR V.V. Zakusovym. (SUCCINIC DEHUROGEHASE) (ESCIEPJCHIA COLI) KUSHNARBEV, V. M., Cand Med Sci -- "Blocrierrical and cytologi- Cal x4l~ he bacterial cellli~ freezing and drying." 'Mos, 1961. (Acad 'Mied Sci USSR) (KL, 8-61, 262) - 482 - IMMUM. V,M,l CHELlIMp AeM. -1,111-1 * Pyrageninity of swa* &W methods of Its determination. lkuah. oan. proisve bakto props IM13-219 1619 (HIRA 180) Is Institut opidemiclogii i mikrabialogii im. Gazal#i AMN SSSR, KUSHMMV, V.M.; BIAGOVE,511GII-M-OKIY, V.A. Effect of freeze-drying on the succinic dehydrogenaDe activity of bacteria. Biokhimiia 26 no.4:688-693 JI-Ag 161. (1-MIA 15:6) 1. Department of Dryixk-, of Biological Preparations and Department of Microbe Biochemistry, Institute of Epidemiology and I-Licrobiology, Academy of Medical S,"Ances of the USSR, Hoscow. (SUGGINIC DZIMDROGEOASE) (RACURIA, PATHOGENIC) (FR:,,-:M--DRTI1'G) Kuslillaw, V.m. Mitochandrial equivalonts in Escherichia coli calls. Biul. eksp. biol. i mod. 3(i.c.531 no-3:65-67 Mr 162. (miliA 15:10 1. 1z Inatituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni II.F.Gamaloi Al-211 SSSII, Moskva. Fredstaviena doystvitolinym chlenom A!:!l S,Wi V.L.Troitsklm. (ESCMUCILIA COLI) (IUTOCPOIDl,.IA) KUSHNAREVO V.11,; BLAGOVESHCHNISIUY, V.A. CDaracterlstles of the succirim d8hydrogename RritIvIty of Esoherichia coli as related to its resistance to freeme-d-eyL-Ig Mikroblologiia 32 rio.11YI-19 It,3 (MIRA 1713) 1. Institut opidemiologii i milrobiologii Lmeni Gamalel. ":, " i " 1 . - I I . ~ ~ ~ I I . . 1, ; 7. 1, - ~ 1; .. I- ~ I . i I I . . . f , " . I I - . , I, I I I . :. . I , I . 11 1 ,,-I . PASHKOV, Ye.P.; KUSHNAREV, VA; SKIRROVA, T.A. Electron microscopic study on the effect of antibiotics on Staphylococcus aureus. Antibiotiki 10 no.6:538-543 Je 165. (AURA 18:7) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo Instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova I Laboratoriya fizicheskikh metodov is- sledovaniy Moskovs),ogo InstItuta vaktsin i syvorotok Im. 1.I.Mechnikova. '0111N M.Y&.~ ruspm~e- V, i.m. Effect of tet,-.Azcl~um salts f~n t,,,; Mrobluloglia 34 ncc.32101~~.72 ~t y,jo 169. 1. rnat.itut eyidamlologil 1 ml~rvblcltiei~ lini;J .U.IN 356SR. KUMUTARW, -V. M. Structure and function of the cytoplaamic membrane in bacteria, Zhur. mikroblol., opid. i I==. 43 no. 1198-103 Ja 166 (MIRA 191l) 1. Moskovakiy institut vaktsin I syvorotok imeni Mechnikova. Submitted Olune 18, 1965. KUSHUUV Y11" -,:t- f4 ~', 4:,;7 , , , Volunteers at the tobacco state farm. Pozh. delo 4 no.1:10 J& 158, (KIRA 11:1) 1. Nachallnik dobrovollnor pozharnoy druzhiny Tabakeovkhoza Alaam Atinskoy oblanti. (Alma-Ata Province--State farm~-Fires and fire prevention) KUSHIIAREV, Ye. Plans of Kruzenshtern's around the world voyage. Mor. flot 22 no.2t4l-42 F 1620 (taRA 15W 1, Uchenyy sakretarl TSentrallnogo voyenno-morskogo muzeya. (Voyages around the world) KUSHNAREV, To. ........... ~,., LF. Alaksandrovskii's submarina, Sov, mor,. 16 no-15,21 Ag 156. (Submarine boixts) (HLRA 10:1) KUSHNAREVI re.G. Krusenshtern's plan for a voyage around the world; based on now archive matarials. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 95 no.4:339-347 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Kruzenshtern, Ivan Fedorovich, 1770-1846) (Voyages arou4d the world) KUSOAREV, Yu. L. Voluntary design offices in enterprises of the Moscow Economic Council. Biul. takh.-ekon. inform. Goa. nauch.-issl. inst. nauch. i tekh. inform. Ao.12:73-74 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Moscow-Industrial management) KUSIiI=-v, Yu.L. Voluntary dooiLmors In1j) agricultura. Nashlnontroitcl I noo9;7 3 162. (~UA 15:9) (Moscow Province-Farn mchanization) 1 JD43-66 ACC NRt A_R_k0_U4_f5_ SAM CWTUA16-91ii-6516W/66010 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomatikap telemekhanika i vychislitelInaya takhnika, Aba. 9A581 AUTHOR: Kushnare~,, M. TITLE: Experimental investigation of pilot-cable electromaenctic field and shipborne CITET) SOURCE- Tr. Gorikovsk. in-ta lnzh. vodn. transp., vyp. 61, 1964, 45-57 TOPIC TAGS: pilot cable, ship navigation TRA145LATIM, Tho shipborne equipment developed for automating the pilot-cable 5hip navigation is described. Fraze-type coils are used as sensors. Formulas for the omf induced in the coil are given, as well as experimental curves determined for various coils. Also cliaracteristics of the coil-signal preamplifiers are presented; their gain can be continuously adjusted from 0 to 5 X 104. The entire automatic equipment of the pilot-cable systen forms a closed-loop automatic control system. Bib 2, figs 5, and tab 1. SUB CODE: 17 I Card 1/1 UM 656.6051621-315.28 ACC NR, AR6028509 SOU:~CE-COD!;:' AUTHOR: Kushnarev, Yu. M. TIME: Selection of the line along which the guide cable is laid when automating control of ships and caravans SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 5V22 REF SOURCS: Tr. Gor1kovsk. in-ta inzh. vodn. transp., vyp. 71, 1965, 31-42 TOPIC TAGS: vaterway engineering, automatic control, topography A'BSTRACT: It is recommended that the introduction of a guide cable system be begun by selecting the section of a river along which the greatest economic effect can be achieved. 1~hen the selection is made, consideration must be given to the shape of the river bed, the radius of bends, the longitudinal profile all the river, th~ channel depth, the speed and direction of the current and the prevailing winds, and the types and numbers of ships and caravans operating on the section. The section selected is divided into anumber of smaller sections characterizing the various operational difficulties. The next step is to lay down on a navigational chart the approximate movement belt, the edges of which extend to the guaranteei depths, and within the limits of which the line for laying the guide cable is to 'be selected. If the belt is more than 400 meters wide the guide cable for two-way movement can be laid along both sides of the axis of the selected belt at a distance of 100 to 120 Card 1 UDC: ACC NRt AR6028509 400 meteA meters. If the belt is less than wide the first thing to do is to deter- mine the required belt width. If the width of this belt is less than the width of the channel, the question decided is that of rational positioning of the line for the i~aide' cable relative to the bed of the river, consideration being given to 'the use of most advantageous depths, while, if the belt is wider than the width of the channel the question to be decided involves changing the shape of the caravan being pushed, or the introduction of one-way traffic. A concrete example of line selection is given. 3 figures, 1 table. Bibliography of 7 titles. Ye. Chestnov. [Translation of abstractJ SUB CODEE: 13,17 Ccrd ACC NR, AR6028521 SOURCE CODE: UR/0398/66/000/005/VO21/VQ21 jAUTfiOR; Kushnarev, Yu. M. TITLE. The river ship as an object of automatic control SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abe. 5V101 REF SOURCE: Tr. Gor1kovsk. in-ta inzh.' vodn. transp., vYP- 71, 1965, 15-30 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control equipment, programmed automatic control, inland water- way transportation, ship, ship component, waterway engineering, research facility, leducation institute ABSTRACT: The process of automatic movement control of a ship, which is divided into two atages, (1) maneuvering and mooring operations, and (2) movement from the point of departure to the destination point, is reviewed. It !a noted that of available equipment capable of meeting the requirement for a high degree of accuracy in ship guidance, the most acceptable for river transportation io the guide cable system,. which includca the guide cable, tho atation 6upplyinG electric powQr to tho guide cable, and the automatic uquipment installed in the ship. The guide cable, which is laid from the point of departure to the destination contains the progran for automati- jectory. T~e guide cable power ,cally controlling ship movements along an assigned tra supply stations are inatalled ashore at sites convenient for connecting up to the guide cable and for obtaining lead-ins from the industrial power grid. The automatic _ACC NR: AR'6028521 equipment installed In the ship provides for automatic control of the ship a rudder according to the lateral displacement of the ship from the line along which the guide cable is laid, and for automatically controlling engine rpm in accordance with the amount of water under the ship's keel. There is a brief description of the 3tructural schematic of the system for automatic rudder control while moving along the guide cable, of the basic equations for ship controllability, and of the investi- gatJon made of stability of operation of the system used to automatically control the rudder during movement along the guide cable line. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) the most accurate way in which to provide guidance at th6 present time is by use of the guide cable system; (2) the on-board automatic control system associated with the guide cable, developed by GIIVT [Gorlkiy Institute for Water Transportation Engineers], performs the regulatory operations in accordance with the law ap = -(k 1y + k29 + k3 01), where a is the angle the rudder makes with its DP [diametri- cal plane] (rad), y is the lateral displacement of the ship from the guide cable line, k1 - k3 are amplification factors for the respective units of the on-board automatic equipment, 0 is the angle the ship makes with the guide cable line (rad); (3) in order to select the parametere for the on-board automatic equipment which characteri 'ze the ' coefficients k1, k2, k 31 one must have the values for the hydrodynamic-characterietics Df the ships as objects of regulation, characterized by the coefficients c -c - (4) 1 61 the value for the coefficient k is selected first from the condition of maximum per- Card 1 -- ACC NR,' AR6028.521:'-'--' deviation of 'the center of gravity of the ship from the guide cable line when the ship is automatically controlled; (5) the values for the coefficients k 2 and k are selected from the condition that system operation be stable while provIng the necessary regulatory quality; (6) in order to create the on-board auto- natic equipment the respective units in the equipment should be fitted with regula- tory organs which permit altering the values for the coefficients kl-k 3 within fixed limits. I. Makarov. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13,17 Card ACC NR , Ap6o2852o SOURCE CODE: WOW66100010051V jTITLE: Devices for automating the navigation process SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abe- 5V100 REF SOURCE: Proizv-tekhn. ob. Tekhn. upr. H-va rechn. flota RSFSRf no. 2 (46), 14-17 ~TOPIC TAGS: _-"-m:-_inland waterway transportation, wire guidance, ship navigation, cargo ship, marine equipment, ABSTRACT: Reviewed are existing equipmenta for automating the navigation process, providing continuous automatic determination of the ship's position, maintaining the-., ship on the assigned course, and providing safety of movement under any conditions of visibility and for passing clear of other ships. The following installations meet these requirements: autogyro; radionaviCation systems (hyperbolic phaie and pulse- phase) and guide cable systems. The guide cable systems, which provide the most accurate way in which to take a ship through a channel, and which more fully satisfy the requirements imposed on devices used to automate the navigation process, are the most desirable for the internal waterways. According ~o calculations made by GINT1 [Gorlkiy Institute for Water Transportation Engineers] the cost of automating navi- gation by the installation of a guide cable system can be amortized in 2 to 3 yoarn. Card 112 mr! 111 ACC NR: AR6028520 1 1 V. Makarov. [Tranal.-tion of abstract] SUB CODE; 17,13 --l' USMNAREVAY A. G. UM/Keffi,cine- - liedical C-001stles llwy/June 1949 P;odlcine - Otort"olaringoloa uAccount of the slol* of the Arn&dan Departapent of the All-Vidon 1k)clety of OWlaryngologista for 19460 1 p DVest Oto-Rino-Laringolm no. 3 Coven moo%tl.rw_s wers held Wth 1'rof A* A, .rutywwan an chairman and 0, 11, Ogwiecyan as 1 secretary. The 24 rianboris conidd" probloms In tho light of Illichurints thoorlea giving 21~r,----,orts =d demonstrations, anong them A 0 Kushnarevals "" orphology of the Tonalls In ~, ~l ter n=da b; V, A - -- -Asoyans "Account wi'a Cazess" ",'.eeohles irs the Throslom ~= a VolUmetyan I of the Ilark of the Lecond All-LImsWan Otorhinolaryngological Cnnforenco,," and "Aoco=t of Vie Work of Uho Yerevan Otarhinolaryneological Clinic for PAght Years," both b the chalman* Ift PA 64/4,)T85 EXCUPTA MEDICA Sec 4 Vol 1217 Mod- Micro* Ju1Y 59 2112. REGARDING THE OCCURRENCE OF INFLUENZA VIRUS IN THE CON- JUNCTIVAL SECRETIONS OF INFLUENZA PATIE.N,rs, PRELIMINARY REPORT (Russian text) - Kushnare a E. E, - VOPR.VMUSOL. 1958, 4 (233-234) Conjunctival secretions from several influenza patients were pooled in 1.0 ml. sal- Ine, and mixed with one drop of 20% suspension of %~inea-pig red cells. Chick em- bryoswereinoculatedarid Incubated for 72 h. at 35 C. Four strains of influenza virus were Isolated, but their Identification with known types was not established. _Anigsteln.7 Ga.lveston.,Tm (L,4) VJBAKIIIA, A.Y.; _4WHNARNVA, 1C.B.; KUZIMINA, A.I., TRASOMM, L.I. Epidemiology of influenza A2 accorAing to 1957 data from Stalingrad. Vop. virun. 4 no-1:23-27 J&-1139. (HIPA 12:4) 1. Stalingradakiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiv institut aDidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny. (IN1?IUZN?A, epidemiol. A2, in'-Ruseia Me)) DUBAKINA, A.V.; RUSMURVA. N.N. Some characteristics of the 1957 outbreak of influenza In StalingTad Provincev Vopoviruso 4 noe2:162-164 Kr-Ap '59. (MIRA 1.2:6) 1. StalingTadekiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy Inatitut epideTsiologii, mikrobiologii I gigiyeny. (INYMNU. epidemiol. in Russia (Rus)) KUBMUUVA, I.J. laboratory diagnosis of Influenza br mang of Ylrologlual ek%xjU%jjUU of eonjuantival secret&; author's abstract. Zhur.wikro'bl9l,#epld.j immun. 30 no.12225-26 D 159. 0(mL 13:5) 1. Is Stalingraaskogo inetituta spidemiologii, mikrobiologil i glglyeny. (WNJUNCTITA virol. ) (IMUNIZA diag.) DUBAKINAj A.V.; KUSHNAREVA Z E ; KUZIMINAO A.I. Some data on the epidemiology and etiology of influenza during recent years in Stalingrad, Vop, virus, 5 no, 6:751-752 N-D 160, (KRA 14:4) (STALINGRAD-INFLUENZA) KTJZIWNAP A.I.v-KUSHNAREVAv E.S.; PMLIMAN, A.L. Deacription of the outbreak of infleunza in Stalingrad in 1959, Vop, virus- 5 no. 6053 N-D 160. (MIRA :14:4) (STALINGRAD-INFLUEITZA) I M-1 t vil Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p '66 (USSR) AUTHORS: Simonov, V. M. Kushnareva, 1. P, TITLE: The Effect of the Obliqueness of an Overpass Grossing a Body of Running Water on the Distributionof the Discharge Between Two Bridge Spans (Vliyaniye kosiny peresecheniya vodotoka perekhodom na raspredeleniye raskhoda mezhdu dvumya mosto- vymi otverstj~yar4) PERIODICAL: Sb. stud, nauch. rabot. Saratovsk avt,omob. -dor, in-t 1956, Nr 2, pp 15-27 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry 1. Water--Distribution 2. Bridges--Design--Effectiveness--Appli- cations Card I /I ACCESSION NR: AT4010694 S/2601/63/000/017/0098/0i.10 AUTHOR: Gridnev,'V. N.; Yefimov, A. L; Kushnareva, N. P.; Khazanov, M. S. TITLE: Structural changes during nonstationary annealing of turbine blades made of,cast heat-resistant alloys on'a niclcel base SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Insty*tut metalofizy*ky*. Sbornik nauchny*kh trudov, no. 17, 190. Voprosy* fizild mptallov i metallovedeniya, 98-110 TOPIC TAGS: cracking, fissure turbine blade, gas turbine, thermal fatiigue, beat- res.; alloy, cast alloy, thermocyclic stress, cyclic heat treatment, nonstationary annealing ABSTRACT: Turbine blades work under conditions of a non-stationary temperature fiuld. Thermal stresses which occur during starting up and shutting down lead to premabire deterioration of the blades, because of the appearance and development of fract'.ires due to thermal fatigue. In a number of studies it has been shown that surface layers. ;%.-.Y a decisive role in the resistance of heat-resisting alloys at high temperatures and In coa- ditions of non-stationary annealing. The present study is devoted to the examination of structural changes in surface layers and In the intornal zones of samples and blades made from cast alloys of complex components. Blades tested for thermal fatigue were studied. Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4010694 Samples were annealed -it 1000C for 30 seconds, expof;cd in a furnace for 4 minutes, and cooled in an air stream or water. Structural changes were studied by optical and clectro- microscopic methods. The study of the structural state of samples subjected to cyclic treatment showed no noticeable changes in carbide components. There was no noticeable change between structures of the central and surf cc parts. No microfractures were noticed even after 400 cycles with cooling in an ail strewn. Stresses during such treat- ment were not sufficient to cause flaws. The study of the microstructure in the region of cracks showed that 'fracturing in the alloys occurs mostly along the lines of grain. In some cases one could sco that the initial stage of decomposition was a sharp disintegration, which took the form of fractures along the lines of grains of the cellular structure. It appears that as a result of cyclic loads, defects were concentrated in these regions, which at certain sta(res caused the appearance of microfissures. The fact that the appearance of cracks was always connected with th *e formation of cellular structure made it necessary to determine under what conditions such a structure wa~ formed, what its nature was, and what role it played in the appearance of cracks. It was found that cellular structure appeared in the region of 1180-1200C. Further increase in tempe,-ature speeded up the process of its formation. The rate of cooling had a definite effect. The greater the rate th-o more pronounced the cellular structure was. Until now one could only conjecture that the Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4010604 formation of cellular structures might hasten the appearance of microcracks, which cracks could lead to the deterioration of blades. "Specimens which had been subjected to cyclic heat treatment were provided by V. I. Borisova. " Orig. art. has: 6 figures. ASSOCIATIO' X: Insty*tut metalofizy*ky* AN UkrRSR (Institute of Metallurgical Physics A.NL.UkrRSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ.- 31Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MM, PR NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 001 Card 3/3 L 8= 6 44 ACCESSION HR: AT4042832 5/2601/64/000/ofg/0047/0053' ALUTHOR, GrLdnev, V. N.0orresonding member Ali UkrSSR)-, refimor, A. L; Fus -na-ri-i I KhazanoF, H. IS ;TITLE: Behavior of staturblades under conditions of steady and Uon_ is teady heating iSOURCS: An UkrSSR* tnatitut metallofizikt. S4ornik nauchny*kh rab o tt Inc. 18, 1964, Voprosy* fizikt netallov i metallovedeniya (Problems in 'ithe physics of metals and physieal met&llurgy), 47-53 ITOPIC TAGSt gds turbine bla sf,~&as turbine stator bladeo 'blade Lhetm&L. fatigue, th-F-MaL f t1aue r ~starce, rotor blade ther-: IM-al fatigue iAHSTRAM Gas-turbine j tator b lade s caa t f ram an Ri-Cr a I toy (un- J, dent vfA-e4i-*-v er-w-he U-at-1000 C-Uo-r-1Q0-v-.1QO--,,--o-r- jo dft subjected 'r- yzlie heit treatrAcrit _heating to 1200C in see, at 1200E;--f*r 30--sect',and,cooling in the air atre-am 0 0 1 160 sec, rll in ,-iin-atmosphere similar to that existing in a real oper- tting gas turbinek The action of an aggressive gd% StreRM at Acon- stant temperaturo of 1000C produced on blade surfaces a thin white it t 3 856,,i-65 ~,ACCESSIOII U R AT4042832 L a ye- r f if ee' dfthe~ the- precipitated Y -phase.-- --The nd it Ithickness.of the Ldyer varied with the location on the blade, a I ~Lncreased slig4tly as the time of heating at 1000C was increased, ~The appearance of the white layer can be associated with the depletion of the alXoyine elemants in the surface layers. Ho appreciable dif- , I Jerence in the quantity, shape, and distribution of the y'-phase par-' ~ticleo was observed in the inner portions of the blade. The biado had almost uniform microhardness along the entire cross section# The'. ;thermal-fatigue resistance of such blades is much lower th,~n that of ~the blades in the initial c6ndition. ThermaL-fatigue cracks in the ',blades heated at tGODC for,100 and 200 mtn appeared after 50 and 25 !thermal cyclesj~ respectively, compared with L50 cycles for the.b a e !in the initial conditton. Th.a cracks.alwaya appear on the leading edga of the blada.,They orLgirtate at and develop along the grain4-,_ ,boundariea, Low thermal fatigue of the previously heated blades is .assumed to be associated with the datertoration of the mechanical stran.ath of the surface layere,and vith additional stresses result- Ang from unequal coefficients of expaftaLon of the outer and inner :;portions of the bLadet The thermal-fatigue resistance, howeverl can ibe appreciably increased by mechanical polishing. For example, a 2 3 p Irv -M.W. IACCESSION uRt AT4042832 the rma I- f a t i ~%L& r&aLstdn*Ca of 25 cycleag which it blade had after heat 4n& mi ItIQO~C_Oo_r_ 700 min-, Increased f-** 100 cyr- I ant 0.0 1 Ang, Orig' art his u~ f Lgitri IASSOCIMONt Xnatitut',metalloftsiki AN UkrSZR (Physics of Metals Inati-tuto AU UkrSSR) S.UBKtTTCDt I$Har63, ATD PRESSI 3096 SHCW 00 I-sus CODEt Pit NO REV SM. 006 OTHERt 001 IN I "I . . . . . . . . . . . ACCESSION.NiR: AT4042833 S/2601/64/000/018/0054/0059 AUTHOR: Arbuzova, I.A., Kushnareva, N. P.. TITLE: The nature oftho cellular structure in NI-based heat resistant alloys SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut metallofiziki. Sboraik nauchny*kh rabot, no. ii., 194. Voprosy* fiziki metallov I metallovedonlya (Problems In the physics of metals and physical metallurgy), 54-59 TPPIC TAGS: nickel based alloy, heat resistant alloy, gas turbine blade, blade surface c6ating, blade thermal fatigue test, blade surface cellular -structure, crystallographic i mitrix plane, Laue method, gnompftic crystal projection, alloy structure AtSTRACT: The authors discuss the cellular structure seen in the surfaces of gas turbine blades after thermal fatigue tests as the result of cracking of the surface coating (formed in the process of anodic etching) whJle it dries. They used the Lane procedure (back re- flection, optical method3), constructed a gnomonic projection (see Fig. 1 in the Enclosure), found that the coating cracked along the crystallographic planes of the matrix (100), and Card J./a ACCESSION NR: AT4042833 conclude that a direct relationship cannot be traced between grain substructure and cel- lular structure, but that the evlde~t congruence of the directions of coating cracks and crystallo.graphic matrix planes is related to the existence of orientation congruence be- tween them and the fact that cracking follows defined crystallographid'planom in the coatli2g. "The authors express gratitude to V. N. Gridnev for his constant interest ahd evaluatl~n of the results Orig. art, has: 2 tables, 3 microphotos and 1 graph. A8SOCIATION; Institut metallofiziki AN UkrSSR (Metallophysics Inatitute. AN UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: 19Peb63 DATE ACQ: JqAug64 ENCL-. . 01 SUB CODE: MM, PR NQ REP SOV: 004 OTHER: 004 CorJ 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4042833 ENCLOSUiRE: 01 11sough I lane" All JJ: "pole of sought plane!' Fig. 1. Gnomonic. projection ofa crystal *and the sought plane. Card 3/3 ~ - -7: 7t L 44713-65 Pad lJ13(c) j1)'-'FfW ACCESSION NR. ATS008871 8/2601/64/000/020/0062/1063 AUTHOR: Beloue. 0.A.; Yef1mov, A.I. Kushnareva, M.P.; 71TLM A study of tha, internal frict1cm. of nickel at high temperatures SOMCE: AN UkrSSR. InstItut metallofizJkl. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, no. 20, 1964. Voprory fiziki metallov i metallovedenlya (Problems in the phy6ics of metals and U physical metallur 52-63 9Y) TOPIC TAGS., nickel Btructure, nickel iqjo-majjxiqjjL(?ft' Wgh tomppraturc intornal .,Ipotron. beam efinin frictlon, nickel aDnealing, nickel puF!V,P r 9. A.WTRACT: The influence of grain siz6 a imling temperature) on the high-tompei-ature internal friction in nickel of various degrees of purity was iavestf-gated. The tomperatu" deneadence of Intental friction ai- 200-900C was studied by means of a torsion Pendulum ir, a vi-"Cuuiu at 10-4-10-5, mm fig. The degree of purity o~ annealed nickel was found to aff ect the temperature at which the internal friction curvw~ bogtn to rise: the higher the nicItel purity, the hlgter the temperature of this rise. In nickel of 99.9 and 99.9D% Purity , -440C, a peak is observed on these curves wbich is attributed to stress at 410 Tclu--Atw~a at the-grala-boumd-a-ries, An Increfujo in grain nize cauijas a lwff ering of 1he boundary, peak in a11 th d -of 11 --AhL in=waa it- ~h,& o4mwu t off- n_u a, gra on f6axWbfed-. im Card J/Z 44-?13-65 ACCESSION NR,- AT5008871. also lowers this peak, particularly up,to ~0. 01%. In nickel propared by electron-beam remelting -Ao puro), two rogions of maximum interned friction -alues are observed. ~~ (99.99' In uamxples annealed up to 900C, the peak corresponds to 4.60C and its position does not chxtge arq)reciably, this peak is thqught to bo due to stress relaxation at the grain Louudarics. A rise In annealing tomperature to 1200C cauneg an increase in the Internal friction peak and W3 shift toward 6000; this peak Is attributed to stress relaration at the bowidarieB of the blocks. "In conclusion, the authora thank V. N. Gridnev for Jzterest ahown in this work and for discussion of the result6. Nickel prepared by electron beam fimelting was kindly provIded by.A Tikhonovs1dy of the TrisMut alcktroavarld im. Yq_ 0. Patona (Electric We~Lu OrJg. art. 13ps: 5 figures. ASSOCIATION'. Jmstitut metallofizilki, AN UI=SSR (~T , u th yu a M talB nEtit te of 9 ph :Lc of e SUBMITTED: IOApr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MM# TID NO REF S(YV: 009 OMER; 010. Card L 04181-67 ACC NRs AT6026904 SOURCE CO iki0ooo/66/000/000/0)25/0032 AWHOR: Beloust 0. A.,- Gridney, V. N.*o Yef1mov, A- I.; Kushnareva, N. P. IORG: none .TITLE: Effect of annealing temperature and urit on high temperature internal fric- ,tion in nickel iSOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Vnutrenneye treniye v metallakh i splavakh I(Internal friction in metals and alloys). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 25-32 JOPIC TAGS: internal friction, high temperature, temperattav dependence, high purity I imetal, plastic deformation, impurity content, grain size, recrystallization, anneal- ling iABSTRACT: 'Internal friction in the 200-9000C range on defamed an kannealed nickel of i99.9%, 99.99% and higher purity was studied. The nickel was dravnnl!About 95% and the ;'Dire samples were annealed at different temperatures. Internal friction wac measured ;on a torsipn pendulum operated at 1.7-2 cps. Changes in internal friction are given .as functions of test temperature for samples previously annealed at 300 to 12000C. At 12000C the background was greatest for samples annealed at the lower temperatures as a Iresult of the increased amount of crystal lattice defects. For all annealing tempera- Itures, a.grain boundary relaxation peak occurred at 410-4300C, the height of which de- 1/3 L 04181-67 ACC RR-:i ~j creased with rise in annealing temperature. In 99.9% nickel, the peak was unsymmetric- al due to auxiliary relaxation processes 4curring at 550-7000C. A metallographic exam- ination showed that the recrystallizationitemperature 99.9% nickel was 3500C. The Igrain size of 99.9%, 99.99% and electron beam remeltedlickel are given as a function !of annealing temperature. A heterogeneous grain atructure was observed at 600-7000C. 7he largest grain &~mqh occurred In the purest material: electron beam remelted nic- Ikel. In nic 1 of lower purity, the slow grain growth, even at an annealing tempera- Iture of 12000C,was caused by the impedance of grain boun/ary migration due to.impuri- I ities. The height of the grain boundary peak decreased with grain size and impurity icontent. For 99.99% nickel, two internal friction peaks occurred, one at 400-4400C and ,the other at 620-6300C. The heights of both peaks decreased with a rise in annealing .temperature or grain size. In 99.99% nickel, a heterogeneous grain structure was re- ,crystallized at 6000C, at which point the height of the peaks dropped sharply. The 16250C peak height increased with a rise in internal friction heating rate. It also de. lcreased monotonically as a result of maintaining the sample at 6250C for periods up to ,1 hr during internal friction testing. This peak was related to secondary recrystalli. Ization in the 99.99% nickel since the activation energy of recrystallization was high- 'er than that of grain boundary relaxation. In electron beam melted nickel an extreme lamount of background damping wa's observed in deformed samples. This damping became I ;negligible after annealing at 3000C. Only one peak, corresponding to grain boundary relaxation, occurred in the 460-4900C range for the Ultrapure nir_xcis HOWCver, anneal. i Card 213 L_ L 04181-67 ACC NRs AT6026904 ing above 10000C shifted this peak to the 600-6250C range . This change was associated' iwith substructure forimation under axial loading (25 gfimm2) imposed at the higher tem- iperatures. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE* 11,20/ SUBM DATEt 02Apr66/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 006 Card 3/14C., ACC NR, AP6033049 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/022/002/0227/0233 AUTHOR; Yefinov, A. I.;,Kushnareva, 11. P.; Statkavich, Trefilov, V. I, ORG, Institute of Physics of Hetala.All UkrSSR (Institut metallofizLkL All UL ~~kY lfte~tric Welding Instituie im. Ye. 0. Paton, AN UkrSSR (Inatitut TITLE; Structure sensitivity of tic a of electron b"m !malted molybdenum alloys : Fizika I~metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 227-233 2, 1966, TOPIC TAGSs molybdenum, molybdenum alloy, nolybdenum alloy structure, molybdenum alloy, plas tic*#+y , MprIL. cj,4-5rt1t_ ABSTRACT: Specime'no of electron-beam melted molybdenum and Mo-C-Ti and Ho-B-Ti alloys have been subjected to bending tests in the ~_s-cast and annealed (in vacuum at 2000C for I hr) conditions. It was found that the plasticity of molybdenum alloys depends, to a great degree, on their structure. Specimens of pure molybdenum and Mo-C-Ti alloy cut from the ingots along their longitudinal axes had aryntals positioned in tha lengthvLae direction and they wore plastic. As-cast puro, 1/2 UDC: 548.4 -A C-CN--R-t molybdenum longitudinal specimens withstood bending to 180", without failure, while annealed specimens failed at 150' In a transcrystalline manners Specimens of Ho-C-Ti alloy broke nt a 150-160* bending angle with a fracture along the grain. Specimens of pure molybdenum and Mo-C-Ti alloy cut across the ingot axio were predominantly brittle and broke at 00, with the exception of annealed specimens which br a at 70-90% All longitudinal and croasectional specimens of MO '-0~~i alloy were brittle, showing predominantly transcrystalline fracture. It was established that alloys with high plasticity have clearly developed fragmentation and a disorientation of substructure fragments of 2-4'. Orig. art* hass 4 figures and I table. SUB COM- .11/ SUBH DATEI 22Dec651 ORIG REFt olot oTH Rus ots 1. GORETSKII, YU.K. - KUSHNAREVA, T.I. 2. USSR (600) 4* Bauxite - Berdsk Region 7- Study of the lithology of the bauxite-bearing stratum and the mineralogy of the ore bed of the Berdsk deposits. (Abstract) Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. no. 2, 1947 9- Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, jkrch 195,3, Unclassified , 'i .11 Z- /-< i-) -- , , '14~ /~ ,- /"/,// ~ 7-, Y- O.A. ; KISIMARINA T.I. ja~;, cp~, TimAn-Pechora sres. Trudy Vl,.'IGRI 1--7. I I (Timan Ridge-Geolor-,-) ~k'Y en' -j r -n V o ~ ; OY - - - I - I KUSHUAREVA, T.I. Stratigraphy, lithology, and oil potential of rocks ovmrlying the producing Devonian formation. Trudy VNIGRI no.133:81-93 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Timan Ridge--Patroleum geology) (Pechora Valley--Petroleum goologV) 1. " KUSMURNA, T.I.; ROSSIN, Ta.D. Recent data on the geological structure of the Pechora De- pression. Dokl.AN SM 133 no.4-.913-916 6o. ~MIRA 13: 7) (Pechora Valley-Geology, Stratigraphic) KUSHIIRMIA, T. I. Oil and gas resources of the Pechora Ridge. DokL AN SSSR 135 no.1: 155-157 N16o. (KIRA 13:11) 1. TSontraltnaya nauchno-ioaledovatelskaya laborstoriya Ukhtinskogo kombinsts. Predstavleno skademikon H.H.Strakhovym. (Pechora Basin--Petroleum geology) (Pechora Basin--Gas, Natural-- Geology) KUSIINAREVAp T*I* lithologic characteristics and conditione determining the for- I =tion of lower Famennian dopoaits In the Timan-Pechora area, .1,zv.vys.uuhsb.zav.;geol.i raw. /j no.7i42-55 J1 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Ukhtinakoys gealog~cheskoya upravleniye, (Timan Ridge-Geology, Stratigraphic) KUSHNAREVA, T.I. Upper Famonian Bedimento in the Tiawn-Pechora region. Izv.vyll. ucheb,zav.; geol.i razv. 5 no.1!38--47 Ja 162. OURA 15:2) I# Ukhtinskoye territoriallnoye geologicheskoye upravleniye. (Pechora Valley-.-Geologyp Stratigraphic) (Timan Ridge-Geology, Stratigraphic) KUSHNAREVAt Tj. 11 Domanik facies of the Middle Frasnian basin in the Timan-Pechora arej, Izv.vyn.ucheb.zav.; geol.i razv. 6 no.3t46-55 Mr 163. 1. Ukhtinskoye geologicheskoye upra:vleniye. (MIRA 16:5) (Pechora Valley-Geology, Stratigraphic) (Timan Ridge-Geology, StratigfWphic) TEI+DF7,U~V) B. V. ;- KUSHNAIC-SA, T, I. Age, of ar,Aew, :ierilis In rl.e. r:ruthwontern rc~l,;n .r Tlmari Range. Dcjkl. till SSSR 1.4178 nr,.3!6'L3-r;l4 ~ 164. (MIRA 17t10) 2. Vce,9oyuznyy raftyanoy 1-,~,cinvurazmdochnyy ln,*ltut. Putdslavlono D.V.!,'ultvktnym. P A K!J17"iNA.FtFVA. T. ; , j ZIMI AVIEV, V,,. -, L','jiKF V.,-, ; -"'AA , A... I Stratigraphy and tectan;cs oC thf.- ba,.-cmcnt of' the S,-rithwe5tern par. of thq T-irr.,an Rqnge r6gion. rokl. AN SSSR 162 no.-,!632-635 My ..:~ lp. r) Mi--. 1- 1 ( 1. Submitted Jqnuary 28, IT,15. t Jo 0;1- 77 -c, vi,4 i I it u v r ho !'.11cclu ow Plontil"g of' Potat(%v!~ -11d :knd Vo '?,kit Ob I o T (i Pyoj- pr I C: nu Frffll t o 1 5 T ij i: ~, j i~. :1. C 1'V,-- 1 2 11 C ol i r) n z ;-:ir. hod:i- -nd b6id ;il*o!~'iS clieCkrow pl,inting '\60 --c tjo Cul) pl~lntod in ~iprivi~_ in sulmner And molro-) pi. ej i ~'l ou t i n t wo i~',inc-, -o o ri t a n c e o 1 rl t 1! r t c ul t nr o ii L c. 210 70 SMOLKIN, E.A. ; KUSHHAMIGHp P.L. Introduction of a catheter into the ureter during X-ray contrast examination of the bladder. Urologiia 28 no.2: 57 Hr-Ap'63. (MIU 16:6) 1. Iz urologicheskogo otdaleniya (zav. A.I.Yakimidi) Yuzbno- Kazakhstansko oblastnoy bollnitsy. TBIAMM-ROIOGRAPHY)