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S/109/62/007/008/007/OlL5 D409/D301 Gyro tropic -die lec tric elliptical wave[@uide L -',ni' 1-962, L,adiotc"L. ka i elei@ftronika, v. 7, r L332-1339 i-n approximate theory oE wavc rocesses is 11-, c, it ahc splacc insidp and @,,ear an elliptical fe-rrite :)ar Oche rop4c-d electric medium). Numerical calculations wen@ .-Yrot i out -Aror a ferrite ,,,ith eccentricity e - 0.648, and :)'Oxameters (@_@ and _,,LL, ty-pical for ferritcs which operate under wcal@ longitu6i-aal-r"@ig- notization conditions; (the problems considered are related to the o_)erating conditions of ferrit-es in phase inverters). The 1'@ ecuatio-as for the interior of the ferrite are transfonaecl into 2 `@Iharm,onic wave equations. The solution of these equations is e:- -,)resse(: in terms of Eathieu functions. The formulas for t1tci cx'L-err, al field are adopted from the references. The parameters use(, in the calculations, correspond to actual pari:meter values of pli-,a@ie- Card 1/3 3/109/62/007/00-0/007/015 Gyrotro-jic-dielectric ... D409/D301 invcrters; yet the r-sults obtained illusl:r@,.ted generally t1ie o-f wave ?rocesses in gyrotropic elliptical waveguides. 'f'Lie con'--i- tions at the bound,,iry ferrite-me(dum ar:- set up; t1here5y formulas are used, which leads to a cousiderable sin.) Ii @"-'ic,i*L: ',"he dispersion characteristics, obta-i-aed- by IL-',-ie @rrai?lho-cnaiy'@ic -1Iet'ao(',, are shown in a figure; the dispersio-a equ,,itiOn WaS O-t,@.4-16@(' ror. the (@eterninant of the system of @,quations for Lhe @)ound-@ry COnd-itions Discussion of results: The waveguic Ile 'bi o7urc at -L' 0 -."G rc- sui-ting, -F-om two different: reasous (the anisotro-Py of th-- seci-ion a-Lid the gyrotropic. properties of the mcdium) Join )air-Asc. '---a-'s ox-olains the ex-oeriment ally oDserved difference i-a 1:11-1-e s:- -i o:@. nas piiase-inverters. ilroi-ii the dispors-io'. -ar,,c - .1, @e-s! ifts in ferrite -CeHstics follows that (u-nder magnetization) , the wave i-.,, L: ..,Lc Im cancel out if a '-'consis-tcnt" type of wave is exc,-,:e@., a--. convc@rsely. Another -Liitc::-e sting property of the cIisj?e2--.-;io-"' C..";:'-c- teris-zics is the )resence of a "dea(", zo-ne" 'jetween '@-VIG J-1-Litial curves for the Wave-numbec- k - 0'. This zone L)ecomcs narrowc-,: a-' vanishes altogether, as tftc elliptic section becomes circular. -'C @.ispersion curves show that large changes in the wave lcn@(!,th, Card 2/7 @@yrotropic-dielectric S/10 62/007/008/007/013 D409YO301 system (in weak. fields) take place in the cc-se of "consistc-cit" waves. '2* by thc sim-Liltan- -Lhis- is due to the adc!'ition oi the effects, produceeL COUS 2-11crease of the -,)arameters k and In the Ci--se Of "inconsis- /U -1-c-n-11' waves, these ef.L-ects are subtracted. Conclusion: The struc- t-urc ---.-Ld propertics of 11-1--o --,rincipai wave-types of t,-:e syste-.-L werc analyzcd, proceeding from the graphs of the poles and zeroes of 1:1-Le dc',:er-.-.ii-aa-at of the system. The dispersion c@aracteristics of L,-,C- --io nrincipal waves were calculated for parameters of the coi:rcsponding to the properties of ferrite wcveguide ?'nase-inveri--ers. Th--re are 5 figures. L;'U'3 I .: I T TZ DNovem'ber ':5, 1961 Card 3/3 LYUBIMOVP L.A.; SOKOLGV, V.M. Gy-rotropic circulgr dielectric wave guide. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 6 no.2:136-142 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Rekomendovana kafedray radioelektronn3rkh priborov Moskovskogo ordena Lanina I ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni vysshego tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha imeni N.E. Baumana. (wave guides) L 19698-61@ BDS ACCESSION NR: AP3006455 AUTHOR: Veselov, 0. 1.; Lyu@bimov, L. A. S/0109/63/008/009/1530/1541 TITLE: Theory of two-layer dielectric waveguide in a cylindrical screen SOURCE: Radiotakhnika i elektronika, v. 6, no. 9, 1963, 1530-1541 TOP19 TAGS; waveguide, dielectric waveguide, two-layer dieTectric waveguide ABSTRACT: As the dispersion equation of a homogeneous system has a transcendental form and as only a few particular cases were solved and publiphed,the auhtors try to find a general solution of the two-layer dielectric-waveguide problem. By using a cylindrical coordinate system and Neumannis functions, this dispersion equation is set up P2 %QE. (y)) f[LF. (x) - XQffn (y) I Consideration of the two limit cases (a) infinite screen and (b) screen in contact with the inner layer gives two dispersion equations (a) for an open waveguide and' (b) for a metallic homogeneous-fill waveguide respectively. A grapho-analytical Cardl/2 L 19693-63 -ACCESSION NR: AP3006455 solution of the dispersion equations for a number of numerical values of the dielectric constant resulted in obtaining dispersion characteristics of the fth@brid" (HE),, mode. Peculiarities and ranges of applicability of the hybrid-mode dispersion curves (HE),,j and (EH)j, in the critical region are considered; the critical region encompasses imaginary and low real values of the normalized wave constant. ftThe authors are deeply grateful to B. Z.Katsenelenbaum for his careful perusal of the manuscript and his valuable comments.ft Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 30 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 2OMar62 DATE ACQ: 3OSept63 ENCL: 00 SUB COD73: CO NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 006 Card 2/ 2 LYURIM@j,l ,1- @ A. - al r. u -1 p ti on @, f elp, c tr omAg no- t i r: * 1 e 1 @ a u s L r,,, a -.-- - -- n a - me t!-! Oc' . Radlot--khnika 20 no.24-2b Ja 165. 'MIRA 13:, ; 1. Deystvitellnyye chleny Nauchno-takhnicheskog,: )bghr@.estva r,adlotekhniki i elp-ktr,)svyazi im ni Popova. A. S., 7. A., F., :-47M, T. A., .7!C-; @V, F. 7., "Elazitic Scattering ofZ-fm,@,!, 1".q -)n 1@ydni,,,n on t[.,. P@port prr-sentcd at the Intl. Crnrr,nrt! on 11,p:h Fnori@-,, 4-Li July 1962 Joint Inntitute for Nuclear Reecarch Laboratory of High Fnergles, Dubna, l')(,2 I n j3! n L L u Law)r- t, -):-y of i -'Y'. I- - Of @,4 / LYDBIMOV, L.M.; PODRONYY. S.A.; SAMSONOV, N.H.; AREST, V.I., redaktor. (Hanual of instructions on gravimetric prospecting with gravimeteral Instruktaiia po gravirazvedke a gravimetrami. Utverthdona B.T.Shat&lo- vym. 24 ilulia, 1952 g. Hoskva, Goa. 1%d-vo geol. lit-ry, 1952. 72 P. (MLRA 7:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) ginistaretvo geologii. (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) I- M. LYUBIHOV, p I'-' @r'" @ @7 _ . The 7ITR leveling inntrument set for determining the effect of the area relief when usipg gradienters, Ra%v6d. i okh. nedr 23 no.9-. 29-34 -S' ' 57. (NM 10:11) 1. VI TR. ( JF, -j-., . @ n-. 'I, LYUB114OV, L. M. @J.*a. -- .'-I - -..- '-: -- . -': " . '' *I- -, 111. . 4- - . I @ I I - .-.- (New Developmente in the Kethods and Techniques of Geological EkPlaration) Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1958. 423 P- (Series: Its: Sboralk trudov 1) LYUBIMOV, L.K. First results in using gravity gradiometers. Trudy VITR no.1:131-144 '58. 04IRA, 12:1) (Gravimeter (Geophysical instrument)) LYT@,J`CV, L-@- . 3U 4 - `@ 1 C@pyt crganizat il pl,.re--.,,rernoy rabOty 5 5,'K'-YC. V SC-,7'vh-CZa,-,-,. - -L I naucL. - UsiYed. LaDoratorill razvye"Iyeniy@; .3. *:-!1. "1 '1,."" S. 7r'_-E'l- I'C: LETGFISI No. 34 COUNTRY USSR CATEGORY Farm Animals. Q Cattle. ABS. JOUR. t RZhBiol., No. 67 1959, ao. 25831 AUTHOR Lyubjmov L T - @0@0 INST. Ur S@@ T ITLE The Effect of Udder Massage and Milk Yield Distribution upon the Future Milk Production of Calves and Heifers. ORIG. PUB. : V sb.: Vopr. fiziol. s.-kh. zhivo-',,nykh. M.-L. AN 888R 1957 164-366 ' 3 t ABSTRACT .7 : Within he 19 -1949 year period an experl- ment was conducted pertaining tothe milk yiel distribution of 7 B-aot Friesian heifers wh!ch were fertilized for the first time at the age of about 35 months, An average of about 600 liters of milk was drawn from one cow during her milking period. Milking:, of the heifers was discontinued 2 months before calving at which time the state of thei@r general de7elop ment and especially of the udder was good, Within the period of 300 days of their first Card: 1/2 GUSHCHIN. B.F.; LYUBIKOV., N.A. (Practices of cotton growers participatim, in the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition] Opyt khlopkorobov-uchaataikov VSKHV. Moskva, Gos.izd-@vo salkhoz lit-ry. 1958. 67 P. (HIILA 12:4) (Cotton growing) LYMIMOVI- M.A. MIEUTNI A.F. Cathode Ray Tubes Demonstration with a cathode tube. Fiz. V. shkole Vio. 5, i952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1956@ Unclassified. KNUKIII. A.F.. (Ivanovo); LYUBIKOV. K.A.,(Ivanovo). Experiments with a cathode tube to explain the principle of electric cur- rent. Fiz.v shkole 13 no.3:63-65 MY-Je '53. (KTRA 6:6) (Cathode ray tubes) (Mectric currents) k MNULKIN, A.F.; LYUBIMOV, M.A. Study of electric spark discharges. Fiz.v shkole 14 no.2:52-54 Mr-AP '54. (MLELA 7: 2) 1. Gorod Ivanovo, Anergetichaskiy institut im. V.I.Lenina. (Electric discharges through gases) (Bloctrophorus) LYUBIMOV, K.A. @-. -- I Notes on entrance examinations. Fiz.v shkole 14 no.2:58-59 Mr-Ap 154. (HLRA 7:2) 1. Gorod Ivanovo, Energetichaskiy inatitut im. V.I.Lenina. (Pbysics-Examinations, questions, ate.) f AID P - 1463 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 14/36 Author Metelkin' A. F. and Lyubimov, M. A. Title The field as an aspect of matter (Discussion of the article by 0. B. Bron, Elektrichestvo, No. 7, 1954) Periodical Elektrichestvo, 2, 57, F 1955 Abstract The author agrees in principle with the approach of 0. B. Bron, but criticizes some of his presentations, as, for example, the nature of heat which is presented as substance and in other places as field. Institution: Ivanov Power Engineering Institute im. LenJn Submitted : No date AID P - 2361 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 25/30 Authors Metelkin., A. F. and Lyubimov, M. A. Title A different formula for the Biot-Savart law (Concerning an article by V. M. Yuzhakov in this journal, No.8, 1954) Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 5, 84-85, MY 1955 Abstract : The authors consider that V. M. Yuzhakov did not present any "different" mathematical formulation of the law. This formula results from the usually accepted one. It does not bring anything new in the calculations of field Intensity. Two Soviet references (1950-1951). Institution: Ivanovsk Power Engineering Institute Im. Lenin Submitted : No date PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 390 Lyubimov Mikhail Llvovich Spai metalla so steklam (Metal-to-glms Fusion 4bints) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1957. 205 P- 7,000 copies printed. Ed. (title page): Devyatkov, N. D., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Ed. (inside book): Shamshur, V, I.; Tech. Ed.: Medvedev, L_ Ya. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering and technical personnel of the ff electrical, vacutzm!' industry and related manufactures and also may serve as a te@ct-book for the course on "Electrovacuum Technola&' given in vuzes and technical schools. COVER4GE: The author presents basic information on the metal-to-glass fusion jCdnU9 technique which plays an important role in modern production of electrical vacuum instruments. The book reviews problems in metal- to-glass fusion technology, gives an account of modern concepts of the metal-to-glass adhesion process, and methods of calculating Card_-IA3- Metal-to-glass FusionJoints 390 thermal stresses in fused joints, a� well as problems in design and manu- factLLre of fused joints. There are 45 references of which 24 are Soviet, 18 English, I a translation from English, 2 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 5 Ch. I. Historical Survey 7 Ch. II. Problems In Metal-to-glass FAsion Joining Techailpie 12 Ch. III. Nature of Metal-to glass Fusion Phenomena 21 Ch. IV. Meterials Used for Fusion Jo@ning 32 1. Metals 33 2. GlaaBes 55 Car@1@2 BABAT, Georgiy Illich(deceased]; LEBEDEV, N.A., kand. tekhri. nauk; LYj@2R[,_&L.# kand. tekhn. nauk; MEYEROVICH, B.A., prof. red. (Induction heating of metals and its industrial applica- tions] Induktstormyi nagrev metallov i ego proiqshlennoe primenenie. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskvas Energiia, 1965. 551 P. (MRA 18:9) 2- 88700 S/O,8/6O/WO/0iO/OOq/014 1 AOO1/A001 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1960, No. lo, p. 311, # 27434 AUTHORS: Afonskaya, M.N., Gabyshev, V.S., Dunayev, S-A., Zusmanovskiy, S.A., Lyubimov M.L., Mishkin, A.G., Shc@e-lku@bv, G.P. TITLE: Twenty Megawatt Klystron Amplifier for 10-cm Band PERIODICAL: Tr. Konferentsii po elektronike SVCh, 1957, Moscow-Leningrad, Gosen- ergoizdat, 1959, PP. 58 - 79 TEXT: The authors describe a 20-Mw pulse amplifying klystron of -1 (KIU-1) type operating on the 10-cm band. The design of a klystron constructed earlier in the USA was adopted as a basis for development. Drawbacks of the American klystron are described in detail. Essential changes were made in the method of fixing the cathode shank, in the design of the electron gun and resona- tors, as well as in the adjustment of the focusing system. These changes made it possible to increase the coefficient of current transmission up to 96-98% and the electric strength between the anode and the cathode, and to eliminate sparking in Card 112 88700 S/058/60/000/010/009/0i4 Twenty Megawatt Klystron Amplifier for 10-cm Band AOOI/AO01 resonators. The changes mentioned made It possible to construct a device con- siderably excelling the klystron built in the USA in efficiency, operational reliability, service life, and other characteristics. The detailed description of the KIU-1 klystron and its individual assemblies is given. O.P. Germanovich Translator's note: This is the full translation of tiie original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5292 KOnrerentalya po elaktronike everknvysokoy chaatoty Trudy (Traneactions of the Conference on Superhigh-Prequeicy Elec- tron1ca) Poacow, Gocenergoizdat, 1959. 271 P. 3,500 cc I printed. aponnoring Agoncyi Voesoyuznyy nauchnyy sovet po radlorlzlka I radio- takhnike AN SSSR. V48. (Title page): I. S. Dzhigit, Professor, and Ye. 0. Solov-yov, Czmdidate or Technical Sciences; Ed.: S. Akalunin; Tech. Ed.s 0. Ye. LaLr1onov. PURPQ3E: TbIs book is intended for scientific and technical personnel concerned with the development and operation of superhIgh-frequency device*. CCVhRAOEs The book contains a number of papers dealing with the mo;lc important problems of superhigh-frequency electronics. The papers waressubmittLd nt the Conference on Electronipa called by the Vocl_,Yu=iyy nauchnyy Govet po radiofirike I rhillotelchnike AN SSSR (A-1 Union Scientific Council for Rad-lophysica and Radio Ln&lnoer- Ing, AS USSR) and the Byum novoy telchniki MO SSSR (Bureau of Modern EngivecrIng, Ministry of Defense, USSR) and held in Moscow In 1957. The reporta deal with the following topics: probl.= f the theory and calculation of the delay systems of traveling- -av* and backward-wave tubes; certa-io pnenwena occurring In a cylindrical electron beam finding Itself In a uniform msenctic field; the focusing of long beams by means of periodic ciab@nctlc and electric fields; and some pmblc= Wncerning reflex klyntrona. Modem types of cathodes for superh4&ti-frequency devices are do- ribed. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany Rout or the reports. ktono"yq, M, 11- _V_q, Jlsbyplcv, A, 3, Dunayev, .3, -A, --Zan-m"ov _kI ov X_ 0- 13- P. S@chol)OWZy- WR With 20-1111irWaEt Pulse Power 58 ;Ichgrov, V. T. Cylindrical Electron Beam In a Un1fom K&9nct1c 80 Xozell, I. Sh. Concerning the Problem of Focusing a Cylindrical Flow In a Periodic Magnetic Field 90 Jon h @V__jL , A. A_pryukhov, and P =16 M net ;g le __)!_@netlc Focus ingynks with A _@I. I @dr W 95 Wave Tubes 3amorodo_v Yu. D. Shaping of Long Electron Beams by Axially Electrostatic Field. 103 Solntaev V -A., and A. S. Ta_Ser. Electron waves in a Periodic -jM-Fjz@; @ac Jold Fa-TFe-fr 1@tcractlon With a Field of wave- 112 guide System* Ble a I M installation for the Automatic Calculation and ?16tvt*iiijg-6i--d~arged-Purticle Trajectories In electric and @Lag- notic Fields in the Presence of a Space Charge 133 __bal&a)@ov and V__E._:@h_t'5t9Ra!Ov- Propagation of Eloctm- -iclan UB-Ing a Helix and a DieloctrIc 150 magnetic ViNea in Delay Sys Beluga, I. Sh. Computation or a Multivire Line With Rect-angular -Zi@z_&__S67cE1_on Conductors 171 Rubinshteyn, B. Ye. Analytico-Graphical Method of Determining the lZiTCeii"Ur Sjmiit@rreal Three-Section Superhigh-Prequency 1111ters 187 Potrov,_D, M. Concerning the Electronics of the Reflex Klyetron 202 Sbevchlk@ V, V., and ILu. D. Zharkov. Cdocade Electron Bunching -Us_eT to@ the Analysis of a Careinotron 226 Taarev I B. M. Preaent-Day Cathode Types for Superhl&h-Frequoncy -DiVicis and Possible Ways of Developing New High-Efficlency Cathode& 236 LYUBIMOV, M.P. and PETROV, A.M. 1931. lozhnoparazit soboley protospirura muris (Gmelir., 1790). Soy-uzpushnina, No 17-19. LYU31':CV, @". P. L7nBDT`.;, E_ P. "Noricor-j- d12e;-ez@ -).- t.")!2 li@arv)' Jeel-,If i -=verovodstvo, 1949, No 3, P. 6@-(-7 60: 17Dec53# (LetcIAE 'Zhurnal Inykh 3--a,.ey, ;I"o. 2.7' I NOVIKOV, V. K.) LY,'tr',L.0V M. 7- (& MMIMSHEV, TI. V. V- - Pintovaye .@-I@no@vo.i@tvo io--znj r-,kh olen---, I 1. LYUBIMOV, M. P. 2. USSR (600). 4. Deer 7. Branding marals. Kar. i zver. 5 no. 5, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. LYUBDIOV, M. P. Pygarginema Cervi Nov. Sp. Ot Pyatinistogo Olenya - Cey.%,U, (Sica) Nippon Nortulorum Swin, 1864. "Works on Helminthology" on the 75th Birthday of K. I. Skryabin. Izdak, Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Moskva, 1953, P. 375 Central Sci. Res. Lab. with Animil Husbandry, @Iin. of State Farms, USSR 1. LYUBRIOV, M. P. 2. USSP. 11600) 4. Phenothiazine 7. Treating strongyliasis in maral bucks with phenothiazine. Kar. i zver. 6 No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. LTUBIMOV, M.P. Seasonal dy@mamics of alaphostrongyloidiasis and setariasie in the maral and sika. Trud7 Gellm. lab. 9:155-156 '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Rematoda) (Parasites--Deer) -LYUBII-:QV, M. P., LYUMASHEENKO, S. Y;,., and -.A@,r--L,jV, T. P. (Candidat- of Veteri- narv Scienc;i-s, Profes-or, Veterir,4@j Surgeon, AII-Tinion Scientific-Fes-arch orp of th@ Furbearing AnIxial F-reeding T Cju'qt@--y) Mzterial on the study of ruecrobacillosis in elks. Veterinariya vol. 38, no. 9, Spot---l-ib r pp. @0. LYUBASHENKO, S.Ya., Prof.; --- LXP@WV, M.P., kand. veter. nauk; DANILOV, Ye.P., veteri-iurny-y v-ach Materials on necrobacillosis in maral-9 and Japanese deer. Veterinariia 38 no.MO-53 S '61. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Vsesoyuznaya ;-muchrio--issiedovatellskaya laboratoriya pushnogo zverovodstva. TROSKIN, A.T.; LYUBIKOV, 14.V., master; SUCHER, I.M., master. Increasing the speed of automatic looms with Jacquard attachments. Tskst.prom. 16 no-3:41-42 Mr 156. (MLRA 9:6) l.Nachallnik tkatakego tsekha fabriki imeni. NoginA (for Troskin). (Looms) (Jacquard weaving) @ _j, M.Y. . I -@-' , of griall bides anI fur pnIts in tarmIrv, Eliminate twintinr @rumtj. Knzh.-ol),-,. no.6:14 J,3 159. Oc!". '..):g) (Leatber-Voohiner7) - LTUBI140y, 14.7., insh. Improving the sole leather roller. Kozh.-obliv.-rom. Lo.12,31. D ,59. - OGRA 13:5) (Leatber industry-3quipmant and suyplies) -, LYUBIHOV, H.V., inzh. Improving the operation of diesel enpines. Izobr. v SSSR 3 no.3.- 13-14 Mr '58. (KIRA 11:3 (Diesel engines) LYUBIMOV, 14.V., Inzh. - -."i, _,w Method for improving diesel engine operations. Kozh.-obuv. prom. no.7:33 Jl 159. (MIRit 12:11) (Diesel engines --Mai nta nanc (@ and ropair) LYUBIMOV, N.; UPLUN, M. Efficiency promotere improve production. Khol.tekh. 35 no.6:51- 57 N-D '58 (KIRA 12:1) befrigeration and refrigerating machinery) LYUBIMOV, N.-,inzh. Cold storage plants of the Hungarian People's Republic. Khol. takh. 35 no.6:68-69 N-D *58. (KM 1-2:1) (Hungary--Cold storage warehousSB) '%k 4 LYUBIMOV, H., inzh.; BUMIAKIN, A., inzh. New equipment for and mechanization of the processes of ice cream manufacture at the enterprises of the Office for Trade in Meat and 3'ish Products of the R.S.F.S.R. Khol.tekh. 37 no-3:29-32 @@-Je 16o. (MIRA 13-7) 1. Roamyasorybtorg Ministerstva torgovli RSFSR. (Ice cream industry-Equipment and supplies) LYUB1140VO N.A.; Prinimal uchastiye- POLEZHAYEV, N.G. --- - Nephelometer with automatic twenty-four-hour recording of sulfur dioxide concentrations in the air. Pred. dop. kontsent. atmosf. zagr. no.5:169-179 161. (MIRA 15-3) 1. Iz Instituta. obshchey i kommunallnoy gigiyeny imeni A.N. Sysina, AMN SSSR. (AIR-ANALYSIS) (SULFUR DIOXIDE) LYUBIKO_V,_@@_k. (Y-osk-va) Self-recording air analyzer with a chemical uulf'ur as absorbeX-. Gig. truda i prof. zab. no.12:47-51 '61. &LA ll.:12J 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut meditsinakikh instrumentav i oborudovaniya. (SULFUR DIOXIDE) (AIR SA14PLING APPARATUS) LYUBIMOV, N. A. Field nephelmr4ter for quick detections of concentrations of aul-fur dioxide in the air, Uch. zap. Moak. nauch.-is.91. inst. san. i gig. no.11-97-105 163. (MIRA 17:1) SHEKAKHANOV. Mikhail Kikhaylovich-, _Q; KOROVENKOVA, Z.A., [Heating of mine shafts] Oteplenie shakhtnykh stvolov. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1960. 203 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Mine ventilation-Cold weather conditions) SAFOKHIN, Mikhail Samsonovich; KATANOV, Boris Aleksandrovich; LYUBIMOV, N.G., otv. red.; BOLDYREVA, Z.A., tekbn. red. (Operator of a drilling rig in an open pit] Mashinist burovogo stanka na karlere. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekbn.izd-vo lit-ry po go--nomu delup 1961. 249 p. (14IRA 15:2) (Boring machinery) (Strip mining) VARSHAVSKIY, Anatoliy Mildiaylovich; PALEY, Boris Zakharovich; LYU13DIOV, N.G., otv. red.; PROZOaOVSKMA, V,L., tekhn. red. (1,11snual for pit-mine electricians] Spravochnile- elektrosIlesaria karlera. Moskval I-)sgortek-hizdat, 1962. 303 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Electricity in mining-Handbooks, marwals, etc.) VARSHAVSKIT, knatoliy Mikhaylovich, knnd. tellm. aauk; NOVOZHILDV, !Jikhail Galaktionovich, prof,, doktor tekhn. nauk; LTUBrMOV, IT.G., otv. red.j IL,'INSKATA, G.M., tekhn. red. [Improving the conditions for exploiting heavy-duty, continuous striping machine units] Sovershenstvovanie re- zhima ekspluatatsii moshchnykh vskryshnyk-h kompleksov no- preryvnogo deistviia. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat,, 1963. 162 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Strip mining--Equipment and supplies) IYUBIMOV, Nikolay,GeqKgiyevich- SURO", Vera Arkhipovna; DmItriyevich [Lamp room attendant] Rabochii lampovoi. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 151 P. (MIRA 18:7) LYUBM40V, N. 1. 4463- Posobiye po bureniyu razvedochnykh Gosr--oltekhizdat, 1954. 43S.S Ill. 22 sm. Syrlya vims a-va geologii i okhrany nedr 4-is. - (54-447) P SO: Knizhnava Lostopsist, Vol. 1. 1955 skvazhin stallnoy droblyu-sechkoy. M., (Vsesoyuz. nauch-issled. In-t miner. assr). 5-GOO ekz. I r. 20K. - art. ukazan na 622.243.9 U qUKKOW V. I. gnostike beremennosti I Lkh_preduprezdenle. faiagnontic errors In pregnancy and their preventiop/ Feldsher & skush. 3 Mar 50 p. 12-16, 1. ml CLML Vol. 19, No. 1 July 1950 LTUBIKOV. M., dotsent. -.. xdt:14@4 Local infiltration anesthesia in gynecology and obstetrics. AL-ushA gin. no.2:38-61 Mr-Ap 154. (KLRA 7:6) 1. Is rodillnogo doma Ho.10 (glaynyy vrach - casluzhannyy vrach RSFSR K.B.Sbutsina) Koakwa. (Local anesthesia) (Genitourinary organs-Diseaces) SYROVATKO, F.A., professor; VOLKOV, Ya.N., zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR; LYUBIMOV. M., dotsent. Etiology, clinical aspects, and therapy of atonic Ox7poton1c) hemorrheges in placental and early puer-poral stages. AkushA gin. no.2:64-66 Kr-Ap 155. (KUU 8-7) (LABCR, third stage, with hypotonic hemorrh.) (PUERMIUM,commlications, hemorrh., hypotonic) (UTERUS. hemorrhage, in third stage & Duerperium) (HKKORRYAG'A, uterus, in third stage & puerperium) LYUBIROV, D.I.; MOROZOV, V.I. --.7, - i - - - 1w-;0- .1 Boring practices with fine-cutting core bits designed by the All- Union Scientific Institmte for Racearch in Minerals. Razved. i okh. nedr 20 no.5:56-59 3-0 054. (MIaA 10:1) (Boring) LYUBIMOV, N.I.; MOROZOV, V.I. Role of the specific number of cutting edges on carbide-tipped core bits. Razved. i ekh.nedr 20 no.6:32-34 154. (MIRA 9:6) (Boring) LTUBIKOV, N.I.; MROZOV, V.I. Effect of drilling with a carbide-tipped c7lindrical core bit on the drilled footage. Razved. i okh.nedr. 22 no.2:28-35 IF 156. (Boring) 04IaA 9:6) LTUBIKOV. N.I.; MOROZOV, V-I- - Data on resistance of rocks to steel shot boring. Razved.1 okh. nedr 22 no.12:28-32 D '56. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut mineral'nogo syrr Iya- (Boring) vOZDVIZjMfi3KIY,, Boris Ivenovich, orof.; VOLKOV,. S.A., dote.; FILATOV, B.S., dote.; W01HOV, N-I., kand.tekhn.nauk; TRUSOV, I-A-, inzh.; BCRAVOV. V.A., n8uchnyy red.; IM.-CRASOVA, N.B.. red.; GUROTA, O.A., [Core drilling in prospecting] Razvedochnoe kolonkovoe burenie. Pod obahchei red. B.I.Vozdvizhenskogo. Moskva, Gos. nauchno- tekha.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. I okhrare nedr, 1957. 591 P. (KIRA 11:4) (Boring) y!il@ J mov , N ir, (I 1,:@)r-jzov UTHQR:I' I LE: The Role r,)f a .3i,pcifir @tuantity ot* i J,--Irors i!, Drilli'ric of Bore Holes and the Expectted He3istance @.,f i@ucks 1' iic Vud -: 1 C.nut-unnoy @Irrobi n@@ .-aboye jkva..hin @ ::,,et -d burii.,ut;ti orod; rEiiiODICAL: Hazvedka i okhrana nedr, 1'."59, Nr 1, pp --SF@ Ttli T -xperi.-ents made by the auth,,rs in bore i;ho-eied that otptimal N@,h pig-iron L;hr' t tnese L;hots per square cm of the f;Ice )f 'h@, ol, -;iere different for k--ach catpgory 6f rock. .'h( au'nor,@ compiled a table (table 3) .,n -rinich 'he -,!iazit@ties " : !E iron bhot necei5sary to ob,.ain the @n ,:ximum, Were Elven different cateCories oil rj:@k. An flor@-.mla wao al,,o compiled on the correl,t'.J@-. '::e @'ri-lint,, -peed, drillinj@ (. n,, I J, t i -. r, s Carfi 'Lj V @ ['C),l.;4,G,l'i36w' , (C,,C)0017 G,C' j i K r. n j I I Tr:,r. r e 4 C @Tjb TL Ep , - - -f Expected Ri S t H ck s n rid e ;@oles the in -uhich: 11 is ',ho drill,ric ' @;pt-,-ed in m .'r@ ri; :i ,L: e 1,C. rock ardness; w hE, r -ular -.,e(,(i -!i f t h e q s-ecific prpssure n the b c, in s i r, e M I I , I -- - en @e; :@nd K - t,.r, @J,e - . r@@ist,jnce equz@l t,) I L; .'he at.ove @en, i n,@, r e n IS Hso Lxpre6sed b, nui..o6ram ' f:-e-,ure L' ,-.P tee C:IJCUlLj@e(4 s eed Li& @.', the actual -,peed sr, Dw e d table that there viere onlY :..,.n;,r :.e@wcen There ;;re .",jr tables, one )r,,,- n,-)r.@, :.em.. ne joviet reference. a rd /2 AVRUTTh%IY, Abram Lassarovich; VOLKOV, S.A.; DERITANOVA. Ts.A.; KRITMO, M G.; LYUBIMQIE, N.I.; 140ROZOV, V.I.; TOKARRV. I.A.; TOMVIZHUSKIT. B:I., prof., dok-tor tekhn.nauk.; SINYAGIIU. Z.A., red. Izd-va; PROZOROTMUYA, T.L,#tDkhnored.; SHUYAR, S.Ya., [Handbook for core drillers] Spravochnik mantera kolonkovogo bureniia. Koskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 196o. 528 p. (KIRA 14:4) (Core drilling) ZRILKIN, N.G. -@-LYUBIMOV. N.I.. MOROZOV, V.I. Approzimate determination of changes in rocks based on their physicomethanical properties. Razved. i ckh. nedr 26 no.12:14- 17 D 160. (KZRA 13:12) 1. Veesoyuzny7 institut minerallnogo syrIya. (Petrology) LYUBJI,IOV, N.I.; MCHOZOV, V.I.; IFROLOV, A.A. Physicomechanical rop-erties of carbonatitas and their role in the distribut'Can of rare metal mineralization. Razved. i okh. nedr 29 no.5:1-1-33 14Y 163. MULA 16:7) 1. TsNIGRI i T:esovuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskdy institut minerallnogo sy-r1yu. (Carbonatites-Testing) LYUBIMOV, N. 1. , uchital I Apparatus for demonstrating the volumetric conte=@ of oxygen in the air. Khim. v shkole 16 no.5:89-90 3-0 161. (MIRA 14.9) 1. Shkola rabochey molodezhi No. 2G., Moskva. (Chemical apparatus) (Oxygen) FRHYt lazarl Isayevich, prof.; -1X-UD1HQYj-R.11.j__prof., red.; MMINIKOVA, Ye.E., red. izd-va; VABIL'YEVA, G.N., red. izd-va; VOLKOVA, Ye.D., tekhn. red. (International clearance-ard-fln6i6iftng of foreign trade in capitalist countries] Mezlidunarodn-ye raschety i finamirovanie -neshnei torgovli kapitalisticheskikh stran. Izd.3., parer. i dop. Moskva Theshtor Watp 1960. 437 p. @MIRA 14: @- (Foreign exchange) (Comerce) FEDOROVY T.; LYUBB-IOV N N., prof., otv. red.; FILIPFOVA, E., red. izd-va; B VJP A., tekhn. red. [Fin,nces and credit of the Sudan] Finansy i kred-it Sudana. Moskva, Gosfi-nizdat, 1962. 119 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Sudar@Finance) BYSTRGV, Fedor Petrovich, prof.;,LYUBIMOV Ilikolay Nikola-yevich, prof.; _--- t=-- t@kkhn. RUDCBMIKO, A.M., red.; YEIMOVA, [Ruble and dollar] Rubl' i dol2ar. Moskva, Izd-vo in-ta mezhdu- narodrWkh otnoshenii, 1961. 38 P. (MIRA 1.4,: 10) (money) (United States--Money) LTUBIMOV, Nikolay Pavlovich; MAKAROVAiO.K., redaktor; HELANTIM,A.M., "Imffirew-M tor [Percentage tables; for three-digit divisors terninating in zero] Tablitsy protsentaykh otnoshaaii; pri trakhsaachafth delitaltakh, okanchivaiushchikhoia na null. Hoskva. Goo.statistichaskoe Izd-vo, 1955. 94 P. (KIBA 9:3) (Percentage--Tablea. ate.) POKROVSKIY. Nikolay Konstnntinovich; prinimal ucbnstiye.'LYUBIKOV' N.P., --- glav. iuzh.; TSInIRSON, A.L., red.; SUDAK, D.M.. tak n. [Refrigerating equipment; manual for machine operators] Kho- lodilInye ustanovki; posovie dlin m-shinistov. obaluzhivaiu- shchikh smmischnye mashiny I spparat-. Ind. 2., dop. i perer. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo torg. lit-ry, 19@0. 283 P.- (MIRA 14:5) 1. Roomyosorybtorg Ministerstvn tor-ovIi RSFSR (for Lyubimov) (Refrigeration and refrigerating mnehinery) L'Y'UBDIOV N* 4, prof., doktor ekon. nauk; !'IYTNF:V, ; daktor ekon, n; I ZRGil-YF,' , IS. D, , dots. , kand. okon. nauk; Mr:l%',-UlKOV , SJ,!. 4 Oolrsekor. nauk; -'!,' ' Y-u I , .1 kand.ekor, nauk; :)YUVU L@J: , i.I., dots., kand.ekon.nauk; :F.OUN7lKCV, I.S kand.ekon.nauk; KUZ IMIN , I.A. , dots kand ekon,n&uk; IIlE6T---'F3,-'V "-@CIV A.N., dots., kand.ekon.nauk; YLOVI nV, A.A.., kand.ekon.nauk; STEPA111OV, G.P., dots., kand.ekon.,nauk; SHCHFIII@ININ, V.D.;@ dcts. kand. ekon. nauk; MOGILEVCHIK, A.Ye., red.; SHLENSKAY'A, V.A., red. ['14odern International economic rellationsj @3ovreinennye mez.-duna.- rodnye ekonomicheskie otnosheniia. Pod red. N,N.Liubimova. I'lo- skva, Izd-vo "Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia,." 1964. 583 p@ im.-'RA 17-5) 1. Moscow. institut mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy. 2. ?redsedatel' Prezidiuma Vsesoyuznoy tori,,ovoy palaty (for NesterovI. 1. uu B Iniv) N..N., duktor ekon. nauk, Prof.; FOKIN, D.F., ekon. nauk; l")fq?,ESffEVSKIY, M.G., dokto,- ekor,,naul, FISKOFFEL, F.G., doktor ekon. na-uk, prof.; bYUIwUEI,", I.i., kand. ekun. nauk; LOPATIN, G.S., doktor ekon. na;.LY, prof.; MOGILEVCHIK, A.Ye., red. [Foreign trade of the U.S@SJII'., 1946-l',-.3j; Vnesc-nia-Ja to:-- govlia SSSR gg.)@ Pcd red. I%F,F,,-.k!n@,. IMIC-1, 1964. 189 F. 1. Voscow. Institut inevAunarodnykh 2, mezhdunarodnykh ekonovicheskdkh otnc,-,f:-',; su-darstvennogo instituta rrezhdunarodn:,,kh except Mogilevchik). Ed.CERPTA YEEICA 1892. ELECTHICAL CHANGES IN THE s,rRUCTURES OF 'rtiE cowrFA AND THE itypo-l-HALAMUS IN THE PROCESS OF VOWMATION OF A CON- DITIONED FOOD REFLEX (Russian text) - Lyubimov N. N. Inst. of Brain, USSR Acad. of Med. Scis. Moscow _Zil-@@.@VZW. DEYAT. 1958, 8/4 (560-569) Graphs 4 An EEG study was made of various structures of the cortex and the hypothalamus when elaborating conditioned food reflexes in dogs. It was found that structures of the orbital. anterior sylvian convolutions. the lateral hypothalamic zone and the medial hypothalamic nucleus participated in the conditioned food reflex. A com- parison of electrical changes occurring in the structures of the cortex and the 5ec 2 lol 1215 Physiology YaY 59 k @ - ____ I @ hypothalamus under investigation during the isolated action of a conditioned stimul- us and during eating shows that conditioned and unconditioned food excitations pro- ceed differently in time, in intensity and in degree of generalization in the cortical and hypothalamic representations of the food reactions. I LYaBIMOV, U.N., TROFIMOV. L.G. Methcd of registering electrical potentials of various structures of the rortex, subcortex, and stem in dogs in long-term experiments*' Zhure-VY0*nerv.deiat. 8 no.4:617-624 JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1. ElektrofIziologicheskaya laboratoriya Instituta mozga AM SSSR. (BRAIN, physiology registration of electrical potentials in various parts of cortex, subcortax and brain stem with implanted electrodes in dogs (Rus)) LYUBIMOV INaster Med S-i (.-f is s) lectrophys io I o J(i a, invr@s @ i, a @ ion o i var ious s t ruc tu res o f the b ra in in th dov-? lopmen t o f cond i L ioned ! ood re 1X0. s moscow, 1959. 20 pp (Acad IMed Sci USSR), '100 copies (KI., N, 7, 1959, @29) 1, yup iyr- if 'I "I.; L. '7. (Yo9kva) 3 .. . - @ . ) ... 0 fl;nk+qioriallnykh kor-,, @-nlcv2o@-r mcz,-,@. i r-i@,jlyarrxy ormatsii pri vo--d@-ystvli razlichnykh razdrazhiteley. rerort submdtt@-d for t It f, ""I rst Mcpcow 'I'oaft-rF@.,ice on !,-et; cW a r '@ nmat ' c;i, Moscow) 22-26 March 10&'). -- LY@@;KOV, N.N. Electrical changes in the structures of the cortex and hypothslarm during the e)Aboration of internal inhibition. Zhur. vys. ner7. deiat. 10 no.1,5:756-763 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Elektrofiziologicheakaya labor'atoriya Instituta mozga Akademii maditsinsldpdi nauk SSSR. (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (HYPOTHALAMUS) (INHIBITION) VERZIWVA, O.V.; MOSTUN, V.F.; LYUBDIOV, T@Jl.; Emw,,, ("I.M. Some data on the functional structure of the coytical repre- sentation of the auditory analysor. Trudy Inst. norm. _J Pat. fiziol. AM SSSR6.'. 18-19 IQ (MI7 .tA 17:1) 1. Institut normaltnoy i patologic@neskoy fiziologii AM SSSR, Institut mozga AM SSSR i Akus'-ic'neskiy institut AN SSSR. LYUBIMOV , N. N, Pathways of conducting primary specific information in th-e visial analysor system. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 14 no.2:287-295 Mr-Ap 164, (MIRA 17;6) 1. Electrophysiological Laboratory, Institute of !@rain, U.S.S.H. Academy of Medical Sciences,, Moscow. One of the mechanisms the conditioned respo no.7:3-8 J1163 diffuse component of p. biol. i med. 56 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Iz elektrofiziologicheskoy laboratorii ( zav. - prof. L.G. Trofimov) Instituta mozga ( direktor - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR S.A. Sarkisov) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystv-i- tellnym chlenom AMN SSSR A.V. Lebedinskim. . . ; : 11 . . . @ . . . . ':.@ LYUBDIOV, N. S. "Search for the Structure of Cotton Fabric With Most Effective Fixing of Cut'Nap." Sub 18 Dee 47, Moscow Textile Inst Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947. @, I SO: Sum.No. 457, 18 Apr 55 YU 'L Lyuiol iov, A Nauc -ig slcl trLdy 9cri t-r. ria,-c@, -iss. 1,@.d D 190, p. 6(-73. 3-j.. 17 Tv;tj 3, D- t Y 1 1 91 S. Lyubimov, S. - "The -se 'G:-zc- 1iai,ch.-j.q-je,j. tr,ucy \-sentlr. Issue 2, July I, @Leto-,-@ "nurrial Irl L.1 y.,@n . 11@@ Ley, ROZAHOV. P.M.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; KUTEPOV, O.S.; ZHUPINOVA, D.M.; KOLCHAHOV, S.V.; VASILITRY, P X., retsenzent; LTUBIHOV. M.S., retsenzent. [Structure and designing of fabricel Stroanie i proaktirorania tkanaL. Pad red. F.M.Rozanava. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo Ministerstva promyshleanykh tovarov shirokogo potrableniia SSSR, 1953. 471 P. (MLRA 7:6) (Textile industry) LnMI%CV, H.S., kand.tekbn.nauk; GENKINA, M.L., inzIi. Rexiilts of tests made on the Zulltser looms. Tekat. Dror. 13 no.9:11-13 S 158. (W RA 11:10) (Loomn--T"ating) A_T'X'.:EYFV, Krinstaritir. Grigortywrich; L)T:)JI-OV, N.L-'., kand. T'Alirl. nauk, retoenzer, [Wo--k-Jr.:- ajid of 'he warTin,- lp.a C. 1, 4 1- S. t 0 'I, njAI,U@ Ustraistvo i obslu--Li- n T vr! I ZO . kwi lz(l-v(, "L,-kiiiii j,"..". 17- LYUBIMOVI- N.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; MANUKHIN, A.S., starshiy nau@-hn,-I .9@ -ruin,K, ----I@i@khn.nauk; SHUMARINA, A.V., inzh.; SLADKOPEV I3-EVA' 3.Ye" r.z' @t@MNAS, N.L., inzh.; MISHKETKUL', Ya.S. Reviews and bibliography. Tekst.prom. 25 no.11:90-94 N (M.-RA 19,i2- 1. Rukovoditell laboratorii. TSentral'nogo nauchno--issjedov-*.PI'- skogo instituta khlopchatobuTmazimoy promyshlennOSLi, MOS"a,(f-:- Lyubimov). 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issiedovatellaki'y ins!,-.'tV* khlopchatobumazhnoy promyshlennosti, Moskva (for Manuk@.In% 3. Khimicheskaya laboratoriya Ivanovskogo melanzhevugo komrAna*,--i (for Sladkopevtseva, Shumarina, Narkunas). 4. Nachaltni.k tkatskogo proizvodstva Novo-Noginskoy tkatskogo-otdeloenney fabriki (for Mishketkull). GRTUNER.V.S.. professor; STAROSTINA,N.A., kandidat khimictieskikh aank MNIKOVA,S.B.. nauchnyy sotrudnik; AFARASITEVA.B.T.. nanchnyy sotrudnIk-, OS14OLOVSKATA,V.A.; NIKIF(IROVA,G.V.; HUDORAGIIi,K,G.. proizv.instr. LTUBINOV,P.V. Testing the technical qualities of berr7 varieties for confection- ary products. Trudy VKNII no.10:84-105 '54. (MLRA 8:9) (Berries) ANDREYEV, Ye.N., kand. med. nauk, red L46 V , red.; V MAZINA, Ye.G., red.; TEKUNOV, S.@ @rla, HEPETCV, M.F., kand. med, nauk, red.i D'YACPICVSKAYA, L.S., red. izd-va; YEGOROVA, A.V., [Data of the Interprovince Conference on the Exchange of Experience in the Organization of Antituberculosis Aid in Regions of the Far North] Materialy Mezhoblastnogo soveshchaniia po obmenu opytom organizatsii protivotu- berkuleznoy pomoshchi v rayonakh Kraynego Severs. jAkutsk, IAkutskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 196". 150 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Mezhoblastnoye soveshchaniye po obmenu opytom organizatsii protivotuberkuleznoy pomoshchi v rayonakh Kraynego Severa. 2. Nachallnik otdela protivotuberkiileznov pomoshchi Ministel- stva zdravookhra-neniya RSFSR (for Tekuno@). 3. Ministr zdravo- okhraneniya Yakutskoy ASSR (for Lyubimov). (SOVIET FAR NORTH-TUBERCULOSIS--PREVENTION) LYTJBIKVI, R.V.; OBORIN, B.I.; 7311,IHYAYEV, S.A.; DOBRIN, Z.Ye.; SHALKOV, K. A.; YAKOVLEV, A.I. Tunnel kiln operating on liquid fuel for burning fireclay Rrticles. Ogneupory 26 no.11:494-497 161. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Vsasoyuznyy institilt oirntnuporov (for Lyubimov, Oborin, Shirjayev). 2. Borovichskiy kombinat o,@neixporov (for Dobrin, Shalkov, Yakovlev). 30(li AUTHOR: Lyu!imov, S, TITLE: Or. Siberian Sc,@:', j k iERIODICAL: Naurka i zl, i @: r, p,: ABSTHACT: The author deals w,_-,h up )f vir,-in soil and j,,aste land in Si'_-@ria, -?ntail Lng tnc_ '-_ui 'dinE i-.f rai'_,rra@s and con- central, i on Df new vi I I aLre-s and 3et " I e::ie!- ts @ '-uk:.Wko, well-known @Iaster cf vir-1r, narv-ests, descri:es -.Is ex- perience and success in i'ield, To@liay .e is iead of the tractor brigade in ',-.e ":)ruzhDa" (".Friends@._J,)"l Pospelikha 'F., A.L t @iy K r a y , -a n- dlast fall he 138 ouds of wheat irom onp hectar-, '@,qttpr re:3u't-I have been ach@eved @y the of S D. Pok`.i'_1,_-n:_0 from the Romannv rip-- -udls, the brigrade of A. ... '-e kk @_, r f rom the Rut-';a,779_,@ Rf-@- iuds cind Pe c-.e-,,@ , r, ' sri - yox: from the or ' je vs 'L.F. %r@ .'uc@- re- -ade sults are @,:.Iy possible due to a close cooperation between allricultural wor?erg and apronomJsts; e.E., T.S. ',.,al'_ Card 1/2 tsevis method of p'owinp, a moldboard proved to be On Siberian Soil a success and will be widely used. By t@ie end of the new Seven-Year 11an the yields of t,.ese r(--cently opened-tip lands should have increased consid@rahly, thus ensurini, a :-rain supply for the Sov-1ot ,,opulation. T@,ere are C ri',.otos, Card '112 S SIMUD. Fred, V.; MRIU, Anthony; SXMMGV,Tu.V. [translator]; DITAKO- NOV,A.L.Ctranslator]; LYUBIMOV.S.L. [translator]; TOLODIN.Y.T., [translator]; RUSO(JV.P-.f-..rei PAVLOV,7.8., redaktor; GI- RASIKOV,Te.S., takhnicheakiy redaktor (Protection for people, buildings and equipment from the atomic bomb. Translated from the lnglish.] Protivoatomnaia zashchita liudet, zdanii i oboruclovaniia. Perewod a angliiakogo MV.Seme- nova i dr. Moskva. izd-vo inostrannoL lit-ry, 1955. 292 p. NLRA 9:3) (Building, Bombproof) (Atomic bonib-Safety measures)