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LOTHI, E., mgr inz. I- Remarks on designing and testing results of S 53 high- pressure motors. Techn motor 12 no. 4/5: 119-121 Ap-My 162. - 1. Biuro Konstrukcyjne Przemyslu Motor '6yjnego, Warnawas Y* LOTH, Edward, mgr inz* . - New tires: DUNLOP-B7 and SPecial. Techn motor 12 no. 10: 341-343 0 '62- LOTH, Felicjan I-- Modifications of the development of jaws and of bite in children following use of Glissonts sling and of orthopedic collar. Postepy chir. 2:94-98 1955. 1. Z Sanatorium J. Krasickiego w Otwocku, Dyrekt. dr. I. Szulc-gajewska, Ordyn. dr. F. Loth. (ORTHOPEDICS, apparatus and instruments, collar & Glisson's sling, eff. on jaw develop. bite in child. (Pol)) (JAWS, pbysiolog7, eff. of orthopedic collar & Glisson's sling on develop. in child. (Pol)) (MALOCCLUSION, etiology and pathogenesis, Glisson's sling & orthopedic collars.(Pol)) I,OTH, F. "Innate foot defects." p. 2 (Zdrowie, Vol. 5, No. 11, 1953, Warsaw) SO: Monthly Ust of East European Accessions Iibrary of Longress, Vol. 3, No. 6, june. 1954, tncl. M T~~ LOTH, Felicjan, Warszawa, Lowicka Ostsoarticular tuberculosis as a social problem. Gruzlica 22 n0-10:709-719 Oct 54. 1. Z Sanatoriuu gruzlicy koetno stavowej im. J.Krasickiego v Otwooku, kier. od&zialn,. dr. IP.Loth, dyrektor: dr. I.Szulc- Kajewska (TUMCULOSIS. OSTIOARTICULAR. prevention and control public health aspect) E 1 ~TH Fellejap, Warszawa, Lowicka 51 / current therapy of osteoarticular tuberculoxis. Gruzlic& 23 no.6:417-426 June '55. (TMERCULOSIS, OSTMAMCULAR. therapy current status) LOTH, Felicjan; LESZEK. Halina Effect of fangotbarapy an mascle force and cardio-respiratory coefficient. Cbir..narz. rucbu 21 no.4:393-398 1956. 1. Z 0arodka Rebabilitaoyjnego w Clacbocinku. III Klinlki Chirurgicxnej Warozawaklej Akademii Medycznoj. Kierownikt prof. dr. A. Gruca. Warszawa. ul. Lowicka 51 m. 24. (MUD THERAPT, off. on cardio-reep. coefficient & musc. force (Pol)) (RESPIRATION, off. of mud. tber. on cardio-re'ap. funct. (Poi)) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTIM, pbyBiology, 'lame) (MUSCLES, physiology off. of mud ther. on musc. force (Pol)) LOTH, Felicjan (Warszawa, ul. Kowicka 51 m. 24) Pathogenesis of coxa valga in tuberculosis of the hip; considerations on the etiology of caza vara. Chir. nars. ruchu 22 no.6:582-587 1937. 1. Z Sanatorium im. J. Krasickiego w Otwocku. Direktor: dr R. Hatyjasek- Ordynator: dr 1. Loth. (GOXA VALGA, compl. oateoarticulartuberc., pathogen. (Pol)) (TUBIRGUIDSIS, OSTBOARTICULLR, compl. coxa vaiga, pathogen. (Pol)) (COXA VABA, etiol. & pathogen. (Pol)) MA `RM4~~-M LOTH,SFejic40-, Iffects of DOG vaccination on the course of skeletal tuberculosis. Gruzlicz 25"no.4:303-307 Apr 57. l..Z. Sanatorium grazlicy koetno-stawovej dzieciecej im. J. Krasickiego w Otdocka. Dyrektor: IL Hatyjasek Ordynator: 7. Loth. (TU2=OUI1OfiIS# OSTBOARTIOUL&R, in inf. & child , . eff. of BW vacc. on clin. course (,P91)) (BCG VACCINATION, eff. on clin. course of osteoarticular tubere. in child. (Pol)) WTH, Feli6jan (Warszawa, u1. Lowicka 51 m. 24.) The most common mistakes made during the application of plaster casts. Chir. narz. ruchu 13 no.2:181-186 1958. 1. Z Sanatorium Dzieciecego Gruzlicy Kostno-Stawowej im. J. Krasickiego w Otwooku Ordynator: dr F. Ioth. (PIASTER CASTS common mistakes made daring application in osteoarticular tuberc. MID (TUMMIDSIS, OSTMARTIGUIAR, therapy plaster casts, common mistakes made during application (Pol)) ~V W LOTH, Felicjan (Warszawa, ul. Lowicka 51 m.24) An early radiographic sign of bone and joint tuberculosis of the lower limb in children; Chir.narz. ruchu. 23 no.1:43-43 1958; 1. Z Sanatorium Grazlicy Kostno-Stawowej Dzieciecej im. J. Krasickiego v Otwocka, Ordynator: dr F. Loth' (TUBIRCUWSIS, OSTEAURTICULAR. manifestations, x-ray sign in hip tuberc. in child. (Pol)) LOTH, Felicjan 1, Essay with the substitution of muscle defects of the extremities in children by means of foreign elastic material. Chir.nars.ruchu 25 n0-2:17$-179 160. 1. Z9 Sapitala Ghirurgii Urazowej Dzieciecoj w Warszavie. Dyrektor i Ordynatori dr F. Loth. (PARALYSIS surg.) (LEG surg.) RATAJSKA, Irena;_~OTHI Felicjan Effect of tonsillectomy on the treatment of osteoarticular tuber- culosio. Otolar.polska 14 no.2:239-249 160. 1. Z Panstwovego Sanatorium dla dzieci w grazlica kostno-atawowa w Otwocku, Dyrekbor: dr R.Katyjaoek. (T OHS I LLE CT Mff ) (TUBERCULOSIS OSTZOARTIGULAR in inf & child) LMHP F4140jam --th"Problem of proatheass for the upper extremity in children. Wrl-nars. ruchu artop. polska 27 no.1;19,21 162. 1. Ze Szp#a2a Chirurgii Dzjeciecej v Warszavle Dyraktor i ordynators dr F.Loth. (ARTIFIGIAL LIMB in inf & child) LOTH, reiliaJan .. - Hemophilia arthropathy. Chir. narz. ruchu ortop. polska 27 no.l: 99-108 162. 1. Ze Szpitala Chirurgii Urazowej Dzieciecej w Warezavie Dyrektor i or4ynatort dr F; Loth. (HEMOPHILIA compl) (JOXNTS die) IDTH, Feliden --,- - -... r.narzad- Resection of the knee joint in a hemophiliac* Chi ruchu ortop. pol. 28 no-5033-537 163. 1. Ze Szpitala Chirurgii UraZOW8j Dzieciecejw Warszaviee Dyrektor i Ordynatort dr. F.Ioth. LOTH, J. tr) tirle, Orlf,,nt. p. 261. The Suez Canal, r OZASOPIEWO GEOGRAFIC"i"E, 'afroclaw, Vol. 26, no. 3, 1955. SO: Monthly List of E~ast European Accessions, (-~-'EAL), LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Uct. 10/55) Uncl. LOTH, Jerzy (Warszawa)' Demographic and economic problems of the Fiji Islands, Czasop geograf 33 no.2:241-248 162. HUNGARY/chemical Technology. Chemical Products H and Their Applications. Artificial and Synthetic Fibers. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Khimiya, iio 69 1959, 21761 Author :Lothar, Rudolf Inst :- Title The Problem of Treatment and Manufacture of Mixtures of Synthetic Fibe:-s. Orig Pub Magyar textiltechn., 1958, 10, No 3., 107-110 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 07 LOTEMGEL, A. IfOomnlementarv Sports for Flyers", -p.7 (REPULES, Vol. 7, no- 3, Feb. 1954, Budapest, Hungary). Source: Monthly Li~t of East European Accessions, LO, Vol. 1, no. 5, May 1954/UnCl- J- 0 -r/!/tC A/ JOYANOTIC. S.; LOTIRC, N.; RADOJEVIC, T. Development, morphology and topograpby of sphenoidal sinuses in children. Acta mad. iugool. 8 no.2:232-252 1954. 1. Amtomaki Insitut Medicinskog fakulteta, Beograd. (SMIOID SDWS, anat. & histol. morphol. & topograpby in child.) LOTIS, V.E. cm. Khirurgiia. History of the problem of acute intestinal obstructi 36 no.2tl35-136 F ,60. (MIRA 13t:L2) (INMMM-OBSTRUCTION) U'l-' T -341371. K vonrosu izuchp-niya interct!7entsii .ri- tki. V A: vist.serallnoy natolofyii. 10491 s. 360-63 SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No 6, 1955 ZAV iOTIS V. M. 5135, LOTIS V. 111. Conditioned interocept-.*Lve reflexes from the uterus (experbwntal data) Aku3cherstvo i Ginekologiya, Moscow 1949, 6 (15-19) Illus. 2 Uterine fistulae were established in 3 dogs in such a manner that a Uterine horn was sutured into the skin, preserving the vascular and nervous connections. In 2 of these dogs salivary, fistulas were also made. The uterus was itritated by secretion. This coditioned reflex shows--,that the brain can receive messages from the ut3rus by nervous pathways. Korbler Za,-reb SO: Excerpta Pledica Section 11 Volumo Ill No. 9 -Zak LOTIS, V.H. UMMON-Now Cortical regulation of motor function of the uterus. Akuph. gin. no.3:9-15 May-June 1953. (CLML 25:1) 1,j Candidate Medical Sciences. 2..0f the Institute of d6stetrics an4i Clynecolo& (Director L. G. Sti!~anov), Xiiiistry of Ptiblib Health UWR. -j~ 01 Name: LOTIS, Valentina Mikhaylovna Dissertation: The nervous regulation of uterine activity (experimental and clinical studies) Degree: Doe Med Sci Affiliation: Z7Not Indicateg Defense Date, Place: 19 Dec 56, Council of First Order of Lenin Med Inst Imeni Sechonov Certification Date: 16 Mar 57 Source: PIWO 13/57 LOTIS, V.14.. doktor med.nAuk Receptor function of the uterus Lwith simmary in English]. Akush. i gin. 33 no.6:40-44 N-D '57. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Iz akusherpko-ginekologicheakoy kliniki (zav.kafedroy-prof. X.N.Zhmakin) 1 Moskovskogo ordens, Lenina meditsinskogo institutA. (UMUS, physiol. reflex reactions at various periods and stnges of uterine funct.) BLOSHANSKIY, Yu.M.; VANIILA, L.V.; VYEHLYAYEVA, Ye.M.; ZIGMKIN. Kon- stantin Fikolayevich, prof.; V.M.; MAIWILOVA, I.A.; MOISwmO' M.D.; SIAO BI-LYAKI [Haiso Pi-lien]; STRONGINA, T.N.; TRUYEVTSBVA, G.T.; SHAMMOTSLIYA, T.F.; GARVEY, H.H., red.; HAVRO!T1SKIY, O.G., tekhn. red. (Physiology and pathology of the menstrital function] Fizio- logiia i patologiin menstruallnoi funktaft.' Otv. red. K.N. Zhrwkin, Moskva, Per7yi Mosk. mad. in-t, 1960. 174 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Sotrudniki Imfedry skusherstva i ginekologii 1-go Mo- skovskogo ordena Lenins im. I.H. Secherova for all except (6rvey, Navrotskiy). (MENSTRUATION) 0 5 -0, ... LOTISL_y. Mj-Aoktor mod. nauk Some indices of higher nex vi us activity in w=en during inflamma- tor7 diseases of the internal sex organs. Akush i gin. no.2: 80-84 162. (MiRA 15:6) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva. i ginekologii (zav. - prof. K. N. Zhmakin) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskago instituta, imeni 1. M. Sechnova. NERVOUS SYSTEM) NERATIVE ORGJaISp FEMALEDISEASES) M LOTIS, V. Ye. Lotis, V. Ye. "Acute intestinal impassability,, based on material from the hospitals in GroznyY Oblast." Min Health USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Science.) Knizhnaya letopis' No. 15y 195b. Moscow. LOTIS, V. Ye. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Acute intestinal constipation Zn-eprokho- dimostI7. From materials of Grozniy Oblast hospitals. Moscow, 1961. 16 pp; (Ministry of Public Health USSR Central Inst for Advanced Training of Physicians); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 203) 00" PEI Wt Using thick3ned hydrochloric aoid in hydraulic fracturing. Neftianik 5 no.7:15,16 J1 160. (MIRA 14:9) 1.. Starshiy master uchastka osvoyeniya tsekha, podderzhaniya plastovogo davleniya neftepromyslovogo upravleniya Tuymazaneft'. (oil wello-Hydraulic fracturing) ~zd ~4 LOTIYEEV, R. K. AM. LOTIYEV, D. 1- Klivazli V Rayone Voyenno-Gruzinskoy Dorogi (Severnaya Zons). Trudy Grom. Nezht In-ta, 5b. 7, 19h9, 511-61 r-libliogr: 8 tiam SO: Letopis' No. 33, 1949 7- ion (northern ri rj~~- i -I feature= the ',CC[Gnl^'4 Of Charkey reg T t r*.,ntI1rp. (Che il-ey -.. I. I ilc.elliy"', I i ,-1:- -~-, Diverc--itl- oi' frrrn~ of ft)l~iin~ (ey:-.mlified i)y an 1-f the tectonics of the Ccatrpl l,auca-misi. Gro-,. nopt. inst. no.l'k::""-32 1553. (YIJU P: 6) (Caucaslis---Folas (GeoLoa.)) 15-57-2-1477 Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 2, P 44 (USSRT AUTHOR: Lotiyevl B. K. TITLE: Structures of the Kak-Shurinovka. Area (Northern Dagestan) L'3truktur Kaka-Shurinskaya i3loshchadi (Severnyy Dagestanjy PERIODICAL: Tr. Groznensk. neft. in-ta, 1954, Nr 13, pp 25-28 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 a Name LOTIYEV9 B. K. Dissertation Techtonics of the rocky crest and Chernogorsk monooline of Northern Ossetia and the possible oil-bearing capacity of the stractures Degree Cand Geol-Min Sci Defended At - Min Higher Education USSR, Moscow Order of Lenin State U imeni M. V. Lomonosov, Groznyy Order of Labor Red Banner Petroleum Institute Publication Date, Place - 1956, GrozW Source i Knizhmya Letopis' No 6, 1957 . . .... .. LOTIMCV, B.K.; STMI Tu.A. Division of the Chechen-Ingush A.S.S.R. into geotectonic regions- Izv.-vyo.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 1~,no.12:17-22 '58. (mm 12:4) 1. Groznenllkiy neftyanoy institut. (Chechen-Ingush A.B.S.R.-Geology, Structural) LOTIYEV, B.K.; STMUJWKO, Yu*Ao Upper Jurassic complex of the northern slope of the Greater Caucasuse Trudy GRI no~21:37-45 159. (MM 24:5) (Caucasus-Geology., Stratigral+ic) Y V LOTIYEVV B,Kj STERLENKO, YU*Ao Geomorphological and geotectonic features of the Krasnogorakaya area of the Northern Caucasus. Trudy GNI no.21:72-79 159. (KBU 140) (Krasnogoriskaya region-Geology, Structural) LOTIYEV, B*K. Moraine deposits sediments in the Lesser Kabardinian Range (North Ossetia). Trudy GNI no.21:80-82 '59- .(MM 1435) (ossetia,Moraines) -WTI'IEV B K Geo2og7 and estimation of tbeoi2 content of the Strorzhevaya field in the northwestern Caucasus. Trudy GNI no.21:256-167 159. (MA 14:5) (Caucasue-Petro2eum geology) VA IDTIYEV, B.K.;_, STERLF#HKOq YU*A. Brief characterization of tectonic zones and geostructures in connection vith their oil and gas potentials. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 2 no*7:3-8 159. (MIRA 12:12) l.Groznenskiy neftyancy institut. (Ossetia--Geology, Structural) Stavropol.-Pre-44esozoic complex. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i.gaz 3 no.22;3-7 160. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Clroznonskiy ne:Ctyanoy institut. (Stavropol Territgry--Petroleum geology)' (Sta*opol Territori-Gas,, Pftral--Geolo&); LOTIYEV, E.Ke-, --- ------- Tectonic characteriBtiaB of the Peredov07 Range. Izv. v7s. ucheb. 2av.; neft' i gas 2 no-10:3-7 '59- (NIRA 13:2) l..Groznenok17 neft7an07 inGtituto (Peredovoy Range--Geology. Structural) LOTIYEVY B.K. Genesis of the basic tectonic forms of Stavropol Territory. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.12:3-7 161. (IURA 16il2) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut. LOTIYEV, B.K.; SMIRNOVA, M.N. Studying the Khadum horizon of the Stavropol Plateau; geotectonic conditions, lithofaciqop and oil and gas potentials. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.30-12 161. (MIRA 16:10) 1,-' Groanenskiy neftyanoy institut. LOTIYEV BK-,c--. Oil potentials of North Ossetia. Izv. vyB. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.4:17-20 161. (WRA 15:5) 1. Groznenakiy neftyanoy institut. (Ossetia-Petroleum geology) TZ" 11, 0. ,5 ti id, r I rig t he ME i-kop e c- r i f~ p o f Sro Ti ce r r_',a -y uchob. zav.; neft' i gaz 5 r,!).lls9-12 162. 1. Grnzanskiiy neftyarjoy -institut. ji~ j4:- 4r LOTIM, B.K.; STERIENKO, Yu.A.; SALAMATI19, A.Ye,; MOSYAKIN, YuA. Studying Imier Cretaceous sediments in Stavropol Territory. Izv, vysh. ucheba, zav.j neft' i gaz 6 no.3.-,3-7 -163. V (MM 16:7) I* GroznenWy rieftyanoy institut i Groznenakiy nauchno- i9foledo- vat4fskiy nef-t-yanoy institut. (Stavropol Territory-Petrolaud,goology) (Stavropol Territory-Gas., Hatural-Asology) LOTIYEV, B.K.; STERLENKO, Yu.A. i~~-tectonic elements of the Pre4bsozoic basement in Stavropol Territory. Sov. geol. 6 no.7:132-136 J1 '63. (MIRA 1618) 1. Groznenskiy neftyanoy institut. LurlyEvi E.K.; '-3Tl,-RLENK,), Yu.A. - -. f df~7ejonment and r-ror-ph.-ilogy ~Df the tsc-,Cr,4c' Dynamics o .-- J- .stru::turea -f the Tcrek-3,anzhen3kiy zme of dislocat-i3ns. 1z-,,. vys. ~av., nc-ftl i gaz 7 no.6i9-11 t64. IMTT 1-7,.g) ~ -U. . j 1. Groznenskly rieftyansy ~.nstitift. 110M.Evp B.K.; STEFTETTO, Yu.A. Genesis of certain tectonic structUreS 4n t,~~e Norrhern Caucrai1r. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no.7:18 ~'64. (VIIRA 17:9) 1. nroznenskiy neftyanoy institut. W LOTIYF,V. B.K~-. S77FUSIU), Yu.A. fin-tim, petrole i ir, r.e Origin of 0ctrojewa an-! pro3pect5 fOr local ntrurtural highs of the Terek-K,jrta 5epr~-3M6n. Ilzv, vyz. uchel). za,;.; neftt I Friz 6 no.11:6 16" 1. (~rc)~,nenskiy neftyanoy in,5til-IM... AID P - 2743 Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 13/22 Author : Lotiyev, Yu. K. Title : Experiment in eliminating active sulphur compounds from gasolines processed from natural gas Periodical : Neft. khoz., 33, 7) 65-66, Jl 1955 Abstract : The method of absorbing petroleum gases in solvents for the production of gasoline is considered better for eliminating active sulphur compounds than the method of separation by compression. Flow diagram. Institution : None Submitted No date LOTKIN, O.I.,doteent, kand.fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk Investigating the stability of all-metal car bodies and comparing variants for the lowest expenditure of materials. Trudy TXIIZHT 23:54-79 157. (MIRA 13:11) (Railroads--Cars-.rConstruction) -iARN- -,eF~-, _GM0,; W On the apO~-411;;'I -,)I i,al'-STKIP. i Lown, 0 flutter an alrPlane w Nauk SS-SR- --(Ruwan). S n- -0 tile -diff flutter The antl-T approximation' f('r the satisfy the P-zilnxry and ':~Ir% 11 ondo ~n!ls !'-jr gives only a very Ellor. uldliatifir, IA Owu ~:st- 11, problem. IV~ 11 Mrch',-r (Asllstcrdav])~ Vol LOTKIN, 0.1. (Tomsk) Stability of rectangular cross-section thin-walled shells. Inzh. sboro 20:101%,108 154. MEL 8:7) (Blastic plates and shells) AUTHOR: -Lotkin, 0.1. (Tomsk) SOV/24-58-11-29/42 L~ TITLE: The Stability of a Thin-walled Shell of Rectangular Section Elastically Supported (Ustoychivost' tonkostenrioy obolochki pryamougollnogo secheniya na uprusikh oporakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 11, PP 113 - 116 (US1310 ABSTRACT: The evenly-distributed load is analysed into its vertical and horizontal bending moments actin in the corresponding symmetry planes, as in Eq.(l). Eqs.M are quoted from an earlier paper by the same author and are the stability equations. The development from the boundary conditions (3) onwards is routine; the integrationa are performed by variation methods. 'Eq.(13) relates to a shell (e.g. of a vehicle) with top and bottom plates of different thicknesses. The distortions are (of course) taken as small; the critical force P is then given by Eq. (17). Cardl/2 SOV/24-58-11-29/42 The Stability of a Thin-walled Shell of Rectangular Section Elastically Supported There are 1 table and 2 Soviet references SUBMITTED: February 12, 1958 Card2/2 IN I.GTKIN, 0. 1. Biperimental testing of the stability of the body of all-metal cars as a thin-walled construction. Trudy TZIIZHT 25:105-114 158. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Kafedra, teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhaniki Tomakogo 11ektrome- khanicheftgo ini3tituta inzhenerov zholeznodorozhnogo transporta. (Railroads--Care-Testing) --Q TA L ALd I a. "TV-4 mlo mm." Pmd s6z J. 9-M -V"-Xu *v ..lm %-rut*. w6ailw- un -.11. J, -[ d 1. -TI-J%TA l(MI"l) sa -T~.m midl. T_ .... J, " Vtm I non. imm F_ nVn; p ol.., .4 Atr.410- .1 T.I. V. -40 MI.T. -M-qpmX-jr-b -oa n" T""W" MI. _T" qt p IM11") .. V" *0 -1 *w -MB-n-31 *09t p Is" (I- rp" ld* Pmq- "M-P -n.-Ru d-43 (,P.Tqt-s) 2 fit _T~ 4.1 -M so 94-14 ;OSV-A A *vt .0m .7m TV" T.T_ Zrr-m. ff7ar-W .(T_GrxTvwzVT*x *T *8 *w A -IT-" m A- it Mlm. lon-L"Ill COR -M m a- M.P. M mi -P-10-H .-A) PT" --TT-W ==a jo Im tz~ ISTITt"s Im" A .L-m IATM-W =n Ttd4w *a 10 1 ~110 -at wum to-T-1 v-KE _M-qu -I .. a- J. I-rvpsjm -13 .12-nd 'M X S-MT-P -M TM;;~M-A .--I -x %ct L-~m mr-d Tws., 3M." -T$*=g -P b 3. -.147-9 (--%) -T-M -4 Ix 1--" .1 ut _Tj =It C-M-.") "ft- J. ..",A -2 P-m- .-F. 4 mo-H p.;-Lddy pv la*T%-.wU jo ..wftoo volan.TIV al 2- Mu- -d Udw -ern na ai investigat nn e ~-ross sert Ion Tr. Omsko,~o in-ta inzh. 7h. -i. transp. v. 4 no. 1 L 7A-71S: thin shell, axially '-body, axial load, bending. ~istortJon, ~prismatic body, sheL-1 structure stability 7~14-.V'71T,.ATT nN: A shell is cons4dered, vitl-i cl-.)sed variable cross section, having S- a-xis, -and under a centrp-1 -r ;s -nf --!f' t-"p i-)n inver. "'Ias)v m bt,--j ne~! a develomr axF-151 A 3y s t eir of fo,,ir -11 1K--N1-:-'-' L 3 Z I Z, ~cc-. AR5005469 Ess- _Trl jr F-n.,j -LrW stability of tale zh,?,',.! j', qr merit -ross Section arA v. A. Inzh. Automatic device for a projection control of machine parts. Mashinostroanis no.1:60-65 Ja-F 163. (MIU 16:7) 1. Moskovskiy opyUyy zavod Nauchno-issladovatellskogo insti- tuta tekhnologii traktornogo i sel7skokhazyaystvannogo mashinostroyanivae (~hotoelecgric measurements) R!" Y, IN- 25M SOV/117-59-7-2/28 AUTHOR: Lotkov. V.F.. Plant Party Committee Secretary TITLE: For Technical Progress, for the Fulfillment and Overfulfillment of the Seven-Year Plan PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1959, Nr 7, pp 3 - 5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author revieWs ~he work of the "Krasnyy Proletariy" plant since 1939, when the plant initiated an All- Union Socialist Competition. In 1956, the plant start- ed the serial production of a new lathe, the lK62. This lathe was a considerable step forward on the way to technical progress, and was the result of work done by a large collective under the guidance of the leading designer V.T. Levshunov. The production of general-purpose lathes still remains the main task of the plant. In 1964, the plant must turn out the first pilot models of a general-purpose lathe with program control of the whole cycle of work. The auto- matic lathe '11C62", with program control, for the Card 1/3 machining of short crankshafts, has already been "N K "R SO'1/117-59-7-2/28 For Technical Progress, for the Fulfillment and Overfulfillment of the Seven-Year Plan turned out. The production of lathes 111K62Y,", "IK62R11, "lK62RVIII 1'lK62A11 and of other models will follow. The plant will also turn out special lathes of different types. Instead of the old multi-spindle, semi-automatic machines, new machines are being made which have twice the speed of the old ones and are 3 to 4 times more powerful. The plan for the techni- cal reconstruction of the plant's shops provides for three stages. During the first stage (1959-1060) the reconstruction of shops for serial production will be completed. By 1960, a complex-mechanized system for the production of gencral-purpose lathes, and the automation of separate sectors of work, must be coin- pleted. During the second stage (1960-1962) the shops for small-lot production will be radically reconstruc- ted and the fundamental elements of line production Card 2/3 will be introduced in the sector producing vertical SOV/117-59-7-2/28 For Technical Progress, for the Fulfillment and Overfulfillment of the Seven-Year Plan multi-spindle semi-automatic machines. During the third stage, the equipment of shops producing general- purpose lathes will be modernized. The author men- tions the followinfr membeisof the plant's staff and their work: enrpineer V.A. Romanov; leading designer V.T. Levshunov; designer A.P. Fedorovskiy; Ye.I. Fedosova, head of the bureau of standardization and normalization; V.P. Fedotlyev, chief technologist of the plant; engineer F.I. Ponomarev, head of the tech- nical service of the lst mechanical shop, and others. There are 4 photographs. ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Krasnyy Proletariy" ("Krasnyy Proletariy" plant) Card 3/3 R x LOTEDVA B,,I,,; OBUKHOV-DENISOV, V.V.-, SOBOLEV, N.N.; CHMMISINDV, V.P. , Ws" , Infrared and Raman spectra of boric anbydride. Part 1. Opt. i spelctr. I no.6:772-782 0 '56. (WRA 9-12) 1. Fizichaskiy Institut imeni P.N. Lebclrifa Akademii mauk SSSR. (Boron oxides-Spectra) IMKOVA, VA.; CSU S07, V.T*; SGBOLWp NON.; CHIMMSINOTg T,P* Haman q)eetra of vitreous borou oxide, Piz, abor, no,3:445-W '579 (MINA 11t8) 1, Rzicheiskiy institut im, P.A. Iebedeva AN SSSR. (Boron oxide-Speatra) (Ramn effect) 1 IM-A Z4 /o 5T, /0 7 ~-, //; 7) 20715 )o4$, S/120/61/000/001/058/o62 Vbb E19VE184 AUTHORS: Lotkova, E.N., and Fradkov, A.B. TITLE: A Metal Cryostat for Optical Investigations of Solid Bodies at Low Temperatures PERIODICAL: Pribory I tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961,No.l.pp.JL88-~89 TEXT: A metal cryostat with plane parallel windows was developed for optical investigations on solid bodies at low temperatures. In Fig.1, the cylindrical outer casing i contains a stainless steel vessel 4 for the cooling liquid (helium or hydrogen). The lower part of the frame contains two windows of 30 mm diameter glazed with KBr or NaCl crystal 6. Thermal insulation of the cryostat is high vacuum developed initially by applying a vacuum pump to the valve 7 in the casing and which is maintained during tests by activated charcoal adsorption. To rediice the inflow of heat by radiation the upper part of the cryostat contains a nitrogen bath 2 and cooling screen 3 which surrounds the inner vessels. The nitrogen bath Is suspended from the upper cover of the casing by two thin walled stainless steel tubes through which liquid nitrogen is introduced. The body of the Cara- 1/ 4 20715 S/120/61/000/001/058/062 E194/E184 A Metal Cryostat for optical Investigations of Solid Bodies at Low Temperatures cryostat, the nitrogen bath, the screen and the internal vessel area made of copper with carefully polished surface. Particular care must be taken in making joints in the apparatus. To replace specimens the lower part of the frame and the screen are made removable. A solid specimen of 25 x 10 x 2 mm is fixed with adhesive to the flat end of the cold line 5 with an aperture of 20 x j =2 for illumination. With this method of fixing the temj~iiriture of the:sample without illumination is 14 OK and with a illfimination 18 OK. It is most important to have good contact between the solid specimen and the cold line. Various precautions that.must be taken in practice are described. Liquid helium can be kept in the cryostat for 8 hours with a mean rate of evaporation of 2 litres/min. Liquid hydrogen is maintained for 72 hours at an evaporation rate of 0.2 11tres per minute of gas. Because it is made"of metal and does not need continuous pumping, the cryostat is con,;~eiii-int and safe. Theii`ls'l figure* Cara,'2/4 LOTKOVA, E.N.; VAVILOV, V.S.; SOBOLEV, N.N. Infrared absorption spectrum of silicon irradiated by fast neutronB. Opt.i spektr. 13 no.2:216-22:L Ag 162. OaU 15:31) (Silicon-Spectra) (Neutrons) ACCESSION NRs AP4034950 s/blol/64/oWbo5/1559/156o I AUTHORi --- Lotkovaj E. N. TITLE: Determining the rate of injecting A centers in irradiated single crystals ,of silicon through the 9 micron absorption band .SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela Vo 6,, no. 5, 1964,, 1559-156o ~TOFIC TAGS: single crystal, radiation defect, dofect, formation,, crystal abnorptioN silicon, A center formation ABSCRACT: The autl-wr has investigated absorption in samples cut from one aingle crystal of silicon and irradiated with different doses of fast neutrons: 3.lol7, 6-2.61; 9-3017, and 5-109no=R, The tecludque employed was that described earl-ier by B. N. Lotkova, V. S. Vavilov, and N. N. Sobolev (Opt. i spelctr,., 12., 216, 1962). The author found that, along with the 9- P band, a 9.6-ij band was also observed in weakly irradiated samples* This band is ascribed to vibration of the Si--O bond in S104 groups, which are present in high concentration in heat-treated silicon, With increased dosage of radiation, the 9*6- ;A band began to disappear, Card 1/2 -R~tmm"t z:;W ACCFZSION NRt Aplio3495o but the intensity of the 9-v band did not change until. the 9.6-ij band disap.- peared, Then it began to diminish, This my mean that the Si--O bond in the ccnpaaxb 1s,wea3mr.Tbmt;Js eaal3ybrdam, and that, atms of oxygen fr= tba compauxb am important participants in the formation of A centers. Only when all the oxygen fron. these compounds Is utUimd do interstitial oxygen atoms participate in the formation of A centers, and the corresponding absorption at, 9-utbegins to decrease because of the oxygen atoms going into the formation of the A centers. "The author takes tilts opportunity to thank V. So Vavilov and No N. Sobolev for their interest in this work." Orig. art. hass 1 figurea ASSOCIATION; Fizicheakiy institut ime P, No Lebedeva AN SSSRp Ifloscow (Physic Institute AN SSSR) sumavw: o6jan64 DATE ACQi 2omay64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: SS., NP NO REF SOV 1 003. OTHERs 005 Card 2/2 ACCESSM NRt AP039691 S/0181/.64/006/006/1905/1907 ;AUTHORt Lotkova, E. N. iTITLE: On the absorption bands in the near infrared region of ir-' silicon single crystals ISOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 6, 1964, 1905-1907 iTOPIC TAGS: silicon single crystal, irradiated silicon single crys- tal. p type silicon, n type silicon, silicon absorption spectrum* fast neutron irradiation, fast electron irradiation ABSTRACT: An experimental investigation of the 1.8-p band in the ab-; 1 ,.isorption spectrum of Si single crystals irradiated with fast n eut rons~ i'iand electrons has-yielded the following results: 1) Within the range, 4. e8 of 1017_101-8 neutrons/CM2 !,!of irradiation dos absorption intenafty; i'lincreasee linearly with the increase of the dose. 2) Deereas'e in tem-* -.1-parature results in a shift of the maximum;, at* 77K'lo- Icated at 1.7 P. Further tempera tu.-re,decresse to 14K did not llbrLng about further shifts# 3) The shape of the observed band showed 1/2. Ccrrd--' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 1,!,ACCESSION NRt AP4039691 a close similarity. to Gaussian distributiond 4) For the spectra of ~Aoth n-type and p-type spe'cimens, the width at.half-power poi4ts of the band is 0.10 +0'*Ol ev. at 77K and 0.16 +0.-0,1 ev at 30M 5) Fol-.' is eleab:~n-s/cm2 with an energy of lowing irradiation by ~n electron flow oflO H 1.2 Kev, the absorption intensity of the 1.8-and 3.5-11 bands'proved ~Ito b~t almost identical to that resulting from irradiation with a :,Isimilar neutron flown 6) Fo*llowing irradiation with neutrons of~,high-i 11resistance n- an-d p-type Si single crystals, a new absorption band of: jil.23 p (hv - 1.02 ev) has been detected.' Orig. art. hasi 2 figuresa~! IIASSOC'IATION: Fizicheskiy institut imeni P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR,- :11moscov (Phys'ics Institute, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 06Jan64 ATD-PRESSt 7..305.Qu ENct, 00--- OP SUB CODEt SS NO REF SOVt 003 OTHERt 005 2/2 Card LOTKOVA, E.N. Determining the speed of formation of an A-center in irradiated silicon single crystals from the 9/~absorption band. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.5:1559-1560 14Y 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni Lebedeva AN SSSR, Moskva. LOTKOVA, E.N. Adsorption bands in the near infrared region in irradiated silicon single*crystals. Fiz, tver. tela 6 no.6:1905-1907 Je 164, (MIRA 17:9) 1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni Lebedeva All SSSRY Moskva. 1- 6 - t fin 1. 17 _C _NR: AP6_007010 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/002/0337/0339 to CW 'AUTHOR: KLrLllova, V. H Lotkova, E. N. Wl ORG: none TITLE Absorption spectrum in the near infrared region of neutron- Lr radiated ailicon-- 0 S URCE: OptLka L spektroskopLya, v. 20, no. 2, 1966# 337-339 TOPIC TAGSt silicon, IR absorption, absorption spectrum, neutron irradiation ABSTRACTs The authors studied the infrared absorption spectra of neutron-irradLated single crystals of silicon in the 0.7-1.7 y rangei The specimens were irradiated with doses of 1017-1019 fast neutrons/~~' The specLmenawere plane-parallel polished plates with thicknesses of 30-60 P and varied with respect to conductivity type, dopant concen- tration, and radiation doze. The spectra were taken at room temperarl ture. An analysis of the spectrograms shous that the threshold for a sharp increase in absorption in the 0.7-1 p range is the same for both irradiated and nonirradLated samples. The irradiated specimens show absorption maxima at 1.05, 1.23, 1.4, and 1.5 ti, The intensity of these bands is proportional to the radiation dose and decreases as Card 112 UDCt 535.34-15 1 546.28 T- 91 AM ACC NW-- AP6007010 the specimens are heated, I.e., as radiation defects are destroyed. Heating of the irradiated specimens for several hours at 22*C destroys all these bands# A model is proposedU:,r the electron transitions :between the valence and conduction bandb to explain the absorption maxima. The authors are sincerely grateful to N. N. Sobolev for Interest in this work. Orig. art. hast 2 figures. E141 SUB CODE: 201- SUBH DATEo 23AprO~/ ORIG RE~s 001/ OTH REFt 004 ATD PREM 4,41f [_Sard 2/2 7 71,1 I . Y., ':J if#': --roduct4ort c' highly refined wrc~;dFulp for I -- - r.p I !T -12 LT 11,11c,se. ru(jy no. ALIY-,Mlp P.A.; ALMEVA, '-:,.G.; LYU9111A, 1-Ml.; U.7. Investigating the themal d-,poljyma-rizatim of st7rene tar. Nefteper. i neftellchim. no.7:32-30' t63 IIRTRA 17:7) 1. Bakinskiy zavod TA-ftegam", , LOTOVA.. N.A-. Cyclotron radiation in a dipole magnetic field in the Case of nonisotropic angular distribution of perUclea. Geomag. i aar. 5 no.lsl62-165 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 1834) 1. Fizicheskly institut imeni Lebedeva AN SSSR. D! e JIV:tInt rattio LOTKOWSKI, Fazlmlerz Surgical treatmAnt of recurrencA of cancer of the cardia and esophagus. Postepy wiedzy med. 2 no-3:271-278 July-Sept 1955. 1. Z Instvtutu Onkologil, Oddzial w Gliwicach. Dyrektor: dr. med. J. Swiecki. Oddzial Cbirurgiczny. Kierownik: dr. K. Lotkowski. (STOMACH, neoplasma cardial, recurrent, surg (MSOPHAGUS, neoplasms recur., Burg -) LOTKOWSKI, Kazimiarz; JANUSZKOWIGZ, 8tanislaw of the pericardium, Polsl;i tygod.lak. 10 no.15:471, 476 32~1 Apr 55. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirargiezu'ago: kierowniki dr X.Lotkovski i z Zakladu Diagnostyki Radiologiaznej; kierownik: prof. dr St.lTanuszkiewicz I z Instytutu Onkolo'gii, Oddzial w Gliwicach; dyraktor; dr mad. Jaremi Swieoki Gliwice OdLdsial Chirurg. Instytutu Onkologii. (PERIOI;LIUM' cysts, diag. & surg) LOTKOVISKI, Kazimierz VW. Improvement of remote results of surgery of.gastric cancer. Polaki przegl. chir. 27 no-6:537-547 Je '55.. 1. Z Institut Onkologii, Oddzial w Gliwicach. Dyrektor; dr. J. Swiecki. Kinrownik Oddziabi Chirurgicznego: dr K. Lotkowski. Gliwice, 'dybrzeze Czerw. Armil 15. (STOMACH, neoplasms, surg., remote results) LOTIMSKI, Kazimiers. VQ%% 1~ " " - 4 Y-",' Total gastrectom7 with replacement bir a segment from transverse colon. Polski tygod.13k. 11 no,2:79-83 9 Jan 36, 1. Z Oddsialu. Chirurgiesnego Instvtut-u Onkologii w Gliwiczch; kier: oddsialu dr mad. K.Lotkovski.- dyrektor Instytutu: dr mod. J.Swiecki. Gliwice, Wybrz. Oserwonej Armli 15. (SZOKACH. surg. gastrectomy, total, reconstruction with segment from transverse colon) (COLOU, transpl. reconstruction of stomach after total gastrectomy) (TRANSPLAWATION colon, transverse, in reconstruction of stomach after total gastrectomy) Ryszard Gastric cancer according to observations of the Gliwice Section of the Oncological Institute during October, 1951- Jul3r, 1955. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.18:788-794 30 Apr 56. 1. Z Inetytutu Onkologii Oddzial w Gliwicacb; dvrektor: dr. me(t. Jeremi Swiecki: kierownik Oddz, Chlrurg.; dre mad, UsImierz Lotkowski. Instytut Onkologii Odds. v Gliviczch. (STOUCH, neoplasms, bosp. statist. (Pol)) nl(cj yy6 In-,DICA Sec.10 Vol .11/6 -Surgery June 57 3136. tOTKOWSKI K. and KUClICI1