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MANUYLOV, A Automatic dispatcher control of a continuous line of the Cbemolgansk granar7 in the Alma-Ata Province. Muk.-elev. prom. 28 no.2:6-7 F 162. (MIRA 15-3) 1. Proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskoye upravleniye Ministerstva zagotovok Kazakbskoy SSR. (Alma-Ata Province--Granaries) NAZAREVSKIY, L.; SHEVRYGIN, P.; SKOROVAROV, M.; MMUYLOV, A. - Receiving, cleaning, drying, and storing beans. Y& .-elev. prom. 28 no.5:14-18 Mq 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Ministerstvo proinodatva i zagotovok- selIskokhozyaystvenn7kh produktov RSFSR (for Nazarevskiy, Shevrygin, Skorovarov). 2. Ydnister*stvo proizvodstva i zagoto-ok sellskokhozyaystvennykh produktor Kazakhskoy SSR (for Manuylov). (Beans) MA.WUOV, A. Reducing the cost of labor at the AidabU3 Grain Receiving Station. Mak.-elev. prom. 28 no.7-.28 J1 162. OU-RA 150'9) 1. Ministerstvo prozvodstva i zagotovok sel'skokhozyaystvennykh produktor Kazakhskoy SSR. (Kazakhstan--Grain handling) PAYMOV, A.S., kandidat meditsiusleik-li nauk; MisMLOV, A.I., profesi3or, zavedigyu- shchiy klinikoy. . ...... ... Heart woundo. Vest.lchir. 73 rio-4:51 JI-Ag '53. (nRA 6:3) 1. Gospitullnuya khinirgricheskuya klinika saniturno-gigiyenicheakogo foikull- teta Omakogo meditsinukogo instituta imeal H.I.Kalinizia. (Heart-Wounds and injuriee) PANTUSOV, A.$., kandidat maditainskikh nauk; MANUYLOV, A.I., professor. daktor meditsinskikh n&ak, saveduyushchiy klimy. Ma, , MW Surgical therapy of extremely enlarged mammary glands. Vest.khir. 73 no.5: 56-57 3-0 '53. (XT-qA 6:11) 1. Gospitalinaya khirurgicheakaya klinika sanitarno-gigiyanicheakogo fakull- tets Omskogo meditsinakogo inatituta im. M.L.Kalinina. (Kam=7 glands ) KLNUYLOV, Z.A.(Chekhovskiy rayon Moskovskoy oblasti). r -1 The now system needs support. Hauka i pered.op. v sellkhoz. no-9-.55-56 3 156. MBA 10: 1) (Collective farms) INAMWIlp G. N. U&WAmdw4 of War-Cas Jul 49 Slactric Power istations OPQWQr SqVZOMO Isursatos ct the SWU PrIw" 2 Vp OBIek StanteD go 7 B. 0. SoktaoT-Andraiwv1p Mdet &Wg OWJW (State Trust for Orp siod Hatlomillzation or Bay= PbvW Statlow mA Ristmorks)v H, S. votkin Wd F. M. Sergoyeve, OWAW DgInveres, AW 1. L Wsblmwv Boiler Mop Foramng Thmmool" at& So Ig Z3za% %isre amirded stalln 11tira ror 1948 ror devoiopiaw and iatt-aftetv a mthad of coel ow.bustIon rmo" s]Ag In liquid rarm. & V. TrubkIng Mdef, b7tyshev Else Pbsor Mants S. V. Val$dmk,, construction enginoor,, ftargadoulls factory,, ad 0. N. Fm=yl" and .4. JY. Mwbkl% OMM eMlnaorm, vare aw3rded SWU prim for dGV*lopft6 MA Introdu4bg an autocatic feed regulator for stem boilers, ColleeUve of vorkwqo Can Aaro-4drodynmle Inst, and A. Me Namuwv OBOW anginaerp were awarded StalU priss for developlag and Introducing now types of centrifugal blovers. PA 2/49T1 FA 28/49T21 Oct W -Motorcycles Ndgines, Internal Combastion ifThe TraVel-Sport Motorcycle M-35," I. Mannylov, FhV, 2-pp No 10 road models vere manufactured In 1947 by GiarmotovelopromgMiu of Automobile and Tractor Ind -YOSE. Gives basto characteristics of motorcycle and 'Wrief peiformance data. Claims it Is capable of top -Speed of 120 km/hr. Includes photograph of completed Asieabty, sketches of front add suspension, and crams ~,Adatloae through the --vagino. 28/49T21 MAIMM ) I. A. 11F,ffect of Some Anesthetic Sub5tances on the Central Nervous After Their Perfusion Into the Cerebral Ventricles Under Conditions of an Acute or Chronic Test." Cand Biol Sci, Omsk State Veterinan, Inst, Owk, 1954. (RZhBiol, ~Io 6, Mar 55) so: sum. tio. 670, 29 Sep 55-Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions.(15) KAIWYIA)V, I.A. Xrgograph with a pneumotic transmitter for registering movements with various amplitudes. Fiziol.zhur. 43 no.12:12o4-1206 1) f57. (MIRA 11:3) J. Kafedra anatomii i fiziologii instituta fisicheakoy kulltur7, Omsk. (HUSCIXS, physiology, engograph with pneumatic recording of movements with various amplitudas (Run)) MARYLOV, I.A, Method for perfusiou of the brain ventricles in a dog in long-term experiment. Trudy Vaes. ob-va fiziol,, biokhim. i farm. 4:48-52 158* (MIRA 14:2) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Omskogo meditainBkogo inBtituta imeni M.I. Kalinins, (nauchnyy rukovoditall d6ktor biologicheskikh nauk prof. G.F. Konradi). (ANESTHESIOLOGY-APPARATUS AND INSTRUMENTS) ,$A YWV -LA----) FEg, Action o'f some narcotic substances on the central nervous system following perfusion of the brain ventricles in a dog. Trudy Vses. ob-va fiziol.9 biokhim. i farm. 4:53-62 158. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Omskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni M.I. Kalinina (zav. kafedroy prof. G.P. Konradi, Rabota nachata v period zavedovaniya kafedroy prof. P.M. Starkova). (ANESTULI.A) MANUYLOV, I.A. Method of perfusion of the cerebral ventricles in long-term experiments in dogs* Fiziol.zhur. 44 no-5.1497-501 97 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Kafedra anatomii i fiziologii Instituta fizichaskoy kuV- tury. Omsk. (CMWRAL VWY ICLES, perfusion in chronic exper. in dogs (Rua)) OMAWMIMUMMMM " a -.~ -, - r k7A z9Xu1Lj1jjvvxi) 40 Its "The Problem of Suprarenal Function in Women After Castration." Theses of the Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions 23-26 March 1959 (All-Union Institute of Experimental Endocrinology) From the chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Head--Professor M K. N. Zhmakin) of the First Mos cow Order of Lenin Medical Institute H&HUYLOVI., I.A*.,. Role of cerebrospinal fluid of the cerebral ventricles in the glucose supply of brain cells. Ifiziol.zhur. 45 no.6:667- 672 Je '59. (KIR& 12:8) 1. From the department of Anatomy and Physiology. State Institute of Physical Culture, Omsk. (BRAIN, metab. glucose feeding of cells, role of GSF of cerebral ventricles, exper. in dogs (Rue)) (GLUCOa, metab. brain, role of CSF of cerebral ventricles in feeding of calls, exper. in dogs (Rua)) (CHROROSPINAL FLUID role of CSF of cerebral ventricles In glucose feeding of brain cello, exper. in dogs (Rua)) MANUUXV-r.-k. Method for temporary and repeated impairment of the coronary circulation in chronic experiments. Fisiol. zhur. 48 no.2-. 218-222 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. From the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Institute of Physical Culture, Omsk. (BLOOD--GIRGUIATION, DISORDERS OF) L! I LC V 1: - o -- 2 42,8) 5 K. A. 0 korrelyatu3iyakh for,:t vetvlenL- a -.,odchr--- for,umml kostnol-o tanza i vari-lit=- )i-,a:,-,cv malcj-,o taza. TrAy Lariingr. Sari-giggien. :i-e-!. in-ta, T. ill, 1- SO: L-ctopis, '.'0- 32, NEPOWYASHCHlY, Samull Isaakovich. inzhaner A. h,inzhoner; TOWHMSKIY, Ye.if:.'G;h~p 'e~ r; UMAJ&'TbUFj-7A.2.,6lavW redaktor [Y*tporographs for aircraft] Samoleta7i wtoorograf., Tama 4, po'. #~-~6j*O. Koskwa, Akad. nauk ME, 1956. 14 p. (MM 10:4) (Kateorological instruments) SOV1112-59-1-1117 Translation from: Referativny-y zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, p 149 (USSR) AUTHOR: Usol'tsev, V. A., and Manuylov, K. N. TIT LE: ~', Paa-ia Features of the A-Z2-Sh Radiosonde PERIODICAL: Tr. N.-i. -An-ta gidrometeorol. priborostr., 1957, Nr 5, pp 3-16 ABSTRACT: Design improvements of a radiosonde which ensured higher accuracy of measurement of fundamental meteoroLogical elements - pressure, temperature, and humidity - are described. Similar to the RZ-049 radiosonde, this sonde uses a code transmission, the dipits 0 - 9 being represented by 10 letters of the Moree code. Each mea!.urement is transmitted by two letters. The, technology of preparation of a code template is described. The primary elements are: a mernbrane-t-~Te chamber for pressure, a thermo- bimetallic spiral for temperature, an organic-film device for humidity. External friction forces are excluded from all elements. The radiosonde signals are recorded on the ground by an EPP-09 automatic electronic Card 1/2 SOV/112-59-1-1117 Basic- Features of the A-22-Sh Radiosonde potentiometer supplemented by a Z x 10 keyboard with an appropriate circuit. The meteoelement curves are plotted against time by the recorder. V.F.R. Card 2/2 M&NUYLOV. X.R.; SIMSTCPALOV. L.A. AM-15 bimetallic soil thermometer. Trudy HIIGHP no.6:89-92 '58. (IfnU 1P: 2) (Thermometers) (Soil temperature) MIMLOV, K. N. Some methods of comensating eleastic barometric instruments for temperature. Trud7 MIGIAP no.7:99-104 159. MRA 13:5) (Aneroid barometer) MA =WT. K. ff. Cyll"d ical ribbon spring as a transmission mechanism. Trudy RIGHP no.8:71-85 '59. (KIRA 13:4) Oprings(Hechanlem)) (Meteorological Instruments) MAETJYWV, K.I.; AKSMLIRDD, G.S.; SHESTOPAWV. L.A. Clock mechanisms for hydrometeorological instruments. Trudy NIIGHP no.8:90-98 159. (MRA 13:4) (Meteorological instruments) (Clocks and watches) 4 -11863 s/i23/61/0OO/O23/015/0,,8 315-eoo A052/A101 AUTHOR: Manuylov, K. N. IME: On the problem of accuracy of the measuremenz of air temperature with thermobimetal transmitters at the atmosphere sounding PM10DICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, no, 23, 1961, 26, abstract 23E151 ("Tr. N.-I. in-ta g1drometeorol. priborostr., no. 9, 1960, 64-76) TEXT! The problem of increasing the accuracy of measurement of air tempera- ture in the free atmosphere is considered. It Is pointed out that the errors in measuring the mean temperature of an air layer are responsible for the most errors when determining the altitudes of isobaric surfaces by the method of radiosondes. The principal sources of errors in measuring temperature are iner-t- ness and radiation overheating of sensitive elements. The method of determining the rapidly changing air temperature (during the ascent of the sonde) suggested VY by Trebukhi-n is analyzed. The method is based on the application In the deviz!e of two sensitive elements with different coefficiez-, of thermal ine-tia. Also the method of eliminating the error due to radiation by means of using two Card 1/2 86 3~11AN 1 /000/023/0 1 ~5/0 i 8 On the problem of accuracy ... A052/A101 Identical thermosensitive elements with a different heat-absorbing capacity suggested by Binkhon Is analyzed, The shortoominge of both methods hindering their wide application are pointed to. The results of a theoret'loal and experl- mental investigation of therinometers of a number of radiosondes are given. It is established that in order to red-ace the inertial errors of measuring air temperature at the network radiosounding, It is -necessary to uze elements with she minimum thermal coeffizient of Inertia (6