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KAIZIIIIK, Eikhcil Lazarevich; Llvj";~ITSI,, nauc~r- r-d.; 33.A., red. [Laboratory work in radio engineeringl Lahr, atorriye ra- boty po rodiotekhnike. Mosk-va, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 93 1). (MIRI, 17:8) 8/050/63/000/001/001/007 D218/1)307 AUTHORS: TITLE: Khvostikov, I. A., Izakov, M. N., Kokin, G. A., Kuri- lova, Yu. V. and Livehits, N. S. Studies of the stratosphere with the aid of meteoro- logical rockets in the USSR PERIODICAL; Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, no. 1, 1963, 3-8 TEXT: This review paper was first read to the symposium on meteoro- logical rockets and satellites which was held in Washington on April 23-25, 1962. The following topics are reviewed: (1) seasonal, latitudinal and longitudinal temperature variations, (2) sudden in- creases in the temperatures of the stratosphere over the Arctic, (3) temperature stratification of the stratosphere, (4) thermal conditions in the upper stratosphere during the polar night, and (5) data on winds in the stratosphere. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 14 references (6 Soviet-bloc references). ASSOCIATION: Tsentralnaya aerologicheskoaya observatoriya (Central -1- Aerological Observatory) !Card 1/1 S/169/63/000/03/006/042 0263/D307 U)MRS: Al kseyev, P.P., Besyadovskiy, Ye.-'*., Biryukova, L.A.-, 1 Goelc I Kol shev, G.I., Ivanovskiy A.I., Izalmm,-1.1 kj n' G.A., Rurilova, Yu.~., Lival~~t~ Vetrov, RoxUactvanakiy, B.G., 6=oov yev, N.V., Speran- akiyt K.Ye., Kiwostiltov, I.A., GhVidkovakiy, YO.G. and Shcherba, I.A. TITLE: Study of the upper layers of the atmosphere with the aid of meteorological rockets IFMODICiL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 3, i963, 20, abstract U166 (Tr.* Vaes. ziauchn..Xeteorol. sovorh- chmiya. T.I.L., Gidrometeoizdat, 1962, 91-103) TEXT: In the present review-type article the authors give the results of studies carried out at Teentralnaya &erologicherkaya observatoriya Mentral Aerolbgical Observatory) on atmospheric sound- ing with meteorological rockets. Heasuring methods axe deacribed and the zain'pointa are given for obtaining such atmospheric character- card 1/2 'f7- S/169/63/000/003/006/042 Study of the upper layers D263/007 istids an pressure, temperature, and wind. Certain results are giv- en: data of seasonal temperature variations at heights up to So km in the middle latitudes of the USSR afid in polar regions cases of sudden warming up, characterization of temperature is~Abution he curves, a tablecharacterizing the temperature inversion below t stratopause under the conditions of polar night, wA data regarding the circulation in the upper atmospheric layers, Information is given an the 'constructed wridional sections of t ture fi a (P ajid an the sonal, component of the gradient windt evrIneferencZ. Abatracter,'s notal,Complets tranelatiok7 7 L DAYNIKO. Z.N.; LUKIYANOV, M.A.; LIVSHITS, N.Ya. 'Return valves made from seamless steel pipes for steam lines. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 9 no-7:24 '56. (MIRA 12:3) I.Bobruyakiy godrolisny7 zavod. (valves) LAFUSHKIN, Andrey Dmitriyevich-'LIVSHITS, Hatan Yevelevich; KONIUMHOV, I ' ~ I A.V., red.; MINA, G.P., I.Sapplying transportation construction with materials and equipment] Hateriallno-t%khnicheskoe onabzhanie transportnogo stroiteltstva. Moskva, Go%.krsnsp.zhsl-dor.izd-v*, 1959. 157 P. (MIRA 12:6) (Transportation) ,SHUBNIKOV, A.K., doktor tekhnonaukeprof.; LMHITSI II.Ye,., inzh. "Economical use of materials in construction for the transportation industry* by A.V; Kondrashov. Reviewed by A.K. Shubnikov NIE, Livshitse Tranop strois 12 no.2:59-60 F 162. tMIRA 15:7) (Building maZerials) (Construct'io'n industry-Costs) (Kondrashov, A.V.) LIVSHITS, P.S. USSR/Pbysice - dicillating Bodies Jun 52 "Problem of Forced Oscillations of Systems Strik- ing a limiter," P. S. Livehits "Zbur Tekh Fiz" Vol XXII, No 6, pi 921-931 Analyzes theoretical fundamentals necessary for design of any striking mechanisms vith the operat- ing part performing oscillatory motion limited by impact. Refers to vork by I. G. Rusakov and A. A. Kharkevich In "Zhur Tekh Piz" Vol XII, No 11, 12, 1942, and presents formulas detg velocity of im- pact and beat conditions of construction. Exptl test of formulas was satisfactory. Received 11 Jan 51. 219r80 LIVSHITS, P. S. LIVSHITS, P. S. - "Clamsification and evaluation of the aspects of prcduction of the ol*otrio-bruoh industry". Kudinoq 1955. Acad Sci USSR. Inst of Flotanurgy iment A. A. Baykov. Min Electrical Industry USSR. State Union Sci Roo Bleotroa&rbon-Fart Inst. Affiliate. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technioal Sciences). Sot Knizhnava latopial No. 46, 12 November 1955. Moscow 137-1958-2-2710 Translation from~ Referativnvy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 73 (USSR) AUTHOR: Livshits, P.S TITLE: Using the Methods of Mathematical Statistics to Study the Properties I of Ceramet (Metal-ceramic) Compounds (Primeneniye metodov matematicheskoy statistiki k izucheniyu svoystv metal loke ramic he skikh kompozitsiy) PERIODICAL~ V sb. ~ Poroshkov-aya metallurgiya . Nr 4 , Moscow, 1956, pp 5-21 ABSTRACTi The possibility is explored of using the formulae and methods of mathematical statistics to characterize the properties of industrial ceramet materials manufactured by standard processes; the output of semifinished electric brushes at the "Elektrougli" plant (trans- lation: Electrocarbons) is taken as an example. Included are tables and diagrams representing statistically a number of the technological characteristics of semifinished electric brushes (Cu-graphite, Cu-graphite-Pb, and others). The arrangement and distributions exhibited make possible certain inferences concerning the charact- eristics of mass-produced semifinished electric brushes and make possible also an estimation of the properties of the entire output of Card 1/1 the industry. I.B. 1. Ceramic compounds-Analysis LIVSHITS, P.S., Inzhener. Problem of using statistical and mathematical methods in working out All-Union State Standards for industrial production. Standarti- zateiia no.2:32-39 Mr-Ap 156. (PJ-u 9-5) (Standardization) LIVSHITS, F.S., inshener. Application of preferred number4 to the selection of dimensions for electric contact brushes. Standartlz&tsii&- no.4:17-20 Jl-Ag 136. (MLSA 9:n) (Brushes, Ilectric-Standsrds) LIVSHITS, P.S., inzhener. Determination of brush characteristics by statistical methods. Vest.olaktroprom. 27 na.5:43-48 Yq 156. (ULBA 9:12) 1. FNIEIII 14W. (Brushes, llectric--(~iality control) AUTHOR: Livshits, P.S., Engineer 26-1-2/42 TITLE: Mathematical Computations for Establishing Industrial Mass Production Standards (Matematicheskiye raschety pri sostaylenii standartov na massovuyu produktsiyu promyshlennogo proizvodstva) PERIODICALs Standartizatsiya, # 1, Jan-Feb 1957, P 9-14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article proposes a statistical probability-curve system as one of the possible computation systems applicab-le in establish- ing "rOCT" standards for mass production quality. The author states that the work done during the past years on standardizat- ion problems of industrial mass production has shown that the probability methods are applicable for this purpose. The article contains 3 diagrams, 2 tables and 5 Slavic references, all Russian. ASSOCIATIONs FiIial Nouchno-isaledovatellskogo elementno-elektrougollnogo instituta. AVAILABLE: -Library of Congress Card 2/3. .11 LIVSHITS, P.S., CandieFh (diss) "Classification fc rush production.,' Mo a~ndeva~~luati;n of\~e Mftr~ici S ~5ZA RJA V-.4) TsBTI af, of Electric Industry, 1958, 16 pp (Min of Higher bducation USSR. Inst of Nonferroas Metals and Uold im M.1. Kalinin) 150 copies (KL, 32-58, 108) 30 LIVSHITS, P.S., inzh. Evaluation of the commutating properties of electric brush materials. Ilektrichestvo no.1:81-84 A 158. W.Rk 11:2) l.Filial nauchno-issladovateltakogo institute, elaktrotakhnicheskoy promyshlonnosti. (Brushes, Electric) AUTHOR: Livshits, P.S. (Engtueor) TITLE: Volt-ampere and frictional characteristics of electrical brush materials (Vollt-amperny-ye i friktsionnyye kharak-teriatiki elektroshchetochnykh materialov.) PERIODICAM Vestnik Elektropromynblennostil 1958, Jo.21 pp.43-" (USSR) ABSTRACTs This article gives the results of investigations of the transitional voltage-drop in a pair of brashes and the coefficient of friction of b brushon on a commutator; also the influence of certain factors on these characteristics. Special test rigs known as short-circuited collectors with reciprocating traverse were used, but unfortunately, the accuracy is poor. There are various chance errors and, therefore, only statistical and not functional relationships can be established between the variables studied. A brief review is then given of the method of correlation analysis which was applied to the relationship between the current-density in the brush and the transient voltage- drop at the sliding contact. Well-defined relationships were established, as will be seen from the curves given in Fig.1 for test results on materials grades )r4, and tl,~C7. Each line on Fig.1 relates to one pair of specimens. By mathematical treatment of the data given in Fig.1 it was posaible to graph correlational relationships in Fig.2, which also includes similar graphs for Card 1/3 materials of grades 3f'-14, -->f'-15, M-6 and Mr-2. Graphical UO-2-12/22 Volt-ampere and frictional characteristics of electrical brush materials. representation Is Inconvenient and a formula Is given that represents the curves of Fig.2. 11iis table includes cunstarits which are tabulated for the different materials in Table.1, and from these values the voltage drop is calculated as a functional current for the various materials. (The sr"a formula may be used to determine the expected scatter of results; the constants required for this purpose are also given in Table 1. A volt-ampere characteristic for material _4r-Z1 calculated in this was is given in Fig.3. The correlation method was also applied to experimental data relating the coefficient of friction to the circumferential speed of the commutator. The appropriate relationship for various kinds of material are plotted in Fig.4. The graphs are then expressed analytically; the appropriate constants are in Table 2. An example of friction calculations is given. The remainder of the article is concerned with the permissible limits of application of the results given. In conclusion, mention is made of tho.influence of temperature on the characteristics studied. With a sliding contact in the absence of current, the influence of temperature is large, but is much greater when current is flowing. Published data states that in the temperature range of 70 - 1100C the voltage drop and friction fall, but if the temperature is further raised they commence to rise again. The tP Card 2/3 experimental data given in this work were obtained with a commutator 110-2-12/122 Volt-ampere and frictional characteristics of electrical brush materials. temperature of 56 - GOOC. There are 2 tables, 5 figures, 6 literature references (5 Russian, I English). SUEMITTEDs April, 10, 195T. ASSOCIATION: PNII EP. AVAILULE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Livshits, P.S., Ergineer SOV-12e-58-4-9/35 TITLE: EvaTu-aTi-n-g--fn-e-TJniformi~vy of Commercial 7ass T-roduction Characteristics (Otsenka odnorodnonti svoystv massovoy produktsii promyshlennogo proizvod3tva) PERIODICAL: Standartizatisiya, 1958, 1;r 4, PP 31 - 33 (USS11) ABSTRACT: Information is presented on a method of calculating numer- ical values of technical factors determining the characte- ristics of mass production. Distribution parameters, the coefficient (K) and the gradient (1;) of variablility are computed. Values of the gradient of variablility indicate changes in the production characteristics and make the eval- uation of the uniformity of these characteristics possible. Card 1/2 N can be applied to standards and helps to solve various Ir SOV-28-58-4-9/35 Evaluating the Uniformity of Commercial ',,as3 Production Characteriotics problems relating to the techniques and economics of mass production. There are 3 graphs and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy filial I!auchno-issledovatellskogo instituta elektrotekhnicheskoy promyshlennosti (The 1,';oscow Branch of the Scientific Research Institute of Electro-Engineer- ing Industry) 1. Industrial production--Analysis 2. Industrial production --Economic aspects 3. Industrial production--Standards Card 212 8(") ViHOR: Livahits, P. S., Engineer 3"'1/1 c.~ - 12 - I TITLE: _ _Cr71-c`uT_-d_ti-on~_f Losses in the Slidini; Contact of El,-Gtrl:c-,] Machines (Raschet poter' v ckollzyashchern kontakto 01-olLtric'.11 !I- kikh inaohin) PERIODICAL: Elektrichentvo, 1950, 11r 12, PP 55 - 5-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper forrlula (7) for the specific losses in the sliding contact of electrical nachines is derived. In the majority of practical caoen where nli-1ing contacts are employed the specific losses NW,, be deternined by introducing into the above formula the values of A (free term of the volt- ampere characteristic equation), B (angular factor of the volt-ampere characterintic equation), C (free term of the friction characteristic equation), D (angular factor of the friction characteristic equation). Formula (7) aloo allows to solve the problem of the choice of the aapi;ropriate sliling contact surface if the current load is given. Formula (7) is solved with respect to the total losses and is tr~'.n~7forrled Card 1/3 into formula (6). The analysis of thin formula shown that Calculation of Loosen in the Sliding Coritait of S1jV/1o1r1-r18-12-1A/20 Electrical Machines at various values of A,B,C, and D, i.e. among variouB types of electric brush materials, certain optimum current densities with which the lonnes in the sliding contact are rQ(Iuced to a minimum are bound to exist. The re,-ularity in the chanlre of the total los3es dependo, strintly apenking, on the relation of A,B,C, and D to one another. The influerce of B is of particular importance. If B > 0.02, i.e. if the volt-ampere characteristics is markedly inclined, the curves of total loss show a more or less distinct mininum. The new data expo!jcd in the present paper permit to give the concept of rominal current density a definite physical significance. It is suggested to regard the nominal current density in the ~lirling contact of electrical ma-chinen as being that particular current density, in which the total loss curve shows the mini-7un value at a certain velocity v. It can be seen from the table that th+ominal current density lies in the ringe of 11 to 15 A/cm2 in the case of "bl-ckll (without metal)elf,~ctric brush material types. In the case of "colored" (with metalic) 2 types, the values are hipher, i.e. in the range of 15-20 A/cr. Card 2/3 A corresponding modification of the State standards is SOV/iot-,-r~0-12-17 /2~ 14ding Cont'llct of ~j .1 CalculLition of Losses in tho S I Electrical -,,.,achiner, requested. There are 3 fim,ures, 2 tables and 7 Sovict references. su?,IjIITTED: April 21, 1958 Card 3/3 LIVSHITS, P.S., inzh. Evaluating the uniformity of properties of industrial moo production. Standartizateiia 22 no.4:31-33 R-Ag 158. (MIRA 11:10) l.Mookovokly filial Nauchno-iseledovateltakog* Instituts, elek- trotektmichesk*y pronVehlonnosti. (Standards, Engineering) (Qaality control) tITSAITS, P.S., inzh. - Volt.-ampere and friction characteristics of electric brush materials. Toot. olektroprom. 29 no.2:43-4,6 7 158. (KMA 11:3) 1, 3FNII IF. (Brushes, Alectric) SOV1110-58-9-114-120 AUTHOR: Mynhill-, P-S, C~ _LL?n nee r) TITLE: On the Construction of Brushes (in connection with the issue of Standard GOST 8611-57) (0 lconstruktivnom oformlenii elektr03hchotok (k utverzhdaniyu GOST 80"11-57) PERIODICAL: Vestunik Elektro-,iromy2hleniioi"li7l958,lfr 91p? 58-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The new All-Union State Standard GOST 8611-57 coverin" the dimensions and construction of brushes for electrical machines was issued In July 1958. It does not apply to brushes for si)ecial electrical i.,iachina3 such as are used in the aviation and automotive industries. This article discusjos -the noveltio~; of ".he now specification. One of its main sections rationalijes the range of brush sizes, offering a standard decimal series of preferred numbers. The method of selecting brush length, width and height according to the st&ndard is discussed, and the main table of new standard dimensions is given; it includes 89 different sizes of brush as aCainst 161 in the old standard. However, it will still be necessary to produce some of the Card 1/2 brushes not included in tha now standard in order to keep existing machines running. The method of tolerances is SOV/ 110- 5~ -() - V W'~U on the Construction of Bvushao (in connection with the iss'.Ie ~,f Standard GOST 8611-57) somewhat changed in the new standard. The use of soctionzallsod bru:3ho.3 L, permitted. The sections dealint; wi'-'a brush fittings, su,_-h as current leads, have been . U consider-ably .evil-9d and extended. The variety of constructions of leads is reduced. Unli':'o .,previous issues, this --tandard includes clause3 on brush-holder design and pormits the use of steel for k',his purpose. A major is that by cuttin.- down the rramber of brushos,- the nG;, standard should emoura.'-o production in larger batches and so promote the introduction of better mothods of r.-ianufacture. There arc 1 table, 1 fi,ure and 4 Soviet references. a 1. Carbon brushes--Production 2. Carbon brushes--Specifications G'ard 2/2 1 110-56- 5-6/25 AUTHORS: Fialkov, A.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences and Livshits, P.S., Engineer. tITLE: P-r-oE1-e-ms--i-n-t1%- Production of Electrical Brushes (Nekotozyye voprosy proizvodstva elektroshchetok) PERIODICAL: Vesti-Lic Elektropromyshlennosti, 1958, Vol 29 kfr 57 (' SR pp 18 - 22 us ABSTRACT: To meet present requirements, brushes must have improved commutating properties, mLEt be capable of operating at higher speeds and current-densities and must resist wear. The commutating properties of a brush depend on its structure. vatural graphite compositions are the wrst in this respecti the beat are disperse carbonacious materials of the type of carbon-black or wood charcoal powder. ~A series of carbon- black/graphite brush materials has been developed to give brushes with a range of commutating properties. They are used in blooming mill generators but althouGh commutation is improved the brushes have a short life and it is becoming important to reduce the wear of brushes. Much can be achieved by the use of appropriate binders in combination with carbon-black. Brush wear can also be reduced Cardl/4 by improving the commutator surface; an effective way of Problems in the Production of Electrical Brushes 11.0- 58-5-6/25 doing this is to use the so-called lubricating brushes of natural graphite, which give the requisite special finish to the commutator. Thus', brushes of the type required to give good commutating properties are used in combination with others that help to form the commutator surface. This arrangement is described at some length. It is important to be able to ran brushes at higher commu- tator surface speeds. Reduced mechanical friction losses and a lower natural frequency of vibration of the brushes are also desired. To do this it is helpful to reduce the pressure on the brushes and to make them lighter in weight. Light-weight brushes can be made of porous materials. Tests have been made on trial samples of brushes working on commutators with peripheral speeds of some 40 - 50 m/sec. At present, current densities in sliding contacts are governed by standard rules which set current-density limits for -art-icular grades of brushes. . The current densit-'y rises from 6 Alcm2 for pure carbon compositions to 20 A/cm2 for brushes containing metal. As the current density is increased the total contact surface is reduced. The Card2/4 mechanical losses fall ~Lnd the electrical losses rise. 110- 58 - 5 .612 5 Problems in the Production of Electrical Brushes Consequently, the total loss curve has a minimum value and is of the shape shown in Fig.l. Temperature limitations on brushes are usually imposed not so much by the brushes themselves as by the other materials used in the machine. In particular, it may not be possible to maintain the requisite finish on the commutator if the brushes are not of suitable composition. Brushes are made that are atle to work at commutator surface tedperatures of 120 - 180 C. Brushes of particularly good mechanical properties are required for electric traction applications. Recent developments in this field have called for improved brushes. One type of material that meets the new requirements is grade EG-2P-2. Its special feature is that the basic coke-graphite structure is very porous. These 1gres are impregnated with carbonacious substance, which is ~;toved to form a further coke basis linked with the first one. The resulting material is very strong. The operating properties of brushes are improved if they are worked in an inclined rather than a radial position. Inclined brushes are widely used in equipment for aviation, Card3/4 automobiles and tractors but, in general, the electrical Problems in the Production of Electrical Brushes 110-58-5-6/25 engineering indust:by underestimates the importance of this factor. Another and very effective measure is to use a sectional construction in which the brush is sub-divided. Graphs of zones of sparkless opeiation when using solid and sub-divided brushes on a machine are shown in Figure 2. Considerable improvement results from sub-division and the true area of sliding contact is increased. A number of constructions of brushes are illustrated in Figure 3. A further possibility is to use sub-divided brushes in which different parts are made of different materials; the leading ed-e is madia of natural graphite and the trailing edge of hard carbon-black composition. This gives the same effect as mixed arrangements. Very often, considerable improvement can be effected without changing the brush- holders. There are 3 figures and 3 references, 1 of whicA is French and 2 German. A66001ATION; Branch of NII EP SUBMITTED: April 19, 1957 Card 4/4 LIVSHITS, P.S. Sturcturs and properties of copper - graphite mixtures. Zhur.prikl. khim. 31 no.3:394-402 Mr 158. (KIRA 11:4) (Copper) (Graphite) -,- LIVSHITS, Pavel Sorgeyevich; BELKINg M.D., red.; WRUITOV, 14.1.9 tekbn. re Brushes for electric machinery; technology, testing, characteristics, bsign abd use] Shchetki dlia elektricheskikh maahia: tekbnologiiag l i6pytaniiat kharakteristiki, konstruirovanie, ekspluatataiia. Moskva, ka. obsrg. izd-vot 1961. 214 Pe (MIRA 14:8) (fruahes, Electric) LIVSHITS P.S. kand.tekhn.nauk; SYSOIEVA, L.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; inzh. Rew brands of materials for electric brushes, Vest, elektroprom, 31 no.8:17-49 Ag 160. (Bruoheop Electric) (MIRA 15:5) LIVSHITS, P.S.v kand.teldm.nauk Optimum operation of an electric slide contact. Vest. elektroprom. 33 no.8:1+7-50 Ag,62. (MM 15:7) (Electric contactors) J4jYSHIT3jPtSj-- --- Comparative analyaia of the uniformity of compact and pouder metal propertioa, Fiz. met, i metalloved, 14 noe2:309-311 Ag 162. (HIRA 15112) 1. Filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta elektromekhnni i. (Metala) (Metal powdera) - 1. - -i LIVSHIM, P.S., kand. tekhn. nauk.:,- 4: - z Effect of specific pressure on the life cf elcetric brus-es. Vest. elektroprom. 34 no.8:46-48 Ag 163. OIIB,~i' 16:91) (Brushes, Eloctric) LIVSHITS) P.S.Y kand. tekhn. nauk (Moskva) Experimental data on the use of electrical brushes with increased current density in a slide contact. Elektrichestvo no.8:73-76 Ag t63. (MIRA 16:1o) 9 LIVSHITS, P.S., kand. tekin. nauk Standard Izalu ion of tile makes of elect--!.c.- b7ushes. '--Iektr.Aeka- nika 35 noo5:7,7-30 M7164 (,'.IIRA 17:8) LIVSHITS P.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; BORDACIIFNKOV, A.M., inzh.; CILIKUNOV, O.V. , ~ -1 -" - 'S inzh. Determination of the operating characteristics of traction motor brushes. Elektrotekhnika 36 no.7:34-36 Jl 165. (MIRA 18:7) ACC NRs AP60 6 FA ) SOURCE CODE:- UR/0226/66/000/011/oOB5/0088 AUTHOR: Livshit6, P. S. ORG: Branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electromechanics (Filial vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovat ell skogo institut elektromekhaniki) TITLE: Some regularities in the changes of properties of contact materials prepared by methods of powder metallurgy SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 11, 1966, 85-88 TOPIC TAGS: powder metal,, graphite, carbon black, copper, contact material, elastic modulus, friction coefficient oC IE 61,57 TI V 'CZ- r 0 A'e" C__ COMDUC 7-ale- ABSTRACT: Some regularities. in the changes of properties of powder materials are described for forming an electric sliding contact, depending on the ratio of graphite, carbon black, and copper introduced into these materials. The characte. istics examined include: elastic modulus of the first type, specific weight, resistivity, transient voltage drop, friction coefficient, wear, and correlation index. Some of these characteristics were analyzed simultaneously; the relations existing between pairs of characteristics are described. The authors note that 'he card 1/2 ACC NRi AP6036906 above regularities were determined without data of actual tests. The factual data for plotting the curves were obtained on the basis of earlier industrial research with the use of mathematical 13tatistics. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [Based on author's abstract] UNT) SUB CODE: ll/SUBM DATE: 06Ju166/ORIG REF: 004/ 2J2 LIVSHITS,,.Paval Yurilyevich; FOMIN, Kirill Aleksandrovich; SMNENKO, P.A., red., TftG=',-"D.P., [Xaurling convex numerical symbols on steel disks; the PrACtiCO of the "Svobodal Plant in Leningrad] Nakatyvanie vnmklykh taifrovykh zaakov na. stallnvkh diskakh; "yt Leningradokogo 3avods. "Svoboda." Leningrad, 1956. 10 p.(Leningradakil dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi propagandy. Informatsionno-takhnicheakii listok, no.42. Mekhanichakaia obrabotka metallov) (MIRA 10:12) (Marking devices) SOV - 113 -5 8 - 10-4/16 AUTHORS: Livshits, P.Yu., Koganer, V.E. TITLE: An ElectronicFuel Injection Control System (Sistema e1ek- tronnogo upravleniya vpryskom topliva) PERIODICAL: Avtomobil'naya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 10, p 12 - 15 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The Tsentrallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro toplivnoy appara- tury - TsKB TA (Central Designing Office for Fuel Appara- tus) developed an electronic fuel injection control system. Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of this system. It con- sists of a transistorized kipp oscillator, a distributor and electromagnetic injection noz7les. The electronic unit is controlled by various transducers, for example a vacuum trans- ducer in the intake channel, engine temperature transducer, choke transducer and a transducer for sudden accelerations of the engine. Tests were conducted on an ordinary one-cy- linder 111-hend engine "L-2". A graph (Figure 9) shows that the engine with electronic fuel injection control possonnes Card 1/2 a higher efficiency than with an ordinary carburator. TsKB TA I An Electronic Fuel Injection Control System SOV-113-58-10-4/16 is now testing the electronic fuel injection control system on a four-cylinder engine and on a vehicle. There are three graphs, six diagrams and 1 circuit diagram. ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro toplivnoy apparatury (Central Designing Office for Fuel Apparatus) 1. Fuel injectors--ContMl systems 2. Electronics--Applications Card 2/2 LIVSHITS, P.Yu.; LOPATIN, V.S.; MAhKOVA, K.G.; ROGOV, M.A. Electronic device for moisture menBureuint In FIV retted flax tow. Teknt. prom. 25 no.3:70-71 fIr 165. (MIPA 18: 5) 1. Vedushchiye Inzhenery Leningradskogo spetsiallnogo konstraktorskogo byuro tokstillnoy prom~yshlennosti (for Livshits, Lopatin, Markova). 2. Glavnyy kon6truktor Leningradskago spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro t,f.-kstillnoy prckvnh)PnnostI (for hogcv). Sit/ R 4. USSR/Engineering Stress YD Card 1/1 : Pub. 41/2/21 Author : Livshits) P. Z., Leningrad Title :0"~the distribution of stresses along the contact surface in the hot fitting of a constant-thickness disc on a solid shaft Periodical Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. Tekh. Nauk 4, 23-42, Apr 1955 -Abstract Studies the stress distribution when a disc (or bushing) is fitted onto a shaft. Presents a method for the theoretical de- termination of stresses based on the work of A. 1. Lur'ye. The suggested method differs from previously proposed ones in that it takes into acccount the friction on the contact surface. Formulae, tables. Eleven references, 8 USSR. Institution Submitted January 31o 1955 LIVSHILT'~*, P.Z., Canei --(kii On th,,, c. It of tensionrl ina7i P-:-~ .,metricrd of (-,r 1, ill strctir-th ii, m!~chirm baildit-'r-.11 Lfn, 195)". 2" with dr-ty-ineo (,'in of II.!E-h6r Tlduc-~Iion UF,!,R. Len Poly' ~--c`iiAc inct im 1'. I.K-tlinin) . 100 corie,;. vo 2". (11 (YLI 28-58, 92) 0 LIVSHITS, P.Z. Calculating the tightness of flanged joints in compressors and low-pressure blowers. Trudy Lan. khIm.-farm. inst. no.4:105-111 158. (MRA 12:12) (Chemical anginaering--Equipmant and supplies) (Flanges) LIVSHITS, Distribution of contact pressure in the tight fitting of a disk on a short shaft with free faces. Trudy Lan. khlm;-farm. inst. no.4:115-122 158. (NIRA 12:12) Moks, Rotating) LIVSHITS,,, __,~A _~~ .1 - Distribution of stresses on the smooth part of a bolt stem subjected to static loads. Trudy Lon. khim.-farm. inst. no.4: 123-137 '58. (KRA 32:12) (Bolts and nuts--Testing) (Strains and stresses) AUTHOR; Livshits, F.Z. SOV/24-58-9-9/31 TITIR: --On the Distribution of Contact Pressure Along the Circumference of a Rotating Disc (0 raspredelenii kontaktnogo davleniya po posadochnoy dline vrashchayusheli- egoeya diska (vtulki) ) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Technicheskikh V *t Nauk, 1958, Nr 9, pp 66 - ?3 (USSR/ ABSTRACT: The author has discussed earlier (Ref 1) the stress distribution along the surface of contact of a long massive shaft in fitting a stationary disc of constant thickness with a given tolerance for the case when the outside radius of the disc is considerably greater than the inner. This paper gives the solution of a similw problem for a rotating disc for different ratios of the radii and given boundary conditions on the outer surface. The case of uniformly distributed loading is discussed in detail. Graphs of the contact pressure distribution for various angular velocities are given. It is noted that at the operating rpm, as in the whole range of angular velocities over approximately half the contact circumference, the required pressure exceeds that given by Lamele well-known formulae for Cardl/2 SOV/24-58-9-9/31 On the Distribution of Contact Pressure Along the Circumference cf a Rotating Disc rotating thick-walled cylinders. Finally graphs of the pressure on the sides of the discs are given for different combinations of parameters depending on the relative contact circumference. There are 6 figures and 4 Soviet references, and 3 tables. SUBMITTED: April 14, 1958 Card 2/2 LIVSHIT (Leningrad) !!S-~~ ! Stressed state of An elastic cylinder loaded with tangential forces along the side surface. Insh.sbor. 30:47-56 160o (MIRA 13:10) (Blestic plates and shells) LIVSHITS, P.Z., kand.finiko-mtematicheskikh nauk Calculation of thermal stresees in cylinders with a finite length, Energomashinostroenis 7 no-5:24-27 Ify 61. (MIRA 14:8) (Cylindern) (Thermal stiesoes) LIVS TS, IDis ibution of contact etresseo in pree~-fitting of a thin bush g on a continuous shaft. Tnidy Len. khim.-farm. inst * no, 064-271 162 (MIRA 17s2) Torsion of a air--alar cyLindrical shaft by an axisymmetria load dJotributad along its lateral surtace according to an arbitrary law. Ibid.2272-293 S/179/(')3/OUO/0Q1/UO9/U3l --08 I/L;, Livshits 13. Z. (Lpnin-rad) TlTLE: The qiipstion of the bending of a rod of circular cross section PZRIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SS5R. Izvestiya. OtdoleniYe teklinicheskikh nauk. '.I..ekhanika i ir,asliinostroyeniye, no.1, 1.963, 76-91 T Th~r- Problem im discmired rol' Vic! :~trl-ss (!iw;tribution in a rod of circitlar cross Hc-ctiun loaded on to, latera2 by normal forces which vary alozi- the ax--,,, and th(~ contour of the section. The rtrq~ written as of harmonic functionv; and thc. VIVII round fr~)i.; 'I'oolo!'s law. Using Fourier transforin.9 and fiinctionn, the distribution is detemAned for -.1 I-o(I loaded with cr)r.:j',-,nt stress over part of its Interal surface, and nu:xrixal valuts for evaluating the solution are Th-c~ case of a concentrated -I luL force is also considered and furth,~r numerical v, f 0 evaluatins this solution are "abulatee. There are 2 figures and 3 tables. Card 1/1 SUBINTITTED: April. 3, 1,)~62 I &a(m)/F44P(r) ASD(I')/kF'w-L/SSD _H71 ,,, 8.397-65 ACC:--SSICU MR: ApI4io487;'4 S/m -79/64/000/004/0105/0115 4UTHOR: bivehits, P. Z. (Leningrad) TITLE: Stressed Gtate in an electric cylinder loaded laterally with tangential she,arin,F stresses .SOURCE: AN SSSR. izvestiya. Mekhanika i manhinontroyeni-oe, no. 4, 196h, 105-115 -,npi,' TAIGIS: stress analysia. Ehear Eitress. stresn corclintratIon, ntrass mennure- ment 1, A b e- rnc t Pom results of the be-ve-loprr-p-nt of a- tark on-cern-ing cjrface n,!'-j- )f u r-)~Lnrl ~)r-r a!,,~ log K.11 A -,C