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LEWANDOWSKI, Z.j ZLOTKIEWICZ, E. Variational formulas for functions meromorphic and univalent in the unit disc. Bul Ac Pol mat 12 no. 5:253-254 164. 1. Department of Mathematics, Maria Citrie-Sklodowska University, Lublin. Presentod by A.Mostowski. 4, ZLOTKIEWICZ, E. On the domain of variability of the second coefficient for a class of meromorphic, univalent functions. Bul Ac Pol math 13 no.1:21-25 165. 1. Department of Mathematics of Maria Sklodowska-Curis University, Lublin. Submitted November 9, 1964. -JEWAHM K 4--t4 T. Ostrowski and E. Tesiorowski's Technologia vaterialow wybuchowych (Technology of Explosives).; a book review. p. 5~4 - WUDOMOBCI CH&MICZNE. (Polskie Towarzystvo Chendczne) Wroclaw. Vol. 12,, no. 1, Jan. 1958 Poland/ Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI), W, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Unclo L&VUiTaNSKI, B. LEdARTOWSKI. B.; KURATO'33KA, Z. "Influence of Certain Inhibitors of Tisuue yetabolism on Functional Currents of Skeletal Muscles." P. 321. (Acta Physiologica Polonica. Vol, 4, ao. 4, 1953 'darszawa.) voi. 3, no. 6 -30: Monthly List of East 1~uropean Accessions./Library of Congre3a./June, 1954, Uncl, EXCERFU IMmidk - S'ec.2 V61.9/9 Ph":10109YOU-3SPt56 4122. LEWARTOWSKI B. Dept. of human Physiol., Sch. of Med., Warsaw. *The fire cl us anaerobic conditions on action potentials In frog skeletal muscles BULL. ACAD. POLON. SCL 1956. 4/3 (103-106) Illus. I The action currents and single twitches of frog's sartorius and biceps femorle were investigated in pure nitrogen or deoxygenated Ringer's solution. It was found that within 20-50 min. the spike amplitude became markedly depressed, while the amplitude of twitches remained almost constant. This effect was in the majo- rity of experiments irreversible, in some of them partially or almost fully re- versible. The mechanism is discussed and a conjecture concerning relationship between action potentials and oxidation-reduction processes is made. Czubalskl Warsaw IEWARTOWSia-, :B Mechanism of acetylcholine 4uriculo-ventricular block. Acta physiol. polon. 8 n0-3:414-415 1957. 1. Z Zakladtt Fizjologii Gzlowieka A. M. w Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr Yr. Gzubalski, (HUM BU)CK, experimental, AV, indaced with acetycholine, histol. aspects in Cate (Pol)) (ACITYWHOLUI, effects. AV block induction in cats. histol. aspects (Pol)) EXCERPTA MICA See 2 Vol 1315 Fhyslollog-y Yay 63 2312. CHANGES IN THE REFRACTORY PERIOD OF THE VENTRICULAR MUSCLE DUE TO ACTION OF ACETYLCHOLI%4E ON THE SINO- AURICULAR NODE - Lewartowski B. Dept.of flum.Phydiol.. Sch. of Med., Warsaw`---nurr.-AC%-D.-PeL. SCI. CL. 2 1959, 8/8 (327-330) Graphs 5 ACh Injected into the sinus venusus Of isolated frog heart or into the sino-auricular node region of isolated rabbit heart drive at the constant rhythm imposed by electrical stimulation of the ventricle caused extension of the ventricle refractory period beyond the end of electrical systole. This effect was not abolished by hexamethonlum and/or dihydroergotamine. As judged by the resultq of control experiments it was not due to any direct action of ACh on the ventricular muscle. It seems probable that the changes in ventrLcular excitability were caused by changes In the functional state of the conducting system resulting from the action of ACh on the sinus node. Thus 2 different factors: action of ACh and local cooling, both of which slow the spontaneous rhythm of the sino-auricular node, give rise to similar changes In excitability of the ventricular muscle, namely to an extension of the total refractory period beyond the end of electrical systole. Trzebaki - Warsaw t rncreased anoxia resistance of the heart perfused with &"rtic acid malts. J3ul Ac Pol biol 7 n0-7:283-286 159. (ZRAI 9:6) 1. Laboratory'of Ruinan Physiology, 3chool of Medicine, Warsaw,' Ward of rnternal Diseases, Municipal Hospital Nr.8. Warsaw. Precented by 14subalski. (anoxia) (A-spartic acid) (salts) (Heart) URVARTOWSKI.B. Changes In the refractory period of the ventricular viscle due to action of acetylcholine on the minoauricular node. Bul Ac Pol biol 7 no.8:327-330 159. (XU1 9:6) 1. Laboratory of Human Pbysiolog7, School of Medicine, Warsaw. Presented by I.Csubalski. (Heart) (Acetylcholine) XURATOWSKA, Z.; LEWARTOWSKI, B.; MICHALAK9 E. Studies on the production of erythropoittin by the isolated bypodc kidney. Bal Ac Fol biol 8 no.2s?7-80 16(. (EW 10z4) 1, Laborator7 of Clinical Bioohemistz7; Institute of Haexatologyq Warsaw and Laborator7 of Human Physiolofy, School of Medicine, Warsaw Presented by F.Czubalaki. (MTHROPOICTIN) (XIDWS) LEWARTOMI B. 0 The influence of the S-A nods on the adaptation of the ventricular refractory period to the imposed rhythm of high frequency. Bul Ac Pol biol 8 no.6t243-247 t60. (EEAI 9:12) 1. Laboratory of Human Physiology, School of Medicine, Warsaw. Presented by F.Czybalski. MART) UWARTOWSKI, Bohdan The influence of the S-A node on the occurence of ventricular fibril- lation in bypothermia. Acta physiol. pol 12 no.6:813-8~o 161. i. Zaklad Fizjologii Czlowieka, Akademia Medyczna, Warszawa. Kierownik: prof., dr. V. Missluro, redaktor nacze3.ny- i cz1onek kolegium redakcy'j- nego "Acta Physiologica Polonica". Adres autora: Zaklad Fizjologii Cz1owieka A.M. Warszawa, Krakowakie Przedmiescie 26/28. (HEART) FRONTAL SINUS) LEWARTOWSKI. Bohdan Studies on the influence of the S-A node on the regulation of the excitability* cycle in ventricular mascle. Acts. physiol. Pol. 13 no.1, 103-114 '62, 1. From the Department of Human Physiology, School of Medicine, Warsaw, Head: prof. W1. Missiuro, M. D. (HMT pbysiol) LMIARTOWSKI, B.; KURATOWSKA, Z. Intracellular localization of haemicholinium sensitive and hamicholinium insensitive acetylcholine fractions in the heart atria. Ball. acad. Pol. sci. (Biol.] 13 no.l.-37-4.1 165. 1. Submitted on November 17, 1964. si LEWARTOWSKI. Bohdan Studies on the physiological role in cardiac function. Postepy hig. med. dosw. 19 no.1:93-127 Ja-F165. 1. Z 7Akladu Fizjologii Czlowieka Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie (Kierownik: doo. dr. J. Litwin). IEWARTOWSKI# Bohdan ].,c~t.lvlty of myocardial cholineFitexa,;e, in human and anizal cadaver3. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no-17:591-593 26 Ap 165. 1. Z 11 K]Aniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy AM w Warszawie (KI-erownik: pi-of. dr. TE. Ruzyllo). KARC22WSKI, Tadeusz;-LRWASZKIEW1q2, Weronika; PILICHOWSKA-GWOZDZ, Stanislawt Studios on the structure of viscose rayon fiber. Pt.l. Polimery tworz wielk 9 no*10i/+32-435 0 164. 1. Institute of Artificial And Synthetic Fibers, Warsaw. KARCZEWSKI, T.; KOZLOWSK1, W.; LEWASZKIEWICZ, W.; SIEWI-115KA, S.; WLODARSKI, G. Contribution to the problem of determining the crystallinity of viscose fibers on the basis of their density. Przegl w1okien 18 no.lOt448-449 0 164. 1. Institute of Artificial and Synthetic Fibers, Warsaw. PETRYSZYN, Jerzy; IEWCZUK, Zofia Studies on the durability of the preparation of pepsin. Przem spoz 16 no.4s68-92 AP 162 2. Centralne lAboratorium Przemyslu Paszowego, Pracownia Biochemiczna. -TASSER, Stefania; BRAGIEL, Irena; LEOMISZ, Teofila; BORKOWSKI, Marian Tadeusz; HASZCZYK, Zinaida The properdin level in normal subjects and in some pathological condi- tions.-Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.33:i267-1270 u, Ag 161. 1. Z Zakladu Serologii; kierownik: dr med. Stanislaw Dubiski - Instytutu Hematologii; dyrektor: doe. dr_med. Andrzej Trojanowski, z II Kliniki, Dzieciecej A. M. w Warozavie; kierownik; prof. dr med. Teofila Lewenfisz i z Instytutu Gruzlicy y Warozawie; dyrektor: doe. dr med. Wiwa -Taroszewlez. (PROPMMIN) Medicine See !LC LEWWISZ-WOJIJAHOWSKA, T.; ZAORSKAr B.; GUMANTOWICZ, A.; PELCZARSKA, E. Imauno-olectrophoretic examination of the blood serum and urine from child with nephrosis. Pediat. pol 36 no.11:1129-1138 N 161. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatryzcnej Lekarzy AM w Warozawie.z Zakladu: Pediatrii Studium. Dookonalenia. Lekarzy 91 ii Warwavie' Kierownik: prof. dr med. T. Lewenfisz-Wojnarowska i z Zakladu Serologii Instytutu. Hematologii w Warszavie Kierownik; dr med. S. Duhiski. (WHRMIS in inf & child) (ELECTROPHOPM15) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (PRMEINS) CITNARDWICZ, J; D]CSZCZ, J; XRMOBDS,J; LWdMMFY,K-, WRDNINICZ. Z; ZA.TDIK. D. Observations on health of adolescents employed at the Lenin Steel Hill in Krakow. Ned.pracy 6 no-3:191-199 1955. 1. Z Oerodka 14aukowo-Badavexego Chorob Zewodowych przy ir Klinice Chorob WewnetrzrWch A.M. w Xrakowle. Kierownik: prof. dr T. Tempka. (AhQtESCUCII, health of adolescents In heavy Indust. in Poland) (I MUSTRIAL HYGIAU, health of adolescents in heavy indust. In Poland) T UNERIMMOMMM To hWpabk =Palen" opon =Sgowych. I-ave of rhountic Rmod"gi ponst,, poiska 24t7 JWY 50 P. 613-5- 1. of t&S Minjo for ObIldrents DIsomes of Lods Vsdlftl AOMMW (Direatw ~ prad St~ PoprAUg X*Do)o CUL Vol.. 209 No. 2 Feb 3.951 POPOWSKI, S.; LDfIMSZ WOJMOWSKA, T. - Treatment of rhei-Atic diseases in children. Pediat.polska 24 no.9:747-765 Sept 50. %CUM 20:6) 1. Of the Clinic for Children's Diseases of Lodz Medical Acadecq (Dire6tor-Prof.3t.PopowskitMoD.), -L]BfZMSZ-WOJNAROWSKA, T. I" Sw developments in rhoumatology*Podiat,polsks 24 no.,12:1085- 1091 Doe 50. (CT,%t 20:5) 1. Of the Clinic for Children's Diseases of Lodz Medical Aca- dwW (Director--Prof.Stanislaw Popowski,M.D.) LIWINFISZOWA, T. Novinophil, test in &cuts diarrhea. Pediat. polska 26 no.4:377:402 APr 1951. (CIRL 21:1) 1. Of the Pediatric Clinic (Director - Prof. St. Popowski, M.D.) of Lodz Medical Academy. LWENIPISZ-,W,O,JNUQMKA9.,,T.;UPROGZYNSKI, K. Antibiotics In the treatusnt of diarrh*aa. Pedlat. polska 27 no.3:287- 296 KRr 1932. (CLKL 23:2) 1. Of the First Pediatric Clinic (H*ad-Prof. St. Popowaki, N.D.) of Lodz Nedioal Acadeny. Im"ISZ-vonm .. Tpok i I i a- JtIoLW. pathogenesis. and clinical aspects of pri=u7 chronic rhommUss in children. Polskle arch. nod. wevnetrz. 24 no.4a: 621-639 1954. (ARTHRITIS. RZ9MTOID, in Infant and child, stiol., pathogen, & clin. aspects) LMMISZ-VOMROWSU, Tsofila; POPINT-AIRSKA, Aulala Treatment of chronia states of malnutrition in aWldron. Pedlat poi 29 no.1:41-44 Ja 154. (XYAL 3:8) 1, Z Il 911alki PedlatryesseJ Akw%ull Hadyesnej u Warssawle, Kierownlk: prof. dr nod. W.Michalovics. L-ca liorowniks: prof. dr =d.T.L*w4nflsx-WojnArovsk&. (itr$Ymsuo 5-1.19"W! (IMMIT IMITION DISOUM, therapy, Oilseu~ ther,) ; . (TIM= TWOWn, in various d1we"ies, Ole. "CrItloa dleord,) L1VW18Z-VGnWOVSXAO TecfIIA Pathogenesis of cardlovescular disorders In rhe W. to dlm*aso I& children. Pediat. polska, 29 no,7 SW1:27-35 9 SePt, 54. (RHEDWIC MWT DISUSS, etiology and pathcsonesia.) LEWKMSZ-WOJNABUVSLA, T.; BLAIN. A. awo~~~~aw fterapy of rbmmtie fever In view of biochemical ex vainatione. Pediat.polaka 29 no.12:1163-1178 Dec. '54. 1. Z 11 Klintid Pediatrycsnej Akadenit "cznej w Wzesawle. Kierownik: prof.dr mad. It. Michalowics. Zastepce kie7,ownik: prof. dr. ned.T. Lowenfiss-WoJuarowska. Warszawa, Lit#-,loka 16. (RHAUIA IC rXM, In Infant and child ther.chemother, biol.aspects) L3W1MSZ-VOjX0xSJrA. Tooftia; CINSLAK, H. Lesions of the liver In rhousiatte diseases In children. Polskis arch. wed. vown. 25 no.6a:1251-1255 1955. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chorob Dsiselacych A. N. w Waresevie lierownik: prof. dri mod. M. HichalowicstZastepes, kierowniks: prof dr. md. T. Lowenfiss-Wojnarowska Warssawa, ul. Karss^lkowska 55173, a. 53. (LITIM FUNCTION TISTS, In various diseases. rhomim. In child. (Pol)) (FERMTISK, In Infant and child, liver fmact. changes. (Pol)) LWEMSZ-VOJNABDWSXAO Toofila; ZYGURT, Zenons, "m WSW Gold therapy of chronic articular rheamtIm in children. Polskt* arch. sod. wown. 25 no.6&:1284-1292 1955. 1. Z Instytutu Dookonalenta I Spsojalisaejl XmAr Lekarskich Dyrektort prof dr. sod. V'* Hartwig Kierownik Zakladm Chorob DzIsel: prof. dr. me&. T. Lowenfies-Wojnarowska Warszawa, ul. Narevalkowelm 55/73, a. 53. (ARMITIS, FEMUTOID, In Infant and child, ther., gold (Pol)) (GOLD, therapeutic use, rbsum, arthritis in child. (POW MALAGHOWSKA, I., KANABUSOWA, I. IXaU1SZ-WOJNAROSKA, T. SOKOWWSKA, A. Role of bacterium coli alpha beta type in etiology of infantile diarrhea. Pediat. polska 30 no-3:211-216 Mr '55. 1. Panotwowago Zakladu Higiany w Warozawie. Dyrektor: prof. dr mod. F. Przosmycki, Z Illiniki Chorob Dziaciocych, A.M. w Waraza wie, Kierownik: prof-dr Med.'R. Baranaki; I z II Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecych A.M. w Valrazamie. Kiarownik: prof. dr mad. M.. Micha- lowicz, Warszawa, ChocliRska 24, P.Z.H. (DIARMICA, Vdbtariolog7 E. Colij*. ierol type alpha & beta etiol. role In inf.) (]P,SCHMICF6'dOLI. infections diarrhea, etiol. role of serol. type alpha & beta, in I nf.) LEWINFISZ-WOJNARDWSXA, Toofila Physiopatbologr of potassium metabolism. Pediat-Polsica 30 n0-7:525-542 JulT '55- 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatr7csnej A.M. w Warssaiwie.Xierownik: prof. dr. mad. M. Michalowicz. Z-ca kierownika.- prof. dr. nod. T. Lawanifisz-Wojnarowska. Warszawa, Margzallrowska 55/73 m-53- (POTASSIUM, metabolism, pbysiopatbol.) LF,W.r,NFISZ-WOJ1LkR0WSKA, Toofila; POPIELARSKA, Aniels, Treatment of chronic malnutrition In children. Pediat.polska 10 no.10:917-940 Oct. 155. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej A.M. w Warszawie. Kisrownik: prof. dr mod. M. Michalowicz Z-ca kierownik: prof. dr mod. T. Lowenfies-Wojnarowska Warszawa, Litewska 16. (INFANT NUTRITION DISORDERS, therapy, ultraviolet rays with vitamin 0) (VITAMIN C. therapeutic use, inf. nutrition disord.,with ultraviolet irradiation) (ULTRAVIOLET RATS, therapeutic use, inf. nutrition disord., with vitamin C) XWMffISZ-VWWWS1rA, T.; JARMMU, D. Parenchymatous hepatitis in children. Pediat. polsks. 30 no.12: il63-n6q Bee 55. 1. 2 il 111niki Chorob N~ioeiecyoh A.M. v Warosswis. Kierovnik: prof. dr. nod. M.Michalovics. Zastepea kierownika: prof. dr. nod. ?.Lwonf1ss-Wojn&rowok&. Waressiva, Litwooka 16. (HEPATITIS, in inf. and child) Z* BARAIFSKI;,R.; LDf1MMSZ-WOJNAROWSKA, T.: BALIYKINWICZ, I-.:- PTTSL, A.; Ulddft. 9 Laboratory and clinical tests in early circulatory insufficiency In children in rheumatic defects of the heart. Pediat. polska 31 no-3:279-290 Mar 56. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecych A.M. w Warezavie Xterownik: prof. dr. mad. R. Baranski, I z Il Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecych A.M. w Warezawie kierownik: prof. dr. mod. M. Micbalowicz Zastepca Kierownika: prof. dr. mad. T. Lewonfiez-Wojnarowska Warszawa, ul. Literwaka 16. (RHEUMMIC HPART DISWI, diagnosis, laboratory & clin. tests for detection of circ. changes (Pal)) LTiMISZ-WOJMAROW5KA, Teofilia; OGIM, Zenona Seleroedema.adaltorns. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.43:1645-1648 28 Oct 57. 1. 2 11 Xlinlki Chorob Dzieciecych A. M.; kierownik: prof. dr M. Hiebalowicz. Adres: Warszawa. u1. Litewska 16; 11 KLin. Chor. Dzieoiecych A. X. (SGLXn=% ADULTOMM, clin. aspects (Pol)) ieofila- -- (-Warszawa, u1. Lit ewska 16) - --- ~- - - - - I The role of streptococci in the etiology of rheumatic fever. Pediat. Polska 32 no.10:1161-1172 Oct 57. (RHMUTIC YAM, etiol. & pathogen. strept. Infect. (Pol)) "=MYnjQJRAROVSXA, T., SUFFCZYNSKA, K., XVAPINSKI, J., RAUK B., Blood antistrepto3,voln 0 level in children with rheumatic fever Pediat.polsks 33 no.l:.63-69 Jan 58- 1. -9 11 Irliniki Pediatryezuej AsKe w Waresawis, lierawnik: prof, dr wd. Ne'Xichalowics i z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Inetytutu Reumatologii Dyrektor Inntytutu-, prof. dr mod. B. Relcher., Warszawa, u1. Litliwake, 16.',~- (FMNUKATIC TIV , blood in antistreptolysin 0 (Pol)) in blood 09 in rheum. fever (Pol)) Ak -19WE" ISZ;;;WMIAROWSKA~--T4-o-f-117a,-- POP IMRSU --Ani-e 1a. -H~Sntjozetft Largactil administration In choren in children. Pediat. Polska 33 no@ 5:559-562 XaY 58 lo Z Il 111niki Pedintrycznoj A.K. w Warsznwie Kierownik: prof. dr mad. Ke Xichalowics Z-on klarownike., profo dr mad. T. Lewenfiez-Wojnarowskao Adres: Waresewa. ulo Litewska 16. (OHLORPROKAZM, ther. use. chorea in child (Pol)) (MORKA, in inf. & child. ther., chlorpromasine (Pol)) LUNFISZ-WOiNAROWSKA, T.t BMKOWSKI, T..- KRUPINSKA-SAMOKA, 1. Renal lesions daring rhe%mtic fever in children*' Pediat, polska 33 no,6659-666 J=6 58; 1. 2 11 Iliniki NdigLtrycznej A.M. w Warssawle .- Kierownik: prof* dr med. M, Nichalowicso' Adres., Warszawa, ul. Litewskh; 16; (RMMTIC ]MY , pathol; kIdneys in child. (Pol)) (XMXMo in various diso rho=. favor & chronic arthritis in child (Pol)) (ARMITIS, in inf. & child. chronic, with renal disora. (Poi)) LrgMISZ-WOJIIAROWSKA.leoL~laillIlAItt, Alicja Clinical analysis of therapeutic procedures in generalized staphy- lococcal infection in children. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no*29:1337-1341 20 ALV 59, 1. (Z II Kliniki Pediatr7cznej A.M. v Warssavie; klerownik: prof. 14. Michalowics) (STAPRMCOCCAL UnCTIOTTS, in inf. & child) CHROSOICKI, Antoni; LMMNFISZ-WOnUOWSU. Teofila; JARZIBSKA, Danuts, Duration of V wave in the electrocardiogram In rheumatic disease in children. Pediat.polsks 34 no.10: 1259-1264 0 159. 1. z II Iliniki Pediatryoxuej A.M. v Warssawle. Kierownik: prof.dr. wd. M. Nichalovios i z Dsialu Dzieciecego Instytutu Reamtologics- nego. Kierownik: To Iewomfiss-Wojnarowelm. (RHMUTIG IBM dlag.) (IMTROGAIRDIOGRAPHY) LIVWIBZ-WOw-UROWSXk, T.; ZYGMT, Z.; GIMBILK, H. A cas* of lupus orythematosus. Pediat.poloks 34 no.11: 1423-1426 159. le-Z 11 XLWkI Pedlatryasnej A.M. v Varesawie. lierownik: prof. dr. sod. M. Micholovics. Zastepca kisrownika:, Tole- wenf ins-WojnarovskiL. (j,u XRTTSDUTOSUS in Inf.& child.) IZVMISZ-WOJWOWSX&, T,; ZMIXHT, W.; GINSIAX, H. -~v Olinical aspects and pathogenesis of lupus arythematoms, Pediat, PolOm 34 no.11: 1449-1460 159. 1. Z Il 1[liniki Pediatryosuej A#M~ w Warstawis. Kierownik Kliniki: R. Michalowiax, Zastepoa, Kierownika: T. Imwenfies-Wojnarowska. (LUPUS IRYTHMTOSUB In inf.& child.) LBVWISZ-WOJNLROWSKA9 Tsofilaj BORKOWSKIq Marian T.; KOLIMU, Maria Eishavior of total cholesterol level in children with rheumatic disease treated with hormones. R4umatologia, PoIsla no.3sU?-IlS 160. 1, Z II 13iniki Pediatrycznoj AM w Warsuvie XLerowniks prof, dr %*do Hieezrolaw Miobalowica Zastepoa kisrownikat prof# dr wed. Teofila J4mfW-WoJnarowska CHOtMTMOL blood) AMML COnU HOM40NM ther) RIMMTIG FEM tber) LWFjSZ-QWWaq3KAj Teofila; GORECK&q Maria; KUBICKL, KrYstYn&; POPBMMKAP Anfs-~~ Hentogr&n and rjelogram in rheumatic dis"Be in children. RSU=tologlA Polska no.3s243-231 160. 1, Z II Illnild Podiatrymej AM w Wanzawis Kiarowniks prof. dr mod* miscs"lav michalowicz Zastepea kierowniks: prof* dr mod. Toofi]A IAwsnflss-Wojnarowska RHMMTIC FEM blood) BONE MAMOW pathol) BLOCD CEM) ~ LXWMISZ-WGJNAROWSX&, Teofila; KUBICXA, Krystyna; ZAORSKA, Barbara Dermatowyositis in children according to own observations. Pediat. PoIsIm 35 no.2:137-150 7 160. 1. 2 11 Kliniki Pediatryaznej A.M. w Warazawie. Kisrownik: prof. M. MicMlowicz. Zastepca Kierownika: prof.dr.sed. T. le- wenfiez-Vojnarowska. (UKMTOKYOSITIS in inf.& child.) L1WZWISZ-WOJJ1LROWSKJL.T.; BORKOWSKI, X.T.;. XOLINSKA,B. On total cholesterol level in the plasma in children with rhoumstic die#*** treated by means of hormonosi. Podiatpolska 35 no.3: 291-3o(i * 16o. 1. Z It Kliniki Chorob Dzisol A.M. w Warazawie, Kierewulk; prof, dr mod, Me Michhowles, Zaa"t*pca Kierownika Kliniki: prof. dr mod. T. Iewonfies-WOnarowska. (RHXMTIC.nVXR blood) (GROINTIMOL blood) (ADRUA C(ITU EMU0S ther. (GORTIGOTROPIN ther.) LEMffISZ-WDJNARCWSKA, Teofila: JABLONSKA, Stefania; ZAORSKA, Barbara Evaluation of the dynamics of cutaneous changes under the influence of therapy of children with rheumatic disease. Pediat.polska 35 no.9:lo6l-lo74 s t6o. 1. Z II Kliniki. Pediatr7eznej A.M. w 14arszawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. T*Lewenfisz-Wojnarowska i, z diniki Dermatologicznej A.M. w Warazawie Kierowniki prof* dr med. ~.Jablonska. (RMHATIC EVER ther) (SKIN physiol) LEWENFISZ-WOJNAROWSKA, Teofila; ZAORSKA, Barbara Determination of rheumatic processes in children according to trafuryl test results. Pediat.polska 35 no.11:1289-1296 N 160. 1. Z Zakladu Pediatrii Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy A.M. i z 11 Kliniki Pediatr7oznoj A.M. w Warezawie, Kierownik: prof.dr med. T.Lewwnfiss-Wobarovska. (RUUMATIC nVER diag) (70ANS pharmacol) (NICOTINIC ACID rel apda) LEWSMOZ-WOJNAROWSK&v T.; KOLINSKAt M.; ZAORSKAv B. Blectrophoretio studies on earns and urine protains in children vith nephrotic syndrome#. Pediat polska 36 no.3:24.1-250 161 1. Z II Kliniki, Pediatryoznej A.M. v Waresavis Kierovinik: prof dr mod. T. Imianfies-Wojnarovska i z Zakladu Pediatrii Studium Dookonalenia. IoakaM A.M. Kierovnik: prof. dr mod. T. Iwweuf`iez-W*jnarowsk&. NUHROTIC SYNDPJM in inf & child) 3LOOD PROTMS) 8 77 JABLWUq Stefanial -12.WWISZ-WOJNkROWSrAq Teofila; MILWKIp Bogualaw; ZLCPSXAV Evaluation of chanpa in apparent3jy norml skin in ebildren with rhommLtio disea", Rematologia PolWm no.3t229-241 160's 1. Z II 11iniki Chorob Dziecieoyoh AM w Warazavie Kierowniki prof. dr mad@ MisoiWalaw KicMlowicz Zaetepoa kieromnikat prof. dr mod. Toofila 14manfinz-WoJuarowska Z Miniki Dermatologicanej AM w War- agavie KierownAi profs dr mod. Stefam4s Jablonaka RHMTIC FEM pathol) MIN pathol) r R., Avg.-- 11 7 57 Te Danuta; 'UrLSa, Bogdan 'r of urinary ra LI, the StU4316 n0-31" od& sit@ j3r0M5tograpb,j,. juathod ~ Polski tyg combined oolumn_paper c th negbrosis- mine aoide In obildren vi ~of . dr a 31 J1 161. kierownik' kjero~m TI-81-11,15 A.14, v Vars" A,14. var"Me; Ghemii 09' ,,,,Id -PediatrIcs"63 Z&klAdu Id j S 11 1 000 P. Vier%oho," To LGv6uf'Gz-'Wojnar0v .Prof. dr 110d. 0 pCIDS urine) (,MPIIROSIS urine) (AMIN ~"!,W~~"r'SZ-W'DJNAHOWSKA, T.1 JASSER, So; BRAGIEL, I.; BORKOWSKI M. To fon the behav'or of some elements of non-specific ever in children. -6og je 62. Pediat. Polo 37 no.6:60.1 immunitY in rheumatic 1* Z II Klinilci Pediatrycznej To Lewenfisz-iWojnarowska AN v Warszawie Kierownik: Prof. dr. mad. i Z InSty doe. dre mad. A.Trojanowski. -tUtU HeMato-109" W WarBzawie Dyrektor: (RHEUMATIC FEVER immunol) LUENFISZ-WWNAROWS_4,, Teofi BORKOWSKI Marian T.; MIKIEWIGZ, Barbara; ------9-M-2R-0W� -KA ,Zdzi:s-mjm On colimycin therapy of infants with diarrheal syndromes caused by pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli. Pediat. pol. 37 no-11.1137- 1145 162. 1. Z II Klinild Pediatryoznej AM v Warnzawie Kierownik: prof. & mod. T. Lowenfiez-Wojnarowska. (COLISTIN) (DIARRHEA INFANTILE) (ESCHERICHIA COLI INFECTIONS) 777777W IXnNFISZ-WOJNAF,OWSKA, To-ofila; JABLONSKA, Stefania; KUBICKA, Krystyna Lipo-atropby according to our observations. Pediat. Pol. 37 no.11: 1U7-1-155 162. L Z II KLiniki Pediatrycznej AM w Warszawie Kierownikt prof. dr mod. T. Lewenfioz-Wojnarowska. (LIPODYSTROPHY) LEWWISZ-WOJNAROWSKA) Teofila; KUBICKA, Krystyna Polynyvaritis in chronic rhelmatism (polyzqositis rheumatoidea). Pediat. pol. 38 no.3:317-326 163. l. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej AM w Warozawie Kierownik: prof. dr mod. T. Iewonfies-Wojnarowoka. (WOSITIS) (ARTHRITIS, JUVENILE RHEUMATOID) LEWENFISZ-WOJNAROWSK.A. Teofila; BORKOWSKI, Marian TAdeusz Evaluation of active rheumatic processes in children according to the behavior of alpha-2 globulin fractions in children. Pediat. pol. 38 no.2:157-162 163- l. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej AM w Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr med. T. Lewenfiez-Vojnarowska. (RHEUMATIG FEVER) (SERUM GLOBULIN) IAMFISZ-W=AMISKA, Teofila On hormonal tkerapy of allergic syndromes. Otolarymg.pol. 17 no.1+1451-455 163. 1. Z II Mliniki Pediatrycznej AM wVarszawie. Kierowniki prof. dr.medo Telawenfish-Wojnarowska, LEWENFISE-WO.TNARMSKA, Teafila; JARZEBSKL, Danuta. Analysia of the causes of nevere, cardiac lesions In rheumatic fever An cUldren. PecUat. pol. 38 no.9t755-758 AgO63, 1. Z IX Xlibiki Pbdistrycznej AM w Varpsavie; kierownikt prof.dr.ked. T.Leverfi=-Wbjnarawska. LEWENFISZ-WOJNAROW,qKA, Teofila; GRZYBOWSKA, Jozefa Systemic lupus erythematosus with predominantly renal mnifestations'in a 13-year-old girl. Reum. Pol. 2 no. 2: 169-172 164. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej AM w Warszawie (Kierowniki prof. dr mad. T.Lewenfisz-Wojnarowska). SLD,',OWSKA, Wirginia; 13LAII-1, Alicia. Syndrome of congenital doafhess and goiter. So-called P~-_rAredls syndrome. Otalaryng. Pol. 18 no.3:359-364 tcv',, 1. Z Cddzialu Laryngologii Dzieclece~ 11 Kliniki Ped.iatryo=ei A'kademli Medycznej w Wars=wlp (Niero-wnik., doct. dr. mcid. J. MnlelewAoz). Teoftla; jABLONSKA, An unco=on cass nf diasem-!mated tube rcm, lems lunus wil ~lh in. cbenges. C-.uzlJca 32 no.90.809-913 S 164 1. ',, IT KlinVirl cdljtryczne4 Akadomil Medycznftj v i:arszawi,s kNerownik., p- d, med. KI-iniki Dermstologiowiej Alecadamii. Hedy~:me2 w lokirszawls (Kierowni'kr prof. dr. med. S. Jabllonska). Teo f iia Plar I nui T. Mot; mat d ! sease in in fAn .--edf ar- Z:-,,)'.' . 349 no.l V4 1~1 il (Kierownik: prof. dr. mod. T.Leventis?- oinarcni---k~-,,a LEW`ENFISZ-WQjNARa-1SKA --Taof-ija; NIEDZW IF' CKA-NAMYS LOWS KA lzabella; KUM-iY,q~;s'tyn, Immunoelectrophoresis in acute rheumatic disease in children. (Preliminary communication), Reumatologia ~darszj I no.3-4; 195-201 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie (Kierowniki prof. dr T. Lewenfisz-Wojnarowska) i z Instytutu Reumatologii w Warazawie (Dyrektor; dr mod. W. Bruhl). LEWENFISZ-WOJNAROWSKA, Teofila; BLAIM, Alicja; SLIWOWSKA, Wirginia Syndrome of congenital deafness and goiter (Pendred's syndrome), Endokr. Pol. 14 no.6:627-638 N-L 163. 1. 11 Klinika Pediatryczna Akademli Medycznej w Warazawie (Kierownik: Prof. dr T. Lewenfisz-Wojnarowska). HAUSMANOWA-PETRUSEWICZ, Irena; KUBICKA, Krystyna; GAWLIK, ZbIgn1ew; KAPUSCINSKA-CZERSKA, Wanda; PYHRYK, Barbara Skeletal muscle changes In rheumatic disease In children according to bioptic and electromyographic data. Reumatologia, (Warsz.) 2 no.1:31-46 164. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademii Medycznej w Warazawie (Kierownik; prof. dr med. T. Lowenfiez-Wojnarowska) z Kliniki Neurologicznej Akademil. Medycznej w Warszawie (Kierownik: prof. dr med. 1. Hausmnnowa-Petrusewicz) i Akademii Medycznej w Warszawle (~.o. kierownikat doe. dr med. R. Walenty-nowicz- Stanczykowa LJUENFJSZ-WGJNAROW,9KAJ, Teofila; BLAIM, Alicja Studies on the ACTF secretion reserve of the pituitarv zlird In rheumatic children. Reumatologia (Warsz.) 2 no.3:219- 223 164. 1. Z 11. Klin!ki flediatrycznej Akademii MLdycznej w War.;z;awie (Kierewniks prof, dr med. T. Lewenfisz-44ojnarowska). LEWFISZ-WOJNAROWSKA, Teofila; CHROSCICKI, Antoni; GRZYBOWSKA, Jozefa; YA-RzgbW, 4DRmA, Krystyna Circulatory function tests in mitral stenosis in children. Reumatologia (Warez.) 3 no.3:231-236 165. 1, Z II Kliniki Pediatryomej AM w WarazawJe (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. T. Lewenfioz-Wojnarowska) i z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej AM w Warazawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. J. Kosaa- kowski). JAKUB013KI, A. 1 LEWENFISZ-WOJIIA ROWS KA, T.; CHROSCICKI, A.; JARZEKSKA,, D. A comparison of the results of radiological and electrocardia- graphic examination in systolic and diastolic overloading of the heart. Kardiol. Pol. 8 no.2:113-117 165. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Pediatrycznei AM (Kierownik: prof. dr. .0 K. Rowinski), 2 11 Kliniki Pediatrycznej A14 (Kierownik: prof. dr. T. Lewenfl-sz-Wojnarowska) i z Praco%-nii Kardiologicznej zespolu K-Iinik w Warszavie (Kierownik: doe. dr. A. Chroscicki). Toofila; GRZYBOWSKA, Jozefa; Y.'RIIPINSKA-SAIJECKA, Irena The blood coagulation system in rheumatic fever in children. Wiad. lek. 18 no-11:909-915 I Je 165. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej AM w Warszawie (Kieroanik: prof. dr. med. T. Lewenfisz-Wojnarowska). Te-of-ila; Y 1 ~ ~ , 'Tozefa; JARZEDSM , Dan-uta Behavior of Ewe henip heart -,Turm-,;r.3 in children tne administration of amyl ni-trite. 1,0'iad. lek. 18 ric-12:991-994 1.5 Je 165. 1. Z Il Kliniki flarlirttrycznej Alzademli fl,ledyc~:ney w llurozawic- (Kierownik: Prof. dr. med. T. ],--,.4erifis---j,.Iojnai-o-~i:3ka J- z Pracowni Hardlololfiezriej Vr,,rl)olu KI-Irilk (I'llerownik: frof. dr. ined. A. Chroscicki) . LEWENF1SZ--W0JNAROWSKA, Toofila; CHROSCICKI, Antoni; GRZYBOWSKA, Jozefa; Effect of amyl nitrate on the behavior of sounds in some congenital heart diseases In children. Wiad. lek. 18 no.15:1225-1229 I Ag 165. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej AM w Warszavie (Kierownik: prof. dr. mod. T. Lewenfisz-Wojnarowska) I z Pracowni Kardiologicznej Zespolu Klinik (Kierownik: doc. dr. med. A. Chroscicki). JASINSKI, Kasimierz; LMNSTAX, Kazimierz Eremolytic anemia with acute co'ursi.-. Polsk-i t3rgod.lak. 10 no.11: 338-343 14 Mar 55. 1. Z I Klitiki Chorob Wewnetrznych'AkademU "eznej w Poznaniu; kierovnik: prof. dr S. Kwasniewski, I t Zakladu. Anatomii Pato- logiezuej A.'K. w Poznaniu; kierownik- prof. dr Janusz Gronio- waki. Poznan, t Kliniki Chorob Wevnstrsn~ch. (ANIIHIA, HSMOLYTIO, pathology) AWSTRIC, Roman; JANKAJ, Oskar. Leiomyoma of the Ueum simlating prostatic adenoma. Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no.4t Supplt415-418 Ap'65- 14 Ze Szpitala Kiejskiego v Slupsku (Dyrektor: dr. A. Avetricowa). WANIOREKp Alfred; MNIENSTAM~ Kazimterz ---------- Endometriosis in the perineal sear. Ginek. Pol, 36 no.4: 475-4,18 Ap 165, 1, Z Oddzialu PoIozniczo-GinekoIogIczne6o Szpitala Miejskifigo w Slupsku (Ordynator: dr, mod, A. 14odrzejewski) i z Frmccwni Anatomopatologiamej Szpitala Mejakiego w Slupgku (Kierownik- lek, mad* K, tavenstam). DORLNICZAK, Konstantyl BRANICKAO Marial LEWEINSTAM, Kazimlerz Isolated intrabulbar oryptococcosiB (torulosis), Klin. oczra 35 no.3:463-466 165. I., Z Pracowni Anatomopatologioznej Wojewodzkiego SzpItala Zakaznego w Szczeoinie (Kierownik: doe. dr. mad. K. Dudmi-nak), z Odd2i&IU Ocznego (Ordynatort lake mad, M, Branicka) i z Pracowni Anatomopatologianej Miejskiago Szpitala w Slupsku (Kierownikt lek, mad,, K, Lawanstam). L AWSTRIC, Roman; WANIOREK, Alfred; -LEWT-,NSTA M, Kazimierz A case of primary cancer of a diverticulum of the female urethra. Ginek. Pol. 36 no.9:1047-1051 S 165. 1. Z Oddzialu'Urologicznego Szpitala Miejekiego w Slupsku (Ordynator: lek. med. R. Awstric), z Oddziall) Polozniczo- Ginekologicznego Szpitala Hiejskiego w Slupaku (Ordynator: dr. med. A. Modrzejewski) i z Pracowni Anatomopatologicznej SzpiTAla Miejskiego w Slupoku (Kierownik: lek. med. K. Lower- stam). PoInID/Radio Physics - Electronics and Ionic Emission. I- Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 1960, 6488 Author : Levenstein Krystyn Inst : - Title : Processing and Investigation of a Thorium-Oxide Cathode Orig Put : Zesz. naue. Politechn. vaxsz., 1958, No 38, 71-103 Abstract : The author describes the technology and the properties of thorium-oxide cathodes. Also described are the methods of preparation of the direct-heated cathode W-ThO2-Th and methods of investigation of the emission properties of these cathodes. Results of the investigations are repor- ted. Bibliography, 37 titles. Card 1/1 - 92 - ORG: Deep bea rianing Bases, szcecin tuaieKomorSKiye nazy KyvaCK1ej TITLE: The B 67 ship base and plans for its initial operation SOURCE: Technika i gospodarka morska, no. 3, 1966, 86-8 fishing dA~ TOPIC TAGS: fishing fish, food product,-food-processi -e _n ABSTRA : Design, equipment, and plans for the initial operation of the B-67 ship D sip factory "Gryf Pomorski" are discussed. The 13,000 BRT ship is equipped with mainly West-German processing machines and with refrigeration units, permitting a daily throughput of 150--180 tons of fresh fish and the additional daily storage of 200 toii of frozen fish from other vessels. Operation of the vessel and accompanying trawler fleets are planned to the Greenland-Newfoundland-Labrador region (November-May), to George's Bank (May-June), to the North Sea (July-September), and to West Africa (October-December). A second plan involves three trips to Greenland-Newfoundland- Labrador (November-Hey), one trip to George's Land (Hay-June). and two trips to the North Sea (July-September). A total yearly production of 10,750 tons is planned, in- cluding 1920 tons of fish meal. Orig4 art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATEt none Card -d L yes" d I Id 11, 5-Broma- of hydrournic aciaN, YMY OXAMIC P-4141 Sz Id !1~1tw 23484-15f W1 K-) in 50 1111. of slowly to 16.3 g. of sallcylbydrox- I chd HOAC at 60*. Exmi Br w" removed with NaHS812and, after cooling, tha prailuct was distd., wasbed with cold water, and dried to yield 35 g. crude Mromosalicy1hydroxamic acid, white crystals, (from atc.). m. 232* (decompn.), poorly sot. in water anti fiol- vents such as ether, acetone, CC14, benzene, rind xylene ,at boiling temps.. readily sot, In boiling %1c, Ind 11OAc; It hm a bitter taste, C, F. TfolotyAx- LEWI9 S. Technological progress in the textile industry of the Bulgarian People's Republic. Przegl w1okien 18 no.10:"3-44/* 0 164. 1. Head, Department for Light Industry of the State Committee for Science and Technological Progress, Warsau.. XRAUSZ, M.; LZWICU, A. Standards of oholinesterase activity of the erythrocytes and plasma In the population of Silesia.-Polski tygod.lak.15 no.6: 2o6-207 8 If 16o. 1. Z Zaklaft Fisjologii $1. A.M. w 2iLbrzu-Rokitnicy; P.o. kie- rownilm: M. trauss. (GROLINWTZMB blood) LEWICKI, AndrLeb_prof. dr; YUI'GIIFXI, Tomasz, mgr Re-search work in clinical psychulogy of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the A.14-ickiewicz University and the Poznan Branch of the Polish Psychological Society. Przegl psychol no. 7:80-95 164. 1. Department of Clinical Ps./chology, A.14ickiewicz University, Poznan. CHOMICZWOSKI, Jan; yRANCIKOWSKAl Alicja; KUIARSKA, IrenaLILWIY1A*-.JqI#nta; WyT, Ann&; yOwAK, Krystyna; STIMINICZ, Stanislaw; Characteristics of Corynebacterium diphtheriae strairs from endemic focus in Lodz in 1955 & 1956. Przegl. epidem., Waraz 11 no.4:371-383 1957. 1. Ze stacj~ Sanatarno-Apidemiologicznej M. Lodzi (Wrektor: dr J. Zansk) przy wapoludziale: laboratorium Szpitala Zakazngeo im. S. Bieganskiego i Isboratorium S21Da3A Dzieciecogo im. J. Korczaka. (CORYNERACTIRRIUM DIPHTHIMIAI characteristics of Polish strains (Pol)) STWIXN, Tkynzard; NIMM]EIBU, 11alina; KUIARSKA, Irena; XACPR7AK. Zdzislawa. Dz.; LEWIGU, Jolanta; LIWT, Anna Digestive tract disorders in the course 9f chloromycetin treatment. Polski ty(,,od. lek. 13 n0-36:1398-1403 8 Sept 58. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob 7.almznych A. M. w Lodzi; kierownik: doe. dr mod. J. Cbrzonownki i ze Stacji Sanatorno-3pidemiologiezuej m. Lodzi; dyrektor: dr mod. J. Znnski. Adres: Lodz, ul. Wieckowakiego Nr 7 m. 22. (OHIORAMPMMICOL, inj. off. gastrointestinal disord. (Pol)) (GASTROINTESTINAL DISMASIS, etiol. & pathogen. chloramphenicol (Pol)) P- CHRZANOWSKIO Jan; KACPRZAK, Zdzislawa: LEWICKA, Jolanta; KANOWNIK, Genowefa; STEMPIEN, Ryszard Comparative evaluation of results of clinico-laboratory examinations -in the diagnosis of acute and chr-mic dysentery. Przegl.epidem. 14 no.3:321-324 160. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych A,Me w Lodzi Kierownik: doe. dr med. J*Chrzanows,ki ze Szpitala im. dr NI.Bieganskiego w Lodzi Ordynator: dr W1. Kozlowski z Miejskiej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej m.Lodzi Dyrektor: dr J.Zanski. (DYSENTERY BACILLARY diag) 4. Distri 4qd jW of 3-jivdigg"vilging Y-oAde. !JpWvna /T'zj'.jL 11001- le WrocVa-w,- I's le is P" ijfl)n. Re,. rav. C fits. German).- To 2 g. 3-hydroxypyridiiie N-oxide in 10 mi. coned. HtSO# was; added dropwise a ruixt. of I mi. coned. 11110, and I nil. coned.IfxSO4 at 0", the inixt. warmed to 15*, cooled to 0% and after 24 bra. at rooin temp. t lie soln. poured over crushed Ice to give a ppt.. which was washed with cold If,O and air .~drled to yield 1.7 g. 2-nilro-3-hydroxypyridhie N-oxide (1), im.202-V(decompti.). 1(3 g.) in 30 nil. AcOll was treated .with 6 g. Fe powder and one drop concd. TlgClj soln. at 100' (water bath), after 30 inin. 2 g. Zn dust added in equal flions, the mixt. kept 30 min, at 100% coolcd, made alk.; p~~ 8) by addn., of 36 int. 25% aq. N113 and 85 ini. &-itd.i 1, NIIAM soln., and extd. with FtjO to give 0.7 g. 2- r atnino,4-hydraxypyridine (H), in. 1(0-8*, picmtt: in. _246- 8*. Reaction of 0.5 g. 11 with picryl chloride (C.A. 31, 30185) gave 2.3-pyrido-2',4-dinitro- 1,4-t)cnzoxazi tic, in. :223*. 1 (4 g.) In 40 ml. CH Cis t rented with 2.48 vil. PCN, refluxed I br., the MICIs distd., 20 crushed ice added tot the residue, a small amt. of pptd. I I%terLd off. and the fil- trate treated with (NI14NCOs to pit 6 to give after 2 lirs. a ppt., which was filtered off, washed with list), and air dricil Ao give 0.4 g. 2-clitt)rf)-3-liy4troryi)),iittint, ni. IN-70*.. Simiturly.4 g. I treatcd with 2.4-1 nil. PBrs gave after illstiO of &.z ClICIs and adding 20 g. ice a oniall unit. of ppL, in., .115-17' (not further examd.); the filtrate after (NIIOXOt~ treatment pptd. IJ g. 2-hromo-3-hydroxypyridine, in. 183-4% F. PCfltJw4AWjf-- Card 1 aht t C14A ( LWICKAj, -KT7OtYna (ftlawk) The level of provitamin and vitamin A in pigs, sheep, and hens. Roos nauk roln wet 70 no,1/4:128-130 160, (EEAI 10:9) (swine) (Sheep) (Poultry) (Vitamin A) (Provitamin A) (Carotene) J1028-4 influftc~h of the size of spawn in the ovaries of Salmo trutta L. upon the embryonic and postembryonic development. Roczniki Wyz Szkola Rol Poznan no.12:55-68 162. 1. Natedra Rybactua.. Wyiaza Szkola, Rolnicza, Poznan. ,41817-66 EWPW RM ACC NR, AMjZ~a- (N) SajRCH CODE: PO/0099/66/040/009/0405/0410 AUTHCRt Iswicka, Kryetyna$ !Pinsk. Mvin Deceased) / q Z MGt Department of Organic Chemistry Ig Tnatitute at Technoloiwa Wroclaw (Katedra Chadi Orpnicsnej I 110litechniki) TITM: Scmp j*actions of substitution of 3-hydrovn-TidimN-0zId6-7 PML~t U. Bromination SOUR=: Rocznjjd chmii-annales societatis chimicae polonormt Y. 40, no* 3# 19"t 405-410 TOPIC TAGSs bromination's Pyridine ABSTRACT: The bromination of 3-hydrosypyridine-N-adde was studied and it was found that the directive effect or the hydrmty group in position 3 of the pyridine nucleus in stronger then that of the N-cadde group* Orige arte has: 1 figure,, ~Based on "hors' Lige abet.] (ims -36p0023 SUB COMI 07 SM DAT91 20Apr65 ORM MF: OM OIN FaW 002 Af r,---:. W LWI CrA, X. "7or proper use and standardization of raw wood materials in the furniture industry. w p. 19. (PRZIMSL DRnM. Vol. 6, No. 1. Jan- 1955. Warssawag Poland) SO: Monthly List of last Suropean Accessions. (ML). LC. Vol. 4, Ito. 4. April 1955- Uncl. q ~0; A llq~ , and IM- 1~%vwic-l tcuLrL-wU-.. t7ffi" tl()il or itilgarXmi niol~ssr's by the ruealls:af 7- -frituy Pu .4 ofpotassium-fc 0c We tall rmcyalll ver. -a- f- te I d b 4 t 6-1 mat Va ficit ry --fit R 61 Tit- a I I k i t i i13 f t t % c; la it ~ c Activatel C ( 1- 1..5 g. per 1041 ujV) N I-i t, r mr,,j f,,i , n kindi oi allxsx, but tit, I ;,I 1)~, li~, L~u.d ,f I-rin, o-,, 'A' 1. J 4041 54 Knvatv J., Lewicka M Research over the Purification of.mal"Us for Citric Fermentation Purp"es. ,13adanli nad mysxczattlem mclu4w dla fennentzcjL cytry -,0)", I-rzvjr))fI HoIny I Spoiywczy, No, 10, 1954, pp. 343-149. 8 Cgs, 2 totba. Tho outhors deal with several methods of purifYint, mrtlam"t (151fa sugar content) for citric fLrmentation purpoqc7. They w%ceriMnid Vint the optimum dome for purifying inolerves by Taeans of wlusium ferro-cynnide varies from OX to 0.06 per rent. Optimum pli-value 0,3. It was tkicertainO that this methot it; suitable only for certalb var!cties of molasses. Althonh the reitilts obtained fiern. jrir!tytng mo- lassesi v/11h the aid of active carban,and kJOI11335tUAl fftTMy8nWe were not qiflic! Fu good as wheri using pntawlurn f~r~anlde only, this methrd lo ntwertheless xult3ble tar molasses of,01, kinds. Orting of 1.0 W 1.5 g ut c,,irb(,n :ind 0.06 g of VoWilurn fer(ocyanwe rer 100 mg of tho z-)IutInn ore generall.~t adequate. Fermentation of mWassm- tininatiog front Vic lame nUgut works, but from dificrent -iugar crups, (rcquNitly varle5 within ccnAdcrable limit& --- ---- ---- LEWICKA., M. KAMINSKJ-, S.; KOVATS, J. Researchers on various molasses for citric acid fermentation. P. 156. (PRZEM-YSL SPOZYWCZY. Vol. 11p No. 4, Apr. 195T, Warszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFIAL) Lc. Vol. 61 No. 10, October 1957, Uncl. ..'GEPNER-WOZNIEWSKA, Maria; jgj1LqA,_,.Tpresa; AFEK-KAMINSKA, Maria Aplasia of the ery-throblastic system co-existing vith a ben4p tumor of the thymus. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 34 no.3:367-372 f64 1. Z Oddzialu Chorob Vewnetftnych Instytatu Hematologil, v WLrazawie (kierowniks S.Pawelski) oran ze Szpitala Takaznego Nr.1 w Warozawie (Dyrektor: A* Krysztof). LNICKA, Wanda Problem of cesarean sectios In modern times. Gin. polska 28 no. 4:497-501 Juljr-Aug 56. 1. Z II Kliniki Polotnictwa i Chorob Kobiecych A.M. w Krakowie- Kierownik: prof. dr. M. Seidler. Krakow, Smolenska 10. (CASARM SECTION, hoop. statist. (Pol))