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" L) )335 ~ ,5/161/62/004/001/029/052 Possibility of semiconductor... B123/B104 The authors mention Abrikooov who studied the superconductivity of metals with high electron gas density, and R. N. Bogolyubov et al. viho made calculations for metals (Novyy metod v teorii sverkhprovdlimosti, izd. AN SSSR, 1958). The authors first consider a model with isotropic effective mass. They derive an equation for calculating tile energy gap A (w,) 4id(AtOO ES - 42 (12) es 2 (13). 4%hv,r-. Alms VF = electron velocity at Fermi surface, c dielectric constants, ';2 = )2v2' w r = frequency of longitudinal optical phonons,.7-Fermi (P - PF F I energy. For other denotations c.f. G. M. FIiashberg, ZhETF, 38, 966, 1960. It can be seen that the maximum gap riidth corresoonds 7o the minimum velocity at the Fermi surface, i. e., to the maximum effectivc! mass. Card 2/3 33356 S/181/62/004/001/029/052 Possibility of semiconductor-, B123/BlO4 These formulas obtained for the model with isotropic effective mass also hold for the anisotropic case up to and including one numerical factor under the natural logarithm. In piezoelectric semiconductors the attractive force between the electrons contributes to the exchange of piezoacoustic phonons. Superconductivity can be the most favorably studied in those polar semiconductors in which the electrons in the conduction band are sufficiently concentrated and in which they are strongly coupled with the lattice vibrations. There are 1 figure and 4 references: 3 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The reference to the English- language publication reads as follows: J. Bardeen, L. Cooper, J. Schrieffer. Phys. Rev., 108, 1175, 1957. ASSOCIATION. Institut POlUDrovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of . Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: July 24, 1961 Card 3/3 ZRIRYAKOV, B.M.; LARKIN, A.I. Imitator of the signals of nuclear magnetic resonance. Avtom. i telem.; sbor. at. no.2:95-99 f62. (MM 15:9) (Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation) (Oscillators, Electron-tube) (Electronic measurements) S/056/62/042/005/028/050 B102/B104 AUTHORS: Vaks, V. G., Calitskiy, V. I.'., Larkin, A. 1. TITLE. Collective excitations of particles with non-zero angular momentum -Dairing PE'RIODTC'L: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 5, 1962, 1319-1325 TEYT: in this contribution to the theory of superconductivity, systems are examined in wihich the at-tr--ction in a state with 10 -1 0 is dominant, as in r the case of HO where the attraction in the D state is dominant (L. P. Pitayevskiy, ZhETF, 37, 1794, 1959). As well as those from single Particles, collective excitations in such systems are examined. The shape of the excitation spectrum is important for explaining of superfluidity properties as well as for stability investigations. The equation for the Cap -A in the energy-specil-run admits of general solutions only in the case of zero angular momentum pairing (two solutions; 0, and 0). ,here non-zero moments are paired, special solutions must be sought. Collective excitations are examined here by a relativity technique as Card 1/5 S/05"62/042/005/028/050 Collective excitations of ... B1027BO104 . developed in a preparatory work (Vaks et al. ZhETF, 41, 1655, 1961). The system, which is assumed to be composed of fermions, coexists with sonic excitation and other excitations causing no -ap in the energy spectrum. 0 The scoi~e is restricted to a graph of the first order + i A (L - izeA,A Im A). The fermion Green func- 1 A2'15; 1 2 (P) A tion G ip +7) becomea A, - iAyj Al + iA6 ,P, I A P, for A 1,2 A, .2 D (nn') AI,2(n') dn' d2P. P (9) n is found and since 6(p) is A (n) p D (tin') In A" A (n') (10), 2 1 A W) 12 the enero-y width of the interaction range (10) can be inserted into a system o:f algebraic equations Card 2/5 S/056/62/042/005/028/050 Collective excitations of ... 3102/BI04 . wherein r. - P, + P5; r- . P1 - r5; Y+ . YI � Y5; a and P stand for + or .If energy and moment are,,~zero (&~ - k - 0) the equation for the change of the seli-energy part of Z coincides with the solution above mentioned: SP (1 + y )2^:1(n). As an example the case of the scalar pairing is 4 2> --9, examined when D(n n') is independent of angle. Z~is assumed to be real so that. 7-1 _0) and the given equation is valid when - A ia75' (75 ' (10 1 A A r With gradient transformation ia Y57- we have r+ ia6 . The excitation spectrum with small k is obtained from the condition under which the following equation can be solved: Fn i A2 . . (29) 2~dn m2-(vkti) 2r*-r-+2r+-r*+,,-AL rn _ _Fn r fn)C, = 0, + + IAII + + wherein ci is a linear function of k. A sonic branch always exists, the hydrodynamic velocity of the sound waves bein~,,yfff. The velocity of other excitations depends on the direction of k and can be expressed in terms of !~j of the single particle excitation speptrum. As-an example, the case examined by Anderson and Morel (Phys. Rev. 123, 1911, 1961) is Card 4/5 V056/62/043/001/025/056 B104/B102 AUTHORSi Baz', A. I., Vaks, V. G., Larkin, A. 1. TITLE. K-meson-- hyperon resonances PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 43, no. 1(7)s 1962, 166 - 174 TEXT: Experimental data on the cross sections of the reactions + p ~t + K and n- + p--+-A-+ K near the Z + K threshold are phenomenologically analyzed. A level in the system Z + K with T 1/2 with a binding energy of about 30 Mev is assumed to exist. In the cross section-of the reaction n + + K; this level leads to a resonance below the 7- + K threshold. Possible levels in the systems A- + K, N + Q, N + ca, and N + Kk are discussed. To clarify the interaction between "~'and X in states with T - 1/2, the cross sections of the reactioh n + N---gJL + K must be studied in the energy range T. - 810 - 900 Mev, and of the reac- tion A- + p---~'Z + K, near the threshold. The analysis is conducted by methodi of R. Dalitz and S. Tuan (Ann. Phys., 8, 100, 1959; 10, 307, 196o; Card 1/2 S/056/62/043/001/()25/05'6 IC-meson - hyperon resonances B104/B102 Phys. Rev. Lett., 2, 425, 1959; Rev. Mod. Phys., 33, 471,, 1961; Talk at Aix-en-Provence Int. Conf., Septedber, 1961, preprint); unitarity, time reversail, and analycity of the scattering matrix are used for analyzing the YN interaction at small energies. There are 3 figures. SUBMITTEDt January 24p 1962 Card 2/2 S/05 62/043/006/056/067 B102YBI86. AUTHOR: Larkin, A. I. VITLE: Solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the Fermi-Yang model PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreti6heakoy fiziki, V. 4.3, no. 6(12), -1962, 2302-2307 TEXT: Fermi and Yang (Phys. Rev. 79, 17399 1949) ivere the first to develop a model in which a meson is considered a bound state of baryon and anti- baryon. This model is now modified. The nucleon-antinucleon bound states are considered for the case where the interaction can be described by a potential well, but instead of the Breit equation (solved by Fermi-Yang) the Bethe-Salpeter equation is solved. The.difference is that here the Dirac vacuum is partly taken into account becauser, for the nucleon considered, a transition to-a negative-enerFy state is forbidden. Inter- actio with the vacuum leading to NN-interaction and changes in the nucleon mass neglected. Thus the interaction is described by ~ITAIU (r, - rt) IPIT~'Vz' Card 1/5, S/05 62/043/006/056/067 Solution of the Bethe-Salpeter... 3102YB186 where the potential U depends only on the particle-distance, and K-P (P) P, - M M)'. ~ U(P - P') K.1, (p') dIp', (2) is the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the particle-antiparticle bound state; K is the two-particle Green function, 2~q/2, where p is the P1,2 - P relative four-momentum, q the total four-momentum in the c.m.s., q s (1&,0,0,0), ft - meson mass, U(p-pQ - Fourier component of interaction potential. K is then given as the superposition of 16 linearly independent matrices, the function Yn(p) Kn(p)dp 0 is introduced and for ap j . -2 202 the system pip ~ V*p + _L AM ~ VpA 2 2 Ip2 + M2) 2 J-1V'A _PM VVP _ M2 VVA; j -I Vs 2p2 VVS + mp. ~ vg. Card 2/5 S/05 62/043/po6/056/067 Solution of the Bethe-Salpeter... B102yB186 J-'VV, 2mp. 4, Rnil A 6.0 - P.PP I 4AV r-.;Yp, _!I~V*PA' (10) 2 J-11PA pp,) VVIA 2 V'PII + (P'6'0 a V (p-p')V (p')d3p' V ~ is obtained for the singlet and triplet states, respectively. These equations can be treated only for special limiting cases. An estimate obtained by variational calculus yields V < 32m/15n (1-5e-) 2 BeV (18) )2_ -1for the depth of the potential well if (V-/2m . 1/200. Fermi-Yang ob tained V-25 Bev and V-oo if tL-1*0. For a square viell of radius a~,1/m from Eq. (9) PR = 4 (Ml nzV - 20) + 4 (;t/a)' (I _' 3y/2M + 20'/M)=:~ 6m' (1-2VIm) + 3 (:%/a)3. Card 3/5 S/05 62/()43/006/056/067 Y Solution-of the Bethe-Sal peter... B102 B186 is obtained. Normalizing the potential with respect to the pion mass, one ,obtains for the masses of the'other particles (two pseudovector NA'1'2A' a scalar, tLs and a vector particle [c,): P11A EEz Gni'(1AV1m) 4- 3 (4,51d)' i:. IA,A= 4m'(1 , Vhn) + 2 (4,5/a)' 20 + 30/al, jt2s = 4m' (I - V1m) + (4,5/a)l 2e + 10/a2, (20) p1v = 4m' (I - V1m) + (3.8/a)s 2m' + 4,5141. In the other case, for small a, in (9) (10) m and w are negligible against p and in zeroth approximation the condition for the existence of a.pseudo- 00 scalar meson will be (P o(p,p')y(p1)dp'. For its mass the inequality p 2 2 2 2 2 Y-; 4- 4m > Vts > tt. + 2m. will be valid. The results show that due to the application of the Bethe-Salpeter equations the main qualitative predictions Card 4/5 S/05 62/043/006/056/067 Solution of the Bethe-Salpeter... B102YB1.86 of Fermi-Yang, such as a larger well depth or large number of levels are no -longer valid. From Eq. 09) it follows that at strong interactions the square of the pion mass becomes negative which indicates vacuum instability. This can be avoided if the change in nucleon mass (due to interaction) is taken into account. ASSOCIATION: Moeko 'vskiy fiziko-tpkhnicheskiy,ihstitut (Moscow Physico- technical Institute) SUBMITTED: July 28, 1962 Card 5/5 VAKS, V.G.; GALITSKIY, V.M.; %"IN, A.I. Collective excitations in paring in the case of non-zero angular momentum. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 42 no.5:1319-1325 My 162. (KRA 15:9) 1. Moskovskiy inzhonerno-fizicheskiy institut. (Angular momentum (Nuclear physics)) (giiperconductivity) VAKS, V.G.;-LARKI*, A.I. Regge poles in the nonrelativistic problem assuming nonlecal and singular interaction. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.3t 800-809 163. (MM& 16:10) 1. Institut atomnoy ~nqrgii AN SSSR. (Potential, Theory of) (Particle's (Nuclear physics)) MIGDALJ. A.B.; LARKIN, A.I. Phenomenological approach to the theory of the nucleuz. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz- 45 no-4:1036-1050 0 163. (MA 16:11) VAKS, V.G.; jt~~]Tj A.I. Anplitude characteristics at k= - 1 In the Bethe - Salpeter equations. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.4:1087-UOI 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) AdCESSION NR; AP4042584 S/0056/64/046/006/2188/22u.L AUTHOR: Larkin, A. 1. TITLE: Effect of collectiveexcitations oii.the electrodynamics of,- superconductors SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor..fiz., v. 46, no. 6, 1964, 2188-2201 ',!TOPIC TAGS: supercond4ctivity, electrodynamics, surface layer, ir absorption, microwave spectroscopy, thin film ABSTRACT: Unlike theearlier studies o~ th6,electrodynamics of superconductors,,the author investigates the electromagnetic pro- ,perties of superconductors Without assuming that,the interaction i 1~between the electrons is'weak. It is shown the number of free elec- Ltrons contained in the' London constant depends 6h the residual in- ;teraction and on the form of the periodic potential, and coincides I 1with the corresponding.constafit in the permittivity of metalb in Card 1/2 ACbESSION NR: AP4042584 .~.the i.nfrared region. ~-The surfac6 impedance is det4rmined by*taking collective excitations into.account. The result 615tained explains the two maxima observ. nc6 of the differ- ed in the frequency depende ende between the absoiption of mercury,and lead in)the normal and superconducting states at microwave fr6quencies, and Aher-'experi-, ments on infrared absorption in these metals. The'codfficient of reflection of collbctiviB oscillations irom, the surfacW is found and -is used for the analysis~-of the electrodynamics of superconducting films of thickness larger than'the penetration deoth.,'"The author is' grateful to V. M.-Galitskiy-for valuable advice. Orig, art. has; 84 formulas. )-ASSOCIATION:* Non6 4 'SUBMITTED: 30Dec63/ ENCL: SUB'CODE: SS, EM NR REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 001 .1615&;66. NRz AP5026094 SOURCE CODE: uR/o386/65/002/005/0205/0209 AUTHOM larkin, A, ORG: Moscow Physicotechnical Institute (14cakovskiy fiziko-tekhn1cheskiy institut) TITLE: Vector pairing in supe rconductorn of small dimensions SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Fis1ma v redaktsiyu (Prilozheniye),,-v.,2, no. 5., 1965, 205-209 TOPIC-TAGS: superconductivity.. spin orbit couplings free peatb, pair theory, critical point'. ABSTRACT: The author proves that the Knight shift in some superconductors cannot be attributid to electron pairing in a state with unity orbital angular momentum, as was proposed recently by several authors (e.g., R. Balian and N. R Werthamer, Phys. Rev. Y- 131P 1553., 1963)p because the.theoretical analysis of the v;ctor pairing was made for infinite space$ whereas the experiments were performed on samples with dimensions tuch smaller than the depth of penetration of the magnetic field. By analyzing the Influence.of impurities on vector pairing, it is shown that vector pairing vanishes when the pair dimensions are larger than the sample dimensions or the electron mean free path, whereas in ordinary scalar pairing the transition temperature is indepen- dent of both the sample dimensions and the impurity concentration. The reason for this.:difference is that in vector pairing the wave function F of the pair depends on the direction of the relative momentum of the electrons forming the pair,, and -vanishes I- Card .2 ~6358-66, ACC, HRI AMp6094 _'j. -'When the momentum uncertainty becomes of the order of the pair dimensions. From the equation- for% the-critical temperature 'it, is -then deCuced that a small -semiconductor the samemanneras a contaminated superconductor in which the electron mean free path Is of the order of the sample dimensions$ the critical dimensions of the Sample being-of the order of the pair dimension. Although the article deals only with one form,of a state with vector pairing, the equation derived for the critical temper- ature is valid also for other cases. When the normal state is checked for stability, the critical temperature determines the point at which the electron scattering ampli- tude-has a pole at zero frequency. Further decrease of the temperature leads to the occurrence of growing excitations in the normal states. Consequently the experiments on the Knight shift (G. M. Androes and W. D. Knight, Phys._Rev. v. 121, 779, 1961) can not be attributed to the existence of vector pairing. So far., the only natural ex- planation for these experiments is spin-orbit interaction with the impurities. Author is grateful to 1. A. Privorotskiy for valuable advice., Orig. art. has; 9 formulas. SUB CODE$ S811 SUBM DAM 25jun65/ oRIG MW: oo6/ oTH REr: oo4 Q~srd 2/2 . I ~ - , - ~ : -~z. , " 2:~ -- - - I I . 7 7-7 - b. 45- ~%CMSTON_-NR-.-_'--. AP40, 6435, 4 a~j~ystew of.-dlectrbns~~,:bas:a crystallifie.-structure. i b:a-unit cell the p,air-in.the s 6rconductor. IT ' a -epalculate -the energAles bf.--dike'rient-I types of*'crystal aii . e tr, L Utti -pi6auced art ti6h point ~is obown t 9 the magnetic. field becomes ~-forced out of the metal the mag- _the~` ~qpi o ..'pen Ietraiion depends on the, ieLL -UM e --speatz -:the zin cle,excitat -Xi6ti6 -fieldi Th ok glii~pak~ti ions does and. the'speed':of the;excitations depends on the direc-~... 9APY. :,z~nCI* ,,VAashes In some directions. This.results in a slow decrease Pn . , Of b sodbific.heat with temperature. The unit cell dimension is are made concerning tbe type of tran- -.Ast on z'. bet4edn~ the'conducting. and. superconducting state and the dts, "The ques- 9- ec'te"d _~iith the zist'abil -.Of 'the ~16rromagnet c state - ' ` ` . ideiedlii were 1958 her.-4ith V*_ M. C341it bom the to w ~~et .:zut orn -The authors are Z. P, Gor'kov grateful ' -Lnd X. A' .1 Abrik ~ ov for usaftl discuasione Orig. art. hao; I 2 3 -L 1837-66 EWT(I)/T IJP(c) GG ACCESMON NR-. AT5022310.7. UR/3136/65/000/863/0001/0019 'KA AUTHOR. Vsks, v, Larkit, A.L; Ovchhudkov, Yu* N. TITIX:' T er closest neigbbors he Ising model in the hpraction with oth than the SOURCE; Moscow. lutitut ener Doldady, ME-863, 1905. Model' Izinga pri, vzalmodeptvii a neblfthayshimi sosedyami, 1-19 TopIC TAGS: ferroelectric crystal, second order phase transition, correlation funotion', free energy, apontaneous magnetization ABSTRACT: 7he I sing model consists of -a lattice of dipoles, each of which assumes t w&u of interest to only two positions and interacts only with its closest neigbbors.I the extent to which the results are sensitive to the form of the model, determine particularly whether the Bingularities In the macroscopic quantities and the form of the correlation function change when the interaction with neigbbors other than the ~,closeBt ones is,taken into account. A two-dimensional Ising lattice Is considered in which, in addition to the usual interactions, there to an interaction along the diagonale betwom lattice' points with the same parity of rows and columns. The free 4margy nad L apmtaneous mapeftatieft we" determined as tunctlans of tempeftbre. A form of the emelation funetion v=1 obtained at large distam at the phase transition point and 1/2 -46 E L 1929 JD/JW/W -,ACCESSION NR: AT5022284 UR/3136/65/000/864/0001/0023 AUTHOR, Vaks, V. G.; LarkLn,_A. 1. _U, TITLE Second-order,phase transitions SOURCE: Moscow.'Institut atomnoy energii.'D6klady, IAE-864, 1965. 0 fazovykh I erekhod9di ~vtorojo roda, (4 TOPIC 2AGS -second order phase-transition., thermodynamic_pr2p!rq Bose Einstein Statistics, quantun mechanics$ alloy, heat capacity, ferroelectric crystal ABSTRACT: -,Second-order ase tratisitionsi nvolving a change s ~_try in binary alloys and in a Bose gas are treated statistically. With certain assumptions concerning the relationship between the interaction constants, it is shown that,a specific part of the thermodynamic quantities has the same form as in'X the Ising model or in its complex variants, All these models can be studied with relative ease by means of:coi~puters.- A series of results have already been ob- z---- tained-for the standard three-dimensional Ising.lattice, and these results can be compared with the observed changes in macroscopic quantities near the transi- ~.-tion. The phase transition in a Bose gas,turns out to be equivalent to the transition in a lattice of flat,dipoles. -In conclusion, further computations Which would be desirable for chetking thesuitability of the approximations L ~CarCl/2 _L 4375-66 ErIT(M DIAAP AP5020252 ACCESSION-M, UR/0367/65/002/001/0040/0050 T A13THORS: Grint Yu. T.;'~!-Iarkln, A. TITL13: Nuclear rotational A at ht Ji motrnnta _!~qtrc SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika v. 2, no 1, 1965, AO-50 TOPIC TA(;S:l nuclear spectroscopy, heavy nueleils, deformed nucleus ABSTRACTi The.authors calcul ate the dependence of the pair correla-' tion on 6e.angular momentum of the system, without assuming the latter to be small. It Is shown that the pair correlation vanishes at angular-momenta 20 -- Min the rare-earth region and 36 -- 40 in the heavy-element region, The'dependence of the energy and of the moment of,inertia on the angular momentum,--of the system Is also It A calculated. -turns out that In the region of large angular momenta all:~tbe qu6mtlties depend little on the deformation of the nucleusi Bo,thab perturbation theory can be usedi..On the other hand~,.at small angular moniental.near the gr6und,atatej the ~deformation leads to a qualitative difference in the prooertied.of:the spherical and deform .,!:, -:I In .,I ~~ I . ~- - - - - -- itt i.- ~' ~&j ~ - . ,. i . , 4 1-:1 - .~~: 7 .-. -I-I . . d 4-- -- 4- ~ . - . I --~ 1- 1 - . -.i ~ I . -- Z- -, - , --~ ~ - ---. 1 ~~ " ~ : - -- ~ - .- 7 -.I-I~ . I .4 . . -,. . A ~. . I.d . .,I * - -. - 11.1~~u I Z~ 1 .1, --,! . which-: ~drbig-_~'*afiishes_ is _determinedi6nd thie7-.dependen 'of ~tht'rapgnetic moment re i,the 9 e' -a re iaA-~A -ngt~ iis 'calculated The'- 0.6--of ities"As accounted for presen r avera,&4- the initial- equations, vith respect to the sitibns of the irrmurities. PO h e14 e ;thiw~case-_ he sap,vams es at a it- ngth than critical. The de- - t, ., fl~ on, th ,ndence',of. he-Inisbt sbi e_--sizebr the Martlcles.and on the-field strength :t1i case A the field -is nol, -small coMdred with the critical r- e en o .~._:It.-is.dcduced that the magnitude of the Knight shift must depend on the I . I-'- ~aq Lze!; of the. ples. and that for a large degree of dispersion of the particles ie,:, hixelear- resonwice line must be broad&-, "The author thanks A. A. )rikoaov.~for a helyAll discussion of the results obtained Ori art. has: formulas (021 J)SMIAtION! Moskavskiy Aziko-.tekhnicheski irmtit~,t Physicotechnical y i 6 ~tif t u ito SU ITM~ 29Jut ii CoDr,.- Gp EF SOVI.I':_` ~__~OTHM --002 ATD PRESS- 'R100 -,It ic~ VAKS~ V.Gt;~i~ A"I",-i., 't ~Kl S'O, I Phase tranvitiom of the second kind. Zhur, eksp. i *eor. fiz. 49 no.3t975-989 S165. (MIRA 181-10) MIRYAKOV, B.M.; LARKIN, A.I.; PROTASOV, Ye.A. Study on perrapent magnets. L"Javo lab. 31 1 -~' f~- . - k;*IJILiA 1. Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fi zic lies Uy iiistit-ut. IARKIN, A.I. Vector pairing in small-size superconductors. Pis'. v red. Zhur. eksper. i teoret. fiz. 2 no-5:205-209 S 165. (!-URA 16:12) 1. Moskovskiy fiziko~--tekhnicheskiy, institut. Submitted June 25,, 1965. I , I - JD/X L u017&66 j~C_C NR, AP5024720 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65/049/00.3/0975/0989 AUTHORS: Vaks, __V. G.; Larkin~ A., I. ORG: None TITtE:. Phase transitions of second order SOURCE: Zburnal eksperimerhtalinoy i.teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 3,.1965, 975_989 TOPIC TAGS: second order phase transition, binary alloy, crystal symmetry a r. -.ABSTRACT: The cle is devoted to a statistical study of second- der sitions~_~~n binary alloys with changes of crystal symmetry~(Za:nd _phase tran - ,in a Bose gas. finder certain assumption conc,6rning the interaction con- stants and for certain relations between th ge arameterB, it is shown .tbat.the singular parts of the thermodynami quantities are of the same form as in the Ising model oi~its generalizations, for which a number of .results am-known from computer calculations. In particular, the reSUltEl known for the tbree-dimensional Ising lattice are compared with the be- havior of the ob9erved macroseopic.quanl-ities near the transition point. v The acc -racy of the calculations and the desirability of further computer- Cardr 3 ACC ~NR~ AP5024720 calculations for the purpose of cbecking.tbe approximation made and for -Comparison withexperiments are discussed, Arguments arelpresented to ~Show'tbai.subsequent terms do not alter the already obtained results. A .phase a Bose gas is found equivalent to a transition in,a lattice. of glane dipoles. Authofs are grateful to V. M. Galitskiy for participating in the initial stages of the work, and to L. P. Pitayevskiy..N. L. Pokrovskiyp and A. A. Vedenov for discussions. SUB.~.CODi: 20/. SUBM'DATEI. 23.Apr65/, NRIREF:SOV-.-007/ OTH REF: 009 Card :-..L 1-2785-66 ACC.NR% AP5026611 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65704970647118671189 nnikov, Yu. N-. AUTHORS: Vaks,. V. 0. Larkin,'A.. I... -.Ovchi ORG: None ~TITLE: Ising model with.interaction between nonnearest neighbors SOURCE:: Zburnal-,eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheBkoy fiziki, v. 49, no.,4,, 1965,, 1180-3-189 TOPIC TAGS: correlation function, free energy., spontaneous magnetization. ABSTRACT: To-check on the sensitivity of the results of the standard Isin& modelto the actual form of the model,.especially with respect to the nature of singularities of the different macroscopic quantities. the authors consider a modi- and the form of the correlation function -fication of the Ising modelin the form of a two-dimensional lattice in which., besides the usual Interaction.,tbere is an interaction between certain non-nearest neighbors, along diagonals between nodes with equal row-plus-column parities. The free energy and the spontaneous magnetiz- lation are determined as functions of the temperature. The form of the correlation function at large distances is derived at and close to the A: Ceird ,~ACC..NR.j.:-:AP502663.l phaze-transition point. The singularities in the macroscopic qiiantit:L-s Are, found to betle same as in the Ising.model, nor is there any change in-the behavior of the correlation function near the transition point. The-'only difference between the authorst model and the.IBing lattice is-that-for a certain ratio of the system constants there gre three successig Xhase-transit4ons 4 -the temperature is varied. Authors thank,G. 21. azanov and N.~V~Vdovichenko for preliminary information abouttbeir current-work. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 44 formulas. SUB CODE: -20/ SUBM DAT.E.- 2lApr65/ XR REF SOVO*:006/7 OTH REF: 008 Crd 2/2 L 05786-67 Wr(l) AP6031455 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/002/0683/0687 AUT14OR: Larkin. A. L: Pvchinnikov, Yu. No ; Fedorov, M. A. ORG: NQSPOW Physicotechnica-1 Institute ( oskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut) TITLE: Boundary condition of the Josephson effect SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 2, 1966, 683-687 TOPIC TAGS: approximation method, functional equation, tunnel effect, Hamiltonian, Josephson effect ABSTRACT: A boundary condition is obtained for the Josephson effect in the quasi-classical approximation from the Gor1kov equations. The results of the investigation are in agreement with those in earlier studies in which the effect was analyzed by means of the tunneling Hamiltonian. The authors thank L. P. Gor1kov for his valuable advice. Orig. art. has: 20 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract SUb",r)DE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 3lMar66/ ORIG REP: 002/ OTH REP: 005/ ACC NR% A1&24896 SOURCE COD2, UR/0056/66/051/002/0361/0375 AUITOR: VakSp Vs Go; L%rkinj At I*; Pikin) So A, ORGi none trans~_,Aons TITLP,: on the self-consistent field method in the description of Phase souRm Zhurnal eksperimentallnov i teoreticheskoy fiziki.. v- 51., no. 1, 1966.. 361- 375 TOPIC TAGS: phase transition, correlation function, thermodynamic function, crystal symmetry, ferroelectric material, dipole interaction.. superconductivity ABSTRACT:* The purpose of the investi6ation was to determine the region of applicabil-i ity of the Landau phenomenological theory for phase transitions, inasmuch as this t1 ory disagreeswith experiment in the direct vicinity of the phase transition point. Since the phenomenological theory is equivalent to the zeroth approximation of the self consistent field method from the microscopic Point Of view, the allthorS consider the phase transitions in an Isinge model and in crystals for a large interaction radius" ro. Then the method of constructing the successive approximations is illustrated vitl~ ! , model as an example. The first two terms of the expansion in terms of the the Ising A i parameter r63 are obtained in the correlation function and in the thermodynamic quan- 41.-ities. The methods developed for the Ising model axe then applied to the more cor,, plicated case of phase transitions accompanied by a change in crystal symmetry. Tae. influence of the electric dipole-dipole interaction in ferroelectrics is analyzed and i 'Card 2/2 L o8179_67 ACC NR; Ar6o24896 it is shown that the results of the phenomenological theory are valid in a wide range! of temperatures. The question of the phase transitions in one-dimensional systems isl considered. 11. is shown that as the tCmperatu3;e approaches the transition temperature., the parameter .r-3 increases like r631T - Tel-1/2 for forces of finite radius a_nd likei 3ln 0 r6 IT - Tel for dipole-dipole interaction in uniaxial ferroelectrics. The results show that when the interaction radius is large, ro >> 1, the self-consistent approxi-, mation describes the phase transitions in crystals and in the Ising model correctly everywhere except a narrow region near the transition point. Me phenomenological the,ory is best applicable to superconductors, where the role of the interaction radius; is played by the pair dimension. T'llie authors thank A. P,_ ~ya ful dis- It - rV3Ak-for a use cussion. Orig. art. has: 51 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBIA DATE: 25Feb66/ ORIG REP: 015/ OM REF: 005 F Card 2/2) nst 1. ACC NR3 AP6037083 SOURCE CODE: UR/00 66/O51/V/_/ 5 A5 AUTHOR: Larkin, A. I.; Ovchinnikov, Yu. N. ORG: Moscow Physicotechnical Institute (Moskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskdy i.n3titut) TITLE: Tunnel effect between superconductors in an alternating field SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 51, no- 5, 1966, 1535- 1543 TOPIC TAGS: tunnel effect) superconductivity, tunnel diode, volt ampere characteris- tic, magnetic impurity, paramagnetic impurity, J_J~cz~"~40-- ABSTRACT: The authors derive a general expression for the Josephson tunnel current between two superconductors separated by a dielectric barrier for an arbitrary volt- age applied to the barrier and for all temperatures. The limiting cases oll' slow and fast time variations of the voltage are considered, and also the case of small volt- ages with arbitrary time dependence. The expression for the current is reduced in all these cases to four single integrals, for which the limiting values are obtained. These limiting cases are superconductors without magnetic impurities and supercon- ductors with paramagnetic impurities. The authors thank 1. 0. Kulik, A. V. Svi- dzinskiy, and V. A. Slyusarev for preprints of their papers. Orig. art. has: 30 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/' Sum DATE: o3jurM/ oRIG REF: ooV oTH REF: oo4 -;-- WL ACC INR: AP0037090 SOURCE CODE. d65-676-6-/65f/605Y1592/i6o8'-' iAUTHDR, Vaks, V. G.; Galitskiy, V. It.; Larkin, A. 1. 0-iv^: none WTIZ: Collective';excitations near second order phase transition points i SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallno.7 i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 51', no. 5, 1966, 1592- 10,08 TOPIC TAGS: second order phase transition, crystal lattice vibration, permi-Livity, i excitation spectrum, ferroelectricity ABSTRACT: The authors present a microscopic treatment of critical excitations in solids with temper4ture-dependent frequency, which tends to zero on approaching the I transition point, The theory developed makes it possible to explain the region of existence of the critical vibrations and the physical meaning of the phenomenolo6ical parameters employed. Simple models, which are not related to any specific sifostarce but which include all the essential properties of the real crystals, are considered. 7ne interaction radius is assum d to be large enough to permit the use of the self consistent field method. This method is then used to determine the spectrum of these excitations and the dispersion of the dielectric permitivity in ferroelectric transi- tions. A diagram technique, which makes it possible to calculate further approxima- .Co.rd__J/Z__ AP06037090 tions of the self 'Consistent field method, is developed. The dam-Ding of the exci,~a- tions is determine& with the aid of this method. it is found that very close -ro ha critical frequency,the damping is comparable to the frequency~ so that the concept of vibrations loses its meaning. The critical vibrations are thus described in the en- vire region of tiieir existence in the self-consistent field approximation. The appli-I cability.of the results to real systems is discussed, and an extension to first-order transitions is considered. Orig. art-has: 3 figures and 55 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUB14 D=*. 22jun66/ ORIG REF: 019/ OM RU; 004 2/2 VESEMSKly, S.N.; sOLODUKHO, Ta.Tu.; TSALLAGOV, A.P.; ZAMARAYLIVJI B.S.; VOLKOV, A.F. (Moskva),- NIKULDI, G.F.; -LA990,-A.P., Exciter for electrical machines using thyristors, Elektri- chestvo no.2:74-77 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Goeudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu elektrooboru- dovaniya d3,va tyazheloy promyshlennosti (for Veshenevski-y, Solodukho, TSallagovo Zamarayav). 2. Metallurgicheskiy zavod I'Serp i molot" (for Nikulin, Larkin). RYABOV.- S.A.; LARKIN, D.P. Devices for checking the precision of the guides of beds and carriages. Mashinostroitell no.3tll-12 Mr 165. (MIRA 18t4) KARMVA, M.N.; KONIKOVA, Te.A.- LARKIN, X.D.- SAVELOYEV, V.F. - 11~~~ Avicennite - a new thallium mineral. Doklo AN Vz. SSR no.2:23-25 158. (KIRA 11!5) l.Institut geologii AN TJzSSR, Krasnokholmskaya ekspeditai.Va. Prodstavlono akad. AN UzSSR A.S Uklonakim. (Thallium ores) AUTHOR: Larkin, F.R. SOV-113-58-9-7/19 TITLE: Tests of the Semiaxes of the ZIL-150 and ZIL-151 Axle _-o_-'afts (Ispytaniya poluosey avtomobiley ZIL-150 i ZIL-151) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promysblonnost', 1958, Nr-9, pp 16-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As early as 1947, Ye.A. Chudakov, and in 1950 and 1953 V.A. Dobrovol'skiy and N.S. Acherkan pointed out that splined shafts should be calculated by the inner diameter of the grooves. The stability of such a shaft then equals that of an even shaft the diameter of which is somee.,hat less than the inner diameter of its splined end. But automobile de- signers have not yet heeded this suggestion. The present calculation method of axle shafts of ZIL-150 (Photo 1), the 3-axle ZIL-151 and the ZIL-585 dump truck is described and test results are considered. The axle shafts of ZIL-150 had fatigue defects after 2,000 to 85,000 km. Standard axle shafts of ZIL-151 could not be used after runs of up to 75,000 km. These standard shafts are made of 45 Kh, 40KhGR, 40KhGT, 35KhGS and 40KhNMA*steels. Axle shafts that were reinforced by shot-peening did not show any fati6ue in cross-country test runs after 96,000 kiii. They also endured cycles of up to 1,200,000 to 1,500,000, while the standard Card 112 axles of 5 steel brands could stand only 223,000 to 256,000 SOV-113-58-9-7/19 Tests of the Semiaxes of the ZIL-150 and ZIL-151 Axle Shafts cycles and experimental axle shafts of 30 mm diameter (inner diameter of the grooves equalling 37-5 mm), 430,000 UC103. Axle shafts of ZIL-585 were tested on first-class roads, dirt roads and in cross-country rides. They succumbed to fatic-ue after 82,000 to 101,000 km, but in one instance this was al- ready found after a run of only 34,500 km. The author con- cludes that new calculation methods and additional reinforce- ment will increase thelife and fatigue resistance of these axle shafts. There are 4 photos, 2 diagrams, and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: 1,111oskovskiy avtozavod imeni Likhacheva (The Moscow Automobile Plant imeni Likhachev). 1~ Automobiles--Design 2.' Shafts--Applications 3. Shafts--Test methods Card 2/2 PnASE I DOOr EXPLOITATION SOV/~291 Soveahchaniye po komplekanoy mekhanitatall I avtomatlzataiA tokhno- logicheakildi protocssov v,machinostroyonli. 2a, moscow, 1956 Avtomati=ataiya. mashinostroltel Inykh protuessov. t. III: Obrabotka rezaniyerz I obshchiye voprony avtomatizatnii (Automation or Ka- chino-BuIlding Processes. v. 3: Metal Cutting and General Auto- mation Problems) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 296 p. (Serlest Its: Trudy, t. 3) ,TOO copies printed. Sponsoring ACency; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut mahinovedenlya. Komisslya po tokhnolorii machino3troyeniya. Reap. Ed. - V. 1. Dikushin, Acadomician; Ed. of Publishing Hounat V. A. Kotov; Tech. Ed.: I. P. Kuz'=ln. PM03Et Ilds collection of articles In intended for technical personnel concerned with the automation or the machine Industry. COVEWS, Th.15 is Volume III or the transactions of the Second Conference on the Full Mechanization and Automation of Manures- 'turing Processes in the MachIno Industry, hold September 25-29, 1956. The transactions have been published In three volujmca. Volume I deals with the hot prosaworking or metals, and volume II, with the actuation &no control of machines. The present volume deals with the automation or metal machining and worl.- hardening, and with general proble=3 encountered In auto=a- tion. The transactions on the autoration or metal-machInInr Processes were published under the aupervlrlon of F. S. De='- yanok and A. M. raratygin, and those on the automation of work bardening procesece, under the supervision of E. A, Satol- and N. 0. Y&kobion. No pcrron~lities are mentioned. There are no references. . Erpsher, Yu. B. On the Operation or the Tools In Automatic 'Production Lines 32 Lyudmirakly D. 0. Experience of the SKB-6 [Special rosirn office uo. ti in Designing and ~Uaterlng Automatic rroduc- tion-Line Operations 43 Yerorov, B. V. Automation or Universal Motal-Cuttim Machiner for Mass Production 53 .Nekly,udov, 0. 1. Automatic Machining or Parts Used in 62 Watchmaking Automation or Kachine-DaildinZ Processes (Cont.) Sov/~291 Yakobson. M. 0. Automated Production or Gears and Splined Shafts 66 Koshkin, L. N. Automation of Minufacturing Processes Based on Hotary Tranarcr Machinc3 82 RyvKn, 0. M. Metal-Cutting Tools ror Automated Productlon 93 Derbinher, A. V. Automation of Kinufacturine rrocennen at the 1 GPZ (Int State BearlnC Plant] ill Sokolov. Ye. F. Experlence In the Operation or senAmuto- matic Hydraulic CopyinZ Machines 124 Vaoll'yov, V. S. Autonatic atlancInj; MachInee 129 uritayma, A. D. Ile. Advanced Processes for uic Kazo riv- N X ductlon of ZlIdtnZ D!ar1nzs 141 Card 4/ 7 Automaticn or Kachinc-Bulldlnc Proc-~osea (Cont.) SOV/'5291 Fillkln, V. P. Securing Stability In Motion or Parts During Centerless OrInding 148 Zolotykh, 13. H. Present State or and Prospects for Eloctro- spark KachInln& or Metals and Methods ror Its Automation 1.56 Rozenborg, L. D., and D. F., Yakhirlovic h; 'Joe of Ultrasonics for Machining Hard and Brittle Raterl.1 164 Zheleznov, Te. S, Automation or the Process for GrindIng Bearing Rings 173 Dashchenko, A. 1. InventlCating the Process Parameters of Small Semlautc--atic UnIt-Head Machine Toola 186 PART II. ALTWATION OF SURFACE-HARDENING PROCESSES qhi?7i~oy, V. T. Controlling the Carburizzinz rroccas 203 Card 5/7 Automation of Machino-Building Processes (Cont.) SOV/5291 Nikollakly, A. r. units for Quenching and Tcmcrins by HiSh-Prequency Besting in Automatic Production Lines 211 Larkin, F. R. Automatic Unit for the Shot Peening or Lear 217 Origulla, Yu. X. Automating the ThleknOoll Control or Sur- race Films 222 PART III. GM4ERAL PROBLS~45 Ill AUTOMATION Blagonravov, A. A. (Academician). Objectives of Automating -the Processes in Machine BuIlding 229 Diku5hIn, V, 1. [Academician]. Problem of Automatic-% In Y.a.chine DdIldina 231 Kulebakin, V. S. EAcademiclan). On Methods or improving 246 --Automatic Systew Automation of Machine-BuildiriC Processes (Cont.) SOV/"l Klim nko , K 1. Economic Effectiveness of Automation and Pethed* of Leterminin It g 272 yCmellyrvioy, A. D. Basle Prlnclp2es of Deter-anIng the Economic Effe-tiveneso in the Automation or Production 277 ZO&M08j'an's, F. To. Investment per Unit of (Rated] Forse- power In the Automobile Industry 285 AVAILABLE: Llb--ar-, of Congroos LARKIN, Teats of splined parts of motor vehicles under operating conditions and means for increasing the endurance of these parts. Sbor.trud.lnst.;imsh.i avtoln.All BSSR no.2;1+6-61+ 16-1. (19M 15:3) (Motor vehicles-Transmission devices-Testing) KARASEV, N.A.; BOGOSLOVSKIY, I.D.; KOSTOGONOV, V.G.; LARKIN, F.R.; MOROZOV, V.I.- SERGIYEVSKIY, A.Ya. Effect of shot peening on the properties of a nitrogen case- hardened layer. MAtalloved. i temobromet, no,10:12-16 0 165, (MIRA 18:11) 1. Moskovskiy, inatitut radioelektroniki. MAKAROV, A.F.; OBOROTOV, I.Ye.; KALYADIH, I.I.; FELMO, L.I.; M ECTITSA? V.R.; IMCII&YEV, B.H.; 111MDOV, A.M.; IVANOV, N.G.; CHIJVAKOV, F.F.; L _,Z.; SVY.LTKIU, V.Y.; SHaIYULL111, M. FILIKOV, F.V.; LkHjj N,_Q Railroad workers address metallurgists. Put' i put.khoz. 4 no.8:14 Jig 160. (MIU 13:8) 1. KovylkinBkaya diBtantsiyaputi i putevaya mashinnava stantsiya Ho.66, stantsiya Kovylkino, Kuybyobevrkoy dorogi. 2. Nachallnik Kovylkinskoy distantaii puti (for Makarov)- 3- Sekretari partbyuro, stantsiya Kovylkino, KuybyshevBkoy dorogi (for Oborotov, Nachayev). 4. Predsedatell meetkoma, stantsiya Kovylkino, Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Kalyadin). 5. Sekretari Vaesoyuznogo LeninBkogo kommuniaticheskogo soyuza molodezhi, stantsiya Kovylkino, Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Felenko, Ivanov). 6. Hachall- nik putevoy mashinnoy stantaii No-66, stantsiya Kovylkino, kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Perepelitea)- 7. Ghlen meetkoma, stantsiya Kovylkino, Kuybyshevskoy dorogy (for'Davydov). 8. Rukovoditeli brigad i udarniki kommanisticheskogo truds, distantaii i putevoy mashinnoy stantaii No.66, stantsiy Kovylkino, Kuybyahevakoy dorogi, (for Chuvakov, FilIkov, Lartkin, Svyatkin, Sharifullin). (Railroads--Rails) 10 IAMNI 1. 2, SSSR-(600)- 4. Metalwork 7. MOtal economv-in hot and cold stamping. Z& ekon. ant. No. 4, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Febrttary -1953. Unclassified. LARIKIN, m~- Designs of radio amateurs shown of 4be Exhibition ofAchievements of the National EaonovV. Radio no.2;10 F 161. (MIRA' 14:9) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya komiteta Dobrovollnogo obshchestva. sodeystviya armii, aviatsii i flotu na Vystavke dostizbeniy narodnogo khozyaystva. SSSR. Ra adio clubs) (Radio operators) ( LARKIN M. OlUnjri Sibiriak-62" automobile. lUn.tekh. 7 no._307-38 Mr 163. (MIRA 16: 3) 1..Ruko~~itell avtoiconstruktorskoy laboratorii Novosibirskoy- oblaBtnoy stantsil: yWkb tekhnikov. (Motor vabieles-Design and conotruction) 13YKEOVSKIY, Izraill Adollfovich; YEFREVOV, K.P., kand. tekhn. nallk., retsenzent;.-LARK114, EX., kand. tek-hn. nauk, retsenzent; YEGOROV, S.A., nauchn. red.; MISHIKEVICH, G.I., red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. [Atomic uubuarines] Atowye podvodnye lodki. Izd.2., pe- rer. i dop. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 230 P. (MIRA 17: 1) (Atomic submarines) LAOXIN~ YA, 1, Dredging Advanced method of dredging. Rech.transp. 12 no. 1, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. 00900 4-00.0 o O e 0 0 o 0 i' g 1 1 000 00 9600-649 mem- 669000606111104111196004 r l l 1 1 1 1 1 4 l t l ? s t 11D 111311% a va l" Idil WSJ 1411 34 1; It 41 v A) u 'I f! 0 A 4 1"l 1) P I J. I I A . , so Go"i Nciv. 31). 1940. Larkill. Ra". &R.M9, mother-Of-prarl appearsavice i, liv" in Galablit fly 00 POO filt f-00 er. R 00 ;me 00 "' 4r j ZOO *0 so Z31 90 1. .. if f. --me :Joe Joe W" evo -1 All W7--,; , -d :1 0 04 K j0 'La n q o re 0 ei 0 0 0 0 k j1UTHORS: ~~rianov, K.A. (Corresponding *ember of the Acad. of C I Scf. of the USSR), Novikov, 9-.G. (Engineer), and Larkin, .YO.P, (Engineer) - no--7--uT3-6 TITLE: Heat resisting electrically insulating cylinders and tubes for dry transformers. (Teplostoykiye elektroizolyatsionnye tsilindrye i trubki dlya. sukhikh transformatorov), PERIODICAL:"Vestnik Elektropromzshlennosti" (Journal.of the Ele-CYTE'Ral Industry), Vol.28t No.7,1957, PP-38-42 (USSR). ABSTIMT: It is important to produce heat resisting explosion proof dry transformers for the coal industry because they can be installed much nearer the coal face than can flame-proof oil-filled transfoimers. For the manufacture of such trans -fo rmei-s it is important to have insulating cylinders and tubes capable of operating at high temperatures and voltages. This article describes briefly experimental data on the production and study of heat-stable glass- fabric cylinders and tubes based on silicone resins. Polyphenyl-methyl-siloxane resin of high thermal and water resistance and satisfactory binding properties for glass cloth was manufactured on a semi-industrial scale, This Card resin was introduced into production at the Kuskovsk Chem- 1/3 ical Works under the brand Varnish K-41, which was later Heat resisting electrically insulating cylinders_andl~ubes for dry transformers. (Cont. ) 110 7-1 30 modified by poly-ether r1-4 and used for the impregnation of glass-cloth used in the manufacture of wound glass- cloth products. The technology of production of cylinders and tubes from this material is then described briefly7a Figs .1, 2 and 3 show the changes in the-dielectric proper- ties of these cylinders as a function of the time of wett- ing, and Fig.4 the change in capacitance of the cylinder with the time of wetting. The cylinder with a wall thick- ness of 5 mm was placed in water and kept there for 41 hours (after it had been first exposed to a humid atmos- phere). Its loss angle did not change'. It withstood a voltage of 30 kV for 5 minutes. It was then heated for two hours at 200 C and was tested at 30 kV for five minutes at this temperature'. Further increase in the voltage to 47 kV caused breakdown. Glass-cloth cylinders were tested both in the initial con- dition and after ageing at temperatures up to 220 C'. The results of the tests are given in Tables 1, 2 and 3~- Card Samples 1 and 2 withstood a test voltage of 20 and 40 kV 2/3 after ageing for 2000 hours in the dry condition and after Heat resisting electrically -insulating cylinders and tubes for dry transformers', (Cont'.) ILIO-7-11/30 wetting for three days, Table 2 gives the results of tests on cylinders after maintaining for a long time at. a temperature of 200 C with periodic wetting. Table 3 gives results of tests on glass cloth cylinders after periodic heating to a temperature of 220 C and e-r-posure to a medium of relative humidity of 98%_. All the cylinders withstood the test voltages of 20 and 40 KV before and after wetting and after ageing for times up to 500 hours. Table 4 gives the results of tests on the dielectric pro- perties of glass-cloth cylinders used,as the main insula- tors in a dry type mining transformer. A dry type trans.- former, TOO-180.760'of-180 kVAj 6000 V + 5% was made. Daring the process of testing, this traEsformer 'was often overloaded two or three-fold in respect of current and to double output'. In these difficult conditions the trans- former continued in experimental service'. This transfor- mer shouldp therefore, be very,valuable and reliable under Card the difficult conditions encountered,in mines There are 4 3/31 fi~~ast 4. tablest 5- foreign references.. ASSOCIATNON: All-Union Electrotechnical Institute'. (VEI)'. AVAILABLE: GRANKIN, I.M.;,LPMIN, Yu.F. Characteristics of some ferrite microva7e phase shifters. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 7 no,2,.186-190 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:8) L.~~ W27-66- EEC(k)-2/EWJ4(h)/BWT(1) ACC NRs. AP6001940 SOURCE CODE: UR/0142/65/OoB/oo6/0715/0718 AUTHOR: ORG: . none Z TITLE.: Double serrodyning in shf impedance meters and characterog-r4hs SOURCE*. IVUZ. Radiotekhnika,. v. 8, no. 6, 19 6 5, 715-718 TOPIC TAGS-.., impedance -meter, characterograph,. serrodyne ABSTRACT: The -factors restricting the use of in impedance meters and charac'ierographs are: spurious AM, relative -phaoe -shift character disperision, and nonlinearity of these characteristics. These factors are responsible for a side mirror'.1, frequency which affects the accuracy of measurement. The accuracy can be, greatl improved by modulating the phase of one of the signals according to a y tnore--complicated-than-serrodyne law. Two modulator and one-modulator cases are' considered. It 49 found that: (1), The double hase modulation essential1v reduces the! p error (due to incornplete supprea sion of the -side "mirror" frequency) in impedance rneters-aj~d_characterographs; (Z) The best accuracy can be expected when two modulators are used; (3) If one modulator is used, only.the-units generating the control and. synchronizing signals become slightly complicated. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 18 forinulas. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 160ct64 ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 003 Card III DoUhIN, N.V.; ZAYKOV, M.A.; TSELUYEOV, V.S.; KAMINSKIY, D.E.; Dj'% vH ~~.G- MEESHCEERYA1,COV, P.!~.; Prinimali uchastiye: PERIIYAKOV, V.11"J.; MFRYUTOV, V.N.; PROYOP'YFV, KAFTNAOV, M.P.; XAW'IYGIIJI, G.F.; ZBCIIU,,VI.T,,V, M.A.; MARITNIN', P.G.; NASIFUDIN, Ii.S.; I !UCHFv5hIY, I.Ij.; FIEHAVUR, V.A.; SERGEYEV, V.V.; ONVANOV, L.K.; 1'%OBYLLV, V.1w.; KUCtTKO, I.I.; MIRENSKIY, M.L. Pressure of the metal on rolls in rolling carbon and alloyed steels on a threp-hiF:h billet mill. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 4 no-8:7P-93 1(1. WiRll~ 14:9) 1. Silirskiy rrptallurgicheskiy ingtdAdt. (Rollinf, mills) ZAYKOV, M.A.; TSELTJYKOV, V.S.; KAMINSKIY, D.M.; DADOCHKIN, N.V.; MESHCHERYAKOV, P.A.; MARININ, P.G.; I-JMiSKIY, M.L.; PROKOPIYEV, A.V.; OVCHINNIKOVA, R.F.; Prinimali uchastiye; BELYAVSKIY, M.A.; KAFTANOV, M.P.; KUCHKO, I.I.; LAR!KINA,-2.-Ye.; MANCHEVSKIY, I.V.; NARAMYGIN, G.F.; MEMTOV, V.N.; NASIBULIN, A.S.; NEFEDOV, M.K.; PEIU-IYAKOV., V.M.; CHELYSHEV, N.A.; CBVANOV, L.K. Investigating conditions of rolling on three-high billet mills.. Izvy vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.10:74-83 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Sibirskiy metal-lurgicheskiy institut i Kuznetskiy metallurgichskiy kombinat. GUZENKO, T.G. [Huzenko, T.H.], kand. arkhitektury; LARKINA, O.M., arkh.; RODICHK.U.Ij 0.14.[Rodychkin.. O.M.], iii-d,--a'ikb,,-, SALATICH, A.K.[Sa:Latych, A.K.1, kand. arkh.; SVIDERSKIY, V.M.[Svidersikyi., V.M.], kand. arkh.; SEVERIN, S.I., arkh.; RUBTSOV, L.I., daktor biol. nauk, prof.; PLOTNIKOVA, T.V., kand. biol. nauk; KATONINA, Ye I... doktor arkh., prof.., red.; ZASLAVSKAYA, T.M.[Zaslavs1ka, ~.M.J, red.; KIYANICHENKO, N.S. [Kyiarychenko, N.S.1, red.; USHCPMKO, N.S., red.; ZELENKOVA Ye.Yu., tekhn. red.; BABILICHIOTOVA, G.O.[Rabillchanova, H.O.J, tekhn. red. [Flowers in city landscaping] Kvitkove oformlennia mist'; allbom. Kyiv, Derzhbudvydav URSR, 1962. 158 p. (MRA 17:1) 1. Akademiya budivnytstva i arkhitektury URSR. Instytut misto- budivnytstva. 2. Sotrudnik sadovo-parkovogo-.kho2yavstvaNo.3 goroda Kiyeva (,for PlotnikOTO, 3. ZavediWus~cbjy den#plo- gichrqm otdelom TSentrallnogo respublikanskogo botanicheskogo sada AN Ukr.SSR (for Rubtsov). CHKRKINSKIY, Yu.S.; LARKINA, V.I.; OSIPOV, G.L. Making various kinds Inform.biul.VD-40 no.3:18-20 Mr 164. WRA 17:3) 1, Sotrudnik laboratorii poliiierpykh rastvorov i betonov Voesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovateltskogo instituta, novykh stroitellnykh materialov (for Cherkinskiy). 2. Sotrudnik laboratorii polimernykh materialov Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issle- dovatellskogo instituta novykh stroitellnykh materialov (for Larkina). 3. Rukovoditell lai~Dratorii stroitIbllnoyakustiki Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta stroitellnoy fiziki Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Osipov). KOSHKIN, V.G., kand. teklin. nauk; LARKIND4, V.I., inzh. Coverings on the basis of epox7 resins for floors of industrial buildings. Stroie mat. no.11:31 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) -F.-- - - -,- - - -- ~--- 1-11- ~ - -1- ~ I - --- I 'V~ ~ . ~ -_ -, ;~~' i "".11-T, - KOSHKIN, II.G.; CHERKPISKIY, Yii.S.; Ulir"PIA, II.A.; SLIPCHENK0, G.F. Seamleor, maotic arid po'ympr-cE;menf flojvo. Prom. stroi. 43 I u no.11:17-20 165. (MIN, 18:12) TELISLTVA, V.I - T IMINA T.A! ~, ~1, - - ~ ?-,:rw""~- -~- Oil varnishes for leather. Kozb.-ob-jv.prom. no.7:24-27 ii 159. 041RA 12:11) (Varnish and varnishing) (Leather lndustr~--'Squipment md supplies) YELISEYEVA., V.I., doktor tekhn.nauk; KUZIMINA, Ye.V.,, inzh.; LARKINA, LA.,. inzh. Dyeing and finishing of leather. Nauch.-issl. trudy TISNIKP no. 30:91- 100 159, (KERA 14: 5) (Dyes and dyeing-Leather) (Ledtlfor) KOSHKIN, V.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; GAIAKTION'OV, A.A., kand. arkh.;. LARY021A V.I., inzh.; YANTIKOVA, M.P., inzh.; KAZAKOVA, G.N., ====2 tekhn.; GUZI-11", M.A., red. izd-va; SEIRTITVA, H.V., tekhn. red. (Synthetic floor coverings) Sinteticheskie materialy dlia pok- rytiia polov. Yoskvaj, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit arkhit, i stroit. materialam, 1961. 155 p. U11RA 15:2) 1. Vsesoyuzn3,y nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut novykh stroitellrykh materialov. 2. Laboratoriya otdelochnylch plast- mass Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta novykh stroitallnykh materialov Akademii stroiteltstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Koshkin, Galaktionov, Larkina Yantikova, Kazakova). (Floor coverings~ V;G. kand.takhn.nauk; I-ARKTNAI'V.I.p ii*h. KOAUIN. Polyvinyl Acetate mastir. compoundmi'of increased quality for laying .~~bnleos floor coverings. Stroi. mat. 9 no.2:17-18 F 163. (MIPA 16:2) (Mastics) (FI-oor coverings) KOSHKD4, Viktor Gavrilovich; ChElIKINSKIY, Yuliy Sarauilovich, IARMA.. Vera Ivanovna; ISAKOVICH, Grigoriy Aleksandrovich; SLIPCHE21KO, Galina Fedorovna; BMIDVA, Aleksandra Panteleyr-Ono-ma; GURVIGH, E.A., red.izd-va,- SHERSTNEVA, N.V., tekhn. red. [Synthetic materials for floor coverings in industrial build- ings] Sinteticheskie materialy dlia pokrytii polov promyshlen- nykh zdanii. (By] V.G.Koshkin i dr. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 128 p. (YTRA 17:2) LARIKINA. Tekaterina Ivanovna; P=OV, L., red.; TOLOKNOVA, M., mladshiy .red,';- ULAHOVA, L.,. (Training of collective-farm personnel during the period of mass collectivization] Podgotovka kolkhoznykh kadrov v period masaovoi kollektivizatRii. Moskva, 12d-vo sots.-ekon.lit-ry, 1960. 165 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Collective farms) LARIK?Vp A?; PLTUSHCHEVA, A.; CHIRWV, D., khudo2hnik (poselok Matera); BESHMSEVA, I., khudozhnik (pooelok Metera); RABOTNOVA, I-, kand.iskaostmedenlya (g. Ivanovo) Toward survey exhibitions. -Prom.koop. 13 no-3:28-29 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Predsedatell pravloniya Ilrallakoy kamnereznoy arteli, Ordinakly rayon, Permakoy oblasti (for Larlkov). 2. Starshly inzhener-tekhnolog Nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute Ithudozhestvennoy promyshlennos- ti Rospromsoveta, g. Teletsk, Lipetskoy oblasti (for Plyushcheva). 3- ZameBtitell predsedatelya pravleniva arteli "Pobeda," g. Kirov %for Xrupinin).. (Art industries--Exhibitions) LAR'XOV, A., polkovnik, kand.istoricheskikh nauk - 11A Let's strictly maintain Soviet military dii3cipline. NmM.Vooruzh. 4 Sil 3. no.3:71-76 N 060. (MIRA 11;: 8) (Military discipline) LARIKOV, A.., ka.nd.-istoricheskikh nauk International duty of the peoples of socialist countries. KoMM. Voorazh.Sil 2 noala6_2i, Te 62. (MIPA 15:5) (Comminist countries-Internationalism) (Warsaw Paot~ 1955) JARIKOV. A.M., inzh.; DRONDIN, Ye.F., ingh. Automatic control of pumps for water-lowering wells. Izv.vvs. ucheb.zav.; ensrg. 2 no.11:47-51 N '59. (MIR& 13:4) 1. Kuybyehevskiy inzhonerm-stroitellnyy institut imeni A.I. Mikoyana. Predatavlena kafedroy fiziki i elektrotekhniki. (Automatic control) (Pumping machinerr) MONDIN, Ye.F., inzh.; LARIKOV, A.M., inzh. Performance of filters in draining foundation holes of the Stalingrad E~rdroelectrlc Power Station. Gidr.stroi. 30 no.2: 19-20 F 160. (MIRA 13-5) (Stalingrad Hydroelsictric Power Station) Vilters and filteration) I&RIKOV, A.M.) -inzh.; 1EMUYEV, M.F.,, inzh. Interlocking safeguards of machines and mechanisms. Bezop.truda v prom. 5 no.9:16-17 S 161. (MIRA 14:10) (14achinery--Safety measures) IARIKOV, A.M., inzh. All,-Purpoae guard system for woodworking machinery. Der. prom. 10 no. 4:18-19 Ap 161, (MIW, 14:4) (Woodworking machinery-~-Safety appliances) LAR'KOV) A.M., inzh. Automatic disebarge control of pump units for lowering the water level. Gidr. stroi. 12 no.10:47-48 0 '61. (YIRA 14:10) (Water, underground) (Automatic control) (Pumpinp machinery) LAREDV P I I- _, ...... ~~ - Help the OtOmOcutting trade. From. koop. no.5--22 )t '58.(MIRA 11:4) 1. Predeedatell pravleniya Urallskoy kamnereznoy artalis Permskaya oblast', (Stonecutting) 1. LARIXOTI S. P. 2. TJSSR (AOO) 4. Arboriculture 7. Example worthy of imitation, Les i step', 14, No. 11, 1952v 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953, Unclassified. ~2-00 AUTHORSt 42725 S/10 62/001/011/002/012 D295YD308 Tikhonov, V.I. and Lar1kov, V.A. TITLE: Experimental investigation of frequency blips FERIODICALs Radiotekhnika i elektroru'ka, v. 7, no. 1962, 1901. - 1909 TEM The following parameters are defined for the time derivative (frequency) of the random phase of the sum of a sinusoidal Oscillation and quasi-sinusoidal gaussian noise, con- sidered over a finite interval of time Ts. the number of times that the frequency crosses an assigned level, C, with a positive derivative (the number of positive bli 'ps,'n) the time interval between a positive crossing and the next negative crossing (the blip duration, 'C), the highest frequency value attained ( the highest. blip, Hm), and the frequency difference between a frequency maximum and the preceding frequency minimum (the blip height# h). Statistics of these parameters are important for assessing the region of applicability of optimum-reception methods and for optimum Card 1/2 ,/62/007/011/002/012 S/109 Experimental investigation D295/D308 re a- -type regul&tion systems. The mean values$ standard deviations an?'distributions of n,'c, Hm and h were investigated for a given T ( T - 10 1 1.5 x 10-3 sec. ) and various C by using an experimen- tal set-up that comprised a sound-frequency source, a noise source ( f - 50 kc/s, & f - 5.5 kc/s ), a mixer, an IF amplifier ( f . 140 kc/s, 6f - 1-5 kc/s ), a bilateral limiter and a frequency detector, the input being either noise alone or -noise plus signal of various SIN ratioKs. The result of statistical,processing of 500 frequency oscillogr&MB are shown in the form of tables and curves and agree well with theoretical results where available (for n and -C ). Thus the T, distribution tends to an exponential distribution as C increases. There are 2 tables and 9 figures. SUBMITTED: December 29, 1961 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP404Z503 slolo6/64/000/007/0033/0039 AUTHOR: Lar'?ov, V. A. YITLL.' Tranz-;O?:o~a in a'noioyAFC system :40URCL: no. 7, 1964. 33-39 TOPIC TAGS, A~-C;, AFC transients, noisy AFC transients ABSTRACT : The regults of an experimental study conducted on a hookup described by 'V. A. Larlkov, et al. s earlier (Elektroavyaz, 1963, no. 11) are reported. It it; found that, under no-modulation conditions, the of the transient. pr~>cez;r in a heterodyne oscillator increases when a noise is present; even with a low noise level, but with a high initial detuning A f. the transient time exceeds that of the no-noise case by Z-Z.5 times. Also, the noise narrows the lack-in and holding bands of the AFC system. Two measures to offset the effects of nbise are recommended: (1) To utilize only a small part of the lock-in band Card I 'ACCESSION NR: AP4042503 and (Z) To select the frequency-detector characteristic as flat as possible within the low-level characteristic of an IF amplifier. The above findings also hold true in the case of a modulated carrier. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 7 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: Z8Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NO REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 000 Card Z/Z LAIKOWA, Halena, iwr -.1 --- - ~ - ~ -.- Z.---.--.-,--..-.-, - Eva---uation of working capacity of disabled persons and occupat-ional ad-ising assistance in the United 2tates and Canada. Praca zabezp spol 6 nr).12:21-25 D 164. WIMER, K. Standardization of agricultural machinery. p. 2.1. VYNAIEZY A NOWALISACE, OCHRAIRNE NINKY, CHANEITE VZORY. (Urad pro vynalezy a normalisaci) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. 3, no. 3, Mar. 1959. Monthly list of East European Acessions (EEAI), LG, Vol. 8, no. 7 July 1959 Uncl. TIKHONOV, V.I.;,-~IKO~VV-k~- Experimental study of frequenic7 overshoots. Raddot-ekh. i elektron. 7 no.11:1901-1909 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) (4adio measurements) f (Frequency measurements) LARKOVIA, Helena, mg-i Occupational consulting in the United States and Carada. Praca zabezp spol 6 no.10:107-29 0 1/ 64.