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LEYTES, L.A.; YEGOROV, Yu-P.; ZUYEVA, G.Ya.; PONOMARENKO, V.ii. Dependence of the oscillation frequency of the Ge - 0 tond in spectra of alkylgermanes on the nature of substituents. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.12:2132-2140 D 161. (MIRA 14;11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR i Fizicheskiy inatitut im. P.N.Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR. (Germanium organic compounds--Spectra) 28975 12,7,5 4.20-9 ~ q I!r S/192/61/002/005/002/005 51100 D202/D304 AUTHORSs Yegorov, Yu.F., Leytes, L.k. and Mironov, V.P. TITLEs A comparative study of combined dispersion spectra of alkyl 6ilanes,, germanates and stannates ?MIODICALs Zhurnal strukto--noy klhixii, v.2, r-a.1519 1961~ 562-568 TEXT., This is a continuation ot pre7-Jous studies, in which the alathors investigated the spectra cf similar carbon and silicon compounds and showed. that the aj. atom is affected by double bonds which are in the/3-position, and that in tetra- substituted silanes the. substituting groups do not interact with each other. This leads to the presence in the vibrational spectra of these compounds of such frequeno--LeB which are er- tinent to each substituting group (alkyl, alkenyl or aryly. Card 1/6 28975 .9~/1 9~!/61/002/005/002/005 A comparative study ... D202/D304 In the present atudyl the authors investigated the cQmbined dispersion spectra of 3 ally! germanates and of one allyl stannate. It was found that an allyl group ic"ed to a Ge or Sn atom possesses a summary of characteristic frequencies as in the case of a Si atom2 the intensity of co=esponding lines risins. additionally with the number of allyl groups; by sub- stituting the C atom with tLat of Si, Ge oi, Sn a general speo- trum change consists of a marked rise in t1joSe 141~,p intensities which depends on the vibrations of the central 1 atcm~ while their freq:aencies are lowered; te--i3 'zidicates that the inter-- action of the atom M with an ally!-doiAble bond in the/3 -posi- tion Increases in the aeries Si,Ge,Srx, the line-intensity corre- sponding to the C = 0 bond increasing -in approximately geome- trical progresaion. In the present work. the authors studied the combined dispersion spectra (OD) of'(GIL' Ge - CH_ CH 3'3 2 OH (OH Ge - (OH OH =1 0 29 3 2-CH'OH2'21 OH3 - #1e -(QR2"* "2 31P Card 2A 28975 8/192/61/002/005/002/005 k comparative study ... D202/B304 (0H3)3 - Sn - 0~2 - GH - GH2. They also repeated the spectrum investigation of,(CH 3)3 a - OH~ - OIL = GH2 which was published reviously. The OD spectra were obtained on the apparatus WC11 fISP)-51 with a medium camera; frequencies were checked with an Pe are spectrum on the03A (IZA)-2 comparator; the maximum line intensities were determined withAO(W-2 and MP-4 micro-photo- meters, by a method given previously; the intensities being expressed on thl oyolohexane scale, that of cyclGhexane lines maximum 802 Cm7 was taken as 250 units. As a control standard the authors used the (Q"3)3 - S' - QH2 - Gj' - CH2 spectrum whioh they determined precisely previously. For calculating the intensities in respect of ar. equal number of molecules in the dispersing volume they used the following equation: Im = IodoMo / d.M., where 1. is the intensity for an equal mole- cular number in the dispersing volume? 1. the intensity for a Gard 3/6 28975 S/192/61/002/005/002/005 A comparative study ... D202/D3O4. unit volume and d and d the densities of cyclohexane and of the investigated 8ompouna respectively, and 1&0 and M. the molecular weights of cyclo-hexane and of the compound. The authors also determined the degree of depolarization of the most intensive OD lines by covering the vessel with the di8per- sing compound with a cylinder of polaroid film. These deter- minations were only semiquantitative. The spectra of the in- veBtagjkted compounds are given, together with the coefficient 0 0 K for intensity calculations for an equal number of 0 C Moleculea in the dispersing volume. Assuming that compounds of the (CH3)3 M - CH2 - OT' = CH2 type belong to the space group C3T and exhibit two symmetric frame rotations of the A, type and one of the. B type, the authors determined the frequencies of these frame vibrations, the intensities in their line (lard 4/6 28975 S/192/61/002/005/002/005'* A comparative study oo. D202/D304 maximaq the integral intenalties and the degree of depolari- zation; the integral intensities are,d.etermined on the ISP-51 apparatus with an additional PEP attachment and expressed ini the cyclohexane Beale, the integral cyclohexane line 802 cm- being taken as 500 units. The results are given in a table. The following scheme is proposed for the changes in allyl ger- manates frame vibration frequencieBs taking place during the change of symmetrys (CH34 Ge -4(0"3)3 Ge - CJ12 - CH = CH2 Tel a3V (%)2 - Ge - (QH2 - OR - CH 2)2 --) dR3.' Ge _(C`Z2_CI' ' CH2)3 a2T I G3V There are 4 tables, 1 figure and 22 referenceez 13 Soviet- bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloo. The references to the 4 most re- cent English-language publications read as follows-. W.F.Edgell, Card 5/6 A.comparative study.e.. G.H. Ward, J. Amer. Chem. L.A. Woodward, Proc J.Ghea. Soc. 332 Oi4oly;-J- 4403 (19541 28975 S/192/61/002/005/002/005 D202/D-404 Soo. 77, 6466, (1955); D.N. Waters, Soo., A246,. 119, (1958); D.P. Craig, Ghatt, A.A.. Williams, J. Chem. Soo. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy khimij- im N.D. Zelinskogo AN.SSSR (Institute of Organic Ghemistry, im R.D. Zelinskiy AS USSR) SUB14ITTED: November- 1EI, 1960 Card 6A PETROV, A.D.; PLATE., A.F.j CHERNYSHEV, Ye.L.1 DOLGAYA, M. Ye.; BELIKOVA, N.A.; KRASNOVAO T.L.;!.-~~~A._L~RYANISHNIKOVAO M.A.1 TAYTS, G.S.; KOZIRKIN, B.I. Preparatigk of org anosilicon derivatives of bicyclo [2.2,1] heptave. Zhur..ob, khim. 31 no.4:3-199-1208 AP 161. (MIRA 14:4) I. Institut, organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR. (Bicycloheptane) (Silicon organic compounds) S/062/62/000/005/006/008 B110/BI01 1"UTHORS: Ylu Kuan-li, Sokolova, Y e. B., .~~~~nd PetroV, A.D. TITLE:: Synthesis and properties of secondary and tertiary alcohols of the ferrocene series RERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no- 5, 1962', 887 -E92 TEXT: a-hydroxy-a-phenylrpropyl ferrocene was dehydrated: (1) at 120 1500C in the presence of KESO A large amount of resin was obtained, and alkyl ferrocene could not be separatedas it probably polymerizes under the action of the acid 'agent; (2) on an oil bath at 120 - 1500C (residual pressure 200 mm Hg),. C H Fe (m-P- 103 1040C) was separated 19 16 with a yield of 53 %- Secondary ferrocene alcohols with a yield of 55 % were obtained from an e.thereal solution of formyl ferrocene and organo- magnesium comp6.Unds (R - CH~' C2H5' n_C4 H9, C6H5CH2 ) in slight excess. Secondary alcohols with a yield of 81 - 98 % were formed by Grignard reagents of methyl iodide, bromobenzene, and benzyl chloride with formyl Card 1/3 S/062/62/000/005/006/008 Synthesis and properties of ... B110/B101 ferrocene. C H MgBr, C H MgI, and C H MgBr form ethers. In addition, 2- 5 2, 5 2 5 meth,, ,I- and ben'zyl-ferrocehyl carbinols were dehydrated over granular ankq- ftmAl 0 at2000C and 36,i&.Hg, and also at 1500C in the presence of 2 3 4. Methyl-ferrocenyl carbinol formed di(ferrocenyi-me'.hyl) methyl ether as a main,product, and benzyl-ferrocenyl carbinol gave the relevant -)hlenyl-alkenyl,~ferrocene with a yield of 70 74- Condensation of (3-phenyl-. vinyl ferracene with triethyl silane, using H 2PtC16as a catalyst in isopropyl alcohol, failed. According to the Grignard reaction R +:(CH~'S1CH'CH'~H'Mgc1- "2C1'2CH2S1(CH1)j Fe Fe (A), R;-- H, 014-CA the following alcohols were obtained by condensing y-chloropropyl tri- methyl silane with carbinol derivatives of ferrocene; (1) ferrocenyl Card 2/3 U GANI-LI [Wu Kuan-li],- SOKOLOVA, Ye.B.; UYTES L.A.; PETROV A.D. $ Y .9 Synthesis and properties of secondary and tertiary alcohols of the ferrocene series. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.l-.him.nauk n0.5:887-892 my 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Hhimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D.I.Mendeleyeva i Institut organinheakoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinsicogo AN SSSR. (Alcohols) (Iron) S/o62 6210001008100610 6 BI I 7YB1 80 AU~HORS: Mironov, V. F., Gar$ T, K., and Leytes, L. At TI9~M. 'Synth'6ai's and spectra 6f organogermani)im co'mpou'nds containing cyclopentadienyl, cyolopentenyl and cyclopentyl radicals PI~RIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 8, 1962, 1387-1392 TEXT: The above compounds have been synthesized for the first time and their IR spectra studied. Compounds containing eyolopentadienyl radicals; were synthesized as follows: Go (CvHj)8'. CH.- ~-Ge(CHj),OjHa.~ 7