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LYSIKOV, A. V. ID Cand Vied Sci - (diss) "Significance of unchanged salt dressing g in caring for umbilical cord remainder in newborn infants." Simferopol's, 1961 19 pp; (KharIkov State Med Inst); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, ?-61 sup,260) LYSIKOV, A. V._,-- Changes in the umbilical stump of newborn infants under the influence of sodium chloride and alcohol. Akush. i gin. no.3:78-81 161. (MIRA 14: 12) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. B. N. Moshkov) pediatricheskogo i sanitarno-gigi7enichookogo fakulitetov Dnepro- petrovskogo meditsinskogo instituta i Melitopollskogo ob"yedinnen- nogo rodillnogo doma (glavnyy vrach L. V. BorovskikK) (UMBILICUS) (SALT-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (ALCOHOI PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) LYSIKOV, A.V.,,.,Rand. med. nauk Use of circular silk sutures in the ventrofixation of the uterus. kkush. i gin. no.6:105-108 N-D f63. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Iz kqfedry akusherstva i ginekologli-tzav. - prof. B.N.Moshkov) pediatricheskogo i sanitarno-gigiye-nicheskago fakulltetov Dneprope- trovskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Melitopollskogo ob"yedinennogo rodillnogo doma (glnvnyy vvich L.V.Borovskikh) i Ob"yedinennoy boll- nitsy (nachallnik A.T.Te=ryants) stantsii Simferopo2l, 01, ~,- Yuof. . v ly kand. Lekhn. mmik~; LYSIKOV~ B.A., gornyy inzil. ~lcme reeults of the el,udy or the physicomecharltal prc.pnrtJes of conla and ro~,k in the Donets Rnsin. Ugol' 38 nc.12,,35-37 163. (MIRA 17~,5'j .L. Irntitut gornogo de;& im. M.M. Fedorova. NIKOLIN, V.I.,;-_LYSIKOV, B.A. I.-I ...... Effect of the depth of occurerfice of rocks in the Donets Basin on their physical and mechanical properties. U9011 39 no.12:26-29 D 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Makeyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po bezopasnosti truda, v gornoy promyshlennosti. -rid. t-khfi. ilwzk; l,'YSIYO',7B E E irzh.; SVERMEVSKlY, V.L., ~'-ri-ngth Irroperties of oandovme a-, ereaL depths. S~Alkhit. S-oi. 9 ric.3:15-17 I'Ax 165. (MIRA 18;7) 1. 'Makeyevskly riauchno-issledorvate!'SkLy institut po bezopasnosti rabot. v gornoy promy5hlerinostl ~'for 2. Donetskiy poli- tekhnichaskiy instit,uL (f-:,r Lyoi~all)- 3. TreBt Arte%-eolc)gi-ya (fal, Sverzhevokiy). LTSIOV, G.T., inzh. , - '. '2z4'. . - Measuring the afficienc7 of railroad transportation in strip mining. Ugol' 34 no.4:32-33 AP '59. (MM 12:7) (Strip mining) (Mine railroads) 4 4 0 6) IS9118411116 lilt "a -A of a P 1) a " a ft v A SO 43 a of Q 0 PF*dwdw of,splavul %vW fsm pt"t pmelm, M. 8 . GUI 11 1940. No, 1. 4yr-T,'- Aw No. 8. 125, the aw. of snottivi frocu pwit mtch, plepil. of slable s&ns. and cooWfiom for sphudna oisad tail:n ad the fiber. R. Hen" A "TALLUMIGICAL ILIMAT I CL&SISFICAtift Ili;#1110 klilmi XONOT 14fdoo IV OXV 40% vi tt IV 0 X 0 0 40 0 0 -0 49 14F 111 0000 00 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 *a 0 see 000000 0 0 IS ISO 00 so .00 IF see so 30:1 too LO :0 0 LTSIKOV, H.G,, Inshener; HISHCHERSKIY, N.A., inshener; SHBRTAKOV. G.Ye., Inshener. 'A~ - %2 ; . -1 ~A' - He Instruments for the electrometric control of feed water and steas. Blek.sta. 23 no.3:48-31 ]Kr 134. (MLRA 7:6) (Steam boilers) (Automatic control) AID P - 1527 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 23/36 Authors Demina, K. F., Eng., Lysikov, M. G., Eng., and Rubtsova, M. Ya., Te6hriician Title Colorimetric detection of oxygen in feed water and other solutions Periodical Elek. sta., 3, 51-52, Mr 1955 Abstract The authors made a series of test according to a method described by R. L. Babkin in this journal, 1954, No.l. One drawing Institution: None Submitted : No date AUTHOR: Lysikov,?I.G.; Bacherikov,Ye.P. ~OV-90-58-8-7/9 TITLE: The Test Results of a Soda-regenerative Water-softener (Re- zul'taty ispytaniya sodoregenerativnogo vodoumyagehitelya) P7-,RIODICAL: Energeticheskiy by-ulleten'. 1958, fir 8, pp 19 - 23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the water-softoner, a mixture of soda-cationized and fresh water is first passed through a cascade heater worked off live steam and in which thermal de-aeration takes place. The water is then mixed with the alkaline agents and sub- jected to subsequent precipitation of the scale-forming agents by the introduction of a soda solution. For the purpose of the experiments, the water-softener was first tested without additional alkalization and then with the ad- dition.of a dose of 5% calcined soda solution at 2 mg-eqv/1 and with an increase in the ratio of fresh to cationized water. In the first case, a satisfactory decrease in relat- ive alkalinity but insufficient softening wac observed. In the 8econd, greater softening took place at the expense Of increased, alkalinity, which would lead to scavenging of the boiler. The results are shown in Table 1. The water-soft- ener thus lowers the relative alkalinity of the boiler water Card 1/2 and concentrates the scale introduced by the boiler water The Test Result of a Soda-regenerative Water-softener SOV-90-58-8-7/9 through the constant scavenging action, but suffers from the defec'ts of low sofening action and an excess of slime in the softened water. This would lead to secondary scaling-up of the heat-exchanging surfaces of the boiler. Some construc- tional deficiencies of the water-softener are pointed out. In conclusion, the authors support the soda-lime precipita- tion method carried out in small spiractors at increased tem- peratures followed by purification of the sofened water in sm'all centrifugal scale-separators (hydrocyclones). This would permit practically scale-less operation by the boiler. In the editorial note to the article, it is pointed out that some of the constructional defects mentioned by the authors could be due to overloading the softener during testing, and that the lowered softening action could be caused by the ex- ceptional acidity of the fresh water used and the lack of hydrates surplus in the softened water. There is 1 block diagram, 1 table and 1 Soviet reference. 1. Water softenera--Test methoda 2. Water softeners--Test rusulto Card 2/2 ---- MIYOVY--V, - -- - . - -- -- Cotton Growing--14oldavia First tests of cotton growind in Central Moldavia. Khlopkovodstve No. 4, 1952 9. Mo thly List of Russian Accessionst Library of Congress, August -19W Unclassified. tvqxov~ 1, % Dissertation: ffReoults of Selection of Cotton Plants Kishinev Agricultural Inst, Kishinev, 8 May 54. a Study of the Stock Material In the* in the Moldavian SSR." Cand Agr Sci, 21 May 5/+. Sovetskaya Moldaviya, SOt SUM 284, 26 Nov 1954 LysIKoV, V.1I., knd.selIskokhozyaystvennvkh nauk Stud7ing the startirg material for Cotton breeding in the Ifoldavian S.S.R. Trudy Kish. lallkhoz. inst. 3:23-42 155e (UM 11:7) (Moldavia--Cotton breeding) Al KDVARSKIY, A.Ye,, doktor aellekokhosysyetvannfth nauk; LYSIKOT, T.Ne, kand. BellskokhosmetTennykh nauk. First collection of articles ("Research work in agricnltural colleges" by A.T. Golikov and A.N. LitvWnko. Reviewed by A~,Z. Kovarskii and r.N. Irsikov). Zemledelis 5 no.11:95-96 N 157. (MIR& lot1l) 1. Kjohinevikiy sallskokhosyaystvennyy institut. Ctricultural research) (Golikov, A.P.) (Litvinenko, A-.N.) LYSIKOVy V.N., kand. sallskokhoz. nauk Influence of ionized radiations on com. Agrobiologiia no.l: 143-146 Ja-F t64 (MIRA 17:8) 1. Kishinevskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut, Illf 1") alov, v . a . I --- Production of new corn forms ),v )"-and neutron irradiation of pollen. Radiobiclogiia 5 no.4:623-624 '65. (Mr-j.- 18:9) LYSIK0Vf VON* Studying the formative effect of the environment on the progeny of the "Corn grass" type mutation of corn. Agrobiologiia, no.3:458-460 Ny-Je 165. (MIRA 18111) 1. Kishinevskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. LYSIKOV, V.11. Radiomutation of corn. Genetika no.3:44-48 S 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kishinevskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut imeni M.V. Frunze. Submitted April 13, 1965. I . I DERYABIN. V.1.; ZVMV, A.4; LYSIKOT,-V.]P.; UUMSIV, Ye.P, Building of a 47-ton displacement cruiaing yachts Sudostroenie 26 no.6:37-38 Je 160. MU 13:7) (Yacht building) -,,/0! /63/6,14/001/000/667 B106/BiSO AUTHORSt- Korotkovq X. A.-, Kabaohonkol 1V P P YU ~-A yu~., V. Internal-bromsotrahlung,which socompanies the P-de*ar.orC&4~, TITLEs" -leksperimentallno PERIODICAM Zhurnal y L teoreticheskoy fisiki, ;r. 44, no. 1, .11963'9 ~ 45 47 TEXTs The bremostiahlung was meiisx~red. at 40. 115 ke* on a scintillati it qpectrometer with an N&I(TI) crystal in an aluminum con- ~:tainer. -The Ca,45 beta's6uroei were-prapired, frolk a oblutioll of'o -by A mathaoryl to chloride and powdered C&CO applied to.and covered filmy. 3 of 0,1_.-Mg/Qm2.* IThe sources were kapt'at a pressure of I Hgo The Okvtxujn was,compared with that oalculated according to the theory of j Y~niip. and G. E. Uhlenbedi (Phisioa, 39 .4259 19~6) and F. Bioch (Phys. -Revs,-0,4272', .19.36).. At low energi-es '-(60 - 130- kev :both -Ourns,agr" Very well t-';-bui- a, tho discj?.epancy~ is ocusiderable (35 19-7- ghe~r ~,qnergies', 'at 215 kevYand-cannot -the Coulomb stfact- -into, c9naideration. There is I*Vigure* Card 1/2 LYSIKOVA, 1. N. 27992. LYBIKOVA, 1. N. -- Taitologiyp- ranevogo ekssxAata pri khronicheekikh osteomielitakh ognestrelinogo proiekhozhdeniya. Trudy pervoy nauch. flezhreep. Konf-teii po lecheniyu invalidov otechestv. Voyny v sred. Azii. Tashkent, 1949, S. 147-61. SO: Letopial Zhurnallnykh Statey. Vol. 37, 1949. P IN. G.N., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; LYSINDVA, Vege, nauchWy sotradnik; PMEDOU=. S.A., nanch 7~~ -tv 14 ~ I-eIKINA. N.A., naucl~w sotradnik; SOLOPff, A.T., naachnyy sotrudnik; R&MB, - AJO, nauchuy~ sotrudnik; STMIMM, P.M.. nawhgy7 sotradnik; MIFIMCW# P.L*', otvotstvanny7 red.; PROTOPOPOT, V.S., red.; FIAM. M.Ya., takhn. red. (Kenv,al for the preparation of aerological yearbooks] thakovodetvo po podgotovke aerologicheekikh ezhegodnikov. Lening-rad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, Ft.3. [Temperature sounding ce the atmosphere] Temperatur- nos zondirovanie atmoefery. 1958. 126 P, (MIR& 11-.9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniVe gicL-ometeorolo- gicheskoy sInzhby. 2. Glavnava geofizicheskays. observatorlya (for Finegin)v" 3. TSentrallneya aer'ologicheakaya obser7atoriya (for IVoikova, Porchkhidze, Semina, Solopov). 4, N=chno-iseledovatell- skly Institnt aeroklimatologii (for Radus, Stellmakh). (Radio meteorology) Vj[SIN) P. S. 7,.'l Y,;Csv s00!,Yl.vl-! IIRO;r -'!:~!erlt fr - - - - 1,~ . yE. an C~ n. , p. S and Kornilolich, YU -,I. III!, 19L.c (0-I cover: ,-J-4)) , ya rdyevsk. P013~+,.ki~n- irl-'La, , I Izve2ti - clay" I . 26, 19L~)) so- U-52Ll, 1'l D,~cej:~~),tr D'13; (LatoPiu 'Zi- -,,,,-,al Inyll, Stateyy ;40 usiff, a. S. Lysin, .3. S. ;cnd Dazhuk, Y. "V. "High drdna '"Krania.-I ra',, 1'-.-t!!~--'a]w.," Izvestiya Kiyivsk. palitikbn. in-t2, "'Ol 'Vj-jj, .1)1.6 (on covtr: 19;;l,-,), 7,. 2)2-)~"" - Bibliog; 5 iterrs. 2. , 1949N SO: U-5241, 17 December , 1953, (Lttopiz IZI.urval Statey, ~~o. i f LISIN. B.S., divsnyy chlen; KORNTWVYCH. Yu.Ye. Study of the structure of construction binding materials by the cementographic method. Dap.AH MSR n0-3:147-155 151. (MLRA 6:9) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyl RSR (for I~ysin). (Adhesives) turr of ctment Solutions III rellition t" hardenz conditions. It. 113. Ly~ill it, - - J) , and Va. E. Koritilovich. Popmqdi,lkad. XaijkVwf.-r"-rm. 1952, No~ 4, sm-urnary. 272-3); cf. CA. 47, EWIIV.~-T!ic mirmstnicture of ordinary sillatte cement. all I.-Al-vilic tria-m with Calm.: husellar cryslall of C)(01I)i in it, fit the Mlicmis Cment, the cry - fals of Ca(011)s am c-1,4Wmbly sinaller in size, the griniter p-Art of llydrA(d %:mejit P-Ptv.Knt3 gcl.4. weakly =cLitig to wiLitiml light. A Oita cryst. stnicture. nf the 1). of -drated products Is chanicteristic for the alumbia ccment and a friable colloid structure for the imn oxide cmcnt. 11c mier-r-,micture nt a mixt. of slaked It i itne and- ti poll curi6t volu. barilcitvi udder HiO is an Isotropic vin.", with very small crystab, mostly C-011b, divemd in it. The -ame mixt. lia"Irwcd in air, represewts the cryst. structura formed by a eignificant amt. of coam crystah of CaCOl. 4 r?~.vnv.. of tht mirvr4tmr.!arc oM:rs ,Ile -et. jl;e rcgime. of bardening. M. Charliondarian LYSIN, B.S.; KORNIIA)VICH, Yu.Ye. Study of the structure of structural solutions by reflected light. Dopovidi Akad. Hank Ukr- R-S-R- '53, No.1, 25-8. NLRA 6:4) (CA 47 zo.'21111689 '53) - - The triferosiiudiiedf ioiciuril bindeft f ;z~vm A"'i vvigmv takers from the Od Kiev. S~.Ilodelrl))Xrmg. 'rile micro- s'~rkttsrcs are shmvii, and Strength tests are inbuLated. .%I,Ol. Fri0j, TiG', Cao, MO. and 80, wert detil. ,AUTHORS: Lysin, B.S., Y--1-m1,-,---- of 15 "krSSR, anj TITLE. InvestiGatiorI3 of the Crystal'-J 2-a'-Jon S e C,-.- + Is (Ic3iedoyaniya %ristallizatsil. i y PERIODICAL: D o P o v i d i A k a d em J- i r i a --;';: Uk ra i n 3o i R S R19 763 (USSR) ABSTRACTS- Items made of st,ona castinrs have a h46h ---trengt-h (c~,.-,3hfnE resistance from 3,000 to 5,0M lc-~, Per Sq C-m), a high chemii- cal resistance, and important dielectric The Ukrainian SSR is rich in natural rocks suita,.!e fc.~- 'hn ,.,anu- facture of stone castings. In spite of these favorable cir- cumstances, this promising branch of industry is not aell developed. The reasons are: insufficient knowle-3ge of plny- sico-chemical prez:esses occui:7ing d-.ring and a lcw 3t-age in castin'- techno-Ic'g./r. TheTn-for~, the au- L thors inves t 4~;ated- sc:re processes taking d-ing crystallization of stone castiln-gz, -4r. part-:,-%~Iar of ocm-e clays, slago ani oilicort masnes. E-xpc~rlment-,~ ~at during slag crystallization, the volume decr,~az;as by 6 t~) 11.8 %. Optimum cry3tallization temperatures ;:--~re deter- Card 1/2 mined for melts of various pomposit.--'Icn~, T h (,, Ie r a t,-, 2, e 5 b Investigations of the Crystallization of Stone Caz t 4 _gS C,--- 3/27 were measired in the c,_,nt and ~ t t'-le surfa ac glass cast.-rigs, ard mas concladed that be crooled dmm very slowly in c:,d.~7 'I- avc-_'d There is 1 table ard 1. Eraph. ASSOCIATION: K4 ye-,;-skiy pcl4tekhn'chesk:y 'nst.ft-t (KiyE-~ P-)Ijt~chnic institute) SUBMITTED: January 30, 1956 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of ind, _-.-Lduals and in-st- tiors appearing In th'L-~, art icle ha-,re beer., uo,~d -' n tile trans- literation. 1. Rock--Applications 2. Rock--Properties 3. Slags--Casting 4. Clays--Casting 5. Glass--Casting 6. Castings--Crystallization Card 212 LYSIN, B.S., akademik; AL 9 Nev. Studying the physical and mechanical properties of arpanding Portland cement during setting. Dop.AH URSR no.8:1098-1101 160. MRA 13:9) 1. Kiyevskly politekhnicheskir ineh-tut. 2. AD USSR (for Lysin). (Portland cement) 1YSIN B.S.-,akademi ; BAMHCELIEVSKIY# ?.A. [Barshchevolkyi, F.A.] k P Studying the physical and chemical properties of Dnieper marl as a raw material for the production of local adhesives. Dop.AH URSR no.9:1258-1262 160.' (MIRA 13:10) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnichekiy institut. 2. WT USSR (for Iqsin). (Marl) (Cement) LYSIN, B.S., akademik; CHEREPOVA, O.V. 1-- Irwestigation of tinleBs and leadless enamels. Dop.AN URSR no.2: 219-221 161. (IMIRA 14:2) 1. AN USSR (for Lysin). (Enamel and enameling) LYSIN, B.S., akademik; LAMUK, Y,.V.; VISIINEVSKIY, B.I. [Vyshnevs'kyi, B.I.] Study of the c(jq)o!ijtJ'-cjn and properties of the stonsware madle from Ukrainian raw maberials. Dop. All URSR no.10:1343--1346 164. (MM 17il2) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut atroitellnykh maLerinlov. 2. AN UkrSSR (for Lysin). _L 04710-67 JP( M 'XIL-C-1W, ___ AP60312-78 SOURCE CO-DE:_ 8 24 _~Wd~iqA&16bblbb /66' _/0626!I AUTHOR: Alekseyev, V. V.; Livshltp, I. I.; Lysin, V. L. ORG: none TITLE: Several reasons for fractures in hydrofoil propeller shafts SOURCE: Sudostroyeniye, no. 8, 1966, 21~-26 TOPIC TAGS: hydrofoil.9 shipbuilding engineering ABSTRACT: Fractures in the conical ends of hydrofoil propeller shafts (under the propeller hubs) have led to tensometric studies of the port shaft of a twin-screw hydrofoil. Measurements were made on three shaft sections (see Fig. 1) while proceeding on a straight course and at various course angles when turning;.force 1 to 3 13 to 10 knots per.hourl winds and 0.25- to 1.25-m waves prevailed. Curves representing measured stresses relative to rpm showed a sinu- )soidal character, with two sharp rises occurring as the vessel lifted onto .;its fore and aft foils; stresses at low rpm showed maximum values in the vertical plane, the horizontal plane at high rpm. The characteris- tics of the measured oscillations indicated that beginning at a certain speed--a bending moment arose due to the eccentrically acting -propeller Card 1/3 L 04710-67 I-A--C-'C---N'-R:---A-PY6-0-~3-1-278 Fig. 1. Hydrofoil twin-screw shafting arrangement III-III - Measured sections; 1-1 to 9-9 - locations of pairs of tensometers. thrust in the horizontal plane and the Magmus effect, both acting in the same direction. As to the above-mentioned fracture, fatigue tests with the shaft material revealed an insufficient safety factor for this section 'of the shaft. In air,a smooth specimen of the shaft material showed a two times higher fatigue strength than in sea water. The presence of two stress con- Cqr-d-2/3 -L. 04710-- 67 047 1'LA CC I ACC NR: AP6031278 7 centrations in the conical part of the shaft, i.e., at the keyway and where the propeller hub is fitted, are important in determining the safety factor. To avoid an excess stress concentration, the propeller must be fitted hydraulically; to increase the fatigue strength the conical hub-shaft fitting must be reliably sealed against sea water. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 formulas and 2 tables. [ATD IFRESS: 508741 SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 003 -Card U V I CbAnges La the Wood in In 11CAtIon carbon dlstdfid~. tod. II)rf. JIM Occupational Diselesftk~71iga It Saffil, IOU, No. 6, 62.- CS, Intoxication leads to a decline of blood protein to ".6% with an incre.,se of the globulin fmction and decrease of the albumin. Fibrinogen remains near the lower limits of norw:' mality. This Indicates a disturbed liver function. Eryth- frocyte sedimentation Is retarded. G. M. Kosolapoff IYSIIIA, G.G. Cand Yed Sci (disc) t'Laterials on intodc-2tuloll 4XV-d' ~A tt tuhrowt carbon di-,ulphicle.(Glinical-e.--oc.,ri-rentil 64&Dxir~~) Kiev, 1957 15 pp 20 cn. (Kimr Order of Iabor Re-, Banner l!e-d ,VJA- Inst in AcaA.A. :10-0molets) 100 copies (IM, 11-573 100) 50 ILTSWA, G.G. (Kiyev) /-"*""~~ion of the internal organs in chronic hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Gig. truds i prof. zab. 2 no.6:54-56 N-D Ir8 (MiRA 11:12) 1. Institut gigiyany trude I, profzabolevaniy. (HYDROGEN SULFIDS-TOXICOLOGY) Some early manifestntions of the action of small doses of ionizing rndiation. Vrach.delo no.41381-383 W58 (KIRA 1DO 1. Klinika professionaltny1di zabolevnniy (znve - prof, B.A. rrivoglaz) Kiyevokogo institute gigiyerty truda i professionnllnykh zabolevanly) o (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL 17FWT) LYSIM, G.G. '~- , -"-I,- Katerials on carbon dieulfide intoxication. Vrach.delo no.12: 1283-1285 D '56. (HIIM 12:10) 1. Kiyeveldy institut gigiyeny truda i professional'nykh zabolevaniy. (U0011 DISULVIDE-TOXICOLOGY) USSR/Human and Animal Physiology- The Effect of Physical Factors. T Ionizing Radiation. Abs Jour Ref Viur Biol., 110 3, 1959., 13378 Author Lysina, G.G. Is Inst I,,. ~ Title Some Early Manifestations of the Effect of Small Doses of Ionizing Radiation Orig Pub Vracheba. delo, 1956, No 4, 381-384 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 149 - LYSINA, G..G,,, kand. mad. nauk Changes In the peripheral blood during treatment for vibration sickness and occupational nouromyositio using ultrasonics Vrach. delo no.3:129-131 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:75 1. Klinika Instituts. gigiyeny truda, I profzabolevaniy (rukovo- ditell - Prof. B. A. Krivoglaz). (VIBRATION-PHrSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (ULTRASONIC WAVES-THERAPEUTIC USE) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) (BLOOD-MMINATION) !!~ ~.. kand. med. nauk (Kiyev) Effect of small doses of ionizing irradiations on the state of oxidative processes. Vrach. delo no.7:109-114 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Klinika instituta gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh zabo-- levaniy. (RADIATIOll-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (OXIDATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL) 'G( (0 Pe-5 DD L 52,12Q&5 BIG Q r E-111 (1 -.13 ACCESSId11,KR-._-AP50l50O3 uR/o24o/65/ooo/oo6/0095/ooq6 613.647-PT:6i6.155+616.155-02:613 71 AUTHOR. LZaina, G. G-_.(Candidate of medical sciences) TITLE: the morphological state of theblood brought about by tJHF SOURCE: Gigiyena.i.sanitariya, no.6, 1965, 95.-!96 TOPIC TAM~-L: miciowave*AHF,..biolo8ica1 effect,blood morphology, reticulocyte -The* autho,r" studied 1.00 -people who:were chronically exposed to UHF (fre- quency- and'radiation. intensity-not given).- This group,was made up of researchers an ar nd industrialvorkers.who'had been exposed to UHF less th 3 ye s (37 people), 3-5 Years (28, people), and over 5 years (35 people). Ages ranged from 20-45 years. A second groiip- ar 103 people served as a control in the study. The 100 test subjects were - divided -in,to groups-. group 1 .. ~thqsd who were exposed daily to intensities slightly~eiceeding-the.permissible threshold value, and group 2-those who were than the permissible,threshold expoadd--to value (no nu-. _~ricai values, given).' The avl)~4ecta! often: complained of general weakness, -lowered j working capacity,.Increased irritabilityi:headachess dizziness, and unpleasant sen_'f sations in the-heart.region. Objective.examinations revealed functional disruption6 L 58390-65 -AP5615003.: ACCESSION-M: characteristic: of,-44onomic' diaruption.with- a predominance of tonus in the para- sympathet di ic branch~ Car ovascular changes included pulse lability (inclination bradycardia', toward dullness of heart tones, and functonal systolic noise. These! changes often coincided.-,wit,h-lovered.arteriaI pressure and indices of autonomic -dystonia4 Studies- of blood morphology concentrated on qualitative and quantitative; indices including the:number of reticulacytes and basophile granules. There was an insignificant,..'change -in erythrocyte. content (P > -0-5) in people exposed to UHF. The number-, of ~reticulacytes was*increased (variation 10-20%) in 14% of the subjects ri exposed to UHFJ~. cq!apared to of the control. group. Reticulocytosis was most t roften observed in..subjec a who, had been exposed to UHF for more than 3 years. Of particular! interest were chafigesin red blood'as reflected in the quantitative in-'3 in basoDhile -gr s & wophilia is o .ften.encountered in anemia, crease anule malaria, and particularlyAn 1e ad'and.benzol poisoning. A quantitative increase in basophilL- ,.;, observed in personnel exposed to ionizing radiations. Their presence often precedes the development of.hyp6chrcmic anemia. . In 30% of the cases, erythro-1 Icyte sedimentation-was sloved.' This is most likely associated with the condition of th6 autonomic nervous systemi in particular, autbnomic 'neurosis which leads to slovod sedimefitatiod, go cases of increased sedimentation vere noted. Cases of ileukovenia and-leukocytools were almost equivalent in test'and control groups. C rd 214 .6 583 5 . ACCESSION N,R::*., ': AP5015003 ENCWSUPZ:: OL Table~ 11, ophile abntent In workers exposed to UHF Bas rAjroUp no Lack of -~Basophile granule nd, no.- f aa6phile b cytes 10,00.01 norma.,erythro people) granules 10+1- 16 6T 2 23 Tdta 34 7 ~--7=,-- -.7 m 414 sLoBODYANX, I.Ta., kand.tokhn.nauk; LYSIIIA, L.B., inzhe Comentlemn bindara un4 conernton bitand on Aleknandriyu brown-coal cinders* Stroi.mat. 5 no.11:38 H '59. (141RI, 13:3) (Binding materials) (Cinder blocks) MMODTANX, Ignat Takovlevich ESlobodianyk, I.IA.), kand.tekhn.nauk; PASHKOT, Igor' Aleksandrovich (Pashkov. I.0.]. Imud.takhn.nauk; CHUPRMUMO, Tekaterina Vasillyevna [Chuprunenko, kand. tekhn.nauk; CHERICA , Nikolay Antonovich [Cherkasov, M.A.], kBnd. tekhn.nauk; LTSIXA, Nina Borisovna, inzh.; RUBINOVIGH, Nsfir, Abramovna, ii'z__h,__,,i PAVCH110 Petr XBrpovich, inish.; LITVINENKO, Malanlya Dmitriyevna, inzh.; SVARICHEVSKIT. Ly~bomir Vladimirovich [Svor7chevolkyi, L.Vj, inzh.; OSOYSEATA, I. (Osovalks, Ij# red.; ZEMIKOVA, To. [Zelenkova, IN.], [Local binding materials based on new raw materials of the Ukraine] Histsevi vliazhuchi na novii syrovyni Ukrainy. Za zahallnoiu red. I.IA.Slobodianyka. Xyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo lit-ry z budivnytetva i arkhit.URSR, 1960. 115 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Ukraine--Binding materials) LYSKANOVy Gavril Andreyevich; SLOYEV, L.N., red. [Experience in building a dara of the f- ozen type in Yakutia] Opyt stroitellstia plotiny merzlovo tipa v JAkutii. IAkutsk, IAkutskoe knizImoe izd-vo, 1964. 69 P. (MLn 1?:6) 1,YSKNIOWSKI, Marcin - Ludwik Perzyna ane iis views on the etiology and therapy of mental disorder. N3urol. neurochir. psychiat, Pol. 14 no. 2i 339-341 Mr-Ap 164. Adolf Rothe and his initiative in caring for patients discharged from psychiatric hospitals. lbid.:343-346 1. Z Panstwowego Szpitala dla Nerwowo i Psychiczniew Chorych w Drewnicy (Dyrektor: dr med. Z.Jaroszewski). LYSMOWSKI, Harcin ~ ~ In Memoriam Afred Sokolowski. Wiadomosei lek. 7 no.2:136-139 Feb. 54. (3310GRAPHINS. Sokolowski. Afred M.) LYSIANOWNI, Marcia - . .. Renryk Dobrzy-eld, his life and activities. Viadomosol lek. 7 no.9- 5o4-5o6 sept 54. (BIOGWRIES, Dobrzycki, Henr7k) LYSXANOWSKI, Me Warazava, u1. Szczeclivicka 25 m,26 History of Polish hospitals in Warsaw (1775) Viadomosel lake 7 no.11-603-604 Nay 54. (HOSPITALS, histox7 in Poland) LYSKANOWSKI, Martin Pages from the history of psychiatry. On problems of pharma- cological psychiatric therapeutics in Poland during the 19th century. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. Pol. 13 no.ltlO7-109 163- 1. Z Fanstwowego Szpitala dla Nervowo i Psychicznie Chorych v Drewnicy Dyrektor3 dr med. Z. Jaroazewski. (PSYCHOPHARMAGOLOGY) (HISTORY OF MEDICINE., XIX CENTURY) IZSKANqg:~I~I, Marcin Unknown psychiatric works from the XVII century. Neurol. neuro- chir. psychiat. pol. 13 no.2:283-281+ 163- 1. Z Penstwowego Szpitala dla Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chorych w Drewnicy Dyrektor: dr med. Z. Jaroszewski. (PSYCHIATRY) (HISTORY OF MEDICINE, XVII CENT) LYSKIN, N F Kolkhoz Na Krutom Pod'yeme (Thez Kc'khoy on a Steep Grade) i.!Oslfva,, SellkhozFis, 195L 207 p. Illus. f~' Ic., 638n/5 V2.101 .Lr,l LYSKIN, N.F. Kolkhoz na krutom pod''eme (Collective farm on a rapid upswing) (1-',oskva?) Gos. izd-vo sel, khoz. lit-ry, (1954?) 208 p. SO: Monthly List of Russian "xcessions, Vol. 7, No. 5, August 1954 ffIA( ff F WO/Agriculture - Collective farms. card 1/1 Pub. 77 - 17/22 LuskinIN F delegate-to the Supreme Coubeil of the USSR,, chairman Authwo -;o~~e cotMe ive farm im Stalin in Novo-Alexandrovsk district, Title Stavropol region Comforting changes Perlodical 11auka, i Zhiznl 8, 36-38, Aug 1954 Ostract t Combining several collective farms into a large one made it possible to use large tractore and modem methods in farming and, a consequent increase in profits. Previously one hectam of land yielded only 100-roubleo profit t~mually; four years after the unification the gross receipts were 18,,000,9000 roubles,, Illustrations. Institutions Submitted LYSKIN, likolay Padayevich; BIRYUMOV, O.N., redaktor; FURMN, G.V.. 2, Micheukiy redaktor [Deve;bpoent of the diversified economy of the nRosaiia' Collective Farm; from the practice of the ORossital Collective Farm, Grigoripol. Novo-i-Alakeandrovok district, Stavropol'Territor7l Razvitie mnogo- otrallevogo khoziaistya kolkhoza "Rosaiia"; iz opyta kolkhoza 'Rosaiial stanitay Grigoripoliaskoi Novo-bleksandrovskogo raiona Stavtppollskogo kraia. Moskva. Izd-vo 'Znanie,w 1956. 47 P. (Voesoiuz- noe qbshchestvo Oo rasprostranoniiu politicheskikh i nauchnyth snanit. SerO, 4.28) (MLRA 9-.11) 1. Predeedatell kolkhoza aRoselya, deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR (for,iqpkin) (Collective farms) -1 AKIN ~Nftkwl~aYa,~Ieevlc~h, 5ULKOVSKAYA. M.A.. reclaktor; FIBOTOVA. A.F.. te c e SIC Y re te c eak V re [Collective farms in the sixth five-year plan; practices of the "Rosoiia" agricultural artel in Stavropol Territory] Kolkhoz v .shestoi piatiletke; iz opyta sel'skokhoziaistvennoi artali "Rosaiia" Stavropol'skogo kraia. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 183 P. NiaA lo-i) (Collective farms) /I 1060P TIw prowm 0( pubelims In Boller Flerboxes S'" Hterning Gas. (flussun.) A. K. LyAH. I* Fkammou " Idim. -.. 9, Apr. 1952, p. 12-13. Ic"sts pr(mcd that pukatkwo are caused by namuwfann mizipm of and 4&. Turbuk7d bunwo reduced fuel comitiviptian b) I M 5".. 4656. PROVLEN OF FULbATI L%S Ili b(LII&i:.R FURNACi;,> vHEN BURNfNG GAS, Lyskii,..A.A. (Z& Mcon Topliva (Fuel Econ.), 1pr. 1952, 12, b1_. Tests proved tht pulsations are caused b7 nonuniform mixing of gas and air. Turbulent burners reduced fuel consumption by 10-15%. (L) B.L.R. LYSKIYY A. K. Steam Boilers Experience with the acidification of alkaline woter for stem. bGilerr. Salkh. prcm., 2~, r90, 1, 1952. I-Ionthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1952. Unclassified. LYSKIY, A. K. Steam Boilers Repairing regulators and gauges of the boiler room. Sakh. prom. 26 no. 6 (1952) Monthly List of hjLs~A=gmj=j Library of Congress, August 1952. Unclassified. LYSKIY, A.K. organization of a chemical laboratory in thermoelectric Dower stations. Sakh.prom. 28 no.?:18-19 154. (MIRA 8:1) (Steam power plants) (Chemical laboratories) L4KIY,, A.K. USSR/Chemical Technology CherUcal Products and Their Application. Water Treatment. 8.-va6e Water. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Mhjmiya, 110 4, 1957, 1274o Author Lyakiy A.K. Title . n W-Sodium Cathir.~iiittlr~ 'Preatment ,t a Sugar hefinery Orig Pub Sakharnaya pron-st', 19555, _N-) 7, 2"C' -22 Abstract Strongly all-aline wat(Ir of predominantly teqpor,~ry hard- noss, according to these recommendations, should be trea- ted when utilized Rs Oenn boiler feed (at sugar refine. ries) in accordai,ce with a scheiae of parallel 04-Na ca- thionite tre~ttment: a portion of the watQr passed . . through a NH4- cathionite, the other portion throue" a Na-cathionite, Quantitative proportion of either water can vary. Operation according to this schene is conduc- ted during the pericd that piecedes availability at the refinery of production condensates, after -which only the Na-cathionite treatucnt, is utilizjd, Card 1/2 - 164 - USSR/Chenical Technology - Chen-ical Products and I-q- ieir I-11 Application, Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour . Referat Zhur - &I-drifya, zio 4, 1.957, 1274o With a relatively short period of ittilization of Lhe ITH4-Na cathionite treatment,the detrimental effects of ITH3 on the component parts of turbines and equipment are not observed. Card 2/2 - 165 - LYSKIY, A.L. !~f - Causes of Sakh.prom. priming of boiler water in the Shpanov Sugar Factory. 30 no.12:43-46 D 156. (YjaA 10:1) (Feed water) USKIY, A.K., inzli. Causes of the decrease of evaporative capacity of boilers. Prom. energ. 18 no.8:32-33 Ag '63. (MIRA 16:9) (Boilers) LYS KIY, A. K. Damages of the tubes of boilers equipped with external cyc-lones. Sakho prom. 37 no-404-36 Ap 163, (KMA 16:7) 1. Xiyavenergonaladka. (Boilers) A ' LYSKO, V., inzhener. Cutter for removing chamfored edges on end of pipea. Mor.i rech.flot 13 no.5:31 S 153. (MLRA 6:10) (pipes) MKO VO A. USSR/&igineerin g,- Machine Tools Card, 1/1 Author Lyako,, V, A. Title 'Device for milling polyhedrons Periodical z Stan. I Instr, 24/4j 36p April 1953 Abstract The author proposes a device for increasing milling production by increasing the rate of feed. He explains the dovice with a drawing. ,.The device is adaptable to milling-bolts with htmagonal heads and the sides of nuts, but may also be used for mil:Ling parts with varying numbers of sides. Institution SKO V. A USSR/Engineering - Tools, Cardli/i Author t, Lyskoj V. A. Title Cutters with Attached Cutting Edges Pe~riodical Stan. i Inatr.,Ed. 1, 34, Jan/1954 Abstract A comprehensive crItical analysis of cutting tools designed by V. A.,Kolesov is presented. The author poinilos out several shortcomings of the above mentioned tools,, aid presents a modified design of a cutter in which these shortcomings have been eliminated. Drawing. Institution Submitted VISM-.7, t_ USM/Engineering - Tap wrenches Card 1/1 1 Pub. 103 18/23 Authors Lysko,, V. A. Title Tap wrenches for screw dies Periodical Stan. i instr. 8, 35-36, Aug 1954 Abstract -The author points out the shortcomings of the existing tap wrenches, and presents a new improved design of the above tool. Short descrip- tjon and specifications for the now tool are given. Drawings. InAitution t ~Submitted t asm, V. LYEKO , 'T. Pneumatic tool for cleaning surfaces. Nor. i rech. flot 14 no.7: 27-.29 A 154. (RUA 7:7) (Pneumatic tools) LYSKO, V., inahener. Killing cutters for milling the surface of propeller blades. Mor. i rech.flot 14 no.11:29 N 154. (KLRA 7:11) (Killing machines) (Propellers) u6blWOC4 eousa._.-macbine construction Card lA Author Lyako, V. A., engineer Title Device for making lead wire PeriodicaI Vest. mash. 34/3o 71-72, Mar/1954 Abstract In the measurement of clearances In turbines and piston engineop lead wire 0.2-0.3 = In diameter is used, The author explains a method of making such wire, His wire Is softer and more exact In its measure- ment'. institution ......... Submitted rL; i.y onthiv Li~;t of Libr,r., rf LYSKO, V.; SIDEWD. I., inzhoner; SHEYMM, Ye., inzhenar-, ARGENTOV,S. Whit gave us the introduction of progressive methods in dr7ing and kilning. Stroi.mat.3 n0-1:17-18 Ja 157. (MIJIA 10:3) 1, Glavnyy inzhener Nizhne-Kotellskogo kirpichnogo zavoda (for Lysko) 2. Glayn7y inzhener Kuchinskogo kirpichnogo zavoda (for Argentov) (Brickmaking) (Kilns) ACC NR. AP7000346 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/022/0109/0110 INVENTOR: Yanovskiy, V. Ya.; Lysko, V. V. ORG: none TITLE: Transducer for measuring towing force during underwater rests. Class 42, No. 188718 [announced by the Scientific-Research and Design Institute for Test Equipment, Instruments, and Means for Measuring Mass (Nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy i konstruktorskiy institut ispytatel'nykh machin, priborov i sredstv izmereniya mass)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 22, 1966, 109-110 TOPIC TAGS: acceleration trasnducer, pressure transducer, te2iEaSEEE-6& ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a transducer for measuring I towing force during underwater tests. The trasnducer consists of a housing con- taining an elastic element in the form of a closed stirrup with stems, an electric Itransformer, and a towing shackle connected articulately with a cylindrical pin. To !eliminate the influence of hydrostatic pressure on measurements, the cylindrical 1pin connecting the movable stem of the elastic element and the towing shackle Is brought out through side openings in the housing; sylphon seals are used to make the ,openings airtight. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [KT1 iSUB CODE:.ZO,13/~/SUBM DATE: 27May65/ Card UDC: 531.781 ZuZ, a 1j. tomo b-i ',t baucf,v j Cr,~ SOKOLOV, N.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; BURKOV, G.G., inzh.; KRASILINIKOV, L.A., inzh.; GOLOMAZOV, V.A., inzh.; BOBYLEVA, S.F.; LY-S V, LCL ,1.K.; Prinimali uchantlye: BRI210EV, I.S.; SHCHETKIN, L.I.; YERMATSKAYA, A.M.; PITDRIANOVA, A.L.; SILANTIYEV, L.A.: NADEZHDINA.. A.A.; LAKHMOSTOVA, F.S.; DEMENTIYEV, V.F.:, Improvement of the processes of manufacturing high-strength, steel brass plated wire. Stall 21+ no.8:756-759 Ag 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Beloretskiy staleprovolochno-kanatnyy zavod. SOV/123-59-15-59886 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 15, p 140 (USSR) AUTFOR., Lyskov, L. TITLE: Protecting Silver Plating From Darkening PERIODICAL: Za tekhn. progress. Byul. Novosib. sovnarkhoza i oblsovprofa, 1958, Nr 9 - 10, p 70 ABSTRACT. In order to protect silver plated contacts, employed in the radio- industry, from oxidation a method of treating them for 30 seconds In a solution containing 10% of Cr03 has been worked out. In comparison with the treatment in a solution of HC1 this method is more effective: silver plated contacts grow dark after 7 days after having been treated in a 10% Cr03 solution, while they darken already after 3 days when treated in a HC1 solution. Card 1/1 REYMA,N, . q4qy~t__ J4 M. ; UVAMO, Ye.V.; PAIATNYT, P. S. Recent tectonic movements in the Vakhsh Valley. Dokl.AX Tadzh.SSH 2 W-2;13-19 '59- (KM 13:4) 1. Institut geologii AN Tudzhikskoy SSR. Predstavleno chlenom- korrespondeAtom AN Tadshikskoy SSR, R.B.Baratovym. i (Vakhah Valley-Geolog7, Structural) A I 68999 10 0 a S/025/60/001/04/035/061 D048/DOO2 kUTHOR; Lyskov, M., Engineer TITLE: An Automatic Line Consisting of Two Machines PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhiznl, 1960, Nr 4. pp 66-67 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An original "MR-107"lautomatic line of the Stankozavod imeni S2ergo Ordzhonikidze (Machine Plant imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze) is on display in the "Machine-Building" Jlion at the Exhibition of the Achievements of the avL p USSR National Economy. This unusual line consists of two semi-automatic hydro-copying lathes and a special device for transferring the products from one machine to the other. At the line, all possible stepped shafts with cylindrical, conic and shaped necks with a dia- meter up to 90 and a length of up to 380 mm are fully machined. The use of a special hydraulic track system makes it possible to machine the whole profile of any Card 1/2 68999 S/025/60/001/04/035/061 D048/DO02 An Automatic Line Consisting of Two Machines configuration under optimum conditions. The compo- sition of the line, the construction of the transfer device and the loading and unloading mechanism guarantee a free access to the working instruments and minimum waste of time (in all 9-10 seconds) for loading and unloading. The working efficiency of these combined machines increases by 1.5 - 2 in comparison with separately operating machines. In the near future, such automatic lines will be wide- ly used at plants for mass production. There is 1 photograph. Card 212 ~ LTSIICAWI.KJ-- -t MLUOV, I.G., lnzhaner. ;_, , .Anzhener; _ A Modernized presass. Bum.prom. 31 no-5:24-25 X7 '56. O= 9:8) (Papermaking machinarr) . ;- /__ 1.4 ,/ LYSKOV. M.I., inzh.; KHVATT, S.P., inzh.-ekonomist. "-wam"W~ 11 - Paper industry of the Ukraine. Bum.prom. 32 ao.11:15-20 N '57. (MIRA ~j:l) Nkraine--Paper industry--History) f-- LYSKCfV, M.I. Mechanization of the operations involv4d in the preparation of reeds. B=.prom. 36 no.3:20-23 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Glavnyy spetsialist Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-tekhnicheskogo komitets, USSR. (Reed (Botany)) ZISLIN, B.D. (Sverdlovsk, ul. Griboyedova, 20, kv.9); FOR8HTADT, VJI.; LYSKOV, _L.f4,; TURBINA, N.V. Control of cardiac rhythm in pulmonar7 and pleural surgery. Vest. khir. 92 no.3-.15-19 Mr 164. (MIRA 17-12) 1. Iz otdeleniya legochnoy khirurgii. (rukovoditell - kand. med. nauk M.L.Shulutko) Sverdlovskogo gorodskogo protivotuberkuleznogo dispan- sera (glavnyy vrach - Ye.S.Gubina) i Instituta gigiyeny truda i pro- fessionallnoy patologii (dir. V.A.Mikbaylov). LYSKOV, V.A., inzhener. Device for producing lead wire. Vest.mash. 34 no.3:71-72 Ur 154. (MI-RA 7:4) (Wire) LYSKOVP V. P. Dr. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Application of the Rayleigb1s, Chaplygin's and Temple's Method for solving Certain Problems of Stability and Vibrations of an Elastic System in a med- !um with Linear Characteristics." Central Sci. Res. Inst. of Industrial Structures- TsNIPS1 8 Dec h7- Sr)-: VecheMaya Mosl-va, Dec, 1947 (Project #17836)