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Gi~ sov/86-58-7-11/38 AUTHOR: Legkov, N. K., Maj, Military Navigator First Class TITLE: Crews Bomb With Precision at Night (Ekipazhi metko bombyat nochlyu) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 7, pp 24-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: -This article deals with the training of crews in precision bombing at night. According to the author, the bomber crews in his unit practice precision bombing under un- favorable weather conditions from various altitudes ovEr many unfamiliar bombing ranges far from the airfield. They approach the targets from different directions and and bomb them, as a rule, on the first approach. They often change their flight routes. The author draws at- tentlon to errors committed by some Inexperienced crews while using the range measuring system, and he stresses the importance of carrying out training bombing missions under conditions as much like actual combat conditions as possible. Card 1/1 z SOV/109-3-8-13/18 AUTHORS: Arshanskaya, B. G. , Bankovsk-iy, IT. G. , Gor-ina, '.'. Y11 lfel'nik, O.I.J., Serova, v.N. and- Le,~-kova, A.A. TITLE: Thorium-oxide Ualuflodes for Po%,,.e.- Tubes ~Ok:----dno- toriyevyy katod dlya moshchny'V-1h ~-en-ratornyk,h lamp) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elek:tronika, 1953, Vol 3, B." 8, pp 1064 - 10'?2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The preparation of the actual thorium-oxide cathodes effected by the method of electrophoresis, V.--hich permitted tlie manufacture of robust coatin.-s vith a smooth surface on various types of the ccthode core. The core material fox the cathodes was tantalum, since its expansion coefficient is ap,)roxij-,ately equo-1 to that of thorium oyide. The cores v,.,erE;, de-c-Ircased, etched, V-18shed and then de-eassed at a teripei~-zture of 1-?600 0. Since the attemots to obtain sa'uisfactory coatings by the normal, c&ta-phoretic i.-,ethod were unsuccessful, aa ultrasonic-1-ype mixinG of thorium- oxide suspension ~,;as em-ployed. This -as very sljccessf~il and permitt-ed ob~ainint, coatin--s of about 40 6 (16 ME/cm 2 Tne c---thode cores T,,.,-ere either ribton-li'--'s Card 1/4 Thoriur-oyide C;~-.thodes for Po-.-.,er Tubes SOV/1001-3-8-13/18 or were in the form of trOUJIS. In either c,-.,,-e, I'Ley were coated by the cataphoretic-ultrasonic iiiE Uhod by employing the so-called technique of "exteaded In this technique, the cathode core is placed horizon- r tally iii th.e viciiiity of the surf!.ce of t'l-c co,,'UdilL, suspension and the cathode. is lo~-cred until it ver.- nearly touches the substance. In this way, a Liieniscus is formed; the cathode is then pulled away. Th c cathodes thus prepared v,,rere investi2,;E.ted in three t,-Ypes of exDerimen'al tubes. The construction of the first. tube-Za diode) is shown in FiL-.,ure 2; this is furnis'-Led with a cathode in Lhe form of a cup. The second diode employs a. directly heated ribbon-like cathode and its construction is illustrated in Fifrure 3. This ca-t'L-ore had an emissive surface of 0.' cm~ The thiircl tl __ uube h-r! a filamentary cathode, havinS a diameter of 100 Ii, which was coated with an oxide to a thicknes---:,, of 15-40 'ii. The temperature of the cathodes in the fir--t two tube-z was measured. by riieans of an o,)tical riAcropyrome ter, T:11"_Jle the temperature of the filamentary cathode was deterLq4 nod Card2/4 fron, the chanCe of the filament resistance. The i nf 1 ue -.I- c e Thorium-oxide Cathodes for Power Tubes of the activ~ition ~Lemrc--ature or, the emission cl-laractcr- istics of tjl-~e c~- t-'--odes is illui:itr~~ ted I a Fi -ures and S. The three curves oi' F-i-,,,-.'ure 5 are tLe '19-ichr-rdson cu.1ves fDr a catliode based on a. molybdenwr cor,:- Cu-rvc3 1 a in: d 2 are for cathodes --ctivz~.ted at 1600 and 1800 K) respectivSly, while Curve 3 is for a cathode activ~,-ted at 2 000 K. Figure 6 sho,,,'s a faa,-Ll~, of static ch-aract- eristics; Curve 2 ras takcen. at a itejipe.Lature of 1 61120 'JI.EZ after g purely tilerm--l activ.-tion ~t a ter-,-,-~erature of ~'al-en at var-o~ls 1 960 K) v-,-hile t-Le romaininL-, curves verc U n- -1 - temperatures after the crthOde had been activated at a current density of 0.6 A/cm2 a-ad a temperature of 1 880 0K. The therral emission constants of well-activFted catl--Iodes were determined from the Richardson Craphs (Fi,,Iure 9) and it was found that the .-iork function was 2.2 to 2.L,' eV while the Richardson constant was about 0.5 to 5 A/cm 2 per degree 2. The emission characteristics 1.~.,ero also taken by ireans of shortu pulseskless t~,an 100 IL S) these are shown in kicure 9 for v,,)rious activatinG Gard3/4 temperatures, From tlie curves, it was found that at a 'Thorium-oxide Catubodes for Po,,-.,r--r Tub,--s SO V! 0~1 0_1~, ~ . (I n'__S44-_, tem-nerature of 1 860 1~. the maxirrufrl C:rlisSID 2 in th,~ in the sta'Ac reE;ime is about 1.5 Alcm , pulse operation, ;-'u is about 2-3 A/co 2 ; at of 2)OC.10 - 2 100 K) ul-ip, -oulse CG:issi,0q-.,;as ~ 19 The cathocbs --cre also subjected to life tests and it found -that a thoriurn-oxide la.ver of about L~o iirC - ;3. i -, i, useful life of 500 Lour,; at a curre;nt rknsit'r o~ 0.6 A/cm 2. It was farthr-r found that the cpttodcs do not lose their emission even if the vacuuii; inside the- tubes becomes as lo,.-.., Es 5 x 10-5 mziH:~ There are cl~ fi-,ures L' - and 12 ref~~-rences, '/ of ~,:.hich are En-lish, L~ i4'rench and U 1 Soviet. bUB!,.,1ITTD#D: January 29, 1958 Card 4/4 1. Oxide cathodes--Properties 2. Oxide cathodes--Preparation 3. Thorium oxide--Applications 4. Tantalum--Applications MAKOGONY M. G~; LEGKOVA, M. L.; TABATAROVICH, A. K. "Correlation of the Velocity Coefficients of Flow Curves with Creep and Relaxation Rates" p. 159-169, in the book Research in the Physics Solids, Moscow, Izd-vo PIT SSSR, 1957. 277 p. Ed. Bollshanina, It. A., Tomsk Universitet, Siberskly fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut. Personalit&es: Vasil'yev, L. I.; Spevak, L. A.; and Kulikova, K., Mateirals studied: Tin. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet. This collection of articles is menat for metallurgical physicists and for engineers of the metal-working industry. This book contains results NK of research in the field of failure and plastic deformation of 4 mate:-ials, mainly of metals. Problems of cutting, abrasion, friction, and irear of solid materials (metals) are discussed. A- S 0,;!/! ~; 7 0 Translation from: Referativnyy zhUrnal. MCral,`Lllgiya, 1959. Nr 2, p 20C~ "JSSR" AUTHORS: Makogon, M. B., Legkova, M. L., Tabatarovich. A. K TITLE: On the Correspondence of Veiocil 'v Coefficients c), Metal-tio,~ Curves to Creep and Relaxation Ra'.es (K voprosu o soct el,i7 - skorostnykh koeffit5iyento-., lcrivykh techer!iya skorostvam polz!~ i relaksatsii) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Issled. po fiz. tverdogo Moscow.. AN SSSR 19~7 pp 159-169 ABSTRACT: Commercially pure Sn and Sn ci~ 011 gzade were emploved ~~ a- experimental investigation oi the rr-la-,:on3hip ex's:Jng be,.-,Vee- velocity coefficients and the relaxation and creep character .1'ci.A number of the specimens (in the form of wires Z mm in diam,-ter'. were tested immediately after drawing. whereas other specimens were annealed first. The following tl~St5 were conducted: Ele-ga ~cr- te5tino at a constant elongwion race or, a Polyani de-vice; e testing followed by observation of the relaxation processes iiier A certain degree of deformation hdd bf---en reachedi elonga,ion,ng a! Card 1/2 a constant rate followed by mainterance (If a Qonstant load. atte, a SOV/I '17 - 59-2- 3690 On the Correspondence of the Velocity Coefficients of Metal-flow Curves (cont,) certain degree of deformation had been attained. The stress computations were based on the instantaneous values of the cross section of the specimen, It is shown that a close relationship exists between the velocity coefficients and the charac-- teristics of relaxation and creep, a circumstance which is indicative of the analo- gous nature of the internal processes of relaxation, elongation, and creep. The high values of the velocity coefficients, creep rates, and relaxation coefficients observed in Sn which had been extruded through a hole and then subjected to drawing, indicate that, in contrast with annealed Sn, the cold worked Sn'is relatively suscept- ible to softening. Bibliography: 9 references. V, G, Card 2/2 ASLANCIV, S.K. (Saratov);_IMGKOVA, V.A. (Saratov) Escape of a gas jet from a container of finite width. Prikl. mat. t mekh. 23 noel:190-193 Ja-F '59, (MM 12:2) (Fluid dynamics) ME,DZTYEVjGff I M.M. [deceased]; -LFGKGVCD, G.I. X-ray kymographio picture, of the heart and aorta J-1n hy-per+.~-nE-'-jn +,raatc-.d with radon baths. 1~-udy Uz.gce.nouch._4581, Inst.kar, i flziote.r. 132269--273 255. (MIRA .i IMEMOD, T. I. 42653. LZGKOVOD, T. 1, 0 Vliyanii Luchey Rentgema I-Ta Regulinkyashchtura Funktsiyu Gemato-Sntsefalicheakogo Barlyera. Tmdy Uxbek. Gos. Rauch. --i a sled. In-ta Fizioterapli I Xurortologii Im. Semashko, 8B. 10, 1948, 9. 43-53, Tabl. (Pril.) SO! Letonts' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol, 7, 1949 MEDZIYEVICH, M.M. [deceased].; LEGKOVOD, T.I.; DERHAVETS, B.S. State of the heart, the aorta and the gastrointestinal trace in hypertension according to data of X-ray examinations. Trudy Uz. ges.nauch.-issl, inst.kur. i fizioter. 13:67-74 155. (MIRA 18.-2) ,,~EDZIYEVICH, M.M. [de,~,jasedj; 1,EGKOVOD) Effect of hydr3aeroicnization cn t~'3' function of '-'- hear- ata, TTutV in hypertensIcn. according to X-ray kymog-raphi,: a 13-187--*;89 t55. nauch.-issi, inst.kur. (~-ITRA LEGKOVODI T. I. 36874. MEDZIYEVICH, %I.M., T;EGKOVOD, T.L, i DERZHA'TfTS, B.S. Rent.aenoklmoograficheskaya,-kartina serdtsa boll nykh gipertonicheslcoy bo-;eznly-u, ledhennykh neYotoryod faktorami. Trudy Uzbek. gos. nauch-issled. in-ta kurortologii i fizioterappii im. Semashko, sb.11, 1940., c. 167-77 SO: Letopis' Zhurnal Nykh 5tatcy, Vol. 50, Moskvh, 1949 LFIGKOVODI-- T. I. _WWRAMEMONOW. Duration of the course of pulmonary cancer. 21 no.2: 93-94 Y '57. (MLRA 10:6) 1. Iz dorozhnogo tuberkuleznogo dispansera Tashkentskoy zheleznoy dorogi. (LUNG NEQPIASKS, case reports duration of course) LEGKOVOD, T.I. Structural the bones and joints of patients with polyarthritis treated with Tashkent mineral water. Trudy Uz. gos. nauch.-isal. inst. kur. i fizioterno.15:203-212 t59. WIFA 14-9) (ARTHRITIS) (MINERAL WATEIS) LEGKOY, G.V., inzb.; TIKHOMIROV, G.A., inzh. Pouring joints of concrete pavements on thr.- Moscrra-Garkiy road. Avt. dor. 28 no.9:5-6 S 165. (MIRA 18;1-0) MILOSLAVSKIY, Yaj.; ARDAMATISM, N.A.; IVA14OV, Yu.V.; LIKHIIANTSEV, V.A.- UGMI A.M.; MASLENNIKOVA, A.I.; CHON-75101A, M.I.; TYUNIYA-,- Ye.A.'; SITIOLOKHOVA, G.I. (Ryazant) Urinary excretion of 17-ketosteroids and 17-hydroxy corticosteroids in healthy people. Probl. endok. i gorTa. 9 no.3:76-80 My-Je 163. (14IRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii (ispolnyayushchiy obyazamosti zaveduyushchego - dotsent N.A. Ardamatskiy) Ityazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P. Favlova. ARDAMATSKIY. N.A.; MILOSLAWSKY. Ya.M.: LIKHVAInIEY. V.A.; jj,~GKUIN, A.M.; TrJEUTA, Ye.A. Comparative eve-I.Liation of the results of studying the content of sodiwa and potassilm in the plasma, whole blood and erythro- cyt~~.q in som~j internal diseases. Terap.arkh. 34 no.2:81-85 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kafedr-y fak-u-Itetskoy terapii (i. o. zav. - dotsent N.A. Ardamatskly) Ryazanskogo medLtsinskogo instituta imeni akad. I.P. Pavlova, (SODIUAI IF TIE BODY) (POTASSIUM IE TIE BODY) (BLOOD-EI'd-IINATIOD) rZAM, A.M. (Ryazan2) F'unctional, state of the adrenal cortex in diabetes mellitus. rrach.delo no.11339-43 V 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Kafedra fakullte,tskoy terapii (jspoln7a7uohchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchega - dotsent N.A. ArdAmatskiy) Ryazanskogo medi- tainskogo instituta. (DIABBM) (ADPMAL CORTEX) LEGKUN, Jarmlaw A. (Lwow); ORZEL, M. (translator] 41, Photochemical changes in dyed and natural cellulose iabrics. Przegl w1okien 16 no.12:640-6,/8 D 162. LEGKUN, J.A. (Lwow) Photochemical changes of colored and uncolored cellulose products. Pt. 5. Przegl w1okien 17 no. 10:3"-352 0 163. NOMDSREZHKIN, P.I., kand. tekhn. nave; LEGKUN, Ya.A., inzh. Effect of the light and atmospheric conditions on knit goods made of lustrous and mat viscose silks- Izv-T7s.ucheb.zav.; tekh. leg.prom. no.4:134-138 '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Synthetic fabrics--Testing) - LEGKUN, Ya.A. Spectral reflnction of lipht from tho nurface of white and dyed rayon staple fabrics subjected to thn effect of sun rays. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.-, tokh.tekst.prom. no-1:51-59 '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Llvovskiy torgovo-ekonomichnshy institut. (Spnetrapbotometry) (Rayon--Testing) (Color In the textile industry) LNGKUN, Ta.A. Effect of the dye concentration on the fastness to light of dyed fiber. Zhur.prW.khim. 33 n0-7:1636-1641 J1 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Llvovskiy torgovo-ekonomicheakiy inatitut. (Dyes and dyeing) :w -C- I - LEGKUN, YA. A., CANo TECH SC-19 "FADING OF COLORS ON f, ~ J~ . Z V1 COSE ST PLE CLOTH AND ITS DISINTEGRATION UNDER THE 4 /1 4-""A,l, N LUMINOUS RADIATIONo" Moscow, 1961o (MIN OF TRADE r~ RSFSR9 MOSCOW ORDER OF LABOR RED BANNER INST OF NATIONAL ECONOMY im G. V. PLEKHANOV). (KLI 3-61, 217). 228 - LEGKUN, Ya.A. New method.of testing the light resistance of.fabries. Tekst. prom. 21 no.6z78-80 Je 161. (MIRA 15s2) (Textile fabrics-Testing) (Photoelectric measurements) LEGKTJNJ, Ya.A. Effect of the concentration of coloring matter and DTsM fixing agent on the light fastness of dyes and dyed fibers. Zhur. prikl. khim. 34no-5311?6-1133 My 161. (141RA 16:8) (Dyes and dyeing) 10 - IEGKUN,.I. A. (Lwow) ...... ... - ~ ~ -1 Photochemical changes in gray and dyed cellulose fabrics. Przegl w1okien 17 no. 1:24-28 Ja 163. - i ' a LEGKUNI-,~i.A. (Lwow); JANISZEWSKI, K. [translator] I Photochemical destruction of dyed cellulose textile goods. Pt. 3. Przegl w1okien 17 no.7:238-243 JI '63. /f) 1 fA - LEGKUV, TC~A. (Lwow); JANISZE-v!SKI, F. (tran3iatorj Photochemical changes of urdyed and dyed cellulose goods. Pt. 4. Przegl w1okien 17 no. 9: 310-316 S 163. ,,~i~d for a unllf,~- Le h .nrom. no.4:~'!-~9 jik! 31 a a 10 a A a I LKA 00 a Olvacts"s A"D 01160161111% mots 00 so go d$Tw isr r~*~Qrdw$ Uw AMR" M Imm w a M"S. C6 W A L J W J d U O 00 . . . tail. "N . x , . J . 3. S. R.) a If. Lekwtu as 00 009 ill a *0 W, 00 lip 0 00 -00 Go "to .00 ago to 0, goo FO 0 CO 0 wool too 1. _j~ A fT.LLt;-I.K.k fll~&Tlab c I .-T. boo It cc WA A I 0 0 0 ojo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 a S, 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 11 or *000000 00 0 foe goo O-jLq,~-O-Odkl&&&asoo*o* 0#000609* ij~ li, 11 c tur i c ,'e a surmen t s T.'~asur~ment of the re-sist-nnc~~ r C, -o'- n 0 -sulatc.d neuturai conductor. "o. i.Onthl,7 Li:~t of "msf7ian !-.ccessirinT. LEGLER, A.S., inzhener. Improving the dependability of generators with parallel excitF-tion. Blek.sta. 25 no.11:58 H 154. (MLRA 7:11) (Dynamos) SOV-01-58-10-22/35 AUTHORS: Legler, A.S., Engineer, Fevralev, S.V., Technician TITLE: The Modification of the Electrical System of the Electro- Mechanical Regulator Type KRD of the System TsKTI (Peredel- ka elektricheskoy'skhemy elektromekbanicheskogo regulyatora tipa KRD sistemy TsXTI) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 10, p 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The type KRD electro-mechanical regulator is widely used in electric power-stations; it is used with particular success in systems for regulating the level of condensate in the condensers of turbines, and the pressure of steam in deaera- tors, etc. However, in many cases the KRD regulator is dif- ficult to use if there is no direct current available; extra cables, often of considerable length, have to be laid. There- fore, if no special demands are made on the reliability of the regulator, it is expedient to supply it with rectified alternating current from its power circuit. The relay port- ion of the regulator consists of two relays, RPM and RPB, working alternately. The windings of the relay are designed for a direct current of 110 volts. Condensers are switched on at 10 microfarads (without limiting resistances) in paral- C ard 1/2 lel with the windings. With this method, rectification can SOV-01-58-10-22/35 j The 114odification of the Electrical 3ystem of the Electro-Mechanical Re- gulator Type KRD of the System TsKTI be carried out in a most simDle, half-wave system by means of a rectifier switched in series with the whole circuit. Then the condensers are used, the regulator will work accur- ately and reliably with an alternating current of 110-120 volts. The relays will also work normally with an alter- nating current of 220 volts. During the course of a year, no case of a winding overheating has been observed even when a large number of connections have been made. The au- thors describe conditions of application when a signal rheo- chord is used. They finally say that these modified regul- ators have been working normally since 1957, and have saved hundreds of meters of cable. There is one circuit diagram, 1. Pressure regulators--Design Card 2/2 AUTHOR La<r SOV/91-59-2-17/3~ TITLE- The Application of Dry-Disc Rectifiers in Quenching Circuits (Primeneniye tv6rdykh vypryamiteley v gasitellnykh tsepyakh) I PERIODICAL: Energetic, 1959, Nr 2, pp 25 - 27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author condemns the use of the quenching circuits con- sisting of resistances, or capacitors with resistances, for quenching the overvoltage arising at disconnection of dc cir- cuits possessing inductance, which damage the insulation and the contents, as an ineffective measure. He recommends the use of dry-disc quenching-valve rectifiers of cuprous oxide and of selenium types. According to the author, they secure complete elimination of overvoltage and break-sparking on the contacts. Application of the above-named quenching-valve rectifiers is not limited by power factors and results in no additional consumption of electric energy. Specifically, their application considerably increases the term of service Card 1/2 of silver and tungsten contacts in every appliance subject SOV/5 I - 59-2-17/3 3 The Application of Dry-Disc Rectifiers in "J-uenching Cl.rcui_s to a greatfrequency of contact disconnections. There are five diagrams. Card 2/2 LIGUR, A.B., Inzh. Replacing the subexiter by a voltage adjuster. llek.ata- 30 n0-1:90 Ja '59- (MIRA. 12-3) (Turbogenerators-Equi,pment and supplies) LEG13R, F.P.; IfEDZV"PTSKIY, S.V. Hy-percholesterolemia in thyroidectomized dogs. 3.'143-147 '51. (MIRA i1:4) 1. Kafedra biokhinii LeningrAdskogo annitnrno-gigiyonichookogo meditsinskogo instituta. (CHOLESTEROL METABOLISM) (THYROID GLAND) FUCHKOVA, A.I.. kandidat maditsinnkikh nauk; LEGLER. P.P., kandidat bio- logichaskikh nauk. Blood cholesterol and phospholipidsin ty1fts exanthemotoffus. Lab delo no.2:23-24 Mr--Ap '55. (MIJIA 8:8) 1. Iz kafedry Inff%ktsiowWkh bolezney (zav.-prof. SY. Viskovskly) Ltningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenichaskogo meditsinskogo Instituta (TYPMJS, blood In, cholesterol & phoapholipids) (CHOLESTEROL, in blood. in ty-phus) (P110SPOLIPIDS, In blood, in typbus) (BLOOD, cholesterol & phospholipids, in ty-phus) L. '.- '~ 15,53Y c~Irs." r,- M ((j,,,F, ',;c! - 5., - - - ~) liventila,ive heating o' railrOac~ k' - Budape.c~t, Hungai-f j SO: Elonthl-y List of Ea~-t k;uro,,,ean Accessions, L.G., Vol. 21 1-10- 11, Nov. 1953,Unel. LEGNER, 14iroslav, inz. .~ A Dustiness in electric power plants and the problem of.. their 7eni-IOAtion. Energetika Cz 12 no.11:568-569 N 162. 1. Ministerstvo paliv a energetiky. GORODETSKIY, I.Ya. (Moscow); OLEVSKIY,, V.M. (Moscow); LEVITANAYTE, R.P. (Moscow); ISGOCHKINA, ~. (Moscow) Apparatus for determining equilibrium between liquid and vapor. Zhur.fiz.khim. 38 no.ll.*2744-2746 N 164. (miRA -18:2) L 4-?02-66 _ EWpfj)l 11511ZR Aljl~'_l ACC NR' AP6028780 SOURCE' CODE: PO/0014/66/045/006/0321/0324 AUTHOR: (Legocki, J. ; Rodowicz, H.) _Hackel, Juliusz ORG: Institute of Orf4anic Industry Warsaw (Iristyttit T-Ir-Z-emyslu 0-g'anicznego w Warszawie) TITLE: Nitrate-alkyl esters of a, O-unsaturated acid Part 2. Synthesis of 2-nitro-2, 2 -bis (nitrate -m ethyl) ethanol SOURCE: Przemysl chemiczny, v. 45, no. 6, 1966, 321-324 TOPIC TAGS: nitration, nitrate alcohol, methacrylic acid, polymerization, acrylic chloride, methacrylic chloride ABSTRACT: A new nitrate-alcohol, 2-nitro-2, 2-bis(nitrate-rnethyl) ethanol was obtained by acid hydrolysis of 2-nitro-2.. 2-bis (nitrate-m ethyl) ethyl acetate. 2-Nitro-2, 2-bis (nitrat e-m ethyl) ethyl acetate was synthesized by three different methods: acetylation of the product of partial oxidative nitration of tri(hydro- xvmethyl)nitrom ethane (acetate III), nitration of 2-phenyl- 5 -nitro- 5 -hydroxymethylj 1, 3-dioxane acetate (acetate IlIa), as well as nitration of 2, 2-dimethyl-5 nitro-5- hydroxym ethyl- 1, 3-dioxane acetate (acetate IlIb). 2-Nitro-2, 2-bis (nitrate-m ethyl) 112 T. 45202- 6,6 ACC NRt AP60213780 ethanol was acylated with methacr,~,jic a!-,rJ acrylic chlorides. 2-Nitro-2, 2-b4s- (nitrate-rn ethyl)-oti-tyl m.ethacryl ivar, a polynicrizable product of reaction methacrylic chloride. Y *1 lave a proclut't which was not Nvk,ll identified and which underwent rapid and spontaneous polyrnerization. Polymers showed irl- flammable properties of high degree. Para - nitrob enzoate and 3, 5-dinitrobenzoate of 2-nitro-2, 2-bis (nitrate-m ethyl) ethanol were prepared. Absorption infrared spectra were obtained for 2-nitro-2, 2-bis (nitrate-m ethyl) ethanol as well as for methacrylate and acrylate of 2-nitro-2, 2 -bis (nit rat e- rn ethyl) ethyl. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas and 3 tables. [Authors' abstract] [AM] SUB CODE; 07/ SUBM DATE: 070ct66/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001/ -Card-21 hs PENCZEK, St.; LEGOCKI, M., Conference on ffnemistry and Technology of Chlorine and Chlorine Compotmds." Folimery tworz wi~lk 7 no.9s341-342 S 162. SH&M, V.L.; j~EG-ONIKIKII, G.V.5 KORSAKOV, V.S,, doktor tekhn. nauk.1- prof., retsenzent; ITOVIKOV, M.P., krrrR. tek"nauk, red.~-, STROG,LNOV, L.P., inzh., red.; ELIKIND, V.D., tekhr. red. [Mechanization of as3embling operations in the instrument industry] Mekhanizatsiia sborochrWkh rabot v priborostroenii. Moskva, Mashgiz, 10,63. 466 p. (MIRA 17:2) LEGal IKIKH, Z.1-1., vrach Diascleral removal of intraoculn foreign bodies by the method of the sca-ly flap incision of the sclera with a provisional 2,tit,ure. Oft. zhur. 18 no.7097-~399 "63 (MIRA 1714) 1. Iv ka-Cecl-ry g-L'az-n-,,jk-b bole--n(-y Krymsl-.og,,.) meditsinskogo insti- uuta. NR:' A-i,6036612 CODE: UR/0000/661GOO/000/0254/0255 AVVIOR1. Logonlkov, 13. V.; Surinov, Yu. A.; Fuznotsov, 0. N.; Lobedev, V. 1. 6RC'-: none TITLIE:~ QuestIon :Df the psychological bases of Individual physical training /Paper pre2ZL1~9d"at Conference on Problems of Space Madicina held in lebacow from 1496 SOURCE% kbnfere~Mya go problemam kosmiches1coy meditsiny, !960. Problamy kosmichaskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentall, Moscow, 1966, 254-255 TOPIC TAGS: cosmonaut training, space psychology,*physical exercise, space physlology, psychophysiology 1 ABSTRACT: Individualization of the physical preparation program is one* of the ;bo-st methods for developing the individual psychological qualities n-ecessary for good performance in spaceflight. Of course such individual -..Ailoring of physical training is impossible without analysis of the personality of each cosmonaut. .' On one hand, data obtained from i psychological studies is used by physical- education instructors to select I the most effective teaching methods. On the other hand, observation, of i i cosmonaut behavior in the process of physical training is a valuable -612 A- NR. 1~6036 addition to the complete psychological picture. ' D~uring physical training emotional and volitional char acteristics, demonstrated in the ability o overcome difficulties, thoroughness of movements, psychomotor activity,: formation of motor coordination habits, and initiative, are identified Tith the use of exercises selected according to the degree of individual I physical preparedness, (jump turns from unusual positions, complicated ~jumps on the trampoline, -and a variety of other exercises) it was possible to identify other psychic characteristics: stamina, the capacity for analytical thought, attention, and memory. The method of studying individual personality characteristics and the method of developing psychologically valuable qualities by means of physical preparation was developed by the authors on the basis of experi-. mental work by the leading athletic psychologists P. 1. Rudik, 0. A. Chernikova, and T. I. Gagayeva. Personality manifestations in work Yere considered on the basis of theories of B. M. Teplov and V. S. IMerlin. Complex study of personality (using the methods of teaching psychology) during physical training permits substantiation of data obtained -during observation by ~neans of laboratory exppriments. Data Card. 214 ACC NR. ~,T6036612 ca".1 also lie compared with those from sources of personality information associated with the method of clinical psycholog-j. Inclusion of train-Ang in personality study permits use of the teaching- psychology ~e%-oeriment, which expands the possibilities of personality analysis. Athletic games with care1ully selcidted teams are used to determine 'he arouo charz.cteristics of a given group of cosmonauts. Various team irearrangements help clarify group typology of individual cosmonauts ,(according to the methods of F, M. Gorbov and M. A. Novikov). Individualized physical training consists of two steps; 1) interviews and observation, and 2) individual preparation and experiments in Leaching psychology. There are many kinds of possible interactions lbetween psychological study a'nd physical 'training: information can be :exchanged between instructors and psychologists using the same ,personality theory and study methods, joint consultations on training methods can be held, individual courses of study for each cosmonaut can :be developed and modified i6intly. Lqcrd 3/4 ACC NRt AT6036612 Scientific and psychological grounding of individualized programs for ;,the physical training of spacecraft operators will enable researchers to un- )cover and reinforce valuable psychological qualities in cosmonauts witb- ~out fear of overtraining or breakdown. f1f. A. No. 22;' ATD Report 66-1167 SUB CODE: 06,05 / SUBM DATE: Oomay66 Card 4/4 BARKOV, N.N., kand. ekon. nauk; Prinimali uchastiye: PONOMAREV, S.A., Lnzh.; YELISEYEVA, T.V., inzh.; MOLYARCHUK, G.V., kand. ekon. :iauk; IVANOV, L.N., inzh.; KASHCHMIEVA, I.N., inzh.; :-:SGORNEVA, V.I., lnzh.; KUZ'MIWA, T.T,,, inzh; IIIOZEMTSEVA, K.N., .Lnzh.; YANDOWVSXIY.. N.A., inzh.; PAVLOVA, Ye.A., starshiy ~,ekbnik; VOLKOVA Y L.S.J. starship, inzh.; GAZAR'YAN, G.S.., tekhnik; VOROBIYEVA, L.V., tekhn. red. (Seasonal and weekday variations in railroad freight trans- portation]. Sezonnaia i vnutrinedellnaia neravnomernost' gruzovykh perevozok na zheleznykh dorogakh. Moskva, Trans- zheldorizdat, 1963. 95 p. (Moscow. Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledo- vatel'skii insti,tut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy,, no. 249). (MIRA 16:4) (Railroads-Freight) NEW", ~Z d., C, Z - ~N/A new f4etbod lor the esti niatfoa, of b"Parii -rctivity. in -A, ZM)rod~L-A, and (Koaroint. ~utav k~, 7"T 'e':'m'h citzat.,,d plasma . - I witt s, r&'jjdrtcrWo6 time of 2~5 inin, h used.- Buih the a. I I I heparin standard and the unknown Sampk_ ure inbced with Cac~[~ and pta-iina and the time of appearajite of the finn - ClOt is VICMadd at 3 dfln~ levels. Coagtdatfon tfino am 'Plotted (6jr'Gt theactivilyof the n 6- r=4. either by graphiail methods Or by nuffieT , - -- _ . - calens. for -i57 -:which. a --itandard ferm Shown_ ~iiguifim: `MhtVo thc1vnxiant,~-cqjjj pvhents uUPS and bt.- . 7cea do?es and assuii, iOri Of RnMritY ard Gted by Sre&~ -Cur S iu: f i6r;, --The of t!ie sN point. ssiay lies in r - - I - - 1. . .:,,- -h theres.,tits 6f a single I IV,) 1,1. Ilais- - J. LEGOSM9 A.P. Anatomical basis of surgery for restoration of the external sphincter of the rer;tum, from flaps of the glut--us maxinme muscle. Xhirurgiia no.6s%-61 Je 161. (N:1RA 1. Iz-1--7 khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav. - doktor mednauk Nola Makhov) Moskorskogo oblastnogo nauchno-isaledo7atel7skogo klinicheskogo ingtituta imeni M.F. Vladimirakogo. (SPHIIICTER ALI) (MUSCLES.-TRANSPLANTATION) SOV/137-59-5-11216 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 5, p 24-i (.(JS'~io AUTHOR,. Legoshin, P.G. TITLE- Defects in the Mechanical Treatment of Hard-Alloy Draw Plates PERIODICAL-, Sb. nauchn. tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-vo tsvetn. metallurgii, Mosk. In-t tsvetn. met, i zolota, 1958, Nr 29, pp 279 - 29D ABSTRACT. The author cites the most typical defects encountered in mechanical processing of hard-alloy draw-plates for round wires. The defects are classified by the symptoms of their origination and are com- bined in four groups3 1) defects depending on the quality of the material (break-off at the end, break-off in the bore, cracks i.-- the bore, etc), 2) defects -pertaining to the fastening of the blank in the mandrel (oblique or poor fastening of the blank); 3) defects pertaining to the geometry of the bore (oval shape of the bore, bending of the bore axis,, short operating cone, long calibrating cylinder, short cylinder, abrupt transition at, the bore end, deflection of the operating cone angle); 4) de- Card 1/2 fects pertaining to the finishing of the bore surface (poor SOV/137-59-5-112i6 Defects in the Mechanical Treatment of Hard-Alloy Draw Plates polishing-, dull it is necessary spection and to of draw plates quality of the surface,, ring grooves in the bore). The author consider3 that to improve the organization and method of the draw plate in- V-' organize a corresponding stat1stIcal accountIng of the quallw during their manufacture and use. This will ensure an 1mproved tool and will raise labor efficiency of drawing shops, D.T. Card 2/2 ALYSHEV, M.Ya.-, ]~EGCSTAYB -,,A-K.; YUSUPOV. A.Yu.; UBAKOV, M.M. ~ _y Review various principal conditions In the establighment of water resources development. Trudy Sekt. vod.khoz. Kir. FAN SSSR no.2.5-18 '50. (MLRA 8:1) (Water resources development) (Irrigation) ALUSEW, M.Ta.; LEGOSTAM, A.M. Stone lining as a method of technical 'Am-provement for merannta,-n irrigation systems. Trudy Sekt.ved.khoz. KirFAN SSSR no.3,21-59 151. (MLRi 9:1) (Irrigation canals and flumes) NAZAROV, M.I.; PATRUSHEV, M.F., inz., retsenzent;.LEGOSTAYZV A M reteenzent; TATRA A, V.F., reteenzent; VALENTINI, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauko retsen- zent; KABAKOV, M.M., red.; A90KRINA, M.G., (Paved canals] Moshchenye kanaly. Frunze, Akad.nauk Kirgizakoi SSR, 1958. 10A P. (MIRA 12:3) (Irrigation canals and flumes) LEWSAV, F. A Physical education and sports in the USSR Ifiunkhen, 1952. 54 p. (IssledovanifLa i materialy) VOLISKIY, A.G.; I4~qq~TAYYV, G.S.; ROMAIMIKOV, F., red. [Fire sprino-sl Ognenn-ye rodniki. Lipetsk, Li-retskoe 0 knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 49 P. (MICA 17:4) I , e-, -,:~ I,` /L/ , LEGOSTAYEV. N. . ,, - Let us mobilize our resources. Prom. koop. no-10:36 0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) l.Glavny7 inzhaner arteli "Mookhimik." (Efficiency, Industr7) L ~- G 0 S T ;A-,I ~_ V) LNGOSTAYST, U, manufactured without the Technical Control Division. From, koop, 12 no.2.,24 F 158. (MIRA 11:1) 1. GlavW inzhener arteli "Moskhimik." (Moscow--Induatrial management~ LMOSTIV, P- YA 25536 11 Elektrovzryvanie Pri PrOkhOdke Shakht- U9011 1 1948, No. 6, S. 15-20 So: LETOPIS NO. 30, DO ZARW-BO, L.K., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk; KARFOV, A.K., inzh.; LEGOSTAYEV, F.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; JRGDSKIY, Yu.11., kand. tekbn."'--- - fiiii~; yd"a-mov, 1I.S... inzh.; KHOD1,11OVICH, I.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk,- BRISKMM-1, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; GORODETSKU, V.I., inzh.; VIKIT321, A.A., inzh.; GILL, B.V., inzh.; KRAYZELIEW11, S.M., inzh.; DZHAFAROV, Y.D., inzh.; LUEEV, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; NIKIT124KO, Ye.A., imb.; YERSHOV, I.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZAYTSEV, Yu.A., inzh.; NAGAZAITIK, Ya.M., inzh.,, SRAROVATOV, L.P., inzh.; RABYOVICH, Z.Ya., inzh.; BIBISHEV, A.V., inzh.; A5TAKHOV, V.A.t dots.; KOMYAGIV, A.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; ANDERS, V.R.~ inzh.; SERGOVAFTSEV, V.T., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; UTIM , V.V., inzh.; KUZUETSOV, P.L., inzh.; MAMAYEV, M.A., inzh.; SVYATITSKAYA, K.P., ved. red.; FEDOTOVA, I.G., tekhn. red. [Handbook on the transportation of combustible gases] spra- vochnik po transportu goriuchikh gazov. l'oskva, Gostoptekh- izdat, 1962. 887 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Gas, Natural-Transportation) LEGGSTATEV, ~.Ya. Selecting gas samples from a gas pipe2ine to determine tha content of mechanical impurities, Gaz. prom, 7 no.3242-45 162,, (MIRA 17:8) B,Lumrsj~~YA, M,, kand,okoiomenaukl LWOSTA EV inah.malcondmiat t A to Lr-rme- the jim-l-,14ni: of jtecj,.trp-nsp. 23 no.9s 10-11 s 161'. (MIN. 19s1) LEGOSTAYEV, V.A., inzh. Planning of income from the operat-i-onal activities of repair and operating centers. Trudy LIVT no.74:33-42' 164. (MIRA 18:11) ,,. (Co-auuior) V. trlmC23 Tkv.77 , See: KAT- D* ffect Of forost Pl;nting V. .I. IT',I;c c y,ats D. M- and LczO3ta-Jcv3 cyclj~~ of the groiul,11"ator alon) tr,,, tworlic ,,T)on tlnc 12 D 2 7 irriC;;tion ne ~Sp C~ " 1911p, ,jr -33 lady Akad. naWV U z Dok Dibliog: 5 items -Surciary in Uzb-k 33 sc- u-3566, 15 5~ LEGOSTAM', V. I-'. 20839. Legostayev, V. V. K vorrcjiu relioratsii zernel 1 3 ~-,!Gdnay sterf* . 1~104- v S;~-l 0 'Q,, b -6~,. I- --. Mhoz-vo Uzcekistana, iM, 4.o. 1, s, '3 SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATFY - Vo-,,.. 2F, i'-.'oskva, 1949 LEG03TAYEV, V. M. Agriculture Districting for land improvement, Tashkent, Gosizdat, 19,51. Y y of Congress, Dpeember 1952. Unclassified. Monthly List of Ru~;sian Accessions Librar- 1. LRGCSTAYEV, V. M. 2. USSR (600) 4. Water, Underground 7. Causes of the accurrulation of salts in -rourd waters. Trudy Lab. gidro- geol. probl. 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Access-ions, Library of Congress, Flarch 1953. Unclassified. 1. LFr.03TAYFV, V. M. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. 'Kater, Underground 7. Rate of movement of ground waters in saline ground. Trudy Lab.gidrogeol.probl. te"'I 1951 9. MonthlT Listof Russian Access-ions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. LEGOSTAYM, V . Irri,-,e. t ion 'Washing xcess salt from the soil by irripation. Xhloplovodstvo No. 11, 1951. Month!;[ List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, AugUst 1952. Unclassified. LEGOSTAEV, V.M. GorizontalInyi drenazh orozhpemykh zemelt (Surface drainnFe of irrigated land). Moskva, Sel"khozgIz, 1952. 23 P- SO: Monthly List of RusFian Accessions, Vol 7, No 9. Dec 1954 Or, I LP-GOST-ky-EV V., YER-T-]MEMKO, A. I Irrigation Irrigation of cotton. MoAovodstvo No. 4, 1952. Monttily List of -t~ussian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952, Unclassified. LMO-)TAYbW, V. n. -romyvnye polivy zasolennykh pochv f;-eachinrr s-nline soils7- "oskvz~, -~ellkhozr-iz - t~ - - - .9 1953- 46 P. ,-~O: M6nthly Ust of M'ussian --,ccessions, lfo~.. 6 No. 11 February 1954 ITZROZIN, A.Ye. [reviewer]; LEGOSTAYEV, V.M. [author]. -%? Z-"! A pamphlet which does not meet the needs of agricultliral production (OIrriga- tion for leaching out saline Boils." II.M.legostaev. Reviewed by A.B. Nerozin). Gidr.i Mel. 5 no.15.'52-56 D 153. (KLRA 6:11) (Irrigation farming) (Legostaev, VA) UGOSTAYU], V. 11. ll-~ "Additional sources of Irripationin Gentr,-d Asia and South Kb-.&.hatan. P. 136. Vovrosy isnollzovaniia vodrkykh resursov SrGdnei Azii. Moskva, 1-.d. Alcad. Yauk, 1954. 167pp. (Aralo-KasnilFkp4a Kornpleksnaipi Eksr~editsiia. Trudy. no. 3) All-Unicn Scientific -Resereb Institute of U,,e Cotton Industry. ALEKSAIMROV, A.S.. kandidat sell okokhozyaystvennykh nauk; VARUIITBYAR, I.S., akademik; GUSHCHIN. B.F., agronom; M141SO M.P., kdndidat sel'Bko- khozyayatvean,vkh aauk; SOKOLOV. F.A., kandidat se1lskokbozyaystveanykh nauk; IAGOSTAYj3V, VJI~, kandidat sellskokbozyaystvenwjkh nauk; CRUVAtMI-, ~'. ".'-,~VM(3~olog; CHUKANOV. Yakov Igast 'yovich, doktor sell skokhoopystvennykch nauk [deceased]; GIBLYS11KIN, Yu.G., redaktor; RSKOVA, Ye.I., tekhnicheakiy reasktor [Cotton growing] Xhlookovodstvo. Pod red. IA.I.Chumanova i V.S. Chuval-china. Mosk-va, Gos.izd-vo nallkhoz.lit-ry, 1956. 407 P- (Cotton growing) (HLRA 10:9) C7~ USSR/Soil Science Cultiva'Llon, Amelioration, Erosion. KOs Jour, : Ref Zhur - Biol., Fo 2, 1958, 5814 Author : Legostayev, V.M. Inst Title Amelioration of the f-Hunger Steppe_7 Golodna-ya, Step'. Orig Pub Sots. a. kh. U7.bekistana, 1956, No 11, 12-17 j-4 Abstract The geological and kdrogeological conditions of the Golo- dnaya, Step,/-Hunger Steppe_7 are described briefly. The mineralization of gromd waters is 6-15 941. (of compact residue). Before any virgin land can be reclaimed some- thing must be done to counteract the rather high content of salts in the sail below ground water level. Sowing irrigatted rice turns the area into a salt marsh and hence should be categorically forbidden in places where the ground water level is near the surface (except on the* lands flooded by the Syr Darlya). One recommendation is construc,-'~tion of a combined closed and open drainage Card 1/2 Card 2/2 LEGOSTAYEV, V.M., kandidat seliskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, redaktor. Ltroblema in the improvement of Golodnaya Steppe; a collection of paperej Voprosy melioratsii Golotnoi Stepi; abornik n&nchnykh rabot. Pod red.V.H.Legostaeva. Tashkent, 1957, 301 P. MRA io:6) 1. Vsesoyuznaya Akadewi3ra aellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk imeni V,I,Ienina, (Golodnaya Steppe--Soils) LEGOST47zy-,~ V.K. Bringing soils of the Golondaya Steppe under cultivation [with sUmwr7 in English]. Pochvovedenie, no-1:13-26 A 158. (KIRk 11:2) l.SayuzW nauchno-issledovatellski7 institut, Tashkent. (Golodnaya Steppe--Reclamation of land) LEGOSTAYEV, V.H.. KURAITOVA, L.I., red.; MELINIKOV, A., takhred. [Improvenent of saline soils] Melioratsiis zasolennykh zemell. Tashkont, Gos.izd-vo Uzbekskoi SSR, 1959. 153 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Alkali lands) LEGWTAYEY, V.M.,,.-doktor sallskokhoz. nauk (Tashkent); ARGENTIDV, V.N., ----'--"-!~~h.' (Tashkent) Effectiveness of leaching salinized soils with the use of drainoge in the Golodnaya Steppe. G16r. i mel. 17 no.9:9-14 S 165. (1-111yuk 1F.10) L__3_4914,~6 EWP(m)/E9C(k)-2/EWT(d)/E 1)ZFBD/FSS-2 1JF(c) -.TT/GW/BC/A ZZ ~ -I ACC NRs AP6019590 SOURCE CODEt UR/0293/66/()04/003/0367/0377; AUTHORS: Legostayev, V. P.; Raushenbakh, B. V. ORG: none \fYI sy o* A t Ve to the TITLE: Single axis orientation stem F the space ship Vostok're a i sun SOURICE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniye, v- 4, no. 3, 1966, 367-377 TOPIC TAGS: satellite, orbit space flight, satellite orientation, gyroscope ABSTRACT: The solar orientation system used in the manned-satellite series "Vostok" is discussed. This orientation system consists of a photoelectric (solar) sensor, three tro-stage gyroscopes, a logic networkt and small compressed air reaction jets. Each component of the system is discussed in some detail. It is shown that the three relay type signals which indicate the illuminated and dark fields-of-vie,-, of the solar sensor constitute a very simple system. The two-stage gyroscopes serve to damp the angular motion of the satellite along each axis. The angular velocity sensor placed on the pitch axis has two regimes, whereas the sensor placed on the yaw axis has only one. The logic for orienting the space ship relative to the am is discussed in detail, first for pitching motion and next# for the yawing motion. The dynamics of these two motions are analyzed, leading to the equations for the angular displacement which for yaw gives 8 + 2n4 -+ W + - a.sign 6 + b sign 6 M*tJ L 34974-66 ACC NR: AP6011 0 and for pitching gives 6+2nb+klb+ asign S +bslgn6= m(#+X-Q), From these, phase diagrams are constructed for both yaw and pitch orientation and onmnn-roA wi+h tha Antn nbtainAA frnm tho Vostok-I fli&ht. Orijz. art. has: 9 fip-ures LWOBLAULZom rssn!maxicb; SIDOROV, N.I., inzhener, redaktor; KANDYKIN, A Ye., te=ic ~skiy redaktor CSaving electric power on electric trains; work practices of a crew at the Perml 11 electric depot on the Sverdlovsk railroad] Nkouomiia elektricheskoi energii na elaktropodvizhaom sostave; opyt raboty kollektiva elektrodepo ?arm' II Sverdlovskoi dorogi. Moskva, Gos. transp.zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1956. 32 p. (MLRA 10:7) (Electric railroads) C,` b T 0~, Y F "Y GUSE, V.N.; LEbOSTAY4, Ye.i.; SOBOLEV, V.M. The productivity of electric lovomotives has been increasea, Elek. i tepl. tiaga no.2:14-16 F '57. MRA 10:5) 1. Ilacballnik depo Perm' II Sverdlovskoy dorogi (for Gusev) 2. Zamestitall nachallnika depo (for Lagostayev) 3* Aachialnik proizvodetvenno-tekhaiebaskogo otdala (for Sobolev). (Electric locomotives) LEGOSTAYEV, Ye.A. How we accelerated and facilitated the assembly of a wheel- motor unit of an electric locomotive. Slek.i tepl.tiaga 3 no.10:12-15 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. ZameBtitell nachalinika depo Kuybyshev. (Locomotives--14aintenance and repair) --ft LEGOSTAYRV, Ye.A. Improved techniques in the assembly of the traction wheel blccks of VL8 and VL23 electric locomotives. Blek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no-418-10 AP 163, (MIRA 16:5) 1. Zameatitell nachallnika sluzhby lokomotivnogo khozyaystva Kuybyshevskoy dorogi. (Electric locomotives) FOY, A.M.;LEGOSTFiV. B.I. $-*AA" _M=wMr- Certain methods of improvement of labor analgesia. Sovet. mad. I? no.4: 29-31 Apr 3953. (CLML 24:4) 1. Professor for Foy. 2. Of the Obstetric-Gynecological Glinic (Read - Prof. K. N. Rabinovich) and of the Department of Pharmacolot_!j, of First Leningrad Medical Institute imeni Academician 1. P. Pavlov. 18OWTV, B. 1. ---- , I Effect of parn-aminobansoic acid on the action of some anesthetics. Fam. i toke. 19 no.4t2o-z3 JI-Ag 056. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Kafedr'a farmakologii (zav, deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinikikh nauk SSSR prof. V.V. Zakusov) 1-go LaningradeVogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akad. I.P.Pavlova. (ANEMMICS) (HMMIC ACIDS) ISWSTBV, B. 1. Analgesic effects of 3-paranitrobanzoylmorphine. Farm. i tok-a 21 no.6:3-7 11-D '58. (MM 12:1) 1. Kafedra farmkologii (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zav. - dots M. I. Pallchevskaya) I Ieningradskogo meditaluskogo institnta imeni 1. P. Pavlova. (MORPHINS, rel. cpds. 3-p-nitrobantoylmorphine, analgesic eff. (Bus)) LEGOSTYV, B.I. Adaptation and crossed adaptation to 3-p-nitrobenzoylmorphine, morphine, and promedol. Farm. I toko.. 22 no.4:303-307 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 13-1) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchego - dotsent M.I. Pallebevskaya) I leningradekogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P. Pavlova. (MORPHINE pharmacol.) (ANALGESICS AND ANTIPYRWICS pharmacol.)