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ACC NR- AP6013005- optical and electron microscopes. It was determined that structural changes do not actually influence the strength characteristics. However, creep tests revealed differences in endurance. The differ- ences in creep characteristics are attributed to structural changes. Lujza Acs Is credited for her help with the mocroscopic tests. 0 9. art. has: 10 figures. IKS] SUB CODF,: 13/ SUBM DATE., none OTH REF: 006/ Tubing Steel LEHOFER, Kormel, Al. gapeszmernok Experiences with the metallographic tests of fatigue breakages. GeP 13 no.5,188-194 MY 161. L "Osepel" Vas- es Fewmvek Kozp. Anyagvizagalo, Budapest. LEHOFER, Kornel,okl.gepeszmernok Correlation between the aluminum eontent soluble in acids and the tendency to hot-shortness of steel caAtings. Koh lap 95 no.Mupplement:Ontode 13 00.3:59-66 Mr 162. 1. Osepel Vas- es Femmuvek Kozponti Anuagvizsgalo, Budapest, L,~_7 -7- A ~F ~ /_- HUNGARY/Optics - Spectroscopy K--17 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1958, I-lo 16699 Author Czaszar J., Horvath E., Inst tNot Given Title !Mechanism of Absorption of Light by the Complexes Dipyridyl and o-phenantroline. Orig Pub :Acta phys. et chem. Szeged, 1956, 2) No 1-4, 49-55 Abstract !The absorption spectra 3f the complexes of ions of Cr (III)., Mn (II), Fe (11)) Co (II), Ni (II)., Cu (II), Zn (II) -with 'I, ; -,, 1-dipyridyl and o-phenantroline were measured in the regrion from 210 to 2,000 millimicrons. In all cases, the ab- sorption bands obtained are explained in terms of the pre- viously developed theory of the splitting of the terms for ionic and covalent cmplexes (Referat Zhur Fizika; 1957, No 12, 31581). The double complex of Ni (II), which is dianagne-tic in the crystalline state manifests itself as a pyranagnetic substance. The absorption bands d (region 350-525 millimicrons) of the complex merge with the short-wave absorption bands b Card VIP HUNGARY/ Optics Spectroscopy IAbs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1958, lio 16699 sane ion of the netal (region 365 to 1750 r1illinicrons); of the as a rule washed out and appear in the and the latter are :Cox_ th absorption curves '.' zf steps an , e o Card 2/2 7V1 HTUNGARY/Optics -4pectroscopy K-7 Abs Joux : Ref Zhar - nzika, No 4,. 1958: No 9363 Author : Czaszar, J., Balog, Inst : UnIversitr of Szeged., R Mry Title. : Or-, the Absorption of Ligbt Tjy nation- Sat-~jxatea Chlorocom- plexe~ s. Orig Pub, : Acta phys!. et chem. Szeged,. 2, No 1-4~ 56-61 Abstract : Extension cLl-nres are obtained fer the coordinatiorn-saturated chlorocomplexes of `11.~ Or, -*-,, F*~-;,. Os, Fb, Php Ca, Re, Ni, Pd, Ag, and Cu ions in 11.4 M HC1 at room temperature. It is es- tabl-ished that the theory of the splitting of the terms is suLtable for given comple-Y, compo~,mds in that the symmetry Oh is observed rather rarely even ir- thaese simple cases. Card 1/1 L gn,GARY/Optics - K-7 "P ..of Abs Jour : Ref LI-rur Fl-zika, Do 5, 1183~~,,~, Author : Szepesy G. L., Csa,021a2 L. 1r, s : UrAversity, Szeged, H=gai_Y__ Title : Studies on the Lig~,t off Wate;:-Alcohol J c Sol-.iozLs in the Ifear inf:,ared Range Orig Pub : Acta phys. et rhem. Szeged.., N Abst, act : Me authors hla;,ie of al'--c~hol. (7).9 LiCi (17), CsC1 and. !-,I:- "ClC14),, (Dr) on the slznsc~rptio-. of water in, '.he -'I-,c .1-3 and the of (IV) was st-adled in- wa-t-e-.."-alicholiv~ ka e:+,~zmlaa- tion of the e:x-P~-rime-2-,731 data make.; it Possible to ass-,Ma that the irzSaraetion Tbe-I'vee*-, -the mole:!1LIes, of t*--.-e a!,--ohol. ir. the watei- is greater thar- mole-3-,:.les, c-f -3,Lue it is t'-aat' -"-'-Ile 3-'Jn,1c- ture of the water 12 i'lli-I.-.-.-I.;~!~.d on-ly by lon'3 V~t by molecules, whicn are caL,~~j_"_' Of CM,~'__-'irij the of t'hv~ wa-,~-_-.% 2-;c de (!=i (3. v I L-; f the Molec air cr_-effi o-~, avea"~" for aqulln~:i SSI-ations Card 1/2 M)NGARY/Physical Chemistry Molecule, Chemical Bond. B-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khirdya, No 5, 1958, 13500 Author : Arpad Kiss. Jozsef Csaszar, Lajos,Lehotai. Inst : Academy of Sciences of Hungexy Title Mechanism of Lig4t Absorption by Complex Compounds of Trivalent Cobalt. Orig Pub Magyar tud. akad. Kem . tud . oszt. kozl.,, 1956, 8, no 1, 59-66 Abstract The ultraviolet absorption spectra of various complex co3+ compound bidistillate solutions at room temperatu- re were studied. No withstanding the absence of unpai- red d.-electrons (diemagnet complexes), the presence of b-bands of splitting termi was revealed. It Lo aaeumed, that the anomalous light absorption takes place in conse- Vence of the influenae of the solvent force field on Card 1/2 HUNGARY/Physical Chemistry - Molecule, Chemical Bond. B-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, 110 5, 1958, 13500 the central complex ion. Card 2/2 T/I i~ J RIAIGARY/Physical Chemistry - Molecule, Chemical Bona. B-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, 1qo 8, 1958, 23M Author : Kiss Arpad, Csaszar Jozsef, Lehotai Lajos Inst Title Absorption of Light by Complex Compounds of Acetyl Acetone Orig Pub Nhgyar tud. akad. Kem. tud. oszt. kozl., 1956, 8, zio 1, 149-155 Abstract A study of cCbsorption spectra of complex compounds of ace- tyl acetone (1) with different metals. In spectra of com- plexes of I with metals having a fiLled outer electron shell, appear, in addition to the I b-uid, d and f bands of electron transitions, which is in iiecord with the theory (R7h_Khim, 1958, 10300). In complexes of I with transition metals, appear, in addition to the above-mentioned bands, b bands corresponding to D4h symmetry, which proves the electrostatic nature of the complex bond. Diamagnetic Card 1/2 HUNGARY/Physical Chemistry - Molecule, Chemical Bond. B-4 At Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, 1,1o 8, 1958, 23M comple.,. of I with COP'shows an anomalous absorption picture since there appear b bands corresponding to splitting of terms. Card 2/2 T1'9 IF HU2111-;'~Iiply Physical CheuLtstry--.'-,.olE;cule. 3-4 Chemicc~l bond. Abs Jour :Referat Zhur--Khimlya, Noi 11, 1959, 37611 Author :Kiss, Ai; Csa6zar, J.; and Lehotai, L. Inst :Hungarian Academy of Sciences- Title :On the Mechanism of LiSht Absorption in Cyano- comDlexes. Orig Pub :L:iagyar Tud Akad Kem Tud Oszt Koezl,.2, No. 3, 281-291 (1957) (in Hungarian) Abstrnct :The theory of light absorption by covalent com- pounds, particularly by the cyanocomplexes of the transition metals, Is discussed. From a su=D,.ry by the authors. Card 1/1 (-I /Z/- _Z_ ) Z_' HUINGARY/Optics - Spectroscopy K-7 Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Fizika; No 7; 1958, No 16703 Author Kiss *.., Dsaszar J.;,-Leh ~_ai ~~ Inst The University, Sozeged, Hungary -ion of Couplexas of Tri- Title Gn the Mechanism of Light fibsorpt valent Cobalt. Orig Pub Acts; chim. Acad. sci. hung.jl957, 12, No 1, 73-81 Abstract A detailed study was made of the anomalous absorption of light by diamagnetic complexes of cc3~'in the region from 200 to 2000 millimicrons (Referat Zhur Fizika, 1957; No 12) 31581). The appearance of absorption bands of the terms is usually attributed to the filling of the d-orbit of the co- balt ion by the binding electrons. ial the bands of the ab- soption curve could be related to the proposed processes of excitation. A-11 curves disclosed partially over!apping bands of term splitting, electron-jump bands, and bands belonEing to the intrinsic absorption of tha bound radicals. Card 1/1 LEHOTAI, Lajos (Szeged) Distribution of absorption curves Into fractional bands by means of the method of reducint dispersion. Kem tud kozl MTA 14 no.3; 261-270 160. (EM 10:9) 1. Tudomanyeg3retem Altalanos es Fizikai-Kamiai Tanazeke, Szeged. (AbBorption) (Electrons) (Nickel) (Perchlorates) (Spectrum anal7sis) LEHOTAI, Lajos (Szeged) Calculation of the absorption cur-ves of the nickel(II) ethylenediamine complex compo-inds. Kem tud kozI MTA 13 no.4;383-391 160. (EEAI 9:12) 1. Tudomanyeg3retem Altalanos es Fizikai-Kemiai Intezete, Szeged. (Absorption) (Nickel ethylenediamine) (Complex compounds) jF W, --j m - ex-coml of Curves I b Z~d= . s the a of Univ. 1 e nickel( do of da m. ea. - hZ A %j H ) . ung. froni 300 to:, - LO.-L.-The abs7tion curves (in Geram t m HIO) +41'. - # Nlen,( t" N* ten O) f NM I s o Iwo w0 weft 4 by the use of c0ilo ++ W l os. in aq. So 12 and Men and we -detd.. for vmous PhINI ratio$- !re coasts ., to be applicable to t' tUwry of tem splitting was found tiume complexes bave tho h d t at C=p ties and Indicate cm1c. the b-bands, and that b e to that it is _j n=etry P , y 3 3in OL" are en necessary to exPlEol r fufther ubatlon Uoyd r tht 0t LAWS, Antal~ LEHOTAI, Lajos Determination of serum iron content by means of ascorbic acid reduction. Kiserletes Orvostud. 12 no.6:661-663 D 160. 1. Orvostudomanyi Egyetem II. sz. Belklinikaja, Szeged. (IRON 'blood) (VITAMIN C mharmacol) SZABO, R.; SEBOK,ZS.; LEHOTAI, 4 F.ffect of tissue hormones on the lipolytic activity of heart extractsJiZerl. orvostud. 16 no.2.*167-173 AP164 1. Szegedi Orvos,tudomanyi Egyetem. II. Belklinikaja. OTI'j T .1 1 SM10, Rezso, dr.; LKH La.105, dr.j ~1-10Y, DeterminatIon of i,ne excre~.~or, r-f acid using paper clircmatography. Gr-v. tie 'i1. 01~ no. 146P-. 1470 2 Ag 164. Belklinika (Igazgalo, 1. Szeged' Orvastludomany~ Egyeterp_ Tj Foldi Mihaly dr.)- W, 4" - - - - -- Hb-NGARY LAWS, A., JAKI, A. Clinic and Institut; ~9HQTAJ, 1,-; Medical of Biochemistry sz. Belklinika Cs 84 University Of Szeged, II. y ,edicc -Lokemiai (Szegedi OrvOstudo,a,yi E,,, Intezet). ~Ve tcm, "U'V Absorption SPectrophotometric Study of the CerebroSPinal Fluid. Budapest, Ide, Abst 1101 XIXt No 7j Jul 66, ~~.act: [Authors' Hungarian summary] Among Pages 208-218. characteristic ascorbic acid Plays a decisive role in the development fluid, taken in SPectrogram (interference curv the compounds PrIlent in the the of the LTV range. e) Or the cerebrosPinal Eastern EuroNan, 49 We stern references. LERMAN, 0. Examination of silicotics with special reference to oxygen defi- ciency. Pracovni lek. 2 no.2:61-63 15 May 50. (CLML 20:4) 1. Of the First Internal Clinic, Slovak University (Head-Prof. L.Derer. M.D.). LEFIOUN 0* Voyv boruo1W na alerginku preoitlivenost; (a rimentalW vyakm vp3yvu horuclw im alerglelm stary)o 20fect of fever on dUargic lWpersansitivitC.; cqperimRatal data on the effect of fwar on allergic state2/ Brat.191, lek. listy 31:1-2 1951 po 38-51. 2, Of the First Internal 0 linic of the Institute of Fharmaco- logy of the Radical Fa-Aty of Slovak University, Bratialavao Oil P-C KLEIN, Fr.; DORNETZHUBER, Vlad.; LEHOTAN, 0. Panmyelosis. Cas. lek. cesk. 44 no-36:973-978 2 Sept 55. 1. Z patologicke-anatomickebo ustavu (prednosta prof. Dr. Frant. Klein) a z I. insternel klinlky SU (prednosta prof. Dr. Lad. Derer) v Bratislave. (BONE MARROW, diseases panmuelosis.) LINTAN, 0.; IMSIK, A.; PECFkIl, I.; MARKO, P. 7,he mecharism cf the anaphylactic reaction of t"-- actc--;.,rsl-- -f'iber. Bratisl. lek. listY 45 no.9:523-533 15 1. Katedra internei medicin7 I. Lekarske fakulty Univerzi-ty Kcrimiskeho v Bratialave (veduci: prof. I-MDr. M. Cndrejicla); Katedra ey,.erirentaLnej patologie a farmakologie Tekarske fakulty UnIverzity Komenskeho v Bratislave (veduci: doe. I-M)Dr. E. Barta, CS( .) a Katedra biochemie Lekarske fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislave (veducir doc. 14JDr. T. Turshy, CScr. ). LEHOTMI, 0.; IIPSIK, A. The effect of hyperthemia cr the pnaphylactic reactim of the actomyosin fiber. Bratisl. lek. listY 45 no.10:585-592 31 My' 65. 1. Katedra internej mediciny I v Bratislave (veduci:prof. MUDr. M. (hdrejicka); Katedra experimentalnej patologie a farmakologie v Bratislave (veduci: doc. MUDr. E. Barta, Csc.). LEF-OTAYOI.,*A"-r)-~',-I'.-:---LC)VP, :1. "Micro'Launa of the Tortoriipan of Eastern Slovakia." P-414 (Vestnik, Vol. 1.2, no. 6, 1957, ?r,I~la, luzechoslovalKia) Mont'ray Index of E,ast European Accession (--HAI) IIC, Vol. 7, ~lo- 6, Aw-,ust l-,58 LMOTCZKY, Gy., Dr., Budapest Consideratinns on methods of the treatment of external genitalia. Cask. gyn. 21 no-3:175-176 Apr 56. (VULVA, neoplasms, tber. (Cz)) LETIOTCUT, Gy., Dr., (Budapest) ~ Considerations on actinotherapy of carcinoma portionis. Cesk. gyn. 21 no-3:169 Apr 56. (CERVIX, UTERIN'9, therapy, x-rays (Cs)) (RADIOTHERAPT, in various diseases, cancer of cervix. (Cz)) c T~ Distr; 4E3d/h62c(j) it 'Tfie-triechanIsm of the : Chim Arad U SN S M kt a , . t n V, i mo . Collfirmi the assumptirn. that the no. and poqitlon of absorp. bazds of complexes ht sola. depends on the no, of un- paked d-clectroas present. Tables, re _presenting the ex ptcted term cleavage for complexes ativariotts ty e and mmetry ate presented And Compared w th the exptr. (Lita., s y -pes of bandi which occur allow the type n! complex I The tj 7~. (i.e. Inner or outer orbital) to N hiferrcd. The results are telated to the electron-transfer reactions and tlwir rel.-ifive jj-.tas~o!qc~urrence, Mark M. Jones LEHOTSKY, Pavol; NAGY, Vojtech Production of woodfibreboard by dry process in our country and abroad. Drevo 17 no.3:65-71 W '62. 1. Statny drevarsky vyakumny ustav. LMOTSKY, Pavol-.,- NAGY, Vojtech Production of wood-fiberboards by dry process. Drevo IS no.2:43- 51 F 163. 1. Statny drevarsky vyskumny ustav. ADAM, G.; MESZAROS. I.-;._IJWQTZ K _;._IIAGT, K. The role of the limbic cortex in visceral afferentation. Kiserletes orvostud. 10 no.4:411-415 Ang 58. 1. Budspesti Orvostudomarqi B&yetem Elettani Intezete. (CEREEBRAL CORTEX, physiol. role of limbic cortex in visceral afferent mechanisms of autonomic US (Hun )) (AUTONOMIC NEIRVOUS SYSTEM, phyaiol. name) A~ ADAM, G.; MESZARGS, I.; I&HOTZKY,.X._ NAGY, K. The role of the limbic cortex in visceral afferertation. Acta pkysiol. hung. 14 no.2:135-139 1958. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Budapest. (BRAIN, physiol. limbic system. role in visceral afferentation) LEHOTZITY, K. "Assurance of Communications on Public Roads During Winter", P. 356, (KOZLEKEDESTUDOIDMI SZEMLE, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oct. 1953, Budapest, Hungary) 30; Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. LEPOT-CIFY, K. Melyepitestudomar-~,ri Szerile - Vol. 5, no. 4/5, Apr. /May 1955. Road construction. P. 195. SO: Yonthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. U110TZKY, K. Factors in 'lighway ehgineering affecting the economic character of trans- portation. P. 4. KOZLEKFDF-S'IUXjl-!&NYI SMMLE. (Kozlekedesi Kiado) Budapest. Vol. ~, No. 1, Jan. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956 LEHOTI,ZTY, K. Develoument in construction of concrete highways in Hurigary, P. 302, ~TIYEiITFS ILI DOMN YI SZFI4L7-. (Kozlekedsi Kiado) Budapest, Vol. 62 No. 7/8, July/Aug. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEU ) Librar7 of Congress, Vol. 5, U~. 11, November 1,056 ~ LEHOTZKY, K. lern illurrimation of hi~-hways. p. h26. I Mod (Kozleke,iestudomanyi Szemle, Vol. r"), no. 11/12, Nlov./Dec. 1,05"). Budapest, Hungary) SO; MontInly List of East European Accessions (--,r,-AL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, Sept. 1957. Uncl. I E!iOTZKY,_ K. Use of' porous concrete in road construction. ' (I-IL - . 1). 21LJ lyepitestu~jcii~any-* 'lc" - 7, n( . -1/6, Ela.,;-/june 1951'. "u i; ~~ r --- s t, HunE2rl r '!onthly index cf East Ei;rope.~.n A ecess-,-,:s (--., 7-,'- ) LC. Vo I . 7, n,- 11 . - - - . C-1 February 15,58 Y~A~Orls Of c1 w lp ist of E,~,,;t l'cr c;sl-,ns Vol. 'i, No. e ~2 L LL'-'I 0 T ZKY , K tlreatME stops Cor mass-transoortation ve,,-'cles of r,,i!dJc-erv-ce ci,,-racter. n. 227. KC)'-7LEKEDESTI!Ti"C)7-.'-,'ti,.,'YI SZEIME. (Kozlekedes- es iozlekedesepi'~esti~~~lorinnyi Egyesulet) Bi)dapeFt, ifunf-ari, Vol. 9, no. 5A., May/June 1959. 11 nth]y li-.,:t of Fzi.,o. :,:-,rn!)(,nn :rO 40 (1-;I:AT), ff,, Vol. i Uncla. LEHOTZKY, K. Addendum to the article "Modem Roadway Structures." p. 288. MELYEPITESTUDOMA-NYI SZF14LE. (Kozlekedes- es Kozlekedesepitestudomanyi Egyasulat) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 9, no. 6, June 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. T,FHOTZTY, F. Transportation and city planning. D. 551. KOZLE~EDE3TT'DO!!TVTYI SZE"'LE. Budapest, Hungary. Vol. Q, no. 11, Nov. 1059. Monthly List of East Furopean Accessions (E'TAT), U, Vol. Uncl. 9, no. 2, 1960, 'Feb. LEHOTZKY, Kalman Pre-estimation of the development of highway traffic. Yxsz elet 15 no.8.15 AP 160. (EEAI 9:8) (Hungar-y--Traffic engineering) ADAM, G.; MESZAROS, I.; -LEHOTZKY.- Kornelia; NAGY, A.; RAJK, A. On the role of the brain stem activation system in the conditioning to visceral stimulation. Acts, 7physiol.hung. 18 no.2:143-147 '60. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Budapest. (BRAIN STEM physiol) (REFLEX C01MITIONED) (INTESTINE, SMALL physiol) IILEHOTZKY, Kalman Comprehensive study of urban road network junctions. Kozleked tud sz 11 no.11:511-522 11 161. LEHOTZKY, Kalman, oklovelos mernok How is an up-to-date road built? Met tud 15 no.5:151-154 31 Ja 1600 . --iz. HOTZKYXalmp~t2- Agricultural roads. Magy ep ip 1-1 no.8.372-377 162. .12E 'TZLY, K,0-11.elia, SZ-kL~GS, 13--'Va4, ~Emd TAU~DUS. Laszlo of t-,-e :LacO-106ical Laboratory a~ Chinoin s 1 Wor, u (Ch. and jnstit~_,te for B~0109Y at the Mtadical University Cyo~ - -j-ar I- , - ,zerg X'0'091~i LabomtojjLj,,:a and Grvos-L'-]0a-'-'Yi Egyatema both in Eudaoesz. Of A~,tidiabetfc -~zui,r~nyju--ee 1,1: i C a'~' ij O]L No 2, Abz;tract: tEn~,"-`sh article; autbors' EnElioh suaLL,.jyj TLe cenzrall n,arvous chanr.,(~s caused by toxic doses of to-, utamide harrl-, been studied by recor;,j z the electro-ccxdio~~ram lb in cats. The intra- venous i,'2JeCt*0n Of t0lbut32uide has becri fo~~jd to give to strychzinc-]-i~-e cOnvulsiOns, G:,~tendingr over -,-he entire coi-re:.- Six ref,-~rencL-~;, i ricluding 1 -Ian, e-udj an, I liuss L LEHOTZKY, Kornelia; 14EZSAROS, I.; TARDOS, L. Central ner7ous effect of aritidiabetic sulphonylurea compounds. Acta physiol. acad. sci. hung. 23 no.2:219-223 163. 1.~ Pharmacological Laboratory, Chinpin Pharmaceutical Works, and Institute of Physiolwy, Medical University Budapest. . .0 (TOLBUTAMIDE) (CENT"LAL NERVOUS SYSTEMY tSTRYCHNIIF,) (ELF,CTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY) (RETICULLR FOfU4&'TION) (IMULIN) (HYPOGLYCE14IA) (CO11VULSIONS) (,UITID.IABETICS) HUNG."Ry ADAX, Gyor,-y; Medical University of istvan, Budauest, institute of P~Ys-Aolo.-Y (Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Elet- tani intezet). "Differential Inhibition of Interoceptive Conditioned Arousal." Budapest, Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol YYIII, 111o 4, 1963, pages 347-353. Abstract: [English article, authors' English summar-j] Differential in- hibi"tion of the conditioned interoceptive arousal reaction has been studied in dogs with double intestinal or ureteral fistula, It has been found that., if the nechanical sti:-aulation o' the wall of one intestinal seLment L is associated with a reticular sti:mulus causing arousal, and the stimulation of the other intestinal segment is not followed by reinforcement, a d~-fferen- tiation of the conditioned arousal develops. No differential inhibition develops to the stretching of the two renal pelvis. On the basis of the evidence gather'ed, conclusions are drawn as to the central representation of non-symnetrical and synnetrical visceral aff erentation. 2 Idestern, 6 Eastern European references. -1 /1 .1. HESZAROS, I.; LEHOTZKY, Kornelia; ADA1,1, G. Differential -inhibition of interoceptive conditioned arousal. Acts. pbysiol. acad. sci. hung, 23 no-4:347-353 163, 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Budapest. (IN TES TINAL FISTULA) (URINARY FISTULA) (BRAIN ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) (EIMTROMIGEPHALOGRAPNY) (REFLEX, CONDITIONED) (RETICULAR FORMATION) IFHOTZKY, KaL-nan, f0techyl~Dlot"'-w Role of Erzsebe" Bfi~lge in rerwork cf bu,~anas` .1 - - - Kozleked kozl 20 no.50i833-83F 11, " 161 1. 1. Road and Railrosd ~Ianni no 7,ilerT-ti ~-2, --lidares". I - LFECTZKY, Kal-man, oklevelas mernok, fotechnolom_ii Planning of city tran-sportlatior, Koz! tud 5z 1-5 no 4,' : 140- 147 Ap 65. 1. Road and Railroad Planninf_, 7-nterpri5e, Budapes-- to 'r0 a 'r to g o o g 0 0100*000 11 12 11 M 1 2) a 23 N Z' A X' 21 X U 1; 14 b 16 v Aj P t J L At-A' f r k -20 _j 90 go C 00 j! Fl*ctriw conductl of murocrystalline 119" selenium with added mum. KusiLhovk. Z.Pryllai* 124, 278-85(1948); tf. C.A. of 00 4: tnicrocryst. Se with Tt coucus. in the range 0 to 0.01 - %tom Tl per atoin Se are ineasurtri after various rates of -00 00 e_ cooling train 21d' to room teinp, For 11 concus. in the 0 moge.3 X 10-4t