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LOJDA, Ladislav SURNMIE, Given Names Countryt Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Affiliations Brno Source: Prague, Veterinarstvi, Vol XI# No 79 1961, pages 256-261. Data: "Some Notes on the Prevention and Inhibition of Sterility in Cattle in the South-Moravian KraJ." GPO 9s1643 Zdanek, 11,11Dr. CSc.j LOU'DA, Lit(Ii4wr, ),',VDr.j NAVIIJ4,11L, M'[Dr. Evaluation of acre phyvlfnc~emical criteria of the cervical =C-8 in breeding cows. Vater medicina. 9 no.5021-328 0 164. 1, Department of Phyoiology &nd Fatholoa of Damestia Animal Breeding of the Research Institute of Voterinary Medicine, Brr,)-MeIlanIW, "t).rad 0" the Npartnent t [MVDr. We.) Zdanek Vfznik. Submitted February 28, 1964. J -1-T f 1 CZECHOSLUAKIA/ Human and Animal Mor.1,ology - Blood and ~d-4 Organs of Blood Production Abs Jour Re-ferat Zhur - Biologii, No A, 1957, 76350 Author _1!2 ~ttZ~-, Lefiez, L. Title Embryonic Blood of Chlckl-~ns, Morpho-Cy-tochumical Study of Chicken Embryo Thrombccytes. Orig Pub Ccukosl. zwrfol. 1955, 3Y 11o 4, 317-325 Abstract Morphology and h-,.stochemstry of thromboblasts aid thrombocytes of pc:ripheral blood is described in chick embryos aftvr 1-13 days of incubation, in chicks first day after hatchinG,and in the hen. It was establishel that the thrombocytes appear in the embryo's blood 2-3 days of incubation. In tho cytoplasra of thronboblasts and thrombocytes -,m%11 black granules can be :;(;uri in the phase-microscopo. There are none in erythrocy-tc-s. In the fixed and wall stainQd preparations of thrombocytes there is -- well difinod conpactly structured nucleus Card 1/2 - 70 - CZECHOSLOV,,UaA/Human and Animal Mcrphology - Blood and Organs of Blood Production Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologii, No 16, 1957, Y0350 and cy-toplasm, sometimes containing azurorhile f-~,ranules. In the Protoplasm of the throrbocytes arL- found muco- polysaccharides and mucoproteins and small drops of fat. In crythrocites reactions for theoc substances'aro nega- tive. Thromboblasts and thrombocytes do not contain hemoglobin. The authors refute the opinion, that chicken thrombocytes are degenerated erythrocytes. Card 2/2 - 71 - SOBEK, Vojtech, Dr.; WJDA, Zdenek; LUXES, Rudolf; JBLINXK, Jiri Pharmacology of suroomykoin. Cas. lek. cook. 94 no-51:1396- 1404 16 Doe 55. 1. Z katedry farmakologis a pokusne pathologie fakulty detskeho Iskarstvi KU v Praze (preda. doc. Dr. H. Raskova) & embryologicksho ustavu Iskarske fakulty KU v Praze (predn. prof. Dr. Z. Prankenberger) s Ustavu pro epidemiologit a mikrobiologii (predn. prof, Dr. K. Raska). (CHLORTMIRAffCLINE. pbarmacol. or Czech. prod.) T -,, FODOR, On the relationship of heparinocytes to the transport of fate. Fbyoiol. bohem. 5 no-3:275-282 1956. 1. Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Prague. Institute of Ambryology of the Medical Faculty, Charl6. University, Prague. (HIKPARIN, beparinocytes'in f4Lt trunsport in3ate) (FATS, metabolism, transport by beparinocytes in rats) FODOR, J.; LOJTDA, Z. IMA"Now4w-wo Role of haparinocyte In transport of lipide. Cesk. fysiol. 5 no.3: 288-294 1956. 1. Ustav pro choroby obabu krevniho, Praba, Embryologicky ustav lekarske fakulty, Praha. (HEPARIN, liberation from stained haparinocytes in rat mesentery, off. of fate (Cz)) (WT CELLS, off. of fate on liberation of haparin from heparlnocytes stained In rat mesentery (Cz)) (FATS, effects, on heparin liberation fron heparinocyte stained in rat measentery 00) (tIPIDS, metabolism, regulation, role of hoparin liberation from baparinocyto (Cz)) LOJDA, ZDENEK. SCIENCE LOJDAj ZDENEK. Azokopulacni. reakce v histochemicken prukazu enzymu. Praha, Statni zdravotnicke nakl., 1958 116 p. (Babakova sbirka, sv. 7) D NU Not in DLC Monthly List of East European Accessions (LEAI) LC, Vol. 8. No. 5, May 1959, Unclass. C4"JECHOSLOV.;ZIA / Human and Animal --~:Ornholou (Normal and S Pathological). Digestive Sy6tem. Abs jour : qef. Zhur - 31oloSlya, No. 3, 1959, 12294 Author : L~Jda-.% Fodor, J. Inst = T.itlo The Histochemical Inventl6r~tion of !'ant Cells of a Rat'F. Yesentery. Orig Pub Ceakosl. morfol., 1958, 6, No. 1, 81-85 Abstract In addition to a review of the basic views of the structure and function of mast cella, the results of a histochowlefil study of them are cited and deliberations rega~,din6 their sienift- cance are exprevecdo Card 1/1 CZECHOSLOVAICIA / Human an-1 An1mal Morphology (Normal S and Pathological). Methods and Technique of Investigation. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlyap No 4, 1959, ',io. 16860' Author : Lojda, Zdenok Inst :-Not g1voH Title : On the Quantitative Determination of Alkali Phosphatase and Nonspecific Esterase In Histological Sections Orig Pub : CoskCS1. morfoley 1958, 6, No 1, 98-102 Abstract : A survey of methods of quantitative determination of alkali phosphatase in ocotions. A description of a method developed by the author for Its detarmina- tion, as well as for that of nonspecific esterase. The results of application of this method to Some USBUCB are cited. C,-~rd 1/1 5 %3YPLI.V1vI, T.; IDJDk, Z.; OWITETTER. D. ST)ecies vnriability in linolytic and coterolytic properties of the aorta. Conk. fYsiol. 7 no.4:355-356 July 58. 1. Untav nro choroby obehu, krevniho, Praha--Krc; Embryologicky ustav KU, Praha. (AOTITA, metabolismo lipolytic & onterolytic properties, in various animls (Cz)) (LIPASIN I in aorta in varions animals (CZ)) LOJDA, Z.; ZWINNYI, T. Histochemistry of certain enzymes in experimental atheromatosis In rab- bits. Cesk. f7siol- 7 no.5:503-504 Sept 58. 1. Xmbryologicky ustav lek. fak. KLT a Ustav pro choroby obehu krevnihov Praha. (INZYW--i histochem. in exper. nrterionclerosis In nibbits (Cz)) (ARTARIUSCIMOSIS, exper. enzymatic histochem. (Cz)) 4 J FODOR, J.; ZEMPIMIYI, T.; WDA, Z.; Y.<, V1. Zffect of heparin & protamine sulphate on cholesterol induced atheroma- tosis in rabbits. Cos. lek. cesk. 97 no.10;316-319 7 Mar 58. lo Ustav pro chorobyobehu krevniho Praha, prednosta prof. Dr 11. Weber.- Imbryologicky uBtav lekarske fakulty Praha, prednosta prof. Dr. Z. Frank- enberger. J. F., Praha-Mrc, Budejovicka 800. (ARTHRIOSGUROSIS, exper. cholesterol induced atheromatosis, off. of heparin & protamine sulfate in rabbits (Cz)) (CHOLSESTIROL, off. Induction of atheromatools in rabbits, eff. of heparin & Protamine sulfate (Cz)) (HEPARIN, of f. on cholesterol induced atharomatosis in rabbits (Cz)) (PROTAMINW, off. protamine sulfate on cholesterol induced atheromatosin in rabbits (Cz)) 7ABRT, P.; WJDA Z,_; KUJAZDVA, T. Morphological aspects of intextinal adaptation to interrupted cooling. Cesk. fysiol. 8 no-3:183-184 Apr 59. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum vyzivy lidu, fysiol. odd. Embryologicky ustav lek. fak. U, Praha. Predneseno na III. fysiologiclgch daech v Brne dne 14. 1. 1959. (IWMTINIS, pbyoiol. eff. of hypothermia (Cz)) (HYPOTMIRMIA, eff. on intestines (Gz)) ZMPILENTI, T. ; FODO'1, J-. 10JDA, Z. Histamine in fat cells and absorption of colloidal particles by the vascular epithelium. Cesk. fyoiol. 8 no-3:263-264 Apr 59. 1. Uatav pro choroby obehu krevniho Embryologicky ustav KIT, Praha. Predneseno na III. fysiologickych dnech v Brno dne 15. 1. 1959. (HISTAHINE. off. on vase. aboorp. of colloidal fat particles (Oz)) (BIDOD VESSBLi, physiol. absorp. of colloidal fat particles, off. of histamine (Cz)) (FAT, metab, vase. absorp., off. of histamine Wz)) PMT, V. ; RZEICHL, D. ; GI?ATvTBTTAR, D. ; ROMILING, S. ; VOHNOUT, S. ; IOJDA, Z. Studies on the effect of certain hormones on experimental athero- sclerosis. 11. Effect of growth hormone, hydrocortisone and hyalur- onidase on certain Tmypertles of atheromtous vnneular wall In rabbits. Cau. lek. cesk. 98 no.10:294-299 6 Mar 59. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho, reditel Prof. MUDr. n. Weber, Vyzk. ustav endokrinologicky, reditel doe. MUDr. K. Silink. 3mbryologicky ustav NY, I)rednoF;ta prof. MUDr. Z. F-rankenberger. V. F., Praha-Krc. Budejov16n 800. (ART]IRIOSCIaROSIS, experimental, eff. of hyaluronidnne, hydrocortisone & eematotropin on vase. wall (Cz)) (HTDROCORTLIMIG, effects, on exper. arteriosclerosis, on Vase. wall (Gz)) (HYAUM14IBASA, effects. effects) (SOMATOTHOPIN, effects, same) LOJDA, Z. MWOMW Cytotopochemical study of enzymes in the hypophysis of the rat. Cs morfologi 8 no.2:148-157 160. (Ei,:Al 9:8) 1. Embryologicky ustav fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi Karlivy university. Prednosta Prof. Dr. Zdenek Frankenberger. (ENZYMES) (PITUITARY GLAND) (CELLS) (ADINOSINETRIPHOSPHATASE) (NUCLEOTIDASES) (ESTERASES) (SUCCINIC DEPHYDROGENASE) (DIPHOSPHOPYRIDINE NUCLEOTIDE XAPHORASE) (TRIPHOSPHOPYRIDING NUCLEOTIDE DIAPHORASE) JIRASEK, Jan, KJDr; ~O~D~s Zd., MUDr; JIRASEK, Jaroslav Localization of certain enzymes during the development of the urogenital system in man. Ca morfologie 8 no-3:262-273 160. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Embryologicky ustav fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, Prednosta prof. MUDr Zd. Franktinberger. (ADINOSINETRIPHOSPHATASE) (GENITOURINARY ORGANS) (ESTERASES) (NUCLEOTIDASES) (PHOSPHATASES) VIKTORA, J.;FODOR, J.;GRAFIMTER, D.;HAHN, P.;KOLDOVSKY, O.,,LOJIIA, Z. Studies of certain biochemical indices of fat metabolism dmrlng the ontogenesis of rate. Cask. fysiol. 9 no.1:63-64 Ja 60. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho, Pysiologicky ustav CSAV a Ambryologiciq ustav lek. fak. KU. Praha, (FATS metab.) (GROWTH) LOJDA. Z.; SCHRRIBER,V.; DMTOVA,V. - -.1 ..... .. Histochemistry of phosphatases in the pituitar7 in rate in experimental bypothyroidies. Ceakefysiol. 9 no.2:17) Mr 160. 1. ]Cmbryologicky ustav a Laborator pro ondokrinologii a metabolismus pri III. interni klinice fak. vseob. lek. KU, Prah. (PHOSPEIATASIS metab.) (PITUITART GLAND metab) (HTPOTHY OIDISK exper) SCEMBIBER, V.; KMENTOVA,V.- KRULICH, L.; HOSCHL, Y.; LOJDA,Z. Preliminary experiences with the demonstration of a hypothalamic factor activating TSH secretion In vivo. Cask. fyslol. 9 no.2: 175-177 Mr 16o. 1. Laborator pro endokrinologii a metaboliamus pri III. interni klinice, ]Pysiologicky ustav a Embryologicky ustav fak. vaeob. lek. KU, Vyzk-umny ustav endokrinologicky, Praha. (THYROTROPIN physiol) (HYPOTHALAMUS extract) (PHOSMUTASES metab) (PITUITARY GLAND metab) SCHREIBER, V.; KNENTOVA.V.; LOJDA, Z. Increased alkaline phosphataso activity In the h7pophysis of rate In bypothermia. Ceskofysiolo 9 no.3:262-263 W 16o. 1. Laborator pro endokrinologii, a metabolismus pri. III interni klinice. Embryologicky ustav. fak. vseob. lek. KU. Praha. (PITUITART GLASD metab) (PHOSPELVAUS metab) (HTPOTHZRMIA MUCZD exper) LOJI)A,Z.; SGlMNlBM,V. Cyto-topochemical studies on enzymes of the hvpophysis in rate. Cesk. fyslol. 9 no.4:377-378 Jl '60. 1. Embryologicky ustav, Isborator pro andokrinologii a metabolismus, fak. vaeob. lak. KU,PrabA. (PITUITARY GIAND chem.) OWZYNO oham.) ZEMPLENYI, T.; IWDA, Z.; GRAPHETTER, D.; FODOR, J.; FELT, V. Effect of soy oil on experimental atheromatosis of the aorta and on certain enzymes in the vascular wall in rabbits. Cas.lek.cesk. 99 no.42:1346-1351 14 o 16o. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho, Praha-Krc, prednosta prof. MUDr. K. Weber - Embryologicky ustav KIJ v Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. Z. Frankenberger. (OILS pharmacol) (SOY BEANS) (AORTA die) (ENZYMES chem) (BLOOD VESSELS pharmacol) SVATY, J.; "XIORSKY, J.; LO.TDA, Z. Progressive myositia ossificans in an 8-year-old boy. Cesk. pediat. 16 no.7/8:709-714 JI-Ag 361. 1. 11 detska klinika v Fraze, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Houstek Ustav embryologie KU v Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. Z. Frankenberger. (NIOSITIS OSSIFICARS in inf & child) IWDA, Zdenek The enzyme topochemistry of arterial wall. Os morfologie 10 no.i:46-61 162. 1. Embryolc~ical Institute of the Medical Faculty, Charles Universitys Praha. J- ZL24PLLNYI, T.; GW-NETTER, D.; LOJDA, Z.; YMOVA, 0. A otudy of metabolic factors involv,: , in :-:ev. czech. M. 8 no.2:124-132 162.- 1. Institute for Card-iovascular Research, Pragu~!; Director: Academician K. Weber - Institute of Zmbryolooy, Charles University, Prague; Director: Prof. Z. Frahkenberger. (ART-ERIOSCLEHOSIS metabolism) (LIPIDS metabolism) FODOLRJ J. Y' ZJTL,:NY1, T. ; LOJDA, Z. ; FABA*Y, P. Tho rolo of mast cells in lipid metabolism. F-~.,v. czech. .1-'. 8 no.2: 133-136 162. 1. Institute for Cardiovascular Research) Prague; Director: Acaderidclan K. Weber Embryological Institute, Medical Faculty Gharles Universityp Prague; Director: Prof. Z. Frankonberger.Institute, of Human 11fitrition, Prague-Krc; Director: Prof. Dr. J. Masek. (MAST CELLS physiology) (LIPIDS, metabolism) ~LOJDA, Z.; SCIUMIE-Ii, V. Enzymatic activities of the hypothalmis-hypophysial syst-e-=. Cesk. fysiol. 11 no,~/+:314-319 162. 1. Histochomicke oddeleni angiologicko laboratore, Laborator pro endokrinologii a metabolismus, Fak. vseob. lek. KU, Pral.a. (HYPOTHALAMUS metabolism) (PITUITA;iY GLAND metaboli6m) (1,11MMS metabolism) WJDA,q Z. Some remarks on the histochemical detection of the dehyd--oger--se system. Folia morphol 21 no.3:305-313 162. 1. Department of Fmbryology, Medical Faculty., Charles University, Prague. ,WJDA.._Z.j SCHREIRER, V. Cytotopochemical studies on the pituitary gland enzymes of rat. Folia morphol 21 no.3:331-336 162. 1. Zaklad Embriologii oraz Laboratorium Endokrynologii i Metabolizmu, Wydzial Lekarski, Uniwersytet im. Karo:La,, Fraga. ZEMPLENYI, T.; KNIZKOVA, I.; LOJ.DA Z - MMOVA) 0. The group-specific carboxylic esterase activit.V of aortic tissue. Cor vasa 5 no.2:10`7-113 163. 1. The Institute.-for Cardlovascu2ar Research, and the Angiological Laboratory of Charles University, Prague. (AORTA) (ESTERMES) (RATS) (RABBITS) (POULTRY) (M&TABOLISM) SCHUCK., 0.; ANDRYSEK, 0.; ANDRYSKOVA, J.1 jp~A,Z. The intrarenal distribution of diodrastl3l I. Physiol. Bohemo- slov. 12 no.4:313-316 163. 1. First Medical Clinic, Institute of Biophysics, Institute of Histolo , Medical Faculty, CharleB University, Prague. FIODOPYRACET) (IODINE) (IODINE ISOTOPES) (KIDNEY) (RADIOAUTOGRAPHY) (HrPOTENSION) (METABOLISM) Cza;'103DOILKIA 7RIGO, ?I SOBIL4L, J1 BEDIVAR, B., Pror. Dr. Dr. t~j LEPSIK. J. 1. Second Soientific-Ressaroh Laboratory of Gastro- enterology of the Faculty of General Medicine of KU (11. vedockovyzku=e pracovisto pro gastroentorolo&ii Takulty vasobeeneho lokaretyl KU)g Froguel 2. Third IntermLl Medicine Clinics (III. vnitrnl kl1n1,-i)j Prague; 3- Main First Patholodical AnatoRy Ustituts IELeLvuv 1. patologicka-anatomicky ustav) (for Bodnar). Pmgueq Vnitmi lekarstylg No 8, 1963# pp 782-788 'Whippie's Disease., T 'Ace. U. ':-.v' -.:y :',~%,i o g 31 -1) ra -t ory olo,,-- cl~a ui-~%ktc of Cal ,'.t-.IorosCIc--oci2 -L-OJDA, Z.; . PARIZEK, J. Ontogenetic development and topochemistry of testicular dehydrogenases with special reference to zinc and to cadmium necrosis of the testes. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 12 no.6:512-517 163. 1. laboratory for Angiology, Faculty of General Medicine, Charles University, and Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (TESTIS) (ZING) (CADMIUM) .(OXIDOREDUCTASES) (GROWTH) (LIPOAMIDE DEHYDROGENASE) (VITAMIN A) ~Z REINIS,Z.; FUCIMAYER,V.; SULC,14.; LOJDA,Z.; DUEEZT,Z. Role of the gonads in experimental arteriosclerosis in poultry. Sbom. lek-. 66 no.1:6-13 Ja164 1. 1V. interni klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi Univ. Karlovy v Praze (prednosta: prof.dr. M.Fucik); Angiologicka laborator fakulty vseobecneho lakarstvi University Karlovy v Praze (,,redou,-~I!prof.dr.B.PrusIk) a Vyzkumna laborator Ve- terinarni spravy, Havlickuv Brod. LOJDA, Z.; REINIS, Z., prof. dr., DrSc. Topochemistry of enzymes in the aorta and coronary vessels of the cock with experimental arteriosclerosis. Sburn. Lek. 66 no.51137-144 Ap 164. 1. Angiologicka laborator fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze (reditel prof. dr. Z. Reinis, DrSc.). LOJDA, Z. Fixation of histochemistry. Cesk. morf. 13 no.2t65-83 165 Remarks on histochemical demonstatration of dehydrogenases. 11. Intracellular loralization, Ibid.t84-96 1. Angiological Liboratory and 1st Institute of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague. KUJALOVA, V.; MOSITG-E2,B.;LOjDA, Z. The effect of inhibitors cf the 11polytic acticn of adrenaline on adenosintriphosphatase and hexokinase activities in rat adipose tissue. Mysiol. Dohemoolov. 14 no.2:160-165 165. 1. Laboratory of Metabolic Regulations, Institute of Human Nutrition, Laboratory of Angirlj,.,gy, Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague. JANATA, J.; J'i!,!'~r, active tumor r,f the Ovary. Gao. It-'k. cesk. 104, 23 J1 165. 1. Gynekolo,,,Jcko-porodniI-.ka klinika UsUviu detskoho leka.-~-",-/; v Praze (prednosta doc. dr. A. Cernoch) , Vyzkurny enzi krinolo.cficky v Praze (reditel doe. dr. K. Silink, Angiologicka laborator IV. hiternil kliniky faklilty lekarstvi Karlovy Univer. ity v l1raze (vedouci prof'. dr. Po: PUCHMArER, V.; RE1111IS, 7.; WJDA,.LJ SULC, M.; DUBEN, Z. Effect of estrogenization on exporimental arterio3clerosi3 of roosters. Cas. lek. Cesk. 104 no.49/50:1360-1365 10 b 165. 1. IV. interni klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. M. Fucik), Angiologicka laborator pri IV. interni katedre Fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (,,edouc4 vrof. dr. 7. Reinis) a Ustredni staini veteiinarni ultqlr v Praze. CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDO 616-33-008,337:616-343-008.9(:577-158-42(547. 472-3).012)-076 FRIGI F;; 1~9JDA Z * 2nd Soientific and Research Center of Gastro- enterol gy, Pa-c-Lty"'of General Medicinal Charles University (11. Vedeokovyzkumne Pracoviate pro Gastroenterologii. Fakulty VBeoboo- neho Lekarstvi XU)*, Praque, Head (Vedouci) Prof Dr K. HERFORTI Angiologioal Laborator7 raculty of General Medicines Charles Un- iversitj (Angiologicka Laborator Fakulty Vsoobeeneho Lekarstvi KU), Prague, Head (Vedouci) Prof Dr Z. REINIS; lot Institute of Pathol- ogical Anatomy, Faculty of General Medicines Charles University (I. Ustav Patologioke Anatomie Fakulty Vaeobeoneho Lekarstvi KU)p Pragues Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr B. BEDNAR. "Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymen of Jejunal Biopsies in Patients with Malabsorption Syndrome,11 Prague Casopis takaru Cask-yeh, Vol 105, No 32P 15 Aug 66, pp 860 - U4 Abstract Lluthoral English summary modified_7: A decrease of LDH5 an& innorease in LD* and 3, and of H monomers of LDH is found in jejunal biopsies in adults with nontropical sprue, and in chil- dren with oeliao disease* These changes may be used in diagnosis and in studies of heredity@ 3 Figures, I Tables 19 Western, 7 Czech references. (Manuscript received Nov 65) - a - OSTROWOOKI, K.; HOSKALEWSKIj S.; KUFdIATOWSKI, W.; LOJEK, T. 0 rganization and activities of the Central Tissue Bank. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.40:1494-1496 4 0 165. 1. Z Komisji Konserwacji Tkanek Polskiej Akademii Nauk i z Zakladu Histologii i Embriologii A14 w Warszawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. Kazimierz Ostrowski) oraz z Pracowni Konser- wacji Tkanek 2 Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego WojBkowej AM. LOJEWSKII; Star:-Slaw, mgr ins, Model cal-:ulat-ion of the effeetiveneos 'of soil Improvements on permanent grassland. Gosp wodna, 22 no.8079-384 162. I* Zaklad Maliarae-jt,, Instytut, M~Iioracji i U.-j-Uow Zielonych,. Warsi-aws., KLEMENCIC, Vladimir, dr.; JERSIC, Matjaz; LOJK, Joze; VOJVODA, Metod; JELIC, D.Ioko Study on the utilization of soil in three villftles 0, Yugoslavia. Geogr vest 34:61-114 162[publ.163 1. Institut za geografijo Univerze v Ljubljani. 2. Clan Uredniskega odbora, "Geografski vestnik" (for Klemencic). LO,TK, Joza Seventh Gongreas of Yugoslav Geograpl- 'er3 in Croatla; SpTtez'-er 21 30, 1964. Googr vest 1,6il22-125 164 fptibl. 1651, D - I"T""',)- F Vy~lki =,:. y i: - vt- 13 e c r, ll:~' (v-iloi~,! d :"IDr. J. .n Ok ti Ka rlk"~Illty WS)z Jr DUTSTBIM, Zd.; VITEK, F.; tochnicka t3poluprace STACIMA, III.; JI,",CMII-,K, P. CMUIOVSKAS 14. LOJKGVAI.Pi. 11oripheral blood changes after intermdl Irrad-lation. II. Effect of radioi,old Au198. Sborn. Ick. 64 no.7:193-201 Jl 162. 1. Slofyzikaini ustav fakulty vooobeencho iokarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta doc. dr. Zd. Dienstbier. (GOLD radioactive) (RADIATION EFFIXTS exper) (BLOOD CULS radiation offects') VOLEK, V.), DI&ISTBIER, Zd.; technicka spoluprace-, STACNOVA, M.; PAP11,20VA, R.; COWTOVSKA, M.; LOJKOVA, M. ~ __ Effect of radiations on the level of ser-m lactic dehydrogenase in the rat. Acta univ. carol. [med.] Suppl. 14:103-110 161. 1. 1. interni klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi University Karlovr v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Hoenig Biofysikalni ustav fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi, University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta doc. dr. Z. Dienstbier. (LACTIC DERYDROGL-21ASE blood) (RADIATION INJURY exp,~-r) USSR/Farri Ani;=ls - Honeybee Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., Ih) 15, 1958, 69423 AuthDr Zh(;enti, S.K., Lekishvili, M.A., Lokabidze. 1,U,. Knknbadze, O.Ye. List Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry of Georc;ian SSR Title Re5ults if IzivestiLptinr,~ the Ec~niomically Valuable Pr~)pcrtics r)f Fnir Basic Populations of Gray High- Mountain Geor6iaii ffDneybees Orir,- Pub Sb. tr. N.-i. in-t zhivotnovodstva. GruzSSR, 1957, 2, 243-257 Abstract As a result of three-year investi&-iti-m, it was esta- blished that thu Ma,,trelskaya ho;aeybea has the loiGest li,rpla (7.02 mi), hirjicst prodlictiveiess, is lesc Ucli- ned to swarr.LinC;, is peacefLd, but at the same time is Card 1/2 - 63 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA LOKAJ, J. Microbiological Institute of the Medical Faculty UJEvP (Mikrobiologicky ustav lekarske fakulty UJEvP), Brno Prague, Rozhledy v tuberkulose, No 4, 1963, Pp 250-M "Differentiation of fAycobacteria by Miccobiological Demonstration of Isonicotinic Acid.01 LOKAJI SKI MILOS WO Coll J. till 1,11K tw, T t t Y"- N1 a tit. It 6 shoivn how eletnesilary particki can be gtoupcil In t erinq of thtir ordinary all,, mtopic spins. The lepton. with ordinary spin 1/1 ;uM i~olopic spill 1. has 3 charge xtatei,' the tlectrait, the pc."itron, an(l the Majorana. neutrino. The - pion, with tirdloary %pin 0 and kotopic spill I , also ha-i 3 th,irge Atalr,%, 1, v - , mid .1 mesons. The midenn, with ord I" A r,v Apill 1110 jollollit. ~Jdn 1/1, hai .1 ~Wtm rnton, lic(lir"fl. witi-111"Itmi. :till mati-tirtarvit. Inimsclillorlit of the lcptnti firl, I -trul I,( the pion firld with the el~ctrtmtinji. netic atul the rmr)7,i:t fidtl% tire cotinicicred. 'rite theory m Anwit in be indcpt,-lcnt of the representation of the k-topic ,phi twr:it.r,, f. 1. Mitchell LOKAJIG-M, MUDD3 I Scittlerfaro(gigas ynucteons. Nfiln'll.n c Mchodor, J. FWj"-T,-l.If--l7 19 -Thr mrsolls r -1. and C' (F' reprtsenti a neutral inrinn with lq()ttjpjc Npiti (1) tie 11j%jimed to lit charge statrs of PA sinsle Isiiiii which m.ty have LWt, ... i& Anil) I or 0. The lumininwital equaliotis for the Inter"REMI M f e I field with the clectfomagnetic and nuclep, flelds,swe 4 IT." -lated. The pion-nucleon mittering matrix is calc( F - , - -3. J.- klitthell _ 7 Vvotruba, vdclay, and 14kaijok, M112~h Nufu0n Nobam endSffon sItte J.- Phys. 4. 1-13 (19 )__TX~ On the basis of the apparent occurrence of an Isobaric I state of the nucleon in recent pion-nucleon scattering cxperl- L ments, the authors assume that the nuclew is a Dirac particle, the isotopic spin vector of which can have two different lengths, 1/2 and 3/2. A convenient set of Matrices is introduced to describe this situation and the algebraic relations between them are given. They are further loilesti. - gated in the paper reviesved hereafter. The rest of thepresent paper discusses briefly the coupling between nucleon and pion and its implications for pion-nucleon scattering. L, Vats How (Utrecht). -Votruba, V., und QW07, ghdfto Die Akabra dss 120topen spins Czechos Phyn. 4, 403-413 (1954). (Russian summary) All irreducible heirmitian matrix representationis am de. termined for a s~%tem of relations established previously by. Votruba and Lolajfeek for special matrices encountered in the combination ruf representatiotis Dill and Dili of the. three-dimensional rotation grotip [see the paper reviewed above]. L. Vats Item (Utmcht). XLA LoK4JICCK' muciftn (s I'l c f i 4P of this alset".. to O-e d-~iption th, rMt 'Itan and the ~ttcrinz ~f pl- I,y rme nLt,~-,ni l~ "amd Avtvmmg fL, ~v m Dtra- rwv~lt, th,v abtained for tht tnc~ c life time rJ am -c ell V.ItC "Ith Lwtoj3ic spLn 3/2,value f thc cl:e , ,~, ; ade 10 - 11 w In agrtzxzent kith Bucckner's e-turmte (,f C A 46. N-107 , C J. O'Bhrn I-OKMICEK, I.I. 'Review of the Theory of Padloactivity" P. 50 ( MSKOSLOV7,NSKY CASOPIS PRO FTSIKU Vol. 4, No. 1, Feb. 1954 - Praha, Czech. ) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EFAL), LC., Vol.4, No. 4, April 1955, Uncl- STLSW, Tladimirl LcWl=, Milos; JAKaMXCVA,' Jaroslava. Techn.apolupr.,: . A.Vebrensiii-. ' Studies on a gorad-dose in roontgono-therapy of selected non- nooplastic diseases&Cesk, rentge 14 no.1:1-4 Y 16o. 1. Radiologicka kliniks, EJ, preduosta prof. KUDr. V. 6vab. Onkologicka laborator fakulty vasob. lokaretvi, reditel doc. HUDr. J. Vent&, (RkDIOTHZRM ) (GONAIS radiation off.) LOKAJI&OLK, 14. Dosimetry in roentgen therapy. Gesk. rentgenol. 16 no.1:1-7 F 162. 1. Tesla-Pardubice,, n.p,IVyzkumy zavod Premysleni u Prahy. RALI01%STRY) LOKAJIC-VKI M.; JAKOUBKOVA, J.1 JUSEK, V.; technicka spoluprace: A. Gonadal dosage in the treatment of non-tunorous diseases with x-irradiation (Dosimetric study). Cask. rentgenol. 16 no.l: 30-35 F '62. 1. Vvzkwnny zavod Tesia-Premysleni Radiologicka klinika a onkologicka laborato FVL KU. IGOIMW radiation effects) (IiAI)IOT11jWY) I LOKAJICEK, Milos An apparatus for measuring the low energy beta particles. Jaderna, energie' 8 no.9:326-327 S 162. CZECHOSLOVAKIA STASEK, V., Docent 14D; JAZOUBKOVA, J., MD; KOLAR, J., MD; 10KAJICEK, M., Dr., Radiologist; BRAO19-ELD, K., MD; TICHY, S., MD. 1. Oncological Laboratory FVL (Onkologicka laborator FVL), Pra e 2 Radiological Clinic FVL (Radiologicka klinika FVLf Pra~:ue (for Lokajicek); 3. Research Institute and Development Institute (Vyzkumny a vyvojovy zavod), Premyeleni; 4. Second Pediatrics Clinic-, ORL Laboratory CSAV (II. pediatricka klinika, ORL laborator CSAV), Prague Prague, Prakticky lekar, No 2, 1963, pp 71-73 "The Effect on the Patient of X-Ray Therapy." T40) 9-966 PAIMETOR: TADkajic,2k, M. (Lokaichek, M. )(11remYGleni) T a-21 ction of 1a-4 encrE,,f beta rndlatifm thtl~ aid of liquid scintiMatorG Ceske vyioke uccni t.ec1mickc. F'race. Sr,,r. 6. no. 1,, pt. 2, 11,)61, 4 i TOPIC lwta xi,,idlatim, I.crr T-adiatACq-1, liquid ocintillator, toluene, 1-'~, rad.Placti-ve Isoilorx?, j'n, 1-.-')ise back~,,round, thermi-.1 nc)U~c The a-tlcle descrlbe!7, o. 1~7;1,r-onergy rn.-hation detector usin47, Uquid i t,' -iz%, cuTrcntly blAnir devolop"I IkL t1w, FQctory at IIrrr;nvrjIeni). T,;)(! efficiency of th~_. liq~d~l -or-3, lh~- photmiiu,]Uyplic~r nr, jf, ;Irmi Uhr, offor~l. CW o - ri f, ~I - I rind ti C r ic. ic:! cy for the I.-." ~_' 1 ai-, 1-tio it; for tho mmt jxvrt of !) hIfYv_,r Ievcl thrm thot of tho limtoj-K.~ por~~311)D~ to constclel".11""," t~ in.- to obt;,-in a uf ~dvc-n ri haclurn-)timl ACCESSION NR: AT4o49966 not exceeding 110 imp/miny by a sultable choice of both diecrininatimn Ienrcls for the three photormultipliers dC3cribed in text (with vet-j Im, the-imval noir;c) aud a 40 c-m-5 toluene-lbase liquid scintillator coritaining 5 trull tVl) (1,3,4-p-henylbirtienyl- The lead tnhiieldb)(., war, approy:Lvitely 'i cm thick. If insteftd of pulse analy7cr only 7,1mple discriainatim Is unfd, on,~ may IP-1-41-1 type Uv~ lqicl romd -will not i-rr~ater wittl the t,:) K9 nonr,,i I L;?mp-,rat iro, 1',)r =m rmid t t11Ap-~1,)r ;U11 ~1 1 7,:~'~~ 11,9:' liati -, 1 tab 1e. ASSOCTATION, VZ, Prem- ysleni 1, -9.11TITED 11 UE I . Ch') EML: O(D ST113 CODE: UP Nc, TTFP ~,,ov! 000 rfl"RFIR r)60 'I T'A' )4 ~j 2 D e 41 I-C ta T, n L 40680-65 Dri (m) /T/mra (h IJP(c) ACC1=101i NR: AP5011979 Cz/0038/64/000/()j?/iY45Q/0432 ALMIHOR: Lnlajicek, Milos (Premysleni) TIM: Scintillation detector 8- a new installetion for investigation of radioiL-Otopif distribution in a living organism SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no. 12, 1964, 45o-452 IrOPIC TAGS: radioisotopeg scintillation detector, ga=ma ray, ga=m detector Abstract: Three forms of the scintillation camera or ga==graph are described, all of which are designed to present a pattern an an oacilloscope that represents the Jistribution of an isotope in a living organism. 7he first of these is similar in Principlc to a pinhole camera. In this care the hole 16 definel by a contcal lead and the image is formed on a circulax lxal~711`1 crystal. Seven photamultiplier '~4~hind the crystal are connected Into a ratrix fror. which are taken X &nd Y signale ar3 vc-11 as a Z signal, which goes through a differontial &na-lyzer. Along %.ith "his, '~~iere is sometimes used a positron acintillation camera wiLich depends upon the principle that the tvn ga=i rays ermitted in the anniliilation of a positron are in coincidence and ejactly oppoaite in directionz. 'Ilie thIrd form of 3cintillation cf-,mera is called the autoflue)rosco ~s and uno-,-e 293 arall tfal cryetals connected by light DiPas to 35 photomultipliers. Lach cryatal Lies behind Ite own collimtor Card 112 L 40680-65 ACCESSMN NRs AP=979 hole.and the output of the photowiltipliern-'eniia a eigwl giving.the raw and tha' column locating the origin of a gamma ray an moll as its,euer87.' -F4wtiona describing the performance of each of the de*icea we given. Orig. arte has 41 4 figures. -ASSOCIATIONf-VytkvxWzavod--lbola-PreVeloni~-(T ola-2ese"ch -Plant) -SUB ODDE: NP, 13 SUBMITTED: 00 ENCLt 00 NO Pff SM 000 OTHERt 006 NA lCard L00051-66 31JT (m)IFNA (h) ACCESSION NRi AP5025464 r,7,/oo38/6,5/boo/W,/O147/bl49 'AUTHOR: Lokajicekt,Milos TITLE: Influence of the discrimination end dead times on the pnrametorn of coinci- dence scintillation dot;ector of low-enar,j beta radiation SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no. 4, 1965t 11-7-1119 TOPIC TAGS: acintillation detector, beta radiation ABSTRACT: A mathematical derivation is 3iven for eqtvttionn relating tho si(gi'll pulse rate,. the noise pulse rate in each branch of the circuit, tile rer-olving time, and the dead time of the circuit to the lose of signal count. GraphicrA plots of the resulting equations show the deprridence of the maxinjum dead time which can be permitted at given noise levels for counting losses of 1 and 10% -respectively. As an example, it is cited that in counting tritium with a coinaidonce scintillation detector arrangement with a counting efficiency of 40 to 45% at -5 to -100C the noise level is approxinvitely 10 sup ~ impulses per second. At ordinary temperatures, a noise level an order of magnitude higher in encounterede Orig. art* has 2 fiVreds 3 graphal. and 4 formulas. Card 1/2 1 L ooo5'l.-(6 ACCESSION ITRt Ap5o25464 ASSOCIATIONt Vyrkumrq savod Tealaq Ili-omTsleni (Tesla gesearch Factor7) SUBMITTED: 00 EN(li 00 SUD OODEi HP NO REY SOV: 001 amml 000 NA Card Z/2. Stu,i-r of lat~- 165. obecneho klinika fak-oltv Otor-i no'.1 n!,J nrl, 1ka v V-iz~,orjny ~j,, 1 v i,:- 7 S: ACC- NRI AP7005527 CODE: CZ/0038/66/000, 011/0429 0431 AUTHOR: Lokajicek, Milos ORG: Research Institute for Nuclear Engineering Equipment, Premysleni near Prague (Vyzkumny ustav pristroju jadernd techniky) TITLE: Some theoretic problems with equipment for determining radioactivity distribution in living organisms SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no. 11, 1966, 429-431 TOPIC TAGS: human physiolo y +L C_ -'AL j_~_/ -f A'0-~ J-n ABSTRAC T: In medical diagnostics it is important to trace dynamic processes through isotope concentration and to determine activity distribution in living organs. For such scanning, optimal efficiency is essential in apparatus, particularly as to sensitivity and discriminative.capacity. Examples are given in the use of point and plane radiation sources with four types of collimators when the source is placed on or directly in the human organ, and formulas are derived for detector response sen- sitivity and resolution in relation to depth ok the radiation a tivity within the body. Scintillation chambers and kinetic gamagraphs are comparld and formulas are derived for the number of pulses they register with different types of collimeters. The information theory is then applied to determine optimal resolution oflq~ccessive 616-073.75 -Card 11.2 539.1.08 ACC NR; AF7005527 scannings. It is concluded that more research will have to be done before exact methods can be developed to register small deviations in activity distribution for application in practical diagnostics. Paper presented by J. Klumpar. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas, 1 table, and 4 figures. SUB CODE: 06rN/SUMM DATE: 157ab66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REFt 006 Card LOKAJICEKIV.; IIADVORIIIKP. Methodology of the gnoseological evaluation of psychic changes after stdreotaxic operations. Activ. nerv. sup. 6 no.1:78-79 164. )t, KOIOPOV. M.; -JAZAIKKKO, A. In the interests of techniological progress. Sov. profsojusy 4 no-9:35- 37 S '56, (KLRA 9:10) l..Ispolnyayushchiy obynzannosti zaveduyushchago otdelom proizvod- stvanno-masovoy raboty Bashkirskogo sovprofa (for Kolotov) 2.Starabir inatruk.tor Bnahkireko sovprofe, (for Lokalenko). fBoashkirin-Widiency, Industrial) IVW : iyw~ R T - 7 ot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 O l i I 1 41 It6 p v Is of it0 l t IF I 1 it 11a a it b so 2? a If ;; F A I OOA if $4,a t" " 0 I M Id a 6 at v al 4 N a e L-cA At IF 0 it A.- e 1111110 U4a 1 4 9 A 4 It I-* I I'- 00 A I 0 0 : -041 002 .00 008 god 0 0 e Dyeing with suffuz dyffs without adding sodium sulfto 00 8*0 ippl.,sloos -4 S lv,, -1b *0 a 1 200 \.fill .... IkAr 11'.1 11 Ill. .1%, ..."Im ... ... 1I.It'll I-d 000 -4 \4'~' I-, Ib, '1W' W111 400 00j it N. "MIs Im.1-4 A." .,Ill S /I W..." . .1", It NIN '11.4it 1. see 900 boo .1 tolt$Attol too* L We* IF 0." off folio? ad 4.1 lot 444 1,114his Ill Fitt a is a I W at a a 1 5 U 0 AV 00 U *I a, on a, AT a, o [ 0 0 so egos III s MIZYUKOVA, I.G.;; LOKANTSEV, D.S. Camparative evaluation of toxic and antidotal properties of certain moreaptoalkyloulfonate derivatives. Farm.i tokso 23 no.4-.355-362 Jl,Ag 160. (MIRA 14-3) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii (zav. - prof. N.I.Luganskiy) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo sanitarno-khimicheskogo institiAtg. (DIMERCAPROL) (SULFONIC ACIDS) ACC NRz AP6000975 SdUkE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/022/0057/005 INVENTOR: Barkova. M. V.; Lebedeva, L. V.; L~k~tse~v~~-I. M.; Zaviralina, T. P.; Chentemirova, L. M.Yxls~r- ORG: none TITLE: Preparation of heat-resistant-epoxy compounds. Class 39, No. 176393 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 22, 1965, 57 TOPIC TAGS: epoxy plastic, heat resistance, irradiation resistance, .i-ZA ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a prepRr V4.ye method for heat- ,pt .c and radiation-resistant(' ompounds based on epoxy resiA; & during agent. The method provides for the use 9,10-dihydroanthracene, or the 9,10-endo-a,8-succinic anhydride [siel'an adduct of maleic anhydride and anthracene. [BO] SUB CODE- It OW SUBM DATE; l9jul63/ ATD PRESS. Card 1/1 uDcq 678.643.o43 In we'lla T ne Mir I vi., I '.I: IT 10. 1.11 t I IC, I , A iton in LOKAR., Vladimir, in[;. Construction of coaxial cable network in the connection with the automatization of long-dista=.e telephones. Automatika 2 no-3- 171-172 Ag 161. (Telephone cables) LOKAR, Vladimir, inz. Building of coaxial telephonic eystem on the line Ljubljana -Zagreb, PTT zbor 15 no.12t235-237 D 161. UWOSH. B.I., kand. tekhn. vauk; NIGUMIN, N.O., kand. tekhn. nauk, Determining the efficiency of continuous multiple-production lines. Nauch." trady Len. lesotekh. akad. noo'76t48-56 157. (KERA llt4) (Woodworidng machinery) (Ifficienoy, Industrial) I LOKAY, A.I. [Lokai, A.I.), klinicheB]ciy ordinator Two cases of measles in newborn infants and puerperae. Fed., akush. i gin. 23 no.6:60-61 161. (MI'a 15:4) 1. Kafedra infektsionnfch bolezney (zav, - prof. B.Ya.Padalka) Kiyevskogo meditsinakogo instituta im. akad.Bogomolltsa (rektor - dotsent V.D.Bratusi). (MMLES) (INFANTS (N3WBO;,14)-DISEASLS) LOKAY , A. I. -,.. . - - - Functional state of the adraml cortex in acute d3raentez7. Vrach. delo no.10:97-99 0 163. WRA 17:2) I - V_.L, 1. Kafedra infektsiowWkh bolezney (zav. - dotsent V.P. Osipov) i kafedra biokhimii (zav. - dotsent Z.Zh. Oude) Ternopoliskogo meditainakogo instituta. -,.ii na ti on o t' a r. t 1. Z Katedry Owjerowni~: r.-", J- ZHIRITSKIY2. G,.S!; T-OXAY. V.I. . . I . C~eihciint 6t'heat transfAr 23.-132-142 149. frojo.cas. to- turbine blades. Trudy KLI (KIRA 10:6) (Gas turbitos--Blades) LOXAY, V. I. increasing the power of gas-turoines. (Gas-turbines) Trudy KAI 24:101-115 '50. (KLRA 10:7) LOXAY, V. 1. - . a., - ~ - , - Heat exchange in hollow blades 25:116-128 151. (Gas-turbines--Blades) of gqo-turbines. TnA7 LAI MU 10:7) (Thermodynamics) - LOKAY V 1. 1 Hydrodynamic theory of the heat exchange applied to circular sl,)te, 'Fv-,Ay XAI 26:73-88 152. (HIBA 10:6) (Therwdymmics) (Fluid dynamics) k SOV/124-57-3-2954 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 3, p 44 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lokat, V - I TITLE: The Effect of the Radial Clearance Upon the Heat Process of a Gas- turbine Stage Equipped With Elongated Vanes (Vliyanie radial'nogo zazora na teplovoy protsess gazoturbinnoy stupen;- s dlinnymi lopatkami) PERIODICAL: Tr. Kazan. aviats . in-ta, 1953, Vol 27, pp 70-90 ABSTRACT: A description is given of the calculation of the gas leakage through the radial clearance of a gaB-turbine stage wherein the twist of the vanes varies in accordance with the laws r c u = const, 'la ':-* const 2 rcICos a 1= const,aconst where clu and cla are the circumferential and the axial components of the gas velocity at the nozzle exit sections at a given radius r. Card I /Z Use is made of the Bernoulli equation as modified by the introduction SOV/124- 57- 3-2954 the Effect of the Radial Clearance Upon the Heat Process of a Gas-turbine (cont.) of the coefficients of the velocity losses in the nozzle apparatus and in the rotor vanes. It is assumed that the expansion of the gas in a radial clearance takes place in the axial direction only. Calculation results are given of the effect,&, produced upon the relative internal efficiency of the stage by the deviation of the value of the radial clearance from its design value. The calculations show that a 116 increase in the value of the clearance as compared to the design- clearance value results in an efficiency loss of 1-216. Bibliography: 6 references. A. G. Ivanishchev Card 2/2 jr CA ANO- V.I. (Yrr. AYLOI. it) olach atr 7777~~ LOKAY) -V#- -I. "Effect of the Angle of Incidence on the Operation of a Turbine Lattice," by V. I. Lokay, Tr. Kazansk. aviats. in-ta) 30, 1954, PP 135-151 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal- Mekhanika, No 11, Nov 56, Abstract No 7352, by A. I. Bori- senko) "Presents the results of 85 tests of 12 different types of turbine profile latticeqat M 5::~:0-7 and R';Z:;0.5 x 105. The operation of the lattice was characterized by its efficiency factor, which was determined by the relationship of the kinetic energy of the flow behind the lattice to the presumed energy. 110n the basis of the author's tests, as well as on the tests of other investigators, it is noted -that curves A --~t = f jc~ ), where 0(, is the relative angle of incidence (ratio of the dn-gle between the flow ve- locity vector and the tangent to the center line of the inlet edge pro- file to the angle between the lattice axis and the tangent to the center line of the inlet edge), while A '71 is the ratio of the difference be- tveen the computed maximum and average efficiency factors to the computed (maximum) e-fficiency factor, are well approximated by the relationship A p(2, Vbere A a 0.8 - 1.0 for 0( > 0 and A = 0.1 - 0.2 ford(/,O "Thus, the shape of the profile in the lattice has little affect on the lattice characteristics along the relative angles of incidence. "The sensitivity to a change in the angle of incidence decreases Vben lattice density is increased." :~~ XA-VV- I a -5 S, 14"Y' V.I. . - ---- -- - Q angle of attack on the performance of turbine cascade of profiles. Trudy X&I 30t135-151 '55. (nU 10W (Oas-turbines-Blades) AUTHOR: -Lokay, V. I. (Kazan') 24-11-12/31 TITLE: Compariso~ of the cycles of gas turbines with constant combustion pressure and gas turbines with constant combustion volume. (0 aravnenii taiklov gazoturbinnykh ustanovok s postoyannym, davleniyem, i postoyannym ob"yemom sgoraniya). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1957, No.11, pp.92-98 (USAR) ABSTRACT: It is shown in the paper that gas turbine equipment with periodic-cambustion,operating on the principle of a simple cycle,may possess a considerably higher efficiency and specific power than gas turbines with a constant pressure and continuous combustion in the chambers and also operating according to a simple cycle. The cycle characterised by v = const. (the Stodola cycle) is compared with the cycle characterised by p - const. On the basis.-of calculations, which are mentioned but not given in deta-11, the following conclusions are derived: for an equal temperature of the blades of the first stage the initial temperature in the cycle ov - const. can be made appreciably higher (by 200 to 400 C) than in a cycle with p - const. The extreme flatness of the efficiency and the specific output curves Card 1/3 near the maximum, particularly for high initial temperatures, 24-11-12/31 C ,omparison of the cycles of gas turbines with constant combustion pressure and gas turbines with constant combustion volume. permits choosing considerably lower compression ratios in the compressor than the optimum value in gas turbines vdth periodic combustion. This brings about not only a decrease in weight of the compressor unit but also a reduction in the temperature of the blades owing to a reduction of the temperature of the blown through air. In the considered gas turbines with periodic combustion, the specific useful power is 2.5 to 2.7 times and the efficiency is 1.3 to 1.4 times as high as in gas turbines with continuous combustion; this can be seen from Fig.7 in which the blade temperature is plotted on the abscissa. Curves 1 and 2 in Fig 7 which pertain to gas turbines with periodic combu;tion, intersect at the point A and this indicates that, for low temperature cycles with blade temperatures below that corresponding to this intersection point election of the pressure ratio of the compressor from ;he" point of view of optimum specific power ensures not only a maximum specific power but alao-a higher efficiency. This is attributed to the favourable influence of a drop in the air temperature beyond the compressor on Card 2/3 the blade temperature. Gas turbines with periodic Gas screen in gas-turbine units with periodic combustion.- Isv. vys. ucheb. save; avetekhs 2 no,1:74-80 '59. (Hru ljazanekiy aviatsionnyy institute Xafedrs. aviatsionufth lopatochnykh maehin. (Gas turbines)I 30246 3/145/60/000/002/014/020 A.? D221/D3o2 AUTHOR: Lokay, V.I., Candidate of Technical Sciencesp Docent TITLE: On the problem of calculating a stage in gas turbine with periodic combustion in chambers PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. 1,1ashino- stroyeniye, no. 2, 1960, 145 - 158 TEXT: Gas turbines with periodic combustion may be more advanta- geous than those with continuous process, provided that the 1--'-fe of the blades is equal in both cases. This deduction is made for the process of instantaneous and complete mixing of combustion pro- ducts with air. Due to significant thermal drops in the turbine, i-U is expedient to use a multistage design (Fig. 2). The author indicates features of the calculations and provides preliminary recommendations on the choice of parameters in the pulsating stage. Good scavenging requires that pressure in the downstream of the nozzle in the first pulsating stage p c , should be less than the pressure of charging Pk. Analytical work is quoted in connection Card 1//_ I)) 3W 46 S/145/60/000/002/014/020 On the problem of calculating a ... D221/D302 with selection of the type of nozzle and the inlet angle of rotor blades in the pulsating stage Plt. In the greater part of the first phase, when the outflow from the chamber takes place at a pressure reduced to the value of the downstream pressure in com- pressor Pk~ the inlet angle varies littler During the second phase of the outflow at constant pressure Pk2 the above angle changes. It i-i-- pointed out that the first phase has a decisive effect on the efficiency of the pulsating stage. The mean efficiency of the pulsating stage depends to a large extent on the ratio of speeds Vle U/clol where c 10 is the speed at the outlet of the nozzle in the beginning of the outfiow. It is assumed that losses due to friction and ventilation are 6reater in the pulsating stage as compared With the con-jentional design. The author elaborates on equations concerning the work in both phases of outflowt and use is made of linear law on heat produced with the time. Calculations carried out for a wide range of changes in the initial parameters (T 0 = 1200 - _L8500 absolute) revealed that in the case of tapered nozz- les the ratioof speeds is about 0.3 - 0.4, and similar results are Card 2/'~3