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LINK, F. ---, - o -- - , -, importance of quantnm reopmoss In routine work. Cask. fy~iol. 4 nc.1:87-92 28 Feb 55. 1. Biologicke oddelente Statnehn ustavu pro kontrolu lieciv. Bratislava. (WORK, quantum responses in routine work) Country : CZECHOSLOVAKU, v Category: Pharnacology. Toxicology. C=dio-Vasculanr .7.6ents. Abs Jour: RZhBiol., rr, 6, 1.959, tic) 27786 Aut:ior Link, F,; Mrnz(:va, E. Inst Title On the Problc,.i of Biological Evaluation of Cardiac Glucosides. Orig Pub: Ceskosl. fai=c., 1958, 7, No 6, 313-316 Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 LINK, Frantisek The Symposium on Biometry in Budapest. Biologia 15 no.3:228-229 160. (EFAI 9: 8) (BIOMMY) LIWXI F.'- BIASKOVICY D.; RAUS, J* Studies on the effect of antiviral substances on-experimental virus infections. II. Dose response relationship between concentration and antiviral effect of urethane in mice. Acts, virol.Engl.Zd.Praha 5 no.4: 244,249 Jl 161. 1. Institute of Virology, CzeAoslovak Acadew of Sciences, Bratislava. (URETHANE pharmacol) (INFLUENZA exper) F. I BLASKOVIC, D.; RAUS, J. Pathogenesis of influenza infection.. folloiting inoculation of mil domes of adapted virm. I. Dynamics of w4ltiplication of an adapted influenza virus strain in mouse lungs. Acts virol.Mngl.Zd.PrabIL 5 no.6: 373-376 N 161. 1. Inatitute.of Virolog]rljlcsochoslovak~Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (INFLUNZA exper) LINK IMFW RAUS, J. Contribution to the study of the dynamics of influenza virus infection. Cesk.epidem.mikrob.imun.10 no.l.-I-6 Ta 161. 1. Virologicky ustav OSAV v Bratislave. (11&LUENU exper) . ~, , - , ~:. .; 1, "', 7 - - o; ~j. --, I - SZANTO, J.; MZANOVA, 0.; LINK, F.. Interaction of gamma-inhibitor with A2 influenza virus. Acts, virol. .1 6:524-530 162. 1. Institute of Virology Gzechoslovak Academy of Sciences I Bratislava. (INFLUENZA VIRUSES~ (HMAGGLUTINATION INHIBITIOD TESTS) JASINSKA, St.- LINK F BLASKOVIC, D.; RADA, B.; Technical assistance: RAUS, J.; HANUSOVSKA, T. Studies on the effect of antiviral substances on experimental virus infections. III. The effects of 6-asauracil ribovide and urethane on vaccinia virus infection in mice. Acts. virol. (Praha)(Eng]6 no.l: 17-23 A 162. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (VACCINIA virol.) (URETHANE pharmcol) (NUCLEOSIDES AND NUCLEOTIDES pharmacol) B&ZINA, ij.; KORDWA) N. F~ The effect of 6-azauracil riboside on the m1tiplication of Coxiella burneti., Rickettsia prowazeki and R. mooseri. Acts. virol. 6 no-3: 266-270 962. 1. Institute of Virolaffy, Czec'roalovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (BUGIZOSID~S AND IMCLEOTIDES phar-acol) (COXIELLA pharmarol.) OUGaTTSIA COD (~UGIE-TTSlA P40WAZEKII pharrzcY LMp F. A now modification of digitalis standardization. Ph7siol. Bohemoslov. 11 no.1:6247 162. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak AcadenV of Sciences, Bratislava. (DIGITALIS pharmacol) . r", ~ I .LINE, F.; RAUS, J.; RATHOVA, V. Studies on the effect of antiviral substances on experimental Tirus infections. IV. Comments on the testing of antiviral substanow In laboratory mice. Acta virol. (Praha)(Eng] 7 no-5:465-471 S 163. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (ANTIVIRAL AGENTS) (URETHANE) (VITAMIN K) (PHARMACOLOGY) (INFLUENZA) LINK, F.; BLRTALOVA, K. Effect of influenza virus on potentiation of the cardiotoxicity of hellebrin. Bratisl. lek. listy 63 no.1:51-57 163. 1. Z Virologickeho ustavu CSAV v Bratislava, j0ditel akad. D.Blaskovic, Dr. Se. (INFLUENZA VIRUSES) (ELECTROGARDIOGRAPHY) (HEART ARREST) ($~YCOSIDES) (PLANTS) LINK F.- S :TO,J,; KRIZANOVA,O. A quantitative assay of the in vivo protective effect', of gamma-inhibitor against inhibitor-sensitive A2 influenza virus strains. Acts, virol (Praha) [Engl] 8 no.lt7l-75 Ja'64, le Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. LIL N K . 1 1 . F. p ho t,),q t r. I c no.6. t,"t,e ir'Ft Aqt.. morai OrArejov. ~'onclil.; O,ral-,a) [I-Nig. j 8 C*/- 1. Institute 6f V-Lrc,"cigj,, 5-:~Ien:,e2, Bratislava. BLASKOVICI D.; RADA, B.; LlNK,_F. Experimental approach to the problem of antiviral agents. Cas. lek. cesk. 103 no.43tll77-1182 23 0 164. 1. Virologicky ustav Ceskoslovenskaj akademle ved v Bratislave, (riaditel akademik D. Blaskovic). L121K,F.; BLASK0111C, D.; RAUS, J. I-,- Relationship between virus multiplication and interferon pro- duction in mouse lungs after infection with adapted and un- adapted influenza viruses. Acta virol. (Praha) [Erg.) 9 no.1s 95 Ja 165 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratiqlava. S"'T , B. ; 41M~f - The oharact6r of inrune response in iniared and nindom-bred mice. Cesk. epidem. 14 no.2:88-94 Mr 165 1. Virologicky ustar Ceskoslovenakej akadprde. vled, Bratislava. STY K , b LINK F - MAIN;-, L, ALBEHIMI, P~ Interactlon of !Tryxo7lruses -a,t- du-,ftran 5ulf-a-es. ITJ- Ineff--c,r,',vc-ne5s of dex,ran sull'ales -,,r -xp,~.rimentai influenz-i infection of white mice. Acta virol, (Frahd"; [En,,! 8 no.o 327-334 Tl 164. 1. InstAtute of Virolcg , Czechoslow-ik A~iq~errry rf Snienr-5, .17 Bratislava. to jo )1 2mi 141-RWJ 1, o A I -Vt. f r 00 so 0 0 0 0 a It 2 a It All b If It 0 a 41 a a a 00 S22.613:13$,30: 523.7$ - 4 O'b"dwOk ONNNOY ON 4b *Nbdmffimm~L 60 R. AMA Sd..Pdrbl 3A %2-3(orf.G. 1047) ;rmW_Psweftw appwam oppilkil to Ow opmm. 00 NONMXW 04 OWJR*W. C111111*141110"Wil. ?At "MW 00.11 mlealovo to w mob 40 Ahokapholk fflopill"" dallits l1wobfilb4lbWelbWO466"m as j a v4ww OlKirm FMAIWW mw SWOOMFOA. A. 41. w OO'l Lillf*-101 CLASSOPKAIM" 911 at 1.. t a u a 40 14 J, I.A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 614111 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 & 9 0 0 41 010 * 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 -00 .00 .0* ..'00 0400 to 60 '00 '00 -0009094 000*0099 too* -0-0-9-0--f 0-64 0 9- 0- a - Uum III$ V I M es; Is Is I It t JIA 00 U I A-0 1.-0 Notes Is 5/4 00 a J. 11- 71 Ollonha. V. Ant I!k, F.. 9*06" MA68fiRw& [Mrtmr 0418 PtdilAll MAW AWAdJr**,-PWU;W#'. No. 20. 111101111k. A p. I diagra., own"urypAl. DWS-VaplowAtion af the uppro, alonowillorre Ivy j eoo 114111111.9 A00611-1 11'.41" L 1 1. meloof of allov J" Uppol :ow 111114 a GO# sell 111-916-- u 0 At Ili _i It I 0 1 of of 000 0 0 4~410 a 0 0 0 a 0 w.- all V-1 bib ft-j -00 .00 :00 AS I S I IL 33:5 3 1. Sma 111 .06 Cwholomhom, 4140 refs. In French. Ca" . twfyt4 inctorw trails 4k)uW see I r 1. 1, 4 coo Ar 00 !! '; 0111111 as* I '00 too old., too 00 0 0 000 0000 A /9 -- ---- 5 1. 93.13 J~f* ~130ASYMRIUG admires IV. Polar asymmetrim] Uk-F-(On*,J Astrox. Inst., Oxd 73WAstranow":Injisnues of Cwchostmki4, pragu (1).1sq5;7an. 31, 1952. fiff-i 5 refs. - DLC-Author d4cusses the posdbk nw!!2EOj%icmVigin of the asymmetry of cmilima an tIm west tknd east half of. ttii molar. disc but Cloes not come to a phen definitp usioT ;, S11krea Hea.dings: I. $our activW Salabkj!!!d~~tlousWps.~A.A 116 LL: 3c: L,ontlay List of -;--ot zlro- iicc. 0, lidbrai- uf Cw----t. Uf Vo vo-L. 110. 3. ~Y Lorthly Li-st of Zast European 4,ibrcary of L~~,rcl-, 1~154, Uncl. LM, F. "Meteor Dust in the Earth's Atmosphere." p. 158. (BiuUaten Astronomicheskikh Institutoy Chokhooloyakii. Bulletia of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia. Vol - 4, no - 6, Doe - 1953. Praha) - East DAropean Vol- 3, No. 6 4 301 Monthly List of YgOSO Accessions,/Library of Congress,, _ june 1950, Uncl. LM, F. HORSKr, Z.; "Calculations on the Brilliance of the Sodium Layer." p. 162. (Biulleten Antronomicheakikh Institutov Chakhosloyakii. Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia. Vol. 4, no. 6, Dec. 1953. Praha). East giropean Vol. 3, No. 6 4 SO: Monthly List of "JAIIA Accessions./Library of Congress., June 195h, Uncl. L111K, F. "Meteoric Soundings of the Upper Atmosphere." p. 168. (Biulleten Astronomicheakikh Institutov ChekhoslovakJi. Bulletia of the Astronomical Institutes of CzechosloviWa. Vol. 4, no. 6, Dec. 1953. Praha). East European Vol. 3, No. 6 4 Sol Mont List of Jw" Accessions, Aibrary .of Congress, i me 1950, Uncl. LINK 0 F. BOUSKA.. J.; LINK, F.; LIWVA# Z. "Ephemerides of Lunar Eclipses of 1954." P. 170. (Biulleten Astronomicheskikh Institutoy Chekhoslovakii. Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia. Vol. 4, no. 6, Dec. 1953. Praha). East European Vol. 3, No. 6 4 503 Monthly List of Accessiona./Library of Congress, - June 195h, Uncl. LINK~ F. "Czechoslovak Participation in International Geophysics Year, 1957-1958." P. 194. (Biulleten Astronomicheskikh Institutov Chekhoslovakii. Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia. Vol. 4, no. 6, Dec. 1953. Praha). East Wropean Vol. 3, No. 6 4 SO; Mont List of Accassions Library of Congress, _ June 1951, Uncl. I - ' or- /' LINK, F. , - Temporary local variations in the density of the upper atmosphere (in French with musmary in Russiarj, Biul.astron.inst.Chakh. 5 no.1: 1-3 F 154. (KLRA 7:5) 1. Astrofizichaskaya observatoriya, Ondfejov. (Atmosphere, Upper) /7 LINK, F. Chromospheric eruptions and the weather (in French with su ry in Russian]. Biul.astron.inst.Chakh. 5 n0-1:7-9 P 154. M-RA 7:5) 1. Astronomicheakaya observatoriya ChSAI, Ond;ejov. (Sun) (Weather) I" i , r , i ~ '. LINK, F. Determination of the geocentric slownts of a wtoor orbit tin Preach. with all-ary In Russian]. liiul.astron.inst.Chekh. 5 no.3:56-60 Je 134. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Astrofisichaskaya obeervatoriya, Ondrejov. (Meteors) (Orbits) -,, .- -- -- ~- ,~ A' I ~ 9.11 Link. Frantilek and Neuill, Lud&, Raketov6 lety's-vtzkum vysok6 stmoaffty, [Rocket njgnr-~~on 01 e upper a mospherej Prague, CeskoslovedskA Akadc=Xe-Vff,-, :1957. 235 p. 104 figs. Incl. photos), tables, 18 refs. DLC (TL782.LS)-As stated in the :Introduction t 4 he CA Cs up, rglmosplcra. theuseof,ockct,gr tlyfacilitat upper ~atmospherlc research b nes not ~, cc other methods of exploration. Accordingly, the ~authors deal with all available methods of investigating the various properties a( the upper :atmosphere. Upper atmospheric phenomena are discussed on the basis of results reported in ;international literature and of original work. The methods described includep1rarospherc Aights, acoustical sounding, photometric and other measurement during 1.9 -qu-4c Spscs (LI.,IX contributed considerably to the development of this method), rocket launchings (based upon ~wfjrk in the U. S.), artificial satellites (based upon Project Vanguard), Ionospheric sounding, spectroxopy (including rocket spectroscopy, etc ) 9he upper atmospheric phenouiena i lit fs~ luminescence. ionospheric phenomena, discussed include as one, twilight phenomena, ri~L~ WA~ rs, geomagnetism, structfife and composition of the atnioziphere, etc. The Aura" -, Incteo 'information is up to date and presented in a clear, nontechnical manner for the benefit of the -A ---- -- 7 i general public. Subject Headings: 1. Rocket exploration of the 2- ~Pvet:v ~_atmosjihere textbooks-G.1. August 10, 1959 LT 171'- Ar" , . Visibility conditions of an artificial sat,:,,jlitc. In Frenc.1i. p. 114 (Studia Geophysica Et Geodnetica) Vol 2. no 1 1957. Praha, Czechotlovakia. SO: 1,11,onthly Index of East European Accessions MAI) 1,C, Vol 7 no 1 Jan 195P, LINK, F. ; NEUZIL, L. --------------- Color of Venus and the property of its clouds. P. 55, (Casopis Ceskoolovenskych Ustava. Astronamickyeh) Vol. 7, no. 5, June 1957 Praha, Czedhoolovakia SO: Monthly Index of Bast European Acessions (EEAI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Radio Physics - Propat-,ation of Radio Wavos 1-5 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizilca, No 12, 1958, No 28213 Author : Link F. *'7- Inst : Ins ~ftut~o of Astronony, Acadcry of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia Title :Ionospheric 11ofraction in Radio Astrono=y OriG Fub :Byul. astron. in-ov Chckoslovakiij 1957, 8, No 5, 112-118 Lbstract :The author has calculated the refraction of cosaic radio vin-vcs in the ionosphoro. On the basis of the ray theory, the author calculates the angles of refraction, usin,,: rocket data on the altitude dopandonco of the clcctron density in the ictnosphoric laycr. The calculation shoas that the re- fraction of radio waves at frequencies f -10 fcr is ncEativc and snall up to zenith anSles z - 600, whon tho rcfraction passes through zero and becomes positive. StartinE with z - 700 there occurs a sharpi-inercaso in the anClo of ro- fraction. The author also calculated the r-afraction in a A. parabolic layer. The discrepancy botwoon thoso results and Card 1/2 CZC'0-9L0A1(IA/Radi. :phy.ic. _ N"oparation Of Radio I'laves Abs Jour .1 Rof Zhur - pizika f ITO 12, 1958P ITO 26213 tho calculations based on rocket data indicate, allthorlIopinion layer j' , that the para in tlo a not satisfactory. belie "Odol of tho iOnlgphri, Card 2/2 50 L11-K, F. ; MAPINAIT, T. ------------- IlReavy-water reactors for nctural uranium." JADERNA M-PUE. Praha, Czeeboalovekia. V01. 4, no. 9, Sept. 1958 Monthly lAst cf Ea3t Eiuropean Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol.. 9,, j"o. 6, Jur, 59, Unc)es LINK, F.; 1"~'ZUZIL, L.; ZACE'A"07", ~L. 4*1--anurmaent of the crepuscular luminescence at U:e zenith. In French. P. 213. PUBLICATIONS. (Celcoslovenska akaderqie ved. Astronomicky ustav.) Praha, Czechoslovakia, No. 34142, 1956. Monthly List of East Euvopean Accessions LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1959 uncl. qgll~ _Fjj -UNWNW. SCIME Periodicabi STUDIA GEOPHYSICA ET GEODAETICA. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1959 LINK-2 re; 11WWWOW. Astronomical methods in historical climatology; solar and climatic period of 400 years. In ftench. p. 43. Monthly Ust or East FAwopean Accessions (EEAI) LC.,, Vol. 8, No. 59 Wy 1959, Unclass. LINK, F. Lunar luminesconce. In French. p. 102. BULLETT11 OF TW, ASTRONORICAL INSTITUTES OF U-CHOSLOVAKIA. (Ceskoslovermlm akaderde ved. Astronomicky ustav) Praha, Czechoslovahia, Vol. 10, no. 3, 11ay 1959 Monthly List of East 1~uropean Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Uncl. LINK, F. Venus' transits over the sun, In French. P. 105 BULLETIN OF 11HE ASTRONOMICAL INSTITUTES OF UzZHUSLOVAKIA. (Ceskosloveriska akademic ved. Astronomicky ustav) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 10, no. 4, JulY 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Uncl. SORM, Frantisek, akademik; MASTOVSKY, Otakar; KASPAR, Jan; SIRACKY, Andrej; VVIA, Josef; ZACHOVAL, Ladislav; RASKA, Karel; BLASKOVIG, Dionyz, akademik; WICHURLS, Otto, akademik; PWTL, Ferdinand; CUTA, Frantisek; JERIE, iin; HEIMR, Kamil, akademik; CAPEK, LadislAv; LINK, FrAntisek; STRNAD, Julius Report on the activities of the Crechoslovak Academy of Sciences.made Kt its 12th General As#embly,*and the discussion. Vgstnik CSAV ~t no.l-. 26-34 161. 1. Namestek presidents, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved (for Sorm). 2. Glen korespondent Ceskoslovenike akademie ved (for Mastovsky, Kaspar, Siracky, Vana, Zachoval, Raska, Prantl, Cuta, Jerie, Capek, Lir* an4 Strnad). 3. Predeeda SloVenakej akAdemie vied (for Siracky). 22359 Z/023/61/000/001/004/006 A207/A126 AUTHOR: Link, FrantiSek TITLE: Volcanic activity and the lunar eclipses PERIODICAL: Studia Geophysics, et Geodaetica, no. 1, 1961, 64 - 75 TEXT: Certain historical documents seem to indicate that the moon may become completely invisible during a total eclipse. The disappearance of the eclipsed moon requires great opacity of,the atmosphere along the en- tire length of the terminator of the shadow, that is for a length of 40,000 km. The atmosphere would have to be completely opaque up to an altitude of 4 - 5.6 km.following the parallax and over the distance mentioned, for the solar illumination to be nil in the center of the shadow. According to the author, this is unlikely and even less likely is the precondition for a com- plete disappearance of the entire moon, which would require the complete opacity of the entire troposphere. From these considerations results, on the one hand, the necessity for re-examining the reported cases of disap- pearance and, on the other hand, the necessity for furnishing an appropriate explanation of these cases. A decrease in the visibility of the totally Card 1/4 22359 Z/023/61 1000100 1 /004/C,06 Volcanic activity and the lunar eclipses A207/A126 eclipsed moon requires a pollution of vast areas of the atmosphere. Certain volcanos do, in fact, throw up large quantities of volcanic ashes into the stratosphere. During their relatively slow descent, these ashes are carried away to the various geographical zones by the atmospheric circulation. The volcanic pollution may sufficiently increase the optical density of the at- mosphere. The pyrheliometric observations by Kimball (Ref. 11; H. H. Kim- ball: Mont, Weather Rev., 46, 1918, 355; 52, 1924, 527) show that there were several decreases in solar radiation between 1882 and 1913, of which the three most important coincided with the great volcanic eruptions of 1883, 1902 and 1912. For the eruption of the Katmai volcano, there are 2 series of spectral measurements taken by Mt. Wilson and Bassour observato- ries. It was possible to follow the arrival of the volcanic ashes from the Katmai eruption at these locations. The atmospheric pollution by volcanic ashes may affect large geographical areas. The distribution of the abhes depends on the atmospheric circulation- 3 currento aro knownt one toward the West along the Equator, the second toward the East along the medium lati- tudes, and the third toward the West along the higher latitudes. These currents exist from the ground to an altitude of about 25 km, the upper Card 2/4 22359 Z/02 61/000/001/001-,r/006 Volcanic activity and the lunar eclipses A207Y4126 limit of the measurements. The minimum speeds of these currents are such (> 40 km/h) that the ashes may make a complete tour around the world in less than a month. The volcanic pollution may last for a considerable pe- riod of time. The Krakatao volcano erupted on August 26 - 27, la83. Only by April 1884, had the major portion of the ashes descended to the earth while finer and more homogeneous particles continued to remain in the atmo- sphere for some time afterwards. The author then discusses various lunar eclipses from the 17th to the 20th.centuries. In conclusion, the author states: 1) The great volcanic eruptions mentioned are capable of projecting sufficiently.large quantities of volcanic ashes to produce an atmospheric pollution. 2) The projected ashes may spread over vast areas and may re- main in the atmosphere for several months. 3) Since the beginning of the 17th century, there were several very dark eclipses but the complete dis- appearance of the totally eclipsed moon could not be confirmed with cer- tainty.. 4) The volcanic origin of the weak luminosity of several recent eclipses could be confirmed. 5) Concerning the older eclipses, a relation with the volcanos could not be proven, either for lack of information on the volcanos or because the reason for the weak luminosity could be differ- ent. In these cases, D&njon's law should be considered which is also neces- Card 3/4 22350 Z/023/61/000/001/004/006 Volcanic activity and the lunar eclipses A207/A126 sary to explain the weak luminosity of certain recent eclipses where any volcanic activity can be excluded with certainty. There are 4 figures and 67 reference'st I Soviet-bloc and 66 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the most recent English-language publication reads as follows: F. Link: B.A.C., 11, 196o, is. ASSOCIATION: Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague SUBMITTED: June 14, 1960 Card 4/4 S/035/62/coo/bio/G67/128 AOO1/A1Ol AUTHOR: Link, F. TITLE: Effects of Einstein deflection of light in stellar astronomy PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Gec~deziya, no. 10, 1962, 70, abstract 10A504 ("Byul. 4Lstron. in-tov Chekhoslovakii", 1961, v. 12, no. 4, 132 - 136, French; Russian summary) TEXT: The author considers geometric and photometric effects created by light deflection in the gravitational field of celestial bodies. He is of the opinion that detection of these effects would be a powerful confirmation of the theory of relativity. The lack of practical observations is explained, in his opinion, by extremely low probability of necessary visual encounters of stars and galaxies. There are 10 references. 0. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] bard 1/1 LINK,, Frantisek; MUZIL., Ludek Standard grading of photometers used for photographying nocturnal sky during IGY and IGC. Stvdia geophys 6 no.2: 193-201 162. 1. Institut astronomique do I'Academie Toliecoslovaque des Sciences, Observator, Ondrejov u Frahy. 0/,169/63/000/003/034/036 AOO1A1O1 AUTHOR; Link, F. TITLE: Eclipses of artificial satellites ~PERIODICAL:. Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya, no. 3, 1963, 67, abstract .3.51.486 ("Byul. astron. in-tov Chekhoslovakii", 1962, v. 13, .~111.1 -8, French; Russian summary) no TEXT: In studies of. higher atimospherio layers, eclipses of artificial satellites can replace lunar eclipses. Their photometric theory is presented, as wellas examples of calculations. There.are 13 references. From author s summary [Abstrac-teris note: Complete-translation] Card 1/1 LM, Frantisek- SYmPoolum on planet phynics in Liege. Vestnik CSAV 71 no-5:5740- 576 162. 1, Clan korespondent Ceskoolovenske akademie ved. ,)4NK, Frantisek The high absorption layer observed by Glenn during his Mercury-Atlas-6 space flight. Studia geophys 7 no.108-44 ,63. 1. Institut Astronomique de llAcademie Tchecoslavaque des Scienceof Praha 2 - Vinohradyj Budecaka 6. LINK F Crepuscular emissions measured at the Lomnicky Stit during the International Geophysical Year and International Geophysical Cooperation 1957-1959. -Biulleten astron inst 14 no.1:13-22 '63. 1. Institut Astronomique de I'Academie des Sciences, Prague. LINK,--F. _ The possibility of the luminescence of Jupiter satellites. Bialleten astron inst 14 no.lt23 163. 1. Institut Astronomique de I'Academie des Sciences, Prague. LIIIK, y, .... .... -.- - Long-period variations of the sun activity before the 17th century. Biul astr Cz 14 no.6:226-231 163. 1. Institut Astronomiqua do I'Academis des Sciences, Prague. LINKY F. Planetary cGn'unctlors, magnr-t.i,-, peT-7,urlt-atlons aL:! Bola- i spots. Mul astr Cz 15 no.3-114-115 '64. 1. Astronomical Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sclence3, Prague. LINK, Frantisek; NEUZIL, Ludek; ZACHAROV, Igor Importance of -high scattering during twiLlight, Sriidla ge~ThyB 8 no. 3:274-286 164. 1. Observatory of the Astronomical Institutt:, CeC1105101'rflk of Sciences, Odrejov near PrRgue. LINK, F. Ephemerides of eo'ipses of artificial satelliteo. astr Cz 1.6 no.2:112-117 165. 1. Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of -iences, Prague. S,ibmitted October 26, 1965. Se L 11351-67 ACC NRi Ap 2-7-90-7 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0092/66/017/004/0161/0163 AUTHOR: Link, F.j. ORG: Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Prague TITLE: Two remarks concerned with the penumbra of the Earth's shadow on the Moon SOURCE: CSAV. Byul astron inst Chekhoslov, v. 17, rko.' 4, 1966, 161-163 TOPIC TAGS: lunar eclipse, lunar surface luminosity, terrestrial penumbra, PURI :3=1 -441AJ19A %r(-4VeX;9ee_ ABSTRACT: During a lunj P_ eclipse the luminosity of the lunar surface ' does not agree with that computed theoretically for the case when the Moon enters in the penumbra of the Earth. The excess of luminosity is ascribed to the luminescence of t *he lunar surface. This phenomenon is found by other investigators. A comparison of the lunar regions enter into the shadow at the phase angle of 0.7* makes it possible to deter- mine the luminosity as a function of the-phase angle and the distance from the center of the shadow. The excess of luminosity of the lunar surface in the penumbra may be caused only b luminescence, not by other sources. Markov and Shchegolev found that the density of the penumbra at the distance of 1.4 a,.where a is the radius of the umbra, Card L 11351-67 ACC NRt AP6027907 varies with the eleven-year acitvity cycle. The distance chosen by Harkov varies, depending upon the lunar parallax. The density of the numbra varies within Markov's limits by 0.08 with the change of the parallax. The numerical values found by Markov for the density change are too large to be accepted as a real phenomenon. Orig. art. han! 3 figures and 2 formulan. SUB CODEI 03/ SUM DAM 06Nov65/ ORIG REP: 002/ OTH RE?: 008/ SOV RM 002 ~-JNK.> JtRi MUDr; PADXVMT. Hlroalav test for ac*tone In urine. Can Isk cs 93 no.18:492 Ap 154. (IMAL 3:7) 1. OUNZ nn Kladne. Interni oddeloni, bioches. laborator, prednosta prim. KUDr Pr.Andrak. (AGAT0113,' In urine, (URINE@ Odeterm.) *acetone, det*rz.) iX LINK, Jiri, MUDr. - - Problem of equipment of a biochemical laboratory. Cook. zdravot. 4 no.7:415-416 July 56. 1. Ustredni laborator OURZ. Kladno. (LABORATORINS, bloches., equipment (Cs)) CZECHOSLCVAKJA/Laboratory Equipment. Instruments. Their Theory, Construction, and Use. F Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Kbin., No 13, 1958, 43152. Author Link Jiri. Inst Title A Durette With Correction-Factor Compensation. nrig Pub: Chen. listy, 1957, 51, No 1, 180-181. !Lbstract: It is proposed to attach to the burette a graph showing the volume corrections depending upon the correction factors of titrated solutions. This permits a direct reading of solution volume in gram-equivalents. The Graph consists of a series of straight lines the distances between which cor- respond to 0.2 or 0.1 P.1 of the solution for dif- ferent correction factors (usually from 0.95 to 1.05). Card 1/1 LINK, Jiri (Praha 2, Pricna 8.) Determination of diastase. Cas. lek. cesk. 98 no.8:248-251 20 Yeb 59. 1. Centralni laborator oblastni nemocnioe,Praha-Motol. prednosta MUDr. Jirt Link. (AMYWM, determ. 02)) KOTASM,A.; FASSAT1,11I.; DRMTAK,M,., LRIK,J. Cr4tical evaluation of se-.reral birchemical LesTs il'! the o-, late pregnancy. Cask. r.-ynek- 30 no.1:90-94 Mr'65- 1. 1. gyn.--por. klinika fakulty vseobe,-neho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosLa; prof. dr. K. Klaus. DrSc.). LD4K, K. The employees of the Stalin Plart in Poznar, worked out Pnc4 .3ivn,-d their own P12n. 0. 156. (Mechanik, Vol. 29, No. 11, Apr 1956, "-'!2rssw, Poland) SO: Monthly List of' Fast Europe2n Arression3 MAI.) Lr., Val. ~~, 111c). P, Aup 11~-57. Uncl.. L,, 31045-66 EWT(l)/1WP(t)/kr1/EWP(n) T-111(c) JD V&J-1-76-661-/6_6~y- ACC NRt AP502806o SOURCE CODE: UE/ow/65ro!2 AUTHOR: Link, R. ORG: Physics Institute of Numbolt University Berlin (Phyaikalisches Inatitut do Humbolt-unfy-erginat) TIT12t Anomalous sign reversal of the Hall coefficient in Te SOURCEs Physika status solidi., ve 12, no. 1. 1965, 81-92 TOPIC TAGSt semiconducting material,, Hall effectp Hall constant, Hall mobility, carrier density, tellurium, hole conductivity , thermoelectric power ABSTRACT: The article discusses the various models which have been proposed to explain the difficulties encountered w)ien an attempt is made to interpret the sign reversal of the Hall coefficient of sufficiently pure tellurium samples (with lesa then 1017 cm--~ acceptors) as a function of temperature, understandable at very low temperature, vheu this occurs at 500* K in which caue it in very independent of crystal doping and the electrical conductivity, Hall coefficient and the thermoelec- tric force of tellurium a" calculated with the aid of these various models for the anomalous sign reversal* It Is shown that the anomalous sign reversal Is due to the effect of additional holes In the valence band vhIch influence the electric character-d istics of tellurium at temperatures higher than 360* K& The charge carrier concentraj tions in the individual bands am given. Further sudden cooling investigationa at r-4 .1 F I; 3lo45-66- ACC NR, AP5028060 greater cooling rates appear necessary to disprove the model which hypothesizes that additional'thermal acceptors are the catwe of the anomalous sign reversals "I thank the members of the scientific staff of the Mysics Institute for =W useful diacuni." sions of this study"s OrIte art6 has 23 formulas and 7 figures* SUB OWE t 20/ SUBM DMt l2Aug65/ Ona m7l 002/,. OM MW 1' 024/ . . p I IJNKAX Z. "New technology of working with Umaplex.11 P.260. NOVA TECHNIKA. (Rada vedeckych technickych spolecnosti pri Ceskoslovenske akadevii ved). Pritha, Czechoslovakia,, No. 6, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol*8, Now 8. August 1959. Uncla. LINKA,-Z, dr., school physician The effect of nothylpentynol on neurotic adolescent schoolchildren. Thor. hung. 10 no.;/1424--29 162. L1 & 1. Peas Town Council Health Deyertment, Pecs (Im9ary). (NICUFAM) ?LWLESCENI~) (HYPNOTIGS AND SEDATMM) LWA, Zdenek Altulite, a new plastic material or the basis of methacry- lates. Nova technika, no.12:562 D 160. LUKA, Z. Cooperation of technicians of the German Democratic Republic and Czechoslovakia in processing plastic materials. Te3h praca 15 no.7-.552 .11 163. 1. Zavodni pobocka Ceskoslovenske vedecko-technicke spolecnosti., FlastimtD Jablonec. LINU, Zdanek Shaping of plates from organic glass. Chem prum 12 no.10:583-584 0 162. LII'KA, Sdenek New construction material, alkaline polysmide and ita use. Tech prace 15 no.9:733-736 S163. 1. Plastimat, n.p., Jabloneo mad Visou. LINKA, Zoltan. dr. - ------------- The effect of methylpent7nol (dalgol) in neurotic students in puberty. Orv. hetil. 103 no.2-.71-74 Ja 162. 1. Paco Varos Tanacoa VB., Fgeszegugyi Oextaly. (NEUROSES in adolescence) (PUBERTY complications) (HYPNOTICS AND SEDATIVES tber) IJAKA, Z. "Days of Few Techniques* of the Branch of Czechoslovak Sciettific Technical Society in the Haticnal Enterprise Flastimat. Tech praca 14 no.2:133-135 F 162. LINKA, Zdenek Now methods of making molds and dies. Chem prum 12 no.2:110-311 F 162. 1. Plasimatp n.p. LIM , Zdensk Blown product and roof covering techniques in the Natioral Enterprise Plaotimat. Tech praca 24 no.9:763,..763 S 162., Io Plastimat, Repep Jablonec nad Nisou. LINKA, Zoltan, dr. Centedrin therapy of neuroses.. among adolescents. 0r7. heti-I. 105 no,29:1373-1375 19 J1164 1. Peas mj. varos Tanace, VR-EVegrehaito Bizottsag]. LINKBERG, A.Ya., prof. Neurofibroms of the neck. IDiirurgiia 31 no.6:125 Je '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetakoy khtrurgii (zav. A.Seppo) Tartuqkoeo gosudarstvennogo univerBitets. (NNUROPI]BROMA, case reports neck) (140K, neoplasms netLrofibroma) LINIBIRG. A.Ya., prof Case of hemangio-endotheliama of the breast@ Ilhirargiia 34 no;8 118-119-Ag 158 (MIRA 11sq) I Is kafedry fakulltetskoy Ichirargii Tartuskogo, gosudaretverb.. n;go, universitets. (NEWT NECPLASKS. a reports hems,nigioendothrieloma (Rug)) (HAMANGIOMDOW-MOKA, case reports breaettRuu)) LIIIKhYTIS, 14.[Linkaitiis, M.] :2r-26 jy '59. Electrification in Lithuitnia. NTO no-7 5 (MIRA 12:11) 1. Predsodatell teplotekhnichoakoy aektuil Litovskago rospubli- kanskogo pravlonlya nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obHhcheatvu anerge- u ticheskoy promyflhlennosti. (Lithuania-Bloctrification) LINKE, Antoni Changed system of allow nee of coal dressing. Gosp paliw 11 Special Issue no.(95)t48-49 Ja 163. 1. Kopalnia Szombierki. Nvestigation of the chemleg compadtfort of the bark. Cipwood, and.marow of chestnut for taaalis -production. IvLen OlyjMf nnil I'tra Linke (trniv. 7Agreb, Yuga4tvia). - k'mij'a 4, 2214(10.14).-Vor' the lwark, sainvinti, -in,[ imirrow of clicAtisut Lk.ere ni:re detd. 1110, W1111in, nolitannin, ijsl;, rethichig super, nonredurjng Ln%~Jlmrvl cola", and P11. In t.;dcr to obtflin good- twalitv tatmin front cheititut. the bark and vapirixtil should i xt. h; c cinuvvii pfior to "tit. as otherwiw.,02 e. m art in- 'Irlm-ly vA viltir mul entitaim high 4ints, of as,11 anct dLn- -ly-I C,t. 1he lat ter oriemating from the colistruction matc- Cis ist 1.11mby lifl:1isis iA rmi'v-1 b.t file v:v:r twe and Irm),111mly it hark N. PlavAit GROSSMAN, G.I., j LINKE,--A-.R. Organization of patients' visits at the polyclinical section of the Altai Regional Hospital. Zdrav.Roa.Feder. 6 no.7:19-22 .11 162. (MIRA 15:9) (ALTAI TERRITORY-HOSPITALS) 1-11-jum, A. LIT M j A . Yethcyi J cs of teac! ~ - - c cri-, 3 ex n1irl 1-rs . I . 87 Vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 10,55 GAZETA YATEYATICA SI MICA. SERIA A. SCIENCE Bucuresti So: MONTHLY LIST OF EAST EUROHEAN ACCESSIONS, (rFAL), LC, Vol. 4. no. 0/. Sept. 10,55, Uncl. , r~IKF. i ;i ~ !-I!. ., .. a, , 0 409 - 11 ll-e direct.,cr. of a cr-csq headllng nr~c-rd~:Ig to 311,~ D 161+o (MIRA 18-2) LINKER, W. Aspects of organization of production in Rumania. p. 444. (INDUSTRIA LSHNULUI. RUMANIA. Vol. 5, no. 10, Oct. 19545.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (E&Q) LC, Vol. 6 , no. 7. July 1957. Uncl. LINKES, J. New experiences in research on porosity in automatic welds. P. 365. ZVARANIE Vol. 4. no. 12, Dec. 1955 Czechoslovakia Source: EAST EUROPM LISTS Vol. 5, no. 7 july 1956 LINKES" J. LiNxEs, j. Possibilities of applying mathematical statistics as the completing method of research, p. 23h Vol. 5, no. 8/9, Sept. 1956 ZVAMZ TEMOU)GY . Bratislavaj, Czechoslovakia Sot East European Accession Vol. 6, no. 2, 1957 RAKMA, K.; LUM-211- I - FROTIKOV S.; IUZACHONAK, V., redaktor; STSYAPAROVAO .I nicheskiy radaktor [Minsk Province agricultupsZ exhibition of 1954]_Minskols ablasnals sellskshaspadarchaia vystauke 1954 gods. Minsk. D*iarzh. vyd-va BSSR, 1955. 133 p. (MLRA 10:1) (Minsk--Agricultural exhibitions) LINKEVICH, M.A. Practice in improving the orgnnization of labor, technical stnndar- dization, and wage regulation in the Northern Ural Bauxite Expedi- tion. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no-1:50-52 Ja 161. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Severourallskaya geologorazvedochnaya ekspeditsiya. LINKEVICH, FLA ; ROSOLOV, A.P. Production conferences should be effective. Razved. i okh. nedr. 28 no.702-54 JI '62. (MA 15:8) 1. Severoural'skaya komplekanaya geologorazvedochnaya ekspeditsiya. (Prospecting) (Works councils) LINKEVICH, V.11. (Kishinev, Sadovaya ul., 71, kv.9) Development of neural connections in the external female sex organs. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 41 no.10:85-94 0 161. (~U-U 14:12) .L. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. A.Z.Kocherginskiy) Kishinevskogo meditsinokogo instituta. (GENERATIVE ORGANS, FEWS-INNERVATION)