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:tt7 (;IIA'![ WiYAN, t'iklisii 1, t *~ol. "ak 1,; VA V tF!kljii red,. to r7 i I t)io-- r o~ 1'. 1llo-! 3 t ci I bbe r,-! L I ! nft kh rasten.' k~ 'Vostva :zd-vo "Zri-in-le," 1q6? 4f~ p. (Novoe v zhizzil, nriuko, -.,riktn-ko-. V So-ril-t., Sel'ikoot khozigistvo., tv). 17 f MELYTTKOV, Aleksey Nikolayevich, kand. aelfkhoz. nauk; LEG.TajrA, red.; RAKITIR, I.T., tekha. red, . ...................... . ..., (Biophysics and animal husbandry] Biofisika i zhivotnovadstvo. 14oskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963. 28 p. (Novoe v zhiani, nauke, tekhnike. V Seriia: Bel'skoe khoziaistvo, no.7) (MIRA 16:4) (Stock and stockbreading) (Radiation--Phy5iological effect) KRETIS, Igor' Bo.-isovich. ,,-kni- LECLELVI., 1.:;., red.; L.Yc-, t,2,khr:. z-,~-d~ [i','uel ar.,--, f'ert:livei lart.:lj 1"briki topliva i u6obrenii. 17/1-vo "Zmanie," 19(~lj. 2~; ;,. (l,ovoc v zli'.zni, ntiuke, t,allinilre. 17 ~;'ciriia: S,A1.3koe 1,]-.o-.iaictvo, lio.18) 16:12) (Farm; ranurn) (Vethart~) (Guo, producern) OILKIN, Boris Isaakovich; ~MHOVA, T.S., red.; RAKITIN, I.T., takhn. red. [Continent of riddles] Kontinent zagadok. Moskva, Izd-vo, "Znania,N 1963, 29 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, takhnike. X11 Seriia: Geologiia i geografiia, no.14) (MIRA 16:8) (Antarctic regions) VENIAIIINOV, V.; LKONO", T.S., red.; RAKITIN, I.T., tak-hn. red. (Secret of crop yields3 Sekt-et ixrozhaia. Moskva, Izd-vo RZnania," 1963. 31 p. (Novo@ v zhizni, nauke,takhnike. 11 Serlia. Sal'skoe khoziaistvo, no.16) (MIRA 16:8) (Field crops) SETICN10, Aleksandr Alakrandravicb, kAnj. sellkhoz. nalak; LRONOVA, T.S., red.; RAMITIV, I.T., tekhr. red. bireen shelturbelts; shelterbelt. afforestation In our c0untry and abrood] Zelarye zaslorq; zanhchitnoe leso- razvedenia u nas I za rubezhom. Moskvap lzd-vo "Znanic," 1963. ~8 p. (Novoe v zhizni,, nauke, tokhnike. V SariJa: 'Oellskoe khoziaistvo, no.20) (MIRA 16:12) (Windbreaks, shelterbelts, otc.) DOIN, Vikhail Semenovich, doktor sel"Khoz.nauk; bWNOVA$LZjS., red.; KANTOROVICH, A.V., spets. red.; ATROSHCHM.C. L.Ye., tekhn. red. [Self-protection of plants against diseases) Samozashchita rastenii ot boleznei. Moskira, Izd-vo ffZnanie," 1963. 47 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nRuke, toklinike. V Seriia: Sel'skoe kho- ziaistvo, no.15) (MIRA 16:7) (Plants--Disease and pest resistance) LIKWBABA, Ivan Grigortyevich; LEUOVA, T.S., red.; WITPi, I.T., tekhn, red. jProper cour3e; economics In the center of attention]Vernyi kurs; ekonomika - v tsentra vnimanlia. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," lrt63. 47 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Direktor sovkhota "Samarskiy" TSelinogradskoy oblasti(for Likhobaba). (Kazakhstan--Al7riculture--Economic aspects) RAKOVA, Yekateriwk Ivanovna, dots. ; LJIR~qV T.S., red.; RAKITIN, A,___ I.T., texhn. red. [Russian grain]Khleb Rosaii. 1963. 48 p. (Novos v zhizni, Sellskoe khaziaistyo, no.8) 1. Moskoy5kaya sellskokhoz3-aystvennaya K.A.Timiryazeva (for Rakova). Moskva, lzd-vo 'Znanie," nauke, tekhnike. V Seriia% (MIRA 16:4) akademiyalm. (Grain) ZIRJPBII'SKIY, Zenon Iosifovich, doktor biol. nauk; LEONOVA, T.S., red.; RAKITRI, I.T., tekhn.-,.-ed. [Tagged atoms and plant gro-wing] Mechenye atomy i rast-e- Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie - (11 nievodstvo. .9 " 1963. 31 p. Ovoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhn:i!-~. V .:k~riia: Sellskoe ldioziaistvo, no.23) (MIILk 17: 1) (Plants-1-hitrition) (Radioactive tracers) SPIRIDONOV, Semen Spiridonovich;, L1,0110VA, T.S., red.; I.T., tekhn. red. [Contribution of the irduotriec, to *ural arensi Indu- ntriia - selu. 1.',ogkva, Ize,-vo "Zmanic,ll 196'.. 44 p. (17ovoe v zhizni, nauka, tokhnike. V Sariia.* Zcll.-~Iko-, ,:Ioz;-aistvo, no.22) (I., I, a 17: 1) (Farn moc':,anizatlon) KFJJGI.YAKOV, Moirney Llvovich, kiind. scAlk'nuz. ivi,ikj KRUGUAKOV, A.11fred Moiseyevich, inzh.; LEONOVA, T.B., red.; AVLOSHUMIKO, I,.Ye.,, tekhn. red. [Soil fertility techniquej fertilizers and rLe,.r machines for their placement in the soi13 Tekhnika plodorodia; udobroniia i novye mashiny dlia -vnesenila ikh v pochvu. MoAva, lzd-vc, "Znanie," 1964. ~2 p. (Novoe v zhiml, nauke, tekhnike. V Seri!aj Sel'skoe k),,ozJ&istvcO no.l.) (MIRA 170) LIDTOVA, 01.1ga Alekseyevna, kand. sellkhoz, naukj IZOWOVA, T.S., red.; RAKITIN, I.T.p takhno red. - [Seed pelletal Semena-drazhe. Moskvap Izd-vo "Znanie,," 1964. 30 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke,tBkhnik(,. V Seriia: Sellskae khoziaistvo, to-3) (MIRA 17%3) ~INZBURG, Aminadav GeoselPvich; LEOIS~OVA, 1'.S., red. (Veterinary medicine in the Service of man] Veterinariia sluzhit cheloveku. Moskva, lzd-vl "Znanie," 1964. 53 P. (Rovoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. V Serila; Sellskoe kho- z1aiptV0, n0.7) (MIRA 17:5) '~'~~,,',CHENKQI, Fetr Vasil I yf.-vich, kan(i. sellkhoz. nauk; LECNOVA, T.S.1 red. [Chc-mistu and aninal hu:,bandryj 1 zi~lvotrovod- ntvo. Xo.-;kv&, IzI-vo "I"nanJe'll 1964. Y 1). (Novoe v zhi-ni, rinuke, t~-."Amlke. V Sor-lia: Seltnkoe kt,.ozittist-,ro, r.,j. 16) (V[:~A Yll:`) EL-1-UHU, Viktor 3tol,ar,ovich; LFO~:OVA, T.S., red. [The attack coritinues; control of sni.-zl ;a- :;tuplenle prodc,lzhaetsia; borlba s gellmintard zi.ivotr-.yki-,. I-',o:-,kva, lzd-vo "Znanie," 1964. 29 p. (Novoe %, zi.izni, mi- uke, tekhnike. V Seriin: Sell~;koe khozialst-vop no-15) (MIRA 17:8) 'CM v rej . JUMEV, I-',ikhail lvanov.k.-~,, doktor biol. na"; LE -]"A, , (Tissue extracts in animal husb-ancz-i. dry ti3,-,.ue extrncts ir, tablets! Tkanewle prepraty v zhivctnr,-.,,; o sukhi~h T,kanevykh 1,reparatakh v tabletWh. Vookva, Izd-vo `c7nanie,j' 19(,4. 30 p. (Novoe v zhi zn ,. muke, tekhrl~e. V Sorila~- Sell- .,--I,oe khozIaistvo, no.E) (1-'. 1 U 17 : 7f ) OVA IY ro [Additional V 1 .7 Z TJ~JU V ZFjj-dedl(~ 1'.0. (Ilovoe v zl,.Ilzni,, rialik'U. V k,t,.. z1alstvi, nc.14.11 S-l,(17.lyrj4dl.(V, Ivan lvariovdc'i; '- . rect. ; ', " -i"-- -I I . I .!~.. . . I . , acktor niuk, naulm. reci. I.,- --jr,iltura I try cn for t llvyj na otrazlic.- p-'odor(Aiia. Moskva, lzti-,,rfj "Zramlft,ll ~co~A. 39 p. (Novai v zhiz,-ii, riauko, t-khr,"k,~. V :~erjla: I I , !;, r: 10) 3ollskoe khoziai Vio, no.l~) " . I: 1:~Ikojay Fflau.-wi4 zhizni, no. 17 ) ZHURAVLEVA, T.A.; ODABASHYAN, "V.; LEONOVA,.T.S.; PEMOV, A.D. Reaction of dicbloroollane with organic chlorides at high temperatures, Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.1:144-147 Ja164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovsl:iy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut Im. D.I. Mendeleyeva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Petrov). 050KIN, Sergey Diitriyevich; ZENKE.'.C11, L.A., np chn. red.; 'EGMWA, T.S. , red.; ATJt,:3HCJlE'NV, L., tekhn. red. (In the depths of the ocean] V puchinakh okenna. Pod nauchn. red. L.A.Zenkevicha. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie, " 1963. 39 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. XII Seriia: Geologiia i geograflia, no.17) (MIRA 16:10) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Geografiche3kogo obshchestva S.SSR (for Osokin). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Zenkevich). (Oceanographic research) MID)SLAVSKIY, Ya.M.; MILESLAVSKAYA., L.I.; LEONOVA, V.; KAZIIAIN, V. Effect of certain neurotropic Bubstances on the adrenal cortox. Report No. 1. Probl. ondok. i gom.' 6 no. 3:12-14 My-Je 160. WIRA 14: 1) (ADREML CORTEX) (PHMIACOLOGY) LIONOVA, V.A. Metamorphism of certain Faloozoic rocks on the western slope of' the Central Urals. Uch.zap.Len.un no.188:59-72 '55. (MLRA 9:8) (Ural Konntains-Petrology) OFtal Wountains-Geology. Straligraphle) flONMAJ V.A.; Felat'on of ,,, In ti-.,, .;:' '.h--l .L ,, . . -U,A 1'1~'4 1 ' n J nelsses c," 4 i -,~ enc I cs Irx vel-no of the (:'- !~t~ In- t h e z -1 r - ~ - -; n V .11 1 I.-. ., petmatil.e.g. W-n. 1 ' ', 11-11.0 LE0110VA, V.A. Mineralogy and crystallochemistr7 of uraninites of northern Karelia. Zap. Vaes. min. ob-va 88 no.1:21-38 '59. (MIRA 12:3) (Chupa region-Uraninite) 3 (8) AUTHOR: Leonova, V. A. SOV/20-126-6 54A7 TITLE: On the Effect of Admixtures Upon the Parameter )f lh-! ITraninite Coll (0 vliyanii primeeey na parametr yacheyki- urani7.ita) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii naak SSSR, 1959: Vil 126, Nr 6 PI) 154? - ',")-15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The instability of the parameter mentioned in the -.itl,- was pointed to several times in the publications (Ref 3). In thi.~ paper the dependence of the said param6ter on the t.-ontent cf radiogenic lead and isomorphic admixturee of T~ and TR is dis- cussed. The paper Is based upon investigation rfiSU.*LtS Of a SE- ries of uraninite iiamples from rare sarth pegmatil-~s from the USSR. Table I shown their chemical c-:,mpositicr, (M. N. Bakhval- ova and Ye. V. Vlanova narried out tht analysms Nr 3-5 and 7-14 under the supervision of I. A. Tserk~:vriitskayi at kafedra analiticheskiy khiiaii LGU - Chair of Analytical Chemistry )f' the university mentioned Association). Accordingly the investigated uraninitee are 7tonaiderably oxidized and sontain a great amount of radiogeni,'~ lead (Refs 1,2,5,0, rare earths, and thorium. The parametere derived from the Debye-grams by Card 1/3 means of calculatiDn and indication are shown in table 2. They On the Effect of Admixtures Upon the Parameter of SOV/20-126-(_;-'I-4/(,7 the Uraninite Cell vary between 5-465 and 5.484 2. The deviation of the parameters of the natural uraninites of 5.47 1 (edge of the elementary cube of pure UO2) dependa on 2 fundamental factors; a) on the degree of oxidation of the material and b) on the content of element admixtures (Th, TR, Pb). Th- influence of single elements re- placing U4+ in the 'lattice of the uranirite in different. Differ- ent assumptions exist on the form of the radiogenic lead in the lattice (Refs 3,4,6,10-12). Pb4+ is according to the author's opinion the moot probable form of Pb in the uraninites being placed in the intersection points (uzly) of the lattice (in ac- cordance with Ref 8). An increase of the parameter in question may be expocted with the rising content of radiogenic lead in the uraninite. But this incroase has to compensate itself,go to say,by the smaller radius of the U6+ which is produ:ed by self- -oxidation in quantities equivalent to those of the radice-enic lead. The diagram (Fig 1) shows the dependence between a 0 of Card 2/3 the investigated uraninites and th6 content of Pb, Th, and TR On the Effect of Admixtures Upon the Parameter of SOV/20-!26 6-54/~',' the Uraninite Cell (in gram-atomic percentages). The data of table 5 were used for its construction. The curves of figure 1 show that the said parameter increases regularly with rising content of Pb and Th. The admixture of rare earthe causon cn the contrary a decrease. There are I figure, 3 tables, arid 12 references, 6 of which tire Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy univer8itet im, A. A, Zhdanora (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) PRESENTED: January 21, 1959, by N. V. Belov, Academic~an SUB11ITTED: January 5, 1959 Card 3/3 LEONOVA, V. A. Cand Med Sci - Wiss) "Experience in the use of' novocaine for bronchial asthma." Leningrad, 1961. 20 pp; (Leningrad Pedia- trics Medical Inst); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 203) 4~91L.(~VA, Y.A , HKITIN) YU.V. KineraloGy of monazites in pegatite veins of the Chupa region. Zap.Vses.min.cb-va 92 no.2:136-145 162. 15: f-, j I. Leningradskiy gosudarst,,rennry universitet, Laboratoriya geologii dokembriya AN SSSH. (Chupa reGion--i-lonazite) (Clrupa rcgion-IlegmatItes) LEONOVA p V. A. j NIJUTIN~ :C. V. The mineralogy. of the monazites in the pegiaatite voins in Chupet. Analele gaol geogr 17 n0-1345-56 Ja-Mr 163. IJ,?OKOVAIV.A.; GALIBIN, V.A. Association between zirconium and hafnium in zirrons fr,:~ pegmatites and gneisses from the White Sea region enclose them. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.5:1168-1-171 D 16'1. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. L*3nitigradskiy gosuldarstvennyy universit(ft im. A.A. "IldRnova. Predstavleno akademikom N.V. Belovym. Ail Y;; V t r -W(O MM. .~p taf~go!.I, Aptojlqjg-~ ACCEVS UR/,D363/65/OOl/OO3j60j6 541.JL234546627+546.2! +546.28 4-9~t Ro6destvenj kAya.: V. V.a Leonom V AUMORv Iseoiskov' V I If. TITLI-.-'~ lllteVdctI6~ 6eiween harm &vormanium ~aftd silico ing crystalliratloh.'6f solio soliitfonsi based m these eleasits SOURCE: AN tSSR., 1xiestlya, Neor nicheeklye materialyt v. 16 no. 30 19659 94 34 46: TOPXVI~ 1AG11- b6ron,,,gisiu~nlum, sllio~n, solid solution, distribution coefficient, N~ ,ABSTVACT:~': Effective distributi on coefficients of boron botween liquid and solid 'iv of . , ~: gersaniua--~silioon alloys containing 15 and 47. 0 atca I of silicon were a S, detelniinelL in the ~~sogd solutUi was. determined on the ConeentimtIon of boron n basl'~,, cal condu~Hvl! i. off-the specific electvi yVbwhich Is preptortional to the bo concontj~&ticn in SL-Ge alloys of- constant Si to Ge atomic I-al-lo. An increase of'. 1.07 it boroji c6ni2entiatlon.,lo the solid ph"4 rVM 1.7,1016 Ong per ca a- IM4 ,j f ducti- 1E -OffeotIV4~, alU ;-oootdallinx Z-. Z ~S Z'9--R. C I/ Udd! 7~1 IC S-I APSOII929 OW ~Ost4tlbui,U6 toefficifint of boron fvon 20,1 to 2.1. An Incrtase of boron cancan- jitration llio~ti 3. 9"o 10 to 3.8-10" atowas per c= in Ifte Ge-Si allWs containing -atoil! %I Of'si, VaSUItIs -ina reAuction of the.ef&eti%4 diiitributLon coefficJL-_nt'jI'I'j;-t';,. '47. 0, 3 atom 14 per, cm For comp rism the literature [it. E. Im:)ron Tix=,16A) to~ 4 'OrIdjgesjX.,',D.' Kolb :4o' Chow. F4#.~ 25, 648 (l956)1:,gPres V. ?as- the effective dis.-J"'! Ji'arti,' has:r- Itable, and 15, form .triIAIiOIV,c6effIcLant~ of boron in g4mmmium. Orig, ulas i im. A. A. Baykava- lastiiA4 of Metzllur ASISO. ATIl'OH.i'~ Instftut metit IlUrgil 00 KH Vat, No nv S)v -vv 7" 1. R .A pi. - W F!I En F =,mmn 7.'-77' 7'i *T 77'. ~~-~NTUPJI 0_4 L T': :;P SOKOLOVA, A.A.; BUIOIISTi-.'OVA, YO.M.; YALYNNAYA, F.I., B"ODYARSKAYA, Ye.l;; SHIRYAYLVA, K.K.; 1~914CVA, V F - KCYTLL'NIKM'A, Z.V. I -o-,-#-) Treatment of pericementitis in one visit. SUmatologiia 39 no.l: 15-17 Ja-F l6o. (I-Ju 1/.:11) 1. Iz TSentrallnoy polikliniki Ministerstva. vnutronnikh dol 3LW (nachallnik M.D. Koimilitsyn). (GUbS-DISEASES) UMIOVA, V.G. (Krasnoyarsk) Dynamics of the qualitative erythrocyte cantent in hmoly-tic disease of the newborn. Vop.biofia.,, biokh"'L pat.erit nj.21 306-312 161. NMI 162-1-) (ERMIROCYTES) (ERYTHROBLASTOSIS FETALIS) T.~;, - F OVA , --i . I . "Case of Ascarlasis of the '~'Iliary -rnct," Yhtrur7lya, No.4, 1948 Propac,deutical Sugical Clinic. Stavropol Ved. Inst. IMNOVA, V. I. Brain aborcees of otogenlo origin vith rupture into the respbato aenter. Yeat.otorins 22 no.6t8547 160. ~Kmk 143 1e lz kliniki bolezney ukhap gorla i nosa (dlr, - prof. B*S* Proobrashenskiy) lachobnogo fakullteta. II Hookovskogo meditsin- skogo institutas (BRAIN.-ABBGESS) (EAR-DISEASES) LE0,10VA, V.I., Cand. Med. Sci., - (aiss) "Concition of Otorhinolaryngological Organs in women during the norml course of pregnanqyj" Moscow, 1961, 20 pp (First Moscow Medical Institute im. I. IA. Se&erav), 250 coPies 0(1-9UPP 9-0;1, 191) LEONOVA, V. I. T Changes in hearing in wamen cNring normal prognancy. test. otorin. no.3:1+4-52 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (dir. - prof. - D. S. Proobrazhenokiy) lerhebnogo faktAlteta II Voskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N. I. Pirogova, (PREGNANCY, COMPLICATIO10 OF) (HEARING) LZONOVA~ V.I. State of the larynx in women duri.,C a normal -.-)u--se of pret-nancy. Zhur. uah. noo. i Corl. bol. 23 no.2;0(-68 ll--Ap'63. (:ml 1,6:0 1. Iz kafeciry bolezney ukha, Corla i nosa (zav. - prof. 13,S. Rreobrazhenskiy) lechelmogo f"-ulstota 2-.-o 6-Soskovskogo gosu- darutvennogo meditsinskoro instituta ilxnJ. All. 1. Piro gova. C, (Pid,(Z'A:,'GY) (LA;l'Ya-lj ISLA.~FZ) Ve -L, naucnnyy rtit: LE C) N' OV A '1.1,, A, Trea taf-.rit uf cr:n)ni f., ;,, ',-zota cortLeost,jr-oid hormori,-~ 31~ no.4:79-81 Ap 164. 1. 4-7re Glamoyo upi-mr.turdye pri S ,SSR (nauchnyy nikovod.-Itell i-nbor-y chlen-korr-o prof. V.A.Puikhinnnov), Mt)pkvfj. SFEFWISKIY, II.I.; GIAGOLEVA, N.A.; ZVrOVAp A.T.;,, LFONOVA, V.M.; 1-.OZENBLITS Ye.I.; STUDNITSYNA, L.A. Result of using aeroion therapy in hyperterisicn and stanocardia. Vop.kur., fizioter. i loch. fiz. kullt. 28 no,2:130-135 Mr-Ap'63- (~aRA 16:9) 1. Iz terapevticheeXogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof. N.1. Speraziskiy) kliniki TSentrallnogo imitituta kurortologii i fizioterapii (dir. - Rand. med.nauk G.N.Pospolova) (HYPERTENSION) (AIR., IONIZM-TMWEUTIC USE) (AlIGINA FECTORIS) KRYIDV, N.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; y!-,ONOVA, V.M., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik - IlAeroion therapy of hypertension" by F.G.Portnov. Reviewed by N.P.Krylov, V.M.Leonova. Vop.kur.p fiziotez.i lech.fiz.kullt. 27 no.3;273-274 Yq-Je 1629 (MIRA 15:9) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kabinetom aeroionoterapii TSentrallnogo instituta kurortologii i fizioterapii (for Kry.lov). (HYPERTENSION) (AIR, IONIZED-THEIIAPEUTIC USE) SFFRMKIY, N. I.; GLAGOLEVA, N. A.; ZOTOVA, A. T.; V. M. ; ROZENBLIT, Ye. I.; STUDNITSYNA, L. A. ( Treatment of stenocardia with novocaine electrophoresie in Zakharin-Head' zones. Klin. med. no.9:103-106 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz terapev-ticheakoy kllniki (zav. - prof*11. I,,Srranskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta kurortologii I fizioterap ,ir. G. 11. Pospelova) (ANGINA PWTORIS) (NOVOCAINE) KOZIMIN, V.D.; TYONOVA, V.11. Change in the quantity of eosinophils In th-~- perl~pher~l in healthy people due to the administration of stryrhnir.'?, C~ffeine and ephedrine. flaiich. trad5 Riaz. med. init.. 15:38-41 162. (1,UMA 17: 5) 1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy terapii (i3polnyayiLshchiy obyazonnc,3ti zavedu:r,;shchego kafedroy - dotsent N.A.Ardamatskly) Ryazansk,)f,,) meditsinskogo instituta imen! Pavlova. I-EONO-VAf 'I'll.; KOZ1,1411", V.D.- MI.N. Effect o!' c-,hedriTle rinc: alrx-, on 'he func~~Icn of 1~h,~ Natich. trudy Rlaz. rre,!, irs.. i~:5~-5c' 'ti 2 - (.,:PA - -'7: ` I 1, 1. Kafndra frOculllctskoy t,~rapit (zav, ki,`,-?I-'roy - dot~!Cn- G.A.Dashtayants) Ryazari.3kogo medltslns~cvc irstituta im-ni flavlova. LICONOVA, Ye.F. Pliarmacolo of Xanthiuz strumarium [with summaz7 in Baglishl. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukrl. 3 noo6:137-142 D '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Gioalkiy medichniy institut im. H.I.Pirogova, kafedre farmakologit (PHARMACOLOGY) (COCKUBURS) LIONOVA, . , WV101 Changes in the nose. nAsODhaz7ax and olfActory sense in pregnancy. [with summnr7 in English]'* Vest.oto. -rin. 20 no.3:52-57 Yq-Je 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. 1z kliniki bule%ney ukha, gorln I nos& (dir. - daystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. B.S. Preobrnzhenakiy) Lechbnogo fqkulltets il Hoskovskngo meditainskogo instituta. (PRWHANCT, physiole nose, nnsophnrynx & olfnotory mense changes (Run)) (NOSE, in pregn. chnngem (Run)) (SMELL olfnctory sense chAngen in i)ragn. (RU10) (HASOPHARYNX, In Dragn. changes (Rua)) 5(2) SOV/78-4-11-5/50 AUTHORS: Mikheyeva, V. I., Selivokhina, M. B., kitqRova,__L TITLE: On the Conditions of the Formation of a Chlorine-conti.ining Derivative of Aluminum Hydride PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 11, pp 2436-2442 (USSR) ABsrRACTt A survey of publications ohows that there is disagreement on the precise composition and the properties of the compound AlHnCl 3-n , which has so far not been prepared in crystalline state. The authors first repeated H. 1. Schlesinger's experi- ments (Ref 1). They also obtained AlH 3AM 3 as a fuming, non- crystaIJIM liquid. When studying the synthesis of LiAlH 4 under intense cooling and using coarse-disperso lithium hydrit,, they obtained, however, needle-shaped crystals (Pig 1) which con- tained aluminum, hydrogen, and chlorine, but no lithium. Their heating curve exhibits a thermal effect other than that of LiAlH and is characterized especially by the explosive exo- 4 0 Card 1/2 thermic transformation at 109 C (Fig 2). Analysis of this sub- USSR / pharmocology and Toxicology-41edicinal Plants V-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol, No 23, 1958, 107354 Author Leonova, E. P. Inst Not given Title On the Pharmacology of Xanthium Strumarium Orig Pub: Fiziole zh.2 1957, 3, No 61 13?-142 Abstract: An infusion and tincture of Xanthium strumarium (XS) in a dilution of 1:100 1:50, and 1:20 does not change the rhythm and the force of the contractions of an isolated frog's heart. In a dilution of 1:10 and 1:5, XS depressed the conductivity, as a result of which a block of the heart is developed. XS lowers the sensitivity of -the heart to acetylchol- ine. XS causes the dilatation of the vessels of Card 1/2 26 LICONO Rate of absorption and elimination of radioactive phosphorus b7 the cardiac mu cle. Vrach.delo no-7:687 J1 '57. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Kafedrs farmakologli (zav. - prof. S.V.TGjyganov) Odesskogo meditsinskogo institute (PHOSPHORUS--ISOTOPES) (MMT) ___!~ONDVA, Ter...- Bffect of caffeine on phosphorus metabolism in the cardiac. nd skeletal muscles. Vrach.delo no.9t921,924 S158 (XIRI 3.1&10) : , Kafedra, farmakologil (zav* - prof, S.Y. Tsjrganov) Odeaskogo %ditainakogo Institutao* (CAMINS) (PHOSPHORUS KNrABOLISX) IJCONOVA, Ye.F. Irterial presau--e changes in animals irradi ted under ether and hexenal anesthesia [with summary in Englishy. Med.rad. 4 no.2: 3-10 7 '59- (MIRA 12:4) 1. Tz kafedry farmakologii (zav. prof. S-V- TSyganov) i kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii (zav. prof. Ye.D. Dubovy7) Odeaskogo meditsinskogo institute. imeni N-I- Pirogova. (ANESTHESIA, effects, on blood pressure changes in irradiated animals (Rus)) (BWOD PIMBURE, effect of radiations, (Ro,,x-rays. In anesthetized animals (Rug)) TGEN RAYS, effects. on blood pressure in anesthetized animals (Rua)) KAYZERKAN, M.M.., mayor meditainakoy.oluzhby; ZAVRAZHINj M.K.p podpol- kovnik meditainskoy sluzhby; KNYAZEV, S.V., podp6lkoynn medi- tsinskoy sluzhby; KOBYAKCV, Mop podpolkovnik modita:LnBkoy sluzhby; DOKUCHAYEV, G.M., podpolkovnik reditslnskoy*sluzhby; PLETNEV, NeN.~ polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; KHOROSHCHEV, V.D., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; GORBACHIK,Ye,D., podpolkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhby; DRUKER, Yu.S.; WAROV, X.M,; KaKOGOROV, P.R,., polkovnik meditsinBkoy sluzhby; KLIMENKO., A.V., podpolkoynik meditsinskoy sluzliby; RYAKHOVSKIYO I.Ye;,, podpolkovnik meditainskoy sluzhby; IVANIKOVICH, F.A.; GUBIN, S.V.; kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhby; ZOTOV, I.G., kapitan maditainskoy sluzhby; LEOITOVA, Ye.I.; BU14TCVSKTY; P.A., mayor meditsinBkoy sluzhby; GERASD(67-'A '* N.,- - -* - po(ilzlkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; GURIYEV,, I.A., kapitan medi- toinakoy sluzhby; KOLDOBSKIY, S.Z., mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby Abstracts. Voen. med. zhur. no.10:74-79 0 165. (MIRA 18:11) lZC-l'T)Vr,., YO. 11. - L, SynthnsiB rif rficonear-/ uranium phospiiatei; an,4 Tr: "- IGE14 no-30.37-55 '58. O"Mil U: it)) (Uranium ores) L:ZGNCVA., Ye. P. -o~ LEONGVA, Ye. P. "Contact reactions of subalkaline intrusions u:-)on the dolon- itized limostonos in Aldanskly "ayon," Uchun. zapiski (L,DnInCr. gos. pod In-t im. G3rteena), "ol MII, 3048, p. 109-24 X.- U-3566, 15 Ma.-ch, 53 (Lgtopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 14, 1949). 15 -57-4 -4066 Translation from: Referat-lvnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4, p 4 (USSR) AUTHOR: Leonova, Ye. P. TITIF: The Teaching of Geology in Se--ondary Schools (0 predoda- vanii geologii v sredney shkole) PERIODICAL, Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. In-t, 1956, Vol 117, pp 15-31 ABSTRACT: S. A. Yakovlev is the pioneer in the introducing and teaching of geology in Soviet secondary schools. fie wrote a textbook for this subject (1925) and a handbook on methodology for teaching geology in the secondary schools (1925). From 1934 on, geology was included as a subject in our -school program and Was taught until 1940 when the curriculum was altered because of various difficulties resulting from t'ne war. The article emphasizes the Importance of' greological studies In molding the students' dialectical materialistic Card 1/2 philosophy, and it proposes to introduce geology as an The Teaching of Geology in Secondary Schools (Cont.) lvr--~57- It -4 C-'jF, independent subject in the secondary school. Such a course should not be designed as a unit and not divided into mineralogy, petro- graphy., etc. The teaching of geology should not be done by teachers of geography who are ignorant of chemistry and only slightly acquainted with biology, but rather by general science teachers (after appropriate preparation). Card 2/2 G. ~~. D. 15 -57 -5-6142 Translation from: Referativnyy z~-.urnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 5, p 64 (IMSR) AUTHOR: Leonova, Ye. P. TITLE: The Petrography of the Post-.-Jura3sic Intrusive Bodies on the Yakokut-Kuronnakh DIvide (Aldan) jetrograftya posleyurskikh intruzivny',rh tel Yakokut,-Kuronnakhskogo vodorazdela (Aldan)7 PERIODICAL: Uc~. zap, Leningr, gos. pad. 'Ln-t, 1956, Vol 117, pp 103-121 ABSTRACT: The described region lies alonC "Ine .7,iddle part of the divide between the Yakokut and Kuronnaklri Rivers, right- hand tributaries of the Aldan. The post.-Jurassic Intrusions occur in large bare sammits (above timber line) as laccolithn, and in sr,-~ajl plateau-like upland-n as tabular intrusions, Tft,3 country rocks are Arcftean alaskitic granites, gneissgs, crystalline schists, and ma rbl e s .Cambrian deposit3 a,re also present. Post- Card 1/3 Jurassic intrusive rocks are separated Into three age The Petrography of the Post-Jurassic 15-57-5-6142 Intrusive bodies (Cont. ) groups. 1) Tabular intrusions of quartz and qaartz-free porphyrite and orthophyries. The quartz porphyries consist of phenocrysts of plagioclase (M32,40 predominantly), potassium feldspar, and quartz in it groundmass potassium feldspar, quartz, and a small quantity of plagioclase. The orthophyries are characterized by trachytic texture in a groundmass conul'sting of laths of potassium feldspar and by phenocrysts of oriented crystals of microcline. 2) Alcalic rocks of 'IV-he second age-group consist of the following varieties: aegerine syenite--containing potassium feldspar, aegerine, occasional nephe- line, and the accessories sphene, mAgnetite, apatite, and fluo.-ite; aegerine-hornblende syenite--composed of ,~-.-,dalkalic tiornblende, aegerinep plagioclase (An 10 ) and an equal arnoung of perthite; nordmarki, te--c onsis tine- o.perthite, vilth idiomorphic grains of quartz filling the interspaces (10 to 15 percent); and alaskite-- consisting of perthite, quartz (approximately 1/3 the rock), and a very small quantity of aegerine. Dike rocks are represented by s8lvsbergite and bostonite porphyries. Phlogopite-dicpside and muscovite-tremolite rocks occur at the contacts of the nordmarkites with limestones. 3) Alkaline-earth syenites are the most widely Card 2/3 SYMYUCREMO, D.P,; GLIBOV, I.V.; KADICNSKATA. M.I.; LIONOVA, Ye.P.; XADENSKIY, A.A.; PAVLOV, V.A.; PUSTOVALOV, KOTLYARZVSKATA, F.S., rod.izd-va; OU31KOVA, O.K., tsicha.rad. [Iron ores of southern Takutia; geology. mineralogy. genesis and industrial importance] Zheleznye rudy IUzhnoi IAkatii; geologiia, mineralogiia, genezis i promyshlerAoe znachenia. MoskTa, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1960. 519 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for '.PuBtovalov). (Yakutia--Iron ores) WNGVAq Ye.V.t Changes in the electroencephalo5ram, electrocardiogramp and respiration following repeatedly reproduced anemia of the brkin. Zdrav. Bel. 6 no.11:34-37 N 160. (KM 13:12) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziololgii (zaveduyushchiy - chlen- korrespondent AN BSSR I.Yu.Bronovitokiy) Hinnkogo meditainakogo instituta. (EIECTROENCEPULOGRAPHY) (BLECTROCARDIOGRkPHY) (RESPIUVON) GJJRVICHv G.I.,; LEONOVAp )~q,V.q Changes in the electroencephalogramp electrocardiogram and respiration in repeatedly reproduced anemia of the brain under conditions of rarefied atmosphere. Zdrav. Bel. 7 no. 2:31-34 F l6l. (KIRA 14-2). 1. 12 kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologi:L (zaveduyushchiy - chlen- korrespondent AN BSSR prof. A,Yu. Brono-7itskiy) Minskogo meditainskogo instituta. (F,LECTROF,NCEPWMRAPIIY) (ELECTFOGWIOGRAPHY) (RE.SPIRATION) (BRAIN-AWA(IA' , LEONOVA e.V., Dynamics of the changea in arterial hlood preBsure during tem- porarily repeated reproduction of brain anemia. Zdrav.Bal. 8 no.12:30-35 D 162. (M&Ik 1611) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologil (zav. - chlen-korrespon- dent AN BSSR prof. A.Yu.Bronoiritakiy) Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BIDOD PFMSURE) (ERAIN--ANEMIA) LEONOVA, Ye.V., Characteristics of the peripheral blood in multiple Induced cerebral anemia. Zdra-i.Bel. 8 no.2:36-39 F '62. (MIRA 15,11) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - chlen-korres- pondent AN WSR prof. A.Yu.Bronovitskiy) Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BRAIN--BLOOD SUPPLY) (AEMIA) (CAROTID ARTFP.Y__LIGATU1tE) i-wl t. iu 5 -1 &1 ak LEONOVA, Y-U.I., Cand !;!eri Sci -- (diss) "Effect of iron.ore A I ' ~l :' ~~l dust of the Krivbass n the organism of animals in &n*'e 'ab~o~a ry." Dnepropetrovsk )1958, 12 pp (Illn rr Health Dnepropetrovsk State Mer; Inst) 2T) copi,~s (KI., 32-58, 112) - 71 - ISOB07.., T Effect on the animal b,~-Iy of tYp~-s of' iron oro~ duc;t an4 du3ts containing Tiartz. Vmch.delo no.6:6!9.621 ja '59 fMIRA 11:7) is Patomor-fologicheskaya lnborntori;fa (nauchnvy ruknvodiltell - st.nquchn. sotr. M.G. Ivnnn,.,,,t) Ukrainskoga insltutn plglyen,7 trula i DrofeasionAllnyle, zabolevArd:7. T-IJNG T) I :y 7z LZONOVA, Yu.I..jpnr'kov) Machnnism of the action of iron ore dust on the human & animAl organism [with summary in English]. Arkh.pat. 20 no.3:60-66 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. 1z pntomorfologicheskoy laborntorii (nnuchnyy rukovoditel'-stnrshiy nauchM,y Botrudnik M.G. Ivnnova), Ukrnin3kogo tsentrAllnogo instituta. gigiyony truda I prof%nbolevAniy (dir.-dotsent I.I. Semarnin) (SIMOSIS, nathol. localization of Iron ore dust In reGD. trnct & onthol. mechanisms (Rue) 6M AUTHORS: Paris, M. I., S07/1 08- 13-11 -E /15 Porotskiy, F. Ya., SolovlyZv, G. TITLEz Experience When UsjJng Strong Oscillator Tub,n in Impulse Operation (Opyt ispollzovaniya m-.):31i(;Iinykh genf-catornykh lamp v impul'snom rezhime) PERIODICAL: Radio tekhnikc-,-,, 1.95E!, Vol 13, Nr 11, I:.)P 39-4'~ (USSR) ABSTRACT: The possibility of' using strong ,).3cillator tubes with active cathode, which are intended to be used for continuous operation, investigated in pulsed apparacus. The preliminary tests, which were carried out by B. 1. 42olyakov, B. T. Zarubin, B. M. Gutner and K, 11. Bulychev, gave positi*ie results. Cn the strength of these results investigations of these tubes were carried out on a larger ssale fr)in 11955 to 1956. Work was carried out in two directions: 1) Testing of the tubes in static operation for the purpose of obtaining the entire family of static characteristics necessary for calculating the impulse- operation of the generatf~lr. 2) Control of dynamioal operation Card 1/3 for the purpose of checking the working of tubes in pulsed Experience When Using, Stiong 'Pub-as in 30V/1013-11 3-1, 1-6/15 Impulse Operation operation and especially in liltrashortwa7c- generator circuits to Ice iised in pranti,-~. Possibilities of c!xtendilng the frequency range and of considerably increasing the impulse power output are pointed out. The results obtained by investi- gations are discusaad. The tests carried out showed that it is possible to use strong oscillator tubes fur continuous work at low -1requencies. The output values in the pulse obtained surpassed the nominal ones by a multiple (in the case of continuous operation). On the basis of the results obtained it may be concluded that it is pcssible to use strong oscillator tubes with thoriated vathodes in pulse generators at frequencies of 100 to 150 ffiegacYr~!--s- Z. I. Modell, G. M. Drabkin, Z. 417. Lifshits, and G. M. Moskovskaya advised the authors. A. 1. IMe rmonshteyn, Engineer, and A. Ye. Karpova, Ejjg4j.-.~er, took part in the experiments. Card 2/3 /1 :: Experience When Using Strong Oscillator Tubes in / Impulse Operation There are 5 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTED: December 6, 1957 Card 3/3 LEOROVICH, JL.L.; ROGATINSFAYA, F.A. Study of globulin fnetions 1n the blood serum of =Itiple sclerosis patients by menns of 0-trophoresis. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.4:36-38 AP 159. (KIRIL 12:7) 1. Iz Belorusskogr, nauchno-isBIedovatellskogo Instituta nevr6logii, no.yrokhirurgii i fizioterapii (direktor Ye. F. Kalitovskiy, nauchnyy rukovoditell - T)rof. D. A. Markov). (BIOOD PRMITIS) (14ULTIPIM SOLLFROSIS) (I"PiLEGTROPHORMS TS) LZONOVICH, Atypical forms of multiple sclerosis. Zdrav. Bolor. 5 no.9:41-42 S '59- (KIRA 12:12) 1. Iz Belorusakogo nauchno-issledovatellskotpo institnta nevrologii, neyrokhiru.rgii i fizioterapii (muchnyy rukovoditell - Prof. D.A. Markov). (KJLTIFLE SCLEROSIS) MARKOV, D.A.; IZONOVICH, A.L. Unsclved problems with etiology, pathogenesis. and therapy of multiple selerosis. Zhur. nevr. i psikh 59 no-5:513-517 '59. (MIRA 12:7) 1. TAfedra nervnykh bolezney (znv. - prof. D.A. Markov) Belorrueskogo inatituta usovershenstvovan*a vrachey. Minsk. (MULTIPLE SCLMRCM.IS, etiol., pathogen. & thor. (Ras)) WHOVICH9 A.L. ftrmx) Some current problema In the clinical asrects, stiology axd pathogonesis of multiple se;lerosla. Klinmad. 38 w.9843-48 8 160. ' (MIRA 13all) 1. Iz 10elorus kogo nauchno-losledavatellakogo instituta natTologiiq neMkbirurgiT i fi2ioterapii (dir. - kard,med.nauk Ye,F. Kalitovgkiy, nauchn~7 ruk(I-oditell - akade D.As Markov.). (MULTIPLE SGIMMIS) LEONOVICHY A.L. (Minsk) Ghan,ga in the reactivity of the body as a. basis for pathogenetic therapy In =ltiple sclerosis. Zhur. n-.vr,. i paikh. 60 no.11:1453- 1457 '60. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Bglorusskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut nevrologii, heyrokhirurgii. i fizioterapii (dir. - kand.idat meditsinskikh, nauk Ye.F.Kalitovskiy, nauchnyy rukovodite-11 - prof. D.A.Markov)p Minsk. (MULTIFLE SCLEROSIS) LEONMFICH. A. L. Cand Med Sci -- "Clinical peculiarities of nultiple sclerosis in c-n;7..:,.L!on with serological Pad allergic reac-.-',cns." Smolensk, 1961 (Smolenak State Liod Inst). (YL, 4-61, 209) _Z14- LEONOVICH, A.L.; HOGOTINVI-AYA, F.A. Correlation of protein fractions of the cerebrospinal fluid and the blood serum in patients with multiple sclerosis. Dokl. AN BSSR 5, no.12:589-591 D 161. (KIILI 15:1) 1. Belorusskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut, nevroloi-ii, neyrokhirurpii i fizioterapti. Predstav'Len-) akademikom r2i BSSR D.A.Markovym. (MULTIPIE SCLEROSIS) (PhDrEPIS IN TPE FODY) MA,"d,OV )D.A.; L~-,OIIOVIGH, A.L. Nouroallergic patho.,onesis of multiple sclerosis. Vcs~. U'-'; v 16 no.6:18-22 161. CtU-~A 15:1) 1. Ilaucchno-issiodovatelloUy institut nevrologii, neyrol:hirurgii I f!ZiGterapii Rinisterstva zdravockhranen'-ya Bolorruskoy 33A i Belorusskiy institut usavc-rshenBtvovan (Ifli vrachey. (MULTIP" SGLi;,MIS) 'LIM) IZOVOVICH, A.L.j SIZONENKO, T.P. Hemato-encephal.ic barrier in disseminated sclerosis following endolumbar injeotions of vitamin-B,2. Dokl. AN BSSR 6 no.5:337-339 My 162, (IURA 115: 6) 1. Belorusakiy inotitut usovorshensWovaniya vrachey i Dcloruviokiy nauchno-iseledavatellskiy institut nevrologii, neyrokhirurgii i fizioterapii. Predatavleno skademikom AN BSSR D.A. !-,arkovym. (SCInOSIS) (GYAI:OCOBAIAMIN) LEONOVICH, A.L. GaBe of dystrophla myotonlca. Zdrav.3el. 8 no.7;76-77 JI 162. (MMU 15:11) 1. Iz kliniki nervnykJi bolezney (zave,3vxy-u-,hchly kafedroy - prof. D.A.Markov) Belorusakogo instituta usoverahenstovanlya vrachey (rektor - dotsent N.Ye. Savchenko). (MYOTONIA) VILINER, B.Ya.;,LEONOVIGH, A.L. Importance of functional stress tests in the early diagnosig of dis- seminated sclerosis. Dok-1. AN BSSR 7 no.1:62-65 Ja '63. (14IRA 17:1) 1. Institut fiziologii AN BSSR i gosudarstvennyy Institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. Fro~i:itavlono akademikom All BSSR D.A. Markovym. OSIPOVA, Ya.K.; LEONOVIC11, A.L. Effect of the cerebrospinal fluid and blood serum of patients with multiple sclerosis on t1re peroxidase of the spinal cord in rats. Dokl. AN BSSSR 7 no.4t277-279 Ap 163. (MIRA 16-11) 1. Belorusskiy nauchno-issiedovatel'skiy institut nevrologii, neyrolffiiriLrgii i fiziciterapii I Belortisskiy institut unover- ahanstvovaniya vrachey. flredstavhno akademikom AN BSSR 1). A. Markovym. 4- F 1'3~3 T; .7 K oil.*- , Y,7 . Y, , . ; ' , - . ~ ". ~ ~:'; :: ;'-. , , . - . ) ". :, i,. i .r~ . n,-,. -k -. i : t-;- ! ~-, -i .-" ~~ :- ~ -, .;i;-.~) 1 ,- 71, '-' 3. (i .I "'. .,. : ,, : ~, ') ~ . JZ 1 r..O.: tlita n vrr,--, ~:il P, n~:y: -I .'. flziol.---rup I! i kli r,,'..k' n(--- v-nykii I ~ -r i-jr '.-c -)i- - -*, n.-i*.i t,-L a u,;3vcr..-t-,?ns I. wjon'-ya vracll-~ey. LEONOVICH'I A.L., Differential diagnosis of uorne dempilmatirg Zt~. navropat. poikhiat. Konmko,r 63 no.3:331)-,-45 163 17:1) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolemey (zar. - prof. D.A. Markov) Belorusokogo instituta usovershenst-vovaniya vrtichey, MbEWIP D.A.; !,Fo,l(ivl"Jli, --: , D J fferent.J it I cill a gn of j' 3 jr,,~ ob o multiple sc ~.ron vr. I F-, Vi. 0' Ir . T: P n--vro!(q,14 neyrn k t. I ri o ru Buloru:35kly 'rr 11 7 i Kafed m n orrriykh br, I E., zn .~y B-- 1?j ru koty,) I n L, t--u t -t U:~ ",j 3 t,"C- vudya vrq--h6y, Mim-,k. t 1. k. hypophysis w1r,--rial ps1kh. 65 no.111:1627-1631 1. Kafedra nervnykh Belorusokogo ins ti tuta Iz, oNovicli, A.I,. Significance of P!'z I . -:.I 'a, ;. , " , , r, " . . peroxidase and acd 1jr, of t. - I sclercals, Dokl, AN B6')R 9 nc.6-../42~-42,,. Ja 165. (!CRA 18v?) lo Belorusakiy gosudtL"tstvennyy inotitut t;.sovt3rsherL3t,,rcvanly:t vrachey, 752-7% PIC TAGS1 -population laverelont d1opertilong refractive Index hIgh:'.'hnIneA*9M*- brightness -A--' vert9d,06paition-~:0hen- ths4ubi once tan a r ~F-Ussr'- ' us4d-aslthe light4ourco, A roy cz7stAd identical to that ub. was investigated was d4md In, lieu of quartis to comimsate Xor the anomalous dispersion.' The exper#ental set-tiple shovu in Fig. I of the Encla-vure. The meacurementep ivertica.1-'Oatmis betwesn - the- maxim= and J, )6%- 'asp 4s by Ahn -for min'tatim, of: tb on _jkwping 6onditi exaw -Iddft-1 by h Vice ak- of, t jjw show 4aftiatfrO z la ;3th the ~ Amazolfed F0,y;; Tp~pult Ion cons"Inlr - also and, amo$ uith:'the reatAts obtLW4 by lusinexcenco measuremient. voder.jdallar conditions (It., D...Ulanft &at Z, A.- ChiWdkovat Optikai LEON,,',,TlPjs- A.M.; AI-EKS, t Ye.Ye.; IVANOV, A.I.; KOTSYIJBNYAK, A.V.F KACILUZIMP A P.; TUZHIJAIN, A.P.; KUDRTAVSKIY, R.T., mashinist; SHAPMOp M.h Brief resume' of the spesches made at the conference of the representatives of the collectives and shock vorkers of communist labor engaged in th-~ operation and maintenance of locomotives. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.9:1-7 S 163. (KM 16tlO) 1. Nachallnik depo Grebenka Yuzhnoy dorogi (for Leonovich). 2. Nachallnik depo komulitill,iticheskogo truda Moskva-SnrtiT-,vochnaya (for Alekseyev). 3. fiachaltnlk d o kommunIBtIcheskogo truda Liski Yxigo-Vostochnoy dorogi (for Ivwnwrs. 4. Obshchestvennyy Wishinist-instruktor, sukretart partiynogo byuro d,~po 14ukachevo Livovskoy dorogi (for Kol~-sy-ubnyak). 5. Zuveduyushchiy otdelom zarabotnoy platy i proizv(Astvenno-massovoy raboty TSentrallnogo komiteta professionallnogo :-,oyu-.a rabochikh zheleznudorozhnogo transporta, (for Kachalkin~i, ~). Muster tsekha kommunisticheakogo truda po remontu topll,;,noy appfiratury depo RtIshchevo, Privolzhskoy dorogi (for Tuzhilkln). ?. Depo Irkutsk-Sortirovochn,-y Vostochno- Sibirskoy dorogi (for KiLdrfav3k1y). 8. Starshiy master depo Tashkent Sredneaziatskoy dorogi (for Shapiro). LFONOVIGH,,.~..,!!.,_,_ in7-h.; KALAYDA, I.S. , inzh. Achieving a high operative efficiency of diesel locomotives. Zhel. dor.transp. 45 no.8:65-69 Ag 163. (MIRA 1619) 1. Nachallnik depo Grelxinka Yuzhnoy dorogi (for Iqonovich). 2. Nachallnik tekhnichefikogo otdela depo Grebenka Yuzhnoy dorogi (for Xalayda). (Diesel locomotives)