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"APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 ACC NR, AT60~0939 Card 2/~ Fig. ~. Studied t~ee of .elded .,:J.o::Lute.of t',.L~-,~l.__l_ed_ :pipe~q. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 butt-welded with an outer bushing (type 2); c - butt-weldud with a separator gasket (type 7); d - teleocopLng joi ~t with perforated, two-sided flange welds (type 4); e - pipe Joint wail-to-wall (type 5); f- planar .tubular truss with braces attached at an angle of 45 degrees (type 6) stresses by high drawing lowers the strength of the joint by a factor of 2. Annular nonfusion lowers the durability of the joint more sharply in butt-welded pipe~ ~har, in planar specimens. Orig. art. has: 16 figures. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE, 11Mar66/ 0RIG REF, 007 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 ACC: N,, ,~7002866 .......... S0UR�~. �0~,--UR/0~49/66/000/006/01~9/0~41~ AUTHORS: Stepanov~, M. �'i M~rov, I. I. O.~G: Moscow institute for Steel and Alloys. Department of Nonferrous, Rare, and Rare Earth ~[etals (Moskovskiy insti~ut stall 1 splavov. Eafedra metallovedeniya tsvetnykh, rectkik, h i redkozemel'n.vkh metallov) TITLE: The influence of cold deformation on the on~et of recrystallization temperature in aging metals SOURCE: IVUZ. Tsvetna~ra metallurgiya, no. 6, 1966, 139-141 TOPIC TAGS: alloy, aluminum alloy, copper alloy, zirconium containd~g alloy, metal recrystallization/ D16 alloy, AV alloy ABST~ICT: The effect of cold defor~tion of alloys D16 and AV and of two Cu-Zr bronzes with 0.09 and 0.26~ Zr, respectively, on the recrystallization temperature of these alloys was studied. The stud~r supplements the results of }4. V. Stepanova and V. Ye. Mogilevskaya (Izv. WZ, Tsvetn~ya metallurgiya, No. 6, 1963). The metal speci- mens were hot rolled, arznealed, a~d then cold rolled. The recryatallization tempera- tu~e '.(fixed by x-ray techniques) was determined ms a function si' the degree o� cold defor~zt~.on. The experimental results are shown graphically (see Fig. 1). It is concluded that the formation of a ~l~.rsm~Arated solid solution, prior to cold deformation, and its decomposition during recr~talli~tic~ amnealing m~y be the cause ~ UDC, 620,181 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 ACC 2Jl , ,'. De~ree of deform~t�o~ Fig. 1. Dependence off t~~e ~ ~e dele of ~ld def~ttm d~ cold for the observed increase in the recr~stallization temperature a~ & result of cold ~eform.ation. Orig. a~t. h~s, ~ t~ble aGd ~ gr~ph~. __Cord 2/2. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 MI~OSP~IC~KO, Viktor Savvich, kand. ekon. nau~; K~ARAK~ASH'YAN, G.M., nauch~yy red.;_~UVd~ROV. I,I.. red.; NAZARO~A, A.S., tekhm. red. [Tma~x~ new goals; a new stage in t~e development o� ~ ~rld- wide socialist system] Na novykh rubezh~kh; novyi etap razvitiia mirovoi sotsialisticheskoi sistemy. Moskva, I~d-vo "Znanie," 1962. 29 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekbnAke. III Seriia: Ekono~ika, no.8) (M/RA 15:5) (Com~,,p~_st countriesmEconomic conditions) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 l~13~ll~i~�aoiliyI~nat, e~evieh~':and, ichor, nauk~ DULKA~OV, red.; ~AKITIN, I.T., te~hn, red. [Great deed of the party aM the people; how the Soviet people achieved the technical a~d economic indepe~dence of the U.5.S.R.] Yelikii podvig part~i i naroda; zavoevanie sovet- skim narodom tekhniko-ekonomioheskoi samostolatel'nosti $SSR. ~oskva, Izd-vo "Znanie,~ 1962. 46 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. I Seriia: Istorila, no.2) (D[LRA 15:4) (Rus sia~Economic conditions) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 MAKAR~~, !.i.~ kand. Results of fie~d ~herma/ electric APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 1. 4toFo l~bliolMro, inc. (Atrplaneo--Doo tin and conotruat ton) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 cool eggs eith the firet day. Ptitaevodetvo 9 ho.lO:20 '59. (MIaA 1. Dlrektor Hiaskoy tn~ubatorno-ptitaevodcheskoy stantaii (for Makarov). 2. Zaveduyuehchiy twekhom lukubateli Minskoy tn~lbatorno ptitsevodcheekoy ~tantsii (for Zhilinko). (Incubation) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 ;4AgAROV, I.~4. Selection of geometric dimensions for magnetic conductors and for electrodynamic coupling diagrams. Avtom. i telem. 17 no. 10:897-909 0 '46. (MIRA 9:1l) (Servomechanisms) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 1 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 AUTHOR TITLEI PEHIODICAL, AB STRACT I aard 1/2 MAKAROV,I.Uo (Moaco,) PA - 28)4 -The Analytical Treatment of the btabil~ty Problem in an blectro- mechanical Tra~formi~ Device, (Azalitickemkoye ~meledo~aniye u~toychtvo~ti d~tzheniya elektromeknanichem~ogo preobr~zuy~hchego ustroymtva, &vto~tikm t Telemek~nika, ~9~7, Vol 18. Nr 4, PP ~ - )25 Reoetved~ 5 / 1957 Reviewed, 6 / 1957 O~e of thoee devices 1~ investigated by whiCh the p~allel voltage off an electron model ia tra~formed into an angle o~ ~o- tattoo. The eq~tio~ for the motio~ of the tra~former ~e derl~ed and the etability problem ia solved. The device ia ~n electro- mechanical obeervation system driven by an electrofunc co~pli~ (EDO)o The ~eic scheme and the elements of the device ~e described indtvt~ally. There then followa a deecription of their mode of oper- ation and a~ investigation off the eq~tio~ of motion. The moat important c~racteriatic of the ayetem ander observation ~a the exactitude of the reproduction of control. Exactltade depends on the ~ount off the amplification coefficient. A too far-reachl~ increase of the latter ~y, however, lead to a loam of stability. By meade of the metho~ off the quality theory of differe~tial eq~tione a~ by the application off the direct me, hod developed by ~apunov it was possible to obtain the desired reaalta. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 P~ - ~8~4 The Analytical Treatment of the Stability Problem �n an ~lectro- meohanteal Traneform�ng Device~ proved that the lnequation She 2a(a, b, and o are the conatanta of the plane) Xm the only conditl~z~ that, if eatimfied, aecurea the etability of the lnveatigated device in the caee of any fluotuation~ x� and euffioiently~ll fluotuation~ Yo' ac~ ~lth a given time co~tant T of the control windi~ this condition m~e~ it poaaible to aelect the ~plification coefficients ~ and m of the baok- coupli~a of the ayatem under inveati~tion. (8 ill~atratic~ and 5 citatio~ from Blav publlcationa) ASSOCIATION, PRES~31TED BY' SUBMITTED, A~AILABLE~ Card 2/2 Not given Library of Congrea~. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 AUTHO~S~ TITLE~ PEI~IODICAL: ABSTRACT Card 1/5 Transactions ~'f the N~'[:nal C:nferenze on Pr~bkems of Fr duty,on Aut:matton ~ Bucharest tNatsional~a2m ~:,n~er~n~lya = b,xkhareste p.:' v,:pr~sam av~Dm~:iz~:~*~ prc.z~od~t~a) Avtoma~t~a : Ta-.eme~har,~a 958 Vt, ~9 t~r c pp. 49~.492 ~USHRi F~c,m ~une 5 [o 8 ~957 the ~e::nd national conference on problems ,.f prod,, tton mut. oma*.~on was held in buchurest~ In the -nference par~i.:lpated: s.:�entis~s and automation expezt, s fr:)m ~ulgarfa, Mungary, ~,oland., h'umania, the CSR, the [~S~R and Yugoslavia~ thus ~. Bole=ak'y, Corresponding Member of the Bulgarian Do':t�,r ~o Bene~h ,SSR) ~-:ctcr ~. ,engzh!n ana Frofessor Lebeon ~rolaad, 99 lectures wer~ held, Of those the representatlvee of ~c~anla held 9' leo";uree of the CSR -- 2. :~ Hung~=i- 2 ..f Pc. land - ' of the USSR - 2 ~d of Yugcslavla ~ '[u~e p~f~s~or N. N. Sh~miiovskiy APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 Transactions of the National 6:.nferen-e cn Problems of ~r~d,a.~t*lun Au~mat~:~n it bu;kare~t Car~ 2/5 .03-~9- 5-13/14 , :n~- L3at raters ,-f the and ~.-~glr;.er I.. M. Maka.- -- - IAT AS USSR. ~.-I nged ' .:he d,'_;ga:son of the USSR. The k-~uman~an A.~emy f ~-.ien'~ i~ nc~ possess ~y in~%3 '~%%e ~'or a~*~ma~--n. but a C mmig~i~,n for Automation p~es~ded ,: ~e[ :3 ~. S.. Ge. rg~, ~mber ~f the Academy. /he ]0~1~i~''T- ~.=' tw~. ? _en~,J[ic ~e. re,,aries The :epr~sen~tiv~,~ .[ 'h.* ins*~'-TM -f the acade=y ~d the krau D_-e f ~ .-n.~,y .f +he unlvers:'.k~s, factories, mlni~t=~ es af, d :~f ,n~ S'a%e Plam, ing Authority also bel,n6 t. i- T~;e 3nfe~en-e was .:alle~ ~der the dlre !z- .~ ,.:,[~ t.~m,.=~i~n. ~e ..:,nferenc-e was opened by I. S Ge.~giu ~mk,~: .f the A ademy Then Professor No N. Shumi_c~_y ~p_k, -::me ,..~d~ cf welccme. In the piena~2 ~egs; -, p;~f'esso: N. N. Sh:*m'-lc~sklY Doctor I. Benssh and P-,~:fe*s:~ D~ M'_trc'~i:h spoke on the state of automat:o~ and ,e~!ing technique ~n their respective ;ountrlaa i~ tL~ lnd:~idual t:anches of industry. ~e Ro,~manlan de.ego%e9 G K.. M~i~ll Member of the A.:ademy, Pr fe~s r E Pen~sz' D Dam~k*r ~lnee: m. Maresh, ~.glneer A A ~umer.*k,~ ~rre~pondlug Member ~f the APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 Transactions of the National ~onference on Problems of Production Automation in Bucharest Card 3/5 Roumanian A:aaemy of S-iences, and others spoke on the problems of au:omatlon in tile .ndivldual branches of industry of R~uman~a on problems of terminology in automation, as well as on the problems o~ the training of experts for the automation of industry. The further work of the tonference was done in $ sections. In ~he first section spoke~ Mo ~rinesku, Corresponding Membe: of the Roumanian Academy c� Sciences and G. Yankules~u~ Engineer ~n .Synchronous motors and Motors With Alternating lnduc~lvity as Servomechanisms With Proportional Control". Engineer V~ Popo~ on -Contribution tc ~he Simplification of the Conditions of Stability by A~ 1.' . Engineer Uo Damsker on ,,~onstzuc:~on cf the Transition Pr.', eeo ;n ~yeteme ~ith Nonlinear Controllers' . Eng:neez E. Vazak on "AcTive Correction Links" Engineer K. Pene~ku on "Me~hod for Simplifying the Ara2ysis of Contlnucue L~near uysteme of Automatic Con,roi'. Engineer N Shtefanesk~ on "A Method for ,.omputkng interm:~.tent Systemm cf automati~ C~n'rtl", APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 Transactions of the National ~onfezence on Froblems of Produ,:tion A~tomation tn ~u,.hares~ Card 4/5 G. Noisil, Member ~f the Academy of Roumanian Academy of Bc~ences~ on "The ~harecter~stlo Equation of the Trigger.-A,ctlon Relay" The following foreign delegate~ spoke in the first section, Doctor ~, Vengzhin (Poland) on "Some Pr~;b]ems of the Theory ,:f Nonlinear oyetems of Automatic Control",, Doctor Io Benesh (CSR) on ,,Statistical aethod for Investigating the Dynami0s of Control Systems', Engineer Lo y~noki {Hungary) on "A New method for Deze~-mining the Characterist~c.s of ~lectr!� Waves With One Fhase Io the second ~e~:tion 27 lectures were held: Engineer Xe~ Balash o~ 'E-'cnomi-: Considerations ~n the Automation of Capita~e~ ~ountriee" 1. Teodorov and I. Lemin on -Automation in the ~untrles of the Soclalist Camp". Engiueez Vo Tom on "Electron Counters of the Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Roumanian Academy of Sciences~ gz~gineer Mo Bteru on .Electrical aeasurement Of Molstuz~ ~n ~aterlale~, mng~neer m, Konetantinesku on "The Pr~je,~tion of a sadie,Contr~iled oystem An Application to Movable Objects ~it~ ~!gh Speed~' Engineer S. Shekhter on Tbs rr~blem Conceznlng the Me+h~d u� DeslSmi~~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 Transactions of the National Conference on Froblems of Froduction AutomatLon in Bucharest Operational Amplifier f~r mlectron Models", Engineer I. M. ~,~akarcv (~]SSR) on The Selection of the uptimum Characteristics cf Eleotrodynamic Couplings for oystems of Automatic Control". In the third section Su lectures were neld~ These were devoted tc the automation cf Roumania's national economy. After the termination of the conference the newly built mineral-oil refinery in Plo~.shti, the Institute for Power mngineering, the Institute for slectrical mngineering, the ~hilitary- -Technical Academy in Buchurest and the chemical factory for the production of superphos/hate and sulfuric acid were visited. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Industrial produc%ion--Aut~aticn duotion iutoma tiom--Bucharest 2. Coafereneee--Pre- Card 5/5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 MAKAROV, I. M., Cand o~ l'ech Sci -- (diss) "Conver~l,,6 instruments for ~4odel-Bcale Operations," ,V~oecow, 1~59, 16 p~ (Ir~tlt~te ~f Auto.~.~tlcs and Telemechanics, Acad of Bcl UBSR) (KL, 1-6C, 122) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 MAKAF~V~ I.M.s lnZbo C~lculating the depth of r..;~. stroA. 13 n0.12~58 D'63 into alo ping. ~ro~ei. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 7o0. Ma~arov; 1891-1q63, oblt,,,ry. Vop. psikhol. 9 no.5:lqO S-O '~3. (MIRA 17~.~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 MALlq]TIN, A.V., kand. tekhn, nauk; MAEAROV, I.N., kand. tekhn, n~uk Overall mechanization and auto~ation of � forge shop. ~ekh. i avto~, proizv. 19 no.4:1-7' Ap '65. (MIRA 18:6) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 ,*,cc mt...,u*$om--- sm,O.)/~(o) ~ . � �",,,,,� '"'"~" 'AUTilOR- OS. ldnev A . " : -. , �Ym. (Etl~lnoor}, MlklroV I.N. (C-ImJldi~oofteehnf /OR~ nono TITLE. A meelmnized dmrlee for the preparation or highly toxf?mbotanceo : 80URCE: Mdd!. IdrdtlJyl i'av~omlt~tlaiytprolzvadftva,~no. 0, IM$, 8-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CXA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 &CC ;lq~: AP5038007 Ftfuro 1. 8obemo of tho dovloe f~ tim prw, mmtiou of .3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 L ~6~.~,66 ACC hR: 'APM~SSe? I - water-coldaInllq linki 9. _ hinfed cover; 3, 4, 6 - pneumutic cylinders; $ - eolveni (water) pump; ? - esrr~inf eau; 8, 9, 10 - valves; Il - lower lank clamber; 12, 13 - pFionutic Imife-eurrets. Inside the lank I is b (inltlall~ hermetically sealed mit eOmJlJor. makes'tiM o~unofe~ ~olutlou mamhcturinf process completely cafe. Orif. art. Imm: HOB CODEc / BUBM DATE: none II, 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 Bee Cul%ure-F~.ulpment And 3uppli~s "Swarming hex". Pchelevodstve, 29, No. 5., 1952 9. Month.l_~ List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 2 August 19 5'Y, Uncl. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 MAKAROV.. I. P. cand Agr Sci --(dias) 'Comparative effectiveness of various methods of aut,_m~ ti~e~-~teto~'-~n the ~entral -.;- !! ---~.~ of the nonchernozem belt." ~os, 1957. 21 pp (,los Order of Lenin Agr Aced K. A. Timiryezev), 110 co~ies (KL, $-58, 98) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 USSR/Cultivat~d ,'lan~.; - i~tatocs, V .~:f.:ics, Mulons. ,',b~ J~ur : Il,_. " u.'- Bi,1., ;~'~, ].;. ~'.,~/,~ b,];099 Inst Orid Pub : .~uq~. 2,~,, 101-106. Abstract : Car.! 1/2 tuix. s a-c used, t'c wlt'~ t;_ .: plow with. u tillubl, laycr. ~: -,i'.!~ wlti: a ~,:cp strntiflcat[ ,.. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 }/~J~OV, ~. P. ~and. ~hymicometh. ~ci. Dissertation~ ~ew Criteria of Stability Accordiag to o~' S~ate U. 1men/ M. V. ~emo~eov, 11 e~m. 1947. SO= 9eche~ }em~mk*vm,, Jun. 1949 (Project, //17{336) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 ~IAK.~.ROV, I. P. C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 IOJIAIIO~ I.P.~ dotsent ~ign of convergence for a certain class of series. Uch. zap. RC, PI 13:315-32] '56. (MIRA 12:8) (Convergence) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 16(1) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION l~akarov, Irlnarkh Petrovloh soy/lSd5 Teorlya fu~k. tsl~ ~eystvltel'nogo perqmennogo; uchebnoye posoblye dlya Peaagosxcnesklkh Institutor (Theory of Functions of a Real Variable; a Textbook for ?edagoglcal Institutes) Moscow, Uehpedglz, 1958. 17~ p. 25,000 coplea printed. Ed. (Tltle page)g I.Ya. Verohenko; Ed. (Inslde book)~ L.O. Nemtsova; Teoh. Eds.~ A.F. Fedotova and N.N. ~akhova. PURPO3Eg Thls book ls lntended as a textbook for students of pedago- gical Institutes. COVERAGEs The author attempts to acquaint students wlth important mathematical concepts and problems which will be needed in their future work as teachers of mathematics. He presents the general set theory which he applles to the analysis of functions and continuous cttrvea. The fundamentals of measure theory are given, especially a detailed presentation of Jordan's measure, wh/ch Card 1/6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 Theory of Functions of a Real (Cont.) S0V/1845 he applies to concepts of an integral more extensive than the concept of the Rteaann integral. After each chapter a number of problems for student exercises are given. The author thanks P.S. Novikov, Corresponding ~ember, Academy of Sciences, USSR; Professor N.V. Smirnovj Pr~ssor A.a. Pinsker; Ye.a. Shul'geyfer~ ~ofessor I.Ya. Verchenko~coworkers of the Department of ~athematical Analysis of the Rya~mnskiy gosudarstvennyy pedlnstitut ~Ryazan' State Pedagogical Institute), especially Docent A.A. Fridman, Aspirant V.F. Voronov, and Aspirant V.V. Potlov, for their help in producing the book. References appear in footnotes throughout the book. TABLE OF CONT~NTS~ From the Editor Author's Foreword 2 Ch. I. 0eneral Set Theory 1. Concept of a set 2. ~l~tte and infinite sets 3. Subsets. Inclusion Card 2/6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 Theory of Functions of a Real (Cont.) SOV/1845 4. Theoretical operations on set~ 11 5. Equivalence of sets 11 6. Cardinal numbers Comparison of cardinal numbers Existence of cardinal numbers as high as desirable 9. Denumerable sets Exert ieee 2 Ch. II. The Set of Real Numbers 1. The set of rational numbers 2. Definition of a real number 3. Operations on real numbers 4. Orderliness of a set of real numbers 5. Real number as a limit of rational number sequence 6. Real numbers in various number systems 7. Representation of a real number in the form of a systematic fractlon 8. Density and continuity of real number sets 9: Nondenume~ablllty of real number sets 10. Sets with cardinallty of the continuum Exercises Card 3/6 26 27 BO 51 57 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 Theory of Functions of a Real (Cont.) Ch. III. Theory of Point Sets 1. Limit points 2. Open and closed sets 3. Construction of linear open and closed sets Cantor's set and its properties 5. Cardinal number of a perfect set 6. Condensation points. Exercises sov/~8~5 Cardinal number of closed set Ch. IV. Functions 1. Basic concept of a function 2. Upper and lower bounds of a function. Oscillation 3. Continuity Basic properties of continuous functions 5. Discontinuity points Discontinuities of a monotone function 7. Functions with finite variation Exercises Card 4/6 62 81 8a 85 92 95 99 105 lO7 ll4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 Theory of Functlonsof a Real (Cont.) ~h. V. Continuous Curves 1. Concept of a continuous functlon p~no ~ a ~' Csn~o~ ~s an~ U~y8o~8 c~YeS sov/ 8 5 asure and Integral Ch. ~r~,jo~an,.s measuz~_ ~o_r_ .~.$~ne. aZ'ofS~.:Sspace. Set.s.o~ polnts ~: J rdan's measure ~�:' ---= ..... ~'~.~ snace wnxcn are ~asu~ble acoorQL~ ~o ~ ..... :Lebesgue's measure for linear sets properties of Lebessue's measurable sets 5. Measurable funotlons 117 119 119 l~l 127 ].28 13~ 18 1..50 Card 5/6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 Theory of Functlonsof a Real (Cont.) 6. Rlemann's integral Lebeegue's theorem StleltJes ' integral 9. Lebesgue ' s integral Exerc lses Index List of Special Symbols AVAILABLE: LiBrary of Congress Card 6/6 7-10-59 sov/ 8 5 152 158 161 165 17o 171 173 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 ?I?LE~ ~theMt~c&l lAfe et ~y&se~' (l~te~tlckeekaya zhisn' ~RIODIC~ Uepekhl m~tem~tt~e~k~ ~, 1~, ~ol 1~, ~r ~, p~ 24~-2~0 ~T~CT: Th~s ~s a report on the activity of the ~eai~ on the q~l~t&t~e theory of ~fffere~t~al equatio~, ffo~ded lu ~t e~~wtth the ~rreepondt~ oo~ of P~fommor Y.V.MomytmkZy mt ~mcow. At the ~stton of the members of tko semtn~ tn ~5~ tho Ryaz~' Phymtoal-Mathematical 9octety wis Founded. ~rZ~ tho ttmo From April ~7, ~ to July ~, ~7 seven lectures on mathom8t~cal subjects have boon 8~v,~n tn the ooctoty. Card 1/1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510003-7 AUTHOR ~ TITLE: PERIODICAL $/044/62/000/00~/026/092 Cl11/C222 Nakarov~ I. P. The stability tube for a system ., Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 5, 1962, 48, ~bstract 5B219. ("Uch. zap. Ryazansk. gos. ped. in-t", 1960, 24, 9~-~0~) TEXTi The results of the dissertation by S. A. Samedova (UGU 1950) are applied to the system dxi ~t = t~(t, ~1'"" ~n)' ~ = ~'"" n . (~) Let the solution curves xi - Fi(t) of the system fi(t, Xl,..., Xn) = O, I~ ~t