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LOMAKIN, Ye.l. Compitrative evaluntJon of* 'the effic.lent methcxls for the use of hops in brew-Ing. Khar. prom. no.4:38-39 O-L; 165. (MIPA 18:12) BUDAGOV, Yu.A.; DZHELEPOV, V.P.; IVANOV, V.G.; LOMAKIN, Yu.F.; FLAGIN, V.B.; SHLYAPNIKCV, P.V. (Gas hydrodynamic design of the mechanism of pressure variation in a largo-scale bubble chamber] Gidrogazodina- micheakii raschet mekhanlzma izmeneniia davloniia boll- shoi puzyrIkovoi kamery. 5ubna, Izd-vo Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh issledovanii, 1963. 18 p. (HIRA 16:10) (Bubble chamber) (Fluid dynamics) -~-CCZ7S'SION NR: AP4018366 S/OlzOI64/00Gj'VCOI;CO61/G06a B )"O.-nolov, A.V.. Budagov, Yu. A.'. Vasilenko, A. TA.. Dzhclcpov. V.?.; N. 1.; Ivanov. V. G.; Kladnitskiy, V. S.; Lepilov, V. I.; Lomakin, Yu. F.; V.I.; Flyagin, V.B., Shetet, T.I.; Shlyapnikov, P.V. Ma:cr-lang bubble chamber in a magnetic field -~C-7: Pribory* i telchnika eksperimenta, no. 1. 1964, 61-68 7--%G5: bubble chamber, meter, long bubble cham!~ ;r, 10 Gov particle chamber in magnetic field, clec,romagnet bubble charz;bcr Abubble chamberwitha sensitive.volumc of lxO.5xO.38 min 7he clia- Anber is intLnded for studying the particle beams up to 10 Gov cz,:ained -rom the OIYaI proton synchrotron. The chamber design was described carl-lar (Yu. A. Buda-lov, et al. International Conference on W_h-Encrgy -2~-'ccallcration and Instrumentation, Barkcloy, 1960); more details are supplied in ~:!ticlo. Propane or some other liquid suitable for a particular WIMcrimont may serve an a working fluid. The chamber is placed in a 17-kilo- 0 oarsted magnetic field derived from a. Z, 200 -kw electromagnet. The error in a ~*.CCESSIONNR: AP-1018565 5-Gev/s -pullse measurernent, evaluated Zro=. mult tiple scat' ering ia propas-i.-_ , 3. 25a. 1--1 19 6 3, the charnber was inptalled a-, ax output of the rnagnetic c; . cuit of a.,Tj --meson beam whose energy lies.*between 4 and 7 Gev. "The authors cn.-Isider :t duti to thank V. N. Sergiyenko,' NI. 1. Frolov, X. A. Baycher, and t-i: 71 ~: rponnal of the experimental shop for their help in building the outfit. :.".1c L-,~ZI-C,rS are thankful to V. I. Ifeksler.,.N. I. PAvlov, and 1. V. Chuvilo for their a5 s1stance in construcUnry the magnnic circuit . of the '4t - -meson beam. IN(, are cbtc;d to A S. Strelltsov, B. Ye. Gritskov, B. V. Rozhdestvcnskiy, and L. N. IF-2d,.ilov for designing and building the magnet. The authors are dee ly gra-,c_-'u1 to p ~:Z --.v, and S. P. Zunin who spent much effort and ;-kill in, constructiag and aligning the outfit." Orig. art. has. 8 figurea. S-'SOCIATION: Obl'yedinanny*y inntitut yadcrny*kh issledovanly (Joint Institute ' N 0 Nuclear Studies) 6',jB'-A"WUTT.ZD: 22Mar63 DATE ACQ: 18Mar64 ENCL: 00 5UB CODE: NS NO REF SOY: 003 - OTHER: 00Z 212 ACCESSION NR: AP403,1105 S/0120/64/000/002/0046/oo5o AUTHOR: Budagov, Yu. A.; Dzhelepov, V. P.; Ivanov. V. G.; Lomakin,j4,_F.; Flyagin, V. B.; Shlyapnikov, P. V. TITLE: Hydrodynamics of bubble chambers SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 2, 1964, 46-50 TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynamics, nuclear research, bubble chamber, bubble chamber theory ABSTRACT: The hydrodynamics of the process of expansion in a typical bubble chamber is mathematically described. The pressure variation along the chamber-neck axis is: M~ Div P- 4:PWILW where w is the velocity of the incompressible const) liquid in a constant cross-section 5% D"/4 tube. After linearization and 9 implift cation, the equation yields this solution: P(t)= (P.Coswt+ PO sillat .41. Here, the ratio b/Lj card 11Z ACCESSION NR: AP4033105 is a dimensionless parameter that characterizes the role of friction in a bubble chamber. For practical chambers, the condition b/w -19, 1 can be represented by (V. W) -C< 3. 000. The gas expansion (as the pressure changes) occurs simulta- ne6usly with the liquid expamsion in the chamber. This combined process is also described by a. set of equations from which design formulas are derived. The method was used to design a. 1 -meter bubble chamber in the Joint Nuclear Research Institute. "The authors are indebted to I. A. Charny*y for his attention and numerous useful discussions which greatly helped in formulating and'solving some of the problems in the hydrodynamics of transient rnotion. 11 Orig. a:rt. has: 1 figure and 17 formulas. ASSOCIATION.:' Obl'yedinanny*y Lnotitut yaderny*kh issledovaniy (Joint Nucleax Research Institute) SUBMITTED: OIJun63 DATEACQ: limay64 ENCL: 00 ;,SUB CODE.i NS NO REF SOY: 005 OTHER: 002 Card'2/2 - - ----------- I, Z' 7 ~ EUT --7-ACCESSIDN-MR: --AP4048496--l _Vl~_Pl P, Hydr~qpsdyndg4o -Casput*tjov of' a asaMni" for TaAstlon-of t2w in a large hu'ablo -tekhnika- 64'sVerl GOMM Priboi-y* 1. menta- no 4:j. 19-A' 56-4 5- TOPIC oachamismp umstractlan paromter* pusumnic device article presents * hydrogesdynamil method for or_-mtlng the e Abstract: The a -df construct ton- -0--w-L-Alb-le - eheaber-avd Alut-mehaalga for basic parameters -variation- of the pressure, which was used during developmew. of the meter 'Nue ear-Resear .__ "he MOL'themsti- .,bVWbljs zber at the Joint Institute,of1Cb 'Ption - _e _t~ as -or pres cal deserl ev; sure --varlatioa -vlth-~n_ the -dumber a IL and i'1 thil syste=W the PneumoaLo deviL-es Is auf:ftcleatly 1pneral; cause qut-ntt Ly, *.e- methcd deacribeA - Is appBleable to the computat%an of various rhere are eight fig- Alrea..' one of__*hich-sh*vgv the- detaUtd -eoustruatica-of-the-atchan4sm for variation of pressure. ~Card 1, 'h! BUDAGOV, Yu.A. DZHELa'OV, V.P.i IVA.NOV, V.G.i WMAKIN, Yu.F.; FI.Y/,Gjll, ~ I Y V.B.; SHI.YAPNIKOV, P.V. Hydradynain!x study of the operating conditions rf' loubb-le chambers. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.5.55-60 S-0 '~4. (KIW 176112) A T' ACCESSIO'Ll 11R, AP502028 539.1.073." A UTHO It Pmdq~;eiv Yu. A. Fjzh-,1vpw;, V. P, Lrlr'.-A~ i'll, Y~i. F.; F LY: 1:' 1, 1V. Shlyapnikov, P. V. T 17 LE -11'.1drodynimics of Lhe rw3om'mt bubble, ,SOURCE: Pribor .1 1 teRhnika eksperimcnLa, no. 4, 1965, 42-45 TOPIC TAGS: proton accelerator, jiirticle ;iccclerator coinporient, synchrOLI-00, 1iydro,3ytwuikc%, proton resonance. ABSTRACT: The authors proposed earlier Lhat. Lhe Cpccd of bubble Lhamber~; be In- creased by the excitation of periodic pressure oscillation within the wor!-,Lng substance with frequencies equal to the rc5onant frequency of Lhe liquid M1.111g the chamber. in the present article, considering the bubble chmmbs~r as z-, kind of vDlume resonator, the authors ex.-imine more closi,Ly the hydrodyn-.1'.1lic.,; of th,- proccs5es of excitation WiLhin Lhe liquid of undninped ;)(.,riodic pre.';-';LlrL' osr.;j.11nti:Pns with the aim of increal3ing the spcud of bubblit chamber,% The ap- plicabiliLy of such chambers in proton synchrotron experfzn2nts is discussed. Expresciotis of practical interest are derived, and they connect the Cart! L C%69--66 iACGESSION NR: AP5021328 structive and hydrodynamic parameters of resonant chambers. Results Show 0lat there are no cusential obntaclfis to a succes8ful excitaLion and mainLainance of the oscillations. Orig. art. lu.,s: 15 formulas and 2 f1gures. i ASSOC IATION: Ob"yedinennyy inst~tut yaderiiykh itioledowniy, Dubna (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: MunVi RICL: 00 SUB CODE: IIP, ME !NO REF SOV:. 001 OTHER: 001 Card 24 WIWI, , YU.F. .. Primw-y multiple gastric tumors. 7,drav. Kazakh. 21 no.6:69-70 76i. (1~"A 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. P:P.Ochkur) Kazak-hskogo meditsinskog instituta. LTG,',iACH--TUK0iiS) LM4AKIN, YU.F. Cancer of the stomach. Trudy Inst. klin. i eksp. )hir. AN Kazakh. SSR 8:51-55 162. (MIFA 17:7) LOMAKIN, Yu.F. Comparative morphology of metastasis. Trudy Inst. S'A' 8 % 103-106 '62. some cancerous tumors an4 thair klin. i eksp. khir. AN Ka-zakh. (KRA 17-.71 1 I S/123/62/000/014/007/020 AOOVA101 AUTHORS: Malinkina, Ye. I., Gellei, Yu. A., Lomakin, V. N. TITLE: Hardenability of alloyed steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye,-no. 14, 1962, Z7, abstract 14B151 (In collection: "Metodika i praktika metallogr, issled. instrum. stali". Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, 94 - io8) TEXT: The authors present the results of investigating the possibility of using the face hardening method to determine the hardenability of alloyed tool steel., and also nomograms for the conversion of the hardenability obtained on face samples into the hardenability of cylindrical specimer~s subjected to volu- metric hardening with oil-quehching at 200C and in hot media. The steel grades 9 xc (qxhs), xBr (Khvo) and x (Kh) were investigated. It was found that the face hardening method is fully applicabl&.foi- determining the hardenability of alloyed tool steel. The nomograms for determining the hardenability, plotted for the case of quenching in oil and in molten salts, make it possible according to the given face test, to determine the hardness in the center and in any spot Card 1/2 S1 123/6 PIbWIO 1 h/007/020 Hardenability of alloyed steel A004/AIG.' of the specimen cross section of any diameter, the magnitude o~ the critical diameter and thickness of the hardened layer on specimens of any diameter, and also the necessary hardenability depth according to the face test, in order W obtain the required depth of the hardened layer and the required core hardness on components of a given diameter. There are 12 figures. V/ E. Spivak [Abstracter's note%. Complete translation] Card 2/2 RASHKOVSKAYA, Ye. A.; LCMAKINA, A. K.; USENXO, L. T. Solubility isotherms of the s7stems KBr - KNO3 - B20 and KI - KNO3 - 920 at 25 C. Ukr. khim. zhur. 28 no.5:574-577 162, (MIRA 15:10) 1. Kharlkovski3r nauchno-iaeledovatellskiy inBtitut oanovnoy khimii. (Syetems(Chemistry)) (Solubility) RIYKHSHTATO G.N.; LEYKINA, H.F.; KARASEVA, M.F.; KARPOVA, G.V.; GIEDE, E.O.; W4AK UNA, A. Ye. Study of colienteritiB occurrenne In day nurseries. Zhur. mikrobiol (MIRA 17:14~ epid. I Immun. 40 no.11:143 N 163. 2 1. lz sanitarno-epidemiologichoskoy stantsii Sverdlovskogo rayona. Moskvy. AUTHORS: Lomakina. Q. Vodakov, Yu. A., 57-27-7-26/40 Haumov, G. P., Maslakovets, Yu. P. "ITLE: A Valve Photocell of Cadmium Telluride. (A Preliminary deport) (Ventillnyy fotoelement iz tellurida kadmiya, Predvaritellnoye soobftheniye)). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnichoskoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 7, P, 1594 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the production of ~,-n transitions n-type plates of CdTe with an area of 1 to 2 qcm consisting of several (3 to 5) crystals were used. Their specific conductivity was C " 40 Ohm- 1. CM-1, thermal-aM a -= 200 jJV/ degree. The width of the forbidden zone was 1,34 eV. The thin p-layer was formed by means of thermal diffusion of elements of the first Group of the periodic law. The ohmic contact on the n-luyer was obtained by meltinC of indium and on the p-layer by melting of Cold. The p-n transitions obtained in this nanner were very "directed" with a distinctly marked saturation in the inverse direction. In Card 1/2 sunliGht with 7.0 m7l/qcm the photo-1211K of this photoelectric A Valve Photocell of Cadmium Telluride (A Preliminary Report) 5T-27-7-26/40 cell amounted to more than 500 mV and the short-circuit amperaee 2 mA/qcm. The loaded part of the volt-ampere characteiistic in this connection a-)proached the rectangular form. -he efficiency of such a photoelectric cell has the order of maenitude of 2 '~. This value, however, is by far no boundary value for photocells of CdTe. The maximum of the spectral sensitivity of tht obtained photocells lay within the boundaries of 0.75 to 0.78&&. and the long-wave boundary of photosensitivity w6s 0.9 The photoelectric cQlls of cadmium-telluride possess a high sensitivity as compared to X-rays. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad (Institut poluprovodnikov All SSSR, Leningrad) SUBMIMED: January .70, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Photoelectric cells-Development 2. Photoelectric cells-Desigft 3. Cadium-telluride-Appltcations 8/181/60/002/01/01/035 9. BOO8/BO11 AUTHORS: "kov. Yu. A., Lomakina,,G. A., Naumov, G.J., Maslakovets, Tu. TITLE: A Photocell,Made of Cadmium Telluride With a p-n Junction* PERIODICALs izika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 3 - 7 TEXT: The authors report on the properties of a new cadmium-telluride photocell. Cadmium-telluride crystals with a cubic modification were used for its preparation. The light characteristics of the CdTe photo- cells are similar to those of Ge and Si photocells$ which have a p-n junction. Fig. 1 shows the characteristics of the CdTe cell for an irradiation of 4, 30, 300 and 3,000 lux. Current-voltage characteristics of the CdTe photocell are shown in Fig. 2 for room temperature, in Fig- 3 for +500C, and il; Fig- 4 for +1010C. According to their character, they are similar to those of silicon photocells. Fig. 5 shows the temperature dependence of the electromotive force, of short-circuit current, and of the maximum capacitance yielded to the outer circuit under continuous exposure. Fig. 6 shows the characteristics of another q,"- Card 1/3 i "' I A Photocell Made of Cadmium Telluride S/181/60/002/01/01/035 With a p-n Junction BOOB/Boll photocell at a relatively short exposure. Fig. 7 shows the temperature dependence of the short-circuit current, of the electromotive force and of the maximum capacitance yielded to the outer circuit. Fig. 8 shows, in relative units, the spectral sensitivity of the CdTe photo- cell referred to an equal amount of quanta and to an equal incident radiation energy. Cadmium-telluride photocells with p-n Junction are very sensitive to ultraviolet and X rays. CdTe photocells have at present an efficiency of 06 and can be utilized for solar batteries.21 The lower efficiency is compensated by their simpler and less expensive preparation. Due to their spectral sensitivity and a high duty factor of the characteristics, they might be uBod to solve some technical problems. The authors thank T. L. Kovallchik for his discussion of experimental results and 0. B. I)ubrovakiy for his examination of the spectral sensitivity of the photocells. B. K. Subashev is also mentioned. There are 8 figures and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 .~ I , :- , e' - ~ A Photocell Made of Cadmium Telluride S/181,/60/002/01/01/035 With a p-n Junotion B008/BO11 ASSOCIATIONt Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors, AS USSR, Leningra ) SUBMITTEDz April 9, 1959 Card 3/3 S/18 60/002/01/03/035 tl 0 BOUX01 1 7~0-D AUTHORSs Vodakovs Yu. A-j Lomakina, G. A.. Naumovt G. P., Maslakovets, Yu._F~. Noun TITLEt Properties of p-n Junctions in Cadmium Telluride_Photocella-~~ PERIODICALi Fizika tvardogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP- 15-22 TEXT: The current-voltage characteristics of cadmium telluride photo- cells were thoroughly studied by means of a circuit (Fig. 1) consisting of the current source, a diode, a current generator kwhich simulates the photocurrent), a resistor connected in series, and a shunt (Figs. 1 to 10). The technique used for the preparation of cadmium telluride photocells leads to the formation of a p-n junction. The depth of its position can be regulated. In the resulting p-type layer the minority carriers have a very short lifetime, and the electrical conductivity of the layer is poor. For this reason it play8 the part of a filter with respect to the incident radiation, and is the main cause responsible for the high resistances. The authors obtained photocells with p-n Junctions, whose current-voltage Card 1/3 L~ Properties of p-n Junctions in Cadmium S/181/60/002/01/03/035 Telluride Photocells B008/BO11 characteristics at room temperature complied quantitatively with Shockley'j theory which considers a recombination in the p-n Junction. Near the surface, such characteristics are very difficult to obtain. Their form is in most cases distorted by a "hump". A tunnel effect is assumed to occur in CdTe photocells on narrow points of the p-n Junctions. By applying the suitable technique it is possible to obtain a p-n Junction with a relatively high efficiency even near the surface, both on a low and a high exposure level. An efficiency of 4% was attained with the best photocells in the sunlighfoalthough, with a band width of 1.4 evp the conversion coefficient of solar radiation into electric energy should be considerably higher. This low efficiency is for a large part cxplained by the presence of a semitransparent metal electrode through which only about 50% of the incident light passes. The second factor affecting the efficiency of CdTe photocells, is the short lifetime both in p-type and n-type CdTe. The efficiency could be only increased by prolonging the lifetime of the minority carriers in p-type and n-type cadmium telluride. An increase of up to 7% should be expected in this case. This, however, would entail, due to a complicated technique, a considerable increase in the cost of the photocell. When preparing photocells with an efficiency./ Card 2/3 Properties of D-n Junctions in Cadmium S/181/60/002/01/03/035 Telluride Photocells B008/BO11 of about 4% it is, however, posiiible to restrict oneself to relatively simple methods of preparation. The authors thank B. Ya. Mo-yzhes for discussing the results. There are 10 figures and 7 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONz Institut poluprovodnikov All SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors, AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: April 9, 1959 Card 3/3 0 3008/B01 I AUTHORSt Vodakoy,_Yu. A., Lomakina, G. A.. Naumov. G. P., Maslakovets, Yu. F. TITLE; Investigation of the Surface Layers on Cadmium Telluride Crystals PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP- 55-61 TEM The authors describe experiments made for the investigation of the surface layers of cadmium telluride (Figs. 1-6). The diffusion co- efficient is calculated in an appendix. The mechanism of the formation of p-type surface layers was investigated. The respective conductivity in CdTe is due to an admixture of elements of groups I and V or by the presence of Cd vacancies. The most likely is the formation of Cd vacancies or the disappearance of the donor impurity from the surface, which, in the case of p-type CdTe partly compensates the acceptor Impurity. Two mechanisms may be assumed which, in the air and at a tem- perature of 2000C, lead to the formation of Cd vacancies: The one is the diffusion of oxygen into the surface layer and, hence, formation of Card 1/3 9/181/60/002/01/13/035 Investigation of the Surface Layers on S/181/60/002/01/13/035 Cadmium Telluride Crystals BOOB/BO11 metalloid excess therein. The second mechanism is the disappearance of cadmium from the surface layer; also this process can be strongly in- fluenced by the presence of oxygen. Compared to the glowing in the air, pre-heating in deoxidized argon or hydrogen has a somewhat inhibiting effect on the diffusion process, but all the same, p-type conductive layers are formed. Also in this caseq the influence of oxygen is not excluded. In the authors' opinion, the stimulating main factor is at- mospheric oxygen. It was not clarified, however$ which type of in- fluence predominates here. On longer standing in the air or on pre- heating up to a correspondingly high temperature, the properties of CdTe are irreversibly changed only from the surface. Important changes in volume properties start occurring when the processes beginning from the surface penetrate the material to a considerable depth, The same phenomena can be observed in n-type CdTe crystals with low resistivity. Strikingly high is the diffusion coefficient of acceptor impurity (appendix), which raises the surface layer conductivity. 1to height can be explained by the great number of vacancies and mechanical ten- sions in the crystal lattice, occurring in consequence of the treat- ment and etching of the surface. The authors thank B. Ya,. Moyzhes Card 2/3 Invoctigation of the Surface Layers on S/181/60/002/01/13/035 Cadmium Telluride Crystals BOOS/Boll and T. L. Kovallchik for assistance given. There are 6 figures and 3 references: I Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconduotorep AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: April 9p 1959 Card 3/3 3/181/62/004/003/043/045 B101/B102 AUTHORS: Lomakina, G. A., and Vodakov, Yu. A. TITLE: Phonon drag effect in a-SiC crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no, 3, 1962, 820 - 822 TEXT: Because of the high thermal conductivity of SiC a special method was developed of measuring the thermo-emf in n-type and p-type a-SiC crystals. In rectangular, 0.5 mm thick specimens of monocrystalline SiC (resistivity up to 104 ohm-cm) two pits with a diameter less than 0.5 mm were produced by means of ultrasound, the distance of the pits from each other being greater than their diameter. Electrical contacts were fit into the bottom of the pits and chromel-alumel thermocouples were pressed in. The measured temperature coefficient a 0 of thermo-emf for n-type and P-type specimens was not consistent with the equation of Pisarenko: 1, CEe, (k/e) A + In[2 (2nek/h' )3/2] _ In n + (3/2)1n T where mn a 0.6 mOf M", -I m or 2m , A a 2. The deviations are explained by phonon drag p 0 0 Card 1/3 S/181/62/004/003/043/045 Phonon drag effect ... BIOI/B102 which may arise due to the high thermal conductivity of SiC. The phonon drag effect aph calculated according to C. Herring (see below) for 16 -3 17 -3 specimens viith carrier concentrations of 5.6-10 cm and 2.7-10 cm gave a linear dependence a - BT -2-3. In n-type SiC with a carrier 16 Ph concentration of 3.6-10 am-3 a deviation from the straight line was observed which is caused either by degeneracy or by saturation. For p-type SiC, at temperatures higher than room temperature, a was linear ph Pet as in n-type SiC, but owing to the low hole mobility its value was higher. The considerable decrease of a ph at lower temperatures cannot be explained by the vanishing of phonon drag since at the same time the thermo-emf becomes smaller than a.. It is assumed that the thermo-omf in p-type SiC is reduced by an additional electrical conductivity caused by an impurity band. There are 2 figures and 3 references: I Soviet-bloc, and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: I. A. Lely a. F. A. Krdger, Semiconductors and phosphors, New York, 525, 1958; C. Herring, Semiconductors and Card 2/3 S/181/62/004/003/043/045 Phonon drag effect ... BlOl B102 phosphors, New York, 184, 1;58. ASSOCIATION: Institut polulrovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of f Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: December 25, 1,c'.1 j o-l Card 3/3 LOMAKINA, G.A.; VODAKOV, Yu.A. Effect of phonon entrainment inG4-SiC crystals. )iz. tver. tela 4 io.3:820-822 '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Silicon carbide crystals) (Thermoelectricity) KjiT, AP50053o6 7 YrN A F AE '5.39 p r-f- r F~r c, L- c) r FL r v A n 77 T-r r and 'C)rr-rluia ~pml :on - A 5- 16 i~ WBI~Tl-il I J.3Jun64 ENCL. w SUB CODEi 99 NR REF GOV.- 000 OTHERt Oll L 30172-66 EWr(M)/EWP(t)/ErI IJP(c) JD C NRs AP6012512 SOURCE CODE3 UR/ol8i/66/oo8/oo1i/1296/1293 AUTHOR: Lomakina, 0. A, ~'____'__i_c'oKductors,AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institut ORG: Institute of Sem' poluprovodnikov AN 33SR) I VI TITLE: On certain features of Hall curves of n-type a-SIC ~SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 4, 1966, 1296-1298 TOPIC TAGS: silicon carbide, Hall effect, temperature dependence, carrier density, conduction electron, impurity level ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to ascertain the causes of deviations of the temperature devEndence of the free-carrier density in n-type a-SIC-at low..tenpera tures)vwherein the conduction-electron density begins to decrease more slowly with decreasing temperat.ure and becomes practically independent of the temperature at 100K. Experiments by the author have also shown that these deviations begin at higher tem- peratures in samples having low concentration of nitrogen and acceptor impurities. The author analyzes three ca,;oes of such deviations and the Hall curves: 1. Inhomogeneity of the investigated crystalc. 2. A mechanism whereby the sample becomes short circuited either on the sur- face or by the impurity conductivity. 3. The presence of shallow donor L 30172-66 C NRs AP6012512 impurities with activation energy such that it becomes depleted even at liquid-nitrogen temperature. Tests by the author have shown that the first two factors can be eliminated, and that the third Is responsible for the observed deviations. The author thanks Yu. P. Maslakovets for ~guidance, Yu. A. Vodakov for help with the work and a discussion of the esults, and M. D. ReyTman for supplying the crystals. Orig. art. has: ,~2 figures. UB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 16Nov65/ ORIG REF: o63/ OTH REF: 003 Vi~ jif J_Card 2/2 ,j4d NIC. M 1~ Y, , T3 t)' (2, C- . Category: USSR/Fitting Out of Laboratories. Instruments, Their Theory, H. Construction and Use Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31120 Author : Tolmachev V. N., Lomakina G. G. Inst :-Xharlkov UniversR-y----- Title :Study of Errors of Spectrographic Method of Securing Absorption Spectra of Solutions in the Ultraviolet Region. Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Khar1kovsk. un-ta, 1956, 71, u1-118 Abstract: It was ascertained experimentally, that on continuous operation of a spark generator, assembled according to the s:'Implest scheme, during the recording of blackening marks and spect..-a under study on the sA plate, the relative error in blackenii4; of spectrum lines does not exceed 2-4%, By means of standard solutions of sodium picrate and potassium chromate it was found that errors in optical densities of the solutions do not exceed errors in blackening of lines. It was ascertained that these errors increase with decreasing exposure. Card 1/1 -3- TOIXACHIV, Y.N.; LOKAKINA. G.G. Spectrophotometric determination of the dissociation constants of sodium 1,8 dioxy-2-(2-oxyazobenzene)-3,6-naphthalons disulfonate- [with summary In linglish]. Zhur. fiz. khim. 31 no-5:1027-103? W 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitat im. A.M. Gor1kogo. (Chemical tests and reagentoY (Sodium organic compounds) TOIXACHXV, V.11.; LOMAKIRA, G.G. Spec trophofogm~etric nvestigation of the interaction between odium 1,8-dioxy-2-(21-oxyazobenzene)-3,6-naphthalenedioulfonate nd magnesium ions (with summary in English). Zhur.fiz.khimtll : no.7:1600-1605 J1 '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Khnrlkovskiy universitat im. A.M.Gorlkogo i Kherlkovskiy Institut Sovetakoy torgovli. (Spectrophotometry) (Sodium snlts) (MAeneaium) AUTHORS: __1cMgLdn&, G.G. Tolmohev, V.N.. 32-24-6-13,/44 S F him Slavinalmya, V.A. TITLE: News in Brief (Korotkiye soobahcheniya) FMODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, Nr 6, p. 694 (USSR) ABSTRACT: G.G. Lomaldna and V.W. Tolmachev of Khar'kov State University (Kharlkovskly goaudar8tvenrjyy univeraitet) rooommend the applioa.- tion, of acid chromium aark-blue an a coloring agent for oolori- metrical determinations of magnesium- and aluminum alloys. To- gether with magnesium this coloring agent forms a colored complex of the composition M992. The most sensitive reaction is attained with pH = 9.5 - 10-5, in which case the relative error is o-5 - -3.5%, and sensitivity increases with an increased purity of the coloring agent. The calibration curves can be plotted according to solutions of magnesium chloride of etalon, samples of aluminum alloyn. X.V. Mbomskaya 3.nd V.A. Slavinskaya of the Institute of Organic UheMiBZry UA iie Academy of Sciences. latvian SSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii Almdemii nau1;IktV1Y8k&W SSR) suggested a Card 1/2 method of photocolorimetric quantitative determination of No= in Brief 32-24-6-I.V44 furfurole in the presence of aliphatic aldehydes of carbox7lic acids. The well-known reaction between furfurole and acetic acid anilln is used and the method of investigation developed by Ponomarev is employed on this occasion. After reaction lasti-'Ig 1h45' at 15c between a sodium chloride-, acetic acid-, and ani- line solution with f rfurole, the solution is colorimetrized on a photo colorimet er FEK- M rith a green light filter. The weigW- limit ratios between furfurole and formic- and malaic acid, formal- debyde and aoetio aldehyde which do not act upon the optical density of the coloring of the compound of furfurole with acetic acid aniline are determined. 1. Magnesium--Determination 2. Aluminum alloys--Determination 3. Colorimetry 4. Furfurals--Quantitative analysis Card 2,/2 5~4) SOV/76-33-4-9/32 A THORS: Tolmachev, V. N., Lomakina, G. I., Shtuchkina, L. A. TITLE; Spectrophotometric Investigation of the Reaction Between Sodium- 1,8-dioxy-2-(21-oxyazobenzene)-3,6-naphthalene Disulphonate With Zinc Ions (Spektrofotometricheskoye issledovaniye reaktsii vzaimodeystviya 1,8-dioksi-2-(21-oksiazobenzol)-3,6-nafta- lindisullfonata natriya a ionami tainka) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 4, pp 800-812 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was already found (Ref 1) that compounl (1) mentioned in the title (the so-called acid chrome dark blue) forms a stable complex compound with magnesium vihich made it possible to elaborate a colorimetric Mg-determination in aluminum alloy3 (Ref 2). In the present case the reaction of the dye vith zinc was investigated by moans of' the workin,; method (-Refs 1, 3) already described. Zn30 4 wao user. and the absorption curvea of the solutions with (1) were recorded at different zinc concentrations (Fig 1) ~t a pH - 9.2, 10.3 and 11-5. The dia.. gram shows that all absorption curvea intersect each other Card 1/2 at one point (X - 590 M11) which indicates a certain equilibrium 3()V/76-33-4-9/32 3,-.-~ctrophotometric Investigation of the Peaction Betweer 2-(21-oxyazobenzene)-3,6-naphthalene Disulphonate Tith Zin.- Ions in the solution. It was found that the maximum optical density is attained at pV~ 10. The coefficient of molar absorption of the complex compound ( E - 45,400 + 900) gnd the value of the instability constant for the radical ZnR 2- K - 3.3-10-11 were found from the measurements of the optical density and the p11 ofthe solutions (Table) according to an equation (12) for X = 570 mg. On the banis of the experimental data obtained it is assumed that (I) may be used for the colorimetric de- terminations of zinc. There are 4 figures, I table, and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. 1,11. Gorlkojo (Kharikov State University imeni A. M. Gor1kiy) SUBMITTED: September 9, 1957 Card 2/2 05832 5(4) SOD-1/76 - 30 -30,/Z 5 AUTHORS: Tolmachey, V. N., Lomakina, G. G. TITLEt Spectrophotometric Analysis of the Reaction of Sodium-1.8- dioxy-2-(21-oxyazobenzene)-3,6-naphthalene Disulphonate'li'ith Potassium, Strontium, and Barium Ions PERIODICAL; Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1~59, Vol 33, Nr 10, pp 2302 - 2305 (USSP) ABSTRACT; Previous articles dealt with the invEstigatian olf the dissocia- tion constant (Ref 1) and the complex compounds with magnesium (Ref 2) and zinc (Hef 3) of the afore-mentioned dye, The authors investigated here the complex compounds with calcium, strontiam, and barium with the help of spectrophotometry, The compo:3ition of the resultant complex oompounds was determined at variojs pli-values by Ustromyslensiiy's method. The following complex compounds were obtainedi 6-, 6-, 6-. CaR2 Sr3 2 and BaR2 In order to determir, i:;,;', i 1tY constants, the authors measured the optical densitis at various concentrations of the metal ions and of the dye in various Card 112 solvents. Measurements were made on a UM-2 monochro.,,,iator, The 05832 Spectrophotometric Analysis of the Reaction of SOV/76- 3 3-10-30/4 3 Sodium-1,8-dioxy-R-(21-oxyazobenzene)-3,6-naphthalene Disulphonate 'Gith Potassium, Strontium, and Barium Ions constants (Table) were 5.5,10' 10 and ?.7.10 8 The complc-x compounds lose in stability with decreasing electronegativity of the ions in the following ordert Ca 2+> Sr 2+ Ba 2-# . There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 7 refer- ences, 5 0 which are Soviet.. ASSOCIATIONt Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. 111. Gor1kogo (Kharlkov State University imeni A. M_ GorOkiy) SUBMITTEDs March 28, 1958 Card 2/2 or; Of "'t; Khar k 0v) D'; IX (KL, 35- )0, 1 LOMAXINAt, G.Gl_-, TOLMACH17. V.N. 1,8-Dihydroty-2-(21-Hydroxyazoboozons)-3,6-naphthalone sodium disulfonate as a possible reagent for the photometric determination of magnesium, zinc, and cadmium. Izv. V786 ucheb. zav; khim. i khim. tekh. 3 no. 5:819-822 160. (MIRA 13-.12) Is XhakIkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M.Gorlkogo. Kafedra takhnichookoy khimii. (Magnssius--Analysis) (Zinc--Analysis) (Cadmium--Analysis) lxl~~ -- V. Nd LORAK INAp. (Khar I kov) Spectrophotometric study of reactions between sodium 1,8-dib.Vdrox7- (2-h.vdz-,o3gazobeazeae)-3,6-naphthalene disulfonate and cadmium and mercury ions. Zhur. fiz. khim. 34 no-3:627-632 Mr ,6o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Kharikovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gor8kogo. (Cadmium compounds) (Mercury compounds) TOJI-IACIILIV, V.N.; LOUAKINA, G.G.-, SEIUIUKHO", L.N. Relation between the absorption spectra of complex compounds and their stability in aqueous solutions. Ukr.khim.zhur. 27 no.5:584-592 161. WIRA 14:9) 1. Khartkovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M. GorIkogo. (Complex compounds-Spectra) W'AIMIA, L. 'k. Tob.icco - nliblio--r f,hY Works on tobncco Pnd p,iblished in 17,51. Tab.~~',: 13 no. 2. 1952 Y'onthly List of Russian AcceZ.9i2ns, Lib,-:,r-,- of Conr- Jime 10~". T:CLA5.',IFIED. rec - LOMAKINA, L.A. Tobacco -Bibliography Notes on works on tobacco and makhorka culture published in 1951. Tabak 13 no. 1, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. ---,-l .7-- 91 -- - Tobncco CurinE Notes on i-mrVs al-out tobacco and makhorka 6r(-w4,-L; w,.,ich ~;e .! "' *'~'- 1 - I rf.! a I,_- .-- - I --. Tabak 13 No. 4 1952. 1-10-l."TPLY LIST OF MiSSTAN ACCL.'-:7131S. Librar,, of Congress, Octcber lqc~2. UNCLAELIFIEL. LWAKINA, L. A. Biblio.graphy - Tobacco Brief review of works on tobacco and makhorka growing, published in 1951-1~'52. 1',jbak 14, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. . - 0." f?.. . - i ~4 - --l I'- US-J!~/1.licrobL)lol,,,*,.ll'. I'ntibl..)sis 3.y..iblosis. Anti- biotics. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - E.-Lol., u 14, 1958, -.,.,o 623-32 iiutlior Lo:iallcina L.,*--. inst Titl:: Uao if ialtiblotic-r, in tho ~--Jtrugglu wlth Disca3os. Ori- Pub Tabak, 195y, No 7,, 61-62 0 ;-.bstr-,ct No abstract Ca rd 1/1 LCKkl[=A, L.A. (g. Ilreenodar) New herbicides for tobacco hotbeds. Zashch. rest. ot vred. i bol. 3. no.3:54 S-0 158. (KIRA 11:10) (Tobacco) (Herbicides) LMURIA) L.A. Cytovirinp a new antibiotic (fron *PhytopatholoU,* no.9.. 1957). Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 4 no.2.'50 Mr-Ap 159. (Antibiotics) (KIRA 16:5) LOMAKINAp L.A. Nomtocidal effect of Bugar. Zashch. mat. ot vred. I bol, 7 no.1201-52 D 162. (MIRA 1617) (Nematocides) (Sugar) i . LWAKINA, L.Ae ~r-,-r~.~ Substances of vegetable origin as inhibitors of the tobacco mosaic virus. Zashoh. rest. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.10:48-4~ 0 162, (MMA 16:6) Growth-promoting substaneeO Tobacco mosaic virus) ~ 1OKAKINA, L.K.; TARASEVICH, N.I. of palladium by means of triazoles. Vest.Mosk.un Determination Ser.mate, mekhe, astron., fiz., khim. 12 n0-3:217-222 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1,Kafedra analitichasko7 khimii Mookovskogo gosudaretvennogo universitata. (Palladium) (Triazole) 5~ (2) AUTHORS: Lomakina, L. ll.,__Tarasevich, N., I. SOV/55-58-6-19/31 TITLE: Investigation of the Analytical Properties of 2-Moreaptobenzimidazol (Izuchaniye analiticheskikh svoystv 2-merkaptobanzimidazola). The Microdetermination of Platinum' Palladium, Rhodium, aAd Iridium by 2-Mercapto- benzimidazol (Mikrooprodal Oniye platiny, palladiya, rodiyas i iridiya 2-merkaptobenzimidazolom) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universitOtIL. Seriya matematiki, makhaniki, astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1958, Ur 6, PP 149-154 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper an investigation f)f the compounds of platinum (IV), palladium (II), rhodium (III), iridium (IV) with the reagent mentioned in the title, as well as an investigation of the possibility of a quantitative determination of-these metals by means of the reagent investigated is carried out. A scheme for the synthesis of the reagent is given, and figure I shows the shape of the crystals formed by it. It is difficultly soluble in H 20 and in acids. qualitative Card 1/3 investigations of its reactivity showed that it reacts with Investigation of the Analytical Properties of SOV/55-58-6-19/31 2-Morcaptoboazimidazol. The Microdetermination of Platinum, Palladium, Rhodiumt and Iridium by 2-Marea,ptobanzimidazol several elements in an acid madiump with some also in ammoniat and with the elements of the platinum group in acetic acid (PH - 3.27-7)t and in the presence of mineral acids. An amorphous precipitation is formed, which forms the crystals shown by figure 2 by recrystallization (with Pd). The comparative characteristics of the compounds obtained are given by table 1. Reactivity with the reagent decreases from platinum -Pd - Rh to iridium. Further, investigations were carried out of the dependence of the compounds of the four metals with 2-mercaptobenzimidazol upo 'n the hydrogen concentration of the precipitation solution. The data of the analysis are given by table 2. It was shown by the investigations carried out that the four metals form two different compounds with the reagent (within the range of pH-values of 4-7); in this case hydrogen of the sulphhydril group In probably replaced by the metal, and on the other hand, the said metals react with the reagent in a similar manner as with the amines in which they Card 2/3 form compounds of the type m(amine)o MeCl n in a highly acid V J!, Investigation of the Analytical Properties of 3OV/55-58-6-19/31 2-Mereaptobenzimidazol. The Uicrodetermination of Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, and Iridium by 2-Mareaptobenzimidazol medium and in the presence of free mineral acids. According to the properties of the compounds obtained, the authors succeeded in working out 2 gravimetric methods of determination of elements of the platinum groups 1) From an acetate buffer mixture containing no other ions and the reagent and a 0.5!,C caustic soda solution, and heating up to 70-800 (Table 3), and 2) from a mineral acid (1-5% per unit of volume), the reagent and a 0-5% caustic soda solution, and heating up to 60-700 Nable 4). The error con itted in these methods did not exceed t0.05 mg of 0.2-2 mg of the metal to be determined. There are 2 figurest 4 tables, and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii (Chair for Analytical Chemistry) SUBMITTED: January 2, 1958 Card 3/5 32-10-36/60 A17211ORS: Lomakina, L. It. I At-asyan, P. K. TITLE: A Combination Electrode for Potentiometrical Micro-Titration (Kombinirovannyy clekt-rod dlya pctentoioractrichesko.-o nikro- titrovaniya) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1953, Vol. 24, Nr 2, pp. 219 - 220 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The combination microelectrode accordina t-c 3. 1. Frid (re- ferenQe 1) -aas improved by uome modificati *one, e.Z:. an in- terpoGed layer of filter paVer or a shift of the polished section is proposed for the p-urpose of preventint; an ctphing of the polished section by crystal formationt (KC1 or K2SO The interspace in In this case filled up by aCar-aLar and solution of KC1. By immersin- the lower part of the electrode into the electrolYte an extended stcrz~,~e is secured. These modifications proved to be neccs!3ary in the case of titratina small amounts according to different potentionetric methods. Card 112 There are I figure, and I roference, w1ricl., is Slavic. A Combination Electrode for Potentiome-trical Micro-T.-tration I r 32-2-17S/1- ASSOCIATION: Moscov State University imeni M. V. TCmonosov (1,10skovsk.4y Co3udarstvannyy univer3itat il-i. 11I. V. Lomonusova) AVAILABLE: Library of Con.-Ireu-i 1. Electrodes-Design 2. Titration-Equipment Card 2/2 13 AUTIORS: Lomakina, L.11, , Tarasev ich, N. I. , Igasyan, ` The Micropotentiometric Determination of Silver by Means of Triazoles (?Aikropotentsio,,,ictricheskoye opredeleniye serebra s pomoshchlyu triazolov) IIERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 3, pp. 270-273 (11,3SR) ,03TRACT: The present paper describen a method applying- benzotriazole and bromobenzotriazolo for the determination of microquantities of silver; the second-named reagent was found to be the better. For potentiometric titration a microelectrode reconmended by Frid (Reference 3) in a slif;htly modified form was used. It was found that the potential junps in the neutral medium are -reater than in the acid medium, and that better titration results are obtained with nitric acid than with sulphtiric- or acetic acid. By means of bromobenzotriazole it is possible to detcrmine quantities of 0,01 mbr/mi silver. The presence of copper, lead, nickel, cobalt, thallium and zinc locs not Car('. 1/2 disturb the deternination in the mediura of nitric acid, or The 'icropotentiometric Deter.~,ination of Silver by "Ifeano 32-3-41,152 of Triazoles in the prenence of trilon P, wherean iodide-, cyani,le-, and thiosulfate ions exercise iL dioturbin~-, effect. In ve,,.::ly a.-,imoniacal solutions silver can be determined also in the presence of chlorine ions. There are several tables showin,- reoults obtained by inventigation and some titration curves. There are 2 fifniren, 4 tablea, and 5 referencen, 4 ol' which are Slavic. S 0 C L, T I OIT Moscow State University imeni ~..V.Lommonosov (~'00':Ovsk.iy :T. V. I,OL- 70311dLrstvennyy universitet i-.,. OrIOC:Ova) AVAILABLE: 1,ibrary of Congress 1. Silver-Micropotentiometric determination 2. Benzotriazole- Applications 3. Bromobenzctriazole-Applications Card 2/2 LOMAKINA. L.N., TAUMICH. N.I. Spectrophotometrie investigation of the conditions for preparing a rhodium complaxonate, Yeato Moak, un, Sere 2: khlm. 15 no&2: 58-.63 Rr-AP 160# (MIU 13:6) 1. Kafedra analiticheakoy khimii Hookovakogo univeraiteta, (Rhodium Oompoundo) LCMKIIIA, L.N.j ALIMARIN, I.P. Constants of the acid dissociation of 1,20-benzotriazo-le, Br-benzotriazolep and mercaptobenzimidazole. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. Whim. 20 no.5:58-63 S-0 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Submitted Nov. 10, 1964. LOWITIA, L.Ya.; RAZVYAZK]21A; G.M.; SHUBLIKOVA, Ye,A* Cytological and histological changes in the fat body of the cicada Fsammotettix Striatus Fall, infected with the winter wheat nosaic virus* Vop. virus 8 no.2tl68-172 Mr-Ap163 (MIRA 16t12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenn-yy xmiversitet i Vsesoyuznyy naucbno- issledovateliskiy institut fitopatologii. YUIFANOU, 0.1.; ZOSD40VSKAYA, A.I.; LOMAKINA,, L. la; GRUSHINA., N.V.; _5MOLENSKAYAj I.N. Comparative study of the duration of mitosis and interkinesis in tissues of miae with the aid of colchicine and irradiation. Biul.eksp.biol. i med. 55 no.1:96-100 Ja'63. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimentallnoy tsitologi-i i tsitokhimii Instituta radiatpionnoy I fiziko-~himicheskoy biologii (dir. akademik VIA.Engeligardt) AN WSR Moskva. Predstavlena dey" stvitel ~ny len4m AMN SSSR V.A.Ej2gallgartom. 7;Klh (K =I#) (GOILHICINE--PMIOLOGICAL EFFWT) (ROIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFTMT) 1, L01MINA, M, I., I-ELTED-E-VA, V. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Moths 7. Yall webwom (Hyplipaitia cunea). Sad i eg. NO-10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified. LOMAXINA,, N. B. Mbr.0 Zool. Inst., Acad. Sci.g -cI91*9-. "Forms of Ancient Amphipoda of the Pontoporoia, Family Which are New for the USSRp" Dok. Up 68p No. 6# 1949. LOMAKINA, H.B. New Fjpeciee of Cumacea from the Far Bautern seae. Trudy zool.inst. 12: 155-170 152. (KLRA 6:6) (Pacific Ocean-Cumacea) AKIP4USHKIN, I.I.; BARAIX)VA, ZA.; BRODSKIY, K.A.; VIRKETIS. M.A.; VOLODCHJWO, N.I.; GALKIN, Yu.I.,; GURIYANOVA, Ye.F.; DOGIL' V.A.; D'YAKOHDV, A.M.; ZNVINA, G.B.; IVANDV, A.V.; KIRIYANDVA, Ye S.; KOBYAKOVA, Z T., KOLTUN, T.M.; KOIIZHUKOVA,Te.D.-. KOROTKXVICH, V.S.;KLTUGS, G.A.; LOZINA-LOZINSKIT, L.K.: LORAKINA, H.B.; NAUMOV, D.V.; PERGAMENT, T.S.; R3SHXMAK, N.V.; SAY17PIEVA, T.S.; SKARLATO, O.A.; SOKOLOV, I.I.; STRELKOV, A.A.; TARASOV, H.I.; USHAKOV, P.V.: SHCHM)RINA,Z.G. TAKOVLY-VA. A.H.: USHAKOV. P.V.. obahchiy rukovoditell: PAVWVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, redaktor-, STRAUOV, A.A. redaktor; BR)DSKrY, K.A., redaktor; ARONS, R.A., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Atlas of Invertebrates of the Far East seas nf the U.S.S.R.] Atlas bespozvonnchnykh dallnevontochzWkh morei SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1955. 240 p.. 66 plates. (KLRA 8:10) 1. Akadamiya mik SSSR. Zoologichaskiy institut, (Soviet far East--Invertebrates) LOMAKINk, N.B. Cumacea of the Far lantern seas. Trudy ZooLinst. 18:112-165 155. (C-macea) (MLRA 9:2) L(AMIM, 11. B. Pavlovskeola campylaspoides, representative of a new genus of Cumacea, Nannastacidas. Trudy Zool.inst. 21:190-192 '55. (MLHA 9: 5) (Cumacea) LOMUNA, N.D. Cumaceana of Far lastern seas. Trudy probl.i tem.sov. no.6:81-82 '56. (PTXA 9: 11) 1. Zoologichedciy institut AN SM. (Soviet Yar 31ast-Cumacea) LOKAKINA, N.B.. kand.biolnauk Nuphausild crustaceans (Nuphausincea) collected by the Soviet Antarctic Expeditior. Infom.biul.Sov.antark.eksp. no 3:37-38 158. iMITIA 12:4) 1. Zoologicheekiy institut AN SSSR, (BuphaustiAae) LOMAKINA, N.B. . - ..., - 1- - - - T., - Cumacea of the region covered by explorations of the Kurile- Sakhalin Expedition. lool. dallnevost. mor. SSSR no.5:205-216 158. (MIRA 12:3) (Sakhalin-Cumcea) (Kurile Islands-Cumacea) LINDBFXr, G.U.; SHCREDRINA, Z.G.; DOGEL', V.A.; IMSHICTNTAK, V.V.: STRICLKOV, A.A.; KOLTUN, V.M.; IIAUIUV, D.V.; IVAIJOV. A.T.; BYKIIOVSKIY, B.Te. ZHUXOV, Te.V.; PERGAMERT, T.S.; KOROTMICH, V.S.; USHLKOV, F.T.; KLTUGB. G.A.; ANEROSOVA, Te.I.; GOSTIWVSKAYA, M.G.; BRODSKIT, K.A.; GUSEV, A.V,; TARASOV, N.I.-, GURIYANDVA, Te.F.; VAGIN, Y.L.; _WMAKINA, N.B.e BULTCHEYA, A.I.; KOBTAKOVA, Z.I.; LDZIIIO-LOZINSKIT, L.K.-, TAKOVLEVA. A.M.: GALKIN, Yd.I.-, SKARIATO. O.A.; AKI14JSIIKIII, I.I.: DITAKONDV, A.M.'-. BARANDVA, Z.I.-, SAV3LITICVA, T.B.: SKALKIN. V.A. List of the fauna of marine waters of southern Sakhalin and southern Kuriles. Iosl.dallnevost.mor.SSSR no.6:173-256 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Zoologicheek1y Institut AN SSSR. (Sakhalin-marine fauna) (Kurile IslandB--Marine fauna) U-MAKINA, N'.B. Euphaucid f a una (Eu~lAuo la,~ep.) I n ret! c and lic ,a-.' lan mgicnE. fauny morel 2.,254-334 164. -17.lr,) 1. Zooj.vgicheqkly institut. AN SSSR. of axped-4!.lcr,!3 in the lco-breaker L--'tkell 1r., 11 d' -1 :,nJ th,- diesel-e ectric an and iqo-8. 71ri,.dy 259:241-254 '61, LOMAKINA, N.N., inzh. Determining the number and length of station classification tracks. Vest.TSNII MPS 21 no.2t49-52 162. (MIRA 15W (Railroada*-Hump yards) LEBEDEVAJ, T.P.; STRAKOVSKIY, I.I., TISHKOV, L.B.; LONIKINA, N.N.; f P - I -Te.; V. E. ZABELLO M.L.; SADIKOV, P.; PETRUNENKO~,, -MIFNOV~ ARUTYU?JOV, V.A., Inzh., retsenzent; PE77107h, V.L., in7h., ro-,J,; BOBHOVAP Ye.11.0 tokhn.red. [Basic requirements related to the technical equipment of classification yards] Osnovnye treLovaniia k tekhnicheskorTu osnashcheniiu sortirovochnykh stantsii. 14oskva, Transzheldorizdat 1963. 218 p. (Its TRUDY, no.270). (MIRA 17:31 IOMAKINA. N.N.; TRXNINA, G.A. -1,.--.--- .-'l. . Antibiotics of bacterial origin; from data In foreign periodical literature. Antibiotiki 7 no.4:3-18 154. (VTRA 7:9) (Antibiotics) R VI,- I N!-I USSR/ ':odicina Antibiotics Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 42/56 Authora I Brazhnikova, M. G.; Lomakina, N. N.; end Iluravyeva, L. 1. Title t Albomycin., its prope rtie e and chemical nature Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 99/5,, 827-8300 Dee 11,, 1954 Abetraot I AlbonVcin was derived from cultired liquid of ray fungus (Actinomyces sub- tropicus and isolated in 1949 by G. F. Gauze. It represents an iron con- taining cyclic polypeptide,, it possesses certain basic characteristics and forms salts when in contact with various acids. Chemically pure albozVcin sulfate appears in the form of an amorphous powder of brick-red color, is easily aoluble in water, less soluble in methanol and insoluble in other organic solvents. The antibacterial activity of that salt, is described. Tables; graph. Institutioni AcadejW of Medical Sciences USSR, Institute for the Search of New Antibio- tics Presented by: Academician V. N. Shaposhnikov, October 8,1954 BRAZE1 LKOV, M.G.; loOK61"Ah&A4 GUSIVA, V.G.-. VDRIHA, To- 3, Recovery$ purification, and characteristics of actinosycins formed by v4rious cultures of Actinomyces antagonists (with cummary in Yreach, po62)Ant1biot1ki 1 no.4:3-5 J1-A9 136. (MIJU 9:11) 1. Institut po izyokaniyu novykh antibiotikoy ANN SSSR. (ACTINCKTCAS, cult. prod. of new actinowycines. secretion, purification & characteristics) (ANTIBIOTICS actinomycines, first prod. from four strains of actinomyces, secretion, purification & characteristics) EWHNIKOVA, M.G.;.10MAKINA, N.N.; KUDINOTA, M.K. ReAntiou of albomrain with iron. Dokl.All SSSR 108 no.4:677-679 Je 156. (HLRA 9:9) l.Inatitut po izyskaniyu neyvkh antibiatikov Akademii meditainakikh nauk SSSR. Predstavleno Akademikem V.A. Magellgardtom. (ALBORYCIN) (IRON) SHCRIN. V.A.; YUDINTSXV. S.D. ; KUNRAT. I.A.; GOLIDURG, L.Ye.; PEVZMfi, H.S.; BRAZHNIKOVA. M.G.: LOKAKINA, N.H.; OPARYSHEVA, Te.7. The new antibiotic actin'oidin. Antibiotiki 2 no.5:44-49 S-0 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Inetitut po lzuskaniyu, novykh antiblotikov AMN SSSR. (ANTIBIOTICS, actinoldin, pharmscol. (Rue)) GAUZZ, G.F.; PnOB"UNUSKAYA, T.P.; KOVALENKOVA, Y.K.; IL' lGaVA, H.P.; KOYSHAROVA. I.N. i SHORIN, V.A.; BRAZHNIKOVA, M.G.; ~QU4 T. U* KUHRAT, I.A.; SHAPOVAWYA, S.P. ar7stallomycin, a now antibacterial antibiotic (with summsr7 in Nnglitshl. Antibiotiki 2 no.6:9-14 11-1) 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Institut po izyskaniyu novykh antibiotikoy AME S=. (ANTIBIOTICS, preparation of, crystallomycin, prod. from Actinomyces violaceoniger (Rue)'.' (ACTIDOMYGNS violaceoniger. prod. of antibiotic arystallomycin (Rus)) -7 F-Ti,T-.7,!-~ BRAZHNIKOVA. 14.G.; MIKHSH, 0. (Mikeg. 0.1; LOMAKINA, H-N- Studying the homogeneity of albomycin [with suuvary in Nnglishl. Biokhiniia 22 no.1/2:111-117 Ja-Y 157. (MLRA 10:7) 1, Institut khimii Chekboalovatakoy akademii nauk (Praga) i tnatitut po izyskaniyu novykh antibiottkov Akademii maditainakikh nauk SSSR (Koskva) (ANTIBIOTICSO albomycin, components (Rua)) M=NIKOVA, M.G.; NOVSHAROVA. I.N.; L014AKDA, H.W.; MURAVIYEVA. L.I. Some characteristics of the adsorption and desorption of albo- mycin on parmatit and SDT-3 cation-exchange resin [vith summary In Inglieh]. Antlbiotiki 3 no.6:29-32 N-D 158. (MIRA 12:2) 1, Institut po liVskanlyu novykh antibiotikov ANN SSSR. (ANTIBIOTICS, albomycin, adsorption & desorption on permutit & cation-exchange resin (Rue)) BRATIJ 1111) 111%, n.U. -, WRAKIIIA, TI.N. I MUI?AVTY3VA, 1. 1. Production of a highly-active preparation of alboqvcin. Antibiotiki, 4 no.2:24-29 14r-Ap 159. (MIRA, 12:7) 1. Institut PO izyskaniyu novykh antiblotikov AMN SSSR. -(AJ4TIFIOTW&- albamycin, prod, of high3,y active prep,, (Ras)) LOM&KIIIA, 11. H. - BRAZMIIKOVA, H. G. Chemical composition of crystallomycin. Biokhimiia 24 no-3:425-43l ltr-Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Institute of New Antibiotics, Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (AIITIBIOTICSO crystallorqcin, chem. (Rue)) N. N., YIJUNI.. 11,11. S., :ind L.'.v?Cw-, M. F. .(USSR's "A New Antibiotic -- Actinoidin.11 Report nresented at the 5th Intern.-!tion.%l Biochemistry Congress, I Moscow, 10-10' Aue,, 1961 LCMAKINA,ji-ji - LAVROVA, M.F.; BllhZFITIKOVA, M.G. ......- _,; YURIIIA, M.S., Actinoidin and its separation into biologicallowow Twieft, - Antibiotiki 6 no.7.-609..618 Jl 261. -,If- ' (14IWi 15:b) 1. Institut po izyskaniyu novykh antibiotikov Al-UT SSSR. (ACTINOIDIN) BRAUNIKOVA, M.G.1 101AKINAA.N.N.; LAVPOVA, M.F.; TOLS-YFH, I.V.; YURINA, 11. S.; KLym7r, 1C.A. - isolation and properties of risLomyoin. Antibictiki 8 no.5.392- ;'196 14y'63 (MIRA 17:3) L Institut po izyskaniyu nov-ykh antibiotikov AMN SSSR. BRAZI]NIKOVA) M. G.; LOMAKINA, N. N.; LAVROVA, M. F. "The antibiotic ristomycin and its propertleo." report submitted for Antibiotics Cong, Prague, 15-1) jun 64. Inst for Search for New Antibiotics, AMS USSR, Moscow. L;L"J...: U 'j" 'J jV) V -onin, G. 1 A Lo;7.akina, 0. A.; 5, nono Iquid oxygen from tho air. Cla 17, A low-prossuro apparatus for olbLainjin~, 1- No. 16L-274 SOUIZE: prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 33 T621~, TAGS; oxy~:on, liquid oxygen, ga:; liquofier, liquofaction tocimiquo Tliis Auti-,or Cortificato nrosent3 a low-presnuro ap~;aratus- for olb-.;,~.ning 1-4cCaid oxygor, from tho air by low t~mperatvuro rectification (soo Fig. 1). Taq a-'pp~,xatus ccn3isLs of an air compressor arid of heat exchangors placod consocutivoly behind t"-.o compressor and aorving for cloaning and cooling tho compro5sod air,. a roc"6ifior -..;ith an evaporator for diliding tho air into its CoMononts, and an oxternal coolor. To increaso t1jo officioncy and to lower tao coat of Li,,o B~yaratu3, -k'ho oxtcrnai coolor i:i placod ir, front of tho ruci~ifior in tho uIvroam of tno air 'boing ard 1/2 U------!6-2-.'! 593-05-661.'~3 L-C