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b'l~*I_ U R-/ 0 0'2-6-~F6-6-r6-6-6-XO-976-6YS-r6OY4---] AUTHORs ORG: none TITLEs Baykal earthquake and solar-lunar tides SOURCE: Priroda, no. 9, 1966, 23-34 TOPIC TAGSt a a r t h q u a k a., a a i a m i c tectonics, earthquake riodicity,, syzygyg earthquake forecastinE ,&~ ,,4Z-_73 ~4k I ABSTRACT: The riodicity of Baykal earthquakes is examined as a function of the Moon's declination and syzypy. on the basis of records dating from about 1810 and projected to 1970, the 20 strong earthquakes that occurred in the Baykal depression proper and the three that were associated with the Obruchev fault are seen to have coincided with periods of high or low lunar declination. Since the stresses in the earth's crust generated by the lunar tides are of such a low magnitude, it is believed that they serve primarily as a triggering action at a time when the crust is out of tectonic equilibrium. The primary cause of the observed periodicity of Baykal earthquakes is attributed to the nutational inequality of tides in.the earth's crust, while the sec- ondary cause is parallactic inequalities associated with the moments Card 4 I ACC NR:A i 41 i the Moon in at perigee and syzygy. The geological structure of the I earthquake zone areatly affects the extent and manner .of the lunar 1 triggering actions Orig, art, has: 10 figures. I .SUB CODEi 08 Pj/ SUBM DATEs none/ ORIG REFs 002 .j N ACC NKi AROUZ43U3 SOURCHGODE: UR/0270166/WU/004/003b/0036 AUTHORs Lamakin. V. V. TME. Earth ciust aLcropuleation and.its study SOURCE3 Ref. the Abs. 4.52.294 RET' SOURCE: _Sb..Sov.rem. dvixheniya zenn. kory. No. 2. Tartu, 1965, 71 TOPIC TAGS: crust,. crustal'movewnt, geologic study -rrervA,1ic,5 ABSTRACT: The Baikal re gion is characterized by significant vertical movements 6f the earth surfaceA7-Da,tuta-mark-shifts of up to 20 cm were disclosed by results of levellings in-1906 1901f i928,. and 1937. Oscillatory movements, i.e. micropulsa- tions, of-thi'lake'-shoieline were-diielose'd from data provided by water level posts-#: The pulsation period was 8 to 9 years. Intensity of micropulsations does not re- main constant, periods of-significant variations alternating with periods of minor changes. The author proposes imprcveinents in the pattern of placement of water marki posts, an expansion of.itivestigat,ions of horizontal crustal movements in the Baikal region, as well-as studies of nitropulsations at various lakes and narrov landlocked seas. [Translation of abstract) Bibliography of'10 title&. A. Pevnev SUB CDDE: 08 1 t,..551.241:528.024.187.4 Cfjrd 1/1 LS MR' A116035273 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/009/G01.9/G019 AUTHOR: Lamakin, V. V. TITL.E: Significance of lunar solar tides in the tectonic movements of the Baykal depression SOURCE: Ref. zh. G eofizika, Abs. 9G110 REF SOURCE: Sb. Materialy k Soveshchantyu Obshchiye zakonon-lern. geol. yavleniy, 1966. Vyp. 1. L., 1965, 191-196 TOPIC TAGS: geology, tectonics, lunar tide, solar tide, tectonic movement, water le~7el, geologic structure, fault ABSTRACT: Averaged annual measurements of water level for several decades were used to study recent tectonic movements in the shores of Lake Baykal. Variations of 2-6 cm (up to 10-11 cm) in lake level occurred periodically at intervals of 4-9 years. This periodicity corresponds to periodic differences in tideforming forces of the Moon and Sun and is explained by them. A periodic dispersion to the northwest of wave fluctuations in Lake Baykal was shown to correspond to undulating movements in the lake shoreline. These micropulsations Card 112 UDC: 551. 241 ACC NRt AR6035273 can be forecast. The tectonic structure of Lake Baykal Is determined by the horizontal separation of the Earth's crust under it. The separation takes place to the northwest and during the Niogen-Tertiary period was as much as 10 kin. It is possible that the shift of the crust under Lake Baykal may be explained by lunar- solar tides slowing down the Earth's rotation; inertial forces arise, directed to the northwest. At the same time a heavier block of the platform shifted to a greater --distance as compared to its folded rim. Between them arose the abyssal fault which produced the Baykal depression. (Translation of abstract) ISPI SUB CODE: 08/ 2 0~ tine Z_,4pn4x),, It,4 k, AUTHOR: Laman. Di.K. . Engineer. 110-7-12/2-2, TITLE: On OombininC the Tpchnolo.,,.-ical Proe_-esses of Annealing Copper ",Vire (K voprosu razvitiya sovaieshchennyld~ C, - te'LL-hnoloSicheskikh Protsessov volocheniya i o6zu-,,~-a mnecLnoy provoloki) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektro-pronyshleanosti, 10,58, Voi.29 'No.3, pp. 57 - 60 NSSR). ABSTRACT: In 1954, engineers of the Ukrkabell e,-,perimented -,-,-ith the combined drawing, and annealinc. of copper wire. In 1C)55, the M-oskabell and Elcktroprovod Works reconstructed a. number of wire-drawing machines to combine the nrocesses. Their combined Drocedure ha~. advantacs but took u~,) a- Cood deal of floor snace and required more labour. An installation O.-veloped by the Cook EnL--,inc-er'Ln- C-Ypaxly is described and illustraled diaE' _'~~_r,'17.~atic ally in YiLD. 1. The Ukrkabel' Works develDned a siri-.,-.)ler installation which, ho7evl-r, suffered from various structural defects. An installation for annealixi- fine cor,,-,er v.,ire h~as been con- L, structed by the Blektroprovod 73orks. The de--i,,,,--n -..-..-as by Engineer L.K. Laran and develcred in the desir-r, :,,ffice under the leadership of Candidate of Technical Sci-,_--_,ccs I.D. Troitskiy: operatin,.-1,- the UI:r',za-1-1~el' Gardl/3 c).n c~: D- 7 A -n r; v, c a:- C'~ o-Ld i 1 l." t c _t24 r"Ic-at J.: C CU c ,,x,op c~). t -L,, C~ ,- "I-'es Colu L _'L'I,,t on c -a'- v c 'U L',-!. c 'u- o r ".ad, U.L U: .~:ire are v - r a n o n UL v`ccIlnic~_-I Z' 1-1 C Lar LI C 4- "z- 1~ i s c s O-L 0 U uabula'cd. co~ftcluded " I, c t C b L i- c i e- - _5r o:~: i n G n C, 7.' p e ,2scd zor --ire frol,~ 5 to 0. 12 -i re-dral:i-alf c Q ui-w.. c-, CO_'.1 Li at i:) _n I c: ~_-'c c s c ond -in'Creases tl--,e Output fOr a (-'i%_CJ~ 10'JI S, S: -10mical, iiainlv because o" G~" - c s a -v a-re vcry ecol and lcIou:r Costs. 1 d c. a 11 ~y I continuously, but at 'D full am-':s O-C -..Tire. TI -. e _-- - c j - ~ ~ c 2 IL -i u i - e s , 1 t, s (Zavod Onrd2/3 L __ ._(' __ -c rn (;c;. -~e2.- su: v AP, L~*5: Libr.,,-rY oil ConCress u_- 3-C 3/3 1. 6opper wire-Annealing 2. Gopper wire-Drawi339 SOV/136-59-2-16/24 AUTHOR: I-jaman, 111 . K TITIE-. Combined Process for the Drawing and Annealing of Copper Wire (So-vmeshche-nnyy pzotsess volocheniya i otz.higa mednoy provoloki) PERIODICAL,Tsvetnyye Ideta"Lly, 1959, Nr 29 pp r/O-?4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes some developments in combining copper wire drawing with annealing in the UK and USA. He mentions that a considerable contribution has been made to Soviet practice in this field by the "Ukrkabell", "ElektroDrovod" and I'Moskabel"' cable works and the Nauchno-issledovatellsidy Institut Kabellnoy Promyshlennosti (Cable-Industry Se-Jentific Research Instktirte). The IrElektrop-ro-\:-oall Works have developed a combined annealing installation (Fig 2) for coDper wire 0.4 to 0.2 mm in diameter, with facilities for providing a non-oxidising atmosphere. The author tabulates operating costs for the combined installation and for various other annealing furnaces (table 2). This shows a much lower (by a factor of about 2 to 2.5) operating cost for the comb-Ined machine. The author L Card 1/2 has previously reported (Ref 4) that the wire it produces BOV/136-59-2-16/24 Combined Process for the Drawing and Annealing of Copper 'Sire is mechanically and electurically uniform along its length. He concludes that the combined process is applicable for 5.0 - 0.12 mm diameter wires of copper or other non-ferrous materials which do not harden on quenching. The annealing installation is suitable for a wide variety of drawing machines including those of old designs. There are 3 figures and 2 tables and 4 references of %,bich 2 are Soviet and 2 English. Card 2/2 LAW. N;K. ~-E~ One hundred years of continuous MBtallurg 7 no.12:35-36 D -162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut isttbrii yestestvognnniya i tekhniki AN SSSR. (Rolling mills) LAW, Nikolay Konstantinovich; SHUKHARDIN, S.V., otv. red.; PIROGOV, A.I., red.; FROKOFIYEVA, N.B., red.izd-va; MAKUNI., Ye.v., teklwm6 red. (Development of metal drawing techniques] Razvitie takh- n1ki volocheniia metal-lov. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSRP 1963. 233 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Drawing (Metalwork)) LAX,UI, H.. nauchnyy sotrudnik Two kilometers of wire from one drop. Tekh.mol. 28 no-8:5-6 ,6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut istorit yes'uestvoznaniya i takhniki All SSSR- (Wire drawing) LAMAN V N. First plant in Russia for the manufacture of diamond draw plates. Metallurg 10 no.4-36-37 Ap 165. (K-U 18-7) FROLOV, G.D.; TROITSKIY, I.Dq,_ 1,AIIF, TI*K.q muchnyy sotrudnik; SADAKOV, A.I.; KAL11111,11, N. I. One humlrpq and anniversary of the (,.ktropruvod*' electric cable plant in MoGcov. Vest. elek-tropro-i. 31 no.12:1'~--,13 D 160. (MII~A 11,: 2) 1. Direlftor 1-',oskovsko--o '-.ab:~llno-o zavoda '11'loktroprovod" (fo-C. Frolov). 2. Glavnyy in-,h. 7,~oskov-s':ogo kabol'no-o zavoda "~I,~,I-troprovodll (for Troits'ziy). 3. InstiWt istorii y-~steAvozwmya i te':hnl.~j 1, (for laman). 4. Selret-arl partlynoy organizatsii,,o :,-bell- nogo zavoda 'Tle],,trop,.,oVod'I (fol- :7,adOcov). 5. Prodoodatal"vivIx:'n Moskovs;'.-ogo kabellno.-o zavoda "Ele'Aroprovod" (for 'AA-Unin). C'.1osco-a-1-1 ectric cable:3) 4MA-NI,.Dhora (Tirana) Albania on the road of development. Przegl geogr 32 no.1/2:125-128 ,6o. (= 9. 10) (Albania--Economic conditions) IAMANI, F. flInsects injurious 'to agricultural cultures in the area of Tirane" Ruletin. Seria Shkencat Natyrore. Tirane, Albania. Vol. 12, no. 4, 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EMI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas L 07221-67___- EVIT (1 Q.14 ACC NRs AP6027314 SOURCE CODE: UR/0428/66/000/002/0109/0 AUTHOR: Hanich, P. Ya.; Yelistrataw. I. F.; Ilych, H. K,,-; Levin, I. M.; Lamanosava, T. .; Makarevich, S. A. ORG: none TITLE: Optical characteristics and light field parameters of lake water SOURCE: AN BSSR. Vesti. Seryya fizika-matematychnyckh navuk, no. 2, 1966, 109-114 TOPIC TAGS: optic property, water, light diffusion, light refraction ABSTRACT: This work examines methods and certain results of defining the optical parameters of lake water and also studies the light-field in that medium created by direct and diffust.! radiation sources. To measure total light attenuation by water the authors used a transparency meter which is described in the text. Light attenuation is given for 13 wavelengths on 5 separate days. Maximum transparency is shifted towards longer wavelengths in comparison to seawater. To evaluate visibility of objects under water both the total index of attenuation by the water and tile relations between indexes of actual attenuation and dispersion must be known. A formula is de- rived and tabular data given which show that change in lake water transparency occurs in such a way that the abaorption-to-dispersion ratio remains the same. Washing-out of a collimated beam of light is studied by having an underwater light source send a Card 1/2 L 07221-67 ACC NR- AP6027314 beam vertically downward. The receiver is moved vertically and horizontally to meas- ure illumination in planes perpendicular to the light c9urce axis. Background radia- tion diffused by the water was studied with a light source and a brightness meter which turned at a polar angle of 0 + 180* and at an azimuthal angle of from 0 to 75*. Patterns of change of brightness wi7th depth were photoelectrically measured with a special underwater light source, direct photography of which, with subsequent micro- photometry, gave the same result. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas, 2 tables, and 4 figures. SUB CODE; 20/ SUBM DATE: 230ct65/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH REP: 004 -1 Z7 'Card 2.2 IV 1 U V PRINTSEV, A.A., inzhener; PETROV, V.Ya.; YRGOROV, V.V. -,,4~KAM inzbener; KONSTANTINOV, B.A., kandidat tokbnicheskikh mauk. Rates for electric power* Prom.anarg. 12 no.1:18-22 Ja '57- (MLRA 10:2) 1. Energosbyt Laningradakoy alaktroenargatichaskoy sistemy (for Printsev, Petrov) 2. Fnergosbyt Estonskoy elaktrocnargaticheakoy sistemy (for Yegorov) 3. Leningradskly pivovarenmyy zavod (for Lamanov) 4. Leningradakly inzbenerno-takhnichaski-y institut (for Konstantinov). (Electric utilitias-Rates) IJNANOV, L. S. Reducing the for projects no-5:67-68 cost-of topographic and geodetic operations requiring detailed planning. Geod.i kart. My 160. (MIRA 13:7) (surveying) :1-t, ,, (A) ~, , , '~ 1011)1/21111'~" ~. ~?,P- POPUGIYW, Y.M., podpolkovnik wed.sluzhby. SORKIN, Yu.I., T&UNOV, P.P., podpolkovnlk med.sluzhby Conducting a genoral rat exterminntion in populnted nreass Voen, medo,zhur. no.12-.80 D'57 (MIRA 11:5) (RATS--EXT32MINATION) IAHAIIOV, P.4P;~:~~;; - ,-, I,,:, :, ~ I Extensive occurrence of Ctenocaphalides felis on man and the effectiveness of DDT aerosol controls Madepara2s i narazobole 27 no.1:104 JA-F 158. (MIRA 11:4) (FLEAS) :ACC NR. AR60217~i AUTHOR: Lamanovp V. B1.1 Morozenskiy, A. L. TITLE: Stabilizing tho brilliance of the elqctron-boam tubes used as pulsed light sources SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elpktronika i yeye primeneniye, Abu. 3V21 REF SOURCE: Sb. Geofiz. priborostr. Vyp. 22., L., Nedra, 1965, 74-80 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam flash lamp, light source., ABSTRACT: As the temporary stabilization of the average brilliance of tube flashes is inadequate in most cases, a new system of brilliance stabilization based on the. avorage amplitude of anode-current pulses is suggested. Such a system (a) dov.-ILates the necessity of close stabilization of heater current and cathode potential and (b) alleviates the requirements of stability of the starting-pulse amplitude and duration. A principal circuit of the stabilizing system is shown, and its operation is outlined. This stabilization system somewhat increases the light-flash dispersion which is due to control-voltage fluctuation. The energy resolution of thusly stabilized tube is under 16. The brilliance atabilization is.impossible if the high anode voltage varies, which is a shortcoming of the above systom. Nevertheless, the system permIts substantial improvement of stability of light pulses; this permits using the electron-beam tube in some studies, speoifically, in measuring the stability and intrinsic energy resolution of p*-otomultipliers. A. F. [Translation of abstract] Card 1/1 SUB CODE:09--- UDC: 0'21-38:62(general) -9--6;_ 666166' ~6 &E c6i&i: IE10275[C61 3/V64/Va4 LAWOV) V. 1. Tyuryakcrv, B. I., Rom-anov, Yu. A., Lamanov, V. I., Si=lification of formlas. for calculating refraction distances of echo-sowiding at sea, Tr. Lenjngr. gidrom-eteorol. in-ta (Works of the Lerd-ngrad Hydrometeorological Ihstitute), No 5-6, 1956, p 146-159; TP-,ZhGeufiz 8/57-7685) BORODIN, V.M. D inzh.; LAIW40V, Yu.M., inzh. Machine for loading rods. Gor. zhur no-4:49-51 Ar, 163. (`(,,~A X. - 4j lo Nauchno-issledovatellakiy i proyektno-konstruktorskiy instiTut gornogo i obogatitel2nogo oborudovaniya.. Sverdlovsk. (Loading and unloading) uwov..4, A.. 1. Gharaslarlsticz Gf the inhibition of ovogenesis in the imaginal diapause in Derimoantcr margiriatuse Med. paraz. i paraz. bol, .34 -no,1:63-68 Ta-F 165. (Y---RA 18:8) 1. Kafedra biologii Karagwidinskogo neditsinskogo instituta. -LE, B.; IMMOV, R.I.; UR1WCHEYEV, F.A.; LIPATOVA, I.P.; KHASHAYEV, S.-Kh.G.; LAMANOVA, I.A.; BUIU"YEVA, R.G. Individual hydrocarbon composition of the petroleums of" Tataria. Report Ho-5: Ligroine from the petroleum of the Baviy Oil-Field. Izv. All SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.7:1310-1315 Jl"61. (14DU' 14:7) 1. Xhimicheskiy institut im. A.Ye. Arbuzova Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR. - (Bavly region--Petroleum) (Ligroine) LE, B.; URMMICHEYEV, F.A.; LIPATOVA, I.P.; BUKHARAYEVA, R.G.; LAMANOVA, I.A. Determination of the individual hydrocarbon coriposition of oils of the Tatar A.S.S.R.. Report No.6: Ligroin cbtained from petroleum of the Shugurovo oil field. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim. nauk no.10:1858-1863 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Kazanskiy institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. (Shugurovo--Petroleum--Analysis) (Ligroin) URMANCHEYVJ, F.A.'; LE, B.; BUKFARAYEVA, R.G.; LAMA~JOVA, I.A.; LIPATOVA, I.P. Determination of the irylividual hydrocarbon compositiin of gas- olines in oils of the Tatar A.S.S.R. RePort No-7: Gasoline from, Shugurovo oil fields. Izv.AN' SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.11:2063-2065 N 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Kazan'. (Sbugurovo--Gasoline) LEP B.; UIMNCBYE'V,, F.A~,.; BARANENHO, S.Yo.~ NOVIKOVA,, Ye.F., DUKJIARAYEM~ R.G..,, Z~~ LAMANOVA - I.A.- KUnHTJN0VA,, Determination of the indivIdual hydrocarbon composition of gas condensate fields of the Ukrainian SSR. Report No.l-. Averaged gq.~S- condensate of the-Shebelinlm field. Izv. AN SSSR Ser.1-him. no.10; 1809-1816 0 16,10 (MIRA 17.-3) 1. institut orgar-icheakoy khimii AN SSSR, Kazan' i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut gaza, KharIkov. LE, B.; KASHAYEV, S.-Kh.G.; ZINYATOV, M.Z.; LIPATOVA, I.P.; LAMANOVA, I.A. Raman spectra of normal paraffinic hydrocarbons Cll - G17 and their .- spin-lattice relaxation time. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 8 no.11: 22-24 N 163. (AURA 16:12) 1. Kazanskly institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR i Kazanskiy goaudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut. L 13092-66 EWT(1)1&n(m)1EWP(J).' IJP(c)/RPL WIGGIM4 :ACC NR: AP6002076 SOORCE CODE: UR/0201#/65/005/006/0 904/0908 :'AUTHOR: Mazitova, F. N.; Ryzhmanov, Yu. M.; Shagidullin, P. P.; Lamanova, L. A. ORG: Institute of krggniq ChlemistmP31 SSSR. Kazan (Institut organicbeskoy kbimii :AN SSSR) Phy_~~icqt~chnical Institute of Kqzan.,_.M_�,qSk_(Kazanskiy fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN JITLE: The EPR method of investigating the mechanism of antioxidant action iSOURCE: Neftekhimiya, v. 5, no. 6, 1965, 904-908 TOPIC TAGS: EPR, free radical, oxidation inhibiuir~ion, benzoyl iperoxide, EPR spectrum, spectrometer, Afj~,- !ABSTRACT: Oxidation of the methyl ester of o-amino-p-tert-butylrLhenq~]by benzoyl ;peroxide was studied in anhydrous benzene solution at room and slightly above room :temperatures using EPR technique for characterization of the intermediate products. IThe object of the work was to study antioxidant action in the methyl ester of o- )amino-p-tert-butylphenol. EPR spectra were taken at room temperature using a PE- radiospectrometer. The ester to peroxide molar ratio3 were: 1:1/8, 1:1/2, and [Cord 1/3 -----UDC:---5-lk2..,94-3.-82-:-541.124: 538.56: 53504. L13092-66- ACC NR-. AP6002076 1:1. It was found that the degree of ester oxidation is a function the amount of peroxide'used. The EPR spectra indicated formation of free radica0intermediates at all reactich stages. For the ester to peroxide ratio of 1*1 ihe*free radical formed of the'formula (see Fig. 1) was isolated by cbromotography using A1203 packing. The EPR spectrum of this radical is shown in rig. 2. Orig. art. has: 4 jigures. ISUB CODE: 07/ -SUBM DATE: 25Dec64/ ORIG.REr: 004/ OTHREF: 003 -2/3 L 13092-66 NR: AP6002076 on, oil, 4r4jj&COO-()-"-N its ~Fig. 1. The free radical formed during oxidation of the methyl ester of o-amino- :p-tert-butylphenol with an equimolar amount of benzoyl peroxide. [Card 4. b --J Fig. 2. The EPR spectrum of oxidation of the methyl ester of o-amino-p-tert- butylpbenol obtained after 20 hr oxida- tion at equimolar ratio of ester to peroxide. a - oxidation performed in an evacuated ampoule; b - stable oxidation product (free radical) isolated chromatographi- cally. 41"W"WAI-0-Rrepodavat e1 I . 'v, Gypsum and gypsum products made of hydrolysis waste products Stroi.mat. 4 no.10:39 0 158- (MIRA 11-ii) 1. Mrabarovskly stroitellnyy tekbnikum. (Hydrolysis) (Gypsum) LAMAIJOVA, N., prepodavatell How I h6lp my students succeed in their studies. Sell. stroi. 15 no.11:24-25 71 160,o (MIRA 13:11) 1. Khabgrovskaya shIkola msterov (desyatnikov). (13iabarovsk-Building trades--Study and teaching) LAMANOVA, R., prepodavatell. Using sand-,sawdust concrete in -Khabarovsk Territory. Sell. stroi. 16 no.10:16 0 161. UMU 14: 11) 1. Khabarovskiy stroitelinyy tekhnikum. (Khabarovsk Territory-Concrete) L 411,19, 1~~ t ACC NRs SOURM-7.00DU /IJM900/142/009~/9097 AUTHOR: Lama!~O~,,, N. V. ORG: none TITLE: Forecasting of level fluctuations in the Klaypeda Strait SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentr_allnvv_institut progn.ozov. Trudy, no. 142, 1965. Marskiye Prog- nozy i rasc_fie-t_y__,(_M___a_r_ine forecasts and calculations); materialy Vsesoyuznogo soveshcha- niya, noyabrl 1963 g., 95-97 TOPIC TAGS: weather forecasting, atmospheric pressure &xkidioent-, cyclone ABSTRACT: Level Tiuctuation resulting from atmospheric pressure and cyclones is dis- cussed on the basis of observations made at the Kl~~ypeda Obsery ory in 1962-63. The water levels of the Baltic Sea "and Bay of Kursk, atmospheri~~j~es~e and cyclones strongly-*--- , river runoff (mean daily value of 40-10~ m influence level fluctuations in the KlayV-da Strait. An equation developed by L. L. Markova in 1956 was applied for level forecasting in the strait, and found to be of value where small atmospheric pres- sum gradients predominate in the southern part of the Baltic Sea. Since cyclones passi 'over the same part of the Baltic Sea, it is necessary to consider the coastal trans- ,fox,mation of long waves. Orig. art. has:. 1 formula, I figure. COM 041/ SUBM DATE: .-none Card LAW,no",'A '!. If,,, -.~ - -f- cns cf :,l.r leve! of' the Kl--Lpr--.da Strait. qr!_zdy , s -, c r , - -1 T P , - - .!,Y,2:95-? '( - (M, A 18: 10) q, w A-:I LMfi~a- d 0 R NowlMelboi:if VMS;;, Jr, d eVerinITAU on vf adf'~lum prm - Miamkowe i-owa.~roell* Aatld~iexv _mnamania. Wow- IL -;O14 nit pr2cm. s v&tr#-cnla Iwi~j~mfmd matocyik u". y. 4anle krAmu , . 1-24%"4-- tabs mny. lid., 3.- ism, 24 A-Imlliva 4i'dis4RA-4 -of, 11trim -ttrk - wk~lbjv- e1 cadmium dtf~ ~ , M-11,b~.prwPitation frowntiaral solulJop xucb--P~ caspe t , ' emv with larming-4 d soluti i InMuria. o~vrxfamlO onj jino by iu ITO Yth urationd.sultable fof~prartlra)--um T e*mtthod cannot, 1:esenrb .0 comin be und M W- 14hia) -form 'anshily soluble =~Oarifdts: tsucb am, 4hp, i" tb ta PD a. wiuM Saimpplum stelm cirrled out 47 .41 0 Itud Pm Z417 (Eng d; C.A. 4 A+tbl, ppto. from neutral LONW3 a kamn vol. o T t ;k% f. f ) Kandw4 soln. and mbsequent titration.o J j h )j Ltblitoln. with-MA Is given. T n j, 6 eutral.CdSD i6lff. I'd,0.1038M SOM. of I ond 3 ML ol IM C4(N ' ' i ml- -Alt& 1045tuln. 'And dil. t62DD titrate I dtht 1 'j%pef*Wit,Hquld vAth E360i and det. the of III Pb*+, dith., caniidt be =zde in presence of Zu ++, ' -Cqtttztlom;K+ and M+sults and bulditinscorapils . , , . Gem A, NVottly IAMANSKAYA, H.S. The effect of n .yridozine on the acid-producing and sec-etory functions of the stomach. Trudy ISGMI 50:156"163 158. (MIRk 12:1) L 'Kafedra propedevtiki vnutrennikh zabolevaniy (zav. - prof. S.M. Ryss) ;;ningradsk'ogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (VITAMIN 36, effects on gastric juice acidity & secretion in patients with ,,astrointestinal dis. (Rus)) (GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASMS, physiology gastric juice acidity & secretion, eff. of vitamin 36admin. ME;)) (GASTRIC JUICE, acidity & secretion in patients with gastrointestinal dis., eff. of vitamin B6admin . (Rua)) LAMARK, M.B. ~- What remainsiD be done in order to give botan7 that degree of excellence which it cannot do without. 16 no.6:15-22 '59. (MA 13:5) (Botany) LAMAROVA, M. "A gateway covered with grass." p. 28 (Ceskoslovensky Vojak) Vol. 6, no. 23, Nov. 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 LAMASHP F.K. Potato proportioning device for the apparatus of the Paziruk.- Chudinov system (APCh-25). Kons. i ov.prom. 18 no.3:17-18 Yx 163. NIRA 16:3) 1. Maloritskiy ovoshchesushillnyy zavod. (Proportioning equipment) BILETSIM, M.L., inzhener; DATSINKO. I.X., kandidat tekhnic),eskikh nauk; KLIMXNKOO V.M., inzhener; IAKASH. I-D-, inzhener: HAGUIA. G.I.; FAVLE 0, V.A., inzhener;--UHUMACHMMO. T., veduchiy redaktor; GOLOVCHMO. G., tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Kenual on the use of automobiles on collective farms] Posibnyk po ekepluatataii avtomobiliv u kolhospakh. Kylv, Derzh. vyd-vo tekhn. lit-ry URSR, 1956. 370 p. (MLTLA 10:2) (Collective farms) (Automo'biles) 1-0 LAMASH, I.-D.. Wages for drivers, senior drivers and managers of collective farm garages. Avt. transp. 34 no.6:5-6 Je '56. NLRA 9:9) 1. GlavW Inzhener transportnogo otdela Minleterstva sel'skogo khozyaystva USSR. (Transport workers) (wages) L&MASH, 10- VWIW~Oww~ Ixperience consolidating automotive transport organizations. Avt. transp. 35 no.1:9 Ja .157. (MLRA 10:3) 1. 14inisterstvo sel'skogo khozyaystva Ukrainakoy SSR. (Ukraine--Transportation, Automotive) - IAMSH, I.-D,inzh. Proper u39 of tires. Kekb.sill.hosp. 11 no.2:28-29 ? 160. (HIU 13:6) (Motortrucks-Tires) LAMASH,,I.D.; STR2-LKOVSKIY, A.A. tStrelkovslk.Ti, A.A.], inzh. Extend the introduction of night repair of motortrucks. Mekh. sip. hosp. 13 no.9:13-14 S 162. (MIRA 17:13) 1. Respublikanskoye obl'yedineniye "Ukrsillgosptekhnika". LAMASHI I., inzh. Stations for the maintenance of collective fam motortrucks. Mekh. sill. hosp. 13 no.4:16-17 Ap 62. Off RA 17: 3) .. I i;." LAMASH,.I.D... inzh.; STRELKOVSKIY, A. [Strolkov,stkiy, A.], inzh. Introduce the brigade method in the operation of ,nbtortrucks. Mekh. sill. hosp. 14 no.7:17-18 J1 163. (MRA 17:2) LAMASH., 1. Maintenance station for motor vehicles used on farms. Avt.transp. 41 no.4:24-25 Ap 163. (MM 16:5) 1 1. Nachallnik transportnogo otdqj.a respublikanBkogo ob"yedineniya Soveta Ministrov UkrSSR rUkrsellkhoztekhnika". (Ukraine--Motor vehicles--Maintenance and repair) -,LAMASOV, A.A. Mastering the manufacture of a v-shaped cylinder block. Lit.proizv. no.7:8-9 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Founding) (Automobiles--071inders) RASTIMESHIN, N.I.; AGAFONOV, A.A,; LAMASOV, A.A. Semiautomtic core-blowing and sandBlinging "ZIL" machine f or coremaking. Idt. proi2v. no.10:26-28 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Goremaking-Equipment and supplies) LAMASOVY A.A.; OSTROV, Yc.I.; IVATOV, D.P., doktor takim. nauk, :---fe-b-senzent; K01141MV, L.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [Casting gray cast iro- parts for motor Yehicles; practice of the Likhachev Automobile Plant] Proizvodstvo avtorobill- riykh otlivok iz serogo chuguna; iz opyta Ma. 1.',oskva, Izd- vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 1432 P. (MIRA 17:8) 0: ron the TtirnOver erft t 01- t 51 LAMBA, K.D., inrh.z SELETSKAY, L.J., inzh. Gluing concretle elements by means of an epoxy-furan composition. Shakht.stroi. 9 no.11:23-26 N 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Mentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskly i proyektno-konstruktorski,, I institut podzemnogo shakhtnago stroitelistva. FIDRIAN, Petru, prof. (Dej); MARUSTERU, St., (Baia Mare); HERLING, C., student; KTSAN, L.C., student (Bucuresti); IONESCU-TIU, C.; COSTACHESCU, C.V.; LAIMELL,-Stellan (Constanta); LIVIU, Petre (Pucioasa)- STRATESCU, Ion, student; BRIMANESCU, V., elev (Constanta~- KLIM, Bratu, student (Bucuresti); TEMPEANU, C. (Hunedorara~; CALINESCUI Aurelian (Brasov); MUNTEANU, Valentin (Cluj); OPREA, Miron (Ploiesti),- MIRAILEANU, N.; TIGANOIU, Al., inginer; Buicliu, Ch.; POPA, Eugen I. (Iasi) Proposed problems. Gaz mat B 14 no.8:481-485 Ag 163. 1. Institutul Politehnic Bucuresti (for Herling). D. :)o U-no D. GlICLESCU;' T. [o 111 f 13 UMBER, Jul-i--n,, Dr. (Lengyelorszag) The future 6"f geophysics. Musz elat 17 no.4:7 F 162. 1 't 1. A Lengvel Tudomanyos Akademia*leofizikai bizotssganak elnoke, a Varsoi Allami Hidrologiai as Meteorologiai Intezet igazgatoja. LWA, Konstantin Dmitriyevich-, ZVORYKINA, L.N., red.izd-va; LWILINA, , L.11.,; GAWOVA, Y.Y., [Use of plastics in coal mining] Primenenie pleatichaskikh mass v ugollnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo lit-ry ~o gornomu delu, 1960. 79 P. (MIRA 13:5) Coal mines and mining-Equipment and supplies) (Plastics) LAMBA, K.D.., inzh.j VASILEVA, S.V.p inah. Adhesivero for fusing concrete and "pLwticl oanerate structures in underground construction. ShAkbt.stroio 6 no.3.ltl4-16 N 162. (KM 15:12) 1. Mentralln7y nauabno-iosladovatellskiy i proyektno-konstruktorskiy inatitut podzemnogo shakhtnogo stroitallat7a. (Concrete constructions) (Adhesives) LAMBA, K.D.; SELETSKIY, L.I.; ROMNOVA, V.A. Study of the propert!es of plastic concrete. Trudy- 7-;lj--,IFodzemshakhstroia no.2.168-172 163. OVITRA 17; 5) 1: LEONESCU, MI. dr.; PEREDERI, S., dr.; BUTOIANU, C., dr.; DUNA, F., dr.; LAMBA,_N., dr..i In colaborare cu: DINESCU, G.p dr. Catarmestic data in dysentery. Med. intern. 15 no.10:1219-1223 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics, I do boli contagioase I.M.F. (director: Prof. M. Voiculescu). 2. Spitalul de boli con- tagioase "Colentinan (for all but Dinescu). (DYSEIMRY) (DIAGNOSIS) NICOLESCU, Nicolae; CARUNTU,,*Florin-, CAMUESCU, Victoriap VASILIU, Mircea; TEODORESCU, Sanda; VALERIU, Anea; LAMBA, Nicolae A sporadic case of Q fever diagnosed radiologically and confirmed serologically (6 cases). Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.34:1075-1078 25 Ag 161. 1. 1 a II klinika infekenich chorob, Bukurest, reditele prof. dr. M. Voiculescu a prof. dr. M. Bals. (Q FEVER diagnosis) LAMBA, P.D... inzh. "Testing of the coolers ol, tys brak-ing air." [Sbor.trad .] ?IT ZxT I no.32%247-257 161. (WRA 16:12) LAMU, Stelian, prof. (TuzIa) Solved problems; problem E: 1631. Gaz mat B 13 no.3:164-165 Mr 162. 67- *97 _USMA~Mlstry Coal ,Card 1/1 Publ. 22 - 45/63 Auviora I Ettinger, 1. L.; lomba, E. G.; and Adamovs Vo Go Utle Tie'role of gas as a reducer of coal solidity ~Ifti, vi Odic'al Dok. AN sssR .99/6, io57-1060, Dee 21, 1954 1bstract- Experiments were a -onducted to determine the causes for coal softening (loss in-solidity) under the effect of gas pressures and to explain the connection between solidity reduction of coal and their geological disturtiance* He- sults' showed that the Softenlre-of coal-le.connected urith their gas absorp- tion and that the change in cE461 solidity In the mass during cut-off venti- lation is connected with the Increase In partial gas pressure and reduction in intensity of gas desorptioL from the coal. Eight USSR references (1936- .1950-Vables; drawing. Distitution Academy ofSaiences USSR6 Mining 1hatItute 1~resentIed by .-Academiaian A..A. Skochinskiy, luly 7,' 1954 AUTHOR FITTI, GER I.L.,LAMBA YD,G.,ADAMOV V.G., MAIM20-2-40/67 TITLE Gas Medium Destruction Process~s-. (Roll gazovoy oredy v protsessakh rezrusheniya uglya -Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,1957,Vol 113,Nr 2,PP 383-386(U.S.S.R.) Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT The Problem of the influence of the gas medium on the solidity properties of coal, most seams of which are in this medium, is interesting from the practical point of view.The methodology app- lied was described in a former paper.Here the interrelation bet- ween the effect of action of the gas medium or of different gases respectively on the solidity of fossil coal and its natural deran- gement of structure as well as its degree of metamorphism is inve- stigated. The solidity is caused by injuries of the most different kinds.For a meterial as highly porous as coal, the surface effects are especially important, all the more as the surrounding gases a- re well adsorbed on its surface.As in the case of liquids, the ad- sorbed molecules bidimensionally penetrate along fine,not entirely developed cracks.In consequence of the decreasing surface tension these molecules favour the formation of new micro-cracks and pre- vent their closing.In the course of deformation of the coal new cleavage planes develop, which ran through the coal as sphenoid cracks.These newly formed surfaces are incrusted with adsorption layers.Among other things the natural micro-cracks lower the soli- Card 1/4 dity of fossil coal in the seam with a gas adsorption occurring at Gas Medium in Coal-Breaking Destruction Processes. XILLTMOW 20_~Iiqhan the same time.The authors investigated the solidity of loo samples and of 5 different types of derangement of the Btrac- ture in the air, C02 and OH4 under pressure of 40 atm.over pres- sure.The physical adsorption for C02 and CH is chairacterizin.a. The quantity of dust developini- c A t g on the o ca ion of orushing he coal was measured in all of the three gases.From ill.1 it is e- vident that solid sorts of coal have less micro-craks and there- fore their solidity is not injured by gases. Weak and easily cru- shable coals, on the other hand, are weakened even more by the action of CH and C02- Ill.2 shows(in semilogarithmic coordinates) the average listance between micro-cracks and the dust develop- ment in C02. On the occasion of a mechanical influence on coal in gas mediy also the micro-oracks, with the exception of influences on large surfaces, have an effect.If such preliminary derangement is lacking, the gas alone is not able to produce new cleavage planes between coal and gas and thus to promote the destruction of the coal along these planes. Methane has a similar, though we- aker effect than C02.1n the seam the coal is saturated with gas. Here the gas has no weakening effect but prevents the hardening of the coal.A very fine methane cover(nearly look methane) is blown away on the occasion of active ventilation. Although the methane supply from deeper layers intensifies, it stays behind the escaping of gas. The gas pressure in the exterior coal layers de- Card 2/4 creases, the decomposing gas-effect int the micro-craks dimini- Gas Medium in Coal-Breaking Destruction Processes. shes, and the miner subjectively notices that the c0 one more solid.When swithching off the ventilation this phenomenon stops Experiments with universal compression of coal (1000-4000 kg/cm~) had not shown any differences in ~;ingle gas media.Obvious- ly the gas layers adsorbed in the micro-cracks prevent the clo- sing of these cracks.Within the frame of the same petrographic type coals of an average metamorphism (K and PS) are the least so- lid. Younger and riper coals have a better resistance against me- chanical influence.In order to watch the interrelation between the effect of the actioh of the gas medium on the properties of solidity of the coal and the degree of metamorphism, coals of the same degree of decomposition, however, of different yield of vo- latile substances were investigated. The maximum yield of dust de- veloped with coals of average degrees of metamorphism. The condi- tion of natural decomposition is the main factor for the weaki- ning gas effect on coal. The degree of metamorphism in connection with an equal degree of decomposition has the same effect on the solidity in the system ooal-air as in the system coal-easily ad- sor~able gas. The size of the molecules is here less important than the sorption capacity of the respective gas. Despite the size of the molecules the effect diminishes according to the series C02-CH4-H2, which is confirmed by the graph obtained. showing the Card 3/4 sorption influence of the gases on the solidity of the coal. Gas Medium in Coal-Breaking Destruction Processes. 20-2-40/0 (With 4 illustrations, 5 citations from publications). ASSOCIATION PRESENTED BY SKOCHINSKIY A.A., Academy-Member SUBMITTED 5.6-1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 4/4 1JUMBA) Ye.G. 04o~31-va); F'rTINGI-R, Determining the methme cuitert of native coals at preasures up to 50 at. Izv. Ali &95?, I.Ilat. i gor. delo no.2-:188-191 mr-Ap 64 (.-Milk 17-.8) 1. Instilut gornoc-o dela imeni A.A. Skochinskogo. U ETTINGER I.L - CHAPLINSKly, A.; LAMM) Y(i.(,,.; ADAMV, V.G. I . ., Comparative sorption mpacity of fossil ccalL, as ',c, dioxide gas ans methane under pressures ranging up to 40 atm. box!. All SSSR 161 no.1:214-217 Mr 165. (MIRIt 18:3) 1. Submitted July 4, 1964. LOSR/Puels C FD-2623 Card 1/1 : Pub. 41-9/21 ~j Author : Lamba, Ye. L. and Ettingez I. L., Moscow Title : Measurement of the sorptional properties of coal during its oxidation Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 4, 110-119, Apr 1955 Abstract : Studies the reasons for the changes in gas separation indices. Takes into account the fact that in newly developed coal basins the specimens do not undergo laboratory investigation immediately upon uncovery. Examines the rate of desorption of methane during coal storage. Describes method of determining initial degree of gas separation. Proposes reasons for the decrease in the gas separation index of coal during storage. Lists properties of coal taken from various mines and regions. Graphs, tables. Ten references, 9 LISSR. Institution Submitted November 22, 1954 C O-.j N n, TZ BULG-.! RIA I Ch el-ni c p ITee'rPoln"- Clipmicpl jr(,di3c' CATEGORY ts and Their A-D-VIAcations. Fcod Industry AE~,. JOUIR. 23 83840 -A 0 IT HA 0 R Lombs-d7bivev A I'lip-ber Insfiiiii.e of Pood InOustry, Plox.,Oiv. T I T Lf,,' Suitability of Hard Biilgrrian Wbeat for the Conr)ositinrt Imy-1rovement of Grinding Grain Mixttlres OIRY'r -FU Fj Nauchni I.r. Vis::h. in-t Ihrcait. i vkus. nrom- -st- plovdil 7 1~457,8, 4.. 7,3-95 ABSTRACT Elmsee, or) the stud! es of bhing (iimlii-ies of hs well V ftr 10 11 S Fr (I e s, c. f h P- r d i 1 ii d s o f t w h ea lu nro fts their ridx~mres, quality im vement of the WOU]" whepat f-rhin (for exiimr,le-, "O)iermnn", No 159 and ol"hers) wps aeemed feRsible and s,!At,inp-ble -1brouph the -addition of lv.rd whe,11. ,,rF mixtu-.res. LAMER, Tadeusz Testing of fatigue of extraction ropes using the rescntnce pulcat,:r. Medhanika Gliwice no. 8:3-14. 161 1. K&tedra Yechanild Technicznej, Foaltechnika Slaska, Gliwice, LAMBER, Tadausz, mgr inz. Kinematics and kinetics of the brake system of extracting =achines ie-t:p-- consideration of the effective degree of freedom. Przegl mech 21 no.2-2: 705 25 N 162. 1. Katedra Mechaniki Teohniczn9j, Politechnika Slaska, Gliwice. 1AI413ER I Tadeusz Work analysis of the brake system of hoisting machines. -L Mlechanika Gliwice no. 20:9-37 163. 1. Katedra Ilechaniki Techniczpej, Politechnika, Gliwice. , 6.t '-/)A) 8C-R &1 -1 - I Colloid mill for the production of bituminous !~Ulj/ Sion, - N. KItwIvA,,v ati-I It A. 1-111, - ' I d" 114. 18. N-1, 14, 30 1 W."', -111 , "1'l, A 'lli-th N I IAMMG ~ B. A. 29003 Kollsidnaya mallnitsa cllya proizved5tva bit-Lmmykh emullsiy. Gidrotekhn. Strvit-vo# 1949, lio. 9 's . 3 0 - -11 SO: Letopial Zhurnalinykb Stateyj Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949 LAMBERG, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; RYZHKOV, N.S., inzh. Stresses in steam turbine rotors. Energomashinostroenie lC no~jl: 46-47 Ja 164. IMI;rA i-:-ij' DEI-U-----T--YEV, I.V., dotsent; im6h.; ~,~OFJIOi.OV, ?rini'mali uchasti-e: r~21;11,~!I`N, LA.-:131"Imp !I J.P-boratory investipation of c~vinrr systp~s rittcl-T levels of the northern 11,arabash deposit. izv. v,,r.,;. uclheb. nav.; gor. zhur. '? no.10:15-21 164, l. "Ivei-djov.~;kjy gr),-jj.,r; lr-:.Aitut i~%,%Ijj (I,o,. i i)royektn,i,! jnstitit (,f'cr Sol'i-oncv). rudii .Ui i r-cisslipriykii rozhdeniy Sverdlov3koj7c) !7QrI)0t;O Tistit, La. LAMBERGER, Ilona; M&TE, Ferenc Sour soil melioration experiments at Karacsond. Agrokem talajtan 11 no-3-4:355-368 D 162. 1. Magyar Tudomyos Akademia Talajtani es Agrokemiai Kutato Intezetp Budapest. MA-16, F.; LAMBFRGER, 1. New achievemsnts in manurini,-, a 'd soils with liyc- in H,,,.ng 7 -L ar . Agrokem talajtan 13 Suppl.s],23-128 I~y 164. 1. Research ln.Stit~tt() of' Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of' Sciences, Budapest. T 71 Ir J- LA::-r;-E-`Y, Y. ~-echanizaticn of animal inelustr~ . p. ",(A Vol. 6, Ro. 19, Oct. 19116. 1- I CF-LISACE ZEILDaS aV 1 ACRICUIn-RL' Praha, Czechoslovakia So: East Euro..ean Accession, Vol. 6, 111-o. '31 !."zrch 1,917 LAMBERK, K. Feeding stuffs, the cornerstone of further development in animal production. P. 313. (Mechanisace Zemedelstvi, Vol. 7, no. 14, JulY 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. MATSKEVICH,- V.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; LAMBEROV, V.G., inzh. Terminology of thermal cutting. Svar. proiz-v. no'.8.36-3? A9 164. (14IRA 17:9) IAKBMWV, A.; ANDROYNY, V. Golden animals. On-zat-az"Ri23-2-5 D '56. (MIaA 10: 2) 1. Sovkhoz Mrasnoyarskly" Krasnoyarskogo kraya. (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Sable) LAMBEROV, A. Heroes' flowers. IUn.nat. no.5:9 My 157. MRA 10:7) (Gladiolus) (Truk-hni, Pavel Illich) LAMEERT,r., ing. Basio principles ot automatic regulationa Metrologia apl 10 no-10?433-440 0"6,0 IAMBERTJ, V. . ing. Determining the tank capacity used in storage and transport of liquids. Metrologia apl 11 no. 2* 69-75 F 164. .-, , f~e. . 4--l"i'... , ~,Mft LAMBERTtY.9 ings' .~fli , I ~ t I ch sJ4 cheakin g of liquid meters. Metrologia apl 11 no*3t 114-111 )Tr 164. ~,,,V44.t