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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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Fig. 1. Diagram of rig for vibratory-thermal
stabilizing treatment
at 160, 260, 535 and 550'C (their regular aging and
tempering temperatures). The effectiveness of this
4, treatment was evaluated by comparing the extent of
the surviving residual. stresses with the stresses pro-
sent following vibration-free heating at the same tem-
peratures. Findings: this effectiveness is the greater
the higher the amplitude and frequency of vibrations
are. Thus, e.g. for specimens of 35L steel at 550"C,
treated with vibrations of 80-cps frequency and 0. 2 mv
amplitude, residual stresses are 26.2% smaller-thm
following the same heating without vibration, and at
vibrations of 250-cps frequenoy these stresses are
4. 1 times smaller
high-temperature vibration
ACC HRs AY6031837
- -
AUTHOR: Khenkin, M, L.-, jook~hinq I. Kh.; Levina, N. K.; Sidokhin, Ye. F.'
Simeonov, 8,L.i Minina, Pa-iiIAktoya, Ye.V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Effect of cy;lic heat treatment on the properties and structure
of alloys containing phases with different expansion coefficients
SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye v. 22, no. 6, 1966, 896-903
~Nr-,IFWMIL SrPES.5s CC04 IV(37, 194 0-771AIVI" VZ.Loc-1.
TOPIC TAGS: A 0141CdAl C0AFr0?1MjNa alloy, magnesium containing alloy, alloy
heat treatment, cyclic heat treatment,-.qkl*a~m-mechanical property,
stress relaxation, cyclic heat treatment effect/AL2 alloy, AL9T2
ABSTRACT: An investigation has been made of the effect of cyclic heat
treatment (CHT) on the internal stresses and relaxation characteristica
of alloys containing phases with different expansion coefficien,;n.
Each cycle in CHT consisted of cooling to subzero temperatures ,-40 to
-190), holding for 10-120 min, followed by heating to relatively low
temperatures (UP to 150C) and holding at these temperatures for 15- 240
min. It was found that CHT reduced internal stresses and increased the
relaxation strength in all investigated alloys. The greatest decrease
in internal stresses was observed in AL2 (12.1%Si) and AL9T2 (7%Si, 0.3%
Mg) aluminum alloys. The CHT had no effect on the tensile and yield
Card 1 /2 uDc: 669.017': 1548-735+62o.1871
ACC NRI AP700274o
strengths and the ductility of Al-Si alloys, but it increased the
elastic limit by 20-500P and the relaxation strength of AL2 alloy by
300% in short-time and prolonged testa. Thus , CHT effectively inhibited
the negative effect of the increased silicon content, thereby incre"in
the strength characteristics, but lovers the relaxation strength of
Al-Si alloys. The effect of CHT on the relaxation strength decreasea_
as the.upper temperature of the cycle increases above 150C, andapproach-
es zero when this temperature is increased to 280C. The first three
cycles of CHT are the most effective regardless of the holding time at
the extreme temperatures of the cycle. The same effect of MIT was
observed in other alloys consisting of the phases with different expan-~
sion coefficients, e9go, Al-Ge, and sintered W-Ni-Fe and W-Ni-Cu alloys, !
In such alloys, CHT promoted formation of a stable dislocation structure
with minimum micro-and macrostreases, which increased the elastic limit
and relaxation strength.- Orige arts haos 5 figures and 3 tables,
SUB CODEs 13, ll/ SUBM DAM 108ep65/ OHIO REP: 008/ OTH REP: 00
p Card
SOV/124 58 11-1?45~
Translation from: Referat;vnyy zhurnal, Me~hijril