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Vitreous State (Cont.) SOV/5035 institutes were cited for their contribution to the development of glass science and technology: Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut (State Optical Institute); Institut khimii silikatov AN SSSR (Institute of Silicate Chemistry, AS USSR), Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute AS USSR), Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut AN SSSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS USSR)-, Ihstitrtl fiziki AN BSSR, Mifi'sk (Institute of Physics,, Academy of Scie'nces, Beloruss@aya SSR., Minsk), Laboratory of Phy4ical Chemiptry o f Silicates of the Institut obshchey i neorgani- cheskoy khimii AN BSSR, Minsk (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences., Belorupskaya SSR, Minsk), Institut vysokcmolekulyarnvkh soyedineniy AN SSSRkInstitute of High Molecular Compounds, AS USSR), Gosudaretven- nyy institut stekla (State Institute for Glass), Gosudarstvennyy institut stek- lovolokna (State Institute for Glass Fibers), Gosudarstvennyy institut elektrotekh- nicheskogo stekla. (State Institute for EActrical Glass), Sibirskiy fizlko- technicheskij,i@stitut, Tomsk (Siberian Physicotechnical Institute, Tomak),Leningracl- sidy gosulaxotymyy-universitet (Leningrad State University), Moskovskiy khimiko- tekhaologichebkiy in8titut (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology)@Leningradskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut im. Lensoveta (Leningrad Technological Institut imeni Lensovet), Belorusskiy politekhnicheskiy institut Minsk (Belorussian Polytechnic luztitute,, Minsk), Novocherkasskiypolitekhnicheskiy institut (Navocherkassk Polytechnic Institute), and Sverdlovskiy politeldmAcheskiy institut (Sverdlovsk Card 3/22 Vitreous State (Cont.) SOV/5035 Polytechnic Institute). The Conference was sponsored by the Institute of Silicate Chemistry AS USSR'(Acting Director - A.S. Gotlib), the Vaesoyuznoye khimicheskoye obshchestvo im. D.I. Mendeleyeva (All-Union Chemical Society imeni D.I. ' Mendeleyev), and the Gosudarstwennyy ordena Lenina opticheskiy institut imeni S.I. Vavilova (State "Order of Lenin" Optical Institute imeni S.I. Vavilo'v). The 15 resolutions of the Conference include recomendations to organize a Center for the purpose of coordinating.the research on glass, to publish a new jeriodical'under the title "Fizika i khimiya stekla" (Physics and Chemistry of Glass), and to join the International Committee on Glass. The Conference thanks A A. Lebedev., Academician, Professor., and Chairman of the Organization of Com- ;ittee; Ye.A. Poray-Koshits, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Member of the Organizational Ccmittee; and R T. Myuller, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Member of the Organizational Ccmmittee. The editorial board thank G.M. Bartenev, M.V. Vollkenshteyn, L.I. Demkina, D.P. Dobychin, S.K. Dubrovo, V.A. Ioffe,'and B.T. Kolomiyets. References accompany individdal reports. Card 4/22 Vitreous State (Cont.) SOV/5035 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 GENERAL PROBLEMS OF THE VITREWS STATE Basic Methods and Results of Studying the Structure of Glasses Lebedev.-A.A. (Academician, Professor]. Studying the Structure of Glasses by Means of Spectral-Optical Methods 7 Poray-Koshits, Ye. A. (Doctor of Physics and Mathematics]. Diffraction Methods for Studying Vitreous Substances 14 Vogel, W. [Schott Glass Works in Jena, German Democratic Republic]. On the Cel- lular Structure of Glass 24 Vlasav.9 A.G. Natural Oscillations of the Glass Lattice and Its Structure 30 Card 5/22 Vitreous State (C.Ont.) SOV/5035 Discussion 522 Final Session of the-Conference On the State and on the Further Tasks Connected With the Solution of Glass Structure Problems (Resolution of the Third All-Union Conference I!ld During November 16-21, 1959) 528 AMIABLE: Library of Congress JA/dwm/gmp Card 22/22 6-29-61 @, 11 T. @@, 17- E V Deoxidati peri,&.jp-.@ in. ithe lAd!c i T -odoctio; -,R%, Fel -w v tillic Iq Ow. fijrll@ @r @i not lowvr the qualitv uf tll.@ cc, 'd d- -.teti. 137-1957-12-23266 TrAnslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, ?111Z- 12, p 59 (USSR) AUTHORS: Lebedev, A., Savel'yev, D. TITLE: The Operation of Recovery Boilers Installed Witt, n-arnaces (Rabota kotiov-utilizatorov, ustanovlennykh za martenovskimi pechami) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Kotly-utilizatory martenovsk. pechey. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1957, pp 172-180 ABSTRACT: The boiler room of a oren-hearth furnace chop containz tiro KU-50 recovery boilers (RB) with a steam- generating capacity of 2.7 to 3.4 t/hr and a steam pressure of 2.4 to 3.7 atu. The efficiency of the RB is less than originally anticipated; this is explained by the following factors: 1) low efficiency of the compressed-air blasting of the heating surfaces (in 15 days of operation the pro- ductivity of the RB decreased from 3.7 to 1.5 t/hr); 2) insufficient capacity of the exhaust system results in the passage of only a portion (36-67 percent) of the gases from the open-health furnaces through the RB's; 3) unsatisfactory exhaust system for the re- moval of gases from the RB's resulting in reduced draft. The Card 1/2 rel3lacem6nt. of air blasting of the heating surfaces by washing 137-1957-12-23266 The Operation of Recovery Boilers Installed with 01=-hcarth z@.irraccs with feed water at 60-700 proved to be effective and resulted in an increase in the productivity of the RB's by 3.7 to 4 t/hr. The heating surfaces are washed daily for about 15 to 20 minutes. Ye.N. 1, Boilers-OperFtion 2. Furnaces-Applications Card 2/2 AUTHORS:Vecher, If.A'.t Lebedev, A'.A-. andKonwevs 9.D". (Engineers) TITLE: Use of sinter in open-hearth furnace smelt ng, (PrimeneLiye aglomerata v martenovskoy plavke). 130 - 9 - 8/27 PERIODICAL: "Metallurg" (Metallurgist), 1957, No.6, pp-.17-19 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Open-hearth ore has been partly or completely replaced by sinter at the Nizhne-Tagillsk metallurgical combine since early in 1956. From experimental heats and the stat- istical treatment of operating data the following main con- clusions are drawn: under otherwise similar conditions more sinter is charged than ore (e.g'. 8% more for rail steel); more slag is run with sinter than with ore; because of its lower melting point the 'duration of melting is re- duced with sinter to 12-15 min. per heat; the melt-down slag contains more f 'errous oxide; the phosphorus content at melt-down is 0.002-0.012% less; the consumption of ore for refining is less because of the more oxidized melt-down slag obtained with sinter; and lime and bauxite consumpt- ions are also less; the rate of carbon removal during the ore boil is less and the duration of finishing is reduced. The reasons for these effects of sinter are discussed and the corresponding quantitAtive data tabulated:. The compo- sition of the sinter was: 58@.6% Fe, 19*.2% FeO, 62'.6% Fe203, Card 1/2 130 - 6 - 8/27 Use of sinter in open-hearth furnace smelting*. (Cont.) 0".15% S, 0'.047% P, 0.82% Mn, 7-66% S102, 3.82% CaO, 1'.60% M90, 3`3@% A1203; it contained 25% of,,'-10 mm fines on chargi];@- There are 2 tables'. ASSOCIATION: Nizhne-Tagillsk Metallurgical Combine. (Nizhne-Tagillskiy Metallurgicheskiy Kombinat). AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 3(9) SCV/5o-59-5-13/22 AUTHOR- Lebedev, A. A. TITLE: Hydrometeorological and Industrial Sea Bulletin (Morskoy gidro- meteorologicheskiy i promyslovyy byulleten') (From the Experierce of the Murmansk Hydrometeorological Service Administration) (iz opyta Murm axiskogo UGMS) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidroloo-iya, 1959, Tir 5, p 50 03"") ABSTRACT: The Murmanskoye UGMS (Murmaiisk Hydrometeorological Service Admini- stration) together with the Polyarnyy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii (Polar Scientific Research Institute of Sea Fisheries and Oceanography) issues a monthly "Hydrometeoro- logical and Industrial Sea Bulletin". The Bulletin consists of 2 parts: the first contains a survey of the weather and hydrolo- gical conditions, the second a survey of the course and conditions of trawl fishing and the prospective conditions for this industry. According to the character. of the synoptic processes, the Bulletin bringe the analysis of the isabnormal lines of air temperature and of the resulting wind during the periods with a rolatively uniform circulation in the atmosphere. Principal attention is Card 1/2 paid to the heat content of the water masses, as a char.,@e in the Hydrometeorological and Industrial Sea Bulletin. (Fron the SOV/50-59-5-13/22 Experience of the Murmansk Hydrometeorological Seriice Adrnini,@tfation) physical Fbate of the livi-C space of fish exerts a direct or indirect influence on the propagation of fish in the sea.Besides the general analysis, also the distrib--ition. of water temperature within the fishing areas, and ever. within the individual "squares" with a size of 10 by 30 nautical milest is indicated. In winter, long-termed forecasts for the water temperature in the layer near the bottom along the flow filament of the Murmansk Current are given for the individual "squares" with an earliness of 1-2 months. The last section of the Bulletin brin--s the forecast of the Polar Institute for the prospective conditions of the fishing industry under consideration of all hydrometeorological and biological factors. The Bulletin ap-cars monthly, not 1@,ter t.Lai on the 7th day of each month, with an edition of 700 cozies, and is immediately sent to all trawlers. Card 2/2 REVEMOV, V.P.; ABRAMOV, B.A.; NAGOVITSYN, D.F.; T-FRE "-7-@* (--SIPOV, G.V.; TANTSYREV, V.V.; ISUPOVY V.F.; ZA.YTSEVA, Qu&lltX.of manganese ferroaUoys fran ores of the Polunochnoye deposit. Stalt 21 no.9:806-,809 S.161. (MMA 14:9) 1. Institut totallurgii Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk; Nizhne-Tagiltaki-y metallurgicheskiy kombinat i Kombinat im. Serova. (Ferrcmanganese) (Polunochnoye region-Manganese ores) KLYUGHEROV, Anatoliy Petrovich; KONDRATIYEV, Sergey Nikolayavich; IY,BEDEV Aleksandr Aleksandrovich- VLASOV, Radom Vasillyevich; -I @ TV -@-Ws '--@UiVi&,' ,@enz-efft-,- BURIKOT, M.N., Insh., red.; LF,PINSKIKH, B.M.,, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KORDLI,.V.P., tekhn. red. [Work experience of Novotagillskoye steel amelters]Opyt rabo-jy nizhnetagillskikh staleplav-11'shchikov. Sverdlovsk Metallurg- izdat, 1963. 93 P. NiRA 16:4) (Novotagilfskoye--Open-hearth procees) PHASE I BOOK EXPLoDITATION SOV/6478 Alltman, Morits Borisovich, Aleksandr Aleksalidrovich Lebadev, and Mat-vey Vasil 'yevich Chukhi@-ov- Plavka I litlye splavov tsvetnykh metallov; metallurgicheskiye osnovy (Melting and Casting of Nonferrous Metal Alloys; Metallur- gical Principles Mos6ow, Metallurgizdat, 1963- 523 p. Errata slip inserted. 4400 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): A. T. Timanovi- Doctor of Technical Sciences,, Honored Scientist and Technologist of the RSFSR; Ed. of Publish:Lng House: 0. M. Kamayeva; Tech. Ed.: Ye. B. Vaynshteyn. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for engineering personnel of metal- lurgical and metal-working plants and scientific research institutes. It may also be of Interest to students at schools of h..gher education. ,ard 1/1-F-0 Malting and Casting (Cont.) SOV/6478 COVERAGE: The book discusses basic principles of the theory and Practice of melting, casting, and crystallizing nonferrous metals ,--nd Alloys. The authors review problems of interaction between gjazes and metals, degassing, removal of solid nonmetallic inclusions, modification, segregation, and inter-action between the metal and the mold; properties of the nonferrous metals and alloys; and methods of melting and casting ingots and parts made from aluminum, ,o-esium, copper, and other alloys. No personalities are mentioned. There are 275 references, mostly Soviet. TABLE OF C01rENTS: Por--word Ch. I. Physicochemical Processes Nonferrous Metal Alloys int-eraction between gases and Adsorption Diffusion Dissolution (absorption) Card 2/10 6 Occurring in Melting of 7 metals 4 ii 15 58395-65 Pa b- I Q/ fr--VTF-@Pt-7 - !-ACCESSION MR- AP5013015 UIZ/0137/65/000/004/1027/IO28 539,37:669.621.762 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 41172 AUTHOR: Lebedev, A. Ai TITLE., Theoretical problems on the s@@n hVof metallo-ceramic materials CITED SOURCE: Tr. 7 Vass. oauchno-tekhn. konfemntsii po poroshk. metallurgii. Yerevan, 1964, 55-6-3 TOPI-C TAGS: cermet, material strength, mechanical property, silicon carbide TRANSLATION: Strength criteria were studied by evaluating the strength proper-ties of a material from the point of view of mechanical theories, assuming infinlte divisibility and homogeneity of the'sqhstances With corresponding correction by statistical,-u--thc4s---tcy.-~calculite the-- 60M- series structural imperfections, chmac- 1-teristic of ifie@. given material. This approach to the problem gives a limiting strength which is the product of two functions: a= NP, where N is a function of the in-ariants of stresses and of certain constants of the materia-@; P is a func- L Card@1/2 ACCESSION HR* AR5013015 tion of the volume of material in the stressed and deformed state and of its con- stants, depending on the nature Gf the most sericus defects. The function Y, in coordinates al, a2 and a3, must be a smooth curvilinear surface since the strength conditions obviously change gradually with the gradual change in the principal nor- mal stresses. 'he form of the function P is dependent an the initial form ol: the material cand on the distribution of stresses near defects. The role of the func- tion P increases P6 the case of low-strength materials, a typical representative of which is a cermeg material. Results are giver. of an experimental study of a cer- ure-t composition based on silicon carbide, in a plane stressed state created in a tubular specimen by the simultaneous application of an axial force, internal pres- Sure, and torque, in various combinations. The form, of the function P and the str--ngth condition best corresponding with the experimental data was found. The equation describing the strength condition expresses the parabolic relationship be- tween the specific potential energy of deformation and the spherical tensor. The function N is obtained in the form of the design equation of the 4-th strength theor-j. The function P takes into account, by statistical methods, the effect which the level of the potential energy of the imperfections most characteristic f.:,r the given material has on the limiting values. L. Gordiyenko. SUB COIDE: HT* AS EXCL- 00 PORTNOY, K.I.; LEBMZV, A.A.- [Magnesium alloys (properties and technology); (svoistva i tekhnologiia) opravochnik. Moskva, lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1952. EL handbook] Magnierje irplavy Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo 736 p. (MI-HA 6:9) (Magnesium alloys) .18f --- --- L.Vj- --@ - -N I"I - -p@Y@ - - : --. - . 4 W @ ff V 4) Handbook on Machine-Building; (465t;,-) SOV/3505 SpravochnSkpo meahinontroltelInym materialam Y chetyrekh tomakh, tom 2: Tayetnyye metally i ikh splavy ( Handbo od on Machine-luilding Materials in 4 volumes, v. 2: Nonferrous Yate-le and Alloys) Moscow Mae.bgiz, 1959, 639 P IC , Ch. II. Magnesium and Its Alloys 119 Magnesium (Lebedev, A. A., Engineer) 119 Workable magoesium alloys (Chukhrov, M. V., Candidate of Technical .Sciences) 123 Alloy KA 1 123 Alloy MA 2 128 Alloy MA 3 129 Alloy MA 5 130 Alloy KA 8 131 Alloy vm 65-1 134 Magnesium casting alloys (Lebedev, A. A.) 136 Card #22 Handbook on Kiachine-Building (coat.) SOV/3505 Alloy ML 2 142 A.Uoy 14L 3 143 Alloy ML 4 144 A120Y ML 5 147 Alloy ML 6 150 Alloy ML 7-1 -153 Alloy ML 3.1 154 Alloy ML 22 155 Kg-Zn-Ce-Zr Alloy 156 References 157 Ch. III. Copper and Its Alloys 158 Commercial copper (Smiryagin, A. P., Candidate of Technical Sci- ences) 158 Copper-zinc alloys (brasses) I& Workable binary copper-zinc alloys 164 Workable multi-component copper-zinc alloys -175 Card 8/22 45230 'I S/806162/000/0031015/018 AUTHORS: LxJw-d4xA. A., Anikina, A. D. ,J TITLE;; Salt fluxes for the introduction of zirconium into light alloys. 80;1,AQ1Q1 Akadarhiya, nnuk SSSRo Institut metallur 'I& looledovaniye splavov tqvetnyk@x metallov. no.3. 1962, 181-1 TE)M The introduction of metallic Zr into Mg melts is rendered difficult by the'elevated m. p. and chemical activity relative to gases of the Zr. Introduction of Zr as a chloride is less difficult but impairs the corrosion resistance of the resulting alloys. The introduction of K 2ZrF 6 appears most effective. However, the direct introduction of K ZrF requires a melt T of 9ZOOC and entails substantial 2 6 Zr losses. The phase diagram ZrZF4-KF was investigated, and 3 congruently fusible compounds were found: KZrF with a m. p. of 6000, K ZrF with a m. p. of 5 Z 6 5000, and X 3ZrF 7 with a m. p. of 9300, together with 4 eutectics have m.p.'s of 790, 500, 400, and 4300G, respectively. It is concluded that the reduction of Zr from KZrF proceeds according to the following 3-stage process: 6K7,rF +IZMg- 5 3K ZrF + &gF +3Zr + 6Mg (first stage) ---ZK ZrF + 8MgF + 4Zr (second stage)-=- 2 6 2 3 7 2 Card 1/Z Salt fluxes for the introduction of zirconium ... S/806/62/000/003/015/018 @--6KF+1ZMgF 2+ 6Zr (third stage). As we proceed from left to right in the re - action formula, more and more substances with extremely high m. p. appear, and the reaction may never develop past the second stage and only part of the Zr intro- duced may become liberated. Inasmuch as a T increase beyond 920-9500 is not practicable, a search was begun for a flux or salt 'fusion'that would: (1) Supply K ZZrF 6, (2) not contain any elements that would chemically react with Mg and Zr, (3) have as low a m.p, as possible, (4) have a low viscosity and be surface-active relative to Mg, and (5) produce reaction products that can be readily removed from the melt. Such a flux was found in a fusion containing 661o K2ZrF 6, 261a LiCl, and 816 CaF . This flux permits (1) a lowering of the melt T during introduction of the Zr-con?aining salts from 900-9200 to 8000 for Mg alloys and from 1,000 to 750-7600 for Al alloys, (2) a reduction in the irreversible losses, (j) an approximate doubl- ing of the delivery of Zr to the alloy, (4) a better quantitative stability of the amount of Zr delivered to the alloy, and (5) considerable simplification of the pro- cess of preparation of the alloys. Details of the comparative tests, in which the component ratios, charge ratios, and T were varied, are described, tabulated, and graphed. . There are 3 figures and 2 tables; no references. ASSOCIATION: None given. Card 2/2 L 22464-65 EWT (M)/EWP(W)/EV.JA (d)/-1/F,'1,'P (0/FWP (b) .1FWL/SSD/AzD(f)-3/ ASD(m)-3/AFf;TR/AFTG(p) JD/sm ACCESSION NR; AR404SZ45 S/O1Z4/64/000/007/V088/V089 SOURCE: Ref . zh. Mekhaaika, Abs. 7V666 AUTHOR: Lebedev,.,&._A!,_ TITLE: The problem of the experimental investigation of creep and stress rupture strength of materials in a compLex stress citate ..CITEDSOURCE: Sb. Polzuchest' i dlitelln. prochnost'. Novosibir6k# Sib . otd. AN SSSR, 1963, 148-151 TOPIC TAGS: creep, stress rupture strength, complex stress, high t-imper- ature strength, cathetometer TRANSLATION:. A small device is described which permits the testing of materials for short-term and stress-rurture strength under a plane stress itate and at high temperature, with the sample subjected to any system of Loading by axial and t tnomen @nliiloh Or, "or toe. e@@ L 22464-65 ACCESSION NR: AR4045245 heating of the sample, its transport into the internal cavity of the working medium, the application to the sample of supplementary axial force or moment of torque from the load-applying system, as well as operational reliability and safety. The placing of a heating element within the internal cavity of1the sample (sic) considerably reduces the force of the explosion together with er- rors in the readings of the thermocouples, and preserves the heating element when the sample is destroyed. This heater is actually a metal-cerarnic rod . terminating in a nickel electrode. The temperature can be regulated along the Length of the sample, The output of the heating element is designed for working temperatures on the order of 1000C. Deformations in the sample can be measured in two ways: either by means of a cathatometer according to the relative displacements of two expandaBle brackets. or by means of high-tem- perature sensors. A special high-pressure unit, rated for 500 kg/crn?-, was designed irAorder to create pressure in the sample by the working gas medixzrn. A. M. Lokoshchanko Caid-0 ACCESSION NR: AP4010059 S/0021/64/000/001/0059/0062 AUTHOR: Py*sarenko, G. S. (Corresponding member); Lebadev, A. 0. TITLE: On the criterion of strength of materials SOURM AN UkrRSR. DopovidL, no. 1, 1964, 59-62 TOPIC TAGS; material strength, stress tenstiv-0 stress tensor invariant, stressed silicon carbide ABSTRACT: Proof is given of the applicability of an estimate of the strength of materials in the form of a sum of two functions, one of vhich is a function of the stress tensor invariants, white the second, which is a function of the volume of the strained material end some of its is of a statistical nature. The results are presented of an exrmrimental study of the strength on a aMcon carbide bass with *-plane etressed state. These results confLra'the applicability and usefulness of the method. Orig, art, has 3 graph* and 6 numbered equations, 1/2 ACCESSION MRt AP4010059 ASSOCIATION: IDnety*tit Motelokeramiky* ts speteplavLv AM%cr8M (Instituts Of Metallo-corsoLce and SpecLal Alloys; AN ukrSSR) SUMUTTRI)i '05junG3 DATE kCQi 10FPsb64 MM: 00 Card LEBEDEV, A. ,_ - jmprc7ing the shace of hard-alloy blanc-s. Mashincstrnit-,!' I nri..1.33 Mx '64. fk_'R.@ 17-4: USSR/Medicine Physiology FD-1330 Card 1/1 Pub 33-3/25 Author Lebedev, A. A. and Sevastlyanova, L. V. Title Conditioned reflex changes in diuresis in a dog with a transplanted kidney Periodical : Fiziol, zhur. 4, 441-444, Jul/Aug 151,54 Abstract : Experiments on dogs were conducted to determine how a transplanted kid- ney reacts to the regulating influence of the cortex. The cerebral cortex regulates urination of a transplanted kidney for forming temp- orary bonds of positive and negative significance. The ultimate ef- fects of positive and differentiated irritants depend on the magnitude of initial urination. Positive conditioned reflex increases urination and at the same time reduces the specific gravity of urine; it also de- creases concentration of creatine and chlorides. Graphs. Six Soviet references. Institution Chair of Pharmacology of Ivanovo State INLedical Institute Submitted October 10, 10@,c2 LE:25DELO.W@. 1--oll @' a,, Interoceptive effects frcm the stomach on diuresis. Blul. ekffp. biol. i med. 38 no.11:7-9 N 154. (MURA 8:1) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav. dotseat G.H.Shpuga) Ivanovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. dotsent Ya.M.Romanov) (STOMACH, physiology, aff. of stimulation on diuresis in dogs) (DIURESIS, physiology, eff. of stomach stimulation in dogs) LEKIDEV, A. A. Lebedev, A. A. "Reflex connections between the stomach and kidneys." Ivanovo State Mledical Inst. Ivanovo, 19`5- (Dissertation for the Dcgree of Candidate in Technical Science.) Knizhn@ga letopis,_ 70-- T53, 1956. MOSCOW. SHFUGA, L.M., LEBOW. A.A. FuncItion of n reinnervated transT)lnnted kidney Lwith summnry in Enulishl Eksper.),.hir. 1 no.4:59-64 Jl-Ag 156 (MIRA n:10) 1. Iz knfedryfhrmakologii Ivenovskogo meditsinakogo instituta. OCIMTEYS, trRuapl. exper., re-inner. (Rua)) LONDSVO A;A-* Y ROSIAVTSEY, S.A. wL,52-1, A model for the study of kidney function In an experiment involving surgical preparation. Urologiia 22 no.2:38.-39 Mr-Ap '57. (MIRA 10:7) 1, 1z kafedz7 farmakologii, (zav. - dotsent G.M.S.hpugai I kafedry fakul'tetakoy khirurgil (zav. - prof. X.A.Blagoveshchenakiy) Ivanovskogo moditainakogo Inatituts. (KONSYS, funct. teats In chronic expere in dogs) LIBEDEV, A.A. - =erant pathways of reflex action from the stomach on micturitiou [with summar7 in English]. -Biul.ekop.biol.i med. 43 no.1:20-23 -Ja 157. (KI-RA 10:8) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav. - doteent G.H.Shpuga) Ivenovskogo meclitainskogo institute (dir. - dotsent Ya.M.Romanov). Predstavlana daystvitellnym chlenom AKN SSSR Y.N.Ghernigovskini. (STOKAGHO physiology, off. of mechanical stimulAtion on diuresis in dogs afferent reflex arch (Rus)) (DIURNSIS, physiology, off. of mechanical ottimulation of stasisch in dogs, ,,afferent reflex arck'(RQS)) LEBNIWV, A.A. Efferent reflex areas from the stomach on affecting mecturition [with summary in &nglishl. 44 no.8:8-10 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav. - dotsent G.H.Shputa) Ivanovskogo maditainakogo institute. Predstavlana deystvitellny-m chlenom AMN USSR prof. V.V.PariVm. (KIDNEYS, physiology, reflex response to mechanical 'stimulation of stomach, off. route (Rue)) (STOKAGH, physiology, eff. of mechanical stimulation on kidney funct., efferent reflex arch (Rua)) INBOXV, A.A. Some reflexes of a reinnervated transplanted kidney (with summary in Xnglish]. Biul.ekap.biol. i med. 44 no.10:47-52 0 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav. - doteent G-M-Shpuga) Ivanovskogo maditainskogo instituta. Prodstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AMN 88WI V.N.ChernigovBkim. (KIDIWS, transplantation, reflexes in rainnervated transplanted kidney (RUB)) ChAn,-,e in residual blood nitrogen and urine nitrogen in experimental re- nal colic; calculi, urinary. UrologiiFt 23 no.6:6-9 N-D #58. (MM il:12) 1. 1z kafedry farmakologii (zav. - doteent G.M. Shpuga) i kafedry biok- himii (Zav. - dotsent I.G. Menzorov) Ivanovskogo meditainakogo instituta. (NITROGEN residtml blood nitrogen & urine nitrogen, eff. of kidney colic in dogs (Ras )) i EXCERPITA FEDICA Sbc 2 Vol 12/9 Physiology Sept 59 4149. CHANGES IN PERIODIC MOTOR ACTIVITY OF THE STOMACH FOLLOW- ING STIMULATION OF THE RENAL PARENCHYMA (Russian text) - - L e be d e v A_A_ Dept. of Pharmacol., Med. Inst., Ivanovo - FIZIOL. ZH. TWSECTT. 1-958 44/6 (560-564) Illus. 4 Siimulation of the par6chyma of an intact kidney changes periodic gastric motility on the day of stimulation and on subsequent days. The period of rest (pause) is shortened immediately following stimulation and on subsequent days usual pause$ between contractions are missing. - Stimulation of the parenchyma of a transplanted kidney is also capable of modifying periodic gastric activity. The changes appear later, however. than when the parenchyma of an intact kidney is stimulated. Simonson - Minneapolis, Minn. A Q'r 0 Tt- ssnrn 1- LEBEDEVp A.A. Some reflexes in the transplanted reinnervated kidney. Biul;leksp. biol i med. 50 no.12;3r-7,D 160. (MIU, 14 ) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav. - prof. G.M.Shruga) Ivanovskogo medits,inskogo instituta, Predstavlena akademikom V.N.Chernigovskim. (KIDNEYS--TRANSPLANTATION) LEBEDEV, A.A. Effect of adrenaline on the function of a transplanted reinnervated kidney. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.7-.892-899 JI 161. (14IRA 15:1) 1. From the Medical Institute Ivanovo. (KIDNEYS-TRMPLAATATION) (ADRENALINE) LEBEDEV, A.A. Effect of acetylcholine on the function of the transplanted I-Idney. Fizlol.zhur- 47 no.8;1062-1067 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. From the Department of Pharmaoology, Medical Institute, Ivanavo. (CHDLINIP) (KPNEYS-13M, RVATION) LEBEDEV, A.A. Comparative evaluation of diuretic clmnges in experir-ental con-ndslve seizures. Biul. eksp. biol. i red. 51. no-3:52-54 11-Ix '61. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav. - prof. G.M.Shpuga) i k&fedry biokhimii (za*. - dotsent V.A.Usolltbeva) Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo'instituta (dir. - dotsent Ya.M.Romanov). Predstavlena akademikom V.N.Cherniga7skim. (URINE--SECRETION) (CONVULSIONS) LEBEDEV, A.A. Efferent nerves in a transplanted re-innervated kidney. Biul- ekgv. biol. i med. 51 no.4:8--12 AP 161. (Imu I./,$) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav. - prof. G.M.Shpuga) Ivanovskogo meditsinskogo institut. Predstavlena akademikom V.N.Chernigovskim. (MNEYS-TRAMSPIANTATION) --I,EBEDEV,--A.A. Function of a transplanted reinnervated kidney. Biul.eksp.blol.i med. 54 no.7:18-22 J1 162. (KIRA 15:11) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav,. rof. G.M.Shpuga) Ivanovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Predstavl4na deystvitelinym chlenom ANN SSSR V.N.Chernigovskim. (KIDNFYS--TRANSPLANTATION) (VAGUS NERVE) LEBEDEV, A.A. Compensatory hypertrophy of a tran3planted ruinnervated kidney. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 54 no.8:41-43- A.g 16?. (141RA 17:11) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (zav. - prof. G.M. Shpuga) Ivanovskogo meditsinskago instituta. Predstavlena deyotx1telInym chlenom AleT SSSR V.V. Parinym. LEBEDE A.A.; KOROLEV, B.K.; RATNIKOV, V.I. Changes in the blood protein fractions in dogs following autotransplantation of kidneys and spleen. Biul. ekop. bio". i med. 60 no.11:42-44 11 165. (KIRA 19: 1) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (ispoinyayushchiy obyazannosti zav. - prof. N.A. Myasoyedova) i kafedra obshchey khimii (zav. - dotsent N.M. Chistyakov) Ivanovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Submitted June 8., 1964. L 04785 fACC NRt 7 EWT(m)/E14P(t,/ET1 IJP(c) AP6024467 JD SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/66/008/007/2074/2076 AUTHOR: Zotova, N. V.; Lebedev, A. A.; Nasledov,, D. N. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute F. Ioffe, AN SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko- tekhni@s @yinstitut ANM%TY- TITLE:/Diffusion of cadmium in indium arsenide & 7,'L_&6, 2074-2076 SOURCE@ Fizika tverdogc) te' , v. 8' TOPIC TAGS: cadmium, physical diffusion, indium compound, arsenide, pn junction, semi conductor impurity ABSTRACT: In view of the limited amount of systematic data concerning the diffusion of impurities in indium arsenide, the authors present sow new results on the diffu- sion of Cd in InAs of n-type. The donor content was 4 x 1016 _ 6 X 1019 CW3. The tests were made on single-crystal indiun arsenide, both pure and doped with teliurium and selenium. The diffusion was in saturated cadmium vapor at 750 - 780C and 10-6 mm Hg. The depth of the p-n junction was determined by the removal of layer method and determination of the sign of the charge from the thermal emf. The results show that the diffusion of Cd in InAs depends on the initial concentration of the donor impurity but not on the nature of the donor; the diffusion coefficient decreases with increasin, impurity concentration in the initial substance. The decrease in the diffusion coef- ficient in strongly doped material is sho-n to be connected.with the formaticn of dona acceptor pairs which diffuse more slowly than free acceptors. Orig. art. has: 2 1/2 L 04785-67 figul"811o 2 fonmLiast and 2 tables. 0 SUB COIE: 20/ .SUBM DATE: 07Dec65/ MG REF: Ool/ OTH IEF: ool Card I I I-A I.- L (A 1-44 a 1# 11 11 t- L " Cc M Ujv A a4s - L 4 A, A to so 01 t--- .41 -- 7 o j.4 00 @;! site V41-9- -1 ' c trisohydratit metabolism and the earlocries-volls"bee 1 35; 1 14 1.:@7 awt i V 0 @ 0 . 0 j ; 1 , . 0. "'w', ". m f 0141,100 In case* of linwrome AviditrM. A. A. nancy ittiumAkm. the w rlent and gly, I Gin ll to WA k 7tc W I d G 4 1 9 : t c ei. an y%& tive n" vm@ %Y@trtn Sti -1944p, No. L" Ifi-IS.-rhe glucose taklartm Was C"t- e,,Sesolyst@ Was D@ Ix"ouncol thAn Xlycottcais- Since ! .0 0 9 mated in a number of the aboyt patients. Tte majority vitamin C is known to stimulate 'be vago4n"40 IAM@- ' re tested for astllft@c of th w m had i t i e r an &%crw on ne blood anti ur o ugut resulting in vomiting. the patients or Was ab- um quantity theref r ti f i l i , o e. injet ons o n numm sit renaLue (I cv. of I Wit %-it Amin C was lotitu C awltillnillu-is Wall PCOOMOMI "n ) Isetv ive i t Th d f . tis n ra o e g sugair administration. tnt in thew fluids. The blood %a, analyzed just before and at /, !w. juice- 11 patients. amounting all "111d. moderate and WV"c V 0 00 vah for 3 hrs. after the injection. In mild . be P. to 31W. @UAO anti WX) trig. On t1st Average- , ' it" Ca 10 i 0 s the adrenal c"les ve chiscaw. 11191110hYdolle MCMIJ06M WAS not impaired. although ollows that in the aho it I h The hi t e. g the syrnpailictit- and pamyrnputbetic nervous systems a hypo%tste the rucAults. being in a byptf sta en corxn. in t*;)r co w w h h l i h d Th ere wmew o at exc te . e g e yperglyremis em&iell, rate of glycogenoly%ij and T Oy The i ne - (11odom) vta@ 1.77 or 77%t; the hypoglyternia index hlood me due to an C%Cc--vt -etum or Oltrual 1' due to the large -t . of f lA U i (R li 5 ) 0 a a %ai s .8 or V5 n Y ; thecarbohydnite metabdurn dative iu$uffci,_y Of in- u 00 d l- index (Sokolniltov) was J ciuntrnietmS hyperglYcem M. In moderate cLws there this hormone u5cd up in 'f' was a protiountrd mitation of the vegetative nervous The impairmerit of the liver function is due to its iMPOvt system suil this led to a derangement of carbobytirrate amtnt in glycogru- Thil latter deficiewir &I- Wds 10 CADW go r b oueve , ALM. Which smitabobtru. The sympathico-rultenatine phase prevailed an increased (at nicuix sutntsner, accututdat, ov i h i l h e "e vago- mu c m p ai@e and accordingly, the -ate EJ beyond the ket,J-bodiCS 92gle. t laciLoicarw3ydratesk-,&toin- JK'cogtuoly@it was hishri than that of its @ 1-inau ntheib Th h li a : . ver. y e y e ingint pt cim, W ic 11 reAthts in im- above indexe- were rnpectively: 1.75; LIN anti 1.57. cTca %cd deamination Of Ot It b I , pathiko- In severe ca%es a typical diabetei usellifus distunction of paired liver Mist. It was also noticed that *Yin h l e i the imulin apparatus of the pancreas, as well sit of the tropic overstimulatiOU Cxu5cs intolerance of glucalle. W liver wa@ olswr%vd. as evidenced by the indices: - in.ulin idiosYnCrA-4e$- IAIJ, Vagotropir cicitation Produces law* I dam- oti,.crvcd evm -h- tht livef is 111 Both types Bf StAturstion t i ven o nin C g aged. it is concluded that Nital and . o&,ibIL in Comb-tim with gluco h ; it 0 w ere P too" or a Jpcutir effect an tbc@c patients iniulm witild havc theft C. S. %&Piro too AJ -128 N.$LA 01TALLIACKAL UTFRAT"t CMUFKAT10% . . tie%, Cz U Is 11 00 -11-1 An , cri"16i Sri[ Stu Pr n IX4 I a 1 1 1 11 0 9 1 4D * 0 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 at 0 0 0 9 as as 40 1 1 : 9 0 0 0 0 46 00 0 0 0 00 o 0 9 00 13BEDZV, A.A. W. 'T u - X_ - Activities of chief obstetrician-gynecologists in RSER. Akush. gin., Moskva no-5:32-37 SePt-Oct 1952. (CIML 23:2) 1. Professor. Head Obstetrician-Gynecologist of the Ministry of Public Health RSFSR. LEBEDEV,Anatoliy Alekseyevich [Petermination of the stage of pregnancy; manual for physicians] Opredelenie sroka beremennosti; posobie dlia vrachei. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo med. lit-ry, 1955. 87 Pe (MLRA 8:7) (Pregnancy) LBBMEV, A. A.; ME111 SHUTINA, N.A. Method of decreasing blood loss in the placental stare and shorten- ing its duration. Alqmh. I gin. no.2:81--84 Mr-Ap 155. (MIRA 8:7) 1. 1z kafedry akunherstva I ginekologii (zav. -prof. A.A.Lebedev) pediatricheskogo fakullteta Il 14oskovskogo maditainskogo Instituta iment I.V.Stalina I rodillnogo doma No.7 imeni Grauermans. (glpLvrqy vrach zaalu7hennyy vrach Yn.A.Botoyeva) (LABOR# third stage, decrease of blood loss In placental stage by shortening of duration) (ERMORRHAGE, uterus,.in third stage, decrease of blood loss by shorten- Ing duration of third stape) (UTERUS, hemorrhage, in third sta4p, decroano of blooa loan by Rhorteninp duration of third stage) LZBEDEV, A. A., profeasor (Mookwa) U-N.-V Present trend in the prevention and treatment of pregnancy toxemlas. Sovet. med. 19 no-5.-14-20 MY''55. (MLRA 8:8) (PREGROGY TOXMKIAS, prev. and control) LEBEDEV, Anatoliy Alekseyevich; doktor med.nauk, prof.; USPENSKAYA, k.I., tekhn.-.ed. [Woman's health and materait7l Zdorovle zhenshchiny I -,,;!terI.Istvo. Mosk7a, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1957. 47 p. (Vsesoiuzaoe obshchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politicheakikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser.8, nos-50/51) (MIRA 11: 1) (WOMEN-w-MUTH AND HrGIENE) IZEDEV, A.A. , Evomitinc in prognanc7l Rvots beramennylch. Mook-va, Medgis, 195?. 112f P. (PRIGNANGY) (VOMITING) (MIJU 11:4) SINITSYNA, H.A.; PAVLOVA., I.I. LEBOW, A.@L Medical &ymnaetics in obstetrics. Akush. i gin. 35 no-3:20- 26 Hy-Je '59- (HIRL 12:8) 1. Is kafedry akusherBtva i .-inekologii (zav. - prof.A.A.Lebedev) pedlatricheslcogo fakiil'teta II Hoskovakogo meditainskogo institlita imeni Pirogova. (MGNkNCY exercise ther., evaluation (Rua)) K-@ 7@p LEBEDEVp Anatoliy Alekseyevichl red. [Clinicalt morphological, and hormonal parallels in dysfunctional uterine hemorrhages] Kliniko-morfologo-gormonallmye paralleli pri disfunktaionalinfth matochnykh krovotecheniiakh. Moskva, 1960. 209 p. (EMORMGE9 UTERINE) (MIRA 31+:7) LEBEDEV, A.A. (MOSCOW, USSR) Klinisch-morphologi6ch-hormale Bedingungen zur Motivierung konservativer Operationem des Myoma uteri. Report submitted for the 3rd World Congress, Intl Federation of Gyneology and Obstetrics, Vienna, Austria, 3-9 Sep 1961. LEBEDEV Anatoli Alek-e evich, prof.; KOZ:WOVA, Lidiya Savellyevna; RYKUNOV, Yerminingelld Ivanovich, SIVITSYNA, Mariya Andre@yevna; CHEYXIOVA, VJ-., red..- VOROINIUA, K. te-khx- red. (Physiological bases for the prevention of complications in antenatal fetal development; a manual on the overall prepara- tion of pregnant women for labor] Fiziologicheskie osnovy pro- filaktiki oslozhnenii antenatallnogo razvitiia ploda; posoble po korpleksnoi podgotovke 'beremennykh k rodan. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1962. 81 p. (MIRA 15;7) (PRE IlAa'AL cARE. ) 4.pEDEV,-A-&., prof.; RYKUNOV, Ye.I.; SINITSYNA, M.A.; PRIBYLOV, K.N.; BYLIONOK, V.K.; PAVLOVA, I.I.; GOTOVTSEV, P.I., red.; YAKOVIZVA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Exercise thera in obstetrics and gynecology]Lechebnaia fiz- kulltura v akusherstve i ginekologii; posobie dlia vrachei zhenskikh konsulltatsii i rodiltrqkh domov. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 173 P. (MIRA 15:12) (EXERCISE THERAPY) (OBSTETRICS) (GYVECOLOGY) LEBEDEV, A. A., prof. Fetopathies and their significance for the pathogenesis of some g7necological diseases. Akush. i gin. no.2:49-54 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz kafedr7 akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. A. A. Lebedev) pediatricheskogo fakulltets, II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N. I. Firogova. (FETUS-DISEASES) (GYNECOLOGY) LEBEDEV, Aleksey Andreyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk Determination of the ellipt-icitY coefficient of the =agaetic field of the ma sive rotor of an electric machine. Izv.-,rj-s. ucheb.zav.; elektromekh. 4 no.8:18-21 161. (MIRA 34-8) (Electric machinery) (Magnetic fields) (Ai-matures) LEBEDEV, Aleksey, kand.tekhn.nauk Circle diagram of a quick-acting electric motor. Izv. wys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 4 no.12:87-90 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Automatic control-Electric equipment) (Electric motors) BYROMUTNIKOVP I.A.; NEKRASOV., A.M.; LEBEDEV A A - KOSTENKO, M.P.; NEIMANI L.R.; VASILIYEV, D.V.ji@ @@6Y'Z.D.; USOV, S.V.; POSSES A.V:; ULTYANOV., S.A.-' FAZYLOV, Kh.F. Professor N.N. Shchedrin; on his seventieth birthday and fortieth anniversary of his ed-acational work. Elektrichestvo no.1:94- 95 Ja 162. (MIM 14::L2) (Shchedrin, Nikolai Nikolaevich, 1891-) BOGORODITSKIYS N.P.-, VINOKUROV, V.I.; YERMOLIN, N.P.;--LEBEDEV, A.A.; POTSAR, A.A.; TERSNIN, A.N.; FRW-@V., A.V. Professor Boria Pavlovich Kozyrev, 1895- on his 76th birLhclay. Elektrichestvo no.9;89 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) 4b HESSONOV, L.A.; DCKANSKIY, B.I.; DROZDOV, N.G.; DIYACHENKO, N.Kh.; ZHEKULIN, L.A.; ZAYTSEV, I.A.; ZAIZSSKIY, A.M.; KAIEIISKIY, M.D.; KOSTENKO, M.P.- IEBEDEV A.A.: LOMONOSOV, V.Yu.; MITY-EVICH, A.V.; SmmOV, V.S.-;'76ETiN, @iuX; @SOV, S.V.; SHRANKOV, Ye.G. L.R. Neiman; on his 60th birthday and the 35th anniversary of his educational work. Elektrichestvo no.6:93-94 je 162. (IMIA 15:6) (Neinnn, Leonid Robertovich, 1902-) .1 02405-67 ACC N& AP601@4,92 SOURCE CODE, UR/0315/6S/000/012/0046/004i AUTHOR: A. (Engineer, Colonel); Koserey, V. V. (CrAwwuWler); Gaziyev, A. A. (Enginapr, Lieutenant commander) f: ORGt none TITLE: How to simplify the development of course programs SOMCE-- Morskey sbmnik, no. 12, 1965, 46-48 TOPIC TAGS: programmed teaching, learning mechanism., E,0 UC1,01 77 0 A/ ABSTRACT: The use of linear and circular graphs in setting up course programs is dis- cussed. A specific illustration in the development of a course of study on radio engi- neering equipment is given. The circular graph indicates the number of hours to be denoted to lectures, practical exercises and laboratory work for specialized and gene- ral courses within a given discipline. The linear graph indicates specific topics and states specifically what the student should know about a given topic. The authors coU- clude that with the aid of these graphs and diagrams, the course compiler can elimi- nate duplication of course material, more easily decide an the'number of hours to be assigned to the study of various materials, choose the optimal sequence for presenting the material, and obtain a clear picture as to the actual volume of material to be studied. ftig. art.. has: 2 figures. @,UB CODE., 05/ SUBM DATE.- none -t 0; _Wc- I NRt AT6006571 SOURCE CODE: UR/2546/65/000/142/0028/bO32 AUTHOR: Leb dev, A. A. ORG; none' TITLE: Year to year changes in ice and thermal conditions of-Horth-Atlaptic waters and adjacent seas SOURCE: Moscow. Tsentral'Tkyy institut prognozov. Trudy, no. 142, 1965. Morskiye prog- nozy i raschety (Marine forecasts and calculations); materialy Vsesoyuznogo sovesh.- chaniya, noyabr' 1963 g., 28-32 TOPIC TAGS: sea ice hydrolggy, synoptic meteorology ABSTRACT: The relation of thermal and ice conditions in the North Atlantic and the relation temperature of water masses of the North Atlantic and the Barents Sea were investigated on the basis of observations made in 1900-1955. Calculations were made using the formula kl,- k2 where ff is the relation indicator, k1 is the number of coincidences of anomaly of tile same sign, k2 is the number of coincidences of anomaly of different sign, and H is the Card 1/2 L 02442-67 ACC NR: AT6006571 total number of coincidences (years). Tire data show that 1) the relation coefficient from year to year is of Insignificant value; 2) the relation coefficient for extreme ice conditions is rather significant; 3) the mean yearly temperature anomalies of three selected large regions of the North Atlantic show a pronounced relation and no coupling with the mean temperature anomalies of the Barents Sea; 4) there is no con- gruence.between*the Labrador and North Cape currents; and 5) year to year changes in ice and thermal conditions in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas are closely connec ed with the interaction of the hydrosphere and atmosphere which lead often to the di- vergence of macrosynoptic and hydrological processes on both sides of the North At- lantic. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 4 tables. SUB CODE: 04,08/ SUBM DATE: none Card 2/2 OSTOSLINSKII, I.V., and A.A. LEBEDEV 0 raschete pod"ei,a skorostnogo sa-ioleta. (Tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, 1946, no. 819, p. 21-27, diagrs.) Title tr.: Performance calculations for high-speed aircraft in climb. TL5041.T4 1946 SC: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955 T V' PED E. ')It k. A . , EnCr. -Uand. -ech. Disgartation: "Certab@ Problems of the Aerod,,,rnamics of ; ;ling in a '11-jpprs@@-nic Flo:,.11 Moscow Order of Lenin Aviation Irzt immeni -erro Ordzhom"Kidze) 22 47. SO: Vechernvaya Moskya, May, 1947 (Project #17836) USSR/Mathematics - Stability Card 1/1 Author : Lebedev, A. A. Title : The problem of stability of motion in a finite time interval Periodical : Prikl. mat. i mekh., 18, 75-94, Jan/Feb 1954 Abstract : Employs the method of G. V. Kamenkov for the use of equations of the first approximation to determine the conditions of stability of non- stationary motion for finite initial and constantly acting disturbances. Given a method for the definition of the time interval during which undisturbed motion is stable. Institution : Submitted : September 21, 1953 !-,D-175 A. Ab USSR/Mathematics Stability of Motion FD-647 Card 1/1 Pub. 85-2/20 Author Lebedev, A. A. (Moscow) Title Stability of motion in a given interval of time Periodical Prikl. mat. i mekh., 18, 139-148, Mar/Apr 1954 Abstract Considers the problem of the stability of motion on a given interval of time, finite or infinite, for the general case of nonstationary motion. The basic method for solving this problem is Lyapunovis second method (A. M. Lyapunov, Obshchaya Zadacha ob ustoychivosti dvisheniya [General Problem of the Stability of Motion], GITTL, 1950). In settinq up this problem the author uses here a work of N. G. Chetayev ("An idea of Poincare," Sbornik nauchin. tr. Kazansk. aviats. Instituta rCollection of Scientific Works of the Kazan Aviation Institutionj, No 3, 1935) and a work of G. V. Kamenkov ("Stability of motion in a finite interval of time," PMM, 17, 110 5, 1953). Institution Submitted December 15, 1953 USSR/Mathema4ics - Stability of motion FD-849 Card 1/1 Pub. 85 - 14/14 -_ Author Kamenkov, G. V., and Lebedev, A. A. Title : Remarks concerning an article on stability in a finite interval of time Periodical : Prikl. mat. i mekh., 18, 512, Jul/Aug 1954 Abstract The authors make more precise the definition of stability in a finite interval of time (G. V. Kamenkov, "Stability of motion in a finite in- terval of time," PM, 17, No. 5, 1953. A. A. Lebedev, "Stability of motion in a given Interval of time," PMM, 18, No. 2, 1954). Institution Submitted LEBEDEV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sci, based on his defense, 23 May 1955, in the Council of Moscow Order of Lenin Aviation Inst imeni Ordzhonikidze, of his dissertation entitled: "Stability of Irregular jN-eustavivhhegosy32 Movement at the Final Time Interval." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK., List no. 1, 7 Jan 56, Byulleten' MVO SSR, Uncl. JPRS/NY-548 E -v' ?i PHASE X TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 762 - X BOOK Call No.: AF684925 Authors: LEBEDEV, A. A., STRAZHEVA, 1. V. and SAKRAROV, G. I. Full Title-.--A-e-r-o&e--cffa-n1cs of Aircraft Transliterated Title: Aeromekhanika samoleta (Aircraft Fluid Mschanic,3) PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: Publishing House: Gosudarstvenove izdatellstvo oboromoy promyshlennosti. Moscow. Date: - 1955 No. pp.: 472 No. of copies: Editorial Staff: None Others: Gratitude for cooperafton is expressed to: Profs. Ostoslavskly, I. V., Burago, G. F., Martynov, A. K. and Zhuravchenko, A. N. PURPOSE AND EVALUATION: This is a textbook for courses in aviation institutions of higher learning in which aeromechanics is taught in abbreviated form. The interest of the book consists in the quantity of material It presents in a comparatively small volume. It shows also how aerodynamics and aircraft mechanics is taught in the USSR and what is the general approach to problems of the design and calculation of aircraft. The works of Zhukovskiy and other Russian scientists are often mentioned as a basis for future developments. However, the basic approach to theoretical 1/7 A-eromekhanika samoleta AID 762 - X and practical problems of subsonic and supersonic aerodynamics and aeromechanics does not differ from the American approach. The book consists of two parts and seven chapters. It is provided with 352 clear diagrams. TEXT DATA Coverage: This textbook is intended to: 1) give the student the indispensable Information on the basic laws of the flow of fluids and the flow over bodies at various speeds, 2) acquaint the reader with contemporary methods of experimental research In aerodynamics and with apparatus used in aerodynamic laboratories, 3) generalize basic Information about methods of aerodynamic calculation of aircraft for stability and maneuverability. Table of Contents Pages Preface and Introduction The purpose of the book is explained and definitions of basic terms are given. Fart One. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics Chapter I. Basic Laws of the Flow of Gases 3-6 The author reviews the properties of fluids, basic laws of kinetics, fundamental equations of one- dimensional flow, and other phenomena of one- 2/7 Aeroirekhanika samoleta AID 762 - X Pages dimensional flow for subsonic and supersonic speeds. Chapter II. Methods of Experimental Research 69-132 The author gives basic Information on aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the aircraft, on the adaption of the theory of similarity in aero- dynamics, on the methods of aerodynamic experi- mentation and on the methods of measurement of pressure and the determination of the speed of the flow of the air. He discusses criteria of sinilarity taking into account: 1) viscosity, 2) compressibility, 3) periodicity of phenomena, 4) initial turbulance of the flow. He gives the history of the development of wind tunnels in the USSR, cites names of prominent scientists in this field, and describes Russian-built wind tunnels of the Moscow Aerodynamic Institute (PP. 93, 95, 102). He describes methods of study of the physical picture of the flow over bodies and gives photos and diagrams of Russian-built apparatus (PP. 107-110). He mentions briefly flight experi- ments and gives names of prominent test pilots 3/7 Aeromek-hanika samoleta (P. 113). At the end of this chapter the author describes methods of measurement of pressure and determination of the speed of the flow of air, in particular the measurement of the normal flow by means of static pressure, pressure receptacles, pressure drop and thermoanemometers. He gives also methods of measurement of flows of sonic speed. A Russian-built pressure measuring device is described (p. 129). Chapter IV. Aerodynamic Forces at Above Critical M Numbers In this chapter the author discusses the super- sonic flow of gases, the drag of bodies immerged In this flow, shock waves, wave resistance, and shock wave polar curve. He describes aerodynamic characteristics of wings of supersonic aircraft, distribution of pressure on the airfoil, flow over obtuse and convex angles, and the behaviour of wings of finite span in an supersonic flow. bhapter V. Propellers The author gives the geometric and kinematic 4/7 AID 762 - X Pages 236-268 269-295 Aeromekhanika samoleta AID 762 - X Pages characteristics of propellers and mentions Russian scientists inthis field (p. 281). He develops the theory of the propeller, of an element of propeller blade and of the theory of similarity applied to propellers. He gives aerodynamic coefficients of propellers and describes the influence of the compressibility of air on their operation. At the end of this chapter, the author gives the basic types of propellers and their characteristics. He mentions the following propellers: fixed pitch, variable pitch, feathering, reversible pitch or braking, differential reversing, and coaxial. Part Two. Aircraft Aeromechanics Chapter VI. Determination of Basic Flying Character- istics of Aircraft 296-380 The author gives general equations of aircraft movement and describes the conception of overload, the curvilinear flight in various planes, takeoff, landing, diving and recovery, and the figures of advanced piloting. He explains how the initial data for aerodynamic calculations are obtained, describing basic types of power plants and jet and 5/7 Aeromekhanika samoleta AID 762 - X during the disturbed side motion, and the influence of static coefficients on lateral stability. In the last paragraph, the author considers the maneuverability of aircraft. In particular, he discusses the diagrams of equilibrium, the effectiveness of rudders and ailerons, criteria of maneuverability with the con- nection of stresses on the control column and the rudder, lateral maneuverability in flight on larger angles of incidence, auto-rotation and the spin. No. of References: Russian 22, 1933-1953, Other 1, 1949. Facilities: Moscow Aviation Institute 7/7 LEB3M, A. .....- i-ray detection no.2:28 7 156, (Spark plugs) of faults in engine spark plugs. (X rays-Industrial applications) Grazhd.aT. 13 (MLRL 9:5) 84-11-19/36 AUTHOR: Lebedev., A., Ryasnov, L. TITLE: A Plug-type Coupling (ShtepselInyy raz"yem) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1957, Nr ll,, p.20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: About ten different types of couplings for connecting the aircraft power network to airport power mains are currently used in aircraft. The multiplicity of types complicates maintenance and requires many adapter sets in airports. At present, standardization of couplings is in process, the number of couplings being reduced to two types: the ShRAP-50 for d.c. and the ShRA-200 for a.,O. A photograph shows the ShRAP-500 coupling. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR j&BEDEY4__&. A.. PA - 2217 TITLE On a Method for the Construction of LYAPUNOV Functions (Ob oclnom metode postroyeniya funktsiy Lyapunova). PERIODICAL Prikladnaia Matematika i Mekhanika,1957,Vol 21,Nr 1, pp 121-124 Received 3/1957 Reviewed 5/1957 ABSTRACT The present work develops the methods suggested by N.G.CHATEYEV (Prikl.Mat.i Mekh.,Vol 9,Nr 3, 1945) and in his monography on the "Steadiness of Motion"(Ustoycivost' Dvisheniya, Moscow 1946). For this purpose the linear system of the equations of the disturbed motion dxi/dt - pil(t)xj + -+ Pin(t)xn (i - 1,...n). Here pij(t) are real, pariodic, limited, and steady functions of the real vari- able t. When investigating the System by YAPUNOV's direct method the quadratic form B(t,xl,.,.X,) - (1/2);@.Pik(Oxixk can be used as a LYAPU1TOV function. Also the derivatiZrfi dB/dt is a quadratic form and their coefficients are given. Together with the above sys- tem a system with the constant coefficients dxi/dt = pijxj +---Pin xn 4 = 1 ... n) is investigated. Here pij denote the values of the coefficients pij(t) of the above system at any point of time t or the mean values for any interval of time. For the determination of the values Pik a system of n(n+l)/2 equations is given. The "charac- teristic equation" is then investigated. By the methods investigated here for the construction of the LYAPUNOV functions it is not always possible to solve the problem of stabili- Card 1/2 ty. However, the present work suggests a method of solving the sta- PA - 2217 On a Method for the Construction of LYAPUNOV Functions. bility problem also for these cases. Here the LYAFUHGV function 7 9(t)B(t,x1, ... xn) is studiedp where B denotes the,aforementioned quadratic form and 9(t) a periodic, limited, and steady differentiat- able function. For the investigation of the disturbed motion a quadratic form is assumed to be given. The undisturbed motion is stable if it is possible, for the given quadratic form B, to select the function T in such a manner that V - yB satisfies LYAPUNOV's main theorems on stabilit It is then possible to determine an upper and a lower limit for V(t@lat every point of time. The properties of these limits are here discussed. The results obtained apply also in the case of any LYAPUNOV functions constructed in form of quadra- tic forms. (No illustrations) ASSOCIATION Not given PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 3. 1. 1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHOR: __Lebedev, A-A_ SOV/147-SB-1-2/22 TITLE-. On the Application of the 4'7ethod of "Fixed in the Investigation of the Stability of UnestablisLed Motion (0 primenenii metoda "zamorozhennyl'-.h koeffitsiyertcv" dlya issledovaniya ustoychivosti neustanovivshe-osya U dvizheniya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh- Zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya Telchnika, 1958, Nr 1, pp 11 - 18 (USSR)@ ABSTRACT: Let the disturbed motion of a dynamical system be des- cribed by a linear homor-eneous set of differential eo-il-atilons u in which the coefficients of the variables xl, x. arc) I continuous and bounded functions of the time t T'-r--,e m,:@thlod of the title consists in replacing the given systen@ by the set of all systems with con--,tant coefficients for fixed moments in the required interval of -time. It is supposed that the zero solution of the Given systera is stable if the real parts of the roots of the characteristic equ&tion are negative for all values of t in the ranGe under discussion. Stability under a constantly actinC force in a finite interval of time is defined. In the General case of unestablished motion, the stability depends on the choice of the time origin. Cardl/2 U sov/147-58-1-2/22 bn the Application of the Method of "Fixed Coefficients" in the Investigation of the Stability of Unestablished Motion Unestablished motion is uniformly stable in t 1 t !5@ tP if it is stable in t vhere t, < t tp ThLe o -