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LIGOMM. losif lzrallevich; L&iVIT1111.~'XIIL,,&U.-,rsdoktor; SIDCROY. V.U., W100061a Latbener, reahKtor ?.G., taknnineaskly reduktor Designing electrio equipment for rolling mills] Koastruirovanie slaktroustauovok prolcatrqkb atanov. Moskys, Gos.naucnrjo-t9khz).izd- vo lit-rypo chernot, i tovetnot metallurgit, 1957. 323 p. %halling, mills) (.qlRA lt,,:IU) (Aiectric enginserine.) V ly 1XVITANS11ye B*A., Inzh. Blectr1c Power in the ferrous metallurgy Years. Prom.energ.12 no.11:3-9 N 157. industry In the Past (Metallurgy) (Electric power) WU 10: 12) 180) 25(l) SOVA-553 Levitanskiy, Boris Aronovi:,.h Elektrooborudovanlye POdgr,'--vitellnogo proizvodst-,ra chernoy Metallurgii; rudnikovj, aglomeratsionn.7kh fabrik i kokaokhimicheskikh zavcdo-,r (Electrical Equipment for the Ire-tial Sta f Fer--,,).-,3 14-3ttallurgy; Mines, Sintering and sles 0 Coke Plant Moscow, Me-'.&-'!-"urgizda"v,, 1958. 256 p, 6,600 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: M.R. Lanovskaya; Teche Edo: Yes Be Vaynshteyn. PURPOSE: This book was approved by the Admin-Istration of Speciall Secondary Schools of the MinIstry of Higher Education., USSR, as a textbook for ferrous metallurgy tek-hnikums on the subject of "Electrical Equipment of Industrial Enterprises." It may also be used by engineers and technicians operating electrical equipment at metallurgical plants* Card 1/9 Electrical Equipment (Cornt. 11 S07/1553 COVERAGE: The author d-'acuases the electrical equipment used in w the initial product',)n st OL -ages at modern large-soale metal- lurgical entoerprises, i. e., equipment used in mines (both open-pit and undergr.-)-.i@td), sintering plants, wid coking plants. Electrically d-ri-ren excavators, sintering machinery, exhaust systems, belt oil'z-feyors and coking machinery are de- scribed in detail. lliis, according to the author, fills a gap in the existing text-bank literature which deals only with , A. problems concerning ei,her met-allurgical p'!,.ants or the elee- i.rical equipment of mines. Also discussed are problems in- volved in centralized dimpatchar con-Il-rol of belt conveyors and automatic control arA operation of teohnological processes in sintering and cokIng plants. Methods of calculation and the control circuits of machines are explained. These data to a considerable extei,".; reflect the experienr,-e of leading design organizations: The CA:ntral Design Bureau nElektro- privbdj," Tyazhprome2.ektrnpr3yekt-, Giprokoks, and enterprises of ferrous metallurgy. No personalities are mentioned. There are 22 references', Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Card 2/9 LETITANSKIT. B.A,,$,_,lnzh. ,'-, @. @- I-- @ .., @,, - " , 1W - ROW 878tess for eleatric drive control abroad. Djul. 34-4o 159. TSNIIMW no.4: (Blectric driring) WRA n t5) LIVITANSEZY, B.A., referent Hall Offset and Its apPlIcRtIOns- Biul. TSHIICHM no. 8:513 '58. (Hall effect) (MIRA 11.-7) MGIV. Viktor lostfovich-, LIVITANEKLY, B.A., lnzh,, retsanzent; RADINOVICH. B.T., red.izd-val ISLXNTIYIVA, P.O.. (Ilectronic instrumients in metallurgy) Ilaktronnys pribory v motallurgii. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.i%d-vo lit-ry po chernol i tayetnoi metallur6ii, 1959. 221 p. (MIRA 120) (Alectronic instrutmental (Metallurgy) LXVITAWSKIT, Boris Aronovich; KISXMA, T.I., red,; ISLZNTIYXYA, P.G., tokhn,red. frerraus metallurgy of capitalist countriss3 Chernsis matellurgils kepitallatichookikh stran. Koskys. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.4 - ,14*vo lit-ry po chernoi I tayetuoi metallurgii. Pt.9. Ellectric driving and automatic controI3 Ilaktropriyod I avtometilm. 1960.",' 451 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Koecow. TSentrallnyy institut informatall. chernoy metallurgil. (Metallurgical plants-Zlectric equipment) (Automatic control) LEVITANSKIT,# B.A.; NOVIKOV,. V.X.j AKUIDV, le.F.,, red.j KIREM, M.I., red.; ,WNkUy-tv, V.I., red.; 7CHUMOV, N.M., red.; Y;07ZHES, S.M., red.; M." .9 KoPep tekbn, red, (Econony and standm*dization of electric power in rolling mills] Ekonmiia i normirovania elektroenergii v prokatnom proizvodstva. )4oskva,, Goa.energoizd-vo, 1961. 93 p (MIU 14:12) (Rolling mills-Electric d;ivlng) 6 NIZEVETTER, Te.N.0 inzb..,i IEVITANSKly B A. inzh, *Electric equipment of ore,-dressing and concentrating plants* by M.7. Greloukh. Reviewod by R.N. Kizmtter B.A. Levitanakii. Elektrichostvo no,8'94,95 Ag 16-1o NrRA 14-10) (Ore dres ing.-Meotria. equipment) AZARFI)KOP B.S.p kand. tekhn. nauk; AFAHASIYEV', V.D... kand. tekhn. muk; BLUMANP M.Ya., lnzh.; VAVILOVJ, M.P.j, inzh.; V&a#'11: A B . inz),.; GOLJJbKOV, X.A.; GUBUY, S.I.p akademik [decessed]; Gtrl'@GCH, A.Y,., inzh.j DAVYDOV, V.I., kand. tekhr.. nnuk; DhO7,D' V.G.p lnzh.; YEWOUYEVp N.F., 1nzh.;'ZHUKE;VICH-STOSHA', YO.A., inzh.; KIRILD:, N.M.p kando tekhn. nauk; KOMTV, Move, inzh.; KOGOOS, A.11.0 inzh.; KOROLEV, A.Aa, prof.; KUGAYENKO, HeYee, inzh.; LASKE, A.V,, inzh.; -.-_=UNsKIY, B.A., inzh.; LUGOVSKIY' Vems, inzh.,* I,M@LOVICII' I.M., kaM. teiEi.-naUkj--OVCWOV, M.S., inzh.; P/Z7LITAK, V.I., inzh.; PERLm, I.Lov doktor tekhn. nauk; POEEDID1, I.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; ROKMYANp Ye.S., doktor tekhn. nauk; SAFIYANI M.M., kand. tekbn. nauk; SMIRNOV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nawk; W.I.111OV, V.S.; SOKOLOVSKIY, OOPS, inzh.; SOLOVIYEV, O.P.. inzh.; SIWhELVIC11, Y.A., inzh.; TILETIYAKOV, Te.M., inzh.; TRISMSKIY' lose, kand. tekhn. nauk; KMIKIII, G.11.p inzh.; TSELIKOV, A.I.; GORODDICIENKO, rod. izd-vaj GOLUBC111K, A.14.s red. lzd-vn; RYE.CV, V.A., red, izd-va; DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Rolling; a hondbook] Prokatnoo proizvodstvo; pravochnik. Pod red. E.S.Hok-otiana. Koskva, Metallurgizdat. Vol.l. 1962. 743 p. 1. Akademiya nauk 135M (for Gubkin). 2. Chlon-.korr"e'sI'poAr~e':nt")Akademii nauk SSSR (for Smirnov, ?Selikov). (Rolling (1-letalwor))-Hp-ndbooks, manualsf etc.) AFANASITEV, Vasiliy DantlOvich; BORISOV.9 Yurly Hatveyevich; GUREVICH, Atriyell Yefimovich; LZVITANSXLj--Bo&Ls Aronovich- KMYEV, Ivan Fedorovich; STEFANOVICH, NikolayMko-liy-evich; KRALIZEV, Georgiy Petrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; ISINITSYN, O.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; NMIFIOVSXIY, M.I., prepodavatell, retsensent; YAKOVENKO, N.N., red. izd-va; ISIENTITEVA, F.G., takhn, red. [Electrical equipippnt of ferrous metallurgy enterprises] Elektro- oborudovanie predpritatii chernoi metallurgii. (By] V.D.Afanaslyev i dr. Moskva, Metallurgisdat, 1963. 606 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy tekhnikum (for Nemirovskiy). (Iron and steel plants-ELectric equipment) FlNGER, Aleksandr Abramovich; LEUTANSHY, B.A. . nauchn. red. [Systems of automatic control of electric drives of rolling millal Sistemy avtomatichaskogn upravloniia slaktroprivodami prokatrWkh stanov. Moskva, TsNIIPI, 1965. 20 p. (MIRA 18:12) I.Ve [hitt-wolding of barn In tubti Itir vtm@-Llirc@ . Avton. avijy . 17 no.8t42-49 Aj- IfA. F@A foosudaratverinyy Inntitut T-o royckt@lr(,-,riajjyu, fssledw@anlru I IoFytflniyu st"IlInykil komntrl@@tolly I GLIDSIITEYN,, L.1.1 GOROUNTY, V.A. Bolt joints In elements of thermally hardened steel. Ptou. stroio 41 no@7s4O-" JI t64. (MIRA 17:8) LEVITAIISKIY I.V0 inzh. Elements of field joints made from separate angle-brackets. Prom, strai. 41 no,10t"-49 0 163. (KM 161ll) VAKHURKINO V.M.j GLADSHTEYII, L.I.; KAPAVILOV, S.S.; KLIMOV, S.A.; LEVITANSKIY, I.V.; 14ALIN1111 B.N.; NOSOV, A.K.; PALIM, POPOV, G.D.; RASSUDOV, V.N.; KRASYUKOVp V.P.,- SOKOLOV, A.G.; Prinimali uchastiye: GORBATSKIY, Ye.l.; HATVEYE;Vp S.S.; STRELETSKIY, H.S., prof., retpenzent; MUKHANCV, K.K., dots., retsenzent; BOLDTINAI A.V., red.; NIKHEYEVA, A.A.9 tekhn. red. [Light-weight supporting metal structures] OblegchenrWe nesushchie metallicheskie konstruktsii. Moskva, Gos- stroiizdatp 1963. 282 p. (MIRA 17:2) ORGs Kiev Stat e Universiq (Kiyevskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet) 7 TITIEs Nonlinear phenomena in plasma waveguide SOURCEs IVUZ. Radioflzika, v. 9, no. 4, 1966, 691-696 TOPIC TAGSt plasma waveguide, wavegulde propagation, ",,=-cSWZZW1L,-nonlinear -L 4392246- FRI(l) ACC NRa AP6026952- -S-OUR-CE -C-0'D-E--*.-W/O 66 0-09 4 0691 0696 AUTHORt Virko, Y. F.1 IaLitskjayj S. M. plasma ABSTRAM Variations of parameters of a plasma waveguide depending on SRF-signal power were -investigatedl these variations were caused by an increased electron concentration in the plasma which resulted from an additional gas ionization by, the SHF field. The experimental outfit used had been described by one of the authors in IVM . Radlofizika, no. 4, 1961, 1078. An oscillogram shows 5hortening of the wave- length along the plasma wavoguldot the wavelength rapidly shortens to the point of the plasma break where the phase velocity vanishes. It was found that the parameters of the wave propagating In the plasma waveguide substantially depend on the power of thia wave,. When the SHF signal power Is commensurate with the power sustaining the plasma, both the attenuation and the phase velocity appreciably vary In the waveguide. As the signal power increases, the attenuation decreases and Card 4.7. in -F56 ACC NRi AP6026932 the phase velocIty Increases, their values changing along the wavei@@de longth. When the S71F signal Is appliodo a.11 the abovo nonlinear offect5 develop during a few microseconds. These roDults are In vod agreenen'k. with those obtained by various Soviet and Western rosearchers kreferonces given). Orig. art. has: 5 f.Gures am I formula# '[031 1. I.EVITAV-15 A. 2. USIR (600) 4. Tractors-motors 7. Now radiator for oil on thp I)T -51t tractor, HTS 17, no.11, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. r"HURk,B.P.; LSVITABUSA.D. Diesel engine for the XhTZ-7 tractor. Avt. trakte prom. no.5:3-6 W 155. (MM 8:8) 1. KharIlrovskly traktornyy zavod. LIVITANUSs A.g insb. ?be DT-20 vhooled traotor, WIS 18 no~8;47w5o Ag t58 (xTXA 11:9) 1. narIkovskly traktorzWy sayod. Itractors) YODOLAZHCHZNXO# Turiy Trofinovich; ULIMOVSKIT, N.Y.; LZTITAHUS, A.D.; INVU OT, T.L.. red.; GORIKOTI, Z.D., tskhn.rsd;7---- - - - @ I [Kanual for the DT-14 and DT-20 tractors] Rukovodstyo po traktoran 111-14 1 DT-20. Koskva, Goe.1%d-vo sallkhos.lit-ry, 1959. 367 po (MIRA 12:8) (Trootors--ifandbooks# manuals, etc.) GELIKAN, Boris Hikhnylovich; IMAMSKAYA, U.K.; HOSEVIN, H.T.; ALISMOT, B,I.; ALIGIN, B.P.; VODOLAOCIMiKO, Tu.T..- LNTITAIMS, A.D.; SMOLINIKOV, A.B., ad.; BALLOD, A.I., [Wheeled diesel tractors] DizelInya koleanye traktory. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 423 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Tractors) LEVITAIM, A.D. The DT-20 tractor. BLul.takho-okonoinform. no-1:51-52 159. (Tractors) (KIPA 1212) LEVITANUSj A. Do. Cand T4eh 3 1 .- IlStudy of the efi:ect of t.a e aftem:12 basic param r@)@In the pis tonvag@_ single- f - 44-an fuel 4.ii9f& ;@ethe power and econoxicad Indi- cators of the @ractorAese4S-D-2q." Mos, 1961. (Min of HiCher and Sec Spec Ed RSF ST@ ,1,19oz, Auto:::ech Inst. Chair of (KL, 8-61, 245) 261 - ANILOVICH, V.1a., kand.tekhn.n-" ; LKVITAblqS,_,A.D. kand.tekbn.nauk ___t_ Concerning some means for raising the level of design and research work in 4e tractor industry. Trakt. i sellkho=ash- 31 [i-e-32] no.ll:" N 162. (HIM 15.-12) 1. Kharikovskiy tr"rnyy aavod. (Tractors) LEVITAKUS, A.D.1 KAWaIN, K-I.j PZMN, A.A. Bench testing of the frames of crawler tractors for fatigue strength. Trakt, i selikhozmash, 33 no.318-11 Mr 163, (HIM 161ll) 1. Kharfkovnkly traktornyy zavod. SOSHNIKOV, A.A.; L@ KUSHNIR, M.P., inxh. F*OultS of testing the T-125 wheeled truck tractor. Trakt. J 14.11khozzash. no.20-6 F 165, (MIRA 1814) , r-, 1. Glavnyy konstruktor KharIkovskogo traktornogo sayoda (for Soahnikov). 2. Zamestitell glavnogo konstruktom E-Arlkovskogo traktornogo zavoda (for Levitanus). WITAPFUS, A.D. 19fficlent system for the testing of tractors. ne.6M-21 J9 065. 1. Kharlkovskiy traktornyy zavod. Trakt. i sallkhozmash. (KIRA 18%7) KA L I li OVSK TY U4, A. ICHE'll, Yu.1, [DT..20 tra,-1cri Traktor Ll.-20. M,-l,.,:ia, Kol:)s, 4 P. BRAUN, M.P., doktor V@khn. nauk; ;4IROVSKIY, E.I., inzh.; LEVITAKUS, A.D.v kand. tekhn. nriuk, KARAMZIN, E.I., Inzh.; SIAVIN, B.A., lnzb. Using low-nickel and nlckellaos steels for pinions of tractor transmissions. Mashinostroonie no.2s85-87 Mr-Ap 165 jMIRA l8t6) K@&r'kuv.;'vj-y 11'raktorri.,r.7 7.av,)d. kLUlHWRDYAN, D.A., prof.; AMINOV, A.M., doktor ekon. nauk; AGLAS, M.S., prof.; D'YACHENKO, V.V., dots.; ZLOBIN, I.D., prof.; XADYSHEV, L.A., dots.,- KARNAUKHOVA, U.S., prof.; KOTOV, G.G., prof M@ dots.; LIVSHITS, A.L., dots.; LYAPIN, A.P.,, prof.; HAXARDVA, M.F., prof.; MASLOV, P.P., prof.; SONIN, M.Ta., doktor ekon.nauk; S010KIN, G.M.fSTRUMILIN, S.G., akademik; TUMANOVA, L.V.,, dots.; TUROVTSEV, V.I., dots.; FIGURNOV, P.K., prof.; MOKHOVA, N.I., dots., red.; SHCHERUKOVA, V.V., dots., red.; SHVETTSER, U.K., red.; MURASHOVA, V.A.9 takkn. red. (The economics of sociallemlPolitieheskaia elonomila sotala- lizaa. Izd.2., parer. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo OVysshaia ahkola,n 1962. 614 p. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sorokin). (Economics) (Communism) !---- _T :@--r-I _-, ,@, ., - - _T, . Levitanust M. Be - "The pmblen of foreign bodies in the bladder in gun-shot wounds," Sbornik trudav Nauch.-IsBled. in-ta ortopedil, tramatologii i protezirmaniya (M-VO zdravookhrananiya Uz SSR), Vol. 1, 1948, P. 163-72 SO: U-4934, 29 Oct 53, (Iatopia 'Zhurnal Inykh Statcy, No. 16, 1949). j Levitanus, Y. 4. thrombosis of ti.,! of low-r of aft,,!r pm-shot wou!,! ,),P @I@i sort ti. ii,, C., U-! [A.!;, @uttc-:r. scr.,@u:.,N jtf@rr.!k tr,aicv In-tL cr'.cpe-J!,I, tr@vr@toiccil I zdr- voclkhrL@w-m i5r& Uz S@JR), Vol. I, 1@48, p. 2-3@- p SO: U-4c;'34 29 0;;. 53, (Letopis 'Zhljrvi@ I 'rj@kk@ St&@telwy. No. 10'. 1,41@ Will 14 1,-*, A' raie m Man Mm I Vol. @, - - @' !,. ! ; ) , I't- @-: I!- I UIVITAMUS, M.B. (Tashkent) Report on the activity of the Tashkent Urological Society in 1956. Urologlia 22 no.5:81-82 S-0 '57. (RDU 10:12) (IMOIA)GY) LIVITANUS, M.B. (Tashkent) --------- - - Organizing urologic aid for the population of the Uzbek S.S.R. Urologiia 22 no.6:54-55 H-D f57- (MIRA 11:21) (UROLOGY in Russia. Uzbekistan) LEVITAS. A.. Imndidat ekonomicheskikh nauk; ORWV, Ta., kaudidat ekonomiche- skikh nauk. Soviet commerce as a form of goods exchange under socialism. Sov. torg. no,7:10-17 JI '57. (Commerce) (KLRA 10:9) mq- IZVITAS, A,., kand.okonomicho3kikh nawk nTurnover of goods under soolalism" by G.S.Grigorlian. Flzviewed by A.Levitaa. Sov,torge 35 no.4.'3Z-36 Ap 162. (MA 1514) (Economics) (Grigorlian, G.S.) ICTIUSH9 Abram Isaakovich; WMASj Avgust Grigorlyevicb; ROTUVA, R.S.p red.j GARINA, T.D.r (Socialist property) Sotsia.11stiobeekaia, sobstvemoatf. Moakvag Goso lad-vo *Vyeebaia shkola," 1961. 93 p. (MIRA 14: 8) (Socialist property) Oct 1947 Oscillators, Blocking Oscillations - Tbe=7 *ft@mration or a Blocking Oscillator, w D. M. Levit", 'r- T- WgUlln, Sol ROB IUAt PhYG, VXMOOW StAtS U, 20p) *XbW Tekh rIz* Vol XTn, No 10 molain. the trwwfer from ometent Cocillatim systm Ot qParation to blocking process an result of **If- I Sciftlatim and Interrupted owillatIon. Anthors *an- &wt calculatIcan for the blocking process uMw 4AW 04adItians. Show possibility of oarrect, qualitative Asewiptiam of the blocking process an the basis of *h* *ffect of circuit currents vithmt takin laW lam (Cantd) Oct 3947 *"out the anode rewtion. Report that experimmatal qualties coinwolded vith thecrartical qunlities. Sib- vd,tt*&p 11 Jun 1947. S/046 ,/62/008/003/004/007 BIOS/B104 AUVORSt Dneprovskaya, 1. A., We, V. K., LovJtas, F. 1. TITU;s Attenuution of sound In the atmosphere PLRICDICAL: Akustickienkii zhurnal, v. L', no. 5, 1962, 301 - 307 Ti.XTs Thu excess attenuation cu of uound (200 - 2000 cps) in the atmonpLere ;:us det-rmined from tleasure-monts In 7 different tracts of land (above and near vtilleja, ptc). The round Ivvel at an altitudu of 1.5 - 1.7 M above the round was recorded objectively at the source (distance ro . 5m) and subjectively at the receiver (1-5 - 5 km). The excess attenuationo, (in db/k,-,i) is equal to (N - N0 -20logr/rd/r wheie ( is tho molecular attenuation, N0 ic the sound level at r0, N is the sound level at the distance r from the sourest di dependg on the season of the year, on the tire of tt.e day, on the type ofsurface, on the diatai.ce fron the source, bnd on thc frequoncy. itn value generally Increases with frequency. Vie preaenci of an acoustic shade increased rju naturally to twice its normal amount. The results were not uniform and often contradictory. For more, Card 1/2 '3/046/62/008/00'J/004/007 Attenuativn of sourld irk thu. B100104 accurate resulta, more itati,-Aicul dat(i oould be required. Thcr'! 7 figures. ASSOCIATIONj Gonudarstvermyy fuyuznyy n.-i. institut prtrew I aku-,tiki im. A. !;. Vo;,o,!a L...ninEr"d (Stalte All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Rulinbrcadcastin6 Recepticat and Acouatics imeni @. 3. Popov, LeninFrad) SUB.YITT,:,',,: November 15, 11061 Card 2/2 DNEPROVSKAU, I.A.; IOPE, V.K.; IZVITAS9 F.I. Attenuation of sound propagated in the atmosphere. Akunt.thur. 8 no*3001-307 162. (14M 15:22) 1. Gosudarstvannn soyuzMy nauchno-iseledovatellokiy institut radioveshchatellnogo priyema i akustiki im, A.S.Popova, Leningrad. (Atmospheric acoustics) IEVITAS IJS@ t inzhe Mechanized operations in feeding swine with semiliquid foods. Mekh. oil'. hoop 1? no.n:23-U N 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Swine-Feeding and feeds) I-- .!, I - E, BELOPSUZOVSKIT,M.Te.. Inshener; LUITAS.I.I., inzhener 6.- - -1--, 2. ". ObtainIng extracts of a given basicity. Log. prom. 15no.4: 49-51 Ap 15$. (KLRk 8:7) (Tanning) Dn ijp c cc -A C6DE 02 65TWW610 bWOOW INVENTOR: Pozhela, Yu. K.; Levitas, I. S.; Yaryakonte, A. P. ORG: none TITLE: Superhigh-frequincy and Infrared radiation modulatorealass 21, No. 175535 (mnounced by the Institute of Physics and Mathematics (Institut fizixt I matematiki) SOURCE- Byulleten' itobroteniy I tovarnykh znakov, no. 20, 1965, 30 TOPIC TAGS: superhigh frequency modulation, infrared radiation modulator ABSTRACT; This Author Certificate introduces a superhigh-frequency and Infrared radiation modulator In -the form of a wavegulde with a semiconductor plate. To s1my.- plify th@ design or the device and to obtain the highest possible potential differene across the surface of the plate, the plate in made, for example, from a germanium single crystal so that Its wide sides lie in the (110) plane and the current directio makes an angle of 300 with the (001) direction. (JR SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: 24mar6h/ ATD PFM: 621.376. MIMI L* L levitas,, L. 1. - Oftperimental fIndings on the tranaplantation of preserved vessels," b the symposium Ve No Mmwvp Rievp 1949p p. 255-61 SO: U-4355v 14 August 53, (IAtopia 'Mmrnal Inykh Statsyp No. 15, 1949) KOVALENKO, 0., kand. tekhn. nauk; LEVITAS, Y. [LOVItas, I.), lnzh. New feed kitchens for specialized awine raising sections. Sill. bud. 1) no.11:3-5 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2056 Nitskevich, Z.A., V.T. Pirogova, and Ye. A. Levitaa ------------------------------ Plasticheakiye massy na oanove poliamidnykh smol; obzor otechestvennoy i zarubezhnoy literatury (Plastics From Polyamide Resins; Review of Domestic and Foreign Literature) Kiyev,1958- 36 p. 2,000 copies printed. i" Sponsoring Agencies: Ukraine. Oosudarstvennaya planovaya komissiya, and Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut mestnoy i toplivnoy promyshlennosti. Reap. Ed.: A.I. Shapiro. PURPOSE: This brochure is intended for industrial chemists, technologists and other persons concerned with synthetic materials. COVERAGE: The brochure presents data on the properties and uses of polyamide resins including methods of utilizing them as casting Card 1/ 3 Plastics From Polyamide Resins; (Cont. SOV/2056 materials. There are 16 references: 8 Soviet, 3 English and 5 German. No personalities are mentioned. TABIE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 I. Properties of Polyamides 4 Physicochemical properties 4 Mechanical properties T Thermal properties 10 Dielectric properties 11 II. Use of Polyamide Plastics 12 III. Modified Polyamide Resins 22 IV. Accesaor7 Materials Used in the Processing of Polyamides 25 Plasticizers 25 Card 2/3 Plastics From Polyamide Resins; (Cont.) SOV/2056 Fillers Dyes V. Making Articles From Polyamides Injection molding Processing with extrusion machines [worm-typel Application of thin polyamide coatings Casting films from melts Casting films from solutions Cementing and welding polyamides Utilization of waste products Bibliography AVAILABLE: Card 3/3 Library of Congress 27 27 28 28 31 31 33 34 34 35 38 Tm/imr 8-25-59 ZEGZHDA, D.P.; ARZUMANOV, F.A.1 LEVITAS, Yn.G.; DUDAVSKIY, I.Te. Properties of grog obtained by turning certain clays Jn rotary kilns. CiFneupory 31 no.10-10 166. \% , 1. Pneprop-ttrovskiy metallurgicheskly InOAtut (for Z@g.zhrl,;i, Arzumanov, Levitas, Frolova). 2. Zaporozhi)(Jy ogneiq,ornyy zavod (for Dudavskly). SHNETEROV, Ya.A., kand.takhn.nauk; DERFEV, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; EOTIN, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; Prinimali uchastiye: ZAYTSVI, I.A.: YURAPLN, B.S.1 LEVITAWV# Ta J - - 1B.; SUACHIEV, A.I.; TRETIMOV, Ye.V.; UNIM, V.D.j-TMT,S17-TMIY, I.B. Reducing the,consumption of ferromInganese in the makinF of open- hearth 3teel. Trudy Ukr. nauch.-Isel. in3t. met. no.7:103-114 (MIRA 14:11) (Steel-Metallurgy) (Forromanganese) LEVITASOV, YA, M.; Kazakov, A.A. T Invj tigating heat processes in the riser head of a killed steel.ignot. Sta @12 no.10:900-902 0162. WRA 15:10) 1. Mcrainskiy nauchzio-issladovitallskiy institut metal-lov i Donetskiy filial Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo insti@ut& metallov. (steel ingots) (Heat-Transminnion) ANDONTYPIS. S.M.; GLAZKOVY P.G. (deceased]; XUCHIN, V.A. KONDRATIYEV, Ye.M.; A Ya.M.1 MAKARCV, K.I.; PANKFATOV, F.V.; PFVN`YY, N.I.; X@.' POCHTMAN A.M.; MNITI, P.A.; SPEYN-rAYN, F.I.; SHKLYARF T.I.; Prinirvili uchnstlyet MMAN, M.N.; VARYAIDM'FV, F.L.; ROBIN, M.A.; ICYSIUVICH, G.l.; SAPIRO, V.S.; ALFKSEYEV, L.P.; POPOVA, R.S. Heating Martin furnaces with natural gas using reformers. Gaz. prom. 9 no.11:14-17 164. (MIRA 17:12) I-F111'rGII, E., ing. Tailoring tsixtile materials treat.!d with polyurethqvi foAms. Ind text Rum 16 no.102-15 Js 165. 1. Planning Instit,ite of the Light Indu3try, Bticharest. IINVITM, A.A., Inzh, ultro varnishes colored with aniline dyes In the finishing of wood. Dar. prom. 7 no.1121 Ja 158. (min 11:1) 1, Muskaya shchatochnayn fabribm Im.Krupskoy. (Varnish and varnishing) (Coal-t&r colors) (Wood finishing) .USSNChemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Food Industry,, 1-28 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No lg,, 1956p 63714 Authort loevites,, A. M. Institution: None Title: Storage of Naturally Frozen Navaga. in Bales Original Periodical: Ryb. kh-vo, 1956, No 3, 23-24 Abstractt An appropriate procedure is proposed for the storage of naturally frozen navaga. During the catching season the f=eshly caught fish is stacked in shallow layers then baled and frozen in the open. The frozen fish is then packed in boxes or burlap bags and stacked in carload batches -e-2-5 m high over an open area covered with a 30-cm layer of insulation, separating each 2-3 carloads by snow walls one m thick. The insulatim in Mstributed as follows; on a batch of 0A-cked fish are placed straw mate followed by a 20-cm thick layer cf snow, a 25-cm insulation layer and a snow layer up to 2.5 m. For Card .1/2 USSR/Chemical Technology - Chesmical Products and Thbir Application. Food Industry, 1-28 Abet Journal: Referat ZhU-r - Khimiya,, No 19.. 1956, 63714 Abstract: protection against rain and to reduce malting of snow during a we= spellj it is recc=ended to use 'in addition tarpaulin covers Or a one m thick layer of insulation. The insulating material used is hay or branches of evergreens. Card 2/2 MNYVETS, Ys.M.; ROOPORT, B.M. [deceased]; LEVITES, E.I. Developing the carbamide mothod for seWating oxygen-"ntairlng vubetancea Into normal and iscatructural ccnqwunds. Mda. I tekh. top3.1 maael 7 no.IS60-64 Ja 162. (MIRA ;5:1) 1. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-isaledavatel'skAy institut po ;ererabotke nefti gaw i polucheniyu iskusstvemogo zhidkogo topliva. (Alcohols) Orea) (Cmplax coiWunds) @Y en: L 121,23-63, EWPW/FWW/HDS ASD Pc-4 IRM ACCESSION NRi AP3001160 3/0190/63/005/006/0875/0880 L AUTHORt Levites, 1, Lt Volokhina, A. Y.i Kudryavt3ey, 0. 1. 0 TITLEt Solid phase 22IXcopdensatiq@.j 4. Solid phase copolyconden3ation of amino acids and, the diAaine salts of dicarboXylio acids SOURM Vy*sokomoleku1yaM*ye soyedineniya , Y. 5, no. 6, 1963, &M-880 TOPIC TAGSt polyoondensation, copolycondensation, amino acids, diamine salts, dicarboxylie acids, copolymers ABSTRACTs The present work is a continuation of earlier investigations by the authors. It involves the study by the grav otric method of the kinetics of co- PiDlyRondensation of four pairs of Volyam do orming monomers, namely, aminoenanthic aQjA'KAA) with hexamoUVIonjodiamin; 'aZipate HDA), piperazine adipate (PIT-wITS p-aminoothylpherorlpropionic acid (FAFF), holaxothylonediamine adipate (HDA) with the docamothylenediaaine salt of hozahydroterefthalic acid (DDHTA). and hexa- mathylonediamine adipate (RDA) with hexamothylenedismine isophthalate (HDIP). The basis for assigning a particular amino to a specific pair hinged on closely matched rateas of polycondensation at the same temperature. The and products of the reac- tions were solid masses, which readily disintegrated into a powder. It was found Card L 12423-63 ACCESSION MRs 03001160 that at 156-5C the polycondensation of Ak and HDA partly proceeded in the malt phase, the actual melting point of the mixture being 172,173C, while that of its constituents is 193-194C and 195C. For IPA and PAPP, the hmopolymers of which are practically not fusible, the reaction proceeds via malt at a temperature exceeding 235C, and for HDA and DDHTA at over 156C. The copolycondensation process for HDA and HDIP in a isl ratio proceeds at 169C in the solid phase, and, having reached 62% of its total potential, it practically stops there. It is assumed that only HDA reacts at this point, WhiCh is confirmed by analysis of the resulting poly- condensate. The composition of the obtained polyamides was studied by means of chromatography, and their solubility in various solvents was Investigated. It was found that the lil oopolycondon3ation produat of PA and PAPP was soluble in tri- cresol, while none of the constituent hmopolymer3 were. The chrcoatogrAphic in- vestigation of the oopolycondensation products revealed their structure as that of copolymers with a Statistic distribution of monmeric units. This was established for the AA and AU an well as MA and DDHTA copolycondensation products. It is concluded that the reaction under investigation yields a true polyamide and not a mixture of homopolyamides. Orig. art, haai 3 charts. ASSOCIATIONs Ysesoyuzny*y nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut iskusatyennogo volokna (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Artificial Fibers) Card 2/p . . . . . .J&..1A4';'# .06 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ago haip 1..,% 4 ..A. LE;VITW, E.P. - Some problem in tho treatment cf tur.@Ors b7 =eans of regional perfunion; rev;ew of Soviet and foreign ll.terature,, fUln. khire no,lil9-24 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii (zav. - doktor med. nauk F.M.Danovich) meditsinskogo, fakulltata Petrozavodskogo universiteta. KLAZ, N. Ye.; LEVITES, I.I. Semiautomatic unit for hardening circular dies. Stan.i inatr. 32 no.603-34 Js 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Steel-Hardening) now 3/129/65/000/004/00'1/014 A004/A127 AUTHORSs Brong D.I., Rakhahtadt, A.G., Lovites, I.I. TATLEs The effect of thermomechanioal treatment on the fatigue strength of 55XrP (55XhGH) grade steel PERIODICAW Notallovedeniy* i termichoskaya obrabotka metalloyl no. 4s 1963, 30 - 31 TEM The authors investigated theaffect of heat treament and high- -temperature thermomechanical treatment on tha fatigue characteristics of the 55KhGR spring steel, containing 0-57@ C. 0-36-j4 Si, 1-3@; un, 1-14@; Cr, 0-057@ Ti, 0-5@ Ki and 0-0037@ B. Flat specimens were tested on the HPC -2 (IRS-2) machine in regular symmetric load cycles in one plane. It was found that the optimum tempering temperature for this steel grade was 520 - 560OC-' High-tomperature thermomechanical treatment improves the fatigue characte- ristics of this stool, the fatigue limit increase &mounting to 101/6 at least, while the limited durability features a rvduction of 5V@ increase by a factor of 9, The optimum tempering temperatures of 55KhGR stool after high- - U temperature thermomechanical treatment are in the range of 250 300OC- If Card 1/2 4z I_ 5/129/63/000/004/007/014 The effect of therwomechanical A004/A127 the tempering temperature exceeds 4000C, the offeot of high-temperature thermouschanical treatment ia taken off. High-temperature thermomechanical treatment with low degrees of reduction (15 - 251/!j) improve the fatigue characteristics of the steel in the most offeotive way at a tempering tem- perature of 250OCe There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONt UVTU In Bauman Card 2/2 L 10691::63 EWP(q) /EWT(ffli) IBDS--A FF7(;/ASD--JD ACC&SSIOIN R-R: APM652 3/0129/63/000/006/0010/0012 AUTHOR: Bron. D. I.. Gruzdov, P. Ta. Levites, 1. 1.; Rakhahtadt, A.G. 7 TITLE: The influence of austenixation temperature on the kinetics of isother7nal transformation of super cooled austenite steel 55 KhGR and 50 KhG SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metalloy, no. 6, 1963, 10-12 TOPIC TAGS: 55 KhGR steel, 50 KhG steals austenixation temperature, isothermal transformation ABSTRACT: The stability of austenite 55 KhGR and 50 KhG steel during the iso- thermal process increases with that of the temperature of heating. In the inter- mediate region of the transformation, the stability of cooled austenite increases as the temperature rises to 900C, but decreases as the temperature further in- creases to 110OCo This is explained by the increasing influence of concentration of thermal vacancies on carbon processes in the austenite. The alloying of chrome manganese steel (with a 0.5-0.6% increase of the carbon contents) with boron sharply increase the stability of cooled austenite and hence the hardenability of steel* Orig. art. has: 2 figures. Card 1#/ ----------------- ----- BRONO D.I.; BERNSHUYN, M.L., doktor tekhn.nauk; RAKESHTADT, A.G-.P kand. Hardening 55KhGR spring steel by the method of high-temperature thermomechanical treatment. Avt.prom. 30 no.105-38 Ja 164. OU RA 17: 3) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy tokhnologicheakly institut aytomobillnoy promyshlennosti,, Moskovskly institut stali i splavov i Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheakoye uchilishche imeni Baumana. D.I., kand. tokhn. riauk; E-ON, D.I.; Effect of high-tempe.-at-re heat and mechanical treatment on fatigue characteristics 'If 55C2 and 50KhG spring steels. Avt. prom. 31 no.1:3F-39 Ja '64- ('tIPJ, 1P: 3) 1. Belorusskly institut rzekhanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva I Hauchno-issledovatelInkiy institut tekhnologii avtomcbillnoy promyshlennosti. Am -'I U I rT- 3 klIza -11tr AP60321#59jDAr 'A souRci; coD--,: avoi-q/ .AU;.'.:GR: Bron, D. I.; Levites, 1. 1. ORG: NIITAVWPROM -TITLt: The properties of 55KhGII tool after ausforming and requenching !GOURVE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metailov, no. 9, 1966, 45-48 TOPA TAGS: mechanical property, metal ausforming, spring stool, zeta). dofomation jABSTRACT: The authors study the effect of the degree of deformation during av'form- _2rif@& s@eel! *with the ling on the strength, yield and fatigue characteristics of 55irhGR ss ifolloving composition: 0.57% C, 1.03% Mn, 0.36% si, la4% Cr and 0.0037% B. Flat . ispecimens were tested on one pass through a laboratory rolling mill. The de4recz Of @reduction were 15, 25 and 50%. The final thickness of the specimens wa5 4 rz-,. 1hrec ;Gypes of heat treatment were used: the first consisted of deforimation at 95G*C or @normal quenching in oil and tempering at 2500C for one hour; the second is the 5w,-,c tas the first except that the specimens were tempered at 6500C for one hour and re- ;heazed in a salt batb at 2700C for two minutes, quenched in oil and tempered at 2500C ifor one hour; the third is the same as the second but does not include tczperiLd at Specimens for tensile testing were not subjected to mechanical trtatment, jwhile those which were intended for fatigue testing were polished and deep cooled. Card 1/2 UDC: 621-785:539.374 L 11161-67. ACC NRI AP6032459 All tensile testLnF, i@as done on the '@Sho-)2cz:" 0 ri hydrauli-c-machine. The t-1,1@@ ;tests were done on the@VAMI-IRS- machine. The results of these teots that dl- P :rect ausforming improv Ies the strength and fatigue characteristics of steel Ly ,Maximum strengthening effect is achieved with'a 25% reduction. Steel strengthened by iausforming can be retempered by rapid heating after intermediate temperinF, which par- ;Lially reduces its strength and improves its plastic characteristics. On tile other !hand, if low temperature -tempering is eliminated during direct ausforming, full re- Icovery of properties during requenching and low temperature tempering of steel 'strengthened by ausforming is impossible. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. @SUB CODE: U/ SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG REF: 004 I 3V 'ITT' . IEVITFIA Hemcdynamic anI respiratory changes related to the Trendelenburg position. Akush. i gin. 40 no.4:120-124 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA l8s4) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatel'skly ankolcgichaskiy-institut Imni Gortsena (dire prof# A.N.Novikov), Moskva. WNW, Yakov Moiseyevich; SHANTSIR. Te.T.. redaktor; NIKITINA, T.21., redanor ltdatellstva; INTIN, M.L., redaktor Izdatellotya; GMOU. O.A., tekhalchookly redaktor [Historical geology and the principles of paleontology) Istorichs- skula geologila a onnovaint palsontologii. Moskva, Goo. nauchno- takha. Izd-vo lit-ry po gool. I okhrane nedr. 1956. 314 p. (Paleontology) Wak 9:10) (0001097--HistOr7) o"S U7 I'c!@ I: Kr) rE an t )70, F7 Jak.av..FoAtseyevich; HURATOV, M.V., red.; 3fi,1ARCINA111, L.M.0 red. izd.-va; DTKOVA, V.V.p takhn. red. [Historical geology together vith the principles of the paleontology and geology of the U.S.S.R.] latoricheBkaia geolo- gila a oszovami paleontologii i geologii SSSR. Moskya, Goo. nauchno-tekhnsizd-wo lit-ry po geol. i okhrene nedr, 1961. 295 P. (MIRA 15:1) (Geology) 4*, 4J LVITINP A. Constructing a fim minin Zhitmir, Prow. stroi. i lnzh. soar. 2 no. lt4l-O A 161. (K4U 14il) 1, Nachallnik stroitelinogo otdola Ukrgiprolsgprom. (Zhttanir-Textile factories) C LEVITIN, A*p inaho; RnUp L. inshe Improving the design of light.-industry enterprises. From.stroisi inah.soor. 4 no.1:18-23 Ja-F 162- ('219RA 15:8) (factoriev-Design and construction) . ............. ABO X.A., A.I.; ORLOVA, L.B.; PLOTMO11, R-1- Apparatus for luminescence logging of oil wells from drilling fluid coming out. Prikl. geofiz. no-37sl83-194 163. (WRA 16:10) S,A.; MITIN, A.I.j Ft.'rM-.`X(jV, R.I. Tempemture quencrdrg of the IuLlLescence of oil. Gocf1s. prit. no.201 97-98 164. (MIRA 18%9) 1. Vsavoyurny7 nauchno-tealadovatel'skiy inatitut razvedoc@noy gec- f lziki. L 1421�4t EWT J1 GW ACM PRI A1600429 SOURCE CODE: UR/3175/65/000/026/0044/0046 AUTHOR: A4, E. @.; Gordin, V. L.; Levitin, A. I.; Filippov, V. A. ORG. none TITLE: A portable source of ultravioletradiation SOURCE# USSR. Gosudaretvennyy S!ologicheskiy komitet. OsobRXe konstruktorskoye byuro. Geoffilcheak a app@Es!%Ta, no. 26, 1965, 44-48 TOPIC TAGSi EN light source, spectral distribution ABSTRACT: The authors describe a portable radiation source designed for operation in the UV region of the spectrum at about 254 and 320-400 mv. The spherical en- velope of the -tube is made from ordinary uviol glass and is about 15 mm in diameter with a wall thickness of the order of fractions of a millimeter. The radiation spec- trum of the tube may be expanded by coating the inside of the envelope with a phos- phorescent material which emits radiation in the desired spectral region. If part of the surface of the envelope is left uncoated (a "window"), the same tube may be used for bidirectional radiation in different spectral regions. optimum supply fre- Card 1/2 L 14646-66 ACC MR: AT6004295 quency was found to be of the order of 100 Mc. A power of the order of 12 w and a frequency of about 100 Hc gave a surface radiation density in the 254 mij range ap- pivximately fifty times that of SUV-15 tubes (15 w) and nearly equal to the surface density for PRX tubes. Application of L-33 phosphor Increases emission in the 320- -400 mp with a surface radiation density approximately 30-40 times that of the UFO-4A tube which has similar spectral distribution. An increase in tube power is not recommended since it may darken or melt the glass of the envelope. Tables and curves are given illustrating the characteri3tics of spectral distribution for emis- sion from these tubes. The authors are sincerely grateful to L. A. Khutsishvili and 9. N. Klimenko for their'participation In this work. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2 tagre-s. SUB ODDE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF* 004/ OTH REr: 001 Card.2/2 r6@7 zz"TIN 0 Wild bulboAm plants of Central Asia &3A their developwnt in culti- vation* Biu3..G], sad& nol7z22-31 154. (KM 80) 1. Ukrainski nauchno-Issledovatel'skly Institut o"ehcheyodstva. (BalbsT IEVITIN, A.Ye., lnzh. Motortruck for *.rRck malnt.,winis@ 1-.d -o,,)Alr. Put' I 8 no.6:14 164. (MIR". 17%9/1 Stnn+.niya IllrestinkRy-t. lfcikn,-@'f@@.j Te UM/RdAlo Xquipment wr 1948 Circuits, Tuned - Impedance "Circuit IQ,' Part 1,0 A. Ye. Lavitin, 3 PP "Radio" No 3 winbe completed In the folloving Issue. Discusses decrement of damping, various characterlatlo values of circuits or coils, voltage rise, selectivity band, and circuit Impedance. ID 78T91 I, @ ( f. @:-- LVITIS,B., Inshener bwftotorf@ Coavertiplanes. Tokh.sol.23 no.7:36-37 J1155- (XLRA 8:101 (Convertiplanes) @- : -@ , -. .-- LEVITIN. B.. inzhoner. - - I Convartiplanes. Takh.mol.24 no.1/2:78-79 IM-Y 156. (Convertlplanes) LXVITIN, B., lazhoner. - , mcolsopter,' [a rocket (vertical-horizontal) aircraft]. Tekh.mol. 24 ko-3:33 Mr 156. 04LBA 9:7) (Rockets (Aeronautics)) LWITIU, B. S. Cand Tech Sol -- (diss) "Laws of the w6ight of sectional.j , automMINW-highway -stak- bridges." Mos. 1968. 16 pp (Min of flfig;her Education USSR. Llos Order of Labor Red Banner Construction Engineering List im V. 11. Kuybyshev), 110 copies (KL, 14-58, 113) -64- LEVITIN, B.S., kand.tekhn.nauk Using aluminum alloys in the manufacture of cranes. Vest. mashinostr. 42 no*7843-44 J1 162. (MA 115:8) (Cranes, derricks, ate.) (Aluminum alloys) @.S.; VOROMSOV, G.A.; ILIULEVICH, S.A., do@tor- tekYn. nauk, prof.# retron"ent [Une of aluminum alloys In crane metal striietures] Fri- menenie aliuminievykh splavov v kranovykh retallokon- struktaiiakh. Yo:*va, Mashinostroenie, 1964. 191 (MTRA 17:7) FI T - r AUTHOR: Levitin, B.Ye. 136-6-18/26 TITLE: Reserves of the Dneprovsk Aluminium Works. (Rezervy Dneprovskogo Alyminlyevogo Zavoda) PERIODICAL: Tevetny3e Metally, 1957, P. 76 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this brief note on methods used by the collective of the seventh i)roduction division of the electrolytic shop at the Dneprovsk Aluminium Works data on efficiency increases are given. Teams of workcra,led by Popravka, Dementlyev, Machura- shvili, distinguished themselves in this respect, as did shifts under Hellnikov, valivayko, Demichev, Ignateriko, and Yermakova. These successes are attributed to the adoption of progressive methods including automatic current control, 2.20 - 2.30 electrolyte acidity i@ 40 kA baths and current densities of not less than 16 A/cm . These and other parameters are tabu- lated and discussed. In 1956, the yield with respect to current achieved was 89.4%, 0.4% better than planned. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1