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-Oc ACC NR- AP6OG8q27- various Integro7d.ifferentlal-systems -presenting interest in applied mechanics,. II., --Vol -yloedl --ord.inary: -'Int. egro-@-,dIifferential. j@ryEI@tems .. Rev,. _'. Houm, Sci. Techn. - M45c. @l '3@!Ij4) -presents problems APPI--; @ 1965-__@ 10 t- -pertaining toJinear and nonlinear inti,wodifieren i equat ons, with ic :(caloric) operators -containing double The, conditions 'ensuring the existence, integrald.:and,.terms. -d,ar== "I to"sinail peAurbations'of the known coeffi-@ cieni's.).'.of@-'the sa"ions -:of - the c6nsid~red.systets"-ar4:examined~and evaluations of e.--moduli __. i. the- @' oilli ions - otsup sy6t th- h eis are - given.,,- Subsequent studies will pr -eq-ent P-6rta lfilrikt6 neivproblems:,of _functional. systems with polycaloric operators j L 01232-67 EWT(d) IJP(c) ACC NR: AP6022740 SOURCE CODE: CH/0022/66/009/001/0067/0071 AUTHOR: Mangeron, D. Z@1@ 19 ORG% Iasi Technological institute, People's Republic of Romania TITLE: Study of unreasonable boundary-value prgblems Cauchy's problem of composite-type partial differential equations under Hadamard's meaning SOURCE: Shu hsueh chin chan, v. 9, no. 1, 1966, 67-71 TOPIC TAGS: boundary value problem, Cauchy problem, partial differential equation ABSTRACT: The author attempts to incorporate different types of boundary-value problems In a unified theory he derived for the problems since the Fourth Romanian Mathematics Conference. Theorems stated in the article are the uniqueness, exist- ence, and effective construction theorems for the solutions of the "composite-type', partial differential equations of higher order in the form li[E(.,)) - I(X, Y) where H and E are the linear differential operators having respectively real and Card 113-- T, 01232-,@7 ACG NR: AP6022740 imaginary characteristic cones. The canonical type of these equations is the Hadamard equation a'U (2) (9x, T3@ Let H in (1) be a second-order linear hyperbolic operator and E an elliptic operator of analy-tic coefficients. Assume the coefficients and the function f(x, y) appearing in the expression of H are defined in the region D of the plane (x, y), and the coefficients of the operator E(u) are analytic in D. Also assume E(u) = v. If one and only one characteristic passes through each point P in D, it belongg to one of the two characteristic families of the equation Hu = 0. Suppose G is a regular part of an arbitrary curve C* in D having the end-points PI and P2. Also suppose C is never tangent to the characteristic of Hu = 0. Then there is a quadrilateral Q which is determined by two characteristics Introduced from P, and P2. The author gives the following theorem. Under the above assumptions the solution of the Cauchy problem of equation (1) in Q is unique in the function class CIV, where CIV is a function class which together with its fourth-order differential quotient is bounded and continuous. For a class of more general "composite-type,, equations, the author gives the following theorem. Suppose H _2L +'61 0 + a + Card. 2/3 OY, ax ay L 01232-67 ACC NR9 AP6022740 and EEO am -L@ + 2,u '9@ + a0l -t + b, --@- + b, --@- + ex, oZE)y 1W ax by are the operators stated above. For the Cauchy problem of equation (1) 4he suf- ficient condition can be expressed by the equality #I - b, - au E-- Q and by the fact that the remaining coefficients appearing in H and E are only functions of y, and a02 and a20 have the same symbol with I y b 2 a. Other theorems stated in the article deal with the Hadjamard equation (2). Orig. art. has: 24 formulas. SUB CODE: 12/ SUEM DATE: 16Mar64/ ORIG REF% 001/ SOV REF: OD2 OTH REP. 6 /3 Card 3/3 awn e- su, vets or ddeii@'-'Bul tAV A)646 aiid b6li - didci-@664 ii'qwlti 5 6Ix ia ra f w ich havd'. of! I)Mfl--esul Ais bmitsdi 46 M5-32 I slieft bi, v-der Minh, T., Oil equat. ' . : - Tbilsiden t] le giali C@Ni 069 tile (Aliptic- heie; it tljx, Y) Aft a;l I ............ r 'S T - Vf@ijjj ;/A "CF:Clf , @. I. MR= z@1@7711.@_--@Mllmg 1 1. M@@ Of ON mg, PON. L. ; BRA=- , A. The role of models in teaching mathematics and mechanics. P. 393 GAZETA MATF14AIICA SI FIZICA. 3FFIA A. (Societatea de Stiinte Matematice si Fizice din Pominia) Vol. 8, no. S, August 1956 Ducuresti, Rumania SOURCE: East European List (EEAL@ Library of Congress, Vol. 6-t No. I, Januari 1957 On a Now Tensor Method in the Theory of Mechapisms 101: in D. - et ONNUt comellu, Sur .use UOUTCHO I-vo -L-Manxw , . mettioac tenswelle dans la theade des m6cankma. Bul. Inst. Politelm. I94i (N.S.) 3 (1957), no. 1-2, 151-164. (Romanian. Russian and French summaries) G. Kron (A short course in tensor analysis for electrical engineers, Wiley, New York, 1942; MR 4, 29) has shown how tensors and transformation theory may be used to study many types of machinery. The authors of this paper use transformatioq theory for a similar study of mechanisms. T hey iutrodd6 projective coordinates in two Cartesian orthogonal frames attached to the mecha- nism in any two positions. By relating these coordinates, &h ... n transformation matrix. ey ternune t e posido vel ity transformation matrix, etc. /7 N@v Coburn (Ann Arbor, Hi44 2M M2xWsn 0. and t hPlavan, C., Anew walytic-graOical of iWdIstr1WHOP of accelarollanalf may ar&v (in German), BuIL Inst. Polyfec& Iasi 3, 3/4, 161-174, 1957. By using the concept of reduced acceleration of a order for the points of a sigid solid in parallel Olane motion, defined as thi ac- calt-lotion Carlo of a order AM a certain function An (9) given by the retuffence relations which, include the derivatives with respoct to tune of the rotation angle 0, paper establishes a series of coperdes leading to 'bution p the solving of the problem of the disto of accelerations of auk order foe plane mechanism. Analytic- giap!dcal applications areincluded f0t a sequence of most chorac- :.tefistlc Assur grot". Wthod of reduced accelerations is interest- Ing kab for the theory ofrmcfwaisms and machines and (at the Alffqeulsl geometry of plane curves@ Cc. Pelecudi- Roumanis - ----- - -- ------ 777 ax IWIGLRON) D.; Dragan, C.; Svijevsrhi-, V. New method of studies concerning, the theory of mechania,-is ind machines. p. cl. (STUDII SI CERCETARI -@E @SaNICA APLICATA. Vol. 8, no. 1. JanpAar. 1957, Bucuresti, Rumanij) SC : Montlily List of East European Accessicns (Mil) LC. Vol. ?@, No. 22, Dec. 1957. Uncl. a-UBJZCT 1-,"4M/MVHMTICS/Differential equations CARD 1/2 PG - 719 1UTHOR ROGEROW D. I. TITLE On reducea iccelerations of arbitrary order and some of their extremal properties. PERIODICLL Doklady Akad.Nauk 112, 27-28 (1957) reviewed 4/1957 The present paper is the continuation of the author's announcements in Doklady Akad.Nauk.122, 705 and 897 (1955). Let a solid body be in a plane parallel motion. The acceleration of n-th order jn) of a point V is expressed by the foll6wing formula: U ( A, -B x 1 -Xio 0 1 (xln+l) ) + n n ,(n+l x(n B x -x 2 2o n 2 2o where A, A (t) and B - B (t) are given by the recurrenoe formulae n n B 4 L B n+1 n + ;B no Bn+1 ' *n - n9 9 - Q(t) is the angle of rotation of the b3dy, th+oint denotes the derivative with respect to the time and x@ n+1) - dxin . Some theorems are formulated dt without pboof, e.g.s Doklady Akad.Nauk 112 27-28 (1957) CARD 2/2 PG - 719 L.@ 1. Let M be on a straight line D. which participates in the considered motion Then the geometric locus of the points Y* I IL +h ,,, (n) is a V* M n M straight line De which with D, forms an angle 'A nBn fn tg 'fn A 2. The reduced acceleratlons of n,.th order AW (n)_ Y "'00). jj3 A49 (n-1,2,...) r A.n r A1 A 1 are characterized by the extremal properties of The geometric locus of the ends of the vectorsA44 for the points of a r moving straight line D is a straight line perpendicular to D. Two further theorems are generalizations of the theorem of Kotellnikov (Mat.Sbornik,n.Ser, 34.L 238 (1927)) and of the theorem of similarity. The author's considerations allow a graphic-analytic treatment of some plane problems of engineering, INSTITUTION: Poly-technic Institute, Jassy Rumanian. MA NGL PLiN D.; BCGDAJ, R. Study, research work and prospects in the field of machines and mechanisms cprried out in Rumania. P-1093 STUDII S1 CERCEjTART DE 'JEUNIGA 'Fi TCATA. Academia Repub] icii Popullare Romine Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 9, no.4, 195R Monthly List of East European Acce33ions (:,EATI) 'C, Vol.", nc.1, Jan. 119tO Uncl. @1703 S/044/62/000/010/012/042 B18O/B186 AUTHORS: _14anBe.ron, D., Krivosein, L. E. TITLE: Some problems in the solution of integro-differential equations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no. 10, 1@62, 54, abstract 1OB249 (An. ytiin@. Univ. Iayi, sec. 1, V. 6 no. 3, suPl. 1960, 605-616", ([summaries in Rum. and F;ench]) TEXT: Let n (n-k) (X); L [Y] W + I ak W y k-1 P fy I b, (x) Di [yj; c. (xi) y(m) (x,); S [y] D1 jyj 141 j dm (t) y(m) (1); M=1 M-1 k is a parameter; xi, x, t F'Lcjd_1; the well-known functions bi(x), ak(x) m m (x,t) are determined in the square x, t c (x); d (t) Y'i c;d], Card 1/4 S/04 62/000/010/012/042 Some problems in the solution BlBOYB186 z1(X) . ......zn(x) is an arbitrarily stipulated, linearly independent4'- n-times differentiable system of functions, the Wronakian of which is non-vanishing at the segments rc;d-l,; H(x,t) is a given function which has L V the property: @'_Y (X-t) 10, 0, 1,...,n - 2; axi. a (x), in -- 1, - -.-- where a(x) j 0 at x-.:_c;C. For the boundary problem d' R11y) =f j(t)S[yjdj:=y,(i= 1,...,n), (a) C L jyj = I(x) -, P [y] + X@ N' Kk (X, 1) Y(k'(1) dt - (b), where u - x or u - b, the following are expounded: (1) Methods of deriving a solution; (2) Methods of deriving approximate solutionsi 3) Conditions for the unambiguous and ambiguous solvability of problem ). We will only outline the method for obtaining a solution to H problem (I) for the case u . x; n>,(mqp,z). If the functions Card 2/4 S/04 62/000/010/012/042 Some problems in the solution ... BIBOYBia6 Y (X) Ck Zk (X) +H (x, 1) y (t) dt. k= a where c 1 ...,cn are certain constants, are subs-tituted in equation (b), an integral equation of the Volterra type will be obtained in respect of T(t). Having found T(t) from this and then substituting it in (II), the following equality is obtained n k Y /2 (x, X) +ci Ot (x, A) + Y, PI(x, X)DIfy). If the (III) functions are substituted in boundary conditions (a), n k Ci at/ (A) (A) + (X) D, jyj y@ (IV). If the ail"-,C 2 solution of the (IV) system is substituted in (III), k Y(X)=r(x,k)+1uj(x.X)Dj[yj. M. Card 3/4 1 S/044j62/000/010/012/042 Some problems in the solution B180/B166 After applying the operators Dj[.@ (j 1,...,k), to (V) we get the system of equations k (X) D, [yj Finding Dj[y-1 (j - 1,...,k) from this, and then substituting it in M, we shall get an explicit term for the solution to problem (I). @Also studied is the case where det (at/ (k)) = 0; det (el/ (A)) =- 0. lAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 4/4 39897 3/044/62/000/007/058/100 C111/C333 AUTHORS; Mangeron, D., Krivochbine, L. E. TITLE. On several approximation problems which refer to a new class of integro-differential equations FERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 7, 1962, 33-54 abstract 7V15O. ("Bull. cad. polon. sci. S6r. sci. math.,- astron. et phys.", 1961, 2, no. 10, 707-712) TEXT; Investigated is the b;undary value problem [Dluj,=. - (D'u],=b - 0 (1 - 0, n- 1), (1) Dlu(x, y)-X (n- 1)12,rA (x, y) uk'.r, y)+B (x,j,) D3u (x, y)j@ -0 - 01, d (X. A + E (x, y, i, r,) F, (i, r,) DP X* P X u (E, r.) djd7). (2) where Du is a general derivative in the sense of Picone, A(x,y), B(Xa), E(X,yy@ F r)) being continuous functions of its arguments and P I a ::@ X, diffe nt from zero in P and P-P P c; b d r L Card V4 3/044/62/000/007/058/100 On several approximation problems ... C111/C333 a x, b being a parameter and u'x,y) being T@ y the searched solution. By aid of the transformation U(X,Y) - -1 ) E(X- (Y-'r? )I n-1 -rj ) d F d (3) (n-1 )12 AS 3 P1 one passes over from problem (1)-(2) to the integral equation (x, Y) j R(x,y, dS d F(7-,Y) (4) A with well-known functions F(X,Y), R(x,y,F' The authors searc@, the solution of @4) under the supposition > max d d i P @ S P Card 2/4 5/044/62/000/007/058/100 On several approximation problems ... C111/C333 in the form of an absolutely and informaly converging series o:) i (X,Y) 2: A Ov,@x,y). They confine themselves in this series to s 0 members, put them into (3) and obtain an approximative solution u (X,Y) 6 -t-- of problem (1), (2); the error lu(x,y) - u (X,Y)l is estimated. If (5) VI is not satisfied, then (4) is transformed into a s,,stem of linear alge- braic equations by aid of oubature formulas. The approximative solution (X., Y.) (i.1'...,k; of (4) serves for tile construction of the approximative solution u(x,y) of (1), (2). The-e:r::.z . u(x,y)-u(x,j); is estimated. The last method is applicable to the bolution of the equation (2) with the boundary conditions U - ... == D' u 0 1 L = 0; Du I L L where x=a, b -.E Y d L kl_ y-b, a -- x G Card 3/4 S/044/62/'000/007/058/100 on several approximation problems ... C111/C333 and L denoting the boundary of P. E-, bstracter's note. Complete translationi /11 ;- ,- 9 I Card 4/4 MOGERONI D.; DRALGAN, C. Study ow the mechanism in the space by the tions. I. The space four-link mechanisms. 1025-1046 '61., method of reduced accelera- Studii care Mae apl 12 no.5: 1. Institutul politehnic, Iasi. MANGERON, D. DRAGAR, C. Kineratic study of the four-unit space mechanisms with the matrix-tensorial method. Studii cerc mec apl 12 no.6:1257-1270 161. I MANUERON I;i*angeron, D.) (lassy); KRIVOSHEIV, L. Ye. (Frunze, . .-;. j - ASSR) --7 - - solutions of a class of boundary problems. Rev math pures 7 no. 4:603-615 162. 1. Yasskiy pol-itekhnicheskiy institut, Kirgizakiy Gosudarstvennyy universitet. MANIGERON, D. The 3d Polish General Conference on the Theory of Me 11-6 1 and Machines; Rogow-Warsaw, June 8-10, 1961. Studii cerc mee apI 13 no.1:235-240 162. KAVGERON D. - I- International Sympoeium on Nonlinear Oscillations; Kiev,, September 12-18,, 1961. Stddii core mec apl 13 no.1:241-246 162. HANGERON, D.; BOGDAN, R.C. The third A1.1-Union conference on the basic problems of the theory of mechanisms and machines,'held in Moscow, June 23-28, 1961. Studii cerc mec apl 13 no.3:783-790 162. -MANGERONj IL. Joint J@*lee session of the Academies of Sciences of the U.S.14.H.", Georgian S.S.R., Azerbaijan S.S.R., and Armenian S.S.R., dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Soviet Poider in Georgia and the founding of the Communist Party of Georgia, November 30-December 4, 1961. Studii cerc mec apl 13 no-3:791-793 162. 1. Institutul pol-itahnic, Iasi. MANGERON,, D.; CROITORU, E. Theory of the reduced accelerations 4n punctuall and tangential coordinates. Studii cerc mec apl 13 no-531177-1192 162. 1. Institutul politehnic, Ias;L. MANGBRON, D.; DELEANU, S. A class of equations of the anally@tic mechanic i-n the Eer--3,@- of 1. Tsenov. Doklady BAR 15 no.1:9-12 162. 1. Note pr6sentde L. Tchakaloff [L.ChWaao,719 member de l'Acad6mie et membre du Comitd de r6daction, "Doklady B-o.Lgarskoy Akademii nauk," MANGERON,_ D.; KRIVOCO, INE, L. (Krivoshein, L. ] Solutions of the integral differential equations by polynomial I method. Doklady BAII 15 no.4:345-348 162. 1. Institut Polytechnique, Jassy, R.P. Roumanie (for Mangeron). 2. UniNpreltb d'Etat *Frunze.' U.R.S.S. (for Krivoshein) Note prgsent@e par L. Tchakaloff [Chakalov, L.Iv membre de l'Acidbae. MANGERON, D. Methods of approximation 4-n the study cfa new class c@f ccnt,a@-,- problems regarding linear Integrodifferentia-I Pquatlona Wi-.h' higher order partial derivatives. Bul stiint pol-it Cluj 6,31-41 163. 1. Poly-technic Institute, Bucharest. MANGERONY D.. KRIVOSEIN, L.E. Some methods for solving the contour problems of a new class of linear integrodifferential equations. Pt. 1. Bul St ai Tehn Tim 8 no.lsl9-35 Ja-je 163. 1. Institutul politehnic, Iasi (for Mangeron).'t2. Universi- tatea de State., Frunze, U.R.S.S. (for Krivoseinj-. A MOGE-EQN-D. The Firrit Gonference on the Theory of Mechanics and Yachines in the Baltic region. Kaunas, Litbuania, U.S.S.R., June 26-30, 1962, Studii carc mec apl 14 no.l.-251-255 163. 1. Institutul politehnic, Iasi. MANGERON , D. International Congress of Mathematicians, Stockholm, Auguat 15-22, 1962. Studii cerc mea apl 14 no. 6: 1501-1503 163, S/020/63/148/001/009/032 B112/B160 AUTHORS: Mangeron, D., Croitoru, E. TITLE: The general theory of reduced accelerations in tangential coordinates PERIODICAL: kkademiy(L nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 1, 1963, 54-56 TEXT: For the vector system =r (U,-U,)=0, U,'=U,,=j, r Jw M. + t"l + R2U3' rm* rm. + ILI u, + p, u3 + A, dm+l (rm. + jilu, + p,,u,) m rAj + WIN) d1m+t m (2) a(m) = a(m) + (- Am -AM-X) -ti-+ I WA (Cj u), m M. . A.+, @A_ + B,., dl A, (u) u) u) npH A, (0-3 - (4) Card 1/3 A.(u)=3(0)(,)-u)(@;-u) npK A,=301).W) H T. A., The general theory of reduced ... S/020/63/148/001/009/C32 B112/B180 d "- - A,,@, di B, (U) A U) = PI). U) npH B, = (1)(2), (5) (6) BS (U) (81 U) = U) U) [IPH B, @(3) - J H T. A.; C.1 1-1 + D C.-I, (m 1, 2 .... 0. 1, ..., m Cio=@, Cm-i.-#=Bm-i, Dazj-A--@x, (6) di the following two theorems are derived: (1) The planes (P),(PM) rAf-=rm.+Vjuj+p2u,+XMa'M'r'), (9) (P), (PM) rjj - r m. + p I u, + p-, u. + %Ma(M-), (10) and the reduced accelerations where a(m)' a(m); a(m)' X. a(M) Mr M M Mr m At Card 2/3 s/o2o/63/148/001/009/032 The general theory of reduced ... B112/B180 A, + A, (us) + r(A. - A. 4B,2. (a.) M 2 A,-A (us) + BI (v2) (7) M A, + A, (us) - V(A, - A. (Us)). 4W. A. -A. (Q + 8". (us) (6) U'j = Ut X Us, constitute generalized Kotellnikov frames of reference. (2) The planes (P), (P.1),(P") form a right triangle. M ASSOCIATION: Yaeskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, Yaosy, Rumyniya (Yassy FolyteLhnio Institute, Yaaay, Rumania) PRESENTED: July 13, 1962, by I. I. Artobolevskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: April 26, 1962 Card 3/3 em of aT r @rte @hn n.9.. y n MANZHERON, D. [Mangeron,, L).J; SHESTOPAL, A.F. Contribut'on to the problem of ar, 1-icatiens of the Green Functioi,s. Pt. 1. Rev math Roum 9 no.9:863-875 164. 1. Polytechnic Institute, Uasi (for Mangeron". 2. Academy of Sciences of the V.R.S.R., Kiev (Vor Shestopal). I-LA14ZHERON', D. [Mangeron, D. 1; KIIANGM, V. (Hanganu, V. I Problems in the automatic regulation of warp tension on the loom. Tekstilna prom 13 no. 1:14-15 164. -na X 7"E, Ll pro!- rs of MANGUION, D.; KRIVOSEIN, L.E. [Krivosheln, L.Ye.) Mixed problems of a class of integrodifferential. equations of the parabolic type. Bul Inst Politeh 26 no.lal7-31 Ja-F 164. 1. Polytechnic Institute, Iasi (for Mangeron). 2. Kirghiz State University, U.S.S.R. (for Krivosein). MANOE@N, A Yt. 33555 0 Nekotorykh DopolnitelInykh Metodakh Lechenlya Tyazhelo Ranenykh S Ognestrellnymi Povrezhdeniyami Trubchatykh Kostev. Uchen. Zapiski (Chernovits Gos. Med. In-T), T. 1, 1909, c. 64-74 SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 45, Maskva 1949 WGEYM. R.A. Perineal hernia with benign tumor. Xhirurgita no.2:67-68 F 055. (KM 8:5) 1. Ilinika fakulltatakoy khtrurgil Chernovitakogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MNUO ischiorectal. with tumor) (PERIMH, neoplasms, with ischiorectal hernia) 26-58-5-315/57 AUTHORt Mangheron, D., Professor ( Iasi , Rumania) TITLE: The Scientific Activity of the Yassy Folytechnical Institute (Nauchnaya deyatellnost' Yasskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 5, pp 109 - 110 (USSR) AB6TilACT: The Yasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Yassy Polytechnical Institute) was established in 1937 and expanded in 1948. At present, it is one of Rumania's largest institutions of its kind and has 5 faculties, modern equipment, experimental sta- tions and an up-to-date library. This institute publishes a journal "Izvestiya Yasskogo politekhnicheskogo institutall, which contains articles in the fields of mathematics, mechanics, physics, chemistry and technical sciences. Of the 500 original articles published since 1946, 125 were written by authors of other towns of the country or foreign scientists. The editors of' the journal want an increased contact with foroibrn scientists, mainly Soviet, and a stepped-up e7change of foreign literature. -VAILABLEL: Library of Congress @ard 1/1 1. Study and teaching-Rumania 2. Yassy Polytechnical Institute- Rumania KLYGINA. D.V. Motor activity of the stomach stump following resections of various extent and its interrelationship vith the motor activity of the abducent, joint formed by a loop of the amll Inteatine sutured to the anastomosis. Trudy Inst. fisiol. 7:343-351 158. (KU 12:3 1. Mairurgicheskiy sektor (zav. - V.I. Sazontov). Institute, fisiologii im. I.P. Pavlova AN 5SSR. (STOM&CH-SURGIRY) MANGIM, D.V. I!t-- Relation between the chemism of digestion in the stomach and the extent of gastric resection. Trudy Inst. fiziol. ?:352-360 158. (MM 12:3) 1. Khirurgicheskiy sektor (zav. - V.I. Sazontov [deceased] In- stituta fiziologii im- I.P. Favlova AN SSSR. (STOMACH--SURGMY) (DIGNSTIOM) WGIVA, D.V. Effect of extirpation of parts of the forward cortex on the function of the intact and partically reseoted stomach during a test with drugs. 7rudy Inst.fiziol. Bv273-280 159. (MI2A 130) 1. laboratoriya tnteroteeptivnykh uslovuykh reflekeov (savedu- yushchiy - I.Sh. Ayrapetlyauts) institute. fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (URIBRAL CMIX) (STOKLOH) -AID- _AP6029899@_ CA, Al) SOURCE CODE: ua/o413/66/000/01@/6062/006 Alekneynv, A. It.; Bezrak, I. A.; Bulanov, N. A.; Shchukin, S. N.; K ulikov, A. V.; Molikadze, S. Yc.; Chinareva, 0. M.; Ycmellynnov, A. M.; riro G S.; Rozin, G. I. M.; Boltalin, A. P.; Zlatkovich, L. A.; Iova, 0. M.; FG fg@ ova oval- O'iG-. none TITLE: Geoclectric proopectina device. Class 21, No. 184361 Z-anpounced by All-Union Scientific Research Inatituto of Goophyalcal Proopeoting Methods (Vooaoyuznyy nauchno- iasledovatellakiy inatitli"t geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki27 i SOURICE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 62 TOPIC TAGS: prospecting, geologic instrument ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a gcoclectric prospecting device contain- i-nC a do generator, a master oscillator, a thyratron bridge commutator, a reference phase synchropulao ahaper unit, a radio station, and a measuring laboratory. The laboratory contains an oloctromadnetic field rocciver, a calibration unit, a selective amplifier, a radio station, a eynchropulae ehaper unit, an electronio oeoillograph, a recorder, a time setting unit, and a detector voltmeter. For generalized utilization of the device in the VP, UPP, and INFAZ methods, to increase the accuracy of measuring the pbAse angles in the infrasonio frequency range, and to incroaas the noise LCard _1 2 QNS 550,037 L 10306-67 17AC@. NR. AP6029899 , ;@ t@ - - protection when measuring pulsed signals, a phase marker in the form of a diode ro,-,cnerative comparator is placed in the measuring laboratory. Thevomparator is connocted to the output of the selective amplifier. An input signal divider conneoted to the input of the selective amplifier is used in the calibration unit. A do amplifier operating in the eleotrometric mode is conneoted between the registez and recorder (see Pijz. 1). Fig. 1, 1 - phase marker; 2 selective amplifier; 3 - cali- bration unit; 4 - register; 5 - recorder; 6 - do amplifier !Orig. art. hast I diagram. SUB CODE: '5'q Usl SM DATE$ OF 2/2 30JuA64 MANGIUREA, D., ing.; MANGIMA, F., Ing. Performance of single-phase Induction me ters manufactured by the "Electromagnetica" works. Metrologia apl 11 no. 61 263-268 Je 164. Z* . MANGIUREA, D., ing.; MANGIUREA,J.,__@ng. PGrformance of single-phase induction meters manufactured by the "Electromagreetica" works. Metrologia apl 11 no. 6: 263-268 Je 164. MANGIUREA, Frederic, ing. Preventive statistical control of the parts with complicated profiles by means of profile projectors. Metalurgia constr mas 13 no.16: 903-907 0 161. (Projectors) RANGU 111colae; MANGIUREA, Frederic Octawian 1 9 Statistical calculation of the precision of mac@A-ne tools in view of optimum allotment of the working parts depending on their tolerances. Constr mas 15 no.5076-381 My 163. LIA,7@66. -EWT( -,.-df Jw- I- dMst-r -mviiilimt 0AIA andL,,--itx"Aoj*rAition@. OrI16 MAM;IUREA, Octavian:Fo. ing, Control of forged and cast FPrts by -i-Itrason-irs. Ir-,dlstria -usoara 11 no.2:88-91 F 164- MANGOLD, Jossef, dr.; RADY,, Lajos I ------ --- General shipping conditionO. Kozleked kozl 18 no.33s620-622 19 Ag 162. MANGOLD, J:)zf)ef, dr. Somie questions of the rewonsibJMty of transfer companies. Koz-e@ced kozl 20 no.34:568-571 23 Ag 164. ,,,! , ; 0"1 (,- , [) . J, -, - p "I (I r., I...... - -- - - N@-w C: ri@ 1 ! i -, - ; " , . % - . . - , - - @,:i!: " @ w I , c I nc @ @, - '3 @ F '@' . 1. IWO, G.; POPESCU, C. Electric traction controller. p. 471. EIS CTROTr-T4XI'-. (Asociatia Sti-intifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia si !-Iinisterul Energiei Electrice si Industriei Electrotehnice) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1958. Montbly List of East European Accessions (= ) LC Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959- Uncl. MIJIGIJ I G. CrIteria of comfarigcn for circuit breakern with minimum of -@@l and ccmpressed F-ir. 2--herget-Ica Rum 13 nc.2: '5-80 F 165. 1. Planning Engineer, EntprTri@@e for Rationalizatior and MOdl3r- nization of Electric Fower Tnbtallations. Submitted March 13, 1964. COMMY RUMANIA CATEGORY Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application. Pharmaceuticals. Vitamins. Antibio* ADS. JOUR. : R&Khim., No 17, 1959, No. 61835 AUTHOR -Vasiliyev, R.; CoEmin, A.; Wermesber, B.; Mangu,M;** INSTITUM TITLE :Nitrometric Ilethad for guantitative Determination of Cartain Sulfamides: Sulfanilamide, Su:faguanidine,* ORIG. PUB. ;Fmrmacia (Romin.), 1958, 6, No 4, 327-332 ABSTMCT Described is arnlication of the nitrometric method for quantitative determination of cer- ain Pulfamides. Orange IV is used as an indi- cator. The determinations are carried out in the presence of KBr whieb acts as catalyst. Cbeek of the obtained results is made with the aid of the notentiometric method and gives close values. The method is simDle and requires little time to rer- form. * +' i ca **Burnea, 1. Card: *Sulfadiazine. 1/1 H - TI VASILIEV, R.; COSNIN, A.;IMANGU, M.; BURNEA, I. Nitritometric determination of p-aminophippuric acid (F.A.H.) by the ?*nternal indicator orange IV. Rev chimie Min petr 13 no.3:170 Mr '62. VASILIEV, R.; COSMIN, A.; bMU, M.; BURNEA, I. Hitritometric determination with internal indicator of procains amide bydrochloride (pronestyl).. acuroform., sulfacetamide (Na), and sulfamethazine. Rev chimie Min petr 13 no.4:239 Ap 162. TASUMVp R.; UANGU, No i -- Determination of lactobioAic acid, Rev chimie Min petr 14 no.1:1+9 A 163. 1. Institutul pentru controW do stat at medicamenteler si cercetari farmaceutice. VASILIEV, R.; MANGU, M.; COSMIN, A.; BUMEA, 1. Determining procaina hydrochloride in the Rino3ept pomade by the nitritometric method in the presence of internal indicators. Rev chimie Min petr 15 no. 4:223-224 Ap 164. 1. Institute of State Control of Medicines and Pharmaceutical Research. 7 ACC NR: W6034664 SOURCE CODE: RU/0003/66/01'1/003/0174/017 VASILIEV, R., UAEgY,1L, BUPITEA, I. an d COSMIN, A., of the Institute for the State Control of Drugs and Pharmaceutical Research (Institutul Pentru Controlul de Stat a! Yiedicamentelor si Cercetari Farmaceutice). Determination of Sulp-haproxiline and Sulphomerazine in 'Dosulfin'." Bucharest, Revista de Chimie, Vol 17, No 3, Mar 66, pp 174-175-11, Abstract: The authors describe the determination of sulpha- .proxiline and sulphomprap@:ne tA DoeulTiA tablets by a nitrito- metric method, in'thd'presence of internal indicators. The method is simple and gives good results, allowing an accurate determination of total nitrogen. The excipidnto used in the t4blets do not interfere with the analysis and need not be removed in advance, orig. art. has: 1 table. CJERSt 36,86V TOPIC TAGS; organic sulfur compound# quantitativO analyals none / ORIG REFS 003 / OTH REFS 005 SUB CODE- 07 / SUBM DATES .,a.wti "Z--A -tur -,re.C.Pinthoil e@Lt e tA -,Ae.con ge-,, uezice@-o alsi PERSE I WOK MFUJITAT1(ri SM/5452 0.1. K-d-h,-d I.P. Ly.lyk, ed.. I actnmLizatolya; aborn'.k statcY Ob 01-fte -drcniYa wkh-1-talt I wtcsnetitatall te k3mr-kO%7-klYh,. Inustroit.1 - - Y kh Z-dkh (Mccb-I.nti.. c@:hl ead Auto- tion; Collection of Art a cn the Xntrotuctioo of Vchuti=ation sal Aut."t Ion I, ralr-wv M-h4mry4L@ufacturing Plants) (thirIV-1 Khnr I k- koye k.I@h..Yc 1960. 375 P. 5,900 coPic- Fri-t-d- Mtorial board; S.A. Vomb-y7v, Candidute of Technic*! Sciences; C"Irwan or the Ediwri&l Board: P.I. Z@Su, Engineer; A.A. I.Wel", Vagimer, V.1.lluzubov, Enelt,ar, A. Te. Lcowy, Docent, A.I. Tuyitayn, C@ildate of T chni-I Scicmec, end S.M. rhm,ra, Candi&@tc of Te-chrtcad Scle-si Eds.: T:. Te. Do..koy, 0.1. r-lneh, -d I.P. Ly.1yk; T-b. F-I.: M.T. Lls@,.. PURr=; This collection of articlea Is Imtrn.L-d for tecLnicaa and jcIe=tIf`c perso-cl, @tstaodlng vorkars, and sh@k -rwrs of co=wnist I&Wr. =n- Of U@rlk@ enterprises Im the sechjuniz COV2*AA=-. Tb. caltif-ted ti-a - "tio and L.P= t of. sanuftct@rltg P.-c. 1. The Kveltopmnt of new zcchime, 0 consl &red "'I ""'ntion Is given to newly catablirbed erterprines, atd w the Introdu on of telewchetle. in t1w Kh@rlim@ gm-syntea ff-geocat. By Includiztcl-te - Lee and facts, the sutl'@ors of tb. various "tIcle. .%te cpt to U-natru t. tbA ne hlcvc@uta of the )0- .kov industrial Complex in ful-filling the moolutio- of tj@ June @1959) and J.1y (1960) Fle@ of the C atrel CO=11 tLed of thc C@iot P@rty .f the Soviet U"on, No pr..-.114a a arc W-vitioncd. Them am no references. TAMS 011 CO)TrEWTS: Sknbc -ko-Shubi., L.A. (Co-.N.dI.g K-ber Of the A..&-;v of of the UkrSSR, Chief Designer of the Mwkovskly to-rbinnyy .1-1 Khar'kn,, Turbine Pl-tl. The N-cloy-t of St-Twrtine R@l ldi@@g .t the T'har-k- Turbine Plant i-al FA- T9 Berc.l., 3.1. (Chief Z.&I-r of the Kl-'l- r-bi- rlant L-I LI-1, -d V.A. llo.kv IDyty Chief Proce.. Engineer). E.,,-,1..c. It Mechanization std kut-tion 1111 1.7d. 7, T.M. [Chief Ezincer of tM Kh- 'k-kiy @I.k@khanlch-kly ,--d -- M- .k- Electr-c.h-1-1 K-tj, -d H. Y- Polls.kly [rlr@tj' Chief PL@t Engi-rl. rull Mechonitstion std Aut-tic@ t the r-!= III Nechent-tIon and hut@tlon (Cont.) SCV/5%52 UI '"-.kly, ?.B., eod M.G. Vlel-kiy The Eqe i-ts.1 Model Sb.P of the Kb@@'k-.kiy V1dh'.j.%Lk--V)y -I BeeritS PI-t) Stey-, S.F. (Dputy Chief Engineer of t1ae !Chnr-kov-ukLiy etwtk=avw gbnr I =P=hiz - T- I Plmt), nod T.T. Fr-ts=@ (Chlef D-sloner]. Autoo@tl and camuw@tic Grin&lng Y@hlnes K--y-v, O.X., S. Te. Sh,ert-, -d Zil-t-brg Aut,-tlt Unit-Bead Mwb1m TwIs I'V3 M T.A.;nand V.G. Ken, enko (Er@rlrw,raj. Vhat lz A-mpllabc,! pl-'l t 17% Lorkh,", P.X. (Chler Enginaur of the KhEIZ). Au@.tlc fProlucti-j Lim. for St=wIng st@wr std Rawr Sheet. I'll ttllbe,, A.0. (Chi@r P-,.. Engl-r of the ls-t PI-tJ. For 1. C-l MI.Ing lyf C-4 4/8 .MMGULIS i-MLINIKOVg V.K.; STAPANaz V.E. - Temperature conditions of the process involving the mamLfacture of phonograph records from tableted plastics., Mat.massy no,2: 34-39 161. (MIRA 14:2) (Phonorecords) (Plastics) MANGUS14 Kh. Green fallowing in the Donets Basin along the Azov Sea. Zemle- delie 8 no.8:82 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Primorskim sortouchastkom StalinskoY oblasti. (Donets Basin-Fallowing) SE=IEVp N.; RIDER, V.A.; CRIPOV) Kh.; BRUIM) YU.N.; MAROVSH ORUJYA, A.$.; SHCW.RMOVSEY, N.N.; LESHCBINSKIY, N.S.; VOYAKOVSKAU, Ye.S.; DERYABIN, V.I. Letters to the editor. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.5:44-45 My 161. (KIRA 15:6) 1. Inspektor po karantinu rasteniy g.Labinsk, Krasnodarskogo kraya (for Sergeyev). 2. Zaveduyushchiy Primorskft gosudarstvennym sortoispytatellskim ucbastkom Stalinskoy oblasti (for Mangush). 3. Agronom po zashchite rasteniy Shchelkovskogo rayona, Moskovskoy obl. (for Orlova). 4. Zaveduyushchiy AleksarArovskim nablyudatellnym punktom,, Kirovogradskaya obl. (for Shcherbakovskiy). 5. Inspektor po karantirm rasteniy, g. Pyatigorsk, Stavropoliskogo kraya (for Leshchinskiy). 6. A&-ronom po zashchite rasteniy g. Kamenets-Podoliskiy, Mmelinitskoy oblasti (for Voyakovskaya). (Plants, Protection of) PTANGUSHEZ, I. KH. PA 1L/":9Tl(' may 48 Condensers, Scale Preventlon. "Prevantion of Scale FormtIon In Condenser Tubas.," I. Khe Mangushezo 31W) i P. *Xlek Stantsm No 5 Treats circulating water with superphosphate. EdLItor mentions other instancba of successful application. 14/49TIT VALEYEV, A.M.; GOLEV,Yu.D,; GOLEVA, Z. 14. 1 GOLDWO, R.Ye.; ZAVIYALOVAt B.A.; ZARETSM9 B.A.; ZVERZVI Ye.A.) LIFTNIIKIY,, F.A, ; MALGUSM9 MEYZLER9 M.Kh.; MUTOVKRJj V.A.; RUDAKOV9 Ya.D.; RUKOV407-,-B-A KBABANGVj G.M.; ESTRIDI, Z.1.,- ZOIN, B.A., red.; BORMIGV, N.I. teift. red. (AdjustWnt and operation of equipment Jz thq Novo-Uflmskii Heat WA Electric Power Plant) Naladka i ekqpIuAtatsila oborudovaniia. na Novo- Ufimskoi TETs. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vog 1961. 175 p. WERA 14:9) (Bashkiria,Electric power ants) (Bashkiria-He%ting fro la stations) KANGUSHEY, K.I. Drilling of the gas condensate fields of Bashkiria. Gax.prom. 5 no.9:4-5 S 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Bashkiria-Gondensate oil wells) MOGUSIEV., i@.I. Calculating the amount of cement required for oil well comentin , left. khoz. 38 no.7:47-5,0 J1 160. @,'Ujl 1/,.:JC) @Oil well cementi:ng) MANGUSHEV, K. 1. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Hydrocyclonic purification of waste fluids in well drilling in the Ishimbayevskiy petroleum-gas rayon." Mos- cow, 1961. 15 PP; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSRj Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Petro- chemical and Gas Industry imeni I. M. Gubkin); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 SuPt 191) wGUSHEV, X.I. Study of pressure distribution inside a hydrocyclone. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 4 no.5:53-58 '61. (14IRA 12) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlonnosti imeni akademika I.M.GubkIna. (Separators (Machines)) (Oil well drilling fluids) YANGUSMS K.I. Experience in core drilling. left. khoz. 40 no.10:65-68 0 162. (MM 16:7) (Ishimbay Region-Core drilling)