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L@I@14C@@@ @ch, Prof. [deceased]; RAVICH, M.B., prof.. red.; TMMIANOVA, O.A., kand.fiz.-mntem.nnuk, red.; VAGIN,A.A., red. izd-va-, ISLBIiT'YBVA, P.G., [Fuel and combustiox] Toplivo i ago szhiganie. Izd.3., ispr. i dop. Pod red. M.B.Ravicha i O.A.TSukhanovoi. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- telcl.n.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii, 1959. 398 P. (MIRA 12:11) (Fuel) (Combustion) KASHUBAP B.P.; KOVAL', I.A.; VAKHTELI, V.Yu.; DONDE, V.N.; YEREMENKO, B.S.; ZELIKOVSKIY, L.M.; KARMAZIN, E.I.; LINCHEVSKrYY V,Vl- OGIY, G.Ye.; SEPITYY, V.T.; .1ma ; -: ---2 -METIT v A E., red, (The T-74 tractor; its design, operation and maintenance] Traktor T-74; konstruktsiia, ekspluatatsiiaj, ukhod. Mo- skva,, Kolosy 1964. 204 P. (MIRA 18:4) LINCHXVSKIY,V.V. : Setting the angle of advance of fuel injection into the cylinders of the D-54 engine. Torf.prom. 32 no.3:17-20 '55. (MLRk 8:6) 1. Khar'kavskiy traktornyx zavod. (Diesel engines--Fuel systems) AIMRUSSNKO, P.I.; MAYEVSKIY, O.G. [14aievalkyi, O.H.], kand.tekba.nauk; LIMHEVSKIY, V.V. [Linchevs'kyi, V.V.1, inzb. KHTZ-UNDIMESG single-plunger fuel purmps. Mekh.sill.hoop. 10 no.11:29-32 N 159, (HIRA 13:3) (Fuel pumps) KASHUBA, B.F.; DONDE, V.N.; ZELIKOVSKIY, L.M.; KARMAZIN, B.I.; KTJTIKOV.t G.M.; LINCHEVSKIY, V.V.; OG311 G.Yeoi SEPITYY, V.T.1 SKVCRTSOV, V.Y.-;=WXOV; S.A., red.; PESTRYAYOV, A.I., red.; BALIDD, A.Lv tekhn. red.; GURMCH, M.Ma) tekbn. red. (The T-75 tractori design and operation] Traktor T-75; ustroistvo I skspluatatsiia. Moskva, lzd-vo sellkhoz. lit- ry, zhurnalov i plakatoys 1961. 335 p. (HIM 15:2) (Tractoro) VQDOLAZHCHENKO, Yu.T.; BaOU.3, D.A.; GOLUBCHIK, S.F.; LIECHEVSKIY, -U-11- PEREUUTCV, V.L.; Yi`-',:L1'!TKG, I.A.; CHIC - @ Y- @ .4 red. ; (Dismantling and assembling the DT-20 tractor) Razborka i sborka traktora M-20. Moskvv., "Kolos," 1964. 174 P. (ELU 17:8) DULGARIA/Analytic Chemistry. Analysis of Inorganic Substances. E Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 23, 1958, 7724o. Author : Linchinski Al. Inst :Institute of Chemistry and Technology. Title :Quantitative Determination of Thallium by Method of Internal Electrolysis by Deposition of Trivalent Thallium Oxide on Anode. Orig Pub: Godishnik Khim.-tekhnol. In-t, 1956 (1957), No 1, 67-76. Abstract: See R=im, 1957, 77345- Card -. 1/1 66 LINCHUX, Y.F., inshener. Refrectometric dete=ination of fat in foodstuffs. YABI.-2hir.prom. 17 no.12*12-13 D 152. (XLRA 10:9) 1. TSentrallusyn nauchno-iseledovatellskayA laborstoriyo Ukrglav- raszhirmaslo. (Oils and:eats--Analysis) (Refractometry) .9 LINCHUS, A.A. [Lincius, A.) Distribution of heavy mineral concentrates on the barrier beaches in the Kursiu-Neringa and their granulometric composition Trudy AN Lit. SSR. Ser.B no.11@7-58 165. WRA 18:7) 1. Institut, geologil i geografii AN Litovskoy SSR. 11 C7 7C-,_foS I@IA TI.; J.; L IL _;YQ()1/A2 D.; .o,c@,ical Institute, Faculty of Gc;@e-iTlrf'ZMcine, Charles University (Far-,@;d'@olo:@,-icky Uitav FVL KU), PraE;ue. @t;" I Lho .-Iroblorn of i@clationsh-- p in Interactions of 3yinpa thonii-no tic 3 --nd 3y- -vtics in Inf?. r 'ation". -pa ;hol. noncinf, Upomabiliz, fue., ",aslkoslovemska ,'-'ys-Lolorrie, Vol 15, No 5, Sep 66, pp 4', '@bcturact: Epididfriial fat-y tisoue of rats was u-'ed in ox-neringnts in vitro to determino the influ-nee of nicotinic acid ( 1x10- M 3.0 jX10-21q) on nor, U 14 adrenalin lipo-alobilization. In concentrations above IxIO-11. an ant.-ir-,onistic non-z;pocific action -.,ms observed. and beta- 3y1f,pathol ytics influence a6ronalin ii.pomobilizIrItion s;)ecifically; other substances, such as alpha- sympatho!@,.-. tics, nico'-Uinic acid, do not influence lipomobil- ization s-,jecifically, 4 Western roforences. Submitted at Ili Days Pharmacolop at Smolenice, 16 Feb 66. I.TNC(YVA, L.,, promovany ekonom; ROZSYPAL, 0.,, promovany ekonom . I I _. @ .. 0.- Changes in the standardization of the-stock of metallurgical produots. Podn org 17 no.9ta8-4,,30 S163 LINCOVA, L., promovany ekonom "Records and analysis of the use of materials" by B. Partyk. Reviewed by L. Lincova. Podn org 18 no. 3: 143-l" Mr 164. MOR, Sandor, dr.; KOROMI, Bertalan, dr.; LINCZENYI# Adorjan. dr. VIM, Gyorgy, dr. Cases of organic diseases simulating functional disorders. Orv. hetil. 102 no.9:414-417 26 F161, (=ROSES diag) (CORONAlff DISEASE diag) LINOZEM, @anop A New Year's gift to car drivers and motorcyclists. Auto motor 12 no.2sS Ja 159. 1. A Roolajipari TrOBzt kereekedelmi oaztalyanak vezetoje. AUTHOR: Lind, A.B. TITLE: A Differential Pneumatic nyy izmeritellnyy pribor) 121-4-11/32 GauLe (Pnevmaticheskiy differentsial'- PERIODICAL: Stanki i Instrument, 1958, Bo.4, pp. 24 - 25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A dIffereatial pressure Eauge, designated D-384, developed at the Interchangeability Office (Byuro vzaimozamen- yayemosti) is illustrated and described. The unit consists of a base, carryinE the filters and stabilisers, the air distrib- ution block with press,_Lre-L1'easurinC bellows and a geared lever mechanism with@Uial indicator. Tl--D instruEent is used with compressed air frGm the Zhop Lains. Scale divisions indicating between 0.2 and I @i can be arranged in practice. Measuring set-ups for single diameter Lleasurer!ient with a balancing pres- sure device or for ovality meaSureEents are illustrated. The overall error does not exceed 0.5 1L. There are 4 figures. AvAILABLE: Library of Coneress Gard 1/1 1. Pressure gauge-Design SOV/121-58-8--lo/29 AUTHORS, Laria'--iav V.N., Lind A,B, and Morozov I.K. TITLE: A Inspe,1-1."'Lon and Sorting of the Housings of Live Centres (Pnavmati---heskiy pribor dlya kontfolya i scTt-ir3vk� korpusov ,ra-shchayusli-ch.4khsya tsaatro-@) PERIODICAL., StarajL 1 Instinar-ent, 191@8, Nr 9, pp 27-128 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A pne-xnatic.. de,iice ie desrvfibqd, developed by Vie Office for of the Standards, Measures and Instz,22en"s 0-:)mmi-ttee (Byurc '@, zaimozamenyayemosti kamite-ta standa@-,to-i. mea, i izmeritelInyLi pritorov) under .Fmal.--Ion BV-@80 In orde t:) inspe,2t the fitt4ng de5i (lime i-z3ions @;f tha 1,1ousings of live -cen-tl-es for lathes. F, a r., 1-A. of two hale diameters is sorted within ths a".1.1owa1ble llmi+@s int.- four dimensior4l groups@ thus ,:-,-eaj-i.n.g 1,6 Vag mximum @1'aiue of the irean dia- metej@ th-. group. The d-lameter an,-A3 the deviation fro'l. tte form &--,e measc.?ed -y two pairs of nozzlas a2i,arg3r-@; at right an.,gles. Thq --IiGtanie between is as--@@t @55@E of the length of the bors. Fig 2 Card 1.,'2 n02;z"".c@ shows 0,.S PaS'OkMlf.rl@ The eIr is V.lte,@-ed and SOV/121.--58-8-10/29 A Pneumati-, Device for tna Inspejtion ana Sorting of tyie Housings of Live Centres stabilised, and then p2o,.!eeds to the distzibutor containing the intake nozzies with a diameter so -,hosen that the measuTi-*).g prassure fad to the pneumatic plug is half the wo-rking press=e. The pneumatic plug is a two-.step cylindri-,-,al plug and inspects simult-anaously two fitting diameters and tha shape deviations (ovality and conicity). It is ronne..-tad to an P_ contact differential marcury transmittax; opaiating by the .-ounter--pressure methr'd. In ona of tha t@-ansmltbsa? _-,ham_'_*-a-,!s a @,,_-:istant prassure is Tile o-tbrzr c:hambe::, has its pressure varied dependin,g cn the outflow from the pneumatio. plug. Calilration is aut with the halp o.--5' a master Thera a-za 3, figires Card 2/2 S/121/60/000/007/006/011 AUTHORS: Kurochkin, A.P., Lind, A.B., Tsirul'nikov, I.M. TITLE: Assemblies of Pneumatic Measuring Systems, @11 PERIODICAL: Stanki i Instrument, 1960, No. 7, pp. :25-27 TECT: The Byuro vzaimozamenyayemosti (Office of Interchangeability) carried out investigations of filtering materials used in Soviet and foreign filters of various design in order to develop a new two-stage air filter. The investigations showed that most of the filters do not meet the requirements, since the greater part of the contaminated air, taking the course of least resistance, bypasses the filtering material and passes between filt ering material and filter walls. As a result of the investigations, the Office of Interchangeability together with the "Kalibr@' Plant has developed the T@ (TF)-17-'ll two-stage air filter, operating in the first stage with glass wool and in the second stage with the ft (FPP)-15-1..5 grade filtering material. The auihors give a detailed description of the filter operation and cite technfeal data. Simultaneously, investigations were carried out by the Office of Interchangeability in order to develop a new design of air pressure stabilizer, being also one of the most important units in pneumatic measuring systems.' The authors describe the design of the new r@ (TF)-17-12 Card 1/2 Assemblies of Pneumatic Measuring Systems S/121/60/000/007/006/011 stabilizer with booster and gives technical and operational data. Filter and pressure stabilizer are also manufactured by the "Kalib?' Plant as one combined j unit of the T@ (TF)-17-13 type, the overall dimensions of which are (diameter x height) 98 x 298 mm, weighing 2.17 kg. There are 2 diagrams and 1 photo. Card 2/2 AKSEHO V, Ya.V.; KOGAN, V.B.; KUROCHKIN7 A.P.; LEND, A.B. Device for selective -orting of plunger-pair parts. Im. takh, no. 3:7-8 Mr 161. 14:2) (Photoelectric measurements) LARICHKVP V.N.-,_LINDL A.B. Pneumatic device for checking the plates of a gear pump. St4ni instr, 34 no.501-32 My 163@ (KRA 16:5) (Pumping machinery-Testing) VYSOTSKIY, A.V.; KTIROCHKIN, TSIDULKO, F.V.; ROSTOVYKH, A.Ya., kand. takhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; KURATSEV, L.Ye., red.-UL-va; SOKOIDVA, T.F., tekba. red. [Pneumatic measurements of linear dimensions] Pnavmatiche- akie izmereniia lineinykh razmerov. Moskva, Maahgiz, 1963. 267 p. (KRA 16 t 5) (Pneumatio gaugea) (Phmimatic control) (Length measurement) MARTINSCV) E.E.1 L134D. A.Ya, Thropic action of urea and its use in the treatment of neuro- trophic skin diseases. Vent. derm. i vene 37 no.7t23.-22 J1163 (MIRA 16112) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Tartuskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Ebtonskoy SSR. LEM, Oak !..orainic oak. Priroda- 141, no. (, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 19 453--- Unclassified. LIND, A.E., kandidat biologicoaskikh nauk f ftmed oak. 1riroda 46 no.3:116 Mr 157. (KIRA 10:3) 1. Michurinskiy goeudaretvanny7 padagogichaskir institut. (Micharinsky-Distriet-LOak) LIND,--A- B -- kand.bial.nauk Making visual aids from muAhroome. Biol. v shkole no.4:87-88 J1-Ag '59. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Michurinskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Mushronma) (Visual aide) MOTINSON, E.E.; LIND, A.Ya. Influence of insulin on the trophicity of the gastric and pancreatic mucosa as revealed by data on the inclusion of methionine-S3 protein. Vop. med. khim. 7 no-5;475-479 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1@ 1. The Chair of Biochemistry of the Tartu State University. (INSULIN) (STOMACH) (PANCRW) (METHIONINE) L.1 "D, ',"r _,", 1 t -'I I-st. j,rnp@ if t'h@- shg,;-) z v c SIC Va 1, J. a .'@c@.nsssion, Vol. RaY` 1957 .-LIND , 11. ; SILU-P ". , li., Juatil. teklin. RISTOJAP J.,, red. (S'election and adjustment of autorriatic control- systems] Automatregulantorite wilik Ja Oililestai.-.iiie. 'J'aliiliri, Ensti Haamat, 1961.. 162 p. [In Elt.@-aiianl (,'-'l'R' IF:!) LIND, Kh. P. LIND, Kh. P.: "Material on the functional biochemistry of the secretory function of the stomach". Tartu, 1955. Tartu State U. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Biological Science) SO: NnIzhna3W letools', No. 52, 24 December, 1955. Moscow. UVISR/Medicine/Biochemistry FD-2942 Card 1/1 Pub. 17-6/23 Author : Martinson, E. and Lind, Kh. Title : The role of the sulfhydryl groups and the dehydrogenase system of respiration in the neuro-humoral regulation of gastric secretion Periodical : Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 7, 20-23, Jul 1955 Abstract : Authors studied the biochemical mechanism of neuro-humoral regulation of hydrochloric acid formation by blocking different links of the mechanism by enzyme inhibitors such as sulfhydryl groups, methylene blue, and maleic acid. Results proved that the dehydrogenating part of the enzymat-ic ';y3tem of the aerobic- oxidizing process must be regarded as fl-te, point where the factors which release these processes by resyn,'hesis of macroergic com- pounds, speed up or disturb the normal. secretory functions of the stomach. 3 references, all USSR, all since 1940, tables. Institution : Chair of Biochemistry (Head: Prof. E. E, Martinson) Tartu State University Submitted : 25 Dec 1954 @i Zhe binding of antmocist by the gASUIC MUCOill Increase. This is taken as indicat Ing that NHs is rotined in Wectotillatandc acid oultit suretary ActivitY. 11,11-Mar- tilt gitlitrie muco-sa follewing the stimulation of the scaetory, tinson and 13k.UnCState Univ. Tartu). Xiihkimiyato. - - h th d i function and the uninionia so formed is bound by the glu- twule acid. A dog was given 2W c of raw bed and the e at t -TT1 es gntit to prove ciXPts, were W.4()(l955T . formation and secretion Of HCI by the gastric muccsa is gastric juice collected by tile Favlov method every br. for brought-about-by-tbL,-ability-&I-Lhe mutow-40,11oll- HC-1---. -3 Uri-Nir, -@dx Of av;, and to bind VHt and that In suldn--to-cirease there are pres- vol. of 3-bril. secret" in 5 teso was,14.9 mi. free-RCI. tut In the mucosa. glutamble and glUtAlMlinaft - Starved t appearing as soon as secretion began., Through another - were bled to drAth and the -- placed i@ 6% Mr- cats fistula L-Slutamic acid was introduced into the greater CosH. Amt. of preformed Nil, in the mucolia. was then stomach This markedly affected the orTrctory f I Of U nc , I ' - - ' the stumuch, extending the period of secretion fl . .On Icl"c N -1 K td. In the gastric mucossi in Oro amino de @ 53 win.. but the total secreted juice was reduced from 14.9 uNeragits 2.48%. Live cats were given Intravenous injecl- in]. to 9.0 mi. Tile time of appearince of free HCI was tiolls of NIIIA followed humediately. by Injections of L-glu- delayed and the acidity of the total gastric juice lessened., tamic acid. Following such injections the amide N of the Above cffects were not Produced when 5 instead of 10 mi. g1citaulk aCWlU the gastric tn.COSA rose to 7.24 ing %. Lt)ftfirc;tltttumicaci4"agiiijected. The useof glycine failed i :constitutinga 1912% Increase. Glutamint Is formed ront lutau it acid in the gastric lamewn by combining with the L U to od ice similar results. The injection into the orr4nisna @ of Uge! quantities of lutami Acid v t h l g Nils. 'In another group of cats gastric secretion wP3 stimu- a- c en s t e accuwu g pre tiou Of free Nil, following castric stimulation by binding It' ' lated by subcutaneous Injection of histamine, followed at later the d 46 mi id I i f l i b in the form Of glutamiue, thereby depressing gastric ti /r n. utum c ac on o , an oocc nject g y e Ar on. H. S. LLda" stomach was rehoved and studied as above. Theglulamine wulde N rose from 2.48 rag. 170 to 4.15 mg. %, or a 67% The'eff"t of glutatulc acid upa gnkrk secretion and lor- AtIon of hydrochloric Acid. R. H. Martinson and Kh. - ' ,fu i Af d 1 d B dl Ek Bid U T St i t O e . . . . atc n r ar ys tp , u) n1 r ..4 -I0(l9i6$ -laNductitm Of large doses of glutamic J4 g : t the organism prevents the formation of a large amount of Nils which usually follows gastric stimulation, This results In depression of gastric secretion and decrease - of free* JICL The reaction is specific for glubunic acid.' Injection of an cquimolecular quantity of glycine has the oppositeeffect upon gastric secretion. The ability of glu-@ 7 v t4mlo. acid to paMy suppress gastric secretion together with . its 111510 and:the high tolerance of the orga i towards it sug;nt its use in gastric hypersecretion and Oyprxchlorhydria. A. Mirkin MARTIBSON, E.E.; LIND. Kh t Distribution of free oulfhydryl groups in proteins of the mucosa of various parts of the stomach and the role of gastric secretion in their modifications [with ev- in Anglish] Biul. eksp. biol. i mad. 43 no.2:55-57 7 '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Iz kafedry biokhimii Tartuskogo, universitata. Prqdstavlona deystvitellwim chlenom AMU SSSR professorom A.Te. Braunshtaynom. (STOMCH, metabolism, sulflWdryl opda. In proteins of gastric mucosa, off. of gastric secretion on site of localization) (Ras) (GASTRIG JUICZ, secretion, off. on sulfhydryl cpds. localization in stomach proteins) Ras) (SULTHTML COMPOLVIS, metabolism, stomach Droteins. eff. of castric secretion on MARTINSON, Z. , LIND, Ehoo ZHOLLO, V. Is area an irreversible final product of nitrogen metabolism in the animal organism? (with summary in Raglishjo Biokhimiia 23 no.16035-839 R-ID 15 8 (MIRA 1133-2) le Xafedra biokhimii Tartuskogo gosudaretvannogo universiteta; (URRA) (NITROGEN METABOLISM) MARTIESONP E,; TYAKHEPYLIDp L. [T@hej)Zldq L.]; LIM, A.; -LIIM,-. Kh.-- - (Lind, li] Transformation of urea in the gastric mucosa. Biokhimlia 26 nD, 1:3-9 Ja-F 161, (MIRA 14:2) lo Chair of Biochemistryl State Universityq Tartu. (STOMACH) (URFA) T I j ) 11 1 ) Kh. P..$ (us"'a, 'IBios,,,nthesi-s of Sialic Acidi in the Brain and in the 1'.1,ucous Membrane n'L the Stonmeh." r 4,e-,:ort Presented -at the fj:t',: Int'l. Bloc'-. evil str,-, Convress,, I t, Mosco-,T, 10-16 Augo.1961. LIND9 Kh.P& Biosynthesis of sialie acids in the brain and the mucous membrane of the stomach. Vop. med. khim. 8 no.2:140-144 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Chair of Biochemistry, State University, Tartu. (SIALIC ACIDS) (BRAIN) (STOMACH) LIIND, [.And, H.1; " e, t - Old I " I I - . .- y - - -rq .,n mer@nm- @,f -@ '.'a rt. i , - - is , j ), -- , I @-,* . !--Ij :11 Vop @ med . khl' x, 9 im 7- . -'- - * ., 1-3. .I C. Pa'. I -, : 1 q " KAPKO, Ya.T.- Prinimal uchastiye: LIIMJL. L.Ye. Observations of minor planets at the Lvov Astronomical Observatory. Astron. tsir. no.194:9 Ag '58. (MIRA 12:12) I.Llvovska7a astronomichaska7a observatoriya. (PIRnets, Minor) LINDA, H.Ya. ompmwmw-ftl- ... 1, Public health in the Mongolian Peoples Republic. Sov.zdrav. 16 no.6: 42-49 Je 157. (MLa 10:8) (PUBLIC HKALTH in Hongolia) LIN'DA, P. : VY"z IN, V- An oscilloscope to observe the voltage In relay circuits. p. 118. (Sdelovaci Technika. Vol. 15Y no. 2, Feb. 1957. Czechoslovakia.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession Ir, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1?r' . Uncl. 7 LINDAUR, F. Labeling machines, feeding and discharging attacmments for bottle-washing machines shown at the 2nd 3how of Brewing. Machinery in Munich. P. 7. (KVA311Y P;1M,1Y3L) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1958 30: Monthly Index of East European Accession (E:,,AI) !C' Vol. 7, 1"Jo. 5, 1958 LINDAU2R, Z. LINDAUER J., GHLkD]KK, V. nfiew Efficient Machines for our Food Iudustry,e p. 34. QP=wmi XgUavla. Vol.,4,, No.1, Jan. 1953,, Praha.) SOt MenthlY List of East gw*pean Accessions, Vol.2j, No.9p Library of donaess, September 1953, Umcl. II'VINJAI -Y- 1XNra_W", V. V. TJSSR/14edicine Physiology Card 1/1 FD 251 Author Lindaur, V. V. and Lukach, V. A. (Czechoslovakia) Title : Methods of recording conditioned reflex salivary secretions in dogs Periodical : Fiziol.zhur. 2., 224-226, Mar/Apr 1954 Abstract : Students of higher nervous activity have encountered difficulties in recording salivary secretion. Detailed description-of an appa- ratus that records salivary secretion can be found in-literature. This apparatus was developed by E. A. Ganike and improved by P. S. Ku- palov. It became apparent to the authors of this article that addi- tional changes were desirable. Improvements that they made enable the opbrator to note the exact amount of salivary secretion. The improved apparatus is a great contribution to the study of condi- tioned reflexes. Diagrams% Institution Submitted June 14, 1953 LINDAUR, V.; LUKAC, V. Iffect of exitation of the sensory analysors of the cerebral cortex on the force of mascular contractions. Pracovni lek. 6 no-3:149-153 Jo '54. 1. Z FysiologApkeho ustava lek..fak. KU, pobocks. v Plzni. (NUSOTAS, physiology. *eff. of excitation of cerebral cortex sensory analysors on force of contraction) (GXRBBRAL GOTRJUL, physiology, *off. of excitation of sensory analysors on force of moo, contraction) LINDAUR V. V. and LUKATSH V. A. * Method for recording conditioned nalivar7 excretion in dogs FIZIOL. ZHM. SSSR 1954., 40/2- (M-226) illus. 2 (Russian text) SOr Exce3#a Medica Section 31 Vol 7 N. 191 LIRDAUR, Y.; LUKAC, V. Method of fractionated sampling of saliva for chemical analysis and simultaneous registration of salivation in dogs. Cesk. fysiol. 4 no-2:200-203 May 55. 1. Pysiologicky ustav lekarske fakulty K.U., pobocka. v Plzui. (SALIVATION, registration in dogs) (SALIVA, sampling for chem. analysis in dogs) - - .e.- I -@ @ml .D MR. V, @@JC ' I AVavny*-ScAmk erg s 730, M T , Y M I C +-700@0-ChlorpronlazIne lncmstv In d(Is tim (at I ontent fit the sertlul. IfadmialsOred Preceding the feeding i of (at it debys fat uUsutptiinj colijidarAbly. LNDAa, V @ Ir. V.-Lindaur and Docent T)r. A. Zeleny, "Ueber den Einfluss von Chlorpromazir auf die ToxYzTtact und Stof.Nechselvrirkung des Acetylcholins," t)ie Pharmazie (Berlin), 13/2, Februan- 1958, pp. 77-9. Received on 24 July 1957. The authors are affiliated with the Physiological Institute of the Medicil Faculty of Charles University in Plzen (head: Docent Dr. Adolf Zeleny). EXCERPTA-MEDICA -See-2-Vol 12/4-- Phy3lology-- Apr 59 1391. RELATIONSHIP Bf.'rwEEN CHLORPROINIAZINE AND ANOXIA - L i n d i u r V Dept. of Physiol., Charles Univ., Pilsen - NATURE (Lond.) M9,-TTIT 't@19 (1341-1342) Table. I The effect of chlorpromazine on polycythaemia. induced in rats by exposing them to subatmospheric pressure was studied. Chlorpromazine in a dose of 10 mg./kg. . as well as splenertomy and adrenalectomy, completely prevented the polycythaemia It is suggested that the polycythaemia Is a reflex response to anoxia mediated by the adrenal with the spleen as the target organ, and that chlorpromazine blocks this reflex. Swaine Philadelphia, Pa. -------- - -- -- - -- - ---- - LIRDBIRG, A.A. (Leningrad) Pathogenesis of the disturbance of sciatic nerve functions as a result of intramuscular injection of medicines in the gluteal area, Felld. i akush. no.9:60-61 S 154. - (KLRA 7:11) (SCIATIC MVB) (INJECTIONS INTRAMUSCULAR) I GAREGG, P.; . LRIDBERG, B.; PETROPAVDDVSKIY, G.; TEANDER, 0. . - .1 Production and partial xanthation of tatrahydropyranyl-A-D-glucopyranoside. Zhuro prikl. khim. 34 no, 12:2771-2774 D 161, (MMA 15:1) 1. Shvedskaya issledovatellskaya laboratoriya. lesnykh produktov, Stokgollm. (Glueopyranoside) (Cellulose xanthates) 0 0 0 0 0 0 goo 0 Al oo 0 *404*0 o,j 6 1 1, it 11 14 1 If I t V 'I., @p ;, 0 4 A Is 1.' 11 or 00 A , a F-u r. -JL I L L .4, 1- r 0 1 1 to V-1-Y. -4 Y L AA 00 Ck LIP U 'R6 ISV5-f-@ - 'R _- Th@ action of catic 491 bit On the Cefilbrill Corte%. Alta- it. Lindfirfg. ( lompt. rmd. "44. scm. V. R. S. S. 1. 241l'i'-11"in (lerman 2X; eftcrt exerl"I by Vurving &M,& (it Cafleille IM IKAII Imm. and nex. conditioned ;rllc.%Vs in doxj wa4 drid. Rmits indic-ate that the ex. :0abibir tif file nerve 6-trienti of the higher part of the rittral iierww @ymetn is encrrxrd but thilt lilt fjllwl@,naj .11 1 ilv of lh"v elements is dretes-wd and. irimmir condi. 6 so a SL A ITALLL-PrICAL LITF 4*t%,Pt CIAWFICATICh 03 it, Fu .1 ; 11, 1,, .11 ; a, K, u VI T* a 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 OT560000*04100000*00 04 *a as* 0 000000000096000006000 *so* to 0 0 b tj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 -99 A 0 A WX 4111 6 0 4, LINDBERG, B.E., prof. (Moskva, B-64o ul.Chkalovas d,14/16, kv.48.) Elements of forming protective functions in the body following trauma and suppurative infection. Vest. khir. 91 no.11:10-16 N 163. (MIRA 17:12) 1-1. - I I i -L'j-ri1j.D:Wu-zY UO U* "Geomorphology of the Bottoms of Borderland Seas of East Asia, and Prevalence of Fresh- water Fisft," Iz Vses Geograf Ob-va (flows of All-Union C'--ograpnic Society), I'o 3, 19h6 (279-300). ('Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No 6 Nov/Dec 1947) So- U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 LUELIBERG, G. U. "The Present State of the Problem of the Origin of Subma ine Valleys," Voprosy geografii, sb. 3, 1947. U-1709, 27 Feb 52 LINID17F U. Far Dazt HiStor- of tl@e ichthvulo.-Lcal faun-a -1n.' ter`!@)r-,r 6+7 I--v- Vses- i@uo-z. Oli-va 7?, 2, 1'A7- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. L I 1,TBYF G, G. U. geo6r@pnical "lata," Lind"berg, q. U. - "The '-istory of @'Ine Pacific Ocean in light of bioi In Pamyati Akad. S. A. Zerr.-;-,;l, Mo,,cow-Lerdn-rLd, -fj. 20@-l` - * . I 1@ Bibliog: p. 214-15 SO: U-3600, 10 J111Y 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal inykh Stetey, No. 6, lq@-@A. 1 1 sep/oat *rlba Mdo;Ogy zoogeogt4phr @'M.ogaographic 149thods for Studying the Opater mar. G. U.lindbetg, Zool Inst, Acad Sci UM 32 pp .1Z Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Biol- No 5 ,Ztlidlers has been studying systematics and zoogeo, gmVw of fish. in Far Mastera,seas of -USSR since efiowt',hov bathymstric end geomorphological d@ta' biqlW explain. d istrilut ion 'of 'fresh-vater fish i zubJect saaa-' Su@wst& bI:,o&6ographic@l_appr_ "cb: 49/49TI MaNclogr (C=td.) Sep/Ocl;t would., be of mlue In deallng with other quaternar pro'ble=. Babmitted. 2,5 May 47. 9T LINDBERG., G. U. 19871 LINDBERG, G. U. K faune ryb zheltogo morya. Dcklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, Novaya Seriya, t. LZBII, No. 1, 1949, s 125-88 SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY., Vol. 27, MOSKVA, 1949. - - f@7! - -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - ..I, 211./330 LVIrDIR77Y7, -1. U. 0 pr-lc!-ir,,-. lbedno-Li oostava fauny z7,,b basseyry- c@k;@ana. T-ruc@y 71torovo Vs-eZo.-niz. --?o,-,r. C, - - ,C. !'.., 1949, c. 211-13. '30: Letopi3l 7hurn3lInyl-h @13tatey, No. 29, ,'o-va, 2.91+9 LIOBIMG, G.U.; PAVIDVSKIY, Te.N.. akademik,radaktor; BRODSKIY, K.A., LICEEDY, B.L., radaktor; ZENDILI, Rre.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Quaternary period in the light of biogeographical data] Chat- verticbiWi period v syete biogeografichookikh darmVkh. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1955- 334 p. (HLRA 8:12) 1. Direktor zoologichookogo instituta AN SSSR (for Pavloyakiy) (Paleobotamy--Q@mter=7) MMAYEV,B.M., doktor geograficheskikh vank, redaktor; PAVLOVSKIY,Ye.N., akademik, redaktor; GRUM14-GRZHIMAYLO, redaktor; GELLER,S.Tu.; GERASIMOV, akademik; KA NIK,S.V.; WHEBM G.Tu.; MAUOV,K.K. MURZAYRV,E.M.; NIKOLISKIY,G.V.; NIKCE'-';@K-At @--^--"CBRURKV,D.V.; SVETOVIDOV.A.M.SMIRNOVA.I.V.,.tekhnicheakiy redaktor [In memory of Academician L.S.Berg; a collection of vorks on geography and biology3ftmiati skademika L.S.Berga; sbornik rabot po geografii i biologii, Moskva, Izd-vo Akademil nauk SSSR, 1955-562p. (M.@.'RA 9: 1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kalesnik, Nikol'skly, Svetovidov) (Berg, Lev Semenovich, 1876-1950) (Biology) (Geography) LINDEM , G.U. Discovery of the dragonet Draculo mirabilis Snyder (Pisces, Callionymidae) in Posyet Bay off Vladivostok. Trudy Zool. inst. 18:385-388 155. (KGn 9: 2 ) (Posyet Bay-Fishes) LINDBEM, G.U.; *LEGEZA, M.L. Survey of fish genera and species of the subfamily Cyclopterinae (Pieces). Trudy Zool. inst. 18:389-458 '55. (MLRA 9:2) (Fishes) BERG, Lev Semenovich, akademik; GELLMR, S.Yu.; GSIUSIMOV, I.P., akademik; GRIGCRIYZV, A.A., akademik; KALESITEK, S.V.; JIOZZRG@', -G.U. ; HARKOV. K.K.; MURZAYXV. B.M., doktor geograficheskikh nauk. otvetstvennyy radaktor; NIKOLISKIY, G.V.; NIKOLISKAYA. V.V.; OBRUCHXV, D.V.; FAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik,- SVNI!OVIDOV, A.N.; BOLYNSKAYA, V.S.. redaktor izdatelletva; KASHIIU, P.S., tekhnichakiy redaktor; ZXMLYAKOVA. T.A., takhalchaskiy redaktor (Selected works] Izbrannye trudy. Moskva. Izd-vo Akademll nauk SSSR. Vol.l. [The history of science] Istoriia nauki. 1956. 394 p. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Chlon-korrespondant AN SSSR (for Kalesnik, Nikollskiy, G.V., Svetovidov) (Sciance--HiBtory) LINDBZW, G.U. Basic principles and methods for compiling fish location maps of Far Eastern asas. Trudy probl.i tem.sov. no.6:5-14 '56. (XLRA 9:11) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Soviet 7ar Xast-Fisheries-Haps) LINDBERG, G.U.; LEGEZA, M.I. On the two forms of the Spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias L.[with English summary in insert]. Zool.zhur-35 no.11'.1685-1688 D 156. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Zoologicheskiy Institut Akademii nauk SSSR. (Dogfish) LINDBERG, G.U. (Oztormry history of the Yar Fastern Sems. Dokl.AN SSSR ill uo,2:422- 424 N 156, (MIRA 10;1) 1. toolopichad~~.inatitut-Akademit nauk SSSR. Predstavlano akndemi- kom YI.N. Pavloveklm. (Okhotsk, Sea of -Geology, Stratigraphic) JBering Sea i'agion-.4oology, Stratigraphic) AUTHOR: None Given 25-9-36/40 TITLE: On the Pages of Periodicals "Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR" (Po stranitsam zhurnalov - "Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR") PERIODICAL: Nauka i Zhiznl, 1957, # 9, p 62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: "Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR", # 6, 1957, publishes a com- munication from C.U. Lindberg, Doctor of Biological Sciences, entitled "A Fis@_P_r_o__s_p_ec`Yf_ng Map". In this article he gives a critical review of a two-volume atlas covering the waters around South Sakhalin and the South Kurile Islands and the areas sui- table for commercial fishing. The atlas was prepared by hydro- biologists of the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 LINDBERG, G.U., doktor biologichaskikh nauki f Fish location maps. Vast. AN SSSH 27 no.6:33-54 Je '57. (XMA 10:7) (71sheries-4aps) -- - I - @.. - LINDBARG, G'X. "Fishes of the Amur Basin" by G.T. Nikollskii. Reviewed by G.U. Lindberg. Zool. zhur. 36 no,7:1106-1109 Jl 157. 1 (MLRA 10:9Y - (Amur River-Fishesy (Nikollskii, G.V.) BERG, Lev Semenovich, eked., red.; GETIER, -S.Yu., doktor geograf icheskikh nauk, otv..ired.:.rMASIMOV, 1,P., nlrmd., red., GRIGW'YxV,,A.A.,,9ksd., red.; KAT-EsurK, S.V., red.; PIND.RFVG,rrJT,, rnd.- XARKOV,,K.K.,,red.- MMAYLIV, Z.k'.,'red.; NIKOLISKIY,--G. @., r@.,-NIIKOM MAYA, V. V. . red.; CIBRUCH W, D. V. red. PAVWVSKIY, Ye.N., aKad@,.red.; SVETOVIDOV, A.U.. red.; SPRYGIRA. L.I., red. izd-va,; KUZIMIN. I.F.. tekhn. red. [Selected works] lzbrannye trudy. Koskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol@ 2@ [Physical geography] Fizicheskaia geografiia. 1958. 425 P. (HERA 11:11) l.-Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kalesnik, Nikollekly, Svetovidov). (Physical geography) LINDMIRGtG.U. 'b@- Commercial io-oceanography and its taoks. Vop. Ikht. no.10:41-51 158, (MIRA 11:10) 1.2oologicheski.v institut AN SSSR. (7isheries-Haps) LINDBARG, G.U. nh morphology and hierarchy' [in Japanese] by K. Matsubara. Roveiwed by G.U. Lindberg. Zool. zhur. 37 no.1:146-147 A 158. (Far Bast--Fishes) (Matsubara, K.) (MIRA 11:2) LINDBERG, G. U. "The DiscontItnuous Distribution sf Fishes and LarEe Fluctuaticns 4-n Ocean Level". report to be submitted or the Intl. Oceanographic Cong. New York City, 31 Aug - 11 Sep 1959. (zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences) @-.,@LIGEZA, M.I.; PAVIA)VSKITq TeeNolp akade, glavMy red.; BTIHOVSKIT, B.To.. rod.; VIIK)GRADOV, B.S. [doceaesdj, red.; STIMMOV, A.A.# redil SHISAMMIRa, A,AP.0 red#; ANDRffAMW, A,?,, red,; SMIRNDVA, A@Ve, tokhasrode (Yishes of the Bee, of Japan and contiguous areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Tellow Ampbioxi, PetrovV- zones, Yqxini, Ilasmobranchii, Holocephalij Ryby Ikponekogo moris, i sopredellafth chastai Okhotskogo i Zbeltogo morei. Mnok@!a@?. Isd-vo Akad,nauk SSSR; Part 1. Maphloxi.' Petromysouns, (Oprodelitali wfalin tHIIIIA 121l2) 1. Direktor Zoolvgic'b@'kvjj6@'T:nvtituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskly) (Japan, S:: of-Fishas) LI PA3RG.-GU..-_ SHCHEDRIIIA, Z.G.; DOGEL', V.A.-, RESHITNYAK. T.Y.; STRELKOV, A.A.; KOLTUN, Y.M.; NW14DY, D.T.; IVANOV, A.T.; BYKHOVSKIY, B.Ye. ZHUKOV, Ye.V.; PERGARYT, T.S.; KOROTKIVICH, V.S.; USHAMN, F.T.; KMG1, G.A.; ANIROSOVA, Ye.I.; GOSTIWVSKAYA, M.G.: BRODSKIT, K.A.; GUSET. A.V4; TARkSOV, N.I.; GURIYANDVA, Ye.F.; VAGIN, V.L.; IDMAK -INA, N.B.; BULYCHEVA, A.I.; KOBTAKOVA. Z.I.; WZIND-TDZINSKIT, L.K.; YAKOVLEVA, A.M.;-G&LKIN, Yii.I.; 6KARIATO, O.A.; AKI14JSHKIII, I.I.; DITAxoNDv, A.m.'. BARANDYA, z.i.; SAVBTj'TBVA, T.S.; SKALKIN, V.A. List of the fauna of marine waters of southern Sakhalin and southern Kuriles. Issl.dallnevost.mor.SSSR no.6:173-256 '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Zoologicheakiy institut AN SSSR. (Sakhalin-14arine fauna) (Kurile Islahds--Marine fauna) LINDBERG. G.U. PoPular names of fishes. Zool.s.har.' 38 no.12:1894-1896 D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., leningrad. (Icht@yology-Homenclature) BERG, Lev Semenovich, akademik; MURZAY3V, A.M., doktor geograf.nauk.; PAVLOVSKIT, Te.N., skadealk. red.; GKI-LER, S.Tu., red.; GHIIASIMOV, I.P., akadamik, red.; GRIGORITICV, I.A., akademik, red.; IrA IK, S.T., red.;JjINDBX@q, G.U., red.; MATMOV, K*K*9 red.; NIKCLISKIY, G.V.; red,,;INIKOL!SKATI, V.V., red.; OBRUCHZV, D.V., red.; PAVLOVSKIT, To 'N., akademik. red.; SVETOVIDOV, A.N.9 red,; SPRYGINA, L.I., red*izd-va; GOLUB', S.P., (Selected works] Izbrannye trudy. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Vol.3. (Central Asia. Loess] Sredniaia Aziia; Lose. 1960. 550 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Chlany-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Kaleanik, Nikollskiy. Svetovidov). (Soviet Central Asia--Physical geography) (Loess) LINDBERGy G.U. Intermittent distribution of fishes and large fluctuations of the ocean level. .-TrucV Okean kom. 10 w.-IA4-16 t6,0. NIRA 14@3) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut, AN SSSR. (Ocean) (Fishes-Geographical distribLtion) (pajeogeography) B3RG, Lev Semenovich, And.; ANDRIYASHEY,A.P., [translator]; BICRG,S.L., [translator]; 13GEZA,M.I., C translator]; LINDBERG, G.U., doktor biolog. nauk, otv. red.; PAYLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akaa-.-.-r-e-T.; G-OASI- MOV, I.P., skad., red.; MURZAUV, 3.M., red.; GELLXR,-S.Yu., red.; GRIGORIIEV, A.A., sknd., red.; KALESNIX, S.Y., red.; IUUOV, K.K., red.; NIKOL'SKIY, G.V., red.; NIKOLISKAYA, Y.Y., red.; OBRUCHEV, D.V., red.; SVETOVIDOV, A.N., red.; STRHLKOV, A.A., red.izd-va; SHIR110VA, A.V., [Sekeeted wirks] Izbrannye trudy. Moskva, Izd-vo Ak-qd.nBuk SSSR. Yol.4. (Ichthyology] Ikhtiologiia. 1961. 746 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Kalesnik, Nikol'skiy, Svetovidov) (Ichthyology) LINDBERGp G.U. Conneettno between European and North American rivers and the Horth lltantia,;Sap, Zool. zhur. 40 no-5; 651-665 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Zool'gical Institute., U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Ieningrad. Nishes-Geographical distribution) (Continents) LINDBMI G.U91 STUUOVp A.A. v *Jhyaneaq Soologima epolopedia, with illustrations in color.1f Zool. ;burs 40 W,7=64W J2 161. (MIRA 14 M (Zoology-Diotionarles) (Japanese Language-Dictionaries) BERG, Lev Seraenovichp akademik; DIKOLISHY, G.V., otv. red.; ODAUCIIEV, D.V., do@tar.,--b$61i *.vk, otv. red.; GELLER, S.Yu.,red.; GE'-ASIMOV, I.P., alcademik, red.; GUGGRIYEV, A.A., akademik, red.; YJMIIIK, S.V., red.; LINDBE.",G, G.U., red.; IMAPKOV, K.K.P red.; MUMAYEV, E.M.., red.; NIKOLISKAYA, V.V., red.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.11., akademik, red.; SVETOVID011, A.U., red.; SABLITIA, T.B., red. izd-va; YEGOROVA, II.F.j, tekhn. red. [Selected i-.,orks1Izbrannye trudy. Yoskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk- SSSR. Vol-5. (General biology, biogeography, and paleoichth- yologyyology]Obshchaia biologiirA, biageografiia i pc!leo- ikhtiologiia. 1962. 513 p. (MLL4, 15--10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akaderii naWc SSSR (for Yalesnik, Nikol'skiy Svotovidov).' (Biology) (Geo aphical distribution of aniral and plants) FFishes, Fossil) . LINDBERG. G.U. , An attempt to correct the spelling of the generic names in L.S. Berg's "Classification of fishes both recent and foBsil.11 Zool. zhur. 42 no.7:1105-1107 163. OURA 17-2) 1. Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, LINDBERG, G.U. Zoogeography of dry land and fluctuations of the ocean level. Zool. zhur. 43 no. 3:385-397 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Zoological InstituteY Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R., Leningrad. LINDBERG, G.U. "Origin of continents and oceans" by D.G.Panov. Reviewed by G.U.Lindberg. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-ia. 95 no.4:381-383 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Continents) (Ocean) (Panov, D.G.) LINDBERG, G.U. Biogeography and its significance in solving paieogecgraFhical problems. Zool. zhur. 44 no.10-16 165. (MIRA 18-4) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. ACC NR: .AP7000993 11.4 )'- -Soy --- CODE T --UR/-Olf 39/6 5/O1V1F/OO9/1A33/_T4 ,,v WE 367 AUTHOR: Lindberg, a. U ORG: TITLE: Review or the book, Vish dangerous to man SOURCE: Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, v. 44) no. 9, 1965) 1433-1436 TOPIC TAGS: fish, icthyology, Otis adah A1.1.01r- AALW-41@r-_ ABSTRACT: The book, Fiah Dangeroue for Man by S. V. Pigulevskiy is a popular-science handbook describing poisonous and dangerous fish, the nature of their poisons and poison apparatus) and clinical aspects and preventive measures in fish poisoning. The reviewer criticizes many aspects of the book, especially terminology used in'the descriptive section and in the figure captions. Poor editing is also critinized. The book contains 108 figures. I WA-50 P' CBE "NO 141 CLPJ SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none TTTIJN sl.-; via I L.L.-U.;---1=ZAJ- -114 ---1 - -- ----- - - --- -- - -- - -- - - --- -- - -- - -- - - - - Gambusia Systematic aspects of Gambusia, acclimated to the Soviet Union. Zool. zhur. 31, No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July @J' 52. -xM, Uncl. W00101 00 1 r 8 4 S 4 1 A A-C-Q_j-L-.L 00 00 so A 4ii 9 &I 00 00 J 00 W 00 a 0 1 0 6 0-0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 1 1 to If 1:11utim III& to JI is V 2 I I it L If P t-L- I I- U x W I AA M ce &*000000000000 so 10 it I? is it is )GAY 143041 41 41.1 6441-Ae - 4 0 230) On the Mea.ureno-ut of HAdi,."I.ttv I-., PAI.-, ChromatoiIram. Olawy Lin r And J. It. Hotont". dt!T. a Arkiv Kem 1 1-,17-19(1940). Papwr chrOluAtogrAphy Is pArticufArly miltablr ft,r e%lwri orhin using r4ifloActive tracers. By me,A,@urwmrnt f4 thr ffWo A d1WVn AIPA 64 flip dilrd ItUrf 1%41*1 AM rminimitin of the Ans-1 A tho xUbsiADIr 141UIUI Wt ilo- .1.11110 ArrA. the degriir it, which A given comIxinent 111COrPOTAIPh the rAdloactive ksmuptr may he cAlculAted. Sinew in Koch meAsurtments, A filter liAper of uniform thicknev% is AlwAV% u@sed. flip InIrrnAl absorption of the I`AIIIAW" MUM ObVk- ouAly be very constant. which renders this technique ly useful for radfolacitopes with wary soft emanation. Un the other hand, the method requires a high specific 201MY In the sub^tjnvr W be determined, And therefore is less hUltAbIf ItIr tgolAjit)o procedure* Irtim facile Animals. It p-no- to be. however, A valuAble AdjUnrl W niViAti,111XIII studies chiefly with lizinut, extracts. siiu" ruil4re, Aml WArbUrj9 eXP40111011111. (Auth) LA WALLURCKAL LITERAtUffff CLASIWICATRIM 1440911 Ott *my of( U 9 AV 00 It 1. 1--s 0 (11 611 0 0 do 04 9* lot IC3 1104 0 * 0 & * 0 0 900 0 0 Woo & 41 a 0 k-, 0 a 9-1-r 46 0 6 * 111 00 411 00000*00*0000 00 0 .00 wee =60 coo too 2 coo 400 woo X09 Woo . MOBERG, Ya,-LLindbergs, J.) Self-service; more evidence in its favor. Obohchestv.pit. no.2-. 55-57 F 163. (WRA.16:4) @ J..'Glavny7 spetsialist otdela tovarooborota Gooplana Latviyakoy SSR. (Restaurant management) --kaW M-f @MR wMamy.- UQ4 rl RL @MIFMMIMOMMM to -Y ItSW'09 -04 -bb -And 40and the W" ,ftT, the 4u*. 0 Flu the NI At bih los,