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/11 / -_ TOLOCHKO, A.D.; LYULIKIN, I.A.; LMOKIRSKIY, G.S. Chemical section of a continuous-flow conveyer line in the line soak plant. Legeprom.16 no.12:43-44 D 156. (KM 10:2) 1. Direktor KharIkovskogo kozhavennogo zavoda No.7.'Bollshavik" (for Tolochko). 2. Glawnyy inzhener Miar'k-ovskogo kozhavennogo savoda go.? 'Bollshavik" (for Lyul'kin). 3. Nachal'nik takhniche- skogo otdala, KharIkovskogo kozhavennogo zavoda,90.7 "Bollshavik" (for Lyubomirokly). (Tanning) TOLOCHKO, A.D.; LTULIKIIJ, I.A., glavnyy inzhener; LTUBOMIRSKIT, G.S. Make wider use of advanced methods for soaking and lime pit operatiozz. Leg.prom.15 [i.a.161 no.3:45-" Mr 1.56. (MLRA 9:7) I.Direktor KharIkovskogo kozhavennogo tavoda HO-7 "Bollshevik" (for To- lochko).2.Nachallaik tekhaicheekogo otdola (for Lyubormirskiy). (Kharkov-Leather industry) LYUBOMMSKIYI G'S.; KHOMIWVO P.U. Impro7ing the design of blades used in spacing machines. Obm.tekh. opyt. EMLPI nO.26:32-34 156. (MIRA 11:11) (Cutting machines) TOLOCHKO, A.D.; LYULIKIN, I.A.; LYUBOMIRSKIY. G.S. g chrom@ -gaw"ll Improved method of splf ting chrome-rannall"TIMg"SkinS. Leg.prom. 17 no.8:39-40 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Hides and skins) BOGDANOV, Vasiliy Nikolayevich; LYUBO~IIRSYM,,--Iosif-Solomonovich; SLITSKAYA, I.M., inzh., rdd-.--; GER, D.P., red.izd-va; BOLISFMOV, V.A., tekhn. red. (Complex mechanization of cast-iron foundries] Kompleksnaia me- khanizataiia chugunolitainogo tsekha. Leningrad, 1961. 16 p. (leningradskii don nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen pe- redovym oputcm. Seriia: Liteinoe proizvodstvo I no.9) (MIRA 15:5) (Cast iron) LYUBOMIRSKIYP L. Ye., Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "The hygienic basis for ra- tional alternation o f exernises, in assigning school work". Kbecow, 1959. 19 pp (Acad Pedagogical Sci RSFSR, Sci Res Inst of Physical Mraining and School Hygiene), 150 copies (KL, No 24, 1959, 151) LYUBOMIRSM, L.Ye.. nauch*7 sotrudnik Alternation of various types of att* in the-school schedule [with awmary inIftlish). Gig. i san. 24 no.1:40-44 Ja '59. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Iz Hauchno-iaoledova'tellgkogo inatituta fizicheakogo vospitanlya i shkollnoy gigiyony APN RSFSR. (SCHOOL HEAM, schedule (Rue)) SAWNIKOVA, G.P..starshiy nauchnyy Botrudnik; LYUB014IRSKIY, L.Te., mladshJ7 nauchnyy sotrudnik Hygienic evaluation of carpentry tools for fourth and fifth grade students. Gig. i san. 24 no-3:41-46 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Iz Vauchno-iasledovatel'skogo inatituta fizicheakogr, vospitaniya i shkollnoy gigiyeny APN RSFSR. (SCHOOLS, evaluation of carpentry tools for 4th & 5th grade students (Rua)) SAIINIMVA, G.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; LYMOMIRSKIY, L.Ye., mladshiy nauchnyy sot-rudnik Hygienic principles In determining the size of machine shop tools for students in the fifth to seventh grades. Gig. i san. 24 no.9: 26-32 S 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Iz Mauchno-issledovatellsk-ogo instituta fizicheakogo vospitaniya I shkollnoy gigiyony Akademii podagogichoskikh nauk RSFSR. (HUMO YINGIN ING) (VOCATIONAL EDUCATION) ILYUBCHIIiSKIYV H. Preparations for vage regulation on the railroad. Sots. trud 5 r-0.11:132-133 N 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Starshiy inzhener otdela truda, zarabotnoy platy i tekhaiki bezopasnosti Sverdlovskoy zheleznoy dorogi. (Sverdlov-tk Province Railroads-Salaries, pensions, etc.) I T T3 Oy IRSX CorTuting the liei&t :,' fixed points of frameworks :n fl-ee-Ai- rMnsional phototlriaT,47-ilat ion. Geod. 1 kart. no.6:30-36 je '57. (TrIangnilation) (Mlak IC,.') L 27-4-24/25 AUTHORS: Penizov, N.i Lyubomskiy, 0., Khanchin, A. TITLE: Information (Notes and %ueries; correspondence) (Informatsiya) PERIODICAL: Professionallno-Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniye, 1958, # 4, p 32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A potpourri of general news items. 1. N. Penisov "A Seminar for Foremen" tells of lectures given at the Mining School No. 55 of the Lugansk District. 2. 0. Lyubomskiy "A TechnIcal Conference", tells of new systems of automatic signalling and reports of a lecture in this field given to students of the Technical School No. 3 of Kirov. 3. A. Khanchin "A Meeting With Chapayevists" tells of activities of the veterans of the Chapayev Division. There are 5 photographs. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 KOZEM11KOV, A.N.; LAZEDNIKOV, Yu.S., dots.; VIROSHNIK, B.Ye., dots.; SILADRIJI, N.A., prof.; Frini=li uchaotiye: SUBBOTIV, B.K., st. prepod.; VGROTIJIKOV, V.I., dots.; A11PILOGOV, R.G., retsenzent; ALEKSEYE7V, V.B., retsenzent; LYUBOMUDROV, A.P.., retsenzent; CHERNOV, P.N., retsenzent; PESKOVA, L.N., red.; BOBiZOVA, Ye.N., tekhn. red.; [Economics of railroad enEineering] Ekonomika zheleznodorozh- nogo Btroltell:itva. [Byl, A.N.Kozhevnikov i dr. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 242 p. (MIRA ',7!1) OMUDROV._AJ!,,,jL'vov. Pskarskaya. d-52. kv. 30); GONGUARMO, Ye.I. d. 41, kv. 5); YRAYFSLID, S.L. (L'vov, ul. d. 5. kv. 6) Kethod of making preparations of Via brain. Arkh.anst. gist. 33 no.2:84-87 Ap-Je '56. (MLRA 9-.10) 1. Iz kafedr7 normalluoy anatomii (zav. prof. A.P.Lvubomudrov) Llvowskogo meditsinskogo instituta (BRAIN, anatomy and histology, histol. prep. (Rua)) USSR/Human and Animal 1-brphology (Norml Luid PhthoL)gical) S- icripheral Nervous Systen Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 12, 1958, No 55073 Author : 1Xibg=adzQx.A.Pwr4@eL*in, B.F. Inst :-Georgian Academy of Sciences Institute of Experimental Mar- phology. Title : The Morphology of Spinal Gnaalions in the Experiment of Separating Carotid and Vertebral Arteries. Orig Pub : Tr. In-t eksperin. morf,)l. 'IT G@:=SSR, 1957, 6, 23-25 Abstract : Under a complete narcosis both 3encral carotid and vertebral arteries were tied and cut in 10 dogs. The curviving ani- mals were dilled within the periods of 24 hours to 151 riDnths and their cervical and th@)rocic spinal gm glions were examined histologically 30 minutes after death. Already within the first 24 hours after the vessels were separated, chanGes in the jpnaicns; were observed (chromtolysis), which became more pronounced after 3 days (a sharp displacement of cell nuclei). Yaus, the here observed chan6es of the nerve cells represent Card : 1/2 .7731mal -RTrTT'_'0TD_Lz1 ormal and eaUnDID61cul. Curculatory System. Blt')d Vessels. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol-, No 23, 1958, 105951 Author : Lyub3uudrDv, A-P-j Panov, v.J., Fraydel'd, E.L. :--------- D'its, Inst : Lvjv Oblast Scientific Ilssociation of AnatD Histolo6rists and EmbryoloLd8ts- Title Roent(, I)IDgical Data in Blood Vessels Df the HydrDneph -er ratic Kidney OriG Pub Sb. nauchn. rabDt. Llvovsk. obl. nauchn. zD-vQ amtOnJv, Gistol. i embriol., 1958, VYP- 1, 9-11 Abstract The left ureter was libated in 22 rabbtis- Ifter 5 tj 514 days the blood vessels of the kidney W were stu- died by the methid of supravital injection (throud-1 the abdDmiaal aorta) if contrast medium) and by x-ray exami- natiDn. T11e chanC;es of the vessels depend on the Card 1/2 - 14 - LYTJBOMUDROV, A.F. (Llvov, ul.Fizk-llturnaya. d.24), PALICHEVSKIY, Te.l. V.I., PUSTUROV, H.B., FRAYFURD, E.L. Angioarchitectonics of' the kidney following dise,%se And its clinical significance. Nov.khir.arkh. no.2:3-8 Mr-Ap 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Kafedra anatomil (zav. - prof. A.F. Lyubomudrov). kafedra patolo- Icheskoy anatomii (zave prof* Y9,1. Nllchevskiy) i klinika urologii v. - dots. M.B. Plqstunov) Livovskogo meditainskogo instituta. M (KEDNMS--BLOOD SUPPLY) LTUBOMUDROV, A.P. Wvov. Firkuliturna7a ul., 24) BTood supply and morphological changes of the parenchymatous organs In collateral circulation. Arkh.anat.glet.1 embr. 37 no.11:24-32 N 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatonii. (zavedWushchi7 - prof. A.P. Iqubo- mudrov) LI-vovskogo meditsinskofo instituta. (LIVER blood supply) (KIDNEYS blood supply) (SPLM blood supply) LYUBCMUDROV, A,P,@ PANOV, V.1.,- FRAYMID, E.L.; YAML7SKAYA, S.A. X-ray picture of the architectonics of heart arterles in coronary atherosclerosis and myocardial infarctions. Fauch.trudy Llvcr7. obl.terap.ob-va nobl:136-14Z-261. (MIRA 1695) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii LI-vovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (Mr. kafedroy - prof. A.P. Lyubomudrov) i kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii (zavs kafedroy - prrof. Ye.l. Pallcher7skiy). f-AuGiocARDibGRAPHY) (CORMARY HEART DISEASE -1., (HEART-INFARCTION) , V I I - " ..-LIBO@,MTDRCV, @ - P. (It 9 @ % 71" -1 " :' ' - ; - - @ ' @:7 ! 7 pr ,.I r,, r , ' -- -` ' -- f.. , , .' ' : , , @@ '@ ' -, - ' ': ` , I - .-a I r@f b-'I-)o,i flow. I'r@ih@v. @, - ; '-3 rv .. ;, . - - . -, ..I'. , (Wvov, 14, ul, Fizk-tWturnaya, ;?4')j LYCHKOVSKly, LOM, -@@ovj 32, ul, DzerzUrnakogot 9-a, kv, 9-0 Ohoroid vacoular stracture In the rabbit folic-wring the exclusion of main cervical and cerebral arterien. Arkhoanat., gist, i embr, 47 no#M19-24 0 164, (MIRA 1816) le Kafedra normaltray anatomil. (zav. - prof. A,P,Lyubomudrov) Llvovskogo maditainskago inotituta, K-*UWTSKIY, S.I., dotsent; IM(NUROV Mg.; ZHIVOTOVSKAYA, I.A.; 14AWITY-EVA, K.M.; 11 EII), S.M. (Donetsk) Pulmonary diseases in systemic vasculitis. no.12:72- 78 161. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii No.2 (zav. - dotsent S.I. Kamenetskiy) Donetskogo meditsinskogo instituta (rlir. - dotsent A.M. Ganichkin) i Donetskogo nauchnc-issledovatel'5'@op .;nsti- tuta fiziologii truda (dir. - B.N. Cw I (LUNGS-DISEM-ISES) (PERIARTENRITIS 1:0DOSA5co YURIKHIII. A.; SMEWVSKIT. V.; LYUBORUMOV, S. 55th anniversary of medical, pedagogic and social activities of Anton Grigorlevich Brzhozovskii. Khirurgita, Moskva no-3:70-71 Mar 51. (CWL 20:7) LYU901,P-RDOV, S.N. Lyuborurdov, 5.14. "The surgical anator,@ of the flow of @,,ile i n the 1-@ile luct and its r1incial significance", Trudy Kuybyshevsk. Fos. med. in-ta, Vol. 1--, 1901, p. L3-514. SO: U-30L21 11 March 53, (Letopis Irrrkh Statey, No. 9, JqLq) LYUROMUDROV, S. N. Medicine. "Problem of Transthoracic Plastic Surgery of the Alimentary Tract with Isolation of the Glottis," SO: Khirurgiya, No. 10, 1949. Docent, Clinic of the Faculty Surgery, Kuybyshev State Med. Inst., -C1949-. LYUBOIMIROV, V.A. Use of an induction method for drying the networks of electrical machines. Prom. energ. 15 no.?:15 Jl 160. (MIR,@ 15:1) (Electric machinery-Drying) (Induction heating) -'r TSUnRKAII. S.T.; LMOMROV, T.T. ,@ Synthesis of -oxyalkylaminonitrilea.Dokl. AN SGSR 109 no.2:336-339 JI #56. (HlRA 9:10) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarBtvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gorlkogo i Khnrlkovokly gosudarstvonnyy maditainakiy stomatologicheakiy insitut. Predetavlano akademikom I.N. Hnzarovym. (Nitriles) LYUBOLqJDROV,V.N. Rwrin altimirifflic as hand 2 qoAqvimov. DakladyAk4d, Nnuk'"'SPR.'W'."T CTUTDT@_In using botosilicate Ciasseq as a bond for -tbr.%- ,ivcs, It, was found that the mechanical properties of the abrasiv6 were directly dependent upon the content of a colorlesi necillelike mineral at the contact of the corundum grains Mth the bond. The content of the mineral varictl with 'he content of Ftj@ in the band. The inincral was synthesized froin a charge of Al-03 and 70 to 80170 11-0, which was fused at POP to I&W acid gradually cooled. MVrocoPic study revealed that tile 11101t Consisted Mostly of (1) a, colorless milicral which crystallizes in tile rhombic systttr, and separates out in the form of colorless prism- 0 W) vith a poqitive clougntiot; atid considerable hirr fringence and (2) boroacidic glas- -with a low birefringunct Optical constaots nj the mincrai are its follows: N, = 1.624 - ROW'. N, = 1.5M --+-- OAKNI, N, - N, - IMY2.4, The ntc!t was treated with III-xx to W.Parate (he mivw"i from Me 913-s, The compoOkin of pure ctysinis Wit-, 81.46@/, A110, and 19.25";. 11:0,; thi3 iodicatc, that 111C roiner.0 was 3AIA.13,0s. JIXK@ LYUP'CUUMCIft, f: if: W` 7 Use of Iii@__ZTd.LPbIfl etso or el.ctrva@ r. Pe. V. N. Lyurrowtfogov. Voklao Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 48 141- 741-43 (1049).-White elect rocorundto in shapes vice made with hinders of the follotring high-silica, alumina-frcc glasses: (1) gfosws rich in alkalis, (2) botomagnesia glasses with up to 15,1/0, H%O. and tip to 7,0% MgO, and (3) boromagnesia glas-A-s with up I to 21/ . c, NfgO teplaced by ZnO. Rcfractoriness of the glasies did not exceed 77()*C. The Wndcv) were added in amounts of 14%. Shape% were fired and held at a maximurn temperature of 04W to 1000* for I to 9 hr. A mineralogical study was made of the fired - products, Binders of group I apM, red mostly as it gh(sq with large antounts of plaginclase; the corlindum grains were fused ovrr. The solution of COVIIIIIIIIIII grains progressed 113 the firing, .temperature was raised and the holding interval prolonged, and the refractive index increastil from 1,495 for (he original gli%4 to 1,517. Hinders of group 2 alquaplycarcif fo; a Ria4s. At tire con- tact with the corundum, the ptmnce of boron ittiminate was ob- served; especially large ;imexintr of the alumbiato were detected after firing at MI' to 1050T, The soltityllity of cortindum, in these binders was deterinined by jk-parating witIfill: atul atinlyz- ing for AIA. AW, wa,4 found in amounts up to 3791,", Snltt- tion of conniduin greater. the higher the firing tvniperature and the longer the holding interval. flintleto of jqmip 3 showed very small DMOUITtS of boron alurnihatc tit the Contact with the' corundum; after firing at I 100'C. and holding for 1) hr., the alu- titillate was not observed. Large amounts of sphicl, however, were ileteCteiL Rupture tesB were couthtcAcd With 311 Fal"PICS; _--fiighest resistatice was %hown ljy thw- inatte with binderg can- FU @ K, LITEO'"'119 1;4)' tA i_@ u b S) N col, V, 1'4- FE_"@SE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 489 - I BOOK Call No.. TJ1280.L55 Authors: LYUBOMUDROV, V. N., VASIL'YEV,, N. N., FAL;KOVSK1Y,, B. I@ Full Titld: -A-ARKSM TGOLT-AND THEIR MANUFACTURE Transliterated Title: Abrazivnyye instrumenty i ikh izgotovlenlye PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency- None Publishing House.. State Scientific and Technical PublishIng Housp of Machine-Building and Shipbuilding Literature (Mashgiz). Leningrad Branch Date: No. of copies 1953 No. PP.: 3j,, Editorial Staff Editor: Chistyakov, A. P., Engineer Appraiser: Avgustinik, A. I., Prof., Dr, of Tech. Sci. PURPCOE: Approved by the School Administration of the Ministry of Mach:Lne Building as a textbook for technical schools of machine--too! conotru-:@- tion and machine building. This work can be also used as a reference book by engineers, technicians and foremen specializing In the pr:AJuc.- tion of abrasives. TEXT DATA Coverage,. Part I (by N. N. Vasillyev) describes grinding and polishing processes, the characteristics and basic properties of natural and 1/2 Abrazivnyye instrumenty i ikh izgotovleniye AID 489 artificial abrasive materials, as well as abrasive tools, pastes, emery cloths, sandpapers, etc., with their nomenclature. Part II (by V. N. Lyubomudrov and B. I. Fallkovskiy) discussee Dhe tech- nology of the manufacture of abrasive tools with the use of (;C!ramic, magnesia, silicate, vulcanite and bakelite bonds. Special attention is given to ceramic bonding materials because they are widely used and their processing, particularly their heat treatment., Is more complicated. The book is provided with illustrations, tables and diagrams. No. of References: 49 (1931-1952) Facilities: Not given 2/2 T @7 7-,rz, w NT: @ZTNM @ O bolt Iflits" L V, I Aftel maw?.: , I mod- LTUBOKUMIOT, V.Yo., kand. mod. nauk ffVibrations and their importance in industrial hygienew by 'E.TS.Andreeva-Galanina. Reviewed by V.E. Linbomudrov. Sov. mod. 23 no.1:152-153 Ja '59- (MIRA 12:2) (VIBRATIONS--PHYSIOLOGICAL MMCT) (ANDREBVA-GALAIIINA, E.TS-) LTUBOMIMROV, V.Ye. Incidewe, prognosis, and early diagUOSig Of Dertarteritis nodosa. Temp. arkh. 31 uo.2:50-54 F 159. (KEEL 12 -. 1 ) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. I.V. Yoroblyev) Stal- ingradakogo meditRimskogo instituta. (PERIARTERITIC RODOSA, incidence, progn. & early diag. (RLm)) LTUB014UDILOV, V.Te., (Stalingrad) Some syndromes in periarteritis nodoea requiring surgical intervention. 37 no.8:102-106 Ag '59. (14 IRA 12: 11) 1. Iz goopital'noy torapevticheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof.I.V. Vorob'yev) Stalingradskogo meditsinakogo Instituta (dir. - prof. V.S.Turov). (PERIARTKRITIS IIODOSA, surgery) LYUB014UDROV, V.Ye.; BASS, M.A.; SKOCHELYAS, A.R. Early progressive and late anthracosts. Khim. med. 38 no.,-:69-72 MY 160, (LUNGS-DUST DISEASES) (MI?A _13:12) LMOMMOV, V.Te., (Stalino) Marly manifestations of tetraethyl lead intoxication. Trach. delo no.2:175-177 F 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Otdel professionalluoy patologii (zav. - V.Te. Lyabomudrov) DDuetskDgo instituta fiziologii truda. (T.-RA POISOMING) @@=iv V ye, kand.medenauk; BASAMYGINA@ LoYa.; HAMMVAf K.H. L@@ Periarteritis nodosa in children. Pediatriia 38 no.8s76-80 Ag 160. (HIRA 13:1.2) 1. Iz otdela profpatologii Donetskogo instituta finiologii truda (dir. - dotsent L.H. Mdalin) i Stalinakay oblastnoy tsentrallnoy klinicheakoy bollnitay (glavmyy vrach H.I. hones). (ARTERIES-DISEASES) LYUBOMUDROV, V.U... ---@C@linic@aspects and diagnosis of periarteritis nodosa. Sov. med. 25 no.9:55-62 S 161. (IU-,A 15:1) 1. Iz klinicheskogo otdela Stalinskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta fiziologii truda (dir. - B.N.Onopko). (ARI-M!.&S-DISEMES) LYUBGMMOV Me. kand.medtauk P Disorders of the kidneys in periartheritis nodosa. Terap.arkho 33 no.2.*89-94 7 161. (KrU 14:3) 1. Iz klinicheakogo otdala (konsulltant - prof. LV. voroblyev) Donetskogo inatituta fiziolo il truda (Stalino). (ARTMIES--DISEASES) I@iDIMS--DISMES) LYUBGIL Vp V. Skin lesions in periarteritis nodosa. Vest.derm.i ven. no.9: 15-19 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz klinicheskogo otdela (nauchnyy konsul'tant raboty - prof. I.V. Voroblyev) Donetskogo instituta fiziologii truda (dir. - dotsent L.E. Zhizlin). (ARTERIES-DISEASES) (SKIlq-DISE-ASES) LYUBU4UDROV, V. Ye., kand. mad. nauk; AGARKOVA, S. V.; DOYAKOIWIKO, Ye. K.; -- M.; PAVLOVA, 0. A.; SIROTA, G. M.; EYDIS, L. Z. Combined forms of pneumoconloses in patients with collagenoses. Terap. arkh. no.9:95-101 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz Stalinakogo naucbno-isaledovatellskogo instituta fiziologii truda. (LIRIGS-DUST DISEASES) (COLTAGEN DISEASES) WBIBTSKIY., S.I., dotsent; LYU -BOMUDROV, . V - Ye -.,; ZHIVOTOVSKAYA, I.A,; !,IATEYEVA, K.M. Early diagnosis and treatment of periarteritis nodosa. Vrach. delo no-5:34-37 My 162. (MIR,` 15:6) 1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy terapii !I (zav. - dotsent S.I. Y.amenetskiy) Donetskogo moditsinskogo instituta i klirLicheskiy otdel (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti rukovoditelya - nauk V.Y. Lyubom,,drov)' Donetskogo n--uchno-issledovatellskcgo instituta fiziologii truda. (ARTIERIES-DISEASES) LYUBOMUDROV, V.Ye. Changes in the blood and hem4poietic organs in periarteritis nodosa. Probl.gematA perel.krovi no.7:28-31 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz klinicheskogo otdela (konsulltant - prof. I.V. Voroblyev) Donetskogo instituta fiziologii truda (dir. - dotsent L.H. Zhislin). (ARTMIES--DISEOFZ) (BLCOI)..-EXAMIVATIOE) (HR-IOPOIETIC SYSTMI) NAVAKATIYYAN, A. 0. , kand. med. nauk- LYU13014UDROV V Ye kand. me d. nauk; SHCIflMAJ:0'.rA 0 1.; PAVLOVE, BASAMYGI'.'A, L. Ya.; STE@_',NIY, A. S. (D.n'.t.@^gk) Evaluation of the arterial pressure in worke-s of certain pro- fessions. Vrach, delo no,7:136 JI 162. (MIRA lf':@) 1. Laboratoriya llinicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - karid. med. naul- A. 0. Navalmti@,--.,an) i otdel profesFilonallnykh zabolevaniy (ispolyrjayushchiv obyazr-nnosti zaveduyushchego - kand. med. -lauk V. 0. Lyubomudrov) instituta. fiziologii truda i kafedra fak,il'- tetskoy terapii II (zav. - dotsent 11. S. Kamenetskiy) rieditsinskogo instituta. LYUBCKUDROVP V. Te., kand. med. nauk; PZSOK, L IT.; SHCHERBAKOVA, 0. 1. "Organic" - circumscribed by the vessels of a single organ - forms of periarteritis nodosa. Terap. arkh. 34 no.4:101-103 162o (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz klinicheskogo otdala (nauchnyy konsulltant raboty - prof. I. V. Voroblyev) Donetskogo Instituta fiziologii truda (dir. - kandidat meditsinakikh nauk B. N. Onopko) 1 15-7 gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach V. M. Dovgan') (ARTERIES-DISKASES) LYUB jje@,,#; OVOFKO, B.N., (Donetsk) "Vibration aicknessm by E.TS. Andret-Gallinina, E.A. Drogichina and V.G. Artamonova. Reviewed by)V . . Liubc=drov aW B.N. Onopko. Vrach. delo no.5:154,155 My 162. (@URA 15:6) (VIBRATICII-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) LM014UW.CV,V.Ye.,,kand.,-,ic-d.riau-k; bAIDA., V.D.; YESHCaNYO, U.S.; ?-%iIS , M.A. Course and outcome of periaxte-ritis nodosa. Sav..,Iied. 27 62-68 J] 163. (RliLA 16.9) 1. Iz I-linicheskogo otAlela Dorietskogo nauchno-issiedovatell- sikogoJWtoltuta fiziologli tnida (dir. - kand.mfjd. nauk B.N. bnQl*o) i TSentrallnoy klinicheskoy bollaitsy Donetska (glav- nrf -ach V.D.Bayda). nauchnyy konsulltant raboty - prof. I.V. Vorob'y3v. (PEhiAhTERITIS NODQSQ LYU BOIDROV 7 Ytr - WOPKO, E@.N.; BAS,@V-7@@,I!:A, L. Ya., TAX '-. ". -.'. -, HTOVA: A-:tl,'. (Donetsk). Frequency and clJnical manifestations of the vibrtitior disease of miners in o(ome coal mi-nes of the Donets Basin. @:rig. t mida i prof. zab . I? nn.3:23-2-9 Rr'63 (:,! IFLA 17:1) 1. flauchno-Issledovatells?iy .-n:,,4.tut fazoloe,--'; t-ruda i Donetskiy mpli-tsinskiy lnStitut. r K V.,le., red. -0 rj L "IL;1C .@.! @-"Zs I iak h te z is v . BYALIK, V.G.; LEBEDEVA, V.V.; 4YUBOMUDROV, V.Ye.; NAVAKATIKYAN, A.O.; AGARKCVA, S.V. Chronic br-nchitis in workers of the Donets Basin coal mines. Sov. med. 27 no.lltl33-137 N 164. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Donetskiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy inatitut fiziologii truda (dir. B. N. Onopko) . 47 USSR/Photochemistry. Radiation Chemistry. Theory of Photographic B-10 Process. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1957, 26261 Author A.N. Terenin, A-V. Karyakin, Ye-B. Lyubomu(irov, O.D. Dmitriyev- skiy, P.E. Sushinskiy Title Alterations of Spectra of Phthalocyanins in Solutions under Action of Powerful Light Impulses. Orig Pub Optika i spektroskopiya, 1`.@56, 1, No 4, 456-462 Abstract Solutions of phthalocyanins (Ph) Of Mg. Zn, Fe, Cu and Co in alcohol, aceton,e, ether, pyridine and toluene (lo-4 to lo-5 W were liberated of 0 2 by vacuum treatment and illuminated with an impulse bulb ISS-250 (flash energy 250 joules, flash duration 10-3 to 10-4 sec.). The spectra in the range of 0.5 to 0.9,,*1 were photographed with a spectrograph ISP-51. Either the impulse bulb itself, or another impulse bulb lighted by a time relay switch 2 x lo-5 to 2.1 sec. after the flash of the first bulb serred as the light source. PhMg and PhZn are subject to a short-duration (from 0.8 to 1 x lo-3 sec. in case of P124g) discoloration under the action of a flash. The dis- coloration of PbMg and PhZn is completely eliminated by letting Card 1/2 .USSR@Photochemistry. Radiation Chemistry. Theory of Photographic B-10 Process. Abg Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimlya, No 8, 1957, 26261 02 into the solution; no discoloration of solutions of PhFe, PhCu and PhCo is observed; solutions of PhMg and FhZn are fluorescent. The surmise is ex-oressed that the short-duration discoloration is the result of the molecule transition into the metastable (triplet) state. Card : 212 TERMIN, A.N.; LYUBOMUDI@QVje.B.; SHABLY-A, A.V. Formation of un table forms of phthalocyanines and hanatoporphyrin under pulsed illumination. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.7-.1206-1213 Jl k6l. (MIRA 14:7) (Ilhthalocyanine-Spectra) (Hematoporphyrin--Spectra) ')qn5l' S168216210(650 664/004/006 2 /15/ D234/ID308 Z@_U T"!C-R: Lyv-bom-adrov, '@-_a_V_ Simpler time regulator structures securing the accclcration of turbo-jet encrines according to re- duced Par&-Leters C' U ac ."Vto@:Iatichesk-oye regulirovaniye aviadvigateLey; sl)ornilc statcy, no. 4, I-Ioscow, 1962, 63-69 The author deduces that the simplest formulas of L ti-Mo re-ulators (i.e. rerulators which include a timing device, usu- ally hydraulic) are n + col) dt (5) P2 and CD )2 dt, (6) 2 + where rate of fuel, n = number of rcvolutions, P2 a air pressure behind t*-e com@?ressor, p, = externalair pressure. The Card 1/2 S/682/62/000/004/004/006 Sic,Dler tir.2 regulator ... D234/D303 follo@-,ring ?ossible structures e give-a o-f --ach type') : 2) _7@uel fLow rate o'- the ad-j-'Istment; 5) -@s no. 2, Here are 6 figures. of regulators are described (o-ne exam, 1) Regulator for the number of revolutions; re.-@ulator; 3) and 4) Same with delay of @.rith delay of throttle cock displacement. Card 2/2 LYUBOKMROV, Yu.V. I Some simple time-reguiator circuits insuring the speed-,ME-up of a turbojet engine according to given parameters. krtom.reg. aviadvig. no.4:63-69 162. (MIRA 15;11) (Air-lanes-Turbojet engines) (Automatic control) L 7fMCIYUDROVA, N. 11. 26108. Lyubomdrova, N. N. Sterncye lesorLtv-deniy- I J@@-rv7e ro.'o-.-T v lesoster@rov I terncy zonsk@ SSSR. (Sisterat. ukazatell 11tersturv ze 291-14?49 rF. Vo-prosy F?eorrefii, eb. 13, 1949, 5. 203-37 SOt Knizhnays Letorls', Vol. 1, 1055 LYUB.ONUDROVA., S.V. Using data on plant height in evaluating agrometeorological conditions for the formation of the green bulk of corn crop in Mazakhatan. Trudy TSIP no.72:68-72 '58. (MIRA 12-1) (Kazakhstan--Corn (Maize)) (Meteoroloa, Agricultural) VICH, V.V.; ZKY SOVA, V.F.; ZHITTAYKINA, N.F.; BYKADOROV, I.S.; IVANOV, G.I., kBnd.sel'skokhoz.nauk; GERMANISHVILI, V.Sh., kand.geogr.nauk. retsenzent; S(XOLOV, I.F., retsenzent; KALKYKOVA, V.T., rstsenzent;k,_@YUBOKUVROVA, S.V., retsenzent; KRUZHKOVA, T.S.. retsenzent; B6YKOY'A-,-'K.-G., retsenzent; NOVSXIT, V.A..; VLASOVA, Yu.T., r6d.; =GEYO. A.N., [Agroclimatic manual for the Maritime Territory] Agroklimaticheakii spravochnik po Primorskomu kmiu. Leningrad. Gidromateor.lzd-vo, 1960. 129 p. NmA 14:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravlaniye gidrometeoro- logichaskoy sluzhby. Prinorskoye upravlenlys. 2. Vladi- vostokskaya gidrometeorologicheakaya observatoriya (for Belevich. Shvetsova. Zhityaykina, Bykadorov). ). Dallnevostochnvy aauchno- iseledovatellskiy .-idromateorologicheskly instifut (for Germanishvili. Sokolov, Kalmykova, Lyubomudrova. Kruzhkova, Boftova). (Maritime Terri tory-Grops and climate) LYUBOMUDROVA, S.V. Method of estimating the soybean crop. Trudy Dal'nevo5t. NIGY-1 no.12:88-93 '61. (.Ml:tA 14:12) (Soybean) (Crop yeilds) LYUBOI,ITJDROVA,S.V_.-_ MESHCUMITOVA, K.B. Relation between soil moisture conditions and the rate of corn growth. Trudy TSIP no.101:97--101 162. WIRA 15:9) (Corn (Maize)) (Plants, Effect of soil moisture on) 'T _11011@1,;_i@ '@cndition@ cif as @@n z @.oamy soils :@.f -;ar ("q - V' f.;"I " C __ lq.?.; IVAUOVA, A. 1. _ Application of acrichine in the treatment of triohomonal colpitis. Akash. gin., Koskva no-5:84-85 Sept-Oat 1952. (CJAL 23:2) 1, Honored Physician RSFSR for lirubomudrova. 2. Of the Female Consulta- tion Service of Maternity Home No.1j, Kostroma. .. " - - I ---hIly A.M., prof., otv. red.; KALYUZHNYY, I.F., dots., red.; LISHCHENKO, N.A., dots., red.; BYKOVA, O.Ye., kand. filol. nauk,, red.; GOROKHOVA, Z.N., dots., red.; TCP.AKC)V, A.I., dots., red.; DOMBROVSKIY, A.V., dots., red.; HELYAYEV, N.G., dots., red.; LYUBOPYTNOVA, V.S., dots., red.; MUZYCRKO, G.I., tekhn. red. [Science yearbooks for 19571 Nauchnyi ezhegodnik za 1957 god. Chemov-tsy, Chernovitskii gos. univ., 1958. 522 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Czernowitz. 11niveraytet. 2. Rektor Chernovitskogo gosu- darstvennogo universiteta (for Leutakiy). (Science-Yearbooks) (Social sciences--Yearbooks) OrCo" CCNV=" CastAl"d to ftlt-l- P,.twui pop.- @r U@ god. salwUrie kadlam) T. 1. ur., Iza. 24014robna cludim, As ma, 1958. em P. 1.540 60946 FrtauA. ad., galorti". a-1.1 tolunoa R-m Ar@, D.B., A T FA V-P-. -4 L.L., ?oft. pum,am, SU b** to latcad" for patralooo op"tall.t. dr calmuft. M44.r4h "UbIlasommu. odocou."I loautatims, Md P.U..I. oruLm ].U. COWIRMI TILIS eaug"l,am to Q4 first at a MaUvalmom P*Ll"tim ca Q* M4@du *t 944CUCIG V*44491@bwft eanl@4 =$ in tM S.".t ftlm am tka ckml4Uy ooo, techmatca Qr G%Lfts- ad altracomarvania tammd. &mj.4 tmrla 19%-MS, W a -- -oov* pniect amtttamma 1. IVA vy a. UT (00011 kawsh. Ad MM)i 3T Obalsortaev N.D., "a v AbouTum IV-elm at &...I ftLnf" Gold 21cam aot zmp Ws Law4cu~Lum VW "C"44 go to"We C@ tau wa logko J-% - *UL-d -42V -at" laamu@. as Imusal anue"Im Ge I" ft" ba"4 emwou amcqd4. v :@l go Oa a 4 Ji, OBMZNTSEV, R.D.; LYUBOPYTOVA., N.S.; MAKOVA, Ye.A. Absorption spectra in the ultraviolet of some cyclic sulfides, thianthrene, and 2--athylthiophons. KbIm.sera.i azotorg.soed.sod,v neft.i nefteprod. 3:93-104 f6O. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Baahkirskiy filial All SSSR, Wel khimiJ. (Sulfide-Spectra.) (Thianthrene-Spectra) (Thiophene-Spectra) LYUBCSH, A. A. It Ly-ubosh, A. A. - "Low-Ftoried 'ertji@-- T-,:@sll I ts I r th- Je7' - ':r ' '- '7%"' - A rKhi tektura stroit-vo Der '1 --4 a, 1 -"4-', SYM-?1@7 11jr., I,-!-. SC: 1_/ Au-aust -53. (L*-tor)if, 'Zhurr.;,'l 'r;YK" Statey, : o. 1--, 1 -4@@; - - LYUBOSH,A.A., inzhener -,.,Iw Use of precast reinforced concrete structures in the construction of civilian housing in Leningrad. Oet.izhel.-bet bo.5:162-166 Ag '55. (WBA 8: 9) 1. Tamestitell nachallnika Upravleniya po delam arkhitek-tury Len- gorispolkama (Leningrad--F'recaBt concrete conBtruction) F I VI/ f, I -.' J @.' LYUBOSH, A.A., inzh. Building large-panel fremeless apnrtment houoen In lAningrnd. Bet.i zhel-bet. no.7:262-267 JI '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Leningrad--Apartment houses) UWR/Mining Nov 48 Machines, Mining .Prilling SIPertormance Tests of the Makarov KM-6M Combine at the Experimental Mine VUGI, Karaganda," N. A. Tishchenko, D. M. Lyuboahchinskiy, Engineers, 5 PP NAkh Trud i Tyazh Rabot" No 11 Reports results of performance tests an subject combine, vbich is rated to be able to work mineral veins up to 1.85 meters wide. Makes recommenda- tions for construction and design changes. Claims present design leads to excessive time loss in the 4-0- 53/49T81 MSR/Mining (Contd) Nov 48 event of even minor breakdovns. This combine, however, is unique in that it incorporates parts of the IM-1 drilling machine. 4M ---53/49T81 ri cl ru LYUBOSHChINSKIY, -,. M.Jq POZI@F YE. @'. Mine Haulage Mechanization of shunting oper,,tions at loading and transfer points of Karaganta mines. Mekh. trud. rab., 6, No. 3, 1-@52. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June, 1952. UnclaSBffl-ed. @ I 1 .1.1, 1 . ;l! 2090 Lyuboshchin,91dy, D.M. ang P2AJ,n, _rQ,, Z., Opyt Primeneriiya Dvukhshtan Govo-O Kambayna- Donbass-w@71la Shallchtakh Kombinatha ,!!!!jKaragandaugol'77M.. 1954. 27 s.s Ill.; 3 L. Ill. 22 sm. (M-Vo Ugoll NOY Prom-Sti SSSR. Tekhn. Upr. Tsentr. In-T Tekhn. Infoimiatsii)- 3,000 9KZ- Besp'-.-- (54-56427)p 622-333 : 622.233 LYUBMCHINSKIY. D.H., inshener; ZILIMM, I.S., inshener. Using the Donbas-4 cutter-loaders in Karaganda mines. Makh. trud.rab. 9 no-10 0 155. (MLRA 9:1) (Karaganda--Coal mining machinery) LYUBOSHCHINSKIY Dmitriy Markovich; VALISHTEYN, G., redaktor; SHILOT, F.. -= @ OTSTRAKH, V.. tekhmicheakiy redaktor [Give coupled cutter-loaders a clear track ahead; the work practice of T.Borodin's repair crew at the S.H.Kirov Mine) Sdvoennym kombal- aam - shirokniu dorogu; iz opyta raboty remontao-podgoto7itellnol brigad.v shakhty im. S.H.Kirova T.Borodina. Alma-Ata. Kazakhokoe gos. izd-vo, 1956. 13 P. (tfT.RA 9:10) (Goal mines and mining) INOZ124TSEV, Pavel Petrovich; POL4DZHIY. Fedor Hikhaylovich; SHMAYDMAN, Maks Iostfovich; GEMR'ASSKIY, Feliks Bortsovich, kYOOSEERIEKIT Lk@jgljftOovich; POZIN, Yevgeniv Zalomanovich; LIVID. - otvetstvenuyy redaktor; KOLORIYTSEV. A.D., redaktor izdatellstva; KOROVMOVA, Z.A.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Hechanization of coal loading in mines of the Karaganda Basin] Nekhanizatsiia navalki uglia na shakhtakh Kars-andinskogo ugoll- nogo bassaina. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat. 1956. 171 p. (MLRA 9:9) (Karaganda Basin--Coal mining machinery) LTIMSHCHINSKIY, D.M., inzhener; CROXASSKIY, F.B., inzhonar. Use of the ODonbass-60 cutter-looder in the Xaraganda Basin. Makh.trud.rab. 10 A0,3:17-20 Mr 156. (MLRA 9-7) (Karaganda Basin-Coal mining machinery) Ll-UBOSHCH121SKIY, D.M..inzh.; ZILIBM. I.S.,ing'.h. . Efficiency of onrinkling units in coal combines. Bezop.truda 7 prom. 2 no.5:7-8 My '59. (MIRA 11:4) (Coal mining machinery) ;TgIQS! INSKIY,D.M.; KA7J,K, Yu.11. ICU: Trying out a test specimen of the K-14G stops cutter-loader in the Karaganda BaBin. Ugol' 35 no-2:11-13 F '60. (Mllu@ 13:5) (Karaganda Basin--Coal mining much inery--Tes tire) - LYWD'-H(%l i& @YDr#@@iZ_@Iarkovich; POZIN, Yevepniy Zal'mnnovich; KAZAK. Yuriy HikoD;j4-v-r-ch; ZIL'BERT, lzrail' Samoylovich; LOGUNTSOV, B.M.. otv. red.; SAOROKHOVA, A.Y., red. izd- va; IL'INSKATA, G.M.. takhn. red. [Breaking of coal by the cutting elements of mining machines] Razrushenie uglei ispolnitallaymi organami vyemochnykh mashin. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry no .-ornomu delu, 1961. 220 p. (MIRA 14:5) (Coal mining machinery) BRENNER, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; LYUBOSHCHINSKIY, D.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Concerning L.I.Baron, B.M.Loguntsov, and E.Z.Pozin's book "Determining the properties of rocks." Reviewed by V. A. Brenner, D.M.Liuboshchinskii. Shakht. stroi. 6 no.10:32-3 of cover 0 162. (MMA 15:9) 1. Giprouglegormash. (Rocks-Testing) (Baron, L.I.) (Loguntsov, B.M.) (Pozin, E.Z.) RUCHKO, Boris Fedorovich; GREBESBKOV, Yuriy Vasillyevich; LYUBOS C TV N.44-4 I KAZAK, Yuriy Nikolayevicb; UTSKIY, N.V., otv. red.; SILINA, L.A., red. izd-va; BOLDYREVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. [ "Ukraina-l" coal cutter-loader] Ugollnyi kombain "Ukraina-l" Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 242 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Coal mining machinery) KAZAK, Yu.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; LYIJBOSHCHINSKIY, D.M., kand. tekhn. nauk Concerning the book "Cutting coal." Ugoll Ukr. 7 no.7:55 JI 163, (KrRA 16 -. 8) (Coal-Testing) KAZAK, Yu.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; LY1.7,90SHCHINSHY, D.M., kand.tekhn.nauk (,'alaulation of the var-able resistance of coal seams to rupture in the design of actuating mechan sms o@- mining machinery. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;gor. zhur. 6 no. 12:107-114 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Karagandinsk"y poiltekl@nicheskiv institut (for Kazak). -'. !n- stitut Giprouglegormash (for Lyuboshchinskiy@ 1 Ub K:@ i i@ r r n i r:@ ' r np I irtl-lf, by .@N. vt r, z;, st-)T,os In Treq r, 3ov@, tsk-,j@-c- @or Fudko, 2 "Ll wo A.!. '@oc- in .@wk!)I-o (f'or Pozin@ y u ,tITUBUSHIN, A.A. (Mbeikwa); SMOLOYANNIKOV, A.V., prof. Hypertrophy of the heart in cardiosclerosis caused by chronic coronary insufficiency. Kardiologiia 2 no.3z25-30 V@@e 162. (MM l6z4 (IMART-DISMES) (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (HYFERTENSION@ 4@ - New method for lubricating vertical ammonia conlres8or8. Khol.tekh. 35 no.2t6o Mr-AP '58. (KM 11:4) (Compressors) SV7R-IDA V,G., rukcvo!Jta.',' rabuty; KLYACHKINA, Ye.L.; ZAWBENA, A,K,j BAYTINA, N.M.; -l'--'!lBOSH!TS, A.I.; ye.ya.; BkyC7A-) Experimt@nll- In increasing the produrti-ve capa,-ity @ha Mlnak La@tic Acid Factor- y ulider the conditions of existing --qu-pmen, and e,ec@ric power 3YSuems. b:uV BNIIFPT no,4:63-6,I) X : RA 17: i 0 LYUBOSHITS, A.I. Calculation of multiregion packed heat exchangers with a moving bed. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 6 no.11:42-49 N 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut teplo- i massoobmena AN BSSR, Minsk. LTUBOSHITS, A.I. Use of a multiregion heat exchanger with pack4ras for heating air to hIgh temperatures. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. no.12:21-26 D '63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut teplo- i massoobmena, Minsk. DOBAWAMA, A.F.; LYUBLGHIT5, L.S. Use Of neuroplej-des in compound treatment in toxic pneumonia in infants. Zdrav.Bel. 7 no.8:53--56 Ag 161. 15:2) 1. Kafedra propedevtiki detskikh bolezney i fakulltotskoy pediatrii (zaveduyushchiy kafedroy - dolctor med. nauk A..F.Dobrogayeva) Kharikovsko meditsinskogo instituta (diroktor - dotsent B.A. Zadorozhn i 7-ya detskaya klinichoskaya bollnitsa gor. Fdiarlk-ova (glavnyy vrach - R.A.Korolychanskays.). (AUT0NUvdG DRUGS) (FE-urIN01,11A) BABAYEVA. ji.V.; LYUBOSHITS, I.I. C OmDle x c ompound s of D - -:i i -3.i -, r.- I I;j d -i uin i - t h -i c 9 t @ x I 7ne . 1) -, - 1 A y lvvw@ . NOW,- S.S.S.R. 89, ':81-2: 'z-j. (NILRA (CA 4? no.19:)843 '53) Is ; 0606 Goo 0 C4 0 4 0 0 , 0 a it 4 is 14 is 4 if is ifa if U M is 14 X " 11 " il It 1, 1. it . it A A -,r__J) L q AA LID t 1 00 4 -AIDS 00 14v 6 o S ff i -r s 4 - 1 ' Drywg with make pees. L Lk-UPON1114- N,, 4. 6' , k ffm StIthiarite fud Was ww't In dryt.g atird1~1 wtth CtIAS PLANC @ i dip . wam, U is it a 1 6 l 8 1 I* p 4 6 * 4- G * 0 ~ O o : r, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1111 0 0 0 : I, A 13 w tj I. It 10 If a 17 a 14 a as 17 All it' to It At uAd a Is 0 a p 4; 02 .1 6 IL I, & 4 f Q 01 1 1 4 V IF 1 1 4 M 40 (X VP ft 00 00., -0 : 00 -0 00 nwary a# the poravossal doorymp,.f posipoir an coils I h -*0 -00 ' To,.! jit - u-iin, IWS,%,. 3,1m; Lill Adt. . v Itt'-f.a mc fvfvvcmv-@ CH -00 00 -00 00 -90 0 0 .00 006 J 00 41411 0 40 Of *0 Ebe .4110 @6* goo so* '490 art 0 6 0 q ff (Vito, aid ma Ogg[ ffft@ if 0 0 0 1) 1 ?A "I 1 0, to I Iff a 'I "Id ft is * 0 0 0 0 0 0 LYUBOSFITS, I. L. Lyuboshits, 1. L. "Artifical dryin of lu-p peat (Wit@ flue gases from a boiler unit)," In sy-posi,-m: Torf v nar. khoz-ve Eelorus, SSR, Minsk, 194F, p. 81- -F9 So: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis I Z' urna-l Inykh Statev, No. 13, 1949, A " ' : i @t@q We -91tarlm e arymg A L -derivi. Jhre preuntod @ r e thw&for the'detri,of C4 * 4 he ,in, Ina teriab . TM ic- Me- 1:11 V_ Irf"e ,- are td. C. S.. -$I ane AZ@vdr:tt ' . fnvcharub& (the iiiatetj;il put into tlw:dr - - -1 br,j --in the dr-Oug 6amber, - --- witNti hunthlity of;the nir --adfiattatk himikilty pf_tl!e-afi- fit the.-cftdinfi;cr@ - iM abg- of @he Inat er;.-kl r. iVicrbicki:, mois, LYIJBOSHIT5, I. L. Lyuboshits, 1. L. -- "Drying of Paper." Dr Tech Sci, Inst of Cher-,Jcal Ma- chi-ne, Building Rinsk 1953. (ReferativrVy Zhurnal-KI-d-miya, No 1. jan 5") Sot SUM 168.9 22 JuIY 1954