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"APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ~,~AII~KCA/p V.Dol H. AKAROVp ~ dmrel~n%s tn (~]~ 18,11) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 Eleboratlon of the methods and the experience in resul%s of biogeochemlcal prospecting for uranlum deposits in a region of the Soviet Un,on. Vop. rud. geof~z, no.~z33-39 (MIRA 18:9) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MU~ROIF, MoS~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 Careful handling and maintenance of pu~pe prevents the penetration eft rater into the lubricating oil of M75~ and M7~6 diesel loee~otives. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.10~23 0 '63. (MIRA t$: 11) 1. Btarshiy ~avodskcy inepektor Glavnogo upravlemiya lekca~mtivnogo khozyaystva Ministerstva putey aoobshcheniya (for Kalm~rkov). 2. Zavodshoy inspektor Glavnogo upravleniya loke~otivnogo khozyay~tva Ministerstva p~tey soobehcheniya (for ~h~arov). APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 KALMi~OV~ A.P.; MAKAROV, M.S. ~pr~e~snZ of ~f753 an~ ~f7~6 d/e.el locomotive engines. tepl. t~aga ? no.6~lO-11 Se '63. Elek. l (MIRA 16:9) 1. Zavodskiy inspektor Glavnogo upravleniya lokomotivnogo khozyays%va Minis%erstva putey soobshcheniya. (Diesel locomotives) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 KOKOT~IN, Vasll~.~, lvanovtch; I~',~K~V: ~., red. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 GALKIN, G.V.; C~RANOVSKAYA, A.�u.; MAKVETSOV, Ye.N.; SPIGLAZOV, Ye.F.; P~AZANKIN, V.N., red.; M~K/~.OV, M.S., red. [Punc~ed-card com~,tin~ mach~ .... PS0-~, ~-6, PASO-2 perforators, K80-6, .~5-6, KASG-2 .controllers, a~d $80-5, ~45-5, ~80-5~, .~5-jM sorting units] Sche%~o-perforatsio~- nye mashir~; perforato~y P80-5 P80-6, PASO-2, kontrol'niki K80-6, K45-6, KASO-2 i sortirovki ~80-5, $45-5, 580-5M~. S45-5M. Momkva, Statistika, 1965. 207 p. (MIRA 18.9) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 SAHIN, Mikhail Il'ich; STIlL'PEAS, b~.echislav Iozo; YAKOBSON, Lyuis Solomonovich; SURIN, N.M., red., red.; NJ~ROV, M.S., red. [Use of a PR 80-2 reproducing punch] Primenenie repro- duktsionnogo perforatora PR 80-2. Moskva, Sta%i~.%ika, 1965. 44 p. (MIRA 18,11) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 Sept 1950. (~ ~o~1) T~. ~ve~a) ~ of the Clinic of ~oeal~ ~gery (He~ ~ ~of. F, ~. ~vale~e~y), 3tavropol' N~ic~ Initiate (~ctor ~ P. I, Poloein), APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ur: Lef ~.hur-D1,.1.; ,;, ~..., �~'4 ~3~. Ori:j i~b: Ueh. zap. Stav~-oi,o).'sk. :~d. in-t, 195'/, *r~.. i, 2~5-230. ,*.b s C~.ct: Leukocytos fro;: pluturo_l cxudati,.,ns m~d ascitic ~i~! . f tho lt~:~ bo~ were ~tiv~ted ~n tho fo~n~; preparations: in s:~.~rs ~td ~ccorc~nC to tho procipit~to c*~ture r.~th.' d. ;~to~ether 54 of e~e~;~nts were r~de, ccnststi;.~ of 4~ ~tures. 4 f,~n~s ~f .:orf, ho].oC%~ ~stinct neu- tropl~lic lo~:oc~cs were discovered whi~: shewed the aoillty to t~mfo~: into permanent ceos cf the co~u~ectinf- tissue. ~e f~ar le~%~c~es were t~_~sf~,~ed in ~alt~-es :,.~,rc Card : 1/2 2/2 IR 06 r2000 C "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 MAKAROV, M.S., dots.~,,t; ';()].,Oct.~:i".:, t:.V. cyst cf the right ]tulK and tk:. [,osteri~,r m~d:.a..~t;i.~m. I:r~.. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKAROV, M.S., dotuent Phase contrast apparatus in the observation of precipitation cultures. Uch. zap. Start. gos. med. inst. 12:182-185 '63. (MIRA 1. Xafedra gospital'noy khlrurgll (zav. prof. P.M. Kovalevskly) Stavropol ' skogo gosudars tvennogo medi tsinskogo ins ti tuta. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MJ~KAROV, M.$., dots~nt 'Me~od of tr~atln~ a humpback In ;ubercuios s,rondyllt!s. Uch. zap. Start. ~,'os. m-d. inst. 12:263-2~& (MIRA 1. Kat'edra �ospttal'noy k[~.trur~j (zav. [,rof. P.~.. Kovalevskiy) 5tavropol'sko�o gosudarstvenno~o medi%sinsko~o instituta. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKAROV~M S., do,sent Prevention of kyphosis in spondylitis by means of removal of the destroyed vertebra, followed by spinal correction and fixation. Khirurgiia 40 no.5,15-20 My '64. (MIRA 18,2) 1. Kafedra gospitaltnoy khirurgii (zav.- prof. P.M. Kovalevskiy) Stavropol'skogo meditainskogo instituta. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 -. .:,.:-,.: .: -, ,. . em~h othez.,, end APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ,., ..~ :. '. ~- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ~e are checking title doe~nte earefuLly. Fin. SSSR 2~ ~o.]2: 50-51 I) '6~. (MII~ 1~:1) 1. Za~ltttel' upravlyayushehego Re~orodsImy oblaetnoy ko~tofoy Stroybanka. (lleegored Pro~tnce--Conetructiou ~luetry--Flnanae) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKAROV, It Is the first mistake that costs. Za bezop.dvizh. ~ no.~: 12-13 J1 '63. 1. Otdel re~ul~rovaniya ultchnogo dvlzhenlya Gosudarstvennoy awtomobll ' noy inspektsii. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 A~BV, N.Po~ Z~II'IHOV, P.A.I NAKAROV, li.A. [Collective far~ e~i Part."esd"] [olkhoz l~eni wv psrts"elda. L~ningrad. Lsnizdat. 19%9. 12~ p. (N!I~A 13:12) (Collective farms) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 BOHISOVA, I.V., kand. ekonom, nauk; KISLOVA, T.A., dots.; I~AKAROV, ~rs~ pro~.,~v,,t.l'~ ~=~, ~'.V.,'~- ~.~,,~,.uA~, ~.U., reg.; ~A~O, A.V.~ ~. ~d. [Econo,cs, org~tion, ~ pl~ng ~ go,stol ~ono~a, org~i~ts~a i pl~vanie le~ogo khozi~s~a. L'vov, I~-~ L'vovsko6o ~v., 1961. 302 p. (M~A 15:3) (Forests ~ forest~--Eco~c as~cts) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 NAK~ROV, N.A., inzhener. AdJuetin~ the ~-11 automatic synchronizer. , ] 2:~ no.9:~7 z~; 5 . (aza~ 6:a) (~ectric machinery ) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 ~'~rm, ov, ,~.,~.~ ~o~, ~.~.~ ~'L~US~Z~, ~.Z.: C~mV, V.S. Die.eaton at th~ Urals~ al~i~m plant of ~.A. ~sel's book 'Production off alumi~.~ A.A. ~tiuto~ and (Alumi~) (~s~l, ~.x.) CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 9:12) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKAROV, N. A.; SAMOIOIVALOV, L. N.; GOLUBEV, A. I.; "Filling the Pores of Oxide FiLms Obtained by Anodic Oxidation of' Aluminum Its Alloys~'~ Ko~ozi~ I azshchi~ me,flor (Co~osion ~d Frotect'.~n of MOSCOW, Oborongiz, 1957. 366 p. ~P~E: ~ls book is int~ded for eng[neer~ng~ tec~m[cai and perso~el, at industrial p~nts, research lnstltutes~ ~d desi~ off' ~.n the field of co~osion-protection of s~[nless steel, k[~l-st~n~h steel, ~d li~t alloys. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 SOV/137- 58-9- 19601 Translation from-Referativny� zhurnal, Metallurg~�a. 1958. N'r c,. p llO~USSR) AUTHORS: Golubev, A.I., Makarov, N.A., Samokhvalov, L.N. TITLE: The Building Up of Oxide Films Obtained by the Anod~c Oxida- tion of Aluminum and its Alloys (Napolnenlye ok~snykh plenok, poluchayemykh anodnym oksiciirovaniyem alyumm~ya ~ yego splavov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Korroziya i zashchita metallov. Moscow, Oborongiz, 1057, pp 354-367 ABS T RAC T: Card 1/2 The causes of the appearance of "white spots" which form upon the building up of an anode oxide film (F) in tap water at 90-95� were investigated. It is assumed that the process of building up of F in water acidulated with H2SO4 should be re- garded as the chemical reaction of the solution with the oxide F. The "whiteness" (W) may appear as a result of ~nsuff~c~-nt time for building up the F or as a result of its treatment in water at low pH (2.8-3.9). In the latter case, probably, the oxide F reacts not only with water but also with the SO42- forming on the walls of the pores of the A12(SO4)3 and other S- containing compounds which contribute to a stronger APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 SOV/137- 58-9 - 19601 The Building Up of Oxide Films (cont.) adsorption of water or lacquer solvent dur,ng the building up and subsequent coloring. This causes the appearance of W. The local of W might be the result of an unevenness tn the thickness and porosity of F. W does not appear upon the buildtng up tn water at pH 4. W earlt,.r disappears upon the second bu~ld~nR up at pH 4.5. A nc.w method for ~ less bu~ldtng up anode F on plated mater~al ~n a solution containing 10 g/] NH4NO3 and 0.05 g/; (NH4)zHPO4 was developed. 1. Al~in~--Oxida:.inn 2. OxJ le ffil. m~--~':eveicp~n~ 3. ?.e '~'c.y:,..:--~'~,erties 4. SulF~ic actd--Applicatiom; 5. 'flater--Perfor~nce Card APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 DOKHIO~N, .q.A.; _~tlt~~.~ KULIKOVA, T.K.~ ROTGAUZ, I.I.; FILIPP, K.I. rotation ~ethod for eslenirm cells. Prom,energo '59. (Selenium cell~) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 .A. , lnzh. New lifebo~1~. 5udostroenie 2~ (Li feboa~s ) :o.9:6-7 S '~9. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 s/~ 33/60/o0o/011/o ~ 5/o~3 AO~/AO'a9 Bo~usiavskiy, Ya.K.; Makarov, Protection o~' t~e Main Driving Machines of 1,150-n~n Blooming Mills According to the Main Effective Value pERiODiCAL~- Sial', 1960, No. 11, pp. In the blooming mill shop of the DzherzhinsktY Plant a new technol- ogy was introduced, comprising forced operation and processing of two blooms on the stand simultaneously. This method meant a considerable increase of machin- ing time and consequently the motors of the main drive had to be switched on 35- 50~ longer. Especially the motor of the drivinE wheel was exposed to this addi- tional strain and as a result of this longer operating time, the slip of the mo- tor et the end of the pass increased and consequently the load on the driving wheel became greater as well. The load of the asynchronous motor aecordln~ to the mean effective value attained 1~5~ of the rated current intensity while number of other factors also contributed to the overload of the motor For the purpose of controllin~ the load of the asynchronous motor continuously, a new system was applied, based on the principle that the heating up of the etatcr winding of the asynchronous motor was determined by the value of losses propor- c~:~ ~/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 s/133/6o/ooo/o ] I/o~ 5/0P3 AOS~/AO~9 Protection of the Main Driving Machines of 1,150-mm Blobmlng Mills According tc the Main Effective Value tlonml to the mean effective stator current. In order to prevent overheating of the motor, the following inequality has %o be m~,lntRlned~ T� where In la the nominal stator current (436 amp) intensity; Tc the lnterval of ~lme during which the mean effective current must not be higher than the nominal currer, t (this interval was assumed to be 15 min). [Abstractor's note: Sub- ~crlp%s n and c are translations of the original ~((nominal) and u (cy�ie;]. A ie the value which was proportional to the energy losses in the stator winding. The value of A was determined with an induction countsr of losses, the contacts ,Df which are connected when ~ ~47,5OO ap hour A = In2 Tc = 60 f APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 s/ ::/6o/ooo/ol:lozs/o : AO54/A029 Protection of the Main Driving Machines of 1,150_mm Blooming Mills According to the Main Effective Value Thus, the control of the motor load is realized by maintaini d intervals an A value not hi her t 2 interval rel g han I T a2 ng uring T ay disconnect every 1~-~.~,A~ . hour.. The contacts of C~ to zero. The scheme also provides measures to prevent the bloom from being -- � ~'~, aroppzng the contact mech s~ime- retained on the rollers, moreover, ~.aximum slip of the motor, revent a protection is also provided against the ~ne operation to conti ..... ~- _ lng rolling at slips above 25% and erm~ttlng .... u~y when the slip did not rise above 8-10~ There is a description of the protective scheme. There is 1 flgure. ASSOCIATION~ Zavod imen! Dzherzhinskogo (Plant lmend Dzherzh~n,~y) C~rd ~/~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 '..1~0, 8, : eagtneeri~, ma.riM )f the -motorboa$':' #lktrevestnik"-' is presented. � ,&~e. as follows. ;.,?/:,~._(;::: -,~T?, ~ ' ,ship) ::'.. '""" -~' ~: i. 5 m With 20 ' 8.~ ton ~.- .~ . :...~ 'j~'(' 0.82 m 9.03 ton ~taoent~o' " "' ,89 a :: ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 ii1:.:. � :.::.. ...,:.,:.:/.::?:::;;~:.::::-::?.:.:::,:::- . :~ ~On.' '- [at:w~d fore 3) ' ....... : ::.: : ton .inch : . 55 hp et 1~50 ~m ,eaOh 'Z~O~, 24.v ~ /.. , each ..... '"~ a~-..,--~- 24 v .' . .. CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 put' tO on ..test .'ia: the': ' oh~.-of:' i~torb~t I..will APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 AUTHORS TITLE: PERIODICAL: Yur'yev Yu. K. ~,~karov N. B. ~ 4-Oxyketones and ' 4-Diketones ~n the Catalytic Synthesis of~z Pyrrollne- ~ZD]hydro-Thiophene Homologs and of the P~rs~�e and ~ly'.~,,hene Homologs Respectively ~o,~ x q.~Ketony v Katalsticheskom sinteze gomologov ~%-pirrollna, ~% digi4rotlofena i sootvetstvenno gomolo~ov plrrola ~ tiofena) Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii. :958. Vol. 28. Nr 4. pp. 885-89! fUSSR) ABSTRACT Card ~/~ As can be seen from pre'r~ous papers (Refs. ~-8) saturated as well as unsaturated ' 4-.dzols are introduced in the ca- talytic synthes~ of 5.membered heterccy�les On this occa- sion the double or triple binding had the central position in the case of the latter, and it was between the second and t~e third carbon atoms in this system of four carbon atoms.. In this connection zt was of interest to introduce the most simple ~ 4.ketone alcohol as well as ~,d-diketone into the described synthesxs, These are bound to react in joint catalytic dehydra!ion with ammonia, with amines or APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 wl~h hydrogen sulfide In the enol form like ,;nsaturated dlols .l'h ~r~ and ,.,orresponakngly hydroxyl �,rD~li_,s Wl[k the carbon atoms of double bond In the present work tn~ ~uthors used ~ acetopIopyl alcohol as representative of the I d-oxyke~oDes � It reacted like pentene-.2-dlo]-2~5 in the eno[ form under the action of ammonia in the pre= sence of aluminum oxide at increased temperature- and produced the ? methyl - ~[-pyrroline (5o~) under the action of anlllne-.1.-phenyl.-? methyl- ~ 'PYrr�llne ($8~) and under the action of hydrogen sulfide .? methyl- ~x -dihydro tiophene (~8,5~) (Ref q). It was found that In the reactions descri- bed the precipitation of ~ater and the closing of the nitro- gen or sulfur containing cycles takes place directly by means of joint catalytic dehydration of ammonia, the amines or of hydroger, sulfide as well as of the ~ 4-dio!s and also of the '.d oxyketones or ~ 4~diketones in their enol form. Consequently the formation of 2..methyl-~kdihydro-furan is no obligatory intermediate stage in catalythic synthesis of 2-methyl.-~~ -pyrroline from g.acetopropyl alcohol and ammonia Conclusion, ~-oxyketones and !~a-dxketones can APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 1.4-Oxyketones and 1~4-D~ketones in the Catalytic Synthesis of zl%-Pyrro]ine- ,~.Dlhydro-Thiophene Hoaolo~.s and of th~ Pyrrole and Thyophene Homologs Respectively ASSOC IATION: S~BMITTED, 79-28-4-8,/6o be used successfully in the catalytic synthesis of 5-membered nitrogen- and sulfur containing heterocyclic compounds. The 3olnt catalytic dehydration of ~-aceto= propyl alcohol with ammonia, aniline, and hydro,e9 sul- fide in the presence of aluminum oxide at $25-$3ou re= presents a good method for the oorresponding synthesis of 2-methyl- ~-PYrroline, 1-pheny1-~-methyl-~pyrr�line' and 2-methyl- ~-dihydro thlophene. In the case of joint catalytic dehydration of acetonylace%one with ammonia and hydrogen sulfide at 325� in the presence of altuninum oxi4e the ccrresponding 2,5-dlmethyl pyrrole, 1-pheny!-2,5-dime" t~h~'l pyrrhic, and 2~-dl~eth~l thlophene form. There are ~ tables and 28 references, ~7 of which are Soviet . ~oskovskil ~osudarstvennyy universitet (~oscow State Univers ity) March 2o, 1957 ~ard J/j APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 KHOK~LACHE�. P.V.; MAKAkOV, N.F.; LISO�IC}{, G.M.; TFJlESHCHENRO, N.I., re,' � ~The Journal-voucher accounting system on collec%ive farms] Zhurnal'no-ordernala ?oma ucheta v kolkhozakh. Moskvaf (MIKA 17:12) Kolos, 1964. 142 p. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 2 Oct, ober 195g, Uncl. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAEAROV, N.I., inz~. Effective diameter of blast holes. ShakJ~t. stroi. 5 no.7:12.-LA J1 '61. (MIBA 15:6) 1. D~l,nevostochn27 poli%ekhnicheskiy insti%ut. (Blas ting) (Boring) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKARO~, N.I.~ inch. Relation between the rate of drilling with rock drills and the depth of the boreholes mhd the shape and dta~ter of the bit. Nauch. soob. IGD 18~80-87 '63. (MIRA 16111) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 Graphoanalytical method of calculating basic parmeters for the mining cycle. Izv. vys.uchev.zavozgor.zhur. ? no. 4t 54-60 '64. fMIRA 1~,?) 1. Dal'nevostochnyy politekhnichesk[y lnstitut lmeni V.V. ~uybysheva. Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotk mestorozhdeniy pole znykh iskopayemykh. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 L 05829-67 EWT(d)/EWT(m)/E~,ipt. w)/EX4P(v)/EWP(.t)"Ff[[/EWP~.k) � ACC NR, ~27952 SOURCE CODE: ~/0020/66/169/003/0565/0568 A~OB: Ryk~n~ ~. ~. (Corresponding m~ber ~ SSSR);_~81ov~ A. A.; ~ov, ~. I. ~ORO: Institute of Met~l~ ~. A. A. B~kov (Ins%itut me%~lurgtl)/ t~T~: ~%lng of a two-layered plate during ~elding ~SO~CE: ~ ~SB. Do~e~, v. 169, no. 3, 1966, 565-568 ~PICi ~AG8: ~el~lng~ laser application, temperature d~eLrtbuLton ~~: ~he aughor8 conelder the probl~ of ~emperaL~e dlsLr~buglon ~n ile~ plage 4~1~ ~ldlng ~ laser bern. A solution is ro~d for the- sySt~ of equations ~ the region x >.0, ro~ r ~ 0, h ~ z ~ 0;  n the region x>O, ro~ r ~ O, I ~ z~ fi. The boldly conditions ~d initial condi- ions ~e given ~d [he problem is solved b7 using Laplace tr~sfom8. Graphs ivensho~ ghe resets of n~erXcal calculations for %~per~ture distribution with APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 L 05829-67 ........ irespect to radLT in a single-layer aluminum plate and in two-layer plates with ~n upper al~mi~ayer and a lower sil~_i_co__n%7taYer- The temperatuye was calculated for the moment corresponding to the end or pulse act[on (pulse duration 8'10-3 sec). The plated were assumed to have dimensions of P0=l cra, h=0.02 cm and ~=0.3 cm. The calculations of temperature distribution for values of F0 at which the temperature on the surface in the center of the plates is les5 than the boiling temperature of aluminum (1800�C) 'give 0.39'106 cal/cm2'seC for a single-layered plate and 0.29'106 cal/cm2'sec for a two-layered plate. Isotherms at 660�C show a melting depth in the upper layer of the two-layered plate considerably greater than that for a single-layered plate in spite lof the fact that F0 is greater for the single-layered plate. Orig. art. has: 3 Ifigures, 39 formulas. /SUB CODE: 20Y SUBM DATE: bimetals 13Apr65/ ORIG REF: 003 Card APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 FAKAROV, N. I. 33096 Zemlyany~ Raboty Na Strolte], Stw Moskovskogo Gosudarmt. vennogo ~'niver~.itnta. Mekhantzatstya Trudoomklkh I Tyazholykh Rt,}~t., 1')49, .% 10, e. 5-o. SO: Letopis' Zhurnal'nykk .%tatey, Vol. 1.5, !4oskva, lgA9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 VOl~Oli'liOV, a.V.; H~c.,LH. OV, li.I.; l~V'lillT,.l)l~OV, ~t.B.; PILIMO~OV, I.~. ~lneert~ e~lp~at of the n~ ~tldi~s of ~sco~ State University. ~r.khos.~ek. vol.~ no.9:11-16 S ~3. (~ 6:10) (~scov University ) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 i'VA,..,,...T , I."*., co:n.lnzh. Hydraulic press for :.ondi.. .'ails. Gor.zhur. no.6:75 Je '60. 1. Dal'nevos%ochnyy [.o.'i ..... r. iehoskty in~titu%. (Hydrat:lic proscoc) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKAROV, N.I., inzh. Selection of the diameter of boreholes. Izv. vys. ucheb, zav.; gor. zhur. 6 uo.6:84-87 '63. (MIRA 16..8) 1. Dal'nevostochnyy politekh~icheskiy institut lmeni Kuybysheva. Rekomendovana kafedroy burovzryvnogo dela. (Boring) (Blasting) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKAROV, N.I., inzh. Determ]natlon of the most Shakht. stro~. 7 no.12zl~-19 D'63. 1. Dal'nevostochnyy polttekhn~cneekiy lnst~tut 1men1 V.V. Kuybysheva. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ~ K~ p,o�, 1. USSR/bledicine - Tularemia, 8pidemiology FD-259h Oaz'd 1/~ Pub. lluB - 5/e5 Author : Olsuf'yev, N. G.; Kucheruk, V. V.; W~karov, N. I.;_ *Borodin, V. P.; Petrov, V. G.; and Selyanin, Ye. P. Title : The structure of a natural reser"~oir or' river valley type tularemia Periodical : Zhur. mikro, epid. i lmmun. 4, 27oB1, Apr 1955 Abstract : The results of a three year study of the ecological relationships between the rodents and insects which act as hosts and vectors of ?asteurella tularensls in an unnamed river valley in the USSR are given. Epizootic and epidemiological data reveal the connections between the y~arly flooding of the v~lley and outbreaks of tula- remia among its animal and human inhabitants. ~losq~ltoes, gnats, and horse-flies act as mechanical vectors. The ticks, Dermacentor marginatus and Rkipicephalus rossicus, maintain the infection dur- ing the lnterepidemic period a_nd constantly transmit it to the water rats, Arvtcola terrestris, and other mouse-like rodents. The names of the lfi scientists who carried out the study are listed. No references are cited. Institution : Institute of El~idemiology and ~icrobiology lmeni Gamaleya (Director G. V. Vygodchikov); Stalingrad Sanitary-E~idemiological Station glead - Cand l(ed Sci N. I. Makarov); Stalingradskaya Ob, last ti- (-Mead Physician - �. P. Borodin; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 M~Fu~ROV~ N. I., BORODIN, V. P., PETROV, V. O., OLSUF'YEV, N. Q., KUCHERUK, ~. V., ond "Concerning the Structure of N, turol Foci of Tu]mremi~ of the River- bottom ~jpe." Proceedings of Inst. Epidem. and Mlcrobiol ira. C~ley~ 1951~-56. Division of Parasitology and Medical ,!,oology, Psvlovskiy. Yevgeniy Nik- anorovich, Active Member of Academy of Medical Sciences. UBSR, heed. Inst Epidem and Microbiol. ira. Ge.mle~ AMS USSR. SO: Sum 1186, 11 Jan 57. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 Role off the uaruot in the preseFTatiou off plA~m infoetioa duri~ tho iuto~pizoot te inst. 1~8~7 '~. (MI~ 1~:7) (~~-~z~s APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 HIX~OV, R.I.l SItVi_RTS. Ye.A.; PJXARO?A. Ye.P. aetoparaeltee off the earnot (Marmota Batbacina) and their e~m. iuot. l~r~ll-~ '~. (M~ (~s~ss--~s) (~) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 USS?. / Microbiology. M!cr.,bes, Pathogenic to Man ar.d Anlmals. Bacteria. Past~urellae. Abs Jottr : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 5, 1959, No. 1~55~ Autror Inst Title : Makarova, Y~. P.; Makarovr N. I_. : Irkutsk ScientlfIc~Re'search Antipla,~ue Institute of Siberia and the Far East : Problem of the Disseminating Capacity of the Plague M~�robe, Obtained from the Organs of T[en-Bhang Marmots Or~g Fub : Izv. Irkutskoqo n.-i. protivochumn, ln-ta Slbirl i Dal'n. Vost., 1957, 15, 103-107 F Abstract : Blood, or~,~ans and tissues of 144 Tlen- ;~hang marmots, who had dled from oxpertm,~ntal pla~ue, were strewn over a~ar with Fleld~ d[,sestant and over semlliquld Klodnitssxiy Card 1/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 USSR / Microbiology. Microbes, Pathogenic to Ma~n ar.d Animals. Bacteria. Pas t eurellae. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Blologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 1~553 F agar (0.15-O.25%). In 136 cases (q6 ~, a culture of the plague bacllll from the organs and tissues or blood was obtained; only in 4 cases, in the absence of pathologic- anatomic ch~_ng, es at dlssectlon, was it possible to ~_btaln them in both media. The authors beile"e that the semlliquld agar permits the isolation of plague microbes in those cases where their isolation in the usual agar with Fields dlgestant was not successful. It ts pointed out in the remarks of the editorial office that tho practice of applying semlllquid agar' under the conditions of Siberia and the Far Card 2/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 USSR / Microbiology. Microbes, Pathogenic to Man and Animals. Bacteria. Pasteurellae. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19553 East does not justify itself. -- G. Ye. Frumklna Card 3/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 UBSR / Microbiology. Rllcrobes, Pathogenic to Nan end Animals. Bacteria. Pasteurellae. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19552 Author i Makarova, Ye. P.; Makarov~ N. ~I_. _ Inet Irkutsk Sclentlflcl~esearch Antiplague Institute of Siberia and the Far East Title : ~haracteristlcs of Plague Caudal Agent Strains Obtained from Marmots in Tien- Bhang Orig Pub : Izv. Irkutskogo n.-i. protivochumn, ln-ta Sibiri I Dal'n. Vost., 1957, 15, 109-112 :~bstract : The biochemical cultural characteristics of the plagu~ bacilli strains, obtained in Kirgiziya from marmots, spontaneously diseased by the plague, and their ectopara- sited, were studied. According to Card 1/2 42 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ~_~.__K~R_OV ,"~. I.~ LE~;C~TSKIYs A. Z., AE:,~L~T~OV, M. G., I~q~D-ZADE, i'. A.s "The plague with a natural f'~cus in Aznrbaidzhan nd it~ Freventive treatment.,, p. 2h7 Desyatoye Soveshchaniye po p~razitologicheskim problemam i prirodnoochagovym boleznyam. 22-29 Oktysbrya 1959 g. (Tenth ~onference on Parasitological Problems ond Diseaee~ with Natural Foc~ ?2-29 October 1959), ~oscow-Leningrad. 1959, Academy of Medic~l Science~ U~SR and Academy of Sciences USSH, No. 1 254pp. Azerbaidzhan Antiplague Station/Baku and the Antlplague Inst. of the Caucasus'and Transcaucasus/Stavropol' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ~f~O~ ~ N,I. On the I~Lmt, oz~y of the 4eveloTmnt of ].~ve ~ N.A,~m~t. I~. Irk, ~oe. ~ueh.-tmel, ~tv~. ~t. ~,~7~78 '59, (~ ~1) (VA0 Z ) m APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKAROV, N.I.; AK]~NDOV, M.G.; SAYAMOV, H.M. (Stavropol' krayevoy) Prevention of infectiaus diseases in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Soy. zdrav. 19 no. 4:76-82 '60. (MIRA 13:10) ( VIETNAM--C CISSYNI CABLE DISEASES) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ~,KAROV~ N.I.; SKL~AROV, V.Ya.; ALIKPEROVA, Sh.M.; NADZHAROV, {~.F.; --' - u,.z-~ASHVILI, Yu.I.; M~ATSAKANYAN, A.G.; ODINOCHENKO, O.N.; AZUGARO1/A, M.Kh.; Z~UZII~, A.S. ~orbidity from anthrax in anim~!s and humans in Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasis in 1960-1961: authors' abstract. Zhur. mikrobiol. epiC. i i~un. 40 no.5:112-113 My '63. (MIRA 17~6) 1. Iz Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo protivochumaogo instituta Kavkaza i Zakavkazya, Azerbaydzhanskoy, Ar~-&nskoy~ Gruzinskoy, Severo-Osetin,koy, Checheno-Ingushskoy respuhlikanskikh sanitarno- epidemiologicheskikh stantsly 1 Azerbaydzhanskoy protivochumnoy stantsii. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ConetFuetton of combined bakeries and flour ~i115. [hleb. i keud. proB. 1 no.9:~0 9 t~7. (NIRA lOzll) 1, Oherni~ovski7 khlobokombinat. (Baksr~ and bakorioe) (Jr[our mille) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ?XMO]~J~E~/-RESO'~SKi~ N.Y., PORYADKOVA, N..~., ~J~U~OV, N.M., PREO~RAZH~}ISXAYAe ~adtosti~ul~tion of plants. Pt.Ii Effect of weak do,~., of lonizin~ rndiatio~ on pl.nt growth and development. T~ Inst.biol.b~ SSSR no.gs12~201 '57 (a~ 11=9) (P~S. ~FECT ~ ~I~l~ ~) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 COUNTRY BS, J OU~.. AUTHOR ~TI~,E ~RIG. USSR Plant Phyaloln~r. Water Ro~Ttmen. : RZ~Blol., No. 6 1759, No. 24567 Mak~rov, N.M. Movement of ~ygro-copie Water In Wood In the Proce~ of Water Ab,orption Nauchn. do_kl, vynh. nhko!i, Lesoi. zh. delo, 1958, I1o. 2, 186-192 No abstract. )3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 PORYADEO%rA, ~.A.; _MAif~HOV, I/.M.; KULIKOV, ~eri~ate In radLo st~uhtlon of cultivated plat~te. Tr~7 lost. biol. UF~ 85~ no. 1]:19-]] '60. (M~ 1~:1) (Flante, ~ffect of radiation APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKAROV, Effect of chronic g..~n, irradiation on peas and vetches. Radio- biologiia 5 no.1:152-155 '65. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut biologii Ural'skogo filiala AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 M~I~OV, N.M. Colored enov f~kee, Inform,blul.~o?.~nta4'k.ekep, no.13~ '59. (az~ 13~8) (A~t,~z'et to reg/on~--Snov) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 �OTLYAI[OT, T.N.; ~JZ~T~OT, N.i.; ~~J~TGYUI[, G.i., otv. red.; OG~O,-~rlY, P,~,, red. [~oond ~ntGrctto Continental ~-p~dltionI snov cover] ,torsis [Ontinental~nale Imterkticheskala eka~ditstia; ~ez~7t popov, Mos~o, (~terialy gll~tstologtc~s~, iasled~anli). [~boreto~ studies tn [t~1 8tstion obse~stlon8 at ~oner~] ~borsto~ tssledovantls v ~om~ statslo~mye t~sledovsntla na ~onerskot. I~0. 1}0 p. (~tarctic regton~-Snoe) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKARO�~ N.M., 1nmb. Protective neteo~k using a.c. ~ith co~mercial frequency. Elek. sta.--:;i ,.c,'12:81..g '60. (MIRA lA:5) (Electric protection) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 lrJlFI~OVA, A.A., ~llnd. o~edo~aUk~ L.M., ~ch, ~LI~VA,~.~-, vroch-~oaetolog; P~V, I.P., ~nd. btol.~: 5~a~l~, ~.I., vrsch APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 DMITRICHEN~O, S.S. kand. ~ekhn. nauk; KUGEL', R.V., kand. tekhn, nauk; MAKAROV~ N.N., inzh.; [~fCHENKO, V.G., inzh. Accelerated testing of the strength of tractors on a prov!ng ground. Trakt. I sel'khozmash. 33 no.7:1-5 J1 '63. (~ i~:ii) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy traktornyy institut. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 1o Odesekaya Nil'% Oosudarstvennogo soyuznogo n~uchno-: tel t skogo traZtornogo APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 Cl'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 Geological position a~ genesis of the Orlik I~ssiff of pl~k graattem (l~l�per T&ll�I, Ukl-ail~tan $~).Dokloi~ ~ 1~ ~.1:1~1-~ ~ (~ 9,7) 1.~epr~tr~kiy go~etve~ u~vereitet i~ni }~leti~ (~ieper V~leF-~eolo~, St~c~) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 Z~A[~XY, ~tts~v 8ergeyevtch~ ~OV, Ntko~y MtkoZayevtch; ~, [Secret of ?mknt de=monde] ( Taker i~--Dtmmonde APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKAROV, litkolay Ntkolsyevtch; VYAZOV, Ye.I., red.; VILENSKAYA, B.N., [On the banks of the Pechora; travel notes] Na beregakh Pechory; put�rye samstki. Moskva, Gos.tsd-vo geogr.llt-ry, 1959o 10~ po (Pechora Valtey--Doscrt~tion and truvel) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 LEBEDINSKIY, Vladimir Ivanovic~j_~A~. OV,_NikofLa~ ~3L~.o_~evich; YL~K, Yu.�u.s doktor geol.-.minero nauk~ otv. ~ed.; CHEKHOVIG~, N.Ya., red. izd-va; RAKHLI~A, ,N~P~; tekhn, red. IVolcanism of the Crimean ~ountainslVulkanizm Gornogo Krymm. Kiev~ Izd~vo Akado nauk USS~, 1962o 206 po (MIRA 15:12) (Crimean Moun%ain~Volo~anoes) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 MAKAR~ SUPRYCHEV, VoAo Epimagmatic montmorillonit~ from tuff breccia of paleollparlte in Karadag (Crimea). Dokl~ AN SSSR 151 no.11181-184 J1 '63. 1o Institut mineral'nykh resursov AN UkrSSRo Pre~stavleno akademik om N ~MoStrakhovymo (Karadag Moun taln--Montmor� lloni te ) (Breccia) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 I~KAROV, H oFlo; SUPR. YCHk�. Xenogene~ic garnet (pyrope-,~mandlne, from ifneou~ rocks in t. he Crime.. Dokl. AN mR 15'~ ~,o.5,1125-1~.28 A~' i. Institut mine~-al'ny~ resur~:,~'~ 5~mfevopo~I. ~$~vleno akade~ kom V.S. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 SOV/6 -57 4-,I 6//20 Yurkina tJ. I. C_: ]l~ate �,� ?echnical Makarov. N, P- CxLdi~aTe c,f Fh.Tslca] an] Mat?,~aat:cal Sczences On a Result of the 11[h ~eneral iaserbly of the Intern~tional Union ef qe(_.4esj a~..'i Geci~hysi~:s in Toronto ~L. .):lno::: XI qenera] 'ney assnmb]e] M~CS" Toro::%o~ qecJez~ya 1 ):artcrral'~ja 1.~ ' ~'r .,, ~,' .... ~ "2 '"SSR. At the :3ee%i:,g ~f ~Le Ir. terna~io~al Gravi2e;ric Co~mission in Par]~ '' ~ ..... S. ~.~ol~..der:s~iy !,~]~,.'er,~"] :~ a:.:rt report on k~9 m,~tLod ,.~ le!~r:ninini.~ the fl,?are of the real ear%h. S~eclal aitgr~cn wa3 t;.er, pai.1 tc this communicaticn. elimina~efl the : ee.~ of a re,-ulotior. In t' ca~e, t~le accura- del,ends on the to-.nkiy ,xr,! ~cm'.~etenes~ of ~he ~rav:aetric.. astronomic an~ .~e3detl;' surveys on the ~hys~:al earth's sur face~ The ~,nly con~.t~.~: requlr,~ for '.'~nderskiy's uethod ~s tLat t:~,: ~ar'.r.'~ s~rf~ce has r,o acute ar. jles, i.e a cortazn tan~ent[a~ s3rface ,~an be iald on eaqL i .3iht of tke sama. M~nj co~r, trzes have alreagy proviJed their areas wi~h ~, gravlmetr%~' ~ur,'ey wlth one p~int t~ every APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 Card 2/3 the use of gravlme~rlc, sur~eys of su~.h accuracy and density, and cf The t'.'.e~ry ky };~.ol~.]enski7 the deflections from the vertical for ~n~tance :an be dstermined with an accuracy of up ~c. 0"..* A~c~:~dzng t.: ~he theory by Stokes s~:ch accuracy =an only be at~a~n:d oy carryzng out the present gruvimetric surveys n.~t c~ t.:~ e~r~h's surface but on a redulated geoid which is howeve: phys~eally iml:.ossible. As. however, the elements of =he e~erna] cra*~tatlon field, and particularly the deflections from the vertical are ne:essary to solve ~iffere~.~ gecde;;., rasks~ a~te.:.pts were c~ried out abroad t~ ~mprove the cl-I ~raditi:nal way basing on Stokes' theory ~n :rder ~ha~ ~he a:cur~y of the conclusions shou]J corres- pond to the ace,~ra:y ,~f the survey.. S"~. an atte~l-t is re- presented by a suggestion made by Graf .H,~ter _t tho 11th Assembly cf the International Un,on of Geodesy and ~ .' ,~o~.lysics zn Septemb,r ,95v~ H,., suggested to consider the gray;rational anomal~e~ tc ~,~ '~$~red ~n potnts on the physical earth's surface. Orr H'~.'.te~' 1id however, no~ consi]er the ch~ges in the ~efle.:t;ons fro~ the ~ertical, nor did he put forward methods cf cons~derz~g these changes. As can be seen from mm APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 $0V/6-5~ 4- ~6/2o On a Resul+, of the ~'th Cenezal Aa.-emb]y ~f the International "nion of Ceodesy an~ Ceophysice in Toront~ the paper by A, A~ Izetov (Ref 5~. thc A::r;en~bly lid not recognize the important :,f ~.he ~'elx~Z~; "y ,',~. S. Molodenskiy though it had beer, s~bn;t~td .~ :t. ~ ~nis connection, the faul~ an Iz. cto~,'~ ' ~ointed ou~. He asserts that qI'of-.H~nt,~: le in ...' ~*':::~e~t w~th ~olodenskty's method ~he assertion by Izo~ev [Ceodeuiya i kar~o~afiya, 1~}58, Nr 7) that ~olodenskly ~uggests a formula of ~he Stokes type gene- ralize] by him ~s not correct. The known S~okes'fo~ula is obtazn,_d as a special case of ~olodenskiy's theory. Finally, thc: authors of the presen~ paper express their astonishment ~t ~',~, "-,~v %ha~ ~he Assembly approved the method by f.~h,,'t,~2 '~ *crrespond~ag to the requirements of Stokcs' t..corem~ ~'nere are 4 referenoe~. 2 of which ~e Soviet, Card APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 ........................... [G~avtmetry; apparatue and methode for gravity ~a~ure~ent.] lsd-ye ~eu.lit-~, 1~. (~ 13:5) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 YUR~TS-iA, t.'..Io; F~KA~R)V, N.P.; YEi~2~J~YEV, Present s~to of theories applied to the study of the e~'s physical ~face, T~dy T~I;~I~iK no.~9:4~59 '~. (~ ~~e ) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 BROVAR, Vsevolod Vladimirovich; ~G~ITSKi~, Vladtmir Aleksandrovich; SHIMBIHEV, Boris Pavlovicb; ]~ig. lleXe, retsenze~t; ~~~,P., retsensent; V/ROVTS~ A.M., ret~enzent; V.I., red. i~d-~; ~, V.S.~ tekim, red. [Theory of the earth's figare] Teorila �igury Zemli. Pod obabehei red. V.A.Magni%akog~. Moskva, Izd-vo geodes, lite-fy, 196~. 256 p. (~T~A 15:3) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4 BEL~s M,Io~ MAKAROV~ N.Po Ferrodynamic rectangular coordinate vector-measuring device. Izm. tekh. no.11:43-44 N '61. (MI~A 14:11) (l~agnetic instruments) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/20/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001031510006-4"