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MARTIZQI,_V,-L ; HINTS, D.M.. redaktor; ROVOCHADOV. A.G.. redaktor; Ourovs, O.A.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor. Erurification of water with coagulants] Ochistka vody kosguliantami. Moskva. Isd-vo Ministerstva kommunal'nogo khoziaistva RSPSR, 1954. 46 (MIaA 7-12) (Vater--Purificatior,~iCoagulation) mmizov, V.I. On the vay to new achievementa.Zhil.-kom.khos. 5 no-7:3-4 155. (MM 9: 1) l.Glavnyy inzhener Rablevskoy vodaprovodnoy stanteii. (Koscow--Water supply) MARKIZOV, V.I.. kandidat telichnicheskikh nauk; MINTS, D.M., doktor "t'Witicheskikh nauk. Use of contact clarifiers for Durifying drinking water. Gor. khoz. Moak. 29 no.4:36-38 -lp 155. (mLRA 8:6) 1. Glnvnvy lnzhener Rublevskoy stantaii Moskovskogo vodoprovoda (for Markizov) (Water-Parification) NARKIZOV, V.1., insh. Development of the water-supply system in the capital. Gor. khoz.Koek- 34 no.2:18-19 F 160. (HIM 13:6) (Moscow--Vater-supply engineering) 14kMIZOV 19 V. I. Basic problems in developing water-supply and sewerage systems fm- greater Moscow. Gor./-hoz.1-bsk. 35 no-7:7-10 JI '61. (,',M',A 14:7) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Upravleniya vodoprovodno-kanalizatsioanoGo khozyaystva *sgorispolkow. (I-16scow-Water supply engineering) (~bscow-Sewerage) MhRKIZOVP V.I. Future development of water-pipe and sewer li-nes in the capital. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 36 no.8s6-8 Ag 162. (KMA 16al) 1. Nachallnik Upravlenlys vodoprovodno-kanalizatsionnogo khozyaystva Moskovskogo gorodskogo lapolnitellnogo komiteta Moskovskogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya. (Moscow-Zewerage) ()Ioscow--Wdter supply) MkT-KIZOVA, G., arKhitektor ilight;ng ;n'.erlors of apartment houses. Zhil. s*r-l-. nn.1:2C,-24 '64. (X:,-A ip:1:1" DIW,G.qXV. V.1., invh.; HARKIZOVA. G.B., inzh. Present uttite of lightinp abroad. Svatotelchaj~m 4 no. ":29- 32 J] 158. (IAIRA 11:7) (Electric lit-hting) inzh. Illumination nf places where :)rocision vork Is being drnn in honoo. Svetotelchnika ~ no.9:29-31 5 '59. (141 Rk I -i:;,) (Electric lighting) IVANOVAP N.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; inah. Nonenclature of light fixtures for dwellizga. Svetootekhatka 7 no.3:8-15 Yx 161. (MBA 14: 8) 1. Vsesoyum3,vy svetotekhnicheskiy institut. (Electric light fixtures) SZORADYV I.; MARKKAIIEN, T.; MUSTAKALLIO, E.; WIKSTROM, J. Studies on the pantothenic acid level in the blood of c*,-d:dren an-- adolescents. Gyermekgyogyaszat 13 no.7:193-196 J1 162. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudcmanyi Egyetem Gyermekklinikaja, a turkui Orvot3tudomanyi '-Igyetem Szerobaktoriolugiai Intezete as a turkui Komunalis korhaz kozlemenye. (PAN70THENIC ACID blood) BRONFMAN, A.I,, inzh,j KRENGAUZ, E.B., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiyer, WjQ14GHI B.S., inzh,; ILOIGHEVA, L.S., tekhnik-konstrukt-or; TAR FVA, G.A., tekhnik-konstruktor Modernized magnetic-valve dischargers for 110-500 kV. voltages. Elektrotakhnika 34 no.10:30-32 0 163. (MIRA 16-13.) --,N-K~ w'J,, !'.L, ; , I - . V. l'olarographle ~t; a-il r ~r isomeric acids. - -. - , . ~,J- 27 no.6:143P,- - je ' )' - - U. ll~: I) I . -,:-F-.,Irea2iat '. - - - I ! t P-'- -. I c ~ie E; 'I- i y i ,. , (po", (. c, ~s, -rj-,ani-,) , - t3on., . , U 1~ SH, Put. 192 12/16 G I i kman, S. A. , 0. G. Yef remova , M and A. B. Markman Effect of sodium and calcium lons or) t h t h e of ethyl cellulose T'o r'~od ic a I Zhur. prlkl. kh1m. 28, 8, 877-880, 19 Treatment with HC1 (0.5%) at 6oOc for '~ hrs. d-,:rease, the thermostability of cellulose signikolcantly. -the viscosity of cellulose was 0.23. Additlon of Na-cr Ca-lons 1ncreases the thermostabIlity of ethyl celi~i' wh1ch 1s ascr1bed to neutralization of trie carboxy, groups present in ethyl cellulose. Twu d'~agram3, references, 1 Russian (1951). None It ut ~')rr, I t t eJ Ja 9, 1954 KARDW, A.L., professor-, RYSNVA, G.B., redaktor; KISINA. Ye.l., -- - . .-Vekhnicheskly redaktor. (Principles of oil and fat industrial plant design] 09novy proaktirovanila predprilatii masloshirovot promyshlennosti. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1952. 251 P. [MIcrofilm) (NLRA 7:12) M-z'Vories) MIRKWV A. L. ChOmical ALat. Vol. 48 No. 9 FAY lOr 1954 Electrochemistry at CbAmtefladvo of 41dMIMA. IML "d JARL- in ale -water flow af-waffew-ten-r7ktrolvies. M - and $p I- T-'Xau. 1. Gen. Chrin. 1101 IW2XHngI. trandation).-Set C.A. 47 2DWt - IL L. Ii. KARIM I A. L. Chemical Abst. Vol. 48 No. 9 May 10, 1954 Inorganic Chemistry of of u Ong. and Geft. Chem. 3-4J 061. a ng translation).-See C.A. 47. %1929*H. L. H. Chemical Abst. VOL 48 No. 9 May 10, 1954 General and Physical Chomistry -"-TQbqLo ri~ I restig ti at f It d enstion processes. 'id!A "h=.=_rj Tash- an 1.t 7TY77FF, at ) nialuirfu ad fatinarle-oleic ~.Jd mixt,*. deman- sttatf the Stahl *Ality of polarogrnphir alialysis for the in- %,-,tigalion of the progrevi and the ileirr(- ,I ti~ity fA hvilrogenation of tnixt%. Both melds o flit! firit tuixt give palarographic waives. Only one of the Nil inixt is ~u-tive. lit the hitter case to det. the degree of hydrogenation of the iwictive Uid (oleic) praltrogm ic atialysiq I-.% atigniented by the rate of It consuai . - ~, Hydrogenation of mRIeIc:- funtaric acid mixtures. [bid. I DRO-A. -11 vch-ogenat iota of trialeic acid (1) and furnaric acid (11) Reparati-IN, awl together I'v3s investigrated In order to Provide daut ott the relative behaviors of cl-,trzim lwnier inixtn. Plot% of licrcentaRe "N"Itogenation vs. percenlage 11 constitned gi- 2 bmicen lines forming an irregialar rectangle (A ). It u-k, t-ity were complete, the 9 lines %vould he straight froin the w igiii to Lite 109% hydrogenation at 50% If consumption ;~ ... I from the Satne point on the wro, hydrogenation axis to the 1witit of 100% hydrogenation and H consumption: thii% ;a n-gjjl;ir rertargle wotild I)e formed (11), The rati,, s if th, (A)1(1)) Is comiderud to be the degier of si-lertivity, With I'd its catalyst S ast RV and 40' 14 0.92.1 aim Wmi a, r-p. With lit its catalyst ItIsO.09(lat 240. lit all nt,v% I N satil. first. The data are altio expressed Ott Lriangtilitr diagnuns lit wt.-% -with 1, U, and sueelcila: achts repremrited I)y the ver- texes. I. Betteowitz MARMQN, A. L. , Pblarographic Investigation of hydrogenation. ftrt 2. Hydrogenation of mixtures of =191c and funwrio acids. Zhur.ob.khim. 23 no.11:1960-1964 N 053. (MLRA 6:11) 1. Orodneaslatekly politekhnichookiy inmtitut. (Wdrogenation) (Naleic said) (Puaric acid) RAE". A.L.; TURIYAN, Ya.I.; YJLIGORT. V.H. Polarographic behavior of pvruvic acid in the presence of grape Juice. Zhur. PrIklad. Xhim. 26, 50o-4 '53. (KLRA 6:5) (CA 47 no,l9:lol47 '53) ,rVSW, Cbmdstry Aii&3~yeis pub. -15i,- -12/36 CoWd ~ 1A, I 'Xuimla~kp. A* Le Title I Po2arographic Investigation of the hydrogenstion,process, Part 3.- Hydrogenation of acetylene dicarboxylic acid `--NilodiciiI v Zhur.1-abL 0-khim. 24/1., 6544., Jan 1954 ,,,,Absltr,a.ef" 1, The. )qdrqgerAtipn of acetylene dicarboWlic acid in the presence of Pd at a griduiLUy decreasing rate after',the absorption of ihe1irst two H-atoms,, wat established through poldrographic invesitigation, The selective nature of t) es bidrogemation process and its phas are explaimd. The effect of Pt on th( acetylene -dicarbWlic acid bydrogenation process is discussed. It was fam that the maleic-acid,.fomed during thehydrogenation of acetylene dicarbox lic acid over any one of the two catalysts mentionedi is ccupletely desorbe and disappears in the volww from which it is again adsorbed possibly by cd active centers. Four references: 24SSR;- I-French and 1-43eman (1925-1953 Tables;.graphs. .,~Institution Central Asiatic Polytechnicum -.Submitted March 17., 1953 W 1/1 Hydrogenation Pub. 151 - 11/33 AU ban s Markman, A. L.2 and Gorokhovskaya.. A. S. Title. j.Pblarographic investigation of a hydrogenation process. Part 4.- Hydro- eenation of allylacetate mixtures with two- and three-substituted ethylenes Periodical i Zhur, cb. khim. 24/8., 1332 - 1342.. August 1954 AUtra.ct The hydrogenation processes of binary allylacetate mixtures with some di- and tri-mibstitated eth3lene derivatives . we investigated with the ''aid of polarograpby. it was established that the Labedev law$ regarding preferential satarat lon of nono-mibstitated ethylene, is a generaUzation ofthe first approximation. The degree of saturation selectivity of the now-subatituted ethylevis and its dependence upon the nature of the second camonent of the mIxture arA catalyst., an illucidated. Six references ~5 UM and I USA (1927 - 1953), Tables; graphs. Institution Central.Asiatio Polytecbnicum. SWmitted July 29a 1953 ~'!veq/'Gbexistry F4drogenation V1, Pabo:3,51 12/33 Autht" MorkA&nj, A* Le -TIt3L* Polarograpbic investigation of a hydrogenation process. Part 5.- Hydro- genation of mixtures of di-substitated ethylene derivatives '.~'Perlodlcal 2bur, ob. kbim, 24/8, 1343 - 1355, August 1954 Abstmt Various ay al di-substituted ethylene derivatives (maleic., fumaric, c-Inmudc and bleic acids)., were Investigated and hydrogenated under Identical conditions, The hydrogenation technique,, selection of samples and the polaro'graphic control of the saturation process, an described. Tbe,rates of saturation constant were computed in accordance with a reaction equation of the first order. Only oleic acid was found to have a higher rate of saturation, Fifteen references: 13 USSR and 2 USA (1924 1953).- Tables,- graphs. Inetitution Central Asiatic Polytecbnicum Ehibmitted. November 2. 1953 i Polarography of hydrogenation. Part 6. Hydrogenation of mixtures of mesityl oxide with dinubstituted eth;ylenes. no.12: 2184-2190 D 154. (MLRA B.-3) 1. Sredneaziatakiv politekhntchaskly inotitut, (Polarography)(Hydrogenation)(MesityI oxide)(Ethylene) PC, f "~ V~_ \ - I ('k I N N '~ / I ' USSR/Physical Chemistry - Electrochemistry, B-i-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - KhJ iya, No 19, 1956, 61193 Author: Markman,_A. Le, Gorakhovskaya, A. S. Institution. None Title: 5-Methylfurfurole and Its Polarographic Behavior Original Periodical: Tr. Sredneaz. politekhn. in-ta, Taahkx.-nt, Gosizdat Uz SSR, 1955, 283-288 Abstracti It is shown that for 5-methyl furfurole (1) in aqueous buffer solu- tions, similarly as for furfurole (II) (Kolltgof, I. M., Lingeyn, Dzh. Dzh., Polyarografiya, M., 1948, 342-343), E 1~2 depends linearly on pH in the region PH 1-9, while with PH 9.5-13. El/2 = cOnst. The constant of diffusion current of I depends on pH and has maxi- mum value in solutions Of PH ~)-11. W'-'th background of 0.1 N NH4Cl I gives one"MW while with 5% K.2CO3 background it gives 2 waves the height o which are prQpcrt'.-,.na1 t., e-naentratian of I in the interval 10!f to 10-2 M. -t Is rep,-r~z~d QLat due to proximity of Card 1/2 Card 2/2 KKRI W , A.L.. inahener. 'Production of cottonseed oil in continuous extractors.' I.V. Gavrilenko. Reviewed by A.L. MarkTma. Kasl.-thir.prom. 21 no.8: D-35 '55. (KLRA 9:)) (Cottonseed oil) (Gavrilanko, 13.) P USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Fats and oi2e. Waxes. Soap. Detergents. Flotation reagents, 1-25 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - KhJmiya, No 2, 1957, 6395 Authar: Markman, A, L. Tnatitution: None Tit--e: 0:11 Losses in Cottonseed Thills (Dr-rigiDELI Publication: Maslob,zhir. prom-at', 1956, No 2, 7-9 Abstract: To determine means for decreasing losses of oil in refuse hulls an investigation was made of the correlation between the moisture con- tent of the seed kernel anO the oil content of refuse hulls. It was ascertained that this correlation is of a non-linear nature and there has been derived the following empirical equation j M W(l.o6w - 2.28) wherein M is the oil content of the hulls and w the moisture content of the kernel in %. It was found that the equipment for con- ditioning of the seed must meet the following requirements: (1) hu- midify the seed in a continuous flaw immediately after their separation Card 112 z M9 I A. L. gralihic deterrianation offossylso NT Kole Am -sov fit) solit.- i)f abs. Mfico,colltg. 0,5N Cl 7 ~ Islown for 40 min. with 11 to clinjusate tram of 0 gave a irell h ;defined wave, Ey, - -4.45 v,, thebeight. (k) whic I I. J. - (t) of 1, The isol I I Proportional to the wiricn. tupgrap sic , :.~ characteristics,of I dismAved lit - purifiell, sm&wvr oil ~ T u . is -did not change and Aill: rininined coisst. -Ileating tho effect Of I iM U at 80, 100, Alld for 0.6 lim at M, hR4 v0 on-the analysis but.heatisir-for longer 1*6(i; at iw, or. p 14slas. of I in j L higher tens !%. turred the hucli. beating al OMN NaDH blown lei 30 min. witk H p4 it wdW, Ined * ucwave, &I, -- Marographic Una poisros-01 E -1.75v. :1 IY- sis of.soins. of I with and without 11 aireed with the known':.. values withim 11:2.8%.- Polarographic analysis, of I in c6niX and in ccstton~sced oil agreed with the values obialned sPectfbphotometrically (and with - t)H*e obWned with ~ tile -:q- anilint-pyridine imethod). - In'siffew Instances the SPIC"', photographic values were higher. ~ "is was ascribed to the trod laCt that at .306 inju all MO groups ate I!Icl"dcd. 5-M, plus6muttricalty whereas the olaro a hic wave Eq . p p p "1.75 V. is dl~~cteristicofl only. I. Bencowitz MRIDILN. A.L.; IMLVSW, S.N. Effect of temperature and oxidizing agents on goss7pol studied in model preparates. Zhur.prikl.khlm. 29 no.3:424-432 Mr '56. (MlaA 9:8) 1. Sredneaziatekty polltekhnicheskiy inotitut. (Goosypol) KHALIMOVA, U.Kh.; MARKMAN. A.L. Photocolorimetric determination of the color index of cottonseed oil. Izv. AN Uz.SSR Bar. khim. nauk no.2:77-86 '57. (MIRA 11:8) (Cottonseed oil) !; "' ' ' - - A KRIVENTSOV, V.I.; KARKRAN, A.L. Kinetics of oil extrnction from cottonseed. Izv.AB Turk.S.S.R. no.1:31-41 157. (MLR.A 10:10) 1. Institut khimii Akademli nsuk Tur~menskoy SSR. (Cottonseed oil) (Extraction (Chemistry)) KRALIMOVA, U.Kh.; MARK"11.1. A.L. Photolyl-ct-r,;~C-0-10,r index determimtion of vegetable cil an-~ Its products. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. O-iim. nauk. no.3:99-105 ' 577- (MliA 11:q) (Uils and fats) (Color measurment) VITTATEVA, S.I.; VIARMN, A.L. Polarographic study of keto - enol isomerism on the exawple of acetonylacetone. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no.8:33-36 '57. (MIRA 11:5) l.Sredneaziatakiy politakhnicheskiy inBtitut. Predstavleno chlenom- korr. Ali UzSSR I.P. TSukervanikom. (Hexanedione) (Polarographic analysis) (Isomerism) MKGDkMV, A.S., HARMAN, A.L. Fractionation of fatty acids In soapstocks from cottonseed oil. Trudy Sred.-Az. politexh.inst. no-3:18-22 '57. (MTEA 11 :6) (Acids, Fatty) (Cottonseed oil) KATS. D.A. ; HARIOM, A. L. Effect of the amount of urea and solvent on selectivity of the fractionnting nrocese of cottonseed oil fntty ncide. Dokl.AN Uz. SSR no.4:45-50 '57. (MIRA 11:5) 1. SredneRziatskiy politekhnicheakiy inBtitUt. PredstnVleno AkAd. AN UzSSR S.Yn. Yunusovym. (Urpa) (Cottonseed oil) 0- . KRIVMSOV, V.I.: MARI(MAN, A.L. Effect of the conditions of extraction on the diffusion coefficient of cottonseed oil. lzv.Afi Turk.SSR no.4:104-107 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Institut khimit AB Turkmenskoy SSR. (Cottonseed oil) KLRDIAN, A.L.; KOLISOV. S.N. *T rA Polarographic analysis of the behavior of goss7pol in black cottonp- seed oils and alkaline solutions. DDkl. AN Us. SSR no.lOr25-29 '57. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Sredneaziatskiy politekhnicheskly institut. Predetavleno akads- mikon AN UzSSR A.S. Saokovym. (Gonsypol) Y44RWN. A.L., doktor khimicheskiXh nauk; ~iiAA-M"UV. R.M., kandidat x9rMftheskikh nouk. Gauge for measuring oressure In ~srrel cytinders of dcrew Dressea. Mael.-thir.prom. 23 no.6:I5,'4 157. km-,f(A LC:7) 1. Sredneezietakly filial Vaesnyuinogo mauchno-issledOVAtellskogo inatituta shirov. (Kanometor) o~ !), I r"' rv' ; IVANOV. V.A., inzh.; MARKMAIJ, A.L., doktor tokhn.nquk; GOVOR, V.P.. inzh. -vFw---'- , - Work of seed cleaning sections of cottonseed oil extraction plants. Masl.-zhir. prom. 23 no.9:14--5 157. (KIRA 10:12) l.Sredneaziatakiy filial Vseso3rl,znogo nauchnO-iBBledovatellskogo inetituta zhirov. (Cottonseed oil) il - I - .Kam", A.L.. doktor khIm. nhuk; KATS. B.A.; KURANT. B.V. wwwm~v I -, - Cottonseed oil industry of Uzbekistan durirc the last forty years. MaBl.-zhir. prom. 23 no.11:26-30 '57. (MI3A 11:1) (UzbekistaLn--Gottonseed oil) K 7 A -CL-, of fac6i; 7K. j7jjr 9. I at Ozn M& -4 rakhoyAtaya. Za zi, 11107j~. g;F iiethol a tEdetti. in j beet - d no d Whi l is h uice -was I D e c re us d Tequ pre i ed h P l i f eW41 ower e (in a ect ns. a n t o pect turve, and the extinction (#)wa$ lineAd DA)UPto) - ! A hi h 1 J f� n coricu. er concus t . % pect DY g C_- 6 X 10-i - -Vas, or log;C -m -7.3 + 1.5 log 8, where C Is: the pectin Cauca. I A VeiW ixtractor was con tru ted for - the s~pj. of pectin from saponin, albumen, and suspended coloring mater6ls; the pectid, wa2- finally extd. with hot water. To the pectin ext. 0.1N KCI wss, added, dild. to 100 n2l. with. redistd. water, the the soln. Warogram obu~jad of the'Pictin Bola and the shrAlarly dild. pectin-free OAN KCI soln., mid ihe runount of the- pectin In the sample calcd. from the lowering of, the 0 mait. in the blai%k tcq by the peuin present-.- A table of -pectin contents in fruit, preserves, Whies, etc., detd. by ~d aud polarographically .showed good Ca pectate meth, agreervents. The metho-d is -sensitive, accurate, and raVid. W. M. Stcmk jg Z 'I USWPhyL-ic&l Chemistry - Electrochemistry. Abs Jo7zz: Referat. Zhurnal Kblmiya, No 2, 1958, 39B1. Aut.'J.or A.L. Markman, E.V. Zinkova. Inst Title Polax--)graphic Behavior of Geometrically Isomeric Actria. Orig ?ab. a. obshah. Kiimii, 1957, 27, No 6, 1438-1448. The polazrograp!iic behavior of citraconic (I), mesacoaic (II) (!is-aconitic (III), traw-aconitic (IV), ciz-cinnwrd~! (V), trans-cinnAmic (VI), isocrotonic (VII) and crot-)--4c &~2-;ds the KC1 background, NaOP041 citric and bo::-~-- &::' -is, NOR, HCl &ad buffer mixtures was stud�ed. I and II Prod:a-,e one wave in the pH range from 0.02 to 3.38 &,:1&- ' Wo wava:~ at pH 3.38 to 6,62, at which occasion id of the lot wave decre&3,~6 t,, its disappearw--ce with the increase of pH, and ii of Vie and wave increases; at PH above 6.62 only the se~oad- wave remai--s. At PH = 9 aud more, I and II are not reducl".)-'e. I is ca_-i If 3' -2D- USSR/Ph,yal-al Memistry - Electzrocheni6tx-y- k,q Jorax: Referat. Zhurnal 10"Orlys, Wo 2, 1958~ 3981. in aqueous, alcoholic-4i6queortis and aon-aqueotaa me-dia, 11 1: reducible in absolute alcohole. The diffszexnci~ 11'--~tveen Ell :Y I and II in 1 n. HU in a T5$-ual es'-utio'7i li~ 0.2 v, which permits to determine theem in a nirtArP- III IV produce I wave at PH = 0 .02 to 5.44 &.r4 2 Valr,"M, at, PH - 5 :-4 to 8.5, 1 of the 1st and 2ad wavea decreaoing vitft tZe Incr=m e of PH, il of III and rV are close one to tte- 14 -)-! III being more positive. III at PH = 9 and Dr at PH - 8.5 FL-,- z-1 reducible . As far as E-21 of III and Ej of I-V lo r- +-. diff -~ f t -,r 0 .2 v, their joint determimation in a 50$-ual al i&ol on the 1 a. HCl backgmind is poealble. V at pH leea than 1.14 and V and VI at pE equal to, or lee-A thsn, 9 sx-~, r.-A zr~- ducible. ET' of V and VI becomes negative v-IV.- t~,a ft-cxr-ase L~f t2Le alcohol content .. A pzrap3rtionallty id and tt-e centration is observed ouly in solution-a tion of ;0% or more . V-11 and VIII a-re. not in cit,7utz Cax-d - 2/3 -21- USSR/Mysical Chemistry - Ele.-troebeydatry. B I Abs Jmar: Referat. Zhuri&l Khimiya, no 2, 1958, 3981. phoaphate and borate buffer eolutio7ie vita pH rrom 0 to 10- VII and VIII produce waveg in 0.1 n. N%M in vat.,,~,z &&d la 25 to 75$-ual alcoh-olie-wpeaus e0lution-A. Q~Llj VII is dutible in 100$-Wa alcohol SrA 0.1 n. Nkcl. CiL--iS,CM1-ZL!E reduced at a nore positive E t1um tranz-iem-arff - Tie M&,~:- ion of the studied acids proce*4& irreeverellb:~jr vi'Qh~ tl~L yeo!t.~-- cipation of two electrme. Ye+.h,),dB of d&tJN-.n "-tim of ~-Ie and trans-isomers in their mixture are- Difftel -- factors were computed for all the acids. T-ia 3T-igiza*A--)zi --f tw,3 waves in the caess of I and II, III a::A IV In, a c%,F rtain. range. of pH values is explained - Card 3/3 ..22.-- KARKW, A.L.; BODWYA. M.D. An oil extracted from Catalpa bignonloides. Zhur. ob. khIm. 27 n9.8:2293-2297 Ag 157. (KMA logg) 1. Bredneaziatskiy politakhnichpokly institut. (Issenpes &n4 Rjeential oils) RAKHIMOVA. B.V.; HARMAN. A.L. Hydrogenation of tertiary mixtures of unsaturated compounds. Uzb.khim. zhux. no.2:47-61 '5P. (KITU. ll:P,) l.Sredneaziatskiy politekhnicheski7 inatitut. (Hydrogenation) (Compounds, Unsaturated) MARE)M. A.L.; ZALESOV, Tu.P. " ~. Aniline-pyridine method of determining goss7pol. Uzb. k~im. zhur. no,3:93-94 '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Gossypol) (Aniline) (Pyridine) VILIKOVA. S.N.; MARKMAN. A.L, ~, I ~ "-- I I-- '- ~ Luminescence method for determining gossypol. Zhur. prikl. khIm. 31 no.10-.1548-1553 0 '58. (KIRA 12-1) l.Sredneaziatakiy politakhmicheakly institut. (Gossypol-Analyals) -(Luminescence) K&WAN. A4L..daktor khim.nauk-, KATS. B.A.,kand.takhn.nauk Ursa method for the fractionation of mixtures of fatty acids. Kasl.-zhir.prom. 24 no.11:12-16 '58. (MIRA 1-2:1) 1. Sredneaziatakiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Acids. Fatty) (Crystallization) (Urea) MARKIWI, L.L.; 7J.MSOV, Yu.P. New methods for determining gossypol in oils. Uzb.khia.zhur. no.6:91-93 '58. (MMA 12:2) 1. Sredneaziatakiy politekhnicheBkiy institut. (Gossypol) (Oils and fats) MRMN, A.L.; ABDUBMIMDV. A.A. Elydrogenat4on of cottonseed oil. Uzb. khim. zhur. no-4:45-51 158. (MIRA 11: 12) l.Sredneaziatakiy politekhnichookiy institut. (Cottonseed oil) (Hydrogenation) MROW1, A-L., doktor kh1m. nauk; CAN. A.I.. inzh. - Potentiomtric determination -)f the acid awaber of dArk oils. Mnsl.-zhir. prom. 1-4 no.2:3-5 158. (MIRA 110) 1, Bredneaziatekly filial Vse9oyuzuogo nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo inetituta zhirov. (Acids, Fatty--Analyais) (Oils and fats-Analysis) (Potentiometer) AUTHORS: Markman. A. L. TIPLE: The Determinalon 3f t e Ccncentration of Micelles kOpredeleniye kcnt7eritratsil PERICDICAL: Zavodskaja Labori.,criyu, 1'q'18, Vol. 2!+, Nr 2, itUSSR) I ABSTRACT: In the ~,ravimetrir, method, by means of distillation of the solvent and subsequent dryine, a Partial oxidation of the oils is caused; the determination lasts for 1-4 hours. The methods based on the de~t~rmina--ion of the specific weiFht which were Trc.-ose-i by Kinney and Folmes .\'ref. 2'11 can not always be upplie-1. m,'ho~ w--~:-, ievelc'red which consiSt5 Of t~e delerr-'nation *~,P te-mi;e:~ature at w~.ich a mixture of the micelle with, a c~.-rt~-~In amoant of 891,~-methanci or 2~~o- solution of in mel.hanol dissolves completely. The investijation i,,3 carried out in a little tube of conic shaue supplied with a t~.ermometer 0.10 iiv;.sion) and an a~.,itator. The pDint -f 11~-.iolutlcn car. be noticed by a complete r1ea-rine of t!~,, mixt,,;re ani occurs n neatinc- its Card 112 well as in coolant-, tne mf~an va]up 'belill- taken from repeated The Determination of the Concentration of Miculles 72-2-I'/6o temperature reading3- With Elycerinei /metr,anol -he mixture is easier to determine, besides, the dependence of the micelle Concentration and dissolution tempezature with the 89%-methanol mixture is a curve while with the t-,lycerine/ ;.,ethanol mixture ~w I tnin the concertration ran6-e of from it is qtrait-ht line, and thus he results can be calculated accordln,- to ~-% empirical fc:-mula. Nhe 11uration of inveqti~--Ation is mei.ti-)ned to be 4-6 min--tes. A series of results of an nv.2-sti, aticr of cott~-n micelles 3 menti:,ned in a tat)'.e z-mp~.rison w;th rc'S'Ilts of '. nve 3a on 3 S'. av I - t C d 2 I ~ 1 1 1f1, 1 , I I t !. SLLIKOVA, Khoo inzh.; MLRKKAS,, A.L., dok-tor khIm. nauk. Standards for industrial cottonseeds. Maol.-zhir. prom. 24 no.3: 1-3 '58. "Mm 11:4) 1. Sredneaziatskiy politekhnicheakiy Institut. (Cottonseed--Standards) SO V,'z 2-2 1' -3- AUTHORS: Zalescy, Yu. P. , IJ ark m a Pet rcv, V. 1. Korobtsov, A. A., ffllipeziko, A. T., Kugay, L. N. TITLE: Communications in Brief '\Korotkiye soobsKcheriyall PERIODICAL: ~avodskaya Laboratcriya, 1958, Vol 24, Nr q, pL 1070-10-C '~SSR~ ABSTRACT: Yu. P. Zalesov and A. L. Markman (Sredneaziatskly fill,il, Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta zi.-Ircv,1 (Central Asian Branch of the Allunioi, Scientific Fat R~-,3,?arc.-. Institute) have evolvel a method for ti.e -f gossypol in cottonseed (-,41. Gossypol i~; -X*.rjjr~t,-j -L:. aqueous alkaline solution; in this process gosqypc1fiti~S' 11'~ formed, which srlve well in water, and which are ever, t,,;a: 'e- termined gravimetrically or volumetrically. V. 1. Petrov, M. A. Buzh(~nko and A. A. Korottsl)v nauchno-issledovatellskiy dizellnyy institut) ~Ce!.tr'l- Diespl Research Institute) have evolved a determina"-. :npthod for acetone in air, water, and waste gages. It is Lased t,.e I r.f- reaction of acetone with hydrochloride hydroxy! umine. resultant hydrochloric acid is determined photometricull,,', Card 1/'z a grt-er. :ight filter and methyl -range as ar, indicatcr. Communications in Brief SOV,'~ 2-24 -Q- 1 A. T. Pil"penko -and L. N. Kugay (Institut meta-Ilakeramik: spetsiallriykh splavov AN USSR) (Institute of Powd~-r Met~l'.-,.rCy and Special Ailoys of the AS UkrSSR) prcl)oqe a met,.-- f~r determination of boror. and borides in some metals. Wit1k. borides of titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, tungsten, and molybdenum, an alkalline fusioi~ out in iron or nickel crucibles fit '1 000, t~~e s-,;t 0,1 - 0,2 g,and smal', quai-.tities of sodiurr. 1~eroxid(i The analysis procedure is described. ASSOCIATION: Sredneaziatskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo instituta zhirov (Cen~-ral Asian Branch of thLA11-Union 1-:-: t4f-.- Fat Reqearc~i lrstitl~te) Tsentral Inyy naurhno-i 9s If- i:~vatel 'sk iy Ii zi-' i !.F-I (Central Scientific Diesel ReseRrnh lnsti'~;tol Institut netalInkeramiki i spetsial InvkY. splavnv AN 'USSR (Institute of Powder M(~ta' '1,,irgy and Sp(!~`Ial k1l -SS"R, Card 2,1 5 (3) AUTHORS: Markman, A. L., Zinkova, E. V. 3GV/79-29_7_rr!c? TITLE: On the Problem of the Kinetics of the Interconversion of C~s- trans Isomers (K voprosu kinetiki vzaimnogo prevrashcheniya tais-trans-izomerov). 1. Carboxylic Acids (I. Karbonnvyyt, kisloty) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ob8hchey khimii, 10,59, Vol 29, Nr 7, pl, 2362 - 2~65 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In their previous report (Ref 1) the authors demonstrated that the cis isomers of the geometrical-isomeric acids investijsted were always reduced more easily at a mercury dropping electrnde than the transisomers, due to a greater supply of free ener,-,r in the cis isomer. From this fact the authors drew the cr-nclu- sion that photon energy supplied from without would aid t, 'i~- conversion of the trans into the cis modification and that 'he lose of this energy would produce the inverse reaction. R. Stoermer (Ref 2) already noted the fact that stable stereoiso- mers were transformed into the unstable ones by ultraviolet irradiation, but the separation of the isomers was so diffi-~lt that he was unable to investigate the kinetics of the rea7t-Lon Card 1/3 process. In order to investigate the reaction process, th~ au- On the Problem of the Kinetics of the Interconversion SOV/7?-29-7-55/e~' of Cie-trans Isomers. I. Carboxylic Acids thors made use of the differences in the polarographic behavior of the cis and trans acids, which had been found already ear- lier (Ref 1). Their attempts to convert the trans form of va- rious ethylenic acids (e.g. crotonic, fumarip, and aconiti- acid) into the cis isomer by irradiation in the presen~,e Of thE corresponding indifferent elertrolytes (N11 4Cl or HCI) yielded sonewhat unexpected results: the trans isomer usually disap7'eai ed gradually, the cis isomer was not formed, or only in minute quantities, and reconversion was not observed in the dark. As- suming some change to have taken plare in the indifferent elec- trolyte, under the influence of the irradiation, the alcohGlic HCI-solution was irradiated separately, whereupon free chinrinc was detectable in the solution. Evidently this chlorine in statu nascendi adds to the ethylenic double bond, thus prod~.c- ing an irreversible change in the molecule. In order to avoid this, the irradiation was carried out without addinE av. ind-i-f- ferent electrolyte. Thus, the authors determined the differenCE in stability of the cis-isomers of various acids by meas-.,ring Card 2/3 the specific reaction rate of their conversion into the trans On the Problem of the Kinetics of the Interconversion SOV/','~-29_7_-/~-7 of Cis-trans Isomers. I. Carboxylic Acids isomers (see also the experimental part of the i,aper). Thc_- are 1 table and 2 references, 1 of which is So-viet. ASSOCIATION; Sredneaziatskiy poll teklinicheakiy in8titut [(So-,rlet) CentreL Asiatic Polytechnic Instit,tel SUBMITTED: June 23, 1958 Card 3/3 MARKMAN. A-L.; U14LROV. A.U. Chromatographic neparation of ~-51tosterol from cottonoeed oil. Uzb.)rhin.zhur. no.1:61-65 159. (KIRA 12:6) 1. Institut Vhimil rnetitel'nykh vashchentv Akademit nauk UzSSR. (Sitnaterol) (Cottonseed oil) MARMAN. A.L.; ZALESOV, Yu.P. Intitative determinution of altered (d-) gc)ss:-pr,!. Uz j. ;-II. -. zhi=. no.3:4?-4c) '59. (MIRA 12 :9 ) l.Sredneaziatskiy politekhllicheaki3r institut. (Gossypol) MARKM&N, A.L. I Polarography of organic compounds. Uzb.lhio.zhur. no.5: 50-61 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. SradneaziatBl,,iy politel-hnicho8kiy institut. (Polarography) (Organic compounds) 5(3) SOV/79-29-9-62/'76 AUTHORS: Markmant A. L., Zinkova, E. V. TITLE: On the Froblem of the Kinetics of the Reciprocal Transformatioi of the Cis-trans Isomers. II. Azobenzene PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khirnii, 195~, Vol 29, Nr 9, Pp 3093-304R (USSR) ABSTRACT: The different concepts concerning the polarographic behavior of the tio stereoisomeric azobenzenesin the reduction in acid and alkaline medium, and those concerning the problem as to whether in this case the reduction takes place at one and the same potential or at different potentials (Refs I- urged the authors to investigate the behavior of azobenzene at the dropping -mercury electrode. It was found that azo- benzene consists of 67.7% cis-form and 32.3% trans-form. In solar irradiation the trans-form passes into the cis-form; on standing in the dark the reverse process takes place after a certain induction period. The reduction of the two forms at the cathode under participation of two electrons is re- versible. The diffusion coefficient of azobenzene was cal- Card 1/3 culated. On the basis of the difference between the semiwave SOV/79-29-9-62//76 On the Problem of the Kinetics of the Reciprocal Transformation of the Cis-trans Isomers. II. Azobenzene potentials of its cis- and trans-form the energy of the transi- tion of the cis-isomer into the trans-isomer was computed. The influence of the pH of the medium on the polarographic behavior of azobenzeae is shown in table 1, the influence exercised by the alcohol content of the solution on the polarographic behavior of azobenzene is illustrated in table 2. Table 3 shove the dependence of tho diffusion current on the azobenzene concentration, table 4 the influence exercisod by the pH of the medium on the polarographic behavior of irradiat- ed azobenzene, table 5 the influence exercised by the alcohol per cent content of the solution on the polarographic behavior of the azobenzene irradiated. In table 6 the time-dependent transition of the cia-azobenzene into the trans-form is il- lustrated (three polarograme). There are 3 figures, 6 tables, and 9 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Sredneaziatakiy politekhnicheskiy institut ((Soviet) Central Asia Polytechnic Institute) Card 2/3 SOV/'79-29-9-62,176 On the Problem of the Kinetics of the Reciprocal Transformation of the Cis-trans Isomers. II Azobenzene SUBMTTTED: September 8, 1958 Card 3/3 MARKMAN. A.L.. doktnr khim.nauk; KATS, B.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk; GLUSIOINKOVA, A.I., kcanrl.takhn.nauk Seventy-five years of the cottonBeed-oil extraction ind,,intry, of U2belcistan. %91.-zhir.prom. 25 no.10:5-10 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Sradnna21tskiy politekhnicheskly institut. (Uzbekistan--Cottonseed oil) MAR194AN PA. L. ;-V1LIKOVA, S.N. Ghanges taking place in gossypol under the influence of thermal treatment. Uzb. khim. zhur. no.1:63-68 160. (1-aRA 14:4) 1. Sredneaziatskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. (Gossypol) GALKINAp L.L.; RARKMAN, A.L. Determimation of beryllium by liquid-liquid extraction. Uzb. khim. zhur. no. 203-65 16o. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Sredneaziatskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Beryllium-Analysis) MkRK14kll, A. L., doktor khtm.nauk; CIG;BOTAMA. A.F.; USHILIMMOVA. U. Increasing the oil content of cottonseeds. Mael.-zhir.prcv.. 26 no.2:11-13 F 160. (MMh 13:5) 1. Srednouziatakiy politekhnichenkly institut. (Cottonneod 011) ZALYSOV, Yu.P.; MARKMAN, A.L., doktor khimicheskikh nauk Hev qualitative reaction for goss7pol. Masl.--nir.prom. 26 no.3: s-lo mr 16o. (MIFLA 13-6) 1. Veeso7u--ny7 nauchno-iseledovatel'Bkiy institut zhirov (for Zalasov). 2. Sredneaziatskiv politekhnicheskiy Institut (for Markman). (Gosay-pol) MARMN. A.L.. doktor takhn.nauk; KOLPAKOV, I.F.. kand.tekhn.nauk On [Prof.] A.M. Goldovskil's book "Theoretical principles of the production of vegetable oils.' 'evieved by A.L.Karkman. 1.F. Kolpakov. Hael.-zhir.prom. 26 no.8:35-39 Ag 160.(MIRA 13-8) (Oils and fate) (Goldovskii, A.M.) MARDUH,_,k.L.. doktor khim.nauk; KUCHKAR17, A.B., doktor khim.nauk; SALIMOVA, Kh., kand.tekhn.nauk; BEGILIMAN, B.L., insh.; EDIWA, Ta.A., inzh.; CHIBOTARIVA, A.F., inzh.; HASTOV, A.B., lnzh. More about technical specifications for cottonseeds. Maol.-zhir. prom. 26 no.12:5-9 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Sredneaziatakiy politakhnicheskly institut (for Markman, Kuchkarev, Salimova). 2. Srodneaziatakiy filial Veesoyuznogo nauchno-ionledo- vatellskogo instituta zhirov (for Begillman, Koneva, Chebotareva). 3. Uzgipropiahcheprom (for Mastov). (Go ttonseed) 1AARHMN A L doktor khj-m. nauk, otv. red., KISELEVA, V.N., red.; SOKOLOVA, P A.A,, red.; SHAFEYEVA, K-A.., red,~ GORIKOVAYA, Z.P.,, [Problems of utilizing the mineral and vegetable raw mterialB of Ceutral Asia] Voprosy ispolIzovaniia minerallnogo i rastitellnogo oyrlia Srednei Azil. Tashkent, 1961. 194 p. 04MA 15:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskay SSR, Tashrx;t Otdeleniye goologo.- khirriieheskikh nauk. (Uzbekistan----Chemistry, Technical) HARDW, A.L.; GORDEHOVSKiYA. A.S. Pblarographic determination of pectins in cotton plant tissues. Uzb. khim. zhur. no.1:3o-34 161. ()URA 14:1) 1. Srednea21atskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Cotton) OPectin) MkRKMU, A.L.; FkZYLOVA, M.F. Polarographic behavior of vani-U:Ln. Uzb.khim.zhur. no.4:64-66 ,61. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Sredneaziatskiy politekhaicheskiy institut. (Vani-Ilin) (Folarography) MARKMAN, -~.L.; GLUSHENKOVA, A.I. Processing unhulled cottonseeds by extraction method without pre- liminary pressing. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. tekh. no.5:49-D2 161. (Fdi4i 15: 1) 1. Tashkentskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Kafedra tekhnologii rastitel'nykh zhirov. (Cottonseed oil) (Extraction (Chemistry)) :_. 1 9 C t~,,r '-.. . k. 11" , ...-:o--- , ...- principles ef b, -1., - ... L- ------ 1 'a. (C A , i 0-' ~ ...... i - , - - A. . .-. - . rc, c. -:3 I. ~ C " . . . ) MARKMAV, A.L., doktor khimicheakikh nauk; ZALESOV, Yu.P., inzh. Nov methods for the quantitative determination of gossypol. Masl.-zhir. prom. 27 no. 4:19-21 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Akademiya nauk UzSSR (for Markman). 2. Sredneaziatskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-iiisludovatellskogo instituta zhirov. (Gossypol) MARKHAN A.L., doktor khim.nauk; KATS, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; CHEBOTAFIEVAJ, A.P.; - -- - V56iINAP M.N.; USMANBEKOVA, b. Raising the oil content of cottonseeds. Report No.2. Maal.-zhir. prom. 97 n0-5:18-20 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Akademiya nau UzSSSR (for Markman). 2. Sredneaziat43kiy filial Voesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta zhirov (for Kats, ChebDtareva, Dubrovina, Usymnbskova). (Cottonseed) MARMAN, A.L., doktor khim.nauk; CHEPUNENKO, T.V., inzh. New method for determining the iodine number. Pael.-zhir. prom. 27 no.6:8-9 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Institut khimii rastitellnykh veshchestv AN Uzbekskoy SSR. (Iodine number) MAMIANI A.L., doktor khimicheskikh nauk; UNIAROV, A.U. Chromatography of cottonseed oil in a column with magnesium oxide. Masl.-zhir. prom. 27 no.7t14-16 J1 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut khimii rastitellnykh veshchestv Akademii nauk UZSSR. (Cottonseed oil-Analysis) (Chromatographic analysis) GLUSHENYOV, 'Nand. tekhn.nau~,; Mj.RM-'-K, !..L., doktor khim.nau)--. Effect of ti.e degree of' grinding cottonsezd kernels on the oillwas of cottonseed cakes. 'Masl. - zhir. prom. 27 no.F: 22-1!~ ;..,, 'td. (MIaA 14:0 1. Sredricasiatsidy politekhnicheakiy institut. (Ccttonseed oil) mARIKW . ,,L,, doktor khim.nauk; GLLSHENE.OVAs k,I,, kand.tekhn.nauk Markman S 161. "Oil-extraction ~Wustry" cy 1, 7, Gavrilenko, LY A - L. and A. 1. GlushFnkova. Rasl.-zhir. pron. 27 ro-9:1-)- (Oil industries) (Gavrilenko, 1. V.) ( ?d itm 1,4: 1 1 ) MARINAN, A-L. , d--ktor '-'.hi.,!-.ich(--s~:i-kh nauk; TROS IKO, U.I. , inzh.; Prinimali uch~:.-'.4-p KONEVA) 'L-.A.; SBCT=LTIKOVA, r,.1. Refining cottonseed oil in micelle. 14asl. - zhir. prom. no.12:12-16 D 161. (MURA ) / - 12) 1. Institut khiiait ra3til,(,.j wm!~--['- .:*V 1'~, 'i. . I 'I I (Cottonaecd - *~ MARKMAN, Aleksandr L. "S~-I,~--tlvlty :f Ih, I Report to be submitted f')r the Soxth C(jilgi-ess, IfAl. 1, - ~'Il Research, London, England, 4-Ij Apr- 0,'. Central Arian Polyt-hrii - TaLihkt!nt VARKMI, A.L., doktor khim. nauk, otv. red.; SOKCIDVA, A.A., red.; MAKAROVA, A.A., red.; KARABAYEVA, Kh.U., tekhn. red. (Studying mineral and plant resources of Uzbekistanllssledo- vanie minerallnogo i rastitellnogo syrlia Uzbekistana. Ta- shkent, Izd-vo Akad. neuk UzSSR, 1962. 228 p. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut khimii. (Uzbekistan-Mines and mineral resources) (Uzbekistan-Botany, Economic) -MA.WMAN, A.L..-Ooktor ki,im.nauk; SABIROV, Z,S., inzh. Two-stage extraction of raw cotttin pulp. Masl.-zhir.prozr,. 28 no.2:14-17 F 162. (MIRA 15:'~) 1. Institut khimii rastitellnjkh vesbehestv AN UzSSR. (Cottonseed oil) (Extraction apparatus) MWULM,_A.L.,_ doktor khimicheskikh naak; TROS I KO, 11. 1., inzh.; Prillimali uchastiye: KONEVA, Ya.A.; SHCHEBELINIKOVA, G.I. Refining of cottonseed oi-1 in a micelle. Report No.2. Masl.- zhir.prom. 28 no.3:18-20 Mr 162. (MIRA 15,,4) 1. Institut khimii rastitellnykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. (Cottonseed oil) MARKMANY A.L., doktor khim.nauk; KATS, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk [deceasedj ONeif method of gossypol extraction from cotton seeds, oil and grist" by V.P.Rzhekhin, A.B.Belova. Reviewed by A.L.Markman, B.A.Kats. Masl.-zhir.prom. 28 no.11-43-44 N 162. (NIRA 15:12) (Gossypol) (Rzhekhin, V.P.) (Belova, A.B.) MAMM, A.L.; ZINYOVA, E,V. Polarographic investigation of the hydrogenaticn process. Part 7: llydrogenation of mixtures of cis-trans isomeric acids. Zhur.ob.khi-m. 32 no.2~353-358 F 162. (MIRA 15:21, 1. Tashkentakiy po3dtekbxdcheskiy institut. (Hydrogenation) (Acids, Organic) GALYINA, L.L.; MARKMAN, A.L. Fluronpetri(, aeterminat-'r. (-.f simml-1. amo-ints, of ber-ylli-xm. ,j(lheb.zav.;'Irhi.m.i kY;im.fekh. ~) no.~:7~5-'138 't, 3. (MIRA 1, : 1. Tashkont.Skly p,,Illpkhni~-heskLy inqtitilt., ka!'otira qwilitAf1wskoy kl-.-;Mi A . FARKMkNj, A.L.; GLUSHENKOVA, A. I. Seed oil of Goebelia pachycar-pa. Uzb.khim.zhur. 7 no.ls8l-85 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Institut khimil rastltelinykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. (Oils and fate) (Leguminosae) MARDW, A.L., doktor khim. nauk; BURNASHEVA, S.N., k&nd. tekhn. nau-k ACGtone extraftion of oil from cottonseeds. Maal.-zhi-r. prom. 29 no.5:9-11 W 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Inatitut khimil rastitellnykb veshchestv AN Uzbekskay SSR. (cottonseed oil) MARKMAN, A.L. ZABRA14NYY, D.T., doktor tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; mom OAA1111SPLAYA, A.V., red.; KARABAYEVA, Kh.U., tekhn. red. (Chemistry of lipidal Khimiia lipidov. Tashkent, lzd-vo AN Uzb.SSR. No.l.[Fatty acids] Zhirnye kieloty. 1963. 174 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Acids, Fatty) BARAMP B.M.; MARKMAN, A.L. Oil of Poterium polygamm seeds. Uzb. khim. zhur. 7 -10.4: 47-52 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Institut )chimii rastitellnykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. MkRKMAN, A.L. Selectivity of a hy~rogsnatlion j-rocess. Uzb. rh'.'m. zhur. " no.5:56-60 '~, 3. ,ICF.A 1":,:) 1. Institut khimii rastitelInykh veshchestv AN UzSSR.