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IZYKHTLING, C.A.; ~MORGONI L.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik Wear resistance of Baws with bits. Trudy VSNIPI-Leadrev no.10:27- 32 164. (MIRA. 18-10) 1. Nachallnik laboratorii stankov i instrumentov Vostochno- Sibirskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo I proyektnogo instituta lesnoy i derevoobrabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti (for Leykhtling). LIT n T.'- IELTUCHRIKOVA, Affect of advectLon on the Intensity of snow thawing. frudy GGO no.60:32-39 156. (MlRA 10:7) (Snow) (Thawing) ISYNINI A. p insh. Expenditure of power in moving grain by chain conveyors with sunk ocraperv. Maki-elev. prom. 28 no.104-15 Ja 162. (KM 1617) 1. Vosooyunyy nauchno-issledovatellokiy i eksperimentallno- konatruktorskly institut prodovolletvannogo mashinostroyeniya. (Grain-Handling machinery) -7 -DENSKIY, A., in4fi.; TAMAROV, Ye., inzh.; KAT-A TK N., inah.; SHISKIN, inr,4.,-, LMKIM~j, A.., inzh.,* ILIUEKNI., 1. insh. - Now machines for mills and elevators. Mak.-elev. pro*. 28 no.9: 22-26 6 f62, (MIRA 15:10) 1. Gbrtkovskiy mashinostroiteftuyy gavod 44%rbblye.ya (for Depokiy,, Tamarov, MAshnikov,, Shiohkin). 2. Vsesoy'u'sW,. nauchno-iseledovatell skiy- i eksperi- Ono- konstruktorskiXr-iiu~tdt-prodavoliotvenno Foal go mashinos,txoy8niyi( (for Laykin). 3. Khea"kavskava mashinois"tel~'# naya sth&uiya. (Grain-handling machine) LZYKPJ-A.-~ ILIUMINIJ I. Screw conveycr-loader for grain. M*,-elev. prom. 29 no.3:24-25 mr 63. (mira 16:9) 1. Voesoyuznyy muchno-iouledovateliskiy i eksperimentallno-kon- struktorskiy institut prodovollstvennogo mashinostroyeniya (for I,eykin). 2. Miarlkovskaya mashinclapytatellnaya stantsiya (for, Islyemini). Gnmyp IU-Union State Standard for belt bucket cOnVOYOro The new L )U"-Olev. Prom. 29 no.9:26-27 S 163. for grain and flOuro (MM 17:1) tellokiY i ekoperi2entall- 1. voesayanyy naucbno-iialedova nnogo Mal3biuO- no-konstruktorokiy inotitut prodovollb .tve otroyed7a' TARASIVICH, Turiy Sergeyevich; FUS, I.I., inzh., retsenzent;-LW-IN' A.M., inzb., red.; SOROKA, M.S., red.izd-va; RUDENSKIT. Ta-V-. t'ekgn-.Fgd-- [Designing dies for cold pressing] Konstruirovanis shtampov dlia kbolodnol obtampovkl. Kiev, Goo. nauchno-tekbu. izd-ve mamhinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 187 P. (MIRA 12:2) (Dies (Metalworking)) (Metals--Cold,working) AUTHOR: Leykin, A.M., Engineer 117-56-5-6/24 TITLE: Dies in MultispincUe iutomatic Presses (Shtampy k mnoeo- shpindellnym pressam-avtomatam) PERIODICAL: blashinostroitell, 1958, Vr 5, pp 17-21 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Constructional features of dies for multi-spindle presses are different from those of ordinary dies. Figure 1 shows a con- venient form of the lower part of die; the length of the die correspondends to the width of the table of the press, while the distance between retaining bolts must correspond vith th-c. grooves of the table. To the extent as the dies are installed on one press and function at the same strokG of one slide, they must be strictly of the same height. Blanks are cut out from n strip either on ordinary presses or on automatic pres- ses. A typical shearing die is shown in figure 2 with the corresponding matrix. The first extrusion of a flat blank is done by means of the die shown in figure 3. The matrix con- sists of a bushing which can be centered in relation to the punch. On lowering the punch the part is extruded to the de- cired shape. After the first operation the part is picked up Card 1/2 by tongues and placed in position for the following operation. Dies in Multispindle utoLiatic Presses 117-58-5-6/24 Figure 4 shows a typical die for the consecutive extrusion; this die differs from the preceding one only in the construc- tion of the lower part. Figure 5 shows the process of extru- sion at the beginning of the operation (a) and at the and (b). Figure 6 shows the position of the extruded part on the next die designed to out the flanges. Figure 7 shows tho die forming the bott-om of the part and calibration of the flange, as being the next operation in the cycle. The following bead rolling operation is done by a die as is shown in figure 8. For the punching of holes, two types of dies can be uaed, tho difference of construction depending on whether the waste is evacuated through the upper or the lower part of the die, as is shown in figures 9 and 10. There are 10 figures. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Dies-Construction IM=p A.M. ------0-bmervatiom of nova Herculis at the observatory of the Tomk VALversity. Astron, tair, zw. 234:23 S '60. (Km 14:1) 1. Kaiddra astronmii Tommlioge universiteta. (Starat Now) - - LEYYIIII A. S. Cand, Dissertation: "Distribution o.-' stre-,se.5 in the crankpins of aviation engines." 4 I'lov 49 Scientific Council of the Central Sci-Res. Inst. of Aircraft Engine Building imeni P. I. Bparanov 80 Vecheryaya Moskva Surn 71 aYFIN, A. S., and SMENSEN, S. V. "Studies of the Vistribution of Stresses in Crankshafts of Airplane zngines.11 SO: Izvestiya Akademii Nlauk SSSR, Utdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh-Nauk, Plo 3, pp 451-476, 1950. LEY-- USSR/Miscelianeoue-machine construction Cara I/]. or A S.p'Cand. in Tech. Sciences Auth Laikin ~:Tltle t C oncen*tratUm of strains~and calculation of the, strength of a'ahaft with a transverse opening ..Periodical Vest. mash. 34/30.3-14, YAar/i954 Abstract Transverse openings In sbafts., because of the high concentraticn of. strainewhich tbeycause are often a-source of breaking. The questions which have to:be considered are the relation of the distribution of strains In hollow shafts with transverse openings during bending or tvistingp to the effect of the thickness of the wells of the shaft, size of openings and their angle as compared with the abaft, and nature of tb6edgee of the openings., Results of experiments are given along with computations of strength and strains.. Twelve Russian referenoeep one aited 1952. Tables and graphs. Institution ......... Submitted- PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3472 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mashinovedeniya Problemy proohnosti v mashinostroyenii, vyp. 4 (Strength Problems in Mechanical Engineering, No. 4) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSRp 1959. 122 p. Errata slip inserted. 2,300 copies printed. Ed.: N.I. Prigorovskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: G.B. Gorshkov; Tech. Ed.: Yu.Vv Rylina; Editorial Board: S.V. Serensen, Academician, USSR (Chairman), F.M. Dimentberg, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V.0. Kononenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences,S.V. Pinegin,, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, D.N..Reshetov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor., G.V. Uzhik, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor., and R.M. Shneyderovich, Candidate of Techni6al Sciences. PURPOSE: This collection of.Articles is intended for scientists and engineers concerned with plastic deformation. COVERAGE: This collection of 6 authors gives the results of investigations carried out by the institut mashino Card 1A Strength Problems (Cont.) sov/3472 vedeniya AN SSSR ( Institute of Machine Science, kLeademy of Sciences, USSR). The foreword was written by N.I. Prigorovskiy, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, editor of the collection. The collection of articles is the aecond of a series and discus5es the P~oblem of tensile and compressive stresses, elasticity, deformations under loading, and the calculation and analysis of stresses. The authors emphasize advanced methods of analysis and report on ex- perimental results. References follow each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Shneyderovich, R.M. [Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Elastic and Plastic Deformations of Beam and Frame Constructions 5 The method described Is based on variable parameters of plasticity. Rods, beams, and frames are discussed. Shishorina, 0.1. Experimental Verification of the Superposition Method for Solving Stress Concentration Problems 47 Card 2/3 Strength Problems (Cont.) SOV/3472 'Leykin.-AAAA Stress Conqentratlon in Fillets in Stepped Axial- Symmetric Shafts Under Bending and Torsional Stresses 61 Vasillyev, A.A. Stresses in the Blade of a Hydraulic Adjustable- Blade Turbine 8T Ugodehikov, A.G. Stress Concentrations in Tightly-Fitted Parts 100 Kharshudov,, G.Kh. Stresses in Plate-Shaped Frames Connected by Crossbars ill AVAILABLE: Library of Congress AC/jb Card 3/3 7-27-60 W1 'brim It I 1 5 1 lit 1V 3 1 1 3: 1 1 1 4 1 uo. 1411 sl~ 77-7 q V AUTHOR: Leykin, A._$..-(Moscow) SO V/179-59-3-33/4 5 TITLE: The Distribution of Stresses in Bending a Multi-tooth Coupling of Equal Hardness (Raspredeleniye uBiliy pri izgibe mnogozubykh soyedineniy postoyannoy zhestkosti) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 3, PP 179-183 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A case is described when a herringbone type lock (Fig 1) serves as a coupling device for joining the vane assembly and disc of a turbine. The diagram.showing a distri- bution of stresses is shown in Fig 2. When the distri- bution of reactive forces due to stresses are defined as Eq (1.1) (where t -7 step distance between teeth, b - width of the locking ring), then the bending moment can be expressed as Eqs (1.2) and (1-3) (where x - length of the locking coupling, t - bending arm of a too*th). The condition of a joined action is defined by Eqs (1.4) and (1.5), where E - modulus of elasticity, IL - Poisson coefficient, I - axial moment of coupling inertia, W9 X9 and" coefficients of the tooth's pliability Card 1/3 N- -U - multiplier, c1, C 2 - constants of SOV/179-59-3-33/45 The Distribution of Stresses in Bending a Multi-tooth Coupling of Equal Hardness integration, N < 0.2 M/x (Fig 2), the index A denotes the vane shaft and A - Ocoupling ring of the disc. The condition of equilibrium of forces is expressed by Eq (1.6). Thus, the expression (1-7) is obtained from Eqs.(1.2), (1-3), (1.5) and (1.6). The general solution of the problem can be found from Eq (2-3) which is.obtained from Eq (1-5) for the conditions (2.1) and (2.2). The formulae (2.4) define the distribution of forces p (x) and p (x) when the formula (2.5), found experimeiilally, can be applied . Then, its solution can be determined as Eqs (2.6), (2-7) and (2.8). The bending moments of both the shaft vane and the coupling ring of the disc can be expressed as Eq (2.9) which, when Eq (2.6) is included, can be written as Eq (2.10) (+ = M W and - = M A W ). The relations (3-3) to (3.8 can be defined for the conditions (3-1) and (3.2), where x - angle of deflection of the cross-section x = 0 Card 2/ of the coupling ring. The formulae in this work were 3 verified experimentally. Fig 3 illustrates the moment SOV/179-59-3-33/45 The Distribution of Stresses in Bending a Multi-tooth Coupling of Equal Hardness of bending M W/M related to the coupling MAJI;N n,R ring of the lock x x/x0 as obtained for the 5-teeth lock, Good agreement between the experimental results (circles) and the theoretical ones (curves) can be seen from this figure, There are 3 figures and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: November 8, 1958 Card 3/3 83320 601 ooo S/1?9 El8l -IOU of E19V tile. DistTlt)ut UeTY cov) '14acill (I&OS LtY 14 j!~Tbo- jile x 1GUITOral . U 'PTO Irn on- 'ado$ fB1 e Blade lehesj~i36x, 4eTa -Roots 0 the teW on -111 tile Ef f ee otaelouIle '904, 435 itil 19.601 T StTeSS ted V x, SSSTLI '01-yel P'ssocia mij. 13au StToje Axa do 4 a 'Aally , Ma Sa-luo bst .1%.Vest-11a ~a ts is su -a aLtIol, ALS 'Ketbaniy blade Too conce tT Title .,YAJOIG naul~ 1 153 -bi.U8 al $tTess blade 0 le -PP 149 - O-r tLIT 01: loc 0t causes a -09ttL ,,Dee Tt -r tit tire fIled Pa d Par 121~e S, the PT pT 0 d-jStT t at bly the curve a the PTOT4"e a d star an StTess Al-aes Utest- d 'lot ODI!f I by Toot mity Of f a gTea f t'ne T Od-aee but also , the U-jfoT ,, OuTces b tveel JJL- 'I f ati-Vle e usua Ulf OTm ty of f Oct 0 die to so. ti-OU, J.-u title esses &i. jeTall UO To thjs U01 that t Of PtT Ud t1le '013nee t-jal 0 do Toots a tIons bstal3L jU bla t w1jeT e , offee Toot a su. Tes TOO estl9a f ttLe the blade IraIlu f the VIOUS -I%I'Y t 0 int 0 0, pro iudependon e tv 0 OIL tiae P 0 f ound i-1 - U Is irits b it was f sect,10 contact 'PO Change 0 e$ at t13.0 foTe Card 83320 8/179/60/000AD4/019/027 ElqjJEl8l of stresses in niformitY in the Distribution the Effect on the overall 14011-U Turbo-Machinery Associated with the Roots Of Blades in nlarged Of the Blade Profile e carried out with e easong strain gauge tests wer ctangular blocks For this T if blade Profiles integral with re n and metal models 0 models were loaded in t8nSio In most simulating the roOtso The s of uniform cro ss-section. bending.- The blade portion wa as formed between the blade iels, an intermediate flange w t distinguished by of the mo(ot portions. The different models werc ot portions- and the To stiffnesses of the blade and To different relative Ofile chord to the width of the root was of the pr 0 and o.96, The ratio in the narrow interval between 0 85 1 of the blade maintained tual designs. The Profile shape file contour istic of ac zentS to the PTO character ibed by the angles of the tang les of the tangent was desor nd trailing edges and the ang in relation near the leading a line. The position of the blade ade chord to the mean profile -sed by the angle between the b1 ade to the root was-characteri root. The section Of the b1 and the plane of symmetry of the is sought lies at a, variable root inwhich the stress distributiOll Card 2.1#- 83320 8/179160/000XOI+/019/027 E191/9181 On the Overall Non-Uniformity in the Distribution of Stresses. in the Blades in Turbo-Machinery Associated with the Effect of the Blade Profile distance from the beginnin of the blade section. The ratios of the cross-sectional areas and section moduli of the blade and the root were further parameters. The stresses were measured with strain gauges of 3 mm base. The results.of the measurements show that peak stress factors just exceeding 2.0 exist in the root. Very near the top face of the root portion in the middle of the blade profile, the stress nearly vanishes. Two stress peaks exist between the middle and each side face of the root portion. The effects. of tension and bending on the stress distribution are very similar. The experiments have yielded families of curves relating the ma imum peak stress factor to each of the main parameters,characterising the blade and root combination. A. set of formulae empirically summarizes the tests. The peak stress factors are related to each of the geometric parameters of the blade profile and the root section. Card 3/1+ 83320 S/179/6o/oOOXDV019/027 E191/9181 On the Overall Non-Un1formity in the Distribution of Stresses in the Roots of Turbo-Machinery Associated with the Effect of the Blade Profile There are figures and 2 Soviet references. SUEMITTED: July 11, 1959 Card 4A .-- LRYKIN, A. S. I- ~lrew apparatus and methods of applyiug uniform paint coatings. Iakokras. mt. I lkh prime no.4:65~-69 160* (MM 13:10) (Protective coatims) 3/122/60/000/005/oo4/oa A16i/A130 AUTHOR: Leykin, A. S~, Cand!dats of Teohnioal Sciences TITLE- Stress concentration In 1-rankshaft fillt%ts PERIODICAL; Vestnik mashinostrzyeru7a, no. 5:, 1960, 20-25 TEXT- Data existing in I!-.srature are -too limited for a.-Zourate evaluation of stresses and atreneth of :~rsnks'haf,.s. Stress concentration at, bending and torsion has been studied in exparlmar~ta wltr. large single-crank metal mode"Is (neck diameter 200 mm), and a :~&loulation me-.nod is suggested. Strain on the fillet was measured with wire tenslometers &nd an ird7a,:,tilon tensloweter, arid the main strain sense preliminarily det.ermlnad by va:nish method. A crank spaci-men and shafts with barrel-shaped tores were exam.Laed. 1-he art!,-.1a 4.jroij&!a i part of experimental data. T"he suggeatpd mc~thod for ic-alculatlr-g the 5tre;~s ~:on_-entratlon iri fillete consists in -the following pros-edure. 'T'he stzre2q factors are first determ.1nod fo.- 1n!-.1&l shaft, and ther. ~orrs~cted ~for Aglyen pa-rametzNs of a real shaft. For the ca~tc-; of !:,-_ndtqg ir, the -irank plax~s~, th~, concen":ra~,Jlon p 1. \ actor ~P,4J4 is flr~st for +-he fiLl-Le-, of analogous craj~kehaf't with zero ov'eriapping of ne,:ks &r& azi o2-t,_'wu-,T, d1stance to the weligh"~-n&ducing bore Card 1/5' 5/11.22AO/000/005/004/017 Streon concentration In oraxk3haf-v fillats A 16 I/A ~-, 30 in the adjacent web (L - 1.4) t (4) 0 0 b d.) where 0 is the con.~entrvion factor (OL a saaf t w1--h 1.6 d U. a 0 for d and I -.= 0, dej-ermined depending on by Fig. 3 a i (Pi 17' WQd 7 ) d, e 8~~ v b refl a ng the effect of the web widt9- and bore diameter in the neck. on _--tress concentration in the shaft, fillet, taken from Fig. 3 b and c. it the weight- reducing bore Is a fa-,;tlor must be lntrouc6d Int-o the :-,',Izht part of e and - Next, -lie and ,;he equation (4), (%e) deaptndlng on the relations Tr a" _' 41 (AT) correction factors ohara~~terizlng the effe!.t of the Lecks ovsrlapping and the Astance to the bore in the ad"aaent web are cal-.~Ul&ted; 1i found with the formula where in the fastor for analogous crank with !.6, from Fig. b and (kib - correction factor depending on from F;9. 5 b. Before finding (N)L, the optimum distance to the bore in adjacent neck nnizt- be found in Fig. 6 a. r The 0 6.) Lfactor is foun-d -from Fig. 6 b if the real dista=e ' o the bore is larger than optimum (i.e., > 1), and from Fig, 6 c it It is below 1. Experl- L* Card 2A 8/122/60/000/005/004/017 Stress concentration,in crankshaft fillets A161IA130 mental data of Ref. 7 (W. C. Gadd, T. C. van Degrift, A Short Gage-Length' Extensometer and its Application to the Study of Crankshaft Stress, "J~.'of Applied Mechanics", March 1942, v; 9, no. 1) were alap utilized for plotting: the curves (Fig..6), Finally the stress concentration in the fillet of-the real. crankshaft at bending in the crank plane is. calculated ~itfi 'the forffiula '1- 0 (6), In the case of barrel-shaped bores, d, must be'replaced by d2 inthe calculation of the stress concentration fitotor (,4 for torsion It is first to be found r 'd, 'for steppedDaxisymmetrical shaft with same - and as in the sought-for crank and 2. The formula for tangential stress, concentration factor in the sought-for shaft at torsion Is M! cC (,4 b 0 h (A T )A Factors to the formula (7).are given in (Fig. 8). The formulae (3) and (6) originate from author's previous works listed In bibliographic references. A f. practical calculation example is included. There are 9 figures and 7 reference'si 6 Soviet-blod and I nonjSoviet bloc. The reference to the EngXish-language publication is cited in text.- Card,3/5 ISIMN, A.S. Perchlorovinyl-cement compositions for the painting and waterproofing of structural surfaces. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. nool:36-41 161. (KEU 14:4) (Building materials) (Insulating materials) (Paint materials) LEMN A S Determination of the wear of paint coatings. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.1:64-67 162. (MM 1514) (Paint-Testing) 41,894 5/740/62/ooo/oog/ool/002 E191/E133 AUTHOR: Leykin, A.S. TITLE: Non-station-alry--tharmal elasto-Plastic stre es in a hollow cylinder with a 'surface temp "arying exponentially with time erature v SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR; Institut madhinovedeniya.. Problemy prochnosti v mashinastroyenii. no.g. 1962. 57-72 TEXT: The problem of non-steady-state heat conduction is solved for the hollow cylinder under boundary conditions expressed as arbitriry exponential polynomials, which take into account the possible lag of the beginning of temperature variation at the colder surface of the body. Initially, the infinite hollow .cylinder has a stationary temperature fieldv*wherein the temperature yaries logarithmically with the radius. A varying temperature gas flow inside and a cooling air flow outside create surface temperature variations following different exponential laws. On the assumption of purely radial heat flow, tht heat conduction. equation and the initial and boundary conditions &re formulated. Card 1/4 S/74o/62/00(./009/00]L/002 Non-stationary thermal elasto- E191/E135 A Laplace transformation with respect to time is upplied to the difference between the variable temperature and the initial temperature of the cycle. An ordinary differentitil equation is obtained for the transform, whose solution is givin in a general form using Bessel functions. The solution for th-3 temperature is derived by an inverse Laplace transformation. Th-3 ratio of the difference between the actual and initial temperatures to the largest temperature increment on the inner (hot) surface in written down. Simplification of the expressions in a spreial case is discussed. The thermo-elastic stresses are derived using the ge'neral equations of the theory of elasticity on the assumption that neither Young's modulus nor the coefficient of thermal expansion are dependent on the radius. The thertial stresses in the elasto-plastic region are derived by an appr,jximate method on the assumption that the effective Poisson's ratio has the value of 0.5. This assumption has been shown earlier by A.S.Kinanoshvili kRaschet na prochnoat' diskov turbomashin. IOStrejs analysis of discs in turbo-machinery", Oborongiz, 1954) to agree well with observations of elasto-pla8tic deformation* of turbine discs at Card 2/4 S/740/62/OOC/oog/ool/002 Non-stationary thermal elasto- E191/E135 high temperatures. The hollow cylinder is divide-dinto several concentric tubes, each with a constant effective Young's modulus*! An elastic analysis is applied first. For a givf!n instant in the' 'heating or cooling cycle, the stress values-are ~;:ound at the mean radii of the tubes from the known temperature di-itribution along!, the radius and 'from graphs givifig the variatlon )f Young's, modulus and the thermal expansion coefficient with temperature Some auxiliary integrals and functions are computed by combining! graphical and analytical methods. These enter into the expressions for the principal stresses, from which the equivalent, "octahedral" normal stress in computed. If the equivalent stress exceeds the yield stress,,the strain in first dc-rived from the "elastic" stress, thgn the true stress'corresponding to the above. strain is found from the stress-strain curve me-toured in pure. tension and, finally's the secant modulus is com:juted. With this decant modulus, the principal stresses and equi,.ralent stress are derived.again until the approximation process c,3~nverges. A numerical example applies the analysis to conditions similar Card 3/4 Non-stationary thermal elasto- 5/74o/62/000/009/001/002 E191/EI35 to those in gas turbine blade tests. The temperature changes most rapidly at the start of the heating (cooling) cycle. The highest equivalent stress is reached after six seconds of heating. Its "elastic" value is 54 kg/mm2 and the true "plastic', value in 25 kg/mm2 at a longitudinal strain of 0*005* There are 8 figures. Card 4/4 I-EYKINY A.S., liund. tc)(hr.. nauXi VlNOGRADOV, B.N., Inah. _,1s, f ied Study of, hydration &nd Jardening prooews of etri 4 olymer minsrai mortars. Sbor. trud. VNIIINH no.8z57-64 163. p (IAIRA 17cg) CIMKIN, A.S.. kand.tekhn.nauk; MELINIK, V-Ye., Icand.tekhn.nauk Protective coatingo ior air-entrained oil.1cate slabs of exterior wLUs. Stori. mate 9 nooW5-16 F #63. (MM 16:2) (Sand-lime products) (Protective coatings) (Walls) LEYKIN, A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk Stress distribution caused Irf the bending of herringbone Joints of turbomachine blades. Vest.mashinostr. 44 no.1:22~31 Ja 164. (1415A 17: 4) WCWj51 t AP4026245 6/0122/64/000/003/006/0032 :in A. So (Candidate of technical sciences) T s Construction methods to improve strength of christmas tree locks in Mrw turbine blades wAqr variable loads -SOURCE: Vestnik mashinostroyaniml. 3s i964s 26-32' TOPIC TAG~ t christmas - tree locks turbine blades rotor disks stress concentrations vibration dampingq nommiforn abress distribution ABSTR= Different ways of improvibg the strength of christmas tree locks ,,,~..,Aoining turbine blades to the rotor disk have been discussed& To reduce the local stress on the 'trough (space between tooth) of the look the radius of curvature a the coefficient' is increased and the surface of the tooth in beveled'. This lower of stress concentration by 2NOo An attempt in made to redistribute the reaction orce on the look teeth by making the coefficient of linear expansion d% orf the f is ,,,,,!disk material larger than ck of the blade materiaL A nominal clearance do iuggested in a. 6-5 pair of christmas Aree look teeth,to hold the coefficient of !-reaction force. nonuniformity below a given level. It is shown that the clearance Card 1/2 ACCMION MR: APhO26245 expresees the difference in dimension between the tooth pitch of the disk a s o the blade roots, at working temperatures# relative to the unit length of the christmas-tree look profile 11 n e * To minUdze nonunif orm, stress distributions J, the parameter L/6. in increased (b - blade chord# L - distance from top of 0 look surface to the first trough). To improve rotor blade vibration damping in the! blade-lock couplingj, the addition of a band of rods is suggested on tfie blade-to- A joint coupling racks or a split root for the rotor blades* The adverse effects caused -by such damping techniques are discussed., in particular. when they create ;local stress concentration in blade roots or the lock* Orige wt* has# 6 eqiia--~ i tions and 6 fieurese .$ASSOCIATIONt none SUBMTEDs '00 DATE ACQs 20Apr64 ENCLs 00'i .'NO REF SM COM M SOVI- iod~ OTHERt' 002 i Card 2/2.. IEYKIN, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk Strength calculation of shaped parts by extreme reduced effective stresses. Vest. mashinostr. 4.4 no.8:9-16 Ag 164. (MMA 17:9) N N f AT I '-FOR.- B I inn ilk B. Leykin, A. S. e des ian of werkifig 1-e n,,- 1 Rde ~u r'-- i. L, 4 7 7es 7-ia i or, c r ine streseF -!C nev'It vp ;I carti L lh956-65 A-CCESSION NR: A14046185 f ~ hp i i k iT ',T ir P-. - dire ine i i-.c rease i n i -wa i 1- 7 1 T mr a ri- vpT-, r e s a 1"'7 ASSOCLATION: None SMITTED., 15Apr64 ENCL: 0 1 NO REF SOV. 005 OTHER: 002 A LP SUB CODE, PIR 4 -2, j T, I ' 55 A-ESST(Yq- NR,- AT40461185 Figure 1. Working turbine blade with banded peripheral flanges. 1 COUPIa' landed flanges of Lar~ 31' 3 AMIOR, Leykin, A. S. TT rLE :Stregg cc nc entration and relative stresq ~Jlgtribt~tior factcrg in the ----.~-'~ne locking irechanisms -f turbine Dlades S OUR CR -Prochno.W t dinamfkq aviatsiorrv*lkh dvlearelev (Durnbilitv ard dyrmnico craft engines) ; sbornik a late, z-4 r~- ve:~! ve 2-7-288 TOPIC TAGS: turbine blade, turbine blade couviing, blade stress, fishbone catch ABSTRACT: The author notes that the fatigue character of the majority of failuree obser-ed in the fishbDne-ty-pe locking devices which are used to couple the blades to the disks in turbines requires a careft.1 investigation of the con- and distribu,:ion of stressed on the surlaceg -of the icirt element re- qT- c,! I a rjrd e r -ire I Far ion a no r, I sr 7. r ua t' -T-. s 7' e e Carl 1/4 ~A L 24415-65 ,ACCESSION NR: AT4046191 stress concentration and distribution on the surfaces of the recesses or depressiond of locking devices of the fishbone type under the effect of both bending and -,retching. These results were obtained by the --uther -,n the tasiF cf previous S. Levk in. 1 s s7, ed'. b I z em C' * iI experiments usiag the tensiometric method on large, flat, metal models with elastic deformation of the materials. In amanner applicab`e to the ratios of the geo- C. 'Jimensions characteristic mec-~ arlq7-5. zeri'7 . fz:r-r,-_;'.ae 3 A-P ornposed for dimensionless rar~nrq -t qtreqs co-centr ati-n and relative '4~i a func"lur, :ti tale 7~ f''. -mulae are !;imple in fc,,--Tn and coupling joint. The for pr-vide rhe degree ~f required for practical 2ng--reerin,~, F:~-_r~- 1 -t 'he Erc;(,q- cf ~he frr.,- e f , he r vpe c ns l.,, S~reSie5 Card 2/4 D4415-65 kCCESSION NR: AT4046191 "F leeth. Some mmerical recamendstions are given, Orig. art. has: 7 figures 3" formulas. ASSOCIAYIGN: None . =1 15Apr64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: PR NO REF SOV; 007 OTIMR, .CC 1 3/4 c _,,~.E Y Ki ,A' el Merhod o-" i:a-n- with *,!~a Sbc.:-, iojb. I)NIINSM, no-i 5-44-4c"; 1 2 M-, t ft o d c) f d E- t e :r -m i n i r g th, e - w 3 F,:r r e ssa n,-- oD f la c cee, j a n painted surfaces. Ibld.:54-55 U:Ang emulsion p,j3rr.-ar oeaisnt a,,j a cellular conercto, Ibl(L-59-415 ACC NR1 AP6036882 CA ~t~) SOURCE COM UR/0122/66/000/011/0007/0011 HOR: laykin, A& S.- (Doctor of technical sciences) none Increasing the strength of machine parts by optimization of stress distribution Vestnik mashinostroyeniyu, no. 11, 1966, 7-a TAGSs stress distribution, machine tool, machine industry ABSTRACT: Optimization of stress distribution in machine parts can be attained by .1 lowering the local stress concentration, by decreasing the' total nonuniformity of stress distribution, by disposition of the sources of local stress concentration at 1points where the total nonuniformity of the stress distribution is lowered, by a Irelative displacement of the points of greatest stress in the concentration zones, and by regulating the distribution of the forces in multitooth joints. The article !consists of a mathematical treatment of several of these methods of reducing the stressi .concentration. Optimization of the stress distribution by the method of "regulating" the distribution of forces is illustrated in the article by the examples of herringbone joints in turbine blades and of screw joints. Here, the calculations show that by optimization of the static and variable stresses, connected with a partial unloading !of the first teeth, the strength of a joint, with respect to the amplitude of the ACC NR, Ap6036882 stresses, can be increased by 20-35%. In the same manner, by analogy with herrirgbone Joints, the load on screw threads must be so distributed that the first turn of the thread is subjected to relative3,v small forces, Orig, &A* hass 3 figures. SUB CODEs 13/ SUBM DAM none/ CRM RZFj 006 IMYZZH]ff L.D.; SHPANION, BURDUN, G.D.; DMIN, AoYa.; OXBDTINA. S.M.; SIMKIN, G.S.; P.A. Precise determination of the units of time and frequenc7 by means of atomlo constants. Isla. tekh. no.30-9 M7-Je 155. (MLRA 8:9), (Time measurements) F_ i VA 24(0); 5(4); 6(2) PHASE I BOOK 1"WITATION SOV/~?215 VS6&QyuZnYY nauchno-Issladovatel4skly Inatitut matrologli Izenj D.I. Nendeleyevs. Refersty nauchno-jazledovatel'Wkh rabot; :bornik No.2 (Scientific Research Abstracts; Calls' tion of Artlal a. Mr 2) Moscow, 3tandartglz, 1958. 339 V. 1,000 copies printed. L_r__ Additional Sponsoring Agencyt USSR. Komitat starAartov, =or I I=eritel-nykh priborov. Xd.: 3. V. Reshor.1na, Tech. PA. t M. A. Kondratlyev&. PURPOSEt These reports are Intended for scientists. researchere. and engineers engaged In developing standards, measures, and gages for the various Industries. COVERAaEs The volume contains 128 reports an standards or me t and control. The reports were prepared by scientists of n atitut-es or the Xomltot atandartov, =or I Ismorltellnykh I. priborov pri Sayeto Ministrov S33R (Commission an 3tandarda, nd Measuring InAtrUMnt$ Under the U33R Council or Mnjures ;)! star Tao participating Institutes are% VVIIN Vaesayuznyr nauchno-tasl*dovAtellskly metrolo&LL Imeni D.I. Mandeloyeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Met- rology imeni D.1..Xcndej4Wv) In Lenlngrad; Zv*r4lavok brancn of this Institute; VNJJX - Vaosayurnyy nauctno-ix3ledovatellakly inazltut XoatLteta standartov, nor I 1=er1te21nykh pr1borov (All-Volon Scientific Research Institute or the Commission On Standards, Measures, and Measuring Instrumenta)j created from KaXKXF - Moskovskly gosudirstvannyy Inatitut mor,l I=trltellnykh pr1borav (Moscow State institute or Measures and Measuring Instruments) October 1, 1955; VX11PTR1 Vaesayu=yy nauchno-13aledavatellskly Institut rLziko-te ni ahookikh I radiatekhnicheakikh 1=treniy (All-Union Sci* t~" r i. Research Institute of PhysicatechnIcal and Radio-org1noorl", Reasuroments) in Moscow, %hGjXI? - 10marikovskly Cosudars"'... lastitut mer I I=erit*llnykh pribarov (Kharokov State Of Resource and Measuring Instruments); and NGVaF - Kovo4j- bl=kiy gosuderstvenyy 1natitut iner I lzmerital-nykb prlboroy (Novosibirsk State Institute of Measures and Measuring Inatru. i~ezjt~q). No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Frequency Service 50 ye.V. (VNIrFTRI). JSCh-1 and 13Ch-2 Type Instruments or Electric Oscillation Frequencies 51 V*y&b=t_A,.Z. and V.K. BudIn (Deaeasedl (VNXZM). Aut0m:tic -Vivice for Can troljjRgFtho-?rsqu*ncy Comparator Unit of 0 no- rotors 52 Standard Prqquency Motor (for checking 'M ' t' (V )- purponed) for nigh-power Short- Tr&n&m1a*lon Through a *ncy Pr 0 qU wave transmitter 53 Bryzzhev, L.D., X.V. Baulkn, and Ye.Z. OrlOv _(XhG1M1P). Det&x%an_1ffZ-=V-neQuencY ValU8A Of 3~-3 Ammaiiia Absorption Lines 54 Hardness nd Strength Requirements (Dolinskiy, Ye.F., Candidate : or Techni &I Sciences) .3axit"d P.;;., and I.A. Zakharov (Sverdlovsk Branch of VN11M), 9f card u.1 P.A_ShV 4M'g. and 4JL_X&r&vAshMn, o G 1 t 6 t l M d f S3 T r - - V* ho enera h so l e or Chec ng G ors 0p ng A yp by a valtLge to I microvolt and by the Factor- of Modulation 128 Y,9. IL L fp~ -V- A. OL L L L L IL IL A. P. IL IL rom- H.-p- r. A. IL r. aw~ OWN (c ilo 22 A. r. a.-PW-d (c 10 so 16 -Acce) "L"j"I 0416ty at '04 OC w0 detmisla b , ", rw mats), Meow- Top-% .4 SOV/115-59-7-20/33 80), 90) AUTHOR: Leykin, A.Ya. TITLEs The Experimental investigation of a Molecular Generator PERIODICALs lzmeritellnmyn tekhnikaj 1959, Nr 7, pp 41-44 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In 1956 and 1957, the Khar1kovskiy gosudarstvennyy institut mer i izmeritellnykh priborov (Khar,kov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) built a number of masers (molecular gener- ators). The results of investigating these masers are presented in this arttele. In two maser models, developed by N.G. Basov (Ref.1) at FIAN SSSR imeni P.No Lebedev, several design changes were introduced, while their electrical parameters were kept. A grid with long channels (1.3-IZ mm at a diameter of 0.05 mm) was used as a beam source. A very even tuning of the resonator was achieved by a system consisting of a thin and thick rod as shown in fig.l. Two generators were mounted in one common vacuum hous- ing as this was done in one of the FIAN masers. The oscillation amplitude was measured by means of a device, whose block diagram is represented in fig.2. Measurem6nts were made concerning oscil- Card 1/3 lation amplitude dependences on the resonator tuning (the ammonia SOV/115-59-7-20/33 The ftperimental Investigation of a Molecular Generator pressure in the source was kept equal to p -* 2 mm mercury column and the voltage at the quadrupole capacitor U'~~ 32 kv), on the ammonia pressure in the beam source (with mean tuning and U:' 32 Icy) and on the voltage of the quadrupole capacitor (P Z 2 mm mer- cury column. The pressure in the beam source was measured by a U-shaped mercury pressure gage. Frequency changes in the maser under investigation during retuning of its resonator were deter- mined by comparing the frequency difference between two masers. The results of these measurements, presented in fig.3, show that the oscillation amplitude-changes as a function of the resonator tuning according to electric lr:~ad. With an ammonia pressure in- crease in the beam source, the oscillation amplitude increases and decreases after reaching its peak. Further, the oscillation frequency was investigated by means of a measuring unit as shown in the block diagram, fig.4. The author also investigated the re- lative stability of maser frequencies. The resonator Q-factor were 91-8,000 and 02-51000 respecti-vely. The cooling system was filled with liquid nitrogen one hour prior to the begin of the measure- Card 2/3 ments. Fig.5 a, contains results of frequency change measurements SOV/115-59-7-20/33 The lbrperimental investigation of a Molecular Generator of the oscillator with ammonia pressure increasing from 1.5 to 5 mm mercury column. Fig.5 b shows the voltage change at the focus- ing electrodes from 20 to 30 kv for three fixed tuning ranges, The investigatibns show that the described maser has a highly con- stant frequency and good operational qualities. For obtaining-the one or other absolute frequency value, the ammonia pressure should be changed for tuning the*resonator. The accuracy of reproducing absolute frequency vakes by a maser using this method, depending on different factors, will be investigated in the future. A.I. Samoi- lovich participated in design of the maser model. M.I. Klyus join- ed in assembling the maser. Ye.Z. Orlov assisted in recording the measuring results. There are 4 graphs, 2 block diagrams, I dia- gram and 5 references~ 3 of which are Soviet and 2 American. Card 3/3 250) SOV/115-59-8-23/33 AUTHOR: leykin, A. Ya. TITLE: A System of Comparing the Frequency of a Maser With a Quartz 'Standard PERIODICAL; lzmeritel'naya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 8, pp 43 - 44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the Kharkovskiy gosudarstvennyy institut mer i izmeritellnykh priborov -KhGIMIP- (KhaT'ko-v State In- stitute of Measures and Measuring Instruments), a special device was designed and built for comparing the maser frequency with the frequency of a high- stability quartz generator. The frequency of the quartz reference generator at KhGI14IP is 60 kc. In- creasing this frequency to that of the maser (2"170 Me) requires a great frequency multiplication and is connected with considerable difficulties. The author describes the application of an auxiliary quartz ge- nerator having a frequency of 3.1 1,1c. The author describes this device briefly. Its block diagram is shown in Figure 1. The signal with a frequency of 1.3 Mc from the quartz generator is Mixed with the Card 1/2 signal of the maser after multiplication by 7,700 SOV/'1-15-59-8-23/33 A Svstem of.Comparing the Frequency of a Maser With a Quartz Standard times. By means of the described device comparisons of the maser frequency with the quartz reference ge- nevator are conducted regularly at KhGDII.P. In a table the author presents the results of one measu- ring series which were obtained with unchanged tu- ning of the maser. The,table shows that the mean square error of a_TBries of frequency measurements amounts to - liclo . However, this error includes also the unstability of the quartz reference genera- tor. For simplifying the measuring process and eli- minatiLg the unstability of the auxliary quartz gene- rator, a second version of the frequency comparison system was developed, shown in the block diagram in Figure 2. It is different from the first version by the inclusion of a frequency multiplicator with a gain factor of 700 and a mixer. I. V. Baulin built and tested the auxiliary quartz generator. Ye. Z. Orlov participated in the construction and investiga- tion of the entire comparison system. There is 1 ta- Card 2/2 ble and 'I block diagram. 81848 -5/033/60/037/03/020/027 E032/E5i4 AUTHORS: Bryzzhev, L.D., Leykin,,,.A.Ya. and Sopellnikov, M.D. TITLE: A Determination ;-f the Fr-e-q-u'-e-ncy of a Molecular Generator and of the Irregularities in the Earth's Rotation Nl' PERIODICAL: Astronomiche'skiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol 37, Nr 3, pp 579-583 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The molecular generator employing a beam of ammonia molecules at the Khar1kov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Ins t-r-um-e-nlt s-wa-s--ffe-s-c-r1b 7ey ~Leyk=n i~n Ref 3. Systematic measurements of the frequency of this generator were begun in February, 1958. Regular comparisons of its frequency in the UT-1 and UT-2 systems of astronomical time -were also carried out. The molecular generator in the above standard does not function continuously and is only "switched on" for a time necessary for the comparison with quartz generators. It was therefore necessary to have continuously running clocks in order to determine the frequency in the astronomical time system. KKh clocks were used for Card 1/3 this purpose. These clocks ara employed by the All-Un 81848 5/033/60/037/03/020/027 E032/E514 A Determination of the Frequency of a Molecular Generator and of the Irregularities in the Earth's Rotation Time Service and the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Physicotechnical and Radiotechnical Measurements who publish monthly corrections to these clocks in the bulletin "Standard Timelt. MorRover, daily time signals transmitted by the GBZ-10 Station (England) are also used in the determination of these corrections. These are further corrected in accordance with the data supplied by the Greenwich Observator,~y. The frequency of the generator in the%IKKh clocki? was dally compared with the frequency of generator. A preliminary value for the frequency of the molecular generator, based on the data supplied by the time services of the Soviet Union and Great Britain, is now reported to be 23 870 129.395 kc/s + 0.012 kels. Data on the Irregularities in the Earth's i:otation in 1958 were obtAined from the determination of the Card 2/3 frequency of the molecular generator in astronomical 81848 61033/60/037/03/020/027 E032/E514 A Determination of the Frequency of a Molecular Generator and of the Irregularities in the Earth's Rotation systems of time. It was found that the amplitude and phase of seasonal irregularities in the Earth's rotation during 1958 were practically the same as those In 1955-1956. The latter were obtained with the aid of the caesium standard. It is argued that the results obtained show that irregularities in the Earth's rotation can be determined with the aid of the molecular generator to the same accuracy as with the caesium standard. There are 3 figures and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 1 French and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy in-t mer I lzmeritellnykh priborov (Kharlkov State Institute of Measures and measuring Instf tCm7eiit-i-)-- SUBMITTED: October 6, 1959 Card 3/3 POLULYAKII, Konstantin Ste panovich -_IIYYM4 , A.Ya- , retsenzent; SKORIK, Ye.T., retsenzent, SINT10''~:IY, .I., retsenzent; TSAP.MIKO, V.T., otv. red.; TRW 'YihUVA, A.B.j, red.; ALEKSAYDROVA, G.P.., tekhn. red. [Electronic resonance measuring devicesl Elektronnye rezonansnye izmeritel'rWe pribory. kharikov, Izd-vo KharIkovskogo gos. univ. im.A.M.Gorlkogo, 1961. 138 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Electronic measurements) (Radio measurements) 30159 S/60 61/000/003/008/008 3 D039YDI.12 A'UTHOR: L TITLEs A molecular standard of time and frequency SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrainsikoyi RSR. OrganizatsionnTj komitet pr, provedeniyu Mezhdunarodnogo geofizicheskogo goda. Mezhdiinarod- nyy geofizicheskiy god; informatsionnyy byulletent, no, 3, 1961, 82-87 TEXT: The paper describes a molecular standard of time and frequency devel- oped by the Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy inatitut mer i ivneritel nykh pri- borov (Khartkov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments). The basis of this device is a molecular generator, operating on a beam of ammo- nia molecules which was developed by N. G. Basov and A. M. Prokhorov. The paper also gives the.methods of reproducing the frequency of the molecular standardi the first re'sults of comparisons of the f.7equency of the molecular generator with that of quartz generator No 3 of the Khar1kov State Institite of Measures and Measuring Instruments, which have been regularly condunted since February 5, 1958,andresultsof determination of the frequency of the molecular generator within the UT-1 and UT-2 astronomic time systems. Card l/ 5 30159 S/600/41/000/003/008/008 A molecular standard of time D039/D!12 The electrical. parameters of the new molecular generator are the same as those of the molecular generator of the Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR im. P. N. Lebedeva(Physic3 Institute of the AS US:;R im. P. N. Lebedev) which is mentioned in the paper of N. G. Basov (Ref. 3 "Pribory i tekbnika eksperi- mental', t. 1- 1957, s. 71). A grid with long holes, the production techno- logy of which was proposed by A. I. Samoylovi!h, was used in the beam source. The resonator of the molecular generator has i mechanical two-stage (rougli and smooth) tuning system for smooth tuning within a small range. The tuning method was based on the fact that the dependeace of the generatorts frequency on the ammonia pressure in the molecular beau source is higher by one order than its dependence on the voltage on the quEdrUpOlE capaciter. The resoir Ing power of the tuning method was rated as leing of the order of 3 0 10- - As comparison of the molecular generator and the quart7 generator was compli- cated by the great difference in the frequen(ies of both devi,;esp a compara- tor with an auxiliary high-stability quartz 1:eneraforv frequenoy amplifiers and counters, was developed. On the basis of the counter rec~,riines, the v-*!~. of the quartz generator frequency with respe A to the frequency of the molzacn- lar generator was found from the formula Card 2/ 9 . I 30159 A molecular standard of time S160 YD 61/000/003/008/008 D039 112 f fMCI jrn + F2 - 700F1 Std = 9 238 700 wheref .. is the frequency of the quartz generator of the standard frequen- cy in hun I eds of kilocyclec- f - the frequency of the molecular genera- tor; P, and P - the beat frequme'A'Fines. The quartz generator used for com- parison with he molecular generator has been operating without interruption since 1?80. Its mean quadratic variation per 24 hours is of the order of 6 - 10- . It is used as 'the standard clock (KKh 3) of the Sluzhba vremeni Sovetskogo Soyuza (Time Service of the Soviet Union). The measurements were conducted with two molecular generators, the mean quadratic deviation o f whose difference frequency from the mean deviation was established. Ap-rt a from this, the frequency of the quartz generator is determined every day by the reception of time signals transmitted by various stations including the CBR. This makes it possible to determine the frequency of the molecular generator in the same time system in which the signals are transmitted. Since the UT-1 and UT-2 time systems are associated with the speed of the Card 3/5 30159 B16091611000100310081008 A molecular standard of time D039/D112 Earth's rotation, and since the frequency of the molecular generator is con- stant.and independent from the Earth's rotation, variations in the rotation speed of the Earth can be found by such comparisons. The first results of measuring the molecular generator frequency within the UT-1 and UT-2 systems are given. The results show that in spring 1958 there was no usual decrease in the rotation speed of the Earth, which agrees with the data given in the report of Y7m. Markowitz read at the X Astronomical Conference. In conclusion, the author thanks L. D. Bryzzhev for his valuable advice and his participa- tion in the discussion of the results, and Ye. Z. Orlov, A. I. Samoylovich, 1. V. Baulin and M. I. Klyus, who helped in the construction of the molecu- lar generator, the development of the comparator and in conducting the com- parisons. There are 4 figures and 6 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 3 non- Soviet-bloc. The three references to English-language publications read as follows; L. Essen, I. V. L. Parry, The Caesium Resonator as a Standard of Frequency and Time, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. L., Sec. A, No 973, vol. 250, D. 45, 1957.; L. Essen, I. V. L. Parry, Wm, Markowitz, R. C. Hall, Variation in the Speed of Rotation of the Earth Since June 1955, Nature, vol. 181, p. 1054, 1958.; 1. P. Gordon, H. I. Zieger, C. H. Tonnes, The Maser - New Type Card 4/5 S/16 62/000/002/001/072 D228 YD301 AUTHORS: Sopellnikov, M. D., L and Bryzzhevq L. D. . ! ~ _A. Y~a . TITLE: Determining the irregularity of the earth's rotation by means of a molecular time and frequency standard PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 2, 1962, 3, ab- Btract 2A1 (Mezhdunar. geofiz. god, Inform. byul., no. 4, 1961, 29-32) TEXT: The results are described for determining the irregularity of the earth's rotation by means of a molecular generator, intro- duced into the time and frequency work of the Kharlkovskiy goeu- darstvennyy institut mer i izmeritellnykh priborov (Khar1kov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) from February 1958. The magnitude of the irregular and seasonal changes in the length of a day is cited, and corrections are given for the tran- sition from UT-1 time to UT-2 time for the interval March 1958 - ildrcl~ 1959. / Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 S/115/63/000/002/005/008 E202/E492 AUTHORS: keY-ki I _L~~Orlov, Ye-Z. TITLE: Coincidence of frequency values in molecular generators of similar constructions 46 PERIODICAL: lzmeritellnaya tekhnika, no.2,-1963, -48 TEXT: The authors used four identically constructed molecular generators contained in pairs in one general vacuum shell. Each aggregate was supplied with electronic equipment which tuned the firequency of the generator according to the minimum changes in the pressure of ammonia in the source of the molecular beam afid compared this molecular frequency with that of quartz generators.' -Details of preliminary tuning are given. The pressure of ammonia was so chosen that the amplitude of generation was at it s maximum.- In order to determine the effect of the voltage on the quadrupole condenser, the beat frequency was measured between the two molecular generators. At the same time the voltage on the I _~--J,.quadrupole condenser of one generator was fixed at 35 kV, while that of the other varied from 22 to 37 kV. The measurements have shown that changes in voltage of 15 kV cause fvequency changes of Simultaneous frequency measurements on the standard 70 C/3- L-Card-1/2 S/115/63/000/002/005/008 Coincidence of"frequency ... E202/E492 quartz generator and the molecular generators were carried out forl a period of three weeks; each molecular generator was tuned and the difference between the standard and molecular generators measured. Approximately 10 to 12 measurements were taken on each: of the molecular generators. The results of these measurements show-that the mean arithmetic deviation of frequencies of the an individual generators was of the order of about 0.1 while the me quadratic deviation was of the order Of 1XIO-9. It was concluded' that using this method of tuning, it is possible to attain a -frequency with a mean.quadratic error of 1XIO-9. It is stated that when subjected to the above procedure, molecular generators may be operating with the same frequency accuracy as that-which is! ascribed to,the standard generator. There are 5 tables. Card 2/2 R.A. Prinimali uchastiye:ILF.YKjf[,-Lja.; SIDORENKO, B.G.; VALITOV KUKOLEVAj T.V., red.i teknn. red. (Radio-engineering measurements].Radiotakhnicheakie iz- mereniia. Moakvap Sovetskoe radio, 1963. 631 p. (W RA 16:8) (Radio measurements) 7777j zcn science (Aviatsimrln- zisarerln-.- 1, 19t-4. c 9]A: ~ted. TOPIC VTS I aircraft materidl aircraft nonmetallic mterials, ferrous metal m-&terial, sintered Material ex ooj~ E; f~,- studcn ts at teldin�k=ts T~ !--i_ ).3E AND COVEFALGE : nAS b ep-G -,ed'i d, A145oNt-a4 int ~atiou FtLrt I Fuddamentals of Metal Science 9 Ch. 1. Struatuxe and cry~-sta.Uizatlcn of metals Ch. 2, Properties of metals and alloys and vothoda VL 'jestiag 24 Ch, Mthods of inveatigating metal(3 and &Ucrys 3- -- 53 4. FbZfeical Luathods of inspectiriZ, metalzi wd c "o-ye -v de cti 1~ fl- t43 OTL) 60 Structure and .Df %.!-~iv -Ij 7~ Iran-carboD cLUo-fe a,~at ti-tatment of Gtee-I Card 2/5 tt. 4 ru Thermochemica-1 treatw--r:' cf ster-' 17~:, i7eri"--iL Mictaar, o-nd Z r-II Carbon steels Ch. 11. AUoy ateela and r-Incial alloys 153 a and.aUoyg vitb flp~-clal plrvnicitl and chemical prarx-ritien St^-0-1 tefjjS FIDA &1107a fl-)-~ m',a6n e swa o n -'Itoa-lium and Its allayr, COPIA--T 8.rid i-,13 LLI-10YU 20: Gintered materials zir~, 17 corrosion of tala culd Al 20 -cyr -si-Da- Card 4/ '5 ~h. 2r- Textiies -- fT11. 27. Lac-dye materials 421, 4,4 C~~_713 CODE: No, 60"r: CMBER, 1 002 C--rd 5/5 BENDERSM, S.N.p kand.tekhn. nauk; BURSIAN, V.R., prof.p kand, tekhn. nauk; VASIL'YEVO P.N., Inzh.; DORFMAN) E.Ye., Inzh.; ZJIURAVLEV, V.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; KESTELIMAII, V.N.p inzh.; KRUGLOV, AJI.p dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; KUKIDNYY, A.A., dots., kand.tekhn. nauk; LEVACHEV, N.A.9 doto.j kand. tekbn. nauk; LEYKIN' A.Ya., inzh.; NARI24SKIY, N.K., dots., kand. tekhn. -n-a-uk; PLATONUV N., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOV, A.Ya... prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; KUTSENKO, K.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; VERRIEYENKO, Ye.I.p inzh., re'tsenzent; KOVTUN, A.P.., inzh., retsenzent; SEMENYUK, A.I... retsenzent; KASHCHEYEV, I.P., inzh., retsenzent; PALITSEV, V.S., kand. tekhn. naukq retsenzent; KHMELINITSKAYA, A.Z., red. (Conveying and reloading machinery for the overall mechaniza- tion of the food industries] Transportiruiushchie i peregru- zochrWe mashiny dlia kompleksnoi mekhanizatsii pishchevykh proizvodstv. Moskva, Pishchevaia promyshlennost', 1964. 759 p. (MMA 18:3) (Continued on next card) BENDERSKIY, S.N.- (continued). Card 2. 1. Odesekiy tekhnologicheakiy institut imeni lV..V.L*=nosova (for Kutsenkoq Naremskiyv Veremeyenko, Kovtun). 2. Starshiy ekspert Upravleniya po avtomatizatsii i oborudovaniyu dlya pishchevoy promyshlennosti Gosudarstvennogo kordteta po ma- shinostroyeniyu pri Gosplane L95SR (for Semenyuk). 3. Glavnyy mekhanik Gosudarstvennogo instituta po proyektirovaniyu pred- priyatiy mukomollnokrupyanoy i kombikormovoy promyshlennosti i elevatorno-skladskogo khozyaystva (for Kashcheyev). 4. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey Vsesoyuznogo naucbno- isaledovatellskogo instituta zerna. i produktov ego perera- botki (for Palltsev). IVANOV, A. I .;-LEYA-IN, I.S.; _A.Ta.; K11UVESj E.S.; CHERNYYj Y laSM4AN, L.M. . red. (Machines for overall mechanization of grain loading and -unloading operations] 14ashiny dlia kompleksnoi mekhanizatsii pogruzochno-razgruzoehrWkh rabot s zernom. Moskva, Kolos, 1964. 230 p. (MIRA 18:9) L 02~65_67 _~~2 EEC(k~~TJEWP_Ck)_ WG 1 ACC NRt AP6032005 SOURCE CODE: uR f6_ft_5_r6_6_1_6oO 1-60 9-1`00 2 8-/ 0 0 3 0 AUTHOR: Leykin, A. Ya.; Samoylovich, A. I.; Solov'yev, V. S. ORG: none TII~LE: A gas laser It/, SOURCE: Izmeritel'naya tekhnika, no. 9, 1966, 28-30 ;TOPIC TAGS: ew laser, gas laser/Trk~Q.5~ AB STRACT: A stable, single-frequency, dc-excited Ile-Ne laser has been developed by the Kharkov Institute of Measures and Measuring Instrumenti for use in metrology. Because of the required single-frequency char- acteristic, the amplifying medium is designed to damp both higher-order oscillations and extraneous longitudinal modes; emission is confined to the TEMqSo type of oscillations. This provides for a minimum of 4-5 axial mo es being generated simultaneously within the Doppler width of the 392-2P4 line. The damping of all the longitudinal modes except those at line center is accomplished by specifying losses which are introduced into the resonator cavity by various elements. The resonatoi cavity (Fig. 1) contains a small-diameter capillary (1.5 mm) for the ACC NRi AP6032005 given cavity configuration which insures looses ten times higher for transverse than for basic oacilliitions. The 300-mm discharge gap Fig. Resonator cavity configuration ~l Mirrors; Z Brewster windows; 3 capillary# insur-es emission condLtions:for only one longitudinal type of oscilla- tions at..the-given gain of 12%-13% and a pumping level only slightly exceeding threshold. The resonator cavity is formed by spherical. mirrors with dimensions RI R2 -.580 mm.. A stable output power of ~Fig. 2. Laser. configuration 1 - Discharge tube; 2 - ieserve tube;. 4 j 3 and 4 - cathode and anode tubsel holders; 6 - quartz tubel,7 - mirror holder:1 8 - end flanges; 9 steel LS \_S couple 10 - springs ACC NRi AP6032005 C? 0.3-0.5 mm in several modes or 0 05-0.1 mm in a single oscillating. I mode was obtained. Study of the laser emission spectrum with a Fabry- Perot interferometer with scanning mirrors, and with a 150 mm Fabry- Perot standard revealed that four oscillating modes can be generated simultaneously; by lowering the pumping power level, the number of modes can be reduced to two. The laser emission can be brought down to a single mode by reducing both pumping power and mirror rotation. Orig. art. hast 3 figures. PRI SUB CODE: '20/y/ SUBM DAM none/ OTH REP: 002 :,rd 3/3 v~ . Tekhnologlia metallov. Utverzh. v kachestve uchenbnika dlia kuraov ma6terov Botelallstich. truda. Moskvaq Metallurgizdat,, 1941. 560 p. 41lu . Bibliography: P. 553 DLCs TA459-L45 1941 (Technology of motale.) SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. LEAIN, A - tt/. Tekhnologiia metallov. Moskva# Mashgisp 1948- Dop. v kachestve uchebnika d1in avtotransp. takhnikumov. 390 P- iUus- Bibliography$ P,, (300)o DLC: TA4~9.L45 1948 (Technology of metals.) SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. NIKIFOROV, Vikentiy Markianovich; RYBIN, V.V., inzh.., retsenzent; LEYKIN A Ye.,, inzh.,, retsenzent.- SOKOLOV, A.N.,, dote., red.; DENINA, I.A., red.izd-va; SHCH&TININA, L.V., tekhn. red. (Brief course on the technology of metals) Kratkii kurs tekhnologii metallov. Izd.4., parer. i dop. Moskva, Mash- giz, lc~63 368 p. (MIRA 16:10) iMetallurgy) (Metalwork) LEYKI_H,:,_AbrAmjor#oyiq4; PORUiSKrY, Efroim Solomonovich; RODIN, Boris Tosifovich; SAMOKHOTSKIY~ A.Lp inzh., rateenzent; ZOLINIKOVAI N.K., inzh.j retsenzent; RnMADIN, K.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. (Aircraft materia:LB1 Aviatsionnoe materialovedenie. Mo- skva, Mashinostroeniel 1964. 1+58 P. (MIRA 17:12) STERLIN, D.M.ij~, I' Y~A,_A.Z.; ZAKIIAROV, ".1. Drum-type dryers for ground wood. Der. prom. 13 nr.7:10-15 i1 16-4. (INI RA 17: -11) L. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskly instiLut fanery i mebeli. STERLIN, D.M.; ZAKHAROV, P.I.; LEYKIN, A.Z. Pne=atic dryers for wood chips. Der.prom. 11 no.10:6-9 0 162. (KRA 15:9) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fanery i mebe2l. .(Drying apparatus) (Wood-Drying) RMTAR, Ta.A.-, POGY, A.N., red.; ILIIH, T.M., red.; MALTUGIHI T.LP red.; KASLOT, N.A.$ red.; USMSKIY, TA., red.; LEIKIN. B.P., red.; GUASS, X.Te., red.; MORMOT, K.L., red. i zd~-Va -1-aliENSC14 P.G., [Economic efficiency of the reorgan12ation of wall-panel plants; conversion of operating plants to the outpat of modern types of production] Skonomicheskaia offektivnoott rokonstruktaii prod- priiatii stenovykh materislov; perevod deistvui~ishchikh zavoaov na, vypusk progressivnykh vidov izdelii. Moskva, 0-os.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1960. 79 P. Oug A 14:3) 1. Daystvitelinyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitaktury SM (,for Popov). (Walls) NIKIFOROT. Vikentiy Morkianovich; RYBIN, V.V., inzh., retsensent; LX=* A.Tess inzhop retsenzent; SMOLOV, A.M., dotsent, kand. "'tdkiffi~~ Y6d.; BORODULINA, I.A., red.izd-va; SHCERTININA, L.V., [Brief course on the technology of metals] Kratkii kurs tekhno- logii metallov. lxd~4,o perer, i dop. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. isd-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 368 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Metals) (metalwork) USPENSKII , Vasiliy Vasil lyevich- LEYKIN B P nauchnyy red.; U_= I * " HMM-11 R.M., red. izd va; MUG LInUTA-. Z-.S-. ,, tekhn. red. (Production costs in construction and how to reduce them] Sebestoimost' v stroitellstve i puti ee snizheniia. Mo- skva, 1962.(C105 P. (MIRA 15:9) onstruction industry-Costs) GALKINg I.G.; KAZANSKIY., B.M.,, nauchnVy red.; ILIJII,, V.M.,, red.; MALYUGINs V.I.p red.; KATSIN, A.S.p red.; USPEM37, V.V.v B P red SHASS, M.Ye., red.; GIAZUNUVA., red.;-IWI !L~~ Z.M., red. izd-va; BOROVNET.-N.K.2 tekhn. red. [Problems of rytbm and operation completion in construction) Voprosy ritmicbnosti i-zadela v stroitellstve. Moskva.. Gos- stroiizdat., 1962. 168 p. (MBA 15:9) (Construction industry) BAIIKHIN, Mikhail Ivanovicho kand. ekon. nauk; KOVNAT; Vitaliy Livovich(deceaued]; GUREVICH, I.I.S.; Prinimal uchastiye KUPEEU4AN, Ya.M.j, kand. ekon. nauk; JMKIN, B.P. r t SHISHKOV, A.V.,, red. izd-va; SHMSTIMA, N.V., teX'--. red. [Planning the production and econorde d1tivity of building organi~ations]Planirovariie proizvodstvonm-khoziaistvennoi deiatellnosti stroitel'yqkh organizataii. 2. izd., parer. i dop. Moskva., Gosotroiizdat, 1962. 415 p. (MDU 15:9) (Construction indluetry) o'%54- MITIN, Ssrg*y' Andreyevich; WIN, V.M.. redaktor;_VA)XP6-3*R-, redaktorl IMLOV, N.A., redaktor; USPENSKIY, V-V-, redaktor; CHKRYAK, M.Ya., redaktor'-GOACRM,~M.-D. rodaktor;'GUSIVA.SIAS.takhnicheskiy redaktor*' [Now wage system In aoull*actiou work] Novye usloviia oplaty truda-v stroitallstve. Moskva, Gos.izd-ve lit-ry po stroito I arkhit., 1957- 42 Pe (KLRA 10:6) (wages) VISHMMYSKIY, I.I.; ZUBAKIS. A.T.; MTAVD. Xh.P.;.1MQ- redaktor; TARAY19YA, Ye.K.. redaktor izdatelletva;'KIILINIMBKO, Y.F., tekhaicheskiy redaktor [Planning work and wages in construction brigades; practices of Estonian build6rel Planirovanie truda i xarabotnoy platy v stroitall- nykh brigadakh; is opyta strook Istonskol WR. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry to stroit. i arkhit., 1957. 57 P. (KIRA 10:9) Wages) (Bstonia--Gonstruction industry) 1011AS, Borls'Yakovlevich; GURRVICH. M.S., red.; WIN, V.M., red.; LWYKIN .B.P., red.; MASIAN. N.A., red.; USPINSKIY, Y.Y., red.; C K.Ye.. red.; BLIKINA. Z.H., [Basic aspects of the economics of construction- based on the experience and,examples of housing constructionj Oanovaye voprosy ekonomiki stroitellstva; na opyte i prizerakh zhilishchnogo stroi- tellstvi. Iza. 2-e, dop. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit., 1957. 91 P- (MIRA 110) (Construction industry) PRUDAYU, Petr Fedorovi6h; LmmN,,,B.P*, red; TARAYWA Ye.K., red. lzd-va; STVANOTA, A.S., "t-ekhn,- red. [Specialization in general construction work; practices of the - Magnitostroi. trust] Spetsializatsiia v proizvodstva obehahestroitall- nykh rabot; Is opyta.tresta Magnitostroi. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. I arkhit., 1958. 63 P. . (MMA 1l.-7) (Construction industry) PITACHKOV, Mikhail Fedorovich;_LEY~IN, B.P., red.; WIN, T.H., red.; MALTUGIR, V.I., red.; KAMbN-.T-.X-.-. -Ted.; USPMSKIT, V.V., red.; CRZRNUr. M.Ts., red.; SLUSS. H.Ye., rade; MORSKOT, K.L., red, isd-va; TBKXIU, Te.L., [Analysis of the administrative operations of contract building organizations; based on reports] Analiz khozisistvennoi deia- tellnosti podriadnfth stroitellnykh organizataii; p"o dannym otchetnosti. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.mterialam. 1960. 107 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Construction industry) WIN't Ivan Miklisylovich; YUNGEROV, A.A., red.; IL119, V.M., red.; LHUIN, B-.-P red.; MALYUGIN, V.I., red.; MAGLOV9 N.A., red,; r UWZYSLIT' V.T red.; SHASS, K.To., red.; KMSlffOTA. I.A., red.izd-va; RTAZAMOV, P.Ye., I [Buoiness accounting in building organizations] Khoziaistvennyi raechat v stroitellnykh orgenizateiiakh. Koakva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.mate'rialem, 1960. 148/p. (MI"' 14:2) 7- (Construction industry-Accounting) KVITNITSEIT, Leonid Antonovich; ZMJK, A.A., nauchnyy red.; 1111N, V.N., r ed * e HALYUG , V. I. red.; KOSIT, A.S., red.; L!Mal,-B,-P 0 IN red.; USPINEKIT, T.Y., red.; SMS, N.Ye., red.; NOMOT, X.L., red.izd-va; GAUMIN, Te.L,, tekhno'red. [Transportation Manses in construction and ways to-lower. them] Transportuye raekhody v stroitalletva I puti Lkh,-mmjxbmi"1-'.% ulia. Izd.Z.,. dop. i parer. Noskya, Goe.izd-vo materialam, 1961. 105 P. (x3:RA i4tl2) (Naterials handling) (Construction Industry;,-.-Costs) g, P -C VAMINX, To.l., dok-tor tekhn.nauk, prof.; KANTMIP, S.Ye., kand.tekhn. nank, datment; PARAUMWv G.B., kand.tskhn.,u&uk, doteent; GAMIN, I,G,, kand.tekhm,uauk, dotsent; PATEM, I.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; VILBRAY, IOD., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; DIM, N.D., kand.tokhn.nauk, dotsei~t; SYRTSOVA,-,Te.D,, kand. tekhu.naWc, dotment; BRISKKAN, I.A,, skonomist; ILOIN, T.M., Insh.9 nauchuyy red.;-LRYMN, B,Pg ekonomist, nauchWy red,; SUCRTSM, LP.6 redjzd-va-, MMMMOVA, G,S,s rsdjzd-n; OM113MIG, TA.,; XASIMOT D.Ta., c:nstruntion [Organization and planning in the industry] Orga- nizataiia I plantrovante stroitellnogo prolsvodetva. Moskra, Goo,ixd-vo Ilt-ry po strolt,g arkbit, L strolt.materialam, 19610 526 p. (MI 14112) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli stroltalletya I arWtektury SSSR (for Varenik). (Construction industry) YEMOPINq Vladimir Sergeyevich; REPENK09, A.T.9 red.; ILIIN, V.M., red.; MLLYUGIN, V.N.9 red4'MASLOVp N.A.9 red, (deceased]; USPENSKIY9 V.V.9 red.-; UMKIN, B.P.p red.; SHASS, M.Ye.v red.; EWSENOVA9 A.A.9 red,XW--vaj IUVXr'7Vr,, V.A.0, (Basic problems in the'~organization of the administration of construction] Oanovxqe voprody organizataii upravleniia stroi- tellotvom. Moskva# Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. mterialamp 1961. 96 p. (MIRA 106) (Construction industz7)