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HACURA, J. Continuous flow method in soil microbiology. I.Apparatus. Folia microbiol 6 no.5:328-334 161. 1. Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 6. (SOIL MICRO-ORGANISM) MAPURA, J. bbtua:L relations of soil microorganisms and plants. Vestnik GUIN 70 no.1:70-71 161. 1. Oddeleni pudni mikrobiologie, Biologicky ustav, Ceskoslovens4 akademie ved. Liz VRANY, J.; VANCURA, V.i MACURA. J. Zffect of 9411&'application of some readily metabolized substances, growth regulators and antibiotics an rhizosphere microflora. Folia microbiol. 7 no.1:61-70 162. 1. Depextment of Soil Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, PrafGue 6. (ANTIBIOTICS pharmacol) ROWTH SUBSTANCES pharmacol) (BACTERIA pharmacol) KOZESNIKI, Taroslavv akademik; BIASKOVIC.. Dionyz2 akademik; KOIXAN., Arnost.. akademik; dr.; VAMp jcsef; GOSIOROVS Mil BON Kr'. os; 4p Jaroslav,q akademik; PROCW,.ZKA., Jaroslav., prof., dr.; RA-MMS., Zdenek, dr,; BRAMC, Frantisek., prof, Ftantisek,, akademik; NOVAKI, Josefs akmdemik; IMIZIAM'.. Jaromir, doc,,, dr,; BAZA=,, Vladimir, inz., dr.; KOUNOVSKY, Bobumil, dr.; SZANTO., Tan,, dr.; ROZSIVAL., Hiroblavp dr.; KASPAR., Jan., dr.; RUMA., Iadislav,, prof., inz.; STRHAD., Julius; WICHTERIZ, Otto., akademik: ZATOPEX., Alois; JAVOPdIICKYp Jan., inz.; VAVRA, Jaroalav, dr.; BIATTNY, Ctibor, akademik; ONDRIS, Karolt dr.; KUKAL., Vaclav., inz. The 22d Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the tasks of Czechoslovak science; discussion. Vestnik CSAV 71 no.1:3-59 162. 1. fflavni vedecky sekretar Ceskoslovenske akademie ved (for Kozesnik). 2. Clen korespondent Ceskoslovenske akademie ved (for Vana, Gosiora7skTf Kaspar,, Strnad, Zatopek). 3. Rektor Karlovy unkirersity (for Prochazka)e 4. Rektor Ceskeho vyeokeho uceni. technickeho, (for Brabec). 5. Hameatek presidenta Ceskoslovenske akademie ved (for Sorm) Twlyl J.; MACURA, Jiri Influencing the microflora of plant root surface by antibiotics. Rost vyroba 9 no.7/8:702-706'JI-Ag 163. 1, 1~dkrobiologicky ustav, Geskoslovenska akademic ved. oddelani pif4iA midrobioldgie, Praha, MACURA, J.; SZOLNOKI, J.; VANCUTU, V. Glucose decomposition in the soil. Rost vyroba 9 no.7/8: 788-792 Jl--Ag 163. 1. 14ik-Lobiologicky ustav Ceakoslovenske akademie ved, oddeleni pudni milwobiologie, Praha. GATSKA, V. ; MACTRA, Jiri Effect of root excretions of the wheat root colonization with fur-gi. Rost vyroba 9 no. 7/8 687-692 Jl;.-Ag 163. 1. Mikrobiologicky ustav, Ce skos love n9 Im a-kademie ved, oddelani pudni mikrobiologie, Praha. MAGUIU, Jiri; KUNG, Frantisek Biological immobilization of mineral nutrients in the soil. Rost vyroba 9 no. 7/8.-785-788 JI-Ag 163. 1. 14ikrobiologicky ustav, Geskoslovenska akademie ved, oddeleni pudni mikrobiologie, Praha. MACURA, Jiri Interrelations between the soil microorganisms and plarit roots. Vestnik CSAV 73 no.2:292-294 164. J 77 j L J ACCESSION NR: AP5013804 CZ/0064/65/010/002/0115/0124 "HOP J. flat ui~ A M R: Macura, s a, Yu.); Kunc, F. (Kwits, F.) 'Cont us-flow method in soil mic TITLE: robiology. AV_ L~--corroosition-of- Elycin in u0 - - no. 2': 1965, ~115-124 SOURCE rolia irdcrobiologica, v. 10, IC TAGS: soil microbiology, continuous-flow'rrethod, nitrogen amino acid TOP 4 it itrate nitrite, &1:7cine, ammonif- cation, nitrification, ammonia, oxidation ABSTRACT: The decoTgosition of glycine was studied in the continuous f low method. Glycine solution was added continuously at the rate of 50-60 m1/24 hours to -soU sampl6s of different weights, (10, 20, 30 . and 50- g) and thernefor-a of dif-. & it differentiation of th-- course of the individual fexr~ent coluw,. beia ts, to per-A P-170cesses in vario us layers of a soil column. The,degree of glycine mineralization. Was ~It was nitrifi d most effi f~ownd to be do-pendent or. the weight of the rj-o~ U. fl -sample in ciently in t,he 30 r, soil which two-thirds of the added glycine nitrogen W-lu O-jdl zed to iAtrites and nitrates. No equilibrium' vas noted between the rate.of '-rite:! and nitrate formation. -Me latter ro se at first in relation to the weight i 05 the soil, but fell after roaching a maximum, The:factor that limited the rate of-- -1, 61560-65 ACCESSION NR: APS013OG4 dsorption of ammonia n1trogen in the soil. A comparison of n1trificati on was the a A the results of the;nitrification of continuously added glycine approxi-I i rate idea of the site of the individual phases of the glycine conversion procass in; the va ous. soil layers. About one-third of the added glycine nitrogen was adsorb-I r' ed in the. first. 10. g of soil-, with more than one-half released in the form Of monia. Thus, more than 90% of the added glyc-ine was mineralized in the top lay- Tbeauthors concluded,that the course of the microbiological processes during the decorlposition of-organic matter as a contilnuous system depends on whether the sub- or, strate is t&en up-from the solution by cells adsorbed on a structural aggregate, _IV er the'. ce- Ils -take- e -heth up-the substrat adz6Aed on the soil. Horeover, -the re- lationshi between the individual phases of the-decomposftic_n~ rocess can be in- p gurl-I fluancad by choosing soil colurims of different heights. Orig.- art. has: 10 fi table. A ASSOCIATION: Tepartment of-Sbil Hiarthiology,- Indtituto -of. Microbiology, Czecho-, s lovak of -Sciences i.,Pi~aVge SUBRETTE MICL- 00 SUB CODE: D: 7'3OJunG4 ~;LS VO REF~SOV:_001. OTHERi 028 2:i 59-65 NMI, P5013805 AZ ~_ESSTC5 YR: A 016,100210125/0135 AUTHOR: M J. (14atsura, Yu. Kunc, r. (Kunts acura ,F.) , TITLE Continuous-flcrf me-thod in soil microbiology. V Iiitrification SOUR.CE: ~rolia microbiologica'- V. 10, no. 2. 1965, 1,25-135 1.7 s microbioloU, cantinuous-flvi method, nitrite, nitrate, nitrifi. oill cati-on, a=.Onium- sulfate, :oxidation ABSTRA CT, The course of nitrification was determined in soils to -uhich different concentrations or ammonium sulfate solution were- added and in. soil samDles of dif- ferent w-aights _U.e. , soil colu =-s of different heights). The anmonium-ions were i '[11 which varied with the c 0 d zed after,,a short lag phase, oncentration of-ammonium slulf ate. This was followed by ap e;Tonential phase of nitrite formation. An libriwa in the oxidation of ammonium ions oc'curred only when there was a continuous f lc~~, 04, it and nitrate formal_. lcrw ammonium sulfate c(nicantrations. The rate-of n-*t rite 'on va-led inversely with the aw-,4onitm sulfate concentration. The factor limiting I ti -the ammium ions'was the de -Ge of adsorption of e s ithe rate of oxidation of. th ' ub gr stratc- -and not its ccncentrationln thb-stock solutioti',11t was also found that th6j_ 1/2 r-ACURA, J.i KUI,',C, F. Ccntirrio,j~ f':-- -'.-n -7. i z a,.,,, C- of n r(~ vc3n and j?. F m. Praha) 10 n 1 136, 0 Ja It 5 1-k par (Lr f 1 r- c,b c, t7j, s e n I Czechoslovak Au4duroj of Sc lence:-, "rain MAMU, J..: SZOII:!F,J.; YI;IIC, F.; VAI:0211,11~, V.; B~hl',E'Y, A. De c ompo s -'L 1, i cp. o f -I u c c s e c-, or. t i r. u c us I y f-i -1 e -; t c s oFc:' . microbiol. (PrahO 10 nG.1:44-54 "a 1165 1. Department of Soil Hicr-b;o1cg- I y, '"nat,*tu.e of IeI4Crobi(j'-C'Fj' and Rad j04SOtope Research LFb-i-at.-ries, Czech(--)sIevak Academy of Sciences, Frarue 4. ACC NRt AP6025979 SOURCE CODE: cz/oo64/66/011/004/0248/0256, AUTHOR: Kunc, F.; Macura, J. ORG: Department of Soil Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague TITLE: Oxidation of aromatic compounds in soil SOURCE: Folia microbiologica, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 248-256 TOPIC TAGS: aoll microbiology, aromatic compound, organic compound,i oxygen consumption ABSTRACT: The metabolism of p-hydroxybenzoic acid, quinic acl~, vanillinj and cumarin in aoil by a mixed microbial popu- lation was studied, aB well aa oxidation in soil preincubated with aromatic substrate and glucooe. Oxygen conaumption af) studied by the direct Warburr, manometric' technique. W Sail preincubated with gl11C0fJC was incubated in an electro- lytic respirometer. FigB, I and 2 show cumulative oxygen consumpt .ion-and ratea -of oxygen conaumption by the fiamples, Quinic acid waa oxidized moat rapidly. while cumarin had had the longeat lag phane (see Fig. 1), After 72 hr Lho C-rd 1/3 ACC NR: AP60259T9 total amount of oxygen needed for complete oxidation of the substrate had been consumed. FigG. 3A, 3B, 4, 5, and 6 show oxygen consumption of oubatrates incubated with water, p- "hydroxybenzoic acid quinic acid, vanillin cumarin. or water, respectively. From the tables one can ace that the second dose of the same substrate was oxidized more rapidly. Oxygen consumption was greater in samples which had been preincubated with glucose, with a shortened or absent lag phase. Metabolism of aromatic compounds has previously been discussed and studied only in connection with decom- .position of lignin and decomposition or synthesis of humina and in pure microbial cultugeo. The presence of several peaks in oxygen consumption rate curves may indicate successive oxidation of intermediate products and possibly simultaneous succession of different groups of microorgan- isms adapted to utilizing such compounds. Temporary decreases in oxygen consumption are poasibiy the results of the formation of an intermediary decomposition product that inhibits microflora. It in known that glucose acts as a carbon source for RNA macromolecules and. in.the case 'of its stimulation of humic acid decomposition, plays Card 2 J-11- ACC NRI AP6025979 some role, as yet undefined, in the synthesis of so=e .enzyme participating in the decomposition procees. (WA-50; CBE No. Ill SUB CODE: o6/ GUBH DATE: 23Nov65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 038/ SOV'REFt 002/ 3/3 -Iz'-~--- CZEC.IJOSLOVAKIA CZ/0064/66/011/004/0248/0256 AUTHOR: Kunc, F.; Macura, J. -eq- ORG: Department of Soil Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, Czec4oslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague TITLE: Oxidation of aromatic compounds in soil SOURCE: Folia microbiologica, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 248-256 TOPIC TAGS: soil microbiology, aromatic compound, organic compound, oxygen consumption soil ch6mistry ABSTRACT: The metaboliax of p-hydroxybenzoic acid, quinic acid, vanillin, and culmarin in soil by a mixed microbial popu- lation was studied, as well as oxidation in soi-1 preincubated with aromatic substrate and glucose. Oxygen consumption was studied by the direct Warburg manometric'technique. Soil preincubated with glucose -was incubated in an electro- lytic respirometer. Figs. 1 and 2 show cumulative oxygen consumption and rates of oxygen consumption by the samples. Quinic acid was oxidized moot rapidly, while cumarin had had the longest lag phase (see Fig. 1)..."After 72 hr the 1/2 L t c ea: L.) tlie of che f a r :3 0 C'me s d' -i v w-, r" WE, L C2 MACUIRA~~ L. "Water-management conditions in the lovlands of ea3tem 31ovakia." o.179 VOMIT HOSPODkRETVL (U3trecLni sprava vodniko nosoodarstvi) Praha, Czechosiovakia, no. h, April, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (ED~I) LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 19Y) Uncle .7 ,4ACURA, Leon.,- -inz. F,xperience with hydromechanization at tiie Trojice Mine in Oatrava-Karvina coal diatrict. Uhli 4 no.3:79-83 mr 162. 1. Zavcd riv-c'hanizact,, a automat"zace Sdruzeni Ostravsko- karvinskych dolu, 0--trava. MACURA, Marian Some pathogenic and clinical aspects of diseases caused by entero- pathogenic viruses. Fol. tyg. lek. 17 no.28:M6-1120 9 Jl 162. 1. Z Laboratorium Analityaznego Szpitala Wojewodzkiego 14SW w Katowicach; kierownik: dr med. Sz. Kosmiderski. (ENTEROVIRUS INFECTIONS) POLAND MACURA-11ar-ian.- Infectious Division (Oddzial Zakazny) , Mu- nicipal Hospital (Szpital Miejs1U) No 6 in Katowice (Direct- or: Dr. med. E. PYZIK) "Assay of Practical Value of Intradermal Autoserum Test in the Diagnosis of Infectious Hepatitis." lVarsaw-Kralcow, Przeglad Lekarski, Vol 19, Sor II, No 6-3. pp 211-216. Abstract: [Author's English summary modified] The author investi-ated the value of the autoserum intradermal tostle for differentiating between infectious hepatitis and mechan- ical jaundice, or diagnosis of allergic conditions. He found the test decreasing in sensitivity with the age of the patient and severity of the disease -- when differen- tial diagnosis is most diffiuult. 'Iho observations also argue against the allergic pathogenesis of the test. He L concludes that the test is of no great significance in in- fectious hepatitis and that it shows a reaction of the type of the Sanarelli-Schurarzmann sign. Of the 13 refer- .ences, two are in Polish, one in English, and the others 'in German. 27 J CZECHOSLOVAKIA Microbiology. Gonaral Mic rot Jology. Physiology and Biochemistry. .'.bs Tour: Ruf Zhur-Biol., No 16, 1958, 71907. F-1 Author Vancura , V. ;, Mae Irove , -21- Inst Czechoslovak Academy of Agricultural Scicnrus. Title Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen Azotobact6r in Some Industrial 'dasto. Orig Pub: Sbor. Coskosl. skad. zomed. vad. Rostl. vyroba, 1956, 29, No 9-10, 978-979. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 Wk. a .~,-,,~T-vatioins an Lae Li~-LlumentI infectious h~L,,--Lliis tha s on e .'1 4ad, lek. 18 no. 5: 1 13-1210 -2 OddLialu Zal:p-zr)ego l,'jojckiego rr. V w Katowicar~, ~,.'!,dynator: dr. mod. M. AG I OBOITE'l 1411--l Ve,~; ~ le, n-e f 165. KUS, Jan; HACZA-PATKANIOWSKA, Zofia. Arterlography of the kidney in normal and pathological conditions. Fol.morph.. Warsz. 6 no.4:259-270 1955. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Opisowej i Topogra-ficznej A H w Krakowie. Kier.: prof. dr T.Rogalski. (ARGIOGRAPHY, arteriography of kidney in normal & pathol. cond.) (KIMTM, blood supply, arteriography in normal & pathol. cond.) M&GZABUI.,_~ria ~Semenowna; BEZARASUILI, Lamara, Georgiewna Toluidine blue as a heparin-inhibitor in vitro and possibilities of its use in hyperhaparinemia caused by drtificial extracorporeal cir- culation. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.38:1480-1484 17 S 162. 1. Z Insty-tutu Doswiadczalnej i Klinicznej Chirurgii oraz Hematologii w Tbilisi - Gruzja (ZSRR); dyrektor; pi-of. dr K.D. Eristawi, Czlonek rzeczywisty Akademii Nauk Gruzinskiej SSR. (HEPARIN) (PHENOTHIAZINES) (DYES) (HEART MECHANICAL) MACZAK, A. Z dziejow rzemiosla w Polace. (Wyd. 1.) Warszawa, Wiedza Powszechna, 1954. 308 P. (Biblioteczka d1a kazdego) (From the histor of handicraft in Poland. 1st ed. illus., maps# facsims., footnotes) MiDW SOURCE% East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 1956 MACZAY, L. ; SZARVAS,, P. Polarographic determination of Ti (IV) in the prez;ence of foreign ions in ortho- phosphoric acid as condfictibg electro3jUbs p.69 MAGYAR KEX[AI FULYOIRAT. Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 65, no. 2, Feb. 1959 Monthly List of East European AcCe88ions (EEAI), LC- Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. ~-~ GERGELY, Arthur SZARVAS, Pal; ~IA~~.A Palarographic. determimtion of Ti(IV) in orthophosphoric basic e2eatrelyte in the presence of foreign ions. Magy kem folyoir 65 no,2:69-72 F '59. 1. Kossuth Lajoa Tudomanyegyotem Szervetlen es Analitikai Kemiai Intezete, Debrecen. ------ - - -------- '0 . SZARVAS, Pal; BALOGH, Tiborne; MICUY La os A new device for investigating oxygen-free gaseous space in paper chromatography. 1*~agy kem fo'Lyoir 66 no. 4:137-139 Ap'60. 4.1. Kossuth La-jos Tudomanyegyetem Szervetlen es Analitikai Kemiai Intezete, Debrecen. -77tt~~- GERGELY, Artur; SZARVAS, Pal; MACZAY,--,Lajos D-glucosaminic acid Cu (II) complexes. Pt.l. M-agy kem folyoir 70 no. 6:235-242 Je 164. 1. Institute of' Inorganic-, and Analytic Chemistry, Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen. mirr inz.; ;r.'z -C (liLj 11 tv t- or n L.9 nda rd se I ani, i n- q IN f T-ori 2 0 12: 'r.- Ter~iuicdogy, Krtiknw. 23142 P/025/60/000/003/001/003 DO02/DlOl AUTHORS: Maczel, Henryk, Master, and Reymont, Mieezyslaw, Eiilneer TITLE: The influence of inhibitors on the stability of ethyl- ated gasolines F--_J~'RIODICAL: Nafta, no. 3, 1960, 66-71 TEXT: The authors examined the effect of inhibitors in ethylated fuel on decomposition and sedimentation of anti-knock during storage. I. V. Rozhkov and Ye. N. Kornilova (Ref. 3: "Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv", no. 12, 1956) proved that most stable are paraffin hydro- carbons of conventional and "iso-11 structure, while least stable are unsaturated hydrocarbons (olefins) and aromatic hydrocarbons with a side chain. K. I. Ivanov (Ref. 4: K. I. Ivanov, Ye. D. Vilyanskaya, V. K. Savinova, "Voprosy khimicheskoy kinetiki, kataliza i reaktsion- noy sposobnosti", Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow, 250, 260, 1955) and N. M. Emmanuel (Ref. 5: same as Ref. 4, P 117 and Ref. 6: DAN, 95, no. 3, 603, 19,1--4) observed that there are two types of inhibitors: Type I Card 1/3 23142 P/025/60/000/003/001/003 The influence of inhibitors D002/DlO1 I ,7ith only preventive properties and type II which is capable of arresting oxidation at any stage. The authors tested -the following conventional inhibitors: M pa-ra-oxy-diphenyl amine, (II) 4,4'-dia- mino-diphenyl disulfide, (III) diethyl henylene diamine, (IV) 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl-phenol, and M 2,4-diamino-diphenylamine. The inhibitors were laboratory-tested in the presence of tetraethyl lead on two types of ethylated gasoline. Samples of inhibitors I, II, III, IV and V were added to fresh gasoline samples and to samples more or less oxidized by exposure to light for 9 - 8 days. Gasoline -,amples thus treated were exposed to air at 100 C. Resistance to oxidation was estimated by the period of time elapsing between the start of oxidation and the first signs of tetraethyl lead decomposi- tion (gasoline cloudinessy. The tests showed restrictive properties of inhibitors I, III, IV and V at any stage of oxidationg while inhibitor II was neither preventive nor restrictive, Inhibitor I is now being widely used in the USSR in ethylated gasolines. Because of the capability of this inhibitor to restrain advanced oxidation, I.V. Rozhkov (Ref. 9: I.V. Rozhkov, Ye. N. Kornilova, Khimiya i tekhno- logiya topliv i masel, no. 4. 47, 1957) suggested industrial regene- Card 2/3 23142 P/025/60/ooo/oo3/001/003 The influence of inhibitors D002/DlO1 ration of ethylated gasoline contaminated by sediments of tetra- ethyl lead decomposition. Tables are presented which show physico- chemical properties of Soviet ethylated aviation gasoline components ... ith and without inhibitor I, anti-knock properties of Soviet avia- tion gasolines, stability of Soviet ethylated Casolines before and after the addition of inhibitors and physico-chemical chanGes in regenerated Soviet aviation gasolines during storage. Conclusions: A standard Polish stability test for ethylated gas-31ines must be established; a storage limit has to be set for ethylated gasolines; for reasons of economy, inhibitors should be used in ethylated gaso-? lines for long storage; mixing gasolines inhibited with different antio.,:idants does not reduce their stability. There are 5 tables and 16 references: 12 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The referal- ces to EnSlish-language publications read as follows: Ind. Eng. Chem. 41, no. 5, 907-914, 1949; E. L. "Walters, C. J. Busso: Ind. Eng. Chem., 41. 907, 1949; M.K. Iones, B.K 0trickland: Ind. Eng. Chem., 44~ 2721,*1952; R. B. Thompson, Oil a: Gas J. 53, VVI, 123, 21/VII 1759 28/VI, 125, 5/VII, 151, 12/VII, 115, 1954. Card 3/3 I DICHTER, Michal, mgr.,inz.. KISZAKIEWICZ, Lucja, mgr.; _MAqZEL,. Henryk, mgr.; MIECHOWIECKI, Z., inz. Methods for testing motor lubricating oils in a one-cylinder four-stroke motor, of Polish serial production. Hafta POI 18 no.l: 20-26 162. 1. Centralne Laboratorium Produktow Waftowych. MACUL, Henryk, mgr.; MADEMA, Barbara, mgr. Protective properties of lubricants. Rafta Pol 19 no.2:38-42 F 163. 1. Centralne Laboratorium Produktow Naftowych, Warszawa. 1 0 0 It, -1 1, 11 11 U is to 14 11 1$ a D Wig A JU I) Oil A Is P is to Q P ij is 0 is M A a. fit- I! QC tf_ 1 4- .0 I_ A 4 0, *All" to OR, urp"If ,$I me 'tip,rilluill, I ..... f... I'd Si see .00 00 Zoo CIO 0 0o0 fro 0 00 zoo Soo A 1 4 1 L A &I ISIL LUPL.K AL I,,- f It, v, dai-i lit- Irv . . . It . . III . . Aw 411, fl, to III, x is w 99 ale a 0 Ole 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Ole 4 0 P xii DO job jou 311111ono damaza I I It uIt it It w 13 41) 4 2% 25 1* x M 0 9: 9p Ma d '41"C1,11111 jt~ O'c"1114, _~V, 0 481 CUMVIS - THE SUGAR MUSM I-so 90.1 Vale Me - 1950 00 fro. 10, oat. 00 log 00 0 0 '00 06 -00 coo X*4 us*1 14 usel I AI L -1-LOPWAt WER&TURE CLAIIAPKATIC- 94- 7, t.- U90 I) 04V 0.4 1 d.( oft. Ito po 0 u T, tv Clio spot Ott III[ foo(g4M ICNWAOA Iote 0 0 0 0 0 *to 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 140 tat a rx ra C,!Q a a a e eo 7-n lar ~w call 4 11 1 14 It 13 It M 13 16 It 14 4 v a 14 191, US; lis j6u XP4041 (ju maze ~-& - I A I-, A,- A- -r-Q ig % m &-. k. ~ A It . GO 00 so Cukor iW THE SUGAR MUSTRT V01- III- - 1950- coo Igo* ftoo tsoo A I a5 L a SIVALCMICAL UWAILM (LAMPKAYW* W- too laic" wt. N. -34, ow 11%, 01 .0111110HI, .. U I% AT w0 Lilt; I JEA 16 0 to a (T If 0 'It; a f 94 0 We 0 0 00 a *1 0 0 0 000 see 000 0 so* 400 00 .Ilia* pmMOLUAML at kZw,-r-- 114 lid, ml rtz (too wwh C'o am tgAted to .0 Wu4d with 0-2-44 1 a"awd 100 ratutts " criucind I& to) rho Aba" tkame in the (WOFY. ick". 1,bccatary data 'xc not amemmay app P. S. AJLVF- ;;;~;ny j. .gad to aww- vk-tt- 7 grartaa k6 %I -~;i'by- Sugar oases during manufactvaring - GALkorvesnteasgek L. Maczelka. (Ria Sugar In&astry Cukoripar Vol. IV, "foi AN Is" PP,.: 8 Mv 1951, tl~bs, 19" cximal cm 'a* coi-i-injared to preVious.years lose_ ~r, suga d-urin.g:marrugacture shmied an increase *.',hich a-eraCed 0.25 per cant A ;i-1AG1949 ln-s6ekino for the causes of t is shortc min'g was -est4lUMd h I -.that, In- Vh6,'first, place, faulty operation , of the automatic, beat; ii. :re-:, o oo nsible . for the losses. This -..iay be eliminated by frequent: c~eckin_ q. tfmper tion time:M'Y CM the c mudig ature,and diges orrors in the deterirLination, of sugar content especially ia the'eAss. of ets'- b.o 'Vilth- higher sugar content. increased losses 191,40 C;Ver -be explained only by the errors in the analysis or measuring'. but.rather tT,: fa-ults in, procussing. - Evex-f effort shnuld be mada to avoid. these arrore la~ future c&,paigns.. ~ The Research Institute of the Su~ rndustry..4as -the task to evolve adepatemethodz r neasuring and coraputing'by whidh the cor- ract estimation of: the order of magnitude. of errors-'commItted in, ~Is 'dati6inmi-m nation of the, total losses in - a fiurjar factory- 2.5 imade possible.:, An.iraprdimd' a -athod mu t be elaborated to replat-, L" tile sac d diga$U= adhod i alytical m ;L alle a ajplied a. present, P. T`7 Call4ld aspects at food chemistry &ad techatilogy. L, 3A a c z e I k a. gklmerlsi IPar. 9.. 1 M5, No- .7. i luu-M2, S f41S.- I tab. Below the agglutinatiou temperature as given fit ted by meal Ifterattim,the-voltum (if Water ttmit starcles Wid. meals Is amost lxlcle~dcrit of teruilerature. Since Swelling does not occar at these. temperatures It must, be "- umed. that a. layer of Yiatar absortied during wetting is present between the rtarch particles. Author's measurementi. proved - this layer to W 1.0 -tulcrou th(cki Qual stareftes gbove the tetiqxroture of agplistillAtfoll tto not aborb (lie Volume of water:Aatcd n fit fiterattire. According to ute6ilretneltfs the thouik(cal prop-rtlet of foralant, a double rystent. dqeud printaxity on the quantity.and the,degmc of dLqx-rsf6u of the Hd plize. Mcuttretuents. by inicro3colic have proved, s o! I . . that reerptillfutfun and crystal 'growtis acEur, fit totidant Lonjo(Ittly Witil the SaftetiIng and Ifilil &11- tice of the anbAance-The size of the largest quesce CryStrili IM dC1IqUeSCW fondant is 100 tutcrons- At a temperature reduction Lelaw 30* C the velocity of crystAllizatfoll - dinifitislit-i a art Idurtical degree of Atirativia as u mmilt of water tomei an ttictitirfacc, oversr That -I!i tlu! reamin %Ay~ crystals easily dutectabli.- by udcrmsc4pe. tire foutill 'after une ur t\Ai days fit the -it a~~scs it( . xcc,,slvtly cooled law-grade unisseculte. i. signifying lfSSVA, b MOZELY,k, L. Biologically effective compounds originatinr in condensation of sugars, 'Md amino acids or proteins in foodstuffs. D. 72 ELEL~AEY.SI IPAR. (Mesogazdasai-i Ipari Todomanyos Epyeaulet) L'Udapest. Vol 10, no- 3, Mar 1956 SOURCE: EEA:,, Vol 5, no. 7, Jily 1956 KACZELKA, L. Some problents of quality and evaluation of fondant. P. 75 E12U-iEZ--,;SI IPAR (VesoFazdasagi Ipari Todomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest Vol. 10, no. 3, I-larch 1956 SOLFCE: EEALT LC Vol. 5, no. 7, July 1956 ;-IAC T2.xonomic problems of the colloid chemistry of foodstuffs. P. 137. EILMEZESI IPAR. (mezoFazdasal-i Ipari Tudomanyos Ecyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 10, no. 5, I-lay 1956. KURGE: East Eurepean Accessions Lisb (iZAL) Idbrary of Conf-ress Vol. 5, no. 8, Aurust 1556 IfUIIG,~Ry/Chcraical Tocl-..-. 1 ii~y Mmical Pr)ducts an~, TIneir jn an('. b s j,) Lr R f a, ur - iC-. i -"' ya 9 5 8, 3 c 4 c Auth7,r Maczolk~, L. inst W--- Titlc Pr portiuo ant'. -ns tLe 9ystQm lelatQr-Sucr su in the Preuence A' liq)tiritiua ti,,! f a Cryotulli;,.-~! S21V- Phase. H. Or -J C Pub Elc.~Imczesi lpar, LD, llll~ 1-3, 23i-239 ~-356) ~ii-, H-an;7~rian) Abstract A survey with a bibii, :rophy listing 13'4 rofer~-,ncas. ... CZL Nji, IKA, L. Scientific position and development in ref-ard to L'oodst-IZf's. p.265. LILUMEZESI IPAR. Budapest. Vol. 10, no. 9, Sept. 1956-- SOMME: East European Accessi ns List (EEAL), Library of ~onzress Vol. 5.-, No. 12, December 194, ",AC7FJYA, L. a,-OEe 41-. of Sa~!r n I I Methods of leterm.-Ininv, the -,wanti". the layer Cf EL7-ar in fondants. P. 302. (Elelmezesi Ipar, 701. 1C,,, .90. 1 /j.?, Gt./Deo. if E~,-Ianest, iium~ary) SO: Monthly List of East Etiropean Access-ions (77AL) LG, V Icl. no. 9, Sept. 191-7. Uncl. MACZELKAY Iaazlo Technological questions in the confectionery industry in connection with the dissolution cf saccharose. Eleln ipar 11 no.5/6:V-6-133 Ag 157. 1. "Elelmezesi Ipar" felelos szerkesztoje. RA= LK).A, Laszlo Structural analysis of food. Irt. 1. EleLm ipar 11 nG.?/2: 163-171 0 157. 1. "Ele.Imezesi Ipar" felelos szerkesztoje. HUNGARY / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and if Their Application, Part 3. - Food Industry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur- Khimiya No 18, 1958, 62638. Author : I Inst : lot given. Title : Study of Roasting Degree of Raw Materials in Confectionery Industry. Orig Pub: Elelm. ipar, 1957, 11, No 9 - 10, 194 - 200. Abstract: A method of photocclorimetric determination of roasting degree (RD) of cocoa and coffee beans was developed. The roasting losses (RL) are calculated according to the curve expressing the dependence between CO and the light ab- sor2tion percentage using the equation RL a HIIA - /HAR/(100 - HAR 17 x (100 - HD41) / 'RD, where HE-d is the humidi ty of the initial raw material, HAR is the humidity after the roasting. In the Card 1/2 20 MACZELKA, laszlo Properties and changee of eaccharoee-water systems containing additives and arystallirie isolid phane. Pt.2. Fdalz. irex 11 no.!IA2.-234-242 D' 517 Structural analyais of food. Pt.2. Ibid. z2 59-266 1, *Elelpezesi lpar", felelos !:zez-kaqztoje. "The structure of foodstuffs. II. Characteristics of some substances, that is, some groups of substances occurring in foodstuffs." P. 259 (Elelmezesi Ipar) Vol. 11, no. 11/12, Dec. 1957 Budapest, Hungary SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 V 11-29 CAIWICRY ABS. JOUR, t Rmam's NO, 519602 NO. 20078 A-TT-4,I)R t Ma c 7 enski, S. 14 t ! - -,,- -- -lven TITLE Polyc'a rrdDnL t ez., 'e -4- PLtHj j Tworzywa G,ir:ia jj,~crv, 4, f,'o ABSMA CT j A rev'Lew article. -7he idstory of tne developmert of syn,nesir rc--L:-~ods, the physicomechanical erties, and po~siole aj-~,Ili~ationp, of poivcarbor, eleclro~echni-~s, phcto~--rapJt-.-.,, a,,A ates -n fields are dlF.cuss-A. -hc- biulio-7:rarhy ii!i--- litLf~S. Sedo", ------- --- MACZENSKI, Zdzislaw, prof. Bohdan Pniewski. Nauka polska 10 no.4:43-46 162. 1. Czlonek rzeczywisty Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa. E. A new Soviet agricultural tractor for work In hilly regions. P- -3 OGIMONA PRACY. (Centralna Rada Zw1azkou Zavodowych I Centralny Tnstytut Ochrony Pracy). 1-Tarszawa, Poland. V01- 13, no. 9,Sept. 1958 Monthly List of European Accesr,ions (11~LAI) LC, Vol. 8, No; 8 August 1959 Uncl. A. Tile application of push-button controls. p.23- OCHRONA MI ACY. (Centralna Rada Z,,Tiazkoiq Zawadowych i Centralny Iutytut Ochrony Pracy) Warszawa, Poland Vol. Vi, no. 5, May 1959. Ronthly list of East European Accessions (z-EAI) LC Vol. e, 9 Sept. 1959 Uncl. MACZEWSKI-ROWIFSKI.-Ardrze_i Bitter reflections on labor safety ard h-Fiene. Ochrona pmcy 17 no.1:20-21 162. 1. Wielkorpolska 11odowle, Pbolin, Redaktor dzialovy miesieez- nika" Ochrona Pracy." zp 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 *1* 0 CAI.,el UW.-* 11 Is ?9 a III a n it b is 0 As m La jL-t f. 1- 1 0T.IA-A_ I-LAA. NACAq A kajf 00 Of 00 The Laccesm of Dum&&y of CaMan Tbab 47 Clodda a* UsUbod. It, 1Iw-wwki.Itpwjwa*kL (I-tvgW T-huimviv. 11131, June, T11). f- limq- -flit' 0* ir 00 U! 116T of ruttilq? 14.46 in denum-trowt by dot^ frmvi hu-tort- A J-npwu~ 4 If., -ImIm-w. V. w 06 00 z 09 j 00 0 a 00 ti ja 1; 0 12 Ad a it u a w Q 41 $1 a aO"ce A _L 't k v Caut.1 9a __JL_1 06 Q Cook -06 ;-so -00 -mw Mm. =00 000 ro 0 U-00 00 ::a SO w0 16 60 00 noo A 1 6 1 L ASt I ALA.URGK AL 'LITE RAT Lot CL&S11OK4110" 4..,3.0 I.M., -11 - 5.1 00 6u15 1, '0 tPaIrmor WaIgN mesa It X, ml 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 fit 0 as *I It, CITrey-ski K U,r -if szwtfu%~ 3-,' pmpelhn; Cumbuminn. PEO-1 x-Alrtow 1 'rorin j.,'m pablAa do - !a -~ t)eh S, I N,, 2, U~61. 1)1) _'A '-,I T, :4:, "A, I 'ria! rij, ~_Ji ZIS-5 motorcar ard Kr 1.1 tr,L0,.r -I olaev IT , n% Pole antt 'Proce uo~pi v- A pro-*ess Satisfactory res"Its )I tilt' ',rlal Im- in a Liwadv,ntage flow ihe inv-, i--nT ions A,-tv (I oul, F?C3u;,,3 ihown in figures. MACZE'.-iSKI-RCF4DTSXI, Bohdan I'Mechanizacja transportu w hutach zelaza" (Mechanizat,ion of Tran3portation in Steel ovorks). translated by /Sohdan Maczewski-,qowinski, (EnginEer~)7 and L'91. Pawlowicz, (Eriginper)7. SO: Wiadomosci Hutnicze (Metallurigical News), No. kjAC7Z-T3h-j-Ra-MISKI, BOHDAN qIcz ewsl-d-Rorin old, Bohdap. T,,-?n,-,r)ort bliski dzdignia planu 6-letniego. L Warszawq.J Czyteanlk L 195D7. 65 p. (Ieliedza Pwwszechna, 716. Cykl: Transport i Komanil-acj 1) Conveying machinery as a ba--Io for 'the Si7-Your Plan. ill-us., ja bibl., notes_~ 3, No. 5, SO: Mbnthly List of Ebs- European Accessions, L C Vol 11-V 1954, Uncl. POLAITD/Acoustics - Ultrasonics j-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1959, No 4128 Author Maczewski-Rowinski Bohdan Inst aw- - 1. 1 . - -- Title Precipitation of Dust From Industrial Waste fiases by 14eans of the CIWP L177-ntral Institute for Protection of the Labor- erj Siren. Orig Pub Proc. II conf. ultrason., 1956, Warszawa, PWN, 1957, 169-174 Abstract Data are given on the measurement of the total acoustic power and the characteristics of the directivity of the siren designed by the CRIP (Warsaw, Poland), intended for cormercial cleaning of gases by the acoustic method. The siren was tested at various frequencies at a range from 2.8 to 23.2 kc at various rates of gas flow, 130, 250, and 400 cubic meters per hour. The maximum acoustic power in open space (830 watts) was obtained at a frequency of 3 kc. In 1954-1955 the siren was tested under semi-commercial conditions in Szopenice, where dust laden gas from a copper melting Card 1/2 97 POLAM / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products ard Their 11-5 Application. Water Treatment,, Sewage. Abe Tour : Ref Zhur - Rhimlya, 90 5, 1959, No. 15829 Author :Yhozewski-Rawinski, B. Inst 1V&E-g-fv-en-- -- - -- -- Title Purification of Waste Waters with the Use of Ultrasc.:-i1cs Orig IIfo Ochrana pracy, 1957, 12., No 6., 8-9 Z00tract The effect of ultrasonics on the coagulation (C) of suspensions depends an the size of suspended particles ru3d on their density* The settling rate increases with an increase of density differential between the dispersQd aMd continuous phasese Etperiments performed in the determiration of C for the highly dispersed sole of 11g, Ag,, As., and oxides of Al and Fe indicated the advantages obtained when employing generators of low capacities and with lm frequencies, The coagulation of metal oxidus Card 1/2 PoiAND Chemical Technolc&j Chemical Products and Thar H-5 Applicationb Water T-reatmutp Sewage* Abe Jour Ref Zhur K~J~j No 50 1959i NO. 15829 occurs in approximtely 1 minute after passing through ultrasonic waves. Experimuts on the purification of jr,dustrial ani residential waste waters were found to be in poor agreement. The poasibility of Ultrasonics utiliza- tion for disinfecting Purposes has boon established. Ain 80% effectiveness was attained against bacteria in freshlY settled sediment after 6 minutes of ultrasonic tref,',t'r-5r-'.4 Bibliography includes 11 titles. S. YavOnkaYa Card 2/2 Are ultrasor..jCS 4n irdustr-'al 0."E "ful t~, oT at )r,-: er ~4 12, Nc. Poland SL !Li st o,* - (--l 1 11 - , . - - z,~Ct _r, L- . i -~ 1, . ~~ I1 0 .1" fv) P, 7 m~ ik- o vv I 1\1 r S=e =ado= dev(cas for the predpitadon of KeRsdi- B. =V (Cen a N Is, P.4, 5:1 ccwguktka of aerosols Ls reviewed. The actiou a the' venturf sambber Es &%=sed, and other davkes are hrWy stedd I!AGZ~14S!T_R90IIII't'FIT' B. I ~ __9 ~ New welding apparatus at the 3d I'lachinery Exhibition in Brno, Czechoslo- vakia. P. 30. OCHRONA 'UCY. (Centralna Rada Zwiazkow Zawodo,.4ych i Centralny Tnsty-tut Ochrory Pracy). Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 1-1., no. 9, Sept. 1958 MonthLy List 6f European Acces ions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 8 August 1959 Uncl. Research on the orapin an dJ-~truibu-icn of ztnoEpheric pollution. p.A Warszaw, Poland. OC~i-i.VtA 'I, Vol.13, no.12, Dec.15F6 Li-Fl. of i~asl. European i..cceL;sioi-,q index, k-EL.W LVol.c-, nc,.z- June 1~Li9 Uncl 11 -n,:l r p o ~a r a c. z .11 n i~- i v. r v -i n ~i~ r a t i or o It! !us'~r` -, E, a 'T, :~n ~-o --cT 4! a c - ;.v c il, C, r~ ri ew~ r 1) o L~ -i - ;3rcsen teti C6 e j. F,-~ 1 ~k n f f 1 e - d k~ r C, I e r c P.1 of '!.1st t C: '1 .3 1'r-Orl J a j~, 13 13 a n d e c ~:0 1) o T0 ,_i a Y --1 3 !- 0 r i- t f,- r '.j y t h i. j. r n .-,) f 'T.-) an Z3 t. r'! Ino ~j a 1)-~ h. (3 d 1j ~Uw,iod oil tll(; zorq~ ult4tiun of MALCMISKI-ROWINSKI, B. Fighting against the dangers of static electricity. p. 10. OCHRONA PRACY. (Centralna Rada Zwia,--Iowych i Dentralny Inst-'rtut Ochrony Pracy. Warszawa, Poland. Vol 14, no. 3, Mar. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI) 1L, vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. Detection of static electricity p. 7. 0011TOM PIL,-M. (Centraina RAda Zvriazb-ov, Zawodov-jch i Cf~ntral- Instyl~ut Y Ochroky Pracy) Warszawa. Poland. Vol. lb, no. L. kpr. 1959. No. 9, Sept. 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions ELkI' LC. Vol. uncla. c0m, 19-f -P C.It _~ZGORY I ABS. JOUR, No, 1960j, NO* -,a -7 z,i-i: ij TI n r o r. a ra c y i o TII I,'_4T -)ric-fij s f_-~ F,i n , i r r i si~ r a- r p ~s o A r S I V en o f -he t MACZE3%'SKI-;-RC3k1INffXI-, B. Industrial safety and hygiene in agriculture, p. 15 OCIMCNA PRACY. (Centralna Rada Mazkow i Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy) Warszawa, Poland Vol. 14, no. 6, June 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions(L'-PAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 9 Sept. 1959 Uncl. POL/5_6o-2i_i4/35 AUTHOR: M4czewski-~?~i~s~~,-,Bohdpp.Graduate Engineer TITLE- Exhibition of Works and Laboratory Equipment of the CPntral Institute of Labor Safety PERIODICAL: PrzeglgLd techniczny, 1960, No. 21, pp. 22 - 2) ABSTRACT: This article lists a number of laboratory and labor safety equlpment exhibited by the Centralny instytut ochrony pracy - CIOP (Central Institute of Labor Safety - CIOP). The CIOP is a scientific-technical institute which conducts research on new preventive methods for protecting workers against radiationlacoustic waves, air pollution, etc. The Zaklad ochron osobistych ~Department of Personal Safety) exhibited light airy acid-proof textiles, watpr-proof leather and metallo-asbestos suits for foundry workers..Zaklad bad-P& drgah (Vibration Research Department) demonstrated a new method of fighting noise with the aid of sound-proof, perforated bricks and suspended silencers. The Zaklad elektroniki (Electronics Department) exhibited laboratory apparatus for testing hygienic properties of protective suits subjected to high tempera- tures. The apparatus registers temperature from 25 to 450C, with an accuracy of + 0,10C, Another apparatus exhibited by this Department, registers temperature between layers of ~t worker's -..othing with an accuracy of + 0,20C, The Electronics Department showed a'L~31- Card 1/2 POL/5-6o-21-i4/y, Exhibition of Works and Laboratory Equipment of the Central Institute of Labor Safety a _7& w, ultra-sonic magnetostriction converter, to be used by the Zaklad wietrzenia I klimatyzacji (Department of Ventilation and Air-Conditioning) and a portable electric anemometer measuring wind velocities from 0 to 1.5 m/sec. The Zaklad radiologii (Depai-L- ment of Radiology) showed radiation protection suits equipped with oxygen. The Zaklad szkodliwo�ci chomicznych - ZCH (Chemical Noxiou~ Department) developed about 90 new methods of detecting harmful chemical elements in oxygen. The article lists a number of periodicals published by these institutes, There are 6 photographs, Car-d 2/2 C il'--,,-~-. (,I er-wn :~r An _,~rj ------------- 7. ~,l 1,1 MAUKA-PATKANTMISKA. ZofIa;_.WIFjWCllOWSKA, Kornelia Problam of prolapse of gastric mucosa Into the duodemm. Polski przegl. chir. 28 no.4:379-384 Apr 56. 1. Za SzpItala im. G. Narutowicza w Krakowie z Oddzialu Chorob Wewnetrznych Ordynator: prof. dr. Siedlecki I z Oddzialu Radiologicznego Kierownik: dr. Z. ?4aczka-Patkaniowska Krakow, ul. Pradnicka 37. (STOMACIT, diseases, mucosal prolapse (Pol)) 14ACZKA-PAMN'IOWSKA,- Z.; POLITOWSKI. M. Retropneumoperitoneum. Polski przegl._cbir. 29 no.l: 5-11 Jan 57. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Krakowis Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Jastenski, i z Radiologicznago Oddzialu Szpitala Im. G. Narutowicza v Krakowim Ordynator: dr. Z. Haczkm-Patkaniowsks. Adres autnrow: Krakow, ul. Pradnicka 37. (PNLPUMDPKRITONEUM, ARTIFICIAL retropneumoperitoneum, indic. (Pol)) MAGMAL-PAT1WHOWSKA, Zofia; POLITOWSKI, Mieczyslaw ---------- Role of phlebography in arterial diseases of the lower extremities. Polski przegl. radiol. 25 no.4:325-330 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Ghirurgicznej AM. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. J. Acienski i z Oddzialu Pediologicznego Miejskiego Szpitala im. G. Narutowicza w Krakowie Kierownik: dr Z. lfaczka-Patkaniowski. (ANGIOGRAPHY) (VASCULAR DISEASES PERIPHEM radiog) ~gyd'~K, Roman- MACZKA-PATKANIOWSKA. Zofia; POLITOVISKIP ltieczyslaw; STAN KI, Jozef Congenital diaphragmatic hernia comnlicated by cerebral embolism. Pol. przegl. chir. 33 no.12:15-3-1.507 161. 1. Z Oddzialu Chorob Nerwowych Miejs?kiego Szpitala im. G.Narutowicza w Krakowie Ordynator: dr R. Mirek Z Oddzialu Radiologicznego Kierownik: dr Z. 14aczP-a-Patkaniowska z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej IM w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Jasionski z Oddzialu Chorob Wewitetrnych Kierownik: pr of. dr F.Siedlecki z Pododdzialu Kardiologicznego. (UJWIA DIAPHRAG141TIG compl) (GEREBI" EMBOLISM AND THROMBOSIS in adolescence) CSfLLAG, A.;BRA14ir.TziN. i.;FABER, V.~MACZO, J-ne. On the pathogeaecis of interstitial pneumonia in the newborn. Orv. hetil. 94 no.47:1303-1304 22 Rov 1953. (GIML 25,5) 1. Doctor for Czillag, Brandstein. and Faber; Technical Collaborator for Maczo. 2. National Institute of Public Hygiene (Director General -- Academician Andras Havas), and Prosectorium of Laszlo Metropolitan Hospital (Director Dr. PIal Ferencz). 7-7--t --- --- HAWjITTAY, Odon; MACZO, Kalmanne Experiences obtained in testing the operatioilD of oil-fired installations of induatrial bollora. Ipari 011orgia 4 no./,,: 77-83 Ap 163. 1. Hotechnikgi Kutato Intezet. HARGITTAY, Odon; MACZO, Kalmanne Experiences obtained during the operational tests of oil- firing installations of industrial boilers. Pt. 2. Ipari energia 4 no.5:105-109 My 163- 1. Hotechnikai Kutato Intezet. HARGITTAY, Odon; RACZ0, Kalmanne Experiments in inspecting the oll-firing installations in industrial boilers. Pt. 3. Ipari energia 4 no. 6: 125-128 Je 163. 1. Hotechnikai Kutato Intezet. ;v4 ---77-7 IIARGITTAY., Odon; MACK, Faimanne Experionces in the supervision of the oFeration of oil-firing installations in irdustrial boilers. Ipari energia 4 no.E: 181-182 Ag 163. 1. Notechnikai Kutato Intezet. MACM, T-aszlo Technological problems of the direct Bar c1po 15 no.ig22-24 Ja 165, 1. Tisza Shoe Factory. Poland/Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry, B-8 Equilibriums, Phyo.Chem. Anal. Phase-Transition. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1957, 22283 Author K. Zieborah, H. Kaczorowna-Badyoczel,, Z. Naczynska. Inst Not given Ti 'Elle Azeotropic and polyazeotropic systems. Orig Pub Roczn. chem. 1955, 29, No 2-3 783-790. Abstract By method described before (Fqh Khim., 1954, 25327) with the aid of a S~wietoslawski's differential ebulliometer (swietos- lairski W. Eibulliometric Measurements, No 4, 1945) were measur- ed boiling and dew points of trinary systems: n-octane-2.6 lutidine-acetic acid (I)i n-decane - 2.6 lutidine-acetic acid (II) at 760 an of merc. column pressure. Isobars of (I) and (II) systems show spinal lines sharply displaced toward luti- dine-hydrocarbon side. With analogous trinary azeotropic systems studied before, where the place of lutidine was occup- ied by pyridine, such a phenomenon was not observed. The dif- ference between isobars of the two systems is ascribed by the authors to the circumstance that the azeotropic lutidine range in regard to saturated hydrocarbons is much less than th-vt of Card V2 _94- + ut77: pi, - - ---- ----- 1-t ML CC L PK 7 7 MT7 T T -ij ' PDLAND / Physical Chemistry. Thermodynamics. Thermo- B chemistry. Equilibria. Physico-Chemical knalyse3. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour: R-f Zhur-Khimiya, L958, No 20, 66773. Author : Zieborak K., Maczynska Z., Maczynski A. Inst : Not o*iven. 0 Title : Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Binary Mixtures of the Water-Pyridine Fractions. Orir,- Pub: Roczn. chem., 1958, 32. No 1, 85-92. Abstract: For the purpose of establishing a basis for the azeotropic method of separation of the so-called three-degree fractions (142-1450), the vapor- liquid equilibria data of the binary systems of Card 1/2 POLAND / Physical Chemistry. Thermodynamics. Thermo- B Chemistry. Equilibria. Physico-Chemical Analyses. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, L958 No 20, 0,56773. Abstract: water-2.6-lutidine, water - 3 -picaline, and viater - 4 -picoline were investigated at boiling pointo and at atmospheric pressure. Boiling points of the azeotropes formed were determined and the dif- ferences found were not substantial to warrant their separation on this basis (requiring compli- cated and highly efficient fractional equipment). It was concluded that their separation can be ach- ieved in the less efficient fractionation equipi;ent but employing dilute solutions of these organic substances. Such a separation becomes feasible since under these conditions their volatilities be- come different (i.e. for 2.6-lutidine it is twice as large an it In for 3 and 4-picolinc). Card 2/2 POIAM Physical C'homiatry. Thormodynamica. Thermchumiatry. B-8 Equilibria. PlWsicochezical Analysis. Phase Transitions. Abu Jotw Ref Zhur - 101iniYa, 110 3, 1959, 170- 7527 Author Zieborak, Kazimierz; Yhozp2~~y a, Inst Not given Title Hoteropolyazootropic Systems. III. The System 11athanol - n-Paraff in Hydrocarbons Orig Pub RGczn- chum., 1958, 32, ljo 2, 295-302 Abstract A study waO Made at a pressure of 4o6 mm Hg of the boiling point isobari of biritry system formed by iwthanol (I) with n-heptane (II), n-octane (III), rx-nonano (IV), n-decano (V) and n-dod,3cane (VI). Boiling points vere determined by moans of two obulliometors of Svietoslawski with an accuracy of t 0.010. Systems I-II and I-III are hoteroazootropic, according tcrtho nomoEdlaturo proposed by Swietoulp-waki (Swietoolawakij, W.; Roczniki ohom., 1933, Card 1/0, MACZYNSKA, Zo KREGLEWSKI, A. Specific Interactions in m-Ixturea of acetone with mott,711 trifluoroacetate, Bul chim PAN 12 no.8t551-554 164, 1. Institute of Physical Chzmist,-y of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Submitted May 29, 1964. AIR 41; !v1 t-I uz, HACZYHSKI, A. KACZYNSKI, A. The beginning of the production of prefabricated building sections at Hrusovany; a report from an excursion to Czechoslovakia. DI 455 Vol. 28 no. 11 Nov. 1956 Warszawa Poland SOURCE: East European Accessions List (ZEAL) Vol. 6 'No. 4 Arjril 1957 POLAND / Physical Chemistry. Thermodynamics. Thermo- B chemistry. Equilibria. Physico-Chemical Analyses. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour: Ruf Zhur-Khimiya, L958, No 20, 66773. Author : Zieborak K., Maczyn3ka Z., Maczynski A. Inst : Not given. Title : Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Bi~nary ~Mix Tres of the Water-Pyridine Fractions. Orig Pub: Roczn. chem., 1958, 32, No 1, 85-92. Abstract: For the purpose of establishing a basis for the azeotropic method of segration of the so-called three-degree fractions 142-1450), the vapor- liquid equilibria data of the binary systems of Card 1/2 41 1, 05302-67 IAdf NR, ArfuuU113 N) SOURCE CODE: PO/0099/66/040/002/0323/0326 of MU, A. and ZIELEMMMIMp W., of the Institute 1AGZWSKI,. A., ZIELWKM Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences (Insty-tut Chemii Fizycznaj Polskiej Akademii hauk) Warsaw. i. nbulUometrio Thern-ostatil ~Warsaw, Roc zniki, Chemii, Vol 40, No 2, 1966, pp 323 - 326 Abstract (Authoral English su=uary): A thermostat was constructed which ~2_lows maintain the temperature constant of within +0.0020C over extended .periods Of _tiM0-. 'Orig.-arf.- fiase. 2 figures and 2 tables. [JPRS: 36,OOV TOPIC TAGS: thermostat, laboratory instrument .SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: 20 Aug 65 OTH REF: 003 KH Card 111 KACZTNSKI, Boguslaw, Poznan, u1. Podlaska 27 m. 1. Decrease of skeletal muscle efficiency after surgery. Polski przegl.chir. 27 no.4:315-322 Apr 155. (HUSCLES skeletal, efficiency decrease after surgery) (SURGMU, OPERATIVE, effects on skeletal muscles efficiency) 14ACZYNSKI, Boguslaw therapy, of recent gunshot wounds of the k3lee joint. Polski przegi. chir. 27 no.12:1223-1229 Dec 55. 1. Z I Kliniki Cbirarglcznej A.M. w Poznaniu. Kierownik: prof. dr. S. Nowicki, Poznan. ul. Podlaska 27 m. I. kKM, wounds and injuries gunshot wds., penicillin tber.) (WOUNDS AND INJURIES gunshot wda. of knee, penicillin ther.) (PRIMUIN, ther. use gunshot wds. of knee) J ~7z '777~' 7"