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Atomnaja Energija,.I, faso.2, 2-10 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1608 Results: experimental theoretical Rzidius of critical mass with water in the channels 60 (om) 59 dto. without water in the channels 101 99 The maximum activity at the beginning of a ds working period (10"linear om") correi to an activity A K of (4,5+0,2)10- r 0,114-0p005 Opi222 Activity control: a) with I manual control rod in the interior ring 0,013+0,001 0,12 b) with 1 manual control rod in the exterior ring 0 007+0P001 0,007 C) with 2 looking rods 0:018;0,002 0,02 The probability of escaping resonance capture (I The fission ratio of U 235 -0,906+0,015 - in the epicadmium region 8,3% INSTITUTION: AM -PWS I MOM XXPWITATION 3OV/2583 ~Itorna tonal Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Rng*rSy. Geneva, 2958. 2n4, Zolaadr sovat skikh uohenykh; yadarnyyo reaktory I yadernaya oner- gottim. (Reports of Soviet Scientists; Nuclear Reactors an4 MCI*" r~owqr) Moscow, Atoalzdatp 1959. 707 p. (Barisal Ited Trudy, vol. 2) Brreta Slip inserted, U#000 copier printed. 6mortl Zds,e N.A. Dollothalp Cor-mLkv-2nding Member# 933R Academy 6, US, A.r- KraaLn, r-jetor of Physical and Mathematical Science, C1 A. skly, Member, Ukraintan SSR Academy of 30sness, I I v# Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Science$# and '; ;. Vtwtav# Doctor of "leal and Mathematical Set%-Xes; 19d.t A 1yev; ?*at&. Zd.t To. 1. KLzelf. PURPOSIX This book Is Intended for scientists and engineers Ong In reactor designing, as well as for professors and students a? higher technical schools whore reactor design Im taught. WALP OF -- ~-' "LMW_ j!_TLF __.M a energy. The six volumes contain the repo~_Es -pro- sentod by Soviet scientists at the Second Intesmational Conference 011 P*"*rul DUOS of Atomic ftergy, hold from September 1 to 13o 1958 In Gonave- Volume 2 coasists of three parts. The first is devoted to atooLla Power plants under construction in the Soviet Unl*nj the second to experimental and research reactorap the ex- perisects carried out on them* and the work to latprove tham; and the third, tftlcb is predominantly theoretical, to probleme; or nuclear reactor Physics and construntlon engineering. Tu. 1. lbrfakin is the mclance editor of this volume. $*a SOV/20BI Par titter or all volumes or the got. Rererencox appear at the ortleles. WAgtovoy. V.1.,.V.S. Dikargy, M.D. Yogizarot, and TU. S. S&ItYk0v- neaLiring Neutron Spectra in Uranium Water LattICOM (Report 5" No. 2152) Nyasln, AJL, B.O. Dubovskly,_X.N. Lantsoy.L ya-yu- 01&zkOv, Z7X--CF -Iff, V,V. Vayllov, It. Clancharov A.V. JCamayov, . *rave T.~I. Ky-ti., and A.?. Senchonkov. Studying the P"DicAl CM,grgatorlotlas of a Ber7llium-soderator Reactor (Report No. 2146) ---- ---- Gamic, A.D., S.A. Nemiravokaya, A.?. Rudik, Yu. 0. Aboy, V.P. Nolbdno and P.A. Krupchltakiy. Critical Rxperimont on an Zxporl. eantal Heavy-water Reactor (Report No. 2036) 5TO Naxchuk, 0.1.p V. Ta. Pupkor Ye. 1. FogudalInap.V.V. Smolov, X.P. Tyutereva B.T. Platonova* and 0.1. Drutzhinina. Certain Pro. bl*us in Nuclear Reactor Physics and Methods of Calculating Thou (Repoet No. 2L51) !38 Sirjutinp G.V. and V.N. Sweeney. Determination of Cant I , d Nffeativeness In a Cylindrical Reactor (Report No. 246950 0 613 Gel-fand, I.K., S.M. Fornbarg, A.3, Frolovp and N.Y. Chentoov. Using the Monte Carlo Method of Random Sampling f~r Solving the linstla Zquatlou (Report go. 2141) 626 A420tio - * 893 utron D.4.stribution in a Noterogeneous Radium (Report .:Iil 6:4 Xaxarnovakly, X.V., : r'. Stepanov, and P.L. Shapiro. Neutron --yaormall2ation and Diffusion in us Ty Media (Report No. 2148) 651 Voyalk, A.I., V.S. Yermakovp and A.V. Ly1cov. tieing the Onsager Theory for Studying Neutron Diffusion in the Absorbing Media of Vaci*ar Reactors (Report No. 2224) 668 Sroder, D.L., S.A. Earkin, A.A. Rutuzov, V.V. Levin, and T.T. Orlov. Studying the Spatial and Zn*rg7 Distribution or yeatrons in Difr*rent Media 'Report No. 214T) 674 DgItriyev A D. Boron Ionization Chambers for Work In Nuclear Reactors IR*;ort No. 2084) 690 KIrillt.n. V.A., and S.A. Ulybin. Lxpertmental Determination or p iric volumes or Has *a 2Zy water In a Wide Temperature and Pres- ure Range (Report No TI) 696 21(9), 50) SOV/13.9-6--5-9/33 AUTHOPS: Dubovskiy, B. G., Lantsovy Y1. 11. TITLE: On the Problem of the Use of Organic Compounds as Moderators in Nuclear Reactors (K voprosu o primenenii organicheskikh soyedineniy v kachestva zamedl:iteley v yadernykh reaktorakh) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959P Vol 6, Nr 5, PP 563-564 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a small vater-moderated and water-cooled reactor various organic substances are investigated for the purpose of de- termining their properties when used as moderator instead of water. The fuel elements (highly enriched uranium) were placed in a triangular lattice the pa.,~ametera of which are Ual,ulated. The critical state is attained by raising the moderator level in the reactor tank. The radius of the active zone remained the same in all experiments. At the sides and at the bottom the active zone was surrounded by a reflector made from iron and from a mixture of iron+mcderator. As upper reflector the ends of the fuel elements were used, vhich exceeded the height of the active zone in the critical arrangement by about the double. The critical mass, the rate of reactivity increase in the case of an increasing modera- Card 113 tor level, and the Laplacian distribution n2 of the thermal BOY189-6-5-9133 On the Problem of the Use of Organic Compounds as Mloderators in Nuclear Reactors neutron were experimentally determined. The known methods were employed for the purpone of measuring the quantities mentioned. For the follovi,-W, moderators measuring results are tabulated: Water, (CH ) CHCH Oil OH9 CH . C H CH OH, C11 C H 3 2 2 2 2(CH2)4CO" 6 5 2 3 6 5 87% HCOOH, mixture of vario%is organic compounds. The follow- ing data are given: 1) Ratio between hydrogen and U235-concentralion. 2) Critica", mas2- 3) Ratio of the critical 4 volume of the active zone, referred to normal water. 4) Koo. 5) T. 6) Number of hydrogen nuclei in 1 CM3. 7) Number of moderator nuclei -in 1 cm3. 8) Daniil`-y and boiling point. The following conolusions may be drawn from measuring results; 1) If, in a water-cooled and water-moderated reactor, organic liquids are substituted for water (as moderators), this entails no essential increase of the critical volume of the rbactur. The slight increase of the volume of the active zone is due only to gr'eater -neutron leakage. 2) The increase of neutron age in organic liquids develops more slowly than Card 2/3 the decrease of hydrogen concentration in these liquids. SOV/89-6-5-9/33 On the Problem of the Use of Organic Compounds as Moderators in Nuclear Reactors 3) As organic liquids contain carbon, their neutron age is con- si-"arably less than the neutron age of water (in the case of one and the same hydrogen concentration). This property of organic liquids (especially (CH 3)2 CHCH2CH2OH) will probably play a mure important part in future, if these liquids are intended to be used as a protective biological shield for reactors of small dimensions ,4) In order to obtain more ac- curate results, which'are necessary for oompariDon, it is ad- visable to use fuel elements with lower uranium enrichment in reactors with organic moderators. The following persons assisted in the experimental part of this investigation: Ye. A. Plaksin, V. M. Fedorav, L. A. Geraseva and V. V. Vavilov. Professor A. K. Krasin suggested that this investigation be carried out, and he also discussed the results obtained. U. I. Inyutin, P. A. Palibin and V. P. Sheludfko assisted in preparing the work of measurement. There is I table. SUBMITTED: January 6, 1959 Card 3/3 MOROZOV, I. G.; WMEI, Ye. I.; LANTSov, m. N.; PLAKSIN, Ye. A. "Experiment-91 investigation on phypical characteristics of water-water reactors for small power plants." report submitted for 3rd Intl Conf, Peaceful Useq of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 31 Aug-9 Sep 64. L 24Mtg EWf(x))WF(a)/tPF(n)-?AM h4VF*41~u-4 1K NR- AP50012L66 S/00891e4/01710000448/0452.' AUTHOR: Sing3e. -N )~~~;.Pychkbv, I.- IF,- Bl~kl",, 0. L; 45. y--- Br6der." 1), I..,Gabri)sev, V Dudnikov- hilot Yin ~V. a -V L zlikin, - G. A. q-0chkin, 0. A.;'Mer P Mnrozov I KpMtaE~~. Ideceas'ed); 0hokharjue I, I )BOMM M 'A. I *1)Wr,:%re'v- -'P- jq. . lUghaknv, M % FqdorK,,~-N. V. Chqrmyl, Y. Yo. *.Shmelev." -V~ M-1 TITLE: imali- site atomic eleethe powerok, ~allatlon TES- 3 SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. -17, no. 6, 1964, 448-i52 TOPIC TAGSL smaU atomic po"r installation, portable~atomte power Installa-., tion nucleat reactor, electric power generatioozS-a reactor ABSTRACT: The paper to a, summary of the SSSR report 0310 at the Third Inter- Jpp.a.Xponfe nee on EencefulUsesofAt omic En !R.Geneva, 1964i It describes a movable snual- size atomic electric power Installation with the water cooled and moderated TES-3 reactor(undir 10,000kw). It consists of four COMI/2 L 4ftx* 'ACCESSION NR: AP5001260 .blocks each of which'*as assembled at the -manufacturing plant, and whic.h'are-' placed on four self-propelled flatcars on caterpillar tracks. No housing to re- quired for the Installation; the only local preparation needed Is the radiation protection. The results with a demonetkation model show a satisfactoo agree- 3nent between the th~oretlcally expectettl and actually obtained parametera; of the installation. OrIg. art. has: 4 figures ASSoCIA77ON: None LPNM: 00 bUBMwEv.. Do SUB CODE: NP NR REF 5011: 000' CYMER-. L&NTSOVq N.I.0 iuzb. .I&Yivg petroleum pipelines in fr6zeu ground. Stroi. prad. meft. prchm. 3 noe'3:6-10 Mr 158.' (MIRA 11:6) (Petroleum-Pipelines) (Frozan ground) LANTSOV. V.A., inzhener. I ,.,m --affamm"2w, . AMUets of the MoBcow NIS W. Rech.transp. 13 no.1:47-48 Ja-F '53. (KI2A 6:11) (Loading and unloading) inzh.; .4diULr,,.-,AA%LOl'.Vevich, kand.'takhn. mauk; CHISTMOV, A.T. A.S., red. idz-va; FMIKIRL, Ye.Ai, tekhn. .red, [Economic efficiency o:! comprehensive mechanization in housing construction] Zkonomidheskaia effeicti~uostl konplekeno'l Meldul- nizateii v zhiliifichnom stroitelletve, Teningrad, %s,.izd-vo lit-ry po strolt., arkhit.' i stroit. materialan, 1958. 103 p. (Apartment houses) (MIRA 11:7) b` . LA.NTSOV, V., kand. tekhn. nauk. f_~ ~._ - Automatic paint rollir. Stroitell no.3:11 Mr 158. (XIBA 11:2) Minting, Industrial-Equipment and supplieel AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: SOIAOO-58-3-ve Lantsov, V.A. Candidate of Technical Scien:;ev The Me-f-h-od-o-f-Defining the Efficiency of New Building Machines. ( 0 metodike oprodeleniya ekonomichoskoy effektivnosti novykh stroitellnykh mashin.) Mekhanizatsiya Stroitellstva 1958,, NO-3 ) USSR) Pp 23-26 Criticism is made of the article by S.E. Kantorer. 11 Method of Defining the efficiency of New Building Machines" published in Mekhanizatsiya Stroitellstva 1 19577 No- 5. The weights of', various Russian cranes are illustrated diagrammatically. Thd- author advocates revision of the COST "1379-55 as far as building cranes are concerned. N.A. Boloban and A.A. Pichugin published relative figures evaluating cranes of various types. The author presents a formulat c A = Fb Qmin = H min ( Lmax - 1) Qmin Where A is general technical efficiency Pb is the vertical area of operation of crane qmin is minimum lifting capacity Lmax is highest reach of crane's arm Card 1/2 SOV/100~58-3-5/8 The Withod of Deflning the Efficiency of New Building Machines. Hmin is the highest level of the lifting hook c is the rail gauge I in the distance of the crane from the building Table I gives values of the lifting moments of cranes BK-5-195, BKSM-3-5-10 and SDK-2. The foremost organisation engaged in this comparitive analysis of cranes is the Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Organizataii.Mekhani%atsii i TekhnicheskoyP,),-nos~fhiStroitel'stva (Scientific and'Research tilte Tor the Organisation Mechanisation and Technical Advice to the Building Industry.) (NIIOMPT) ASiA SSSR. There is one diagTam and one table. AVAILABLE% Card 2/2 1. Construction equipment--Performance 2. Hoists--Design 3~ Matheniaties--Applications kand. takhn. nank. Xcononical effectiveness of mechanizing large-elemnnt construction. MO.. tekb. Inform. 4 no.2:12-15 Y 158. (MMA 110) (Building machinery) V.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk; MUSTBR. G.H., red. [Album of hoisting, conveying, loading, and unloadin'g, machinery an& equipment for making major repairs in apartment houses] Allbom pod*amno-transportnykh i pograzochno-razgraznchnykh mashin, makhanizmov i prisposoblenii dlia kapitalinogo remonta xhilykh domov.. Leningrad, 1959. 32 p. (MIM 13;9) 1f Akademiya kommunallnogo khozya!rstva. Laningradakiy nauchno- issledovatel'Bkiy inst.1tut. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) VOLKOV, G.~F., insh.; LANTSOV, V.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk; SRARYY, Yu*V,, kand.tekhr..nmik; RAYLW~ V.F., prof.. red.; ROTK~=G. A.S., red.izd-va; PULIXINA, Ye.A., [.C,omprehensive building up of cit blocks with large buildings; practices in Leningrad Komplekenaia zastroika kwartalov krupnoslementnymi zdaniiami; iz opyta Laningrada. Leningrad, Gos.igd-vo lit-r.7 po stroit.,.arkh!Lt. i stroit. mat ori alam, 1959o 124 p. (MIRA 1~:Q (Leningrad-Buililing) . -A- LANTSOV.-Y.N Imud. tekhn. nauk .- for small-scale mechanization. of transportation. Stroitell no.4:22 1p 159. - (MIRA 12;6) (Building materiale-Transportation) 4&ff_�O_V&,Y,vAw.,o-keLnd. t a khn.nauk Two sectional tower-hoist. Biul.tekh.inform.po stroi- 5 no.9:26 S '59. (MIRA 12-.12) (Hoisting machinery) I&YfSOV, V.A-#kand.tekhn.nauk ~ -:-~,,,~~ - M~ - Methods for vorking out tolerance 97atems. Pron.stroi. 37 no.3:49-52 Mr '59. WBA 12:4) (Tolerance (Nagineering)) LAW�Qy,.,:Vladimir..Awtoll.yovich, kond.tekhn.nauk,- MA OV, V.A., red.; ZAMYMMYAMA, I.M., rod.iza-va; LELTURIN, A.A., [Mechanization of hoisting and conveying-operations in making major repairs in apartment houses] Mekhanizatsiia podlemao- transportnykh rabot pri kapitallnom remonte zhilykh zdanii. Moskva, Izd-vo N-va kom-nn.thoz.RSYSEL, 1960. 113 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Apartment houses--Kaintenanee and repair) (Hoisting machinery) UIMOV, R.N.; LANTSOV V -A., starshiy usuchrgy sotr.; ALI PEEROVICH, A.I.; F"Ll I B. ~8-.O InZ., red.; KODABASHEVA, H.S., inzh., red.; YEFBY, MKO) V.P., inzh., red, [Hoists used in constructionl Stroitellz3ye pod."emnild; sbornik opi- sanii ratsionalizatorskikb predlozhenii. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit- ry-po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialamt 1961. 34 p. (Hlu 14: 11) 1. Akademlya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. InstitA organizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. Byuro tekbniche- skoy informataii. 2. Glavnyy konstruktor liteyno-mekbanichokogo zavoda Leningradskogo upravleniya zhi:LisbohWm khozyaystvom (for Ulanov). 3. Leningradskiy nauchno-issledovatel'Wdy institut Akademli kommunall- nogb kbozyaystva im. K.D.Pamfilova (for Lantsov). 4. GlavDyy inzbener TSentrallnogo remontno-nekhanicheakogo zavoda Ispolnitellnogo komiteta Moskovskogo gorodskogo oveta deputatov tx-Vdyashchikhsya (for Allperovich). Noisting machinery) USPENSKIY, Viktor VasiVyevich,- LANjEQYX-A,, kand.tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; YARPOV1,9 V.V,, Zand.tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.; ROWWRG., A.S., red. izd-va,- CHLIKAWMA, F.T.,, tekhn. red. [Growth potentials of labor productivity in housing construe- tion; from practices used in Leningrad] Rezervy rosta proizvoditelt- nost'i truda v 2hilishchnom stroitellstve; iz oprjta Leningrada. a Leninrad., Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 139 p. (MIRA 15:7) Construction industry-Labor productivity) (Leningrad-Apartment houses) LANTSOV, Vladimir Anatollyevich; PCHELKIN, Yu.V., red.; PRMCVA, Takum.rea. - [Mechanization of the major repair of apartment houses] Opyt mekl-nizatsii kapitallnogo remonte, zhilykh dorov. Leningrad., Lenizdat 196-1.. 3-17 p. (KERA 25:111) tGonstruction equipment) (Apartment bouses-Haintenance and repair) DONSKOY, Viktor 14Dhaylovich; IMITSOV, Vladirair Anatollyevich; LLVCHENKO, Ya.V., BEWGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red. [Meebanization of small-volume eart1worklMekhAnizatsiia zemlianykh rabot malykh obtlemov. Leningrad, 1962. 32 p. (Leningraclskii dom naucbno-tekbnichoslzoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Stroitellmaia promyshlonnost', (MIRA 15-11) (Eartbmoving machinery) LANTSOV,,V.A,, kand.tekhn.nauk; NALBANDOV,'B.A., inzh. Using chain saws in the major repair of buildings. StroiA dar. mash. 7 no.lOt22-23 0 162. (KUU 15: 11) (Chain saws) (Apartmentu houses-Maintenance and repair) WMVICH, Abr&m Bentsianovich; LAM)_Y,,,S_A_i kand. tekhn. nauk.. red.; SHILLING, V.A., red. lzd-va;,GVIRTS; V. tekhn. red. [Meahanized unit fbr repairing the fagades'of buildings]Mc- khanizirovannaia ustanovka dlia remouta fasadoy zdanii. Le- ningrad, 1962. 21.p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnichoskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia*: Stroitellnaia pro- myshlennost'.. no.21) (MIRA .16.2) (FAgades-Maintenance and repair) LANTSOV, Vladimir Anatollyevich; ULANOV, Rem Nikolayevich; LEVCINMO, -1-.V.-,red.; FY)MICHEV, A.G., red.izd-va; BDLISHAKOV, V.A., tekhn. red. [Mcbed construction cranes]Pritsepnye stroitellnye krany. Le- ningrad, 1961. 20 p. (Leningradakii dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Stroiteltnaia pro- myshlennost', no.28) (MIRA 16:3) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) LAN.TSOV Vla4lgr Anatolyevich ~~LUMU, Georgiy Apdrianovich; ~LEVCBMO Ya.V., iuzh., red.; FEWER, D.P., red.; BDLISHAMV, V.A.,,~tekhn. red. [Assembly of tower cranes in crowded conditions]Montazh bashen- nykh kranov v stesnennykh usloviiakh. Leningrad, 1961. 23 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnichaskoi propagandy. Obmen pe- redovym opy-tom. Seriia: Stroitellnaia promyshlennost', no.27) (MIRA 16:2) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) LUUSOV,, V.A. , kand. tekhn. nauk TWO-lever hoisting completely rotatable pulpit. Stroi. i dor. mash. 7 no,/+:17-19 Ap 162. (KIRA 16:7) (Hoisting machinery) - L&NTSOVt V.A._L kand.telft.nauk . . Small self-propeUed construction cars. Makh. stroi, 20 no.6: f&19 Je 163. (MM 2.6.,5) (Construction equipment) DONSKOY, Viktor Mikhaylovich; LANTSIOV, vI&4imir,-Anatckl.'yevich; *A-- LEVCHENKOP Ya.v., red. ; $ D.P., red.izd-va; EELDGuRovA., I.A., tekhn. red. [Small loading and,unloading construction machinery) Malo- gabaritnye pogruzochno-razgruzoehnye mashiny v stroitellstva. Leningrad, 1963. 33 P. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhniche- skoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Stroitellnoe proizvodstvo, no.2) (MIRA 16:10) (Construction equipment) MEYTUS,, Mikhail F-nmanuilovich; SHCHAKINSKIY, Boris Yakovlevich; ,~ ~LANTV,,A. red.; ALABYSHEVA, N.A.,, red. izd-va; So. V.L.8 tekbn, red, [Sandblasting the facades of buildings] Peskostruinaia ochistka fasadov zdanii. Leningrad, 1963. 28 p. (Lenin-" gradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi propagand.-y. Seriiat Stroitallnoe proizvodstvo, no.10) '%MIRA 17:3) LANTSON, V.A., f T ;T ~g zt for as.' 7t r " Of V,. J-n overall rr-pair stone rcsld--,A-~LaIL 11 L - .4 's. iKydl no.31; 64. j ;4dimir Anatollyevich.. kand.tAhn.nauk; POLONSKIY, Lev _4 , z_TqQY,0,3f --.- z." I ... 1. - Abramovich.. inzh.; KARKISHENSKV, A.N., kand. tekhn.nauk, red. [Vacuum load-lifting devices In construction) Vakuu=We gruzozakhvatnye prisposobleniia v stroitellstve. Lenin- grad, 1965. 17 p. (MIRA 18:10) MMOVAg AsAs; MMLEAp $.Yes; !ANTSOVp Vske DN& eynthesis in tba process of bacterial conjuptim Genstika noo2sl3-21 Ag 165s (MIRA 18,10) lo Irmthute of High Molecular CompourAs, Aomduq of Sciences of the U486S.R.0 laningma. GORODNIK, A.Go; LANTSOV, V.P. Ongood-Schlatter disease. Vestn. rent. i rad. 38 no-3-.14-17 My-je 163. (NM 17:7) 1 NTSOV.-Vep.2 X.-tan meditsinskoy aluzhby ka7pi Setting urp an X-rav section in a UST-41 tent in winter. Voen.-med. zhur. no.12-11-12 159. (mmA 14:1) (MEDICINE,,MILITARY-COLD WELTHER CONDITIONS) (X RAYS-EQUIRMT AND SUPPLIES) TSELUYKO.. N.I.j SAPELKIN, A.I.; FILI, Ye*V.,- PUZKRN!EY V.P.; GOLUB, S.T~; J knnealing malleable cast iron without packing, Lit. proizv. noo lOz42-43 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) v r~ ff 3459 LAUTSOVA A. 1. A01"'D 13OR14 V. F. Rest proizvoditellnosti Trudapri obledinennoy Roboty (Iz opyta. raboty kostrom. Shveynoy arteli KrE-.shnyy 0)-tayabrl predlnzhenive L. I. rJorevoy mn (Tsci7itn. sovet i- I- V, Plotnikovov') M., KOTZ, 195-4- (4) s. 21 . pforWsl. kooperatsii SSSR Tekhn Upr. Obirien Proizvod Tekhn. Opyton. Inform listok 56). 1200 ekz. Bespl. Sost ukazany v kontse teksta (54-13915ZH) 687-12:658.5 ZHIGAYLO, Ya.V.; SHPAK, L.I.; GAYDEY, T.P.; DUCHINSKAYA, V.I.; RAKSHA, V.V.; Primimali uchastiye: KURGMOV, A.,; LANTSOVA, M.A. Chemical transformations and phase transitions of a zinc- chromium catalyst of methanol synthesis. Khim.prom. no.l: 29-34 A 163. (KM 16:3) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii imeni L.V.Pisarzhevskogo AN UkrSSR. (CatalyBts) 019thanol) LOMM, 0. Di, YARUSIK, V. Horse Breeding Growth of horse herds in collective farms of Kulikova District, Chernigov Province. Konevod., No. 1, 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952 )a Uncl. 91T-1 in continuous hydrogenation of fats and oils.' 4v. vyse ucheb; save'f,-~Iuhch, takho- noe'1:14-IB 15B.. ()au n:s) 1; Mmenodarskly iwtitut pishobevo7 proxWehle=osti. Kafedra ekono- mw I organicatell proizvodstvas (Oil industriew) (Hydrogen~ilon) -LeEnf-VA f insh.; NZYMAN, B., inzh.; NUZININ, A. , inzh, A radiometer with univeraal power supply. Radio 4,8 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:1) (Radiometer) (Radioactivity--Safety meaaurfa) LANTIUKH-LYASHO .(Fiyev); SHOKOTIKO, S.G. (Kiyev) Investigating stressed state of a continuous wall girder. F~rikl.mekh. 1 no.71l27-131 165. ()URA .18:8) 1, Kiyevekiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut i Kiyevskiy gosudarstven- nyy universitet. LANTgKH-LYASHCHENKO, A.I., inzh. Calculation of continuous reinforced concrete web girders in an elastic state. Stroi.konstr. no.2a60-67 165. (In RA 18- 12) 1. Kiyevskiy avtomobIlIno-dorozbnyy institut. 010 Of 0 9 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 OF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 see 900 , 1 4 1 1, , " %IAT. -AA-s'-CL Wall-A go 00 12Wfimfmbl PftdudWa of Carbon electrodes in IA boratory farnsce, pl,xsef lJolliky. liar It! yap 7,0 h., SwP#-, Ila, it Eim 1, ?&-0( leplace (,.t t. A Ttsultlets, lal, Jul OrrInAr simosil. wrtr amiltii-f .1 Is aken. 00 00 (,It old, Ish, 141 mm, i's Iilm~ -11.1 1~ 190 411 a Impt fm. 00 Imet. vllvlw-h~ 110-111111. It"IX awl OW laill. 111.1will, vmjj~l lt~ be tw-t- Twritly-lut, km6 "cir ptwiumi showing. &0 .00 34 P-210'~ u4s, 1) ZS kc./ett. f1m. cgs (111111 b4l. Cm. Ov, 11w Ocrif..h. N-pu I., =00 t h-vilmles I-alm"I Aw av..d J.1, twt .... IV I"s file Immill. I f,1111.4,1-s 44 Al 00 3 plants., Tu-ts %Ttr mide tit it Oty.-Aw futumv ill !!tl kii. COs ith Ktalshur Ot-CfMI" At (71111MIll ;ill,( C t-ItVtlA.IV-4 Vervul-d ml The ILYP "I 011ICT triphite r1mertAlt,; 111t. 1,411tv eta %how%ed hij;Itcr rvoisunm ag.litw cumamij)tion. 1. F. goo it coo .4 j) Mfg tso 0 sillamp "SP 04v as( 8314,11 OK sit Joe AV go As!; 4 0 : : : I : : a-;- I OT 7A-fWvi*,w 01,10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0.010 U is U a v w " a 10 3P 31 9 A Nd x it v a 4" 1 8~145& is get, at, & k A A --a P , f a- I-L-A-A-4--i a ~A A-L-JL 2 '-so -00 so &mlmL L BtAky &M J. Untaky. mayinau 1APOk, 1949. Tel, --P-P-ft"m th Humatrimn). of RPd-4x*tQcm wim obxmvd in to& evatalabW 0.2-0.6- j. so r"1-- 111%vatiOllion hae Ah-wh tIvU th6 woo not muwd -es ky the emupwition but by the trmtwjmi dmrinX tho town# At this mill the biHo" r IWOW in a Imowr a- litne for Fhwk* through It wm 6-7 1w, WA =00 f-4 -stal-4 901Y. prodame F" with le to 12 it, 'ru. lm of sulphur. F~ wrm Umml to produm 0* milit th" ilk Anotilm mw %vatiow by 4w Outhm. sea T-4m abo"d OhM hol4modnm Omu"I M TAO-IMI'V., ie.. fvbskkn* Wow the nwUWS pant or %d too ou rauord ilon-c"pPer Allay inchmird" ofirr =4 xmin bmumUriw. It w" kmwd thm4 them "WhWOES. fMDPd during thr contairml as kest Coo jq~llfj- of er, and tb2&=rOinmAwU- oxidW" almus. sea tlh-- by PpIkation of rValure am nrr"mu) g1l 10 Mumv thFir forumblion. Them ropprr-rich Fraium omtmd 'nw&ftb Ilmn thv surf&ct% Md APPmr in the dm*rtsurizod about 1-1-3 nun. blow #be wum-r- a. met use use io Use Use A 0. S 16 A WALLURM&L LITERAUIRE CWSIFOCATICO 48 Bit -,NN,~ .2till's.6 Lt. I I --r-c-r 1"- a S a rw a a a I it 04 0 a a 3 4 1 00 A! It a rt tt N KLO 0 1 1% An dn 41 0000 OL 0 e 0 & 0 t, & * * 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 & * 0 00 4 00 SO 00 0 a 0 0 0 0 St 4, & 0 4 see* so *I* * 0 0 0 0,41 Red4bot litittlensas of raU* caused by copper coctent. UW6 SzBhy and Works. 6td, Uung.). Baxydis. I.W82. 33441(1919).- Red-hot brittleness erved at rolling railmad rails coutg. 03-0.6% Cu. Expts. with stevi samples contg. C 0.54-0.59, Mn 0-14-0.98. Si 0.17-0.27, P 0.06-0.08. S 0.03, and Cu 0.17-0.60% showed a definite correlation be- t wt. Cu voraiM and red-hot brittlenem in certain temp. xarivs. Such brittleness was obscrred at 7'2'0-1(W' with 0.00% Cu. at 7W-1000* with (1.48% Cu and ut 710-09)' with 029% Cu. Metallographic exanins. showcd 0.1 41.4 rnva- deep crsscks on the etched surface and forntation of ~ ve;nlike Cu tram, consisting of a Fe-Cu allay with a Cu cunimt of at k*st 10.-12%. Such vrins arr Inmed by heat treacrtwnt in art oxiditint arni. iind by rigorous titech. InareWng. Red-hot Cu content and beat 11tocessing. LANTZKY jo~sef ., - ~m Manufacture of rolled steel qualities and their mixing in the course of their processing. Koh lap 9 no. 10: 440- 444 0 154. . I- ~ -, -'! %" -, ~ , '. .: .... I . .. I!. ; t, .., - lit). " , :- .1. " '' - ~ -., ~, 1, , 11 , .1., a . . "I,. , I: . . - - 1 .1 . , - , Technical control of netallurgic works. P-44. (Kohaszati Lapok. Budapest. Vol. no. 2, Feb. 1956.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC.2 Vol. 6, no. 71 JulY 10/57- Uncl, LANTZKY- J- Ca sting ingots free of cracks, thd causes of cracks, their prevention and elimination. Pt. 2, p. 60. KOEASZATI LAPOK. (Magyar Banyaszati es Kohaszati Egyesulet) Budapest, Fungary Vol, 14, no. 2/3, Feb./ Far. 1959, Monthly of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, Yo. 8, 4uigust 1959 uncla. L;d',TZKY) J. Periodical: HEMOZATS LAPOY Vol. 17, no. 1,, 1959 LJUZT'ZKv_'- J. Castin- ~~ngots free of the cauzes of cracks, L~ - t1w�r prevent~"(:n and e2imination. (To-e contd.) P. 13. 1."cnthly List of East European Access-i ons (EEA! ) IC, Vo C" ]:,! E~ hay 19~~' LANUSH, L. B., V. F. PLITS-KII and B. A. PAVLOV. Konstruktsii i raschat parovozov; spravochnik. Moskva, YjisLigiz, 1950. 390 p. illus. DLC: TJ635.12 (Designs and calculation oIL locomotives; handbook.) LAITUTSXA6YA, V900 Use of phthivazid In a general combination for treating bronchopneu- monia, In young children. Ped., akush. I gin. 20 no-5sl6-20 '58. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Kafedra goopitallnoy pediatrii pediatricheekogo fakullteta (zav. - Prof. G.S. Levi) Odesakogo meWsinskogo instituta (direktor - zEL - sluzhenW deyatell nauki prof. I-Ta. Deyneka). (ISONICOTINC ACID) (PNMONIA) -IANUTSKAYA., V.D. [Lanutslkal,- V.0.1., assistent, Pneumographic studies of pneumonia in young dhildren being treated with phthivazide ir. combination with other motbtdr, Fed. akush. i gin.- 23 no.5:13-14 161.1 NIRA, 14:12) 1. Kafedra detskikh bolezney pediatricheskogo fakullteta (zaveduyusha-My P--;,of. V.I.Zuzanova) Odeaskogo meditsinskogo instituta (rektor zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki USSR) prof. I.Ya.Doyneka). (,PNh MONIA) (~HTHIVAZIIE) YLIE-10-v" B. K. LANVIN,-VO-A. ROKHOLINSKAYA, M. S. (deceased) EDELI SHTIZYN, N.G. "Motor Fuels from Coals in the*Baykaimov Bed Deposit in the Irkutsk Basin". Iz. Ak. Nauk SSSR. Otdel, Tekh, Nauk. Nos. 10-11,19h4 BR-52059019 s/196/62/000/023/015/018 B194/E155 AUThOR: Lany, Jan. TITLE: Automatic speed synchroniser for ropes PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.13, 1962, 5, abstract 13 K 24 P. (Czechoslovak Patent, class 21 c, 46/50, no.97779, 15.12.196o). TEXT: The patent covers several variants of selsyn devices for synchronising the speeds of several suspension or*traction ropes.. All the ropes are connected to selsyn-transmitters except, the master which is controlled by a rotating switch consisting of two contact discs mounted on rotors of two selsy~a receivers. One selsyn. of each switch is connected with the master selsyn transmitter and the other with the selsyn transmitter of the corresponding rope. During synchronous motion of the ropes the' rotors of the selsyn receivers rotate in synchronism and the contact discs are stationary relative to one another. If one- of the ropes lags the contact discs rotate and connect one of the contacts for acceleration or retardation of the corresponding rope. Card 1/1 FAbstractor's note: Complete translation.] S/273/63/000/002/009/01 0 A052/A126 AUTHOR: Lhny, Jan TITLE: An appliance for feeding internal combustion engines with super- heated vapor of liquid fuels PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypLjsk, 39. Dvigateli vnutrenner,-) sgoraniya, no. 2, 1963, 39, abstract 2.39.288 P (Czech. pat., c1. 46C2,68, no. 100854, September 15, 1961) TEXT: An appliance is patented in which fuel is supplied to the cylinders of internal combustion engine in the form of superheated vapor under pressure exceeding considerably the air pressure. Liquid fuel from the tank comes into the f lost chamber and afterwards into a high-pressure pump; by-pass valve, oon- trolling the amount of fuel supplied; evaporator, heated by exhaust gases or by accumulator.current at the start of the engine. By means of a slide valve the fuel vapors are distributed to the cylinders at the end of the compression cycle through valves mounted in cylinder heads. A. Zhukov [Abstracteris note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 LANI, A. Therapy of malignant cutaneous melanoma. Bratiel. lek. listY- 30 no-8-10:705-714 Aug-Oct 50. (GIML 20:4) 1. Of the Roentgenological Department of the State Regional Hospital in St. Martin. Afftct of massive application of streptox7cin on development of Mycobacterius tuberculosis In votro. Orv. hetil. 93 no..28:814- 816 13 July 1952. (CIML 23:3) 1. Doctor. 2..Matrahaza State Tuberculosis Sansk c-iuz (Director - Read Physician - Dr. Andor Lanyi). EX9 CA See. 6 Vol. 11/6 June 57, 3782. LA14YI A *6asn6 rtg priznaky arthrosis deformans. T h e e a r I y X - r a y signs in arthritis deformans LEK.OBZOR 1956, 5/3 (158-163) A description is given of the early radiological findings of arthritis deformans in respect of each joint separately, the actual changes in osseous structure being to some extent dependent on the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the implicated joint. Full radiological diagnosis implies taking into account not only the morphological changes but also functional changes, usually by means of fluoroscopy. Differential diagnostic problems are discussed. In view of the con- siderable incidence of arthritis deformans, prevention is important, e.g. the dis- covery and remedial treatment of predisposing factors such as various anatomical and functional anomalies. A valuable prophylaxis. is seen in a well organized system of graduated physical cu.1ture for youth. (XIV, 6) EXCERPTA MEDI7,A See 16 Vol 712 Cancer Feb 59 .767. EVOiU21ion of the grooh rate of pathological pulrnonaD, procajej in the diffe"niial i diagnojis of canctr Hodnotenic qchlosit vzrastu patologicWho pl'ijcni lncj diagnostike pl'ficncj rakoviny. Lkyi A. and MAKOVI(I" Procc-sil pri = _KY 7,,.5 (~6-F-2 7Trraphs i Illus- 4 V. Rbntgcn. Kai. SODL, Martin I.A. Obz. 1958 - ri The factor of the duration of lmonary cancer is discussed from the.point of view ry . of the differentia! diagnosis Flulm other pulmonary diseases. A stationa X-ray picture, even for a few months, is not rare in the initial stages. It is shown (cast r"rts) that pulmonary cance-, may often grow for years. In suspect cases the absence of clinical symptoms, the stationary X-ray findings and the slow growth are not to bc;nterpreted as signs telling against malignancy. Inmany sinall institutes such'an attitude leads to erroneous diagnosis, or to a harmful protracted observation or the patient thus missing the appropriate time for successful operation. IANYI, Arnost (Martin, Phdronova 33,) X-ray of cervical v--tebrae in seriograpby fcT functional X-ray diagnosis. Gesk. rentg. 22 no.1:7-9 Mar 58. 1. Rtg. odd. OM v Martine, prednosta MUDr. Arnoat Innyi. (SPM, radiography seriography of cervical spine, diag. value (Oz)) 30~yi cost (A.L, Hadronova 33, Martiu) Multi-ole pseudocystic tuberculosis of the bone. Cesk. rentg. 13 no-3: 181-183 June 59. 1. RentgenologickEt katedra Slovenskeho u9tavu pre dookolovanie lekarov v Martine, prednosta dr, A., IamVI. (TUBMCUIWIS, OSTBOARTICUUR, in inf. & child multiple paeudocystic (Gz)) IANYI, Arnost;ORT, Jaroslav Protection of the gonads in children during hip radiograpby. Ces. rentg. 13 no.5:307-310 0 159 1. Rentgenologicke katedra SUDL v Martins, prednosta MUDr. A. lanyi. (GONADS, radiation eff.) (HIP radiography) (RADIATION PROTEGTION) en Names Country: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: '2-) Chiel lo-:Mnit, (rdn."ger.-olorrick-a Za1:1adna) Affiliation: ~-ro-va---cPostgraduate "edical ii-istit-ute~'(SUVL: Slovei-isic.1 ~st,av pre dosholova,-nie lekarov) 11,Iartfin Source: '3ratislava, -ekarski Obzor, Vol X., No 8) 1931; pp 4-:89-4,90 Data: "A Situdy Trip -'U*o -,nc-Ldiologic De-wartnients in Berlin'l % Bratasiavat L~lmrsky Otzor V;I. 101 Vo, 11, 1931 (cont'd) 8. wControaltal rsvslo;=ut&l Anc=ilias in Chll4boodO A. -=!E.- Chief (Voduci) Nt%- -~c PhdiatrIc3 pp U. WL'p i1 37 in th Casa Ul3tOrlb$ of A ileurology T-%it- Nt r r Chi:fT.C 0102 (12N. Ell-ke kit ra)Ufl~ pp%7-70. rtnelal &n 10. wAppearance of Depressive C=bUtion3 D-arin., Apa=or;hin of 11.1n.1.0 States* Z. Prof !1Z =actor (P.-4dzo;ta) ",~`t=Cnius M"17. ps7chlatrlck! "I'Lolka W B7.-atlalars; . 'IA, T-lik ~'~ - =Vjrat-n-L S PSO, 3ycn a a kat-edra) S~M pp 7a3-7Nj. 3a. *Care of Iujurle: of +he Me-st' P.-STFMIXF., Chief (Vedual) Meant IM. (lh..urvakl and a. 27.1-, ~ kattodra) E= 15~ MD Director (Predno:ta) Contrr I - 2,abozatar) OUNZ (Centre: 13;.. 12. APlas= Proteln Le*ml and l=oEram after G7nocolcZlc Sur;aW E. Vlrea~.*r ',F-edno-ta.) Doc=t, 57 ZL:.-' --vacino and 3. I-MC30VXC; Pp 732-72M.. 1 13. TPrecancere3la 1z I. -1J.'DA. :0. Chief (Veducl) Id:& t=t of gt4olr,--,: r-(0 7--eologlc katodral bLvj, Bratislava; PP -r4Z.749 14. ~Th P.-obla.-13 Of Cancer of t1ka Oral Cavity" Director (?=,cC:no3ta ~=Zclt of d lull lologicka katedra) ;L j~~atiilZy-a; CIT *1 Vit" t"6 15. wX-W Aspects of Parlostasl VAll-naut or Benign q Zo;:laDtla4eP A. 1247 Enj one (rtat&zm*av'- rtrant g~ ntgenoxogy We? (Veduci~ L~- t I glcka kLtedro SM; pp W45-741. 18. emblems of Psoriasis As Ee-mled by Tl,--ae Tears Observatloa Period" L.JvX,~- , Director (T=odzosta) MD, 3t,)krtment of Derratove=tt2joV (DarzatovenarciE LANYI A. Go=ents on roohigen diagnosis of tumors of the spinal cay-it7 in t~e area of thoracolumbar transit. Geskx=tgcml6 noi6:399-404 D 162. l.'Rontgenologicka zakladna Slovenskeho ustava pre doskolovaae lekarov v 1.4artil2e. (SPINAL GORD NEOPLASMS) Pseudoperiostoses in the knee area and their differential die 'a ostic importance. Cesk. rentgen 17 no.2;82-86 Mr 163. 1,~~nt-genologioka kAdadna Slovenakeho ustavu pre doskolovanie lekArov v Martine. (KNEE) (NEOPLASMS) (FADIOGRAPHY) (RIBIA-) (FIBUI (FFMURY UNY1, A. Notes an the roentgenological picture of small periphers]. br~bnohogenic carcinoma with disintegration, Ceak. ftntgen. 18 ho.1+2251-256 J1161+ 1. Rafitganologicka zal,`-, Slovenskeho ustavu pro doskolova- nie lekarov v Martir ~~~MFMO, V. Diagnostic evalmtion of symmetrlc&l periontosio ir, lung cancer. Gesk. radio!. 19 no.lr54-60 Ja 165 1. Ront enologicka katedra STJDL v Martine (vaducl., doe. dr. A.Lanyi~. . LANY1, (Mrs) nee ENGELMAYER.* Apes WML414E (I caps Given ReBme Country: Hungary Academic D--grees: /-not given 7 Affil-intioni Z-not given2 Sources Budapest, MagXar Pszichol6giai Szemle, Vol IS, No 3, 19&1, pp 366-369,1 Aiffnifteanee of the Concept of the 'Marginal Case'." based on the lecture given at the Congress for.Therapeutic Pedaqogy.(Gyg54ypedag8giai Kongresszus) 6 Oct 1959, Balatonfr1red. 0 04004 a*** Sri oil, Q III m to It 4 111 v a So '.c -0, LVI-IN-1. log 7_11 01 -.111 Al _60pill PAP"Ritto .-P 01 This "Illetu i~A III 1"V Me in I darb, 0 lbv=4t4 c Witty cm -00 -00 x#0 SOO pie 4 t:*o Oos' Igo R3 S"f Aft I a_&; 0 .1 u '91 it tv"Lan Ilia hill U rp it at 4w a fi 11 0It U 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 coo o 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 At 0 0 940 0 0 q it ~d is a P1 11 U 11 14 u 4 1.- A a -1;-.1 OL WU4 A 0-0 00 0 all, The graIPWISAUCK of dlgimd. DUA LAxvt Atm haws suviAsy. Arath. %4lbrw 1W for 7 bra. wasdrutonstrated by ROutmexamn. N4,ch&nxrw*,f,vutWl,,p"wdvj of 1370'. The efiert h strixqter at 17,60". but utwhatiged dian" Is still ;wrrwilt. z Zdatire intensities of the 1"O"ger SMItile tin" Aft the same as those of natund or w1lficW Acheson graplMle or as Uww of graphite fanned from diamond by graphitiza 31 tim. Tbt powunce of amarpban C cvuld Dot be demcnitratet The site of cmium of submicroscopic crystab of row diamond at 2W wu about the ame that al Om gripblie 11, at IM)'. .9. S on FivALY.. *** ~00* nn*a 0 WO 0 0 0.0 0 a 0 a a 0 a 0 0 0004000004 0 0 * 0 0 e 0 a 0 0 i* 0 00 0 00 000000 * St 0 0 0 a io, 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 a A 0 is It u 11 U Is 14 11 &1 a if' a 14 VA 1, 1 1, L g Aluminum pfroductiou In Hungary. I'd.4 TAkidika (Iluilalwjil) .11, IN 3~11110). - litsug.if 00 AP (41. Still tO Tht j,"ll 4111 i9ilithill lottlKsK 11s:410s.11 of It 11411still, stict-4 .11v lijilittl by qR11,10 Nifificilli,oll Is Ity flit- lWy.1 jq,kT_ (1$'q %4t) Ilse Ill"I s-I'vil"ITIr If.-% she a1w vultase 4 N V. *I W'(W Isis Itll. Ow . 0 bassislic title and 4 lmj~ 41110-cal. wil ji-w ~! i A10.6ptoduml. plikluiv I loss iticlallic A]. S. 6. Is. Alk J) 32 U 101 is is 1) AD it ID 41 6) 13 410 0 A rojkf 0.1 k" It. I Is's I I am 1 -00 1411k. -00 ati'l -410 i*01 Imi. pall.. ly w Ov. #(41 lifigAlver tl..MrK.M. as 61 16111101F too.. I I'll Is.. --w 4.44.~ ZIP dkW ON# 144 '1. f, t, Aft I I As cw a If v I or IN 7 3 U 9 AV p Ill it f" N A., I" I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,49 00 o of 9 9 0 00 so go 0 0.0~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 : *Is* 09 so 6 so *go to 09 go 6109,1110000 0 0 Soo *Wooo 94:0*94 go go* of 000000 I I i40 A it If 1-1 it ill J if i n It h N l' n if 0 It If a it 6) Al 41 11 to 00 --Alun laoi K#dbmy 73, of I rAt Ill BmsW coamincd SiO, 3649. 6(h &-20. RAh 24-291, 00 I v g'O Or~cul. and I [to Finkly by atninkinium hytitulid ze ZO: 00, re 0 o'g; :zoo .1 TA~ AU A I V I L A -?GKAI UttilAtIoNE ZLASIIFICAYICP t:o id- ;;7 It off Joe %I AV 90 is, ,,,Anl I a 'WI a we 00000 0 o 0:0 00 #'-o 00 o o 0 o 'D 0 0 00 00 000 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 We 0 0 40 0 0 111 0 90 666666 o 0 *1 Als goo 4 iT iii OPPO 4 - W 019444*Aw or* fi ; -00 , . ~ - - to invemisato the off muck nwrn4ry the i amd lobe tishca -F -00 oft too of goo goo .140 ties Isom 00441,19 saisai Got Gov ijj7s- % soma Hit ow Got AM A s a W 0 0 w 0 9 A a u a AV go. SO of 0 00 00 we 0 0 0 0, wev 0 a 0 w0 0 0 0 0 l 's , a a l V a t 11 a u a a 9 v A at 19 4 sit 0 0 I'M Ot :fl"v 2.1 1212"Amb X. IL I , I I 000101 - - - -- - -- - - -- - Otocessss &.0 -*G as WDA x Lanyi, Nis: Eketrochnniory. D"Vmt: %Ikrn4- i8k Niminakia. IM. = pp. Revkwtd in AIAWLW- oop 0.04, 008 .00 **Z '3 =00 00 coo ago 00 4r 2 COO coo COO see so* tie 0 solo" .1t cat 40 u Is IT 00 u ,0 T TA Ol 0 .0 a 4 1; x4 W ' _6 0 9, f te Me 9 = a 0 0 so 31 W a IS Is0a ja 49 a ' 41N 'j.0tol cis "7 #MD "M01,11 ndlb VWjWS biitarulaadse~ at sairw fi~ icti" M* vkfti and L Wk s. . D h k 100 E li T f l h i d c ).- e s a e n S. o pAmp e and ry to get t uig ( 5,7 t1toistum cWtenu Moisten with 100 Ini of KMI10 00 . . . 0 soln. tuA beat on a sand both for at leut 6 bri. Rtpe-At i i1 M O M this treatcant 3 t nves or unt n 4 shows no tbt K gn at t in an c afth IW W, of tor Cast 4 bri. water avil add NO na. of 12S till dente ( t . . CoW add .,.a w M.A . . , - water and 60a sain. untO all MuO. or UnO. 6 reduced; Ii l dil b H % if Af 0 3 use a tt e necessay. . to a out ttr mpg. p I b 2150 i fil if h A h VW c d W 4 - m ter ac rote t ePA", an e e ., y t g =60 har'l Methm. h14T%hA11 1". DCUtWh ' Coo r : so I as 0 If AL &A 111111illik f too 0 t' tAtCURCICAt J11t`44TLaj CtA11111CAl" 91' U : too. 11"Maiva via.. 40.01 -** S~ -0 1 S*Bob.) .10 cov, -3*t WII OW a" all 0 g p D- iv p-a9 t If 1W0It0 Ar toIA 4 3 Xa It a 9a ins is it I Ic JAML . 1 411 111411 0 009 S 111 WO a 0 0 0 0 6 * 00 0 SAA & 0 00 a go OOU PM&MM" a Me& Mass in& Umprian tw. slil. - cmtcnt of black ccW from Pies ecasid be duninMed tit 6.6% by seps. and tbm farther classified to obtain a wadad was #.6% asL 1U bydmphoW Vqwnics dis- tppmrtd wben p *Jn simn between I and 2 mm. A aMawN *I !;;r,,,r 48 Isrs. deermsed ash con- 101;1V V-dwt m be bested is the Warts trksgy cmdudl". Tfutment for 2-2.S hn. at I-TX)* camsedsopapWilmatics. MlcbO1tbrC*ktpIAttsOII*- will; a mcittaWs point of 32* was mixed with P11CbVS FA lope satening polnu abd the nsixt. was rised as binding submance in the fartmatim of anodes for PJ fumam. In Ow ncovery of HY also active silim or sillimanite or mul- 11te am be obtained to increase The ecanowk, value of the procedure, Istvkn Finkly LA METAUMM&L WINATURI CLAMPICA1000 --- ~T- I&OW KNOW -4 81060 map Gov Got 08141109 a- M U AV 00 -1; a, 'a All S, 9, M*-T~ 44 1 s a IV 0 0 0 1 X 9 A 0 2 a IF -00 .00 ZOO to 0 COO to see 1*0 we 0 woo 41 0 0 0:41 9,41 0.0 0 0 0 0 94 0-o 6- - a W t$ , U -tr ~ x s 1 11' t r M I ff L M AND akv POCC91tts AIM PROPINTItz mr-11 46899 D=RMINATION OF COKE YIELDS FROLI MINERAL OIU, TARS, PITCHES, Ali AND RAW-COAL$. ~Aaj, B. (Aluminium (Budapest), 1949. vol. 1, 121-126-P abstro in Cheme Abetr., 1951, vol. 45 847). An apparatus was constructed on the principlea of Ramebottom where the capacity of the tube In relatively very high for the amount of ample* The apparatus is available for serial determinations, the hosting to gradual, and the fiiml coking temperature 000 1 7. ;. Is 000% In the coal Industries the apparatus may replace Munk tests# GAo 00 -r 416.ILA" WALLUPC(CAL LITINA140C CtAjI1?KAtfVV --W6 -i-- ii~~ A I T's a lit 6115.1116 31--1 fe a .11 ft It rr it M At 9 d W it K 91 IT It 4 KW A 1" 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Of 0 0 0 0 ;0 -10-0-0 4 ois 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 * of 0 0 of* 0 0 0-0 af 00 $960,60afafee 0 coo COO Coe zoo reo 0 to a in bauxites. UWV--W"-= boVer waters. IT" Mixittm (Duddpest) 1, ix, Sarnstr6ta-Corkis xx4bad (SA&M a. Mus 14, W (INNi) we% modified and a special app. comtructect, The %ampir is tmtcd witis 111SO, or cbromic ". the drvtto;ml COj dried with C44CIg, absorbed by barite water, and its amt. deld. by meamring the change of rim. cortel. of barite water. Tbe remit is expressed in terms of wb;cb am swc Identical to pustunpante constimption rates. I"Its arg. 4111AIaltivs, the content of carlmmulce. mijkle. S. and votatile If rarnpd%. of Aso Se, and Tr ran alv, Iw tirld. by this method. 1. Fillsly Utilization of the fed AM Obtainitil fman the Boy" Proc, #s3. Ilkla lArtyi (Alumittlum Rescanh Inst., fludspest). 40-MIO50).-A summary of knvwn methw% with 73 ref"rtim. A spetill 0"15 was- work"I out for the utiliatkv] of Hungarian ITmuds. A hat treat.. t is applied to decomp. the by-Irosilicstes of -At, tbtn aluminates am ext& by boiling with the alumi- Na N !tste lye of the alumina plAnt. TbiroWinedliquiclisutilited in the alumina plant where Its alumina content is recoyered. The solitt residue conts.ins chkfiy Fe. Ft oxideii. Si0j, Wh, andmallamts.of.NasudAlaxicIts. Th"lattrringivdic-at Oak" Powlile the 1wrtatim of a loir-witing alas by the awtallurgic treatment of the resiclue. Processing can be directed to obtain a C*O.AW)r.SA %tag with a high Ti(~ &%mient even Froduce Ti-nch Fe. This utilirdtion of 'bility rrd mud ~l 41j),tt, ucc,,~e JKAV Isivin Finkly Protesting baturite in staidl-male autodaves. IkLt !,Myj-pj Magyar Alurniniumicutat,, ltlt#zet, Huclapt-At, flunX.). ellatmilviNm 2. 2J"R-#l7(l9!l()j.- Vari~'tlx App. are destTibcd: an elec. hantmer for drying and mirinalion with autantatic trimp. coutral, 2 yprs of millfwLeves for Uv at '-4~ A or UP alm, pressure, a therrommt. avul a udimentalimi upp. hor red fitud, A %perfal trik-routtiorlAve al 10-ml. vol. has been drsiXotA for expil. purport", suitable for pre"ure, up to '#$I atm. The operatim oll thi% inktruistorlave it deartibm! in detail. The suitahihty of the jurbidinivitiv method of Uu.16(cf.Alkmiximm I.24H 1949)) for analyiing aluminate fiquars k shown by practk2l rzampf". f. F~ US -isattSM of 6111111111" V4* bydrqm. 1*14 lAnyi (Univ. Tech..Sci.. Budapest). Afsaw ROw, fW'Us-rdW.-- -Tb W-409 10 f f h 6 . e ). ret entw or t e a chrm. finity of 1 traction betwee alumina and RIKVW H wa% caW'~ by thr Method of Ulkb. at room temp. and at IDW anil Three appears to be to decrease of fret energy duting the towd We; thus thea. kaRy no awallic'Al can he produml 014*ay. Thh latler reaction aftawd to be a spontaneous we at 14W and 16WIK. witit a dKmft of frevesergy values, Above this Ortap. On kw-4mem Vsh" *saln hk~. (*WtVA. tions during capts. of uwldns curunduin by the arc-atom I of la"Wair (With W dwrodes) proved that cx~ rundum. oubil- at " it M. can be condenwd on & ,.I a Cu surface In a7m. form. vowlensate contained about mplallk At, Tl* werns to be a valu- able way of stodyins the medauslam of dw chen, try at at AaWyab of aluminate lye& with calorild indicatots.-JWa- !A Alurniiiiuinkutat6 lttt&ct, tlutlajw~t, uy"Magyar Alsimixivni 3, 11-1-30051).-The Craig tneth,ml (cf. CA. S. 17W) -,& taudified to avoid the ww of KF, awl "be 1000"ing 140cedut, 1) 1 V Lise ~, 1. Imulitc or 11.41 nlull, with 12 1. NA0111 i lusols-ir llif 1110 ill W141cf. ifil, to AM fill., Olt-poul 1W fill, Ill file rlW li uld, gild 'ald Aill. fairrit JlCl to di."olve the ppi,, wid 11 "" lut-thyl of- .111ge,titrate with NuOll. WM 3 it phenolplithilvill soln.. and fileate further. TheniLu In the 2xid litration must be multiplied by an vinpir"T fartur to obtain the jint. of AlrOA. When f~tlnjc alurninate liqum lht- niviblill h is- follows: Dil. the Mniple to 1W Mi., buil, gild c(MICA. IIJCI, Milli.. LtCP IM for I Will.. (xMil quickly. add Jdlop.,i phrijol- 1111thAlCin "U., G(JAtC mith X JACid. then gild 11149C ACW ill$- W the ptits. ul Ai(01D, and Ba(Ollb di,-Agvc. minuie CC)i by bixilitig. cool, add 0 drws cuefftyl mange, And litrAte milli X NAOil. If a little sugar i, widtA lk-forr adding HACI,. the sucro%c prevents pptn. of AVOI(h. and the Sa,CO~ ciintent can be e%tablificil by titration mith all accuracy satisladory for f4ant um-- "ilday Be To Ro Vol. 3 No. 3 Woh 1964 Cermi0b IMd Conoretso :29.46, 88"Iet WOW- of Aillming prohlelip". (1111tv- 1,1. %jag1my Kesmikusok I-app, v. 8, no 11. pria",j) W-13 IAI I Nov. Om-filk's Im Aciricill WV~Inq' of haoxite with little. Liked-lo and Liluv-Shme-I protcm Wsed ! on 111114-&O& sintering., Ile"Inkov prorpts but'd on gintering, ham%lto with N11,80a in pft$en(,c of mal; prejehletion fmin' !rpheline ahmite, and poLosillm ahnninate sljtg; am] cvmtAnn- timm of tile atme. 'J'Alles. -- - - Cori. =36- m-i~. - ~ . it.3644-o: - Yl'lf~ ~- -..- --I- - ;- I -_, 4 7a- LAWY 1, B, LANYI, B. 111-A'ethods of Scient4fic Research".. F. 173. 0-10YAR MM"SOK, LANTIA) Vol. Q, No. 6, June 1c,'54, Budapest, 'Hunrary) SO: Yonthly List of East Eoropean Accessions~ (ITAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1955, Uncl. UNYI, -B&4 De~;ppposition of al=inate lye in presence of red mud,- methods of studies and factors affecting their accuracy. Koh lap 9 no. 12: 541-551 D 154. LARI B. Energetics of the Bayer process for alumina. p. 35. KOHASZATI LAPOK. (Magyar Banyaszati as Kohaszati Egyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 10, no. ly Jan. 1955. SOURCEs East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1956 -Lwlv B. Cc ntinuous exploitation of bauxit--.-p. 36. KOHASZATI LAPOK. (Magyar Banyaszati es Kohassati Egyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 19115. SOURCEs East,7wopean Accessions List (EEAL)j Library of Congress Vol.~~,, no. 6, June 1956 LANYI,, B. Utili2ation of red zmd in an alminum plant. 39. KOHASZATT LAPOK. (Magyar DeDYSSIZati e8 KOhS,82sti Egyesulet) Budapest. ol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 1955. SOURCEs East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 5. no. 6, June 1956 Slide rule with several slides for chemical and metallurgic Operations; use in the alumthum industry. p. 410. Vol 10, no. 9, SSPt- 1955- KOHASZATI IAPOK. Budapest, Hungnr"I. So. Eastern European Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1956