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LEVSKIY, L. K., Cand Phys-M~,,th Sci (diss) "Study of reactici2 products for cosmic rays reacting with meteoritic substance5." Len4rq:~r~3d, 196U. 12 p with graphs; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Laboratori of the ~_tolczy p of Pre-Cambrian); 250 copies; free; (KL, 24-60, 128) Ig a. 4r, a lit S p LLMI=-t L.K. Absorption of 4namic, radiation by iron meteorites. Geokhimiia no.3:274-277 160, (NDA 14:5) 1, Laboratory of the Precambrain Geologyp Academy of Sciences. U.S.S.R. Leningrad. Meteorites) Memic rays) LIVSKIT L. I. jP and Ar39 in iron meteorites, Radiokhialla 2 no.4t4gi-494 l6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Tritium) (Argon-Isotopes) (Neteorites) AUTHORS: Gurlineg E. X. 9 Levskiyq. L. K. 5011/?0-130-1 -11169 TITLE: -4 of Sikhote-Al tn The Cosmic Age of the bleteorit PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 19609 Vol. 130, Nr 1, pr 45 - 46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the preaent paper the content of the radioaotive isotopes H3 and A39 in the meteorite of Sikhote-Alixt Is determined. A counter with relatively low background was constructed for mea- suring the low activities to be expectal. An aaouratR descrip- tion of this device and the experimental teahni-que will be given in a separate paper. The results of measuremnnts are sum- marized in table 1. The data obtained from radiation with iron targets with 3.10 3_Mev protons yielded He-3/H3 = 2.A for the ratio of the He3 and H3 nuclei. Thus, the valup 1-3.10 13 at/C Is obtained for the amount of Ho3 formed by tritlun decay. By means of this quantity and the rate of triti,_ir, &jitay the rate of production after equilibriiim has onc.-..irred) the daration Card 1/3 of Irradiation or the cosmic age ~)f the mqteorit,~ was found to A 679 3 8 A11/2r,- -i-i4 -9 The Cosmic Age of the Meteorite of Sikhote-Alirt C ~3o 16 Card 2/3 be (900 + 200).10 6 years. The computation of -iho cotal amount of decayed A 39 nuclei is very complicated. A 39 decays into K39 and the latter is added to the potassium 7.ontalned In the meteorite. This potassium admixturot cannot be reliably deter- mined by experiments, the amount of decayed .09 nuclei, however, can b,:) estimated proceeding from the content of .1.1-10-7 CM3/g). By taking into account several correc- tions A39/A38 is found to be 0-5. After introduction of these corrections the amount of the X39 atoma formed by the decay of A39 is 1-7-10 12 at/g. Herefrom It follows that the duration of irradiation T - (430 + 50)-10 6 years. This value is close to that obtained by E. L. Flireman (Ref 3), and ia obviously the most reliable one. The duration of irradiation obtained here allows to estimate the number N of f~osmia part.':Aes per I =2 and I see from the amount of A 38 ; N ~ 2nj/6A36 n2T, where n Ide- notes the number of the A38 atoms in 1 g, n 2 - ths number of iron atoms in I g,dA38 the mean production crons nection. of OV" The Cosmic Age of the Meteorite of Sikhote-,~Jkllir- Sri V/2 0- 13 /69 36. Therefrom it re3ults fliat N,,..2,3 pari-Jc1-.s/ " A c~m%spi~. This value is in satisfactory agreement witb tl-.s experimental data for 'he lensity of cosmic radiation In I~he pola::- rc-gicna of the 2 Earth (2 particles/cm .see). There are I table and 4 references. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya geologii dokembriya Akademii nau-k SSSIR (Laborator7 for the Geology of the Pre-Cambrian of Anadt-n-.,- of the_ USSR) PRESENTED: March 11, 1959, by A.. A. Polkanov, Academician SUBMITTED: March 11, 1959 Card 313 ORLING, Irik Karlovicb. Prinimali uchastiye: YASHCH.3NKO, M.L., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; YERMOLIN, G.K., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik: TITOV, N.Ye., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik: Al?.&qASIYICVA, L.L. mladshiy naucbnyy sotrudnik; KOLITSOVA, T.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; OVCHINNIKOVA, G.V., mladshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; SRUKOLYUKOV, In.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;, LEVSKIY, Lj., mladshiy nauebnyy sotrudnik; MMOZOIA, K.M., m1adshiy nauchnyy ootrudnik; MATVIMAb I.I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotradnik; BARKAN, T.G., m1adshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; BARANOVSXAYA, N.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; VARSHAVSKAYA, B.S., mladshiy nauchuyy sotrudnik; SXRGEM, A.N., starshiy laborant; KbIMATOV, V.V., starshiy nauohWy notrudnik; KRATTS, K.O., kand.gool.-mineral.nauk,; ARON, G.M., rad.izd-va; BOOHNVER, V.T., [Present status of the argon method for age determination and its use in geology] Sovremennos sostoianie argonovogo metoda opre- deleniia vozrasta i ego primenenle v geologil. Moskva, Izd-vo Amd.nauk SSSR, ig6i. 13o p. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Radiyevyy institut im. V.G.Khlopina (for Kurbatov). (Geological time) (Radioargon dating) IZVSKIr Coomogenic isotopes in the Yardymly meteorite. Geokhimiia no,4-358 (MIRA 34:5) 161. ;10 La~atoriya geolog:U dokembriya AN SSSR, Leningrad. .(Yardymly--Mateorites) --Isotopes) (Helium (Argon-_Isotopes) (Neon--Isotopes) 23884 /017/020 ~;/186161/003/001 k05l/AI?9 AUTHORS' r targeta With TITLES f'.rOtrnA j961, 97-100 VRjoDjCkL,' p 001P. ~~ording to r4 iron Met" The -1--th"re JTi tt&~ P, 1A tFlvNi, Ref j it 'Re.3 % " :,"OL iron, Th4 '4' tl~l alz 'he -qua, ai or enrich (I with t,!Al' 4 , .1 e. th ~ 'Ca~ ~.-~ in- 91 + n I ol tivol'y hi e xparl - tba', ths i eor4,as and a0s.,way-tiT311 gL h Igh, a" Fqt3.bli!! t '0 autbal SWAP P_ CrOMS9 11, W4 ra p e - mer-tr-l- d.-Itt, Cr.d i/5 -jw~ p0 - 23884 S/18 61/003/001/017/020 The yield of argon isotopes ... A051YA129 able to select an empirical formula which would connect the values of the formation oross-sootion of the argon isotope. They show that the formation of argon isotopes does not depend within the limits of the experimental error on the ohemi:~&l composition of the targe't. The empirical formula selected vast 6.~A) . G-R(Z-BA)2 (2)) where R - 2.60, 5 - 0.475, Z - 18, I the mass number. The graphioal presentation of Formula 21 including the experimental data, is. given in curve l.of.the.graplio Curve 2 is a graphical representation of Rudet"te (Ref 7) formula for Z - 181 2 ('L' 18) _ e[IAA-R(-III-3A) j (3), where P - 0.209, Q - 8-54, R - 1440, S - 0.466, . A.-mass number. Curve 1is said to have two characte- ristio featuiOS3' 1)'& wide dome-like shape, charaoteristic-for radiochemical investigations.of reaction products of de ep fission and 2) the maximum of the curve is located close -to the mass number 38, i.e., exactly on the line of stability of the nuclei in this region. The authors point out that an Card 3/5 The yield of argm L,.sotop*s 9i. "I 2% 0 0( S/186 61 R/001/017/020 A051,YA129 increast in the aoxktont of oosmogenio products for those parts of meteorites having troilite and shieiberzite in their composition is still an unsolved problem requiring further investigation. There are 2 tables, 1 graph and 9 references, 4 Soviet-bioc, 5 non-Boviet-bloo. Table 1i 36' 38 39 36 38 No of Ax Ar Ar Ar Ar Gm3 -0/g cm3/g ;;7 Table 2s Card 4/5 arget in (in (in ~ 3 9 Ar 410-,9) -tlo-19) 10-91 1 ' 124 t 1 -5 112 1 10 54 1 4 9i 1 2.1 1 0.1 2 2 t 1 12 t 3 7 1 1 91 5 1.8 t 0-7 -- --- So of Ar36 (in mbarn) Ar38(in mbarn) Ar39(in mbarn) tarivet 1 0.9 t 0.1 8.2 ! 0.8 3.9 1 0.3 2 1.2 t M 7.4 t 1-5 4.3 t 0o5 IZVSKIY L K Isotopic composition of xenon in meteorites. Geokhimiia no.9.-837-838 162. (MIRA 1~:11) 1. Laboratoriya geologii, dokembriya. AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Xenon--Isotopes) (Meteorites) GERLING, E~K~; TZMKIY# LoK*; MOROZOVA, I.M. Diffusion of radiogenic argon from minerals. Geokhimiia no.6:539-51+3 A 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Laboratory of Geology of the Precambrian, Leningrad. IEVSKIYI_L K. Diffusion of helium from stone meteorites. Gookhimila no.6: 544-548 Je 163. (NIRA 16:8) 1. Laboratory of Geology of the Precambrian, Leningrad. L 11053 El~F(n)-2/EWT(m)/BDS-AFFTC/ASD/ANL/SSD-Pa-4--DM ACCESSION NR: AP30OU79 S/0089/63/014/005/04�4/0487 W AUTHOR% Dobronravova, A. N.; Levskiy, L. K.; Murin, A. N.; Titov. N. Ye. 04 TITLE:~ Cross section for formation of krypton and xenon isotopes during uranium fission by protons.of 680 Mevenergy 'SOURCEt Atomn~ya energiya, v. 14, no. 3, 1963, 484-487 TOPIC TAGSt krypton, xenon, isotope-formation, uranium fission by protons ABSTRAM In continuation of the Previous work (Geokhimiya, v. 6, 540, 1962) on the relative yield of xenon and krypton isotopes which are fragments of uranium fission by protons of 680 Mev energy-, the authors have irradiated two more uranium targets in the inner beam of the synchrocyclotron of the laboratory for nuclear problems of the Consolidated Institute for nuclear studies. After heating the specimens, the gases were collected by aclivated charcoal at -183C, and, after purification, were analyzed in a MV-23-OM*ass spectrometerJD To avoid wasting gases, an electric scheme was developed f6r a speedy tuning for recording each isotope. Descri ti f this scheme is given. The relative yield for the krypton (masses 713 to 86K, 'xen*on (124 to 136). and rubidium (83, 84) isotopes is summarized in a table. Effective cross sections are computed using the usual formulas. Card 1/2 ------------ w-------------------- ---------------- ...... 11033~-63 'ACCESSION HR: AP300-1179 Theoretical estimation is made for the distribution,of nuclear fragments as a func- tion of A and Z. - "The authors are grateful to V. P. Dzhelepov and E. K. Gerling for their kindness-in giving us the opportunity to work with the synchrocyclotron and the XV-23-02 mass spectrometer and also to Y. 1, Baranovskiy for discussion of results." Orig, art., hast 5 references, 1 figure, 2 tables. ASSOCTATIONi none 'AccmSiou NRt Ap4o42629 S/0007/64/000/007/0601/0609:: AUTHOR: Levskiyt L. K. TITLEt Age and thermal history of stony meteorites and minerals SOURGE% Geokhimiya, noii 7# 1964, 601~609 TOPIC TAGSs moteoritep thermal history* radioactive age dating 'ABSTRACT., This study was undertaken because or the uncertainty in age determina-.. tions of stony meteorites. Considerable variation is found among values determined ant methods W64 :by differ s A40, and isotope ratios of Pbs Sr, or Os). Whether meteorites come from a single parent body or from several, the H84 and A40 ages should agree, Since they do not, subsequent history must be responsible for the :deviation. The author examines the problem of separating radiogenie and cosmogenic~. isotopes in terms of the theory of defect annealing in crystals. It is assumed that 4 40 He and A began to accumulate at some moment in the parent body (the body is J .considered to have been free of radiogenic isotopes previously). The author con- siders three possible types of thermal actiont 1) the gases are given off at a single temperature at constant rate from the moment the meteoritic material rd 1/2 ;cc L 31095-66 EWT(m) ACC NR. AP6022810 SOMM CODE t UR~ of J~ AUTHM. : 1krin, A. 11. Lo sLc~y, L. K.; 741diarova, A. Be -V ORG. noneF TITLS: Production of stable li:n~aA and xenon isotopes IV irradiation of aluminum halides in reactors SOURCS: Atomaya onorgiya, ve 19, no. 5. 1965, 45,8-459 TOPIC TAGS'i isotope, krypton, xenon, halide, reactor neutron flux, inert 9&3, quartz, activated carbon, mass spectroscopy, gas analysis, aluminum comPound, irradiation ABSTRACT: :Enriched isotopes of the inert gases may~ber~otained by exposure of alumi~ num halides to a neutron flux. The halides were prepared by the reduction of the 0 corre ending Ag halide with Al in quartz containergiat abgut 400 C. Irradiation of 5p 0 20 g of the Al halides by a total flux of 2.16 x Tf ii/ad',culted in the !g1loOng wields of gaseous products: from AlBr 31 2.4 x 10 am-' of and 0.6 x 10 am-,' of 4Kr (usi-ng 79Br and 81Br, respeative3,-~); from A1127I, 698 X10-4 cm3 of 128Xe. After exposwe to high temperatures for three weeks, the quartz ampoules placed in a gas purification system containing liquid nitrogen or dry ice (for work with xenon) trapaJ K011, CuO, and Ca. The purified gases were transferred into ampoules containing active carbon. Hass spectrograms of xenon exhibited only the peak corresponding to Card JL2 UDC, 621,039,13 0 V /X SHUKOLYUKOV, Yu.A,; LEVSKIY, L.K. I Determination of microamounts of xenon. Zhur.anal.khim. 19 no.9:1099- 1.105 164. (AURA 17:10) 1. Laboratory of Pre-Cambrian Geology and Khlopin Institute of Radiumo U.S.S.R. AcadeTq of Sclences, Leningrad. LEVSKIYI,~I-*L. ~ Method of thermal MalYtical studisoe Zhur, fiz. khim. 39 noosjlR46, (MIRA*1869) .1847 Ag 165s, ~Kl Diiqti~: -WcAM/Wd '.140clear maimetic resonsnceANMR) mid Infrared studl, Min, -,air, MMTIM #- R. Bfinc and 1. Levste % ~,nd, . . ;- 3- L (Inst.11t an a4 ugos via hy n L SbT)TS W1,246: e NMR an in of in, d ave a vestigat= L=10=.Dlec. and m the (c fee. phases. Front the nwAsured 2nd moments it was found that at room temp the reorientations of the NIT#+ ions do not remain coMM with any specific axis of rotation. In (NH4)gSOj a line- width transition was found below -110*. Below the transition 2 components were tesolved, which am Interpreted as being due to "frozen-la" and rotating NH4 tons, rap. Above -180*, no line-width transition was found in (NH41s- BeFd. This shows that the H bonds N-H... F are weak. In the Infrared spectra of both comptis, band4 Involving the torsionalmod of N11j+ Ions were found. Thus,thepoul- bility, of free rotation at room temp. must be excluded. The Uttin of the a,4(N'Hd), n(604)owd Ys(BeF4)bdx below Y." M4. point Indicates the defortnation nf these i0 n3 in th V ew ind nuclear maC6611c rp Soca=6 studles.of 3 e ereatl:W&"4Wg ana try govee a ~cv ni (Am 37. 231 2, ugos I'M Made Tagfhb).-Mlojz~ M"SU="t' 7 60M temp. aud lmmcdlatel~ below the -tn.p Od that the curvts of Ist hestmg differ (rom how t . nWCDCrW "Mt Cooft iQ RU S%Mpkf eX"Ot of ~Uclftr magnetic remmam (N.M.R') was aft.." kI*4esautk4 t"iOv=,t to dct-the d"jVatj(Xj Ion turvie in 20 ishemb f rom -I TO, to M'P': tIdW Wm unbranchad M. SO,,U4 bmnched , u e CH, end P*-t"yktu6; them came Mae Of th ,*UM with cl.~ m, bulex, v ty ISO, A simp! Oil: r pbmcm~ua W "t a *dh I y * P ri. pMt4 above 72-.: 44 vrqOqOj*O to 4W" ci~ tu IM4.7 NVIL LEVSTh-K, Igor Magnetic resonance spectra of the protons (NH) so Glas Hem dr 25/26 no.3/4:173-174 i6r,/-i6l 4 2 V 1. Institut "Jozef Stefan," Ljubijana. LWTEK, 1-gor PhyDical methods for earthniake forecasting, Dbz mat fiz 11 no.1s18-22 Je*64 'T 1. Jozef Stefan Nuclear Institute, Ljubljana. IRVT V, M.S. , Contributions made by our efficiency promoters. U ol' Ukr. 3 U00:32 S 159. MRA 13:2) (Mining engineering) (Automatic contro,l) ~1003 /00B/00 pqk -Cis -~toso r -Vi:o cesse5 I~rvOC4 0 Vot oeAP16 tA OD V J;O-ray- Jss are 'Pro- 10 OU 'PC Ve o&a ot tae ~119116 e-ANATLS of gr at "Ovie i~-011 to Ca% 0 GOO atool~ aePOL seal cal ,,& 9, 1962, .1* IL00- 10. 're ~960 P e .. 9 ~P j.0 ,O-r- vartl! -vive-6 So tJ.O%JS aLe dvOl, a~pq" e-re ,,,G-ja O~PVII & '-0 p7ro- DIO to, 'P191% 0 815 8.,Ice tpe Lj() t V tae 'Jas re Viyo.0 toD Nt eftee artll 0t I Vag ot rts teel- &eVar of 0a '004e . SOU ~:Dto Vi. 110,0 v5 g%A Lafls oge-ra tre 91 to VAJP r yoo.,.Gal IWAS & CA - 'ista -, ,,e to 04 r~ae V tt~e 00 fOT 'J'e tyo r Ot -re - e YL CT ve f , 'at- coyer . ej,& ,,),,te Oa6e "i:t _i. c6 't a 'Z0, e the ac 001 0 cesses. t,,,j avO. eflo tyO ,,ae -rec VA gar 40 S Iptex i . oVrr1.,&j.7,e&P are ears tee serO .Gee b_1,oe ,Lao 910 ts 14 1 of e a to U 14i-0, -re CO vie -re tyie se P we Tat'.%IS -, It 1.,Ierl, ,Ias . 0). S'al. types o_ovo f Too Va -re .4atolc f 5 ASe of $ 0 Oce ey-c' er remr - jPS eya b%)PI(I A,-r 'LOS -re VP Tae tyA Nge lonss la'VIS -Coe 0~;0.00-c 1 0 OOIFA~ r1ara S/133/62/000/008/W2/W3 Mechanization of production ..... A054/A127 operate at an increased gas pressure under the charging hole. The service life of charging devices was increased by automatic hard-surfacing with the aid of pulverous electrode wires under a flux layer. In connection with the introduction of high temperature blast, the tuyere design was modified and they are made of heat-resistant steel. Using a conveyor for feeding the skips (without wagon weigher) entirely automated the charging of the furnace. In the open-hearth shop the productivity was raised by improved methods of furnade repair, which takes place without demolishing the foundation. The furnace shells are delivered ffIly assem- bled to the place of mounting with the aid of pouring cranes. The furnaces are adapted to evaporation cooling and most of them are fired by,:q 3.-well gas. The charge was'increased to 400 tons, the capacity of pouring crNi.rose from 220 to 270-280 tons, that of ladles to 210 tons and of charging shovels to 1.24; 1.75 and 2.20 m3. In the rolling shops several stands were added to 'the various roll trains. In 1955 the receiving roller track was lengthened by 26.5 m. The device for putting on slabs was adjusted to semi-automatic telecontrol which increased its rate up to 7 m/sec. New shears with a cutting force of 900 tons (instead of 650 tons) are used. The flying shears in use were replaced by planetary-type electric shears designed at the TsNIITIMASh. Further mechanization and automation projects involve a continuously operating machine for the 250-2 stand to coil hot wire; a machine, Card 2/4 S/133/62/000/008/002/003 Miechanization of production ..... A054/A127 mounted on the base of the C -100 (S-100) tractor, to remove slag from the slag chambers during repairs; an apparatus for the electro-spark machining of rolls of elevated hardness.for the 250-1 stand; a complete set of machines to mechanize the production of tuyeres; an automatic sheet marking device; the improvement of tinning apparatus; the mechanization of chamotte-brick production, by applying semi-dry pressing instead of plastic pressing and the container transportation of refractory bricks into the open-hearth shop; the mechanized collecting of metal chips from, under the hot rolling mills; an instrument for the self-centering of conveyor belts in the coal dressing shop; drills [EA -100- Ill (BA-100-Pl)] for drilling holes in the slag chambers during furnace repair; the remote control of ladle stoppers; automation of sheet grading; a machine.for packing batches (up to I ton) of large sized,thin tin sheets. A number of the above items and processes have already been introduced. It is hoped that the innovations will in- crease productivity during the 7-Years Plan by 75.5% (including 50.7% for cast iron, 68.6% for steel and 65.1% for rolled products). The planned measures will raise the number of personnel by not more than 9.6%. The plans for 1962 feature the mechanization of car-feed into the tippler by portal*type pushers; the mech- anization of tuyere change in the blast furnace, the mechanization of repairs In Card 3/4 3/133/62/000/008/002/003 Mechani2ation of production..... A054/A127 railway sransport, etc. ASSOCIATION. r4agnitogorskiy Yretallurgicheskiy kombinat (Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine) Card 4/4 LESHCHINSKIY, L.Z.; A Kh.; BRAGIN, Ye.A. Reorganization of the refractories industry. Ogneupory 29 no.3t 101,-108 164 WRA 170) 1. 14agnitogorski-y metallurgicheskiy kombinato 77777777777- TSEW, filitur; LEVTEROV, Boris. inzh. .Roman floor beating with warm mireral water. Khidrotekh i melior 8 no.3193-95 163. SCHTEREW, K, D, [Shterev, K. D. 1; MARTINOW, S. L. (Martinov, S. L. -LVWIVOW-i4#-,K, [Levtproy, 13. K.] Bulgarian mineral waters. Vest Ust geol 39 no. 1: 47-52 164. 1. Ministerium fur Gesundheitawesen iind soziale Fursorge, Sofia. A. LEVTSRDV, S. Mooting ft' scientists from abroad@ Tlenyk AN UM 25 AOS.111 75-76 N154. (WRA 8:2) (Ukraine-Relations (General) with Bulgaria) (Bulgaria-Rolat ions (Genersl) with Ukraine) I&TEROV.S. Meeting with scientists from abroad. VisnYk A2 URSR 26 no-5: 61 MY '55- (MA 8:8) (Ukraine--Relations (General) with Poland) (Poland-- Relations (General) with Ukraine) IZVTXRCV,S. Meetings with scholars from abroad. Visnyk AN URSR 26 no.8:77-80 Ag'55- (KLRA 8:11) (Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.) LZVTFM inzhp. 4-~- , - Promote labor safety in pits of the ODallvosugoltm Combine. Bezop.truda v prom,, 4 no,1016-7 !D 169, (KM 13: 11) 1e ZDmbinat Dallvantugoll. (Soviet Par 31ast-Coal mines and mining-Safetpmeasures) 131 SV I I I ,11 4 a us I'd Aia jai i All 11 M RAYKH9LIj Z.Sh#j LEVTOV, M.R.; MAGIDINt L,Z.j YELIKIN) M.A. 6L-9 and SL--8 sealed bottom discharge devices for petroleum tank cars. Transp, i khrane nefti. i nefteprod, no.7:21-24 165. (MIRA 1819) ROGOVER., G.Ye.1, inzh.; LEVTOV, M.R., inzh. Machirib for placing the filter and the concrete. 14ekh.stroi. 19 no.11:24-26 N 162. (MERA 15:11) (Hydraulic structures) (concrete construction) LEVTOV, M.R.; PUCHKOV, M.V.; PONOMAREV., A.N.; ROZENFELID, F.A. Unit for local electric heating of viocou-_ retroleum products in distri- bution reservoirs, Transp. i khram. neftiA nefteprod. no.11:26-27 164. (MIRA 18i1) 1. Leningradskiy filial Spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro ftTranoneftl- avtomatika". NOVIKOV, Nikolay Yevgenlyevich; j!M.OV _Moisey.Y~L!~o ERODOTSKIY, A.I., red, (Mechanization in the finishing shops and warehouses of finished products of woodpulp industry enterprises] Mekhanizataiia v otdolochrykh tookhakh i skladakh go- tovoi produktsii tsel:Liulozno-bumazhnykh predpriiatii. Moskva, Lesmia pronyahlennost', 1965. 236 p. (MIRA 18:7) LEVTOV, V.A. - 14USYASHCHIKOVA, S.S. RelationsItip between local and general vascular reactions in connection with the intensity of the stimulation of the small intestine's chemoreceptors. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.12:1477-1493 D 161. (MII?A 15:1) 1. From the Laboratory of Circulation and Respiration I.P.Pavlov Institute of Physiolom, Leningrad. (ir6TEST1WZ-- ERVATI N) (NERVOUS SYSTM, VASOMOTOR) KONRADI9 G.!'.r UTm'(-.%F 'I Correia' lcri of gen-i~ral and 'n -in ok' bl(;(~d Trivliy Ins, cheirtical stimulatIc K i ekspar. kard. AN Cruz. !,"1 '61. (M-RA 3.7,-f) R 1. Laboratori.ya k.-crr(;oLraqnc)-.c!,-,4,y,t L riylkhttn4ya ~n3t.-i.tutn fiziologii AN Lf-mingrau. i-VTOV. V. A. Characteristics of -7aslcm-otcr r7-sponsas to chsnO.cai Stimulation under the conditions of a-, ',,o~rriata perfuslon of tho small wil'th blood and Nnger-Lockals 3cjIut'-:)n. Flzicl. zhur. "49 rio.4.- 47G-481 AD 16-11. (AMA !-.-4) _:tq 1. Taboratorlya fiziologii krovoobrashcheniya 1 dykhar,'.v InStIti fizinlogii imeni Pavloya AN L-~,ningrad. LEVOVA ~ -A -- ?-. - F - A USSR/Medicine - Lungs Nov/Dee 194? Medicine - Pressure "Biodynamics of the Lungs Ya. G. Uzhanskiy, A. F. Levtova, Experimental Pathol See, Leningrad TB Inst.0 U pp "Arkhiv Patolog* No 6 Lung pressure in animals rises when pressure in abarometric chamber rises to a point equivalent to 5,000 m. Increased atmospheric pressure distends lungs thus having an adverse effect on'.lung muscle tonus. Submitted, 7 Dee 1947. Deputy of Experimental T athology Section: Prof L. R. Perellman, Director of TB Institute: Prof L. A. Emdin. PA 51T61 LEVTOVA~ F. A. 25894 0 Vsasyvanii Krovyanoy Syvorotki Iz Bryushony Polosti. V AB: Voprosy Allergii I Immuniteta Pri Tuberkuleze. L. 1948 6. 242-87 SO: LETOPIS NO. A 1948 I . A 1 11, C2 ---- - - -- -- - - -. ~ '41 l1w Zip. X GIrW. To Ta. i LVTOYA IF. A Role of tissue metabolism in the mechanism of chemoreception. Blul. ekep. biol. L med. 38 no.7:13-17 J1 154. (WRA 7:8) lo Is otdola Isksporlsentallnoy patologli (zav. G-3-1an) I biokbi- icheskay laboratorli (say. To.Ta.Geyman) Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo, m " tuberkulezuogo Instituta, Imeni A.Y&,Shternberga (dir. A.D.Semenov). Ivaingrad. (INUSTIUS, physiology, reflexes from chemoreceptors, role of metab.) (KETABOLISK, TISSUM, in form of reflexes from intestinal chemoreceptors) (Raiax, from intestinal chemoreceptors, role of tissue metabe In form.) LAV'TOVA, F.A. Analysis of chemoreception in experimental tuberculosis. Report no.2: Reception mechanism of the tuberculosis antigen. Biul.eksp. biol. I med. 41 no.3:31-34 Mr 156. (MLRA 9.*?) 1. Iz otdela eksperimentallnov patologii (zav.-kandidat meditsin- skikh nauk G.S.1an) LenLagradskogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo tuborkaleznogo institute (dir.-prof. A.D.Somenov). Prodstavlens, daystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR Y.N.Chernigovskim. (TUBERCULIN. eff. on tissue chemorooeptors in isolated small intestine in cats) INTISTINNS, off. of drugs on tuberculin. on tissue chemoreceptors In cats) LEVTGVAj F.A. Mo& of action of amirmzine and physical cooling on interocept'I'Ve reflexeso Zhuro nerve i paikho 60 no, 2:210-219 160o (MIRA 14:4) 1, Patofiziologicheskaye. laboratoriya (zav. - doktor meditsinskikh nauk Ye,M. Silayeva) Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo psikhonevrologi- cheskogo instituta imeni Y.M. Bekhtereva (dir. - prof, V.N. Myasishchev), Leningrado (WILORPROMAZINE) (HYPOTHERMIA)~ (REFLEXES) t ........... ............. ..... 1. LEVTOVAs-F.A-,,,starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Reflexes from the chemoreceptors of a rabbit's foot stimulated by tuberculin. K izuch.roli nerv.sist.v pat., immun.i lech.tub. no.2:19-22 161. (MMA 15:10) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy patologii i terapii (zav. - G.S.Kan) Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledova~.ellskogo institute. tuberkule2Z. kTUBERCULIN) (REFLEXES) LEVTOVA, F. A. Effect of aminazine on the behaviral and interoceptive reactions changed by stimull of different biological importance. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 63 no. 4:572-581 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Psikhonebrologicheskiy institut imeni V. M. Bekhtereva (dir. - kand. med. nauk B. A. Lebedev; nauchUy konBul'tant raboty - doktor med. nauk T. Ya. Khvilivitskiy), Leningrad. N- t -11 rACC NR. APS028885 SOURCE CODE: UR/0219/65/060/011/0054/0058 AUTHOR: Levtova, Fs A* -W ORG: Laboratory of Experimental Neuroses, Scientific Research Psych oneurological jnstitute im. V. M. Bekhtrev (Laboratoriya eksperimentallnykh nevrozov Nauchno-issle- d.ovatellskogo psikbo.nevrologicheskago Instituta); Laboratory of General Physiology and Labo 'ratory of Nutrition Physiology, Institute of Physiology im. I. P. Pavlov, AN SSSR, Leningrad (Laboratoriya obshchey fiziologii I laboratoriy! fiziologii pitani- ya Instituta, fiziologii, AN SSSR) TITLE: Effect of some neuropsychotropic agents on food choice and regulation in dogs SOURCE: Byulletent.eksperimentallney biologii I meditsiny, v, 60, no. 3.1, 1965, 54-58 TOPIC TAGS: pharmacology, animal physiology, chlorpromazine, central nervous system ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed on two dogs with stomach fistulas to determine the effect of chlorpromazine and tofranil on food choice. Under normal conditions the animals' salt appetite decreased reflexly following Introduction into the stomach of a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride, thereby preventing excessive salt intake andi impairment of homeostaais. Neuratogenic factors (teasing with meat after 2-3 days of fasting, soaking with water, etc.) likewise elicited a defense reaction in the form of reduced salt appetite. On the other hand, chlorprcmazine and tofranil, which inhibit 1/2 UDC: 61.5.786-092.259:[612.833:612,39f6l2.833:612.39/,014.46i6lS.706 L J 199-0--66-- ACC NRt AP5028885- the nerve structures of the reticular formation and defense reactions, had the oppo- site effect. The salt appetite increased and the dogs eagerly drank the offered milk- salt liquid, regardless of the salt concentration, even after a hypertonic sodium chlo.. ride solution was introduced into the stomach. This suggests that under the influence of chlorpromazine or tofranil, the biologically negative component of the food choice reaction (food rejection) is inhibited, whereas the biologically active component (food acceptance) is intensified. Orig. art. has *. ~ 3 figures. The paper was pre- sented by Academician V. N. Chernigovskiy, 06 may 63. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE~ 06May63/ ORIO REn. 007/ OTH REr: 002 r Cqrd 2/2 P SLUTSKINA, P.I.;-LLVTOVA, F.A. Some experimental clinical data concerning the differentiatich and treatment of hypochondriac states. Trudy Cos. nauch.-issl. psikhonevr. inst. no.24:145-159 16l.- Wfa 15:5) 1. 2-oye, psikiiiatriclieskoye otdeleniye Gosudargtvennogo nauchno- issledavatellskogo psikhonevrologicheskogo instituta imeni Bekhtereva. (HYPOCHONDRIA) 1-5 LEVTOVA, K. Z. "The Significance of the Titer and Type Conposi- tion of Typhoid Phage in Eval-.;atine Its Quality." Sub 26 May 52, First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst. (Dissertation:for the DeF-ee of Candidate in Medical Scienc(s.) SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1952 AlITHANMISKAYA, L.R.; LNMVA, K.Z.; CHICHULIN, A.S. ------ Some data on the employment of medical graduates of sanitar7- byglene faculties. 01g.i san. 24 no.11:4" 1 159. (MM 13:4) 1. Is I Mookovskogo ordena Lenina weditsi-askogo inetituta imeni logo sechenova. (HYGrM education) ARKMGELISKAYA, L.N.; GALKIN, V.A.; GRIGORENKO, R.V.; WTOVAj,_Z..-_ CHEGHULIN, A.S.; GARVETt N.N., red.; RAIKO, NAp (They serve the motherland; tenth anniversary of the graduation of pbysiciano at the I.M.Sechenov First Moscow Medical Institute in 19491 Oni slushat Rodine; k 10-letiiu,vy-puska vracbei 1-go MOLKI imeni I.M.Sechanova 1949 g. Moskvap 1960. 81 (MOSCOW-MEDICAL COLLEGES) (MIRA WJ* LBMVA, K-Z- (MOskvay 71rat antirabies stationz in %asia. NI'd. a ",h. 25 no-3: 33-36 Mr 160. (RABIBS) (MM 13:6) v, 11MVA, K.Z2 Nethods of teaebing problems of natrual focus Infection In a course on epidemiology. Zhur.mikrobiol.opid.1 Iwan. 31 no.2.- 119-122 7 160. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Iz I Wookovskogo ordena Lenina mediteinskogo Instituta imenj Sechenova. (BPIDXMIOLOGT education) X3FREMENKO# A*A.; LEVTOVA# K.Z, On the opening of the Fqmteur station in Samara. Zhur. mikrobiol. spid. i immun. 31 no. 5:33-35 My 160. (KMA 13: 10) 1, Iz Inatituta epidemiologii i-nikrobiologii imeni GamFLlei AMN SSSR i I Moskovskogo ordena;#nima meditsinskogo institute. imeni Sechenova. (SAMARA-RABIES) KLIHENKO, Ye.P.; LKVTOVA, S.Z. xManual on practical xtudies in epidemiologyu by D.Bratovanov,, K.IAnkov,'Zh.Tatgov. Reviewed by X.P.Klimenkos K.Z.Levtova. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i imm*. 31 no.8:147-148 Ag 160 ?MIRA 14:6) (EPIDEMIOLOGY) (BRATOVANOV., D.) (IANKOV, K.) (TARGOV., Zh.) BELIKOVA-AUAKOVAO V.Dl; DODONOV# il.N.; ZHMKOVA, A.D.; ZHOGOVA, M.A.; KLDORKO, YG,P.; MITROFANOVA, Ye.B.; PANTELEYEVA, T.B.; SOW7133VAV. N.A. Remlts of smallpox vaccination in various age groups. Zhur. mikrobiol,. spido -1-1- - 31. no. 10:28-3Z 0 160, (KIRA 13:12) 1, Iz kafedry epidemiclogii. I Moskovskago ordens. Ie" meditsinskogo institute imeo Sechenova. (SMALLM) M.I.Aftnasle~v, the founder of t-be St.Petarsburg Microbiological School, on the,-50th anni:versary of his death. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. 1 4-. 32 no.11:145-14111 1.61. (VJ11A 14:11) 1. 1z kabinets. istorii mikrobiologii Instituta. ep~demiologii i mikiobiolog# imeni Gamalei AMN SSSR i kafedry epidemiologii I 14ookov'skogo meditsinskogo instituta imerti Lenina. (AFANASIEV, MIKHAIL IVANOVICH, 1850-1910) ISM Us K.Z... kand.medonauk 14~ Rodenta are doomeds Zdorov's 9 noo3:14-15 Mr 163., (MA !60 (RODENTS AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) 4 I.EVMVAI K.Z.; KLODNITSKAYA, S.N. Fiftieth apniversary of the discovery of the role of canals in the epidemiology of plague. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i ismun, 40 no#5tl54-156 My 163* (MIRA 17:6) 1, Iz I Mookovskogo ordena, Lanina meditainskogo, inotituta imeni Sechenovs, i Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo klinicheskogo inatituta. 5NP~ LEVTOVA, K.Z.; BESSMERTNYY, B.S.; LYCHKOJ, N.D. Reviews and bibliographv. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. i i=mn. 42 no*9:155-157 S 165o (WRA 18:3,2) K.Z. Nadezhda Karlovna Shullts, a scientist and teacher; on the 125th anniversary of her birth. Zhur. mikroblol., apid. i immun. 42- no.11:147-149 N 165. (MTRA 18:12) 1. 1 Mookovskiy ordena Lenina meditainskiy institut imeni I.M. Sechenova. Sulmittad June 10, 1961, KAULIVS, Alberta; J.ZVT DMINS, J. (translator]; CEMOVSKIS)P., red.; ZA&~'~A. tekhn., red. (Agricultral planning for elementary schools and study groups on agricultural economics] Lauksaimnieciskas razosanas planosand; lauksaimniecibas ekonomikas pamtskolu un pulcinu klausitajiGm. Riga, Latvijas Valets izdevniecibap 1961. 47 p. (~MU 15:3) 1. Sekretarl rayonnogo komiteta Latviyskoy kommunisticheskoy partii goroda. Ogre (for Kaulins). (Agriculture) -6T -)/DIP(e) Ijp(c) 'WH c a1314 EWTC1)[W(m ACC NRi SOURCE AUTHOR: L2yt~so*a ~ZA J~ ORG: Leninjzrad Technolorical Institute A. Lensoy&6 Department of Glass-Technology (Leningradskly.tekhnologicheskiy Instituts Kafedra tekbnologii stekla) TITIZ: Procedure for measuring the volume electric conductivity of glasseAn the solid state SOURCE: IVUZ. Xhimiya i kh4micbeskaya tekhnologiya, ve 8, no. 5, 1965# 822-824 TOPIC TAGS: optic glassy electric conductivity, hardening ABSTRACT: An investigation of the effect of temperature on volume electric conductiv ty (p..) was promoted by the irrogular behavior of low-alkali or alkAli-free optic - , glass'es after beat treatment (hardening at temperature % and subsequent annealing) observed during measuring of volume electric condue-vivit.V; (1) the electric con- ductivity decreased with increased thy which disagreed with literature data and ex- periments with alkali-containing glasses; (2) the curve log- vs 1/T (T = temperature) ,had a complex character with intersections and inflections; (3).after exposure to >500C and subsequent coo.Ung, the linear character of the curve,, observed at the beginning of measuring.. disappeared during repeated measuring of the same spmple. The direct measuring of elect#c conductivity at temperatures --:>250-300C, made by using a mirror galvanometer and a voltmeter, showed that a number of alkali-free and low-alka Card - 1/2 UDC: 537.2 03- 1 -1-1 -4 -4-6 -1- 1-19 U t4 tj it 11 119 AIL -L- 11 sums bit mas" outs a its A 0 a - 0 A Vifam's C Im be" joke am4 its applkatim In he"U" KOM. M. Leu skU and 1. 1. Utvak. Voprosas PoSamyo 4~. ~4% 19tists. on 4 wrks of guin~* pils ahowvd that the win. pingibylactic dow cd i be est. frorn AM Mom &wkxjix. which had b"m stumd 00 -00 ur one yr.. is 3 -5 cc. F. H. Rathmann 00 j A 10 - I L A SITACLUOSICAL LITINAIL01 CLAISIFICA1100 law 111'.411AWS ... 11114100 "Sp amw Gag u 0 AV to As RE 11 010400 :00 go* goo 'age too #800 moo Ila" WOJAW m I I a ad 0 0 1 1Ar a0 Y-A 090*0*000000*0000 1 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 4 % & I a I a as a a j? a a 4 rl a as as a 114111 I a, ~-19-0 r it I am r, a a -L 9 -AS 00 AT MW &W so doe "walaw I F, of so mat N""W M*ftbefOOL - TM elfood of a UK malattaba n. 0 0 each" the "UZI ONEP"ides 41 Whost am of viecuopir. tic ompoold" of K. JYotAmma,. J. -00 I i4, 1 .00 Maine) 15, 401 =W 4o5) a RAM.-Albinia, mice waroar kept on a diet havioax tiormimiroal const,11.0twiltut. Smfiuu,.ClaMCniaLTrswtiinthetwaitt -00 00 or and liver. total P increased in the Ever and drotviatil in the hrNin! 11ar olijert "N& 10 follow up the slam alirl of the of 8V A111111461%. which shamed pribigra-Idat nandmiatsin. jailutig 00 a sit the alawnav CJ P-P facto*; and to study the quAnt. rhallairo caused lay the mitarfak of wheat. U1, The of. feet of "Pat, ebwmg of O"UWA allow cum" from of diet 08 the walibot?" Coompontilloom W "be wow "it limbo". IW, 1417, 130n Ris",Ion. 4W 14: in Fesigh,it. Ot IN. all ooo* . mow wee Altofm 11torr wrot fid all oilartwsw mulfiram-111 dirl, malih W., 411110 A. ,( Alecollusn'. lit Wt HIM, Tri-fifirilig N& U1141 :1111, C) with Mirso., 361XV, SIMI Kim and weir kept un,kr j;- moo wt,rution days. They mirvi,kiland ncetmi. ,I thm, roe 90. amid. alotarria, in the autcriadmormad Imart tit the hudy. I~ uf at. A1141 linAllY it". The VIN"PIt'it CIVIOilia Of fish Or. 00 % fit"O. It,"?# III, I.RXI. #lit, lagrVitate. 4111-1 NMI the jiginat-Wr ul 00 4p VA,IV t4lowf4l darla"'I hate &at trultmattitul laratting tea The -4A the C%lat. Flat' Chief Chaintarst 14kc Imiam-C it% thC mtriou(Naxiandca. nk-w air itaind it, theoraim, Altit lit 11141011mir .141C, And IWIT illtiII1411010Y PrIOACtl 10 11,4 1 istrial.ilmi. Fiji! r%irrijail elamootilt,m air injildr in ilimamamar rju-d by the lack of vitamin It rit"riPlarx. laimshly, the MOO Inultinged defiriartory of the extroarelluUt. rapkilt, rientraiiii, recta Eating the osmotic preasure may give ritar to conditions zoo to the action of the vitamin. Likewise. the 3: it .4 vitamin 13 compleat in the "pits. had an effect min he trials. urferroc". It. Guttaff COO A 18, S L A t . .... -- Somali 6-- V- 0 1*1 ; 119 it a% is it it a moo n I Tn- I No 0 a u it or 00 it 2 0 to 1 0 0 0 a : W :i ILI 0 0 0 000 00 0 so 0 00 - 00.04 000 so 0 00 0 000 0 1111 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is, 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 1-r-196-lio III * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 G'A $-W 14 is 4 -it -M--n- -IF-22- W-jr- M -9 M 5 IS V 11 j9 to 41- a a Ad dt4l IL, L .. d b I- A a t a I I I to* r.-O SO A --fjI - - ' -- 0416cesirs ..a .0cwtal'tS .Girs SAW of bI0 fealverature an austral asetabousca. 1. S I* musdite. liver. skin. bases Sat! 00 .4 "Aa.-J. Phril'.1 1" S. V R. 19. '1 %) 5 i ~1 2 &0 9 ! 1 n . .11. In list. trulln. .01 ( ' 00 1 42-3 and humidity 44:0%. for 6 Itts. w day and 1.5 I) 'rh 3 6 unintlis rod th l1 i h f . uce o ow e angn! ( e wi. n; c p 00 1 ul livrt and tcwtivin 6 Stcatly dinfinhhed, thi. falit-f Iw, 00 it fit, .4 lim. ont-1- 41%1 1-16 1- J., 1. 4- 1,% 1 1, 1 j 60 At"I I It.q., (A) 10".11.4yir ii'llivill of 11111. jr. 011.1 IKSIAII4. &A WfIl AV of 1110 Skill And IM)lk'.tp ChAngr%, I lit Sign 00 If of thr change dtpcmllng oil the individual ion. In file- go intock-s No and Cl 41ccrftw from 300 atut =7A tolM.11 anti ItY2.0 ms.%. III the Lwm" No and hill fall from 311 0 and :1111 to 431 and WX I 'a All elements r%t-rpl Ca h I 00 a s t r j!Irldletillull. C. S htlifto 0 0 - o0w A S a I L A 09TALLUIIGKAL 1.111RATURIF CLASSIFICATION SSG_ IV Cftl 0 -00 -00 .00 000 ze 0 Joe see go* q00 see 9*0 bee ISO 0 woo U 0 AV 00 is, 0 0 - " a S,al its, K"I;& ;0 0 It 0 0 0000 41 0 0 0 00 0 0 :10 0 0 00000 0 0000 00 0 0, 0 0 0 0 ooo:*:I*Oooe 0 11 U I) W ii 4 J? if 9 a a jfSJ%VM?F:S1p nil us is m upso U&I 884"J!o a C., 4-4-j- 5 Y ro A I L-'W --A. j - r:o 0 00 A h ^00 em. J. Is, Hift - --';W - h i i A h di ib i d f l f W I . 410 a - oat t n uenc e o tam e sir on o t e v n ut t t i 00 460 nst 25 a t tolytn 4A rxtrtl. atnimsh (60-M x. white rats) -- f In -00 09 4 c. rontrals fed a normal ifiet free rom vita., A W subwquently killed in the initial sta&4 of mophthalmy. .00 00 rhe sy. amts. of K. CA. Us. P. and Cl in I he muxtri. on a dvy t,&44. were wrap.. 264.40,99,1111. and 192 agalint 10 200, 43.1 101, IM. and 181 mg. % (in the cmirols); .00 : 0 In the twain d"tte 2110. W, IU.7, 1641, and 425. trap., , 21M 34 09 IMO d 4W I h Ii 1397 l f ver nst t , an e aga ; . . . a 3U.7. W.7. 1300. a7d W7 against IWA 27. 711. 1290. and 291; In the Dem 11"m IBM 70-3. XI.V. I=, and 738 against 1577,45.4. 777.1, IfKrJ:anl 719; In The dda, WA. 00 Mt. 34.331. and 733. aorm 3W. 40.6.36,347, and 710. coo .00 Them was no Increase of Ca In the Julessincia a consider- too SIAC acrumulatloa cc CA, Mg slid P (which have a baring 00 on eakuhn formation) in the kidneys even before the goo algicarance of symptogns -,I avitanalaptit. There wat an amumulation of Ca in the lunp, a smaller Increase of P. too and Stu) Smaller (A Ms. limit Cutoff goo goo as* tsoo A 6 .L 4 41L1ALLtRGKAL LaIsAlust CLAMOK4710" too ago .1. Oat .411JI 014 04, its I gas b U a At PC it; V . " a a 3 1 , ag' b to 69 It 4 X 19 K it It It N KLQ R .1 94 1 0 4 a I IN W 0 o 0 o o a o 0 0 0 0 0 09 :10 0 0 000000 0 goo 0 04 IMUTSKIT K K.. professor; PSTROVSKIT, G.A., professor, otvatstveanyy r. akior [Vitamins; studies on the characteristics of B2 complex vitamins] Vitaniny; ocherki evoistv vitaminov kompleksa, B2 CLIvov] 12d. ILIvovskogo goo. univ., 19#9. 298 p. (YIIRA 9:12) (VITAMINS-3) I ion" Chemical Oat. '. 0 No. 6 o1 v Mar. 259 1954 Biological Chemistz7 -;;Okffi~d Oca P P ya Vitamin in, mthfio'gb6huoirioii. --I In the flyer. K. MAIlts'kil and A. LL/Bru:,Lslavets ( hernnvitA jgAle- lim urrain. Bt-Msm. znu . 7Z, 142--l(1950)(in Ukrainian h Russian summary); cf. C.A. 41, 6917a.- lPhosphorolysis was detd. by the concn. of inorg. P in the ~fluftl portion of liver bomogenate, with and without the u-se of NaF to Inhibit dephosphorylation of es(ers formed by ~hosphorolyslsof glycogen. Rats werre kept for 25 clays an it let. lacking vitamin A. after which 0.5 g. of liver llqtnog- enate plus 4 times the amt. of physiol. saline, and ().Mjit NaF,w&qIncubatedat3S*forlhr. Liver inorg. phosphate: c(yntrols9.0,controli+,4al~0.6,(IvricienLs4.3.clericicitts+ NaF 3.6, deficients followed by rcturn to vitainin A 6.1, dcliclents followed by return to vitantin A + NaF 4.7. Inarg. P was twice as low in fluid from livcrhnnzogcuate.-; n[ Follnwhig ,Iq little as 4-5 days' return to cornpirte flirt, Inarg.-P-6iriins-CIF It Is concluclud that vitamin A I,.; relntcd to pho-phorolysis of tissue. Cla)rtf)JI 1'. IfOf()%VjjY__ Content ot alcotinic add and tryptophan in seeds of kidney r8 tins and r!rl~js M 1. I.In *prow___ I .,Id "ove (Cliff1mvil h ;1e K ;31, PW Ak. ~!j Nauk V.S.S.R. 80. Gl0-2tKlQ3t),-As the aml- iptis(it Ilicotinic add Accumulates while Intal Oryptoplum (Ddrap. after 3 days. until which prjiW an Increase of free I ii ob- w.ryrd, In early ripeningof the bean nicotfide a6114 rathrr hill& (3-4 mg. %) but this drops by a factor of nearly 5 by the time of complete ripening; I rt-rx very milishtly during this pedW. largely due to lm:rra*c of the twond I'tWIS) Wilh 4 dectraw of free 9. 114. KOWLAt)Off boa, LEUTSKITO t - [Titwdn A] Vitamin A. Cbsrnovtsy, 1959. 453 P. (KIM 13:8) (VITAMINS--A) -110, 1 Lr-- UTS %K`,~ v 0 tan a T.Quu-i'kil and M--Y'A. TA-Ul-WiCh Ma'c Uuiv. Chrimvit4, Mr. 8.3.10, tiralir, Biuk-hini, ?htor.'N, 17;-5(1j1j2); cf. C.A. 41, 6047a.-Isy manometrit: methillN it woshowl buiv vitamin A depletion iffvcO 0 cumumption by by-ain, liver, khlney. an.4 mttv.IL, reprew-ating of Vaded,40r, -lieratm-CL-Alwacs- c - a let all im--mg. iw- 'I M nallced -0 -7 7 clotvl placed-tts RingLr-phosphate, pit 7,3, mid,U iipwku~ floltd. - '1110 rats were 111VI&I Infa-3 grotipili- (t) Or'lito'll-4, --W'depkivol of vifitodh -A fur 2 itionthq, rmd (3) with vila- min A for 10-12 dayq tifter 2 rnont)W deprivati,,it. Re- suft!; are (In cu. loul. of Ot 100 ing, raw ti.,. ue/hr.)! (Obrain 2.34i livk-r 160;- t-idney -342; muscle -12.9, (2 brain L(Q; liver 210; kidne), 414; rimscle 47.1; (3) braili 211; liver Whey 357i witscle -. Vitaimst A 0 aml oxidat-Ult of tm%atd. fa(t), ;1611- fruill v.-M-Al it to avitaluilliMcz nttx, Ow. 0 C,111,111(11,61ll lit braill, H, C A, 70 dAYs jeols now Sup- 41igt lacking Inued tkus for 2 Weeks M'pfc'."l liver "at"15) .01 cont cl) 'lisplay 0 W" "I"jill4olkle 4ita will, N& and h I "6*ct to The ability to isles Y .3 it let 'rhe acthrity iv y 1 0 hw I't we 0 loct - of e 9 in the et n 0 d, I the dsaw * on 1% 'rj.w tofu cl""" In Aal"Iff A rather cc4n t flift. ox USSR/Biochemiptry, Card 1/1 Authors S Leutskiy, K. M., and Lyubovichy E. X. Title S Content of phosphatides and unsaturated fatty acids in connection with the change of acidifyijig processes in tissues of rats during vitamin A deficiency. Periodical I Dokl. AN sssR, 96, Ed. 2, 341 342j-May 1954 Abstract S. Tests on young Tdiite rats showed that the phosphatide content changes sharply during vitamin A deficiency in the kidneys, lungs and,brain and does not change in the liver and muscles. As is known the kidneys and lungs are more affected by A-avitaminosis than are other tissues. The phosphatide content in the kidneys increases to 91%, in the lungs to 73% and in the brain to 31%. Four references; 1 USSR. Tables. Institution. . s State University, Chernovitsyj Ukr-SSR Presented by s Academician A. 1. Oparin, March 5, 1~54 3 5M N 4 Biochemistry Card ?ijb. 22 31/54 LoutsiclYt m.9 and LeutskaYas Z. Authors vita.min A And carotene content.iU the organi8m Title Relation between the the food and presence- of albuluiuB in Periodical I Dok. M SS5R 100/3. 519-520. 1" 21v 1955 no to what eriments were,conducted on white male rate to deterud I pond teno*contonto in the animal organ am de -jkbetract Exp itamian A I ard tabulated. extent V --and OarO a food. The results obtained* upo'n the albumin content in th 2). Table. ren est 2 USSR. 1 08nadian and I M (1934-195 Four refe just iversitY, Chernoytey 'itution S state Un Aeademicien A. I- Warin, November ils 1954 presented bys 77 01 Oiogy.etc.sept% 3951. LEUTW X.M. and LYUBOVITCH E.N. *Disturbances of chol- esterol metabolism due to vit.A deficiency (Russian text) DOKLADY AKAD.NAUKSSSH 1955. 104/2 (280-282) Tables 3 The most marked decrease of cqolesterol (1) content is found in the adrenal; this emphasizes the extreme importance of the adrenal for I metabolism. The levels in brain and kidney are also lowered, while that in the urine is unchanged and that in the faeces Increased. It is concluded that synthesis of I is disturbed by vit. A deficiency. Rajevskaja - Belgrade USSR / Cultivated Plants. Pla-n-;tj for Technical Use. 'r'1-6 Suriar P!,ants. Abs Jour:. Ref Zhur-Biol., 1958, No 16, 73087. A Author Leut skjy,_JL_1L. Inst, Chernovitsicly University, Title On the Use of Mcotinic Acid for Aocelerating Ger- mination of Sugar Beet Seeds. C,rJ.g Pub; Nauchn. yezhegodnik. Chernovitsk. un-t, 1956(i95,T', 1, No 2, 11. Abstract: Seeds were treated with a solution of nicotinic acid (1 g per 100 1 of water) for 18-20 hours and after drying were planted. Seed treatment acceler- ated the appearance of beet sprouts by 2-3 days. The mechanism of the nicotinic acid effect con- sists in the Lerminating seeds of its transforma- tion through nicotinamide into the respiratory en- Card 1/2 115 TESSR/Human and Animal Physiology - Metabolism. T-2 Abs Jour '.Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7., 1958) 31371 Author Leutskiy, K.M. Inst Title Anew Data on the Biolo,-sical Role.of Vitamin A. Orig Pub V-sbo: Vitaminy,.2., Kiyev, AN ussR, 1956, 144-151 Abstract :~~By the activities.of the author and collaborators, it was showi that during the avitaminosis of A in rats.,the re- tention of R and an increase of the content of phosphati- ,des in the kidneys (94), lungs (73%) and in the brain (31%) occurs in the.organism. The quantity of R excreted with urine during avitaminosis 'of A decreases (from 239 to 173.6 mg% in,24 hours), TheIntroduction of vitamin A eliminates these disturbances. During a reduction of the content of protein in the food of the rats from 18 tc * the quantity of A in the liver drops (on the average from 99 to 436r in 1 g. of net.weight tissue) and with the Card-1/2 -6 Nicotinic acid metabolism in sodium and chlorine deficiency. Vitaminy no*2:152-157 '56. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Ufedra btokhteli Chernovitskogo gosudatstveanogo universitate (NICOTINIC ACID) (SODIUM--PUSIOLOGIGAL JMGT) (CHIMINW-PHYSIOLOGICAL BRIGT) LNUTSKIT. N.M.; LYUBOVICH, Te.N. Changes in the hormonal activity of the adrenal cortex in vitamin 4 deficiency. lauch.dokl.vys.shkoly;biol.nauki no.3: 90-92 '58- (MIEtA 11:12) 1. Predstavlena kafedroy biokhimit Chernovitakogo gosudarstyennogo universiteta. (ADRULL CORTEX) (VITAMINS-4) IZMSKIT, X.H., LYM30VICH. Te.N. "Zipairment of cholesterol metabolism in vitamin A deficiency [with summary In linglieh). 4 no.1:43-49 Ja-7158 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Xafedra, biokhimii Chernovitakogo goaudarstvennogo universitsta. (VITAMIN A OFICIENCY, exDerimental eff. on cholesterol content of organs (Rua)) (CHOLZSTEROL. metabolism organ content in exper. vitamin A defic. (Rua)) EY.CFRPTA VEDICA See 2 lol 1215 Physiology YAY 59 1630. IMPAIRMENT OF CHOLESTEROL METABOLISM IN VITAMIN A DE- FICIENCY (Russian text) - Leutskv K. M. and Lobovich E. N. Dept. of Biochem., Chernovitzy State Univ., Chernavitzy - V01311.2NIED. KHIMII 1958, 4/2 (43-49) Tables 6 In vit, A-deficient rats the cholesterol content falls most sharply in the adrenals and to a lesser extent in brain, liver, and spleen. The content per unit weight is not changed in kidneys and is increased in testicles, but because of loss in weight of these organs, the total amount of cholesterol in decreased. Administration of vit. A restores normal cholesterol content in all organs. Leicester - San Francisco, Calif. 4" TATJTSKIY. I.M. (Leutelkyi, K.M.], LITOYCHKNKO, H.G. Clqtovehanko, N.H,) Bffect of the deficiency and excessive amounts of sodium ana chlorine in food rations on vitro syntheafe of nicotinic acid from 1-tryptophans by the liver [with summary in English].. Ukr.biokhim.shur. 30 no.4: 487-493 158 munig) 1. Mafedra biokhimil Chernievtolkogo derzhavnogo universitetao (SMILIM.-PHYSIOLOGICAL UPFECT) (CHURINI-PHYSIOLOGICAL NM (NIC02INIC ACM) I LEUTSKY KX (USSR) N nstudy of the Role of Vitamin A In Metabollsm" Report presented at the 5th Int'l Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 Aug. 1961 LZUTSKIY K.M. Evaluation of body requirements for vitamin A. Vop. pit. 20 no.5: 75-79 S-0 161. (MIPA 14:10) 1. :Ez kafedry biokhimii Chernavitskogo gosudarstVennOgO universiteta. (VITAMINS--A) LEMKIT. Participation of Vitamin A in the Metabolism. Report to be presented at Medical 3ociety of J-og. PURKM., Czechp Vitaminological, Congep Progue C7,ech.,, 3-6 Jun 63 LEUTSKY,,&W,, prof., otv. red.; KALYUZHNYY, I.F., dots., red.; LISHCHENKO, N.A., dots., red.; BYKOVA, O.Ye., kand. filol. nauk., red.; GOROKHOVA, Z.N., dots., red.; TOKMAKOV, A.I., dots., red.; DOMBROVSKIY, A.V., dots., red.; EELYAYEV, N.G., dots., red.; LYMPYTNOVA, V.S., dots., red.; MUZYCHKO, G.I., tekhn. red. (Science yearbooks for 1957] Nauchnyi ezhegodnik za 1957 god. Chernovtsy, Chernovitskii gos. univ., 1958. 522 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Czernowitz. Universytet. 2. Rektor Chernovitskogo gosu- daretvennago universiteta (for Leutsk1y). (Science-Yearbooks) (Social acienceB--Yearbooks) 'LwmKIY, K.M. [Eeu-t:!'kyi, -tVKE, V.A. [:.yv'i,--., Effect of v-it.-=-,'.n A on the content of pyridine nuclisctidea, pyruvic and lautlAc zrv~ida arid on wiaerobia phosphory-lation fin mimal tissues. Ukr. blokhim. zllmro 35 nus] 219-24 '61 (KIRA rl-W 1. Departmpnt of bic-Armls,ry of rhF-.-7)ovLsy ',Late tTnfversl';.v. LEUTSKIY, K.M. [Leutslky-i, K.M.13 LIVKE, T.N. (Lyvke, T.N.] Interaction of vitamin A and chlortetracycline in metabolism. Ukr.-biokhim. zhur. 35 no.2:244-250 163. 04IRA 1?19) 1. Department of Biochemistry of Chernovitnky State University. LEUTSKIY, [Leuts'lyi,, K.!;.); GAMIATIY, V.V. [Ijarrcatij, V.V.] Content of MIA in the liver and its mitochondria and of ribonuclease in the liver and blood serum in various levels of dietary proteins. Ukr. biol,,Um. zhur. 36 no.3,.349-354 164. (MA 17:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'sIcaya laboratoriya vitaminov Chernovitskogo goeudarstvennogo universitata. o-7 LEWSOV, I. T. LEWSOV, I. T. "On the problem of Ult effectiveness of tie IIIISI pol-jrvacc4ne in prophylaxis of dysentery", Trud~, &a91. gos. med. in-ta, Vol. II, P. 59-6i. SO: U-4393, 19 August 53, (Litopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey', No.22, 1949). M~ LEVTSOV, I. T. L7,1,ITSOV, I. T. "The !deii-Felix reaction and ti.e blood c;:ai,t in exantheinatous tYP, us", Trudy Smol. gos. mod. in-ta, Vol. II., lqi,,8-, P. 62-67. so: u-4393, 19 August 53, (Lctopis IZIiurnal Inykh 3tatey', 1,41o. 212, 1949).