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ICUZOTOV Ag&.t,,,-j3tarahiy propodavatoll. Weights of direction in making intersections and resections during' triangulati6ne in mine sm,,veying. Izv, v7s, ucheb, 2ave; gor, zh=, no,,104-102 1580' OEM 11W I* Sverdlovskly gorw institut. (mine surveying) KMOVOV, K.G., starshi7 prepodavatell Acceptable accuracy for calculatingapproximate coordinate points in mine surveying triangulation.determined by multiple intersee- tion. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; for shur. no-8:36-4o '59. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut iment V,V.Vakhrasheva. Rekomendovana kafettroy marksheyderskogo dela. (mine surveying) MOVOV X.G., starabiy prepodavatel Checks on compensating computations by the method of intervening observations in determining mine wwvey triangulation points with section. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.j gor. zhur. no.11:32 1959. MIRA 14:5) 11 everdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V. V. Vakhrusbeva. Rekomendovans, kafedroy markabeyderskogo dela. (Mine surveying) KUZCVOV" X.G.,.-inzh. Skmigraphioal iasthod of opmp~rison in.deteminIng separate points, int ojwvey triang4dtion with Teseetions and interseotion~. Izv. V.ys., uoheb. zav&; 'gor*- zhwo no,3315"21 ~60* (MM 3-4: 5) 1, Zverdlaiskly gqrnMinstitut imeni V.V.Vakhmheva. Rekomend.mna kafidroy m~~heyftfakogo deU.' (Mine surveying) KUZOVOV, K. G. Cand Tech Sci (diss) "Accuracy of compensating computations using the method of consecutive observations in insertion of separate points of mine surveyor triangulation in an existing trigonometric network." Sverdlovsk, 1961. 22 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Second- ary Specialist Education RSFSR, Sverdlovsk Mining Inst ineni V. V. Vakhrushev); 130 copies; price not given; M, 5-61 SUP, 190). KUZOVSHCHIKOV, N.I., inzh.; KREMENETS, Yu.A., Inzh, Tebhnological and sconomic.efficiency of major repairs on mountain roads. Avt. dor. 27 no., 3:19-20 Mr 164* (MIRA 17:5) KUDDIVSKIN, KO~,STANTIN SE~UEYEIUCIV UPATBROV, Ivan Vasil'yqvich; X&MLOV, Mikhail Kar-povich; BITUWOV, Teygenty Ivanovich; VAMMOV, Xonistantin Viktorovich; KUZOVSK Berge j~"4; -PAVLOT, leonid Vasillyevich; Ivan Nikitich; =S, Margoliya Igazavus; MROMOV, Vasilly Vasillyevich; LIMITS, N.Y., redaktor; XW11AVICH, Ye.l., radektor; DKITRIDIVA, N-L, tekhnicheskiy redakt6r [Assembling and adjusting mechlnez7 of loons with picker sticks; work practices of foremen and assistants in the Monin worsted mills) Ustanovka i nalefts mekhanismov tkatakikh stankov a verkhnim boem; obobahchennyi opyt raboty masterov i pomoshchnikov mastera Moninskogo kamvollnogo kombinata. Pod red. N.Y.Lipshitea. Moskvs, Gos.nauchno- tekha.izd-vo H-va legkoi promyshl.SSSR, 1957. 1D9 p. (MMA 10:9) (L;oms) NUZSF-L, Dezoo Achievements and goals of research work in motor vehicle trans- portation. Koz1 tud oz 12 no*8:352.-354 4 '62- 1. Kozlekedes- on lloatauW Minisnerium VI. Foosztalyanak vezatoje. KMEL, Desso The work of the Council for Ittual, Economic Assistance in the development of the Hungarian and international automobile transportation. KozIeked kozl IS no.36.-663.-664 9 S 162. KMHINOV, YaJ., kand.tekhnonauk Concerning the performance of tractor engines in the winter. Trakt. i sellkho-a h.*2:7-9 F 162. (~M 15:2) (Tractors-Gold ueatheroperation) 133-1-4/24 AUTHORS: Glazkov, P.G., Dunayev, N.Ye., Kuzub, A.G.,and Panev, G.A. TITIS; The Production of low-manganese Pig Using Krivoy Rog Ores and Donets Coke (Vyplavka malomargantsovistogo chuguna. na Krivorozhskikh rudakh i Donetskom kokse) FMODICAL: Stall, 1958, -Lio.11 Pp. 14 - 20 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Transfer of the blast furnaces on the above works to the production of pig iron with a manganese content of about 0.8 - 0.9% (as ~gain.Bt 1.9% previously produced) is(&scribed. The decrease in manganese content was carried out in stages with simultaneous increase in slag basicity (CaO/SiO 2 about 1-3) and alumina content of slag (to about 10%) without encountering any operational difficulties. Chemical composition of raw materials is given in Table 1. Furnace-operating data - Tables 2 and 3. The dependence of sulphur content in pig on manganese content, at various levels of silicon content - Fig. 1. The average monthly composition of iron and slag - Table 4. The dependence of sulphur content in pig on slag basicity - Fig-5. It is concluded that under works' operating conditions, the transfer of furnaces to the production of low-manganese pig increased the output of iron by 5-6%, decreased the coke rate by 6.5%, decreased the consumption of manganese ore by 73.5% and (;ardl/2 increased the consumption of fluxes by 6.?2%. The cost of 133-1-4/24 The Production of Low-manganese Pig Using Krivoy Rog Ores and Donets Coke production of pig iron decreased bY 5.18%. There are 4 tables, 5 figures and ? Russian references. ASSOCIATION: Stalino- Metallurgical Works (Stalinskiy metallurgich- eskiy zavod) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 BOV/133-58-11-3/25 AUTHORS. Nosovitskiy, RM., Panev, G.A., Brodetskiy, L.V. and Kuzub, A.G. TITIX: er ence in Smelting Ferrosilicon from Krivoy Rog Z ~E 1 6 Oresl;;~Ytsnv"y Opyt vyplavki ferrosilitsiya iz Krivorozhskikh rud) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, Nr 11, pp 969-976 (USSR) ABSTRACT. AA-analysis of the results of prolonged operation of blast furnaces on the Stalinsk Works producihg ferro- silicon and a comparison of their main operation indiced, with the corresponding furnaces on the D2~ezzhinsk and Zaporozhstall Works is given. Characteristic features of the furnaces and the operational results obtained, raw materials uaed are given in Tables 19 2, 3 and 4, respectively. The operation practice used on the Stalino Works and its influence on the furnace perfor- mance and, in particular, the influence of slag com- position, the problem of distribution of the gas stream in the stack and the formation of scaffolds are discussed in some detail. Mean monthly indices of the furnace operation for 1951-54 are shown in Figure 1, gas distri- bution along the throat diameter - Figure 2, formation of Card 1/3 SOV/133-58-11-3/25 Ah Experience in Smelting Ferrosilicon from Xi-ivoy Rog Ores scaffolds - Figure 3 and some details of its structure - Figure 41 chemical composition of scaffold - Table 5- It is concluded that the smelting of ferrosilicon is characterised by a low-stability furnaceckiving, devel- opment of axial gas streams and on Drolonged operation, the formation offerrous scaffolds Z'by the formation of successive layers during variation of temperature con- ditions in the stack). An increase in slag basicity from 1.0 - 1.1 to 1.2 - 1.25 with simultaneous increase i,.n the content of magnesia from 2.2 - 2.5% to 3 - 3.5% improves the desulphu.3bisation of ferrosilicon and pig iron and decreases metal losses on the pig casting machine to 3-4% (instead of T16). Variations in the alumina con- tent of slag from 8-11% at slag basicities from 1-05 to 1.25 have no noticeable influenre on the silicon content in ferrosilicon. In order to obtain ferrosilicon with a high silicon content, normal atock level and b;ast temperature should be maintained (about ?50-800 0). A comparatively steady furnace driving and a decrease in the formation of scaffolds-ca'n be obtained by: a) excl- usion from the burden of materials containing iron silicates Card 2/3 SOV/133-'58-11-3/25 An Experience in Smelting Ferrosilicon from Krivvj. Rog Ores (open-hearth and welding slag, sinttbr and some types of 7G iron ores); b) increase in 'he degree of peripheral working by an appropriate choice of-charging system and an increase in the clearance between the large bell and furnace throat; a) periodic transfer of the furnace to the production of basic or foundry iron. There are 4 figures~, 5 tables and 7 Soviet references ASSOCIATIONS: Donetskiy industriallny-y institut (Donets Industrial Institute) and E~: metallurgicheakiy zavod ~Si~-~a*2,"-:"": Metallurgioal Works) Card 3/3 te- AT' r Kahl. ol- U ww*i~, --KUZUB, A.G.; BOSIYEKp A.M. *Ore nozzles with a grog lining. Metallurg 6 no.10:74 o 161. (MUU 14-- 9) 1. Stali!iskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod, 2, Zamestitell glav- nogo inzhenera Stalinskogo metaUurgichookogo zavoda (for Kuzub). 3. Stax-shiy inshener tekhnicheskogo otdela Stalin- skogo met%*U~gicheskogozavoda (for Bosiyek) (Blast furnaces-Equipment and slupplien) PANEV, G.A.; KUZU-B, A.G...; CHUVPYID, P.P.; KAMARDIN, A.M.; NOVIKOV., I.S.; YAROSHEVSKIY, S.L.; POPOV, N.N., kand. tekhn. nauk .1, Effect of high temperature heating of the hearth on the operation of a blast furnace. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.2.-9-11 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) KMUB~ G. Ya. "Test in laying pipe-lines by means of pressure with the adaptation of artificial decreasing of the ground water level," Construction Industry, 1952. KUZUB G. YA.- IfTemperature Conditions in the Ice Cover on Certain Rivers of Siberia." Ydn. Higher Mucation USSR, Leningrad Flydrometeorological Inst., Leningrad, 1955. (Disserta- tion for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SO: KnizhnM Letopis', No. 22. 1955, pp 93-105- XMUB G,, Xae_,_ iAzh. Therml conditions of the ice cover in soro rivers of Western Siberls.. Trudy Trampe-energainl3toZape-Sib.fil.AN SSSR no.5:69-79 155. . (MM 15:5) 1, Novosibirskiy institut inshonerov zhelesmodorozhwgd tran porta. (Siberia,, Western-Ice on rivers, lakes, ate.) -90 'b 4"reX D I Vol AA I ogos 1 .sgqj~,-w ki "es, trol 01 -ice 00'a .110,96 roffeSsor eVeTge e sel. ,,OeS P totsYJ161 To A-IV nu je a- xil je&%)~.Ole tee tj:.- ot 'AV wetot Te a T Imme's 'OvIeS A.Sel a IOU 160 .,e 1?0 0 05 WD P-TO vlc an 4 IrOT '219AGTP,~: (m% t00% P Ve tUe 010 tbo strue S~X~ 011 V &ttlolo . lie 4.0tev- soacti-00 COX' -4' tue mrjoe tbP- fer to tbe A.Ce te WA-14 ter e6AU smae 0 too tbo e9 gbls 4's ao re 010 5.Ust eeuS,,feTeXL1 -'Ce Co'a -,Ieo 01 9-t tle,e 0-f of, s eS &ete Vi s "'quare Probi XCe-Contro., Op CONTENTS Foreword SOV/4843 Butylt X.P. re of the andlda;te Of SaftDChkin Ice Corer on %:"Ova Sciences]* Thlckrjeas Upper Ob V"' [CandlUte RIVer Ire; 3 of TechnIcal Sclellces]. Uzub [C zezW and1date Preezj 5 .Rai -roa~4 - zhelezn lo. Of Tecbnl,,, S the I 491neersoc zbnqgo alences 4 1. CracjW 1 trans.Port44 OV081birokly I Llser I n 21 gld~~ - Ya- [C the Ice C OV081biralc 12stIt s andia over a zistj ut .PrIng tsluzhby-*aB te of Techn, aused by Te tute Of Ice x Jrarla~ 1. J30yarsk Ad... c&1 Sclei2ces U)era the Riddle Yelstratlft Xrasnoya..Bko Chftge 1sey JUVerof AYdro~;t~oro., Ye U-Pravlenlye 33 091cal Service]. 37 KUZUB, G.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk- The problem of water-intake "buckets." Vod. i san. tekh. no.12.- 22-24 D 161. (KRA 15:6) (Water-supply engineering) (Ice on rivers, lakes, etc.) kand. takhn. nauk, dote.; KORZRAVINA, K.N., prof.,, [Manual on training bydrometric practice for students of the Novosibirsk Institute of Engineers of Railroad Traxis- portation] Rukovodstvo po uchebnoi gidrometriAeskoi praktAke dlia studentov NIIZhTa. Novosibirsk, Novosibir- skii, in-t inzhenerov zhel-dor. transp.p 1963. 30 P. (MIRA 17:5) SOVI'3-3 -39/43 AUTUORS: '.;,.uzub, V. S. , V.,uzub .1,G ovoii,f, .-., Ye . P. 0 -6 TITLE: The Problem of the Influence of Anions on Electrode Processes I (K voprosu o vii4yanii allionov na 011ohluzodnyye :2,rotscssy) PEMODICAL: Khimioheskaya nauk~i i Fjror_,,-:;hler!.r_ost', Vol III, Nr 6, PP a36-837 ABSTPACT. The adsorption of iodine ions on cadimim is a function of the potential. Shiftin-y the potential -to positive values le~,.dls X -to a nore intensive coverirg of the ourface by iodine ions which is expressed in a deapenin.,, of the minimum in the curves ig i and k . The abnor;i;al dopen_-ience of 1:- i on in the presence df 'aaloide ions is ~.robalbl, 2, due to a of the electrode surfttce caused by the formation cf*siirface connections between the metal and the haloide ions. There are~6 graphs and 8 Soviet references. C, ASSOCIATION: Chernovitehiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Cllernovtsy State University) SUB-"Q'ITTED: April 24, 1956 Card 1/1 KUPU, L. G. C d Chem Sci -- (diss) "Study in the field of the effect of anionsw he cathode process." Chernovtsy, 1959, 12 pp vith graphs, (Ifin of Higher -6ducation UkSSRrChernovtsy State Univ) 150 copies (KL-, 34-59., 3-11) AUTHORSt 87519 S/073J60/026/002/004/015 B023/BO67 TITLEs Pamfilov, A. V., Kuzub, V. S.v and Kuzub, L. G. Effect of Anions and Temperature on the Rate of Bleotro- deposition of Cadmium, Iron, Copper, and Zinc PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 29 PP- 174-181 TEXT: The authors describe their studies of the effect of anions and temperature on the electrodeposition of cadmium, iron, copper, and zinc. In electrodeposition the anions which were studied at 250C may be divided into the following series as to their effeot .)n cathodic polarizations NO31 '> SO4> CK,30001 > Bri > It > C11 which agrees with published data (Refs. 10 and 11). At 550 (Fig. 1), however, the nature of the effect is largely changed and the series reads as followss BrI > It > C11 ~, NO > so4 > CH3COO'. Fig. 2 shows that in the electrolyte with oxygen-containing anions (CdSO 49 Cd(NO 3)2) the rate of electrolysis Card 1/4 87519 Effect of Anions and Temperature on the Rate of S/073/60/026/002/004/015 Electrodeposition of Cadmium, Iron, Copper, B023/BO67 and Zinc incTeases with increasing temperature? then passes a maximum at 550C and finally decreases. In the salts of haloid acids (except EP) the processes are inhibited at this temperature. The different behavior of these two groups of anions becomes manifest at oertain potentials and ooncentrations of the electrolyte. The addition of I to 10 mmole/l V or BrI -ions is sufficient to transform the maximum which is observed at 0.25 N CdSO 4 into a minimum. In the case of more strongly concentrated solutions the maximum and the minimum disappear independently of the nature of the anions. A similar dependence is obseznred with iron, zinov and copper (Figs. 41:59 and 6). The measurements of hydrogen overtension in 0.05 N X so on smooth 2 4 platinum at different temperatuTes showed that in the region of the potentials which are onthe left of the zero-charge potential of platinum (!P = 0.2V) polarization decreases (Fig. 8) with an increase in temperature to 4500- It then increases and the curves of the coordinates log i-f(l/T) show a maximum (Fig* 9). With reduced concentration of K 2s0 4 the maximum is shifted toward the side of higher temperatures (65-750). W.-Uh increaaed concentration it is shifted toward the side of lower temperature-I and the Card 2/4 87519 Effect of Anions and Temperature on the Rate of SAW60/026/002/004/015 Electrodeposition of Cadmium, Iron, Copper, B023/BO67 and Zinc curves become linear. These anomalies are observed only in dilute eleotro- lytes. At different temperatures and at certain concentrations the specific conductivity of lead- andcadmium salts (Fig. 10) and the pH at which hydrates of cadmium, zinc, and nickel are formed (Fig. 11) deviate from the linear course of the dependence forming a break. With increased con- centration of the electrolyte this break and the minimum'and the maximum disappear (Fig. 12). The pH of water, the specific electrical conductivity, and the minimum of the differential capacity of the double layer mercuTy - solution show a break at 45-55' OC- In the following, theauthors study D. I. Mendeleyev's theory of the "chara-cteristioll temperature (Ref. 21) and the same theory of A. P. Rutskcv (Ref 22~. The authors hold the opinion that the anomalous dependence log i-fil/T is due to the change of the water properties which is intensified under the effect of anions. The highest rate of electrolysis was observed with the above maximiim and the rate of the electrodic process is reduced'. This is explained by the trans- formation of water into a state of "denser packing". The water dipoles can be adsorbed on the electrode surface. The distribution of the dipoles depends on the charge of the metal surface. With a positive charge of the Card 3/4 87519 Effect of Anions and Temperature on the Rate of B/073/60/026/oo2/004/015 Electrodeposition of Cadmium, Irons Copper# B023/BO67 and Zinc metal surface the adsorbed molecules may form a dipole layers whose negative surface is directed to the netal, its positive one to the solution. With negative charge of the metal surface the reverse case is observed. Finally, the following scientists are mentioneds S. V. Gorbachev, Ye. P. Staroatenko, G. A. Yemellyanenkop and V. A. Karnitskiyq Ya. M. Kolotyrkin, L. A. Medvedeva (Ref. 15) and L. I. Antropov (Ref. 6). There are 12 figures and 31 referencest 21 Soviets 4 US, 1 Britishq 3 Germans and 2 Italian. ASSOCIATION: Chernovitskiy universitet, laboratoriya fizicheskoy khimii (Chernovtsy Uni-,,ersity, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry) SUBMITTED: June 309 1958 Card 4/4 KUZUB, V.S.; TSINHAN, A.I.~ ~UZUB ~L.G.~,- DOLOTOVAp T.S. Intercrystallite corrosion of stainless steals in a strong nitric said.- ZhtLr.prikl.khim. 35 no.12:2794-2796 D 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Lisichanskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti. (Steel, Stainjoss-Corrosign) -~.~ACCESSWN NR4, AP5017745 URI 1j-3DDI lial UU11 UUqJ U'Jur," Uquii A'U7'H0'R:Kuzub L. G.;Ne-yrnan NN, S,; Tsininan, A. L; Kuzub, V < TTTLE: Anodir protertion of stainless steels Ln the production of ccmnlex fer"14- %ers containing potassi-tint chlor;de SOt'RC:F Z-ish-~,~tk 1, nn. 4. 1P65, ~96-400 TO" C TA'S- s1pel. qlniniess qipe! -~,tpel C)Kt,1211N,~ ABSTRACT: Stainless steels 1'KhlBN9T, 0Xh21N3T, 0Kh21NG'-M2T,. anrl 0Kh21N121M-2T, andi Bran(' 3 ,;,arbon stee-1,Nvere subjected to C-Frcll~i(~~-, pulp 0; complex fertilizers "Ah the follo 'nor composition (in ~, ri!-v -FT-PO 4 3-- Water content was about 25 L-rams Ter 100 grams of pulp. The corrosion lKbl8N9T ;.nd 0Kh21','1,2M2T seels was also determined i n me i i .Card 1/ 9, F F-F--m-5, I. ....... .... 'A It6 Z. -j7. 'TO 4- 0- A n o'd i cpip t e e t i p b. b r - I X I 118 N 0 Tsteel was investigated I at-jernper t, Pz~ o 0.,- e~--, i-a"t, u-- -If0-C h--:-, A,- -k.A -d' ii--- -2~.,sourc6,of S 0 --05 CM.- j j p 0, !M OP. ~rc~ t 'd M -The Ca-thod ;W a platin d m e as urn grid. X S-atuftte calo- -e1 electrode was used r W (1 7- nU I'-- nn' n4i ;I-P Jog q -1 ~7 7~7-- - ~% d. an It S e S 8 a SIP-eal~i 4f r1, OM -on--6f-'o irnurn pa si~,ity-hai -Wa M74 tlii~t the rezi Volts. UP tu 60(- tilt: 1-.1111tilik P-Otel-Itials Ui "Ilis rugjun (1-j. 1 - 6. Z-7 JI'LlILZ51 L'~-I --chalige - but at -IOC the SDread Is 10. 3 volts. Pittina is observed onl-v wlfl~ a Y C d-- contentof 70% from th(! stam-a-Ird, The results, as shown in tah es, -1n, -at P --.a! in a pulp of complex fertilizers, anodic protection can reduce the corro,-I-on rate U-~by~more canFco-rnpIeteIy2::--e-I+rnin - pittin g~ Orig. art. has- 9 fiF_rures ard 3 tables. AS-S-OCL'XTION- Gosudarstvei-tnyi institut azotnoi proinyshlennosti, Severo-donet- kii 'ilia' (Stat,: foz- .'he Nitroven Industry. NoAh D-,)n B-, N.11 RE.~, SOV: 001 0-1 DER; 002 -tF 7,~ KOLOTYRKIN, Ya.M,; MAKARCIV, V.A.; KUZUB, V.S.; TSPWN, A.T.; RUZUB, L.G. Anodic protection.of heat exchangers made of lhhl8N9T steel In concentrated sulfuric acid at temperatures of 100 - 1200. Zashch. met. 1 no.5:598-600 S-0 165. (MIRA 18;9) 1, Nauchno-isslediDvatellskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova, Moskva. i- E - C NRI'A 025654- SOURCE CODE5 7 UR/0080/65/038/010/221el/2222 flC AUTHOR*. Kuzub, L G. Kuz,ob V.- S.;. Kossyyq G*~G. OR3: Severodonetiki~ Affiliate of the- Statejvititut6-of the Nitrogen I dustry (Severod6fietAij filial -Gosudarstvem-ogq' instituta azotnoy-pramyshlennosti) 'TiTLE_:' Steel'corrosio~ in nitric acid of various concentrations in the ence of re s p halide ions 1 Paper presented at a republic confe nee on the v e of acid corrosion I re S lmbi~itcrs,held in-Xiev on 18 Sepiezber~19533 SOURCE.-- 2humal prl~lsdnqy, khimii, V., 38' no. 10,, 1963, 2217-2222 TOPIC TAW,:, nitric zicid, carbon stael.- 6rrosion-rate,..chloride, fluoride, corrosion inhibiitoi, corrosion., resistance 616AAe flu6k-ide ions,-on the corrosion rate of lKhISNgT :1be -effect -of - ABSTPACT:~ _ ' steel-mas,' stiWed 6ve~~:a wide HN03 concemntration'~range 11-100%) '_ with 0ioll 0.050 1 , " ' D.5 l" 2- 0.1,--~I NaCl) i ands_ 0 05 0.5, and I ut % leer d-3 ift Cf (added 4ts S' Is __. an _ * . ded:as* NaF). The corrosion rate''was . deteimined~ gzmvinetricall~, and the steady state ' Wtentials of the,steel were measured.'.: The., change in the degree of passivation of the steel was-:,measureA as a function of N41 and Nar concentration and was found to be consistent, with the cbanp in the corrosion mte. In all HN03 concentrations, the presence of C-17 shifted the steady state potential toward the negative side-, this 1UDC. 620.193 KMUBO L.G.;-XUZUB, V.S.j KCSSYY, G.G. Corrosiat of steels in nitric acid of various concentration in the presence of hologen ions, Zhure prikls khim. 38 no.10i 2217-2222 0 165, (MMA 18M) 1. Submitted April 27# 1963# *at 09 00 0 60 go 00 a Is 0 00 0 13 age 0_0 0 a 0 9 a a 0 0 0-M-91, 0 0 a 0 0 0 @ & 0 Soo I** tile Ot I *go* 0 *1* I . 'R I m IF It 0 41 a As 0 Eta U U.N. #111"91115 A.0 111400,15119b ,mot 4 . - . I - __ .~ - _- . - . . Axielcrated metbod of bleaching linen fibm. -N. Af P. V. NforySanov. Tfkild. Pfoix. 8.1 ZM17-, 1 U -00 tw) .-An accelerated method of bleaching is pro- P. M loo y &/a the usual promss time and 1 =2 = _Og . It includes the Following steps: 1 4 (1) cooking In a kerosene eundsion coutg. I X.11. of soda or mixed alkali for I hr. at IOD' followw by wax"n : (2) f -0 Im for 1 cttokinz In it 940, of Unit and NaOll W 1) 4% lotl hr.; (3) hypochlorite bleaching in add inedium (0.5 Z. I** lICI/1.) ataa&ctIveClconcn.oI3g.jI.Lt I8'forO.Bhfs.- -00 (the and is squeezed out and the fiber washed); (4) cooking in a soln. of Ime and NaOl 1 (4: 1) for 1.5 hr*. (fibers are see squee", Own washed); (52 peroxide bleaching (with b =00 9elit soln.) for 40 min. at 9E) ; (0) peroxide bleaching 0 y - dr in at 70~ ti f t i h ago s s two-bAt process cons ng o eep 1) y l g - 71 in a developing bath cookin (h followed b ir 1 1 . ; ness . y g o and soap for 40 min, at 0111, lot- 21"te Cont X4011 roe c. , , lowed by a final washing. Marshall Sittig roe 041ALLUIZUKit Ottitatu t cwltmarom 11*41 11f~&14VVI 221.4a .11 ~v Cal all U ED is', !14W fP it It 10 #4 It it of U K a, INNO NEI W IN J* a 00 0 0 0 0 0009 0 0-0 0 0 0 9 so 0000000 NO 400 see see !100 too U bleaching. N. rr k; PI! TPr III. rMeO-20917); Che~ ' - ~ru us- slanZeuelld.) 194I.M11,18-9: cf. C..I.O.WS7e.-Acid peroxide baths %which are stAir evvii at high temps. an. decompil. rapidly lit the pmenv of contact incials, cs- 6wUlly Fe and Cu. Approx. neutral baths ticcmpw ~-M-hemluj The fact ll'o, i- alot adsorbed by thr Wk i6implifics tile regulAtion 49 111t. Itith. of the develn .per bath i, m A g. NaOIIA. "ith a M101USIO& ratio slightly ILs th,to 1. Slimple 14hrics we treated with a slightly acid suln. of lljOs (30 K.A.) and thed treated for 40 into. At 11-5-11W with a NaOll-N& silicate Wit. contS. 5 S. NaOllll. The labric is then wasibed with water at -.0*. Before blearithig, printed tuattrLAIS are fteated fur 40 miu. at W-8, with a Wit. con(z.. pet I., 2V g. NA011. IV g. litatral contact. 8 g. INLI bis-Ifite milu. of 38* W., and 5 g. Na RkAtc soln. of 40' 116. The material 6 finally wa,hed "ith hot water. TyI On *.K. Dmitriev's paper "Chemical inequivalence of bydrogazi in the moment of liberation". Zhur. ob. thin, 27 no.3:831-833 Mr 157. (MLRk 10:6) 1. Chernovitakiy gosudaretvamw univeinitet. (Hydrogen sulfide) (Hydrochloric acid) AUTHORS: _Kuzub, V.S., *,uzubt L.G., 1'ovsii4an, 'Ift.P. SOV/6 3-31-6-39/43 TITLE: The Problem, of the Influence of Anions on Electrode Processes (K vourosu o vliyanii Lijionov na e3el-t-odwe ;xotscssy) PERIODICAL: 1(himicheskaya nalil.,i i promy~;hllennost It 1'~ Vol III, Ur 6, 336-8--rij (1jS!S11) ABSTPACT: The adsorption or iodino iona on oadmiun is a function of the potential. Shiftin,-,~, the potential to positive values lends -to a more intensive coverine of the surface b,., i adine ions which is express d in,a deepenint:, of the ninimum in the curves ig i and The abnormal dopendence of I,t- 3'. on in the presence of haloide,ions is probably due to a ehA'ge- of tile electrode surl--ce caused by the formation cf.'s-drface connections between the netal and the haloide ions. There are 6 graphs and 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIOPT: Chernovitski., gosudarstvennyy universitet (Chernovtsy State University) SUBMITTED: April 24, 1958 Card 1/1 KU ZUB V. S., Cand Chem Sci (diss) "Kinetics of the electrodepos*- tion of cadmium and adsorption.phenomena." Chernovtsy, 1959 Zpublica- tion date given as 19~07. 17 pp;. (Ministry of Higher and Secondary ~Specialist Education Ukrainian SSR, Chernovtsy State Univ)i 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 1?-60,.142) FAMPNOV, AV.;2KUZUB. V.3.; PAUIURCJIUK, I.V. Joint action of surface active subsUno'on on the electrocapillary curve. Dop.AN MM n6.6:81-3.-816 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Chernovetakiy gosudarstvanun universite~t* Predstavleno almdemikom AHUSSR Yd.K.Dellmarsklm CIU. K. Deli mar a ~Ik7tl. , (Surface active agents) (Surface ternsion) S'Ll A'UTHORSt TITLEt PERIODICALs 875-19 S/073/60/026/002/004/015 121~ BO23/BO67 Pamfilov, A* V.9 Kuzub, V. S., and Kuzub, L. G. Effect-of Anions and Temperature on the Rate of Electro- deposition of Cadmium, Ironq Coppery and Zinc Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol* 26v No* 2p pp. 174-181 TRXTt The authore'describe their studies of the effect of anions and temperature on the eleotrodeposition of cadmium, irong coppery and zinc. In eleotrodeposition the anions which were studied at 2500 may be divided into series as to their effect on cathodic polarizations NO31 ';~ 804> C230001 > BrI > 19 > 011 which agrees with published data (Refs. 10 and 11). At 550 (Fig. 1)p however, the nature of the effect is largely changed and the series reads as followss BrI > It > C11 :~ 110 > s04> CH3COO'. Fig. 2 shows that in the electrolyte with oxygen-containing anions (CdSO 4~ Cd(NO 3)2) the rate of electrolysis Card 1/4 87519 Effect of Anions. and Temperature on the Rate of B/073/60/026/002/004/015 Electrodeposition of Cadmiump Irony Copper, B023/Bo67 and Zinc increases with increasing temperature, then passes a maximum at 550C and finally decreases. In the 'Salts of haloid acids (except HP) the processes are inhibited at thisItemperature. The different behavior of these two groups of anions becomes manifest at certain potentials and concentrations of the electrolyte. The addition of 1 to 10 mmole/l V or Brl ions is sufficient to transform the maximum which is observed at 0.25 N CdSO 4 into a minimum.In. the case of more strongly concentrated solutions the maximum and the minimum disappear independently of the nature of the anions., A similar dependence is observed with irony zinop and copper (Figs- 40P and 6). Thei measurements of.hydrogen overtension in 0-05 N K2SO 4 on smooth platinum at different temperatures showed that in the region of the otentials which are on the left of the zero-charge potentKial of platinum !p - 0,2V) polarization decreases (Fig. 8) with an increase in temperature t to 4500- It then increases and the curves of the coordinates log i-f(l/T) show a maximum (Pig. 9). With xeduced concentration of K 2S04 the maximum is shifted toward the side of higher temperatures (65-750). Wilth increaaed concentration it is shifted toward the side of lower temperatures and the Card 2/4 87519 Effect of Anions and Temperature on the Rate of 3/073/60/026/002/004/015 Electrodeposition of Cadmium, Iron, Copper, B023/BO67 and Zinc curves become linear.'These anomalies are observed only in dilute eleotro- lytes. At different temperatures and at certain concentrations the specific conductivity of lead- ancL cadmium salts (Fig. 10) and the pH at which hydrates of cadmium, zinc, and nickel are formed (Fig. 11) deviate from the linear course of the dependcnoe forming a break. With increased con- centration of the electrolyte this break and the minimum'and the maximum disappear (Fig. 12). The pH of water, the specific electrical conductivity, and the minimum of the differential capacity of the double layer mercury - solution show a break at 45-550G- In the following$ the authors study D. I. Mendeleyev's theory of the "chamateristioll temperature (Ref. 21) and the same theory of A. P. Rutskov (Refj 22~. The authors hold the opinion that the anomalous dependence log i=f 1/T is due to the change of the water properties which is intensified under the effect of anions. The highest rate of electrolysis was observed with the above maximum and the rate of the electrodic process is reduced. This is explained by the trans- formation of water into a state of "denser packing". The water dipoles can be adsorbed on the electrode surface. The distribution of the dipoles depends on the charge of the metal surface. With a positive charge of the Card 3/4 Effect of Anions and Tomperature on the Rate of S/073/60/026/002/004/015 Electrodeposition of Cadmium$ Iron, Copper, B023/BO67 and Zinc metal surface the adsorbed molecules may form a dipole layer, whose negative surface is directed to the metal, its positive one to the solution. With negative charge of the metal surface the reverse case is observed. Finally, the following scientists are mentioneds S. V. Gorbachevo Ye. P. Starostenkoq Go, A. Yomellyanenko, and V. A. Karnitskiyp Ya. M. Kolotyrking L. A. Medvedeva (Ref. 15) and L. I. Antropov (Ref. 6). There are 12 figures and 31 referencess 21 Soviet, 4 US, 1 British, 3 German, and .2 Italian. ASSOCIATIONs Chernovitskiy universitet, laboratoriya fizicheskoy khimii (Chernovtsy Universityp Laboratory of Physi-zal Chemistry) SUBMITTED: June 30, 1958 Card 4/4 S/073/60/026/002/005/015 B02 3/B067 AUTHORSs Pamfilov, A. V. and Kuzub, V TITLEt Effect of Temperature and Composition of the Solution on the Capacity of the Cadmium Electrode PERIODICALt Ukrainskiy khimioheskiy zhurnalt 1960, Vol. 26, No. 2t pp. 182-187 TEM In continuation of earlier papers (Refs. 1 and 2) the authors studial the capacity of the cadmium electrode in a wide range of potentials at different temperatures and different concentrations of the electrolytes. The temperatures were 25-.75OCt the concentrations of K 2so4: 0.0012-1.0 N, of NaF 0.25-1-75 K, of KBr 0-005-2 N. The authors arrived at the following conclusions: With increased temperature the capacity of the electrode in ooncentrated,solutions decreases, whereas, in dilute solutions it in- creases. An extremilm, whose position depends on the charge of the surface land the anions was obeerved in the concentration range studied. For medium concentrations the capacity attains a maximum whichp upon reduction of the Card 113 Effect of Temperature and Composition of the 5/073/60/026/002/005/015 Solution on the Capacity of the Cadmium B023/BO6'lt Electrode concentrationq is shifted toward the side of higheT temperatures (Figa 2). The effect of the anions on the capacity of the cadmium electrode is ex- plained in terms of the structure of water and according to D. I. Mendeleyev's opinion on the "characteristic" temperature. The experimental data show that, independently of the nature of the electrolyte, the capacity of the cadmium electrode increases by increasing the temperature to 45-550 (characteristic temperature),, In the electrolyte with surface- active anions at temperatures of 45-55~t-. at.which water has the "loosest" structurep the halogen ions penetrate into the Helmholtz double layer. They are adsorbed an the active surface fields thus reducing the capacity of the double layer. On the basis of the experimental. data the authors hold the opinion that this structural ohange takes place with positive surface charge and with participation of specific adsorptive powers and electro- static attractive powers. Papers by A* Po Rutskov (Ref. 14) and G. Landezen (Ref. 23) are mentioned. This lecture was presented at the II Conference of the UkrSSR on Physical Chemistry in Kiyev on December 27# 1958. There are 7 figures and 23 references: 16 Soviet, 5 US, I British, and 1 Dutch. Card 2/3 Effect of Temperature and Composition of the S/073/60/026/002/005/015 Solution on the Capacity of the Cadmium B023/BO67 Electrode ASSOCIATION: Chernovitskiy universitet, laboratoriya fizi-cheskoy khimii (Chernovtsy Universityg Laboratory of Physical Chemistrv) SUBMITTEDs November 20, 1956 Card,3/3 rf Z--- - T PIR R-1, 'IN NOW= S/080/60/033/007/019/020 AOO3/AOO1 AUTHORS: Pamfilov, A. V., Kuzub. V, S., Tovmach, . P. TITLE: Lustrous Cadmium ~Platin Prom Acidic Baths g PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 33, No. 7, PP. 1669-1671 TEXTt Cadmium -plating from acidic bathe by means of current reversal effected by a variant of ATT-2 (ART-2) electronic breaker (Ref. 3) was investi- gated. The duration of the anode (ta) and cathode periods (t ) was regulated 6 c independently of each other. The d position.was carried out-on brass samples and paz~tially on-uopper samples with a total surface of 4 cm 2. The thickness of the coatings was 10-20#. The anodes were made of chemically pure cadmium. The range of current densities wss 0.5-4 amp/dm2. The bath had the following composition (in g/1): Cdo 191---ElSO4 45, ~NH4)2SO4 30. The structure of the deposit Is affected by the ta t ratio and by the duration of the cycle T. Already at T - 11 sec and 0 - 10 a Card 1/2 S/080/60/033/007/019/020 Lustrous Cadmium-Plating From Acidic Baths A0031AOOI the appearance of the deposits obtained by current reversal does not differ from those obtained by d-o. In the presence of naphthalene mono- or disulfoacids with gelatin, mirror-lustrous cadmium deposits were obtained. Caramelized sugar still improves these results. From a cyanide bath finely-greined, dense, light doposits were obtained, but without luster. Cadmium deposits from acidic baths have a microhardness.twioe higher-than deposits from cyanide baths, their porosity is 5 times lower and the current density can be increased twice., ,There are. 2 graphs, '2- table6 - arid- 5, Soviet references. ItZ ASSOCIATION: L ritorlya flIzi eskoy khimii Chernavitskogo universiteta abo It Oh Mabovatory of Physical Chemistry at the Chernovtsy University) SURC=: July 1959 Card 2/2 PAMMAN., A.V.; ~V Organic additionagents and halogens in cathodic processese Ukr.khim.zhur. 27 n0.301.1-314 161, (MM 3,40.1) 1. Chernovitskiy gomAarstvennyy universitetp laboratoriya fiziche.skoy khimii. (Electrochemistry) FAMFILOV9 ANV*,* KMUB V.S. Particular features of the adsorption of aromatic compounds on cadmium and meroury electrodes* Ukr.khim.zhur. 28 n0-4;528-530 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1, Chernovitokiy gosudarotverwyy universitet, (Aromatic compounds) (Electrodes) (Adsorption) FAEFILOV, A.V.; KUZUB., V.S. Absorption phenomena and the electrodepooition of cadmium. Ukr.khim.zhur. 28 no*8:939-944 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Chernovitskiy gosudarotvannyy universitet. (Cadmium platina# (Absorption) KUZUB, V.S.; TSIN W , A.I.; KUZUBI L.G.; DOLOTOVA, T.S. Intercrystallite corrosion of stainless steels in a strong nitric acid.- Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.12:27�4-2796 D 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Lisichanakiy filial Gosud.arstvannogo instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti. (Steel, StaiupMs-Corrosign) ANIKINA, N.S.; KUZUBj V.S.; Prinimala uchastiye KOVALINSKAYA, Ye.K* Determination of iron, nickel, chromium in concentrated nitric acid by the oscillographic polar ography method. Zhur. anal.khim. 18 no.12:1502-1503 D. 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Lisichanskiy Mial Gosudarstvennogo instituta azotncy promyshlennosti, Severodonetsk. KUZUB, V.S.; GRU, B.A. Bright zinc plating from anacid bath. Zhur. prild. khim. 36 no.8:1782-19k~ Ag, 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Lisichanskiy filial Gosudarstyennogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo i proyektnogo instituta azotnoy pronWshlennasti I, produktor orgiAnicheskogo sinteza. ACCESSION NR: AP 4606937 4/0080/63/036/012/2762/2764'~ IORS: V. S.; Mukhlya, S Yu. AUT11 TITLE: No,n-elec ric.nickel plating in an ultrasonic field. SOURCE: Zhuxnal prikl. khimii, v* A no. 12,.1963, 2762-2764 TOPIC TAGS: nickel plating, nonelectric nickel plating, ultrasonic ;nickel plating, ultrasonic plating, nonelectric plAting ABSTRACT. Solutions-generally used for nickel plating behave dif- ferently under the action of ultrasonics. Three solutions were investigated (tablej enclosure). From solution No. 1, the rate of nickel reduction was increased 6-fold by ultrasonical avoiding necessity of multiple depositions from fresh solutions to obtatn satisfactory thick deposits. Zhe effect of ultrasortics (1000 50 kilocycles/sec-4 3-20'W/.cm.4t powdered Ni starts to precipitate, its are obtained depleting the solution rapidly. Satisfactory depos on a.-L Linum,. brass,. and stainless steel. Rate of mLckel reduction increase6 with temperature; at 500C., satisfactory deposit can be obtaine&with ultrasonical.which-is.not po6sible~without irradiation. A C" ACCESSICK NRi AP4038563 At MOR: Kuzubp Vo Be; Kossy*y) Go Go Trus. intergranular corrosion of stainless steel in concentratsa ritria aza Mt t CC=3TLMiC66ti0a II no 'SOURCE: Zhmmal prikladnoy Whivali., vo 37.. 5p 1964., io63-io66 iVOPIC TAGS: stainless steel corrosioa) corrosion., Uhl&.93!., Xh17, double laye icapacity.. intergranular corrosion.. true nurfaca area,, surface area meex-x,_rez;p_mt ..,ABSTRACT: It was shown that the rate of corrosion of chromium and chromit=icke-, stainless steels in concentrated nitric acid increases with time ml'tlhe 0=_.msi-ni destruction Is Intergranulax in nature. It was thou6t~,that such a relationship i ~Iiof the rate of corrosion may result from the increase' of* the * rauz-face'' area due -to the inte rgmulax corrosion or dua to the acca~ulction of hexivaaent chromium., traces of -44ch in the nitric acid accelerate the corrosion. The pvx_o.-&e of the ii p-resent artimle was to veril)r thin tbxougb tho invest4gation of tbe truor rmrfazo area,of electrodes made of 2MASN9T vzd hh17 stealn. TUa %w dc=p. by tlmi &=er~-T ential mesmimments of the capacity of the double layero Ca d ACCESSION NR: AP40385631 by means of an a.c.,bridge. The cupwity of the double layer vas measuted in 0.1 V F.2,SO4 solution* The oxygen was rcwved from the solution by passing min. of i=ersion' into th,., I nitrogen through it. The capacity was, tsken~ after 10 j; . solution. All measurements were made at rom temperature at 400 cps tivVencY4 It waa found that the capacitance of annealed steel electrodes increasea greatly definite upon 48 hour wb*~ in 9~*9 $ nitric acid. Under these conditions a intergranular corrosion has been detected. The increase of the true surface area, I in the intergranular corrosion process of steel IMOM9T is approximately 2.4 '1 larger gra.Z' times that of J(h17 steel. This fact is apparently associated with the . I size of the latter. steels Experimental measurements of the cWcity of double layers vere conducted with the participation of A. N. Zhukov. Ori,, ,. axt. r.,us 3 . tables and 9 figures* MACION: Lisichanskly filial gosuaarstvennogo n=chnoissledovatel's-kogo royektnogo inotituta azotnoy prmyshlennosti i produktov organicheskogo sintoza Lisichansk Branch of the'State Scientific Research Planning Iwtitute of the I Nitrogen Industry and Products of Organic Synthesis) ACCESSION NR: AP4040469 S/0226/64t000/003/0029/00,31 )11 'AUTHORt Kuzub, V. S.; Gru', B.. A.;'Sokolov, V. K. 'Obtaining.lead po 4er''by" cementation ,TITLE: w SOURCE: Poroshkovaya meta.1lurgiya no.-3 (2V), 1964, 29731 `!TOPIC TAGS; lead, lead pqwder,~ lead powder manufacture, lead ~c'emen- !tation, load powder cementation WSTRACT: A process for obtiining lead,powder by cementation on cop-! of ~~er oi its alloys in an aqueous ' soluti'on of thiourea, lead ni.trate, and'organic (tartaric or citric) acid has been developed. Satisfac- Itpry results were obtained aqueous dolution of 5-8 gjdm3 lead,- ;nftrate,.,-38--42 g/W thiourea, 20* 30 g/dm3 tartaric acid,,-and 108-i i2.2 PH at-19-25C. Copper or brass submerged-for 1 hr were covered with a solid layer of load-1 0 t1dck. With prolonged cementation tl?i lh~erl ~became loose. The poiider contained 90-96% lead and 0.2-2.61* sulfur.' The average particle size was 50-70,p an'd the bulk density was 28 g/cm3. Changes in the concentration of citric acid from 5 to 30,,g/d m3 and lead nitrate from 1 to 5 g/dm3 had no of fact on the emf. /~w (z 111 -10, S I P, S I Ou iuv i AUTI,iOR: Fossyy? C - Kuzub, V. S. f,tP T~! I steels aod IreL!-.0IS L" SOURCE: Zashchita metallov, v. 1, no- 11 1963, 42-47 on T' C T- Pas"vity ABSTRACT- On Hie basis of data in the literature on the anodic behav i or f S t et' 1 13 r on - rr can occur in sui~ljrlc R( rail~e 0! VOtentlalS-. IS'erCrVREajjjnL- ~-Ojj_&j t7 7, 7,7 ---- --- - L A C C' r~ ((I N NT ip~-T-mtne the C--r-Vsfa 11 ImC, -corrosion, -it, t9s L A_p~l b;-, - ac i d a Dotent i al of 4-0.15 V mAIntn4t"---j- 0 sub j P c tto in~E rcrv-~t tial lies with!- the range of the stable passive state. The-sr con I in agre--uteriL w;.L.1, -th--se c,-' V. M. Knyazheva, YA. M. KolotvTkin, M, A. Vedenevr' and R. S. Ramsivanova %'Rhin, prom-st', flo. 5, 61, 1964). Orig. art. tiiz-io. figures, A Zr.i)C TATI()N azotnoy promyshlennosti, NO REF SOV- 021 C; ik 007 Cord 2/2 A xr 11 Ww P - A-P Q I ACCESS10.1 --S ok c, 16"va AMN-02" Ts i nman A -Ku2,,-ub 7 f, ;7 fjUo-rj de i0-.S r he ad,~i-g NA~ 70 T:~,- card 1~~, 1~--- - 551 kd~ _k i SRW R: AP!)bl-12 ,b L ?'density in sulfuric acid baths due -to: tb).- passivation of the steel. After the PasS1,571-ty - is :oVerama, the. dil5so-lution rate of tb-,- steel hardly changes. This 1 t4a'd -turrent --*-n;:!Paase depen4ds -the concentratirr, cf the Y-On acid and it decnea;es- for steels of hi~g~reir-cAridme' -content. For steels containing less tban 27% cnvomre wl'ier; lluoride ions are Tresent, the anodic polarizing currves show a region of slow ceduction, in current density at vol tages "l- ; ~t- - , -, I - ition begin-s. Th's reductim depends on the coiTosition of the Eteal, the concer, tr,ition of the f1toride Ions and the coricentration of the sulfuric azid. ,region of maximum in solu-ions witl) fluoride ionu begins at higimi ~.- , I, tb* - - t iakes an when -s,.i.Lf uric is _n5ed al one A t pos i t1i ve v-1, e passim an the current dens;,Vy _ncreases , I flucrido ions des-troy th ve s a e d cu!Eirly in low alicy steels. With Nar constant concentration the crrrent density dec-mases ir, thi D.i; ~c range in mom concentrated solutions. ana~vsls shows tbat the dissolution of the tempere-d steel spec:i,-Teens thE st:rfaces reniFiri smooth. without pitting. Oxidation of ferrous it3ns presence of fluoidde ions on the steel surfaces is low. The effec-r OF or! steel COrrusicln 'n 1017 H2SO4+ 3AICX03 soluti -on is more prcriounced than --r- '. tis conrluded that all balide ions attack the Dassive state :T ~-F st( L- 1. But the -rfechanism -_-' 1:e atta,-, I'lxrifie i On s 1i f f e T-S -i04- ions attack the steel Surfaces spot- Pr-, T- CT !2ttt7~1, IS uaz- -L 'nSt f-OT'n'Pd ano umi.. TT'I U -* Pol;enti tatio determimtion Of stalmIsss 9 D'al U-ndency to intercrystal- 1 line corrosi3r 7 SOURCE- Zlavodskaya laborator 7a, v. 31, no. 5, 1965, 5&1-584 PGF1,1 !AC-,6 ibjt~m~--Iazls -=teel, ccrresiir, potentiometer .1 50 M109 steel -ff--od for no tent i0s tatic daterminstian oe etec-I t4a- 1 on the )6nelosure, T-to pi -oc adia aLs tt a YO, for 5 an at 18-21,;C at a potential of 150 EV, "-ith 'IWrloq UOn T- 2--~ z-tb0)-v"ti= of the metal swface. The appearance of grain-delirioa"on 5.ip of onvrrLslor.. 7'bt- poti~rrtloztst ~s fed by tvo bette-ries ',I 'f pa-rij, 5KN-ID,-b. A s;ta.'- resistivity sar"~s az a Lou witi, 0111 ohm I r -W. L~. TAAW- - Is., IMM tblknWl-~ the 41w: -"*Ii=* Ik d steel is C.~oarly v1sible. C~-ig. art. haal 3 figures. nnuchno-Istde6ovatel'skV i Lr,- 11, q~ T TE UC~,- NO iLff SW 003 OTHER 1 004 V3 ACCE&510N NR.- AP50124035 V.L 0.4T(m)/EIY(C-)/T/WP(t,)/Z,NP(b)/EWA(,C) IJF(C.) JD/WB ACCtSSION.NR.*; AP5014132 UR/0365/65/001/00002"/0279 _620.193.14L S.1, Neymam S.;.Tsiman, 7 T WU -Y 1; y Y7 -solutiori cif _~igkej n H i6lut TIM An6alc d r 10,16 J SOURCE:' . Zathchita metalloF,, :z1%5 .277-279,:and insert facing:.p. 2175. iokc TAGSI.:~'r,~M6,dip.oridatil,~n,-pc~~entiometer ~.61actrode potential, nickel plitlag ........... X*: this..:v ~.potentio ure an _p ABSTRACT -static meas Ments d metallogra -SO- Wand-in- u�ed-to. studj the dissolutl6n of, 99~ NX_ in - a .1 N H2 4 solutio 2" ' 10. The electrolytielpolishing scilu:tion, 21:5.N.H2SO44 ata temperature of L curves are obtained by using:an-e-lectronic potentiostat. .0otentios-6tic The - speei - Mefis used hha-both planar aad cylindrical-shapes; at potentials above 1.3 *:_the, -c pAration and shape of the electrode strength of -the urrent depended upon the se S I'Data-on the dissolution of Niare presented in the form of potentiostatic curves ~i_a/CM2, as a fuhct ion -of : 0-voltage) -in, both - of' the H2SO4 solutions - Some of the curves Illustrate the dependence of current density and speed of dissolution on wn for various regions of the po- potent al -,::Gurface microphotbgraphs 6f Ni are sho twitial r 5-10 min of,dissolution. However~'for the regions of aft h2( MESSION T bibb-AtidNi-I tu aratire' 0 ennos verodA tut Of ~Nit~voi"Jn uetry*4oAb,Do'nets Af e) NITTED C' MH Mc c SUB ODE -, REF sov lk T- rand DINTI in media with &fferent -wt:g~- --igrid;~~R-sa-turate4-caiomei-e ectr a was U pa-lor.. he~_tathode_ a~platimixw -1 _o e __s boin-narisbn. Durincr the Aerts- the-potential ~was within the limits of 0. 7- 0. 9 volts It- was - de term-xined, that .1 he -r0%gion- of optimum passivityhas a spread of 0.85 1 tials of this region (0. 1-0. 95 volts) do not volts. lp to 60C the linii-thig potell change, but ~,t 70C the spread is 0. 3 volts. Pitting is observed only with a KCI ~A;~'Conterit_qf ,.-TUrk from-tbe st&..)dard_.._ -The -results., as shown in tables, indicate thall --ai~.odiz-'I~rotection~ear;..i6dtice the corrosion rate by more than 50 times, and can completely -eliminate pitting, Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarst,,,ennyi institut azotnoi prorayshlennos'd, Severodonet- 13 skii filial (S -late inatitutg. or the Nitrogen Indust", North Don ranch) SUBAMITTED:00an65, ENCL; 00 ~Yj SUB CODE; KIM V* 'PR: 002 W-R-REF SO '_001 rJ 2 2 ty JD6_1 )AM (B) -I ACCESSIONrMIL- APS0158811, UIR/0080/65/038/006/1404/1 407 620.193.41 + b4.1.13 -G 'W'A -)Boy V ADTHOM.: Xazixb -yi TITLE: StLdy of the paBsivi ty of aUdnless steel in nirric acid by mensuring the differential. capacibi to uMic acild" A wriE~c apacity -TRACT! The different!-,;I capa~clty method w. stu BS ust.13 to dy A _0 Khl R.,~:.Q t ~in I i 1 r) ~"f.,l LAW1 L)CI-ru -Lut., Ler pass iv,atiop ver 71- a1v thi'l ex1ru'p. APhe t-11(- ija:;f-v..y riagiua and the ,-Ora 110 .~-a4: --- ------- ACCES90N NR: AP5oj5s88 acidity and -the oxidizing Properties of HINO.3. In the region of the stalle passive stals 130-!YS"') ;LI--nnPf f1ii, onliro 9 as apjarentl-. "JUe 14) Lf dissolation of Dortionts of the film., via I..w sam-, 7,, n r 0 T7 5; t-:',; - 11115 IS (1'-*C L, UIC !Li,-: 11~ Ule llral!oUaSE ivaLon regi-cm, the true ,,u 1 1-- trode inei-eases bemise of U e nonuni.- rmity of the disoolutim. and p-rnar,!- To interm-sta-Hire oorrosion. _A. N~ ZhiLkoy took part in the expierime:,,La~ art. has: 4 figures and I for3 -lula. 'ASSOCLATIG.R: LisichonsIdy filial Goaudarstvemogo Institata awtaoy promyshlennasti, L Fig. 1. Capacit-, B 6uriW- passiva-io.:-. laoi steel (1) and corrosion rate d M18N9T steel v',-rsLB THN TO 3 concentration. capacW~ 0 T r,-) !5 1!-- (g, 712 C, c fjo so 80 go too Q/W' /P_ 01 (b) UN C) 54-66-. -D1T(M)/EPF(c)/Ej:4A(d)/ L 12 ACCESSION NR: AP5021671 `8/006/1872 1674-- 2 'URI/0080/65/0 620.191/.193 AUTHOR: T6inman A. I 'Ku~ub. V. -S k TITLE: Corrosiomof stain' ss steel Yl le s in solutions of- dicarbox ic acids 00 Zh r al prikladnoy.khimii, v 38, no. 8,: 1965, 1872 1874 ~,SOVRCE. u n -TAOS; i.-corr6sion.rate-, stainless steel, corrosion resistant steel, chromium alloy, molybdenum steel, -dicarboxvlic'acid. nickel,- c pper molybden- 0 um. titanium: f the corrosion behavior of ordinary- stainless' ABSTRACT: A study:Nvas:,made of steels (lKhIBN9T Khl8l2.M2T).' and of a: number of. new-experimental chromium- A nickel, chromfu__i~;-Moiybd6num, and chromium-nickel-molybdenuni steels in a solution of a,dipic acid in the temperature range 160-245 C. A comparison was Made of the corrosive act-ivit of i3olutionB of glutaric, succinic, adipic, and. : y sebacic acids on Kh18N1 2142T. steel. Data were taken on the corrosion resistance and titanium, Corros-*on of NIKhMo-' 20 steel ~,nickel,. ~-coppen molybdenum,. rates were determined onreakangular samples of rolled she-et 2-3 nim thick with surfa. es of 15-30 cm2. Test'-results showed that the nickel content in chromium-,. Card 172 7 1, 1254-66 ACCESSION NR.- AP5021672~ Mckel,steels' has only. aslight effect on.the corrosion rate in adipic acid, HoweNer, ,the corrosion-rate of.austenitic.steels.(1Kh18NQT, _OKh?,1W14B-QK 4fic steels -1-5-2-.-O~: fixiies ;il~: of f ritid.~ t --appro lrnately~ er aus eni (Cl