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LITVINCHUKI M.D.; t;PESHKIN~ P,P,; SAVENKO, S.S. MdIbile FP-l flux pad for the welding of longitudinal cylindrical shell joints. Avtom. avar. 16 no.9t92 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) LEFESIIKIN, V.v tekhnik Sharing the collective's life. So,7. profsoiuzy 16 no.24+:45-46 D 160. OCIPA 14: 1) 1. Chlen pravleniya kluba Honzenskogo lespromkhoza Vologodskoy oblasti. (Vologda Province-Lmbering) (Vo*logda Province-Trade =ions) lZMENINO V. Friendship with the club. Okhr. truda i sots. Btrakh. 4 no.5:11-12 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Chlen kullturno-massovoy komiseii rabochego komiteta, Monzenskogo lespromkjioza, Vologodskaya oblast'. (Vologda Province-Industrial recreation) (Volollda Province-Safety education) ' KUZURTSOV, Georgiy Alekseyevich; QzE&%wAajLLadimir Ivenovich; KHRONOFULO, H.P., red.; FOMICM, (Raising for-bearing animals; practical manual] Razvedenie -pushnykh zverel; prakticheekoe posobie. Moskva, Izd-vo TSentrosoiuza, 1958. 82 p. (KIRA 12:12) (Pur-bearing animals) - LMSUIN, Vladimir Ivanovich; AINAKHOT, S.A.. red.; LOGINOVA, Te.1-t ' -- -- -- - [Breeding Angora rabbittil Razvedenie pukhovykh krolikov. Moskva. Izd-vo X-va sall.khoz.RSYM. 1959. 15 P. (MIRA 14:1) (Rabbits) MESHCHARKINA, A.B., rod.j SAYTANIDI, L.D.p tekbn. red. (How to obtain high-qVality ra4tt furs) Kak poluchit' ot krolika vyookokaohestvemnuiu slAurku, Moskva; lzd-vo H-va sell.khoz, RSFSRy 1959. 33 pe (F-abbita) (MIRA 14-.9) KVAPILEVo A.1.9 kando se-I'khoz. nmk; SERMYAKOV, K.M., nauchnyy sotrud.; DAKINA9 M.F,,, kwW. biolog. nauk; ZUSMAN, N.S., kand. b1olog. nauk; 12MHMV-V,I., nauchnyy sotrud.; LE4D?rrPJK, S.V., kand. veter. nauk; GUSEV9 S.A.p kand, voter. nauk; DOHYCHITIA, I.N.9 red.; PROKOPY-EVA, L.N.j tekhn. red. [Rabbit rals-ing] Krolikovodstvo. Moskvaq Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit- ry, 1960. 33-1 p. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Sotrudniki Hauchno-inaledovatellskogo instituta pushnogo zvero- vodstva i krolikovodstva (for all except Dobychinaq Prokoflyeva). (Rabbits) ; 4 --V A--I -1--L-AA a oil DI 0 A A l t :0 00 go I The "VICaWs." A *Awy of th Kwos of urifte o"Ifer %' W 0 d"M."d N., 10, it pp.1 JILNO :0 in "jIllporl 4 Ow hypithr-o,6 Om liv 0 oiolv tit minjoill; tot rrim *nd lipw e ing 1o. a 9 u m 111611111*111 616) It a see 0 U~ 1_9 f 4 Ld fundamostal sub 1'q"jIkjIu 11- -00 b-aving the n4ithei- 000 400 see tie* "Of ORUL&IINSKAt .111114TUNI MISWOCAtION It I- Ike 0 .#,,#low Oil. Is. U Is At 10 'A %'# a 9 a Z F tv 01 a 1:t4 we 00 so I 1 0 1 90 no 0 0 0 4 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 4 V'V- 449Wlpv i". W.W.Upewhkin. KoUoU-Z.I40,42-3Ul fWY, d- C.A 17, 405,141%. ZVO.-L. suggests that heat demtovalion, ;;hki commences with hydrolysis. destroys the -"- bonds, thereby faclUtAting futt'.Ar clitin. chaal" Them bonds lie muct deeper in the alliumin mal. than 1~ ;~e o6ulfo roof., so Vint wuter mols. must trav"sc I vtc T a longer at tc reach them. Temp. coeffs, (of serum albu- than either ptcuilogicitrulin (11) cw eugloIns- min (lirl W 'M lin(Ill or I between 66. 1, 584 qnd 59A', 22 and 10 X it#; for fit,, twet" 01,9, 69.0 vrwl 71 .8% 74 and M X 101. 74.1 ', 91, 18 and it").; Itw III between 01.0, 09A, 72.1 aud .34 X lfll~ rtili. At a"y one (timp., 1, which Is nurit hydro. 111110C. Itaq tile (vistest rute of 41004turull4w. M. Pl,%hM�P- I '41110V G.P. (Aoskva); I U130V 0 V.V. (Mc,:3kvid) Device for detergdning the sideriminable frequency of light flashes. Zhur.vys.nerv.deiat.13 no.22371-372 Mr-A 163. RR& 16:9) (VISUAL DISCRIBINA-1-1011) 14"ADVIKOV, A.M.; LEPESHUN, YU.I. GrindinF slotter rams on the 345A priove-prinding machine. Stan.i instr. 32 no.10'-39 0 '61. (KIRA 14:9) (Grinding and polishinp) MAIIENKOV, P.V., prof.; LEMSHKINA, A.S. late pregnancy toxemias. Kazemede zhure TIO*2t64-66 Mr-Ap'63. (MM 16ill) 1. Akusberskoyo Dtdelenlye Reepublikanskoy klinichedcoy boll- nitsy Ministerstva. zdravookhrananiya Tatarskoy ASSR (glavnyy vraah - gh*V,Bikchurin (deceased]). W DASHEVSKAYAj R.Sh., kand. mede nauk 1 LEFESHKINA) A.Se Course of Werlof Is disease in preMancy. Lmsh. i gin. 39 no.41 76-78 JI-Ag'63 (MIRA 16:12) p le Iz terapeytichaskogo otdelenlya sill. - Prof. Z.I.Vzlkin) i akusherskogo otdelani:ya (natiolmr .j rukovoditell - prof. P.V. Manenkor) Respublikanskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy,, Kazan'. ROSBOLIKO, O.K.; IMP2SHKIV A, Q-1. Study of the toxicity and of therapeutic properties of crystalline actinomycins [vith summary in 7ranch, p.62] Antibiotiki 1 no.4: 5-9 JI-Ag 056. (MIRA 9:11) 1, lAboratorlys izuebenlya, lechabnykh svoystv novykh antibiotikov (sav. - dektor nod. nauk T.A.Shorim) Inatituta po izyskaniyu novykh antiblotikoy ANN SSSR. (ANTIBIOrICS actinomyciu. toxicity & ther. characteristics) ROSSOLIMD, O.K.; STANISLAVSKATA, M.S.; I&MSHKIRA. G.N. - ... - Irperimental studies on the antineoplantle properties of a nev anti- biotic 6270. Antibiotiki 4 no.6:54-59 N-D 059. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnogo izuchenlya lechebnjvkh evoystv novykh antibiotikov (za-reduyushchiy - prof. V.A. Shoriu) Instituta po, izyskaniyu noyykh antiblotikov ANN SSSR. (ANTIBIOTICS pharmcol. ) (ANTIMPLASTIC AGENS pharmacol.) ROSSOLD101 O.Kq LEPESHKINA, G.H. Comparative evaluation of the antitumor activity of the antibiotic 6270 and certain preparations from the eblorethylamine group. Antibiotiki 6 no.1:39-42 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnogo izueheniya lechebnykh svoystv novykh antibiotikov (zav. - Prof. V.A.Shorin) Instituta po izyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov AHN SSSR. (ANTIBIOTICS) (NITROGEN MUSTARDS) ROSSOLDI)p O.K.; STA14151AVSKAYA, M.i.; LLPiSHKINA, G.H. Study of the combined effect of the anttbiotic 6270 and of some synthetic preparations with an inhibitory effect on the growth of experimental tumors. Antibiotiki 6 tio.6:479-484 Je ,61. WIRA 15-1) 1. Laboratoriya ekaperimontallnogo izuchani7a lechabnykh svoyotv novykh antibiotikov (zav. - prof. V.A.Shorin) Instituta po izyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov AMN SSSR. (A]ITIBIOTICS) (TUH016) ROSSOLIMO, O.K.; IZPESMLINA, G,N,-__,,_. Comparative evaluation of the antineoplastic activity of antibiotic 6270 and echinom3rcin. Antibiotiki 7 no-4:345-348 Ap 162. (IMIRA 15:3) 1. TAboratoriya ekslxirimentallnogo izueheniya lechobnykh svoystv novykh antibiotikov (zav. - prof. V.A. Shorin) Instituta. po izyskani.,ru novykh antibiotikov AM SSSR. (AMBIMICS) (MOTOXIC DRUGS) SHORIN) V.A.; ROSSOLIMOp O.K.; STANISIAVSKAYA, M.S.; BLYUIMERG, N.A.; FILIPPOSIYAll, S.T.; L&FE311KINA, G.N. 1-ntineoplastic activity of the antibiotic olivomycin. Antibiotiki 7 no.3t6O-64 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut po izyskaniya novykh antibiotikov AM11 SSSH. (Al.rrIBIOTICS) (CYTOTOXIC DRUGS) TRUNOT, lope# IMSHKINAJAJ., redaktorl VXDXNEYNV, Ye.A., takhnicheakiy radaktor -- [measurements studies In a secondary-school mathematics course] Iswritellmys raboty na mestnosti, Y kares matemattid sradnel shkoly. Moskva, Goes uchabno-pe4agog. izd-vo Hinisteretva proeveshchentia RSFSR, 1954. 71 p. (MIRA 8:3) (Swwaying-Study and teaching) GUMIGH, T.B.; redaktor: RTBIN. 1.T.. takhnicheakiy redaktor. [Assignments for students taking secondary school correspondence courses; algebra and geometry. Class 7.3 Udaniia dlia, uchashchikh- at& saochnol erednol shkoly; algebra i geometrile. VII klass. Soeta- vil T.B.Ourevich. Isd. 8--*. Kookys.. Go@. uohobno-podagog. izd-vo Ministeretva prooveshcheniia RSYSR, 1954. 79 P. (XLRA 8:1) 1. Russia (1917- R.3.1P.S.R.) Glarnoye upravlentye shkol. (Algebra--Study and teaching) (Geometry--Study and teaching) ISTOMINA, U.S.: LVXSHKINA, V.I., redaktor; MIN, I.Y., takhnicheakiy redaktor (Algebra lesson plans for the 6th class; vork practical Plany urokov po algebre v V1 klasse; iz opyta raboty. Hoskva. Gos. Uchabno-podagog. izd-vo Hinisterstva proaveshchentia RSYSR, 1954. 117 P. (KIRA 7:9) (Algebra--Study and teaching) L E V F J- n N i r) A I I-J. 1. UNNISOVA. Tatlyana Hikolayevna; GEORGIYBVSKATA, Valentina Stapanovna-, IMM TIL_ Y_I__ reda)-tor; SHIXIN, S.T., tehhnicheakiy redal-tor [lesson plans in algebra for class 7; from totaching practices] Plany urokov po, algebra v VII klasse; iz opyta raboty. Moskva, Goo. uchabno- padagog. izd-vo Ministerstva proeveshchentia RSFSR, 1954. 134 p. (Algebra-Study and teanhing) (MIjtA 8:4) ZATTSWA, Nina Takoylevna; ZTKUS, AlekoAndra. Ivanoyna; MSTOTA, Ann& Nikolayevne; LAPXMIRA, V.I., redaktor; RrBIN, I.T., takhnichookly rediftor.'' (Arithmetic lesson plans for class 51 Plany urokov po arif- metike v 5.klaese. Moskva, Goo. uchobno-podagog. Isd-vo. Ministerstya prooveshchonii& RSM, 1954, 147 p. (VISA 8:8) (Arithmetic--Study and teaching) ANDRONOV, I.K., professor; LXPISHKINA, N.I., redaktor; SHIKIN, S.T., tekhni- cheskiy redaktor. t ~ , [Arithmetic of natural numbers] Arifmatika naturalInykh chisel. KoskTa, Goo. uchabno-padagog. izd-vo Ministerstva prosveshcheniia, RSISR, 1954. 191 P. (MLBA 8:1) (Arithmetic) EMIS, Vladimir Modeatovich; LMSHKIRL, N.I., redaktor; RTBIN, I.Y.. takhnicheekly redaktor. [Theoretical arithmetic] Teoreticheskaia. ariftetika. Moskva, God; uchabno-podagog.izd-vo Kinist,3rstva prosveshe-Inentia. RSYSR, 19540 207 PO' [Microf 11m] (Kuu 8: 5) (Arithmiatic) (Wmbern, Theory of) SI.NKIEDV, Gena4ir Petrovich; LVZMMINA, N.I., redalcter; RTBIN, I.V., takhnichookiy r&dakt;7r'*-_ 11-11~ I..,-.". . .. [Solving construction problems in classes 6-8; teacher's manual] Reshania zadach na postroenie v TI-TIII klannakh; posobla dlis. uchitelai, Hooky&, G*s.uch&bn*-pod&gog. izd-ve Hinisterstva proeveshchaniia RSM, 1955. 154 p. (MMA 9:6) (Geometry--Study and toaching) PCHILKO, Aleksandr Spirldonovidh; PCLYAK, Grigoriy Borisovich; LERSHrINA, U.I., redaktor; HMOVA. H.H., takhnichaskiy redaktor - NkNum" [Arithmetic; textbook for grade 4 of thm eletanta?7 school] Arif- matUra; uchebnik dlia 4-~vo klastin nachallnot shkolr. J4,oskvA, Goa. uchabno-padagog. izd-vo Hinistoretva proavashchenita RSTSR, 1955. 158 P. (KMA S-7) (Arithmatic-Study and teaching) ANDRONOT. Ivan KU91mich, professor,; LIMSKINA, N.I., redaktor; SHIKIN. S.T.# takhoicheskiy redaktor [The arithmetic of fractions and fundamental values; a manual for secondary schools] Arifmatika drobnvkh chisel i oenovUkh velichin; posoble dlia arednikh sb3col. Moskva, Goo. uchabno-padagog. Lzd-vo Hinisterstva proeveshchaniia RSFSR, 1955. 343 P. (MIRA 9:8) (Yractions) BARSMOV, Alsksandr Nikolayevich; LIMMINA, H.L. redaktor; RYBIN, I.Y., takhnlcheskiy rodaktor. --- - --- i -,, .. [Algebra: textbook for classes 6 and 7 of the seven-year and secondary schools] Algebra; uchobnlk d1la 6 1 7 klassov semiletual I erednei shkoly. Xoskya, Goo. uchabno - pedagog. Isd-vo Xinisteretva prosve- shchentia RSM, 1956. 158 p. Pt.l. (MLRA 9:5) (Algebra) BUZZANSKATA, Telizabsta Savellyovna; IIAGIBIJI. Fedor Fedorovich; LVESH- KINA, N.I., redaktor; RTBIK, I.T., tekhnicheskiy redaktor VRNNwwOwww**> (Collection of problems and exercises in algebra and trigonometry; for classes 8-10 of the secondary school] Sbornik vorprosov i upra- hnenii po algebro i trigonometrii; dlia VIII-X klassov arednei : hkoly. Izd. 2-e. Moskva, Goo. uchebno-pedagog. Izd-vo, Ministertva prosveshcheniia RSFSR, 1955. 159 P. (MIRA 817) (Algebra--Problems, exercises, ate.) (Trigonometr7-Problems. exercises. ate.) KISBIJV, Andrey Petrovich; IVZSIIKINA, H.I., redaktor: MIRONTSIVA. M.L. tokhnichaskiy [Arithmetic,- textbook for classes 6 and 7 of the seven-year and secon"ry schoo,93 Arifmatikn. Uchabnik dlia 5-90 1 6-go klassov semiletnet i arednei shkoI7. Pererabotka A.rA.Khinchina. Moskva, Goo. uchabno-pedagog. izd-vo Ministerstva proeveshchadia RSYSR, 1151. 1(6A7rpi;hmotlc) (MM 8:7) LAMM, Pavel Afanael7evich; LMSHKINA. N.I., radaktorl MAMIOVA, N.Y., tekhnichaskiy redalctor [Collaction of algebra pr&)lemsj Sbomik zadach po algehre. Izd. 6-ae. Hooky&, Goa. ucheibno-pridagor. izd-vo Hinisterstv& pros- Yeshobenlia RSVSR. Vol,2. [For classes 8-10 of the secondary school] Dlia B-10 klasnov srednai shkoly. 1955. 263 p. (MLRA F3-.6) (Algebra -- Problems, exercises, atc.) RKMANSICATA. Tollsaysta Savellyevne.; LZMHKINA, R.I., redaktor; RnIN, I.T., takhld~hsskly rodaktor. [Methods of teaching arithmetic; wamal for teachers) Metedika arifue- tlkl; posobio d1la uchitelai. Isd. 5-a, parer. Moskva. Goa. uahobne- pedagog. izd-vo Hinisterstya preaveshchenlis RS = , 1955- 541 p. (MM 9:5) (Arithmetic--Study and teaching) 7 4 1'jk- ) /W . "- - " ;- I NXXTTOV, Patr Aleksayevich; UPISHKINA. N.I., redbLktor; DZHATITEV, S.G., tekhh1chnskly rsda.Vf-or. [collection of geometry problems for proof in grades 6-7; a manual for teachers] Sbc'irnik zadach na, do6satellstvo po goometrii dlia. 6-7 klassov: posobin d1la, uchiteloi. Moskva, Ges.uchftbno- podagog.izd-vo X-va protiv.RSFSR. 1956. 111 p. (MLRA lo:4) (Goometry-Problems, ixercises, etc) BUDANTSAY, Petr Alakneyevich; OHOHIPAZIN, Grigorly Mikheylovich; IMSHKINA, N.I., rodaktor; RYBIN, I.T., takhnicheskiy rodaktor [Quadratic and irrational equations] Xvadratoya t irratsionallnyo uraynonlis, Moskva, Goo. uchabno-podagog. izd-vo Mintaterstra proeveshohoulis RBISR,, 1956. 117 P. (MLRA 10-1) (Iquations, Cpadratic) LARICIMY, Pavel Afax" 'Yovich; LIPBSUIRA, R.I., redaktor; SIDDROTA, L.A., rodaktor; KWOTA, redaktor. 'Collection of problens In algebra; for class 8 of the sacoad&r7 Schoo3j Sbornik sadach po algebra; dlia 8 klass& srodust ahkely. lzd*7-0. parer. Monk-ri, Gox.uchobn*-pedagog.Izd-v* Ministerstva proev*ahchoutia RSPSR, 1956. 197 P. (NIHA 9:6) (Algebra--Problems, exercises, ate.) DENISOVA. T,Ltlystna Mikolayevna; 9ZORCIITJCVSICAYA., Valentina Stepianovna; LMSHKIKA, N.I.. redaktar; DZHL?ZYICX. S.G.. takhnichookiy redaktor. [Lesson plan's In algebru for 'the 7th grads, manual for teachers] Plany urotov, po algebra v V11 klasse; posoble dlia uchitelei. Hooky&. Gos.uchabno_peda4pog.1zd-vo H-va proev. RSPSR, 1956. 149 p. (MM 10: 4) (Algebra--Study and teaching) GALAYUTMIX, rev& KeissysTma; ILrAKHINSK&TA, Klavdijra Nikelaire"M; SWR, Takev Aleksamdrevich; IRMKKINA, 9,1., redaktor; TSTM, R.T., takhnichookiy rodaktW:, IIIf%',_I.V.,t*khaicheskiy redaktor. [Arithmetic losses plans for class 41 Plaar urokov pe arifn*tike; dli& 4 kl&ssa. Iz4 2-ae, perer. Hookv&. Ges.uchebae-pedagog. izd- ve Mixisterstva presveshchenita RSFSR, 1956. 150 p. WaA 9:6) (Arithmetic--Study and teaching) BALX, Mark Benevich; LXMHXINA N.I., redaktor; RYBIN, I.Yo, tekhnichaskiy redaktor UNSONNOW [organization and content of extracurricular studies in mathematics; a manual for teachers) Orgaaizatelia L soderzhanie vneklaosnykh zaniatil po matematike; posobie dlia uchitelele Moskva, Goo. uchabno- pedagog. Izd-vo Ministerstva prosveshchanila RSISR, 1956. 246 p. (KoLthematice-Study and teaching) (VJRA 10:1) I ~ FPF-C-~DH O-N-H) W'L IARICRIV. Pavel Afanamleyvich; LMSHEINA. M.41, rodaktor; KAXHOVA, N.Y.. takhnicheskiy redaktor - LA collection of problems in algebra) Sbornik sadsch po algebra. Kookya, Goo# uchabno-podagog.izd-To X-va prosy. RSFSR. Pt.2. [for grades eight to t-9a of secondary schools] Dlis 8-10 klassov arednei shkoly. Izd. 8-oe, parer. 1957. 222 p. (MI-RA 10:7) (Algebra-Problems. exercises, etc.) Al' XULIKOV, Veavolod Vasil'yevich; IXPESHKINA, Ma, redo; MAKHOVA, U.N., (How to make your own slide rule; a manual for teachers] lak isgotovit' samodellnuiu. logarifmicheskuiu. linniku; posobie dlia uchitolet. Hoakva, Goo. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo H-va proeve RSVSR, 1958. 37 p. (KIRA 11:7) (Slide rule) BOGUSHEYS11T, K-S-, SZKORSKIT, K.P.,;,LF.PESHKI11A, ILL. red.; KUTS, 10G.9 takho. red. (Practical Instructions for teaching algebra and geometry in the 8th grods] Ketodicheskiy ukazantia k prepodevaniiu algebryi geometrii v V111 klasse. Koskve, Goa. ucbebno-podagog. izd-vo K-Ya Proav. RSYSR, 1958- 175 P. WRA 11:11) (Algebra-Study and teaching) (Geometry--Utudy and teaching) BARTBI'l, Xonstantin Sergeyevich; LVISWIM, N.I., red.; NATA"V, H.I.g takhn. red. (Collection of1roblems in plane geometry; teachers aid] Sbornik ca4mh yo goometril (plunimtrila) posobie dlia uchlielet. Moskva, Goa, uchetnow7padagog. izd-vo X-va pros'T. RSM--R.- 1958. 180 P. (Geometry4 Plaue-Problame, exercises. eta.) (KIRA lItIO) GLAGCLIT, V.S.; LVISHKIN ., red@; SHIHNOTO Gole,; MTS. .-MU4JA I.G.,-UMMFOT. [Teaching mathowtice in schools for vorking youth; a oolloction of articles] Is o-pyta propodavaniia matematiki v shkolakh rabochei molodezhi; abornik statei. gook-ye. Goo. uchabno-podagog. isd-vo K-Ya proev. RSFSRj 1958. 191 p. (XIRA 12:2) (Kethematics-Study and teaching) A Al. JARICHiVe Pavel Afaneslyevich: LIMHKIIIA, N.I., red.: MAKHOVA' 11'N.f tekhn,rad, '. _'. ! - . ,1. (Handbook on problems in algebra; for classes 8 to 10 of secondar7 schools] Sbornik zedach po algebra; dlia 8-10 klassov sradnal shkoly, Izd. 9-s. Moskva, Goo. achabno-podagoge izd-vo H-va proev. RSM. Pt.2. 195-3. 222 ps OURA 11:4) (Algebra--Problems, exercises. ate.) RIPITIV. Vasiliy Vasillyovich,; MOM, VA., reteenvint,; B.'MR-2XIISMA, TO.S., rateenzent,; Ll2z:if?XIIIA, P.I.. rod.-, IIATANOV, M.I., tcO,-I. ril. [General rlct~ods of tenching matYO-witice: a nanvbl fur institutea) Obsbehaia prepodavantia mstsmatiki'; dlia podagogichoskikh imtitutov. lloukva, Gos. uchebno-n~ilagog. izd-vo M-va proav. ILSYSR, 1959. 222 p , (YLu 11 :12) Ma thems t ics-- Study and I-eaching) GLFIRAVOVICH. Pantele7mon Y-allyevich; LLTZSHKIIIA, H.I., red.; DZEATITEVA, F.Kh., 1 LKathematical games] Hatematicheekie viktoriay; iz opyta raboty. Moskva, Gos.uchebno-pedaepg.izd-vo X-va prosv.RSFSR, 1959. 74 p. (HIRA 12:12) (HathematicB--Problems, exercises, ate.) PAMMTOV, Alaksandr L'vovich, uchitell matematiki; red.; VOLCEWC, T.L..; KRITS, I.G., [Kathematical tables for the formulation solution of problems] Katematichaskie tablitsy dlia sostayleniia i reshenits sadsch; posoble dlia uchitelel srednoi shkoly. Moskva, Goo.uchobno-pedagog. 1zd-vo X-va prosy.RUSR, 1959. 137 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Blinovskaya somiletnyaya shkoln Sorokinskogo rayona Altayskogo kraya (for Pankratov). (Matheinatics-Tables, etc.) BARSUKOV, Aleksondr Nikolayevich, LEPESILKINA. M.I., red.; MIN, I.Y., [Algebra; a textbook for grades 6-7 of the seven-year and secondary schools] Algebra: uchebnik dlia 6 1 7 klassov semiletnei i srednel shkoly. Izd.4. Xoskva, Goo.uchebno- pedagog.izd-vo X-va, proov.RSYSR. Pt.l. 1959- 159 P- (MIRA 12:9) (Algebra--Textbooks) BRADIS, Vladimir Kodestovich; 9IHKOVSKIT. Vladimir LIvovich; INARCHETA, Aygusta Xonstantinoyna; LMSUMA, N.I., red., KOVALMO, T.L.f Dirrors in mathamntical Judgments] Oshibki v matamatichookikh rassuzhdaniiakh. Izd*2&v perere Moskva, Gos.uchebno-podagog. izd-vo H-va prosy.RSFSR, 1959. 175 P. (MIRA 13:4) Nathemntics-Study and teaching) MiMAMKATA, Ifelizavete Savillyevna-, KOIXOGOROV, Nikolay Andreyevich; HAOIBIN, Fedor Yedorovich; CHMSOV. Rostislev SOMnOvicb; LIMMINA. N.I., red.; GOLOVKO, B.N.., KOUBBYA, * -.I-. -It a k6 -.iia -. [Collection of problems and exercises on geometry; textbook for secondary school teachers] Sbornik zodach i voprosov po geo- metrii; posobia dlia uchitelei arednai shkoly. Xoskye. Goo. uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo 14-va proev.RSPSR, 1959. 207 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Geometry--Problemes exercises, etc.) DOGUSMEMIT, Konstentin Sergeyevich, uchitall-matodist; SII:ORSXIY, Konstantin Petrovich, uchitell-motodist; UOSSHKINA, N.I., red.; KAKHOVA, N.M.. _-- __--._- [Methodological instructions for teaching mathematics in the ninth gradej Metodichaskie ukazaniin k propodavanii-a rmtematiki v IX klasse-, posobie dlia uchitelei. Moskva, Goa.uchabno-podagog. izd-vo M-va proov.RUSR. 1959. 18) P. (MIRA 13:4) (Mathematics--Study and teaching) THLIDNEV, Viktor Petrovieh~, LEPESHKINA, N.I., red.; KOZIDVSKAYA, M.D., tekhn, red. (Count, grasp the meaning) and guess!] Schitai, smekai, otgady- vai. llookva, Gos.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo M-va proav. RSFSR, 1960. 70 p. (MIRA 15:1) (flathematical recreations) GXRKMTICHO Pantalsymou Tul'yevIch; LMW=IXA. N.I., red.; SNIMTA, M.I., [Collection of mathematical problems to promote discernment; mamml for teachers] Sbornik sadach po mtemntike na soobrazitall- nost'; posoble dlis uchitelai, Moskva, Gos.uchebuo-pedagog.izd-vo X-va,proev.RUSR, 1960. 223 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Mathemetios-Problems, exercises, etc.) SHKOLINIX, Adollf Grigorlyevich; LEPESHKINA..E.I., red.; KOVAUNMO, V.L., tekhn. red. [Problem of the 4ivivion of the circle; textbook for teachers] Zadacha deleniia kruira; posobie dlia uchitelei. Izd.3. Mo- Dkva, GoD. uchebno-podagog.izd-vo 14-va prosv. RSFSR, 1961. 72 p. ,IRA 1r:4) lo (y (Circle) (Equations, Binomial) OBRAZ, Konstantin Ivanovich; EPPEL', Boris Sergeyevich. Prinimal uchaatiye KOLDASHEV, A.M.; LEPESHKINA, N.I., red.; KOMIETEVA, V.I., takhn. red. (The slide rule in secondary school; a textbook for teachers] Logarifaichookaia linvika v arednei ahkole; posobie dlia uchitelai. Moskva, Uchpedgiz 1962. 126 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Slide rulel PESKOV, Timofey kndreyevich,-4- TATURA, G.L., takhn. red. (Independent mathematical studies for grades 5-81 samo- stoiatellnaia rabota uchashchikhsia po matematike v V-VIII klassakh. Moskva, Uchpedgis, 1962. 102 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) IMEMKINA, V.A., ROSTIMS11114, V.A. Biochemical inversion of pent jutoe brou&t n~,aut !~y Asvo!rCI1Ius nlGer [with nunmnz7 in Znglish). Mikrobloloorila '-r no.4.-L97-5rK, J1-,A9 158 1. Yllial Leningradekogo notuchno-lenledovatel'skogo institute. torfyano.V promynhIonnastio (ASPMGILLUS. NrGER, metabolism inversion of pent juice (Run)) BOYKO, I.N.; LEPEMIKINA, V.T. Important possi4lities for increasing protein-rich fbeds. Zamledellis 25 no.2tM F 163. (MIRA 16,5) 1. Kafedra zemlodeliya Malitopoltakogo instituta makhanizataii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Peaa) 0 C 0 W a of At 0 0 PC a I I w a al at a 0 in tolvis .1. C40449 to -fte.4.4 --&8n If o OP o 4p a or Is 00, go 00 sod Ox oo osm *0 0 #r 0o S, 0-- 00 fir 00 0 0 v- i r'164~j 'V 0o 00- 0o 0 a14.w0 go 60 N'f 3 so 00 "Fwwq p wevotimsibs 0 0; JI qq ?A It a It a 4 1 r Til to 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 % 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 _60-0, 0 0 0 FF I& -** A A L A I A a X "I 0 A I AJ In Aittymbinek dietrict o( U 8 q R I It"Vall-. 1. N. 1~1-116V *IIJ 11 1 Rval. lilk.-V I I s s p l 1937. N., I,S It. A41--illts ... .. 1. k.%dlt f,,K~At .4 A,tuhr-IfUtAk, 'llfildlelf 4.) ill. "ll I'( 4s0 nee too 0 0 - 00 , o ~0 It 00 g 9 . 041 '00 Nee 0b I ; ! .106 Go "s 0 00 of too u 1~ ;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 *Te 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (00 0 :TA e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IN 0 :10 0 0,0 0 00 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 00 -00 06 -00 00 00 -00 olinAd pulAswum-magnesum oft sippooll N I , 4 If 1937. 00 11"Ailillo -fi 00 00 00 00 00 coo 00 00 -00 & 0 so -00 Of ~00 00 -06 0 0 - . a i a 40 9) it r l iso 114 It n it if U13 0 0 of 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 a * * # # 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * f O ** o 0 0 0 o 0 of 0 0 W* 0 *0 0 0 00 0 0 00-0 0-0 0-090-0-0-4 0 0 o0 0 0 * 00000000000000000000 O 0069000090000000000 V #a it 14 I't J'a111 0 0 - C I a c & It G 4 R L 0 (1 ft I T I- it. At _g . T I. LAP, it .01 1, FZ 00 00 0 90 014 . 0 1 : I OOP I 00, *0 - 009 7 oo Orr 00 , 31 os .. .... In-, -:It 0 0:2 ~ 1, *. J- w- 00 ~!&l 00 00 is 00 - I R AM I U II I I 1 a I are 'IN 'Wil h'IV' 00- Aj it, 6jqsl lirs 4tIj pas q*q 00. ;jrIlLUJ4f jljI I., p1qV41 uJIJIllf-1. All 10 9115(*JJII jUnl,lpll,,l go 00- 00 I so v I I Af The bor "otsot of Wt dopcWts, is the S-th Sawn of Coe sad in ult takes of the CSSPUR IOW- dw P"=" Lcwhovi CvvTp(.!rle)xd- d(.14 ni L R 1 1. at iove~ S. S. all nft ngligh a are it con Irm 4 Bell$ WW bm-bole Walm of bnmt of 1,rds and tif salt-lake brineq. Thew thowed up to 0.02 (101 svA ONM 144th, 1). W K~~ WIP. 4%0.ILA bit ALUJOCKA& LITCO-ItAlt CL.IUOKAII" r-T 1--y-T It 0 a Is a99 aof a n It IN 0 At 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0A 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 *0 -00 Coo 00 so* lose l"A Aft A S IOd 0 4 0 1 W 0 tAs 4 2 2 1 4 1;14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ap 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 o1 -LFPL5HY,0Vv I. N., Inst. Gen. ?4 Inorg. Chem-P Mbr. Acad. Sci., -1939-- between Liquid and -;olid Phases Of the Inder Lake I "Distrubution of 13oron AN, 24, No 7, 1939. - 1 Evaporation," Dokl- Brines During Isotherlm 0 0 0 41! Or, 11 0 Is , 000 tm ) t. 4 f, L AA Of CC 0 9 4 1.10.1 slits .0 -~Vl-fs . 00 00 PQUAWUM #&Its of the wialfris rRajous of Erkraice I ' ~ A . ( (.4, f .., S. Lep-bkov. 01011. 1,.s4 4. J. I , JK f4jal-'IM, 4(15 19(m FuSti.1%, 419 - Tlm- -11 ckl-if, INVIb J6 CAfPSljJjAn %fIXITI(Am, and --till 4 A twy 4,iafx Kit :011f.j. Ism . rv I- I dKJ; 111, 1111, llue- 00 (ItpmtA ttic-liv, 71) w1 it- , i It. y irr fours-1 of is tb e -0 o hfr Im 311 to MX) M. A114 ire 4411, 10 All)-U"t 1-314- ;. 00 ' l : in. T)w -411 -J I It, R41t, j r, SuM are lctlf~ ~tlt- millvA [ -0 by 11yMmir And I'Ainlt~; if. Gayn "I,-tly 1,~ ' .0 (1-4 _,t'; K,t) An.1 tilc d, p-t, if St, t-nwk 1,~ jvjnjjv, 1"flitc., kaintf,-, 1.6110.1tilt, .4tO kir~~Tll, M. all 0 00 Is, m 4ml it. talsirwal wrigm 11, d, 1. `0 it. lafrij - o 1.4pitt 0o z 0 0 0 coo 0 v0 o a o0 400 8 2 1f00 so oil No o l tso 0 A 1 $1 4 10.0.1641 (till fK&TC* 00 tse 0 ift a w 0 -n's lid Hill[ siss 4 0 00 go * & 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 we 00 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4VO 0 0 4 0 * * 0 * 0 No o 00 a 4" 0 0 0 0 30 0 0! 00 a 0 0 o 0 oi .Ire A4,3 e A I - X1. a Kieserite, bischofite, aM other salts jIj:ov1.-ruJ in salt deposits in the southern. part of t1w (site of) the Permian Sea. I..;j.-Lepeschkov and It. 7. lodaleva (Co=pt. rend. Aca-1. Sci. U-3-S.S., 1940, 27, 97.3-932). - Polyhalite, kieserite, rlauberite, bischofite, and thenardite have ~,ten Hentirlel bv lifferential thermorraphy in sa"..Ies taken from orInrs made In saline domes lisc(rupred at Osincy (Sarat~,v mclar.), Fairovka and Kranoyarka (Chkalov rt!rlon), ar.-.1 lshimi,apvo (3ashkir). Chemical analyses of the first three of the zinerals are riven. * -4ii * 99A 000 00 ood 004 so* 004 o*lj so% I hi I maw W" so 14. U" tba IOUs no "a@ a W" w al" plaw 9 ME C" U, -am" hatem4ruinall "All. wkb.nmwt& pdybWlovm6,l aft, be rw- waims PWYMW* und -On~-v7HO- H.M-L, :F "a ~ see See No* goo Ireq 1100 moo see 9*0 990 100 we* goo goo IjwSFx0v$ if N* Potassium salt In the Volga-labs and Carpathis-i regions. Mosk". ltd-vo Almdemil naulc SSSR, 1946. 150 P-, m&Pe- (49-55396) Cty DA ICU IOU La 1. 11. 1 11. J. Kurnakov institute of General and Inorganic Jhemistry, Academy of -cienceo of the USM. -19/,6-. "A Contribution to the Problem of Formation of Saline Beds and of Crystall- ization of Salts in the Southern Zone of the Permian 3,~a," Iz. *. Nauk SSM, Otdel Khim. Nauk, No 6, 1946. 14 Lf, ~EZt Liwi vN. ftWdhemlstry - Saltsp Systems of SePt 47 Oiemistry - Stratification "The Singly Related System AgV03+ TIJ -4 AgJ + TIN03p" L. G. Berg, I. N. lepeshkov, 12 pp "Izv Sektora Fiz-Khim Analiza" Vol XV Authors condu6ted experiments to determine stratification of above given equation In presence of chemical bonds between various components, particularly fields In which region of stratification expands. Discusses setting up experiments, methods, and evaluation of results. Fai;ed to determine upper limit of stratification since siats began to decompose at 500 . F~rof A. G. Bergman aided experiments. PA 54TZ7 Pot"ma sans og the Volga-gmba and Sub Cat pathLam I 1161~r ) &ARI thsk affectivene" an (tawtom Istrit. seitod AL-Kkiffig. Alodf.. loril. I)bjAeM # Nprg.,# Xhimo.. Abod. Nawl S.S.S. H. 16. N'.. 3. 127 411 Mxi. '11%, C-hrm. CCUSIMI. 4 4MV 94111;)IrS tAkfil Ittfln llki[W(Al 'ICI..its ill thr ARTS ulu-C timford by On, I.CrIl"I'llo, INIIII Q ;.Mw A the ruilr.1% %,fr U-1 ill Sol. '&4 is giml. . kulturalcupts. ,,.I thair gffrct on thr Y"I i, ClIr'j. M. UR.A20vo a.a.; UpIgsimov, I.-M. Salt riches Of Lake DeMiz-Kull, Trudy Inst, Khim. Akad. Hauk Uzbek S.S.R., Inst. Khim.. Obahchays, i Heorg. KhIm. No.2, 89-93 149. (KI-RA 5:12) (CA 47 n0-18:9072 153) .1 u~~-7,-my0l:, T. 1. 22340 Lepeshkov, Is Is Dmitriy ivanovich kuznetsov. (Yhirdk. 1904- 1943). Izvestiya sekto.-a fiz.-khim. analin (in-t obshchey i neorgan khimii im. kurnakova), T. XVII, 1949, S. 5-7, S P6rtr.- Bibliogr: !(Spisok Pechatnyirh Rabot D. I. Kinnetsova)'. 12 f.azv. 301 LETOPIS' No. 30, 1949 LVASROV, I.E.; BODLMA, N.V. Solubility Isotherm of the aqueous reciprocal system 12C12+ M9804= K2604 + KgCl2 at 350. 17:338-344a '49. (KLRA 7:6) 1. Inatitut obshchey I noorgenichookoy khimii Cim. N.B.Iturnakovaj Akademil nauk SSSR. (Sulfates) (Chlorides) (Solubility) 1. LEPZSHKOV, I.N. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Bergman, Andrei Georgievich 7. "Physical-chemical principles in the study and use of salt deposits of the chloride-sulfate type.', A.G. Bergman, N.P. IULhnaya. Reviewed by I.N. LEP-7SHKOV Sov. kniga no.12, 1952 9. LlonLhk List of Russian Accessions, brary of Congress, March 195 ,3, Unclassified .0./ 1- rvi r 'll.;InfN 11 t q o it o I' nit t ~ i rit Ft ri - rot wOt! r- k1l I n. b-try of Con,.-,ress, ')-ember l) Unc1q, q, f Sl- to 01 b"k at ma, Volga, I N Aad Neuk S.S.S.1e. JLJ. 451-11 in brtucvn the Ural arml %-W- C-4 liver* concuris mmmy tAII cupcA&% that carry The salt lAyrr WMW M-W) m. below Ike surface. liorings in the StAli"ITAII reTIPAIM sell deposits at depths zr~.%Irr ihAn 1414) in 41ply cmnposomf of N4CI with 0.21 03~; K %&Its A I., W"t is natl. The cupt.. of the %irat.v r~gt:. I- ma~t deptyit. *I 2,10-M) no depth. G. M. K-UIPOI USSR/Chemiatry - Magnesium I Apir 52 "The Crystallization Order ef Salts In -the Evap- oration of Water From the Aral Sea," 1. 11, Le- pesbkov, 14. V. Boduleva, Inst of Gen and Alnor,, Chem imenJ N. S. Kurnakov,Acad of Scl SSSR "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 83, No h j, PP 583, 5814 Water from the Aral Sea was evapd and the ord~.-r of crystn of the dtssolved salts noted. Thf- MgS01, content is 26.45% as compared with 6,441, for the ocean. 234T11 I-NMOM" F P W1,19090- Nj M7 'I N.n F7 T T vrn, .r- 1,- 7-, Coinpooit.*Lon nnd Solubility of (,arbonate 'Rocko Charncteriotie :0.,. C,!rtain Deposits in the Volga H,--glon" Izv. sektora fiz.-khim. aaaliza IONYi r,"N SS5?p 2 3 1 1 X, - The investigated rocks from the deposits "1,',ogutov Mountain' and Apple Gulch" are represented by the authors as principally dolomitized limestones and calcarous, dolomites. They determined the solubility in water of dolomitized limstones and dolomites at 250C and pressure of one atomoaDhere of COp- (RzhGeol, 11o 6, 1955) SO: Sun-ITo 787, 12 Jan 56 IWL* - ~ I.AA-t 1U44 - C'UW -A#^ - KXKUAJCO%,- U S P6GODIN, S.A.; LEPISHKOV, I.N. Academician Georgii Grigorlevich Urazov. IZT.SOkt.fiZ-khiU.&Ml. no.Z5:7-16 154. (KUU 8:5) (Urasov, Georgii Grigorlevich, 1884-) IMSMV, I*N.; SAVITSXIT, U.N.; rRAMNA, M.D. - Preparation of double salts under pressure. no*25:144-149 154. (M12A 8:5) lo Institut obahchey i neorganichaskoy khimii im. N.S.Kurnakova Akademil nauk SSSR. (Salts, Dauble) USSR/Physical Chemistry - Thermodynamics. Thermochemiotry. Equilibrium-. Physico- chemical Analysis. Phase Transitions, B-8 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957) 351 Author: Berg, L. G.., Lepeshkov., I. N., and Rassonskaya, 1. S. Institutiont None Title: Thermographic Analysis of Salts Original Periolicalt Tr. 1-go eoveshchaniya po termografii. Kazan, 1953, Moscow-leningrad, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1955, 171-181 Abstract: The basic steps in the development of the thermographic study of salts during the last few years are described. A temperature table of the thermal effects recorded on the heating curves of some binary salts and crystal hydrates is-given. Card 1/1 r USSR/Genral Problems Methodology. Scientific Institutions A-1 and Conferences. Instruction. Questions Concerning Bibliography and Scientific Documentation. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1957, 2564o Author Inst Title Outstanding Soviet Chemist. Orig Pub Xhim. nauka. i prom-st', 1956, 1, No 5, 579-582 Abstract To the 15th anniversary of the death of N.S. Kurmkov (186o - 1941). Card 1/1 - 3 - BODALIMA, R.Y.: LEPEMOV, I.N. Study of solubility In the system: I SU v- XgSO 4 - C8804 H20 at 550. Zhur.naorg.khtm. 1 no .5~;9~?-1007 My '56. (KM 9:10) (Sulfates) (bolubility) I-N. SHEVChW, V.G.; LKPESMV, - NO- 4~~ Solubility isotherm of the quaternary systeo: N so - z so - (NH4)2 - H20 at 350. Zhur.neorg.khtm. 1 no.8:18;9_1995A'g N. (sulfates) (KM 9:11) I&TSHKOV. 1.N. - --i-OrAwTventyr Ou'l7ghttl luternatioml Inductrial Chmmistr7 Congress in Madrid. Zhur.ueorg.khim.1 n9.4:874-877 Ap 156. (KLRA 9:10) (Madrid--Chmietr7, Technical-Ungrosess) TJSSIVCosmochemi s try. Geochemistry. HydrochQmistry. D Abs Jour : Referat. Zhurnf,l laiirrdya; 'tic 6, 1957, 18965. ."tuthor : I.N. Lepeshkov. Inst -A-F.Me'my of Sciences of Ussii, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry. Scientific Institute cf Fortil- izers atid Insocto-Funaicidco- Title Study and Use of Nuturall Folyhalite Salt. Ori [,, Pub Vestn. A11, SSSB, 1956, No 7, 83-85. Abstract In April 1956 U.S. Kurnakov Institute of r;cn:2ral and Inor,,Pnic Chemlstry of' the Ac!~.demy of Scienc..,s of USSR rogether with the Scientific Institute of Fer- tilizers and Insecto-FUOcides of the MinJstry of Chemical Industry armajied a conference concerning the questions connected with the study of natural depos;ts of polyhrilite (Y,2SO), ?"#,'SrJ4.2C,,tSGj,-2H20), and As usj as a new potassium-argnLsium sulfato f~!rt!lfzer ftnd rough materitil for the prodtiction of varivis potrissfum and magnesium salts Card 1/1 -77- XAVXRZMA, To.D., doktor khtnicheakikh nauk; LVXSMOT I.M., doktor khimicheskikh nauk. .ZVO~UOW At the 28th Intonational Congrese on Industrial Chomistry in Kadrid. Vest.Al US= 26 no.5:64-68 my 156. (WRA 9:8) (Kadrid-Chomistry, Technical-Congresses) LKMHXOV, Ij. Research of N.H.1fremov in the field of mineral salts. Izv.Sekt. fis.-khim.anal.27:23-27 156. (XLRA 9'-g) 1.1astitut obshchey i seerganichookoy khimii imeni H.S.Kurnakova AN SSSR. (Salts) (1fremov, Nikelai Hikolaevich, 18M-1947) 14-57-6-12319 Translation fromf Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Ur 6,, p 86 (USSR) AUTHORSs Lepeshkov, I. No, Solov'yev, V. Ko, Smirnova, No No TITLE: A Physical and Chemical Description of the Tuva Saline Lakes (K fiziko-khimicheskoy kharakteristike solyanykh ozer Tuvy) PERIODICALI I3vo Sektora fiz.-khim. analiza IONI'ai AN SSSR, 1956p Vol 27,, pp 380-392 ABSTRAM The chemical composition of their salts and saline deposits assigns most of these lakes to the lat class (According to No So Kurnakov's classification), with a coefficient of exchange K=M9 S04/Mg C12>0.. There are also lakes and salt marshes containing solutions and waters enriched by carbonates and bicarbonatess These belong to the sulfate and soda group of lakes, Card 1/2 Khadyn, Shara-Kur, etoo In respect to their physical A Physical and Chemical Description (Conte) 14-57-6-12319 and chemical nature, the latter resemble somewhat the lakes of the Rulunda steppeo which are of soda t7ps in the first stage of formations, Card 2/2 Go As 06 da IJUMSHKOV, Ivan NA~opqy,4,hi,,PT .,re ktor; GUBIN, X.I., n a~iiiy redaktor [Natural salts and thoir significance for the national economy] Pr1rodaye soli i ikh snachanis v narodnom khozialetya. Xoskya.. Izd-vo wZnante," 1957. 28 p. (Teesoiuznoe obehchestyo po' rasprostraneniiu politicheakikh i nauchnykh 2nanii. Ser. 8, no.1) (mLRA 10:4) (salts) J.1 S 2 2 5 *', . oft. . twith poctrait) and revicvr of UrazoT's work. ISI r-,ftr- A. P. Kotlaby A'MIORS TI T L PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 112 Lppeshkov. I, ':cjvi;',:ova, L. V. 7U-3-5-355/39 C% t'.e Zormatozn of Polyhalit3 .or r ~1';razovanii 7ervjCjjr :~hurnal Neorl-aniches'l-oy Khimii, "1150". Vol 5' ':r 3, pp 1261-1264 (usn) ExperiLienta for tl,,,-- uf -,roce---r' of formation of pri:n-ry polyhalite -:~ re out a, )50C by the cvapora%ion 31' 3,-whetic L;cIati,:ons by ad= din- acqueous calciu;.i sulfrtr, solatiens. U The cheraical analjoia of t~ie obtainA 1-~(;:~ooii :uho',';ed that more than 95,"4' of the c-,asist-Sof :;Ureot polyhalite S 0 !1,-B0 Caso, 11'0 2 4 4 The -aicroscop-J--al invest i~;at iom; rc-oult. It, -(-'DUlt5 fro,i the th,~r:.~o,ja:)hic t-,urvi,, that 'a ('.o:-.iplete dQhydration of polyhaUte )ccurs at 3?~ )C 'und that 'Mel+in- bc-in3 at 00occ. Th,~ formation of pri,-.iary po~Lyhalfte the and a na 1.~,, s i s , 0 On tho iormation of Primary Polyhalite T-3-5-35/39 'I'here are ', fi~;urez, ~ tables and which -ire Z~ovicl, AS'SUCIATIGN: In:3titut ob3licchej i ncor~;anicheskcy 1rhimi i,:i. N. S. Kurnakova Akudemii nauli SSGR (Institlite of Gencral and Inor,-,an-4?-. Ch2nii--try imcni I.. S. Ku2,,ia,:zv,AS USSR) S U JI " ITT -~~ Dljucc%ibt~r 2P, 1957 A VA I LA',L i,: Liloracy of 3. 4. Card 2/2 M am AUTHORS: lep hkov, 1. N., Novikova, L.V. SOV/78-3-10-27/35 TITLE: Physicochemical Investigation of the K 2s0 4_11gSO 4- CaSO 4- H20 System at 35 0 (Fiziko-khimicheskoye izucheniye sistemy K2so 4- MgSO 4- CaSO 4-H20 pri 350) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 19589 Vol "J, Ur 10, pp 2395-2407 (USSR) ABSTRACTs An investigation was carried out at 350C of the solubility of the salts, the viscosity and specific weight of solutions of the system K 2s0 4-MgSO 4- Caso 4-H2O,as well as of the ternary systems K so mgso If 0'K M -CaSO -11 0 and 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 CaSO _MgSO-H 0 belonging to this system. In the investiga- 4 4 2 tion of the four-component system the following salts were ascertained: polygallite -(K 2s0 4* mg:30 4' 2CaSO 4* 211 20)-' singenite -(K 2s0 4' CaSO 4- if 20)-' gypsum-(Caso 4' 211 20-, K2so 4' 5CaSO 4*H20, schenite- (K2so 4' Mgso 4' 61f20 )-, epsomit"? - Card 1/3 'MgSO 4' 7H20 ) and arcanite( K2so4 ). Polygallite is formed Physicochemical Investigation of the K SO SOV/78-3-IC-27/135 CaSO 4-H2O,System at 35 0 in the system analyzed at 35 0C only in the range of higher concentration of magnesium sulfate. The crystallization range of pollygallite is extended considerably when temperature is increased. In the solid phase of the system polygallite is at 35 0C in paragenesis with gypsum,singenite, schenite and epsomite. In the potassium deposits of the Volga-Emb and the Carpathians , polygallite is in paragenesis with the following sulfatesi anhydrite -(CnSO 4)-t gypsumt H ' so 2 Mg SO kieserite-(Mgso 4' 21J)-, langbeinite -(K 2 4 4 and glaserite -( 3 K 28o 4* Ila 2so4). The results of the solubility of the ternary systems correspond to those obtained from the investigations of viscosity and specific weight of the systems. The results of the physicochemical analysis of the four-component system K SO 4-,'1ZS0-CaSO - H 0 are of importance for the explanation of thg formition oi natural polygallite. The formation of polygallite in nature,which is caused by evaporation of sea water, takes Card 2/3 place probably at relatively low temperatures ( lo-35 0C ). Physicoche.mical Investigation of the K2so 4- !4gso4 SO'1/78-3-10-27/35 CaSO 'H20 System at 35' 4 There are 16 figures, 4 tables, and 27 references, 14 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Institut obshchey I neorganicheskoy khimii im.N.S.Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR ( Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N.S.Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciencei-,USSR) SUB,MITTED: September 6, 1957 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Andronoval X. Pop Leposhkov, I. No '~O-1/78-7-G-2- TITLE: The Isothermal L'-n(,:-, of tho Solubility of the Sy:;'-#~m K SO -Na so -MESO -H 0 at 750C (Izoterma rastvori&vc,!.-' 2 4 2 4 1142 K230 4-Na 2so4-MES0 4-1120 Pri 750) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorgani(,heakoy khimii, 19'5~8, Vol 3, Nr 9, pp 21116-21E4 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The solubility of the quaternary system K SO -Na SO -11gso'-11"o 2 4 2 4 and of the ternary system K2 so 4-Na2so 4-H20 was investigatl-.~j at 75"v- In the investigations of the ternary system K2SO 4- Na so -H 0 a soll-d phase of varying composition of the C-laser-`te 2 4 2 type was fcund whlch is to a Creal, extent enriched with sium sulfate. The maximur, ratio of K 2304 -. Na,2so4~3 ir: tniz compound 3,75 ; 1. The solubility d"agram, of the aquec~us quaternary systt~jn of potassium sulfate - sodium sulfate - magnesium sulfa'a J-9 :~haracter--.zed by the accurrance of 3 Card 1/3 crystallization range3 of the following salts: