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USSR/cult.Lva,,c;- I GencrCkI P-, b-L.-:!, Abs Jour j' L @.vr LO, 4,3@91 E.L. Ins t Title 7- Eff,:(,t- Grw-r;fiold Crop 5-*1- Goloal-nayac as- 1., -7 V V,-;Ir. ot,@lpi. T, Ory. Pub 165-2'q. Abs tract Lc. ui.@clioraGi-.i_ :21--- JM!ld crj,,) -uj Iow---r '@I-c; scil 7,@)ysical ITC01"I. 'Aus was stavt--,@ il, 191", c.*@ Ccntval Btati-n )f I:.- val Asiatic IlauuXal 7.4-,; 1 -,@y Card 1/3 CHULANOVp B. I.,, doteent; LIFSHITS, E. M. (Irkutsk) Case of foreign bodies in the appendix. Klin. med. no.6:W-144 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry goopitallnoy khirurgii (Zav. - Prof. E. T. Senchillo- Yaverbaum) Irkutskogo meditsinskogo instituta Wir. - Prof. A. I. Nikitin) (APPENDIX-FOREIGN BODIES) KISE,LIGOF, M.L., and. t--),hn. m:uk; CHIMISE,@11FIF, N.V., -;n-,.!,.; E.V. , in2:1. Study of the cruohability of fuels in hammer m*11 4. Tei.,Jo- energetik.a 12 ro.7:35-1@1 J.1 165. (mm;, is.-,) 1. Vse@sov@iznyf teplotek)-mich'.--kiy ln@ titut. LITOVCHENKO, O.V., kand. rned. nauk@ 1.2FSHITS, F.B., kand. mea, nal-, Icurse of dlsserr@-nated forrnq of cutan,-,@wus 9 M- f t,@ @" -,38 Vest'. derm. i ven. 38 no.8;29-34 A 64. I Kozhnoy-e atleleniyf, (rukovodltell - kand. med. nauk -.N. Agapkin) i podrostkovoye otdeleniye (rukcvcditell - d@)ktcr med. nauk M.D. hozanova) Moskovskogo nauchrio-iseledovlii-.ellsk--g,-, instituta tuberkuleza (dir.- karid. med. riquk T.P. zamestitell direktor pa nauchnoy chastl - prof. D.D. Ministerstva zdravookhrarieniya RSFSR. Differential diagnosis of pneumosclerosis. 22 no-3:54-59 Mr 15 8. Nm 11:4) 1. Iz torapevtichookogo otdalea4a (zav. - prof. I.I.Berlin) Hookovskogo nauchno-teeledovatellskogo institute tuberkuleza Hiniaterstva zdravookhraneniya RSPSR (dir. - kandidat meditain- okikh nauk V.Y.Chernyahav) (11WG DISEASES, diff or. diag. nonspecific pneumoselerosis, from tuberc. (Rua)) (TUBERCULOSIS, F-JLMON0Y, pathol. neumoseleroeii, differ. Cog. from nonspecific dis. M E)) GAVRILENKO, V.S., kand. mad. nauk; KOSOVA, N.Ya-, kand. rred. nauk; LIFSHITS, F.B., kand. med. nauk Experience with the use of ethoxyd in the compound treatment of-Dulmonary tuberculosis. Probl. tub. 41 no-5:45-49 163. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Iz MoBkovskogo nauchno-issiedovateliskogo instituta tuberku-leza (dir. - kand. med. nauk Mocbalova, T.P., zamestitell direktora. po nauchnoy chasti - prof. D.D. Asayev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. KOSOVA, N.Ya.; LIFSRITS, F.B.; SIDORKINA, Ye.S. Bronchopulmonary disorders in adolescents In primary tuberculoals. Probl. tub. 42 no.10:41-46 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tuberkuleza (direktor - kand. med. nauk T.P. Mochalova; zamestitell direktor po nauchnoy chasti - prof. D.D. Aseyev) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. ., M.A.]; ERIVAN, A.A.; LMHITS F.Z._jLdf;3hyts, F.Z.]; KAYYER, H. A. (Ifaer LL- CLIDEKOP, Yu.A. LAltdakop, N.A. T---- Decomposition of phenyl acetat i of meraury oxide in solveats. Vestsi AN BSSR Ser. fiz.-takh., nav. no.1:49-54 lb4 (MIBA 17t7) SATANMKIY,, L.G.; JIUIFSIHITS@ G.B. I----.- . ..... .. Standardizing low-pressure burners with air atomizing. Kuz.-shtan. proizv. 5 no.9:34-35 S 163. (MIRA 16:11) LIFSHITS, G.B. Achievements of the Crimean Province Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Ambryologists. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr, 32 no.4',107 O-D 155 (MLRA 9:5) (GRIMNA-AHATOMY) tWR / Hiumn and Animal Y=pholcSy (Normal and Pathological). S M1001013. Abe Jour Ref Zbur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No. 29W Author Lifshits, Inst Cri@san'Mbdical Institute Title Blood Supply and Innervation of Superficial Cervical Nkiscles and Their Clinical Significance Orig Pub Tr. Kryusk. nede In-ta, 1957, 18, 459-466 Abstract On 12>20 miscles (M) of the neck of 75 huxan cadavers of both sexes and varioua ages (from +month fetuses to 60 yearn), it was demonstrated that about 2-9 arterial and nerve branches penetrate each M. All the studied X have several sources of blood supply and one or several sources of Innervation. Both the arteries and'the nerves of adjacent H usually anestomose between themselves. In each M there axe main ancl accessory Card 1/2 46 LIFSHITS, G.B., dots. (Simferepol') Vasculnrization and innervation of the neck muscles and their cli-rlical significance. VrAch.delo no.1:55-57 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Xufedra topograficheskoy anatr@mii i operntivnov khirurgii (znv.- prof. V.M.Totakiy) Krymsko@o meditsinskogo institute. (NECK) LIFSHITS, G.B.; BRUSILOVSKIY, I.A.; PRTROVSKIY, I.N. (Simferopol') -.. - ...- Use of Donetakii's rings in salpingostomatoplasty. Rksper. khir. 4 no.4:4,6 J1-Ag '59. (MIR& 12:11) (FALLOPIAS TUBES sixrg) LAFSKITS-, DECEASED 1 77 -iistom. ct@A 2s, 'r "Ct 11.1 a M (47,76 Kl@l) uni '7. !;14ov XCO. --Rdlcuo, icarx t lem is A eutr-ct t"w' The Agcl- Ag@ chw% -rizo& by nol saltis, a, min Of 415.5!'(74.17a Ajjllr)@' rsjeAoublt @alts'Ag=s--- TO NgCll ittid ACM -%AgBr- fom solid, solns@ A pha-pc cliangT., .1 om-iIu's jif the AgNO, ficW at (he gad jjjtj-t@* ri. J__. and of thotroim, @a slivetj Vex 60 I -@Ue C.A. 50, ' ......... --T TFu nTu-Z , m I Z USSIVks@Zal'@he.mis'tr/yf, Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry, B-8 Equilibriums, Phys-Chem. knal, Phase-transiti6ns. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1957, 22330. Author :_G,_M. ldfshits Inst NO von Title Irreversible mutual systems of singular type with stratifica- tion of potassium and silver chlorides, nitrates and of potas- -sium and silver bromides, nitrates. Orig Pub : Zh. obshch. khimij, 1956, 27, WO 1, 20-26. Abstract : Diagram of fusibility of K, Ag C1, N03 system studied by poly- tharmic mothod includQu seven crystallization fields, 4 compo- nents and 3 components: AgCl, KCI@ AgN03 KN03, AgN03 AgCl,Ag N03 - KN03, KN03 - KC1. The components IM03 and AgCl do not mix completely in a molten state, and it continues to be so in the ternary system also. The stratification area occupies 52% of the mutual systemIn square area, sup3rimposing chiefly the ALrJ'l crystallization field and partially that of KC1, "Ccnnoda" corresponding to the highest crystallization temperature co- incidas with the diagonal KN03-AgCl. Non variant points of the system: e1iiectic at 1130 and 3150, transitional at 1220 and Card 1/2 -116- _.U7 - LIFSHITS.. G.S., inzh. Results of the consumption of fuel on regional thermal electric power plants in 1960.' Energetik 9 no.10:9-11 0 161. (MM 14:10) (Elec@ric power plants) (Fuel) GERSAMIYA, Ta.; LIFSRITS, I. A distinguished miner. Swir.shakht. 1-1 no.11:12 N 162. (Georgia--Coal miners) (MIRA 15:11) I-IFSHITS, qj_., Case of a eont-Inati.on of lympho'@d 'Leukemia and cane,-or of the liver. Trudy inst. br,. N.V. Sklif. 5 no.2s238-241 162. (MIRA l8s6) PROGNMAK, Ya., gorWy inshener; TARkNOV,P.Ya., dotsent, kandidat n c n c takh'theakikh nauk; LErSHITS, I.B.; GXYYER,V.G., professor Re@mwar on IU.I. Levitskii's article: *Pressing problems of the coal Industryu. U9011 30 no.4:40-42 ap '53- (MLRA 8:6) 1. DoAUGI (for Prognimak) 2. Donetskly induetriallrW inistitut (for Taranov) 3. Machallnik planovogo otdola shakhty No.42 "Kapiiallnaya" tresta Kopeyokugoll (for Lifshital KHOROSHAYA, Ye.S.; KOVRIGINA, G.I.; LIFSHITS, I.D.; ZAYONCHKOVSKIY, A.D. Photometric rapid method for determining the degree of readinef's of poly(vinyl chloride) films in the process of plasticization on rolls. Plast.massy no.5:59-60 M2. (MIRA 15.4) (Vinyl compound polymers) (Plasticization) 00 go & go 't 00-3 09 006 r ? f T I I I 'I ! t I MILTY r I In ! I! 9u 103 Ad 0 a A- It -1 11 1 O.Kost4l "0 040ttafilk big C4 Ron in a* tj@ of WA&V subdwitia. I.D.- IU&w ulkoye IWM. 3, Ka. 6, twAsdogW dcvdoM%mts in the praduc- IkulatIM9118940111411tujagin be U.S.S.R. 0 0 0 0 0 * 0-W@W- 41 It 4j u 42, 0 !-00 -00 .00 400 Zoo coo got go* 609 80 be : go or's I A "TALL446KAL WIESIAT9112 CLASUPKATIOM too t % 1440#9 -4 .1. MI 811411 CNK 9-1 Ali u 10 0 1 Jog if IN 11 a I 0 a a It (W Ig a 1 14 It 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 @O LIFSHITS, I.D., glavnyy inzhener. - -- -XIS"I'MAJOIA.A.1 Development of leather substitutes industry. Leg.pron. 7 no-11:13-15 H 147. (ML&A 6:11) 1. Glavkozhzwwnitell Hininteristva legkoy prorWshlennosti. (leather 3ubstitutes) symiketis latka in Ike production of leather "CA'.) I W-0, N... 1. 20 I iiij wl Nr .. ILLA). N, 13, :13, I.D. Leather, Artificial Extend the utilization of waste products, Leg. prom. 12 No. 4, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress@ JulY 1952. Unclassified. LIPSHITS,I.D., kandidat tekhzLicheakikh nauk; VISHNMOVA,L.N.,inrhener. .... Improving technical and economic indexes for.artificial leather. Leg.prLm. 15 no.6:9-12 Je 155. (MIRA 8:8) (Leather, Artificial) ro - 7 , T r , I I- @r) fu , , - ; VT t - I r - '" KOPYL, A.11s; LIFSHITSp I.D,; SHUVALOVA, LA. . ........ Yaking patent leather by coating flesh layers with polyvirvl chloridLe varniah. Leg. prom. 18 no.lt20-21 Ja 158. (MM 1192) (Ioather industry) (Vinyl polymerE) BARKAH, Mikhail Sergoyevich; KOSTRYUKOVA, Lidiya Ivanovna; VOYUTSKIY, S.S., prof., doktor khin.nauk, retsenzent;.jtLYAUJ2S.-J-A.,. kand. takhn.nauk, retsenzent; 14IYAMWA, T.H., red.; XNAKNIN, H.T., [Use of leather fibers in manufacturing cardboard for shoes] Frimenenle kozhevennogo volokna v proizvodstve obixvnykh kartonov. moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo legkoi promyshl., 1959. 129 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Leather substitutes) (Shoe manufacture) LIFSHITS, I.D.; SMJVAWVA, L. S. ; V rabote prinimala uch stiyes,11AELTIAROVA, Y e. T.- Artificial leather with a stictched nonwoven ba9e. Kozh.-obuv. pr@m. 2 no.8:24-26 Ag 160. (MIRA 1319) (Leather, Artificial) LIFSHITS I Do* XOPYLP A. No; ALYAUTRIMOV A. 0.; SHUVALOVA, L. So; R91FAR 0Z. V. I Footwear made vith polymer materials. Kozh. obuv. prom. 4 no.10:17-19 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Boots and oboes) (Plastics) i KITIVIS, B.Ya.; KOLESNIKOV, V,V.; LERNER, D.V.; MIVAYEV, S.M.; PANOVA, A.V.; 'LIFSHITS, I.D.,)find. tekkm..uaukj retsenzent; M I-'- 1C7;--'V'@A--- inzh., red.; PLEI-ffANNIKOV, M.U., red.; BATYRE@Ay G.G.;'tekhn. red. [Handbook on the manufacture of artificial leather] Spra- vochnik po proizvodstvu iE!kusstvennoi kozhi. Moskva, Giz- le9prom. Vol.l. 1963. 523 P. WIRA 16:12) (Leather, Artificial) BERNSHTEYW, M.Kh.; YABKO, Ya.M.; BAKHTIAROVA, Ye.R.; sHUVALOVA .9 L.S.; ZAYOOrMOVSKIY,, A.D.; LIFSHITSY I.D.; GRINYUK' V.G.@ mi"-- NOWWWOM Utilization of cotton manufacture vastes for the production of NIK" artificial leather. Kozh,,-obuv. prom. 5 no.6:25-28 A 163. (MIRA 16t6) (Leather, Artificial) ,50 :L-66---roW(-n)jEWP(-J)/T/ETC(ii)i-.1-6--- WW/AM j4, ACC NR: AP6000972 rV SOURCE CODE: 86165100010, AMIHORS-. jt Shcherbinap I. V.; Lifshital 1. D 9-buvalova, L. 5 ORG. none T LE: A method for obtaining foam Elastic. Clasu'399 I innounced by IT io. iV6 c0l'cll la@ etie Rosins M@@mirskiy nauchno- Vladimir 8aientific Research Institute for Synth issledovatell*iy institut sintetioheskikh smol27 SOURCE: 11yulleten' izob-reteniy i toveamykh znakovt no. 22, 1965Y 56 TOPIC TAGSt polymer$ resin, plastic, polyvinyl chloride, foam plastic, vinyl, plastic plasticizer ABSTRACT: This Anthor Certificate presents a method fo obtainin3 foam plastics (by a noncompression. method) on the basis of 2211Z@A 12Lidj@., combined with'an elastomer, in the presence of a.plasticizer and with aid of a gana generator. To imprgve the properties-of the ', iaotic and to increase its resistance to froatisthe elastome@4 consists of chlorosulfonated polyethylene. The proportion of elastom; to polyvimyl- chloride is 5 to 25 wt parts per 100 wt parte-respectively. SUB CODE: il/ SUBM DATE: 23Dec63 0@/ Card UDCt 678-74;::@22-134-2?j BAKHTEYEVp M.K.; LIFSHITS I.F.; POPOV, V,3.; STROGANOV, A.M. Age of Intrusive rocks in the southern part of the 110krau synclinorium (central Kazakhstan). Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4% Geol. 20 no.4:39-46---UI-Ag 165. (MIRA 18.9) 1, Kafedra istoricheskoy i regionallnoy geologli Moskovskogo universiteta. -- --- --- ---- -- -- 0 . 1. .7 "Intracranial Hemorrhages In Newborn Infants." S@xb 13 @ov 51. Central rnat for Cie "vanc4a Training of FkvsieianR. Dissertations -OreSPntAd for science and erip.1nearing degrAes In Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. 1710. 4'80, 9 I-lay 55 LIFSHITS, 1. G. Pneumonia 0 Certain peculiarities in the onset of pneumonia in children in a 'arge p pulate-I place in the Southern Urals. 1. G. Lifshits and others. Vop. pediat. i okhr. mat. i det, 19, no. 6, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ADril 1952. Unclassified LIFSHITS, Isaak Grigoriv . . d' tali j. KHLTI(6V. VyachA44i:'' -.eVi0,*iprepo ava Grigorlyevic4, propodavatel"; YEVTUMNKO, Alekse7 Ivanovich, pfepodavatell; KOPMYANSKIY, G.D.,; PETRAKOVA, Ye.P., red.izd-va; SABITOV, A., (Building materials, constructions and parts] Stroitellnye material7, izdeliia i detali. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1959. 222 p. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Rostovskiv-na-*Donu goirnostroitellnvy tekhnikum. (Building materials) (Concrete construction) 1. [Lifahy-tal, I KAGANOV, M. (Kahanov, M.], doktor fiz.- ma =.6ui (Kha kov) Quantum mechanics and solids. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no*4;21-23 Ap 162. (WRA 1528) 1. Chlen-korrespondent-@W SSSR i AN UkrSSR. (Wave mechanics) (Solids) 0 To I , , - -- - -- - -- -.- ---- - -- II Machine -@3hop buftet for mass and assembly line production in the metal vorking industry. Khartkov., Goo, republikanskow obledinenis metalloobrabatyvaiushchei b prozWshl. Ukraizw, 1930. 271 p. (50-45134) TJ13,35. L5 LIFSHITS I.I., inzhener. - fteolse self-centeriIug devices of resilient material. [Izdg WNITOKAM- 24.-lzg-i62 151. (MI" 8:2 ) 1. NIX MintranamashiL. (Machine tools-Accessories and attachments)(Plastics) .LIFSHITS, I. I. Mix; Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Polytechnic Inst imeni M. I. Kalinin LIFSHITS, I. I.- "Investigation of self-centering tools vith hydraulic chucks." Min Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Polytechnic Inst imeni M. I. Kalinin. Leningrad, 1956 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences.) SO: Kni2hnaya Letopis' No. 13j 1956. VUL17, Adollk.Matveyevich; RMIK, S.S., prof., retsenzent; red., I-A. tekhn. nauk; LITKIRk, T.L., red. izd-,va, SICIff T.9 tekhn. red,* [Metal cuttipg wAh.ceramic too'lol Razanie metallov moneralolmrami- cheskiid rezteami. Mosk7a. Goo. nawhno-teldm. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-27, 1958, 182 p, (outting,toole) (KEBA 11:10) AUTHORS. Pavlovt P. A*p Paromenski-rg TITLE: _@3ev`ice for a SimultaneouslTest 110onstant Stretching PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, S/032/60/026/06/31/044 B010/BO16 A. A , Lifshitsp Is-I. of C7ciic __T0r_8ioAnd 1960, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 762-764 TEXT: A device is described (Fig. 1) which Is able to produce In tube samples an alternating moment up to 2500 kgm, with simultaneous constant tensile stress up to 20 tons. To produce the torsional moment, the device with the sample is placed in a common pulsator (e.g. of the Armavirskiy .zaved (Armavir Plant)), which is applicable to transverse-fatigue tests at a load up to 50 tons. The sample is fastened by means of two connecting.piecee to the mobile holder of the pulsator. Contact loads are formed during the test on two points which are antisymmetric to the axis of the sample and thus produce a torsional moment. The tensile stress of the sample is performed by means of a hyd3oaulic apparatus which contains two pressure cylinders. The quantity of the tensile load is determined Card 1/2 Device for a Simultaneous Test of Cyclic S/032/60/026/06/31/044 Torsion and Constant Stretching B01o/Bo16 from the mean pressure in these cylinders by means of pressure gauges. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. M. I. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin) Card 2/2 VULIF, A.M.; PODPORKIN, V.G., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ,,. LIFSHITS., I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KUREPINA, G.N., rea.21"WW, MP0,11A KhYAt 03. 1 tekhn. red. (Metal cutting) Rezanie metallov. Moskva, Maahgiz, 1963. 427 P. (MIRA 16:9) (Metal cutting) 0 0 9 *tit 1 141 6 Y f 111111JUMISMUM"M n a )4 a ."N"'An MAJ ids UJV J11*641 du ad a ice A-- F. a a-, 1-1 V _x I I AA _JS 90 U 4.L- I , -I -, ! 6 :,Do tr 0 06 S1 .9 Road* of teraperature conditions on the tOziciq Of - " kh . rord,s 7 e automobile gasoline. 1. 1. I.ifs,-hfjtr.. 11it. ? Chimir fe industrit No. 4, 1' 0 3 te rats were %Ubjcctr@ at different temps. OT-Whi 367 to aims. canq. Mi. Mp and 0) g.. resp.. of gasoline Per cu. m. At all the contits. tested the death rate was lowest 0 at 11),-17*. It increased rallidlY for small rises in letuP- ' ; (even 3-4*), and at 24 - wins 3 times at high as at 10-17 coo above 24' it continue4i to inctesse, hot MOM Slowly ze 6 Rise in (Emp. not only increased the death rate, but also P C A .- . . affected all the symptoins of intoxitation, Aid-ILA 11TALLURGILAL LITERATURE CLASSWKAYICP COO 40 0 go 0 4p t:0 0 I Z 11111i jig too U U At 00 it 1-T, a I " D 19 A of a it ft It it n 1 14 An Od 0 01 W 14 a 3 :0 0 0 ID 0 011 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 0 0:6 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 7 A a 9 to to 1) 13 M is % 12 11 to 11 n 24 a Is v x I I a A v W (X W .Otsr, 0 Is 09 : 6 Hazards eatiountiored in using 114191in lac, rubber industry. 1. I'll.bitt. j X.hl,e, 1 W-4:v@ @,414 viY the r"n'll 1 1936 iL , I@isl"ld not exceed 0.2.5- OA) ung. P" L 0 iv rxplmivr: at I still. and 135- 14V the lov 4) 41 44 "Ill. torc I.; the U limit 111K 7?4 net p ':7 * , it , li h l J 00 m ower t e 5 ? itfill. Still IM, l4 .-.. 2 1) mot4 PCs 1. solid lite III'llel, highrl that% rAll, ll,l 00 j saw 60 S - 1 0 o 1 6; F ; 4 a 11 U It id Is Is U ]I p a at 61 it U *',a X A - q .1. C.Dt I -.- 0 I 0 0 via in ths, 0 4 tf S off 0 11191"In Ill %'Of-" 00 r fitnit wa% rwt I ; at I, If'.' 11:1 .00 two I. 00 00 411o 0 W as a ass 00 I, L A AlIAMPOlf.ICAL 1,61101AILMI (1,0111'KAIM01 i its** 0 0.: t, -C YIN-W i .,7 M 04, Tw -U -111- AT 10-111 q W I An I it OW a 0 ; atilp:41 sit xv no tt it All, 0 olo 0 0 0 0 0 0 off 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111 6 Otis 41 A 46, gem 041 C 0164 sell 4 44.4 1 4 6 8 1 1 f it it U U Id a m a 0 0 *9641*0000 IN x I 10 a 11 11 14 0 9 2 10 1 10 0 01.0 @m J, 1, Z;;"" of Now 14 No a 37-A 6 thi, iudus;@ can be i= by the fallowla mew: (1) standsidintion of product. Particularly as tepxd tht mvortion Of voiatik usatter; C2) wasum the thimol wilh water foe " hn- sit- Wiuklift; (3) "Cmtic euo" of the volailk ed'snUat of the Product. the -Ahod to be und conAsting ja btating I kg. of thiocol at 130-40* ww condeaska tht VOIALHe ucts given on. P&PUK&U-Couture !!IALLONCAL LITIM.TWE CLASUIX-TO10 07 391900 -IV 0-1 Cm g am 949 Is b U AV .0 nil W_q r 4 - & 0 so it K a 't a 1C of a it FW 4 60 0 a 6 410 Go of 0 0 * 0 , 0 01 0 Ole Go 0 0 0 00 a 41 0 0 00 0 0 0 to 0 000000000 0 e 0 0 0 000 of**** 0000 of 0 41 * 0 0 0 .06 @410 .00 a age SAO use tie* goo 0 00 got *I**-* oo*-@ to IRS: 900111141114 111104111 .0 11 U totJo A It n . n x 19, 10 it a to - A I L -A 80 %X W Lt 4 .0 00 00 TW dsoW of fatal parlwaing by hydircolord sulfide In the 0 vulcanization of eboulte and vicans for its pfaviontion. It, S4.4%.. 09 X,,hhft (11. $.-V 1938. %',,. U. -is M, A dt--ripoimi. -00 90 A. P-1441 -00 so .00 00 1110 00 00 00 zi -@A 0 An I I a ew 0 U it A, 03 it Or 11 It .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 goo 0 0 411100 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A *0 A I L. A -47.J P 4a 1 -1, 1 AA a rc a +1 -0 of 00 j That hasards of flunufacturing: goods front Thiokol, and -00 Met .'Jout. on" 10 Mon Or-ITWAM7. rh,! " 1 ;M &Mt. ell rtnutenlute After h"ling I leg. -)I Thiaiked 1 00 for 4 bers. at 1:111-4111 wa. lujit g. The volatlir products Thklk(A at thi% lemp, hall. M a nwrol ic -0 YgIng the livrr, and to a slight riorni the -00 kidj*ys wxl hetirs, and 12) a strong irOwling effrert to The tcar glantis and bronchial psela&Ws. Thr mag. pro. .00 : twotim of ThkAsJ v.4aide produris-in thr air whipuld twif 1,00 0 exrvtd fl.(JIJCI-41.IP)4 top 1wr 1. Vmphyjwsk@ nurse,it" t. 00 j improve and a4andArdisr Thiokol anti it) improve wiptleing =00 conditions are 4#wtihed. A. 1'rqftdf ro 0 0 13 =0 0 1 x 7 00 0 0 A 00 oo 1 00 j 0 0 41 S L A mITALLlWFGKA'L 1.611114110t CLISSIMAMO tse 0 009. it -T- alum, @11 U41 'go 0 r I VI 71' f$; -0 -*-1' me -j @61 Wee: IF-it Ito Ctttt it Ketlan Ilee 0 to 0 o 9- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 4 4DO.O.000000*000600000000'0*004boooooooosoo- LYKHTNA., E. T., EWBURG., 0. S.t XRASN(WR5'XAIAj, 11. N.., LIFSCIIITZj I. I. GravlmeteLc and quantitative methods of determination of dust in Industry. Gig. sanit.j, Moskva No. 7, July 50. p. 3-5 1, Of the Aerosol Laboratorys State Scientitio-Research InstitWa of Labor flygiene aid Occupational Diseases in Leningmd. CLYI 19j, 5,, Novp 1950 LIFSHITS, I.I.-;KOVARSKAYA. N.Ye. - @i Method of determining fibrous dust in the air by Kouzov's dust extractor. Gig. i San. 21 no.9:92-93 3 '56v (KLRA 9;10) li Iz promyshlannogo otdolaniyalaboratorit sanitarno-opidemiologi- chaskoy stantali Nevskogo rayona Leningrada. (AIR--POIJMION) (DUST) VOGAN, A.Ge, promyshlenno-eanitarW vrach.', LIMITS, I.I., kh1mik Role silicon dioxide condensate aerosol In the development of silicosis. Gig*' I san. 23 no.8s63-66 Ag '58 (MM 11:9) 1. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantaii Nevakogo rayons leningracla' ?SIIICOSIS. causes & frequency in Indust** (Rua)) ACC NR, AP60076@_ Al SOURCE CODEt AUTHORS: Barenboyir.. I. Yu.; Dubrova, Ye. P.1 Vasillyevo V. D.; Darik, N M Radzevich, Ye. N.1 Spitkovskiy) S. A.; Fuks) 0. Bel Felldman, Me Bej Le;b;@n'o f W. M. XoISm-o7Esev, Be Be,- Flaka) V. A.j Khandzhis V..V.j Orlldfalld, L@M.j Lifshits@ I ORO: none TITLEs A means or erecting railroad bridges of arched-span conetrucItion from separate 6ections. Class 19, No, 178393 SOURCEz Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obrazts y, tovarnyye znaki) no. 3, 1966, 28 TOPIC TAGS: bridge) bridge construction, structural engineering, railroad,briAge, cantilever bridge ABSTRAGT-. This Author Certificate presents a- means for erecting railroad bridges of arched span construction from separate sections. Th4 sections are suspended and. joined with struts of the structure above the arch by temporary sloping and horizont members. These members serve as cross-stays pnd upper booms. The sections also feature a cantilever truss (see Fig. 1) with a triangular framing, the lower girder of which forms a semi-arch. The upper girder of the cantilever truss is act above the travel apan, which includes separate elements of the truss used in mounting and elevating the structure. These members subsequently form a triangular cantilever Card UDCs 62h 62 2 3 Cloor pLaLe,; - . ..... 9 anchor 1.0 - tensiun _nd zowd-arch sc(;t@jojj@;. E, 11 1),@iwl t1hur, formcd u, pallol. Tile_, pancls ;IT-(% 1',I@;buzlCd aLuilg' Lim i r(.-peaL,.;,.! uiiLiL iulie oj1!,Jr(! @;ORL-7t'Gh J.. formcd. Then a r, .-i Ljio, li-rit, occb`orr@ @@id 'he Lhe cablc@; art., uhu5 un1(_:.-i6j:jf, "dill :m-,.jCcL Lo 'ho ";1i'moeG :;C(;Gj_orI LOCI @Cji-Lai of 611(2 ho uables aro -3laLr_,L; -,)Ia(;rd u@;on th(- @;ixucLure above t1io arch o@, tho ,@C;J.-Zlrch '111d, G110 SUDporL. Whon Lho wearing our" IL I I ace :Ls parG of tho cCblr@!i j:; bighbumod. Favorablo wurki j i, t: e, t i oi o r a ro c e; G c d b ' Cz -- o "I I I c 3 uppor t fro n o no - - id, -1 J -I al -(,'3 p-1, -0 fJiV@UIA nCOM;1y on both oldes of tho :-,jor u u 1uc.*.rq; a cantilevur addition. The abutricn, portion Of tile i-s tJacr., butwoen the first supPort- 'bloc , of the s cmi-@,.rch and tlic p.Lur. of the caritiluver are lc3saned by tho introduction of @;@J-_Cfoncr .-,Pj.rder at 1/2--2/3 of iLs dr.;Agn MW4011tr, ill P --I throu-It a rkuwcd .-.craii_ij:,-iant oJ.' aycz; of diagon:_.J.@: rclaiu;.vol; -in arid Gho bloc,.. ..,;rjclj.on of tj-Ac, a:cc6 of ver"lic-L u .11-c-les Oil Ulf" of'cvntQ I f! -,i)i' 7: 1@/ SUE1 DATEt LIFSHITS., 1. M. "Use of Fyoctanin for Treating Malignant Tuberculosis of the Skin," Prob. Tuber., No. 3, 1948. Cand. Med. Sci., Chair Skin and Venereal Diseases, Kazan State In8t. Advanced Tralmi g for Physicians im. LeniLp -CI948-. LIFSHITTS, I. M. Lifshits, I. M. "Or. the problt-m of the intervelationship of two infectious processes (neurol2pine 2nd cellul2r spiro- chetonis) in porpoises," Trudy K2z2nsk. gos. in-ta usover- shenstvovaniy2 vrachey im. Lenina, Vol. XI, 1910, (On cover: 1948), p. 216-31. SO: U-3736, 21 M2Y 53, (Letopis IZhum21 Inykh St2tey, 1,10. 17, 1949). @-@@,TS Yamilial form of Ritter's oxfoliative darmatitis,,zhur, 41 no.1:96-97 Ja-Y 160. WRA 13:6) 1. Iz gorodskogo tozhuo-venerologicheakogo dispausera Irazani (glavvraeb - M.N. Petukbov, nauchUy rakovoditell - prof. Ta. D. Pbehnilcov). (SKIN-DISBASES) S/056/62/G43/C%Gj4jO44/G61 3,125/B166 AUTHORS Azbel 7.: - Ya Slu tskin, A - A. TI12L*--': The theory of quantum cyclotron resonance in metals PZRIODIC,'@L: Zhurnal eks.'.,.:.rimeatal'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 431 no. 400), 190629 14064-1478 TEXT: A theory of quantum, cyclotron resonarfce in metals is @":onstructed. . 1* -.11 _e@ V, The total current density is 0 = ji + J2- JI is caused by the electrons colliding with the surface, J112 by the non-colliding electrons. The difference between the quantum and classical formulas bf the first order with respect to filj@ - The quantum expression CO A/ (Y. J2 dp,- (2.4) (2 -4) hie t'n+l. P@ 02 P (- i(A) + iIQ + I r t At (Y. p,) dt v(1) u(y - r (1) - ro) e-i"I dl'ei'D"v W) E vdI 'C*ard 1/4 S/05 62/043/004/044/061 The theory of quantum cyclotron B125Y9186 for J2 gives OHooA (if. wlHo) I (In "n '" -.Aixsign 12 (Y) + 2-5-0@:p @(jap@,)S iinnn&.. W- cS((olH) k(OSPOh-C Ralapds (2-5) n" njL X, nj = for 1 1. T 2n/2(n2pz), u(x) 0 when x< 0 and u(x) - 1 when x >0. f0 denotes tk7e Fermi distribution function, V' the partic16 velocity, r(t) the y coordinate of the particle measured from the orbit center, and r half the diameter of the electron orbit in the coordinate space. The 0 expression & (k) A.J. (k). '2.6) (k) B,..F. (k), In $'n "n' -:dx sign *in UAL Card 2/4 3/056/62/043/004/G44/061 The theory of quantum cyclotron BB125/B186 for the suz-face imnedance is rather a complicated 'unction of ;,. 11 tht; te.m.perature is low enough and the relaxation times long.enough, lo4;, quantum, 'resonance occurs with a discrete frequency spectrum, and with giant oscillations of the high frequency characteristics. These oscillations are periodic -i-tith respect to the inverse magnetic field. Th-eir period differs fro.,,i that of Einstein-de Haas-van -%lfv'n type oscillatioi.s. They afford evidence for the resonance at the di@crete frequencie3 which occur as a result of the'effective mass quantization in ,netic fietd. Metals obey a complex dispersion law. The a stronC; map alt%enuation of the osaillation with increasing temperature is characterized .j 2- '[2kT (o S/Df- 7hen Po 5> 1 , these oscillations are proportional 0 2 Z exp(_5 ,uantum resonance oscillations occur when P .0 D). 1 0-.4 2 n kT /fiG)1 The vanishing of at certain frequencies 9-(singular crost sections) facilitates the occurrence of quantum rezonance oscillations. r .j can also lie near to one of the extremum frequenc@es of the Fermi surface, and the cyclotron resonance for the central cross section then differ@ greatly from the other cross sections of extremum frequency cross Card'3/4 S/056/62/043/004/0,14/0*61 The'theory of quantum cyclotron B125/Bla6 sections. The quantum cycloiron resonance can be more easily observed near the singular cross sections mentioned. ASSOCEITION: Yhartkovsl-iy gosudarstvennyy universitet (KharIkov State University). Fiziko-teklinicheskiy institut Alkademil nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainskaya SSR) SUBIMITTED: April 29, 1962 Card i@/4 S/056/63/044/604/Ox4/044 'C@ontrfb4tion to' the,@theo of... B102/B186 ry It- connects- the stress tens3r with the deformation Pik-dik avi. 0V ensor-1 + P V 0. The effect of a,X Pik O'ik+liklJl ii m e--aL'ong:''faoes upon their motion and,diffusion deformation 9 a e roidkt ed since a :also depends on'slippage resistance. Apart from ikim e. ._; xact formula.,fora one in first approximation is also given, which ikim a s cwn@ o- e:-appli,cable in most of the cases of. interest. On the basis of-@this:first-a*@prokimation formula-several-interpolation formulas ars. 'derived which-o6wbe'.,used for*investigating_the@general flow equations. The, ofa parallelepipedal structure is discussed, and as an example the kinetizs@_of the closing up of a spherical pore under pressure is considered. :Effects related to the diffusion-yiacou3 flowl such as the appearance of n'onu@ifora;: stresses in a single grain (stresses of second kind)' variation of the elaetic:mod4li:during the flow#,the intensity o:@ surface i' :al n tfie.:arain interfaces.araidiscussed. The determination of d us on og, the boundary-co d1tions and the-limits of applicability of the theory-are considered.'-There@are 4 figures. & 21 dI-qar .3 --- -- --- -- - . -- --. - -- - -- - -. -. . - -- - - -- --- @ @ - - /@?y 7- /7-5-s -- 0-000 fee 0 9,11"M - - - We 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A C&Dfol 0 .1 00 Scaftering of X-rays by crystals of variabl* 90 MUTAtm- 1-@ M. 4T90 A.@*, (Phys". Z. Soviet union. 19N. 12. 623-M,.-Formula am derived go it! for the intenaity. direction, and half-width of the /X-rayditntoOm lines from lamellar rariabla-structure We which have domins of variable Am awl =WJou., and variable lattlea mmot. in meh ri 1.00 doLoWn, Diffarent I ofaggrv tkin art- dimeuw"l I atul the results APPI I to crystar.4and alloys Which i's 0 show variable structurv. .1. A. D. 100, @96192-1 AA. A a Los t! I 'A I i 1 0' N 4-1 W 51 -1 di 13 1 J 00000041*00000 *too*$ Woo w ;; : 000004)000000 000009 *000000*00 pool ' 16 W al aa )a a a 3; so a a lvl@ A cr a I ji A*@ lie OROM -ww 00"IMI me 014018TISS W"fs .00 00 e-A -00 x4v bmv@- Od ftd-muclate"A weemes In rUmst Es d Pi J do .00 00 f . . . , p. t -A weral formuk for a ,go 42(1=) lu .00 00 . t - , Tdootrewd gals in a pabwya. sareWe at arbi M *&5WsOk Knodm Is dad X. "" .00 06 a 0 1. 1., ;@ Nacl. alaW wd amrd mpecW cmm M -00 00 0 KCI. 133f, FeSs. Al, Au. Cu. wFe. W wd - . F. H. Rathm&M 00 coo * des 00 i s & I I L A *IIALLW$KAL LMIATM CLAIWK&t*u I's I 10"I town, Wes d F u 0 T OIL Is Imp MIIYINSAO 2 1 9 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 q 0 0 0 0 9 o 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GO 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 q a 0 0 0 1 6 1 0 0 a tilatiWISIA Iris 0 36 V 4 --a M . on, of XAM by low xw"v,.* 1 if Li&h . . ix (Zhar. A*r i T&)rd- rid" (J. Fzptr.rAtora. ftyloi,,). in h Compicytelydisimu-10d And dis cement wa broadening of Ow Iffi d t t l fi d rl; tm o a t v istortion &rv cal. to eu t-l And 41W lk-@Oapa oftha intensity curip.-N. A. '00 00 '00 .00 '00 x 40 0:-,j go -00 Zt lee og LITISAIL41 CLAWFICATIOM SIC* 12-1 as -3- ill - T , - U U ZA 0 -1 v 16 5 A . 0 0; * 0 0, I 0 0 Itoll"Ouills It to Ap ji 11 9 a 8 a v 4, it U a# 0 Isr A.0 Imp *4clot cwroktim is adw 00 'A @il (U. S. S. R.) Vi -00 9 i at. The nktivo poskions of atoms in a lattice are char. ce ly -&9 act"ind by a "cornkUm paranoota" obtained from ibe 4 Ids. N t1wax kttkvt. the patom- -00 -Imly of tht vow tiff. tiww wd,ow"WYOMIC C"Wis. (Curie als. mpsil" otc.) fte be taW. from t1w pnilmonlilles Of His, orgeme, In ibb three diattookmal lattkv 614 in powak Only to a wo tiou. Co. Kirkwow "o W - ir Oca-wlz CAlso "dr"Zilove'Or 10 =X= S; W Lout MW Debys X-My pktutto of normal and distarted elystab Of SON 201M, abovi and briaw the Curie poltrt. AID Cf. C. A. 32. 44SH4. F. It. RAithniann too roe x see .00 see '00 LITINAIM CLASIVoCt, Tom slow SIVI &to UADOO -0 0 U Is A# to is; 4SAW ad 001 All to, Irr-11-09 a "t it At i "A lit"40A, toad 0 0 5 1 if 0 9 a 3 11 - m 0 0* 00000#00, 0 0 so 0 0 6 0 0 0 W 0 0 0110 0 07i' o z o @go 0 0 0 @ I-@ I 14 If silim nus isva?o all 3233 Jon h v a a a 41 f A A L -A-A. 9. a I t. 61 Y Oil N CC M 11 L i a a a or* A - . it t A A go ir ;-Oo go al The tbgM of electric breakdown of lactic c tals T 00 ... Al Akhietrr and 1. LHAW. CtImPt. read. a,,, 33 C A hth): ef Fri 01111 41'1 , , , , lt 00 J .10 .1. ) mr I,a-l "41 -ou t,jr,f IIIdf OO InvaLd"WU wt. ill it Ilso, 1.1'. lot to, Ito, favor and prutinerd by fifilisaism, air tuvrlt#Alnl 1-Y t1w B .00 0 ticul ill slorh all extent &% tit lircutur Able tit jW1KInV.- In 00 their turn intlimlion; ;rrs%7t and Trilror juntulmr that Im looreakdown all orlertrarts muou: be accelerated by the ' 04P v '04, v s inulkas i% t-vtolitioAr. without tidd and that the etectruct Coe 1 00 0 0 1 ,catirring. Via, list, pt-luctiars of an avalanche pritri-m. run"fer it rtel-sv%itry that itte nutloxiil, oxf riev. A and I 00 4 0 * @ .. kicizatkat he acceletated fly The tivid e I lo l 1 u " Ilion, pino w I Vitoria" 4 tlw In the initially slital i 1 If 9 0 11 0 4p 4 0 4 1 e l kst. owill$ 41" fAlity tof O i f ' 0 . @1 # m le In ectrults, f InimAry ¬ -,mmlarv e ."ItiAtil"Ifly the vircmtut is quitor mumill amt ri-. alauptly - a A! onlysibighortioritioa,. kd . oulen 4lown. the statiolorsary sofa. must vau6b at biva !400 00 fivId4 arut the pfurm of scatteling of clorctmom must be 90 taken Into account. (;nxgv Avers 11 0'8 it .4 4" too 0 U IS At C) A, r I A of 6 VIA a. --- to too It OF of N It it Ill 19a for if or (I I @ we 0 00 * IF 0 0 0 000 of 0 0 0 4@ 0 0 0 0 6 0: 0 p 0 0 o It 09 os 0 6 IS 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 40 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 & 0 * 0 0 0 ojo 009 00 4 go 0 Io 0 0000 0 0 *1 Oplical boMvMw of wm4" anbMat Wdow In Me WMt-W. 1. Li1mbsts (tompt. YrId. Ated. Sit. U.R.S.S.. 15141. ft. 37-3v).-- A pirlinisnazy theoretical tFTAtMCnt Of the Influence of Jettuftmth,n@ In translational symmetry, such as th,-v intm-ducto b5- I@t-Tk- atom:% in a lattice. on optical properties in The infrA-red iv ,utlinod. (;rnrral conclusion% relating to absorption at different vp and rhanx@ in te@nAnce wv are stated. A. J. E., W@ S-11- J-A- I. &A 14 Ix w It A j '00 Go '00 viou I 46d aPW 11111111tim in W Wfsqed. L 00 0 lAyin o: ments equations )a a matrix form art Riverl (tw the whition of Wturbation proNems in the Meet of distortions In cry*, lattices -00 tin their uptical behAviou- in the lairwred. J. J. :: @00 00 oo @'.Oo '00 so "41114111 '00 t.00 Aia.%L& a TALLLRGICAL UNRAIL41 CLASSIFKATICk tj Is- Ia.. 1*0 19i:_4 - - I, 0*1 ; 1@1 I I !@ Z_ IS T1 AT to Atli - '--@_ ----i - iso 0 it IT Ce 61 a d R a 11 it tt 1( N 1111) n I a @ a fA W w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, to a so*41114111 00 400100 00 **so* 4000 a Go** O:AA AA logo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6-W-6- o'cillT ? f p ? ? ? T I I I i .11 li Ad 15 16 A! m k. 11 C 1 -.'0 A I I L-K- " -1. 1 1- y "-T., -L@ All 11 go a SO -00 , 00 400 '00 00 0 -90 '00 : I . wj%W I"m in Uw bho It. S -nd. to to sawts" d mstajw@ 1. wufmaitg (I. 00 At its, USSA, 1942, 7, 249.- -Previons resutts (cf. ?,re- 100 MOIR abstract) we 8 In the =-matical investigation o the ptical behaviour 113 Infra-red of real and mixed crYstals. The of 2filkence of diifcnbt kinds of distortions of the trigular structure in, the cty2w is Cqualdered, H. V. 00 Lee U 0 0 Los W-.T- 4m'. Av 6 a % is it wtilltill Kart ti KIC a I XA 2 .'4. 0 0 a * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 AS 0 & 0 : : 0 : *100 J* : 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SAO 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 AID * 0 0 0 0 X. 190. 1. 0 Solution of the canonical rquawn f SMAII admixture* of essentially alien atoms in consii1cred, aml from it A-Murphous mix"I crystals up investigatv), 7be alq"rancc of new 'PuniAnce " which lie W ft-,m the former intervals grneralisations of lbr theory, and the meth,Al* of averAging and expansfon uml, are consideml. and the methods comi@nil with 1wrturbation 111mry. It, I-W Ia 0 6 5 6 6 6 a 0 04*00-00 go f I - 1, 4 - I I -1 0 m if 11 11 14 is Ill ita nalln null AIran if 1.1 u14 a 1A v I* Q If di If ad a All-t-k L .-fi 9 r a it AA A Vtl it cc w ct@q I . d # I a 6 6 - - 0 A- -, so A !-@ f. on I" Thom of Lm Zkow rmmmtw of rolrem'Qu Altmawo. 0 0, 31- 'J"0106-AUU1 I- N- ItOwntilv04 (ZAxr. NkAlwr. i Tetwes. Piliki, 1141)o Ruwanl. It Is Auwn that In mriffin lindird c".o 00 00 a clinnecuon bertwmn sib, 01"tIj PUlwt" o( a P4)Cf)-At&lIij)r &Kgrgw@, trirfirJed as a W", MA the pmpartka offbe crystallites mnatituting 41.Aui 00 be established In a gffwr@J irky-N. A. .90 00 C;41 90411 00 Z@ welb -04 -00 Los ,so 00 LITINATtIllf CLASSWICAMP z too V '71 IA A $ CW 0 a d R w ff tj 41 to 09 WLOA 1 :74 0 0 0 * 0 0 Of 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oie 0 0 a o rem, a *0 0 Of* 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 @A 0 0 so 0 000 0 0-0-00 600 LIFS HITZI 1. umft-rays - Diffusion JNY@ 1947 Photoelasticity "Scattering of X-rays by Elastically Strained Polyorystal2ine Bodies," I. Lifshitz, L. Rosenzvelg, 7 pp Mathematical discussion of photoelasticity. (To be publiahe& In Lnglish in the Joarnal of Fhy8ics, 3.11 No 4, 1947-) 11T60 Scattering of Is I&!~ byillitsficay atra.1a Igirpstalline is its .4 @1 U a Arial. .4'1 . I, S'S R Kbillip"v). 1-.3.141. 1'eopfs. I'll 17, 11111) )A(MU); J. J'Ap. 11. %',1. 4 (11117)ma linattoo- rit"wisticial. SUCIMS flUdIlAtillill I I be tie rrytaharv, and crittitions are devel -f-I (tar line it, Irrins of file %fruit% tenaw. 'rhe .-- Jklornfil (o( i tic %train termor art- lotunthavil lit firrius. tit file vimmwnrnf@ #,I file &train Irssutr. A stria-vil equatkal 1, given for the line displacrulont in (crull, .4 the fermir rcjlrt'@eutlng the difference between the elmile ct,. effs. (tv a %ingle crystal anti the uv. valist-4 for a Imlyrrvo@ tMitri-61. Sunpli: equation% are given file cu. and he%. -1611"ll.1 ysn,nrtrv. liquations are 41.) rt 111P fill, the line broik testing in the cu. -syN!rin uniter uniftwin compirimhiu. The a ilustnPlionii, , relAtivirly -juall tni@,tnnty in file Single c" yjul@ jnd%"A'rr'nji' .1i't-n-botioll lit file cry-ullit. Simple Numinits art given for liti" In term, 4 the calurrA 4 1.04"ll-ters. S-nko VM/yAthevg@tjcs - Analysis, Tonscr Sep 3.947. Elasticity Cr% Vr% tting up Oreen"s Tensor for the Basic E- !Pe %0 Xquation. of the Theory of Elasticity for the C%j Case, of an Absolute Elastic Anisotropio Ned-Is," I.-M. Lifshits, L. N. Rozents7ayg, 9 pp N *Mur Mosper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVII', No 9 This article shows that setting up Green's -oota of algebraid Tensor requires calculating i iquations of the sixth pover. The authcre discuss the specific cases of cubic and hexag6nal crystals. In the case of hexagonal cry&.als., dieien 18 tensor is a closed construction. Cric@u- lone in the case of cubic crystals can 26T USSR*tjmim&tIo4' - Amiy6is,' Tens= Sep 194-7, (Contd) carried through to the end only In the event.. of weak anisotropy. This article vas submitte& it the PbyBical-Teohnical Institute,, Acadmny a! Sciences of the USSR. V: @Iq am IV-IV o#p;,d* 10 -Taqulnu V@! 14 (k UU oftorturlOw put of n'' b 10 a, _ir13u2 p @d' Iml `9311@ spual. @!,jo hll@atp if ..Qq1,m;r v I xmms@ ''I 11 :1, . 1-. 1 pur nrn2al -Mon 11. ,I - I - rgmn '6@eq' ot@ uo q 64 Imam! ppl Am aq u It 41. p L ou -Ila U! .1-M n nq AA :!Ti-1*6,4 IRV (,-S*N); S. "oa)' -S. '-'@Wed Sinpa*wd r uf upa atI p as @@Jotniwt ap felmn Q%LL tqie" ur4TEU ip@@ in suon IV) jo*A .4s 6'': : ou, oz A jxuatr Ott! Ja sop ovmgn j@ V&7f "A I -- - - --- -- 420=2: LIFSHITS, 1. 114., RC-ZF-',;TS'IT-YG, L. @'. - Vliypnic poverkhnnst! nn infrck.rc:--n-i@ye. Spektry kristallov. Krqtkce soderzhan-11-fe DoMcid-. Izvesiyn Alkad. niuk SSS.R, Seriyn Fiz., 19118, No 5, S- (67 SO: Letonis' Zhurnallnykh St-teY, Vol. 47, 194F I 1 0 is is a u. if is go 0 J1 n is A J6 a v 11 v a p a is v 39 p 4 -A A-AIL r a I I I M M-K A-k-g-A-A_L-e It A-1 .0 *0 4 PW?ASV 2191 d" at 1. V. J- (@ It SUR )9- SsW-) U No. 2) 6$40 (I%S) or m*Wm 04 dw mom or V- ImIkv *vial a nwm Immmave a a"blul or 'be 04* soon am 00@ q"tuti'm The amm Amw" is davwaw for a UkghW MAd- mW *A. 2- OW 34MMOMMand cam fmctIOG fOr Si Jud"iM Ve- knkc In the pmral C1919. 90 A a S L a 691ALLWRCKAL U11111ATUNg CWSWKS1104 jj old.. tolOp to W--v -F., 4 IS 17 0-1 to to F* 14 It of It 4 a ct to waa 0 : : 0 0 o * 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 9 & IDIOT: 0 0 i;e 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 * e 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a a 44 020 1 0 A .00 too see x 00 no v lot r.1 0 0 * 9 & a 0 0 0 * 4 '19/49"1 10 sep/oat 48 Crystals Spotrao Wrue& "Us Influence of Surface on the Infrarecl Spectra of Crystals," I. M. Lifshits, Le 1. Rozentarayg, Physicotech Inst) Acad Boi UkraWan SSRp 1 p *1z Ak Nauk SM, Ser Fiz" Vol MI., No 5 Gives synopsis of theoretical Uecussion. 19/49T61 00 *0 *0 ftk l 1 i a o- 4 a .1 Bud zmWe Wawa bi a criv l 0 ..."W of k,.pju-ta .!Jlq4s' Vol. Is. 51".. pp. 293-3w tin Itux. 000 441). The Ijiml t rbysics Abstracta- 1949. vol. 62. July. p f - is typ- of a & 'n" " I 0* 0 On thmory giv- is bued on ShO bmume (annulp obtaint4t relato thV Th oov e of 41iffr1wtion. =11m of diffmclad WAvtv And t)' d'Pe of the wAve 60 ur(mm with the law Of difi@*n- AA ! . 1 ASK-SLA 09TALLUIRCKAL WEINAT&AI CLAWICATION Now @16. e-;__0dSooI U a 4 it 0, 't I S 0 W 0 0 0 '1 W W 9 A T 0 * 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 * 0 40 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a eTad 00000000000*00000::::1:::100 so* **go* a a**** 006 00 .0 0 -00 -00 so .00 9 : coo Ego 'o 0 =00 8:16 0 .0 -Iallive. Too .I. A":'1":"PtTq- I-or im mfitiat- , rI-Plal I Mao it ;i,l ilsif I fow si hili, t- %wh mos 17. 1111;. 1";6,. ,of I...... I, mim, uhid, 1,,t- wo-r lot Ow to--i-d 1: -.1 i-;I. 0- of th- - -(-' 11. 3 IAI I'd " .1 !, 11,. 1 ' 1, .4 1 lot. fl.'s n 1% Ill ." .01f .4 A U 6 1 8 r-i t1l joqxeD Zq 'pe&aoaqo s,@oG;JG %80= ;0 Z=jov;j3T,4" oA.T9 o,4 Vopoddue a" 1 9 oTMVmtpo=Gq,@ V@xv TuoTuvqom ;o qnswnu ooommbog=o OjaPT Otto:)'- 31% zoguoq. aop@vmwj _QP Qq4 'PUV:RTd jo9uo;..9,@Tsaa;uT eq,@ uoom@oq loas-ptredaV "oa;Tuoa eqq Aq I?Gsnvo 4===uoqd tpaCqus j:o UOT4dTlogov oTd6osojovm ZT ON 'Ilia TOA 2Tj .@Qaooj 7 zedg3M mqZm dd OT Iri aqvqq Acqxm law wnuTvmEa Tos vvoy lista ttoewistu '94M= OK *1 .'GTv4OtJ0 UT UOUMUDW BUT=TPZ Qqq. ;o =T;dT.Zoooa oTdoolozovK yu ozdoosojouN IsTeATvW ftT=M -- stl4stao 09a licTatu/naa L IV, SN i. Lifshi @3, I. "On a nacroscopic description of rhcnomunnn of' crystal twinnIng", Uchon. zaniski KI ar",, -0a, urita im. Vol. U711T ly Fiz. okd-niya Fiz.-matem. fW,-.1 Vol. 1. 19489 P. 5-14, - Bibliorr: 10 i SO: U-30422, 11 vlarch 53, (latoris 'Miurnal Inykh Statf?.y, No. 8p 1(/),',g). LT7,11". T "r Lifshits, T. 1-1. and ParIchomov31-iy, G. D. - "On the n1w,,tic nro,crR.(-.s oil' textured Dolyenystals", Uc!-.r--n. zapiski KharlIc. roo. I-In-ta in. Ginril-o I . r go, Vol. )Ccvii, rrrudy Fiz. otd-niya Fiz.,matem. fak., Vol. 1, 191+8, n. 15_24. SO: U-3042, 11 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhuinal Iny,-h Statey, No. 8, 1949). L:17-3 M'@I -1 Lifshits, I. M, and Parhhommvskiy, ('--. D. - "Dn@,-n;.n7 e@,f i3l "r-,' !,,@11 frequency oo@md wa-ves in polyorystals", Uchen. zapi-M @-cLs. in-ta kn. Vol. X*CVTI, Tnidy Fiz. otd-niya Fiz.--rriatem. fa',,., Vol, !1 1941, p. II,-_36. SO: U-1/042, 11 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal lny!,h Stat,!y, No. 8, is"49). LIFTMI") -1 . M. Lifshits, I. M. - symietric pole In Vol. 'E/Vii) Trudy "On tfieprolhl@:m of @,he @!issrc`nation of mrticles b the central- quantim meclia-ics", zariski Kl-arlk,.un-ta Lm'. - - Fiz. otd-niya Fiz.-matc-. fak., Vol. !, ic421 p. SO: U-3n4.2, 11 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Sep 48 Magnetic Fields Oscillations "Tbe Oscillation of 'Relativistic Particles in Strong Fields," I. M. Lifshits, Physicotech Inst, Acad Sci Ukralnian SSR, 4 pp "Dok Ak Fauk SSSR" Val LKII, No 3 Attempts to find the form of potential energy vhirh vill secure a given dependency of the period of oscillations of the particles upon their energy at relativistic speeds, in partic- ular, to find the potential vhich vill give 36/49T79 UM/Physice (Contd) Sep 48 isocbronous oscillation for arbitrary energies. Submitted by Aced S. L. Sobolev, 20 Jul 48. 36/49T79 USSR/ - Waves, Ultrasonic Feb 50 Crystals, Elastic Propagation of Ultrasonic Waves in Polycrystals," I. M. Lifshitsil G. D. Parkhomovskiy, Kharkov State U, 8 pp "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XX, No 2 Discusses attentuation due to vave dispersion in nonhomogeneities. Proposes calculating macroscopic coefficients of damping (absorption) by averaging elasticity equations of a microscopically inhomo- geneous medium (polycrystal). Problem involves macroscopic and dynamic moduli of elasticity, similar JOL 156T93 USSR/Physics - waves, Ultrasonic (Contd) Feb 50 to Lifshits and Rozenteveygls "static moduli" in. "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XVI, 1946. The dy- nnmic moduli turn out to be complex. Coefficient of absorption here involves imaginary part of dynamic moduli and fourth power of frequency for vave length greater than crystal dimensions, and second pover when less. Real part determines dispersion. Sub- mitted 21 Aug 49. LIFSHITS, I. M. USSRIPhyaics - Helium Aug 50 "Certain Properties of Solutions of He3 in He4, II. Displacement of the Lambda Point and Peculiarities of the Transfer Effecto" B. N. Yesellson, I. M. Lifshits, Physicotech Inst, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XX, No 8, pp 748-759 Finds lowering of temperabure of lambda-transition for solutions of He3 in He4 with concentration of H63 equal to 1.5% to equal 0.030 C in measurements. Finds and explains pecaliaritiep of transfer affect in films of He II, in solutions with 1.5% and 0.03% Lsic-7 He3. Subnitted 21 Feb 50. PA 165T111 USSR/Physics Superc=ductivity SOP -50 Magnetic Field- "Kinetics Governing the Disruption of Super- conductivity by a Magnetic Field, I,"- L M. Lifshits, Physicotech Inst, Acad Sci Ukrainian "Zhur Eksper i Teoret F:Lz" Vol @a, No 9, PP 834-841 Studies kinetics governing transition from superconducting state to normal state in ex- ternal magnetic field exceeding critical. By considering that external field does not fluc- tuate- too rapidly and does not exceed greatly 16BTlol USSR/Phy-zics - Superconductivity Sep 50 (Contd) the critical value, one can assume the boundary moves vithout inertia and follovs; phenomenolog- ical theory. Solves system of equations'of electrodynamics and thermoconductivity. Submitted 21 -Apr 50. 168Tioi SM. Os do dwy 4f dm* I ti of poll- L K Lvmp Awo L N. Ronmr4da. Wftr In 24.- Ofivii. @rcW. M, 24 1194 (No. 10, 1"l) in XAMAW. OwhV to m amr in *m In formk 41 of the saboW pm- PAU. l4k %I (19WI - g , it - for tW avmp -Lhanwdyoaa*" mW 'mwmwoW mom or datkity Mae Axmd to dffw. Eqraticm 12 OW 13 ab"m be oolkw; ZM rw of the paw b 47 no- 2-1 '(Dq i