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Yuliy Yullyevich; AGASYAV, P.K., red.; ODERBERG, L.N., I .ied'.-- - ' '- [Handbook of annlytical chemistrj] .1pravochnik po analiti- cheskoi khimii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Khirdia, 1965. 389 P. (MIHA 18:8) 1-UR'YE, Yu.Yu.; PANOVA, V#Aa .......... Ntermination of cyanides and in Zav.'Iab. 31. no.4:420-421 165. Determination of -!yanatinr: in urcisft. Tf:%t-er rii.., s d . 42. 1 (M,~PA 38-2-2.) 1. Ilsespyuznry nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vodosnabzhenlya, kanaliza-tsii, scarazheniy 1 inzhenernoy gidrogeologii. ISSER, S.A.; LURIYE, Z.G. Gastroscopic and roentgenologic parallels in gastric examination. Zdrav.Bel. 7 no-11:15-17 N 161. (MMA 15:11) (CASTROSCOFY) (STOMACH-RADIOGRAPHY) I;j- 1 -7 a 1") Z. 1'. PiTOF -USM/kedloina - Literature, Medical Aug 48 Medicine - Neurology, Clinics "Beyleo of Professor M. NeydIng's Book, 'Notes on the Clinical Neurology of Tropic Diseases,'" Prof Z. L. Iarlye, I p "KlIn Med" Vol XXVI, No 8 Pamphlet will be read with interest by neuropatha- ogists and doctors Interested In tropical medicine. However, it contains many views which cannot as yet be accepted. Published In Odessa, 63 PP- 31/49T11 P1, 31/.,':9Tll LURIYEo Z. L. Lurlye, Z. L. and Vasilevich, N. 0. and Rabukhin, A. Ye. - "Experience in streptomycin treatment of patients suffering from tubecular memingitia",, Trudy Akad. med. nauk SSSR, Vol. II, 1949v p. 85-103, SO: U-4329, 19 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 21, 1949). LURIYE, Z. L. - Lur-lye, Z. L. -- "Neuroq-nic disorders of ur4-ne 91'mination," In th- syrposium: Voprosy prakt. urologii, Moscow, 1949, p. 119-33 SO: u-5241, 17 Decem,ner 1953, (Letopis 1zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 6, 1949). 1. LURIYEV, Z. L.-, Prof. 2. USSR (600) 4. Blobd - Circulation 7.- "Blood supply to the cerebral cortex in normal and pathological states." Prof. B. V. Ognev, ad. Reviewed by Prof. Z. L. Lurlyev. Vop. neirokhir. 16 no. 5,1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 'January -1953. Unclassified. L'URITZ' Z . (.Disorders of blood circulation In the brain] Raostroletya mozgovogo krovoobrashchaniia. Moskva, Redgiz, 1953. 206 p. (KLHA 7:2) (Blood-Girculation. Disorders of) (Brain) r- -7 UMITZ. Z.L.. professor (Moscow); UVCHUMOVSKAYA. N.A. (Moscow) W~- M~� Pathogenesis and therapy of periodic paralysis. lain. sad. 31 no.11:76-79 N 153. (MLEtA 6:12) 1. Is kliniki. nervnykh bolezney (zaveduyushchty - zaaluzhenuyy dayatell nauk H.S.Margulis) Tsentrallnogo Instituta nsovershen- stvovanlya vrachey. (Paralysis) DA,limmKOV, S.N. [author); LURIYE, Z.L. (reviewer). ------ 'Clinical lectiLres on nervcr-Ls disorderr- " S.IT.Davidenko7. Reviewed by Z.L. Lurle. Zhur.nevr.i T)si',-.h- 53 no.q:'.743--~45 S '53- (mma 6:9) (Nervous system-Diseases) (Davidenkov, Sergei Nikolaevich, 18,90- ) IJJRIYE, Z.L. (Moskva) 140 ---1- Fathogensain of dynamic disorders in cerebral blood circulation. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. 56 no.6:441-445 156. NLRA 9:8) (BRAIN, blood supply disord., pathogen.) professor Controversial clinical ard pathogenic aspects in lumb(.u---.-al radicalitia. Voo.neirokhir. 21 no.4:40-45 Je-Ag '57. 10:10) 1. Ilervnoye otdelenlye 1%'osktjvskcy 4-y gorodskoy klini,.:m:zkOy bol.Initsy. MRVJ-6b, SPINAL, diaeasea, radiculitis, lumbosacral, clin. & pathogen. aapects (Rug ) ) -6( , -~) 'Z- IJ7 1 LURIYE, Z.L., prof.: YAVCHUUOVBXAYA, M.A.,; ARMIAVSKAYA, B.I. Temporal arteritis. 21 no.8:29-33 Ag 157. (MM 10:12) 1. Iz nervnogo otdeleniya 4-y klinicheakoy bollnitsy (glevnyy vrach zaeluzhannyy vrach RSFSR M.V.Ivanyukov) Hoskvy. (ARTURITIS face, clin.manifest. (RUB)) (ARTERITIS, temperal (Rus)) LURIYE, Z-1-, prof. (Moskva) Lesions of the nervous s7stem In congeritpl cirdlo7asm-1-~r defects. Klin,med, 36 no,9:41-45 S 158 %ill 11:10) 1. Iz nexv ogo otdeleniya 4-ya gorodskoy klinicheskoy bolinitsy (nauchnyy rukovoditell prof. Z.Le' Lurlye). (CARDIOVASCULAR DEMCTS, CONGENITAL, pathol. brain (Rua)) (IRAIRP patholt in cardiovase. abnorm (Rus)) WURI U, Zinoviy Livovich [Disorders in cerebral circulation] Rasstroistva mozgovogo krovoobrashchaniia. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Koskya, Kedgiz, 1959. 238 P. (MIRA 13:8) (BRAIN-33LOOD SJPnT) C_ LUR I TS, Z (Moijkra) "Tubereulomas of the brain" by A.I. Aratiunov, IU. A. Zozulia, S.S. Oganesian. Reviewed by Z.L. Itarls. Vrach.delo no-7:773 Jl 159. (MIRA 12:12) (BRAIN--TUMORS) (TUBERCULOSIS) (ARUTIUNOV, A.I.) (ZOZULIA, IU. A.) (OGAVESIAN, S.S.) prof. (Moskva) Thrombosis of the' internal carotid arter7 [with summau in English, pe 621, Yopr.neirokhir. 23 n0-2:12-17 Mr-Ap 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Nervnoye otdeleniye ~-7 gorodokoy klinicheekoy bollnitay, Moskva. (ARTERIES, CAROTID. die. thrombosis, internal (Rue)) (THROMBOSIS, case reports. carotid. internal (Rue)) LURIYE, ZA.. prof.; BRYANTSEVA, R.G.; URZHUMOVA, A.I. Involvement of the nervous system inacate proph7ria. Sov,med. 23 no.9:107-112 B '59. (KID-' 13: 1) 1. Ix nervnogo otdolenlya 4-y gorodsko7 klinicheakoy bollnitsy (glav- nyy vrach M.T. Ivanyukov) i nervnogo otdeleniya bollnitay No.1 (glav- rqy vrach. B.V. Nifontov) Ministerstva zdravookhranoniya RVSR. (FORFMIA compl.) (NMVOUS SYSTIM die.) '--~YF-t Zinoviy LIvovich (Diseases of the nbrvofis system in internal diseases] Forazbeniia nervnoi sistemy pri,vnutrennilr'h bolemiakh. I2d.2.t perer.i dop. Moskvat Medgizo 1960. 242 p. (MIU 14:7) (NERVOUS SYSTDII-DISEASES) LUR.IYE, ZA., prof. (Moskva) Brain abscesses in congenital heart defects. Vop.neirokhir. no*4-'52-55 161. OMP-A 14j22) 1. Institut nevrologii AHN SSSR. (BRAIN--ABSCESS) (HEART-ABNOWITIES AND DEFOWITIES) LURIYE, Z.L., prof.; BABENICOVAp S.V., 1% Disorder of the blood circulation in the brain. ZdorovIe 7 no.9: 18-19 S 161. (MEMA 14: 9) (BRLIN-BLOOD SUPPLY) LURIYEY Z.L., prof. Treatment and care of cerebral insultus. Med. sestra, 20 no.8: .16-20 Ag 161. (BRAIN-DISEASES) (KIRA 14:10) LURIYE, Z. L.; GEDUNSKAYA, Z- M.; YAVCHUNOVSKAYA, M. A. Hemorrhages into the brain; anatomical, topical and etiological diagnosis. Nauch. trudy Inst. nevr. AMN SSSR no.1:62-70 160. (MIRA 15:7) (BRAIN--HEMORRHAGE) DROGICHINAj E.A.p doktor med, nauk; HEVORKIYAN, A.A., prof.; LUIPYE -2 Z L prof ; LISITSA, F.M.y dotsent; PENTSIK, A.S.) Pf0f -fiigbv"SK.:~, G.V., Prof.; SHAMIOVICH, R.A.., prof.; DAVIM*wOV, S.N., prof., otv. red.; BOGOLEPOV, N.K., prof., zam. otv. red.; (Multivolume manual on neurology)Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po nev- fologii. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.3. Book 2.[Infectious and topic diseases of the nervous system] Infektsionrore i toksichaskia bo- lezni nervnoi sistewl. 1962. 524 p. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Deystvitellriyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Davidenkov). (NERVOUS SYSTEM-DISEASES) W:'tl kJ z . -- . Transport eouipment and depots for coal benefication and briquette factories Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1952. 246 p. (53-19520) TJ1350-185 1. Conveying machinery. 2. Hoisting machinery. 3. Briquets (Fuel) 1. A.~J.l Eng., LtMIE, Z,S,. Eng.9 NVOMVI V.A., Eng. 2. USSR (600) 4. Conveying Machinery 7. Gravity chute and glass lining. Mekh. trud. rab. 7, no. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ITaY -1953. Unclassified. LURI IN Zakha So , _gW gk- PMXIN. lazarl Isaakovich; CHIIAYNT, G.A.. IMWVP4 r9 OV, N.A., redaktor izdatel'stva; AUDOVA, Ta.l., tekhaichaskiy redaktor (Transport equipment and depotA for coal benefication and briquette factoriasj Transportnye ustroistva i sklady na uglaobogatiteltnykh i briketnykh fabrikakh. Izd. 2-oo. ispr. i dop. Moskva, Ugletekh- isdat, 1956. 322 p. (MISA 10:3) (Briquets (ftel)) (Coal preparation) (Mine haulage) LURIYEY Z.S., inzh.; KHEYFETS, S.Kh.,, inzh.; GURIYEV, D.P., inzh. Collapse of cake,(,% layers in fuel bunkers. Blek.sta. 32 no.8:25-28 Ag '161. (MA 14:10) (Electric power plants) (Coaling-stations) SHVERNIK, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich; SOKOLOV, Anato3-17 Valentinovich; POLUBELOV, Aleksey Sergeyevich; KIMEV, Georgiy Iv,.novich; BERNSHTEYV, Rafail Lazarevich; SLAV`UTS-KIY, Samuil Oskarovich; NEVELISHTFYN. Yuriy Grigorlyevich; KONDRATENKG, Dwnid ,qorov,ich; LASKIN, Anatoliy Aronovich; W1 ?p Y~, Zakhar Solomonovich; MAKAROV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich;-9-6v-62HILOV, refii~6nzent; BILLICHENKO, N.Ya., retsenzent; VARSH- A.M., retsenzent; TARTAKGVSKIY, B.N., retsenzent. Prinimali uch4aU79;!ANTONOV, V.A., inzh.; VERBLYUNSKIY, Yu.I., inzh,,* ZEMSKOV, P.F., otv. red. [Overall mechanization and automatic control in strip mines) Kompleksnaia mekhanizatsiia i avtoiratizatsiia na karlerakh. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 582 p. (MIRA 18--4) AUTHOR: Lurlye, Z.Ya. (Engineer) SoV/110-59-1-19/28 TITLE: The Clas-s-oT-Accuracy of Electrica" Instruments -""or L .4 Inspection, Tests on Three-Phase Induction Motors (0 klassa tochnosti e1ektToizmerite1'nykh priborov p-ri kont-volln-yk1h ispytaniyakh t::,Ek1'ffaznykh asin1khronnykh d~rj.gateley) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Blekt:.,op,-.-~myshlennostiglg5g,,N~,, --,.pp 64-65(USSR) ABSTRACT: According to standard GOST 721"t-1-41 elect.rical lwtfaments of accuracy (,,lass 0.2 or 0.5 must be used for inspection and type test-s on three-phase induction motors. For type tests of ca.-xrse, the highest possible a!~cafaay is requir9d and instz-aments of this acc.,uracy are ne-.:essary. For production tests on, machiner, this high a,:~curac!y ir:.' not required. Am article by Zilcbqrsheyd published in Vestn-,I.k Flekt-opromyshienno-st-J, 197i-8~ N.- '-j J_n whic;h thz~ author concludes that instnmments of accura-y class 0.", or 0.5 are ne-1,essary fo:e production tests, is critioised., a methlod of determining the c:lass of acow~acy requilled In practice 13 b_-iafly explained. k nwerical example is Card 1/2 given and it is stated that for inspection testing in SOV/110-59-1-19/28 The Class of Accuracy of Electrical Instruments for Inspection Tests on Three-Phase Induction Motors production it is quite sufficient to use instruments of class 1.5, which will make most gear much cheaper. (See also the next article). There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet references. Card 2/2 SOV/91-59-2-21/33 AUTHORS: Averbukh, G. L., and Lurlye, Z. Ya., Engineers TITLE: A Diagram of an Automatic Switch-In of Reserve Current (Skhema avtomaticheakogo vvoda rezerva) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 2, p 29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article, the authors criticize afewshortcomings of a diagram of the automatic switch-in. of reserve current, suggested by Engineer S. P. Bakumenko and published in Energetik, 1958, Nr 1. In its place they introduce another more reliable diagram. There is one diagram. Card 1/1 SOV/110-59-5-3/25 AUTHORS; Averbukhc G.L., Engineer, Kogan, I.Ya., Engineer and Lurlye, Z.Ya.9 Engineer TITLE: --TYie Sele;tion of Automatiz Cutouts Series A 3100 for Prstecting the Circuits of Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Moters (VIbcr ustanovochnykh avtomatov serii AZ100 dlya zashchity tsepay trekhfaznykh dvigateley s korotkozam- knutym rotorom) PERIODICAL:Ve-striik -al-ektropromyshlennosti, 1959, Nr 5. pp 12-15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: IT is most important to select correctly the rated currents and trip setiings of protective devices for squirrel- cage motors, It is usual to make such selection on the basis of ~,,ontinuous operation with a limited number of starts per hour. This article gives a method of selecting the rated current of the tripping device protecting a three-phaBg- squirrel-cage motor operating on a repeated short duty !i;ycla with a large number of starts per hour. The method is based on the use of the experimental heating curve of the thermal element of the trip and on its Card 1/4 current/tinie characte.7istics. Since the thermal element is SOV/110-59-5-3/25 The Selection of Automatic Cizouts Series A 3100 for Protecting the Circuits of Three-Phase .-'~quirrel-Cage Motors not a uniform body, the experimental heating curve cannot be expi:-essed by a normal exponential equation. The experimental heating curve, shown in Fig 1, may be resolved into two sections of different time-constants. The first section is from the origin to the knee, with a heating time of the order of 2-3 minutes, and the second section is the rest of the curve. Considering the case of an automatic protective device type A3120 operating with a squirrel-cage motor started 30 times an hour, the cy,sle time will be 2 minutes and.since this is shorter than the first section of the heating curve, the heating calculations that follow need only be related to this part of the curve, Formula (1) is then given as an approximation to the first part of the heating curve and the method of d-7-itermining the time constant is explained. The heating t,.urve of the thermal element with a repeated short cycle is shown in Fig 2. The three repeated sections of the curve arei starting time. running time Card 2/4 and idling time. After a certain number of operations an SOV/110-59-5-3/25 The Selection of Automatic Cutouts Series A 3100 for Protecting the Circuits of Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Motors equilibrium condition is reached in which the heat evolved in the thermal element during the cycle is equal to that given out to the surz-oundings. When this condition is reached, the maximum temperature at the end of a start, corresponding to point A on the graph, should be somewhat below the operating temperature of the trip. The trip is calibrated so that it just does not operate at 110% rated current. To leave some margin of safetyg the calculation is made for a maximum temperature rise at point A~ equal to the steady-state temperature rise of the thermal element with 10.9% rated current. In order to determine the pexm4~saible overload rating of the thermal element for a given operating cycle, the cyclic heating c:urN-e of the element when the equilibrium condition has been reached is than considered. Equations are derived for -1he three -sac. tions of thi...3 heating curve and then are combined tcgetber to obtain the relationship between the operating time and the overload factor of the trip given Card 3/4 in expresslon (11). Th,a point of intersection between a SOV/110-59-5-3/25 The Selection of Automatic Cutouts Series A 3100 for Protecting the Circuits of Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Motors curve constructed from expression (11) and the current/ time characteristic of the trip gives the maximum permissible overload rating of the trip. By constructing a number of such points for different operating cycles as shown in Fig 3, the curve of overload factor as function of number of operating cycles per hour is obtained and shown in Fig 4. These curves are used to-select the rated current of the automatic tripping device when operating with agiven number of cycles per hour. A numerical example is then worked out for automatic protective equipment type A3124 with a rated trip current of 15A and the results are plotted in Fig 7 and 8. There are 8 figures and I table. SUBMITTED,, 21st July 1958 Card 4/4 LURIYE, Z,Ya,, inzh. (Zaporozhlye); TESLENKO, V.P., kand. tekhn. nauk (Zdporozh 'Ye) Method for studying some automated multiple-motor electrio drives. Elektrichestvo n6.1.1:50-53 N 163, (MIRA 16::L1) C"J rn o 1 07992-67 - AM NXI A 17001666 ~E-:-UR/6][4-47C6/0(50/006/06~6/06621 SOURCE COE Lurt AUTHOR: T V. L. Le I Ya.. imdvskiy, A. K.; Crushkoj ORC: none TITLE: Electron thodel investigation of automated multi-motor electric drive for device for cross cutting rolle pteel SOURCE: IVUZ. Elektrome.khanika, no. 6, 1966, 656-662 TOPIC TAGS: metal cuttihgp%automationi nonlinear differential equation ABSTRACT: The transient-processes in an automated system for periodic cutting -of continually rol3s d sheet into longths are described by complex non-line'ar differential equations. Due 'to the difficulty of solution of the equationeo ,the investigation of the dynamics of such systems is often performed u3ing .mathematical modeling with continuous-operation electronic machines.* This article analysis problems in the investigation of a multi-motor electric di-ives for such an apparatus using an electronic model. Practical recommenda- ,tions are presonted relativo to methods of investigation in consideration of the pecularities of the technological processes involved. The elootron .zmdel investigations perforzwd allowed the authors to suggest the following .method of investigations Clarification of the structure of the speed control of the temper Card 1/2 UDC: 621 4;62~.771 7L a-L. 0799, AC C NR: mill; 2) Determination of the stMoture of the compensation units and dynamatic components of tho stresa-' 3) Determination oftho paramoters and correcting links for the auto- matic control units in loops providing the required static accuracy,, stability' -and quality of the transient process; 4) Clarification of the parameters involved in combined operation of the entire contro1_aystem._,:Th9 control system daveloped has been in. operation since 196j&, Oxd_**:`art._ha's: 3figures and 10 formufas. 1JPRS: RAU] SUB CODE, 13t 12 _,SUBH.bA'TFj: 3QApr63 ORIG REN 006 Card 2/2 LIMIYE-KCriSKIY, A. YA. Lurlye-derskiyp A. Ya. "A Study of the Phonetics and Composition of the Word in the Fifth Class of the Russian Intermediate School (TheDry and Practice)." Kw,,b:fshev U State Pedagogical Inst imehi. V. V. Kuyb~,shev. VoroshilovErad, 1953. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in PodagoEocal Science) So: Knizhnaya letopist, No. 27, 2 1955 LURIYY.-FOKROVSKAYA, T.A. Rupture of an aortic aneurysm into the duodemLm. Vrach. delo no.4: 415-417 Ap '59.. (KUM 12:7 ) 1. Pat o logoanatomichookWi& otdoUnive.,(zav. -prof. Ye. I. Ghayka) . bollnitay imen Ictyabrlokoy revolyutaii g..Kiyeva.. 16 ~V- (AORTIC ANEURYSK) LURIU-POKROVSFAYA, T.A. (Kiyev, u1. Tarasovskaya, d,18. kv-15) Morphological study of the resected protions of the lungs in patients with mitral otenosis. Nov.khir.arkh. no.6-.31-38 H-D 159. (MIU 13:4) 1. Prozektura bollnitsy im. OktyabrIskoy revolyntsil (zaveduyushchiy prof. Ye.I. Chayka) i kafedra torakalinoy khirurgii (zaveduyushchiy - prof I.K. Amosov) Kiyevskogo instituta usovershoustvoyaniya vrachey. NITRAL VALVII--DIMUSZS) (LUNGS) KULIGHUTSKIY, K.I., doktor med. nauk; LURITE-POKROVSKAYA, TvAs, kande med. nauk; BADAYEVA., L.N. Neural apparatus of the heart in endocarditis in man and under experimental conditions. Vrach. delo no.10:32-'.6 0 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1, Kiyevskiy meditainBkiy institut, WRITBK, V.S. Double heat treatment of =t taps. Stan.i instr. vol. 24 n0-9:35 S '53. (KLHA 6:10) (Taps and dies) LIMIYF,V, M. A. 49. Boi lers ."First Operational Results of the IKRShI Boil~r System, " A. I. Gabriyeley.' EnSr, M. A. Lurlyev, N~ S. Raesudov, Can(I Tech Scl, 6 1/3 PP "Za zkom Top" No 6 Describes -the Khrochko, Rassudov, Shafran (KRSh). boiler system vith an output of 2 tons per.hour. at a pressure of 20 atm.. It is simple-in construc- tion, and econmical in operation. 58/49T52 58/49T52 LURIYEV, M. A. "The Scientific-Technical Conference of Power Engineers of the Foodstuffs Industry," SO: Za Ekon.i Top., No. 7, 1949. KOLOSIOV, S.P., retsenzent; KUZIMTSOV, N.M., spatersdaktor; -iWJN6M-KAIAI, XMLINIVSUY-.i, A.Z., redaktor; TORLIB, N.M., tekbnichaskly redaktor [Boiler installations of food industry plants; design and operation] Kotell We ustanovki predpriiatil plebehavoi promiyahlemosti; ustroi- 8tvo ieke luatateita. Hoskwa, Pishchapromizdat, 1954. 330 P. Exicrofizi (MLRA 8:3) (Steam boilers) LU-.RfYEV, YA-. L. Blood - Circulation Cardiovascular system in anemia. Klin. med. 30 no. 2, Feb. 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August, 1)~:)2- Unclassified. USSR/Human and Animml Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T Nervous System. Higher Nervous Activity. Behavior. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 27o68 Author : Danilov,, N.V., Danilova, T.I., Lurynya, M.K., Mezhulys, lop. Inst AS USSR Title On Changes of Unconditioned Reflexes in Pifferent Func- tional Condition of the Cerebral Cortex of Large Hemis- pheres. Orig Pub : V ab.: Probl. fiziol, teentr. nervne siatemy, M.-L.) AN 9SSR, 1957, 223-228 Abstract : At the time of production of acid conditioned reflex (CR) in dog, unconditioned secretion of saliva and eAs- tric juice decreased. Gastric secretion decreased still more in experiments with differentiation and especially Card 1/2 - - -332S3 - LUSI , E. A~ - -- Tipy innervatain luchezapyastnogo sustava. SborniAl trudav (arkhang. gos. med. in-t). vyp. 9, 1949, s. 36-~40. - Bibliogr: 15 nazv. - Lusty E. A* Lust., E. A. "The problem of the topographic anatomy of the large in- testine." First Leningrad Medical InBt imeni I. P. Pavlov. Arkhangel'sk State Medical Inst. Arkhangel'sk, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Rciences) Medical So: Knizhnaya Letopisty No. 18y 1956 USSR / Human and Pairzl NorpholoSyp Nonml and Pathological. S Digestive System, Abs Jour &,f Zhur - Biel., No 8.- 1958, No 35933 Author Lus A Inst Ixchangel Medical Institute Title ConcerninC the Topographic Anatoray of the Large Intestine. Ori-7 -50 , Pub Sb. tr. txkhang. med. in-t, 1956, vyp. 14, 41 ;,bstract The to*.)ogr-,phy of the lr~rge intestine was studied with the aid of anatomic specime= of 118 cadavers. For the pux,,)ose of exaaining topoaraphic chnnges in connection with the voltria of the intestine, the intestines of 28 cadavers were filled with water, and the topoGraphic interrelations of t'-ie skeleton and the orGans of the abdominal cavity were studied. Ube author also :3ade use of 112 roentgenoGrotms of livinG people and perfon:ied experiments on do,,3. With the voltrietric increase of the colon, a chanae takes place in Card 1/2 LUS, V.Ya.; KUZNFTSOV, A.P. Materials on qu4ptitative est4l ion of bottom fauna in the Korf- 4 Karaginskiy area; (Bering Sea). ~,Trudy Inst.okean. 46:124-139 161. (MM 14:6) (Korf Bay-Benthos) (Karaginskiy Gulf-Benthos) mi, YA'. YA. PA 5 UM/Yjaclne Reproduation Sep 1947 *OCM'Regularlties In the Propagatim of Adalia Bi- t0imtate L. I" Ya. Y&. Ias, Inst Volutimary "hol Imml A. N. Ssvertsov~ Aced Sci USM, 4 pp wDck Akad Nauk SSW, Nova Bar" Vol LVII, No 9 Meousees nanwale line of Adalia population, a phanon- iiim first noticed in 1936. Presents further data ca phocamon, obtained through studies. Submitted by Academiolan 1. 1. Shm, Igauzen, 6 mew 1947. /9 Y19 TSINOVSKIY' Ya.P.; OZOL, A.M., rodAktor; TAR&NOVA, Ys.A.. kandidat sellskokhosyaystyandykh nauk; OSTROUMOV, N.A.. kandidat biolo- gicheskikh nauk; IM , Ta.Ta., professor; OZOL, 2.Ta.. kanclidat eel #skok-hozyaystvT1*ZT'nM; IGLITIS. V.K., kandidat sel'sko- khozyaystvannykh nauk; UNGRANOVIGH, A., redaktor; SHNIT, I., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. (Insects of Latvia; horntaile and sawflies) Kasekomye Latvii:%:,i SSR; rogokhvosty i polil'shchiki. Riga, lad-vo Akademii nauk Zatvilskoi SSR, 1953. 208 p. (KLRA 7:11) 1. Deyetvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk Utviyekoy SSR (for Ozol) (Latvia--gymenoptera) (Hymenoptera--latvia) (Sawflies) IJJS, Ya.Ya.; MEDVEDEV, N.N.; PROKOFIYEVA-BELGCVSKAYA, A.A.; L,.iujn.LL,iuVA- LEP INA, V.F. In memory of Tenis Karlovich Lepin, 1895-1964. Biul. PDIP. Otd. biol. 70 no.2:153-155 Mr-Ap 165. (AURA 18-5) DURIAKOWA., Irena; MARESZ-BABCZYSZYN, Jadwiga; PRZONDO-RESSEK, Anna; LUSAR, Zofia; MROZ-KIJRPIELA, Ewa The phenomenon of bacteriocinogeny in bacilli of the genus Klebsiella. I. Characteristics of Klebsiella bacteriocins. Arch. immun. ther. exp. 12 no.3:308-318 164. The phenomenon of bacteriocinogeny in bacilli of the genus Klebsiella. II. Bacteriocins produced by strains of Klebsiella bacilli isolated from patients with ozena. Ibid.:319-331 1. Department of Bacteriology, Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw. KOSSOWSKI, Stanislaw; DIHU,A.!'0WA, 7rena-, Grzf,-- MAPESZ- BABUYSUPI, Jddwi-a; ~.UOTIWYt~:XA, Healera; Anna; CY.TMENOU., Jadwiga.: 1"USk.11, Zofia Clinical, baeterl~)Iogllcal and sernlogical sLudios on chronic atrophic fetid nanophaT-Ingitis. Ar.-;h. immn. ther. exp. 12 no.4W3-4190 164 Clinical, I-acteriological and serologica:L studtas on chronic atrophii rvinfel.-M nasopharyngitis wnd laryrigitir. IbiJ.c 491-496 1. DeparLment of .!nqtJ.tu!,;, of lrumnolsg7y and Exper; -ital 7herapy, PcIi7t3h A:2ad-amy of Sclenoes, The L:ryngulogical (Pnic-, Schoel of Medicine, and Department of ',-IdcrobI-:)Icgy~, .5chool of 'Kedic-Lne, Vrz)cla-v. V 11.0.; LUSARARY"IN, V.S.; DP~%~'~Y!'~I;, ." ~ -E-RiJITI~11! 7, - ~. I J - .''. .,-. I-liscovery of new host.9 for C6q;i` '~!z, -,,j ~J-, - . -- - - - Izv. All Arm. SSFI.. Biol. wotiIII-I 36 no.6:95-97 Jo 163. -1 ,~: I J-. ~) 1. Anyanskaya protivochumnaya sutnusiya. LUSAWA, Wladyslaw ............... Tragic result of non-respecting the proviBions of industrial safetir. Viad elektrotech; N-D 161. 1. Starezy inspektor bezpieczenstwa: bygieny pracy PRE ElektromontEtz. LUSAWA, Wladyslaw Fatal consequences of not obeying industrial safety and hygiene regulations. Wiad elektrotechn, 28 no.11/12,:386-389 N-D #61, 1. Starszy inspektor bozpieczynstwa i higieny pracy., Zjednoczeide Przedsiaboorstv Robot Elektrycznych Elektromontazp Warsz'awa. I RUMAM/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Heat D-4 Abs 36uk Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 51 1958, No lo437 Author Cal St. Nicolae Inst Not Given Title New Method for Measuring the Temperature Conductivity and Heat Conductivity of Poor Heat Conductors. Orig Pub Bull. stiInt. Acad. RPR. See- mat- si fiz-p 19572 9. No 1. 215- P95 Abstract A new method is proposed, according to which the measurement of the temperature conductioa of a method is made in the stage of nora-stationary mode of cooling of a plate, and the measurement of the heat conduction is made during the stage of stationary thermal mode that the plate has reached. The need for a standard material is thus eliminated and the measurement glVes the absolute values of the coefficients of temperature conduction and heat conduction, determined by means of a single test under the same experimental conditions. Dbsiga formulas have been derived for determining the temp- Card 1/2 RUMMIA Cl C. f lie no LUSCAL, N., aercetator., (Bucurest.-I) The thermic conductibility of the solid semiconductor. Gaz mat fiz 14 no./+:188-200 Ap 162. L J~S C ~AL N~. A method of measuring the heat conduption and the force of metals, alloys, ahd semiconductors during interval of 800K to 400 K. Studii cerc metalurgie 162. f I i thermoelectromotive the temperature 7 no.4:393-1+03 LUSCALOV, Ma,rgareta.l..(Constanta) Physics kaleidoscope. Gaz mat B 11+ no,8:468-469 Ag 163, J. LTISCM, L. KUPICZA "Proposal concerning the new regulations for foreat regi3trati--n.lf p. (POLAHA, Vol. 9, no. 3, Mar. 19,53, Praha, Czechoslovakia.) SO: 11,11onthly List of EasL European Accessions, L.G., Vol. 2, No. 7, July 11,153, Uncl. SUBMITTED.-...:.'.- 000 00 SUB CODE- GP 064. LUSCION, S.; AIIIAI, J.; JAMTKOVA, 0. ---- Room sterilization in the food industry by ultraviolet li-alht. D. 199. PRIJI-IYU POTIZAVIN. Praha. Vol. 6, no. Is, 1955. i, SOURCE: East European Acce-sions (EHAL), 1L, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 195' I ff. I. a jL j" is 4 IF a III itann 'a U-si -ftV-,"l a it R 0 0 a is IF at ._1_4 -.;,p . f. v j go a 00 96 0* The lifilocsfe of the panciess and flit CALEWILYd" ml*- 90 tlbUM- I- The Ofill" of the "PX's'C OemPauct'Lasn" as liplimis and iltycesnis in rabbits. & M, 1111111 Wastes . NA and Lt. M. Chirikov. Bull. 6W. 00 Leilts, It. R. 81211111S. S, S. U"1(19,Wgin LUgtwa)- M., troll. 1'. R, 0 * 4. of the Paracre" Went P-Pd.: I. ILI, The following ext DI the PAWMJ, U, sq, van. of a (at -flee Ou% Stoll cat, 1 95% Eton go L With all all. 'tilt. of the pancreas, freed of III 00 an sq. adn. of a 400- Eton ext of the and Flvo. and 11 f~i pancress, freed It 9547, Htorl and Ht'o, Sqb- 00 . ; at wit 0 Ihu j~ native iI !I-utanecius injections of the above prcpnl., CI prepd. Of a I it or in tbr for"' of ulliatiftratcs through filters 'J~n f, a 8% collodion in AcOll, "used a marked bYWkc_ I definite hYlioliPennic effect in rabbits with- 00 21 tonemia &,tit a, gly,,mia. ()rat ingestion of i gut having a "TALLURGICAL LITERATUAt CLATUPKATION 4 41 a 43 U 4 a the f11%. C&Uw% bUVh4OCV in ki-ItAP1104 44 hypriltriquirmw OcAl. In 1414w, 1. prtidoc-t 1`07 LUPW* -4 1. U and In elpliv. ti, A. I awl f)-1 C., cc-tp,. tif the crude gland. The t1ftrit of I tic lie up". dtxi niot incicAft in pro. 1 ion to the itwn-a%e in thwaKv and large dows (A [ff give no hypirflictcaiviniv r0mi. 'I lie iptjt;Ai vouirm of kriom 1xidirs. however, ticts. to ii,mir cilcm (he aminitudr 4 the effrcl (Leltrs. C. A. 34. h(ts'). The tifect i% ima due to lilt ptc~~tice of choline, -itwe injection of the latter In coneng, III tinivit greater than that of lhu choluir in the fit( plig. Used pr(XlIWC4 fit) effect UPEW JCCII(Mrnliat (if lifirtnia. 1,11'r ae6vv stibitance of lijitwaic is extd. from the parwirras try acids and alkalies, is sol. in 11.0 and Eton, tit most readily extractable by 40% HIM, is inval. in 9574 HtOlf anti FtIO and is ultrafifiti-able. It is, t rdatedl to proteins, 1xitypepticics or lipoidi and is tit t t1c,troy"L by lxpilijjg in 11,0 for 5-10 min. 11. The effect of the \)Jpocaic of the pancreas an the fat and glycogen of the rat liver. S. M. Leftes and V. S. Luwnk.. Pid. 342 %in linglish).-The subcutancilITInlerrRYtrof I into Fats pro- durcs after 2 hys. a 57% decrease in glycogen (IV') and a W51v increa-st, in the tat confcnt of the liver. The tuajor tK)rtion of I is not ultratiftcrablc. The injection of U, which is ultrafilterab1c, produces a 61 -41,7% decte,- in 14 It 1.7-2.7% decrease in fat in the liver when duics eiluiv. to I g. rif crude gland are u~,l wid a -37% i1ccrrAv and 970 incrrasir in IV anti tat. rr,p.. wli,n dows equiv. its OJ g. are ttwd. The sugar content uf the blood ducs twit thange. Since I and 11 do not produce hyperSI)cruita, (be icereaAr in IV is not a result of glytWentilysis bill is a te- l a z - 7 sia-, Ulan.) It 1111.21 4.1t a.. 1.1il .1 1 119 U, ; It WO no I l "YA 10 1 1 a ot, 0 a 0 1 Ir P 0 'a a SP U 8 its 10 A 1, a I .00 '00 ~66 -00 -00 see ZOO ro IS coo coo 0:00 trig 0 ::00 as 0 age use zo* loop Isle 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 io 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fe 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 a & 0 ei 0 * :I: : ~:I# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 Is 0 , 0: ::::O oo*oosooooooooo*ooosoose *0 00 00 ,at "file to increase significantly 14 due to tile prtwmir CA ,he filiocsic fAclor which inhibits fat infill ration of the liver, ()rat ingc4tiun of I Six] U catuc, tit) deerraw in IV. 'file %tubeutancous injection at LU produces tit) change in IV or in the fat in rat liver; this indicates that the method -if Mesita. of Ut eliminated all of the 11.0-stit. and 05% 00 11 1011-Vj. lflYCUgtnVlr4DPIC substances from tht VXJ. 1, 11 and III shuw no marked hypffketoncruic effect in rats so urb as is bwn-rd in rabbils and confirmai, the previtmas ' finding that rats are nut suitable test aultassils fur studies of 00 kettravilic substames. The factors are called glycogeno 0 tropic %uhmAnce A (found in 1), soL In 11,0 and EtOll %tit not ultralifirrable, and slycogenatropic substaw* 1 0 (found in 11), sol. in IljO and insiol. in 96% and dil. 17tOl 00 and which is taltrafilterabIr. These substances are .1 destroyed by boiling for 5 train. with 0.01 N NA,C03. 00 S. A. Karjala 00 00 so 09 00 6* of 00 00 0111111 0* 00 *46 90 00 00 00 0* 0 * 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0* oo:ooeooooooooooo*ooo0000*0*00000000*0*00*0 0* 0000000*0000,090000-00000000000000000000* LUSICKKO, V.S. i;ome data on the mode of action of spleen extract in a case of viable tumor in rabbits. Medyah.zhur. 20 no.2:77-88 '50. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Z viddilu eksperimentallaoi endokrinolo.I:U(zav. viddilu - chl-kor. AN ULSR V.P.Komisarenko) Institutu. eksperimentallnoi biologii i patologii im. eked. O.O.Bogomolltoya Ministerstva okhoroni zdorovlya URSR (direktor - prof. O.O.Bogomoletal) (GAICER) (SPUEN) ,-Z&Z~Ntol /1"'Y.- CHORNOGOROVA, Z.L.; WSSIIKO. V.,S.-. I Comparative effect of corticotonin, adrenaline and cortin on trophic processes in the cardiac muscle. Hadych.zhur. 22 no.3:39-45 152. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Inatitut eksperimentallaot bialogii i pigtologii im. akad. 0-0. Bogomol'toya Ministerstva okhoroni zdorovlva URSR. (AI)R HAL GLAWS-SECRETIONS) (HRART) (CARBOHYDRATE )WTABOLISM) LUSENKO, V. S. "The Characteristic Effect of a Spleen Extract on Rabbits With a Transinjected Tumor." Cand Biol Scl, Inst Physiology, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR, Kiev, 1954. (RZhBiol, No 5, Mar 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55~--Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (15) LUSENKO, ~1. IS. Dissertation: "Characteristics of the Action of Spleen Extract on Rabbits With an Intertwisted Tumor." Gand Med Sci, Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Medical Inst imeni Academician A. A. Bogomolets, 28 Jun 54. (Pravda Ukrainy, Kiev, 19 Jun 54) SSO: SUM 318, 23 Dec. 1954 R&HKO, V.P.; WSENKO, V.S.; MAYEVSKAYA, I.P. Oxygen, sugar and 'Lactic acid content of blood entering and leaving the brain in disorders of cerebral circulation. Vop. fiziol. no-7: 125-132 154. (KIRA 8:1) 1. Institut fiziologii AN USSR. (BRAIN. blood supply. eff. of ligation an oxygen, sugar & lactic acid in blood entering & leaving brain) (IMMATONNUPHALIC BARRM, eff. of ligation of carotid artery on oxygen, sugar & lactic acid in blood entering & leaving brain) (BLOOD SUGAR, eff. of ligation of carotid artery on sugar in blood entering & leaving brain) (OXYGEN. in blood. off. of ligation of carotid artery on oxygen in blood entering & leaving brain) (LACTIC ACID, in blood, off. of ligation of carotid artery on lactic acid In blood entaring & leaving brain) (Bwo, lacticacid, oxygen, & sugar. eff. of ligation of carotid artery on compositi-on of glood entering & leaving brain) LUSMICO, V. S. Effect of spleen extract on the formation of urea. Top. fiziol. no.10:152-158 '54 (ML'RA 10:5) 1. Institut fiziologii im. A.A. Bogomolltea Akademii nauk USSR, Iaboratoriya endokrinnykh funkteiy. (URPIA) (SPLIM-SECRATIORS) LUUNKO, V.S. ie-*Iil-lplmp~.T.P.Xomlemareako, member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.; on his 50th birthday. Yiziol.zhur. LUkr.J 3 non2:136-138 Mr-Ap 157. (KIaA 10:6) (IONISSARINKO, VASILII PAVLOTICH, 1907- ) USSR/Hun= and Animl PhysioloMr (Itomal and Pathological) - T Effect of Phoical Factors - Iontting Ecdssions - Abs Sour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 80148. Author Lusenko, V.S. Inst Title Influence of X-Rays on the Content of Amonia, Glutanine, ATP and Glycogen in the Tissue of the Drain of a Rabbit. Orig Pub: Fiziol. zh-, 1957, 3, 110 3, 112-116. Abstract: Rabbits were subjected to a general single exposure of 6oo and 900 r. After the exposure, they were decapitated; the brain was taken out and immersed in liquid air. Through 10-2D minutes after exposure, the content of ammonia in the tissue of the brain Card 1/2 LUSENKO, V.S. Effect of splenin on the relation between the activity of the connective tissue and nitrogen metabolism in rabbits with Brown- Pearce tumors. Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 7 no.4-0545-552 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Laboratory of Endocrinous Functions of the-,A.A.BogomojO.p_7, Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Mcrainlan S.S.R., Kiyev. (SPLENIN) (CONNECTIVE TISSUES') (CANCER) LUSGAIRT-rN, R TFUNOLOGY PFRIODTCAL: RFVISTA TFUNSPOIRTURTLOR, Vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1958 LUSGART~11,, R. A section of spare parts in the Giurgiu Navy Yard is being organized. P. 523 Monthly of East European Accessions (EPAI) LC Vol. 8. no. 4 A,ril 1959, Unclass - LUSHAGIN, N. 5612 Bol'she debrotsykh tkaney trudyashchimaya. (Odes. Sukennaya fabrika im. Staliva). Odemoar ubl izd., 1954. 32 a. a ill. 20am. 3.000 Xkv. 45K. (55-837) P 677.62 SO: KnizhwWa Lotepis', Vol. 1, 195.5 i I- -- I , - / ~, / ) /~z v ~ - ~--7 ~W_ !1., -1 H ~-r f - IrWHIIC-111U0, 1. 1. -LUSHCIUX, Yu. K. Assembly line production cf model foetvear. log. pram. 17 no.5: 40-43 VT '57. (HIJU 10: 6) (Sbae machinliry) (Assembly line methods) Z 0,~rlj ~,, //, AUTHOR: Lushchekin A. and Khaskelis, Ye., Moscow 107-9-27/53 TITLE: The "HBH-49" TV-Receiver Adapted to the '135JIME11 Kinescope (Televizor "RBH-49" na kinescope "35JIMB") PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, # 9, p 40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A very simple method is suggested for adapting the TV-receiver to the "MIK2B" kinescope. The operation of the kinescope is adequate with a voltage of 4-5 kilovolts applied to the second anode. The cathode current of the kinescope has, in this case, 100-150 micro-amperes, the clearness is sufficient, and does not exceed the standard value for this kinescope type. The voltage of 300-320 volts taken from the filter-choke of the TV-rectifier is sufficient for feeding the accelerating electrode. The heating, cathode and modulator circuits of the kinescope are not modified. For better picture focusing, it is suitable to keep the magnetic focusing, existing in the 1'XBH-49'1TV-re- ceiver together with the electrostatic focusing, for which the "35JIMB" kinescope is designed. In this way, the picture focusing is extended to the whole screen surface. The damping device can remain unmodified, but much better results are ob- tained, if this damping device is changed according to the dia- Card 112 grams-shown in the "Radio", # 7, 1956. Some detqils are given ~he "KBH-4911 TV-Receiver Adapted to the "35JIME" Kinescope 107-9-27/53 about the mounting of the kinescope. It is advisable to replace the loudspeaker of the TV-receiver by an elliptic one or to re- move it to the lateral wall of the cabinet. In order to im- prove the picture quality, it is recommended to replace the "5W " kenotron by two "5q4C" kenotrons, connected in pa- rallel. The "5UC" kenotron can also be replaced by germanium rectifiers ,Ar-1126" or ,zr-1127" , which are to be connected together with shunting resistors of 80-100 kilo-ohms each, three diodes connected in series in each arm. The article contains 1 Russian reference. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 LUSHCOMOV ~ - N.D. Stand for regulating the temperature relay. Khol.tekh. 39 no.6:54 N-D 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Temperature regulators) 0 If a 0 a im v a AI mot I 00 all Un us U-MuNd 00 *0 the ukrafatam S. S. a. 7 .14*14bw Plam" Chem Ared Imil a LulkhmuYs TtrA C! '7 4 a . . . . . -__VF- -.. No. 3, 13-10(in Rut-Us 19, in nitlish 20)(1937).-The following 13 plants wm in- -Ili %I roWtics: Geraxism M~ptcd to det theit, dyeing "iPted . p a 111mixemm AfvePWxx! Poinvarta L., Acire Pkmacidis ' I... Alwas Slahmem, Agrimonia ewpubwia L., r4wista a A71 O Jimrkwia, Barborm vidtaris. DdpAiwiNow comidida L., ,r : j I . L C#xt4 "5,4" 'r Th d Ltw L 1 .. . ' t. - 1 e " n = 00 fivit 3 did ncA gi" utixfwtory requIvi. 0 [&I t 1 oY: 000 dyes of wWfy used mlom with brown and y0 prrI dominating. Thr degree olcolor imensily demewsin the 004 order tinted. TU dy" were t"ted againu the sun. * 0 12.5% 110, 7% suds, mxtp. 11OAc and " 71 '. 0f them Proved vable. B. Z. Kamich A 6 0 [ .6$A,SL* SCIALLUSSICAL LJIINATWI CLAWCATION 1#10" "it Gov M ow G-V M it Van no I I m I I a ad 0 a I 1 9 It 9 a u a A, 10 u1 VPFOntt 0 at 0 a YA 7! -00 00 -00 -00 zoo 0*0 see ago* coo zoo wee 1** 0 0 0 0 0 0 6900 0 of* of 4 0 0 9 1~-. - - f-. - -.~ -V,A G.. - .1 Lushchevska-,,a. G-. Y. and Savinov, D. G-. "On t,*,-,e optlmaal c-,r itions Jin the use of ~,reen I 1 .1 plants for "he of curotin", (Tn indez :lecond autl-.c,r is B. G. 3avi,,-,v), !Ter. khi-m. zhilu-nal, 1~,-,48, Is---ue 1, . - Bibllo-: 17, items. SO: U-3042, 11 I!arch 53, (Let~pis Iny':"- St--)tey, No. 10, 19,4r?). Ghemical Abst- o. xf. Lash eftkta T"Mst, - ~Xff W ol - 48 No. 6 . , . C= fir. 1 82 rus . resh green p1wif iiw Mar. 25, 1954 material and ext. with 15-25 mi. EtOll and then with 15-25 ical Ghemi0try, Bi.10 ml. benzene. Add 1.6-2.5 ml. 500/0 aq. KOH and sbak~ '20 mi t 1l 0 di d th l Add H g n. o a scar ow sapon. e aq. ayerl 2 , anti filter the benzene layer through anhyd. NazSO4. Detj 'the conteitt of cArotenoids from the yellow color in the beni -ZC;Ic lmyer. Rvap. the benzene by gentle heating anti disa , - Mil b b . n ve the, retidtte y felluxing with 5 mi. a s. t Add I ml. JINO, and develop the'rbse color by refluxing l 3 i ff D exact n. et. the extinction toe . at 405 mu ancl m y read the cnnen. of o-tocapherol from a standard curve. The Cortection for the content of carotenaids amts. to 2-4 timej oliecontentofe-tom0crol. Vitamin E contents in p.p.n~) of dry wt. in green parts were: Trifvlium sp.. 277; A r1emisk ~P,275; Castaneaialiva,264; Aorsp.,246; Polylenuttt aricularr,267; Eehinochkhacrus-galii,219; Poasp..21?i l l B b d dAf er a od eristu laaffserina,198; an koris,213; Polenti 511.1 IPM Ronald G. Nlenzel-; CA Sme simplifled m#Qode far deftratfaing evotess in vM *At#. It. 0. Nvinny And 0. M. Ij1jOhChtv%kAv'j- 1106 AkaJ. NaxA .=Proposed by Sapollmikov (,CA. 43, TI W. it US&A without chromatographic ad% Is A d C.Maccurate. 0d mWified flopandula tueth mpx. of Fedt. 1%9) is satisfactory if used as follows: I g. sample k ground with q*vU sand, with adda. of 5-10 X. dry Na#SO,. mixed with Chromatographic aduXbent (5 g. of Alto). rc- ground, placed in a column with peur. ether. by using pe(r. ether for quant. Uander to the column, and washing with purtpetr.edw- Vm of CJf# speeds the oper2tion. lithe chromatographic trWatent and a 10-14 min. grinding am used in the S&Wxhuikov method. the rmilts are made sub- stsutially o=rate. Several common plants were suc- cessfulir asuJized by both procedures. G. M. X. LUSHCHEVStAYA# 0* M-. '., Detenninatlo f'sunimary tocoubc-ruls Witarnin R) in f , l f ant products. G, Savmov ani G. M. uAlchtv~kny~. p Ukrain. Mins. Dior. 19, 510 C.A. 48, .1;34b.-Ta det. the total content of tcwoplu~rol; in plant material it is recommended that t1w awthcut bx,"I on color reaction of 2,2'-dipyridyl ivith F(.Cl.. k usL!,l; the. tocopherols reduce FeC4 and color I,; obtained of disw di- pyridyl. comptcx which ean he tLied colnrimcLrically. I fow- ever, for deperadable rrsults hiterfering plant tmf,~tancc*; should'be removed. For thi, s pitrijo!je the c,.xt, is jjtsFv,l over a diatomacenus earth chromatographic rultuitu WiLh C4114 as the solveut, The filtratr, which ,hould bt, volor- les.4, is then used for the reaction with NO, asid flipyridki Chemical Abst, Ryter eval)" 'A vacuo In luert at-.11. Thr 11itrate 1110hod of 4A1217) h u dm l t A 33 f (C l Vol. 48 No- 9 ~tr er an . ten reiu t4 t e r eyer . o , are too high. 'rhe present ineth-A wiLs tcsrell on nijim-rem ; may 10 1954 ext3. with consistent reiultq. The nitrate racthod is im- d hi h b h h 0 Biological Chwdotryl at prove somew e c romatograp c pictreatmeM. y t G.M. Kl)'~O.;pnff LUSIICIMVSEAYI,, G.M., SAVINOV, B.G. Methods for a quantitative determination of carotene and vitamin E in plants. Vitaminy no.1:30-37 153 (MIRA 11:6) 1. In8titut orgnnicheskoy khimii AN USSR, Kiyev. (CAROr=) (TOCOPHI]ROL) (PLANTS--CFMMICAL AITALYSIS) 3, Iaxreea p4m of be= wild PUnu d the Ift'*Fx Zhur., kK M m. 1954. NO- 122'154.-T~e carotene c~vxcrit was studied in 210 sceoitneus of wild growing grasses. bus-fies. and trees. N'~'&V of the studied speirnerq con- tained over 12 pig. % of caroirnc (12-1 -:10.0 nig [~-Al Nfa-x. 2ccumulatior of (-an,?'N~ its the 4eCinning of July to the tnidclj~ of Aae-,is, The ratio of carotene and carotcnai& btudied ill 11 ~p-cimtll.~ %,Wi-d ~-itliiu wide li'mits. To 4 specimeti, wtTe f.ii-i tn~rt -- carotenoids (19.3-40.6 Ing. % 7~i c2irurenc tug. 50. In (he cUratenc vras somewhat higher, 15-2-24-4 Mg- 'k 12.0-22.9 mg. %, The ratio of the v ous fractiOni of Tilt total caroenolds was studied chtomatog-aPhicallY --Augustt quantity of carotenoids did not change during lull it attained a max, W October, &R-1 then Started a 511L rP dr`P The decoApn. products of the carotenoids are primarilvloc-al- ized itt the fnt zone of the chrom ategram while the second wrle does not change. It is quite possiMe that in the seeond zolle 4re oxidatim products of carotene. Most liktly indrpendent, P-atoral SUI)SUn--CS A-0'14- axe pa-Itying carubme- The basic pigment of the f, obtained in cr)-st. form and was Identified as vioLXanthin, of sk"ve-51 Plallus Thc contenti of carotene ill grecrL feRvcs -3 or when dropped sharply upon st"age of leaves [Of la tlay hrs. at 100*- ose-11 OCY were dried for 3 WSHCHIVSUYA, G.Mll.;, SAVINOV, B.G. Titrimetric determination of tecopherols. Ukr.khi=.ihur. 22 no.2: 236-238 '56. (KLR& 9:8) 1. Institut orgunicheskoy khimii AN U M . (Titration) (Tocopherol) /OtOz- G 19,9, VYVALIKO, I.G.; DUSHIGHKIN, A.I. [deceased]; LUSHCHEVSKAYA G.K.- KATKOVSKIY, B.G.; SHILOT, Ye.A.; Mechanism of the biosynthesis of isoprens compoimde. Part 2. 7ornation 0? carotene pigments in the leaves of kok-sagbys. Ulcr. khim. zhur. 22 nP.5.i655-659-156. Wak 10W il-'Institut ArgAnjoheekoy khimii Akadamii nawk USSR i Institut fizio- logii rasteniy I agrokhImli AkELdemii nauk USSR. (Carotene) (Kok-saghvz) (Biosynthesis) V! VWADKO, I.G.; DUSHzcifKIN, A.I. [deceased]; NJSHC KATK07SKIY, K.I.; SAVINOV, B.G.; SHILOV.-Ye.A.; YASNIKOV, A.A. Mechanism of the biosynthesis of isoprene compounds. Part 3: New data on rubber and carotene antecedents in kok-sagh7z. Ukr.khim.zhur. 23 no.40i6-522 '57- (MIRA 10:10) l.Institut organicheskoy khimii AN USSR i Intitut zemledeliya Ukraiftskoy akademil sellskokhozaystvennykh nauk. (Biochemistry) (Kok-Oaghyz)