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LEITPM, Margit, dr. Rehabilitation of tuberculous patients in dispensary of the village 14orahalom. Nepegeszoe.-ugY 35 no.6:156-157 June 54. (TUBERCULOSIS, rehabil. in Hungary) (REHABILITATION, in various dioeaeae, tubere., In Hungary) U) Remarquo sur le -diatn~'Ire trans.ini des L enserobles plans. Ann. Sac. Pololl. 'Math. 23, 9D-94 (1950). Leitner Roman. Sur une proprI60 des ensembles plans nul. Ann. Sac. Polon. Math. Z3P. 183-189 (1950). Ci r Solution, of a problem of M. Lel"a. Ann. Sac. Polon. Math. 23, 201-204 (1950). Ltj&_Z_ Remarque sur la note pr6c6dente. Ann-Soc-i.- P- Poloni Alath. 23, 204-205 (1950). ID, L~et~ p(p,.q) be the distance functii on ~ if(p, q) -log PO and jr(n_.I)g(P], - P. For an infini_- 91, closed bounded plane set'A let'g. be the maximum of 11 i(pil - - -I P.) for points pitE and lei q(4) = (qj("~ q.(.)) ~bean extrernal set. Let qjW) and suppose the 0.) so ordered.that for iO then g.(z) converges as It1:~a6. the limit being then a Green's function. 7-+, ~i proves that g.(g("))--+g(T) if E is a*surn of continua, P ur not if r- is a segment plus a'suitable isolated poinL ~eitner constructsa denumerable.set'E, havingonly two ts, for which g.(z) does not converge as it--. umt~ pom Terasaka. construct-, a similar example to Leitncr.'s for 3-dimensional potential g(p, q) Ilp(p, q), Lela re marks that the analogue for, this potential of his (ii) has not been proved. H. D. Ursell (14--ds). V. 11 ) es ; . , . 165, of Prodkict J Oil in r 0 1'.echanizatiOll Vol. Jo. oyd"CHA LC, Voi. 4 L,-L , ropean I St 0, s t -U athly 1.01, -1 - u LKay !95,,, nc L-EITNEP, V. "Planning automation of the machinery industry Jn the USSR." ri. 2LI. KROJIRENSKA VYROBA. (MI~IISTERSTV-'- TLZKF-T!C. SIR~,~JIRENSTVI, MINISTE-RSTV0 FRE-SINTEIF. STRCJI?-,F,IISFVI A It-MlITSTERST110 AUTr4'.iC,BILOVF.HO PR~JWSLU A ZEMFD,-EuqKYCF STROJU.) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, no. 6, june 1959. 1,11onthly list of East European Accessions (FFAI), LC, Vol. Fi, No. 9, Septerber 19,09. Uncl. C T ont' L; Of T Ti '3 Vol. 1L, 110- Por odd c,:I- 7. -'russels rial !-X-dbiti n. Q of ,,a%r -ncl~~s LEITOLD, Feranc I Q ayes. lesz-Frem Synthesis and ana-lycia u-- lead cyalli-e powder ~ vegyip egy kozl 4 no.4835-1-352 160 1. Petohazi Cukorgyar. T - 7~' . "' -C T.-T.', 7 1 . cnnilipella Zell. and t~,e wi- controlling It. r.512 yn of S(YrTA1TFTLTK P0111DWHIDTIS. Tall1n, FFtonia, Vol.. 14, no. 11, june 1959 Monthly List of East Eurorean Accessions, (EFAI), 11". Vol. 8, No. 111, September 1959 Uncl. VELMANN, E.,, otv. red.; A., red.. FRILAID A.. red.; i"L171DALU, I., red.; NUMAISTE, B., red.; LEIVATEGI~A, L., red.; LEXIIII, M., red. [Collection of reports of the Scientific Conference on the Frotec- tion of Plants] Sbornik dokladov.Vlauchnoy konferentsii po zashchite rastenii, 3, Tallinn, 1960. n.p. Estonskii nauchno-issl. in-t zemledeliia i melioratsii, 1962. 463 p. (MIRLA 15:5) 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya po zashchite rasteniy, 3d, Tallinn,1960. (Ibissia, llofthviestern--Plants, Protection of--Congresses) FALLEH, AWIL T7 7 T T V.T-1 , 'o iJ - I;. . , -- 7 I T~:A, LYJITS, L.; H-DAJA, RUUGE, J.; i;----'FSEL1 Ii.; TOG',RF, TIGHTS, H. L, S. I SSU , TH. ; T1~4GUI, A. ~!!EtPdID, 1"; Ai H A. red. [Plant, breeding] Taimekasvatus. Tallinn, E-estui iiar-a--.a-~y 196L. 813 P. [In E-,tonian] (11-1!-~A 18:1) ISIVI.TEGI-JA, V. A conference on the protection of plants. p. 140. SOTSIALISTLIK POLIMIMANDUS. (Pollumajanduse Ministeerium) Tallinn, Estonia. Vol. 13, no. 3, March 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EaiI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, INovenber 1959. Unrol. UT XNER, V. Some possjbiii~4-s of using t-s fly ash frcTm the Vitezni L--- i T ~ W; unor Power Kant in Ostrava. St-avj-va 41 ro~ 12: 41,'+C-4-11 D 163, 1. Pozemni stavby, n.p., Ostrava. POKROVSKIY, S.N.-,;- LEIZEMMI_ L.I.; MITARNOVSKIY, V.M. Course of mala-ria control in the R.S.F.S.R. during 1959. Hed.paraz.i paraz.bol. 29 no-5:516-521 S-0 t60. (MIRA 13212) 1. Iz Resyrablikanskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo imstituts. malyarii i w.editsinskoy parazitologii Ministerstva zdravookh- raneni-ya RSF'SR (dir. instituta - prof. S.N,, Pokrovskiy). (MALARIA) TOMA, A.; M-IZ,PIIOVICI, L.; PEUMM, C.-, TOITIZOU. C.; GUOU, P. ~ennration o' lubermilous qller-y into j I -, - . to B.C.G. lno,ties; priorit'-i of 'l-bimantan med. 9 jio.1:163-170 1.957. (TUXMGULIN RMGTION difference in tuberculin discovery by 11maniiins) tuberculin nllergy and alleegy researnh. Bul. zti-*Lnt. , Eect. allergy & ollergy to B.C.G. bodies, -11, BUMBACESCU,N.,Prof.; LBIZAROVICI,L. Contributions to oral vaccination with large doses of B.C.G. Ramanian M. Rev. 3 no.3:61-65 J1-S '59. (BCG VACCINATION) -77-~.F-- 3 'de c 4 ei efa, Smr 1e domine onvergence ed 9 es e,' L ' * ~ ,Ann. Acad. ~17nbmes h6r~oktnas A deux va4ables. . Polonaise Sci. Tech.Narso~ie 7, 9 pp. (1945~. ' L~gr ine of his pre- 0 -The author restates and supplements so M t vjous~results: about 6~vergmce of'pouiq series in several -vafiaW6 [Rend., Circ~ Mat.'Pahrrmo $6, (1932) Anfii. Soc. 1 ~19-34 (1934)]. "In .1-;uclidean ~ Eh~ -*ak-c a sequence of homogenous pot ynomWs and a point set D, and assume that an D ~ c- either the series converges.or,tlie sequeace is ' i ~ ~ -in D. x a bounded. Assuin ethe ~ latter-, thus JP.(x~j--N for. i The question thefi is., for what D will the series, converge. ;o Absolutely in a hborhood of the origin?. To anwarer it, nz9 :J iattr- taki 7~ points 1~ in D. set up the, Ugringe I Co formula P,~ and ~'es poa n mate thus: JA.i(x) Tlwdecisive thin -then is to-keep the utb.root of j:,.j!A.1(jOj belowa ~ fixed bound t is _or; wha th e same, to k6*As r :ip CiL rocal ire - hat away from 0. This. then is expressible as a requ n-entt a certain "capacity" f the point set D r lative to the origin, c! C ' ' i Y7 and definable for ahyi Ei, has a strictly positiv e value, The % author's in -~nestiga ons havesome connection with (although th b m asa for) Hirtogs' Eheorern eyare y no mea on the continuity of a function in several variables, which is :assuined to be analytic in each variable separately. ' S. Boch= r (Princeton,.N. PIP Lej&JF. Sur les polynomes de Tcleby&ff, et [a fofl~tion en, Ann. Soc. Polon. Math. 19 (1946), 176 (1947)- Let E bc a dosed set with a positive trandinite t1iikm(![kr -Int '0111pleX Z_pl, _%(,~).,n+ the 4 d in tile C V-polynomial of dqrec n (for which max 1'7'~(.-) 1 on. E is a miniamm.). Let D b4:Lhc-co11),j3GHC1%t Of the C(MIJAC11101(~1fV Bet of E which mntains z= va, It is shown-that lim, exists Uniformly on Lvorycloscd set in D not containing any 'point of accumulatio of the zeros.of The JiMit is f -ped d exp (G), where G is the Cireen a uncIlDiLpf D with res ta,z- -,a uic exa,pK! -01 two ~Ckffal intervals situated on the 8.1nic line is Used as illostrmion, 0, Szeg6. J Soume: 1lathematical Revicw~,, 191~81 Vol 9p uo. 4 Obw,~ 7 uul.&F- Sur lei suites monotones 6 Ann.Soc. - -9, (194Q. 133'10(1947) Math. 19 A se n qtwnce la.1 is called &creasing (incr6shlg) in mea M ime!kjmean qf x, y; and there are where A (x, y), is the arit) similar. defin ns (for positive %quenc 5) reNtAgg to t le Metri and harmonic means, It is rove(I that, it a c e0 p g sequence is mon&oni~ in mean, it has a finite or infinite &d I ! i i x d i T fi 6d i h ten n v4r ous n ewern are e e t he on a l m t. t Ways. The limitattioni of th-Frdc4are indic"Itted by the obaer. vation that, if a.+iZA (41, all on) (it= to 21 ... ), the j*quence ri~ riot have.any limit.. A. E. Itigham. 3.901 VA 9 j No. 2 Hathematice'l Re JOW61 it'lo''a"de' r6gcjrmt6~et d1irr6gularitE des Leis, F. Une con TI -b-w!MTM frontiares dxat,;-16:problarzie- de Dirii;W6L Ann. ' , Polori. Ma,tli.20 ~~I 5~ kiw*b). . : d I' I us i R d6w d no on t A w lt ans. rto epo ns pr6cWe. Vaueeur in'onitie-q; 4 ek un,pbintAe la~ fron- ue, st ' I F d%n, dc~e~ D,contenant: le point A tiEre boi~n6e j4n ,A dU l'infini, la propr SM c- pain z~, au sens t i7 ED. propri6t6 V entralne,'laii ft- iij~Aii grace. a Aes, tiav"aux,an- eurs de,Tauieurc'sue'l e'diamAtre.transfinii!et.14 on o C~'de Green I [in em'es Anii., 1 (1945); IprqI 6tabl ces Rev, 8, 255] t~ jue, iqul~ est i,egn"Utilimnt aussi'diver. rksultats.Ahtkiiiiiii &'vauteur int paraft d6riyer plus. la fonc- tion soushannor~qiii Ii: ~i~t:ance fime log' P.1(j) 41~i Maj6rke ' ' - te de -it spar n' ois f dani D ~L une,cons6nte- ~r6s iiid4 tn :e hdp - ~ de'D'e ',Ole,A Vififibi ; Vauteur to la. f6tiction de Gre;en ' propope en terminant une exteasi6iirZ-~ Ve~ace 6Ct log 1Pij (Ciconstante, p . point coui:~aiiiC&A,.);A,~Jest encore leijie~eiitl` uhlfb ent! sur et J s6p~*,:b9=6 sup& rmbn deraeiait A ce que fbi abssi j~6rn6iup&ieure. ment,unif6rin6ment'dans"un vam-mage de'PptF,:e>O ktant ' ' ' fi),6.- Mals 1e raisonnem t que- ,je Viens il'iridiq~er pour ]a en r6ciproque, estJacile-IA.acJ#t'ei A condid6n de prendre ' ' ' ~V ?_s.~j~ou-%= (le E-d~~ ftre Un4PM~t~ntiel quel- t M. ~Br~lqt, (Grenoble). conque de masses poetii~esj W -aflsa e, 116cid F. Une g6n6i tion A et du ' 51 aa MWL Anti-Sm: Polon. ith 22 - c a posit' i ubm arfd ve, c"tIn SYM- U!" (fs, p4) b I J nietsic functionloVa pointsin a nictric spamand kt 0-0 ff -thm ~bints c6incide. Le~ -i , two of E -be, a closed set, pi Pj.), where L; arld.V(Pl, P") , 71t, J.j. rum; ovc.r all F_6wible comil'itiatiOmR tjf ~ 1,* 2? 11 ien e-thi prod! actqrs. Let' taken aata time; I ~ C, 9 ~ivt hag (") f, V,.= ii1xv V Nyhe -bitrlirily on El The addior -1 the other proves.thalt ljjji,~ V. existi. Considcr on tand MP, H6(Pk, pi, il~ ver all posible combinations of: 1. 2, k- 1, k+ 1, runs o ~-:.-,u(aken -i tatime. Let 5up -1 mirl AA(Pl~ P~, - - PO) - .111v,11 lim Gl~-D_I log and cQiIIcId(II_;k with Ow Ihnit obtained-bef om. Sz 0 VC, cg- (Stanford T,ni r5ity, Calif.). So I i a t. ir! t, -A ge naraliz ation of th e va la tion r ' an otth~ transfinite.diametar of a ml, 40 1 Sour 66 .'Ann,~,Sod. Polon. Math.122 (1911) 35-42 (1950)- 0 IN Pnx::'isn~ Une in thode dluemimation des fbnc~-~, variu Ple: compler=--.;~Pls B~i. MaL ~'--ys. '74 (1~49),* 202-206 (19.50). (Poli-h. ,F 'Ch rer 111N, , i summary) The autliorccTisider-~ bqt nSLtd r~40 Nnc-,i6jnf(,;),sub,1(!f.-- G ctiori, which he g; to and termed boundary supposes, defined. on the boinidary B of a'plane durnain D containing. the point 'where B h4s a pos itive vr.,IPE- I . -with c -;pr CUA~! p, -,r is concerped emain func- 7 71~ -c: -.) - ,(Z) On B, tions.harnlOniC OULS-1de B, Nvh'. -h a, poximateto ' , of $--L1 B OnSiStj Let IT" denote a subset of C ng V distinct Points w or w'1, let be ~i'urri over the aful!,~ of n -~id Iet T L uf--j of w i,-,: T". i TV ~e a, product over the Val w -1 -,)m ihe zo*. In terrn3 of whirn are distinct fi he Lagronge polynornial ~let F(s~ X1 w) I exp T ~~f(i) for rea, X7-0, and 1e t ;1 U fS 11 Of. J'Z fi-~, N) de-,iibte the infim-um, as N' varitas and 7. i-; kf~pt of the expression'j-, A). ThL author statc.; withOut proof thL as to followin- recults, the first of wliicli he ob-It"i-V be ir-, iplici tly ct mlz liried 'n hi~ ea-flier paper, [Bull. Int. Ac4d pc~orl. S6. C). Sci, Matli. Nat. Skr.-A. Sri. N'TaO. 036. 79-923: (1) )ini f~(z, 'k) -f%z, X) exists for all z. X is har- i'flionic in OuLside B,- and ~ fulfiN5 in B th~ inequalit-es do~~!; not, separaze tlie.pla. and if J(z) is continuour, on B,tlien j(z)=Iim X-1jiz, X.) uri- for = in B as X-0; (111) fhe- conclusion of (11) hodd-s a t, given t - 0. tl-!~ also ii B separates the plane, providtA th- re ts a pDb,nom:al 11(a) such that jexp Ef(z) I - I P(-) throughout B. Finally the author observes, that if i.,; the --e lfrs~o Oiat ~L(:, w) (complement ofB+D, we can clioo. in 13-i-a for each ,, in I V, and hence that iij B+A, and lie dediio-~s: (1%") with die hypotheses of.(IM ofini X-If(z, X) (as \"O) emists in B+A and constlzi.4ies dic haj:monic interpolation off(,-) in A~ L., C. Yrour:g' V 7~ r,- I NLejc, r. Sur'le.,, t6efficlsnts'- (te, s"'boactions mm!.~LiquCs: uni-. extremaux d3s. din le cercle , et les 'pAnts ~~mmbles. Arn. So~.' P;Ian~ Math. 23, 69-178:1~~19$0).. (o b el *7 Let, y r-Ax) witIA c~ rea and pqsitimE~j ea uilc-. vAent ir? 'the, cir8e~ k 160n. h I(Aior~hic and. imi < 0~ .0 Denote b3'~ A the dornai~ c~~,rea. b~ Kj TI i7. C+ by:,r -the b6undpry' of 4,'.and4et D and Th 'ha 9.. i.n i r un dq ne trafisfctmation y~: c; au o Ir the '60effici~~t;, 4, ~~tisi cct~Ae r d(F) 13 contintian Iir ili id of 66 nits~ a the, irithmeti xneans o f tbe extrer'.-~,il -ppintslof F. Th~ Jcohnection, -with t"'c_:'*eU7 Im6w,n zelj~zilts, o4" Bleberbach and. Lo-wner is poin'f6d but- Mare _p ",.ir-isely, let be the va: by n Poin is =I, 2:1 '1 Zq of . F eh osen so zs,,- to., make Tk um. NVrite .0 vppm that the 11j.,arC 50 Crd, -d, n bat tht sequence A J~ IS:3no ~~_iqreasinj. Now write, A.-ITorAl 6211, the :author has proved'[same Ann 12, 57-71 (1934); 18, 4~,-IV (INS)- theseReir. 8,,: 2551 fhai d(~) -u~ Iiin- Here'he 04 also pro,~es that. all exist.'and effects th4- calcuatio s ce-1. c:PP~-s functio O~) firr, the auxitiary n g for ~Whi ch it is proved t.hat.x-g(y)dCF) (y), There~ an. a number of.minor misrrints including the occasional onxissi6i R. W-Zson .0 of moduli signs Cn 87 m a T v. Rtniarqu 6 sur lo diam~tre trans5ni'des ensembles Soc. Polon. Nlath 23 go (I 95(j), -tier Roman., ~iurlunepx Leit 6pii6t6 desensembles plans - " . eftiam6tre traxisaW nul. ' Ann. Soc. Polon M. ath. 23, j ci~ ::;, 183-189,(1950. , ~. S61utlon of a problem of IA. F. - Lejq. Ann. S66.~ Po 201-204 (1950) Pith; - ' Rem ;tir k te r Sdmte. Ann. Soc.. 0 t204~ 5 (1950)., ]Lit f~n`c an Fdr an infinite - urid6d..~Iane~--r;et BlIet &.be th~'~rziaxirnurn+of . closed bo pitE and Jet tj (D be an extrernal Le Suppose th6~:q.(wi; 'rd 'ed tb g-( 1%1)`~gj(q(,~)Jor i