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- - 1 P /(*::,-" 6/// Yll Ay- ABDURASULOV, D.M., prof.; LEYBOVICH, M.M., assistent; ALESHIN, V.A., ordinator- eloo~~ X-ray diagnosis of foreign bodies of the reeniratory tract. Sbor. trud.Tashk.KW no.1:1�9-202 '56 (MIRA 11:3) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS--FOREIGN BODIES) JZYBOVICH M.M., assistent X-ray diagnosis of heart wounds not involving slivers. Sbor-trud. Taehk.KBNP no.1:203-205 156 (MIRA 11:3) (HRART-VOUNDS AND INJURIES) k1 / 0 H1 IzA 7- AUTHOR: Leybovich, 133-6-30/33 TITLE: About the 9implification of planning costs of production. (0b,aproshchenii planirovaniya sebestoimosti produktsii). PERIODICAL: "Stall" (Steel)t 1957y No'.69 pp'.568-569 (USSR)'. ABSTRACT: In order to prepare an estimate of production costs a large number of calculations and derivations of a number of indices is required:. The author discusses possibilities of simplifying these calculations and in partiaular pro- poses to decrease the number of indices used at present. ASSOCIATION: Nizhnedneprovskiy Metal Works. (Nizhnedneprovskiy Zavod Metalloizdeliy). AVA-II4BLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ZHUKJ, G.V., kand. khimich. nauk; MARKINA, L.V.,, inzh.; GIADLISH, V.M., inzh.; 1~~Bgicjfp II.I., kand. ekonom. naiik; TOPAL, D.M., inzh. Izrveatigating the quality of an enamel pipe coating. Proizv. trub no.lltll3-118 163. (MIRA 17:11) I&MVICH so Method of C&Iculating the cost Of PiPsBe lzv.vys.ucbsb.; chern.mete noa6:176-187 160. (KIRA 13:7) 1. Ukrainskiy naucbno-insledovatellskiy trabW institut. (Rolling(Notalwork)-Goots) (Pipe mills-Accounting) LZYBOVICH, N Ang the vall thickness method of determining the effectiveness of changStals 2o no.9:831-832 and the length of service of hot-rolled pipes- oam 13,9) s 16o. tekhnolOgicheakiy inatitut- 1. Urainakly Uauchno-i8sledovatel'skiY' (pipes Steel) LEYBOVICH, N.I., kand.okonom.nauk Certain indices for the design of pipe mills. Stall 22 no.91853-854- S 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy trubnyy institut. (Pipe mills) -IZIP29-04~~EO~Xlch-.GUREVICH, A.M., red.; BRUSHTEYN, A.I., red. izd-va; OBUKHOVSKAYA, G.P., tekhn. red. (planning and the analysis of pipe colaits) Planirovanie i ana- liz sebastoimosti trub. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 123 P. (MIRA .16:6) (Rolling (Met&lwork))--Estimates and costs) (Pipe milIB) LNWVIGH, 1T.Ya.; MMAVOV, M-1r. Improving the technology and prganiqation of production and increasing '59. the output of furniture. *r prom, 8 uo.11.19-20 N (MIRA 13:3) l.Iv&novski7 mebelInyy kombluat. (rv&uovo-Ptw,kjtur~ Indumtry) In1h- Economize the rubberized belt. Dar. f Ag 163, lvanovSkiY MebqjIrqy kombinato Prom- 32 no*8:25-26 (KM 16:1 laMOVIGH, R.Te., bmdiclat tekhnichookikh nauk. Determining temperature, stresses during the heating of coke. ]Coke I 156. (MM 9:12) 1. Daspropetrovokly setallurgichookiy Institut. (Coke) (Strains and stresses) 61 V/ C /~, /,~ /~ 4"--- BRIN, A.S.', doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk *LIIYBOVICH, R.Te., kandidat .tothatchoskikh nauk. 14 Behavior of coke at high temperatures. Xoke i khIm. no-3: 94-29 157. (NlRA 10:5) 1. Dnopropetrovokly metallurgicheekly institut. (Coke) SOV/68-59-1-6/26 AUTHORS: Bruk, A.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Volkova, Z.A., bovi , Obukhovskiy, Ya.M., Candidates of tUcMhnicia~lSc~iyezneuc-es and Leytes, V.A. TITLE: Physico-mechanical and PhyBico-chemical Properties of Narrow-size Fractions of Blast Furnace Coke (Fiziko- mekhanicheskiye i fiziko-khimicheskiye svoystva uzkikh klassov domennogo koksa) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1959, Nr 11 pp 21 - 24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Properties of gize fractions of coke: above 80 mm, 80-60 mm, 60-40 mm.and 40-r25 mm were investigated. Mechanical properties were tested by standard drum tests (GOST 5953-51); results are given in Table 1; coke reactivity by reduction of carbon dioxide to monoxide according to Ref 6; results - Table 2; the hardness of the coke substance according to Ref ?; results - Table 3 and the degree of carbonisation of the coke by measurements of its electro-conductivity, according to Ref 8; results - Table 4. It was found that the quality of blast- furnace coke is determined by properties of its individual fractions and is non-uniform not only in respect of size fracti.6na but also in respect of other properties characterising these size fractions such as strength, Cardl/2 Gosp (V.A. of the U-itrainiaa SSR Card 2/2 0 M4rAjjlrTjp PA3-7jf,jrjWX "Clin't 'Irar CNOXU wrill".x I,, I -TAIIII "'IFU61KII, fkAjwrnn" Malit X"rxm A.C BPI-6 ZA a vr.7gnj it r~ IL r, g VZZI or 4b'. 1,10 cb-jqa U4.1 mpuw~w r."'% "ft- ow or cll~s abow oftu.., 113/1.37/6 1/000/0 11/0 10/123 A060/A101 AUTHORS: Zikeyev, A.S., Leybovich, R.Ye. TITLE: Method of graduating two-liquid manometers PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1961, 13, abstract 11B80 ("8b. nauchn. tr. Dnepropetr. metallurg. in-t!', 1959, no. 38, 91 - 94) '1EXT.- It has been established that'for the measurement of a-large number of small pressure drops while studying the motion and distribution of gas flows in furnaces of various designs, two-liqufd differential manometers afford the greatest convenience and precision. The design of such -a manometer is given. A method of graduation is proposed for two-liquid differential manometers by compari- son with the standard micromanometer MM-250. Data are cited for the graduation of two-liquid manometers. It was established experimentally that-the calculated and the experimental coefficients do not coincide as result of the insufficient accuracy of determination of the quantities entering the-formula. In determining the coefficient indicating the ratio of the value of the drop on the two-liquid Card 1/2 LIOTES, V.A. Methods of determining the heat expended in coking. Koks i khia, no.4:z4-28 '6o. (XIU 13:6) 1. Daspropetrovskiy metallurgichookly institut (for Ieybovich) - 2. Gosplan, USSR (for Ieytes) (Coal-Carboalsation) (Heat-Capacity) IEYBOVICH, R,Ye.; LEYTES, V.A.; PYZHCYV, lu.V.; SHEYIMT, A.M. Heat consumption of coking under various temperature conditions. Koko i khim. no.7;24,-25 JIL 161. (MIRA l/+:9) 1. DnepropetrovBkiy metallurgichaskiy institut (for Leybovich, Pyzhovy Sheykhet),. 2. Gosplan USSR (for Leytes). (CO* owns) BRUK., A.S.; OBUKHOVSKIY, Ya.M.; BELETSKIY, V.G.; .1EYBOVICH-y-R.-Ye~;.- XULESHOV., P.Ya.; GOLUBCHIK, A.L.; SITAT p M*.V.,- EYDELIM, A.Ye. Improving the stability of coke quality at the Zaporozhtye By-Product Coke f~amt. Koko i khim. no.36:10-12"61. (MIRA 15:2) 10 Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheakiy institut (for Bruk.. Obukhovskiy, Beletskiy., Leybovich),, 2. Zaporozhokiy kokookhimi- chookiy zavod (for Kuleshov, Golubchik,, Sitalo., Eydellman) '(Zaporozhlye-Coke) BRUX9 A.B.; LEYBOVICH R.Ye.; KRAVCHENKO, V.A.; SEREERENNIKOV, A.A. Coke for the production of ferroalloys. Koks i khim. no.llt29- 31 162. (MM 15t12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgichoskiy institut (for Bruk, Leybo- vich). 2 * Za rozhakiy ferrosplavnyy zavod (for Kravchenko, Serebrennik:50, I (Iron alloya-Metallurgy) (Coke) SEMRENNIKOV,, A.A. , inzh.; KRAVCHFMO, VeAss, kand.tekhn.nauk; DEKWOV., H.M.10 .tnzhi,; BRUN., A.S.. prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk; LEYBOVICHY R. rej.., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; )DONCHAROV, V.F.JV insh. Making 15 pareGnt,.ferrooilcon with molded coke. Stall 23 no.l.-1"6 Ja 163. ' (NIRA 16:2) 1. Zaporozhakiy savod ferposplavov i DnepropetrovsUy metallurgicheakiy, inotitut. lFe=ooilocoD--glectrometallurgy) LEYB __CH R.Ye,,; IVANOV, Ye.B.; SM26011, A.S.; BEL BRUKj A,S,j BOVI ~HR*Ye., UXHAq A.A.; MUCHNII(v. DD. ARTUSIDJAYA, R,M,; Rrinimali UChaBtiy6S ,_A C" KUTEVOY, P.M.r GOLIDBERG, P,Ya.- NMHAYZVA, A..,P,,- KUBMMA, L.I.; SHEYEHET, A.M.; VASIMCHEW03 S,I,,l BARASH, D.A,~; KARPOVA., K.K.1 KHODANKOV, A.T. Effect of temperature chwiges in the control heating flues o-- the quality of the metallurgical coke. Koks i khim. no.7t26-Z-7 063a (MIRA 16,.8) la Dnepropetrovoldy metallurgicheskI7 inatitut (for Bruk., Isybovich, Kutevov,, GolOdbergv Nechayeva., Kubyshkina, Sheykhet). 2, Krivorozhakiy metallurgicheskly zavod (for Ivanov, Smu-13son, Belukha, Machnik,, Fartushnaya, VasilOchenko, Barash., Karpava-, Khodankov). (Coke ovens) (Cok-e-Testing) CHERTOK, V, T.; LEI ,Ye.; IVANOV, Ye.B.; SHCHEGOLEV, S.V.; AQLW&j..F. kRiOMA, R.M.;*MUCHNIK, D.A.; TSYPIN, A.Z. Effect of coking time on the quality of coke. Koks i khim. no.1:23-25 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Pridnepravskiy savet na"dnogo khozyaystva (for Chertdk),-' 2, Dnepropetrovskiy metal-lurgichookiy institut (fbr*Levbovich). 3. Krivorozhakiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Ivanov, Shchegolev, Fartusbnaya, Muchnik). 4. Kokookhimetantsiya (for TSypin). LEYBOVICH, R.Ye.; GOLIDBERG, P.Ya.; RABUKHINA, G.G. Effect of mcidation on the changes in the cake tendency of coals. Koks i khim. no.3:3-4 164. (MIe 17:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. k, KHITRIK, S.I.; GASIK, M.I.,~ ~EYBO~~Nt, R.Ye.-; LAGUNOV, Yu.V.; OCHER, A.G. Specific heat of carbonizing an electrode mixture. Stall 25 no.2:135-136 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) 5(2) SOV/80-32-5-6/52 AUMORS t Ganz, S.N., Vilesov, G.I., Gort,man, 3.1,, Leybovich, S.B T-LMt The Combination- of the PurIfication. Fro~,2ess of a Nitrogen-Hydrogen Mixture From CC,2 With the Preparation of Ammonium rarbonatos. PMODICAL3 ABS111RACT: Card 1/2 Zhurnal prIkladnoy khimil, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 5, PP 969-975 (USSR) The separate and combin,~d absorption of N~3 and C02 depending on tte pl,ry'sical-chemical and hydrodynamic a4wnditims of the process 15 In- vestigated here.. Por this purpose horizontal rotary absorbers with bigh rpm were used ZR-efs 1-g. At a temperature of 17-180C and a pressure of 749 mm Lig, the abso ton e ches 100% at 2,1~O rpm. If the NH supply. is more than 500r~ porp:~ of absorbent - hr, the revoM.iorLs must be inoreased to R50-900 per min. Under highly tuebulent conditions the product:~vity of the apparatus is 40-41 times greater than that of packed columns he absorption of CO by ammonia water at 1800 and a supply of _ . at a C02 oonteni of 11.8% in the gas reaches its maximum of 98,13% at 2,000 rpm. An increase of the supply rate reduceB the degree of absorption. A maximum of ab- sorption-is reached at a CO 2 r-ontant of 11$ in the gas. The highest SOV/80-32-5-6/52 -The Combination. of the, Purification Process of a Hitrogen-Hydrogen Mixture Froin C02 With-the-Freparation of Ammonium Carbonates. Communication I. rate of the,process can be attained at a stoichiomet:ric. NH3:C02 ratio 1,.l. The combined absorption of NH3 and C02 differs only slightly from the separate absorption. The degree 'of absorption decreases with the.increase of the ammonium carbonate concentration in the. solution, by-the:higher viscosity of the solution and.the higher,vapor,pressure of NH3 and C02. An excess of'ammonia shows the most favorable results in this case. .There'are: 141agram, 10 graphs and 4 Soviet references. SUBMI=i September 12, 1957 Card 2/2 5(2) SOV/80~-32-5-7/52 AUTHORS: Ganz, S.N., LeYbovich, . S-.B., Gorbmans s. 1. The Investigation of the Rate of Conversi 'on of.CaS04'tO (NH4)2SO4 in Combining This Process With the Absorption of NHj'and C02 Under Highly Turbulent Conditions. Communication II. PEPUODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 5, PP 975-978 iUSSR) ABS7RACT: A rational method of purifying's nitrogen-hydrogen mixture from C02 is the combination of this process with the,conversion.of CaSOI, to 'ammonium sulfate. Horizontual rotary apparatuses .were used, inw~lch intensive mixing of the gaseous and liquid phases increases the re- action rate. To a 116 g/l solution of (NH ) SO a finely ground TC~ 2: 4 powder of CaS04 - 2H~D in the amount of g was added. The"con- version of gypsum attains 90-94% in a three-:minute 'conteict-of the two phases at 400-500 rpm. For -the absorption of C02 the gypsum suspension in the apparatus was saturated with ammonia to 8.4% ' Nlq-.~. At 1 ''200 rpm, 27.5-- 280c, 750 mm Hg, a gypsum content of 126 g/i- and a C02 content of 10.6% in the gas, the absorption Of C02 combs to an end in the 12th minute due to the c'' let' consumption of Card 1/2 gypsum and INH3, if the si.1pply rate is 250 .,hr. The absorption ~~O-32-5-7/52 SOVI The ldvestigittion jof _the. Rat6 of Conversion. of CaS 04 ~ to In Combininix Thi~s Pio"'oess.With the Absorption of NRj and C02 Under Highly.Turbulent Conditions. Communication II. r-ite is-increased-with the supply rate. The concentrations of 64 g/l..CaS04 and 57 g/l.(NH4)280 ensure a maximum of-the reaction rat6, ',The'optimum temperature ,2es between 28 and 380C.- There'am 3~graphs and 7 Soviet.references,- ASSOCIATION: Dziepropetrovskiy -kh' I oW-teldmologicheskly institut (Dnepropetrovsk Chemi,cal-Technological.Inatitute) SUEMITTED:.: Septiamber. 12,. 1,957, Card 2/2 5.1105 75664 sov/8o-32-10-13/51 AUTHORS: Ganz, S. N., Leybovich, S. B., Malyshevich, N. A., Lokshin, M. A. TITLE: Investigation of the Rate of CO Absorption bya Mond6thanolamine Solution in a H9rizontal Mechanical Absorber PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimit, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 10 pp 2207-2210 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a study of the dependence of the rate (R) of absorption 'and of the percentage of C02 absorbed (w) on the following factors: blade shaft rpm (n), gas volume flow rate (W), % C02 in gas (C9 ), tem- pe rat ure(l)',~ xi8noe than o lam ine in the solution (CT,), and degrees.,of *z~oethanolamine saturation. Absorption rates were increased by use of horizontal high-rpm mechanical abaorbers described earlier (Ganz, S. N., Card 1/ 6 ZhPKh, 30, 16o't (1957)). (1) Effect of shaft rpm. Investigation of the Rate of C02 Absorption by a Monoethanolamine Solution in a Horizontal Mechanical Absorber 75664 sov/~3o-32-10-13/51 Conditions: W, 400 M3/m~, x hr; C 20.3%; 320; 752 mm Hg; CL, 30%. Result: 100% absorption at n = 500 rpm (circumferential speed (v) = 2 m/sec); at n >120 rpm, w and R decrease smoothly. The effect of the gas volume flow rate is shown In Fig. 1. Figs. 2 and 3 show the effect of CO 2 concentration at W = 400 m3* 3 /M x hr; n = 500 rpm; 31-320; Cg 30%; 758 mm Hg. Fig. 4 shows the effect of tem- perature. T1Te4bt1iibhce-of-_, motioethanolamine concentra- tion and saturation is shown in'Figs. 5 and 6, re.- spectively; at CL