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26707 S/05 61/041/005/022/038 cr4,. B112 9-3 06 (1e4 T, J 44 r3 T) %104 AUTHOR: Lugovoy, V. N. TITLEi Cyclotron resonance in an alternating magnetic field PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41, no. 501), 1961, 1562-1565 TEXT: The author studies the electric conductivity of an electron gas located in a homogeneous alternating magnetic field H (with a constant component H0) and in an electric.field E, induced by H, and the absorption -4 -1p of the energy of a weak outer field E2 a E 20 cosoit. Hx- 0, Hy - 0, Hz - H0 - Hi cos pt are the components of The conductivity tensor a of the electron gas is determined by the method of the classical electron theory. It is found that a depends on the harmonic component of A and on 9V If the induced field -ii is strong, the expressions which the author Card 1/2 ,26707 S/056/61/041/005/022/038 Cyclotron resonance inan alternating... B112/B104 derives for a hold only if pr3tl (It is the time in which an electron traverses the mean free_,path). In this case the energy absorption of only that copiponent of E2 which is perpendicular toft depends on Hi. Negative absorption is impossible. The author thanks F. V. Bunkin for help apddiscussion. There are 5 references, 3 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: G. Dresselhaus, A. F. Kip, C. Kittel. Phys. Rev., 98, 368, 1955; B. Lax. quantum electronics (Symposium), New York, 1960. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences SSSR) SUBMITTED% May 19, 1961 Card 2/2 LUGO ,.-V.., - fropagation of plane electromagnetic waves In a periodically non-steady state magnetoactive plasm. Izv. vYs. ucheb. zav.; radiotiz. 5 no.5:901-9(Y7 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Fizicheskiy inatitut imeni F. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR. (Electromagnetic waves) (Plasma(Ionized gases)) S-4 a AUTHOR: Lug"2Z"..V, N. 3440/6 S/1109/1 6211/1007,100210~ 1 11"024 D256/D3 03 TITLE: Molecular generator with several na-cural frequen.-_,es PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v, 7, no, 2, 1962c 349 - 3tl TEXT: The investigation is made In connection with the recent de- velopments of molecular generators for the infrared and optical re- gions, where many frequencies of the resonator are found within the width of the radiation line. The equations of the gz~nerator are con- sidered for sinusoidal oscillations assuming the natural frequen- cies of the resonator to be uniformly-distributed within the radia.- tion line and the corresponding modes of oscillations to have equal- coefficients of interaction w-tth -the surrounding material, From these-equations an equation was derived expre3sing the frequencies of the possible oscillation w~ The solutiorsof the equation are dis- cussed in terms of the separation Aw of the natural frequencies of the resonator compared with the width of the radiation line. Rela- rC a-r d-1 _/2'~) S1*-1 09/621/007/002/021/024 Molecular generator with several De256/D303 tions are presented for determining the criT,,..,,:al values of e:~ W, and it is shown that for values o." nto smaller than the possible frequency of oscillatlon is unique irrespe.--tive of the of Che center of the radiat"on -LIne %,il-,,h respez" to tne natural frequencies of the resona-ror, There are 6 :; So. 1iiet-bloc and 1 non-Sc-TI-et-blec- The reference t,-- the Dng1L,:-!h-1anga- age publication reads as fO1lo-,ri,3- A-L~ and C' H Tovines, Physc Revc, 1958, 112. 06 -93-0. ASSOCIATION: Fi2-!che&k-,y ins-titu-r im, P,N.. Lebed;-~*,;a. AN SSSR (In- sti-vu-te of Physi.--s Lm. F,N~ Lebede-.,. AS rJSSR) SUBMITTED: June 1.5,, 1961 Oard 212 LUGOVOY, V.N. Electrodynamic properties of nonstationary plasma. Izv. rfs. ucheb. zav.; radiofiz. 6 no.4:695-701 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N.Iebedeva AN SSSR. LUGOVOY, V.N. Surface impedance for periodical nonstationary media. Radiotekh. i elektron. 8 no.9tl633-1636 S 163. (MIM 16:9) 1. Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR. (Electromagnetic waves) -LUGOVOY, V.N. Generalization of Cramers-Kronig ratios relative to media with periodically varying properties. Radiotekh. i elektron. 8 no.11:1849-1854 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR. LUGOVOY, V.14. .-., Fluctuations in periodically nonsteady-state systep.s. Izv. vys. ucheb.,zav.; radiofiz. 7 no-1:113-123 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Fizicheskly institut Ameni Lobedeva AN SSSR. /OEM L 1518TZ5 ~ACCESSION NR: AP40386io S/0109164/009/004/0596/06o6 AUTHOR: Lugovoy, V. N. TITLE: Resonator parametric amplifier and oscillator :SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 9, no. 4, 1964, 596 -606 TOPIC TAGS: amplifier, param6tric amplifier, resonator amplifier, parametric oscillator, resonator oscillator ABSTRACT: The theory of a resonator-type parametric amplifier, including the conditions necessary for a ellf '-excitation of a corresponding -o'scillator, is presented. It is assumed that the resonator is filled with a periodically non- stationary medium and that the resonator wall Is conductivity is perfect. (The finite conductivity is also considered separately.) The field is determined which is excited in the resonator by near -monochromatic external currents of frequency under the conditions and u) c* we np, where 0, and w' Card 1/2 'ACCESSION NR: AP4038610 .are the natural f requencies of the resonator, p is the frequency of the parametric rvariation of the medium, n = � 1, � 2, . . . The total absorption in the resonator is also determined. A particular cape when the resonator is filled with a three- ;level medium is used to illustrate the formulas. Orig. art. has: 50 formulas. IASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Institute of Physics, AN SSSR) iSUBNaTTED: OlApr63 DATE ACQ: 05Jun64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EG NO REF SOV: 0 10 OTHER: 005 Card 2/2 7. CT-. _.',Th6:~theoretica1.,Azpe -of in-' stimulatea,P TRA cts~~ an M svatterinjg~ 'are ~scussed ''AM analysis is:,_c,.onducteA:i3f the Pinission of adipole molecule in a. m~diunIpumped by'alight wave which Is sufficiently intense to change substantially the electrodynamic properties of the mediua, It is assumed that the dipole's -emission Is'much less intense than that of the inciden-t wave, so that only Stokes and anti-Stokes iadiation is excited. Using the classical treatment, the authors shav that the anti-Stokes radiation is emitted in cones around an angle defined with respect to the incident beam angle. This angle, however, is different, ftam that derived by E. Garmiret F. Pandarese, and C. H. Townes (Phys. Rev. Lett., 11, 16o, 1963). The difference between the results obtained in this paper and card 1/2 34845-66 av-r(1)/EWP(e)/aiT(m) wH ACC NRt AP6018441 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/006/0996/1002 UTHOR: Lugovoy, V. N. OR TITLE: Theo-.7 of stimulated ~tszann scattering SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 20, no. 6, 1966, 996-1002 TOPIC TAGS: Raman scattering, ruby laser, S Llfi 7- 7-ta 1:;F0 rleAj RA ABSTRACT: An expression is obtained for the stimulated Raman scattering, of the first Sbkes com- ponent xwder the condition that the arbitrarily shaped sample is outside a laser reso- nator and the intensity of the scattered radiation is much less than the incident ra- diation. The scattering cross section of a long rod is calculated. It is shown that this cross section grows rapidly with increase in incident radiation intensity and with increase in rod length, Polarization, angular distribution, and spectral w . dtb of the scattered radiation are determined. The stimilated REman spectnua of intense ruXser light differs from the ordinar-j Raman scattering in its intensity, directionality, narrowness of line, the presence of a threshold, appearance of anti-Stokes components in some cases, and the appearance of new components in the Stokes region which domi- nate only the strongest lines of the Raman spectrum. The material equation for the medium is derived and the case is examined in which the scattered light intensity is UDC: 535.375 + 621.375.9 : 535.001.1 1/2 L-34845-66 ACC NR, AP6018441 -much less than the incident light. The problem of the radiation of a dipole in an ar- bi-Lrary uniaxial crystal is solved and the induced stimiated Ram sattering Is ca3 all ted. The cauthor thanks A. M. Prokhorov for guidance in the work, and F. V. Bunkin and V. K. Konyukboy for valuable discussions. Orig. art. has: 22 formulas. L14] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OlMar65/ ORIG REF: 007/ (YrH REF: 014 ATD, PRESS:6-~-41 T 46747-4f_ F_'eaI ACC NR, AP6031955 AUTHOR: Lu ovoy, V. N. ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR/0011--1/66/021/003/0293/0302 TITLE: Emission of the Stokes and anti-Stokes components of arbitrary orders in the case of stimulated Raman scattering SOURM Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 3, 1960, 293-302 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear optics, Raman scattering, laser output, laser theory, Rfi 0- j'-7 7.-/0 '-) ABSTRACT: Asymptotic expressions were derived for all the comgonents of a radiation field of a monochromatic point dipole (the first Stokes frequency) in a ffiedium. due to stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). It was shown that the first Stokes component and all Stokes and anti-Stokes lines of higher orders are amplified in the medilim to- gether with the first Stokes line. Moreover, the gain of all components, except the first Stokes line, is determined by the gain of the first Stokes line. It was also established that all components, except the first Stokes line, are radiated under a given angle with respect to the direction of the incident wave. Expressions were derived for these angles and the corresponding widths, and it was established that these differ from the values calculated elsewhere (E. Garmire, F. Pandarese, C. H. Townes, Phys. Rev. Letters, 11, 1963, 160). The divergence of values was attributed Card 1/2 UDC:~--5-3-5.375+621-375-9:535-0011-1)I ACC NR: AP6031955 to a -ohase shift between the radiation and the wave vector of the cormonents. The synchronism condition for the wave vectors in the radiating dipole case is satisf-ied only by the first anti-Stokes component for the plane wave model. Thus, in the case of the first Stokes component in an infinite medium, wave cones are radiated at fixed angles to the excitation wave vector. 'Upon emerging from the active region of the medium, these waves should be transformed into regular- waves with wave vectors paral-Iol to the pump. Since under normal experimental conditions the SRS components were observed after the emergence, the authors propose further analysis of their transfor- mation in the course of emergence from the active region. Orig. art. has: 2 figw-es and 30 formulas. [YKI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l2may65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: 5089 (-11.1, 1 nt-/ Card 2/2 OEM" - - - - - L 47557-66 W(i) -Acd-Rk,--A]?601248-v SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/'00-3/-0-93-1/0-93-5---- .AUTHOR: Lugoyoy, V. N. ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences,,SSSR (Fizicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Stimulated Raman scattering- rr anisotropic media SOURCE: Zhurnal okeperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 51, no. 3, 1966, 931-935 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear optics, Raman scattering, anisotropic crystal 19AWS0rjeaP1V_ MAE0.1Ufn ABSTRACT: Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in anisotropic media was considered. It was shown that each SRS component except the first Stokes component consists of fundamental and auxiliary radiations. Both radiations are propagated at different (but fixed) angles to the incident wave. The auxiliary radiation is associated with wave interaction of various types inside the crystal and.can be observed only over a certain range of crystal orientations. Expressions were derived for the angles and the corresponding angular width of SRS components. The results are based on the analy- sis of the radiation field of individual dipoles in an active medium. Orig. art. has: 12 formulas. IYKI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 19Apr66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 005/ ATD PRESS: 5092 Card /44/1 - L 04571-67 EWT(Q A A 33436 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/021/004/0432/1,0436 AOTHOR: Lugovoy, V. N. ORG: none TITLE: Emission of components of different orders in-stimulated Raman scattering SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 4, 1966, 432-436 TOPIC TAGS: stimulated Raman scattering$ stimulated emission, line width, laser outpu ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (Opt. i spektr. v. 21, 393, 1966) where asymptotic expressions were obtained for components of different order, emitted by a monochromatic point dipole at the first Stokes frequency in stimulated Raman scattering. The present article is devoted to the derivation of expressions for all the components. The active medium is assumed concentrated in a spa4 sphere around the dipole and to be homogeneous in the absence of pumping. The computation procedure is similar to that used in the earlier paper. It is shown that all but the first Stokes component are emitted at definite angles to the direction of the pump wave vector. Expressions for these angles and for the line widths are obtained. It is established that these angles differ from the emission angles inside the active medium, The manner in which these components are eventually transformed into ordinary waves at larger distances is discussed. The ratio of the intensities of the different compo- nents of the stimulated Raman scattering is estimated. The author thanks A. M. Pro- khorov for suggesting the topic and for interest in the work, and F. V. Bunkin for Card 1/2 UDC: 535-3T5 + 621-M-9: ILM5 ALL 7~- AP5025751. SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/00/018/0MAM AUTHORS.- Strokov, S. A.; Isayenko, A. A.;jWK9y,,j,,f.; Lyubitakly, A. K*; Perunov, D. G.; Potapenko.. V. L.. ORG: none TITLE: Attachment to hay stacker-loader for loading of mineral fertilizers and .other chemicals on planes.and other transports. Class 45, No. 174870 Za-nnounced by Government Special Construction Office on Grain Removal Machinery (Gosudarstrfinnoye spotsiallnoyq konstruktorskoye byuro po komplakou zernouborochrqkh mashin)y SOURCE: Byulletent izobrotenly i tovarrqkh znakov.. u(?. 18, 1965, 99 TOPIC TAGS: agricultural machinery' chemical'loading.. tractor attachment,, agriculture ABSTRA.CT: This Author Certificate presents an attachment to a hay stacker-loader for -loading ofairplanes and othertransports with mineral fertilizers and granular chemicals. The attachment.includes a working member In the shape of a scoop with connecting elements to the lifting boom of the loader (see Fig& 1), For loading of minerdl.fertilizers and grain chemicals, the tractor boom Is equipped with a hinged extension frame for attacbment of the scoop which is equipped with a door on the discharge side.of the scoop, The door can be activated by the operator. A second version bAs the scoop pivot located at the top portion of the scoop to provide great- er opening of the discharge opening. A third feature provides stops on the 631.364*7t631 82 Card -1/2* UDG. 1t LUGOVOY, V. S.: RAMAZU, 1-1. 2. LSSR (6oo) 4. Kirghizistan - Hydroelectric Power 7. Electrification of agriculture in Kirghizistan and its power basis. Izv. KirFAN SSSR No- 7, 1947. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januar- y -1953. Unclassified. LUC-OVOY) V. S. Hydroelectric Power - Kirghizistan Power resources of small Kirghiz rivers and ways of utilizing. them for the needs of rural electrification. Trudy Sek. vod. khoz. KirFAN SESRno 1. 1950 1 ST OF RUESIAN ACCESSIONS. Library of Congress, December 195'. UNCLASSIFIED. IONTHLY LIS Ir M WGOTOY, V.S. ,i-a- ~~ n,:! ~ ~;~ Diagram of two-stage bydroelectric sections of main irrigation canals. no.2:55-60 150. (Kirghizistan-Hydroelectric power stations at free flowing T!rudy Sekt.vod.khoz.KirYAN SSSR (MUU 8:1) power stations) LYMj.._VtP,"jUKAZAN, M.S. New type of continuous water intake installation for mountain streams. Trudy Sekt.vod.khoz.KirFAN SSSR no.2:61-68 150. (Hydraulic engineering) (MLRA 8:1) LUGOVOY, V.S. . Local electric power systems as the power base for electrification of main agricultural regions of Kirghizia. Izv.XirFAN SSSR no.1/10: 99-109 '51. (MLRA 8:1) (Kirghizistan--Zlectric power plants) (Kirghizistan--Raral electrif icat ion) LUGOVQT,.,-,V.--.S.; SAPOZENIKOV, A.B. Method of computing energy consumption and schedule plotting of the load of local electric power systems. Trudy Sekt.vod. khoz. KirFAN SSSR no-3:61-86 151. (MIRA 8:1) (Electric power distribution) LUGOVOY V.5 BOLISHAKOV, M.N.; UPOZHNIKOV, A.B. - -- L, -"mll- Characteristics of local power systems in piedmont districts of Kirghizistan. Trudy Inst,.vod.khoz.i energ.AN Kir.Sa no.1:41-80 '54. (FT-RA 9: 11) (Kirghizistan--Hydroelectric power) (Kirghizistaa--Rivers) '7 LEVIN. H.8.; KRYUKOV, A.A. Static and dynamic stability of local power systems in pledmont districts of Kirghizistan. Trudy Inst.vod.khoz.i energ.AX lir. SM no-1:81-118 '54. (MIORA 9: 11) (Kirghizistan--Electric power distribution) IUGOVOY, V.S. ...... .. I.---,- Resonance circuits with lose compensation. Iz7.AII KIr.SSR no.1:47-59 155. (Electric switchgoar--Testing) (MLRA 9:9) LUGOVOY, V.S. W&"11%. Advantages of combining rural hydroelectric power stations In local power systems. Trudy Inst.vod.khoz.i energ.Aff Xir.= no.2:19-36 155. (KLU 9:11) (Xirghizistan--Electric power distribution) I I I /____ ~ - - - ~ -, " - -1 , - ." - :-- - --,. "i I-i . BOL'SH&KOV, M.N.; I0GffOT,,-Y ,3. Ths problem of the Greater Naryn. IzY. AN Kin Mm no.3:3m-16 156. (Naryn River--Hydroelectric power atations) (KrBA 10:4) LUGOTOT, V.S.; POSTNIKOV, I.M. Netho& for the electrical calculation of resonant ciraults with qoinpeneation of lo86G'8.--Tr~ Inst.yod.khos.i energ.AN Kjt.SM no.3:97-112 156. .. (Km 9:11) (ZlectrIc circuits) WGOVOY, V.S.: LEVITOV, V.I.: VOLYNKIN, V.G.: GRECHKO, G.V.: APOSTOIATOV, G.A. --- W-__WW_WW C, Bxperimental basis of electrotechnical.realeirch on the "Greiter Naryn" project. Izv. AN Kir.SSR no.4:69-88 '57. (MLEA 10:7) (Haryn river--Hydroelectric power stntions) LUGOVOT, V.S.; DIMMO, V.P.; BURW, V.I. Prospective schemes for supplying electricity to rural regions of Kirghizia. Trudy Inst. vod. khoz. i energ. All Kir, SSR no.4: 137-16o 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Kirghizistan-Rural electrification) LUGOVOY, V. S "Resonance Circuits with Loss Compensation for Chekeing the Resistivity of an Arc-Eliminating Apparatus," Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, defended at Institute for Power Engineering imcni Krzhizhanovskiy AS USSR, (Elel%trichestv-p, 1958, Mr 4, pp 86-87) ;Z3 I-i- f1;,6 --MGML()Y. V.S,l APOSTOLATOV, G.A.; VOLYNKIN, V.G.; GRECHKO, G.V.; & I ZHUKOVI N.N. Factors to be considered in calculating and designing electric power transmission lines in Kirghizistan. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 1 no. 4:3-32 159. (MMA 14:4) (Kirghizistan--Electric lines) 44 10 Ila J 71 A 0 yj fill tip aid LU.GOVOY, V.S., kand.teldm.nauk Conference on the transmission of electric power in high mountains. Elektrichestvo no.10-68-89 0 160. OURA 14:9) (Electric power distribution-Congresses) BOLISHAKOV, M.N.; KOLOSOV, I.S,I_.LUGOVOY, V.S.; HATVEYFMO, A.I. prospects ~11.developing electric power in in the near future. LAN Kir. SSR.Ser.estai tekh.nauk 2 no.7:5-23 160. (IMA 14:4) (Kirghizistan~-Eleotric power) '.-LUGOVOY# VIS, Possibi-litiee of u9ing d.c. power transmission in mmmtainow areas. LAN K:Lr*SSR.Ser.,-nt.i tekh.nank 2 noc7.,25-42 6o. (14M (Soviet Central Asia-Electric power distrJlu',AOn--Dlrect cjrrent) ; Mountain station of the Kirghiz Academy of Sciences. Vest.AU SSSR 30 no.6:96-99 Je 160. WHA 13:6) (Corona (Blectricitv)) (Electric engineering) BOLISHAKOV, M.N., otv. red.; KARAKEYEV,K.K., red.; BOLISHAKOV, Y.N., red.; -LUGOYQ1,.~ red.; KOVALENKO, B.G., red.; SPIRIDONOV, N.V., red.; PANKOV,S.S.s red.; ANOKHINA, M.G.9 tekhn. red. [Basic materials of the First Republic Conference of Power Engineers of Kirghizistan] Osnov7We materialy Pervogo Respublikanskogo sove- shchaniia energetikov Kirgizii,Frunze, Izd-vo All Kirgizskoi SSR, 1961. 71+ p. (MHU 14: 11) 1. Respublikanskoye soveshchaniye energetikov Kirgizii. 1st, Frunze, 1960. (KirghizistaD-rPower engineering) POPKOV, V.I.,, otv. red.; LEVITOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; QGOVOY, V.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; APOSTOIATTOV, G.A. inzh.., rea.; k;OKHIIIA, M.G., tekhn. red. (Problems of electrical engineering in high mountains; problems of electric power transmission in mountainous areas in the U.S.S.R.]Problemy vyqokogornoi elektrott-khniki; voprosy elelctroperedachi v gornykh raionakh SSSR. Frunze Izd-vo Akad, nauk Kirgizskoi SSR, 1961. 309 p. NINA 15-9) 1. Akademiya nauk Kirgizakoy SSR, Frunze. Institut energetiki vodnogo khozyaystva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Popkov). 3. Energeticheskiy institut im, G.M.Krzhizhanov- skogo (for Levitov). 4. Institut energetiki i vodnogo khozyay- stva Kirgizskoy SSR (for Lugovoy, Apostolatov). (Electric lines--OVerhead) (Electric power distribution) LUGOVOY, V.S., kand.tAhn.nauk Transmission -)f direct current in mountainous regions. Vest. Mi SSSR 31 no.~0:98-101 0 161. MIRA 14:9) (Soviet Central Asia-Electric lines) S/269/63/000/002/001/037 AOO1/A1O1 AUTHOR: Lugovoy, V. S. TITLE: On the prospect of establishing a large many-sided high-mountain station of the Academy of Sciences Kirghiz SSR, at the Tyuz-Ashu J, pass PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya, no. 2, 1963, 3, abstract 2.51-27 ("Izv. AN KirgSSR. Ser. yestestv. i teldm. n.11, 1962, v. 4, no. 2, 165 - 174, Kirghiz. summary) TEXT: The author re:Wes the problem of establishing a large many-sided high- mountain station of AS KirghizSSR at the Tyuz.Ashu pass located 128 km from the town of Frunze at an altitude of - 3,600 m. If the corresponding experimental background is provided, the station can conduct various investigations in fields of astronomy, cosmic rays, physics of atmosphere, radio engineering, high-moun- tain electric engineering, heliotechnology, etc. L. N. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 LUGOVOYs V.S., hind. tekhn. muk Conference on electric pmmr tranmission lines in mountainous regiow. Elektriahestvo no,.5:90-91 My 163. (MIRL 16--7) (Electria-lines-07erhead) LUGOVOY V S. kand. tekhn. nank Conference on electric power lines in high mountains. Elektrichestro, no.6994-96 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) L221590-66 SOURCE CODE: URI VE/M10 UVR9, 1[P6013003 AUTHOR 1AMOVOW, V. S.. (Cazx1idate of technical sciences), ORG-. none 1,3 TITrZ Conference an high-mountain electrical power transmission SOURCE: Elektrichastvo, no. 6, 1965, 94-96. TOPIC TAGS:* pover,transmission, electric engineering conference, electric insulation ABSTRACT: Thi III koordinatsionnoyq I naucho-teldmicheakoye -soveshohaniyd po vysokogorhym elektroperedaoham (Third Coordinat- lng.and~Sclentlfio-Researeh Conference on High-Mountain El rical Power Transmlssion).was held from I to 3--Ootober -5T 196t; In Frunze. ---- -W -stvenny7 komitet Soveta Ministrov It was sponsored y the Gosudor Kirgizskoy SSR po koordinatsit nauchno-issledovatellskikh rabot (State Committee for the Coordination of Scientific Researohg at tfie Council of Ministers of the kirgiz 3SHip Kirglzsxoye respub- -11kans.koye pravieff-ye nauenno-texhnionesicogo obanchestva energe- .,ticheskoy promyshlennosti (Kirgiz Republic's Board of the Selen- ..'W10-Mngineering Soolety of Power rndustries)g Glavnoye upravlaniYe -*p~;rgetiki I elektrif 1ka a I p;F1, Sovete Ministrov Kirgi~sko AqR -A, Card UDC 621-33.1 -1 L 22590-66 ACC NRj AP6013003 (Main Administration for Power and Electrification at the Council of Ministers of the Kirgiz SSR), and XIrgIzskiy nauchnoisaledova- ''tellskly otdel,,energetiki Glavtekhstroyproyekta Gosudarstvenno go iproizvodstvenno,go komiteta po energetike I elektrifikatall SSSR !(theKArg1z Scientifie-Research Power Department of the Glavtbkh- .stroyproyekt of:the State Production Committee for Power and Eleo-t itrifloation of the USSR). One hundred sixty specialists from 55 i ipedagogic, scientific, and Industrial organizations participated ;'In the conference, The conference discussed the basic problems .concerning the construction of high-voltage transmissions In the i .:mountain regions ofthe Soviet UnIoni Presented were 37 original papers, 4.survey paperal and 2 supplementary communications whose ~tltles areilisted In this artiole. They oovered mainly 1) the de-!~ sign and construction of high mountain power lines; 2) the study ' 'of natural conditions for high mountain power transmission opera- It Ition; and 3) the problems of Insulation, oorona, and various .-4 ,Iequlpment,, A summary of the conolusions and num rous.r a _qqqmmqqi;p~- 'I tions of the oonferanoes Is A _.Aj9o.gIven,! ZJPRS7 SU13 CODE: .10, 09: SUM DATE: none :'Curd 2.2 LUGOVOY, V.V. Combined locker for clothing. GIg.i san. 26 no.1:77-78 Ja,161. (141RA 14:6) 1. Iz Respublikanskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy mtant ii Ministerstva zdraiooI*aneniya Gruzinskoy SSR. (CLOTAP CLOSETS) II.Y. ~ : , I%r V LUGOVOY 3 2 :2.' LUGOVOY, V.V. Charac'~eristi--3 t~f cras-r-re 1(., -wcw~ers 7,f ir, Trul. st~ AN Gruz. Ut ~,,4 ;,, ny 1. Nau:---hno,J3.,31~ skiy t profaf-:sionql'nyr'-h zabolevaniy imerl zdravc.-okhran,~nlya Grozinskoy TIALI-InL. LUGOVOY, V.V. Prospects for developing the L*,rov-Volyrl Coal Basin. Geog~ zbir. no.7:90-96 163. (YJIRA 17i!2) IIU-q9x9zwyA-&w NEDAYVOD, MON. Mechanical brush for cleaning metal form guards. Rats. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no.126:9 t55. MU �:7) (Concrete construction-Formwork) WGOVOY, Ye.V.- .; Ways for Increasing the productivity of milk cattle in the Yakut A.S.S.R. Uch.zap. rAGU no.6-.,1-18 159- (MIRA 13:12) (Yakatia-Dalrying) 1. LUGOVOY, Z. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Telegraph Lines--Poles 7. Extending the life of poles in overhead conurunication lines, Sov. sviaz, 3, uo. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April f -1953, Uncl. LTJGOVOY, Z.K. New device for locating damages In conmiLnicat-lon linea. Ve3t. Bviazi 24 no.2:10-12 F 164. (F-I.-RA 17~-4'1 1. Nachallnik uchastka Poltavskbgo ekspluatatsionno-tekhnicheakogo iizla. CHUMAKOV, Yu.I.; IJJGOVSKAYA, L.P. New Dynthesis of 4-phenylpyridine. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.10: 3515-3516 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. LUGOVSYLAYA, M.A.-: POKRGVSKP.Yf-., I,A. Errors in checking thermoelectric actinometers and pyrenometers. Trudy GGO no.61:120-134 256. (MLRA 10'7) (Actinometer) (Pyranometer) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5013 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mashinovedeniya Issledovaniya v oblasti obrabortki metallov davleaiyem. (Investigations in the Field of Metal Pressworking) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR9 196o. 66 p. Errata slip inserted. 4.,200 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: A.D.Tomlenov; Ed. Of Publishing House: G.Ye. Pevzner; Tech. Ed.: S.P. Golub'. ' PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for engineers, designersl and scientific research workers engaged in the plastic working of metals. COVERAGE: Articles of the collection deal with the following problems: tensile stresses in metal during forging and cross-rolling; deformation of a (tembranein bulging by hydraulic pressure; intensification of plastic deformation in stamp- ing;contact area under the state of stress in helical cross-rolling on a three- roll mill; testing of sheet steel for biaxial tension by the method of bulging a membrane under hydraulic pressure; deformability of sheet steel; determination of the quality of industrial lubricants used in the cold stamping of sheet steel; Investigations in the Field (coat.) SOV/5013 determination of the quality of carbon sbeet steel; and the temperature field of a blank in the hot stamping of steel plates. No personslities are men- tioned. Each article contains conclusions based on investigations. References, predominantly Soviet, accompany most of the articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Tomlenov, A.D. On the Tensile Stresses in Metal During Forging and Cross- Rolling 3 Golovlev., V.D. Deformati.on (of a Wmbrane]1h Bulging by Hydraulic Pressure 12 Katkov, V-F* Problems of Intensifying the Plastic Deformation in Stamping 15 J~gom~q)~~ya,_V,X., and Ye.M. Tretlyakov. Investigations Based on the Theory of Slip-Line Fields in the Contact Area Under State of Stress During Helical Cross-Rolling on a Three-Roll Mill 25 Shcheglov, B.A. On the Problem of Testing Sheet Steel for Biaxia Tension by the Method of Bulging (a Membrane] Under Hydraulic Pressure 38 VISHNEEVSKIY, A.S. fVyshnevolkyip A.S.]; MWIUSEV, B.I. [Marklaslov.,^B.I.L LUTGOVOYAU ), ye.S. rLahovalka. L , E.S.) Fayallite from the scale foriwtions on iron castings. Dope AN MSR no.10-.1354~1357 261. (MIRA -14:11) 1. InstitUt, llta~mogo proizvodstva. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR N.P.Semenko LSemenko, I.I.P.I. (Fayalite) (Iron f aunding) MARMSEV, B.I.; LUGOVSKAYA) Ye0s, - Effect of reactions between the metal and the mold on the sand sticking process. Lit. proizv. no.1:25-28 J-& 162. (MM 16:8) (Molding (Founding)) RMITIOIKO, P.A. [Dniytrenko, P.O.]; LUGOVSKAYA, Ye.Ya. K.IA.1; TOMP,11HEVSKAYA, Ye.G. [Tona~,,F,,~ v S I ,a.$6. ii. I Characteri3tic,B oil the nutrition of gra.ln crops anci Iejp=-.As in their mixed sowing. Dop. AN URSR no.9:1225-12-28 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-is2ledovatol'Aly institut zemlede Ilya. 2, Chlon-korrespondent AN UkrSSR (for Dmitrenko). LUGOVSKIKII, P.A., elektromekbanik '7.- - Change in the antenna do,,mlead on TE3 diesel locomotives. Avtom.,, telem. i sviaz' 5 no.11:39 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Ayaguzskaya distantsiya signalizatsii i svyazi Kazakhskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Communication systems) (Diesel locomotives--Electronic equipment) LUGOVSKIY, A.I., inzh. . Molding concrete tile slabs using box forms. Rats. i izobr. predl. v atroi. no.5:22-26 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Concrete slabs) (Holding machines) I V_ T_V___ Safeguarding workera in the manufacture of aluminum ware. Zdrav.Kazakh. 17 no-7:15-16 '57. 04LU 12: 6) 1. Iz Alma-Atinskoy gorodskoy aanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantaii. (ALUMINU14 INDUSTRY AND TRAM--HYGIENIC ASPECTS) LUGOVS-Krf, ..l. V. "OFeration of'Hydraulic Equiprient in Aural Hydroelectric Power Stations", Sellkhoz- Igiz, 168 ppy 1950. ACC NR1 AP6035759 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/(jL9/0130/0131 f MENTOR: Slavin, R. M.; Usakovskiy, V. M.; Babakhanov, Yu. M.; LuZovskoy, M. V. ORG: none TITLE: Hermetic electric pump. Class 59, No. 186862. [announced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Rural Electrification (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledo-! vatell5kiy institut elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyaystva) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshkmyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 19, 1966, 130-131 TOPIC TAGS: D:crah=:kaakx=Lgi=agxj=g, fluid pump, hydraulic pump, electric motor ABST%kCT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a hermetic electric pump con- sisting of a housing containing a pump and an electric-drive motor with an outer rotor and a female stator, the pump is cooled by a part of the fluid which is transferred from the discharge to the suction nozzle. To simplify design and intensify cooling, the pump's working members are-located on the surface of the rotor or of the rotor and the electric-rwtor housing, and the winding of the stator ,is designed for the direct transfer of the cooling flow through the stator's slots. Orig. art. has; 1 figure. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 26Apr651 qLADKIY, M.I.[deceased]; SHANIN, G.A.; IODKO, Ye.K~; MANAYENKOV, S.D.; MIKHAYLOV, E.A.; GRIBOVA, Ye.N.; LUGOVSKIY' P.P.; KULESHOVi-S.M.;.SHATOV., A.I.; SHNYREVA--".; ISHKOVA; V.M.; LYKOV, A.I.; TYULYAYEV, A.N.,,otv. red.; SIDOROVA, T.S., red.; SHMR, G.I., tekhn. red...-,- (Determining the economic efficiency of new machinery in the communication system] Opredelenie ekonomicheskoi effektivno- sti novoi tekhniki v khoziaistve sviazi; informatsionnyi sbor- nik. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 174 P. (MIRA 16:3) (Communication and traffic-Technological innovations) ,, (!"I ~T-T 13. T. ~ ' t!T-C, ~ 1 ..t; 1,~! ~ I ;, - ~ I , I I lomputing ventil.-ation of uine jhafts. Gor. ,.hu-r. no. 3, 1,952'. --~nnth-Ly List of Russian Accessions, Library of ConCress, April 1952. 1;';- C -"'~ 3 j 1 Y I - --' F) . Name: LUGOVSKIY, Sergey Ivanovich Dissertation: Ventilation of Ore Mines after Mass Explosions Degree: Doe Tech Sci,.,.--- Affiliation: KrIvay Rog, Mining Inst Defense Date, Place: 1 Jul 55, Council of Leningrad Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Ban- ner Mining Inst Certification Date- 7 jul 56 Source: BMVO 5/57 WGOVSKIY S.I., kandidat tekhnicheskik-h nauk, dotsent; IWDIKO, I.A., gornyy 66 -1wilww Sudden gas generation when drawing cut are. Gor.zhar. no.6:59-62 JO 155. (Mine gases) (Mining engineering- (MLRA 8:8) Safe ty measures) STESHENKO.A.I.; ZHURAVLEV,S.P.; TARAN,P.N.; KUDRTASHOV,K.V.; ZHUOV,M.N.; BELTY,P.L.; KADYRVATIV,R.A.; PASTUSHKIN,P.M.; SHOSTAK,A.G.; OSTRG- UNH(N,A.I.; POLONSKrY,M.I.; OSTROUKE[OV,Z*.I.; WGMSKZT,S.I.: SZ- MEHO,P.I.; KH(IROSHLPV,O.V.; IERATXV,Sh.I.; WSTKCI',737!uY. wDust control in the mines of Krivoy Rog Basin." V.V.Nedin. Re- viewed by A.I.Ste'shenko and others. Gor.zhur. no.9:61-62 S 155. (MT2A 8:8) (Krivoy Rog--Mine dusts) (Nedin,V.V.) SVIRAFMKO, D,.M; LUGOVSKIY, S.I.; REDIKO, I.A.; SIMMO, F.I. Progrossi~ 10 work practices in the Movaia irox or* mixe. Ger.zkur. **.10:12-18 0 155. (KLHA 9:2) (Krivoy log--Irea mines aid mining) 15-57-10-14974 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 276 (USSR) AUTHORS: Lugovskiy, S. I., Red1ko, I. A. TITLE: The Effect of Explosive Operations in Open Pits on Gas Contamination in Subsurface Mine Workings (Vliyaniye vzryvnykh rabot v kar ere na zagazovannost' podzem- kht'T nykh vyrabotok sha y PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Krivorozhsk, gornorudn. in-t, 1956, Nr 5, pp 59-65 ABSTRACT: During simultaneous use of open-pit and subsurface methods of ore extraction and during subsurface mine operations coupled with open-pit work in which explosives are used for blasting, there is possible danger from gas contamination in the mine when the ventilators of the mine wcrk by suction. The author describes instances in two mines of the Krivoy Rog card 1/2 basin where gas has fouled the air in subsurface .15-57-10-14974 The Effect of Explosive Operatio'ns in Open Pits (Cont.) workin s after explosions in open pits. Card U2 A. I. Rychkov 1~) WGOVSKIY, B.I., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; SFJCDMO. F.I.. gornyy REDIKO, I.A., gornyy inzhener. Rapid major repairs of reinforced shaft linings. Gor. zhur. no.7: 54-56 J1 157. (Kok 10:8) (Shaft sinking) (Mino timbaring-Maintenance and repair)' 127-12-9/28 AUTHORS: Lugovskiyj S.I., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and -D-y-me-Euk, -G.K. and Gershun, O.S., Mining Engineers TITLE: On the Reserve of Air for Mine Ventilation (0 rezerve vozdukha dlya provetrivaniya rudnikov) PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnal, 1957, No 12, PP 33-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The amount of air for ventilation of mines is computed usually by taking into account an approximate coefficient of reserve. In a series of cases the calculated aip quantity proved to be insufficient for the ventilation of mines. One of the reasons for this insufficiency are the considerable leakages through caved workings. A part of them, however, can be eliminated, and the total amount of leakages can be reduced by 70%. It is therefore recommended to increase the value of the air reserve coefficient from 1.1 or 1.25 as used presently to 1.4 up to 1.6, even after taking into account the leakage reduction. The article contains 2 tables. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 WGOVSKIT,,-Se3qgey Ivanovicb;-YAKHOUMV, A.D., red ;.PAILTSEVSKIY,, V,N., red. izd-va; ISIJOiTIM, P.G., takhn.'red: [Ventilating mines after large explosions] Provetrivanle shakht pnole maosovykh vzryvov. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takh. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1958. 272 p. (MIRA lilza) (Mine ventilation) UJGOVSKIY' S.I', prof., doktor tekhn. mLuk; KANDYBA, M.I., kand. tekhu. nauk; lnzh.; STARIKOV, N.I. ISMIXO, Golo, gornvy , gorVy inzh. "Principles of rAnlrg bv I.S. Volkov. Reviewed b.,r 3.1. lugovskii and others. Gor. zhur. no.2:77-78 F 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Yrivorozhokly gornorudnyy institut. (Mining engineering) (Volkov, I.S.) LUGOVSKIT.,S-I.. prof.. aoktor takhn.nauk; BELASH, F.M., prof., doktor tekbn.nauk;-STBSEMNKO, A.L. prof.; KITACH, G.A., dote.; POLUBOT, N.A.# dots.; KARrMY, dots. V.V. Kulikovall article "Regular pattern of flow of loose materials.". Naucb.dokI.vVs.shkoI3r; gor.delo. no.4:41-" 1 58, (MIR& 12:1) (Ore handling) LUGOVSKIY, S.I. -1, ~.- , - ~ Scientific and tacbnical conferonce. Izv.vya.ucbeb.zav.; gor.zhur. no-5:120 ' 58. (MW. 12:1) (Mining engineering) SOV-127-56-8-6/27 AUTHORS: _LugDyAkiL,~L S.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Professor, Khivrenko, A.F. and Red1ko, I.A,, Mining Engineers TITLE: The Reconstruction of the Inclined Shaft of the Nine Imeni -Urov (Rokonstruktsiya naklonnogo stvola shakhty im. Kirova) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Pr 8, PP 35-37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the reconstruction of installations in the inclined shaft in the mine imeni Kirov. This was neces- sitated by the deepening of the shaft from 326 m to 400 m. There are 2 diagrams and 1 photo. ASSOCIATION: Krivorozhakiy gornorudnyy inetitut (The Krivoy Rog Ore-Mining Institute) 1. Mines--Operation 2. Mining engineering Card 1/1 LUGOVSKIY, S.I., doktor tekhn.naukj prof. Theory of the outflow of gaseous blLsting products from stopEs. Sbor. nauch. trud. KGRI no.7-.172-186 159. (MIRA 16:9) (Blasting) (Mine gases) LUGOVSK doktor tekhn.nauk; KHIVRENKO, A.F., inzh.; REDIKO, I.A., inzh. Rapid completion of levels in the Krivoy Rog iron ore basin. Biu-1, TSIICHM no.10:12-17 '60. (MIRA 15:4) (Krivoy Rog Basin--Iron mines and mining) BUBMAN, Yakov Zakharovich; BAKIROV9 Urkhan KhakimzIumovich; LUGOVSKIY. S..I.4-doktor tekhn. nauki prof., retsenzent; B-M OV-1 -F . S .-- - p otv. red.,; GRISHAYENKO, M.I., red. izd-va; GAIANOVA, V.V., takhn. red. [Local ventilation in metal mines] Nestnoe provetrivanie us. metallicheskikh rudnikakh. Moskva, Gos. nauebno-tekbn. izd- vo lit-ry po gorz)omu delu, 1961. 198 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Mine ventilation) - LUGOVSKIYP S.I., prof.p doktor tekhn.nauk; DYMCHUK, G.K.,, gornyy inzhener Improve mine ventilation systems. Gor.zhur. no,5:39-33 MY 161, (-KJP1 14:6) 1. Krivorozhskiy gornorudnyy institut. (Mine ventilation) LUGOVSKIYJ SOL doktor takhn.nauk; ZASLAVSKIY9 S.I. 9 kand.tekhn.nauk; �fA W, P.S., inzh.; OVCHINNIKOV, A.M.p inzh. wMining and mine timbering" by G.D. Chuprunov. Reviewed 'y S. I. Lugovskii and others. Shakht. stroi. 5 riot 3:29-3o mr 161. (HERA 14:2) (Mine timbering) (Mining engineering) I ll~-- I Ffficient vtlr Of thick ore nau--lh!:,*h IrUdYT 1. 1, P C1. I I I Gf WS FZ :rin. nalue,*, aotsEnt) karid. ~x, . n nuir I d sklaft s ri'; tho rGig~xtl-' '-~Jnc .7Djr. nriuch. zlrurtlulFt naochnyk~ trudor gc-, 1,11 orl."tl ot'() LUGOVSKIY Serg2y Ivanovich DUGANOV, G.V.; BARATOV, E.I.; BAKIAOV, L U..Kh.; CHERWOUS, A.F.; KLEBANOV, F.S., otv. red.; S-IIWSXIY, red.izd-va; SEKLYAR, S.Ya.., tekhn. red. (Ventilating deep mines]Provetrivanie glubokikh rudnikov. MosIcvaj Googortekhizdato 1962. 322 p. (IMU 15:11) (Mine ventilation) LUGOVSKIT, S..I., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; DROBOTv B,Ya*, gornyy - inzh.; 104' IOIKO,, A.A., gornyy inzh.; DUBENYUK, V.M., gornyy inzh. Binding dust which has settled in open pits. Sbor. nauch. trud. KGRI no.13:70-74 162. (MIRA 16:8) (mine dusts) prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; DYMCHUK, G.Kop _kU 0 gonVy inzh. Characterization of mines by the difficulty and efficiency of ventilation., Gor. zhur. no.10161-67 0 163. (MIRA 16tll) ,-L'jC,QVSK-IY, doktor tekhn.nauk; O.'3111,1YANISMY, I.B., gornyy inzh.; TOi.'A-,ICW,JF,, D.M., :farnrf inzh. Efficient speeds of nir circulation according to the carrying, out of' (lust on the srraper levels. Sbor.nauch.triid. KGRI no. 21: 122-127 163. (MIRA 17:7) i I IIG~!V-'471y' q.]&, pr~, f - ~ I -!I!, - ,~ 1, -~ -- i - -~ . ;~ -;- '- !.- 1, T -: ....; i',~; ., "', ."', Tr - , I . - - - I I .. v I . 6: 0 . i LI-r. tng th-L-1 ct'p.,"s , t,3 W !,-,I r ` mi~,'- F-., t:-.o--tt1.IF, of a j -tior, . - I ,"bol'. llaw-h. truct. 1 ~,3 .1; k j I T IU 1. -, -.,23 )