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4rdrogenation of compounds containing a carbonyl group (over fused
-iron catalystO. Trudy Inst-nefti 139180-rI95 159* (MIRA 13;12)
(Carbonyl compounds) (Hydrogenation)
utut usol,nor ru"Or. neftyanoy I 61=ovoy promyshlennostl
Wauchs3rya rapiski. e7p. It Dobycha i porerat~otka nerti (sci-
entific Reports or the State scientific Research And Project
Institute for the Coal. Xining, 011. and On& Industries, No.
1% Extraction and Processing or Petroleum) Kiyev, 3,966. 91
9. 1.000 copies printed.
3ponsorlng Agancleat UlcrSSR Gosudarstvonnays planova7a kcalsslya
8oveta KInLstr*v. Gasudarstvinnyy nauchno-las Iedoyatel'skly I
pra)roktny7 Institut Ugol-noy. rudnoy, nertyanoy, I gazovoy
prowyahl"noatI. 'UkMUp-oy*kt.*
Witom-1 T. P. Alce*nov. S. Ye. kiushln llns~ay,
V. Ta. VolchansIcIr. D. 1. Gol*taev, T. S.
3ecretarr)s B. V. D%benovakty, X. X. Zherbin
A. 1. Xcrov. X. 1. Logy1nov. ru. M. Ostrovskly. L. X. Orzhekhoy-
*"1&, 0. T. te-6eUkly, T. T. Skly&r (Deputy Ch%irmwin), V. ra.
Stasiv, and V. V. Tsantayn; Reap. Ed. for this Collection.
Y. T. Wqlar. Candidate Of ChecLLeal 3rienceal Ed.t A. NOTU.
cam 115
lntvn~led for per-role=
=do eOj_,sctIQn of 4_-t1clc3 in
researchers. wngUoqrs. and reflaers..
CCTIMMIS The colloctlOn Of Artlelss deals with the production
and refUL"t Of P*'-rQIQUM- ln~.Jvjduml a--tIole3 discuss tt*
effect or bound water an the deplotiOm of petroJe= deposits
und:r dlstalve4 920 condition a, the effect Of P"Id"re on the
vi * it gr dogasLfi:d pt-rojeun. the structure of blSh-0010-
.51.181.1 I*um hydro arbons, the asphaltone and tar co4PO-
neots or carpa=- crude$ and menIIV.0 analo as_haltm, and the
aliphatic eompogltLon of alcohols produced by selectIve h7dxv-
genation of the CC Aid H2 product of synthesis.- Cther rti-le3
describe the Garbsillde dewaxing method for filtrates of wax =a-
ULlat~s. the production of flotation agents with the use Of
o=dlztd petrOIA--%m, And the Investigation of six-membored am-
m&t1O and naphtzwde hyd--ocarbons by means or Infrxred Absorption
spectra. The reMalning Articles Are on the relations or pressure-
v*lum*-tezporstur,*-ethyIene And an the phase equilibrium In
gbylano-n-hexane. *thY2snQ-cYcIOhGx=~. and ethylenf-benzen*
Pats". Specific volumes and compression Coefficients At
Card 2/5
Scientific Reports (Cont.)
Rudakova, N. Ya., A. D. Bilonizhka, and 8. Z. Krimerman. Car-
bamide'Dewaxing of Filtrates of Wax Distillate From Dolinskaya
and Borialavskaya Crude Oils 13~)
Sabirova, 0. V., and ev, Study of the Aliphatic Com-
position of Alcohols,Produce by Selective Hydrogenation of the
Synthesis Product From CO and H2 86
AVAILABLE: Librarytof Congress
Composition of the liquid products obtained in the synthesis
from CO and H2 on tale catalysts. Trudy Inst.nefti 14:76-84
160. (Carbon monoxide) (MIRA 14-5)
AUTHORS: Sabirova, G.V.; Loktev, S.M.
TITLE: A study of the composition of aliphatic spirits obtained by
means of the selective hydrogenation of the product of CO ani
H2 synthesis.
SOURCE: Kiyev. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy
insti.tut ugollnoy, rudnoy, neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti.
Nauchnyye zapiski, no. 1, 1960. Dobycha i pererabotka nefti,
TEXT: The authors examine the composition of spirits obtained by means of
a two-stage process: synthesis from CO and H on a talc catalyst and sub-
sequent hydrogenation of the synthesis produci on fused iron catalysts.
The following spirits were separated and identified: ethyl alcohol, iso-
propyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, secondary butyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol,
secondary amyl alcohol, n-amyl alcohol, secondary hexyl and n-gexyl alcohol.
The yield of spirits with a boiling temperature of up to 157.4 C in 80.3%
of the total quantity of spirits in the hydrogenate. Together with the
Card 1/2
S/71 601000100110041004
A study of the composition ... D055YD113
primary and secondary saturated aliphatic spirits in the hydrogenation prc-
duct, unsaturated spirits were discovered with a boiling temperature abD715
157.40C. They composed about 10% of the total quantity of spirits. There
are 4 tables and 14 references, 6 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloo . The
four English-language references are: P.Sherwood, Petroleum Engineer, 24,
no. 5, 21; no. 7, 28, 1952;LHatch, Higher oxo alcohols. New York. 1958;
Encyolopedia of Chemical Tezhnalogy, V.I., 1947; A.J. Vogel, J.Chem. Soc.p
1814, 1948,
Card 2/;->
AUTHORS: Kagan, Yu. B. Bashkirov, A. N., Kamzolkina, Ye, V,,
Loktev, S. M.
TITLE: On the Activation Process of Molten Iron Catalysts for
for CO and H2 Synthesis Under the Effoct of the Reaction
PERIODICAL: Kinetika i kataliz, 1960, Vol. 1i No~ 3, PP~ 393 - 400
TEXT: The activation of molten iron catalynts for the hydrocarbon
synthesis from CO and H 2 under the effect of the reaction mixture was
studied in this paper. The following catalysts were used:
1) 10OFe304 + 6A12 03t 4-28102 + 1.2K 20 + 0.3Cr;
2 4OOFe 0 + 6A1 0 + 4.2SiO + 1.2K 0 + 0,5V;
1 3 4 2 3 2 2
3) 10OFe304 + 6A120 3 + 4.23i02 + 1,2K 20 + 1.0B20 3' They were reduced
Card 1/4
On the Activation Process of Molten Iron S/19 60/001/003/008/013
Catalysts for CO and H 2 Synthesis Under the B013YZ058
Effect of the Reaction Mixture
within 1-5 hrs in hydrogen current at 10000C. The study was made in a
highpressure apparatus (Ref. 4) in the laboratory. For each of the
catalysts studied, thelowest temperatures and pressures were initially
chosen,-at which, over the freshly and reduced catalysts (in comparable
time intervals), a high degree of transformation of the carbon monoxide
(84 to 86%) entering at a volume rate of the initial gas (CO and H 2 1 : 1
of -1500 h- 1 was obtained. The catalysts were gradually activated under
these conditions~ The duration of the tests varied. The tests of catalysts
of equal composition were conducted under the same conditions and in the
same reaction vessel. The indices of the synthesis were well reproducible.
The results determined could therefore also be compared with each other.
The samples were hydrogenated after termination of the synthesis test.
Subsequently, the hydrogenat ed samples were treated with CO at atmospheris
pressure, a volume rate of 800 h-" and temperatures by 100 higher than
at the end of the synthesis test, with carbide It.being formed. The studies
Card 2/4
on the Activation Frocess of Molten Iron
Catalysts for 00 and H2 Synthesis Under the
Effect of the Reaction Mixture
S/19 60/001/003/008/013
produced the following results: the previously (Refs. 1~ 2) made statement
that the iron catalysts molten at high temperatures (10000C) immediately
after reduction, are inactive in the synthesis of CO and H 2 and obtain
activity only during the course of this synthesis, was confirmed. Activa-
tion also continues after reaching activity, which warrants a practically
complete transformation of the initial carbon monoxide. This process is not
terminated until 3 to 4 days after conduction of the synthesis. Simultan.-
eously with the activation of the catalysts under the effect of the reac-
tion mixture, their reactivity with respect to carbide formation is also
increased. Those catalysts which have reached equal activity in consequence
of the CO + H synthesis, have also a similar reactivity with regard to
carbide formahon. The activation of the catalysts during the synthesis is
accompanied by an increase of their activity during CO decomposition under
formation of elementary carbon. The conditions under which the activation
of catalysts occur, (pressure, temperature, CO 2 content of the gas) have
a noticeable effect on their properties. Of the methods investigated of
Card 3/4
On the Activation Process of Molten Iron S/19Y60/001/003/008/013
Catalysts for CO and H2Synthesis Under the B013 B058
Effect of the Reaction Mixture
the activation of the catalyst for the synthesis, its treatment at the
synthesis temperature is Buited best. In this case the catalysts get speci
ally active, but-simultaneously show a lower activity with regard to CO
decomposition. There are 3 figures, 4 tables, and 6 Soviet references,.
ASSOCIATION: Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR
(Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: January 19, 1960
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Bashkirov, A.N., Loktevg S.M.0 Sabirovap G.V., and
No4ak, P.I.
TITLE: Coroposition of liquid products of the synthesis from CO
and'.H ~bn.talc catalysts
SOURCE: Ak~demiya nauk SSSR. Institut nefti, Trudy, v. 14, 1960,
Xhimiya nefti, 76 - 84
TEXT: Resu 'lts 'are presented of the chemical composition of CO - H2
synthesis on talc catalysts and of the influence of the chemical
composition qf the catalysts and the synthesis c6nditions on the com-
position of the'reaction products. It was found -that the products
were a coitplex mixture of alcohols, hydrocarbons, aldehydeB, ketones
and small..-qua-ntities of acids and esters. The water of the reaction
contained'1A % 6f,or*ganic acids and 12.5 % of neutral O-containing
compounds (aicohols and ketones). There were about 30 % of carbonyl
compoundo..'ixi.thd'products. Addition to the catalyst of.25 % of cal-
cium alumi~;Ie.'Iiiii3zeAsed the ketone content to 36.6 % - 39.7 %. With
Card 1/2
Composition of '1~quid products of ... 1~2441%307
50 % of bdrium aluminate the content increased to 40 - 55 %. SeleC7
tive hydrogefi&tion of the liquid products could give liquids contain-
ing 75 - 80,% 6,169h'ols. The 0-containing compounds blefore and after
hydrogenatio 'to- contained unsatu:rated bonds. Increase of the space
velocity from 100'h-1 to 500 h-1 gave 1.5 - to 4-fold increase in
the alcohol-content of the products and a decrease in-the content
of unsaturated compounds. Purther increases to 1000 h-1 ave only
small chc~hges in'the yields and composition of the products. Regene-
ration of.'th4 catalyst by air at 380 - 4500 enabled the authors to
conduct the reaction at lower temperatures. Increase of the reaction
Vemperature from 350 - 3750C to 400 - 4300C gave some increase in
the content of alcohols, ketones, complex esters and c0boxylic
acids in the products and a decrease of the content of unsaturated
compounds. There are 8 tables.
Card 2/2
- kand *khimicheskikh nauk; SABIROVAI ' -
_~qKXF_V G.V k and. kh I-Michp5kiki,
nauk; NOVAE, F.I., kand.khdmicheskikh nauk
Composition of the products from a carbon monoxide-hydrogen synthesis
over talc catalysts. Nauch,zap.Ukrniipraekta no.4;167-172 161.
.1. (MIRA 1r:1)
Mtroleum chemicals)
L&TEV, S.M., kand.khim.nauk
Conf~erence on Problems of the Manufacture of Higher Alcohols.
Maal.-ahir.prom. 28 no.9:43 S 162. OURA 15:9)
,- ~ 'm
Est,3rificat;.on of a2-4'phutic alcohols, with sul'amic a---Id.
4 no.5:780-788 S-0 10/4. (,"IRA 18:1)
1. Institut rieftekhlmicheskogo sinteza inient A.'I.'fopr*Idye,,ra AN SSSR
i Novomoskovskiy khimicheskly kombinat.
LOKTEV, Sergey Minovich; BASUIROV, A.11., rtv. red.
[Eigher alip.;,~tic alcohc1s] Vysshle zhirnye spirty. Mo-
skva, Nauka, 1964. 165 F. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Ali WSR (for Basidiruv)-
I,OKTEV,, S.M., kancl.khim.nauk
I---- ~ ~Chemistry and p*sics of surface-active agents. Priroda 53 no.4:85-86
,64. (KRA 17W
1. Institut neftekhimichekogo sinteza Jin. A.V.Topchiyova AN SSSR, Moskva.
Preparation of phthalate plasticizers on the base of the wide
fractions Of C5-C:L2 alcohols. Plast. massy.no.10:22-24 165.
(MIRA 18:10)
.~i U
TOPIC T.AQ9: hydrocarbon Em.,thesis, alcohol s7nthesls. carbon, hydrGgeli
exchan~;e, catalytic hydrogenation, tused iron catalyst
he reactt, t 3 rid
LOXTZV, V. _'.
Studying the problem of increasing labor productivity at the
1conomice Institute of the Akademy of Mances of the U.S.S.R.
("Problems in increasing labor productivity in Soviet industry."
Reviewed by V.Loktev). Sote.trud.no.9*.115-121 3 '56.
(Labor productivity) (KIBA 9:12)
-,L I
,~, ~V.- �EMKII-I, I.,, red.; YEINOMMOY V., tekhn. red.
[The workday in the U.S.S.R.] Rabochii den' v SSSR. Minsk,
Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red. sotsiallno-ekon.lit--u, 1961. 46 p.
(Km 15: 1)
(Hours of labor)
I- ,- i i-l'- il- - -1
I ~- -V - -,~ -/- 4- -
Imm. V.I.
Zquipping wooden
0 '57.
barges for pushing. Rech.transp. 16 no.20:20-21
(MIRA 10:12)
ALEMANDROVP O.V.- LOKTh'V V Ye. (Matoyaroslavets)
Case of ectopic chorioepitheliorA of the liver In a wn. Klin.
med. 40 no.lOtll6-118 0 162. (MIRP 15:12)
1. Iz Maloyaroslavotokoy rayonnoy bollnitay (glttvnyy vrach -
P.A.Khachikyan). (LIVER--CANCER)
LOVEYA, A.T., glavayv vrach madeanchasti (g.Zhdanov)
Work of the medical and sanitary swund in the 'AzovatalO plant.
Sov.zdrav, 15 no.5 supplement:6-8 0 156. (Huu 10:1)
made care of factory workers in Russia)
WlVrF,VA, A.T.; TUMTOYEVA, T.A. (Zhdanov)
Medical care of steel workers. Yrach.delo no.1:81-85 Ja '58.
(MIRA 11:3)
1. Mediko-sanitarmWa chast' i Sovet Botsiallnogo strakhovimiya
savodskogo komiteta profzoyuza zRvod "Asovetall".
L~)XTZVAP :1. (RostDv Otlast Veter Inary EXperimermhl Station).
,Fi xat i Dn Fe,-,ctlon In brucellosi!3 of calves.
So: Veterinariya; 23; 1; Janua,-y 1946; Lncl.
0 0 0 0 0
TIMA F. P PA 19"
USSR/Medicine (Veterinary) - Infectious NOV-51 -
."Eye Test as a Diagnostic Method for Brucellosis,"
F, P. Loktyeve Cand Vet Sci, Rostov Oblast Vet
14t Sta
"Voterinariya" Vol XXVIII, No 11., pp 23-32
Aetails technigue of carrying out test in combina-
tion with RA fagglutination reaction7 and RSK
'Creaction of blood sedimentation7. Finds that eye
test is convenient, timesaving, and replaces sero-
logical diagnosis.
-a! I;r ICC
.1in E013 Se
p4,to,,r-on-Don, :)astev 195" 32
!,0 kopoka, 3,000 COP'n"' lod
so: yetorinal Vol. 7~q; i1o. 2; FO,
LOKTEVA, FeP., kand, vater, nauk; BELYAYEVA, N.A., Btarrhiy nauchnyy
Bacteriological study of materials from shoep inoculated with
strain No*19 vaccine. Veterinarila 42 no.llt23-24 11 165,
(MIRA 19:1)
1. Rostovskaya nauchno-ionledovateliskaya vatorinarnaya
L 38307-66 LWT(1)/T JK
ACC NRt AP6005017
AUTHORS: Lo~tey (Candidatc'of veterinary sciences); Bely N. (Senior
ORG: Rostov Scientific Research Veterinaiz Station (Rontovskaya nauchno-
.ias~ledovatellakaya veterinarnaya stantsiya)
TITLE: Bacteriological investigation of the materials from sheep vaccinated with
SOURCE: Veterinariya, no. 11, 1965, 23-24
TOPIC TAGS:' animal disease, animal disease therapeutics, vaccine, commercial animal
strain-19 vaccine
ABST"RACT: The lifetime of carriers and the eencration of brucallouis-in sheep
vaccinated with strain-19 vore studied in a large sheep breeding station. The study
I was carried out over a 6-year period (1957--1962) under conditions highly susceptible
MwardG brucellosis. The annual number of stillborn lambs and brucellosis-induced
lamb abortion were noted. The experimental results are tabulated (see Fig. 1). it
wu3 found that the carrie4r lifetime in nbeep immunized with atrain-19, exposed to
brucellocis-inducing conditionti,wati of thu ordor of 5 to 6 years. Bocauao of the
prolonaed active brucellosis stage it is recomnended that sheep suspected of
brucellosis and immunized with atrain-19 be separated from healthy sheep up to
LCard 1/2
L 38307-66
ACC NR, AP6005017
Data on the generation of brucellosis cultures in herds
raised in brucellosis-inducing conditionn.
After Year of
vaccination generation Percent
1 year . . . . 1957 77
2 .. . . . . 1958 66
3 1959 12
4 1960 10
5 . . . . 1961 4-3
6 1962 0
Fig. 1.
slaughter time. Sheep herds raised in conditions free of brucellosis become immune to
the disease if immunized with strain-19. Orig. art. has: I table.
SUB CODE: 06/ Sam DkTE: none
2/2 e1
17 8 1 11. 5
LIM/Physics - Nonlinear Eleaftts 21 Jan 51
Electricity - Thermistors
"Cettain Peculiarities of the Chazacteristics 6f
Thermistors as Elements of Nonlinear Models,"
0. L. Polisar, L, V. Lokteva, Pover Eng Inst
Imeni Krzhizhanovskiy, Acad Sci USSR
-Dok A Nauk SBSR- Vol LMI, No 3, pp, 403-4o6
Investigates coeff X of nonlinearity in the for-
mul& V = Kja (where a is exponent of nonlinear-
Ity, U is potential, and I is currftnt) for varl-
gus voltages and frequencies. Subititted 23 Nov
50 by Acad A. V. Vinter.
m iTaT105
ZIIERBINp M.M.,, kand. tekbn. nauk; VDOVE4KO, O.S.; VINOGRaOVp S.M.
[Vynoliradovj, S 14.); SLMOI V.M.[Slyvko, V.11.1, inzh.;
SHIEFAII, Ya.G.tShtepano IA.11.1, otv. za itypuBk; WKTEVA., V.A.
(Loktievas V.A.1. red.
(Device for drying corn on the cob with a gas aM air stream]
Ustanovka dlia sushimia kukurudzy v kachanakh haropovitrianym
strumenem. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo tekhn. lit-ry URSR, 1961. 36 p.
(KIRA 15:3)
1. Ukrainslkyi naukovo-doslidrWi i proektnyi instytut
planu URSR. 1961,
(Corn (Maize)) -rrying' (Drying apparatus)
CHERNENKO, L.D.; SHTEPAN, Ya.G.; lp~lj~VA, V.A., red.j
PONOMAR VA, L.I., tekhn. red.
(*chanization of hoisting and conveying in industrial
enturprises abroad] Yekhanizatsiia podnemnc-transport-
nykh rabot promyshlennykh predpriiatii; zazubezhnyi opyt.
Kiev, In-t tekhn. informatsii, 1963. 304 p.
,.MIRA 16:11)
(Hoisting machinery) (Conveying machinory)
LOKTZVA. Ye.Ya. (Leningrad)
Qgick method for staining nerve calls vollowing formaliz fixation of
the brain; modified Nesele's method (with summary in Inglish]. Arkh.
Pat. 19 no.8:83-84 157. (MIRA 10:12)
1. It patologoanstomichaskoy laboratorii VUISJChI i kafedry patologi-
cheekoy snatomii (zey, - prof. P.V.Sipovskiy) loningradekogo gosudar-
stvennogo institute dlya usovershonstvovanlya vrachey imeni S.M.
(BRAIN, anatozq and histology.
rapid stain. of nerve cells after formalia fixation (Rus))
of nerve cells after brain fixation in formalin (Run))
LOKTE-VA, Ye*Ya., kand,mad,nauk
Use of a filmleao method in hiatoautcradiography. VG-st. i"11 lilazakhi,
SSR 17 no.10:lC/,-110 0 161. (,',ILV. 14: 10)
L40KTEVA,, Ye.Ya., kand.med.nauk
Impregnation of reticular fibres; modification of Foot's 26010d.
Vast. AN Kazakh. SSR 18 no.6j9l-93 Je 162. (MIRA 1519)
Gintsburg, A.K., VL.A. InkUp, S.L. ReznikovsIdy, B.G. Rozovskly,
M.A. Sulyutin, and A.A. Trakhov
Remont radio8tantsiy (Repair of Radio Stations) Moscow, Voyen. Izd-vo
M-va obor. SSSR, 1959. 327 p. No. of copies printed not given.
Ed.: P.S. Kiriyenko; Tech. Ed.t Ye.K. Konovalova.
PURPOSE: This textbook is intended for students of communication
schools of the Soviet Defense Ministry, and may also be used
by Defense Ministry personnel working in army communication repair
shops, and by other radio specialists.
COVERAGE: The book deals with radio repair. Detailed information is
given on materials and components, testing and repair of components,
assembly and disassembly of radio equipment, measurements during
testing and repair of radio stations,, various methods of radio
repair, and repair of power supply sources, transmitters, and re-
ceivers. M.A. Sulyutin wrote Ch. I; A.K. Gintsburg wrote Ch. II;
Repair of Radio Stations SOV/3883
V.A. Loktin wrote Ch. III; B.G. Rozovskiy wrote Ch. IV; S.L.
Reznikovskiy wrote Chs. V,, VIII VIII, and Section 3 of Ch. VI;
and A.A. Trakhov wrote Ch. VI (excepting for Section 3). No
personalities are mentioned. There are no references.
Foreword 3
Ch. I. Radio Engineering Materials 5
1. Materials as basis of construction 5
2. Properties of radio wgineering materials 5
Physical properties 5
Thermal properties 6
Electrical properties 6
Chemical properties 8
Mechanical properties 8
3- Mineral base solid insulation 8
4. Glass and oxide insulation 9
5. Ceramic insulation 11
Structural ceramics 12
Condenser ceramics 13
Vacuum ceramics 14
Studying the spatial distribution of nuclear disintegrations vl'tb
thick nuclear errulsions. Vest.AH Kazakh.SSR 14 no.10:49-59 0 '58.
(MIRA 11:12)
(cosmic rays) (Photography, Particle track)
-1 Cu
loll v F-TI ~S
Zh.S. Takibayev, A.A. Loktionbv, L.A. Sanko, Ts. 1. Shakh~va
An analysis is mal~~, of th,2 angular listribut-or, of VAn tracks of show:rs
':1 11 ev. To 1-2termine
prolucad byaosinic-ray particles with energy , Xleling 10 -
ih, on:3rgy +~,-Y--ndonce of th,) angular dintribution of the sl~owz!r-prolucino part-
iclen, all analyzeA show~-,~; ar,~ lividu- I into two -en-,rgy int,!rvals. lh~~ fir5t
intdrval includes all shower3 produc!ed by particl-as (protons, n-,~utrons, pi-m,~,--ons)
with energy of the orderof 101.1 ev (at least )-lolO ,v); tl.e second interval
:Lneludes particles with energy exceeding 1012 -.v. For comparison a study is mad.-t
of showers taken froin publisl1red material.
The experimental data obtained are comparel with the riodel of "two Centros"
that independently enit mesons (Takagi, Feinberg ani Charnavsky, Kokkoni. et al.).
The comparison reveals the limitations of this model. The observed angular dis-
tribution of thin tracks of a number of showars may be explaint!d on the assumption
a) there is a powz!r energy spectrin in the centre-of-mass 5ystem
which agrees with t6 Heisenborg theory:
b) there is a sharply antsotropic angular distribution in the centre-or-
mass system (,x~,e,c,," 0), although such a high legree o" anisotrQpy of generatel
particles -Ioea not follow from th,:! Heisenberg Ueory.
Report present.-id at the International Cosmic Ray Conference, xoscow, 6-11 July 1959
21(7) SOV/56-36-6-11/66
AUTHORSt Loktionovp A. A., Takibayev, Zh. S.
Production of n-Meeons by a-?articles of High Energy From
Cosmic Radiation (Generatsiya n-uezonov a-chastitsami bollshoy
energii kosmicheskikh luchey)
PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 6, pp 1697 - 17o2 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In collisions of high-energy (E 10 12 ev) nucleons with atouic
nuclei it may be assumed that the nucleons interact with a
11pipell of massive nuclear matter; the diameter of this if pipell
is equal to that of a nucleonp its length depends on the
atomic number of the target nucleus and the collision para-
meter. On the basis of this theory it is possible to explain
some experimental data of high-energy showers; the authors
of the present paper use it for the purpose of investigating
the collision of a-particles and atomic nuclei, where the
"pipe" has a diameter that is proportional to A2/3 and con-
-particles. For the investigation the authors used
data obtained from showers produced by a-particles in Ilford
Card 1/3 G-5 photoemulsionB (exposure 1955 in Italy at an altitude of
Production of it-Mesons by a-Particles of High Energy S07156-36-6-11166
From Cosmic Radiation
3o km; total of 67 showers, c.f.references 5-12). The data are
dealt with by means of the hydrodynamical theory of multiple
meson production according to Landau and BeleAiy (Refs 13,14).
First, the connection between the angle 91/2 and the number of
charged shower particles is investigated (Fig 1). in heavy
nuclear emulsions the maximum size of the "pipe" is 4.57 and in
light elements 2.00; in the following the ratio N11N2 both
for showers produced by a-particles and for showers produced
by nucleons is investigated and compared. (N, denotes the
number of interactions of a-partiales with "pipes" having a
length of between 2.0 and 4.57, N2 - the number of interact-ions
with a "pipe"