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Present State of the (Cont.) SOV/5799 of Metala [Ye.P. Uakso-/] 13 Ch. 111. Die Forging on Forging rronaca IV.F. Volkoyltakly) 22 Ch. IV. Die Forging on Horizontal U;~3cttcra [I.I. Girah, deceased] 31 Ch. V. Die Forging on Drop H=v= wid [rcv,.-r-Scrcv] Percussion Preaces j [Ya. 14. Okhrimeako and V.F. ShchcSIcrr] 41 Ch. VI. The Making of Forginp and Shapdd Blank* in Forging HollA (V.9. Martynov) 58 Ch. VII. Die-Sizzing in Squacze-Forming Preases [V.F. Volkovitakiy] 77 Ch. VIII. Rolling-Out Annul Blank3 [Yu.L. Rozhdcatvcnakiyj 82 Ch. IX. The Manufacture of Metal Hardvare an Preezvorking Autmatica (G.A. Navrotakiy] 93 Card 3/8 Prazent State of the (Cout.) Gal/5799 Ch. X. Bending and Straightening of Shoots, Sha~es, and Tdbcs (YeJi. Moshain] 112 Ch. X1. Stamping From Shoots and Str#3 (S.L. Zlotn1kov and G.W. Ravinakiyl 119 Ch. X11. Automatic Pres5varkinG Liuca (S.L. Zlotnlkov] 146 Ch. X111. The EquIrnent of Bl=k-?rcd,,zc1ng Shops and Secticna In Preezvorking (P.T. Lobachov] 159 Ch. XIV. The Production. of Blanks for (Machino] Farts by Helical Croas Rolling [A.P. G=Ovnld7 and -Ye. A., Stoahaj 175 Ch. XV. Metal Extrusion on Hydraulic Proaces [A.1. Khgalovskiy. and L.A. Shofm=1 188 ch. xvi. rarts Forging Frcm Light-'fetal Alloys c-n Large Hydraulio Presses (L.Di Goll= end L.A. Shofman) 201 Card 4/8 Present State Of the (Calt.) S(71/5799 Ch. XVII. Mnns Productica of Parta (~'oli& ;7hc*la r-ml Tirerl by Forging With Subncoucnt RolLinZ Ct.V. Altykis, and L.D. Gollman 203 Ch. XVIII. Forging cad Ecmding of Flcte3 I!czhaizl 216 Ch. ~=. Malcing Lnrge rorUlnC3 ca Ilydxa-,LUa Presaaa (N.S. Dobrintskly. end N.V. Tin"rcri] 229 Ch. XX. Drcrp-Hm=r and Cr=k-Pross 7orrinZ (D.I. Bererhk(nakly. and V.P. Shcheglov] 224, Bibliography 225 L. 7 -T" cb-1101 Ch. 1. The Davoloy=ermt of Praccmc--a in the Czachoslow-kian Go2ir-llrt rc,~blia CF. Draztfk, FAilroad Engineering Inatitute, Pracuol 261 Card --71 - 7711 -M-~ Prezent Statm of the (coat.) SCV/3799 Ch. 3:1. Va-Ung Lourgo ForZir,33 (D. '.Ictallur,~;Ical Flaat i---cai Klczant Gottvald, Xua'~;'ic~.-] .72 Ch. 111. The Porgin,S of Roto;,-3 fm~ T-u-.1,)o:;~:ncractors [J. Rctal- lurgical Plant immi L-min, Plzzc~i] 239 Ch. 17. The Forging of L---E:e llurd.%, K. Paul, and M. Hen%, I-Ictallurgical r1cat Lnnin, 314 Ch. V. Tccbniqims Urcd In ForE;Inr, Tr-x,,o llolmm [F. zintc-n~vo-A, Vftkovice Uctellurzical PU--t i-zni facn-tat Gott-trald, 335 Ch. VI. Tho ForgIng of ForL-~d Pljv:)3 ror Gas ri;:olln2a (J. U3t1::,, VAkovicc Hatoalurgicml Plmt i-cni U=oat Goltwzald, Oatrwral 345 Ch. VII. Tho Forging of Larrc Str-cn:;thenirg fflng3 for tho Runno" of VftLovico Motoalurgical Pir--t MIXed-Plaw Turbirin Cr. -. imeni iclemeat Gottvuld, Oat"Va] 348 Card 6/8 Present State of the (Cont.) SG7/5799 Ch. VIII. Scientific Research Work in the Field of Cold Impact Forging of Metals CF. HrAdil, Plant imeni Loral, Brno] Ch. U. Experience in the Cold Foroing of NonforrounHotals (K. Marv= cmd J OLZabznal, Plcnt Tcolza, Naticnal Enterprise, Hloub4tin, end V: AndolU, Scientific Research Institute of Vacuum Electrical EnGinccriDgr, FrrCu.31 Ch. X. The Manufacturing Process emil Orzmi=tio-a in the Str--Ping of Bodies at the Autmaile Plvit "14itlc7ml Enterprise (AZNP) Mlald Boloslav" (Z. Kojval, A272, Z'1lcAA Boloolav] Ch. XI. The Mochanizaticn of Obsolete Eatcrpriccq an a Heons of In- creasing Labor Productivity (B.Sc=tr, Vitkovice MatcLIlurgi- eel Plant Imeni Klement Gottwald, Oztraval Ch. X11. The Initial Preanvorldag of rcA1 Alloys and rArge FeCrA3. Castings CF. Major and J. 6olc, Scitntific Research Insti- -r-fe ron. Card 7/8 355 381 397 410 LOBACHEV P.V.; MIKHEYEV, O.P. Automatic water-raising installations for local water-supply systems. Vod. i q&n#,tekh. no.6:6-13 J4 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Water-Distribution) KAGAN) D.F., kand. tekhn.nauk; VRIYAKIN, D.M.., kand. tekhn. nauk; -WBACHEV,_Pj kand. tekhn. nauk;YEKBLAKOV, S.V., inzh.; PAVLOV, L.D., inzh.; 'RUZIN, M.Ya., inzh.; ANDMEU, I.N., inzh.; SM-%KCVAt G.D., inzh. Prinimali uchastiye: SAPOZHNIKOV, 14.14.p kand. tekhn. nauk; CMUG, A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; MALIVOVSKIY, R.B.p inzh.; STRASMYKH~ V.P.p red. izd-va; KASIEOV, D.Ya.,, tekhn. red. [Instructions for designing., installing, operating, and repairing interior water supply systems using vinyl plastic pipes) Ukazaniia po proektirovaniiu, montazhu, ekspluatatsli i remontu vnutrennikh vodoprovodov iz viniplastovykh trub, Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. ma- terialamp 1961. 91 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut sa- nitarnoy tekhniki. 2. flauchno-iseledovatellskly institut sa- nitarnoy tekhniki Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kagan,, Vanyakin, Lobachev, Yakhlakov., Pavlov, Ruzin) Andreyeva,, Sbmakova). 3. Leningradskiy iiauchno-iss'ledovatellskiy institut Akademii kom;unallnogo khozyaystva in. K.D.Pamfilova (for Sapozhnikov). 4. Vsesoyuznyy naucbno-issledovatellskiy in- stitut gidrotekhnicheskikh i sanitarno-tekhnicheskikh rabot (for Gefding). 5o Inatitut po proyektirovaniyu zhilishchno- grazhdanskogo stroiteltstva v . Yoskve (for Malinovakiy). (Water pipes~ SHEVEMI F.A.; VANYAKIN, D.M.; 4_WCIIEV, P.V.; YEKHLAKOV, S.V. Designing, assemblin , uBim&, and repairing interior water pipes made of vinyl plastic. Sbor.trud.NIIST no,80-25 161. (MIRA 150) I. (Pipe., Plastic) LOBACHEV, P. V. Vinyl plastic nozzles and venturi tubes. Ved. i san. tekh. no.9:32-33 S 161. (MIRA W-11) (Nozzles) (Venturi tubes) ADAMOVICH2 P.V.; BATURIN, V.V.; VAKHVAKIIOV, G.G.; VAYNGAUZ, L.G.; VILKISKIY, Ye.Ya.; GA~=R,G,, P.Yu.; DAVYDOV, Yu.S.; KARPIS, Ye.7e.; KUZIIETSOVA. Z.I.; KOPtYEV, S.F.; LIVCHAK, I.F.; -LOBACIEV, P.V.; IEV, G.M.; VOTKIN, Ye.M.; PIRUMOV,, A. I.; F6L-ibUr6T,-v.F.; PROTOPOPOV, A.P.; REPIN, N.N.; SIADKOV2 S.P.; TALIYEV, V.N.; TROITSKAYA, F.B.; FMOROV, M.N.; SHEVELEV, F.A.; SHKABELINIKOVA, L.P.; SHCHUTSKIY, A.I.; SAIRVGV~ L.I., inzh.., nauchnyy red.,- SMIOVA, A.P., red. izd-va; MOCHALINA, Z.S., tekbn. red.; 11ODINOVA, V.R., tekhn. red. [Present level and prospects for the development of sanitary engineering and the production of s=itary engineering equip- ment] Sovremennyi uroven' i perspektivy razvitiia sanitarnoi tekhniki, i proizvodstva sanitamo-tekhnichoskogo oborudova- niia. Moskva, Gosstrolizdat, 1962. 283 p. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut sanitarnoy tekbniki. (SANITARY ENGINEER121G) IT LOBACEEV, P.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; TERYUKHANOV, F.F., inzh. Hydraul.ic calculations for interior leaders in buildings. Vod. i san. tekh. no.9:5--S 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Drainagey House) IA)BACHRY, P.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHOPIN-SKIY, L.A. Some methods of improving the performance of water pipes In buildings. Sbor. trud. NhST no.11:69-88 162 (MIRA 18: 1) LOBACHEVI P.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; RUZIN, 14,Ya., inzh. Nomograms for the hydraulic design of polyethylene pipes. Vod. i san. tekh. no.5:29-31 MY 163. (KRA 16:6) (Pipex Plastic) LOBACHEV, Petr Vladimirovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; LOBACHEV, Yevgeniy - leonidovich, inzh.; MUSKAT, L.V., inzh., nauchn. red.; BYSTFQV-OKAYA, N.A., red.izd-va; SHEPSTNEVA, N.V., (Study of materials used in sanitary engineering) Haterialo- vedenie po sanitarnoi tekhnike. Moakya, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 187 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Sanitary engineering-Equipment and supplies) ,LO,BACIIEV, P.V., kand. takhn.naukpj MIKIEYEV, O.P., inzh. (Technical data on automatic an operating efficiency of 1 skie danriye avtomaticheBkikh inoditellnostiu ot 1 do 15 I* Akademiya stroitel'stva sanitarnoy tekhniki. srater-l;fting equipment with to 15 m/per hour) Tekhniche- vodopod"enmykh ustanovok pro- In3/ chaG. Moskva, 1962. 15 p. (MIRA 17W arkhitektury SSSR. Institut .L0W.CJIMrV,.P..-Vjj kwd. teklvi. nauk ................. --I . 11 Selecting high-wputed water :-,,Aers -Gr -calculating -the water omsumption in residential, Wildirgo. Vodo i san. tekh. no.6129-31 Ja 164. (MIRA 18-1) LOIJACHEV, Potr Vladiuidrovich- FIro Alaksnndrovich; -W' V. i. , & T0L'TSI i) " G~-)12TO, red. Nater meters for water supply lines and sever syste=sjl Vodomery dlia vodoprovodov i kanalizatsii. 3. izd., isp. 1 dop. Moskvay Stroilzdatj 1964- 329 p. (1-111LA 17:6) KUDRYAVaSEVA) A.S., inzh., red.; LOBACIIEV, F.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [Instructions for desibming interior drains for buildings] Ukazaniia po proektirovaniiu vnutrennikh vc-,dostokov zdanii (SN 264-63). Moskva, Strolizdats 1964. 41 1). WIRA 17:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarztvennyy komitet Fo de- lain stroitellstva. 2. Goostroy SSSIR (for Kudryavtseva). 3. Nauchno-isoleclovatel'sBy int3tit-ut sanitarnoy tekhniki (for Lobachev). LENSKTY, VaSiliY Alekseyevich; FAVLOV, Vasiliy Ivanovich (deceased]; ABRMIOV, N.N.t retsenzent; ZIITUKCV, A.I.p retsenzent; YAKOVLL'V, S.V., retsenzent; LORAUEEN F V.) retsenzent; REZVIN, Ye.Ye., retsenzent; ~:J'. * tekhn. nauk, red.; MARTYNOV, A.P., red. (Water supply and sewerage] Vodosnabzhenie i kanalizatsiia. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskvao Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 386 p. (MIRA 17:10) Some problm-s ir the development of the teclinclogy of machinery manufacture. Vast. maohinostr. 44 no.21:3-6 11 164 (MIRA 18:2) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya po razvitiyu k-uznechno-preaEovogo i Ilteynogo manhinontroyeniya Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po mashi- nostroyerilYu Fri Gooplane &SSR. LOBACHEV) P.V., kand.tekhn. nauk. Specifications for Venturi nozzles. Vod. i san. tekh. no.2tl2-13 F 165. (MIRA 1814) LOBACHZV, P.V#,,.kand.tskILn.nauk Book review. Vod. i B&n. takh. no.7240 Jl 165. (MIRA 1818) LOBACHFV, _ kand. taklin. nauk Hydraulic calculation of OvOrflOw PiPes- Vod.i san.tekh. no.4:11-12 Ap t65. (MIRA lgtl) all a V Z 114 "d 0 004 t .( 48 000 . iiiu-" i" MOU S" 00 it 000 iin treattastst of certain womwo A 'WLtsbackir- SOW. Ated. 7, Nm 10. 21-2(110,13). -0-3 rom i1timestic animals 00 '16tabittl dilting (he Iviltitcy hiltir"Idition (ticar &nit badg") to have me-licinal value alut to vitainks A and P. n *02 ,:Ine. Mix oil asailts the ITITurfattyc Prorevars Mw and accelerates the cour%c of healing of voundg. Tlwc III Is a" not obWMl in oiti ex(d. from animals 004 n jiumm'f, The till front the best k9 ' -17M =pi ro . , t the twilgrit. The oiji titay tw u ed 4111rcily or its all rolul,kml, in the I& We raw Ille enjul-kin Istust Ise prutcrtM during 414milgr f(mo lotclerial jeterums. 0 woo tioribyanaddrlantiseplir. Theconstantedthpoilirchn/ bedt" (UPINS dr.1"I L.) in hih~rnatlon arc: op. gr. at lAk~ I Zoe 0-91 and MO); a at 40', MAI anti W.3. Wine no., "1 d " P4 19AM 07 l 3 111411111 004 mn, an I ; MIMMI. 110L, 4. tu.ifft . .1 IrInp., IA* and M*, Anil .41JUIVA0,11 frolp . I.It" Mind , ; a** for oil from miter slid imirt 14yrtp, trap. Sitnildely the too datn for liadpr (Yeks awks L.) W, ate; p. p.. ll.wl wid *0 . 9.0); dr. 51.0 and A2.5; mline no.. 710 and 3.2: import. * 'too tin., 2M.01 and fu%ioti fenip., 35 still 34% and "Aldlili'stlatt limp., .rj* 41111 . bw i0i from faster ant) inurflaytiril,r"p. IPM4 L 11,111,er "f ar iw ) ) fl 1 V k (I . 4 -f P a 111 11 'l d . en (. apirs I "arits L), skunk (Pub,rildi Pichniui .J. and common squirrel (Scialraj radjarit I..) are. reap.; itp. its. 0.9W, 0 M 0 =9 0 Mid and 0 SIJ; Wine no., W.7, 64 5 i liii' o 203 0 *18 210 6i KI i 261 ia ,l.. . . . ant ; STIn. . . . . . 1 Nit 114" d ll* 3 11% 219 t f k u, . , . , . in titup., ; "i , 'al) an 1 1*. AIX-SLA 04TALL094CAL Wi #f Nag CLAIJIFICATION I-Irr T M-tr (See slow i7iwiiii* -_ - -- ~j woo Wo#j -~As o4v 1544 mailliell Gle a" ill _ - - I IS 2 AqP 10 F It I 1 1, 1 I r T r U An A 1 0 #w D 0 a I it as 9 FT it 10 it a It It 9 ".1111l "I " 0 4111 so -0 0 0 0 00 a 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOBACIP-EV, S. 1. "Traumatic Heart." Khirurplya, No. 4, 1949. Ist Surgical Clinic Inst. im. Skifosivskiy, -C1949-. LOBACHIV, S-V- [A=te pancreatitial 1953. 174 p. Ostrys pankreatity. Koskva, Goa. lid-vo zed. lit-ry, (MLRA 6:12) (Panoress-Diseases) IWACHEV, 3a. . Acute pancre&titides. Khirurgii&, Moskva no. 1:17-26 Jan 1953. (CLKL 24:2) 1. Of the First Surgical Clinic (Head -- Be S. Rosanov), MoBcow- Municipal Scientific-Research Institute of First Aid imeni Sklifosov- skiy (Head Physician -- Profs Be A, Petrov). LOBACHEY, S.V., doktor maditainakikh nauk. Cardiac wounds. rhirargila no.11:9-14 1 153. (XM 6:12) 2. In 1-y khirurgicheakoy kliniki (saveduyushchiy - professor B.S.Rosanov) Moskovskogo gorodskogo nmuohno-issledovatellskogo Institute, skoroy pomoshahl. im. Mclifosovskogo (glavu" khirarg - professor B.A.Pletrov). (Heart-Wounds and Injuries) IOBACHEY. S.V., PANCHENKO, T.W.. HARLTXOV. G.H. , KAMTNI VKATA, V.F* "ange zones of the heart; a proliminnr7 report of an experimental study: [w1th summnr7 In Inglish] Eksper.1rhir. 1 no-1:39-47 J&-F 156 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Iz pervo7 khirurgichaskoy kliniki Instituta. Imeni Sklifosovskogo (zave kliniko7-doktor meditBinsklih na-uk S.V. Lovachav, glavnyy khirurg- prof. B.A. Petrov, direktor instituta - zaalvzhenyy vrach respubliki K*X. Tarasov), WRA , wounds and injuriese expere, dtarm. of danger zones (Rug)) (WOMS AND INJM19S, exper. hear. determ. of danger zones (Rua)) P19TROV, B.A., professor (Moskva. Kotellnichaskaya naberezhnaya. 1?15. kv. 149);IAIBACHEV, S.V., doktor meditainskikh nauk Surger7 In acute pancreatitia. Vest.khir. 77 no-10:35-42 0 156. (KLRA ;42) 9 1. Iz Institute skoro7 pomoshchi im. N.V.Skilfosovskogo (dir. - saaluzhanny7 vrach USSSR M.M.Tarasov) (PANCRIATITIS, surg.) 110BACMI-SITI-L-profeasor (Koskya, 1-10,, d-3); TINOGRADOVA, nay andidat meditainakikh nauk (Koekva, 1-10, Kolkhoz a pl.d.3) it-ra''ngu"lated hernia; Sklifosovski Institute material [with Apm4gry, In. 1.4gliab, p.'1591. Test.kbir.. 78 no,3:62-72 Kr '57. (MLRA 10:6) ~~rurgicheskoy.kliniki (zav. - prof. S.Y.Lobachev) Moskovskogo instituta Skoroy pomoshchi im. N.V.Sklifosovskogo (gl. khirurg - p;qf..P!*.P9trov), (Hw2NIA, compl, ' strangulation, statist. (RUB)) LOBAGUY, Bergey Yesillyeviohl VINOGRAWTAv ollge losipovna (Impooted hernias and their treatment] Ushchenionnye grythi 1, ikh lechenia. Xoekva, Xedgis, 1958. 78 ps (XIRA 130) (HMIA) LOBACHgv, Sergey Vasillyevich -71:- (Sargery of wounds of the heart] Khimrgiis ranenii serdtsa. Moskva, Hedging 1958- 89 Pe (MIRA 12:4) (wa --SnGERY) LCBACHAV, of. Brrors In the treatment of acute pancreatitle. Xhirurgila 35 no.2t2o-26 F '59. (MIRA 120) 1, Iz Koskovskogo gorodskogo nauchno-isoledovateltakogo Instituta skoroy pomoshchi imeni Sklifobovokago (dir. H.H.Taraaov. glavnyy khirurg - prof. B.A.Petrov). (PANGMTITIS, ther. err'ors (Rui)) LOBACH S.V..j--VINOGRAJ)OVAp 0.1. U - By- linic. Vest. closed abclpminal trauma in the emergency surgical c(HIPA 3-3:12) khir. 84 no,502-39 MY '60- (ABDamj-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) BOGOSLAVSK31, R.V., prof.,- EREGADZE, I.L., prof.; VELIKORETSKIY, A.V-j prof.; VINOGRADOV, V.V., doktor med. nauk; GROZDOV, D.M., prof.; GUIYAYEVI A.V.p prof.; DZBAVADYAI", A.M., doktor med. nauk; KRAVCHENKO, P.V., prof - IDBACH97 - , prof.j ITIMAYEV, O.V.) prof.; PYTELI, A.Ya., ;rOm---I -V., Prof.; FAYERIXAN,,I.L., profol FMORYAN, Ye.S.; SMLAGU, A.A.,.zms. deyatell nauki, prof.; =MAN; R.00, prof.(deceased]; PETHCVSKIY, B,V,, prof., otv, red.; SENCHILO, K.K., tekhn. red. Nultivolume manual on surgerylYrogotomnoe rukovodstvo po khirurgii. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.8.[Surgery of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas, and spleen)Khirargiia pecheni, zhelcbnykh putei., podzheludochnoi zhelezy i selezenki. I(ed.toma A.V.Guliaev. 1962. 659 P. (11IRA 15:6) 1. Deystvitelln~7 chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSF (for Petrovskiy). (LIVER-SURGMY) (PAVUEAS-SURGERY) (SPIEEI--SURGEPY) LOBACHEV, S. V. "Analytical Methods of Investigating the Solution of Certain Nonlinear Integral and Integral-Differential Equations and Equations With a Parameter-Dependent Kernel." Cand Phys-Math Sci, Moscow Order of Lenin State U imeni M. V. Lomonosov, 10 Dee 54. (VM, 25 Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SOS Sum. No-521, 2 Jun 55 LOBACTN S.V. One method for solving an integTodifferential equation. Trmd7 KIPP no.16:3-5 '57. (MIRA U :7) 1. Krasnodarskly Inatitut piabcbevoy promyshlonnosti, Makhanicho- nkly falm.11tot, kafedra natprg%tiki i teoretichaskoy nekhaniki. (Integral equations) LOBACF", . S.V. I, H.H.Hazarov's generalization of the theory of nonlinear integral equations. Trudy KIPP no.11637~15 '57. (HIRA 12:7) ,q A 1. Kraonodarekly Inatitut piBhchevoy pronyahlennosti, Mekhaniche- skiy falculltet, kafedra matenatiki i teoreticheakoy mekhaniki. (Integral equations) 16(j) FKASM I BOOK IMPLOVATION 3oveX6o Vo*eayuznyy snatesatichaskir swy*td. 3rd. Moscow# 1956 rr%bo. t. A, ICratkoyw sodgrznantys s*ktsIcnnsykh dokladov. D0kI&d Inostrentsylds uchensy,kh (Transactlons of the 3rd All-Unlon Mithm"! tIcsI Conforenc* In Moscow. vol. tst 3u==7 of 3#CtI0nsI Reports- Roporte of Foreign Scientists) Moscow, 12d-vo AN 333R, 1959. 247 p. 2,200 copies printed. Sponearing Agencys Akadeutya nauk 3MR. Ratomatich*81sty InatItUt. Tedts. Rd.s . 0.N. Shevehankc; 19ditorial Boards A.A. Abramov. V.0. Soltyanskly A X Vasillywv, B.I. Redvedev, A.D. Kyahki 3 X. 9: K A. 91*01-.kly IRO;P: td.), A.G. Poetnikov. YU. V. PrOkhoro' : Rybtdkov~ P. L. ClOymnov, V.A. Uopenaklyp N.G. Chetay*v, 0. Y* . ShIlov, and A.Z. Shlrehov. rVRf*=s This book Is Interded for mathematicians and phyaLclata. COVERAags The book Is Volume r7 of the Transactions of the Third All- Vftlon Mathematical Conference, hold In June and July 1956. Th boo Main parts. The first part contains sun- mArlOs Of the Paper& presented by 30viet salentlete at the Con- ftr*nCe tb&t were not Included In the first two vol.*. The second part Contains the text or reports submitted to the editor by non-3ovIst scientists. In those cases when the non-Sovi&t scl- entlat did not submit a con of his paper to the editor, the title of the paper to cited and, it the paper was printed in a previous voismaeo rerorenco Is made to the appropriate volume. The papers~ both Soviet and non-3ovist. cover various topics In number theoryp algebrat differential and Integral equatlonap function theoryp functional Analysis, probability theory, topology, mathematical problems of muctsanIcs and.;hysIcs. computational mathematics. mathematical logle and the roundatlons or matherstics, and the history of mathematics. V. R -Cummodar). On the gena,ralizatlCm of the '4210Agsor i Nis? Integral equations of X.M. Kazarov 33 Oortain forwaLlas of the hv4- metbod &nd theIr application to the problem an the ovalua- tim of -- or Approximate methods of solution of integral .."ti. 34 V A. -,(Minsk) _jE_j_PUbAr1 (Xosyr'), and A, 122th Polotski. Two modifications of the 00 _1A ncept or a dynamic &"tea an the plan* 35 &v 40"ass). Asymptotic expansions of tise solution Iffan Sp Ce'rt differential equations In powers of a small pam- smetar at IsIghamt derivative 36 _Xaxulov, A:T,. AL-voy). 'Subtraction method for the solution Gr-WasSIORry value and mixed problems 36 (Zhdwwv). On Integral equations with ex- ponentI&I noallnearitlea 3T card 8/34 LOBACHEV, S.V., doktor med.nauk; VDIOGRADOVA, I.I., Perforating ulcers of the ntcmach and duodenum in clinical emergency surgery* Vest.khir. no.10:92-97 161. (MIRA 14:10 1. 1z khirurgichookay kliniki (zav. - prof. S.Y. Lobachev) Modww~- skogo gorodskogo ordena, Trudovogo Krasnogo Zhameni nr-uchno-iseledo- vatellskogo instituta, skoroy pomoshchi im. M. Sklifoomkogo (dir. - zasluzh. vrach USSR M.M. Tarasov). (PEPTIC ULCER) BAKULEV, A.N., akademik; BUNYATYAl'i, A.A., kand. med. muk; bliRAKOVSfUY, V.I., doktor med. nauk; ijUYAl!011, V.M., dots.; P .9 okta.- med. nauk; GULYATEV, A.V., prof.; ZA:-=SKIY V.V. d IVANOV, V.A., prof.; KOLESNIKOV, S.A., prof.; LP;Aq~I.EV, S.Y.,, prof.; LOPUK11111, YuX., prof.; MURATOVA, Kh.N., doktor red. nauk,- PE7AOVSKIYI 13.V., zaal. deyatell nauki RSF51, prof.; SAVEL'YEV, V.S., prof.; SERGEYEV, V.14., doktor med. nauk; SOLOVIYEV, G.M., prof.; SOLOVIYEVA, 1.1 .; BLERAKOVSKI71, V.I., red. (11,11ultivolume ranual on surgery] Mnogotomoe rukovodstvo po khi- rurgil. Moskva, Meditsina. Vol.6. Pt.l. 1965. 577 p. (14IRA 18: 10) 1. Deystvitellriyy chlen lul-111 SSSR (for Petrovskiy). 11 7 in KLIMNE01 F.D., inzb.; VENDROV, I.G.p J.nzb.; BOGUSLAVSKIY, L.B., Inzh.; LOBACBEV, V.A.p inzh. Means for Incre"ing labor productivity In the power engineering departments of metallurgical plants. Prom. energ. 20 no.9:8-11 S 165. (MIRA 18.,9) KLDCNKO, F.D.; VEDDROV, I.G.; LOBAGREV, V.A.; KURGIJZ(JV, G. I. Increasing the replaceability ratio and the Intensity of using the equipment. Metallurg 10 no.];.'-.41-42 D 165. OATRA 18:32) AREWOBLIS&U, Yu.A., otv. za vypuskj ATkBEKOV9 L.P.; GUBUJI S.A.; KM- KOV9 V.S.;KOROTKOVt V.I.; KLYCHKOV, P.F.1 LUTSI=t T.D.; LPBAQIWp - r -Y-JW HEKMIV M.A.; MOUSADZHYANTSI, Zb.G.j SIUM111, L.F., AiYY�-r, V.,A.j 1OF79p M.L.9 red.; NIKOLAYEVA9 L.N.9 tekbn. red. [SAfe'W,regulations for truck transportation enterprises) Pravila, tekbniki'bazopasnosti Ole, predprilatil. avtomobillnogo tranBporta. Moskyaq Nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo M-va avtomobillnogo transp. i Bhos- seimykh dorog RSFSR, 1961. 71 p. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Frofsoyuz rabotnikov aviazi, rabochikh av-Umobillnogo tran- sporta. i shossoyWkh dorog. TSentrallnyy komitet. 2, TSentrallnyy komitet profsoyuza rabotnikov Masi rabochikh avtomobillnogo transporta i shosseynykh dorog (for Arkhangellskly). 3. Minister- -Btvo avtomobillnogo transports Kazakhskoi SSR (for Atabekov). 4. Kinisterstwo-evtomobillnogo transporta i shosseyMkh dorog RSFSR (for Min). 5. Moskovskiy avtomobi:llno-dorozbrqy tekbnikum (for Kleykov, Korotkov). 6. Moszheldoravtopogruz (for Klychkov). 7. Hinisteretvo avtomobillnogo transporta, i shosseymykh dorog USSR (for lutsker). 8. Tekhnicheskaya, inspektsiya Moskovskogo gorod- skogo i oblastnogo sovetav profsoyuzov (for Lobacbev, Mekkell). 9. La- boratoriya, okbrany truda Ilauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta avtomo- billnogo transporta (for Manusadzbyants). 10. Ministerstvo altorobill- nogo tranoporta i shosee M kh dorog Latviyskqy SSR(for Sivakon'). 21.Glav- noye upravleniye gruzovogo avtotransporta Mosgorispolkoma (forKhaykin). (Transportationt Automotive-Safety measures) LOPACKV, Vladimir '~ri.For',~evich, 1,083- - 4p General rethod of hydrou2lc calculations for canals of various contourn and roughness. Foskva, Cos. izd-vo stroit. lit-ry, 11~39. 66 p. (50-40627) TC175.L6 LATTSHNIKOV, A.M., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nank; WRAC RIVA.- VPG., professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh naukCdeceased]; kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, doteent, redaktor; SAYONOV,-F.T., redaktor; XRDVIIW, L.Ta., takhnichookly redaktor. (Hydraulics] Gidraylika. Izd.2-os, impr. i dop. Moskva, Goo. izd- vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekture, 1956. 408 p. (MLRA 9:6) (Hpqraulicm) w 51 e cyclotron vere made of th reacnAnce atsorption !3ignai5 mL Lilt the electric field, of the S Tne deperdence relative widtt &nd i%tensitY llni -: --n the static, L-Itc-tric --~C field, and of the dependence - . the Mn- -P thiv, cau-nentration of the carr'lera for the :,ase 51 L 21228-66 EWT(m)/EWP(t) IJP(C) JD/Hfl ACC NR: AP6003801 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/003/001/0249/0251 AUTHORS:__Kich1g1n, D. A.; Lobachev_, V. P. ORG: Institute of Radiop~ysics and Electronics Kh a TITLE: Negative. conductivity in germanium with.-nickel SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 1., 1965.4 AN UkrSSR impurity 249-251 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, semiconductor conductivity, volt ampere characteristic, electric resistance, impurity conductivity ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determine some of the causes o'f negative resistance of doped semiconductors. The authors measured the volt-ampere characteristics of germanium doped with nickel at 77 and 4.2K. The sample was a bar measuring 0.35 x 0.2 x 2.8 mm, in series witb which an additional resistor was con- nected. The voltage drop on the sample and the resistor were dis- played on an oscilloscope screen. Depending on the illumination of the sample, on the magnetic field, and on the angle between the field Card. 1/2 L 21228-66 ACC NR: Ap6oo38oi and the currents of the sample, the volt-ampere characteristic as- sumed differpht forms and exhibited the following features: 1. At fairly high illumination (15 -- 35 relative units), the voltage- ampere characteristics coincide fully for both Increasing and de- creasing voltage. At low illumination (up to 12 relative units), a hysteresis is observed. 2. With increasing illumination (to more than 50 relative units) the negative-resistance portion of the volt- ampere characteristic disappears. The application of a magnetic field (7 -- 10 kOe) causes the appearance,of a double N-shaped characteristic. At low illuminations the influence of the magnetic field on the volt-ampere characteristics is different, and the section with the negative resistance shifts wit-h increasing magnetic field towards larger electric fields, and increases with magnitude. Similar results were obtained at helium temperature's. The nature of the Influence of the illumination of the sample on the volt-ampere characteristic and the effect of the magnetic field are still not clear. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 24jul65/ ORIG REF; 004/ OTH REF; 006 Card 212dz4v- LOBACHEV, V.S. Materials on the biology of the imperial eagle in the northeast-arn part of the Aral Sea region. Ornitologiia no.3:306-314 160. (MIRA 14:6) (Kzyl-Orda Province-Eagles) LOBACHEV, V.S. Materials on the biology of the steppe hawk Buteo rafinus Cretzoehmar in southern Kazakh tan. Nauch. dokh. vyu. shkoly; biol. nauki no. 1:37-43 161. (MIRA .14:2) I* Rekmendovana kafedroy zoologii pozvonochnykh Moskovskogo gosWarstvennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. (KAZANIISTAN-HKWKS) LOBACREV, V.S. Distribution of perdul!ne ti-.mouse In ~:E5tem ":.Ibenia. Ornitologiia no.61474 16,16 (MIRA 17:6" j SCKOLOVA, S.M.; STAROSTIN, B.A.; SHATALINA, M.S.; KRESHTAPOVA, V.N.; SKVORTSOVp A.K.; GOLYSHEVA, M.D.; DUNDIN, Yu.K.; PODL7q-'KIY, G.I.; SHKODA, A.M.; DONSKAYAp T.N,,; MURTAZANOVAI E.Sh.; LOBAC,~Ky,_ V.,S.; VORNOV, A.G.; SKOKOVA, N.N. Brief news. Biul.MOIP.Otd.biol, 70 no.51130-131 S-0 165. (MIRA 18:12) ACC NR AP6028894 SOURCE CODE: UR/0325/66/000/003/0050/0055 AUTHOR: Lobachev, V. S.; Besedin, B. D.; Zhubanazarov, 1. Zh. ORG: ho -n e- TITLE: Some methods of suppressing rodent mobility and long-term poisoning of their settlement areas SOURCE: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey ghkoly. Biologicheskiye nauki, no. 3, 1966, 50-55 TOPIC TAGS: disease vector, rodent, rodent control, pest control, gerbil J PF --77 C' /0 E ABSTRACT: Zinc phosphide (Zn3P2) is one of the most commo 'nly used rodent POISONS...Usuallyo*15-30 g of a bait composed of wheat, oats$ 8-20% zinc phosphide and 3-5Z oil (percentages by weight) are used to poison one burrow colony. However, ihis method .often produces neither highly effective results nor long- 'lasting action. suppression of.plague and plague-bearing animals has long been a problem in the Northern Aral region. Since 1958,.the Aral Sea Antiplague Station, Moscow University, and the Central Asian Antiplague Institute have made experi- mental studies-of pest extermination in the Aral Kara-Kum. :rhe epizootic cycle.must be disrupted for 3-4 yr for effective Card 113 1. ACC NRt AP6028894 extermination in a plague focus; suppressing the rodent pop~ula tioh for 3-5 yr will accomplish this. The authors doubled the. poison dose 3-4 times (50-150 g per colony) for long-term suppression of small mammals in epizootic areas and areas with large animal populations. This method had previously been used successfully for mi:ce; it had not, however, been used -for larger gerbils. It was found that small piles of wheat treated with iinc phosphide were well preserved and re- tained toxicity well under a variety of circdmstances. In autumn of 1961, an area first treated in 1959 was treated with incre;aed doses of poison (150 g of a wheat-oats-15% zinc ~Phosp idd mixture). Similar control areas were treated with the usual d'osage (20-30 g). Table 1 clearly shows the greater: effectiveness of the increased dose. It has been established that gerbil mortality is directly proportional to the amount of bait and zinc phosphide concentration. However, dosages did not generally exceed 20 g per burrow colony. The authors$ 'experiments in-the Northern Aral territory showed such doses (20-30 gY to be unsatisfactory; however, it is pointed out that such increased doses are not always necessary-. in places j4here the bait is quickly covered by sand, where preservative conditions are good, and where no previous treatment has been'! -applied. Good results were obtained from, tbe.,introduction of bait in '- a variety of :-packagings into -the gerbil burrows and storage rooms. Radioisotopes were used to Card 2 A ACC NRI.-AP602889.4 study the movement-of gerbils and their ectoparasitic ficau after extermination, and their most common migratory patterns are mentioned. Lethal areas.for rodents are nost effective: l) on their main migration routes (railroads and dirt roads; 2) in potentially epizootic areas, as determined by bacterio- logical,.serological, and ecological methods; 3) in areas .with concentrations of rodents, or where rodents have extensive contact with other animal carriers. The authors are particularly interested in methods-of scattering poison in rodent burrows and storage areas; these require simple equipment, and act on both rodents and their ectoparasites. [WA-~O;.CBE N.O. 12] SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: -26Mar65/ ORIG REF: Oll/ Card 3/3-- AC~ NRi AP6028894 '~A SOURCE CODE: UR/0325/661000100310050/0055 AUTHOR: Lobacheyl V. S., Besedin, B. D.; Zhubanazarov, 1. Zh. ORG: 6177 e- kp TITLE: Some methods of suppressing rodent mobility and long-term poisoning, of their settlement areas SOURCEs Nauchnyye dokl4dy vysshey shkoly. Biologicheakiy4 naukis no. 3, 19661 50-55 TOPIC TAGS: disease vector, rodent, rodent control, peat control, gerbilo 9F..5 77 r 10 L ABSTRACT: Zinc phosyhide~(%PZ) is one of the most commonly used rodent POISONS. -Usuallyt'15-30 g of a bait composed of wheat, oats, 8-20% zinc phosphide and 3-5Z oil (percentages by weight) are used to poison one burrow colony. However, this method -often produces neither highly effective results nor long- 'lasting action. Suppression of plague and plague-bearing animals has long been a problem in the Northern Aral region. ~Since 1956, the Aral Sea Antiplague Station, Hoscow University, and the Central Asian AAtiplague Institute have made experi- mental studies of peat extermination in the Aral Kara-Kum. The epizootic cycle must be disrupted for 3-4 yr for effective' 1/3 extermination in a plague focus; suppies4ing ihe*rodent'po~ula- tion for 3-5 yr will accomplish this. The authors doubled the. poison dose 3-4 times (50-150 g per colony) for long-term suppression of small mammals in epizootic areas and areas with large animal populations. This method had previously been used successfully for mice; it had not, however, been used for larger gerbils. It was found that small piles of ,wheat treated with iinc phosphide were well preserved and re- tained toxicity well under a variety of circ6mstances. In autumn of 1961, an area first treated in 1959 was treated with increased doses of poison (150 g of a wheat-oats-15Z zinc hosphide mixture). Similar control areas were treated with p the usual dosage (20-30 g). Table I clearly shows the greater- effectiveness of the increased dose. It has been established that gerbil mortality is directly propoTtional to the amount of bait and zinc phosphide concentration. However, dosages did not generally exceed 20 g per burrow colony. The authors' experiments in-the Northern Aral territory showed such doses (20-30 g) to be unsatisfactory; however, it is pointed out that such increased doses are not always necessary: in places jfhere the bait is quickly covered by sand, where preservative conditions are good, and where no previous treatment has been'; -applied. Good results were obtained from.tbaintroduction of bait in - a variety of --packagings int~o-the gerbil burrows and storage rooms. Radioisotopes were used to I-ACC'r4~-,-AP6028894 study the movement of gerbils and their ectoparasitic flead after extermination, and their most common migratory p 'atterns are mentioned. Lethal areas.for rodents aretiost effective: -1) on their main migration routes (railroads and dirt roads; 12) in potentially epizootic areas, as determined by bacterio- ,logical,.serological, and ecological methods; 3) in areas ,with concentrations of rodents, or where rodents have extensive contact with other animal carriers. The authors are particularly! interested In methods of scattering poison in rodent burrows and storage areas; theme require simple equipment# and act on both rodents and their ectoparasites... [WA7~0;. PE N.D. 12) SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 26Har65/ ORIG REF: 011/ 3/3 L 3803-66 EViT(1)1E4T (m)1EJ1F (C)/T/E1,'F(-Q/E?1P(b)/EWA (h) IJP(c) JD//%T ACCESSION M APS025582 UP/0115/65/000/009/0022/0024 If 681.2.083:621.315.592.08147 jq :AUTHORs Astakhov, 0. P.; Lobanko V. V, !TITLE: A method for measuring the thermoelectric characteristics of semiconductors 'in the solid and liquid phases at high temperatures :SOURCE: lzmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 9, 1965, 22-24 ;TOPIC TAGS: semiconducting material, semiconductor research, thermoelectromotive iforce i 'ABSTRACT: The authors propose an Improved device for studying the thermoelectric properties of materials In the liquid phase. A schematic cross section of the de- .vice Is shown In fig. I of the Enclosure. The unit Is a rectangular high-temperaturle ,vacuum furnace with dimensions of 240 x 240 x 600 mm. The housing I is of welded stainless steol construction. On the bottom of the furnace 2 are 12 electrical ,leads 3 for bringing power to the heaters. The air Is pumped out of the chamber ithrough fitting 4 and the furnace Is filled with a neutral gas through this same ifitting. Running water is used for cooling the Installation. The main heater 6 Is A quartz tube with an inside diameter of 50 mm covered with a bifilar-wound coil lCard 1/3 L 3803-66 ACCESSION NR: APS025582 of Kh25Yu5 alloy or molybdenum wire. The winding covers a length of 300 mm. The substance to be studied is placed in a special vessel 100 mm long which is then pu~ into the central section of the heater. Molybdenum sleeves are submerged in the substance being studied through a ceramic plate along the edge of the vessel. The surfaces of these sleeves (excepting the end) are coated with a thin layer of alun-1 dum. A calibrated thermocouple junction is welded to the bottom of each sleeve There are two additional bifilar heaters at the ends of the vessel for producin the necessary temperature gradient. Provision is made for continuous control of heating conditions* A semiautomatic potentiometer Is used for measuring the thermo4. electromotive force between the thermocouples and the semiconductor material. Thiel installation'may be used for measuring the thermoelectric characteristics of semi- conductors In the solid and liquid phases up to 15000C. It Is found that the ves- sels for studying the semiconductor material should be made of quartz or especially ure aluminum oxide. Orig, art. has: 3 figures, ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEDi 00 EHCG! 01 SUB CODE: 55, EM NO PIP SOVt 002 OTHEM 000 jCard 2/3 . I I ENCLOSURE: 01 I i I I. I I. I 1 I LOBACHEV, Yu,A,, inzh.-ekonomist --4-- 1 - -- . . Potentials for the lowering of the costs of operation In the transport of lumber freight. Zhel. dor, transp, 47 no.8:69-72 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9** LOBACHEV, Yu-S. - - Occurence the Talas AN Kazakh. of the brambling PyrrhOsPiza punicea Hodge. in '- Alatau, (western Tien Irhan). Trudy Inst. zool. SSR 24:213-215 '64. (MIRA 17:12) LOBACHEV, YU.S. New places of occurrence of the Tien Shan bireb souse and forest dormouse. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR. 23:216-217 164. (MIRA 17:11) KAPITONOV, V.I.; LOBACHEV, YU.S. Ecological observations on the marmot marmota menzbieri K&schk. in the Kor2hintau Mountains (western Tien Shan). Zool. zhur. 43 no.8: 1211-1220 164. (MI RA 17 111) 1. Institut zoologii PJJ KazSSR, Alma-Ata. LOPACHEV, Petr Vladimirovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; LOBACHEV, Yevgeniy ;Le.~4dovicb, inzh.; MUSKAT, L.V., inzb., nauchn. red.; BYSTFjDVSKAYAj N.A., red.izd-Ta; SHERSTNEVA, N.V., (Study of materials used in sanitary engineering] Haterialo- vedenie po sanitarnoi tekhnike. Moskva, Goostroiisdat, 1963. 187 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Sanitary engineering-Equipment and supplies) GUSEV, Yu. (Moskva); LOBACH&V 3a (Kaluga) - MOVCHIKOV 11. (Tambov'); BERMES, N. (Biku); ffillnyus~; LAMEKII.,'V. (Riga); I.OG]31,,S. (Sevastopol' );ULIYMIE31KO)N. (Vurmanskaya obl.); ZELIDIII, Ye. (Leningrad); CHIBIRYACHKO, V. (Saveromorsk); SDICCOV, V. (Orel); ZHBAIIOV, Ye. (Ivanovo); VOTWKH]31, B. (Groznyy); MAKASBEV, M. (Leningrad); MAMEDOV, V. (Balashov); GORDOV, V. (Yevpatoriya); LYAMETS, V. (Severodonetak), Exchange of experience. Radio no-3:1,37,44,51,53,54 55 56 58 61 Mrt64 U~ia 17" 171 LOBACMi, L'. L. NBiological Fatimation of the Contamination of Water Reservoirs by Mineral Salts.* Cand Biol Scip Beloruselan State U imeni laniny 16 Nov 54. (SBx 6 Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No. 521,, 2 Jun 55 L VA USSR/General Biology - General Hydrobiology B-6 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3j, 1953., No 96ol Author Lobacheva L.L. Inst Not Given Title On the Effect of Dichlorethane and Chlorbenzene on Water Organism. Orig Pub Rybn. kh-vo$ 1957.. No 7j, 71-74 Abstract It was experimentally shown that concentrations of dichlorethane (DCE) of 0.1 mg/1 In closed vessels and 2 mg/l in open vessels, and also a concentration of chlorbenzene (CB) of 0.5 mg/li are harmless to Daphaia magna. To o1igochaets (Limnodrilus hoffmaisteri and Tubifex tubifax) and chironomide larvae (gr. Aictochironomus)., concentrations of 10 mg/1 of both DCE and CB are harmless. The ordinary water microflors. tolerated 25 mg/l DCE and a concentration of 10 mg/l of CIB. Bac- terial nitrogen fixers tolerate a concentration of DCE 0.5 mg/1 and CB 25 mg/l. The deduction is made that permissible Card 1/2 -DC-55, 040 ,Z c )~ P ( - """ z- ) -' Pi A " 13. USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-15 and Their Application Treatment of solid mineral fuels Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31841 Author : Kashirskiy V. G., Petelina V.S., Lobacheva N.B. Title : Thermal Decomposition of Pulverulent Shale in a Current of Steam Orig Pub: Sb.: Goryuchiye slantsy. Khimiya i tekhnologiya, No 2. Tallin, Est. gos. izd-vo, 1956, 77-82 Abstract: Laboratory experiments were carried out on ther- mal decomposition of pulverulent shale, from different deposits, in a current of superheated steam; the experiments were conducted in a Card 1A USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-15 and Their Application Treatment of solid mineral fuels Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31841 horizontal tube 10 mm in diameter, into which was continuously fed, from a mixing chamber, a mixture of shale dust and superheated steam. Experimental conditions: shale dust input 11-12 g/minute, steam input 6 g/minute, temperature of superheated steam, before entering the mixing chamber, 450-50(f, temperature of outside wall of the tube 1050-1100P, duration of stay within the tube 0.35-0.4 seconds, temperature of the current on leaving the tube 650-700'. It is shown that gases of similar composition are ob- Card 2/% USSR /ftemical Technology. Chemical Products 1-25 and Their Application Treatment of solid mineral fuels Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31841 tained on subjecting to this treatment shale from the Baltic, Obshchesyrtovskoye and Volga deposits, which indicates a limited occurence of secondary processes of decomposition of or- ganic matter of the shale. Yield of gas 236- 368 n-liter/lcg with Qn 36oo-446o kcal/n-m3. it was ascertained that up to 40% of the initial S of the shale are converted to HIS. Heating value of the resulting coke residue 1078-2046 kcal/'kg, which shows the possibility of burning it, in the powder form, in the combustion chamber of Card 3/4 USSR /themical TechnologY. Chemical Products 1-15 and Their Application Treatment of solid mineral fuels Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31841 boilers' The method is evaluated as promising, for the production of high-caloric gas from pul- verulent shale. C ard 4/14 X&SHlRSXIY, PETZLINA, V.S.; LOBACHIVL,-N.B.; YLKORZVA, A.R. Wtilraal d,icomposition of powdered brown coal from Lleksandriya db..~vsitv in & steam flow. Ukr.khim.shur. 22 no.2:25)-258 156. (KLMA 9:8) I.- Saratovskiy gosudaretyenW universitat imeni N.G. Chernyehev- Mr-,,-Io. (Alsksandriya--Lignits) KASHIRSKIT, Y.G.; PZTELINA, V.S.; LOBACHEVA, X.B. Thermal decomposition of powdered Volga shale In a steam flow. Zhur.prikl.khim. 29 no-3:735-739 NY 136. (NLHA 9:8) 1. Institut khix1i BaratovBkogo gonufarstyennogo universiteta. (Volga Valley--Oil shales) LOBACHEVAI N. B. Cand Chem Sci - (diss) "Study in the field of genesis of petroleum paraffin.' (ThermocAtalytic changes of solid petroleum hydrocarbons over gumbrin /-Cenomanian bleaching clay from Georgia, USSR7)." rsaratoy7, lgi;l. 19 pp; (Saratov Order of Labor Red Bannir State Univ imeni N. G. Chernyshevskiy); 175 copies; ftee; (KL, 10-61 sup, 207) J~BACHZVAj-N~B.-- KASHMSMv V.G.;L: Antioxidant from hydrolytic lignin. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. pr=. 14 no. 1:8 161. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Saratovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. (Antioxidants) (Lignin) KASHIRSKIY, V.G.; IDBACHEVA, N.B. Separation and investigation of humic acids from Obshchiy Syrt shales. Uch.zap. SGU 75:25-27 162. Qualitative characteristics of oil shales of the Ozinki de- posits. Ibid.t29-32 (MIRA 17:3) WHIRSKIY, V.G.; WBACHEVA, N.B.; YAKOREVA, A.R. Thermal decomposition of Savelyevka pulverized oil shale in a spray of steam. Vch.zap. SGU 75:27-29 162. (MIRA 17:3) HORZOVAj L.D.; DODONOV, Y&,Ya.0 KOlk-SOVA, V.S., ILRACIIEVA, II.B. Characteristics of the oil shales of the Khvalynak deposit. Energctekh. 163. (KRA 1615) (Xhvaly,n,gk District-011 shales) KASHIRSKIY, V,G. (Saratov); LOBACHEVA, N.B. (Saratov) Pyrolysis of pulverized peat with partial gas recirculation. Izv. AN SSSR, Otdo tekh. nauk. Energ. i transp no.3:381- 385 W-Je 163. iMIRA 16:8) KASHIFISKJY, V.G.; LOBACREVA, N.B. Production of aromatic hydroc&rbe)ns by pyrolysis of Kansk-Achinsk coals. Zhur. prikl. Mix. 38 no.71l592-1595 JI 165. (MIRA 18x7) inzb. Determining the oscillation amplitude of the balance of a bound secapament. Nauch.dok1.vya.nhkol7; mash.i prib. no.2:183-189 158. (MIR& 12:10) 1. Predstavleno kafedroy "Pribor7 tochnoy makhaaiki" Hoskovokogo v7sahago toVhnicheskogo ucbilishcha 1m. Baumana. (Clacks and watches--Escapements) 28(0); 10(2)1 25(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2036 Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni N. E. Baumana Mekhanika; sbornik statey (Mechanics; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. 119 p. (Seriest Its: Trudy vyp. 92) 3,400 copies printed. Errata slip Inserted. Ed. (Title page)s V. V. Dobronravov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor; Ed. (Inside book)t Ye. V. Latynin, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing Housei L. I. Sheynfayn; Tech. Ed.: V. P. Rozhin; Managing Ed.t A. S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSEt This book is Intended for scientific and Tesearch personnel, engineers, and students of advanced courses at instrument-making and machine design vuzes. COVERAGE: This volume deals with problems frequently encountered in modern instrument making and in designing specialized machines and includes general theory of automatic congrol, vibrations, theoretical and applied gyroscopy, stability of motion, etc. Abstracts of the individual articles are given in the Table of Contents. Card 1/6 Mechanics; Collection of Articles SOV/2036 TABLE OF CONTENTSs Preface V. V. Dobronravov Astaflyev, V. V. As3istant . A More Accurate Consideration of the Effect of the Motion of the Stationary Point of a Gyroscope on the Character of the Motion of the Gyroscope The author discusses kinematic relationships, dynamic relationships, various cases of motion of the vehicle, and neglect of the quantity E tan He increases the accuracy of the classical results R obtained by B. V. Bulgakov, an outstanding Soviet gyroscopist.and which pertain to an investigation of the effect of the accelerations of an aircraft on the motion of a gyro pendulum as the basic element of some gyro instruments. In setting up the equations of motion of the gyro penduium, the author takes into account the nonlinear terms Card 2/6 3 5 Mechanics; Collection of Articles SOV/2036 previously neglected, and a more exact map of the operation of the gyro pendulum emerges. The results obtained will unconditionally be useful in producing gyroscopes, the operating-accuracy requirements for which are increasing all the time. References:1 Soviet. Orekhov, P. V. [candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent]. Derivation of a Formula for the Gyroscopic Moment With the Aid of Coriolis' Dynamical Theorem 24 This article shows the derivation of the formula for the gyroscopic moment with the aid of Coriolis' theorem. The gyroscopic effect is encountered in many fields of instrument making and machine design so that a descriptive explanation of this phenomenon is very practi- cal. Shigin, Ye. K. [Research Fellow]. Nonlinear Automatic Control Systems With an Elemont Having A - type Characteristics 28 This paper develops a new control method using non-linear systems of a special form and having particular characteristics called Delta- characteristics. The method permits a considerable improvement of the transient process, reducing the amount of overshoot and the time Card 3/16 Mechanics; Collection of Articles SOV/2036 of the transient process. The concepts of the author may be useful particularly for obtaining desirable conditions in rapidly changing processes and phenomena. Referencest 5 Soviet. Lobachevas_~K (Assistant]. Use of Galerkin's Method for Finding a Perf-odi-c9olution of the Differential Equations of Nonlinear Oscillations 49 This paper analyzes some peculiarities of modern methods for the study of nonlinear oscillations observed in various fields of instrument making. References: 5 Soviet, 2 translations from English. Golenko, K. A. [junior Scientist]. Flow of'a Viscous Incompressible Fluid in a Rotating Cylinder 59 This paper presents an analytical study of the flow of a viscous fluid in a rotating cylindrical tube. The solution assumes the tube to be infinitely long and permits taking into account known angular acceler- ations of the tube. The solution has application to such practical problems as the supply of lubricant in piston engines and the cooling of turbine rotors. The analysis is also applicable to the inverse problem, that is, the effect of the internal motion of the fluid on the motion of the cylindrical body. Referencest 2 Soviet, 1 trans- lation from English. Card 4/6 Mechanics; Collection of Articles SOV/2036 Zamuruyev, G. 1. [Assistant]. On a Method of Determining the Stability Criterion for the Operation of Liquid-Fuel Rocket Engines 66 This paper investigates a timely problem in modern rocket technology, namely, the problem of harmful fluctuations of pressures in the chamber of a liquid-fuel rocket engine occurring during the combustion process. The author investigates the entire hydraulic circuit supplying fuel to, the combustion chamber and determines the parameters required for sta- bility of the process. References: 2 Soviet, I translation into Russian. Zakharov, Yu. Ye. besearch Fellow]. Determination of the Axial Hydrodynamic Force on the Valves of Hydraulic Servomechanisms 85 This report considers the processes taking place inside the values of hydraulic servomechanisms. The phenomena associated with the flow of a viscous fluid inside a complex geometrical configuration with specific boundary conditions are of great importance in the investigation of the entire hydraulic servomechanism and,consequently, in setting up the equations of motion of the whole automatic-control system. References: 2 Soviet and I English. 99 Card 5/6 Mechanics; Collection of Articles SOV/2036 Litvin-Sedoy, M. Z. [Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciencest Senior Scientist in the Department of Applied Mechanics at the Moscow State Universitv]. Determining Angular Orientation of a Body With Gyroscope Pickoffs When Arbitrary Distribution of the Axes of Their Cases Exists in a Body Moving in Three Dimensions 100 This paper presents results of use for a more rational calculation of multigyroscope systems. References: 5 Soviet, I English, and I translation from English. Tarnovskaya, M. P. [Assistantl Determination of the Minimum Dimensions of a Cam Gear With a Rotating Cam and a Pivoted Feeler 108 Tarnovskaya, M. P. rAssistantJ. Calculation of the Optimum Profile of the Cam of a Cam Gear With a Rotating Cam and a Feeler With Translational Motion 114 These two reports contain original results of the author in the search for optimum cam gears (in the sense of minimum dimensions and some other requirements) for use in special machines. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 6/6 IS/Isb 8-11-59 35(,36 S/549/61/000/104/015/018 D237/D304 AUTHOR: Lobachevap NA., Assistent TITLE: Determining the period of oscillations of the balance of a restricted escape regulator SOURCE: I..",oscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche. (Trudy], no. 104, 1961. Mekhanika, 143 - 151 TEXT: The restricted escape regulator consists of the oscillat-ing system balance-spring, coupled to a gear. The period of oscillatiors of the balance is one of the main characteristics of the regulator; the author, considering the latter as a self-oscillating system, investigates a steady periodic motion of the balance with a'statio- nary amplitude and obtains its differential equation of motion. This is solved approximately by expanding intermediate functions into a Fourier series and the expression for the period T is obtai- ned. The author infers that the period of oscillations of the balan- ce is fully and uniquely determined by the parameters of the regula- T,or and depends on the amplitude of the osciilations (oscillations~ Card 1/2 Determining the period of ... S/54 61/000/104/015/018 D237YD304 of the balance are non-isochronic). There are 8 figures and 5 So- viet-bloc references. 11 Card 2/2 USSR/Pharmacology - Toxicology - Chelating Agents. V Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1959, 18645 Author : Foyemnyy, P.A., Lobacheva, N.S. Inst : Gorkiy Medical Institute Title : The Treatment of Neuralgia of the Trigeainal Nerve with Massive Doses of Vitamin B12 Orig Pub : Tr. Kliniki nervn. bolezne:r, Gor1kovsk. med. in-t, 1958, VYP- 1, 5-9 Abstract : 12 patients with neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve were treated with vitamin B12 (1000 gmmma daily each intra. muscularly, 10-15 injections per course). Positive re- sults were noted in 11 patients; clinical cure in 5 of them and improvement of various degree in the others. B12 quickly decreases the intensity of pains. The mecha- nism of its action Is connected with the restoration of Card 1/2 - 36 - I usSR/Pharmeology - Toxicology - Chelating Agents - V Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1959, 18645 the process of metabolism in the nerve cells. Card 2/2 USHIRSKIY, V.G. (Baratov);.-LOIACHEVA,--,N..Y.,(Saratov) Pyrol,ysio of oapropelite from the Moscow Region. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Energ. i transp. no.106-100 Ja-F 1,63. (MIRA 16--5) (Coal gasification)