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Nonsteady motion of gas ... 33591 S/207/6l/000/004/0v_,/ol2 E032/E914 be solved by approximating these functions by the power tiinction,; P Q(t) = cqta, N(t) = Cnt , c = const. (I) with the cross-section of the tube at a distance X from the orifice given by FW = cx provided (I + a) (2 + V) - 1) (P + 3) = 0 The latter condition ensures self-modelling of the problom provided the initial pressure in the tube PO may be neglected, Tt is then shown that the prohlem may be reditced to the solittion of a set of ordinary differential entiations which have been considered by L, I. Sedov (Ref.l: Similarity and dimensimi-11 methods in mechanics, Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1997), The ~n I ii t i on exists provided Card 2/3 33591 Nonsteady motion of gas ... S/207/hI/O()o/Oo4/Oo2/oI2 E032/ES14 P + 3 6 > 2 2 + -j 2 + -J A detailed discussion is given of the conditions (in th(- -tiork front and the numerical solution is reported for a conical tube and -j = 3 for 0 = 7, YI = Y2 = 5/3, 6 = 2. There are 7 figtjr(-,q and 3 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMTTTED: June 7, 1961 Card 3/3 MAROliNKO# T.V.; DMIULDWAt G.B. [DOWte-iiaVO-P ILB-') Method for the determination of~ copper in biologi -I material in forensic chemistry. Farmatsev. zbur. 16 no. 2:58-60 161. (MM 14 - 4) 1. Kafedr-a sudovoi khimii Kharkivalkogo farmatsev-tichnogo institutu. (COPPER~ANAYSTS) CHERNYAK, Yu.A.; KARCHWT, V.A. Improved circuit of an electroiragne,,Jc flow-meter. Avtom. prib. no. 1:53-55 Ja-Mr 164. (MiRA 17:;,,' Effect of minaral fertilizers on the amino acids of potato proteins. Dokl. Akad. sallkhoz. 24 no.7:37-110 '57. (MIRA 12:10) 1.Institut kartofelltogo khozyaystva. Predstavlens. akademikom S.S. Perovym. (Potatoes--Fer-tilizers and manures) (Amino acids) , 'I, K&RCHENNO, V.A. Xffec~ of water and sewage irrigation on the u%lity and yield of potatoes. Dokl.Akvd.sel'kboz. 21 [i.e.231 no.12:40-43 158,, (KM& 12: 1) 1. lauAno-issledovatellakiy institut kartofellnogo khozyaystva. Prelstavleno akademikom I.A.Sharovym. (Potatoes) (Irrigation farming) (Sewage irrigation) MARCHENKO. V. A. Cand Agr Sci -- "Effect of various agricultural -engineering methods upon the yield, vitamin content, starchiness, and aminoacid composition "Z Of ttdMot"ato-tuber�;r"otein." Kiev, 1960 (Min tf Agr UkSSR. Ukrainian Acad 6~ Agr M, 4-61, 205) 44 - MM_ I ACC NRi AP6015956 SOURCE CODE: AUTHORS: Marchenko, V. A. (Kharlkov); Suzikov, G. V. (Kharlkov) ORG; none V1100351ffRo~- TITLE: The second boundary value problem in domains with a complex boundary SOURCE: Matematicheskiy sbornik, v. 69, no. 1, 1966, 35-60 TOPIC TAGS: boundary value problem, mixed boundary value problem, Green function, continuous function, mathematic space, harmonic function, existence theorem ABSTRACT: Second boundary value problems in domains whose boundaries are closed surfaces vrith a large number of holes are examined. The behavior of the solutions of these problems when the number of holes increases without bound and their diameter approaches zero is studied. A Lyapunov space r with the Lyapunov index equal to unity in a three-dimensional space R3 is considered: D = Rs\E = D+ U 0- U S, S U Sj; I = r\s. In the domain D, the second boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation is Au (P) + klit (P) (P); au (P)0 Card 1/3 an - 1Z_ ) UDC: 51M46.9 ACC NRs AP6015958 0 Bounds of the Green functions Gi(P, Qp i;k) and Ge(P, qp iA) of the internal and external Neumann boundary value problem au (P) Au (P) Mu (P) = 0; I V (P) are introduced. The existence and properties of the Green function of the boundary problem are shown. The principal theorem is proved: When n -** 00, 1) the diameters d~n) of the pieces S(n) removed from the surface approach zero uniformly I i 'Jim (max d(')) 0;'. 2) the function 6 (P) = Jim max r, .) d-C(-A) =ff(n)'.) G(x) Ix where f is a function in CQO,,ng out:ilde an interval J Cortaining thf-- origin and 'C is the difference between +wQ non-.decreasing functions 3 and s(, ona of + n satisfies the condition .13 M( R ( / IN, which, e.g. 90 ~o 0 --.-c0 ), for some X >0. Knowing the properties of G at the orig'n, it is 0 required to estimate the differbnce V for large IM, or, more general.Ly, e8TLmala the expression TN(*A)d C(X) fur large N, where, roughi.y speaking, T R appioache.9 1 as N this, the author puts in (1, ) f - tfS- I'TB, where f4EC"' vanishes outside J and equals 1 in a neighborhood 3f the origin. Then T (A)d f(.n) I N S(SS-' - SfS_')T,(-A)d-C()~.) + f (x)G(x)dx. A Tauberian theorem is obtained by estima+ing the right side under suitable assumptions. The estimates are precise but too complicated to be given here. SUBJECT USSL/MATHEMATICS/rFunctLunal analysis CARD 112 PG - 187 AUTHOR MAR NKO V.A. TITLE Establishment of the potential energy in terms of phases of V~re dispersed waves. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad. Nauk 104, 695-698 (1955) reviewed 6/1956 Consider the differential operator Su = -u" + V(X)u, (-x t 0, V real) with 2 the boundary condition u(0) - 0. Let u(;k,x) and a( Xx,x)E L , k - 1,2,..., 2 be solutions of Su u and Su A2 u respectively normalized so that 00 k u( -A x)u( -A, y)d -A+ 7-u( xkpx)u( Xkty). Then for large x, u( )k,x) 0 behaves like tf ( A,x) - -V2-1'7"r- sin( x + j( 'A)), is the asymptotic phase) and u(-A kv x) like V Ak") - mke- k1. The converse spectral problem consists in finding V in terms of the functions If and was solved by e.g. Gellfand and Levitan (Izvestija Akad. Nauk, Ser.mat . 15, 309 (1951). A variant of their solution is obtained as follows. Put 2 -71%kx 1 fw(021,(>Q_1 f(x) M 'Emk e (2 )- , ) e'A'd W Doklady Akad. Nauk 104, 695-698 (1955) CARD 2/2 PG - 187 solve the integral equation f(x+y) + A(X#Y) + f f,y+t)A(x,t)dt - 0, (x N) proved by H.Weyl (Ref 17 for the selfadjoint case: Now !? is a generalized function in a topological space Z. At the same time the expansion formulas Of Weyl [Ref 11 are generalized too The authors give conditions Lthat a generalized function is the 2pectral function of the problem (1). The generalized functiona used by Card 1/12 the authors correspond best to the scheme of Gellfand and Shilov Expansion in Terms of Eigenfunctions of Non-Selfadjoint Singular 20-120-5-9,67 jr.fferential Operators [Ref 21. Altogether five theorems are announced which essentially represent an extension of results well-known in the selfadjoint case [Ref 4,51 to the non-selfadjoint case, There are 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 1 German and 1 Swedish. ASSOCIATION-.Kharlkovskiy gonudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M.GorIkogo (Khailkov state University imeni A.M.Gorlkiy) PRESEITTEDs February 3, 1958, by S~N.Bernshteyn, Academician SUBMITTEDt February 2, 1958 1. Matheuatics 2, operators (Mathematics) Card 2/2 M P~ H F_ N r,, C) V ~) - PHASE I BOOK KXPLOITATION sov/5164 Agranovich., Zalman Samoylovich, and Vladimir Aleksandrovich Marcheako, 0bratnayn zadacha teorii rasseyaniya (Inverse Probleiq of the Scatter Theory) Kharlkov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo univ., 1960. 267 P. 4,000 copies printed. Reap. Ed.: N.S. Landkof., Docent; Ed.: A.N. Tretlyakova; Tech. Ed.: A.S. Trofimenko. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists working in the field of mathematics and theoretical physics; it may also be useful to advanced students interested in the spectral theory of differential equations. COVERAGE: The book deals with one of the new problems in the spectral theory of differential equations - the so-called inverse problem of the quantum theory of scatter. This problem, which has its origin in theoretical physics, is, in the simplest case., reduced to the formation of the differential operator,- based on the asymptotic behavior of its normed eigenfunctions at infinity. The book contains a rigorous investigation and solution of the above-mentioned problem. The mathematical apparatus developed for this may also find application in other related problems. Conventionally, problems that indicate which spectral data CaX&-I/& Inverse Problem of the Scatter Theory SOV/5164 unequivocally determine the differential operator, and present methods for re- ducing the operator according to these data, have bew called ninverse spectral- ang.lysisn problems. The following personalities are mentioned: V.A. Ambartsanyan, V.A. Marchenko, M.G. Weyn, I.M. Gellfand, and B.M. Levitan. There are 14 references: 10 Soviet -nd 4 Euglish. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface Introduction PART I. BOUNDARY PROBLEM WITHOUT SINGUIARITIES 3 5 Ch. I. Particular Solutions of a System Without Singularities 13 1. Preliminary information and symbols 13 2. Fundamental system of solutions with given behavior near zero 14 Cq6r,a. ~,- 84302 L16 0 0 19, I-IOU S/039/60/052/002/004/004 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Marchepko, V.A. (Kharlkov) TITLE: Expansion in Toros of Eigenfunotions of Non-Selfadjoint Singular -Second -OzdOr Uf f erential Operators I ~ PERIODICAL:'--Ngtdzddti-cheiskiy sbornik, 1960, Vol.52, No.2, pp-739-78R TEXT: Let W?-b* the se-t of all even entire' functions of exponential type whigh. on-tke-zaal axis are au--&ble in the square. Le-t Z be a linear topological space consisting of all even entire functions of exponential type being summable on the real axis, where the addition and multiplication w-i-th`-8b&pldx numbers are defined in the usual manner, while the convergence 00 is defined as follows: F n (n)e Z converges to F(7--) if lim jF0L)-Fn (X)IdX.O n4oo I 00 and- the degrees S' of the functions F (AV) are bounded; max 6' < oD . The set n n n of functions b Fi(X)Gi(7L), where Fi, G EW 2, b complex numbers, ~(X) - Z i i i_ is a linear subset everywhere dense in Z. On this set the functional R is Card 1/4 BL302 S/039j6O/O52/002/004/004 CI11/C222 Expansion in Terms of Eigenfunctions of Non-Selfadjoint Singular Second Order Differential.Operators 00 defined by R L~(A_)] - 9 where V~Z This continuous -OD functional is extended on Z and is interpreted as a generalized function over Z: R [-~(hj - (R, 4$(?L)). Then a well-known result of H. Weyl (Ref,l) can be formulated: P To every serlfadjoint boundary value problem (A) n d y(x) - q(x)y(x) I[Y] d.2 (B) yI(O) - hy(O) - 0 there corresponds a certain generalized function R defined over Z so that 00 if (x)g(x)dx - (R,Ef(X)E9(711)), Card 2/14 84302 S/039/60/052/002/004/004 C111/C222 Expansion in Terms of Eigenfunctions of Non-Selfadjoint Singular Second Order Differential Operators where f(x) and z(x) are arbitrary finite functions of L 2rO.oo). If the w-Foarier tran-S ;formation E (-&) of the finite function f(x) belongs to z, then f(x) - (R,Ff(70W(,%XV- 2 Here 44(h,x). is the solution of 1[y]+X y - 0 with the initial values (1) W(k, 0) - 1 , w I (-%, 0) - h. The author shows that the assertion I, can be extended to arbitrary non- selfadjoint-boundary value problems (A)-(B). With-the aid of the method of I.M.-Ge-11fanA and B.M. Levitan (Ref.5) the author finds conditions which must be satisfied by a generalized function over Z in order that it is a spectral function of a problem (A)-(B). The analytic form of the spectral function can be determined in exceptional cases. Card 3/4 8 0' S/03 6 522/002/004/004 C1 1 1YC222 Expansion in Terms of Elgenfunctions of Non-Selfadjoint Singular Second Order Differential Operators A part of the results are already published in (Ref-5). The authcr mentions S.N. Bernshtevn, G.Ye. Shilov. M.G. Krevn. 1.M. Glazman. B.V. Lidskiy and M.A. Navmark. ,rnere are 15 references: 10 Soviet, 1 American, 1 German, and 1 Swedish. SUBMITTED: March 6, 1959 Card 4/4 MARMOM) V. A. '*Phe generalized spectral function" report submitted at the Intl Conf of Mathematics, Stockholm. Sweden, 15-22 Aug 6P 37055 S/057/62/032/004/001/017. B125/BIO8 AUTHORS: Agranovich, Z. S., Marchenko, V. A., and Shestopalov, V. P. TITLE: Diffraction of electromagnetic waves on plane metal gratings PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 4, 1962, 381-394 T-7XT: The authors have calculated the diffraction of a plane polarized electromagnetic wave incident perpendicularly upon a periodic grating parallel to the x-axis in the XOY plane (Ey, Ezy Hy, Hz . 0). 1 is the grating constant, d is the gap width. The metal is a perfect conductor. The two special cases of E polarization (~OJJOX) and H polarization (9,11% can be calculated similarly. The sought electrical field is 2.1 (3) E" e- 4k. -4- a,e FIFY e-1 above the grating (superposition of the incident and reflected fields) and E.=-E be 2 22 (Z < 0), (39 Card 1/ 5 Diffraction of electromagnetic ... B125/B108 below it. The equations r-d (7) ke'" = 0, -, < I'F I < d j?j< ". (P), 7- with the assumption En -~,O for InI-->oo, with b0 - I + ao;. b. an (n 0) and bne(2nin/l)y 0 (on the metal), give with the s .ubstitution n.-Oo j d) A & E LI), V. (r (17), V.- V. (e") R Wv) e--?dP, 2,,j Rim R WY) e--""d'f; RI-I 2% Card 2/ 5 1 S/057/62/032/004/001/017 S/Or~ 62/032/004/001/017 Diffraction of electromagnetic ... B125Y1,106 the infinite set of equations X. ixbOVO. ixV.O -i- Ln-1 a V"--i- 2cR. (m 0), 1/0 ix V.0 - O=ixbo 0 -f-I x. e. Vn 2cRO, (19) 0 -1- 2cR,,,, -bo =: i-Ab-V['.]-i"V1 1, X. x. = b,,n. for determining b 0, xM, and bmt where xn bnn. (19) can be solved numerically e.g. by successive approximation if E-is sufficiently small. The authors consider the case in which 0 /,x< 3 (so that F- +1 1 F- +2' F_ +are -3 of the order of unity~ In this ca3e, the longwave approximation does not hold any longer, the shortwave one does not yet. (19) gives with E. . 0 at every lnl>N a finite set of equations: Card 3/5 3/05 6210321000410011017 Diffraction of electromagnetic ... B125YI3108 bo b. i -i-D(n) (21) with i-LA -v- D n ixa -*- D 4jej -4- 1 Aijej8j -4- Aijoi6j4k -4'- (23)- 4 e_i 4