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AUTHORSt TITLEs FERIODICALs 8367h S/048 60/024/009/007/015 BOd3jBO63 MalYBheva, T. V., Khotin, B. A., Lavrukhina, A. K.9 Kryuko a. L. W*, Muravlyeva, V. -------- mum Investigation of New Neutron-deficient Platinum Isotopes Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fi2ioheskayaq 19609 Vol* 24P No* 9, PP- 1109-1112 TEXTs The authors studied neutron-deficient platinum isotopes which were formed by disintegration of gold induced by 660-Hev protons. The platinum isotopes were studied by spectrum analysis of conversion electrons and on the basis of "genetic" relations. The platinum and iridium fractions of high specific activity were separated from 1-2 g of gold bombarded on the synchrocyclotron of the OIYAI LJoint Institute of Nuclear Researoh , A series of experiments was carried outp and a method was proposed for the carrier-free separation of platinum and iridium isotopes. This method is based on the separation of their Ohloride complex compounds by means of anion exchange (Fig. 1). The results of the spectrum analysis of conveTsion electrons of the iridium, fraction are given in Ref. 6. The spectrum of Card 1/~ 83674 Investigation of New Neutron-deficient S/048/60/024/009/007/015 Platinum Isotopes BOO/BoQ~ the Pt conversion electrons was measured by means of a magnetio~ spiral A-spectrometer having a resolution of 0-5%. The experimental spectrum is shown in Fig. ~. The results of measurement of the conversion lines are given in a table. The half-life of the Pt isotopes was determined by separating the daughter iridium from the rt fraction at regular intervals during one to four hours (Fig- 3). The tottl half-life or pt186 and pt187 was calculated from the activity of Ir 186/ (T = 15 hours) and IrI87 (T - 13 hours) to be 2-5 � 0o5 hours. This is in.agreement with the data of Ref. 6. The half-life of Pt was calculated from the activity of the daughter iridium. having a half-life of three hours to be 2.6 + o.6 hou In accordance with Refo 69 this is the half-life of the new isotope Pt There are 3 figures, I table, and 10 referencess 2 Soviet, 2 Canadian, and 1 Germ-ano ASSOCIATION% Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernad- skogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. 1. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sniences-USSR),N'auchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gos. universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow Card 2.42 State University imeni Mo V. LomonosoT,-L- 83675 S/048/60/024/009/008/015 C, 3~,/BO63- BO ~6 L/0, AUITHORSt Lavrukhina, A. Ko, Kolesovp G. No, Tan Syao-yen TITLE% Neutron'-deficient Isotopes of Rare-earth Elements of the Cerium Group (products of the Disintegration of Europium With 660-Mev Protons) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk- SSSR. Seriya fizicheskayaq, 1960, Vol. 24, 10- 9P PP- 1113~-1118 TEXT: 'The present paper gives the.resultB of an investigation of the production cross.sections of rare-earth isotopes which are produced by the disintegration(of europium with 660-Hev protons. A target of 2'&-5 mg of europium oxide 99.8% Eu 0 ) was irradiated with the inner 660-Mev 2 3 proton beam of th yachrocyclotron af OIYaI e s (,,Loint Institute of Suclear RgppaXab) for 50 min. The,fra--tiOnB were identified from the position of the peaks in the, chromatogram (Fig. 1) and the active rare-earth isotopes from the h .aIIf-life and the radiant en6rgy (Table 1). The yields of isotopes produced by the disintegration of europium are shown in Fig. 2 Card 1/3 83 6 7 5, Neutron-deficient Isotopes of Rare-earth S/048/60/024/009/008/015 Elements of the Cerium Group (Products of the BOC~/BO65 Disintegration of Europium With 660-Mev Protons) Table 2 gives exact data on the composition of the isotopes produced by total decay of all radioisotopes. Finally, the authors briefly describe the separation of the predicted new isotope J!r134 /rRef- 7). This isotope originates from Pr134 whose half-life was estimated from the activity of ~Al 134A Ce separated from the daughter fractions to be - I hour. The gamma spectrum of the daughter cerium was taken on a 100-channel scintillation gamma'-spectrometer by Yu. A. Surkov and V. G. Karpushin (F 9- 5)- VO Y" Malyshev participated in the experiments. There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 10 references: 8 Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernad- skogo Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. I& Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) 83676 S/048/60/024/009/009/015 B033/BO63~ AUTHORSt Surkov, Yu. A.j Chernov, G. M.. Lavrukhina, As Kog Khromohonkot Z& Ve T*LEs Investigation of Neutron-deficient Oomium laoto PERIODICAM Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 19609 Vol. 24, No- 9P PP- 1119-1123 TEM The present paper gives the results of an investigation of neutron.- deficient osmium isotopes on the synchrocyclotron of OIYaI (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research). The osmium isotopes were produced by bombarding -,0,2 g of gold with 660-Mev protone for 1- 2 hours. The purity of the separated elements was radiochemically checked. A 100-channe'I scintillation. gamma spectrometer and P- and r-oounters were used to analyze the beta and gamma emission of the nuclear reaction products* Fig. 1 shows the gamma spectrum of the osmium isotopes obtained. The authors identified OS182' 08183, OB 183* , and Os185 which had a half-life of at least 10 hours. In addition, the spectrum showed an intense line, Be,- 230 kev, which had 83676 Investigation of Neutron-deficient Osmium S/048/601024/009/009/015 Isotopes B013/BoO, ~ half-life of -2-7 hours. Control experiments indicated the existence~ of' ~ new osmium isotope having a half-life of three hours. This was confirmed by the study of the daughter osmium (Figs- 3 and 4) and the daughter rhenium (Fig- 5). This neutron-deficient isotope is assumed to be OS181 and has a half-life 2-7 hours. By capture of the orbital electron it is 181 converted into Re . 230-kev gamma quanta are emitted during this con- version. Fig* 2 show's the descending curve of the activity sum of Os, which was measured by an end-window counter. It confirms the correctness of the identification of the isotopes. As there aremw6tJj'%W-data avail- able on neutron-deficient Ir, Os, and Re isotopeog the conclusions drawn from the results obtained require further confirmation. The agreement of these results with experiments recently-carried out with protons of 10 -* 80 Mev (Ref' 1) indicates that the above-mentioned identification is correct. The rO'esults further indicate the existence of the isotopq _1283.1hich id formed by the decay of the two isomers 03183 and OsI63fi- Furthermore, a 23-min activity of osmium. (Er= 170 kev) was observed during the experiments. However, the 23-min isotope may well be an 4SOMen Card 2/3 - 83676 Investigation of Neutron-deficient Osmium Isotope6, S/048/60/024/009/009/015 BOO 3/B063,~ of some unidentified OBMiUM isotope. The authors thank V# Ia Baranoy for his interest in this work. There are 6 figures and 2 referencesg I Soviet and 1 Canadian. Card S102016011341OD610291031 B004/BO54 AUTHORS: Lavrukhina, A. K., Kolesov, G. M., and Tan Syao-yen TITLE: Reduction of Rare Earths of the Cerium Group on the Mercury Cathode PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No. 6, PP- 1406-1409 TEXT: The authors wanted to investigate the behavior of Bamarium, promdthium, andv erium in electrolysis. Mercury was used as cathode, platinum wire as anode. The electrolysis was carried out at D11 5.6 6.01 coo-.. C H0 - I at 0 to +20C, a conoentratlon ratio of Me3+ : cH 3 6 5 1 : 2 and a-voltage of 10 - 12 v. Radiochemically pure Sm153, Pm147, and Ce144 were used. After electrolysis, the quantity of Sm,'Pm, and Ce, which had passed over into Hg, was determined by an MCT-17 (MST-17) counter. Sm was also determined gravimetrioally, The experimental data are shown in Table 1 and Figs. 1, 2. The separation of samarium depends on the current densi- ty only in the range between 25 and 75 -ma/cm2. At higher current density, Card 113 Reduction of Rare Earths of the Cerium Group S102ol6oll34100610291031 on the Mercury Cathode B004/BO54 the separation is little influenced by it. At 100 ma/cm2, already 95% of Sm are separated within 30 min. At a constant concentration of the complex formers, the Sm separation does not depend on them within concentrations from 6-10-3 to 6-io- 2. Pm 147 and Ce144 were used in concentrations of about 1-10-9 and 1-10- 12 mole. Pm passes over into the amalgam only at current densities higher than 75 ma/cm2. But even at 100 ma/cm2 , the Pm separation only starts after 30 min and after the formation of a samarium- potassium amalgam with corresponding potential (-2.11 v). The Pm separa- tion depends on the alkali metal used (K, Li). In the presence of K, the Pm only passes over into the Hg cathode if large amounts of Sm or Yb are Present. In the presence of Li, the Pm separation is independent of the Presence of these rare earths. An addition of potassium citrate bears no influence on the Sm separationg but prevents that of Pm, whereas lithium citrate exerts no influence on the Pm separation. The same results were obtained for cerium as for promethium. The authors arrived at the conclu-, sion that the passing over of Sm, Pm, and Ce into the Hg cathode is due to electrolytic reduction. An intermediate stage is the bivalent state which is polarographically confirmed for La, Ce, Pr, and Nd (Refs. 8-10): Card 2/3 Reduction of Rare Earths of the Cerium Group 3/020/60/134/006/029/031 on the Mercury Cathode B000054 3+ - 2+ Me + 9 Me . The authors found the optimum conditions for the quantitati'v-e-separation of Sm (up to 99.7% within an hour), and establish- ed that Pm and Ge pass over into the Hg cathode up to 97%, even if the complex formers are present in a 1011 excess. They also clarified the possibility of a separation of these elements. They thank S. I. Sinyakova, Yu. S. Sklyarenk , and 0,,L. Kabanova for their discussion. There are 2 figures, I table, and 10 references: 7 Soviet, 2 US, and 1 German, ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernadskogo (Institute of Geochemistry and.Analytical Chemistry imehi V. I. Vernadskiy) PRESENTED: June 8, 1960, by A. P. Vinogradov, Academician SUBMITTED: May 30, 196o Card 3/3 A j u 23 VKU. Hh,, 9. ASO 17 R BL 4 .1. ~o HN a' u. "o Hm .9 - ~qq --Z 40 9 , M J.qR.. P.-Ig ISM X3 -6 i v J! 1j" 11.9is o8 v MF '.3 u. 313 uAill s s 8~.k i z4 ;fg..~M~g 5 u 4 a d j1 p A qg A Ad FOY c0 111p rA 121 IX 0 29394 ?ILYYO 001// S/007/61/000/011/001/00~ ___1Y) B107/B147 -3,qoe, 00'57, //,C&) AUTHORS: Vinogradov, A. P., Lavrukhina. A. Revina, L. D~ TITLE: Nuclear reactions in iron meteorites PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, no. 11, 1961, IQ55 - 966 TEXT: The authors report on a radiochemical analysis of the fission products of iron bombarded with 660-Mev protons. They attempted to clarify the cosmogenic formation of various isotopes in iron meteorites. The synchrocyclotron of the Laboratoriya yadernykh problem Ob"yedinennogo instituta yadernykh issledovaniy (Laboratory for Nuclear Problems of the Joint Institute of Nuclear R~!3earch) was used to bombard 100 to 500 mg of iron powder with about 1012 protons/sec*cm 2 for 0.5 to 2 hr. The resulting isotopes were identified according to half-life, kind and energy of radia- tion, A simplified magnetic beta spectrometer and a gamma scintillation spectrometer were used for this purpose. A total of 38 isotopes with atomic numbers 4 - 27 and half-lives from 8 min to 3 years were found. The production,cross sections and yields of stable and undetected radio- isotopes were calculated by interpolation (Fig. 2). On the strength of 0( Card 1/-5- 2 119,194 1 ~ 3/007/61/000/011/001/00-~ Nuclear reactions in iron meteorites B107/B147 these data, the number of cosmogenic nuclei was calculated, -which are formed by fission of Fe56 in the center of a meteorite of 10 cm diameter within 4.5-10 9 years (Table 4). Results: Within the period mentioned, about 1077 g of cosmogenic isotopes Der gram of meteorite is formed, 36 38 y40, SC45 50. among them the stable isotopes Ar , Ar and V The con- centration calculated for these isotopes agrees with the observed concen- tration and is about io-9g/g of meteorite. This explains the anomalies observed in the isotopic composition of potassium and argon. Shifts toward.the ratios in terrastrial rocks are to be expected also for the isotopes- of vanadium, titanium, and other elements. The equilibriwa valuesfor the activity of long-lived cosmogenic nuclei in iron meteorites were calbulated. A comparison with values measured in various meteorites ..shows'deviations by . factor of 5. The mean production cross section a for nuclei with an atomic weight of about 20 and about 40 was found Lo be 1.2 and 0-5 Bev. The authors thank V. V. Malyshev, L. bi, Saratova, und Su Hung-kuei for help in the experimental work, Le K. Levskiy and V. Kuznetsov are mentioned. There are 4 fif,,ures, 7 tables, and 50 refe-z- Card 24., the eOntribu- S/186/61/003/oo6/oo6/olo EO51/El35 AUTHORS: Lavrukhina, A.K., Kolesov, G.M., and T'ang Hsiao En TITLE., The separation of irradiated samarium from radioactive rare earth elements by electrolysis with a mercury cathode PERIODICAL: Radiolchimiya,'v.3, no.6, 1961, 724-731 TEXT: Neutron-deficient elements of the cerium group of rare earth elements can be produced by bombardment, with high- energy particles, of a samarium oxide target weighing 100 mg or more. After the irradiation the major part of the samarium must be removed before using an ion-exchange chromatographic procedure for the complete separation of the isotopes produced.. Previous experience had shown that electrolysis with a mercury cathode would serve to remove most of th'e samarium, although other rare earth elements, especially promethium, showed a tendency to be co-deposited. Various factors were studied in an attempt to improve the samarium removal and decrease the other rare earth loss. Electrolysis was carried out in a cell made from a Card 1/ 6 The separatiov.-of irradiated .... s/186/61/003/Oo6/oo6/010 E051/E135 separating funnel (37 mm diameter), ice-jacketed to keep the cell at 0-2 OC. The cathode was 15 m? of purified mercury and the anode 25 cm of 0.8-1.0 mm diameter platinum wire, wound in a spiral. Current to the cell was supplied at 10-12 volts from a stabilised selenium rectifier circuit. Both mercury and electrolyte were stirred at 500 r.p.m. The samarium target material was shown by spectrographic analysis to contain --'0.5% Eu203' < 0.01% Gd203, and small amounts of Cu, Fe 153 7 144' Si, Mg and Mn. Radilocactive tracers Sm pml4 and Ce Added as required. The radiochemical purity of the tracers was checked by half-life meaBurements, p-ray absorption in aluminium and by the absence of y-radiation. The solution for electrolysiS was prepared by dissolving the target material in io me of 25% acetic acid, excess of which was removed by evaporating the solution until crystals of samarium acetate appeared. The residue was dissolved in 6-8 me of 3.8% potassium citrate solution and transferred to the cell using 2-4 mf of the potassium citrate solution as washings, giving a solution of pH 5.8-6.0. After an electrolysis the cathode mercury was run out of the cell with Card 2/ 6 The separation of irradiated s/186/61/003/006/oo6/oio E051/E135 the current switched on still, and washed with water to decompose potassium amalgam. The remaining samarium amalgam was decomposed with 6N HCf and samarium oxalate precipitated. From the exhausted electrolyte SmF3 was precipitated; this was dissolved in 30Y9 HN03 saturated with H003 and Sm(OH)3 or SM20x3 precipitated. The precipitates were ignited at 85 OC and weighed, 0.05-0-10 m aliquots of the electrolyte were assayed for SM153, PM147 and Ce 144 activity. A loss of about 1% of the activity occurred due to absorption on the glass walls of the cell, 0.1-0.3% loss occurred when the potassium amalgam was decomposed, and other losses amounted to about 0.02%. The effects of elec- trolysis time, cathodic current density, samarium concentration and the substitution of lithium citrate for potassium citrate were .examined*,' keeping the citrate concentration constant. At 100 mamp/cM2 current density, after 30 min. electrolysis, 4,6% of the samarium and 99.9% of the promethium were left in the electrolyte. After 45 min the figures were 3.6% samarium and 59% promethium remaining in the electrolyte. Cerium was removed from solution slowly but continuously, the deposition increasing Card 3/6 The separation of irradiated s/186/61/003/006/oo6/olo E051/EI35 with increasing cerium concentration. At current densities of 25 and 50 mamp/cm2 no promethium was deposited in 1.5 hourst but at 100 mamp/cm2 83% was deposited. Samarium deposition increased sharply from 25 to 75 mamp/cm2 with a slight increase at higher current densities. From 10-6-10-4 samarium the quantity deposited remained -93%e, f- -- U x 10-2 M the quantity deposited rose to 97.6%? above 6 x 10-2 M the quantity de~:reased due to precipitation of basic samarium acetate. By replacing potassium citrate by lithium citrate, the deposition of samarium was improved, leaving 0.3% in the electrolyte after one hour's electrolysis at 100 mamp/cm2, but at the same time 96.8% of the promethium was deposited in the mercury cathode. The optimum conditions for the separation of samarium on a mercury cathode in the presence of potassium citrate were found to be; 6 x io-2 to 6 x 10-3 M samarium concentrations 100 mamp/cm 2 current density, 60 minutes electrolysis tImev and molar ratio sm31-8cit3- = (1g2) - (1~20). Tinder these conditions the vtzll of Card V 6 The separation of irradiated s/186/61/003/oo6/oo6/oio E05l/E135 samarium reaches 97.6%. By replacing K with Li, a yield of 99.7% was obtained. Previous work had shown that promethium and cerium only start to be deposited in a mercury cathode after the formation of a mixed potassium-samarium amalgam, and the extent of deposition depends on the potassium citrate concentra- tion. By changing the cathode mercury during the course of an electrolysis an improvement is gained in samarium deposition without any deposition of promethium. With two changes of mercury at 100 mamp/cm2I 97.5% of the samarium can be removed from the electrolyte without loss of promethium. With three changes of mercury, 9% of the promethium was deposited. if 400 mg of potassium citrate was added during the course of an electrolysis, although no improvement in samarium separation occurred, no promethium was removed from the electrolyte at all. Using these latter conditions a samarium oxide target which had been bombarded with 660 MeV protons was treated. After the major part of the samarium had been removed by electrolysis an ion.-exchange chromatographic procedure separated isotopes of Smu Pm, Nd~ Pr, Ce and La. Card 5/6 s/186/6V003/oo6-'oo6/o_,o The separation of irradiated E051/E135 f There are 5 figures, 5 tables and 19 references: 13 Soviet-bloc, I Russian translation from non-Soviet-bloc publication, and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The English language references read as f C" 1lows Ref. 2% H.N. McCoy, J.AM.Chem.Soc., v.63, 6, 1622 (1941). Ref. 33 H.N. McCoy, J.Am-Chem.Soc., v.63, 12, 3432 (1941). Ref. 4j I.K. Marsha J.Chem.Soc., 55-31 (1943). Ref.lls E.I. Onstott~ J.Am.Chem.So.~.g v.78, 10; 2070 (1956). SUBMITTED3 May 26, 1960 Card 6/6 S/056/61/040/002/003/047 B113/B214 ATJTHORSs Lavrukhln&., A, K.,_ Rakovskiy, E. Ye., Su Xhun-giky, Khovnatskiv, S. TITLEs Nuclear fission of antimony by high-energy protons PERIODICALs Zhuxnal. eksperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fiziki, v. 40, no. 2, 1961, 409-418 TEXTs The nuclear fission products of antimony due to 660-Mev protons have been investigated to obtain the main characteristics of this process& mass spectrum, Isotopio nomposition of the fission fragments, distribution of the nuclear charge, and the amount of the cross section. T~e target for irradiation was prepared from metallic antimony which was purified (spectrally pure) by repeated zone melting. The antimony target was coated with aluminum which served as a monitor for the determination of the proton flux according to the reaction Al"(P,3 pn)Na". This target was irradiated in the inner beam of the synohrocyclotron of the LYaP OIYal (LaborAtnrv fn-r 71,1~1,oaLr P-minlAmn mf th,- Joint Institute of Nuclear Research.) for 0.5 - 3 nr. The elements of atomic numbers 11-37 Card 1/7 5/056/61/040/002/003/047 Ruclear fission of antimony... B113/B214 were separated by chemical methods. The activity of the preparations was determined by the "CT-7 (NBT-17) end-window counter. For the identification of the individual activities, the sign of the radiatioji was determined in a magnetic analyzer. Two groups of products could be identified from the data on half-life, mode of disintegration, and mean production cross section, Between Rb and Zn (Z~ItW are isotopes whose yield decreases rapidly with increasing 6Z - Z0- Z (Z0is the atomic number of the initial nucleus). The range 16-4 Z4 28 is to be attributed to the fission products for which no change in the yield was observed with a change in Z. The interpolation method was used for estimating the yield of the unidentified, stable, long- and short-lived radioactive fission fragments from antimony. It is seen from Fig.2 that the main part of fission fragments lies in the immediate neighbor- hood of the broken line of stable nuclei. The character of distribution of the-fragment yield from antimony in A and Z can be determined from the totality of the experimental and interpolated data. The mass distribution curve of the isotopic yield is dome-shaped. On the fission Card 2/7 S/05 61/040/002/003/047 Nuclear fission of antimony... B113%214 of antimony nucleus there occurs a considerable increase in the relative amount of neutron-defioient isotopes. a and the amount of the most probable charge Zp was determine& for all isobars between A - 37 and A - 62'. It was found that Zp(A) lies very near the line of stable nuclei. The charge distribution is constant for all the isobars. Fig. 8 shows the distribution curves of the total yield as a function of Z for the fission fragments of antimony, holmium, bismuth, and uranium nuclei. It is also.seen from Fig. 8 that the increase in the nuclear charge of the target makes the curve broader which indicates that the contribution of the asymmetric fission increases with increasing-charge of the fissioned nucleus. A comparison of the curves in Fig-. 8 shows that the yield of fission fragments of antimony nuclei is significantly smaller than that of the.heavier nuclei. The total cross section for nuclear fission of antimony,by 660-Mev protons was found to be 0.25 mb. From the results obtained it is possible to conclude that a regular change in all the fundamental parameters of the fission process is connected with the change in the charge of the target nucleus. V: N. Mekhedov and T'. B. Malyscheva are thanked for their valuable advice; L. D. Revina, Card 3/7 S/056/61/040/002/003/047 Nuclearzfission of antimony... B113 B214 L. D. Firsova, and I.-S. Kalicheva are thanked for their~help in the ex- perimental part of the work. Yu. V. Yakovlev, L. A. Smakhtin, V 6hamov, and V. V. Malyshev are mentioned. There are 8 figures, 2.tables, and 18 referencesi 15 Soviet-bloo and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. ASSOCIATIONt Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDs July 8, 1960 Legend to Table 1: -Yields of identified fission fragments from antimony bombarded by 660-Mev protons. 1) Element, 2) atomic weight, 3) mode of disintegration, 4) experimental half-life, 5) half-life taken from tables. 93 - electron capture, WIT - isomeric transition, 40,6 - hour, day, XVK - minute. Card 4/7 8,/020/61/137/003/008/030 B.I.04/B214 AUTHORS: Lavrukhina, A.-K., ~Malysheyaq T. V., and Khotin, B. A. 183 TITLE: A n ew I.r. isotope PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR# v. 137, no- 3, 1961, 551-552 TEXT: On separation of the daughter osmium from the iridium fraction produced by the disintegration of gold by 660-Mev,,protons, an activity with the half-life of 12 hours.was discovered whiah belongs to 0083. This fact confirms the formation of a new-neutron deficient iridium iso- tope with the mass number 183 in the.disintegration,produc;t,of gold. The'present paper is concerned with the determination of the half-life of IT183. 0.5 g of metallic gold was irradiated for 0-5 - 1 hr by 660-Mev protons with the synchrocyclotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research). -The radioactive,pure iridium was obtained from the disintegration products of gold by a method described in an earlier paper of the PrSBent authors (Ref. 3: A. K. Lavrukhina et al. III soveshch. po neytronodefitsitnym Card I A now Ir,83 isotope S/020/61/137/003/008/030 B104/B214 - izotopamq g. Dubna, 1960). Then, the daughter oemium was separated from the iridium in the same time interval . (The time of accumulation was changed in the different experiments from 1.5 to 4 hr). For this purpose, 20 mg of osmium in the form of Na 20004 was addod to a solution of the radioaCtiVS 4ridium. The OsO was extracted with hydrochloric &aid and .& ' 4 fixed with 10% NaOH. Thereafter.the osmium sulfide was precipitated and annealed to metal in a current of hydrogen. The degree of separation of o9mium was checked by weighing the metallic osmium. The chemical yield was 95-98%. The keorease in radioactivity was measured by an, N 4r. end-window counter. rig. I shows the decay curves of the activity of oemium determined at intervals of 1.5 hr for the 4th and 7th separations. Half-lives of 10 minutes, 12 hr and 90 days-were measured. It is obvious that the activity caused by Os183 is the greatest part of the activity of osmium. In the OSMiUM Be arated 12 hr after the first iridium. separa- tion (9th separation, Fig. 23 the 12-hr activity.,was .no more present. From Fig. 3 appears a' half-life of 1 + 0.14 hr for Ir163. An activity with the half-life,1�0o15 hr could be established also from the decay curve of the total activity of the iridium fraction. The activity with Card 214 S/020J61/137/004/013/031 B104/B206 C AUTHORS: -Lavrukhina, A~~._p Rakovskiy, E. Ye., Su Hung-kuei, and Khoynatskiy, S. TITLE: Fast-proton induced fission of antimony nuclei PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no- 4, 1961, 826-829 TEXT: The difficulties in the experiments described here mainly consisted in that the fission fragments of antimony nuclei possess very small yields as compared with those of the disintegration products. 10-3 % of impurities lead to strong deviations from the correct results. High-purity targets had therefore to be used. The targets were irradiated in the synchro- cyclotron of the Ob"yedinenny instit t yadernyih iB8ledovaniy (Joint Institute'of Nuclear Researc with 6u6O Mev protons; the products were h~ chemically separated (Z - 11 -37). Great difficulties occurred here too, since antimony fission products are often identical with antimony disinte- gration products. The isotope production-cross sections were calculated by conventional methods. The results are compiled in Table 1. As can be seen from the diagram in Fig. 1, the fission of Sb takes place in a much Oard 1/7 S/020/61/137/004/013/031 Fast-proton induced fission.of... B104/B206 wider interval of the ratio n/P as is the case for heavy nuclei. With it, however, the share of neutron-deficient nuclei is also greater than for heavy nuclei. Most of the nuclei identified by the authors are "protected" (zashchishchennyy) isobars, which makes it possible to determine the little known distribution of the nuclear charge on the fission of Sb. The distribution of the isobaric output is shown in Fig. 2. The half-widths of the curves for the individual isobars are 3-4 unit charges, while the same half-widths amount to 2-3 unit charges for the fission of heavy nuclei. The line which connects the most probable nuclear charges of the 2ragments lies close to the line of nuclear stability. The fact is also mentioned that the Sb fission takes place symmetrically (Fig. 2), which is similar to the fission of Ag. With a reduction of the proton energies to 220 Mev, the portion of asymmetric fission products is reduced, As it turned outv the fission of Sb is accompanied by an average emission of 7 protons. From Table 2 it can be seen that the fission cross section increases with increasing Z of the target nucleus. The total fission cross section for Sb with 660 Mev-protons is 0.25 millibarn. This value almost equals that determined on Ag for the same proton energies. (0-32 millibarn). The authors thank V. N. Mekhedov, L. D. Revina and L. P. Moskaleva for advice Card 2/ 29014 S/02o/6i/140/004/015/023 B106/BlO AUTHORS: Kourzhim, V,., Lavrukhina, A,, K,., and Rodin., 3, S, TITLE: Use of ammonium phosphotungstate for the separation of rubidium and cesium by ion exchange PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v~. 140, no. 4. 1961, 632-634 TEXT: J. van R. Smith and co-workers (Ref. 10, see below) recently published.s. paper on the separation of alkali metals on an exchanger column with ammonium phosphomolybdate. J.. Krtil and V, Kourim (Ref, 11, see below) showed that the chemical stability of ammonium phospho- tungstate in neutral and highly acid solution was higher than that of ammonium phosphomollybdate., and that the sorption capacity sorb of the former salt was twice that of the latter,, On the basis of these data, the authors studied the separation of the heavy alkali metals rubidium. and cesium on a column filled with ammonium phosphotungstate. To reduce the high hydraulic resistance of fine-crystalline ammonium phoBphotungstate, a coarse packing had to be added. A fine-fibered tremolite asbestos of the amphibolic type was used for this purpose. Silica gel, glass wool, Card 1/4 % 29014 S/020/61/140/004/015/023 Use of ammonium phosphotungstate B1061B110 cellulose, and cork crumbs were less suitable.. The column used had an inside diameter of 5 mm. and was filled with a suspension of asbestos in 1 M NH4NO3 solution up to a height of about 30 mm, A O:~2 M solution of phosphotungstic, and then a 0.3 M NH 4NO 3solution, were passed through this column. 0.1 ml of a 1 M HNO 3 solution was then introduced which contained 10-4 M rubidium (radiolabeled with Rb a6 ) and 10-6 M cesium (radiolabeled with Cs 134 ). The absorption of P-radiation by an aluminum filter was used to 6identify the activities since the energies of P-particles of Rb8 (1.79 Mev) and CS134 (0,65 Mev) are highly different. A filter of a thickness of 204 mg/cm2 was used. The radioactivity of fractions obtained after separation on the column was measured in an end- window counter of theMICT-17 (MST-17) type with and viiThout aluminum filter. The relative quantities of the two active isotopes in the frac- tions were calculated from the following equations: ARb . 6.62-A k1 - O-31-A tot ; ACS = %31-A tot -, 6~82-A k1; (A Rb , ACs activities of Rb 86 and ~S134, respectively; k k1 - total activity when Card 2/4 29014 S/020/61/140/004/015/023 Use of ammonium phouphotungstute ... B106/B110 moaourin,, with filtorl A total activity without filter). Rubidium was 0 tat elutied from the column, with 1 14 ammonium nitrate solution cesium with 6 M ammonium nitrate solution. Fig. I shows the roaultant chromatogram. Rb and Ca can also be separated by ammonium silicomolybdato, but this salt is more soluble in N11 NO solution than ammonium phoophotungatate, and is 4 3 thereforet slowly eluted from the coluinn. The chromatogrumn obtained with -ammonium phosphomolybdato agree with data in Ref. 10 (see below). Ammonium ailicotuncstate cannot be applied to chromatographic separations because of its good solubility in ammonium nitrate solutions. The chromutoGraphic separation method deacribed may be valuable for the separation of highly active isotopon of rubidium and cesium since phoapho- tungatatee are very otuble to radiation. There are 1 figure and 16 refer- onces' 3 Soviet and 13 non-Soviet. The three moot recent references to English-language publicatione road as follows: Ref. 10: J. van R. Smith, V1. Robb) 1. 1. Jucobs , J. Inora. and Nucl. Chem. , L2, 104 (1 96o) I Ref - 11 J. Krtil Kouiim, J. Inorg. and Nuol. Chem. , L2, 367 (1 96o) ; A. K. Lavrukchina, A. A. Pozdnjakov, S. S..Rodin, Intern. J. of Appl. Had. and 11J0t0j)e8j 90 N2 1-41 34 (1960). 'Card 3/4 2901 S//4 020/61/140/004/015/023 Uso of ammonium phosphotungstate ... B106/B110 ASSOCIATION: Inatitut gooldiiinii i anal i tichookoy, khimii im. V. 1. Ver- nadskogo Akademii nauk BSSR (institute of Ceochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imoni V. I. Vernadskiy of tho Academy of Soloncou USSR) PRIIIISE !M: April 6t 1961, by A. P. Vinogradov, Academician SUMITTED: .1darch 4, 1961 (1) (2) Legend to Fig-, I : activityl drops. Car,d 4/4 L fi VR V K)4 IN A JON 2 5. RM0944 -PRM I BOOK M1741TATION lavrahlba. (Lavrukhinal, A. X, SuGessiale chimiel nucleare. -Sueharest....9d. ft11nW1aa# 1962. 144 p0 -HrrAts, slip Inserted. 51004popi*es printeji -Translo of Uspekhi yadernoy khimil ~Achlevemente in Miclear Chemistry) -Moskva. 3 (Serievs Axudemlya nauk Izd-vo AN SSSRv 1959. 1 SSSR. 'Nauohno-populyarnaya serlya)PO Bd.: Po.Hodorogea; Tech..3d.: Ch. Popoviol. PURPOSE: *This book Is intended for general readers Interested. In nuclear chemistry., COVEMOB:. The book, a translation from the~Russian# lie areview o the progress made In nuclear chemistry up to~ 1962* CIT 1/3 In Nuclear Chemistry: Achievements Rum/6244 .."....Tarz w.Pomm [Abridgedli Utroduction ..5 Ch, I*, BrIef Review ot the Development. of Nuclear Chemistry .9 eh. n. General Characteristics of Nuclear Processoa* 20 Ch. -Choical Nuclear Methods .34,~ Ch& IV* Nuclear Reactions DeveloAiag Vnder the.Effect -Slow Particles 59 Ch. V.. Nuclear Transformations Caused by the Action of 111gh-Energy Particles 75 -Ch.,,-V1&'- *Nuclear Reactions In Nature 91 'bard 2/3 . 1.1 ~K --w IAVRUIMIIA., Avgusta Konstinovna; KOLESOV, Gennadiy I'likhaylovich; TOD6SHVha-'V.A.' red.; MJ4ZEL!, Ye.l., tekhn. red. (Formation of chemical elements in cosmic bodies]Obrazovanie khimicheskikh elementov- v kosmicbeskikh telakh. Moskva, Gos- atomizizdat, 1962. 171 p. (NM 15-12) (Chemical elements) (Cosmogory) JAVRUKII LNA,, A. Stars narrate. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no.6: b-22, 1 f-C cc-vc?7- Je 162. 0 (MIM 15:7) (Chemical elements) - (Stars) S/056/62/043/001/001/056- B154/BIOS A UT11 0 R S ,Lavr~~~~ Moskaleva, L. P., Malyshev, V. V., Satarova', -L. M. TITLE: Producti.on of light nuclei by bombarding heavy elements with 660 Yev prjtons PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekanerimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 43, no. 1(7 , 1962,-,3-7 TEXT: The author's investigate the cross sections a for the production of Be7 p F18 . Na 24, mg 28,Si3l, P32 by 660 Mev proton bombardment'of Al, Cup Sb,.Sn, Bi, U. The relative contributions of fission and fragmentation in Na 24 production ar*e estimated from the energy and angular distributions of the Na 24 nuclei'produced by bombarding Cu. The Al, Cu, Sb, and U targets were bombarded in the usual-way (A. K. Lavrukhina, Atomn. energ., 3, 285, 1957);, Sn and Bi were kepi'in special graphite containers. u"! f S13l 32 The a thors conclude that the production o and P by bombarding CaTd 1/3 Production' of light nuclei by ... S10561621043100110011056 B154/BIO8 Cu and neighboring elements in a result of spallation and symmetric fis- sion. Formation of lighter isotopes from all target nuclei occurs via fission and fragmentation. The ratio in always ;?,l and amounts to 2.5, 5.0, 2.8, 1.3 and 1.8 for Cu, Sb, U, Bi and Sn, respectively. The measured values of a in the bombardment of Bi are virtually equal fO*r all light nuclei which may be due to the spherical symmetry of these nuclei. The energies of the fragments from Cu fission (Na 24 nuclei) in the anUalar interval of 15-800 are greater and the energies in the angular interval of 100-1600 are smaller than the.Coulomb repu 'lsion of Na24 (20 Mev) so that asymmetric fission is supposed.. The considerable anisotropy observed in the angular interval of i0-300 and the fragments 'with energies greater than that of Coulomb repulsion are indicative of fragmentation contribut- ing to the process. The integral yield in fragments of a certain type depends on the "separation energy" E = M-B + m. - MA (mA.- mass of target nucleus, mF - mass of fragment, mB - mass of additional fragment). Card 2/3 S/056/62/043/001/001/056' Production of light nuclei by ... B150108 There.are 2 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION- Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geochemistry and Analy~tical Chemiatry of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED:. December 26, 1961 (initially) March 27, 1962 (after revision) Card 3/3 TRIFANOV, Dmitriy Nikolayevich; jLAYWji1ffAA.X.,, doktor khim. nauk., otvi,r*d.;,ALMAZOV, A.B., red. isd-va; DOROKHINA, I.N., tekhn. ikL [If thsr~ VerO n6 uremium and thorium) Esli by ne bylo urana i toriia, Moskva,.1td-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 85 P. (ChemIical alemento) (Nuclear geophysics) (MIRA 16:5) 1AVRUEMA A-v ~amtinovna- EALYSHEVA, Tamara V:Ladimirovna; p_usta Konsl -----~PAVLOTSKAYA, Fanzii 111inichna; BARAPOV., V.I., prof., otv. red.; DIRAGM-OV, E.S., red.; OSEVA, A.P.., tekhn. red. [Radiochemical analysis] Radiokhimicheskii analiz. Moskva, Izd--vo AN SSSR, 1963. 219 P. (MM 16:12) (Radioebemistry) LAVRUKH~4,_.4.K.; YUKINA.. L.V-; KHROI-rllf-VITKO, Z-V- Extraction of rare-earth elements. Trudy Kom.anal-khim- 14: 202-208 163. (MM 16:11) LAVRUKHINA A.K.; IFIEVINA, L.D.; MALYSHEV, V,V,; SATAROVA, L.h., iFal~ [Su Hung-kueil; KALICIIEVA, I.S.; FIRSOVA, L,n. Further study of the proudcts of iron spallation. by 660 MeV protons. Radiokhimlia 5 no, 6:721-732 163, (MIRA 17;7) 0 p.1 1;411 N AT -, -'- - "'I 1~ ~ 11 " --~' '~' 14 ~ I ~1--.4c~....a".~---l T-la-litz'm -he ppoduc;t-', of biswith - arid 29 1 1 'D C'e-"ation of lCa"I t6l ~ 1, '91'a ticIr, pj..jiomn-niin 5 no, 0, - - pl-ioto-li5intlL ! ;.q R ~~ 17 -.- 7 1 S/04 63/027/001/042/043 B108%180 AUTHORS: I&vrukhina, A. K., Moskaleva, L. P., and Kuznetsova, R. I., TITLE: Some nev data on the mechanism of the formation of light nuclei, PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR.. Izvestiya. Seriya f izicheskaya, v. 27, 'no. 1, 1963, 137-140 TEXT: Earlier mork (Report on the 19. Congress on Pure and Applied Chemistry, Canada, 1961) is continued on the production of light nuclei under bombardment by fast protons. This study covers the energy dis- 24 -tribution of Na produced from Al, Ag, and U by bojmbardment with 660-11ev protons. To establish a dependence on the proton energy ~he authors also studied the production cross sections and the angular dis- tributions of some light nuclei produced by 120-11ev protons. The 7 18 24 32 production cross sections of Be , F , Na , and P from Sb, Sn, and U have the same course f-or 660-11ev and 120-Mev protons, but are in the former case higher by about one order of magnitude. The ratio of the Card 1/2 S/048/63/027/001/042/043 Some new data on the' mechanism B108/B180 4 yields in Na and is somewhat lower for 120 than for 660 Mev. For an Sb target it is 1.6, 2.2~for Sn, and 2.1 for U. These data disprove the meson mechanism of momentum transfer in the nucleus. This paper was read at the 12. Annual Confer6nce on Puclear Spectroscopy, Leningrad, January 26 February 2, 1962. There are 4 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION:. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernadskogo Akademii nauk SSSR,(Ingtitute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistr3c imeni V.I. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 2/2 MOSKALEVA, L.P.; LAVRUKHINA, A.K. Angular and energy distributions of Na24 nuclei emitted during the irradiation of aluminum by 660 May. protons. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.10:1270-1272 0 163. (KIRA 16:10) S10201631148100510101029 B102/B186 'AUTHOM Lavrakhina. A. K.. Kolesov, Go M. .~~'..~TITLEs New neutron-deficient isotopes of the cerium group of rare- earth elements PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Dokladyj v. 146, no. 5, 19631 1047 - 1048 TEXT: A 99t96% Pr 0 target was bombarded by 660-Mev protons in the syn-~ 6 11 chrotron of the Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of'Nuclear Research), the rare-earth elements were chromatogra- phically separated and Ce was obtained by extraction, as a radiochemicallyi pure product.: The measurements were made with an PITC-20 (MTS-20) end- 'window counter, and a gamma scintillation spectrometer with a 100-ohannel 134 9 pulse-height analyzer, The Pr halflife was determined by separatin 134 the 3.1-day Ce from the irradiated praseodymium. From the time depen- donee of the Ce134 activity, the Pr134 balflife web found to be 36 min (mean valu10 4t_7 min). -The same period was observed for the 720-kov gamma _Card__l 2 S/020/63/148/005/010/029 Anew neutron-deficient ... B102/B186 134 it possibly arises on Pr decay. From,the La decay curve the 132,133 oxistenoe'of the following isotopes could be determinedi La (4.3hx La'31(1.1 his) and an isotope with A-129 and a 20~min halflife - probably 129 ~j 1a with /-,24 min. The gamma spectrum of the Ce fraction has a 80+15-kev peak; that of the La fraction peaks at 115:L20 kev,and 175�15 kev and a 129 2.2-hr halflife, which could be attributed to Be In the Ge fraction 1 also a 13-min activity and gamma peaks at 80-+ 5, 315�20 and 745�20 kev '(,15 min) were observed. From this the 129-isobar decay series is-assumed 129 -20mi 129 2.2hr 129 129 -13min~ n e are 2 to be C La ~Ba I Xe There figures. Inatitut geokhimii i analiticheakoy khimii im. V. I. Vernads- kogo, Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Geocbemistry and Ana- lytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTEDs August 27, 1962, b3~ A.,P. Vinogradov, Academician SUBMITTED: July 27, 1962 L )IIUA h) Pb-4/' e-b P-Z u -A-%V 47T W- , 7 __4 V fM 322 9P 7 vri"inq -A, tsova R -1 S -A ITMO~S4- _-La N radioactive isotope chondrites trf cosinic..ray SQ~R d- G_ ookhirc nc 1064 1210-M7 -iya-, 12, met,, orith cosmi C ray -7~ 'The-interaction between cosmic -rays and nuclei of ele-zents conmon1y 7--4: ooqurr~mg_ in meteorites has been difficult to study because of the variety of m~kmorals and pha-,le-s in %fhich these elennnts are found. Because of th-'s, 1it'Ir- -or- - tioa ps '- on~,gadned, concerning, the. rate of--isotope -or duction by cos-,.,ic jMr ;~7a --h- Ile I 0 !~ra i-a-Up in stbfj- reteorites. As an aplyroac' to this problem, the authors ~-ud- rom interaction between T)rotons having enera-les of radioacLive products f -I '120 and 660 Ylev and aluminw nuclei. This element- has an atomic wei.,Iht and an --q~tbmic number comparable to the weigbted nmean values of elements in chondrites (thdse..aboxit inform-tior, is desired). B.-qerinental results show that -When 'c en~ and of ~he enumerical difference between atoms numbers of the target elem radi 0-act-i Ei -product is less than 20, the formation cross section rerains unchange- of proton energies from 120 Mev to 26 Gov If the difference is VONOGRADOV., A.P... akademik; LAVRUKHINA, A.K.; REVINA, L.D. Nuclear reactions in iron meteorites. Meteoritika no.24: 22-28 164. (MIRA 17:5) LAVRUKHINA, A.K.; .~kl Study of elements. KOISSOV, G.M. the nuclear disintegration products of rare-earth Radiokhiniia 6 no. 1s62-66 t64. 04IRA 17%6) LAVRUKHINA, A.K.;_RODIN, S.S. Review of Ed. C.E. Crouthamel's book "Progress in nuclear energy (Analytical chemistry. Vol.3)." Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no.3:403 164. (MIRA 17:9) S ThFIC-".~TAGS -radiochemistry, radioactive ma,~;erial, radioisotope, rad.Loactive carbon b'r !Cr( S t er: Lm ep e=b e -of :the -~4(e E. _cT -Ch-amiical Societ_v-_-twlth the participation of scientists from Hungsz-T, tiP R]g T Aj AP5006091 Beren and llad' ---Do-ted 131 unds tagged by 14 and *9 compo :0 -The second .."'On was 18' without a oarri _ussed the- od of P separation -th 0, on the mc ad;Oactive i9o~opes in technolOTjr* - SS S f, r cluring 91& SUB CODE - VP '00 Card 2/2 LAVRUXHINA, A.K.; KUZNETSOVA~ R.I.; SATAROVA, L.M. Formation rate of radioactive isotoFes in chondrites lmder the action of cosmic rays. Geohhimiia no.2221219-1227 DA4. (MIRA 18:8) 1. In5titut geokbimii i analiticheskoy kbimii imeni V.I.Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Moskva. 7606~6: (1)~MA fd) - AW; -ACC W-AP OM�6~ SOURCE CODE: UR/003-1/6 000/012io0oiMil 5 5/ AUTHOR Lavrx"ifia 4 A. K. JOB G -In'st _6 -Gedchemist and -Azialytical Che:mist]~jl_im. V. I. Vernadskiy, ry ~"AN; SSSR (Institut geokbimii.i analitirbeskpy khimii AN SSSR) 57 Jnvestigat -TITLE.'., 'ing the evolution of meteoritic.matter from the effects of the '_nudlear reactions.induced by cosmic rays 6 1~ % SOURCE:. AN SSSR. Izvestiya., Seriya geologicheskaya, no. 12i 1965, 3-11 _,_TOP_1C.TAGS* meteorite,,, asteroidal' body chondrite,,geocbemistry, cosmogony, meteoritic matter, cosmic.ray, radioactive,. dating, meteoritics ABSTRACT: Current theories on the origin, age and composition of meteorites are evaluated ag4inst abackground of new data obtained from orbital, studies, geochemicali anialysis, and radioactive methods of.age -determination. Thus, for example, V. G. 'Yesenkov has det ermined that the orbit of the Sikhot.e-Alin' meteorite was typically asteroidal' while E.::Anders, on the basis of orbital studies, has traced the parent bodies-of meteorites to 34 asteroids Intersecting-the orbit of Mars. A. A. Yavnel' has'deveippeda'me.teorite classification:system, based on the nickel.content of the t ftic-metal,tbat indiicates close.genetic relationship between all meteorites rme eorl a and suggests a common origin. Three model theories of meteorite formation and evolu- :tionare.discussed: J) the.Urey'miodel in which achondrites and iron meteorites are Car~ 1/3 IMC, 529.6 M _b_ 'ACC NR ;AP5028896 believed to,:have.been formed in primary bodies of lunar dimensions, while chondrites wereforme condary bodies of asteroidal size from the ducts of disintegration din se .:of.tbe primary bodies; 2),the model, attributed to Anders and Ringwood, involving ati, of and 3) the model, attributed to 'the..diffeienti on l.matter from a parent body;. 'Vinogradov andlWood, in which cbondrules are believed to'have developed from a photo- ---I -a- Examination -of -an data~,cbtained bi methods based on the decay V~P me dust C ou k4 of all, nat -As~(U2 B. ReI87 7) indicates that meteoritic ural radioactive.eleme 0 Rb :,matter'-solidified some 4.5 million,years ago. In the light of,the hypothesized commor process.-of-fdrmation of all bodies of the solar system from the protoplanetary cloud ation of.- the time of solidification: of - the -matter of the solar system is considered to be'a major Data now available indicate three possible:processes whereby meteorites,deVeloped,.into separate astronomical bodies; .1)'_L~rger bodies.disintegrated into progressively smal 6r meteoritic bodies. 2) Me- eorites, failing onto the.ea~rth,-ver6,actuaUy,foimed,on the moon when other meteoritez aiiig in::tlne-asteroid belt.collided with the earth's satellite. In this procesz -origin Ue surface layer of the moon provided the mAtter'-found in so-called hyperstbenic me- -teri6r entered into the-compositibn of so- -teorites, while matter fromthe lunar in -called br6nzite meteorites. 3) Hypersthenic meteorites uriginated in the collision and subsequent.disintegration of large asteroids-some 500,000,000 years ago. It is concluded, hoyever,that all on-bronzite meteorites attest to their _-formiation about 5,000,000 years 'in the disintegration of a single primary body ago undergo'.the changes evident in hypersthenic meteorites. This -whesei matter did not- is -in- accord with. tb& determination of a higher content of metallic iron and lower f CaM- 2/3 1-.,. 4 ~MI~4A,A..X.- . z; Mr,~tL-c,rttr-E! and their une in studying ca--rdc rays. Izv. All SSSR- Ser.fiz. 29 no.10:183e-1842 0 165, (MIRA 18:10) 1. Institut geak-himi-i i analiticheskoy khimii im. V.I.Vernadskogo A 11 SSSR. LESOV, Gennadiy mikhaylovich; LAVR 5um vusta Kon T.F.s red* [isotopes in the unlv~-rse] lZotopy vo Vselennoi. Moskvaj Atomizdatt 1965. 239.p. (MIRA 18:8) I - I r ~ v 1.1 - AVR IMINA, A. h. Rul!KOV-SEY L var- s tj 3y RA 161-1 MI i i a ~1, o c 4 Inotitut gecl~mu~ 'N `SSY~ 14, - GOLIDANSKIY, V.I.y otv. red.; LAVRU.KH.INA,,.~...K-.,., prof., doktor khim. nauk, otv. red.; RODIN, S.S., red.; pFOKOPIYEV, Ye.P.- red. (Nuclear chemistry] JAdernaia khimiia. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 327 p. (mim 18:12) 1. Akudemiya nauk SSSR- Irwtitut gekhjtriJ. J analiticheskuy khimii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SS,'12 (for GoVdanakly). --- LORUKIIIIIA, A.K... prof. Meteorites and space chemistry. Priroda 55 no.1:33-44 Ja 166. (YURA 19: 1) 1. Institut gookhilaii i analitichoskoy khimii im. V.I. Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Mbskva. 3 -66- ACC NRt AT6017648 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0007/0073 .t AUTHOR; Lavrukhina, A. X. 6_3 ORG: none TITLE: Effect of nuclear reactions caused by fast protons in meteoritest/ SOURCE: 'AN SSSR. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii. Yadernaya khimiya (Nuclear chemistry). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965,.7-73 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reaction, fast particle, meteorite, radioactive decay, cosmic ray, geochemistry, geophysics, cosmology ABSTRACT: An extensive survey of the new field of nuclear space chemistry, concerned mainly with the stable and radioactive isotopes found in iron and stony meteorites is presented. The author discusses the basic problems of discovering the principles governing the origin and distribution of cosmogenic isotopes in planets, satellites, asteroids, meteorites, and cosmic dust and of explaining their role in the formation and evolution of these bodies. Such studies are heavily based on the recent develop- ment of high-sensitivity radiometers of extremely low background and mass-spectr-cme- ters for the study of microquantities of stable and radioactive cosmogenic isotopes. The survey embraces the following topics; chemical composition of meteorites, isotop- ic composition of the elements in meteorites, variations in the content of certain L 39933-66 ACC NRs AT6017646 stable cosmogenic isotopes in meteorites, posmogenic radioisotopes, nuclear reaction; in meteorites, methods of datermining the rates of formation of cosmogenic isotopes in meteorites, rates of formation of cosmogenic isotopes in iron meteorites, rates of formation of cosmogenic isotopes in stony meteorites. Orig. art. has: 26 tables,_ 13 figures. ORIG REF: 052/ OTH REF: 291 40244-66 EIT(I )/E'~!,T(m)/FCI--/T/E~',?(t)/ETI IJP(C) G11JD ACC NR- AT6020807 SOURCE CODE: TJR/2534/65/000/026/0091/0101 AUTHOR: Lavrukhina; A. ORG: none TITLE: Study of space and time variation of cosmic ray based on the Aects of nuclear fission in meteorites I (\kel ,SOURCE: A14 SSSR. Komitet po, meteoritam. Met'eoritika, no. 26, 1965, 91-101 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray, cosmic ray intensity, meteorite, nuclear fission . 504-8.R- '9 0 T., V/ rp ABSTRACT: In this article the author discusses the spatial distribution of cosmic rays in the solar system, the time variations of the intensity of cosmic rays, and the intensity of cosmic rays along meteoritic orbits. The information obtained by means of meteorites concerning the intensity of cosmic rays permits the conclusion that the intensity of cosmic rays changes depending upon the intensity of solar activity even at appreciable distances from the sun, in any case at a distance of several astronomical units and that the intensity of cosmic rays is approximately by a factor of 2 higher in the region of meteoritic orbits in comparison with that in the vicinity of the earth. The data presented on the intensity of cosmic rays and their spatial distribution in the solar system are undoubtedly still insufficiently accurate and incom- 1/2 SlIEVINY Yulian Mikhaylovich; RUBINSHTEYN, M.I... doktor ekon. nauk, otv. red LAVRUKHINA, I.M., red.; ASTAPYEVA, G.A., tekhn. red. [science and militarism in the U.S.Ae; scientific and technological revolution in military art and the origina- tion of conditions for the crisis of militarism] Nauka i militarizm v SShA;,nauchno-tekhnicheskii perevorot v voen- nom, dele i vozniknovenie predposylok krizisa militarizma. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 590 P. (MIRA 16:12) (United States-Military art and science) (United States--4.1-Ilitarism) ANTONCYVP E.I.., inzh.; KUZNETSOV, D.P., inzh.; IAVRUEHINA, T.P., in~zh.; TSYRKINJO IIZ., inzh. Redesigning of the EF--3-600 ejector for operation on steam pressures of 6 atm. 'Energetik 10 no.5:13.-16 ~Yq 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Steam turbines) JAVRUSNICH - Now genus Chaveakia from ~udlov sediments in the Zeravahan-Gissar mountain region. Izv. Otd. est. nauk AN Tadzh. SSR no-1:35-41 '59. (MIRA 13:3) I.Institut geologii AN Tadzhikakoy SSR. (Arg Valley-Corals, Fossil) (-WP.UMIGH,-A. -I. Holomophyl-lum with a scaly epitheca from Silurian' sedimenta of the Zeravshan and Gissar Ranges. Dok1.AN Tadzh.SSR 3 no./+,21-25.160. (MIRA 14:10 1. Institut geologii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. Predstavleno akaderaikom AN Tadzhikskoy SSR X.P.Nedzvetskim. (Tien Shan-Corals,, Fossil) LELESEUS, V.L.; MENAKOVA, G.N.; ULVIRUSHVICH, A.I. Silurian stratigraphy of the southern Tien Shan. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 ao.1:196-198 JI 160. (MI" 13--7) (Daurich region-Geolog7, Stratigraphic) LAVRUSEVICH, A.I.; MUCHAIDZE, D.R. Stratigraphy of the calcareous shale formation of the eastern rart r, of the Zeravsban-Gissar Range. Izv. Otd. geol.-kbim. i tekh. nauk AN Tadzh.SSR 1:61-67 160. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Zeravsban Valley--Shale) LAYRUSEVICH, V.,.]Aureat Stalinskoy premii. I Universal metal shoring for dock work. Mor. i rech.flot 14 no.5: 27-29 My '54. (MMA 7:7) (Dry-docks) ZAGMCTSKIY, P.M.; DURNOV, G.P., V.V.; MIKHAYLENKO, V.I.; IVANOV, V.M., sioetered.; SHUIff, V.I., red.; FORKALINA, Ye.A., (Practices of efficiency promoters in ship repairing] Opyt ratsionalizatorov v sudoremonte. Mosl-va, 1959. -53 P. (MIRA 13:9) (Shipa-Maintenance and rapair) UGOIEVA, N.A., -IESKINA, S.R., LURUSHEUMP V.A., "Biochemical and histochemical studies of nuclei acids in'chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane infected with Sendai virus. Report subLdtted to the Intl. %ngress for Microbiology Montreal.. anada 19-25 Aug 1962 SO It AC Ce LAVRUSHENKOVA~L Z.A.I Cand Med Sci -- (di Ad4144"mi7 sin4sesof ~he nose in the norral and pathological g. 11 Smol casi-: X-ray igi- ens-k,1958, 17 pp (Seonnd Mos State tied Inst im N.I. Pirogov) 250 copies M, 32-58, 112) - 70 - L [I VP- us d t-' /- r- C Lf p , '? , 1) - USSR / Human nnd Animal 14orphology (Normal and P,,thologicr-I)i S Skeleton. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., 11o 21, 151'58, No 97137 Author Z..1 Inst Smolensk hedicol Institute Title Viriations of F~-ontal Pauses According to Dota of Roentgenological Investigetion. Orig Pub Tr. Emolenskogo med. in-ta, 1957, 6, 291-296 Abstract On 1 C .154 roantgonoprams of pnranasn]. pauses of sinuses of humnns agod from 16-77 years (5'10 iimles and 644 fen;?les), the folloi-Tin~ classification of frontal sinuses (FS) was estrblishod: absence of Imth FS (2.34% of enscs), uni- lateral dcvolopment of FS (3.72%), solitiry (1.37%), doublo cavitntion (69.5%), triple cpvitntion (18 029%), quadruple cz7vitation (3-81%). quintuple cavitation (0.44%), multiple covitntion of FS (0.17%). tvithin the limits of .those groups, moro detailed subdivisions nro singlod out. Card 1A AIMMIN;,~ORISDV~ VOISDV; GFqGORIYA.M.- GRMD&V; DICH; DUSKIEVA; JAVR'USHIN: IA)P.TNSKIY;' :EVAMVA.. :90NMj KWSj- gIKUnDV; 'MGILMM 'PAMHVEft;-RDGOVIN- TAMV; SILIFRIN I~oerdng workers,of the syntlietic fibers Inftptry. Milid-.- volok.,.- no.3:79 16i. '(MrU- 14:6) Oirger, aernii.Efimovicb, 3.886J L 40244-66 ACC NR: AT6020807 plete, and it is necessary to conduct further detailed investigations to explain the character of the distribution of cosmogenic isotopes in relation to the chemical composition and size of meteorites and to the depth of occurrence of the investigated specimens in the meteorite, Orig. art. has: 5 tables, 7 figures, and I formula. SUB CODE: 03,04,18/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG RE F: 001/ OTH REF: 032 L 5,1000-b0 EIVIT k 1) UW WCC NR~ AP6023200 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Lavrukhina, A. K.;- ORG: Institute of Geochemis AN SSSR-TInstitut geokhimii UR/0020/66/i68/oo6/1275/1278. ~~o I 17 analiticheskoy khimii AN SSSR TITLE: Determination of preatmospheric meteoritic dimensions SOURCE: AN GSSR. Doklady, v. ~68, no. 6, 1966, 1275-12'(B TOPIC TAGS: meteoric size, terrestrial atmosphere, cosmogenetic isotope, cosmic ray, excitation function, nuclear reaction, proton energy, secondary nuclear particle, n7F'rFote) CoSn7ia 1?",4y E'c'-f-c7-1 0001)7,ld -OV-S 7- ABSTRACT: Meteors are the source of cosmic matter. Meteoric size before entry into the terrestrial atmosphere is unknown. The only way to determine the size of meteors before they enter the terrestrial atmosphere is to study the formation speed of cosmogenetic isotopes generated by the interaction of cosmic rays with the meteoric matter. This method is based on the difference in excitation functions of various nuclear-reaction product groups. Nuclear-reaction products are classified into tvo groups vith AA < 10 and AA > 10, where AA is the difference of products gained by protons of different energies. The speed of isotope Hai formation in the i-point in the meteor body is a Card 1 / 2 UDC: 523,51+539.17+ L 37ooo-66 ACC NR: ,3 function of the intensities of primary cosmic radiation and active secondary nuclear particles. The particle spectrum 'and the energy function determine the role of each kind of particle in the Ai isotope formation. Isotope formation in meteors of various radii is distrib- uted differently, depending upon the length of the radius and the production class group. The quantity of secondary mesons and protons was determined from their spectra as obtained in the atmosphere., Nomograms were drawn for isotopes from the data of a series of meteoric bodies. The accuracy of thd author's method is based on radiometric determination of low cosmic-ray activity and their stability in theso2ar system. The author expresses thanks to L. D, Revina, T. A. Ibr&XOY and T. I. Kholodkovskaya for help. Orig. art. has: I table, 3 figures and 2 formulas. [EGI SUB CODE: 03/ SUBM DATE: 25Aug65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 009 ATD PRESSt 2 L 030-66 _,,jjT(m)/E7e:P.(t)/-Erj IJP(c) JD ACC NRt AP6019436 (A SOURCE CODE: UR/0007/66/000/003/02,81/029~3 AUTHOR: Lavrukhina, A. K.; Kolesov,_G.._'1J.; Kalicheva, 1. S.; Akol'zina, L. D. ORG.' Institute of Gbochemistry and Analytical Chemistry im. V. I. Vernadskiy, AN SSSR, 'Moscow _Mstitut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khinii .All SSSR) TITIE: Activation determination of Co, Eu2 Set Baj, U,, and F in dark wid clear vario- ties of Kunashak and Porvomayskiy vinage chondrites SOURCE: Gookhirdya, no. 3, 1966, 281-290 TOPIC TAGS: neutron activation analysis, meteorite,, radioisotope, cerium, europium, scandium, barium, uranium, phosphorus ABSTRACT; Neutron activation anglysis wasused to determine various elements in Kuna-1 shak and Pervoriayskiy village chondrites. The samDles were irradiated Twith a neutron flux of 1.2 x 1013 n/cm2 see. The content of Eu, ~c, -Ba, and U in the clear varieties of chondrites of olivine-hypersthene composition generally corres-oond to the average content previously found in chondrites ot this type. 11he concen1tration of Eu, C9, andi So in hy;ersthenic chondrites is hiaher har, in 6nStatitG chondrites. In nommaggrietic fractions of the investigated meteoriteA,las compared to their unseparated samples, the content of Ce, Eu, and So is higher, owing to t6 lithophilous character of these ele- ments. The concentration of Du, Sc2 Ba, and U in the dark and clear varieties of Kuna-1 shak meteorite is approximately the same. The P concentration in the dark varieties of Card 1/2 UDC: ~5o_42+552.6 L 030-66 ACC NR: AP6o19436 chondrites is higher than in the clear ones. Data on cerium are of particular intered the CO content in clear varieties is about 'Urice that in dark onaaj which correlates with the IcniTer concentration of metallic iron and higher concentration of ferrous iron manganese, and chromium in clear varieties for the same total content of iron and troi~ lite in both varieties. These data and also data on the content of inert gases indi- cate that the substance of the clear variety of the chondrites studied had undergone a more extensive oxidation than the substance of the dark varietyt i. e., that the two varieties had a different thermal history. Authors thank T. F. Yakubova for assistanc, in the measurement of the radioisotopes, Yu. V. Yakovlev, N. N. gadkin, and A. Z. laklishansk for placing the samples in tle Treactor, and V. Ya. Kharitonova and M. I. Dryakonova, on the staff of the &ommittee on lobteorites, AN SSSR (Komitet po meteorita-1 AN S9�RTfor providing the meteorite samples.. Orig. art. has; 6 figures and 4 tables SUB COM : 03,07/ SUB14 DATE: 31Ju165/ ORIG IREP: 0161 OTH REF: 014 Sk CEWANOV, A., In2bener: OLIMIMKIY. L. InshOner; LORUSHIN, A., inzhener. .. %9 leader in the meat packing industry; twentieth anniversary of the Moscow Meat Combine. Miss.1nd. SSSR 24 no.6.-3-8 933. (MMA 6:12) (Moscow--Meat industry) (Meat industry-Moscow) 1&VRMHIN, A., inzbener; OIISHANSKIY, I., inzhener. Re-equipping shops of the Moscow meat combine. Mism.1nd. SSSR. 25 no.5:12-17 '54. (MLRA 7:11) (Packing houses) IAVRUSHIII,A., inzhener; OLISHANSKIY.I., inzhener New efficiency methods in the Moscow meat combine. Mias. ind. SSSR 26 no-3:53-55 '55. (KERA 8:9) (Moscow--Meat industry) IAVRUSHIK,A. , Ow We are installing new SSSR 26 no.4:24 155. lines nud automntic mRchinery. Hias.ind. (MM 8:10) 1. Moskovskiy myasokombinat iment, A.1.Mikoyann (Moscaw--Packing houses--Equipment nud supplies) I.I.; ABHM07. N.D.; STALIMAX07A, M.I.; FILLTM, 1,G.;- BRLWOWYATA, N.G.; STRPANOT, A.S., spetered.; VASIL17XVA, GL.N,, red.; CHEBYSH17A, Yee'A.j tekhn, red. [meat iiduetry;"colleotion of articles] Miasnais, promyshlonnost'; sbornik. Vbskvaq.Pishchapromizdat. (Obmen peredovym takhuid'heskim opyt9m). No.14. [Practices of officiencypromoterB of the Moscow Meat Gombinel-,Op~t ratsionalizatorov Moskovskogo miaeokombinata. 1?56. 25 pe 1. Pusaia (1923- U.S.S.R.)'MInioteretvo promyshlennonti mymn.vkh i molochnykh P'rodukt OV* Obdel tekhnichesknr informataii. (Moscow-Msat industx7) IAAVRUSHIN, A., inzhener; OLISHANSKIY, I.. inzhenor. I Suggestions of meat combine efficiency pronotoft. Hias. Ind. SSSR 27 no.4:48-50 '56. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Moskovskiy myaookombinat. (Meat industry-Squipment and supplies) IAVRUSHIN, A., inzbaasr.;OL'SHMKrY. I., inghener. Suggestions of efficienc7 promotirs. Mias. ind. SSSR no.2:52-53 '57. (MM 10:5) 1. Moskovskiy uWasokombinat. (Meat industry-Equipment and supplies) LAVRUSM, A- laln~UMUN, A. . inshener; OLISHANSKIYo I.g luzhener, t - - SuMstions of efficienci promoters of the Moscov Heat Combine. ~llas. Ind. SSSR 28 no.3:52-53 1~70' (KM 1016). (Meat Industry-BqyApment and supplies)-