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LES, Franciszek Isotope shifts and hyptrfine structure insome uit..-aviclet linen of cadmium. Inst fiz Jadr report no.356:1-26 '64. 1. Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow and Institute of Nuclear PhysJcs, Krakow. 66--- IJP(12) ---GG AR6000103 swwz cmz: mV1mwA/65/ow/oo8/Aoi6/Aoi6 I CITED SOURCE: W. ktro - ov-il, -AW t. 2., vyp. 1, .1964, 6o5- 618 r_ .0 -AN TOPIC TAGS: UV spect'rosc~ , dielectr~lc coating, optic resolution; UV optic materi interferometer TITLE: Use of dielectric coatings in ultraviolet spectroectTy of high resolution SOURCE: Ref. zb, Mika, Abs, U151 AUTHORS: wevodnichansm, a* ORG: none" I q i 5-3~ M-1ATIONi A vacuum system was constructed for obtaining semitranparent dielectric and tetal-dielectric mirrors with interference control of the optical thickness of of the layer during the time of operation. A method was developed for obtaining metal-dielectric mirrors for Fabry-Perat interferometers, having favorable optical parameters in the ultraviolet region. With the aid of the prepared interferometers the authors measured the isotopic shifts in several ultraviolet lines of Cd II and Zn II and the electric qiwArupole momenta of the stable isotopes Sb12-1 and Sb'23. SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: none/ ORIG REP: 000/ ON REF-, 000 11's)- ?~ Isotope shifts and hyperfine structure in the ul'-ra-riclet liftea of cadmixa. Act& phyalca Pol P6 no.5-951-962 N 164. 1. Institute of Fhysics of the Jaglellontan Univeralty, K-,akcw. Sulmitted April 16, 1964. iii-~irWISOIVG 04CMIUM.1 &fPIC 2 different cadl: !'Of excitation. Mrs. Y rd d -7 jaglign _n Ual, 1~11~jty )(in U.-Th a of the spectral lines, In th Itie Cd x tsiplet.- 5M A., 48W A., 4078 A. were found to depend on the conditions of excitation, The changes in the intensity ratios art attrib.. uted to the reabsorption phenomena connected with the, changes In the population of the SP? and OPs' ststes. I Herbert Liebeskhftr- IES, Z.; IES, F. Isotope shifts in the Cd Il lineB k3535 X ands, 32-,,0 1. ;.cta physics, Pol 21 no.4:429-431 Ap 162, 1. Institute of Physical Jagel2onian Universityo Krakow, LES, Zofia "Collection of exercises in atomic physics" bj I.E.Irodow. Reviewed by Zofia Les. Postepy fizyki 13 no.~:364-365 '62. IES Z - NIEWODNIGZANSKI, HO 1SAm"ft ratios of spectral lines in the sharp sezies triplets of atoms of*the second column of the periodic table. Acta physioa Pol, 20 tonS.-701-714 t61, 1. Institute of Physics.. Jagenonian University,, Krakow, LES,.F.; LES, Z. MetAllic-dielectric mirrors with high reflectivity in the near ultraviolet for the Fabry-Perot interferometer. Acta physica Pol 21 no.5:523-528 My 162. 1. Iratitute of Physics, Jagellonian Univarsity, Krakow. -LES, Z. Mrs.; LES, F.; GABLA, L. Semitransparent metallic dielectric mirrors with low absorption coefficient in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum (3200-2400 A ). Acts. phytica Pol 23 no.2:211-214 F 163. 1. Ifistitute of Physics, Jagollonian University, Krakow. I - YS;AJA ,- A.nte, , .saradnik (Zagreb, ~~-L ~ li,,. -; :', I - -, Organization of tjj(? ,, j,,11 j 1. 1 . " :r I c I --. pr] sen. Tohnika jug Jq . . . 14 nc,. 2:383-387 F 164. 1 no. -- . ~ u I T-1 . : - , -_ -.-.I j 1. InstItute of Economics, "Gf;rfb. 1 .9 ISSAK, J. Electrically controlled distribution ring in granaries. p. 63. TMMrAA VYYUPU, MMARSTVI A PIXARSTVI. (Ministerstvo potravinarskeho pnmyslu a vykupu zemedt-lqkych Pjimbku a 3druzeni mlynu a pekaren) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 5) no. 2. Feb. 1959. Monthly List of East European Acces3ions (21FAI), LC Vol. 9) no. 2, Feb. 1960. Uncl. CZECE/3-59-10-11/37 AUTHOR: Lesdkj J,, Vrs4ovok)F, E, TITLEt Furthy Respond to the Glidin B:otion Challenge (Dalfl ohlas na vjzvu plaohtalak cokoo) PBRIODIOALi KPdla Vlaeti, 1959, Nr 10, lower part of p 7 (CUR) AUTHORi Artiole doale with the oontributionc towardo the 4th OPZ (National Glider Championship) fund drive by the Liboreo ReSional Acroolub Hodkovica Aviation Station and Podhofany Glidor Tow btation, Card 1/1 TASAK, Jan., MUDr. asistent kliniky Audiometry In children. Cask. otolar. 3 no.2:95-98 My 154. 1. Z detake otolary-ngologicke kliniky lekaroke fakalty Karlov7 university v Fraze. Prodnosta doc. MUDr B.Wiskovsky. (MRING TZSTS, *audometry in child.) LZSAK, Jan, MUDr, asistent kliniky Objective audiometry. Cas. lek. cesk. 94 no-3:45-55 14 Jan 55. 1. Z kliniky pro detskou otolarMologil lek. fak. KU v Praze-, prednosta; prof. MUDr. B.Wiskovsky (HEARING TESTS audiometry, objective) BLAZEK, Frantleek; HERDEGEN, Ludviki LFSAK,,-Jan----,- Relation of diseases of the paranasal sinuses to the anDearance and development of bronchial asthma In children. Cesk.nediat.15 no.6/7?624-630 J1160- 1. Laborator pro detskDu pneumologii pri IV. detake klinice fakulty vaeobeeneho lelmrstvi KU, vedouci: prof.dr. 7r.Blasek. Klinika detske otorhinolaryngologie, prednosta: doo.dr. J.Chvojka. (ASTHMA in inf & child) (PARANASAL SIFUSES die) UP,/0120/66/000/003/0210/0212 )tas,, L. X.; Losauskia, V. P. Folytechnical Institute (Kaunasakiy politekhnicheskiy of double modulation in paramagnetic resonance eksperimenta, TOPIC TAGS: microwaves, spectrometer, EPR detections physical chemistry instrument, lines frequency modulation spectrometers no. 3. 1966s, 2-10-212 opectruin, sensitivity increase, signal magnetic field, frequency control, aboorptio, ABSTRACT: RE1301 microwave spectrometers, used in the observation of cloctron para- magnetic rosonanco (EPR) signalsj have a low sensitivity duo to the zero drift. Instm ment sensitivity can be improved by decreasing the zero drift through additional modu- lation of the magnetic field with a frequency of 50 cps. Those conditions produce a signal voltage with a frequency of 50 cps at the output of the first synchronous detoc. tor. The signal voltage is being amplified in a low-frequency amplifier and detected I in a second synchronous detector. At the outlet of the second synchronous detector UA voltage, being close to the second derivative of the absorption line,, is amplified and; ACC NRt AP6022035 then recorded by an EPP-09 potentiometer. A block diagram of the RE1301 microwave spectrometer with double modulation and a spectrogram, are included in this study. Instrument sensitivity can be further improved through modulation with a frequency other than 50 ape or multiples of it: Furthermores the first and second derivatives of the signal can be recorded simultaneously by employing two recording instruments and individual d.c. amplifiera. Orig. art. hast 2 figures. SUB GOM 20p 14/ SWM,DAT&t 21Mv6W ORIG REN 001/ OTH REF& 002 ACC NRI AP6022035 SOURCE CODEs UFV0120/661/000/003/0210/0212 AUMORs Bulotas. L._K-;_Lesauskisj V. F. ORG: Kaunas Folytechnical Institute (Kaunasakiy politokhnichookiy institut) TITLEz Use of double modulation in RE1301 microwave apectrometern for the oboorvation of electron paramagnetic resonance SOURCEs Pribory i tekhnika eksperimonta, no. 3, 1966, 210-212 TOPIC TAGS: microwave, spectrometer, EPR spectrum, sensitivity increaso, signal detection, physical chemistry instrument, magnetic field, frequency control, absoAFWAUSA line, frequency modulation ABSTRACT: RE1301 microwave spectromoters~. used irk the observation of electron para- magnetic resonance (E?R) signals, have a low sensitivity due to the zero drift. InstzL- ment sensitivity can be improved by decreasing the zero drift through additional modu- lation of the magnetic field with a frequency of 50 cps. These conditions produce a signal voltage with a frequency of 50 cps at the output of the first synchronous detec-, tor. The signal voltage is being amplified in a low-frequency amplifier and detected ;- in a second synchronous detector. At the outlet of the second synchronous detector the voltage,, being close to the second derivative of the absorption line, is amplified an~j -k~c NRjAP6022035 then recorded by an EPP-09 potentiometer. A block diagram of the RE1301 microwave spectrometer with double modulation and a spectrogram are included in thin study. Instrument sensitivity can be further improved through modulation with a frequency other than 50 cps or multiples of it. Furthermore, the first and second derivatives of the signal can be recorded simultaneously by employing two recording instruments and individual d.o. amplifiers. Orig. art. hass 2 figures. SUB CODE: 209 14/ SUBM DAM 21M&Y65/ ORIG Wa 001/ OTH JWj 002 L _j1475-66 ETC (f) DS ACC NRi AP6023167 5OURCE CODE: CZ/0008/65/000/011/1353/1357 AUTHOR: Dusek, Karel; LeBek~ Jan; Hagberle, Kurt ORG: Research Institute for Synthetic Resins anda Lacquex-s' Pard-ubice (Vyzkumny ustav syntetic ych pryakyric a laku) TITLE: Recorded measurements of conductivity of solutions in the determination of the rate of ion exchange in ion-exchange resins SOURCE: Chemicke listy, no. 11, 1965, 1353-1357 TOPIC TAGS: ion exchange resin, electric conductivity, ion ABSTRACT: The authors describe an apparatus which they designed using materials that are obtainable in Czechoslovakia. The calibration of the instrument is described. The concentrations of the ions can be found from calibration curves. The electrodes are made of platinum foil, are in cylindrical shape, and have a common axis. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 3 formulas. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 017, 20 / SUBM DATE: 05Oct64 ORIG REF: 001 OTH REF: 002 Card 1/1 thc, 0 1. LESAK, Yan IL-oosak, Janl SuriodiagnostLc mtriorti anj tcc~-.nique. Vest. ~t~~)rin. 25 n0.5: 38-42 5-0 163. ~-AIRA 17-6) 1. Iz otdolonlya boloznoy ukha, goria i nosa (zav. Yan Lesak) Instituta organizatsil. zdravvokhranenlya na zhcloznodorozhnom transporte, Praga, Chekhoslovakiya. ZAVOLZIISKIT, Sergey Germanovich; LICSAKOV, V., redaktor; TEWROV, Tu., redaktor; PIOTROVICH, M.,-tfflMIn6skIy redaktor. [Hungary on the road to socialism] Vengriia na puti k sotsializmu. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry. 1955. 70 p. (MLRA 9:1) (Hungaz7--Iconb!R8 conditions) IIESAXOVA3 A. S. "On Distribution of Phosphorus Between the Ormianis or the Mother x-W Vie Fetus. (Mr- perimental Itudy with Appl-ication of p32)." Dis:;f.-rtation for Decr,.,e of Caryl '. -,a,.,c- for . Medical 5-`ences) Second ioscow State 11.'edical Inst i--,eni I. V. 3-~alin, !~,oscoal 1955 SO: M-1036 23 liar 56 OMEN A7 ;".4- 4'r A. c -AbW ;Mpm I 3-~-4.1 JZIJV - AAI~ mob., 87 1~ t ud IWWW -At in -ts %sit in non-pftc ax, but bony Was Irguad 14 in -ga In Kepa It fautmt~m Of bolty tissue oixurrto aftex 30 hr towaxdi u" tatl of sAipjab after 14 119, ILM ivItcc IS 4r. .fA the,joet_ vaturation with 46P ofbr~Aj ifur lalk-etive C a* 24. hi. be motW (the cata to the Mather ratto ca h th; '5a, RM W twft -OVA, bit by tuc OK no (Ru 7g-.'z- -- - ---- LESAUSKIS, V.P.; BARSHAUSKAS, X.M. [Barsawkaa, K.M.1 C Concerning M.K. Belkin's article "Problem concerning the noise level in regeneration." Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 5 no.3:412-413 My-Je 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Kaunasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, (Amplifiers (Electronics)) (Microwaves) (Oscillators, Electon-tubs) LESAY,, Anton Application of the results of technical development and new machines. Tech prara 15 no.8:629-630 Ag 163. 1. Kablo, n.p., Bratislava. TOROK, Istvan, dr.; LHSCH, Gyula, dr. Role of payment of wages in the occupational therapy of mental disorders. Ideg.ozemle 12 no-10:306-307 0 159. 1. A VasmegVei Tansce Betegioglalkoztato Intezete, Simusag (Igaagotol Dr. Losch Gyula foorvos) (MENTAL DISORDW therapy) (OCCUPATIOR&L THER&PY) OLINIC1, S.) F 1. or.; 1hZCINSX1, Sofia, Hr. - BUJILJ%, Scflu. dr. c" Some data on the LyPes a-bP2,d~ev and f cf S. boyd-Novoggrodskmia flpxneri, 1. i1f 111) 111 p V~ V1, and VIN of ". Boyd -NovogorcA kaia and S. Boyd strains isolated in Numnia. Micrr)biolr)g'ia (flucur) 3 no.5t453-456 S-0158. OLINIGI,N.; IMaIRSKI.Sofia -, BUSILL,Sofia -------- Some data concerning the types a,b,c,d,e, and f of Sh. flemneri and and VII of Sh. Boydii-novgorodskaya as well as the strains of Sh, Boydii isolated in this country. Rumanian M. Rev. 3 no-3:40-43 J1-S '59. (SHIGALLIQ OLINIOIJI N.; ~MCINSCHI, Sofial an collaboration aveo IVASCO, Alexandrins. Data on the use of the lbloc)dng method' in the preparation of some diagnostic sera. Arch. Roum. pattr. exp. microbiol. 20 no.10-145-160 Yx 161. 1. Travail do IlInstitut "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" - Saboratoire do Controls scientifique don produits biologiques a llusage do la pratique veterinaire, (Dt= SEFUMS) 6"rcis Buehnrost rqbj4j.ri5& rarszitologim, gpidinfolo-c-la, 00 3, tial-jun 1961, pp 267-270. Dmis'. "Cortmin Dat- CancernSrn, thn Isolation of Type Q 1 167 in Ou r Cguntrys" Co-othor.t 1~11L,;Clt N., Ur. 3411w, C., Dr. all Dr~ Work perfomod nt the StalinKsional S&P9414 (3aA*Pldul Allonal Stalinj , Nahoreat, and -at the Bloloatelij frodu9ts s*otlon of the "Dr- 1. Contaculino* InqtICuto (Beetle Produes 81olapfae, Inatitutul "Dr. 1. Cantseuxim." j OLMIGI, li.;MINTZER-MORGENSTEM, Isonie; IZSCINSCHIj Sofia; EUSILA, Sofia - . -, - Preparation of anti-Vi agglutinafing oerum with young bacteria. Arch. roum path. exp. microbiol. 23 no.3s%3~-546 S163 1, Travail, do 111hatitut *Dr. 1. CantaauzIno*; Service des Produita biologiques,, Ricarest. ZILISTEANU, C.; MITRICA, Na4-alia!..L.BSCINSCHI, Sofia Preparation of anf.!--~'auman glabui.,*'n in goat3. I=nmeche- mical research. Arch. roum. Path. ecep. talsroblol. 23 no.3t 197-804 976-3 1. Trava,':! d" IlInstf.'u'. *]Dr,. lo Can-,&-uzino' Sex,icqs des Prodults Biologlques et d-3 FhyaJolog..~, Microbimneo 3Ac&rF54--- Z11.1s"i-r"'M pFratim of hum.wl protein ror ,111rrobiol. 23 rio.4:959--?f,fjD '-.4 - ', . Travall df, 1, -rr. ~. , Produits Biologillue" eL de .,une 26, 1964. 7 LESCISIN, MJchal, C3c., Economic analysis of the centralization of mac!~'Lne part Podn org 19 no.3:109-111 Mr 165. 1. Higher School of Economies, Bratislava. YMMA/Morp'-hology of Mn and Animals. L7mphatic and R.E. Systems. S-3 Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol..; No 1, 10 JanuaxY.* 1958, 28W, Author Petresca-Comau V., lescovar-Marinescu E., Sanielevici- Marinov S. Inst Title Certain Aspects of the Reticuloendothelial System in Children. Orig Pub: Pediatria, 1956, 5, No 3, 222-227. Abstme.: Wo abst--act. Ca=d : 1/1 -8- POLUM/Chezuical Chenical Products ai,(_' 'f,,Qir Ap-i-OAcati-mil. Fats an,,! Oils. Wa:.cs. Son-ps a.-A Detcx- ~;ents. Flotation ;,~;onts. ivis JOU1. : ReC Zhur - Kiimiya, ITa 10, 1959, 3665h Author : Br3nisz, H., Irbat.:vska, M., Lcscz i H., CotaniszIlevoka, L. ------ List : - Title T,,.e Deten.Linatirx-, ofAhe llc~.-xdde llm.Ler at t,)c Bvalmtj if VC-;-eta'ale FoxI Oils. L) OriC; IVr, Roczn. Pnnstw. zakd. 1953; 9, IT,:- 3, 255--266. -~stract The causes and the cmracteri3tics pen- ut, soybean mid rapeseed oils durin.,; prDCuctioii anO Vie m"mal st=_-'c ii,, warehouses have bcc;i investiCpted. it was that the increase in liquid and s~,lid oils is ii~)t rui iadi- cation if rancjOity, because such oils possoss little aci- dity; for exapple, 0.81~; (0.25,,, tal:int, oleic acic. into nccount), wicl Vie ,icroxide nunl')cr )PII) is cqml t-~, Jr Card 1/2 A,--,TA.AO11OV, K.I.; LEB,!,Dp-,V) N.I.; Yi~.B,',LIYZV, E.Yt,.; Y11,J)"USH1119 M.V.- KAZAKOV, V.I;-; N.G.; P Yd1V&3YUK, F.I.; prinimli uchuBtiye.- M*,,,,,7,,YFi, KbT ,LE7, RO,T11OVp V.S.; PURCHENKOt B.P.; ZjDfi,'A, T.I.; PECHEIKIN, S.N.; LUKIN., Yu.G; irMUDKOV! V.I. Shaft-furnace copper smelting with an oxygen--enriched blow. TSvet. met. 34 no.3:32-39 Mr 161. (:.ap-. 14:3) 1. Irtyahakiy polimetallichookiy kombiyvit (for Arta;monovp Lebcdovp Yergaliyevp I,esechkoj Matveyevy Kovalev, Romanov, Marchenko, Zudovtjp Omarov). 2. Vaesoyuznyy nauchnoiBOledovatellskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov (for Yakushin, Kazakov, Bryukhanov, 'Nikitina, YJivoByuk, Pechenkin, Lukin, Khludkov). (copper-mietallurgy) (oxygen-.Industrial applicat"Lons) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4358 Trud i tekhnika v semiletke (Labor and Engineering in the Se7en-Year Plan) Moscow., Profizdat, 1960. 365 P. (Series: Massovaya biblioteka. rabochego) 10,000 copies printed. Compiler: S. 0. Krylov; Ed.- A. V. AnlBimOV; Tech. Ed.: A. A. Golichenkova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: The book is a collection of 19 articles dealing with the achievements and progress of the Seven-Year Plan in branches of the Soviet economy and in science. Attention is given to power plant construction, machine building, cybernetics, electrification, transportation, prospecting, steel production, production of consumer goods, mechanization of agriculture, and chemistry. Suggestions for further progress are made. No person- alities are mentioned. There are no references. Card 1/5 Labor and Engineering (Cont.) SOV/4358 TABLE OF CONTENTS4 Lesechko M. A (Deputy Chairman State Planning Committee, Council o.'"k~_ister8 of the USSRI D-avelopment of Engineer- ing and Increase of Labor Productivity During the Seven- Year Plan 3 Strumilin, S. G. (Member, Academy of Sciences USSR] Economic Significance of Automation of Production 26 Artobolevskly, I. I. (Member, Academy of Sciences USSR] The Heart of Industry 43 Prokopovlch, A. Ye. (Deputy Director, Eksperimentallnyy nauci=r-Issledovatellskly Institut metallorezhushchikh stankov (Experimental Scientific Research Institute of Metal-Cutting Machine Tools)) From Automatic Machine Tools to Automatic Production Lines, Shops, and Factories 59 Kobrinskly, A. Ye. [Doctor of Technical Sciences] Program Controll of Machine Tools 95 Card 2/5 Labor and Engineering (Cont.) SOV/4358 Solodovnikov, V. V. [Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor) Cybernetics 119 Petrov, B. N. (Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR) Automation in the Near Future 127 Gamburg, D. Yu. (Candidate of Chemistry] Chemistry Today and Tomorrow 142 FadOrC'79 k. S. (Candidate of Technical Sciences] Founda- tion of Industry 166 Steklov, V. Yu. [Deputy Direct9r, Moscow Branch of the 40rgenergostroy" Institute] The Seven-Year Plan and the Electrification of the USSR Aq Chukha.nov, Z F. [Corresponding Member, Academy of Sci- ences USSR) 6n Comprehensive Utilization of Fuel 207 BDrisov, M. I. (Chairman, Central Committee, Trade Union of Workers in the Building-Materials Industry). The Con- veyor In a Large Construction Project 223 Card 3/5 Labor and Engineering (Cont.) SOV/4358 ,Chekanov, A. A. (Candidate of Techniaal Sciences] Welding Belongs to the Future 252 Shcherbakov, D. I. [Member, Academy of Sciences USSR) What is New in Prospecting for Mineral Resources 267 Petrov, N. A, [Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Chairman, State Scientific and Technical Committee, Council of Ministers of the USSR] New Engineering for the Creators of Plenty 290 Shvyrev, S. S. [Instructor at the Automation Laboratory, Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, khlopcha- tobumazhnoy promyshlennosti (Central Scientific Research Institute of the Cotton Industry)] For the Welfare of the People 308 Breyev, B. D. [Director, Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut kozhevennoy i obuvnoy promyshlennosti (Central Scientific Research Institute of the Leather and Footwear Industry)] Half i. Billion Pairs of Shoes 320 Card 4/5 LZSBCHIEO. 14. The U.S.S.R. Is for the development of close economic coopera- tion betwien countries with different social system. Top. ekon. no. 10: 3-3 3 0 160. (HIM 13:9) (International economic relations) (UnDed nations economic and social council) - - ;I :I ;, - ~ -; 1 -". t , , !, * , " - ". . i -- 14 1 . If - . I I . . . I -I i-, - CZECHOSLOVAKIA Chemical Technology. Chemical H-3 Products and Their Application. Control and Measuring Devices. Automatic Regula- tion Abs Jour : Ref. Zhur. - Khimiya, No 2, 1958, No 4938 Author : Lesek F. Inst : Not Given Title : Sample Collecting Device Orig Pub : Chem. priimysl, 1957, 7, No 3, 138-139 Abstract : Description of two designs of liquid sample collecting device for withdrawing liquid from vessel maintained under vacuum. An air lift ystem raises the liquid from the vessel-into a : collecting container from the bottom portion of which the sample is taken. Card : 1/1 V CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Laboi-atory Equilraent, Apparatus, Their F. Theoryj Construction and Application. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 14,, 1958, 46514 Author : Antonin Koukal, Frantisek Lesek, Karel 11ary Inst Title Experiments with Electric Rotational Viscosimeter. Orig Pub chem. prumYsl, 1957, 7, No 6, 304-305 Abstract The described instrument is suitable for liquids with rapi..Uy cbanging viscosity. It is based on the measu- rement of braking force acting on a feeler submerge,! in the liquid under study and rotated by a synchronous motor. The measuring device consists of two Selsyn m,tors and a compensation arrant~,ement coninneted to a micro- or a milliammeter. The viscosity n is deter- mined In cpoi*s by readi.n6;s I on that instrument. Graphs of the dependence of on I of various liquids are presented. Card 1/1 C C, U i;T CZ;XROSLOVAKIA H ChomicE-l Teel-iot.ovv. Miemiciil 'ProdlicJs Lnel Thoir ~,-mnlicntiomy Svntbf-tic Polvmer:~7' -9 VC., , AB3,. J01ijiR. : R;I'Khim., No. 23 FO 84102 AUTHOR : lesek, F.-, Kudelknt F. T 1 Tu Derivation of Ion Fxchlmre Resinr hv "Grani,lAr Condensitti nn Ch qm nrimys) , 195P, 8, ?lo 10, FA A 3 S TRA CT- The investis7l9tion covered cortnin interde-en- elencies of i,lie effects of ond nhv- nical Ponditiona of "wrarmlar" noly-cwirl,- r,fft- %ion nn V, ,e si7p rf vrawjl~,:i formed. A nilit" :e- y hetwoom V.(4 riipmftr!r of rill.ticrtl flio!"ewipTic, lir,ruiles -,vi(l the Rnpiolds --mil Welier wits cstahliql.fad, -- L. SAJOV. Plastics. CA.ID: l /I 11 - 131 V"V Fr&nlilek_lAdkLpnd vyw. Tre. ". . jklefun) lqr%nj7v38T---Wdev lee for' renaams pke from a rawdou vewl und w vacuum, "It t d"i2turbing the vacuum, b deaKarft%Aktd 1600*081vt' ce(vt benvM "ero,', d. Fraimlo.-ir TirrnAlrn- Frnnii jC;y!.j T!W-97 kk LOA a 'J"'1 ~ - '; - ~%.' tib-- g. red"lon s" tdalfdolaccob2 Czech (C.A. 50, 10,62z~ corag. th % title cinng t &5'106 pd. (1), was mixed with 2f" nil. 11,0 and 40;fin stirred 10 inin., the temp. rose f.#)m 12* to 21* and an oil Eepd. Approx. half of the acid turbid aq. super- tiatant was Elwred off, IOW Mi. ]f,0 UddLd, and the inixt. stirred 6 min. After IU min. I becasne cryst.; the aq. layer waq ,cpd. and the I in 1120 treattri with watin (40*) 10(70 NaTICOs &olu. (400 trtl.) which caused mcIting of the crystals. 17he resulting soln. stirred 6 mirA.. 80 g. di-Du lithalate added, the tnixt. stirred :uiothcr 5 inin., the upper aHCCh layer discarded, the di-Ru plithalate layer walied K twice with 5W ml. H.O. the IltO carefully sepd., and the residue passe!] over 200 g. silica gel to remove tPe last tracts of mwture gave 154 g. soin. cuntig. 48.670 1, th4 4i recovery of I being V2-511,"O. L. J. Udakiwl- -1; L E IS 0.4 vi lip! I Lj H P41 Ili, Z/009/60/000/01/03 5/038 E142/E235 AUTHORS: Le9ek F Syta!~, M,and ChromeZek, R ai"jkbt " I TITLE: Tho Preparation of Ion Exchange Resins by Pearl Polycondensation - Relation Between the Basic Hydrodynamic Parameters and the Size of the Apparatus PERIODICAL: Chemick' pi-amysl, 1960, Nr 1, pp 50-53 Y ABSTRACT: The authors investigated conditions for the pearl polycondensation of the ion exchanj',,e systems FV, MFD and L, and derived as first approximation the rule of the required number of rotations of the agitator. The method of the experime nt was described in an earlier publication (Ref 10). The same type ol' r-:3acLor and agitator (Fig 1) was used for all exp_,i a'-' I-tell as the same suspeitsion iji,abilifjor; oril~y III t,110 case of the cation exchange resin FN tile i,flijulou before pouring into an inert medium as basic co,.-,puio~iilk",; of this exchange resin are viscous. The dependance of the basic parameters on the size of the apparatus, i,,e. on the diameter of the grIAT)UlPfi, their distribusion and temperature conditions were invoutigatod for the tlirec* above-mentioned ion exchange resins and for a utyrono-, Card 1/2 butadiene copolymer. The capacity of the reactor varied Z/009/60/000/01/035/0~o' E142/E235 The Preparation Relation Between the Apparatus of Ion Exchange Resins by Pearl Polycondensation - the Basic Hydrodynamic Parameters and the Size of between 350 litre and 1 200 litre but the ratio of the agitator to the reactor remained constant. Experimental results show that a constant value of the Frouae number should be maintained for mixing systems with a "vortex" motion of the liquid mixture,, The initial value should be verified in a reactor with a minimal diameter of 300 mm. A more satisfactory distribution of the Eranules is obtained in larger apDaratus. Temperature conditions during polycondensation can be adjusted by decreasing the temperature and extendin6 the reaction time, These rules are not applicable in general, but give useful indications for the regulation of suspension polyconden- sation reactions. There are 6 fiGures and 13 references, 8 of which are English and 5 Czech,, ASSOCIATIONS: V~zkumn~ dstav syntetick~ch prysky~ic a laka, Pardubice (Research Institute for Synthetic Resins and LacQuer5, Pardubice) Spolek pro chemickou a hutni v~robu, Usti n. yabem (Association for Chemical and Mijiin- Industry, Usti' nad Labem) SUBMITTED: July 11, 1959 S/081/62/000/022/074/088 B166/B144 AUTHORS: S~up~rekv Jaromir, Corny, Jaronlav, Leask, Frantis" ek TITLi;: Method and device for the continuous production of foam plastics from thermosetting resins. PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.. Khimiya,no. 22, 1962, 540-541, abstract 22?396 (Czech, patent, 98512, Feb. 159 196'1) TEXT: The liquid components and the gas are continuously forced into the reaction vessel where the mixture passes through a system of perforated baffles (PB) with holes of gradually decreasing size, thus forming a foam. A propeller-type agitator is used to form vort.ices in the flow; this being necessary to mix up the components and prevent damage to the foam. During the time of passage through the reactor the condensation reaction sholuld reach a stage such that the emergent product is a liquid but stable foam. .The foam is poured into molds where polycondensation is completed and excess solvent drains off the product. Example. The following are 2 forced into a 1-litre reactor having 10 PB with 1 - 0-05 mm holes (2 cm hole area per PB): (a) 1 1 air, 5 9 5A aqueous solution of dibutyl Card 1/2 S/081 /62/000/022/074/068 Method and device for the continuous B-166/B144 naphthalene aulfoacid, and 5 9 5% phosphoric acid into the cavity in front of the first PB; (b) 10 g 50% aqueous solufion of urea-formaldehyde resin into the cavity behind the ninth PB. The resulting foam has a density 0.03 kg/dm3g and after 48 hre, when the water has drained off, the 3 - final product has a density 0.006 kg/dm Abstracter's note: Complete translation.') L Card 2/2 IESEK, Frantisek; CHRO14ECEK# Richard -- Intcrphase, area in reactors with vortical stirring. Chem prum 12 no.8:457-461 Ag 162. 1, Vyzkumny ustav syntatickych pryokyric a lakul Pardubice (for lesek). 2. Spolek pro chemickou a hutni vyrobu.. Usti nad Inbem (for Chromecek). CHR M CEKp Richard; LESEX, Frantizek preparation of pearl ion exchange resins. Chem prum 11 no.11:608-612 V 161. 1 Spolek pro chemickou a hutni vyrobu, Usti nad Labem (for Chromeeek) 2: fyikumny ustav'syntetickyah pr7sky-ric a laku, Pardubice (for Lesek) TAUBEL, I.; RAIM, J.; LESEK, -- F. Carboxymothyl cellulone aD atabilizor of the suspension polymrization. Chem prum 12 no,7:3b")-3(,)O J1 162, Is Vyzkumny ustav syntotickycli pryskyric a lakii, Pardubice. Y/T ----70;;7k/Pr CCESSION NR: AP6011.966 A CZ70009/rj,,5/000/00410238/0239 AUTHOM.- -Lesek~: FG; Lysyr J.' s~*= monomers by ton exchange resins TITLE.- Eliminating Inhibitor I SOURCE: Chemicky prtanysl, no. 4, 1905, 238-239 TOPIC TAGS: polymerization Inhibitor, Inhibitor removal, monomer impurity, ion excbAnge resin. styrene purification, bydroqtdnone extraction ABSTRACT: Th order to overcome the disadvantages of preivious methods of eliminating -I inWbitore from monomers before polymerization (e.g. by distillation, leaching with alkali or acid solutions, the vacWM method, eto.), the authors suggent the use of ton exchange resinscapable both of Ionic reactions and adsorbiag weakly Ionizable and noa- Ionizable substances. When saturated with Inhibitors, the resin is converted to a Cl, form by a dilute bydrochloric acid oolutfoa, and then to an Off-form by an aqueous bydroxidesolution. The experiments described here employed a 3% IICI solution in the 01% first step. and-a 4% NaOH solution In the second leaChfUg Of GtITene contaWng 0. bydroquitmo. The ifildbitork-taned the leachkg solution brown go that their content could be measured colortmetrIcalty. The resin was then regenerated in two steps - by ccf~d 1/2 ......... ch I ya Tra t ska ya ,3c rl.1-, YL line I.-AillLes f,,r f-j:,j of Plast. IRA 18:8) LESENqZ7,_A~zso,okl.mernok; KORDAp Janospok:L.mernok; PETIXp Erno, okl.mernok Constructing the prefabricated superstructure of the intake power room of the Megyer Surface Water Works. Melyepitestud szemle 12 no.41l65-172 Ap 162. 1e Hidepito Vallalat. 33475 4. 00 3/170/62/005/002/008/009 B104/B138 AUTHORSs KrichevskIS L R.,, Khazanova, N. Yo., Looonevskaya, L. S. TITLEs Fick's diffusion equation PERIODICALs Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v- 5, no. 2, 1962, 101 - 103 TEXT3 The system nitrogen - carbon dioxide has been studied in the light of Fick's equation near the critical point. At 150C and 105 at, the voluBv is largely dependent on the composition in a certain range of concentraticna (Fig. 1a). This dependence of volume on the molar fraction of the compo- nent results in a complex dependence between it and the volume concentra- tion (Fig. 1b). In the section AB, the component diffuses from B to A, L/Y which requires a negative diffusion coefficient in Fick's equation dm/dt -DSgradC, where m is the amount of substance diffusing in time t, D is diffusion coefficient, S is the diffusion area, and C is the volume con- centration of the diffusing substance. According to Fick's equation, the rate of diffusion should be zero at point A; however, since diffusion also takes place here, the diffusion coefficient would become infinitely great. These difficulties can be overcome by regarding not the gradient of volume Card 1/3 13475 S/ I 70/62/005/0Q2/0TI/()r)I, Fick's diffusion couation Blcj/,/Bl 36 Fig. 1. Molar volume of the binary mixture (a) ind voltime roncrnt-iti-~ (b) no functions of, thp PompprAtion n(.-ar the critical poi. nt. V C-104 ?00 150 too .10, Card 3/3 1 qe~~ C?.)U 4Y75 40 ~30. i1o to 0 z, I / 0 U75 Q.50 - 0,-75 C. LZSMO, Alekeandr Nikolayevich; TXPLTAKOTA, A., red.; NERCHWO. I., takhred. (Simplest methods for surveying building areas and loenting structures on building sites] Prostaishie sposoby 9"emki ploahchadok pod stroitel'stvo i razbivki stroanii no mostnooti. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Kiev, GosAzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit.USM. 1959. Ill p. (MIRA 13:5) (Building sites) (Surveying) LESENKO, G. Innovators in industry. Tekh.mol. 22 no.5:8-9 My 154. Oll-BA 7:6) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdolom po rabote eredl rabochey molodezhi TsK LKSK Ukrainy. (Labor productivity) IESENKOV G,. Conclusion of a technIcal inupector of a trade union council. Okhr.truda i nots.strakh. 6 no.108-39 A 163. ()URL 16d) 1. GlavMy tekhnichaskiy inspek-tor Ukrainskogo respublikans"O saveta professionallnykh soyuzovo (Industrial ac -idents) (Employeral liability) S/130/61/000/005/00-3/005 Aoo6/Aiol AUTHORS: Sviridenko, F. F., Kazachkov, Ye. A., Vaail'kovskaya, N. P., Lese-~- TI"LTE: Riser with an air gap in the wall PERIODICAL: Metallurg, no. 5, 1961, 15 - 18 TEXT- Risers used at "Azovatal'" for delayed cooling of feed head metal. are lined with chamotte bricks. The lining is 120 mm thick. Heat Insulating conditions can be Improved by employing Insulated bricks, and the best means of insulation for this purpose is air. Investigations were made to use tho heat insulating properties of an air gap In the lining of risers. The use of shaped bricks, which Is the simplest method employed at the KKK, was not possible at Azovstal' due to the lack of a ceramic shop. Therefore., standard brick dimensions and shapeshad to be employed. The existing design of risers was modified by two methods: 1. In the shell of a conventional riser, 8 - 10 mm thick steel sheets were inserted and fastendd by electric welding process in such a manner, that an internal shell was formed that was separated from the external shell by a 70 mm wide gap. The gap was lined with chamotte bricks. 2) A special riser was employed with horizontal ribs in the center of the shell height, supporting Card 1/4 S11 /61/000/005/003/005 Riser with an air gap In the wall AO(ZIA101 the bricks, Between the brick lining and the shell there was a 60 mm wide air gap. Heat balances were drawn up for conventional and experimental risers and for this purpose the distribution of temperature along the wall thickness of the risers was determined. Heat losses in the risers are characterized as follows: Riser with Riser with conventional lining 7alir gap Total heat losses through the feed head at the end of ingot solidifying, in %: of which: losses to the surrounding medium absorbed by the refracto- ries of the risers absorbed by the riser shell 100 22 56 22 59 45 24 31 Card 2/4 S/130/61/000/00.5/0()3/005 Riser with an air gap in the wall A006/A101 Improved heat insulation reduces the metal volume In the feed head and increa6cz the ingot weight. The upper section of the ingot which in moot contaminated with non-inetallic impurities, can thus by cut off, Experimental*castings made with the new risers showed satisfactory results. However, their large-scale production was impeded by the low stability of the lining. Therefore, a new variant of the risers was designed (Figure 3) where thd uniform suspension of the ingot over the whole perimeter of the mold and riser butt line, is assured by an excess of' the cross section of the riser (885 x 790) over that of the mold (865 x 770). Grooves, 50 mm wide, in the riser shell prevent the falling out of the upper rows of the lining, and 50 mm - diameter apertures are provided in the walls for the elimina- tinn of gases from interdal cavities. Experiments showed that risers lined with straight bricks were not less stable than those lined with shaped bricks. Their use will reduce rejects due to contamination3 with non-metallic Impurities. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Azovstal"' (Azovstal' Plant); Zhdanovskiy metallurgiches- kiy institut (Zhdanov Metallurgical Institute). Card 3/ 4 SVIRIDEVK0, F.F.j KIRYUSHKIN,, Yu.I.; KAZACHKOV, Ye.A.1 LFSENK0, ---I.. .1.. Riser head with a two-layer lining. Metallurg 8 no.2:20 F 163. (miRA 16:2) 1. Azovskiy staloplavillnyy zavod im.,Sergo Ordzhonikidze v Zhdanove i Zhdanov5kiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Steel ingotu) DERFELI, A.G.; KRAVTSOVA, I.P.; DMIN, N.P.; SVIRIDENKO, F.F.; POFOVA, A.N.; DOLIMENKO, O.V.; SHAROV, B.A.; PrInimali uchastlye: DYUBIIIA, A*Vo; TARASOVA, L.P.; LESFNKO, I.I.; LEVCHEIIKO, IN.D.; BONDAPETKO, A.7. Using ferrotitanium for the deoxidation of rail steel and its properties. Sbor. trud. U11II'M no.11-365-378 165. (MIRA 18.11) Mfg 0. Planning DaZichis.:-ray mand Kitanan' Dstrict, 11 no,7;lf,'-21 JI 163. (~MA 34 z7) 1. 1'erivnil: mystern- No.7 M:rndiprodl'gospu. (Ra'dLcllis,r,ray 'Astrfot, --nin-) (Kitonan' st-,L et- , ~cr-lcral plar.:~-In!-) LISA=, 0., Insb. Planning in Yastay District. 8illebudo 10 w,4%9-10 Ap 160. MU 13: 7) (Fastov District-Roglonal planning) 1ESENKOV, A.P., agronom. -....... Methods of sowing grain crops. Zamledelie 7 no.2:50-53 Ir 159. (MIRA 12:3) (Grain) (sowing) LESEMYE-1 , JOZ-O`EF , .1964 DECEASED /,;,:q IESENYI, Ferenc, nyugal=zott egyetemi tanar Progressive efforts in forestry bet-,reon the two world vara. Zrdo 11 no.9;402-409 S 162. 1. Erdomernoki Foiskola, Sopron. LESERF, I. [Lecerf, Y.) Applying programa and modelp of conflict situations to the automatic syntactical analyi3is of naturel languages. NTI no.10: 42-50 163. (MIRA 17:1) L'. ALMASSY Gyorgy, dr.; bOAGM.13ZA, (Iyula; FE L,-*"*"' o- i'AAS, 7" 11t".,; Z OnI E n d r e ~2 I'Y , T ata s ; 1: 157A "S , i -j aL PETIK, Ferenc; SZI.AVI.,:, Lectures delivered at the 3,1~ Interm-tional Meres automat 12 no.9:270-20.2 16 1. Editorial boar,,--, me7-.~xir, Juhasz, Ker.-.eny, Lukacs an, Infectious Diseases CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 615-371(:576.658-?3-095-5) ADAMv E.; VOTTKAp V.; ADAMOVA, V.; PP~IIAN,, V.; JAUDA, Z.; KUBATOVAO E.; LESETICKY _EJ1i,NOVAK0 K.; Institute of Sera and Vaccines (Uqtav Ser 4~_O~c h Latek), Prague, Director (Roditel) Dr J. MALEK; =~Cic Section of Clinical Epidemiology (Odbor Klinicko-Epidemiolo icky) H-oad (Vadouoi) Dr 2. ADAM; Noction of Virological Roscarch Mbor Virologickeho Vyzlcumu) Head (Vedouci) Donent Dr D. SLOITIM; Instit- ute for Postgraduate Medical Training-Clinic of Infectious Dis- onans (Ustav pro Doskolovani Lokaru-Infakcni Klinika) Pra uo-Bul- ovka, Head (Prodnosta) Prof Dr J. PROCHAZKA; Krajska StatTon of Hygiene and Epidemiology (HyRienicko-Epidemiologicka Stanice) Usti nad Labem and Ceske Budejovice. "Oral Mass Vaccination with a Now Attenuated Type 3 Poliovirus. State of Serum Immunity of Selected Groups of the Child Population." Prague. Casopis Lekaru Ceskych, Vol 105t ITO 36-37t 9 Sop 669 pp 999 - iO_03 Abstract LTuthorst English sum~,ary modifiod_7: Poliovirun 3 Leon 12 RIB was-used in one region and virus USOL D bao in the other, The second type produced persistent antibodies in a high percentage of children; results with the other are not conclusive- 3 Tables, 8 1/1 Czech references, (Manuscript received May 66). LISITSKIT, T. - Operational results of the B2-300 diesel angina. NOT.Deft. tokh.:Bw. no.4:4;7 148. (MIJU 9:4) (Oil fields-11,4tpment and supplies)(Diesel engines) YAR,'YEOV, Nikolay Fikolayevich; MALIKOV, Ivan Aleksandrovich; LE-13ETSKIY, V.A.,_Sed.; ISAYEVA, V.V., ved. red.; --VUR-OBIYEVA, L.V., t--khn. red. [Drilling equipment uned in the U.S.A.] fjurovoe oborudovaniep primeniaemoe v SShA. Voakva, Gos. nauclmo-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1962. 244 p. (MIRA 15:3) (United States-Oil well drilling rigs) BUERIOV., Anatolly Aleksandrovich; LESETSKIY, V.A., red.; KAYESHKOVA, S.M., vc-i. - -1-- - - [Repair of drilling equipment in the drilling bureau] he- mont burovogo oborudovaniia v kontore bureniia. Vo~;kva, Nedra, 1964. 199 p. (XIHA P: 11) KABANOV, A.F.; GALUSTOVY S.G.; LESETSKIY, V.A.; SOKOLCVSKIY, B.M. Objectives of petroleum industry workers. Bezop.tnida v prom. 5 no.9:8-9 S 161. (MIRL 14:10) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti Vaerosoiyokogo Soveta Narodnogo Khozyaystva RSFSR. (Petroleum'industry) (Automation) LT-',SIIFV, M. (Le~3ov, MAJ; DYANIKOV, I., The applicnti-on of nIvt-!In I,r. t"1, Plinclicnil I diagnostics of gastrtf~ dlaeine2. )oklqdy PAN 17 rf-"~; 195-196 '64. 1. Submitted by T.Tashav, Corrcps:)n,~,~ing Msmt^7 of --i Bulgarian Academy of Sclencaa. IMEVY N. 2 cases of chronic volvulus of the stomach. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.5/6:539-51+2 161. 1. Nauabnoizsledovatelski poikho-nevrologichen institut. (STOMACH dis) LES,9VIC,;l 71?.--- I List of scientific vorks by geol,:~7iatt of 1-?--)5-1955. U17'-- V1.7, nOU 61!133-155 055. (Bibilogm-phy-Geolog. OV.;CIE-11YOV9 Ye.9 k,,nd.t,-khn.naul-.; L-*-;-',V_-''I'SKIYt__ ,j~nzh. -L 4fficient deaiLm3 of foundations of contact-netv~rk pole:; of streetcax3 ~-nd.trolley bu.,,es. Zhil.-kon. khoz. 11 no. 161. 14:2) (Electuric linc-s-Poles) SOKOLOV-SM, P. I.; LE EVITSKrY, N. N.; Bur"'VEIVICII, A. "". Iznos Tramvainih Relsov (Wear of Trolley Car Rails), Moscow-Leningrad, 1946. SOSYANTS, V.G.; OVICIRINOV, Ye.V.; GUIWVICH, L.V.;-LBSEV,IT.SKIL M.N.; BASHKIROY, L.G., re"Vtor; KONYASHINA. A., takhnicheekii-r-emmter [Construction of trolley track@ with concrete foundations] ron- struktoil tramvatnykh putai s betoanymi oanovantiami. Moskva, Izd-vo Mininterstva komunallnoep khoziaiistya RS?SR, 1956- 52 p. (Street railways) (HLRA 9:11) ISSIVITSKIY,,N.H., inzh.; SOKOLOV, V.D., inzh.; EUGELIS, G.G., inzh. , Selecting efficient pole pivot for contact systems of electric transportation networks. Gor. khoz. Hook. 32 no.5:25-28 My 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Moscow--Street railways) (Zlectric lines--Poles) KULAGIN, Mikhail Ivanovich; LESEVITSKIY, Nikolay.flikolnyevich: NAUMENKO, Valentin Seirgeyevich; ' ' y Vasillyevich, kAnd. tekhn. nauk; SG5YANL;, 7.G., red.; TIKKNOVA., I.A., red. izd-va; LELYUHIN, A.A., tekhn. red. [Rail corrugation] Volnoobra2nyi iznos rellsov. Pod red. E.V.OvechnikovR. Moskva, Izd-vo kommun.khoz.RSFSH, 1963. 177 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Railroads--Rails) C' Surfacez Veasure 7f an area in a tvio--,arm,~e',-er fa-.-,iI1r of curves on a vekt. i tenz. anal. No. 6, IC14c". l,ir)nthl7,r List of Russian Accessions, Library of Concress June 1?53. !-',7:CL. SPIZRkRMT, T.T.; MOLDAVSKIT, M*L.; -LICSOAm, 'k.T. Uv data on the gtr&tiV&pby and ap of Birywm Wisosolo se4luents. Nat. VSWBI Obo nor. noo8t67-69 148. (MIRA llz4) (Biryusa Valley-Oeolog7, Stratigrephlo) .9/12 60/000/007/009/017 TOO A105YA033 AUTHORSs Yazovskikh, I.M. and Lesh, V.A. TITLE: The Practice of Producing Ferrosilid Castings PERIODICALs Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No- 7, PP- 41-42 TEXT: This article describes the method and the results obtained in the con- tinued struggle of the Sverdlovskiy nasoBnyy zavod (Sverdlovsk Pump Plant) against ferrosilid casting rejects. Ferrosilid contains, according to ro CT 2233-43 (GOST 2233-43) 14.5-16.5% Si. 0.5-0.8% C, 0-30-0-8G% Mn and less than 0.1% P and 0.07% S. The plant uses the green sand molding method, the castings are shoken out at 750-8000C, the inner stresses are removed by Y soaking the castings in annealing furnaces of identical temperatures for 2 hours and then having them to cool. After annealing 'the castings are clean- ed and subjected to hydraulic tests at 5 atm. Among the most frequent de- fects are gas cavities. An analysis showed that the greater part of the gas- es during induction smelting is added to metal by ferrosilid. Therefore, according to the new method, only ferrosilid is subjected to pre-melting, all Card 1/3 S/12 60/000/007/009/017 The Practice of Producing Ferrosilid CastJngs A105YA033 other ingredients, i.e. pig iron, carbon steel,etc., are prepared as usual. This reduced the quantity of recast material and the costs and increased the productivity. Another defect occurring frequently were hot cracks. These decreased rapidly after the temperature of the furnace was raised to 1 1 460- 1,4800C. Teats revealed that, if ferrosilid is overheated to lo460-1,14800C duringsmelting, variations between 1,240-1,5600C of pouring temperature do not cause hot cracks in castings. These experiments showed that overheating of ferrosilid to i,4800C prevents the formation of gas cavities and hot cracks. A considerable amount of rejects was caused due to cold cracks by intense partial overheating during emery cleaning. Castings are water-cooled during this process and no more cold cracks originated. A specific defect of ferrosilid castings was fine kish which appeared after final abrasion. This was due to the displacement of carbon by silicon. It was established that at an amount of 0.60% C (at 15-15.5% Si) there are no rejects due to kish. Less than 0.55% C increases the brittlenese of castings. The work carried out in respect to new smelting method for ferrosilid, determination of the necessary quantities of carbon (0-55-0.6VIa) and water cooling of cast- ings during emery cleaning aided to decrease the amount of rejects caused by Card 2/3 S/128/60/000/007/009/017 The Practice of Producing Ferrosilid Caotinga A105/AO33 gas cavities, kish, hot and cold cracks. Card 3/3 0 e 0 icy cra~,-'5 De ra' -,ne I c C-1cl, 't tO 'ry nor, 2 4- C 7,7: r- U. the 0 'Ure d 0 r. 0- C t~ - - L ~,an - um the cua ferrot" (;ard 1/2 T*.,I.--. cffc-ct Of C-I'-ijon contf~-~ into t~.--, furn~.c,2 1-hc- 3verdlovb!:-y ::a,,rorl 3 v t,% 2: 0 v u tllat entirely -01~ irl cp-~-,in when the C content ir. ".h26 r-.!-Ioy and tht~ nour ir, - tempor,.ture at 1590-1"300'C- Th,,re i-- I fit-uro 2 t-~.blcs. C -r -.1 2, / 2 YAZOVSKIKH, I.M., inzh.; BOYCHENKO, A.S., inzh.;,-,LESTI V A., inzh. --- Effect of carbon and poring temperature on the formation of hot cracks in the casts made from an X28 melt. Khim. mashinostr, no. 6129-30 N-D 162. (KRA 17:9)